MGM Grand-Reno, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 30, 1980249 N.L.R.B. 961 (N.L.R.B. 1980) Copy Citation MGM GRAND-RENO, INC. 9hl MGM Grand-Reno, Inc. and Operating Engineers, Stationary Local 39, International Union of Op- erating Engineers, AFL-CIO. Cases 32-CA- 1336 and 32-RC-450 May 30, 1980 DECISION, ORDER, AND DIRECTION OF SECOND ELECTION BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND TRUESDALE On January 24, 1980, Administrative Law Judge Gerald A. Wacknov issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed ex- ceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions, cross-ex- ceptions, and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions 2 of the Adminis- trative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein. 1. The Administrative Law Judge found that an invalid no-solicitation rule 3 was inoperative and had been superseded by the current no-solicitation rule4 as stated in Respondent's revised general I Respondent has excepted to certain credibilihty findings made by the Administrative Laws Judge It is the Board's established politc) not , overrule an administrative law judge, resolulions with respect to credi- bility unless the clear preponderance of all of the reles.alt vidence :on- vinces us that the resolutions are incorrect Standard Dry Wall Productr, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd 188 F.2d 362 (3d Cir 1951) We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings 2 In adopting the Administrative Law Judge's conclusion that Re- spondent violated Sec 8(aXI) and (3) of the Act by failing to promote Csonka to grade I of the October 2 revised age structure along with 23 of 36 "maintenance engineers," we note that 5 of the 23 earned less than Csonka but thereafter earned more In finding discrimination as to Csonka we do not rely upon Respondent's failure to explain the sudden increased value of the services of said five employees Member Jenkins would not find a violation of Sec 81a)l 1) of the Act it Williams' comment to Magrini that he might negotiate more faxorably for himself than through the Union. " The first rule which appeared in the employees' handbook states as fillows: Solicitation by anyone for funds, membership in organizatiols or clubs, or distribution of any literature for any purpose, is strictly for- bidden on company property The circulalion of petition of an' kind is similarly forbidden This includes employees and noellrriploees The current rule as distributed on May b. 1978, reads as follow, Circulation of petitions of any kind during uworking time tor sollca- tion of employees for any purpose other than the United Way during working time is not permitted Distribution of written materials during working time or in working areas is not permitted The current rule. by itself, was not alleged as being utilawful Chairmanl Fanning and Member Jenkins do not rely on the Aditinistratie Law. Judge's statement that the current rule as law fiul See their d-scenling opinion in Essex International, Inc., 211 NLRB 749, 753 (1974) In the absence of exceptions thereto, Member Truesdale adopts the Administrative Judge's finding that Responderni's May 6 rule. iI itself, was lawful. 249 NLRB No. 153 rules. He found that there was no evidence present- ed to show that employees were confused or re- stricted in the organizational activity on behalf of the Union although the invalid rule continued to be distributed to employees as part of Respondent's "Employee Handbook" for about 3 months after the current rule and been promulgated. We find merit in the General Counsel's conten- tion that the simultaneous maintenance of both rules created an ambiguous situation so that an em- ployee could not clearly know which rule was in effect. When the current rule was distributed to employees, Respondent did nothing to lead em- ployees to believe tht the prior rule had been re- voked, except to state in a covering memorandum that the revised general rules were being distribut- ed "so that there is no misunderstanding." But Re- spondent's continued distribution of the prior inval- id rule for some 3 months after this could only serve to create misunderstanding and confusion in the minds of employees. As the simultaneous distri- bution of both rules continued for about 1 month after the inception of the Union's organizational campaign, it occurred during the critical period when employees would be particularly concerned about their rights regarding solicitation and distri- bution of literature. Notwithstanding the fact that there was no evi- dence presented at the hearing to show that em- ployees were confused about the rules, the mainte- nance of both rules created an ambiguity. The rules could be read together to give the impression that all solicitation and distribution was prohibited at all times on company property. We therefore con- clude that they were overly broad and unlaful. We reach this conclusion regardless of whether the rules had been enforced. 5 Accordingly, we con- clude that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act and interfered with the election. 2. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge's conclusion that Rodney Whaley was not discharged because of his union or protected con- certed activity. In reaching this conclusion we note that Whaley, on Saturday, October 14, 1979, 4 days before his discharge, stated in a work order that certain vent work had been replaced or completed, when in reality it had not. Although Whaley claimed that by mistake he completed some work in an area adjacent to the one to which he was as- signed, he failed to communicate this fact to his su- pervisor, Kelly. Furthermore, after he submitted the work order he left his work area and could not be located by Kelly. On that same day, Kelly pre- ' Ihe (reat .4ttlni c & Pacific I,, ' p. l i, r . 162 NI R I 1182. 1184 (1967)1 See also .\autiuronl 1-1 cl r , (Co! )i , ic, xll, , f(iru 11i lul, C'orunpny, 188 NLRB 4 51 ('Il71 MGM GRAND-RENO, N. O I 962 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD pared a written warning addressed to Whaley. This was not on Respondent's standard working form, and Kelly added a postscript to the warning in which he sated that: "It is my opinion that Rod Whaley will not work out here at M.G.M. He has a poor attitude towards work." Kelly considered this statement a recommendation that Whaley be terminated. The warning was forwarded to the ad- ministrative director of engineering, Herbrechts- meier, who was off work until October 16. Kelly was off until October 17. Therefore, the first avail- able date on which Herbrechtsmeier and Kelly could have spoken about Whaley's conduct was October 17. Thus Whaley was discharged on Octo- ber 18 (the day on which he engaged in solicitation for the Union) for an incident which occurred on October 14. There is no evidence that anyone re- sponsible for Whaley's discharge knew that he en- gaged in union solicitation on the morning of Octo- ber 18, prior to his discharge, and Respondent's various memorandums concerning the solicitation do not establish whether the solicitation occurred before or after the discharge. 6 In these circum- stances, we conclude that the discharge of Whaley was not motivated by any unlawful considerations and we shall dismiss the allegation of the complaint alleging that his discharge was discriminatory. AMENDED CONCLUSION OF LAW We hereby amplify Conclusion of Law 3 to read as follows: "3. Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act by coercively interrogating employees, threatening discharge and loss of benefits and privi- leges, suggesting that employees negotiate without the intervention of the Union, granting wage in- creases and an accompanying classification system to induce employees to refrain from supporting the Union, prohibiting employees from walking togeth- er to worksites on company premises, and main- taining conflicting rules against solicitation for pur- poses including membership in organizations which can be read to prohibit all solicitation and distribu- tion at all times on company property." ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge, as modi- fied below, and hereby orders that the Respondent, MGM Grand-Reno, Inc., Reno, Nevada, its offi- s In adopting the finding of the Administrative Law Judge with regard to Whaley, we find it unnecessary to rely oin the conclusion that Whaley at his discharge interview would have mentioned his solicitation that morning of laundry room employees if, in fact, he had been so engaged. cers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as so modified: I. Substitute the following for paragraph l(c): "(c) Suggesting that employees negotiate without intervention of the Union, and prohibiting employ- ees from walking together to worksites on compa- ny premises." 2. Insert the following as new paragraph l(f) and reletter the subsequent paragraph accordingly: "(f) Maintaining conflicting rules against solicita- tion for purposes including membership in organi- zations which can be read to prohibit all solicita- tion and distribution at all times on company prop- erty." 3. Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the election con- ducted in Case 32-RC-450 on October 6, 1978, be, and it hereby is, set aside, and the case is remanded to the Regional Director for Region 32 for the pur- pose of conducting a second election at such time as he deems appropriate. [Direction of Second Election and Excelsior foot- note omitted from publication.] APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing at which all sides had an opportu- nity to present their evidence, the National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the Na- tional Labor Relations Act and has ordered us to post this notice. The Act gives all employees these rights: To act together for collective bargaining or mutual aid or protection To engage in self-organization To form, join, or help unions To bargain collectively through repre- sentatives of their own choosing To refrain from any or all of these things. WE WILL NOT coercively interrogate you concerning your activities on behalf of Operat- ing Engineers, Stationary Local 39, Interna- tional Union of Operating Engineers, AFL- CIO, or any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT threaten to discharge you or threaten to deny you benefits or privileges, or prohibit you from walking together while going to and from job assignments or else- MGM GRAND-RENO, INC. where in order to discourage your union activ- ity. WE WILL NOT grant wage increases or a classification system in order to cause you to vote against or refrain from supporting the Union. WE WILL NOT suggest that you negotiate with the Company without the intervention of a union. WE WILL NOT maintain conflicting rules against solicitation for purposes including membership in organizations which can be read to prohibit all solicitation and distribution at all times on company property. WE WILL NOT fail to grant wage increases and promotions to employees in reprisal for their union activity, and WE WILL promote employee Andrew Csonka to the classification of group I maintenance engineer, and make him whole for any loss of pay suffered as a result of the discrimination against him, with interest. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Sec- tion 7 of the Act. MGM GRAND-RENO, INC. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE GERALD A. WACKNOV, Administrative Law Judge: Pursuant to notice, a hearing with respect to this matter was held before me in Reno, Nevada, on July 17-20 and 24-25, 1979. The charge in Case 32-CA-1336 was filed on October 30, 1978, by Operating Engineers Stationary Local 39, International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO (herein called the Union). On January 31, 1979, the Regional Director for Region 32 of the Nation- al Labor Relations Board (herein called the Board) issued a complaint and notice of hearing alleging viola- tion by MGM Grand-Reno, Inc. (herein called Respond- ent) of Section 8(a)(l) and (3) of the National Labor Re- lations Act, as amended (herein called the Act). The aforementioned complaint was amended on June 29, 1979. Respondent's answers to the complaint and amend- ment to complaint, duly filed, deny the commission of any unfair labor practices. Pursuant to a representation petition in Case 32-RC- 450, filed on August 18, 1978, and a Stipulation for Certi- fication Upon Consent Election thereafter executed by the parties, an election by secret ballot was conducted on October 6, 1978, in the following unit: All maintenance department employees, including maintenance persons, laborers, painters, carpenters, upholsterers, locksmiths, and draftsmen; excluding all other employees, including truckdrivers, ware- house clerks, work order clerks, life safety system clerks, office clerical employees, guards and super- visors (including shift supervisors) as defined in the Act. The official tally of ballots served on the parties shows that, of approximately 49 eligible voters, 22 cast ballots for and 27 cast ballots against the Union. There were no challenged ballots. Timely objections to the election were filed by the Union. Thereafter, on January 31, 1979, the Regional Director for Region 32 issued a report on objections, order con- solidating cases, and notice of hearing wherein it was de- termined that various election objections were the same as certain matters alleged to be violations of the Act in Case 32-CA-1336, and the cases were consolidated for the purposes of hearing, ruling and decision by an admin- istrative law judge. The parties were afforded a full opportunity to be heard, to call, examine, and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce relevant evidence. Since the close of the hearing briefs have been received from the General Counsel and counsel for Respondent. Upon the entire record and based upon my observa- tion of the witnesses and consideration of the briefs sub- mitted, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTION Respondent is now, and has been at all times material herein, a corporation duly organized under and existing by virture of the laws of the State of Nevada, and is a subsidiary of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., a Delaware corporation, with a home office located in Culver City, California. Respondent is engaged in the business of op- erating a hotel and casino in Reno, Nevada. In the course and conduct of its business operations, Respond- ent annually derives gross revenues in excess of $500,000, and annually purchases and receives goods or services valued in excess of 50,000 which originate outside the State of Nevada. It is admitted, and I find, that Respond- ent is now, and has been at all times material herein, and employer engaged in commerce and in a business affect- ing commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. 11. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED It is admitted, and I find, that the Union is a labor or- ganization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. Itn. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Issues The principal issues raised by the pleadings are wheth- er Respondent violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act by granting a wage increase, changing working conditions, and by various instances of interrogation, promises, and threats; whether Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) of the Act by discharging employee Rodney Whaley and by failing to properly reclassify employee Andrew 903 964 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Csonka; and whether certain election objections should be sustained and a new election directed. B. The Facts 1. Interrogation, threats, promises of benefit The unit herein consists of about 49 maintenance de- partment employees, approximately 36 of whom are clas- sified as maintenance engineers or, in the terminology of the unit description, "maintenance persons." During its preelection campaign Respondent held numerous meet- ings with groups of unit employees, none of which meet- ings are alleged herein to have involved statements or conduct violative of the Act. However, it is alleged that during the period following the filing of the petition on April 18, 1978, various supervisors or managers engaged in certain conduct in contravention of the Act, as set forth below. Andrew Csonka, a maintenance engineer, testified that, on or about September 10,1 Shift Supervisor Walter Wil- liams approached Csonka and mentioned that the Union had been discussed at a meeting with the other engineers that morning. Williams stated that he believed anyone who wanted a union at that time was simple-minded be- cause of the wage war that was going on in the Reno area. He said, according to Csonka, that "if a Union came in, that we would be standing out in the cold be- cause we would probably have to go out on strike, and that MGM would have to hire all new employees." On cross-examination Csonka testified that essentially what Williams said was that the employees may have to go out on strike to get what they want in negotiations, and could be replaced during the strike. However, on redi- rect examination, Csonka reiterated his original testimo- ny. During the same conversation Csonka mentioned to Williams that he thought he might be interested in going to school and playing ball. Williams replied that in cer- tain situations Respondent "catered" to people who were going to school, but that if the Union came in there would be no chance of that happening. Csonka under- stood Williams to mean that Respondent, in the absence of a union, might possibly accommodate him by insuring that his work schedule did not conflict with school. On September 19, Engineer Manager James Souder told Csonka that members of the Union's Las Vegas local had stated that a union at this time in the Reno area was a foolish idea because of a wage war. Souder also made reference to a strong union member he knew who was very much like Csonka, using the term "hot head" to describe him, and told Csonka that even this particu- lar individual believed that a union at the MGM-Grand in Reno was a foolish idea at the time. Several days later Csonka had another conversation with Williams, who mentioned that he had been "jumped on" by Helmet Herbrechtsmeier, administrative director of engineering, for permitting Csonka and another em- ployee, Koepnick, to walk through the halls together on the way to their jobs. Williams warned Csonka that Her- ' All dates or time periods hereinafter are within 1978, unless other- wise indicated. brechtsmeier did not like the men walking together. Wil- liams added that the engineers should not be seen walk- ing together while going to or from a job or to or from lunch, or standing in the hallways. He said the men should avoid contact even if they have been assigned a job requiring them to work together, and had to take dif- ferent routes to get to the job. James Corbett, a maintenance engineer, testified that, during the latter part of August, Williams asked him, "Well, Jim, what do you think of the Union?" Corbett replied that he did not know, and had not spent much time looking into it. Williams stated, "You know, if the Union comes in here, you guys are going to probably have to take an examination to check your qualifications . . .that's going to bring down a lot of changes, and a lot of people are going to be going out the door." Cor- bett replied that he was a qualified refrigeration and air- conditioning man, and was not worried. About a week later Corbett and several other employ- ees had just finished eating lunch when Williams called Corbett aside, telling the other employees to wait out- side. Williams told Corbett to sit down, and asked whether employee Charlie Green, a known union adher- ent, had been talking to him about the Union. Corbett said no. Williams then asked if anyone had been talking to him about the Union. Again Corbett answered no. Williams wanted to know if Corbett had thought about the Union, and asked if Corbett had attended any union meetings. Corbett replied that he had not attended any meetings, but that he intended to check it out. Williams replied, "You kind of owe it to yourself to go down and check it out." During approximately the same period of time Wil- liams asked Corbett and another engineer, who were walking together to get to their respective jobs, "What are you guys doing together?" Corbett replied they were going to their jobs. Williams said, "Well, I'm giving you fair warning. You guys aren't supposed to be caught to- gether. Two guys together, that's no good." Corbett re- peated that they were just walking to their jobs and Wil- liams replied, "Well, I'll give you fair warning. If Helmet [Herbrechtsmeier] catches you, you're going to hear about it." Paul Magrini, a maintenance mechanic, testified that prior to the election Williams invited him into the cab of a pickup truck for a private conversation. In the truck, Williams asked whether Magrini was going to vote for the Union or against the Union. Magrini said he did not know, and had not made up his mind. Williams suggest- ed that perhaps Magrini could negotiate better for him- self rather than through a union. Again Magrini said he had not made up his mind yet. Williams also said that the employees should give the MGM-Grand a year or so to try and straighten out the place. About a month before the election there was a meet- ing of all day-shift personnel. Accordingly to Magrini, Williams instructed the employees that upon the comple- tion of their jobs they should return to the engineering department, obtain another work order, and proceed alone to the next assignment. Further, Williams advised the employees not to loiter or talk to each other between jobs. MGM GRAND-RENO, INC. 965 Rodney Whaley, a maintenance engineer, was hired on August 28. During his employment interview, according to Whaley, Williams inquired whether Whaley knew that there was a union trying to organize the maintenance employees, and solicited his views about unionism. Whaley indicated that he was opposed to unions. Several weeks later, Whaley, who had been working for another employer in the evenings, intentionally mis- represented to Herbrechtsmeier that he wanted to con- tinue his education by taking night classes, and therefore wanted to remain working the day shift. 2 Herbrechts- meier asked the nature of the classes, and Whaley fabri- cated a response. Herbrechtsmeier told him that he could advance "quite far" within the organization, and asked his views on the Union. Whaley said he did not want a union. About a week later Shift Supervisor Ralph Kelly en- gaged Whaley and another employee in a conversation. Kelly asked how things were coming along, and if they had any questions or problems. He handed Whaley sev- eral pieces of antiunion literature, and asked Whaley what he thought about the Union. Whaley testified that on this occasion he responded that he was in favor of group action. About 10 days before the election, during the course of discussing work-related matters, Williams said to Whaley, "This is strictly off the record, but I want to ask you how you are going to vote when the election comes." Whaley said he did not want the Union because it would work to his disadvantage as he had abilities beyond the average engineer, and a union would inter- fere with his promotional potential. Employee Thomas Hansen testified that prior to the election Williams asked him what he thought about the Union. Hansen answered that he liked unions because they helped the men. Williams replied that Hansen was crazy. Although both Kelly and Williams were shift supervi- sors, Williams was considered to be senior to Kelly in the management hierarchy. Williams admitted that, pur- suant to instructions from Respondent's employment manager, he distributed campaign literature to various unit employees, and visited with certain employees on an individual basis in order to present Respondent's point of view. During these conversations Williams assessed the employees' feelings regarding the Union, and reported the results of this evaluation to the employment manager. Kelly readily acknowledged that he was instructed to contact eight or nine employees in order to apprise them of the merits of Respondent's benefits compared with those the Union had to offer, and was further directed to evaluate each employee's probable union adherence or lack thereof and report his conclusions to the employ- ment manager. Kelly, however, denies asking Whaley or any of the employees to disclose their preference. Simi- larly, Williams and Herbrechtsmeier denied that they in- terrogated Whaley or any other employee regarding the Union. Williams acknowledged that he instructed the engi- neers to refrain from walking together, testifying that: 2 Apparently Whale believed he was going to he transferred to a dif- ferent shift A. This came about because Mr. Herbrechtsmeier had a favorite habit of roaming around, and when he seen two engineers walking down a hallway to- gether, he always wanted to know why, and basi- cally I got tired of answering him, so I just told the guys to split up. It gave the appearance that they could be dogging it. Q. And what instructions did you give them? A. I just said, you know, don't jungle up together and walk the hallways together. If you're going for a coffee or come back from coffee, one go this way, a couple go another way; spread out, split up. Q. Now, had you observed the maintenance de- partment employees do that before you gave them the instruction? A. Yes. Q. What did you conclude from observing them? A. You could conclude many things, or several things, I should say. Q. What? A. You could conclude that they were either very friendly or that they were goofing off, espe- cially if you found them in an area that they had no business being in anyway. Q. And did you, on occasion, find them goofing off or in an area where they shouldn't be in groups? A. Yes. Q. And is that what motivated your instructions to them? A. Yes. Herbrechtsmeier testified that he did not issue instruc- tions that maintenance employees should not walk to- gether, nor is that the current policy. Rather, Her- brechtsmeier testified that he instructed his supervisors to prohibit two men walking together or working on the same job assignment under circumstances which do not warrant joint effort. Thus, Herbrechtsmeier wanted to preclude featherbedding situations such as, for example, when "one engineer carries a toilet plunger to unplug the drain and the other engineer sits on the bench and watches." 2. The wage increase The MGM-Grand opened in May 1978. Barrie Brunet, president and chief executive officer of Respondent, testi- fied that the opening of other hotels and hotel-casinos in the Reno area about the same time resulted in extreme competition for qualified employees. During this initial period of its operations Respondent experienced heavy employee turnover, and there were organizational efforts by various unions in the area. In about July, Brunet di- rected Personnel Director Bob Ostrovsky to begin a wage survey comparing Respondent's wages with those of other Reno hotels and hotel-casinos, and with the wages paid at Respondent's sister hotel-casino in Las Vegas. Moreover, according to Brunet, each department head was consulted with respect to problems in recruit- ing or retaining qualified employees and the input of each department head was solicited in this regard. As a result of the wage surveys and after consultation with the department heads, Brunet determined, shortly MGM GRAND-RENO, I C 966 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD before October 2, that wage increases and a new wage progression system, based on seniority rather than the then current merit system, should be put into effect. 3 The increase was announced on October 2. Not all em- ployees or job classifications received increases. Thus, according to Brunet, some classifications were already receiving wage rates in excess of 95 percent of Las Vegas rates; some hourly rates were misleading as wages of certain classification of employees were supplemented by substantial gratuities; and some Las Vegas rates were simply considered to be "out-of-line" with Reno wages. The documentary record evidence reflects that, of the approximately 3,558 employees then working for Re- spondent immediately prior to October 2, about 1,519 employees were earning the same or more than 95 per- cent of the Las Vegas rate in similar classifications, and about 2,042 employees were earning less than the 95 per- cent Las Vegas parity. Of these 2,042 employees about 1,000 received wage increases, including the 36 mainte- nance engineers and several other employees in the unit involved herein. Thus, over 1,000 employees who were earning less than the 95 percent of the comparable wage paid by the MGM-Grand in Las Vegas received no wage increase. On October 2, Brunet distributed the following memo to all department heads: SUBJECT: WAGE AND SALARY ADJUSTMENTS Since we have just completed our first summer of operations, we felt it was appropriate to review our wage and benefit program in the light of the success of the summer's operations. As a result of this review, we are making sub- stantial pay adjustments for employees in many de- partments of the hotel. In some areas we deter- mined that present pay levels were adequate and in those areas no adjustment is being made at this time. However, you can be sure that all areas of the hotel's operations were reviewed and that the pay and benefit programs for all employees are con- stantly being reviewed to insure that the MGM Grand-Reno is the best possible place to work. The wage increases for maintenance employees were announced on Monday, October 2, at which time Her- brechtsmeier read a statement from Brunet to the assem- bled unit employees, as follows: STATEMENT TO MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT I am pleased to report to you that the Mainte- nance Department is one of the areas in which wage increses were found to be justified, so all of you will be receiving an adjustment in the rate range for your classification as of Monday of this week. Basically, what we have done in the Mainte- 3 It had been decided to use the wages paid by the MGM-Grand in Las Vegas as a guide, and to pay Respondent's employees in selected classifications 95 percent or the comparable Las Vegas wages. nance Department is to establish the following clas- sification: 4 These new rates are substantially higher than our previous rates and are higher than the rates paid anywhere in Reno. We believe that they will help us to attract and retain the highest quality employ- ees. 5 Some of you may be wondering whether this in- crease is related to the NLRB election we have scheduled on Friday. The answer is "No." This in- crease has no relationship to the election. It is based on a Hotel-wide review of pay levels and is only a small part of an increase which affects a major number of the Hotel's employees. We are making the pay increases because we think it is the right thing to do, regardless of how you vote in the elec- tion on Friday. The Union may attack the increase as unlawful or try to claim credit for it but the fact is that we would have given the increase now regardless of whether or not the Union had filed a petition for an election. We considered delaying the increase for a week in order to avoid a charge that we were im- properly trying to influence the election, but we re- jected that because it wouldn't be fair to the Hotel's other employees. We also considered going ahead with the increase for all employees except those in the Maintenance Department but we decided against that because it wouldn't be fair to you. We know we are taking a risk in making the in- creases now and that the Union may attack the Hotel, but we are not going to penalize you or anyone else who works for the Hotel just because a union is trying to get in here. We are committed to making this Hotel the best possible place to work and are not going to let unions interfere with our reaching this goal. Thereafter, prior to the election which was scheduled for that Friday, October 6, each unit employee was told what his grade and new rate of pay would be." Initially, all maintenance engineers were hired within the range of S42-S66 per 8-hour shift. During the period of the afore- mentioned wage survey, their median wage was $54 per shift. Respondent, in its attempt to grant the employees 95 percent parity with its Las Vegas counterpart, deter- mined that maintenance engineers should be separated into groups 1 and 2, and that the wage scale for mainten- ace engineers 2 should start at $50 per shift and would 4 At this point Herbrechtsmeier apparently explained the new wage rate ranges within grades I and 2, but did not advise each employee of his new rate of pay or the grade in which he was to be placed. ' During the course of the preelection campaign Respondent distribut- ed a leaflet showing wage and benefit comparisons with four other em- ployers represented by the Union in the Reno area. The leaflet showed that "maintenance persons" working for Respondent could then poten- tially earn as much as 66 per shift, whereas the next top rate paid for "maintenance engineers" by another employer named in the leaflet was S59.20 per shift ^ However, it appears that Csonka was not so advised until shortly after the election. MGM GRAND-RENO, INC. 967 be raised to $64 per shift after I year. Similarly, those maintenance engineers in group I would thereafter be hired at a rate of $64 per shift, and after I year's employ- ment would receive $76 per shift. Of the 36 maintenance engineers 23 were classified as group I maintenance engi- neers, and received wage increases of varying amounts. 7 Herbrechtsmeier, who was instrumental in hiring main- tenance personnel, testified that he did initially have dif- ficulty in finding qualified maintenance engineers due to their unavailability, particularly as the Reno area was thriving and enjoyed an unemployment rate of only 2 percent during the summer of 1978, and further because Respondent was unable to attract qualified employees from outside the area due to prohibitive housing costs. Moreover, Herbrechtsmeier had difficulty in retaining employees once they were hired, testifying that the turn- over problem was "bad" at the beginning, because "most of the engineers left on their own request, either went home to their home state or home town, or were looking for higher paying jobs." Herbrechtsmeier did not testify that he was consulted by any person involved in taking the wage survey, or by any officer of Respondent during the wage survey period, or that his input was requested regarding wage increases, or a classification system for maintenance de- partment personnel. Nor did Herbrechtsmeier testify that the hiring and retaining of qualified maintenance engi- neers continued to be a source of difficulty at the time it was contemplated that the maintenance engineers should receive an increase. In fact, none of Respondent's wit- nesses were able to state with any particularity just when such a determination to grant the increase to the mainte- nance engineers and other unit employees was made. Herbrechtsmeier did testify, however, that at the time the maintenance department classifications and wage in- creases were announced, he was having difficulty re- cruiting painters, who are included in the unit. As a result of the increase, painters were granted the same wage and progression system as group I maintenance en- gineers. Souder, who is immediately subordinate to Her- brechtsmeier in the maintenance department hierarchy, testified that initially Respondent had difficulty in paying engineering employees a sufficient wage to entice them away from other employers in the area. He further ex- plained that experienced maintenance engineers were simply unavailable, and that, primarily because of prohib- itive housing costs, Respondent was unable to attract em- ployees from outside the Reno area. Souder indicated, however, that the problem was not acute, as, "We fig- ured it was going to take a while to staff the hotel and we were really not in too much of a hurry because a lot of it [the machinery and equipment] was still under war- ranty." Moreover, Souder testified that, although Re- spondent continued having difficulty in attracting quali- 7 The pay of one maintenance engineer was immediately raised $10 per shift, or in excess of $200 per month: the pay of three other engineers was raised 9 per shift; and the pay of two other maintenance engineers was raised $8 per shift Other group I engineers who were earning less than $64 per shift also received wage increases The remaining 13 em- ployees, some of whom also received wage increases, were classified as group 2 maintenance engineers fled maintenance engineers after the hotel opened, once the employees were hired Respondent did not have trou- ble retaining them, and there were only "a few who packed up and left."8 Respondent introduced an exhibit showing that, as of November 30, the maintenance department had an active work force of 90 employees, and that, during the 7- month period from May to November 30, 44 employees had quit or been terminated for various reasons. 3. Coffeebreaks; the pool table The maintenance engineers initially took their coffee- breaks in the employees' cafeteria. This practice was changed in mid-August and, after the change, coffee- breaks were taken in the shop area of the engineering de- partment, which was not centrally located as was the employees' cafeteria. It is clear from a composite of the testimony of various employees that coffeebreaks are not infrequently extended beyond the 10 or 15 minutes allot- ed. As a result of this change of location, the employees were susceptible to closer observation by supervisors who maintained offices in the engineering department, and the employees apparently were therefore more cir- cumspect in discussing the Union while taking their breaks in the engineering department. According to Kelly, the location for coffeebreaks was changed because the employees were spending 20-30 minutes in the cafeteria, and they were less likely to abuse the 10-minute time limitation when they were "sit- ting out there like a sore thumb in the shop area." Wil- liams and Herbrechtsmeier testified similarly. One em- ployee testified that Souder, apparently speaking about the abuse of coffeebreaks and the change of location, told the employees that they were going to have to start acting like engineers. There is no evidence that any of Respondent's supervisors or managers attempted to eavesdrop on employees' conversations in the shop area. About the time the coffeebreak location was changed, a pool table was placed in the locker room utilized by the maintenance engineers. This particular pool table had previously been near the carpenters' shop, and had served as a catchall for work-related carpentry material. The employees were not able to shed light on the myste- rious appearance of this pool table in the locker room, and each of Respondent's supervisors or managers spe- cifically disclaimed any involvement whatsoever in the relocation of the pool table. As the employees utilized the locker room only before and after their work shift, it appears that the recreational use of the pool table was limited to such occasions, and the record indicates that it was used only sparingly, if at all. The pool table was sold and moved out of the locker room several months prior to the hearing. 4. The classification of Andrew Csonka Andrew Csonka was interviewed and hired by Her- brechtsmeier and Souder, and began working for Re- a The parties stipulated that, prior Io October 2, eight maintenance en- gineers had quit and about four had been discharged 9 Only a portion (of the maintenance department employees was includ- ed in the unit MGM GRAND-RENO, INC. 968 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD spondent on June 13, as a welder-engineer at the rate of $52 per 8-hour shift. At this time the wage range for maintenance engineers was $42-$66. Csonka's shift super- visors were Walter Williams and Ralph Kelly. The equipment for the weld shop had been ordered previous- ly, and Csonka's initial job was to assemble the equip- ment and set up the weld shop. Thereafter he performed "maintenance type welding" and "fabrication" in the weld shop, which work occupied about 90-95 percent of his time. He had no regular assistant in the weld shop, and received no specific instructions from any supervi- sors regarding his welding functions. There were no other employees performing welding work at that time, except perhaps on a sporadic basis. Csonka and Charles Green were initially instrumental in organizing on behalf of the Union, and Respondent's managers and supervisors admit that they were aware that Csonka was a vocal and active union adherent. Csonka was then living with Green and another employ- ee, Charles Hansen. Csonka's 90-day probationary period was up in mid- September, at which time he was evaluated by Williams who recommended Csonka for permanent employment. The written "Probationary Performance Evaluation" prepared by Williams reflects that, according to Wil- liams, Csonka's attendance, punctuality, job knowledge, and job performance were "good," but that his attitude was "fair." In the explanatory comments, Williams ex- plained, "This individual at times expressed negative atti- tude as to salary." At this time Csonka's salary was ap- parently raised from $52 to $58 per shift. According to the testimony of employee Hansen, Souder and Williams met with Hansen the day prior to the election, and Souder advised him that he was being placed in the group 2 classification. Souder spontaneous- ly added that this decision was not because Hansen lived with Csonka and Green, but because Hansen did not know the building well enough. The new classification system and wage ranges dis- cussed above were announced on October 2, but Csonka was not advised of his particular classification or wage rate under the new system until several days after the October 6 election, during which he acted as observer for the Union.'° When Csonka was told by Herbrechts- meier, Souder, and Williams that he had been classified as a group 2 engineer, Csonka expressed his disagree- ment and asked for an explanation. Souder said, "Well, you have to know all different aspects of the engineering field. You have to be able to handle carpenter work or upholstery work or paint or be a plumber. Whatever we call you for, you have to be able to handle it." Souder also said that Csonka should be able to perform work re- quired in the boilerroom. Csonka replied that none of the engineers then in Respondent's employ were capable of performing such a wide variety of work, and Souder re- plied, "I wouldn't say that." Csonka was told that in "' Csonka testriied that immediately after the election he expressed to Souder and Herbrechtsmeier that he hoped there were no hard feelings regarding his activity on behalf of the Union. Souder replied that, if Csonka had not stood up for what he believed. Souder would have thought less of him. order to broaden his experience he could be assigned a variety of jobs throughout the hotel. Thereafter Csonka had conversations about the matter with various supervisors including Williams, Kelly. and Bill Ferris. On each occasion Williams gave Csonka a similar explanation; namely, his lack of experience in various phases of the work. However, Kelly admitted that he told Csonka during these conversations that he believed Csonka should have been classified as a group 1 engineer, and may have used even stonger language to express his feeling that Respondent's inferior classifica- tion of Csonka was unwarranted. In about mid-April 1979, Supervisor Ferris told Csonka that he was working on moving Csonka up to a number 1 engineer classification but was having some problems. Ferris stated that there was an opening on the swing shift and that if Csonka accepted this position he would be able to learn different aspects of the work and would move up rapidly. Csonka agreed. Thereafter Csonka worked on the swing shift and performed no welding on a regular basis. Csonka received his yearly evaluation on or about June 13, 1979. At this time he was summoned to Her- brechtsmeier's office and, in the presence of Souder and Herbrechtsmeier, was asked whether he thought he was ready to be classified as a group I engineer. Csonka re- plied affirmatively, and Herbrechtsmeier asked Csonka to elaborate. Csonka explained that he had been training in other areas of the work, mainly refrigeration, and that he had learned quite a bit about these other areas since he had been transferred to the swing shift, adding that he understood that such a broad range of work was being required of him. Csonka also stated that he believed his attitude had changed since he was no longer being super- vised by Williams. 2 Herbrechtsmeier acknowledged Csonka's improvement'" and stated that when the appro- priate papers came through he would sign them. Csonka apparently believed that he was to be upgraded to a group I engineer. However, shortly thereafter Csonka received a wage increase from $58 per shift to $64 per shift, which latter amount is both the top wage for a group 2 engineer and the starting wage for a group I en- gineer. To date Csonka has never been told that he has been upgraded to a group I engineer, and Respondent has not represented either to Csonka, or on the record during the instant proceeding, that Csonka's classification has been changed. Engineering Manager Souder testified that everyone was initially classified as a "maintenance person," and that even though each individual may have a "high spot," Souder and Herbrechtsmeier advised prospective employees, including Csonka, that Respondent may call upon them to perform other work, such as cleaning out sewers or helping an electrician. When the new classifi- cation system was established, each employee's immedi- ate supervisor, along with Souder and Herbrechtsmeier, discussed the employee's performance and capabilities in 1 l Willidais left Resplr det's erilploy uii I)ecenmher 29 i: Csoinka testified ihat he had had cry little respect for Williamns, who left Responldenlts mplo i Decenmber 1978 ':' Ihe Junel I. 197)79, cvallua lll fiirm states that Csonka'Ls attitude had im prow ed MGM GRAND-RENO, INC. 969 order to determine the appropriate classification for the employee. As a result of this discussion, according to Souder, Csonka was classified as a group 2 engineer largely because of Williams' recommendation, which was given considerable weight due to the fact that Williams had worked closely with Csonka. During the aforemen- tioned discussion among the supervisors, it was brought out that Williams had not yet assigned Csonka jobs out- side the welding shop, and therefore Csonka lacked ex- perience in other phases of the work throughout the hotel. At this point Souder testified that he told Williams that "I wanted to see him [Csonka] . . . pulled off the welding and get out through the hotel and get some more experience." ' Souder, nevertheless, agreed with Williams' classification of Csonka "because of his [Cson- ka's] age and his experience and I thought that it wouldn't be too long that he would go up into a Grade I any way." Although Souder acknowledged that he was well aware of Csonka's support for the Union, he testi- fied that this was not a consideration in Respondent's in- ferior classification of Csonka. As discussed above, 23 of the 36 maintenance engi- neers in Respondent's employ were classified as group I engineers and received wage increases. Of the approxi- mately 22 maintenance engineers on the day shift, 13 were classified as group I engineers, and the remainder, including Csonka, were classified as group 2 engineers. According to the testimony of Souder, the employees who were placed in grade 2 performed a variety of mis- cellaneous jobs such as making room calls to fix shower doors or toilet seats, repairing toilets, performing minor electrical work, attending to stuck elevators, and replac- ing malfunctioning TV sets. Souder readily admitted that these individuals were placed in the inferior classification because they were not as skilled or proficient in a partic- ular type of work compared to the employees classified as grade I maintenance engineers. One individual who was classified within group I was engaged in repairing or replacing broken marble or tile, or performing other "patch work." Moreover, painters were classified within group I because, according to Souder and Herbrechts- meier, Respondent was experiencing difficulty in recruit- ing painters. Employee Brian Hale, who was classified as a group 2 engineer, worked with Csonka about 2 days a week from the time the hotel opened, and was taught to weld by Csonka. When Csonka was moved to the swing shift in April 1979, Hale assumed Csonka's position as welder and thereafter worked in the weld shop during the entire shift. Shortly thereafter, Hale advised his supervisor, Bill Ferris, that he could not handle the job himself, and since that time Hale has had a full-time helper who as- sists him, obtains necessary material, and cleans up. At a later date Hale was also assigned to perform general maintenance work on vehicles, but he apparently per- forms such work only on a limited basis. Hale was pro- moted to grade I on or about July 23, 1979.15 14 Souder testified that he could not conceive of a situation in which an employee performing only welding work would he classified as a group I engineer. 's The record evidence regarding Hale's promotion to group I is highly abbreviated and unclear While Souder infers that Hale's promo- 5. The no-solicitation rules The hotel distributed to all newly hired employees its "Employee's Handbook" together with a separate docu- ment entitled "General Rules." The handbook contained a section entitled "No-Solicitation Policy" as follows: Solicitation by anyone for funds, membership in organizations or clubs, or distribution of any litera- ture for any purpose, is strictly forbidden on com- pany property. The circulation of petitions of any kind is similarly forbidden. This includes employees and nonemployees. Similarly, the general rules which were distributed to all employees contained the following language: "Circu- lation of Petitions: Circulation of petitions of any kind or solicitation of employees for any purpose other than United Way is not permitted." The aforementioned handbook was revised shortly after the hotel opened, but because of the difficulty in- volved in the printing of a revised handbook, copies of the original handbook continued to be distributed until the first part of August. The revised current handbook, first distributed in early November 1978, contains the fol- lowing no-solicitation policy: Solicitation by anyone for funds, membership in organizations or clubs, or distribution of any litera- ture for any purpose is strictly forbidden during working time. The circulation of petitions of any kind is similarly forbidden during working time. Respondent also revised its General Rules and, on May 6, the revised General Rules were distributed to all employees then currently employed. These rules were also distributed to all employees hired thereafter. The rule entitled "Circulation of Petitions" is as follows: Circulation of petitions of any kind during work- ing time or solicitation of employees for any pur- pose other than the United Way during working time is not permitted. Distribution of written mate- rials during working time or in working areas is not permitted. 6. The discharge of Whaley Rod Whaley was hired on August 28, as a mainte- nance person, and was discharged prior to the expiration of his probationary period. Shortly before his discharge he accidently electrocuted himself as a result of careless- ness, and was given a stringent warning by Herbrechts- meier. On Saturday, October 14, Whaley received a verbal warning from Supervisor Ralph Kelly,' 6 which was thereafter reduced to writing the same day, for false- tion coincided with his added responsibility of being an auto mechanic for Respondent, Hale's testimony suggests that he performs routine main- tenance such as oil changes and general inspection, and minor repair of vehicles, and that such work is only incidental to his primary job of welding, which occupies the great majority of his time i6 During the course of this reprimand Whaley exhibited his hostility to.ard Kelly, and thereafter sought to obtain the signatures of other em- ployees to support his belief that Kelly's treatment of him was unjustified MOM GRAND-RENO. I C 970 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ly signing off a job order as completed,'7 and for being out of the area in which he was supposed to be perform- ing such work. Kelly stated as a postscript to the written warning that "It is my opinion that Rod Whaley will not work out here at M.G.M. He has a poor attitude towards work." Both Souder and Herbrechtsmeier took their days off on Saturday and Sunday, October 14 and 15, and Kelly took his days off on Sunday and Monday, October 15 and 16. According to Kelly, the matter was discussed in detail with Herbrechtsmeier on Tuesday, October 17. However, Kelly testified that it was not until the next day, Wednesday, October 18, that he learned Whaley was to be discharged forthwith. Herbrechtsmeier's testimony is different. Thus, Her- brechtsmeier testified that he did not speak with Kelly about the matter until the morning of Wednesday, Octo- ber 18, at which time he advised Kelly that, in agree- ment with Kelly's recommendation, Whaley would be discharged immediately. Whaley was discharged by Her- brechtsmeier about 10 a.m. that morning. There is agreement that Whaley solicited employees in the laundry department on October 18, the date he was discharged. In fact, Randall Williams, Respondent's em- ployment manager, wrote the following memo on the subject: Subject: Potential Union Problems in the Laundry Department An employee from the Maintenance Department by the name of Rod Whaley was in the Laundry today, sometime this morning, soliciting employees of the Laundry to sign union cards and get a union going within the Laundry Department. He was of- fering employees $11.00 per person to sign a card and subsequently vote the union in. He also told them that he knows for a fact he could guarantee them 100% that if they got the union in here that the union could get them a minimum $4.25 per hour. Apparently, they are getting $4.00 per hour currently. He talked to several employees. As soon as it was detected, the Laundry Department man- agement, Ted Holmes and Kurt Baker, immediately reported the situation and the guy was subsequently terminated for illegal solicitation. This soliciting was being performed on company work area on work time both by laundry workers and by Rod Whaley. Williams testified that the foregoing memo was dictat- ed after he had spoken to security personnel who ad- vised him that Whaley had been terminated, and that he thereby believed, but was not specifically told, that Whaley had been terminated for violating the no-solicita- tion rule. However, the "Security Incident" report prepared by a security officer shows that Whaley was removed from the premises for illegal soliciting subsequent to his dis- charge. Thus, the report states, inter alia, as follows: "? The record clearly shows that such conduct is considered to be a serious breach of Respondent's work rules. Whaley was terminated this morning. Later, he was in the Laundry trying to solicit employees to join the union. This P.M. he was in Camperland trying the same. Yesterday, Whaley, while being paid by MGM and on duty, was trying to solicit in the em- ployees cafeteria. [Emphasis supplied.] Whaley testified, in a highly abbreviated manner, that he had solicited for a union in the laundry department during the early morning of October 18, prior to his dis- charge. Yet, he testified that, when discharged shortly after the aforementioned solicitation purportedly oc- curred, he accused Respondent of discharging him not for union solicitation in the laundry department which he claims occurred that morning, but rather for his activity in soliciting signatures on a petition which he had pre- pared and circulated on or about November 15, follow- ing the confrontation with Kelly regarding the work as- signment reprimand. This petition, signed by three engi- neering employees in addition to Whaley, states that Whaley was unjustifiably reprimanded by Kelly, and is unrelated to any purported union solicitation in the laun- dry room. The evidence shows that, prior to effecting Whaley's discharge, Respondent's supervisors were un- aware of such a petition. C. Analysis and Conclusions 1. Interrogation and threats Csonka's testimony regarding the statement made by Williams on September 10, to the effect that Respondent would hire all new employees in the event of a strike, was equivocal and inconsistent. Thus, at one point, Csonla agreed that Williams stated the employees could be replaced during a strike, which statement comports with an employer's lawful rights under the Act. There- fore, I find that the record evidence is insufficient to sup- port the finding of a violation in this respect. However, I credit the remainder of Csonka's testimony and find that, during a portion of the same conversation, Williams strongly indicated that the employees, and Csonka in particular, should not expect Respondent to continue its practice of accommodating employees who also wanted to attend school, in the event the Union was voted in. Such a statement suggests reprisals in the form of a denial of existing benefits in response to the employees' decision to select a union, and as such is violative of the Act. I credit the testimony of employee Corbett and find that in the latter part of August Williams asked him what he thought of the Union, and further indicated that the advent of the Union would result in the discharge of em- ployees who could not meet certain qualifications. I also find that a week or so later, as Corbett credibly testified, Williams inquired whether Green or anyone else had talked to Corbett about the Union. Such instances of in- terrogation and threats of the possibility of discharge as a result of unionization are violative of the Act. I so find. O & H Rest., Inc., 232 NLRB 1082 (1977), Franklin Prop- erty Company, Inc., d/b/a The Hilton Inn, 232 NLRB 873 (1977); Mehan Truck Sales, Inc., 201 NLRB 780, 783-784 MGM GRAND-RENO, INC 9)71 (1973), Civic Center Sports, Inc., 206 NLRB 428, 430 (1973). Similarly, Williams' interrogation of employee Magrini during which Magrini, whom I credit, was directly asked how he was going to vote, and Williams' subsequent sug- gestion that Magrini could perhaps more favorably nego- tiate on his own behalf, constitute an additional instance of unlawful interrogation, and an instance of unlawful in- ducement to discourage union activity. See Raleys Inc., 236 NLRB 971 (1978); Quintree Distributors, Inc., 198 NLRB 390, 395 (1972). Also, in crediting Hansen, I find that Williams unlaw- fully interrogated him regarding his feelings toward the Union. I do not credit Williams' categorical denials of the aforementioned conversations. Williams admittedly was attempting to ascertain the voting intentions of employ- ees pursuant to instructions from higher management. Unlike Kelly, who apparently was more circumspect in this regard, Williams inquired directly about such mat- ters, as the testimony of the aforementioned employees, who appeared credible and who had no apparent reason to fabricate such testimony, amply demonstrates. Fur- ther, Williams exhibited his personal antipathy toward the Union during the course of his testimony, and I find that, whether or not directed by Respondent, Williams unlawfully sought to discourage employees from select- ing the Union by making the statements attributed to him. The remaining conversations wherein Respondent is alleged to have violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act in- volve employee Rodney Whaley. Whaley related con- versations with Kelly, Williams, and Herbrechtsmeier which, if Whaley's account is credited, would constitute additional instances of interrogation in violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(l) of the Act. Whaley did not favorably impress me as a witness, and I hereinafter discredit his testimony involving the circumstances surrounding his subsequent discharge, discussed below. The various instances of al- leged unlawful interrogation to which Whaley testified were denied by the three supervisors involved and, under the circumstances, I shall dismiss these allegations of the complaint. Moreover, the finding of additional in- stances of interrogation would be cumulative and would not alter the remedy herein. 8 2. The unlawful wage increase The applicable Board law governing an employer's granting of a wage increase during a union campaign is succinctly summarized in Newport Division of Wintex Knitting Mills Inc., 216 NLRB 1058 (1975), wherein the Board states: It is well established that the announcement of a wage increase during the pendency of a representa- tion petition for the purpose of stifling an organiza- tional campaign constitutes unlawful interference and coercion. Thus, the Surpreme Court has stated "that the conferral of employee benefits while a representation election is pending, the purpose of in- 'i C. Markus Hardware, Inc.. 243 NL.RB No 158, fn 1 (1979). ducing employees to vote against the union," inter- feres with the employees' protected right to orga- nize. An employer's legal duty in deciding whether to grant benefits while a representation petition is pending is to determine that question precisely as if a union were not in the picture. An employer's granting a wage increase during a union campaign "raises a strong presumption" of illegality. In the absence of evidence demonstrating that the timing of the announcement of changes in benefits was governed by factors other than the pendency of the election, the Board will regard interference with employee freedom of choice as the motivating factor. The burden of establishing a justifiable motive remains with the Employer. The facts regarding the announcement and conferral of a substantial wage increase to unit employees several days prior to the election are not in dispute. Respondent emphasizes that these wage increases amounted to only an insignificant percentage, both numerically and mone- tarily, of the total number of wage increases granted si- multaneously therewith to various classifications of em- ployees throughout Respondent's facility. However, for the various reasons enunciated by Brunet in his testimo- ny, discussed above, an even larger percentage of Re- spondent's employees received no increase whatsoever. Respondent's contention that the wage increase for unit employees was necessitated by economic factor, in- cluding low unemployment in the area and areawide wage competition from other hotels or casinos, is not sufficiently substantiated by the record evidence. Thus, while both Herbrechtsmeier and Souder emphasized the difficulty in initially recruiting certain unit employees, their testimony, particularly that of Souder, indicates that at the time of the wage increase Respondent did employ a satisfactory and stable work crew, the great majority of whom were skilled enough to be classified as group I engineers. Also of significance is the dearth of record evidence to substantiate Brunet's testimony to the effect that each de- partment head was contacted and was invited to provide input regarding the efficacy and necessity of a wage in- crease, and the amount thereof, for employees within his particular department. Despite this testimony by Brunet, neither Herbrechtsmeier nor Souder testified to any such consultation and, as the General Counsel abundantly demonstrates, Respondent has failed to adduce any evi- dence, either testimonial or documentary, which would pinpoint the time when a wage increase for unit employ- ees was first discussed. Indeed, it would appear that a matter of such importance, resulting in the expenditure of nearly $300,000, projected annually, for a relatively small number of employees, would have engendered pro- longed discussion. Yet the record is devoid of any such specific evidence concernng either the decision to grant the wage increase, or to place into effect the novel clas- sification system. I conclude that Respondent's failure to trace the course of the wage increase and the wage clas- sification systems for maintenance engineers, with par- 972 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ticularity, raises the presumption that such evidence would not be favorable to Respondent. Of further substantial significance is Respondent's wage survey which was distributed to maintenance engi- neers in order to persuade them that their preincrease wages were well above those paid by other area employ- ers under contract with the Union. Thus, the survey shows that Respondent's engineers could recieve up to $66 per shift, or $6.80 per shift more than was being paid by the next highest employer in the area, and that Re- spondent's overtime and leave of absence benefits equaled or exceeded those of the other employers sur- veyed. Such data disseminated to the unit employees, which emphasizes that Respondent's wage range exceed- ed that of other area employer for comparable work, suggests the obvious conclusion that Respondent be- lieved it was highly competitive in attracting and retain- ing qualified employees. As mentioned previously, Brunet elaborated upon his reasons for failing to grant wage increases to over two- thirds of the total complement of Respondent's employ- ees. One of the stated reasons for denying such increases was that, in effect, the wages then being paid to those employees by Respondent were competitive, and to raise them to 95 percent of Las Vegas wages was unnecessary. Respondent, having the burden to substantiate the need for a wage increase, has not sufficiently established why such a rationale would not also have applied to the main- tenance engineers, particularly in view of the aforemen- tioned wage survey. 9 In summary, I conclude that the evidence propounded by Respondent in support of the legality of the wage in- crease fails to provide a sufficient explanation for the various substantial matters, discussed above, which cast considerable doubt upon Respondent's true motive for effectuating the increase. I therefore further conclude that Respondent has failed to overcome the "strong pre- sumption of illegality," 20 attendant to a wage increase during the pendency of a representation petition, and I find the wage increase to have been unlawfully motivat- ed in an effort to influence the outcome of the election, as alleged, in contravention of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. 3. The discriminatory classification of Csonka As a result of the October 2 changes in wage struc- ture, 23 of the 36 maintenance engineers were placed in group I and received raises of varying amounts accord- ing to their seniority. Of the 23 aforementioned employ- ees 5 were earning $2 to $3 per shift less than Csonka, and were raised to $64 per shift, or $6 per shift more than Csonka, with entitlement to substantial automatic wage increases thereafter, while Csonka was placed in the inferior classification and remained at his then cur- rent rate of pay with the possibility of only a single in- crease to the top of his classification scale. Respondent has offered no explanation for this seemingly disparate treatment. Particularly, Respondent did not attempt to explain why the value of the labor of employees who 19 Respondent proffered tno evidence to show that the survey was sub- sequently determined to be inaccurate. 20 Newport Division of Wintrex Knitting Mills. supru were earning less than Csonka suddenly surpassed the value of Csonka's labor to Respondent. The record shows that Csonka was hired because of his welding experience and ability. While he may have been told, upon being hired, that on occasion he might be called upon to perform work other than welding, the record is clear and I find that he was hired as a welder and was not directly advised, nor was it even implied, that his progress with Respondent was dependent upon acquiring other skills. Csonka worked exclusively as a welder from the date he was hired when he commenced to set up Respondent's welding shop, and the amount of welding work he performed thereafter was sufficient to occupy all of his time to the exclusion of any other main- tenance work. The other employees who were placed in grade 2, according to the testimony of Souder, per- formed a variety of miscellaneous jobs such as making room calls to fix shower doors or toilet seats, and, unlike Csonka, had no expertise in a particular segment of the work. It is reasonable to presume that the importance which Respondent attached to the welding job was com- mensurate with the pay Csonka received. Thus, Csonka was hired at $52 per shift, and following his 3-month probationary period was increased to $58 per shift, such an amount being within the upper range of the wages paid to maintenance employees. There is no dispute that Csonka was a skilled welder, that his work performance was considered to be highly satisfactory, and that he was capable of performing whatever welding work was required of him. Essentially, Respondent maintains that the nature of the welding work at Respondent's facility primarily involves the repair of items such as serving carts and other kitchen implements, and that the skills required to perform such work, which skills were also possessed by several other employees, did not warrant Csonka's promotion to a grade 1 classification. Thus, Respondent does not appear to minimize Csonka's welding ability, but rather main- tains that such welding skills which Csonka possesses exceed the expertise which the work customarily re- quires. 21 The thrust of Respondent's argument appears to be that the services which were required of Csonka simply were not as valuable to Respondent as the services of employees with electrical, refrigeration, plumbing, paint- ing, and tile repairing expertise. Rather, Respondent maintains that Csonka's value as a welder is equivalent to that of unskilled employees who perform a variety of rel- atively simple tasks, and that the services of a welder, given the type of welding work customarily performed at Respondent's facility, are monetarily commensurate with the services of employees who replace toilet seats or fix shower doors. In addition to the wage being paid Conska which was higher than the wages of several employees who, unlike Csonka, were promoted to the group I classification, the value of Csonka's work to Respondent is further exhibit- ed by the fact that Brian Hale, after having been trained by Csonka and working with him 2 days per week for 21 However. Respondent does not deny that sometimes Csonka has been called upon to perform welding work which is of a more sophisti- cated and difficult nature. MGM GRAND-RENO. INC. some 9 months, was unable to perform the job when he succeeded to Csonka's position in April 1979. Upon ad- vising Respondent of this, Hale was furnished with a full-time assistant. Thus, it is clear that two full-time em- ployees were needed to perform the work which Csonka had previously performed with only part-time assistance. The added expense to Respondent is obvious. 22 More- over, it is clear that, when necessary, Csonka could be called upon to perform more sophisticated welding which Hale was incapable of performing. Finally, Souder's testimony does not withstand scruti- ny. Thus, Souder testified that on or about October 2, when the status of Csonka was being discussed by the three supervisors, Souder instructed Supervisor Williams to remove Csonka from the welding shop and assign him work throughout the facility in order to enable Csonka to acquire a breadth of experience which would qualify him as a group I engineer. Moreover, Souder went on to testify to his belief that within a short time Csonka would be so qualified. No reason or explanation was given for Williams' fail- ure to carry out this direct instruction. Thus, despite Souder's order, Williams' inaction virtually insured that Csonka would be indefinitely relegated to the status of a group 2 engineer. Moreover, the record is clear that Csonka had repeated discussions about the matter with Williams and other supervisors, 23 yet Williams contin- ued to disobey Souder, and simply reiterated that Csonka was lacking in the experience which would enable him to become a group I engineer. It appears that not until some 7 months later was Csonka first assigned such other work, and even after performing it satisfactorily Csonka has not yet been promoted, despite Souder's testimony that he believed in early October that such a promotion would be forthcoming within a short time. Nor has Re- spondent offered an explanation to show why Souder's expectations have not been realized. As a result of the foregoing, I do not credit Souder's testimony in this re- spect. On the basis of the foregoing, I find that the reasons advanced by Respondent for its failure to promote Csonka are not supported by the record. Moreover, cer- tain testimony proffered by Respondent lacks credibility in material respects, and the record contains no justifica- tion for Respondent's inordinate delay in affording Csonka the opportunity to perform other than welding work in order to qualify him as a grade I engineer, in accordance with Souder's aforementioned order to Wil- liams. The record abundantly demonstrates that Csonka was the Union's leading proponent, and Respondent readily admits its knowledge of Csonka's union activity. That 22 As nrited preliously. hether Hale was placed in the group I clasl- ficalion as a result of the welding work. or a a result of a combinalin or the welding and mechanical work. is unclear from the record, and I make no finding in this regard 2a It is significant that Supersisor Kelly expressed hi, belief to Csonka in no uncertain term, that ConLkia had heen unfairl denied Ihe desered promotiol It is also significant tha, a.lccording to the rtdited testimony of emplosee Htansen, Souder ad, i,ed tlallnsen tha the ials beinlg denied promotion hut thai it as not ecause of the fact he liied s ith Cslnka Souder did rnot deny or evenl attemlpt to explain wh hlie mlade this latle- metll o allnsen Respondent vigorously opposed the Union and wsaged a vigorous campaign replete with numerous group meet- ings and the distribution of written propaganda is also evidenced by the record. Further, the extent of Respond- ent's opposition to the Union is shown by the very con- siderable sums of money which were expended by Re- spondent in granting the wage increase which, I have found, was unlawfully motivated. Moreover, Respondent has otherwise violated the Act as found above. The treatment of Csonka, first by failing to promote him, then by advising him that he would not be eligible for a promotion until he became more ersatile, while at the same time precluding this eventuality by continuing to assign him only welding work, invites the conclusion that Respondent was desirous of causing Csonka to quit his employment, and/or of making Csonka an example of what may befall employees who actively support the Union. I conclude that the record evidence supports the complaint allegation that Csonka was denied a promotion as a result of his union activity, and that by such dispa- rate and deleterious treatment Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. See Grant's Home Irnivhi,tlg. Inc., 218 NLRB 757 (1975), enfd. 528 F.2d 926 (5th Cir 1976). 4. Coffeebreaks, the pool table The evidence shows that maintenance engineers had abused the coffeebreak privilege by not infrequently ex- tending the period beyond the alloted breaktime. Admit- tedly, Respondent's motivation for changing the location of coffeebreaks from the employees' cafeteria to the maintenance department was specifically designed to permit Respondent's supervisors to maintain closer obser- vation of the employees, as the employees' cafeteria was not customarily frequented by any maintenance depart- ment supervisors. While the General Counsel argues that the change of locations was designed to cause unit em- ployees to curtail their discussions of and activity on behalf of the Union, the record indicates that such dis- cussions continued, albeit perhaps in a more circumspect manner, and that management made no particular effort to eavesdrop on such discussions. Given the business justification consistently expressed by Respondent both at the hearing herein and at the time the change of location was instituted, and the relatively brief time Respondent's facility had been in operation, it appears that Respondent was diligent in correcting what it regarded as an unacceptable practice by the mainte- nance engineers, and there is insufficient record evidence to show that Respondent's motives were for purposes proscribed by the Act. Therefore, I find General Coun- sel's position to be unsubstantiated, and I shall dismiss this portion of the complaint. Likewise. I am unable to conclude, as urged b the General Counsel, that the appearance of the pool table in the maintenance engineers' locker room was designed to influence votes. Respondent presented specific arid un- contradicted testimony from responsible supervisors and managers who stated that they were unable to account for the pool table being placed in the locker room. It does not necessarily follow, as the General Counsel con- tends, that only Respondent could have instituted the t73 974 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD change. Indeed, the pool table was initially in close prox- imity to the locker room, and was not indispensable as a catchall for miscellaneous materials, and it is certainly not improbable that the pool table could have been relo- cated by the employees without management's permis- sion. Moreover, it appears that the pool table was used infrequently, and apparently not at all during working hours. Under the circumstances, even if the pool table had been placed in the locker room by Respondent for the employees' recreation, it is doubtful whether the em- ployees would have reasonably considered this conduct to amount to a conferral of a benefit designed to influ- ence their selection of a collective-bargaining representa- tive. I shall therefore also dismiss this allegation of the complaint. 5. The walking together rule Unlike the relocation of coffeebreaks, the rule an- nounced to all maintenance engineers prohibiting them from walking together, even to and from the same job, appears to have no reasonable business justification. To require employees to split up and take difference routes to the same job, or to remain physically distant from each other even if they happen to be heading in the same direction, appears to be no more than a conspicuous at- tempt to limit their communication. During the course of an organizational campaign and prior to an impending union election, such an uncommon rule must be regarded with suspicion. The suggested rationale for the rule, enunciated by Williams and Herbrechtsmeier, is not convincing, and indeed the testimony of the two individuals is inconsist- ent, particularly as Herbrechtsmeier stated that he was only concerned with prohibiting two employees from performing a job which could be readily handled by only one employee. The policy announced by Williams to the employees far exceeded the concerns of Her- brechtsmeier, and I find, in agreement with the General Counsel, that the rule prohibiting employees from walk- ing together was designed to limit the employees' discus- sion of the Union. I therefore find that, by such conduct, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. See As- trosystems, Inc., 203 NLRB 49 (1973) (discriminatorily re- stricting employees' movements in the plant). 6. The no-solicitation rules The General Counsel does not contend that Respond- ent's current no-solicitation rule is unlawful, but argues that at times material herein the Respondent promulgated inconsistent rules, one of which unlawfully limited solici- tation. The record shows that on May 6, prior to the union activity involved herein, the lawful current rule was distributed to each employee as part of Respondent's revised general rules, and was accompanied by memo- randum from Respondent's personnel director expressing the intent that the revised rules would allay any misun- derstanding created by the prior rules. However, for about 3 months thereafter, new hires continued to re- ceive the outdated employees' handbook, then undergo- ing revision, which contained an overly broad no-solici- tation rule. Distribution of this handbook was discontin- ued approximately a month after the inception of the Union's organizational campaign. There is no evidence that the employees were con- fused by the inconsistent rules during the course of the campaign, or that their activity on behalf of the Union was in any manner hampered or restricted as a result of the rule contained in the handbook. Rather, as the Gen- eral Counsel sought to present no evidence in this regard, it must be presumed that the employees, manage- ment, and the Union alike understood that the invalid rule contained in the handbook was inoperative and had been superseded by the current no-solicitation rule em- bodied in the revised general rules, which was promul- gated well in advance of the union campaign. I shall therefore dismiss this allegation of the complaint. See Harvey Aluminum (Incorporated), 156 NLRB 1353; De- troit Plastic Molding Co., 209 NLRB 763 (1974). 7. The discharge of Whaley I credit the testimony of Randall Williams, Respond- ent's employment manager, and find that, at the time he wrote the October 18 memo regarding Whaley's union solicitation, he had no firsthand knowledge of the reason for Whaley's termination. As noted above, Whaley did not impress me as a reliable witness and his highly abbre- viated testimony that he solicited employees in the laun- dry room prior to his discharge is unconvincing. Indeed, upon being discharged, Whaley seized upon another matter which occurred several days earlier, rather than the laundry room solicitation, as being the reason for his discharge. Had Whaley been soliciting in the laundry room immediately prior to his discharge on October 18, it is quite apparent that he would have emphazised this fact during the discharge interview. I therefore find that Whaley, a probationary employee, was not discharged for any unlawful reason, but rather was discharged for cause, as contended by Repondent. I shall therefore dis- miss this allegation of the complaint.2 4 CONCI.USIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the mean- ing of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act by coercively interrogating employees, threatening them with discharge and with loss of benefits and privileges, suggesting that they negotiate without the intervention of the Union, and by granting wage increases and an ac- companying classification system to induce employees to refrain from supporting the Union, and by prohibiting employees from walking together. 4. Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by unlawfully denying a promotion and wage in- crease to employee Andrew Csonka as a result of his ac- tivity on behalf of the Union. 5. Except as found above, Respondent has not engaged in other unfair labor practices as alleged. 24 While the testimony of Kelly and tierbrechtsmeier is not entirely consistent, nevertheless such inconsistency is not of such a critical nature, under the circumstances herein. to warrant a different result MGM GRAND-RENO, INC. 975 6. Certain unfair labor practices and concurrent meri- torious election objections, found herein, are sufficient to warrant the finding that Respondent has interfered with the free choice of employees in the election, and it is rec- ommended that the election be set aside and a second election directed. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I recommend that it be required to cease and desist therefrom and from any like or related conduct, and to post an appropriate notice attached hereto as "Appendix." Moreover, it is recommended that Respondent make whole employee Andrew Csonka for any loss of pay as a result of the discrimination against him, and promote him retroactively, with all attendant privileges and benefits, to the classification of a group I maintenance engineer. Said backpay is to be computed in the manner prescribed in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977). See, generally, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). It is further recommended that the representation pro- ceeding be remanded to the Regional Director for Region 32 for the conducting of a second election. Based upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record herein, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER 2 5 The Respondent, MGM Grand-Reno, Inc., Reno, Nevada, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Coercively interrogating its employees with regard to their union activities. (b) Threatening employees with discharge or loss of privileges or benefits as a result of their union activity. 2. In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. (c) Suggesting that employees negotiate without the intervention of the Union, and prohibit employees from walking together. (d) Granting wage increases and a classification system for the purpose of inducing employees to refrain from supporting the Union.2 6 (e) Unlawfully denying wage increases or promotions to a higher classification to employees in reprisal for their union activity. (f) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guar- anteed under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is nec- essary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Make whole and promote employee Andrew Csonka in the manner set forth in the section entitled "The Remedy." (b) Post at its Reno, Nevada, facility copies of the at- tached notice marked "Appendix." 27 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 32, after being duly signed by an authorized rep- resentative of Respondent, shall be posted by Respond- ent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to maintenance engineers or other unit employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or cov- ered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 32, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint be dis- missed insofar as it alleges unfair labor practices not herein found, and that the election held on October 6, 1978, in Case 32-RC-450 be set aside and a new election conducted. 26 However, nothing in this Decision shall be construed as requiring Respondent to rescind or modify the wage increases, wage progression system. or classification system instituted on or about October 2. 1978 27 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted P'ursu- ant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board" MOM GRAND-RENO, INC. 5 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation