Montgomery Ward & Co., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 17, 1977227 N.L.R.B. 1170 (N.L.R.B. 1977) Copy Citation 1170 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated and Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL_ CIO. Case 12-CA-6629 January 17, 1977 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS FANNING AND JENKINS On August 11, 1975, Administrative Law Judge Michael O. Miller issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the Respondent filed excep- tions and a supporting brief.' Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, except as modified herein. The Administrative Law Judge found that Respon- dent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by various acts which interfered with, restrained, or coerced employees in the exercise of their statutory rights. We affirm these findings. We disagree, however, with the Administrative Law Judge's failure to find a violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) in the discharge of Janis Roberts. The Discharge of Janis Roberts Janis Roberts, a salesperson in Respondent's televi- sion department, was discharged on January 7, 1975, purportedly for having violated Respondent's policy on employee discounts. The Administrative Law Judge found that Roberts was a good employee, had recently been considered for a supervisory position, and had made an honest mistake in granting an unauthorized discount to a customer. The Adminis- trative Law Judge held, nevertheless, that Respon- dent did not violate Section 8(a)(3) by its discharge of Roberts for her error because he found insufficient evidence that she had been discharged for union or other protected activities. Contrary to the conclusion reached by the Administrative Law Judge, we believe the circumstances here provide substantial support I On January 9, 1976, the Board issued a Decision and Order adopting the findings, conclusions , and recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge In the absence of exceptions , the Board adopted, pro forma, the Administrative Law Judge 's finding that Jams Roberts had not been discharged in violation of the Act Thereafter, the General Counsel filed a motion to reopen the record and reconsider the decision , advising the Board 227 NLRB No. 169 for the inference that Roberts was discharged for her union activity. Janis Roberts was clearly identified as a leading union adherent. In November 1974, Roberts partici- pated in the Union's drive to organize Respondent's Orlando employees. Roberts distributed cards during her break and slack periods and received authoriza- tions from 20-25 employees. Since Roberts had acted openly in her union activities, Store Manager Shine called her into his office, with her respective depart- ment manager, informed her that she had been reported as having engaged in union activity, and read portions of the Company's policy on solicitation and distribution to her. The Administrative Law Judge found that, in view of its singling out of union adherents in the locus of managerial authority, Respondent's conduct was designed to interefere with protected concerted activity and violated Section 8(a)(l). The Administrative Law Judge found a further violation of Section 8(a)(1) based on Manager Shine's promise of benefit to employee Roberts in the event she would cease her organizing activity. This promise of benefit was found implicit in Shine's suggestion of a possible promotion of Roberts to the managerial level. Against this background of Roberts' prominent role in union affairs and Respondent's unfair labor practices aimed at her and other union adherents was Roberts' unintentional infraction of Respondent's employee discount rule. The rule entitles employees and members of their immediate family who reside with them a 10-percent discount on merchandise purchased. However, the Administrative Law Judge found insufficient evidence that Respondent had fully apprised Roberts of the details of its discount policy. Moreover, the evidence showed that Respon- dent was lenient in its enforcement of the rule to the extent that Respondent encouraged the granting of discounts with special promotions and discounts for particular groups to increase sales . Likewise, the evidence revealed that Respondent's employees were lax in their adherence to the requirement that they verify that the customer resided with the employee. The Administrative Law Judge based his dismissal of the 8(a)(3) charge largely on Respondent's showing that other employees had been dismissed for inten- tionally abusing the discount privilege. At the Orlan- do store, three employees were dismissed for breach- es; one employee sold her boyfriend a clock for his mother, another employee purchased home furnish- ings for friends relocating in the area, and a third that the exceptions and bnef, specifically directed to the Administrative Law Judge 's dismissal of the 8 (aX3) charge , had been timely sent by him to all parties, and to the Board , though evidently these documents were not made available to or considered by the Board poor to the issuance of its Decision and Order Thereafter, the Board granted the General Counsel's motion and, on January 20, 1976, vacated its prior Decision and Order MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. employee had purchased merchandise in the sporting goods department for a nonemployee. By contrast, Roberts made an unintentional error by selling a television set with a discount to another employee's parents; unlike the other discharged employees, Roberts had no personal involvement with the customer. It is noteworthy that the Administrative Law Judge credited Roberts' version of the sale. He found that employee Cheryl Blythe told Roberts that her parents would be in to buy a television set, and to take care of them. In crediting Roberts' version of the sale, the Administrative Law Judge found that: (1) Roberts honestly believed that the Blythes were entitled to the discount; (2) Roberts had nothing to gain from giving the discount and, in fact, the discount cost her money; and (3) when confronted by Respondent, she prevailed in omitting any language in a statement which constituted an admission of intentional wrongdoing. Respondent's employee dis- count rule, on the forms signed by Roberts, provided for discharge in the event of "intentional" guilt, or abuse. In light of the above sequence of events and the Administrative Law Judge's own credibility findings, we believe the evidence establishes that Roberts would not have been discharged by Respondent were it not for her union activities. As detailed above, Respondent had singled out Roberts and several other union adherents for admonishments relating to their union activities, and Roberts in particular had been impliedly threatened with loss of promotion possibilities if she did not cease such activities. Thereafter, Respondent utilized what the Adminis- trative Law Judge himself found was an unintention- al violation of employee discount rules to justify her discharge. The General Counsel was able to show a number of instances of employee laxity in verifying whether employee discounts were properly given, and the Administrative Law Judge found in effect that Respondent itself had been lax in informing Roberts and other employees about the details of the discount rules. In these circumstances, we believe that, were it not for Respondent's desire to rid itself of a recog- nized union leader, Respondent would have reacted less strongly to Roberts' indiscretion; at the least, faced with conflicting versions of the incident from employees Blythe and Roberts, Respondent would have undertaken further investigation. Instead, Ro- berts was summarily discharged. We conclude that Roberts' violation of the discount rule was but a pretext, and that the real reason for her discharge was her union activities. Accordingly, we find that Respondent's discharge of Roberts consti- tuted a violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. Amended Conclusions of Law 1171 Substitute the following for the Administrative Law Judge's Conclusion of Law 5: "5. Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) by discharging Jams Roberts because of her union activity." Amended Remedy Add the following to the Administrative Law Judge's Remedy: "Among other things, the recommended Order shall require Respondent to reinstate and make whole Janis Roberts in accordance with F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962)." ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge as modified below and hereby orders that the Respon- dent, Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated, Orlan- do, Florida, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as so modified: 1. Add as paragraph 1(d) the following, relettering the present paragraph (d) as (e): "(d) Discharging employees in order to discourage them from being or becoming union members or supporting the union." 2. Add as paragraphs 2(a) and (b) the following, relettering the present paragraphs accordingly: "(a) Offer Janis Roberts reinstatement to her former position or, if that position no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent one, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges, and make her whole for any loss of pay that she may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against her, in the manner set forth in the section of the Board's Decision entitled, `Amended Remedy.' "(b) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order." 3. Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge. 1172 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing in which all sides had the opportunity to present their evidence the National Labor Rela- tions Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has ordered us to post this notice and to comply with what it says. The Act gives all employees these rights: To engage in self-organization To form, join, or help unions To bargain collectively through a repre- sentative of their own choosing To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any and all these things. WE WILL NOT promulgate or announce a no- solicitation rule for the purpose of discouraging union activities. WE WILL NOT promise or imply that employees will receive promotions if they cease their union activities. WE WILL NOT create the impression that the union activities of our employees are under surveillance by management. WE WILL NOT discharge employees in order to try to discourage our employees from being or becoming union members. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce you in the exercise of your rights under the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. WE WILL offer Janis Roberts full reinstatement to her former position or, if that position no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent one, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges, and make her whole for any losses she suffered because of our discrimination. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., INCORPORATED DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE MICHAEL O. MILLER, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard before me on May 19 and 20, 1975, based upon a charge filed January 13, 1975, by Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL-CIO, herein the Union, and a complaint issued by the Regional Director for Region 12 of the National Labor Relations Board on March 11, 1975. The complaint alleges that Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated, herein Respondent, violated Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act by discharging Janis M. Roberts because of her union activities and by various other acts interfering with, restraining, or coercing employ- ees in the exercise of their statutory rights. Upon the entire record in this case, including my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor, and after due consideration of the brief submitted by Respondent and General Counsel's oral argument, I make the follow- ing: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT Respondent is an Illinois corporation with an office and retail store in Orlando, Florida. During the 12 months preceding the issuance of complaint herein, a representative period, Respondent sold and distributed merchandise the gross value of which exceeded $500,000 and, during the same period of time, purchased and received at its Orlando, Florida, store goods and products valued in excess of $50,000 which had been shipped to it from outside the State of Florida. Respondent is an employer engaged in com- merce within the meaning of the Act and it will effectuate the policies of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Union Activity and the No-Solicitation Rule Insofar as reflected by the record, union organizational activity among the employees at Respondent's West Colonial Avenue store in Orlando, Florida (the only store involved herein), began sometime in October 1974. On November 1, 1974, a group of approximately seven sales- persons, including Janis M. Roberts, met at the home of John Parker, the Union's International representative, signed union authorization cards and received additional cards for distribution to Respondent's employees. On the following day, Roberts distributed cards at the store and secured approximately 20 to 25 signed cards from her fellow employees. Her activity occurred on breaks and during slack periods on the sales floor. She made no effort to keep her activity secret and was observed by Mr. Yow, the store controller, and by a security guard. Respondent, as a nationwide concern with retail stores in every State, has a policy in regard to solicitations and distributions. That policy, as set forth in its manual, and to the extent relevant herein provides: DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE AND SOLICITATION ON COMPANY TIME FOR NON-COMPANY ACTIVITIES Employees may not distribute union literature or solicit membership in unions, or fraternal, religious, social, or political organizations on Company time, or while employees to whom literature is being distributed, or MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 1173 whose membership is being solicited, are on Company time. Company time is that time which the employee is scheduled to be on duty and for which the employee is being paid, excluding rest periods, lunch periods, and time before and after the employee's working day. Solicitation is permitted on Company property so long as the employees, both those soliciting and those being solicited, are on their own time and the solicitation is conducted in a quiet and orderly manner and does not interfere with the operation of the Company's business. Meetings or speeches are not permitted; solicitation which results in disturbing or interfering with the work or function of any of the employees or department is forbidden; solicitation which is detrimental to main- taining the premises in a clean and attractive condition is forbidden. Solicitations for charity drives and fund raising camp- aigns are to follow the guidelines for solicitation as outlined above. The Company generally supports one all-out community charity drive. Prior approval is required for any additional chanty drives held on Company property ... . The manual is a management document, not intended for distribution to employees. Prior to approximately November 4 or 5, 1974, this policy was not posted in the Orlando store. Neither was it brought to the employees' attention when they were initially hired or thereafter. The record reveals that employees were general- ly unaware of any policy on solicitations. Some charitable solicitations were permitted or encouraged by Respondent. Both employees and supervisors conducted raffles in the store, although there was no evidence that these took place on working time. However, when it was reported to Store Manager Woodrow Shine that employees were engaging in union activity in the early part of November, Shine had the policy statement drafted in the form of a notice to employees and posted on the bulletin board. In addition to posting the notice, Shine called into his office separately three employ- ees, Janis Roberts, Jeff Pemberton, and Jake Jacobs, who had been reported to Shine as having been engaged in union activity. Contrary to the assertions in Respondent's brief, the record does not establish that Shine received reports that the three employees had engaged in their activities at times or places which would contravene Respondent's policy statement.' The separate meetings were essentially identical. Each employee was brought to Shine's office by his or her department manager. Shine informed each of them that it had been reported to him that he or she had been involved in union activity and, while he did not know if the reports were true or false, he wanted that employee to know what the store's rule was. He then read portions of the notice to each of them.2 I Roberts acknowledged that her solicitations took place, in part, on "working time " No such evidence was offered in regard to Pemberton or Jacobs Neither was there any evidence that Roberts' activities on "working time" were observed or reported to Shine 2 The foregoing is a composite of the essentially nonconflicting testimo- According to Roberts, after Shine read her the solicita- tion policy they continued to talk and discussed the opportunities for women to achieve managerial positions at Ward's and the possibility of her becoming a manager. He told her that there were managerial positions coming available for which she would be eligible. She indicated an ambition to manage a "big ticket" department (television and appliances) and he stated that, because of the lifting, the management of such departments was man's work. He told her that, in his opinion and in his experience, unions did not benefit employees, particularly commission sales personnel. He concluded by stating that he hoped her union activities would not continue, that she was a good salesper- son, he enjoyed having her in the store, and hoped she had a future there. Shine denied discussing managerial opportuni- ties or the union with Roberts at that time. He did acknowledge a subsequent conversation with her wherein her management potential was discussed. As between Shine and Roberts, I am constrained to credit Roberts, whose recollection of the events was somewhat more detailed and specific than Shine's. I note, in so concluding, that Roberts' testimony includes the statement by Shine wherein he indicated that he would not give her a "big ticket" department to manage, which tends to minimize the value of the alleged promise of a benefit and lends some credence to her version. I also note that Carver Teague, Roberts' supervisor and the only possible corroboration of the conversation, was not called in defense by Respondent. General Counsel does not assert that the above-quoted no-solicitation and no-distribution rule is invalid on its face. Rather, the General Counsel contends that the manner in which the rule was promulgated, the reading of it to selected employees who were union activists, the posting of it only after the commencement of union activity, and the alleged disparate treatment of other types of solicita- tions render the promulgation of this rule unlawful. Treating the latter factor first, I do not find evidence from which to conclude that the rule was discriminatonly applied. The only evidence of other solicitations which would appear to have been made during working time involved the consolidated charitable fund-raising drive known as the United Fund. The Board has repeatedly held that an employer's limited allowances of worktime for charitable solicitations does not render the maintenance of a rule prohibiting union solicitation unlawfully discrimina- tory. See, for example, Sequoyah Spinning Mills, Inc., 194 NLRB 1175 (1972); Serv-Air, Inc., 175 NLRB 801 (1969). Notwithstanding that Respondent maintained a nation- wide policy in regard to solicitations and distributions, the promulgation of the rule herein is equivalent of the adoption of an entirely new rule inasmuch as those who were subject to the rule, the employees, were previously unaware of its existence. This case is thus distinguishable from Veeder-Root Company, Altoona Division, 192 NLRB 973 (1971), relied on by Respondent, wherein at the outset of a union campaign employees were merely reminded of a no-solicitation rule of which they had prior knowledge. mes of Shine, Roberts, and Pemberton, with the greatest reliance having been placed upon that of Pemberton, the least interested of these witnesses. Neither Jacobs nor any of the department managers who had been present was called to testify in regard to these meetings. 1174 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD However, the timing of an otherwise valid rule 's promulga- tion , to coincide with the start of organizational activities, standing alone , would , I believe , be insufficient to establish its unlawfulness . Sequoyah Spinning Mills, Inc., 194 NLRB 1175 (1972). Respondent 's promulgation of the rule in the instant case does not stand alone . Shine promulgated the rule herein in a manner which would appear to be part of a pattern within the Montgomery Ward organization ; simultaneously post- ing it for the general population of employees while reading it to the leading union adherents , in the locus of authority with the employee 's immediate supervisor standing by. See Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated, 202 NLRB 978 (1973), and Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated, 189 NLRB 80 (1971 ). See also Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated, 220 NLRB 373 (1975). Such a procedure would reasonably tend to discourage an employee from engaging in any activities on behalf of the union , particular- ly where the employee was neither observed in, nor accused of, violating the policy written . This leads me to conclude that the promulgation of the rule herein in this manner was intended "to interfere with the employee's rights of self- organization rather than to maintain production and discipline ." Accordingly , I find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by the promulgation and posting of its no-solicitation and no-distribution rule in early November 1974. Montgomery Ward & Co ., Incorporated 189 NLRB 80 (1971). Additionally , I have found that Shine coupled his admonitions to Roberts with a suggestion that she could achieve a promotion to the managerial ranks and an expression of both his opinion of unions and his hopes that she would cease her union activities and have a future at the store . Such expressions are, I find , none too subtly implied promises of benefits if the employee would cease her protected activities , and constitute a further violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. B. Additional 8(a)(1) Allegations Robert Costa , a sales employee in the Orlando store testified in regard to two conversations with his immediate supervisor, Glen Thompson , which are alleged to be unlawful interrogation . The first occurred in October, after the first union meeting . While standing with a group of salesmen , Thompson allegedly asked Costa how the meet- ing turned out . It was only with some prodding by General Counsel that Costa claimed that Thompson had said "union meeting ." Costa told Thompson that he had not been there , and walked away . He did not hear the entire conversation between Thompson and the other salesmen. Thereafter, around the end of October or early November, according to Costa , "Mr. Thompson asked how the union was going , if it was making progress , and dust general conversation in regards to it ." Again with the help of a leading question , Costa related that Thompson "just asked if we had any new members." Costa also related two conversations with William Frazier , the personnel manager . In the first one, in late October or early November , Frazier allegedly asked Costa whether he had signed the "little card ." They bantered back and forth over the words "little card," but Frazier never specifically referred to union authorization cards. On another occasion , about the same time , Frazier allegedly told Costa, "Ever since you've been back , we've been having trouble with the union . Do you have anything to do with it?" Costa testified , "And I never took it as a personal question, and I says, `Yeah, didn't you know I was the lead man?' " Glen Thompson was not called to rebut Costa 's testimo- ny. Nonetheless , I am not inclined to predicate a finding of violation upon that testimony . The testimony as to both alleged inquiries was vague , unspecified, and unconvincing. Even if they occurred , which I doubt , both inquiries were too ambiguous to warrant findings of violation. William Frazier was called as Respondent's witness. He had no recollection of asking Costa whether he had signed a "little card," and he specifically denied the alleged second conversation . I am inclined to credit Frazier . I note, in so finding, in addition to their demeanor as witnesses, that Costa was later discharged by Respondent3 and Frazier was no longer in Respondent 's employ. These facts create a basis for questioning Costa's objectivity and give weight to Frazier's testimony. General Counsel 's complaint alleges that Respondent, by Woodrow Shine , created the impression of surveillance of union activities and threatened an employee with discharge if he engaged in solicitations on behalf of the union. It would appear that these allegations are founded upon Shine's meeting with Jeff Pemberton which, according to Pemberton, took place on or about November 28, 1974, as alleged in the complaint . As credibly related by Pemberton: Well, I was brought in and Mr . Shine told me that he had rumors to the effect that I was involved in union activities , and he didn't know how true they were or anything, but that he had a rule that he wished to read concerning this that the company had, and which he did. In so doing , Shine let Pemberton know that the union activities of employees were being observed and reported to management . Such knowledge tends to inhibit and restrain employees from engaging in that activity. As such, Shine's statement violated Section 8 (a)(1) of the Act. Gerbes Super Markets, 176 NLRB 11 ( 1969). There was no evidence that employees , other than Roberts, engaged in union activity openly or that it was general knowledge that Pemberton was so engaged . This case , then , is distinguishable from such cases as Ohmite Manufacturing Company, subsidiary of North American Phillips Corporation, 217 NLRB 435 ( 1975), wherein the Board held that such employer statements did not violate the Act where the union activity was engaged in openly. However, I do not find that Shine threatened Pemberton with discharge if he engaged in solicitations on behalf of the union. Shine read Respondent 's rule to Pemberton , and the 3 An unfair labor practice charge based upon that discharge was either dismissed or withdrawn MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 1175 rule neither as written nor as recalled by Pemberton contained such a broadly worded threat. C. The Discharge of Janis M. Roberts General Counsel contends that Janis Roberts was dis- charged on January 7 , 1975, because of her union activities. Respondent defends , alleging that she was discharged for violation of Respondent 's policy on employee discounts. Roberts began working for Respondent at its Orlando store in April 1974. Immediately prior thereto she had been hired and worked for a month at a Ward 's store in Akron, Ohio . She was a salesperson in the television department. There is no question but that she was a good employee and earned substantial commissions . Prior to the discovery of the incident for which Respondent claims to have dis- charged her , she was considered and tested for supervisory positions. Much testimony was adduced concerning Respondent's employee discount policy and Roberts ' knowledge of it. The policy is clear : employees and members of their immediate family who reside with them are entitled to a 10- percent discount on the price of most merchandise pur- chased at Ward 's. Somewhat less clear is the responsibility of a selling employee to verify a customer 's entitlement to that discount . Ideally, according to Respondent 's witnesses and its training document,4 the selling employee should see the employee's identification card or the relative's family card and the customer should sign either the salescheck or, in the case of a small cash sale, an employee discount tally sheet. The practice did not achieve this ideal. Employees did not always check the discount card or secure signatures on the tally sheet, particularly where they knew the other employee or had been introduced to the employee's relative. It is also clear that Respondent considers abuse of the discount privilege to be a serious matter . The personnel manual , a management document , outlines the discount policy and the procedures for granting a discount, stating: Use of the discount privilege in obtaining merchandise for unqualified people , and other abuses, is considered adequate cause for dismissal. A similar statement is contained in some of the orientation booklets usually given to new employees. The protection unit report , used for reporting actions taken by protection managers in those stores which have such managers, provides for reporting the number of employees terminated for discount violations . Discharges for this reason through- out the Ward 's organization and at the Orlando store were not unusual . Store Manager Shine credibly testified that such discharges averaged approximately four per year in the various stores he had managed in more than 30 years as manager . Evidence was adduced of two such discharges in the year prior to Roberts ' termination , and one thereafter, at the Orlando store. Again, whether Roberts had knowledge of the discount policy and its attendant procedures is less clear than the existence of the policy itself. While twice hired by Respon- dent , whose practice it is to give all employees an orienta- tion , she claimed to have received no orientation . Yet, at least when employed at the Akron store, she signed a number of documents indicating her understanding of company rules , regulations , and procedures , which docu- ments were part of the usual orientation routine. One of these signed by her states, inter alia: Employee involved in the following irregularities will be discharged IMMEDIATELY in all cases where the evidence establishes intentional guilt. 8. Intentional abuse of employee DISCOUNT PRIVILEGE. From these documents signed by Roberts I conclude that she received an orientation when first employed by Re- spondent in Akron . I note, however , that while she signed the concluding page of a training booklet entitled "You are Montgomery Ward - Welcome," that booklet does not describe the limitations upon the discount policy, only stating that "You are given a 10 percent discount on most purchases at retail ...." Neither does it describe the procedures to be followed by a selling employee on discount sales . I also note that on April 26, 1974, while employed at the Orlando store , Roberts signed a sheet of paper indicating that she had read the "Conduct and Dress Code." That document , while not containing the proce- dures or restrictions in regard to the discount policy, would normally be signed by an employee during an orientation. I would therefore find that Roberts was also exposed to some orientation at the Orlando store . I cannot, however, conclude that Roberts was even made fully cognizant of the restrictions on that policy, specifically those which limited the availability of the discount to members of the employ- ee's immediate family residing with that employee as it could not be established that she was even shown any document so limiting the availability of the discount privilege. Neither could it be shown that she was verbally instructed to verify that the customers resided with an employee. I note further that , while employees were , on occasion, discharged for violation of the discount policy, there was laxity among sales employees, from whom Roberts learned many of Respondent's policies and procedures , and among first-level supervision , in granting such discounts. Thus, employees Pemberton and Neal testified that they made sales to the relatives of other employees without checking to determine if they lived with the employee. Pemberton testified that while he knew the rule and had made at least one such sale in the presence of a department manager he had never been told that he should check to see where the customer resided . Similarly Roberts testified as to one incident wherein she brought her husband's parents to the store where they purchased furniture at a discount without being asked by the salesperson whether they resided with Roberts and her husband. Evidence was also introduced concerning other discounts granted by Respondent. Discounts of 10 percent were given to a wide range of persons , including employees of Ward's contractors and related companies , police, firemen , and, as 4 Instructions to see a customer's employee identification card are register Roberts trained with this manual Other than such instructions, the contained in the manual used to train sales personnel in the use of the cash orientation did not emphasize the employee discount procedures. 1176 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD part of special promotions, to all credit customers or anyone else who might be in the store dunng special after- hour sales. During slack periods, employees were encour- aged to purchase merchandise with their discounts. Dis- counts were thus used as a regular inducement to spur sales. Such then was the background of Respondent's policies and Roberts' knowledge and experience when the incident for which she was allegedly discharged occurred. On October 24, 1974, Cheryl Blythe, secretary to Store Controller Yow, passed through the television department in the morning and told Roberts, with whom she was acquainted, that her "mom and dad" would be in that day to get a television. She asked Roberts to take care of them; she did not ask Roberts to extend them a discount .5 Roberts approached the Blythes when they came into the television department later that same day to look at the merchandise. They identified themselves by asking if she knew Cheryl. Roberts said that she did. According to Mrs. Blythe, Roberts then told the Blythes that they could use Cheryl's discount and insisted that they accept a discount, either Cheryl's or her own, notwithstanding that they protested that they were not entitled to it and had been so informed by Cheryl the previous evening. Roberts, accord- ing to Mrs. Blythe, offered to call Cheryl about the discount and Mrs. Blythe told her not to bother. Roberts denied insisting that the Blythes accept the discount or even mentioning the discount to them. The Blythes, who had not indicated a reluctance to buy a television set without a discount, accepted the discount and made a cash purchase. The discount saved the Blythes $44. It reduced Roberts' commission on the sale by approximately $2.40. In resolving the foregoing credibility question I note, on the one hand, Mrs. Blythe's relative neutrality in this matter. I note, on the other hand, that Roberts had nothing to gain from granting the discount; in fact, it cost her money. Further, Roberts was not aware of the fact that the Blythes were Cheryl's in-laws; she believed they were her parents. Neither did she know that they did not live with Cheryl or that this was a significant fact in granting a discount. I note also Roberts' offer to call Cheryl for the Blythes. From these facts, in light of the background of Roberts' limited knowledge of the discount policy and the manner in which discounts were handled in the store, I conclude that Roberts believed the Blythes to be entitled to the discount, told them they were so entitled, and granted it to them for that reason. That evening, Mrs. Blythe told Cheryl that Roberts had given them the discount. Cheryl did not report it to her superior, Yow. Neither did she or her in-laws take any steps to cancel the sale or correct the price. According to Cheryl Blythe, a couple of days after the sale she told Roberts that she appreciated the discount given to her parents but wanted Roberts to understand that she could be discharged for giving an unauthorized discount. Roberts allegedly stated that if it made the 5 Cheryl Blythe denied advising Roberts that anyone was coming in to make a purchase Based upon what I deem to be the inherent probabilities, the consistency of such a state of facts with the manner in which Roberts identified Mr and Mrs Blythe when they arrived, the fact that the Blythes had called Cheryl the previous evening in regard to their probable visit to the store, and the comparative demeanors of the witnesses, I credit Roberts 6 Within a week or two after the purchase, Carver Teague, manager of the difference between making or not making a sale she would give a discount. Roberts denied this statement and claimed that she told Cheryl that she believed the Blythes had been entitled to the discount. I credit Roberts, noting particular- ly my conclusion that, in fact, she believed them to be entitled to the discount and the fact that the discount was not necessary in order to make the sale. The discount came to management's attention in mid- December 1974, when, during a routine audit of records kept of radiation-emitting equipment, Yow noticed a salescheck containing the name Blythe and an employee discount.6 He asked Cheryl about it and she told him, essentially, that which was related by Cheryl and her mother-in-law at the hearing, that Roberts insisted that the Blythes use her (Roberts') discount in order to make a sale. Thereafter, a statement of the incident was taken from Cheryl by Respondent. On January 7, 1975,7 Edward Ferrell, Respondent's field protection supervisor, came to the Orlando store and confronted Roberts with the evidence that she had given an improper discount, the salescheck, and Cheryl's statement. The interview was conducted in the store manager's office. No one else was present. Roberts told Ferrell that she had thought that the Blythes were Cheryl's parents and that, as such, were entitled to the discount which she gave them. It was only after they discussed the rules and the sequence of events that Roberts acknowledged that she should have checked further, that she should have asked to see a discount card. Roberts denied the statement attributed to her by Cheryl to the effect that she would grant a discount if it meant the difference in making a sale . Roberts agreed to pay the $44 to Montgomery Ward, believing that to do so would save her job. Ferrell asked her to sign a statement of the events and, although she tried to postpone giving a statement on the basis that she was feeling ill, she was persuaded to sign a statement which Ferrell helped word. She prevailed in omitting from the statement language which would have constituted an admission of intentional wrongdoing. The statement, in relevant part, stated: On Oct. 24, 1974 I sold a Mr. Earl Blythe a color TV set for 499.95. At the time of the sale Mr. Blythe said his daughter worked for the Orlando store. As a result of this conversation I extended an employee discount to Mr. Blythe which totaled $44.00 because he was a father of an employee. I should have checked further with his daughter if he was allowed to use her discount. I realize my actions cost the company $44.00 and would like an opportunity to pay the allowance back to the company. I have given the above explanation freely & is the truth. Ferrell took the statement to Powell, the operating manager who was in charge of the store during Shine's vacation. After a review of the statement, Powell and television department , went to the Blythes' home to service the set There is no evidence that he saw the salescheck or otherwise learned of the discount at that time r The uncontradicted explanation for the delay between discovery of the discount and management 's confrontation with Roberts was the press of other business commitments upon Ferrell, the field protection supervisor MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 1177 Ferrell returned to the office where Roberts was waiting. Powell told her that he had no choice but to terminate her for violation of company policy and procedure relative to the unauthorized discount. Upon due consideration of all the above, I am convinced that Janis Roberts gave the Blythes a discount in good faith, believing that they were entitled to it as parents of an employee. I note particularly the lack of evidence that Roberts was acquainted with all the restrictions upon the use of the discount, the general laxity among employees in verifying entitlement to such discounts, and the absence of any benefit to Roberts in granting the discount. This conclusion, however, does not resolve the problem present- ed herein for I cannot conclude on the record before me that Roberts was discharged for any reason other than her error and Respondent's belief, based upon the evidence before it, that it was something other than an honest mistake . Respondent is one of the nation's largest retail concerns. Throughout the country it maintains a strict policy in regard to abuses of its employee discount privilege. Though no evidence was adduced, it is obvious to me, and I take notice of the fact as a matter of common knowledge, that intentional abuses of the discount privi- lege, like shoplifting, could amount to very substantial sums of money and add appreciably to the cost of doing business. It is thus understandable that Respondent would be rigid in this area. Indeed, the evidence reveals that discharge swiftly followed discovery of other such abuses in the Orlando store. I do not deem it significant that the others who were discharged for such activity may have been more directly involved with or related to their customers. Respondent's rule does not specify that the employee must have benefited from the sale before discharge would be warranted. Similarly, while Cheryl Blythe received no discipline for her failure to report the improper discount as soon as it came to her attention, the Respondent's policies do not require employees to spy one upon the other and report such infractions. I note in addition to this, that the discharge occurred more than 2 months after the start of the union activity and the record does not reveal what, if any, union activity was continued by Roberts or other employ- ees after the initial solicitation activity.8 Accordingly, I shall recommend dismissal of this allegation. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the mean- ing of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by coercing its employees in the exercise of their statutory right to engage in union activities. 4. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 5. Respondent did not violate the Act by its discharge of Janis M. Roberts or in any other manner not specifically found herein. REMEDY In order to remedy the unfair labor practices found herein my recommended Order will require Respondent to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, and the entire record herein, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby recommend the following: ORDERS Respondent, Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated, Orlando, Florida, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Promulgating a no-solicitation rule for the purpose of discouraging union activities. (b) Creating the impression that the union activities of its employees are under surveillance by management. (c) Promising or implying that employees will be pro- moted to supervisory positions if they cease their union activities. (d) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at its place of business in Orlando, Florida, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 10 Copies of said notice on forms provided by the Regional Director of Region 12, after being duly signed by an authorized representative of Respondent, shall be posted by Respon- dent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (b) Notify the Regional Director in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint be dismissed insofar as it alleges violations of the Act not specifically found. 8 Roberts testified that her supervisor, Teague, referred to her as the store "instigator" when introducing her to others The context in which that appellation was attached to Roberts, and the period when it was so used by Teague, is not reflected in the record 9 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes io In the event that the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation