McCann Steel Co., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 18, 1973203 N.L.R.B. 749 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation McCANN STEEL COMPANY, INC. McCann Steel Company, Inc. and Shopmens' Local Union No. 733 of the International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Ironworkers, AFL-CIO and J. C. Hindsley . Cases 26-CA-3661 and 26-CA-3717 May 18, 1973 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, KENNEDY, AND PENELLO On April 23, 1971, the National Labor Relations Board issued a Decision and Order in the above-enti- tled proceeding 1 finding, inter alia, that Respondent had discriminatorily dishcarged J. C. Hindsley in vio- lation of Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Rela- tions Act, as amended. Respondent was directed to make an offer of immediate and full reinstatement to Hindsley to his former or a substantially equivalent position and make whole Hindsley for any loss of earnings resulting from the discrimination. On July 6, 1972, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit entered its judgment enforcing in full this as- pect of the Board's Order. Thereafter, pursuant to a backpay specification and appropriate notice of hearing issued by the Acting Regional Director for Region 26, a hearing was held before Administrative Law Judge Thomas S. Wilson for the purpose of determining the amount of backpay due Hindsley. On January 18, 1973, the Administra- tive Law Judge issued the attached Supplemental De- cision in which he found that Hindsley was entitled to the amount of money set out in the specification, i.e., $4,967, upon which interest was to be paid at the rate of 6 percent per annum, minus the tax withholding required by the Federal and state laws. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions to the Supplemental De- cision and a supporting brief and counsel for General Counsel filed an answering brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Supplemental Decision in the light of the ex- ceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administra- tive Law Judge as modified herein. Respondent's answer to the backpay specification admitted the propriety of the formula that was used to compute the gross backpay figure. However, in its answer, Respondent argued that Hindsley sustained a 1 190 NLRB 12. 749 willfull loss of earnings during a portion of the back- pay period while he worked at an interim employer, Englert Engineering Co., by his alleged failure to work a reasonable number of hours of work, including overtime which Respondent contended was available to him at Englert. Respondent argued that the amounts which Hindsley could have earned at Eng- lert if he had exercised "due diligence" should have been deducted from the net backpay it owes Hindsley and urges as error the failure of the Administrative Law Judge to so find. Respondent also argued in its answer that by Hindsley's leave of absence at Englert, ostensibly to enter business for himself, from April 1972 until the time of his reinstatement at Respondent on June 29, 1972, Hindsley further willfully lost earn- ings by intentionally removing himself from the labor market. The Administrative Law Judge found that Respon- dent had not adequately demonstrated the amount of work available at Englert for Hindsley to perform during the backpay period, and he therefore conclud- ed that Hindsley was not guilty of any willful loss of interim earnings because there was no showing that he willfully refused to do any available work. The Ad- ministrative Law Judge did not specifically address himself to the issue of Hindsley's alleged willful with- drawal from the labor market. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge's con- clusion that Hindsley is entitled to the amount of backpay set out in the specification but we add our own reason for so finding. We start with the basic premise that: ... while the general burden of proof is upon the General Counsel to establish the damage which has resulted from Respondent's established dis- criminatory discharge, i.e., the gross backpay over the backpay period, the burden of proof is upon the Respondent as to diminution damages, whether from the willful loss of earnings by the failure to either look for or keep a substantially equivalent job or from the unavailability of a job at Respondent's plant for some reason uncon- nected with the discrimination. Further we note that any uncertainty is resolved against the wrongdoer whose conduct made certainty impossible.; In this case, Respondent admitted the propriety of the gross backpay formula and thus the burden passed to it to establish that the gross backpay should be diminished due to a willful loss of earnings by the discriminatee. We do not think Respondent has met this burden. 2 Mastro Plastics Corporation, 136 NLRB 1342, 1346, enfd 354 F.2d 170 (C.A. 2), cert. denied 384 U.S. 972, accord. N.L.R.B. v. Brown & Root Inc., 311 F.2d 447 (C A. 3). N L.R.B. v. Miami Coca-Cola Bottling Company, 360 F 2d 569 (C.A. 5). 203 NLRB No. 115 750 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Respondent attempted to demonstrate that there be without merit. A claimant who goes into business was work available for Hindsley that he did not per- for himself is treated as one who obtains interim em- form by introducing evidence from Englert's records ployment,10 and here we think the record is clear that which did, in fact, show that Hindsley worked a lower Hindsley did not willfully incur losses by opening his number of straight-time hours than the other employ- own business. ees in his job category during the latter part of 1971 and the first quarter of 1972, and that Hindsley worked no overtime in this period while his fellow employees did .4 Respondent did not elicit any direct evidence, however, that Hindsley ever refused to do an available straight-time job or that there was always work available for Hindsley at those times he was not present at Englert. Although Respondent called Hindsley's supervisor at Englert as its witness and thus had an excellent opportunity to clear up this area, Respondent elicited from this witness only gen- eralized testimony concerning the method of assign- ment of work at Englert and the overall state of its business during the backpay period.5 In agreement then with the Administrative Law Judge, we find that the record fails to show whether work with Englert was available to Hindsley at those times he was not present there .6 In such circum- stances, and mindful of Respondent's burden and the fact that any uncertainty is to be resolved against it, we conclude Respondent has not sustained its burden of proving Hindsley willfully incurred a loss of earn- ings since it has not been shown that he willfully refused to do any available work.' Nor has Respondent shown that Hindsley's self- employment constituted a willful loss of earnings. Hindsley requested a leave of absence from Englert in April 1972 to become self-employed. He thereafter opened a welding and repair shop. Hindsley had done some part-time welding work and repair jobs during the time he worked at both Respondent and Englert but he did not actively begin his business until a week or so before taking the leave of absence.8 Hindsley testified that he bought the equipment he used in his business over a period of 3 to 4 years and he had 90 percent of the necessary equipment before April 1, 1972. In his business, Hindsley designed and built cus- tom-made trailers? While Respondent characterized Hindsley's welding operation as merely a "personal hobby" we note that David Miller, one of Respondent 's own witnesses , testified that in late April or early May 1972 he called Hindsley to see if Hindsley would build a trailer for a trail bike that Miller had purchased. Miller contacted Hindsley who informed him of his price but it was Miller who finally decided he did not want the work done. Hindsley was ready and willing to do the work at all times. We find Respondent's claim that Hindsley's self- employment constituted a willful loss of earnings to SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board hereby orders that McCann Steel Compa- ny, Inc., its officers, agents , successors , and assigns, shall pay to J. C. Hindsley as net backpay the sum of $4,967 together with interest thereon at 6 percent per annum less any tax withholdings required by Federal and state law. The records also show that from the time Hindsley was hired in July 1970 until that latter part of 1971 (about September of that year ), Hindsley worked about the same number of hours, perhaps slightly less , as the other employees in his category This included overtime in the early part of his hire . Overtime was abandoned at Englert in February 1971 and with the exception of a 2-week period in June 1971 did not resume until September 1971. Although Hindsley's supervisor at Englert and its office manager testified overtime began again in June 1971 , we do not think Englert 's time records which were read into the record bear this out. Hindsley took his leave of absence from Englert in April 1972 and this is discussed, infra 3 We thus disagree with the Administrative Law Judge , however, who stated that Respondent asked Hindsley's supervisor no questions as to the availability of work during that period but such disagreement does not negate our agreement with his ultimate conclusions. 6 We do not agree with the further conclusion of the Administrative Law Judge , however, that the record affirmatively shows that "work was avail- able " Rather , we find that it has not been shown sufficiently that work was available . This latter criterion is the one Respondent must satisfy to sustain its burden and such has not been done here. Finally, we do not agree with the Administrative Law Judge that there were six draftsmen at Englert at the start of Hindsley 's employment and only three after he left . The records read into the record show that there were at least three other draftsmen when Hindsley was hired and at least the same number when he took his leave of absence Again , our disagreement here with the Administrative Law Judge does not alter our agreement with his final conclusions. 7 Moreover , had it been shown that overtime work was available at Englert for Hindsley, we reject Respondent 's argument that Hindsley should have worked those hours to reduce Respondent 's liability Whatever the merits of this argument in a situation where overtime work at an interim employer is mandatory (a situation not before us), here the record reflects that overtime at Englert was optional In such a situation, we do not find the failure to work overtime, even had it been shown it was available , to constitute a willful loss of earnings. 8 Hindsley learned welding in the armed services before he went to work for Respondent While Hindsley has never taken a test to become a certified welder , once he finished his armed services training , he was a qualified welder and one does not need to become certified to do welding work for the public. However , Hindsley does have a license to go into business for himself. 9 About 5 weeks after he was reinstated at Respondent, Hindsley quit to continue in his business full time. 10 Mastro Plastics, supra, 136 NLRB at 1350 McCANN STEEL COMPANY, INC. 751 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE THOMAS S. WILSON, Administrative Law Judge: On April 23, 1971, proceeding 1 directing McCann Steel Company, Inc., herein called the Respondent, to make whole J. C. Hindsley for any loss of pay he may have suffered as a result of the unfair labor practices found to have been committed by Respondent against him in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. Thereafter, on July 6, 1972, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit entered its judgment enforcing in full this aspect of the Board's Order. On September 28, 1972, the Acting Director for Region 26 (Memphis, Tennessee) issued a Backpay Specifications and notice of hearing to which Respondent filed an amend- ed answer. A hearing thereon was held in Nashville, Tennes- see, on November 22, 1972. All parties were afforded full opportunity to examine and cross-examine witnesses and to introduce pertinent evidence. Briefs have been received from General Counsel and Respondent on December 21, 1972. Upon the entire record made in this proceeding and from my observation of the witnesses, including their demeanor while on the stand, I hereby make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT The Backpay Specifications At the time of Hindsley's discriminatory discharge by Respondent he was employed by it as a draftsman at an hourly wage of $4.20. In computing the gross backpay due and owing Hindsley the Backpay Specifications allege that the appropriate mea- sure of his earnings during the backpay period from June 23, 1970, to June 29, 1972, would be his average weekly earnings with Respondent during the first and second quar- ters of 1970 immediately prior to the unfair labor practice. The Specifications then admit Hindsley's employment by, and quarterly earnings from, Englert Engineering Co. (Eng- lert), between July 20, 1970, and June 29, 1972, together with earnings which Hindsley made during that period while self-employed. The Specifications finally conclude that the backpay due and owing Hindsley from Respondent amounts to $4,967 by subtracting the sum of his acknowl- edged interim earnings from the amount he would have earned from Respondent during that period but for the unfair labor practice. The Answer Respondent's answer to the above Specifications admit- ted all the facts stated therein but claimed, as set forth in its Bill of Particulars filed in response to an order by Admin- istrative Law Judge Arther Leff, that: The Company is also informed that, during his employ- ment with Englert Engineering Company, Hindsley 190 NLRB 12 failed to work the number of hours that were available to him, as evidenced by the fact that he consistently failed to put in as many hours as the other draftsmen who were then employed by Englert Engineering Com- pany. [Emphasis supplied.] This became the only issue at the hearing.2 The Evidence At the hearing Respondent introduced, by the oral testi- mony of the office manager of Englert Engineering Compa- ny based upon that Company's books and records, the hours worked by each of its draftsmen, including Hindsley, for the whole period of his employment there. These records show that in every week from July 30, 1970, to February 8, 1971, Hindsley worked an average of 10 or more hours of overtime which was about the same amount as the other five draftsmen then employed by Englert. The records also showed that beginning during the week starting February 6, 1971, Englert abandoned all overtime work by its draftsmen until on or about September 6, 1971, and that during this period also Hindsley worked approxi- mately the same number of hours, perhaps slightly less on the average, as the other draftsmen. Finally from September 6, 1971, to the week ending April 3, 1972, these records show that Hindsley worked in each of the biweekly pay periods but on an average of considera- bly fewer hours than did the three or four other draftsmen still employed and did no overtime work. The above findings, with one exception, are identical to those Respondent made in its brief: From his first pay period at Englert through the pay period ending February 6, 1971, Hindsley worked a weekly number of hours consistent with the other draftsmen. Following the February 6 pay period, how- ever, overtime work for the draftsmen at Englert was suspended until the pay period beginning June 14, 1971. Beginning with the February 6 pay period and continuing through the pay period ending April 1, 1972 (the last period for which Hindsley was paid), Hindsley worked no overtime at all. [Emphasis supplied.] The above quotation is incorrect in its statement that the suspension of overtime by Englert ended on June 14, 1971. It is true that overtime was, in fact, worked during the week beginning on June 14. But the testimony proved that, with the sole exception of the 1 week, overtime remained sus- pended by Englert until the week beginning September 6, 1971, after which some overtime was again worked by draftsmen other than Hindsley. When overtime was re- sumed on September 6, Englert stated that working over- time would be at the option of the individual draftsmen. Hindsley opted for no overtime and thereafter worked none. 2 Respondent also claimed in its answer that the Specifications failed to take into consideration Hindsley's annual wage increases of $4.20 per hour and $4 .40 per hour . However, Respondent failed to show that these increases had not been taken into account in the Specifications . Actually the interim earnings reported came from Englert Engineering Co., and thus must have included these annual wage increases. 752 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The Law In its brief Respondent contends that the law on backpay governing this case is as follows: The general rule in backpay cases is thus usually stated to the effect " . . . that a wrongfully discharged em- ployee is entitled to the difference between what he would have earned but for the wrongful discharge and his actual interim earnings from the time of discharge until he is offered reinstatement. Backpay can be re- duced, however, if a `willful loss of earnings,' ... is shown." Stated another way, a discriminatee ". .. is not entitled to backpay for periods during which he voluntarily remained in idleness." It is thus the position of the Company that, if the Administrative Law Judge is satisfied that Hindsley failed to work a reasonable number of available hours, then the number of hours he thus missed should be held to be tantamount to "periods during which he volun- tarily remained in idleness ." [Citations omitted.] Based on this concept of the law, which is here accepted arguendo, Respondent presumes that Hindsley would have had available to him the same number of regular and over- time hours as the other draftsmen averaged. Upon this ba- sis, Respondent presumes that Hindsley should have "in due diligence" worked the same 10.7 hours overtime per biweekly period which it says the other draftsmen worked. Under that formula Respondent now computes that it owes Hindsley $219.26. If, on the other hand, Hindsley should not be required to work overtime, Respondent's computa- tion shows that it now owes Hindsley $514.99. Conclusions However it is axiomatic that an employee cannot work when work is not made available to him. No Company is going to pay an employee for hours spent sitting around when there is no work available for him to do. At the hearing Respondent produced the head of Englert's drafting department as a witness. Presumably, as the head of that department, he could have testified as to the work available over the backpay period. However Re- spondent asked him no questions as to the availability of work during that period. Thus this record is devoid of any evidence as to the amount of work available. The availability of work for Hindsley to do and to be paid for is a vital element in detemining the amount of backpay due and owing Hindsley from Respondent. However proof of that element is missing here. Respondent's omission of such testimony may have been due to carelessness or it may have been calculated and intentional. The facts here lead but to the conclusion that this vital omission of proof is not chargeable to mere carelessness. As previously noted, Englert suspended all overtime work for its draftsmen from February 6, 1971, to September 6, 1971, with the exception of that 1 week beginning June 14. Upon the resumption of overtime work for the draftsmen Englert made working overtime optional with the individual drafts- men. These facts would indicate that work was not in abun- dant supply for draftsmen. The sockdolager, however, is the fact that, when in April 1972 Hindlsey voluntarily left his interim employment with Englert to enter business on his own, Respondent's staff of draftsmen, upon his departure, became and remained throughout the period about which Respondent chose to inquire, three in number whereas at the beginning of Hindsley's employment there had been six draftsmen in the department. Obviously work was not avail- able. Accordingly the facts require, and therefore I must find, that Hindsley was not guilty of any willful loss of interim earnings because there was no showing made here that he willfully refused to do any available work. Therefore, in accordance with the Backpay Specifica- tions, I hereby find that there is now due and owing J. C. Hindsley from Respondent the sum of $4,967 together with interest thereon at 6 percent per annum from June 29, 1972, less any tax withholdings required by Federal and state law. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation