Midwest Precision Casting Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 24, 1979244 N.L.R.B. 597 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation MIDWEISI PR:(ISION C(ASTIN(iS COMPANY Midwest Precision Castings Company and Local 160, Leather Goods, Plastics and Novelty Workers Union, AFL-CIO. Case 14-CA 11811 August 24. 1979 DECISION AND ORDER On January 16, 1979, Administrative Law Judge George F. Mclnerny issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed excep- tions and a supporting brief' and the General Coun- sel filed cross-exceptions and a supporting brief. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,2 and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge only to the extent consistent herewith. The Administrative Law Judge found that Respon- dent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I ) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, by discharging Union Steward Charlene Picker and converting that discharge into a I-week layoff, and that it violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by singling out Picker for disparate treatment because of the fact that she held union office. Respondent has excepted to the Admin- istrative Law Judge's findings that it violated Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. We find merit in that ex- ception. The record reveals that Respondent has had a col- lective-bargaining relationship with Local 160. Leather Goods. Plastics and Novelty Workers Union. AFI CIO (hereinafter the Union), for a long period of time. The most recent collective-bargaining agree- ment between the parties contains the following pro- vision: "The Union agrees that during the term of this agreement there shall be no strike, boycott or slowdown by any or all of the employees of the Com- I Respondent has also filed a motion to reopen the record for the taking of additional evidence. Since we are revislng the Administratise Law Judge's Decision in the instant case and finding that Respoindent did not iolate he Act. Respondent's motion to reopen the record is hereb denied on grounds of mootness. 2 Respondent asserts that the Adminstrative Law Judge's resolution of credibility, findings of fact, and conclusions of law are the results of hias After a careful examination of the entire record we are satisfied that this allegation is without merit. There is no basis for finding that bias and partial- ity existed merely because the Administrative Law Judge resolved important factual conflicts in favor of the General Counsel's witnesses. As the Supreme Court stated in .L. R.B,. v. Pittsburgh Steamshp Cornpanv. 337 L S. 656. 659 (1949). "[Total rejection of an opposed view cannot of itself impugn the integrity or competence of a trier of fact." Furthermore. it is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the rel- evant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Drn Wall Products. Inc, 91 NLRB 544 (1950). enfd. 88 F.2d 362 (3d Cir. 1951 we have carefully examined the record and find no basis tir reversing his findings. There is also no basis for finding that the Administrative l.aw Judge was biased against Respondent because the latter appeared at the hearing unrepresented b counsel. pany covered by this agreement." In addition, Re- spondent has a shop rule stating that "no emploee shall engage in an)y form iof work stoppage or slow- down or refusal to work nor shall he or she disobeN instructions verbal or written." As a result of financial losses experienced bh Re- spondent in early 1978 Respondent's newly appointed general manager, Vernon Rotert. sought to make Re- spondent's operation more efficient. One method he employed was to merge two separate job functions into one job. The merger was accomplished around the middle of 1978 with the consent of the Union and the affected employees. The employee performing the merged job was to be paid a higher hourly rate. How- ever, several months after the merger had gone into effect Rotert noticed that daily production on the merged job was not increasing, as would be expected once the employee performing the merged job be- came more proficient at it. Rotert testified that. based on the production records alone, he suspected that some employees were deliberately slowing down their production on the merged jobs. Thereafter, it came to Rotert's attention that some- time in August 1978 Shop Steward Charlene Picker told employee Donna Allen that "all the girls are mad at you. You better slow down. You are getting out too many parts. We can't keep up with you." On August 30. 1978. Rotert called Picker into his office, along with Foreman Don Stecker, and con- fronted Picker with the statement that she had alleg- edly made to Allen. Picker amitted that she had made the statement to Allen. but she told Rotert that it was said in a joking manner, and that all of the emploveces in the plant joked about slowdouns. ' Ac- cording to Picker. Rotert responded that "shop stew- ards can't joke about things like that,"'' although Rotert denied makine that statement. Picker was then sent back to work. but later that same day she rwas again called to Rotert' office, along with Stecker andi employee Carolyn Bicker, the latter being a "shop committee" member.4 Rotert asked Bicker about the Picker-Allen incident, and Bicker told Roteit that she herself had made the same statement about slow- downs to other employees some 100 200 times, al- ways in a joking manner. Bicker also told Rotert that Donna Allen testified on behalf of Respondent that Picker as serious when she told Allen to slow down. and that in response to Picker's order she did slow down her work. However, she admitted that she had heard other employees joke about slowing down, and that she hersell once told another employee to slow down. Vicky Rathert, a witness called by Respondent. testified that numerous employ ees In the plant joked about slos dos, n,. l,i - esver. another iness called by Respondent. Jacqueline Hagan testified that she a:3, not aware of emploees telling other emplorees It slow down. al- though in her position as orel.ad she hs told etplyoeer t hill she uanlts qualit)y nol quantit)." The "shop committee" is compo,ed of several emplosees , ho rieel lwith Roter t dsiscss and resol .. e a.iel\ and other Aork-rel.ated problems 244 NLRB No. 63 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD other employees had told her to slow down, also in a joking manner. According to the testimony of both Picker and Bicker, Rotert then stated that Bicker was not a shop steward, and that "shop stewards can't joke around about things like that." Rotert himself admitted that he told both Picker and Bicker that "a shop steward was to set an example and not make remarks like that to slow people down." Near the end of the meeting Bicker was asked to leave, after which Picker was informed of her discharge. On September 6 a grievance meeting was held at Respondent's plant to discuss the discharge. Picker and Donald Hayes, secretary-treasurer of Local 160, were present for the Union, and Rotert and James Reid, Respondent's secretary-treasurer, represented Respondent. Hayes again raised the fact that every- one in the plant joked about slowdowns, but Reid replied that "everyone else isn't a shop steward," and that, coming from a shop steward, such a statement is a far more serious matter than if it comes from a regular employee. As a result of the meeting, how- ever, Picker's discharge was converted into a I-week layoff. It is undenied that no other employee in the plant has been disciplined for urging another employee to slow down, either before or after the discharge of Picker. However, Respondent submitted some docu- mentary evidence indicating that production on the merged job increased dramatically following the dis- charge of Picker. The Administrative Law Judge found that the dis- charge of Picker was not "primarily motivated" against the Union or its officers but rather by its de- sire to improve productivity. Nevertheless, the Ad- ministrative Law Judge concluded that Picker's dis- charge violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act because: Picker was singled out specifically for discipline and that disparate treatment was accorded her not only because of the fact that she had urged another to slow down, but also, by Respondent's own admission, because she was the Shop Stew- ard, who was expected to observe higher stan- dards than other employees. In support of his Decision the Administrative Law Judge relied on the Board's Decisions in Precision Castings Company5 and Gould Corporation6 that "dis- crimination directed against an employee on the basis of her holding union office is contrary to the plain meaning of Section 8(a)(3), and would frustrate the policies of the Act if allowed to continue." 5 Precision Castings Company, Division ofAurora, a wholly owned subsidiary ofAllied Products Corporation, 233 NLRB 183 (1977). 6 237 NLRB 881 (1978). Contrary to the Administrative Law Judge. we find that the nature of the conduct engaged in by Union Steward Picker distinguishes the instant case from Precision Castings and Gould.7 The Board has long held that "lain employee who attempts to persuade fellow employees to strike in violation of a contrac- tual no-strike clause or commit acts of insubordina- tion is not insulated from discipline by the mere fact of his holding union office." 8 The Board has also found it permissible to single out for greater discipline a union steward who actively led and directed an un- authorized, illegal work stoppage.' In Precision Cast- ings, however, where a substantial number of employ- ees in the plant called an unauthorized, illegal work stoppage and set up a picket line outside the plant, a violation of Section 8(a)(3) was found when the em- ployer singled out five union stewards for discipline because the stewards had participated in the work stoppage by joining the picket line. The Board rea- soned that inasmuch as the union stewards had not instigated or led the work stoppage they could not be disciplined for failing to abide by their contractual resonsibility as union officials to take reasonable steps to terminate the stoppage. Similarly. in Gould. where about 50 employees on the third floor of the plant stopped work to protest the employer's failure to pro- cess a grievance in a timely manner, a violation of Section 8(a)(3) was found when the employer singled out the employees' union steward for discipline be- cause the steward had joined the strike after it had already begun. The Board again reasoned that inas- much as the steward neither instigated nor led the work stoppage he could not be disciplined for his "lack of actions as a steward" in failing to bring the work stoppage to an end.'" ' Member Murphy relies solely on the fact that the steward here was dis- charged tfr engaging in improper conduct in direct violation of a contractual clause: she does not subscribe wholly to the positions of any of her col- leagues and finds it unnecessary to extend or rely on or distinguish Gould or Chrysler Corporation, Dodge Truck Plant. 232 NLRB 466 (1977). Neverthe- less, Member Murphy is constrained to note that Member Penello's version of the facts in Gould is inaccurate and does not reflect those found by the Administrative Law Judge and the Board in that case. i.e.. that the steward there joined a 2-hour work stoppage but did not instigate r lead the stop- page. Member Penello's insistence on ignoring the facts found by the Board and his persistent restatement of the "facts" as he would like them to be rather than as they were cannot change these majority findings. Contrary to Mem- ber Penello. in Gould the Board emphasized that the steward had a conversa- tion with a representative of management in the presence of employees rather than stating that he urged the strikers not to return to work in the presence of management. 'Stop & Shop, Inc.. 161 NLRB 75. 79 (1966): see Super Valu Xenia. A Division ofSuper Valu Stores, Inc., 228 NLRB 1254 (1977): Anaconda Alu- minum Company, 197 NLRB 336 (1972): J. P. Wetherbv Construction Corp., 182 NLRB 690 (1970): A. Borchman and Sons. Co.. 174 NLRB 203 (1969) Russell Packing Company and Peerless Packing Company, 133 NLRB 194 (1961). 9 Ch'sler Corporation, Dodge Truck Plant. supra. 'I Gould Corporation, supra. 598 MIDWEST PRECISION CASTINGS COMPANY In the instant case the record is clear that union steward Picker urged employee Allen to slow down her work. Although the record also reveals that man) employees in the plant joked about slowdowns, Allen testilied that she took Picker's comment about slow- ing down seriously, and that she did in fact slow down. In addition, Respondent, prior to learning of Picker's comment to Allen. suspected from its pro- duction records that a slowdown was in effect, and thus it was not unreasonable fir Respondent to view Picker's comment to Allen in a more serious manner than similar comments made by regular employees. Since it is clear that Picker urged support of and sought to induce employee participation in an unau- thorized, illegal work slowdown in direct violation of a contractual no-strike, no-slowdown clause, Respon- dent did not violate Section 8(a)(3) of the Act by dis- ciplining Picker for such conduct or violate Section 8(a)( I) by singling out Picker for disparate treatment by holding her to a higher standard of conduct than other employees." Accordingly, we shall dismiss the complaint in its entirety. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board hereby orders that the complaint herein be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. CHAIRMAN FANNING, concurring: I agree that Union Steward Picker was lawfully discharged for telling an employee that other employ- ees were angry, that "Jy]ou better slow down. You are getting out too many parts." That is so because a slowdown on the job, in contrast with a strike, is not protected. Moreover, here both strike and slowdown were prohibited by contract. And, in the circum- stances, the fact that employees other than stewards had made similar remarks without receiving disci- pline does not suggest hostility towards the Union.'2 " In reaching this conclusion we find no conflict with the Board's recent decision in Owens Corning Fiberglas Co.. 236 NLRB 479 (1978). where an employer was found to have violated Sec. 8(aX3) of the Act b singling out a union steward for discipline because the steward was drinking alcoholic beverages in the plant. The facts in that case revealed that the drinking incident occurred on the day before Christmas when it was traditional for employees to drink alcoholic beverages in the plant: that the employer was aware that many other employees in the plant were drinking along with the steward: and that the employer admitted that the steward was being held to a higher standard of conduct than other employees who were also engaged in the same misconduct. Thus. unlike the instant case where Union Steward Picker's activity went to the spirit and letter of observance of the contractual no-strike clause. the activity engaged in by he union steward in Owens (Cor- rnng was totally unrelated to his duties as union steward in administering the collective-bargaining agreement in the plant. i There seems to be some confusion. The test I apply here is the same as that in (Joutd' and Precisionl Castings, l' and it is a Ihctual one: "when the employer discharges a union leader who has broken shop rules, the problem posed is to deter- mine whether the employer has acted purel1 in disin- terested defense of shop discipline or has sought to damage employee organization."" T'hat is not to say it is an easy test. In Gould and Precision Castings union stewards were singled out for joining unprotected work stoppages. although their conduct was no different from that of other employ- ees whom they had joined, not led. Their discipline flowed from their union status, not from their actions as employees. In contrast, the discipline here is con- nected with the steward's status only to the extent that status colors the impact of her action. An em- ployee who is told she "better slow down" may well view it as a threat coming from a steward, while dis- missing as banter the same comment from an etm- ployee. In my view Respondent was justified in considering Union Steward Picker's unprotected comments more serious than those coming from rank-and-file employ- ees and reacting accordingly. And there is no reason to believe that her different treatment stemmed from her union status rather than from the more serious nature of her conduct. 16 Theret'Ore. I join in dismiss- ing the complaint." Sec 7 provides that employees shall have the right to "assist labor oirgani- zations." An employee sersing as a union official. including a steward, is "assisting a labor organization." hat right "to assist a labor organization" is the value we protect in these cases Discrimination against an employee for engaging in that right (that is. taking an action on that hbais). Isa prvi, ta, w violation f the Act. The employer may come lfirward with legitinate and substantial husiness justification. hut that is its burden. And the Boa.rd rnma nonetheles balance the emploser'sjustification in determining he pr priet of its action, N L R.fB v. Great Danm' Trailerr. Inc. 388 L' S. 26 1967). it Gould Corporation. 237 NLRB 881 (1978). t Precision C(stingsr (Compan,. 233 Nl RB 183 (1977). ms American Ship Building Co v. N 1 RB., 380 IS. 300. 311 (19651 i' Member Penello's analysis of' Gould here is at some odds with his analy- sis there where he did not identifv even inducing support" as one of his "relevant factors." He argued "that nion Steward Moran was discharged not solely' because he was a union steward, but rather because in his position as a union steward he failed to fulfill his affirmative duties under the collec- tive-bargaining agreement." The credited testimon) did not establihsh liat he led the stoppage, and that was not Gould's reason for discipline. That Mem- ber Penello has or even had a view of the relevant Gould acts different rom that of the Gould majorit) is irrelevant to its meaning as precedent. Indeed. Member Penello asserts even here that the "sole issue . was shether a union steward could be singled out for discipline for ailing to abide b his contractual responsibilities during an illegal. unauthorized work ,toppage' Leaving aside Member Penello's theory that the work stoppage in Gould was illegal (a theory at some odds with his view that the steward there wais not even the union's agent, see fn. 23). that is not consistent with thre iew that the discipline was lawfully meted out in a nondiscriminatory flishion becalse the steward's actions as an unprotected striker differed n such ia a. trilom that of other unprotected strikers that Gould might laIstull he rlicd on it. As to the remainder of Member Penello's attack upon what is. atter all. mns reason for agreeing with him in this proceeding. he appears to be nwillinc to acknowledge that there is a distinction between mere causalit? and mnoti- sating cause. A union organlzer discharged Ior soliciting n uorktime in the face of a alid rule may rightly regard his uinion actions as the cause But for (( omlrlullci¢d I)('ISlONS ()F YAII()ONAI. ABO(R RAIIONS BOARI) Ml MlR PE1 NI (), concurring: I agree with my colleagues in the majority that the complaint in the instant case should he dismissed in its entiret. Ilowever. I would do so only for the rea- sons discussed below. In my dissenting opinion in G(oll Corporatlion' I expressed at considerable length my view that an em- ployer may lawfully discharge a union steward who participates in an unauthorized, illegal work stoppage and who fails to abide by his responsibilities and du- ties under a collective-bargaining agreement to bring such a work stoppage to an end. In Gould the collec- tive-bargaining agreement contained a no-strike clause as well as a requirement that in the event of an unauthorized work stoppage the union's representa- tives must "refuse to aid or assist ... the unauthorized action" and "use every reasonable effort to terminate such unauthorized action." Thus. I found that the employer was justified in singling out for discipline a union steward who failed to fulfill such duties re- quired of him under the collective-bargaining agree- ment. I also criticized the majority decision in Gould because of my fear that it would seriously undermine "the fundamental importance of the grievance-arbi- tration system and its companion no-strike agreement to the peaceful settlement of labor-management dis- putes, as mandated by Congress, applied by the courts and the Board, and consistently interpreted by a long line of arbitral authority."'9 In the instant case the collective-bargaining agree- ment states, "The Union agrees that during the term of this agreement there shall be no strike, boycott or slowdown by any or all of the employees of the Com- pany covered by this agreement." Union Steward Charlene Picker, a representative and agent of the Union, admittedly told another employee, Donna Al- len, to slow down her work. Although Picker claims to have made the statement to Allen in a joking man- ner, Allen took Picker's request seriously, and she did in fact slow down her work. Already suspecting that a work slowdown was in effect, Respondent investi- gated the incident and learned that such talk about slowdowns was common in the plant, but that it was primarily done in a joking manner. Finding nothing amusing in a union steward telling another employee his organizational sympathies he would not have been discharged. But that is because he would not have iolated the rule. I would not find a violation there either. It is not sufficient that a protected activity is a link in the casual chain if it is not a cause itsell'. 17 I do not agree with the Administrative Law Judge's conclusion that General Electri( ('nimoin)o, 155 NLRB 208 (1965), has been overruled In- deed. I view it as controlling here. There the Board held that a union presi- dent's discharge for encouraging an unprotected "slowdown" and not be- cause of his status in the union or hostility towards his protected activities was not unlawful. Is237 NlRB 881 (19781. 1' Id at 885. to slow down, Respondent disciplined Picker for making the slowdown statement to Allen but did not discipline any other employee despite the fact that several other employees had admitted making similar statements about slowdowns. Respondent openly ad- mitted that it singled out Picker for discipline because "a shop steward was to set an example and not make remarks like that to slow people down." Under my analysis of the law set out in Gould Re- spondent herein was entirely justified in disciplining Picker for failing, in her position as a union steward, to abide by the express language in the collective- bargaining agreement prohibiting the Union from en- gaging in work slowdowns. The fact that other em- ployees in the plant had engaged in the same conduct as Picker and were not disciplined is entirely consis- tent with my analysis in Gould. where I emphasized that a union steward who acquires a battery of "bene- fits and protections" while serving as a union steward must be held accountable to fulfill certain "duties and responsibilities" inherent in that position. Foremost among those "duties and responsibilities" is the en- forcement of a no-strike, no-slowdown clause in a col- lective-bargaining agreement. Clearly, then, since Union Steward Picker deliberately shirked her re- sponsibilities by urging a fellow employee to engage in a work slowdown she lost her protected status un- der the Act, and Respondent could lawfully discipline her for engaging in such unprotected conduct. In reaching their decision to dismiss the complaint in the instant case my colleagues in the majority have attempted to distinguish the facts in Gould and Preci- sion Castings from the facts of the instant case. Ac- cording to the majority, it is only where a union stew- ard "instigates" or "leads" an illegal, unauthorized work stoppage that he may be singled out for disci- pline by an employer, and the stewards in both Gould and Precision Castings clearly did not instigate or lead the work stoppages in which they participated. In making this distinction my colleagues have ignored the crucial role played by a union steward in the ad- ministration of a collective-bargaining agreement. By the very nature of his position with the union a stew- ard occupies a position of some authority vis-a-vis his fellow employees, and those employees will of neces- sit) look towards the steward for guidance and lead- ership on any issue which arises on a daily basis in the plant. For example, if an employee is called by his employer to attend an investigatory interview which the employee reasonably believes may result in disci- plinary action the employee has a federally protected right to request the presence of his union steward at such an interview. Or if an employee has a grievance regarding some action taken by management against him the collective-bargaining agreement will, in most 600(() MIDWEST PRECISION CASTINGS COMPANY cases, require him to seek out his union steward for advice and assistance in processing the grievance. And if an employee merely has a question concerning the interpretation of the collective-bargaining agree- ment he will naturally seek the assistance of his union steward. In the same manner, if employees are con- templating the withholding of their services from their employer by engaging in a work stoppage or work slowdown they perforce will seek the advice and guidance of their union steward on a matter of such crucial importance to their employment. If under such circumstances a union steward joins his fellow employees in an illegal, unauthorized work stoppage logic dictates that the steward should be viewed as the "leader" of such a work stoppage. That was precisely the assertion I made in Gould. where a number of employees had on their own be- gun an illegal, unauthorized work stoppage to protest the employer's delay in processing a grievance. When their union steward was advised of the work stop- page, he not only refused to urge the employees to return to work (which was his contractually mandat- ed duty), but he stood in front of the assembled em- ployees and stated that "we aren't going back to work until we find out what's going to happen [on the grievance]." Based on these words and actions by the steward in Gould I concluded that he was the natural leader of the work stoppage.2 0 However, even assuming arguendo that Gould is factually different from the instant case I fail to see the legal distinction my colleagues have made be- tween the two cases. In Gould, where according to the majority the union steward merely participated with 50 other employees in an illegal. unauthorized strike. they found that since it is "the fundamental axiom of our national labor policy" that "an individual cannot be discriminated against because of his union status" and inasmuch as the steward "was singled out tfor discipline solely because he was the steward," the em- ployer had clearly violated Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. In the instant case, however, where union steward Picker participated in the common plant practice of joking about slowdowns, and Respondent openly ad- mitted that the sole reason for disciplining Picker was because she was a steward the majority does not ap- ply the "fundamental axiom of our national labor policy" that it applied to the facts in Gould,. In addition, the majority has stated that the reason the Board found a violation in Gould and Precision Castings was because the disciplined stewards in those cases has not "instigated" or "led" the illegal. unauthorized work stoppage. Applying that standard ~0 Similarly. in Precision (astings the union stewards who, were singled iiul for discipline joined the existing picket line. and. as found h the Adminis- trative Law Judge. "participated as pickets during the strike " to the instant case the majorit3 concludes that inas- much as L;nion Steward Picker "urged support o' and "sought to induce" other employees to partici- pate in the unauthorized, illegal work slowdown Re- spondent did not violate the Act by singling out Picker for discipline. Regardless of whether there is an\ difference hetween "instigating" or "leading" an unprotected work stoppage as opposed to "inducing support o" or "seeking to induce" emploee partici- pation in an unprotected slowdown (the majority opinion seems to indicate that there is a difference). the fact remains that the union stewkard in Gould. bhs standing in front of the assembled emploeces and, in the presence of management. urging the striking em- ployees not to return to work, engaged in preciselb the same tpe of conduct which the miatorit n(ow finds to he unprotected. I amil aa total loss to under- stand the glaring inconsistencies in the reasoning of my colleagues in the manaority. 2' I a further perplexed b, Chairman i-anning's separate position in which he agrees that Union Stew- ard Picker was lawfull, discharged. First, he states that he is applying the same factual test to the instant case as he applied in Gould and Precision C tings. namely: "when the employer discharges a union leader who has broken shop rules, the problem posed is to determine whether the employer has acted purely in disinterested defense of shop discipline or has sought to damage employee organization." A simple reading of both Gould and Preci.sion Casting.s reveals that this was not the test that the majority, of which Chairman Fanning was a part. applied in those cases. There was no issue in either Gould or Precision Casirnig ias to whether the stewards therein were disci- plined tor breaking shop rules. Rather. the sole issue decided in those cases as whether a union steward could be singledl out for discipline for faliling to abide by his contiractual responsibilities during an illegal, 1 Member Mlurph\ in fin 7 t the inl.lorit , opln. ind icaites th.i ni\ .ersiol," i Ihe tactl In ( ll , smehow innaccurite hctllle ith e. ard in (;,ould never nstigatcd or led the Aork slpp.ge hbut rliher he te,.lrd merely had a consersattin .ith a represenl.tvie ,t managlenent in the pres- ence of emploees and did nt urge the srikers lt tIo return to1 iork i1l the presence it management In mi, disse In (,irl. dis i .ell is Il t hls corncur- nng opinlon. I indlcaled thal the slewa.rd n (;oihl, w hen iladlied 1I tihe illegal, unauthorized wlork stoppage. stod n Ironl ol the alssemled mpl - ees and stated that "we aren' going hback to work until ae tintd l ii hat',l gling to happen (on the grieancel. Ihereh ItlLaking the stle.ard the ialtilal leader of the rk sloppage He.eer. in proiding her o,, n ersion ot the tacts in Goul, i.e.. th.at the te.ard mnierels engaged in :i con .erall , ith management n the presence ot erploisces hilt did till Iurec silpprl t tlhe work stoppage. Member Murph, ignires the totlls II1 tihe iWildx Ili .i tiltns engaged in h the s otew3rd I- r. regardless ot helher the stcuard. Il stlting thall he and the ther enploees would not return I wo rk. u s speaking direcll ti mlanalgemen Iln the presenILtc I eillplox\es r tdirerll\ , emplobees in the presence ot llil.ligemcnt. the etlect on the enlplo\ ces .as precisel) the ame. i e . hal the ste.rd as urging supportl t lind eCilcOll- ing the etrnpllces nt to retlur to isrk ' hi should inot he li . i ith reader. howe' er, 1is liha Ihe nla;llaorli I the illt.llt cisc ipplil 1 Ia eg.l ilan dard which. had it een applied (uld .. il he ld , a dlltierlTi rilh In (,uld h601 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD unauthorized work stoppage. In addition, I specifi- cally pointed out in my dissent in Gould that the ma- jority, in finding an 8(a)(3) violation in both Gould and Precision Castings, had failed to find that the dis- charges had as their purpose the encouragement or discouragement of union membership.22 Yet, in the instant case, Chairman Fanning asserts that he ap- plied a test in Gould and Precision Castings which encompassed precisely such a legal determination. Second, in applying his test to the facts of the instant case Chairman Fanning has engaged in totally circu- itous reasoning. He indicates that it is entirely proper for Respondent to consider Union Steward Picker's comments in a more serious manner than similar comments made by rank-and-file employees because an employee may view a certain comment as a threat coming from a steward while "dismissing as banter the same comment from an employee." In spite of this finding Chairman Fanning concludes that "there is no reason to believe [Picker's] different treatment stemmed from her union status rather than the more serious nature of her conduct." If Picker's union sta- tus allowed Respondent to view her actions in a more serious manner, how is it conceivably possible to con- clude that Picker's union status played on part in her discharge? Yet that is precisely what Chairman Fan- ning has done in the instant case. Although my colleagues in the majority and I are in agreement that there is no violation in the instant case, I am still very concerned by my colleague's re- fusal to recognize that the effect caused by a union steward who fails to urge employees who are engaged in an illegal, unauthorized work stoppage to return to work is no different from the effect caused by a union steward who affirmatively instigates or leads an ille- gal, unauthorized work stoppage. 3 Thus, I feel com- pelled to reiterate the fears I expressed in Gould re- garding the effect of the position of my colleagues in the majority: In my view, nothing is more repugnant to the purposes and policies of the National Labor Re- 22237 NLRB at 887. 23 It appears to me that the more my colleagues attempt to distinguish the instant case from Gould and Precision Castings the less distinguishable the cases become. For Chairman Fanning now asserts that it is permissible for an employer to evaluate the impact of an employee's words and actions on other employees by taking into account the employee's status as a union steward, which is precisely what I asserted in my dissent in Gould and which is precisely the opposite from what Chairman Fanning, as a member of the majority, said in Gould. Member Jenkins now finds it permissible for an employer to single out a steward for greater discipline where the steward merely "urges support of and seeks to induce employee participation in an illegal, unauthorized work slowdown." which is precisely the factual situ- ation in Gould Member Murphy simply finds no violation in the instant case because "the steward here was disciaged for engaging in improper conduct in direct violation of a contractual clause," which again is precisely the factual situation in both Gouldand Precision Castings. In her view, it is "unnecessary to extend or rely on or distinguish Gould " lations Act than to see the sincere efforts of man- agement and labor, in seeking a peaceful resolu- tion of their disputes, wasted because of the unwillingness of employee representatives to as- sume the burdens which go hand-in-hand with the benefits of union representation. When man- agement and labor are forced to settle their dis- putes through disruptions at the workplace rather than through the orderly process of collec- tive bargaining, we clearly fail in the goals de- clared by Congress when it enacted the National Labor Relations Act 43 years ago. MEMBER TRUESDALE, concurring: In agreement with my colleagues I find that Re- spondent did not violate the Act when it disciplined Union Steward Picker for urging a fellow employee to slow down in violation of a contractual no-strike, no- slowdown commitment. Accordingly. I concur in the dismissal of the charges. However, my decision rests on somewhat different grounds from those relied on by my colleagues. Unlike my colleagues I find no relevant distinction between Picker's conduct in this case and the conduct in Gould Corporation,24 in which I dissented in part. In both cases the employees had already begun a course of action contrary to the contractual commit- ment when the steward became involved--a work stoppage in Gould and a slowdown in the instant case. In both cases the steward encouraged employees to take actions contrary to the contractual commitment. And in both cases the employees acted in accordance with the stewards' suggestion. I would have dismissed the 8(a)(3) allegations in Gould, and for the reasons stated in my partial dissent 5 in that case I agree with my colleagues' conclusions that the charges in this case also should be dismissed. 24 237 NL RB 881 (1978). 2 I concurred in the finding in Gould that the respondent there had vio- lated Sec. 8(aK4) of the Act by relying in part on the steward's earlier filing of charges with various agencies. including the Board, when the decision was made to discharge the steward. DECISION STATEMENT OF TllH CASIE GEORt;E F. MCINERNY, Administrative Law Judge: Upon a charge filed on September 8. 1978. by Local 160. Leather Goods, Plastics and Novelty Workers Union, AFL-CIO. herein referred to as the Union. the Acting Re- gional Director for Region 14 of the National Labor Rela- tions Board, herein referred to as the Board. on October 10. 1978, issued the complaint herein alleging that Midwest Precision Castings Company. herein referred to as Respon- dent or the Company, had violated Section 81a)( I) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. herein 602 MIDWEST PRECISION CASTINGS COMPANY referred to as the Act, by first discharging its employee. Charlene Picker, and then converting her discharge into a I-week layoff.' Respondent has denied the commission of any unfair labor practices. Pursuant to notice contained in the said complaint a hearing was held before me in St. Louis, Missouri, on Octo- ber 31, 1978, at which all parties were afforded the opportu- nity to examine and cross-examine witnesses, to present documentary and other evidence, and to argue orally. Fol- lowing the close of the hearing Respondent and the General Counsel submitted briefs which have been carefully consid- ered. Based upon the entire record, the briefs filed on behalf o' the parties. and upon my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, I make the following: FNI)INGS FA I I. JRISI)I( IION Respondent is a Missouri corporation engaged in the manufacture of precision molds and parts and related prod- ucts at its O'Fallon Missouri, location. During the ear ending September 30, 1978, Respondent shipped products valued at over $50.000 from its plant directly to points out- side the State of Missouri. The complaint alleges,. the an- swer admits, and I find that Respondent is an emploer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2). (6). and (7) of the Act. II. litE LABOR ()R(iANI/lIO()N INVOINH) The complaint alleges. the answer admits, and I find that Local 160, Leather Goods. Plastics and Novelty Workers Union, AFL-CIO. is a labor organization within the mean- ing of Section 2(5) of the Act. liI. Till Al lFI(iEF) UNi AIR lABOR PRA(II( I:S A. The Discharge of Charlene Picker The facts in this case are clear and essentially undisput- ed. Respondent has recognized and has been dealing with the Union for some time. The current collective-bargaining agreement between the parties contains a standard no- strike no-slowdown clause, and. in addition, the Company has a shop rule forbidding any form of work stoppage, slowdown, or refusal to work under pain of immediate dis- charge. Sometime in August 1978 Shop Steward Charlene Picker told another employee. Donna Allen. that: "All the girls are mad at you. You better slow down. You are getting out too many parts. Vve can't keep up with you," Picker testified that she smiled when she said that, that it was said in a spirit of fun, that this statement or similar statements were common talk in the shop, and that she thought nothing of it. i On October 25, 1978. the Regional Director for Region 14 amended the complaint by adding two instances which are alleged to consiltute violallons of Sec. 8(a) l)of the Act. Management, however, thought differently. The Com- pany had been experiencing some financial losses and (;en- eral Manager Vernon Rotert. who was appointed to that position sometime around the first of the year 1978. was engaged in finding ways to "make the Company more effi- cient." There is some conflict in the testimony about how Rotert found out about Picker's remarks to Allen, but it is unnecessary for me to resolve that conflict. I find that Picker made the statement. and that Rotert found out about it. On August 30. 1978. Rotert called Picker into his office along with Foreman Don Stecker and confronted her with the fact of the statement to Allen. Picker responded that other employees did it all the time, and Rotert retorted "Shop stewards can't joke about things like that." Later that same day Picker. along with shop committee member Carolyn Bicker, was again called into Rotert's of- fice. and Rotert again stated. "Shop Stewards can't joke around about things like that."' Picker was then discharged. On September 6 a grievance meeting was held at the Company's offices to discuss this discharge. Picker and Donald .. Hayes, secretary-treasurer of lIocal 160. were present for the Union. and Rotert and James S. Reid, the Company's secretary-treasurer, were present for Respon- dent. Hayes reiterated the fact that everyone joked about slowdowns. Reid replied. "Eversone else isn't shop steward. The shop steward can't go around joking like that."' Picker's discharge was rescinded as a result of this meet- ing and was converted to a 1-week la off. It was undenied that no one else was disciplined fir the same sort of offense befo)re or after this incident B. na ,o/.iv tarid Conclu.ions Respondent submitted evidence which tended to support Rotert's testimony that productivity was unnaturally low in the weeks prior to Picker's discharge and showed marked improvement thereafter. I accept this as true. and I feel that Respondent's motivations throughout were primarily di- rected not against the Union as such or its officers hut rather toward improvement in productivity. Nonetheless, the disciplinary action taken pursuant to this motivation, regardless of the motivation. resulted in what I find to be an inevitable and impermissible interfer- ence with the statutory rights of employees to participate In union activities and to seek and hold union office. The rec- ord shows clearly that Picker was singled out specifically for discipline, and that disparate treatment was accorded her not only because of the fict that she had urged another to slow down' but also, by Respondent's own admissions, be- 2 Rolert denied that he had said this. but on cross-exlminaion he admit- ted that he had told Picker and shop committee member ('arolsn Bicker that a shop steward was to set an example and not make remarks like that (the remarks Picker had made to Allen), to slow people dow n On the hasis of this I find that Rotert had. in tact, told Picker that a stleward should set an example and not joke about slowdowu ns 3 This was undenied by Reid who. while acting a;s Respisdent's represent- atise or counsel during the hearing. did not lesil 5 4 Even in this regard Respondent h shosn disparate treatment of em- ployees In the meeting between Rotert. Picker. and Bicker. this last em- ployee who was also a member of Ihe Ulnion', shop conmitee. admitted that she also had urged emplo)ees to soiv. down Bicker's casc was. reported by ( ontinuedi 603 DI)((ISIONS OF NATIONAI. LABOR REL.AIONS BOARI) cause she was the shop steward, who was expected to ob- serve higher standards than other employees. In these circumstances this case comes within the rule articulated by the Board in Precision Castings (Conrtpant. etc.. 233 NLRB 183 (1977). to the effect that discrimination directed against an employee on the basis of' her holding union office is contrary to the plain meaning of Section 8(a)3) and would frustrate the policies of the Act if allowed to continue. See also Owens Corning Fiberglas Co.. 216 NLRB 479 (1978): Gould Corporation. 237 NI.RB 881 (1978). to the same effect.' The cases cited by Respondent in its brief have been carefully considered. LTI' Electroslstents. nc.. 169 NLRB 532 (1968). seems to hold contrary to Respondent's position in the instant case but together with alley City Furniture Co., 110 NLRB 1589 (1954). is not really on point. General Electric Conompany, 155 NLRB 208 (No. 24. incorrectly cited in Respondent's brief as No. 14) is on point but is of doubt- ful vitality in the light of the Board's later decisions in Pre- cision Castings, Owens Corning and Gould. supra. Chn'sler Corporation, Dodge Truck Plant, 232 NLRB 466 (1977)., is distinguishable on the grounds that the evidence in that case showed that the steward had led a work stoppage but was not singled out for disciplinary action because of his stewardship. The last case cited by Respondent, Airco, Inc., 14-CA-7201 (1973), was unable to find in published vol- umes of Board decisions. In any event, if its holding was contrary to the Precision Castings line of cases it must have been, at least impliedly, overruled. Thus I find, in agreement with the General Counsel, that Respondent, by stating to employees on August 30 and on September 6 through its agents Vernon Rotert and James S. Reid, that Picker, because of her position as shop steward, was held to a higher or different standard than other em- ployees, violated Section 8(a)(1) on each occasion. Finally, Rotert as still under investigation on the day of the heanng. 3 months and I day later. Two other employees, Blevins and Nesbit, were suspected of slow- ing down, but nothing was done about them either. Although Member Penelto's dissent in Gould would seem to support Re- spondent's position here, I must be guided by the majority opinion of the Board. by disciplining Picker for violation of this higher standard Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. IV. ti T RME)Y Hlaving found that Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices I shall recommend that it be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Hlaving found that Respondent first discharged Charlene Picker and then converted that discharge to a I-week layoff I shall recommend that Respondent be ordered to make her whole for any loss of earnings and loss of benefits resulting from her discharge and/or layoff by payment to her of a sum of money equal to the amount she normally would have earned as wages and other benefits from the date of her discharge to the date of her reinstatement, less net earn- ings during that period. The amount of backpay shall be computed in the manner set forth in F. W. Woolworth Com- pany', 90 NLRB 289 (1950), with interest thereon to be com- puted in the manner prescribed in Florida Steel Corpora- tion, 231 NLRB 651 (1977).6 CON(CLUSIONS o1 LAW I. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by sin- gling out Charlene Picker, a shop steward for the Union. for disparate treatment by holding her to a higher standard of conduct than other employees on two occasions, August 30 and September 6, 1978. 4. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and () by first discharging Charlene Picker and then converting that dis- charge to I-week layoff because of her position as shop steward. 5. These unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] See. generally. Is Plumbing & Heating (o. 138 NLRB 716 (1962). 604 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation