McKesson Chemical Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsNov 23, 1979246 N.L.R.B. 584 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation IDF('ISIONS 01 NATI)NAI. LABOR REL.AIO()NS BOARI) McKesson Chemical Company, A Division of Fore- most-McKesson Chemical, Inc. and Steven Katz. Case 22- CA- 8742 November 23, 1979 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBI:RS PINEI.LO, MURPHY, ANI) TRUI:SI)AI. On June 8, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Max Rosenberg issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed excep- tions and a supporting brief, and Respondent filed an answering brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- ders that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. I The General Counsel has excepted to certain credibility findings made b) the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. The Administrative Law Judge made three findings in sec. Ill of his Deci- sion which are not supported by the record. Thus, the Administrative Law Judge found that Charging Party Katz denied ever receiving a disciplinary suspension but admitted on cross-examination that he was suspended on May 11 1978. There is, however, no testimony in the record that Katz admitted that he had been suspended. The Administrative Law Judge also found that Katz testified inconsistently as to whether Plant Manager Cooper or group leader Bell had ever ordered him to disregard delivery instructions and that Katz' testimony was inconsistent as to whether Cooper was at work on September 22. The record indicates, however, that Katz testified consis- tently with regard to both of these matters. These errors by the Administra- tive Law Judge do not, however, warrant reversal of his conclusions that Respondent did not violate Sec. 8(a)(3) and (4) of the Act by suspending Charging Party Katz. DECISION S1TAI MENT OF litlI CASE MAX ROSENBIERu(, Administrative Law Judge: With all parties represented, this proceeding was heard before me in Newark, New Jersey, on March 23, 1979, upon a complaint filed by the General Counsel of the National Labor Rela- tions Board and an answer submitted thereto by McKesson Chemical ompany, A Division of Foremost-McKesson, Inc., herein called Respondent.l At issue is whether Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (4) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, by certain conduct to be detailed below. Briefs have been received from the General Counsel and Respondent, which have been duly consid- ered. Upon the entire record made in this proceeding, includ- ing my observation of' the demeanor of each witness who testified herein, I hereby make the following: FINI)IN(S O()F FA( I AN[) CO()N(I SIONS I. lilt BUSINESS ()I RSP')NI)ENI During the times material herein Respondent, a Mary- land corporation, has maintained a business and storage facility in East Avenel, New Jersey, where it is engaged in the purchase, sale, and distribution of industrial chemicals and related products. During the material annual period Respondent caused to be sold and distributed at the East Avenel plant products, goods, and materials valued in ex- cess of $50,000, of which products, goods, and materials valued in excess of $50,000 were shipped from said facility in interstate commerce directly to States of the United States other than the State of New Jersey. The complaint alleges, the answer admits, and I find that Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 11. 11ttE IABOR ORG(AN.AI'ION INVOI.VEI) It is undisputed and I find that United Steel Workers of America, AFL ('1O , herein called the Union, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. Ill. 1 liL AI.I.EGEI) UNFAIR ABOR PRA(CICES This litigation arises out of the General Counsel's claim that Respondent suspended employee Steven Katz from his job as a bulk tank delivery driver for 3 days without pay on September 29, 1978,2 because he joined and supported the Union in its organizational endeavors at Respondent's East Avenel facility and because he gave testimony under the Act and thereby violated Section 8(a)(3) and (4) of the stat- ute. Respondent asserts that the suspension was triggered solely by Katz' failure to follow instructions regarding the delivery of its products to a customer who had complained about this dereliction. Respondent sells and distributes industrial chemicals and related products throughout the Northeastern States. In the course of its operations it maintains seven sales locations which receive orders from customers in those areas for packaged and bulk chemical materials. When orders are obtained they are transmitted to its transportation facilities, such as the one centered in East Avenel, for fulfillment and delivery by Respondent's vehicles or common carriers. At the times material herein Respondent's East Avenel work complement consisted of approximately 18 ware- housemen and drivers. One of those drivers, Steven Katz, The complaint. which issued on November 16, 1978. is based upon a charge which was filed and served on October 2, 1978. 2All dates herein are in 1978. 246 NLRB No. 95 584 McKESSON CHEMICAI COMPANY the Charging Party herein, had been employed as a bulk tank driver for a little over 1 year prior to this proceeding. In this capacity he drove a chemical bulk tank truck from the East Avenel installation to Respondent's customers. Katz' immediate supervisor is Rick Cooper, Respondent's bulk plant manager. Another character in this legal drama is Ray Bell. who is classified as a group leader. Katz testified that toward the end of August he and his fellow employees held a meeting during which the subject of unionization arose. As a result of their discussion the men designated him as their emissary to seek out a labor organization to represent them. Shortly thereafter. Katz contacted an official of the Union who invited him and the other employees to a meeting at Union headquarters to learn about the benefits of union representation. To publi- cize this event Katz posted a notice in a trailer in Respon- dent's yard which housed the clerical staff and which also served as Plant Manager Cooper's office. This notice, which was handicrafted by Katz but did not identify him as the author, announced that the meeting was to be conducted on August 30 in Cooper's lounge at 7:30 p.m. and bore the notation "excluding group leaders."' This was not the first occasion on which notices of employee meetings had ap- peared in the trailer, for Cooper's testimony is undenied and I find that on many occasions prior to the advent of the Union an employees' grievance committee utilized the trailer to publicize their meetings, and so far as this record stands Cooper had no reason to believe that the gathering scheduled for the evening of August 30 was sponsored by the Union. In an attempt to attribute knowledge of Katz' union activities to Respondent the General Counsel drew from the employee testimony that shortly after the notice was posted Cooper removed it from the trailer wall and told Katz that all employees, including group leaders. should be invited to the gatherings However, Katz admitted that Cooper did not forbid the employee from reposting the no- tice as modified, and he also admitted that Cooper never discussed the subject of the Union with him at any time. Katz further testified that on or about August 31 a union meeting was conducted at that entity's headquarters, which was attended by a number of employees. At the conclusion of the session the union representative distributed authori- zation cards and campaign buttons bearing the legend "Vote Yes For Steelworkers" to the assemblage, and he advised the men that he intended to file an election petition with the Board's Regional Office on the following day. Ac- cording to Katz. he immediately pinned the button on his jacket and thereafter continued openly to wear it on his person while at work, and he appended one on the muffler of his tractor. While Katz contended that he was the only employee who sported this decal on the job with regularity. his testimony on this score is hardly supported by the testi- monial utterances of James Bellina, a repacker employed at the warehouse until November when he was discharged for insubordination, who was called as a witness on behalf of Katz explained that this lounge actually housed the union headquarters However, there is absolutely no evidence on this record w hich even remotcl suggests that Plant Manager Cooper was aware of hls happenstance. ' As chronicled elsewhere in this Decision, the two group leaders em ployed by Respondent voted without challenge in a representation election conducted by the Board on November 3 among Respondent's emplosees at East Avenel the General ('ounsel. Bellina reported that he had observed Katz wear the button only on "a ew occasions." and Bel- lina acknowledged that he and employee Dennis Dil.ossi also wore them on their persons. The parties stipulated that on September I the Union filed a petition for an election with the Board's Regional Office in Case 22 RC 7622: a hearing thereon was held on September 25, and an election was conducted on November 3. The Union was successful in the balloting and thereafter received a Board certification as the majority representative of the employees at the East Avenel facility, including group leaders. Events abided until the morning of Friday. September 22. It is Katz' testimony that after punching in at approxi- mately 8 a.m. in the warehouse he immediately proceeded to the trailer to pick up his work assignments. Upon enter- ing he noted the presence of group leader Ray Bell and several employees, including James Bellina and Peter Catano. According to Katz. Plant Manager Cooper was ab- sent that entire week because he was attending a regional conference called by Respondent in a distant locale and therefore was not at the facility on September 22. Katz thereupon proceeded to his assignment bin from which he withdrew two bills of lading. One hill referred to a shipment of liquid chemicals destined for a customer named Eaton Allen. which was located in Brooklyn. New York. and car- ried a shipment date of September 22 at an unspecified time. The second bill bore the customer name of Chem- Power a firm situated in Cedar Knolls, New Jersey. The Chem-Power bill of lading, which was introduced into evi- dence by the General Counsel. indicated that the delivery was also scheduled for September 22 and clearly bore the typewritten instruction: "Note. Delivery Before Noon." In a box signifying the mode of shipment the name of a pri- vate carrier. Keating, whose services Respondent also uti- lized, was inserted. Turning to group leader Bell. Katz in- quired, "I wonder which one I should do first?" and Bell replied. "Do Eaton Allen first. They were supposed to have a delivery there yesterday and we missed it. Make sure you go there first." According to Katz. during Plant Manager Cooper's absences he and the other employees looked to Bell for shipping instructions and other guidance whenever problems arose. Upon receiving these instructions Katz opined that it "would make sense" to service Eaton Allen first because that company was a very good account of Re- spondent's and to avoid any complaint about lack of sup- plies by that enterprises. In his testimony Katz initially de- nied that the inscription "Note. Delivery Before Noon" or the name of Keating appeared on the bill of lading for C'hem-Power which he received that day. On cross-exami- nation Katz then gave the curious response that "I do recall seeing that and I recall not seeing that." According to Katz. written delivery instructions appeared on his lading bills prior to September 22 on almost a daily basis. and when he asked Bell or Cooper about following them he received word "about in every instance" to disregard the instruc- tions. Katz then admitted that prior to that day Bell had never told the driver to disregard written orders. Finally, Katz once more changed gears and allowed as how on a "few occasions" Bell advised the employee to "do the best you can" in satisfying delivery schedules. Continuing Katz' testimonial narrative, he asserted that 585 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD he tarried in the trailer for 45 minutes after he reported at 8 a.m., loaded his vehicle, and departed the yard at 10 a.m. to make his first delivery to Eaton Allen on Friday, September 22. However, his daily driver's report clearly demonstrates that, contrary to his testimonial assertion, Katz actually de- parted the yard at 8:50 a.m. Katz made the delivery to Eaton Allen and then proceeded to Chem-Power, pulling into the dock at the plant between 1:30 and 2 p.m. Katz claimed that when he arrived he received no complaint from that company's officials about his late arrival but rather was called to task about improperly parking his truck at the dock. In describing the scene when he appeared at Chem-Power Katz acknowledged that "They weren't prepared for the delivery at all" so he "first ... had to go inside and help them find enough drums for the material they ordered." On Monday, September 25, Katz appeared at the repre- sentation election hearing conducted at the Board's Re- gional Office in Case 22-RC-7622 and was the only em- ployee who testified in support of the Union's petition. Katz further testified that on September 26 he was sum- moned to Cooper's office. When he arrived Cooper an- nounced that he had received a call from Respondent's salesman who handled the Chem-Power account, that the salesman reported that this customer had complained about the late delivery on September 22, the fact that Respon- dent's truck was improperly docked at its plant, and threat- ened to cancel the account unless some disciplinary action was taken against the driver. Cooper further reported that the salesman asked what discipline he intended to mete out to placate the customer, and Cooper informed Katz that he had not made a decision at the time. Katz thereupon ex- claimed that Bell had given him instructions to make the delivery to Eaton Allen first, an order which Katz followed because he believed it was ia the best interests of Respon- dent to do so. Cooper replied that it was impossible for Katz to have received such an instruction from Bell because the group leader was not even at work on September 22. and the conversation ended. On September 29 Katz was again called to the plant manager's office. In an ensuing conversation Cooper stated that he had learned from Respondent's salesman that Chem-Power's officials were furious over the September 22 incident and had threatened to cancel their account unless some form of discipline was taken against the offender. Al- though Katz repeated his explanation for his failure to make a timely delivery to that customer, Cooper announced that he had decided to punish Katz by suspending him for 3 days without pay to demonstrate to Chem-Power that Re- spondent had taken care of the complaint. At this juncture Cooper drafted a disciplinary suspension form which Katz refused to sign. Katz protested that he had merely followed Bell's orders and "couldn't believe that he [Cooperl was doing this to me because a customer maybe got upset be- cause we were late or whatever." When the discussion con- cluded Katz retorted that he "would just lose personal re- spect" for Cooper and left the office. On direct examination, Katz emphatically denied that he had ever been previously disciplined with suspension for contravening Respondent's instructions. In doing so Katz demonstrated his lack of re- gard for the truth, for he was forced to confess on cross- examination that he had indeed been suspended on May 11 for his failure to obtain weight tickets for a delivery and was warned that the next infraction would lead to his dis- charge. In his attempt to prove that Respondent's suspension of Katz on September 29 for violating delivery instructions was merely a pretext to cloak its design to punish him for joining and assisting the Union in its organizational drive and for having given testimony on behalf of the Union in the representation proceeding, the General Counsel labored at length to establish that group leader Bell, who allegedly altered the delivery instructions on that day, was an agent of Respondent whose actions in the regard were binding on Respondent. I deem it unnecessary to resolve this issue be- cause even were I to find that Bell did occupy this status I am not convinced that Katz' testimony regarding the events which transpired on September 22 is worthy of belief. In the normal course of operations customer orders are received in Respondent's sales office in Woodbridge, New Jersey, and are then phoned into the East Avenel trailer where the substance of the order is typed on bills of lading by the office secretary. The secretary then reproduces the name and quantity of the product bought, the name and address of the customer, and any special handling instruc- tions. When he is on duty Cooper makes the delivery as- signments himself by placing the bills of lading in the driv- ers' bins which are located in the trailer where he maintains his office. While Respondent attempts to utilize its own drivers, it also contracts for deliveries with common carriers such as Keating when the need arises. Cooper testified without contradiction and I find that on Monday, September 18 he left work at the East Avenel yard to attend a regional meeting of Respondent's manag- ers at Rochelle Park. New Jersey, and did not return to the jobsite until 5:30 p.m. on September 21. Not finding Bell on duty. Cooper inquired of the office secretary into Bell's whereabouts and learned that earlier that afternoon Bell had accidentally splashed some sulphuric acid from one of the storage drums on his chest and had rushed to the hospi- tal for treatment. Cooper explained that when he is at work at the facility, which is about 95 percent of the time, he does the final scheduling of deliveries between 4 and 4:30 p.m. with the secretary for delivery either by his trucks or a common carrier the next day. Cooper's testimony is undisputed and I find that at 9:20 a.m. on September 21 the office secretary received the Chem-Power order by phone and typed it on a bill of lad- ing. This document reflected the customer's desire for deliv- ery on September 22 before noon. Late that afternoon upon his arrival at the trailer from Rochelle Park. Cooper sched- uled the order to be dispatched by the Keating firm. On September 20 Respondent had also received an order from Eaton Allen fbor a delivery out of the ast Avenel yard on September 22. Cooper reported for work at 8 a.m. on Fri- day, September 22, and completed and then placed the Ea- ton Allen bill of lading in Katz' bin which the driver ob- tained shortly thereafter. After making other work assignments Cooper noticed the ('hem-Power order, and observing that Keating had been scheduled to make the delivery before noon Cooper decided to give this assign- ment to Katz in view of the fact that the latter had only one scheduled delivery for that morning. (Cooper thereupon ventured out onto the loading platform between 8:30 and 586 McKESSON CHEMICAL COMPANY 8:45 a.m. where he found Katz, and the plant manager handed the Chem-Power bill of lading to him. It is Cooper's testimony that when he turned over the document to Katz the driver did not ask about any changes in the order of deliveries, and Cooper did not direct any change. Cooper further testified that on the afternoon of Septem- ber 22 he received a telephone call from a salesperson at the Woodbridge warehouse who reported that Chem-Power had lodged a complaint against Katz because he had failed to make the delivery before noon, had improperly backed his truck into the loading area, and had refused to correct the situation when asked to do so. As a result of this inci- dent Chem-Power announced that it contemplated cancel- ing its account with Respondent. When Katz returned from his rounds at 4 p.m. on that day Cooper noted on the deliv- ery form that Katz had not arrived at Chem-Power until 1:30 p.m. Cooper decided to question Katz about the mat- ter, but Katz had already left work. Cooper did not speak about the subject with Katz on September 25, the next work day, because Katz had visited the Board's Regional Office to give testimony in the repre- sentation proceeding. On September 26 Cooper contacted the Woodbridge branch manager to investigate further the Chem-Power incident, and the manager reconfirmed that Respondent had lost that firm's account because of Katz' derelictions on September 22. Because Katz had left with a delivery to New England on September 26 and did not re- turn until the morning of September 28 Cooper testified that he was unable to obtain Katz' side of the story in the interim. On September 28 Cooper called Katz to his office and inquired into the reason for Katz' failure to make the Chem-Power delivery on time. Katz responded that he had been instructed either by the office secretary or group leader Bell to give preference to the Eaton Allen order on that morning. Cooper thereupon contacted the secretary who denied that she had altered the order of deliveries. Because Bell was still on sick leave Cooper awaited his re- turn on the following day. On September 29 Cooper inquired whether Bell was re- sponsible for ordering a change in the delivery priority for Chem-Power on September 22, and Bell stated that he knew nothing about it. Cooper accepted Bell's explanation because he was aware that because of his accident on the afternoon of September 21 Bell was not in the yard at the time the bills of lading for the following day were drafted. Cooper then summoned Katz and informed the latter of the results of his investigation which led to the plant manager to conclude that Katz had deliberately failed to obey Coo- per's orders regarding the Chem-Power delivery. When Cooper announced that he had decided to suspend Katz for 3 days the driver rejoined that he "did not recognize McKesson discipline" and warned that if the plant manager "followed through with this, [Katz] would lose all respect" for Cooper, and that "this means war." Katz refused to sign the disciplinary form and left the office. Rounding out Coo- per's testimony, he denied ever observing any union buttons on Katz' person and denied discussing Katz' appearance at the representation hearing on September 25 with the em- ployee.' Cooper testified without contradiction that Respondent had experienced between two and three Board elections at East Avenel In the past. and that Respondent had never presi.lusl. been charged with v!olating the Act. Group leader Bell testified that at approximately 3:45 p.m. on September 21. while loading drums of sulphuric acid, some of the chemical spilled on his torso, and he im- mediately left the yard for hospital care, not to return for the rest of the day. Bell related that during the early part of the week of September 18 Plant Manager Cooper had been absent from the yard, and Bell issued delivery instructions to the drivers. However, Bell posses:sed no authority to per- form this chore while Cooper was on duty. It is Bell's testi- mony that on September 21 he did not discuss the work assignments for the following day because of the injury which occasioned his departure tfor the hospital that after- noon and had no conversations with Katz at any time that day. Bell further testified that he visited Respondent's facility at 8 a.m. on September 22 to fill out an accident report and collect his paycheck, and that Plant Manager Cooper was present at the yard when he arrived. After spending about I hour attending to these personal chores Bell left the prem- ises. In his testimony Bell flatly denied that he saw Katz at the yard on September 22. had given the employee any instructions to disregard deliver) orders for that day, or had even seen the Chem-Power bill of lading on that day. On September 29 Bell visited Cooper's office while still on sick leave. During his stay Cooper inquired whether the group leader had given Katz any delivery instructions on September 22, and Bell responded that he had not and could not fathom why Cooper had made this inquiry. Con- cluding his testimony, Bell reported that he had never ob- served Katz wear a union button while at work and had no input on Katz' suspension. However, Bell frankly acknowl- edged that he was aware of Katz' union sympathies because the former had been invited to the union meeting held prior to the election due to his eligibility to vote in the scheduled Board balloting. I do not credit Katz' testimony that he had been in- structed by Bell to alter the delivery instructions for Chem- Power on September 22. not only because it is fraught with internal inconsistencies, but also because it lacks corrobora- tive support at salient junctures from the other witnesses whose interests lay on his side of the barricades in this liti- gation. Thus, Katz claimed that Bell had instructed him to disre- gard the prenoon delivery order to Chem-Power on Sep- tember 22 because Cooper, whose instructions Katz and all other employees unswervingly followed during his presence at the facility, was absent that day. However, in an effort to paint his suspension with antiunion overtones Katz then made the surprising testimonial admission that Cooper was indeed on duty on September 22 because, when the plant manager mentioned that he expected to see Katz at work on September 25 after the weekend break, the driver cor- rected his supervisor by advising him that Katz would be absent from duty on the latter date due to his attendance at the Board's representation hearing. Moreover, Katz as- serted that he had reported for work at 8 a.m. on September 22 and lingered in the trailer office for about 45 minutes, after which he loaded his truck and left on his rounds at 10 a.m.. thereby attempting to infuse with plausibility his con- tention that Bell was in the trailer office that morning long enough to discuss anti change Katz' delivery instructions. This attempt pro,ed abortive. for his daily driver's report, 587 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD which was submitted into evidence, clearly shows that he departed the yard at 8:50 a.m. that morning. If Katz' testi- mony is to be believed and he actually had spent 45 min- utes in the trailer after reporting for work I deem it implau- sible that he could have loaded his truck in only 5 minutes prior to his departure. In support of Katz' contention that Bell gave him deliv- ery instructions and that Cooper was absent from the East Avenel establishment on September 22 the General Coun- sel elicited the testimony of Peter Catano, Dennis DiLossi, and James Bellina. Catano, who had been employed by Respondent as a repacker for more than 7 years, flatly de- nied that he had seen Bell at the facility at any time on that day. Although he initially testified that he did not observe Cooper there either on that day, Catano recanted and al- lowed as how he had noticed the plant manager on duty that afternoon but not during the morning hours. However, Catano then acknowledged that he had not visited Cooper's trailer office between 8 a.m., when he reported for work, until noon. DiLossi, a truckdriver who was on disability leave at the time, testified that he went to the trailer office before noon on September 22 to collect his paycheck. Dur- ing his sojourn he encountered Cooper, with whom he en- tered into a discussion regarding a new tractor which DiLossi had acquired. James Bellina, another repacker who was discharged by Respondent in November for inciting a fist fight with Cooper and who was therefore hardly a disin- terested observer, testified that he had entered the trailer office at 7 a.m. on the morning of September 22 to obtain his work orders. According to Bellina, he reported I hour earlier than his usual starting time because Bell had been injured on the previous day, and Bellina was substituting for the injured group leader. However, Bellina's timecard clearly establishes that the employees actually clocked in at 8 a.m. Bellina further testified that when he arrived in the trailer he found Katz and Catano but not Bell. Sometime between 8:45 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Bell arrived to pick up his paycheck. Bellina claimed that during Bell's stay he over- heard a conversation between Bell and Katz pertaining to deliveries. In Bellina's words, "there was two stops to be made that day and I don't know the stops myself because I don't drive or deliver, but I heard [Bell] tell [Katz] to do one and then do the other. Which one he said, I don't know." Bellina initially professed that he did not see Cooper at any time that morning in the trailer. He then reported that he had spent most of his time during that span on the dock loading trucks and therefore had no opportunity to observe whether Cooper was in the trailer on the morning in ques- tion. In sum, I do not credit Katz' testimony that he failed to make a delivery to Chem-Power before noon on September 22 because he had received contrary instructions from group leader Bell. On the basis of the credible evidence before me I am convinced and find that having received his written orders which plainly directed that the Chem-Power delivery be completed before noon, Katz deliberately chose to disregard these instructions and failed to arrive at that customer's dock until 1:30 p.m. I find that in addition to discomfiting the customer by the late arrival Katz also improperly docked his truck, as he testimonially confessed, and refused to realign the vehicle which was impeding Chem-Power's business operations. Nor am I persuaded that Katz' 3-day suspension from work without pay was motivated by any antiunion consid- eration. I have heretofore found that when Katz posted a notice in the trailer office and was ordered by Cooper to take it down unless the poster invited all employees of Re- spondent to attend Cooper had no reason to, and did not, know that this notice was of any different import than the others which had previously been hung in that location by an employees' grievance committee which had no union affinity. The record demonstrates and I find that while Katz claimed that he was the only union adherent who had regu- larly worn a decal on his clothing supportive of the Union James Bellina belied this assertion when he testified that Katz had worn the decal only to "a few occasions," and that he and Dennis DiLossi had also sported these buttons on their persons while at work. The only remaining indicia of Katz' union activities por- trayed on this record stems from his attendance on Septem- ber 25 at the Board's hearing on the Union's petition for an election and his rendition of testimony on its behalf. In this connection it is the General Counsel's apparent contention that the timing of Katz' suspension on September 29 is sus- pect inasmuch as it followed hard on the heels of his open identification with the Union's cause. However, Cooper tes- tified without contradiction and I find that on the afternoon of September 22 he learned of Katz' failure timely to make the delivery to Chem-Power and of the threat by that cus- tomer to cancel its account with Respondent, and the plant manager was unable to speak with Katz about this matter because the latter had already left work. Katz was unavail- able to Cooper on September 25 due to his attendance at the Board proceeding and could not be reached for a dis- cussion of the Chem-Power incident until he returned from an out-of-state delivery on September 28. On the latter date Cooper pressed Katz fbr an explanation of his reasons for failing to make the customer delivery on time and, after hearing Katz' explanation, undertook a further investiga- tion to give the employee the benefit of any doubt. In light of this backdrop I am not convinced that Katz' suspension was triggered by Respondent's knowledge that he had given testimony under the Act. In short, I find that Katz was accorded a 3-day suspen- sion from work without pay not because he had joined the ranks of the Union or had given testimony in a Board pro- ceeding but solely because he deliberately failed to heed Respondent's delivery instructions which threatened the loss of a customer's business. By so doing, I conclude that Respondent did not violate Section 8(a)(3) or (4) of the statute. I shall therefore order that the complaint be dis- missed in its entirety. ORDER 6 It is hereby ordered that the complaint herein be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. 6 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 588 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation