McDonald'sDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 23, 1971192 N.L.R.B. 878 (N.L.R.B. 1971) Copy Citation 878 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Walakamilo Corporation, d/b/a McDonald 's and Ho- tel, Restaurant Employees & Bartenders' Union, Local S, AFL-CIO,' Petitioner Moanalua Bay Corporation , d/b/a McDonald's and ILWU, Local 142,2 Petitioner. Cases 37-RC-1565 and 37-RC-1573 August 23, 1971 DECISION ON REVIEW BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS FANNING AND KENNEDY On September 2, 1970, the Regional Director for Region 20 issued a Decision, Order, and Direction of Election in the above-entitled proceeding, inter alia, finding inappropriate petitions seeking single-restau- rant units of employees at two of the Employer's restaurants on the island of Oahu in the State of Hawaii.3 Thereafter, Local 5 and Local 142 filed timely requests for review of the Regional Director's decision on the grounds that in finding the units petitioned for inappropriate he departed from pre- cedent and made erroneous findings of fact. The Employer filed opposition to the request for review. By telegraphic Order dated October 1, 1970, the National Labor Relations Board granted the Peti- tioners' requests for review and remanded Cases 37-RC-1565 and 37-RC-1573 to the Regional Director for further hearing, particularly for addi- tional evidence as to the degree of temporary interchange of employees among the Employer's restaurants on the island of Oahu. On October 22 and 30, 1970, pursuant to such order, a further hearing was held before Dennis R. MacCarthy, Hearing Officer. The Hearing Officer's rulings made at the reopened hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with these cases to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record of the original and reopened hearings with respect to the issues under review, including the Employer's brief on review. "McDonald's" outlets provide a uniform type of fast, inexpensive food service with a standardized menu of limited selection. They are similar in appearance and layout. By utilizing assembly line 1 Referred to herein as Local 5. 2 Referred to herein as Local 142. 3 The Regional Director has directed an election in Case 37 -RC-1592, which had been consolidated with the cases herein . As the Board denied the Employer's request for review of the Regional Director 's decision relating to that case, it was severed herefrom for further proceedings. techniques, they are able to give predictably fast service. Operations manuals are provided and fol- lowed. The restaurants involved herein are located within a 15-mile radius of Honolulu. Representatives of central management make regular daily visits. Administration is centralized, while individual store managers may hire employees, the director of operations sets wages, grants promotions, discharges employees,4 and is the final authority in grievance adjustments. Like the Regional Director, we find that the individual store managers exercise little discre- tion other than to oversee the details of daily operation such as supplies, sanitation, and sufficien- cy of the work force. The Regional Director has found systemwide seniority, as well as common wages and benefits. The reopened record indicates that the entire system has an average employee complement of 245.5 Tempo- rary transfers totaled 58, of which 23 were for store openings. Uniformity of layout and methods of operation would appear to make employees in the various outlets readily interchangeable, and the Employer has taken advantage of this circumstance by making such transfers whenever necessary. Based upon the lack of autonomy of individual stores, the common working conditions shared by all employees of the Oahu stores, the Employer's central administration, the close geographic proximity of the outlets, their close and regular supervision, and the Employer's relatively frequent reliance upon tempo- rary transfers, we find in accordance with the Regional Director, whose Decision is attached in pertinent part hereto, that the single-stand units sought herein are inappropriate.6 His Decision with respect to Cases 37-RC-1565 and 1573 is hereby affirmed. MEMBER FANNING, dissenting: This is one of two similar cases in which my colleagues are requiring employees of a nationwide restaurant chain to select a bargaining representative on a multistore basis. See also Twenty-First Century Restaurant of Nostrand Avenue Corp., Licensee of McDonald's Corporation, 192 NLRB No. 103, and my dissent therein. Here the majority is affirming a decision from the Region that emphasizes "numerous temporary transfers"-not actually discussed by the Regional Director, the record testimony being in general terms-among the five McDonald franchise restau- rants located within a 15-mile radius on the island of Oahu, and "the exercise of little discretion" by store 4 As stated by our dissenting colleague, managers may discharge employees for pilferage and insubordination . However, if grievances arise, these are received by the director of operations. 5 Figures supplied are for a period from April 22, 1969, to October 22, 1970. e See cases cited in Regional Director's Decision. 192 NLRB No. 102 McDONALD'S managers in day-to-day operations. On both scores, however, it seems clear to me that the Regional Director should be reversed under Sav-On Drugs, Inc, 138-NLRB 1032; Davis Cafeteria, 160 NLRB 1141; Haag Drug, Company, 169 NLRB 877; and similar pertinent cases. First : Employee interchange is minimal, less than 1 percent per month. This is what we have there when the 35 temporary transfers during an 18-month period, -gleaned from, the testimony at the reopened hearing,. are compared with a total-employee comple- ment of approximately 345.7 Second: Store managers who admittedly do all hiring, as,, well as, discharging,, on two important grounds insubordination and,pilferage--are, under existing criteria , surely acting autonomously ,-in the crucial area of labor relations.8 My colleagues, affirm a decision in which undue importance is attached to an operations manual,rdescribing--as such manuals can be expected to do--precisely-how these fran- chised restaurants are to be operated and requiring approval from higher management for deviation from the manual. This arrangement of course tends to, guarantee uniform. appearance of the facility as well as, uniform service and equality to the -public, and is, thus a matter of great importance to the franchisor, but it does not deprive the store manager of meaningful day-to-day autonomy, and it does not necessarily confer upon the employees-who are hired locally, and for all practical purposes can be discharged locally, and who seldom go to another location except, on,a temporary basis for a new store opening -a community ' of interest, with employees hired, directed, and discharged 5, 10, 15, or more miles away. For the reasons here stated, I do not see in this case-under existing precedent-need to deny sin- gle-store choice of a bargaining representative.9 Accordingly, I would reverse the Regional Director. DECISION , ORDER, AND DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS All McDonald's Drive-In Restaurants in the State of Hawaii are operated under a franchise agreement between Maurice Sullivan and McDonald's Drive-In Restaurants, Inc. At present there are five restau- rants on the Island of Oahu and one on the Island of I My colleagues prefer another approach. They take the "average- employment complement of 245 and contrast it with the total instances of interchange--during an 18-month period, as their footnote indicates. They attempt no percentage . However, as there are only 35 instances of normal temporary interchange (23 of the 58 being abnormal in type, such as those incident to new store openings), there are at most 2 instances per month, as an average. Translated into a percentage , this is less than 1 percent per month Thus percentagewise my colleagues and I are in agreement . However, when it comes to weighing the importance of this degree of interchange with respect to the single-store unit issue, we are in marked disagreement. To 879 Hawaii; each is separately incorporated. -Hawaii Loa Ridge Corporation is the service company for,all of the McDonald's-Drive-In,Restaurants^in(`the State of Hawaii . In addition to supplying them-with various products, it provides. them with operating, adminis- trative and management services. Allsevencorpora- tions have common stockholders, officers;,and direc- tors. Phillip Morrison, director of operations, for,the service corporation,— is responsible,-for,the overall operations of all seven corporations, including labor relations -policies. He personally. visits each of the Honolulu restaurants two or, three.times_ a week, and the restaurant located on the Island of Hawaiionce a week. He has one- assistant, an area-supervisor, Twho visits each restaurant ,on. a daily, basis. Each restau- rant has a manager and an-assistant manager, While managers are hired and trained. by Morrison, "the restaurant employees are hired and trained by, each manager. All employees at each--of,the,six-restaurants receive the same wages and -employees-benefits. All promotions, other' than automatic promotions are granted personally by Morrison, Seniority-is comput- ed on a state-wide, basis. Morrison sets the vacation schedule for all, restaurants. Within the lasly_ear and a ,half since McDonald's began operations in--the State of Hawaii„ there have been two_, or three permanent transfers and numerous=temporary trans- fers between the five, restaurants,, located -on_ the Island of Oahu, which are situated;,within, a fifteen mile radius. Although: the managers of each restau- rant hire employees, they have,authorityyto-discharge employees only ,f©r, gross insubordtion-pr pilfer- age. All, other discharges are handled -personally by Morrison. The managers are given: , an :operations manual which describes exactly how each restaurant is to be operated. Changes regarding the basic day- to-day operations cannot be made without the express approval of Morrison. Thus, it is clear that the managers exercise little discretion in the day-to- day operations. In Case 37-RC-1565, the Petitioner, Hotel, Restau- rant Employees & Bartenders' Union, Local 5, AFL-CIO, herein called Local 5, and the Intervenor, ILWU Local 142, herein called ILWU, seek a unit consisting of all employees employed by Waiakamilo Corporation at the McDonald's Drive-In Restaurant located on Dillingham Boulevard in Honolulu, on the Island of Oahu. In Case 37-RC-1573, the ILWU them it constitutes "relatively frequent reliance upon temporary transfers.- At what point, may I ask , does reliance become Infrequent" or "minimal"? 9 Store managers , according to my colleagues, exercise little discretion other than to oversee the details of daily operation such as supplies, sanitation, "and sufficiency of the work force." Surely the words quoted are the fewest possible to describe so much. See my dissent in Twenty-First Century emphasizing the judgment and initiative implicit in providing a steady , efficient, and obedient work force for an operation of this sort. 9 See also my dissent in the Twenty-First Century case referred to above. 880 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and : Local- 5 seek a ,unit of all employees employed by the Moanalua Bay Corporation at the McDonald's -Drive-Inr Restaurant located- on Kapiolani Boule- vard, Honolulu, on, the Island of Oahu. In, Case 37-RC-1592, ILWU and Local- 5 seek a unit of • all employees employed :by "the:Ahaine Corporation at the McDonald's Drive-In -Restaurant located at Kailua-Kona on the Island of Hawaii. The Employer contends 'that ° either - a single statewide unit, or "tha t units which are islandwide ;in scope - are appropriate,' and that single-store units would unduly fragmentize an otherwise homogenous business operation. In Sav-On Drugs, Inc., 138 `NLRB 1032, the Board extended ' its policy, regarding -multiplant enterprises to` retail` chain operations. In so doing, the Board stated that it would7no--longer rely solely upon the administrative grouping of the -chain employer, 'rather it would carefully consider all of , the -circum- stances= of each-,,case, including . geographic-proximity, interchanges :'of employees and bargaining history. In the present case the evidence discloses that the Employer's operations 'are, highly, integrated. As noted- above, -withtthe exception of the one restaurant located- on the Island of Hawaii ;, the other restaurants are all, located within a' fifteen mile radius in,the city of" Honolulu . Al ' employees receive identical wages and other -employee -benefits . Significantly;' there exists substantial interchange of employees between then five -Oahu restaurants . -The-individual managers of each' restaurant exercise little discretion, and the labor relations and store policies-are administered by the -director of - 'operations . and 'his' assistant. In= support, of, its ,contention that single restaurant units are appropriate , Local 5^argues.:that,the ;Board',s decision in- Davis Cafeteria, 160 = NLRB 1141, is dispositive^,of this case . However, a,close examina- tion- reveals ° significant factual differences which compel a contrary conclusion . Thus, unlike ; the instant case, in Davis there was no interchange-of `employees between the various " locations ,- nor, was there 'multilocation seniority) The managers inDavis exercised considerable autonomy with -regard to hiring, firing, disciplining and granting of vacations to` employees. Here , the manager's discretionin these areas is greatly limited,' e.g., the _ manager - can discharge an employee only - on - two grounds, and they, do not schedule vacations. Again, unlike Davis, the service corporatioin 'officialsvisit each= location-16n a`daily basis. -In lview. -'of all of the foregoing and' the, entire record , it is concluded thafa`unit encompassing all McDonald's- Drive-In Restaurants' located'- on the Island of Oahu is. appropriate, and that the individu- al 'units petitioned for-`in Cases 37-RC-1565 and 37-RC-1573 are inappropriate for the, purposes of collective bargaining. See, for̀ ' example,, 'Mofi's Shop- Rite of 'Meriden, Inc., 174 NLRB` No. 157:',The"Pep Boys-Manny, - foe and Jack, ` 172 NLRB No. 23; Caribbean Restaurants, Inc.,' 162 NLRB 676. ORDER It is hereby ordered that the petitions filed in Cases 374C-1565 and-,37-RC-1573 be, and they hereby are, dismissed.' Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation