Mclndustries, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 18, 1976224 N.L.R.B. 1298 (N.L.R.B. 1976) Copy Citation 1298 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Mclndustries , Inc and Amalgamated Clothing Work- ers of America, AFL-CIO, CLC Cases 10-CA- 11289 and 10-RC-10315 June 18, 1976 DECISION, ORDER, AND CERTIFICATION OF RESULTS CERTIFICATION OF RESULTS OF ELECTION It is hereby certified that a majority of the valid ballots have not been cast for Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, AFL-CIO, CLC, and that said labor organization is not the exclusive representative of all the employees in the unit herein involved, with- in the meaning of Section 9(a) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND WALTHER On March 16, 1976, Administrative Law Judge Paul L Harper issued the attached Decision in this proceeding Thereafter, the General Counsel filed ex- ceptions and a supporting brief, and Respondent filed cross-exceptions and a brief in answer to the General Counsel's exceptions Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions, cross-ex- ceptions, and briefs, and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administra- tive Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Or- der, as modified herein ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified herein, and hereby orders that the Respondent, Mc- Industries, Inc, Brilliant, Alabama, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as so modi- fied 1 Add the following as paragraph 1(c) "(c) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining , or coercing its employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization, to form labor orga- nizations , to join or assist Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, AFL-CIO, CLC, or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in any other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protec- tion, or to refrain from any or all such activities " 2 Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge i The Respondent and the General Counsel have excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge It is the Board s established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judges resolu tions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect Standard Dry Wall Products Inc 91 NLRB 544 (1950) enfd 188 F 2d 362 (C A 3 1951) We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for revers mg his findings The Administrative Law Judge made certain inadvertent errors ( 1) In the section of his Decision entitled Alleged Unlawful Interrogation par 4 the Administrative Law Judge stated that all employees testified that Mc Donald made only a salutatory remark when handing them the card whereas employee Roberts testified that McDonald pinned cards on some employees and asked her if she wanted a pin for her card and (2) in the section of his Decision entitled The Alleged Threat of Loss of Work par 6 the Administrative Law Judge attributed testimony that those that had signed the Union cards did not have to vote yes and those who voted no would have a job to employee Stone whereas it was actually said by em ployee Cotton and attributed testimony that McDonald stated that the election would be by secret ballot and no one would know how the employ ees voted to employee Stone whereas it was actually said by employees York and Hall The testimony of Roberts set forth in (1) above does not alter our deci sion herein since there is no evidence that any card was pinned on any employee against the employees wishes Farah Manufacturing Company Inc 204 NLRB 173 175-176 (1973) APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Act gives all employ- ees these rights To engage in self-organization To form, join, or help unions To bargain collectively through representa- tives of their own choosing To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any or all of these activi- ties WE WILL NOT interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the above-de- scribed statutory rights by attempting to prohib- it them from distributing union handbills in the vicinity of our plant nor prohibit their wearing union insignia or buttons on their persons while at work 224 NLRB No 180 McINDUSTRIES, INC 1299 WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act MCINDUSTRIES, INC DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE PAUL L HARPER, Administrative Law Judge Complaint in Case 10-CA-11289 was issued on August 8, 1975, alleg- ing violations of Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Re- lations Act, as amended Objections to the election were filed by the Union in Case 10-RC-10315 on May 23, 1975 An order consolidating cases was issued on October 24, 1975 Hearing in the above-entitled matters, with all parties represented, was conducted before me in Winfield, Ala bama, on December 9, 1975 Following the conclusion of the hearing, General Counsel, Respondent, and the Union filed briefs Upon the entire record, including my observation of the witnesses, and after careful consideration of the briefs, I make the following FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Respondent admits, and I find, that it is a corporation with an office and place of business in Brilliant, Alabama, where it is engaged in the manufacture of dress pants, that during the past calendar year it sold and shipped such fin- ished products valued in excess of $50,000 to customers across state lines, and that it is engaged in commerce with- in the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act Respon- dent further admits, and I find, that the Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act The Unfair Labor Practices Issues 1 Whether or not Respondent interrogated its employ- ees concerning their union membership or activity by urg- ing employees to pin "vote no" cards on their person 2 Threatened its employees with loss of work if they supported the Union 3 Unlawfully prohibited employees from distributing union leaflets on a sidewalk outside of the plant during the employees' nonworking hours 4 On or about May 19, after the election, unlawfully prohibited employees from wearing union insignia and di rected employees to remove union buttons from their clothing 5 On or about May 22 interrogated employees concern- ing their union membership, activities, and desires 6 On or about May 22 threatened employees it would be futile for the employees to organize a union because Respondent would not agree to a contract with the Union Pertinent Background A representation election was conducted in Case 10- RC-10315 on May 16, 1975 The Union failed to obtain a majority of valid votes cast On May 23, 1975, the Peti- tioner Union filed timely objections to the election There- after an investigation of the issues raised by the objections was conducted by the Atlanta Regional Office of the Board, and on October 1, 1975, the Regional Director is- sued his Report on Objections, recommending to the Board that a hearing be held to resolve issues raised by Objection 2, only to the extent that it alleges threats of economic reprisals, Objection 3, only to the extent that it alleges promulgation of an impermissible no-distribution rule, and Objections 4 and 6, that Objections 1 and 5 and the remaining portions of Objections 2 and 3 be overruled and that Case 10-RC-10315 be consolidated with Case 10- CA-11289 for the purpose of hearing On October 10, 1975, the Board, having received no exceptions to the Re- gional Director's report, issued an order consistent with his recommendations On October 24, 1975, the Regional Di- rector issued an order consolidating the two cases in the subject proceeding Alleged Unlawful Interrogation General Counsel and Union contend Respondent en- gaged in unlawful interrogation by Respondent 's president, William McDonald, on the morning of May 14, stationing himself near the plant entrance from about 6 30 a m to 7 a in, and handing out to the employees "vote no" cards as they came to work It is also contended that an employee, Francis Johnson , joined McDonald in this enterprise, by standing nearby and furnishing pins to the employees for use in attaching the card to their clothing Further, General Counsel and Union contend that Johnson , in view of Mc- Donald's acquiescence in her conduct , thereby became an agent of Respondent Several employees testified on behalf of the General Counsel and Union The facts are not in substantial dis- pute McDonald admitted his presence at the entryway on the morning of May 14, days before the election on May 16, admitted he greeted each employee who came to work and handed each employee a "campaign card" which car- ned the legend "vote no " He also testified that during the 30 or so minutes he engaged in tnis activity he noticed Francis Johnson, an employee, being present sporadically and saw her handing out pins to various employees He testified he said nothing to her about this The employees ' testimony is in substantial agreement with that of McDonald Their composite testimony reveals that McDonald, in handing them the "vote no" cards greeted them with "Good morning" or some like remark and nothing else There is no evidence that Johnson said or did anything more than hand pins to some of the employ- ees after receiving the card from McDonald Employee York testified as follows Q Did either of these persons say anything directly to you? A No more than just speak 1300 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Q Did you have on a Union Button9 A Yes, sir Q Was there any gesture made toward you with this card in any way9 A No He just handed it to me When asked when she first began wearing her union but- ton, York answered, "Oh, around March, March 1st " The testimony reveals that some of the employees ac- cepted the "vote no" cards but did not pin or attach the card on their person All testified that McDonald made only a salutatory remark when handing them the card Moreover, there is evidence in the record that employees campaigned for the Union during break periods, and hand- ed out union literature before and after working hours Furthermore, McDonald testified, credibly, that the card, (the size traditionally used by salesmen) was not designed or intended to be worn, and that it was his intent to con- duct a campaign to counter the electioneering of the Union Based on the above considerations, especially the fact that employees had been permitted to wear union insignia in the plant, the lack of evidence that McDonald or any other supervisor attempted to ascertain who wore the `vote no" card and who did not, the lack of proof of any agency on the part of employee Johnson who apparently was act- ing voluntarily and on her own, and the general absence of evidence of union animosity on the part of Respondent, I find the evidence contained in the record insufficient to support the complaint allegation that Respondent on or about May 14 "interrogated its employees concerning their union membership, activities, and desires by urging em- ployees to pin and pinning on their clothing "vote no" cards being distributed by President McDonald " Accord- ingly, I recommend this allegation contained in paragraph 9 of the complaint be dismissed The Alleged Threat of Loss of Work The General Counsel and Union contend that during at least one of several speeches or informal talks over the plant's PA system, Respondent's president, William Mc- Donald, made the statement to employees that those em- ployees who voted "no" in the upcoming election on May 16 "would have a job," and therefore the logical inference should follow that "those employees supporting the Union and who voted for the Union would not have work " To support this allegation of the complaint the General Counsel presented the testimony of Ella Faye York, Linda Roberts, Helen Cotton, Robert Stone, Wanda Hall, and Ann Smith The record reveals that there were at least four speeches delivered by McDonald over the PA system on March 25, April 28, May 5 and 15 at 10 30 am The election was conducted, as noted above, on May 16 between 1 and 2 30 pm York testified that during one of these talks, over the PA system, McDonald made reference to three other nearby business establishments, viz, the trailer plant,' the "Coke oven," and "Winfield Manufacturing' which had been "shut down on account of the unions and stated that Re- spondent had plenty of work, "and that everybody should vote `no' and said the ones that voted `no' would have a fob " Cotton, Hall, and Smith testified in similar vein Hall, however, volunteered that McDonald "didn't say nothing about those that voted `yes,' whether they would have a job or not He said those who voted `no' would have a job I don't know if those are the exact words or not " Roberts, contrary to the other witnesses regarding this allegation, although closely questioned by counsel for Gen- eral Counsel, could not recall the statement alluded to by the other witnesses After somewhat lengthy questioning Roberts testified as follows A And there was one, I don't remember if it was the last speech or the one before it, but he said that, you know, some people had come to him and wanted out of the Union And, that they had, that he told them that they could request their cards back, you know, that they had signed, or just because you did sign a card that you didn't, that didn t mean you had to vote for the Union, that you could vote "no " And, that is about all that I remember Q What, if anything, did he say about the avail- ability of work for, relative to the way you voted? A Well, he said we had plenty of work and that the fact that the Union did not worry about whether we had work or not They couldn't say that we would have work tomorrow and that's about all that I re- member Q What, if anything, did he say about the avail- ability of work for, relative to the way you voted9 A That I don't recall exactly Q All right One way or the other? A No Stone testified on direct examination that in one of his speeches to employees, McDonald said "that those that had signed the Union cards didn't have to vote `yes,' and those who voted `no' would have a fob " His testimony on cross-examination puts a somewhat different connotation on McDonald's alleged remarks Thus, Stone testified that "Mr McDonald was saying that they would have plenty of work, you know, like the other trailer place and the Coke oven and stuff like that that had shut down, and that he would have plenty of work still " Significantly, no mention is made of the alleged remark that those employees voting "no" would have a job Also Stone admitted on cross-ex- amination that he recalled McDonald's statement that the election would be by secret ballot and no one would know how the employees voted McDonald testified that in making the four brief talks over the plant's PA system, he read from prepared texts after consultation with his attorney, that some of the writ- ten texts contained his own notations of corrections, and that he then read verbatim from the corrected texts He denied emphatically that he made any remark to the effect that employees who voted "no' in the election would have ajob McDonald impressed me as a straightforward and en- tirely reliable witness, and I fully credit his denial that he made the one remark attributed to him by several former McINDUSTRIES, INC 1301 employee witnesses, as described above Besides placing full reliance on McDonald's denial I consider the following facts of significance There is some variation in the testimo- ny of all the witnesses presented by General Counsel, to the extent that it is not clear in what context the alleged remark is supposed to have been made, and at least one of the witnesses did not recall the remark at all In sum, based on all the pertinent testimony of record, I find that McDonald made only those statements contained in the written speeches and did not make the alleged threat that employees who voted "no" in the election would have a job Accordingly, I find inadequate evidence to sustain General Counsel's allegation that Respondent "threatened its employees with loss of work if they supported the Union " and therefore recommend such allegation contained in paragraph 8 of the complaint be dismissed The Alleged Prohibition of Employees from Distributing Union Leaflets About the first week in May 1975, shortly before starting time at 7 am, 2 weeks before the election, employee Ann Smith was distributing union literature near the main plant entrance She testified she was handing out union cam paign cards to employees as they were coming to work, that she was "standing there on the sidewalk just as you turn to go into the plant And, Bobby (Taylor) came out there and told me that I would have to get out in the street" From the photographic exhibits in the record, as well as credited testimony, Smith took one or two steps backwards and continued to hand union literature to em- ployee passersby on the sidewalk It is also clear from Smith's own testimony that there were other employees in her immediate vicinity engaged in the same activity which lasted a total of only 15 to 20 minutes Smith testified on cross-examination as follows Q All right Now, were the other three ladies, please, Mrs Beasley and Miss York, at the point you marked with an X on General Counsel's Exhibit 5, is that where they were standing? A Yes Q And did they continue to stand there throughout the time there and they passed out their cards? A Except Miss York She walked back down where Hinton and them were Q All right Now, did you continue to pass out your cards also? A Yes It is thus clear from Smith's own testimony that Smith was the only individual in the group who moved off the side- walk entryway to the plant, that the other employees were some distance from the entryway, that the other employees continued to distribute literature from their original posi- tions on the sidewalk, and that Smith, although taking a step or so backwards off the sidewalk onto the street, but still near the curbing, continued to hand out the union pamphlets until the group went in to work It is further noted that this is the only occasion during the entire union campaign that any employee had been allegedly interfered with while distributing union literature In this regard Smith testified as follows Q (By Mr Bowron) Miss Smith, no one ever inter- fered with your talking to employees in the plant, did they A No, sir Q Or passing out any cards or literature when you were not at work? A No, sir Q Nobody-am I correct in that? A That is right Q As a matter of fact, the Union also passed out other literature in and about the area of the plant at other times prior to this, without objection, did they not? A At our break area during break, we would talk to people Q And also you passed out some other literature at your breaks without objection? A Just inviting them to union meetings is all Q Which is the same thing you were doing on this occasion? A Yes Union Representative Hinton Henderson corroborated the testimony of Smith Henderson testified he was within 10 to 12 feet of Smith when Taylor approached Smith and asked her to "get off the sidewalk " Henderson also testified that Taylor had approached him earlier, while he was assisting the employees in distributing union literature, that Taylor, on arriving at the plant about 6 20 or 6 30 a in, and after parking his pickup truck, came over to Hen- derson and told him "that (he) was on company property, that the sidewalk belonged to them' Henderson replied, "Well, I will step back down on the side of it on the pavement And, he said, the pavement was theirs, too " Henderson then told Taylor, "Well, Bobby, you will have to do what you have to do, anyway, I'm going to do my job and you can do yours and so, I continued to give handbills " At the time Taylor made these remarks two other union staff representatives and two to three em- ployees were standing nearby Taylor did not deny the alleged conduct attributed to him by Smith and Henderson, and I find he engaged in the conduct as described in their testimony Respondent de- fends this conduct on the grounds that Taylor merely re quested Smith "to refrain from blocking the congested plant entrance by moving a short distance," and further, that Taylor did not tell the employee she could not hand out the union leaflets and it was obviously his intention to ` only clear the main entrance to the plant ' Respondent further argues that such request had no coercive effect on Smith since she `merely moved a few steps and continued to hand out the literature", and that employees had hand- ed out leaflets on company property in the past without interference from supervisors There are several fallacies to Respondent's argument First, no evidence was produced to establish there was, in fact, any "congestion" at or near the plant entrance on the day in question Secondly, there is no evidence in the rec- ord to the effect that Taylor had received any employee 1302 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD complaints that there was such a problem of ingress to the plant Even so, if Taylor had confined his remarks to em- ployee Smith, it might have been more persuasive that he had a legitimate concern about ingress as Smith apparently was stationed nearer to the plant entrance than the other individuals involved But Taylor did not so confine his re marks He first approached Union Respresentative Hen- derson, admonishing him, in the presence of employees, that Henderson was in effect trespassing on company property The fact that Henderson was unmoved by Taylor's remarks does not erase the coercive nature of Taylor's statements Based on all the above considerations, I find that Taylor's statements to Smith and Henderson on this one occasion, under all the circumstances, especially his remark that both were on company property and should "get off company property," interfered with employees' rights un- der Section 7 of the Act to distribute union literature and otherwise engage in organizational activities, and thereby violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act Respondent's Alleged Conduct in Prohibiting Employees From Wearing Union Insignia and Directing Employees To Remove Union Buttons From Their Clothing The facts concerning this allegation are not in substan- tial dispute On May 10, 1975, some 3 calendar days after the May 16 election, but the first working day thereafter, Plant Manager Taylor approached employees Cotton and Hall at their work stations and asked them to remove their union buttons Taylor remarked, according to Cotton, " as far as we're concerned, the Union is over We have won There is no more to it " Hall corroborated Cotton's account of this incident Robert Stone testified that on this same day Taylor came to him while at work and asked Stone to remove his union button Stone at first refused and Taylor then escorted him to McDonald's office McDonald told Stone he would have to remove the button Stone complied Taylor testified, "That morning after the election I had several employees coming in wearing buttons, and, I felt like since the election was over, which was on Friday, we did win the election, I felt like the election was over So, I did ask people to remove them All employees removed their union buttons as requested but the next day and for several days thereafter, continued to wear the union insignia at work Taylor, after conferring with McDonald, who in turn consulted Respondent's at- torney, refrained thereafter in engaging in such conduct McDonald's testimony regarding these incidents on May 19 corroborates that of Taylor While McDonald's and Taylor's testimony suggests the connotation that their statements to employees May 19 were merely requests that employees remove their union insignia, it is clear to me that whether requested or ordered, the employees reasonably assumed a refusal would pro- voke disciplinary action, even discharge Their testimony so indicates That Taylor intended his statement to be more than a request is shown by his action in taking Stone, who had refused Taylor's "request," to Respondent's chief executive officer, William McDonald I find, under all the circumstances surrounding the May 19 incidents, that Respondent's conduct constituted interference, restraint, and coercion of employees in the exercise of rights guaran- teed under Section 7 of the Act, and therefore a violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act Postelection Interrogation The complaint alleges, at paragraphs 12 and 13, that on or about May 22, 1975, Plant Manager Taylor interrogated employees concerning their union membership and activi- ties and that it would be futile to organize a union because Respondent would not agree to a contract with the Union In support of these allegations the General Counsel re- lies exclusively on the testimony of Ella Faye York who testified about one conversation she had with Taylor about a week after the election Taylor, on the day in question, according to York, approached her at work and said, "Ella Faye, I want to talk to you about why you thought you wanted the Union " York then proceeded into a somewhat lengthy discussion about her views and reasons for wanting a union in the plant She told Taylor there were " so many reasons you wouldn't want to hear them " Then she elaborated on the reasons stating, among other things, that "retirement," "better working condi- tions," "more pay raises," "better insurance," "more paid holidays," and "more vacation pay" were some of the goals she had in mind The conversation lasted "around 35, 40 minutes I just sat back and talked to him " Near the end of the conversation Taylor commented, according to York, that just because the employees "got a union in didn't mean that you would get a contract " Taylor did not deny any portion of York's testimony regarding this incident, and I therefore credit her testimony and find that Taylor made the statements attributed to him by York I Although General Counsel presented only York's testimony to support the compaint allegation of un lawful interrogation, Taylor's testimony indicated he talked to other employees in a similar manner Thus, he testified, I was talking with all my people I merged through the line and I was trying to feel out the people to get back feedback on information so that as the Company and as me, as plant manager, could get inside information and detail to start working on problems that had been brought out into the line, because, we knew that we had problems " Taylor expressed the fact that the election was over and he did not feel he was "breaking any laws" be- cause he `was trying to do my fob " The above is the sum total of evidence presented con cerning this incident The General Counsel and Union ar- gue the conversation between Taylor and York constitutes both unlawful interrogation and a threat of futility" in 1 With the exception regarding Taylor s alleged comment that just be cause the employess got a union in didn t mean that you would bet a contract If Taylor made such a comment which I doubt it had to be a purely hypothetical remark as the Union had just lost the election and contract negotiation was not in the picture a fact known to both York and Taylor I discredit York s testimony to the extent that it describes Taylor s remark as a threat by Respondent The alleged threat that unionization by the employees would be a futility because Respondent would not negotiate a contract is completely non sequitur with the existing facts McINDUSTRIES INC 1303 view of Taylor's remark that unionization did not mean the Union would get a contract The composite testimony of York and Taylor establishes that Taylor not only questioned York about why she want- ed to be represented by a union, but also admittedly had similar conversations with other employees It is not clear what Taylor meant by testifying he was trying to get "feed- back" from such conversations to help solve "problems " Several inferences seem permissible, but I believe whatever his reasons may have been are irrelevant to the question of whether or not he engaged in unlawful interrogation In assessing the lawful versus the unlawful nature of this conversation there are several more factors to be consid- ered The election was over, however, the question con- cerning representation had not been completely settled as objections were later to be filed by the Union Further, York was one of many employees who wore her union button to work and was easily identified by Taylor as one of the union proponents The conversation, for the most part apparently dominated by York, took on the appear- ance of a debate concerning the relative merits of unions as argued by York against Taylor's contrary position Thus, Taylor was obviously aware of York's feeling about the Union by the very nature of his opening remarks There is no suggestion, with one exception noted above, of any threat of reprisal or promise of benefit to forsake the Union in the conversation Interrogation is not always unlawful, especially when it is not accompanied by any explicit threat (the alleged threat has been found unsubstantiated by credible evi- dence) and if, under all the circumstances, coercion is not implicit in the question Relative factors include whether there has been a background of employer hostility to and discrimination against the Union Such evidence of hostili- ty and discrimination is absent in the subject case Another relevant factor is whether the identity of the questioner and the place or method of interrogation imbue the interview with an unnatural formality which tends to intimidate the employee There is ample testimony herein that supervi- sors, including the plant manager, worked closely together, many of the personalities involved being friends of long standing Certainly York did not give the impression of intimidation and there was no formality or method of an intimidating nature Lastly, I have considered the factor of whether employees concealed their allegiance to the Union and whether the interrogation was conducted partly to as- certain such allegiance or membership The evidence re- futes such a possible finding as it is clear York displayed her union insignia at work for a period of several weeks before the election Others did likewise As already noted the election was over, the Union had lost, and the alleged interrogation carried no promise of favor or benefit to abandon their union allegiance nor any threat of reprisal if they continued such allegiance Based on these consider- ations, I find the evidence is insufficient to sustain the alle- gations of unlawful interrogation contained in paragraph 12 of the complaint in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act I further find the evidence of record is insufficient to support the allegations in paragraph 13 of the complaint and therefore recommend paragraphs 12 and 13 of the complaint be dismissed Objection to Election The election was held between 1 and 2 30 p m on May 16, 1975 Of about 175 eligible voters, 170 ballots were cast, 59 for the Petitioner, 102 against, and 9 were challenged The challenged ballots were not sufficient in number to affect the results of the election On May 23, 1975, the Petitioner filed timely objections to the election As the Union points out in its brief the evidence regarding para- graphs 8, 9, and 10 of the complaint are coextensive with Objections 2, 6, and 3 respectively The only objection not coextensive with the complaint is Objection 4, as follows Employer agents, manager, and/or supervisors re- mained impermissibly close to the polling place during the conduct of the election The Union contends there was extensive surveillance by Respondent's supervisors during the election and also a prolonged conversation initiated by Supervisor Hulsey with an employee standing in line to vote The testimony of York, Smith, and Roberts as well as Supervisors Taylor, Weeks, and Hulsey pertains to this ob- jection In order to fairly assess the question of surveillance it is necessary to consider the physical layout of the plant and the area of the plant where the voting took place The bal- loting took place in a "breezeway" between two large open sections of the plant and within a few feet of the main office 2 Therefore employees standing in line to vote were sometimes clearly visible to other employees and supervi- sors from their work stations Supervisory witnesses testi- fied, without contradiction, that the nature of their duties occasionally required movement from one area of the plant to another All supervision had been instructed by top management and legal counsel of expected conduct during the election Employees York, Smith, and Roberts testified that at various intervals during the election they saw Supervisors Weeks and Hulsey near the voting area Roberts testified she saw Plant Manager Taylor "position himself" where he could observe employees in line to vote York testified that on one occasion Supervisor Hulsey approached her while she was standing in line to vote and engaged in a 5-minute conversation York testified Hulsey said nothing about the election or Union York testified, as did others, that the voting line was visible to others working in the plant She testified as fol- lows it9 Q Is this area visible in the rest of the plant) A Yes, it was Q So the employees who were working could see A Yes Q The line and the polling lines" A Yes York further testified that while standing in line to vote, 2 All witnesses were in agreement regarding the plant layout and the bal loting location relative to other areas of the plant 1304 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Supervisor Hulsey engaged her in a conversation for a peri- od of about 5 minutes On cross-examination York testified as follows Q (By Bowron) Miss York, during the time that Miss Hulsey was there, she just made talk in general and didn't say anything about the election9 A Right Q And she didn't say anything about the Union9 A No, she didn't During the time York was standing in the voting line she saw Plant Manager Taylor "standing in his office door" and Supervisor Weeks "standing back over by a machine back in where the girls were working " Employee Roberts testified she noticed Supervisor Hulsey cross through the voting line, that Hulsey "was coming from her department and going over into the other department She could have went back and went around the other door " She also testified she saw Plant Manager Taylor and Personnel Director Holt standing and talking in the vicinity of the polling area On cross-examination Roberts testified that Taylor and Holt were separated from the voting area by a wall and further "they had no contact with any of the vot- ers " Employee Smith testified that while waiting in line to vote she saw Supervisor Weeks walk through the voting line going from one work area into another "two or three times " She testified Weeks did not stop or speak to anyone in the voting line Supervisor Hulsey admitted that on at least one occasion it was necessary for her to pass near the vicinity of the voting line in order to carry out her normal duties and responsbilities She denied engaging in conversation with any of the voters Hulsey also acknowledged there was an- other passageway from one plant area to another near the rear of the plant but that she normally used the passage most convenient at any given time On cross-examination Hulsey was asked specifically if she recalled speaking to employee York "on the day of the election " Hulsey denied any such recollection Plant Manager Taylor testified that he went near the voting area only on one occasion and that was to ask the Board agent , by prearrangement, if he should release an- other employee group for voting purposes The agreed- upon procedure was to have the receptionist, upon Taylor's instruction, to page the different departments over the PA system Taylor denied being near the main office during the balloting, testifying "that office was locked That is where the polling election was held " He acknowledged it was possible for him to have talked with Personnel Direc- tor Holt during the election as this was normal procedure during any workday Concluding Findings As already noted Objections 2, 3, and 6 are coextensive with complaint paragraphs 8, 9, and 10 As I have recom- mended dismissal of complaint paragraphs 8 and 9 for in- sufficient evidence, I accordingly recommend Objections 2 and 6 be overruled Although sufficient evidence was complaint the violation found involved only one rather iso- lated incident of interference with the distribution of union handbills on May 7, 1975, about 10 days before the repre- sentation election Although conduct violative of Section 8(a)(1) is a fortiori, normally held to be conduct which in- terferes with the exercise of a free and untrammeled choice in an election "because the test of conduct which may in- terfere with the `laboratory conditions' for an election is considerably more restrictive than the conduct which amounts to interference, restraint, or coercion which vio- lates Section 8(a)(1)" 3 such a test should not be applied mechanically Except for the fact that this infringement on Section 8(a)(1) occurring on this one and only occasion before the election (therefore during the critical period be- tween petition and election) is coupled with one other in- fringement occurring after the election, the one preelection violation would be so isolated as to not call for a remedial order herein That being so, I find that Taylor's conduct on May 7 before the election on May 16 could not be reason- ably said to have had any impact whatever on the outcome of the election Although the effect of the conduct on the employees is not a fair test in determining whether or not Section 8(a)(1) has been violated, the fact that they contin- ued their union activities (distributing union handbills) without interruption is at least some indication of the lack of impact on the results of the election In these circum- stances I find that the allegations contained in Objection 3 have not been sustained and accordingly recommend that Objection 3 be overruled With respect to Objection 4, I find the evidence inade- quate to sustain such allegations and recommend Objec- tion 4 be overruled I base this recommendation on the following The Union's position that Respondent' s agents and supervisors "remained impermissibly close to the poll- ing place during the conduct of the election" is twofold (1) That there was "extensive surveillance" by such agents and supervisors during the election, and (2) that Supervisor Hulsey engaged employee York in a prolonged conversa- tion during the time York was waiting in line to vote As to (1) above, I find the evidence is totally lacking of unlawful surveillance As noted hereinabove the polling place was located in a "breezeway" between two large open areas of the plant and in proximity to the main office Presumably the Union and the Board agent conducting the election approved the polling area, location of ballot box, observ- ers, method of releasing employees to vote, etc, prior to the election The composite testimony of all the witnesses who testified in this proceeding revealed that the polling area was visible to employees and supervisors alike from most other areas of the plant The supervisors, allegedly involved in the surveillance, acknowledged it was occasion- ally necessary to pass in the vicinity of the polling place but denied any conduct which could be viewed as surveillance The testimony of the Union' s witnesses does not establish any acts of surveillance There remains only the alleged prolonged conversation between Supervisor Hulsey and employee York Although I have heretofore credited portions of York s testimony found to sustain the allegations of paragraph 10 of the Home Division of DePaul Community Health Center 221 NLRB 839 (1975) 3 Dal Tex Optical Company Inc 137 NLRB 1782 (1962) St Anne s McINDUSTRIES, INC 1305 and discredited other portions, I must again discredit her testimony, at least that portion about being engaged in pro- longed conversation by Supervisor Hulsey, while York was standing in line to vote 4 I find that the alleged prolonged conversation did not occur Accordingly, I recommend Objection 4 be overruled CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1 Mclndustries, Inc, is an employer engaged in com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act 2 The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act 3 Respondent did not violate the Act as alleged in para- graphs 8, 9, 12, and 13 of the complaint or otherwise not specifically found herein 4 Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by in- terfering with employees while distributing union handbills near the plant as alleged in paragraph 10 of the complaint and by prohibiting employees from wearing union insignia on their clothing while at work, as alleged in paragraph 11 of the complaint 5 Respondent has not engaged in conduct affecting the conduct of the election on May 16, 1975, or the results of such election as alleged in the Union's objections filed on May 22, 1975 6 The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act REMEDY In order to remedy the unfair labor practices found here- in my recommended Order will require Respondent to cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative ac tion as set forth in the following Order 4 York impressed me as being a loquacious individual (almost garrulous) For example she testified regarding her interrogation by Plant Manager Taylor I just sat back and talked to him around 35 40 minutes Moreover she explicitly detailed the content of such conversation with Tay for Significantly there is ro evidence regarding the contents of the alleged conversation with Hulsey only the admission that Hulsey made only gen eral remarks and said nothing about the election or Union Even in Mil chem Inc 170 NLRB 362 (1968) cited by the Union the Board stated its holding therein does not mean that any chance isolated innocuous coin ment or inquiry by an employer or union official to a voter will necessarily Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, and the entire record herein , and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby recommend the following ORDERS Mclndustries , Inc, Brilliant , Alabama, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns, shall 1 Cease and desist from (a) Interfering with our employees by attempting to pro- hibit their distribution of union literature or handbills in the vicinity of the plant (b) Interfering and restraining employees in the exercise of their statutory rights to wear union insignia on their clothing while at work 2 Take the following affirmative action necessary to ef- fectuate the policies of the Act (a) Post at its plant in Brilliant, Alabama, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix " 6 Copies of said no- tice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Re- gion 10, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof , and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter , in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted Rea- sonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material (b) Notify the Regional Director, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respon- dent has taken to comply herewith IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Union's objections be overruled in their entirety and that the results of the elec- tion conducted by the Board on May 16, 1975, be certified by the Board void the election If there had been a prolonged conversation between Hulsey and York I am convinced York would have again elaborated on the contents of such alleged conversation I credit Hulsey s denial that there was such a conversation as alleged by York 5 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board the findings conclusions and recommended Order herein shall as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations be adopted by the Board and become its findings conclusions and Order and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes 6 In the event that the Board s 0-der is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals the words in the notice reading Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board shall read Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation