Mastercraft Casket Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 29, 1988289 N.L.R.B. 1414 (N.L.R.B. 1988) Copy Citation 1414 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD York Products, Inc., d/b/a Mastercraft Casket Company and Chester J . Golat et al. Case 18- CA-9923 and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Order. July 29, 1988 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN STEPHENS AND MEMBERS JOHANSEN AND BABSON On September 30, 1987, Administrative Law Judge Michael O. Miller issued the attached deci- sion . The Respondent and the General Counsel filed exceptions and supporting briefs.' The Re- spondent filed a response brief and a motion to strike the General Counsel's exceptions and brief.2 The General Counsel filed a statement in opposi- tion to the motion to strike. The National Labor Relations Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge 's rulings , findings, and conclusions3 and to adopt the recommended Order.4 ORDER The National Labor Relations Board adopts the recommended Order of the administrative law judge and orders that the Respondent, York Prod- ucts, Inc., d/b/a Mastercraft Casket Company, La- dysmith, Wisconsin, its officers, agents, successors, ' The General Counsel and the Respondent except to the judge 's find- ings concerning the seniority of the sewers who were recalled As the judge noted in his decision , under the Respondent 's seniority policy, an employee's seniority date is July 1 following his or her date of hire. Thus, although an individual may have started working poor to the time another employee was hired , he or she would not necessarily have great- er seniority then the later hired person Applying this policy, the judge's conclusions that Winter had more seniority than any of the sewers not recalled except Barber and that no sewer with less seniority than Yako- vetz was recalled are correct . In addition, although Barber and Coats had the same seniority date , the judge did state correctly that Barber was "nominally more senior" than Coats by virtue of the fact that Barber was hired 17 days before Coats The General Counsel also requested that a visitatonal provision be granted . We deny this request as unnecessary Cherokee Marine Terminal, 287 NLRB 1080 (1988) 2 The Respondent's motion to strike the General Counsel's exceptions and brief is denied. s Chairman Stephens would not find that the Respondent violated Sec. 8(a)(1) of the Act through its plant manager's statement that he had laid off his wife and daughter-in-law because the Union had discovered that he was favoring his family There is no suggestion that this action was taken because of the two women's sentiments either for or against the Union, and Chairman Stephens is unable to find that any employee would reasonably tend to be coerced in the exercise of Sec 7 rights by the sug- gestion that favoritism towards managers' relatives might be discouraged or even eliminated once the Union learned of it 4 The parties submitted to the judge a stipulation to correct certain errors in the transcript The judge's decision notes that the stipulation was received, but relies on the uncorrected testimony We rely on the transcript as corrected, but find that the differences do not affect the out- come of this case James L. Fox, Esq., for the General Counsel Donald W. Jones, Esq. (Hulston, Jones & Sullivan), of Springfield, Missouri, for the Respondent. Chester J. Golat, of Ladysmith, Wisconsin, for the Charg- ing Party. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE MICHAEL O. MILLER, Administrative Law Judge. This case was heard in Ladysmith, Wisconsin, on 12 and 13 May 1987 based on an unfair labor practice charge filed by Chester J. Golat, et al., on 23 January 1987 and a complaint issued by the Regional Director for Region 18 of the National Labor Relations Board (the Board), on 27 March 1987. The complaint alleges that York Prod- ucts, Inc., d/b/a Mastercraft Casket Company" (Re- spondent) violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act) by failing and refusing to recall employees from layoff because of their union ac- tivity; by blaming an earlier layoff on the employees' union activity; and by threatening loss of employment if the employees supported a union . Respondent's timely filed answer denies the commission of any unfair labor practices. All parties were afforded full opportunity to examine and cross-examine witnesses, to argue orally, and to submit briefs. Briefs, which have been carefully consid- ered, were submitted by the General Counsel and the Respondent. Based on the entire record,2 including my observations of the demeanor of the witnesses, I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT I. THE RESPONDENT 'S BUSINESS AND THE UNION'S LABOR ORGANIZATION STATUS-PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Respondent, a Delaware corporation, is engaged at Ladysmith, Wisconsin in the manufacture, sale, and dis- tribution of caskets. Jurisdiction is not in issue . The com- plaint alleges, Respondent admits, and I find and con- clude that Respondent is, and has been at all times mate- rial, an employer engaged in commerce and in operations affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. The complaint alleges, Respondent admits, and I find and conclude that General Teamsters Union, Local 662, affiliated with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (the Union) is, and has been at all material times, a labor or- ganization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act Respondent 's name was amended at the hearing. 2 The stipulation to correct the record submitted jointly by counsel for the General Counsel and Respondent is received 289 NLRB No. 157 MASTERCRAFT CASKET CO. II. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background Respondent, a Mastercraft Casket Company, began its operations about 1961 . In 1984, Mastercraft was acquired by Amedco and, in turn , Amedco was acquired by Serv- ice Corporation International (SCI) on 26 September 1986 . SCI is a publicly held corporation owning and op- erating about 300 funeral homes, cemeteries, and flower shops and had previously been one of Respondent's cus- tomers. Robert Betthauser, one of Mastercraft 's founders, continued throughout its operation to be the chief execu- tive officer and is presently the president of Mastercraft and vice president of manufacturing for York Products. B. Union Activity Respondent's employees are not represented by any labor organization . In February 1986,$ however , a union organization campaign began . Among the employees in- volved from the start were Chester Golat , Harold Novak , Larry Kroening, Bernie Marshall, and Joe Smith. The first union meeting was held about 7 February, at- tended by 30 to 40 employees . A petition for an election was filed about 24 February and, following the execution of a consent agreement, an election was held on 18 April. All but two or three of Respondent 's employees voted . The vote was 64 for no union , 38 for the Union. While Respondent had campaigned against the Union, no objections to the conduct of the election were filed. However, on 16 April the Union filed an unfair labor practice charge that led to the 26 June issuance of a complaint alleging that Respondent had violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) by laying off 27 employees between 21 March and 11 April and by otherwise engaging in con- duct that interfered with, restrained , and coerced the em- ployees . On 13 August, prior to a hearing , Respondent and the Union adjusted the allegations of the complaint. The employees who had been laid off received backpay, the charge was withdrawn, and the complaint was dis- missed.' There has been no resumption of union activity since the election. C. Evidence of Antiunion Animus and 8(a)(1) Allegations Respondent concedes that it campaigned against the Union during the election campaign. It denies , however, that its campaigning overstepped statutory bounds. The General Counsel contends that there was extensive evi- dence of antiunion animus . Eight witnesses for the Gen- eral Counsel testified that they heard James Ewer, the plant foreman , threaten that if the Union came in, the plant's doors would be shut . These witnesses claim to have heard it varying numbers of times . Thus, Susan Celske and Carol Braden heard him say it at least once, Mark Stranger heard it more than once, Joe Marshall heard it twice, and Mildred Yakovetz heard it at least four times . Chester Golat and Priscilla Barber recalled s All dates are 1986 unless otherwise specified. * The General Counsel makes no contentions , and I make no conclu- sions, with respect to whether the March-April layoff was discriminatori- ly motivated. 1415 hearing him say it as often as three or four times per week and Harold Novak claimed to have heard it two or three times per day. James Ewer did not deny having said it, he admitted saying it to Golat in 1984 and further admitted the possibility that he may have said it some- time during 1986 . Priscilla Barber also testified, without contradiction , that during the week of the election, Jim Ewer told her that after the plant shut down , Respond- ent would select the people they wanted to come back and production would get tougher . Even allowing for some exaggeration by Novak, Golat, and Barber with re- spect to the frequency of threats to close , I am con- vinced that James Ewer repeatedly told employees that the plant would close if the Union came in. He also threatened to eliminate union supporters during a layoff. James Ewer was opposed to the Union, even according to Foreman Ray Frafjord, and expressed his animus to the employees. Shortly after the start of the union activity, Carol Braden heard Jim Ewer refer to Mildred Yakovetz and Priscilla Barber as troublemakers and say that Barbara Novak was working on the Union's behalf with her hus- band, Harold . Her testimony is uncontradicted . 5 She fur- ther testified that she heard Jim Ewer's wife , Florence, repeat what had been said to her by Jim, to the effect that if the Union got in, the Company would have big layoffs and switch people around to get rid of the trou- blemakers , naming Yakovetz and Barber. Florence Ewer denied saying this to Braden . I deem Braden 's credible testimony in this regard both corroborative of, and cor- roborated by, Barber's uncontradicted testimony, de- scribed above. The General Counsel's witnesses also attributed animus-laden statements to Rick Ewer, Jim Ewer's son. To the extent that Rick Ewer was purporting to speak on his own behalf, I find that those statements , while un- denied , are entitled to little weight inasmuch as Rick Ewer, as an assistant foreman, did not possess superviso- ry authority.e That principle does not apply, however, when Rick Ewer purported to speak for others with su- pervisory authority. Thus, around the time of the March layoffs, Rick Ewer told Chester Golat and Joe Marshall that Betthauser had referred to Golat, Marshall, Harold Novak, and others as being "up a creek without a paddle in a boat that was sinking fast" because of their support for the Union. Golat's testimony with respect to this statement was corroborated by Marshall; Bethauser did not deny having make such a statement to Rick Ewer. In view of those facts and both Rick Ewer 's role as an as- sistant foreman and his relationship to the plant foreman, 5 She also testified, without contradiction, that Ewer said that the Company would "try to unload [Mark Stranger] except that he had hurt his back and they thought he might sue him." She was unsure of the date, but placed this testimony about the inception of the union activity. However , Stranger 's injury was sustained in June. 6 Chester Golat allegedly observed Rick Ewer discharge an individual named Stanley Tims for returning late from an excused absence. Re- spondent's credible evidence indicates that there was no such employee. There had been an employee, Stanley Tipsm, who was fired by Rick Ewer but at his father's direction for insisting on taking unauthorized leave. The only other record evidence on the subject indicates that Rick Ewer attempted to direct the work of some employees , which direction was frequently ignored 1416 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD which give his statements the likelihood of reliability, this testimony has probative worth even though it is hearsay . See K & S Circuits, 255 NLRB 1270 , 1274 fn. 10 (1981), and RJR Communications , 248 NLRB 920, 921 (1980). On the other side of the coin , I note that during the same period , Rick Ewer also told Golat that if he took a voluntary layoff he would probably not be called back. Jim Ewer, hearing the statement , contradicted Rick and stated that he believed Golat would be re- called. Several days before the 18 April election , Foremen Ray Frafjord told employee Joe Marshall that if he knew what was good for him, he would remove his union button and change his mind . This testimony is un- denied . At the conclusion of the election on 18 April, Mark Stanger , who had been the Union 's observer, alleg- edly heard Frafjord say, "You can kiss his ass goodbye." He did not hear his name mentioned . However, Priscilla Barber claims to have heard Frafjord say, "Stanger, your ass will be out the door when this union thing is over." Frafjord denies making any such statement . Noting the contradictions between Stanger and Barber and Fraf- jord 's otherwise credible and candid testimony , I find the evidence that he made such a statement insufficient to sustain the General Counsel 's burden. In late or early July, Jim Ewer had a conversation at work with Florence, his wife, which Priscilla Barber overheard.' Ewer told his wife that "they are going to start thinning out---they are going to lay off and thin out the union people ." In the same time period , he allegedly told Barber and two others employees that they would have to watch the capping table "because he had to lay off his wife and daughter -in-law because the damned union figured out that he was favoring his family." He repeated that "they would have to layoff and thin out the union people ." Again, in mid-September , just before the September layoffs , Barber heard Jim Ewer tell Flor- ence that he was going to clean house and throw out a few people.8 The General Counsel's complaint alleges Jim Ewer's July or August statement , blaming the Union's knowl- edge of his favoritism toward family members for the layoffs of his wife and daughter -in-law , as a violation of Section 8(a)(1). That complaint was expressly amended at the conclusion of the General Counsel 's case, over Re- spondent's objection , to further allege as violative his late July/early August statements about using layoffs to thin out the union people. Notwithstanding those express allegations , neither Jim nor Florence Ewer contradicted Barber's testimony of the July/August statements. Bar- ber's uncontradicted testimony , even if deemed uncorro- borated , is sufficient evidence to sustain the General Counsel 's burden of proof. Moreover, it was essentially corroborated by the similar statements Jim Ewer made before the election . I also find that Barber's testimony with respect to when these statements were made, late ' The 10(b) period began on 22 July and the General Counsel contends that this statement , if credited , should be found to violate Sec 8(a)(l) 8 On direct examination , Barber testified that Ewer had said that he was going to "clean house and thin out the union people " When recalled by Respondent, she acknowledged that he did not mention the Union in this September conversation. July or early August , is sufficiently definite to warrant the conclusion that they occurred after 22 July and within the 10(b) period . Accordingly , I find , as alleged in the complaint as amended , that Respondent violated Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act by these inherently threatening statements. Jim Ewer denied making the statement that Barber at- tributed to him as having occurred in September and Florence Ewer had no recollection of him making any such statement at that time . Although the matter is not altogether free from doubt, I am constrained to reject the General Counsel 's contention with respect to this al- legation . Barber acknowleged that there was no mention of the Union in this latter statement and, while Ewer's earlier statements would justify the suspicion that he was again referring to union supporters , the testimony is too ambiguous to warrant a finding of a violation, particular- ly in light of the quality control program being instituted at that time (discussed infra) to which he could conceiv- ably have been referring . Accordingly , I shall recom- mend that this allegation be dismissed. Barber further testified that while she was visiting the plant in mid-October during the layoff (discussed infra), Florence Ewer said that Jim told her that when he had gone to Betthauser with a list of employees he wanted to recall, Betthauser had rebuffed him. Betthauser allegedly said that he Betthauser would do the recalls, recalling his "loyal" employees . The statements are denied by both Ewers and by Betthauser and I find the hearsay evidence too remote to carry any weight in light of those denials. D. September 1986-Quality Control Program and Layoffs As noted , Respondent 's customers included funeral homes and casket distributors who are not affiliated with SCI. Because those customers did not want to give their casket business to a competitor, "the bottom fell out" of Respondent's business in September when SCI took over. The Company ran out of orders, and between 15 September and 6 October , laid off 81 employees. The majority were laid off on 29 September . The General Counsel does not contend that the layoff , as distin- guished from the failure to recall certain employees, was unlawful. Conptemporaneous with this downturn in orders, Re- spondent was directed by its parent corporation to insti- tute an improved quality control program . Instructions to that effect were received on 11 August, with 31 August date set for reporting back . Additional directives were received from both Amedco and SCI in September and October. As a result , Respondent implemented a quality control program in about early September. Fraf- jord, formerly a supervisor in the KD (welding) depart- ment, was made quality control supervisor . Joan Ewer (Jim Ewer's daughter -in-law), Sharon Hayes , and Larry Kroening (an early union supporter) were selected to work as inspectors, checking and doing minor fix-up on the caskets as they were produced . Additionally, in Oc- tober after layoffs Respondent changed its written policy on layoffs and recalls to emphasize qualifications over se- niority in a department were laid off first and recalled MASTERCRAFT CASKET CO. 1417 last. "Employee with the least seniority" was changed to "employee who is at least qualified ." The General Coun- sel makes no contention that the quality control program or the changes in the policy manual were subterfuges for the discriminatory action or otherwise unlawful. At full capacity, with approximately 100 employees, Respondent can produce about 120 caskets per day. Its August shipments were at nearly that point . Shipments dropped to about 84 per day in September , 34 per day in October, and between 66 and 72 per day through Febru- ary 1987. In March 1987 they dropped to about 53 per day. E. The Recalls On 13 and 14 October, Respondent recalled 50 em- ployees. Between 20 October and February 1987, an ad- ditional 14 were recalled . According to Betthauser, the Company called the employees back by qualifications and seniority , by department . At the time the complaint issued, 27 March 1987, there were 17 laid-off employees who had not yet been recalled . Eight of them were al- leged to be discriminatees : Chester Golat, Mark Singer, Priscilla Barber, Joseph Marshall , Mildred Yakovetz, Barbara Novak, Susan Ceiske , and Matthew Hall. Re- spondent recalled each of the-eight in early April 1987, on being notified of the issuance of complaint, so as to limit its potential liability. Included among those recalled in October were a number of individuals identified in the record as having been involved in the union activities to one degree or an- other. Joe Smith , Bernie Marshall , and Larry Kroening were active from the outset . Kroening, as noted, was made an inspector . Arlene Grey was promoted to lead- person . Frances Wojtyna and 20 to 30 others who had attended union meetings and/or voted for the Union were similarly recalled. 1. Paint department-Chester Golat and Joseph Marshall Chester Golat began working for Respondent in June 1984,9 in the paint department . For 4 months he worked as a stripper , for the next year as a primer , and thereaf- ter, until his layoff, as the operator of a dual-action sander, a "DAer." In addition, he had loaded trucks, washed caskets, and done scuffing and capping. Jim Ewer testified that Golat was a versatile employee, one who had "helped me out a lot." In March 1986, Ewer had even written a letter of recommendation for Golat, at Golat's request, which was highly laudatory . He com- mented that Golat had an excellent attendance record, was dependable , conscientious, and adaptable. Golat was one of the leaders of the union activity. He openly wore union buttons, he attended union meetings, and he passed out authorization cards . On at least one occasion, while displaying his union button, he ques- tioned Betthauser about Respondent's encouragement of antiunion activity. Jim Ewer also observed Golat wear- ing a union button and Frafjord admitted discussing the 9 Under Respondent's seniority policy, an employee's seniority date is 1 July following his or her date of hire. Golat's seniority date was there- fore 1 July 1984. union activities of Golat, Stanger, Barber, Yakovetz, Barbara Novak, Harold Novak , and others with Ewer. Betthauser had included Golat in his "sinking boat" statement , along with Joe Marshall and Harold Novak. Golat 's support for the Union was known to Ray Fraf- jord and I find , contrary to their testimony , to Jim Ewer and Betthauser. According to Betthauser 's letter of 24 February 1987, setting forth Respondent's position on the charges (G.C. Exh. 3), Golat was not recalled earlier because, with lowered production needs, his DA job had been com- bined with that of the grinder, which job he had refused in March . In its subsequent statement setting forth its po- sition (G.C. Exh. 9), Respondent further stated that had Golat not refused the grinder job in March 1986, he would have been recalled ahead of Jeff Papiernik. t ° Re- spondent contended that when the grinder , Harold Novak, quit on 19 March Ewer had offered that job to Golat and Golat refused . The job was then given to Jeff Papiernik . Ewer's testimony is corroborated by a note to the same effect in Golat's personnel file. Golat and Novak, however, testified that they had trained Papiernik on the grinder job before Novak an- nounced his intention to quit. According to Golat's spe- cific and credible testimony , t t he was working on the DA sander on 19 March and, because he was helping train Papiernik , was behind in his own work . At that time, Ewer asked him if he "wanted to grind a while." He replied "No. I'm behind here." He did not under- stand Ewer's statement to be an offer of a change in his regular job duties. Jeff Papiernik began working in Respondent's paint department in September 1984 ; his seniority date was thus 1 July 1985 , a year after Golat 's. Nonetheless, he was recalled from layoff on 13 October and thereafter did both grinding (which Golat had taught him) and DA work . In addition, some DA work was done during this period by Max LaPorte. LaPorte had been hired in July to work part-time on the loading dock . He did not become a full-time employee until 8 September (and thus did not even have a seniority date). LaPorte had been laid off on 29 September and was recalled on 13 Octo- ber. Thereafter, he loaded and unloaded trucks and helped Papiernik on the grinder and the DA sander. Re- spondent contended that LaPorte had been recalled ahead of those with greater seniority because he was "very versatile" and "best qualified ." In light of his limit- ed experience , especially when compared with an em- ployee like Golat, I find this explanation to be, as claimed by the General Counsel , "demonstrable non- sense." 10 In light of these written position statements, Ewer's testimony, and the letter of recommendation, I find that Respondent 's contention on brief that Golat was not a highly regarded employee , with references to several adverse notations in his personnel file, to be mere afterthoughts entitled to weight only as evidence of a shifting position. 11 Noting, among other things , Ewer's denial of knowledge of Golat's support for the Union and his subsequent admission that he saw Golat wearing a union button and Frafjord 's candid admission that he discussed Golat's union support with Ewer , I find Ewer to be a less than fully credible witness. 1418 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Additionally, the record reflects that Brian Srp, who had only begun his employment in June, was recalled from layoff on 13 October and did grinding. He had done this work before the layoff and Respondent con- tended that he was the most qualified to do it. In No- vember, during the layoff, Respondent hired a new em- ployee, Earl Main, who was assigned to the maintenance department; he did various simple jobs such as installing handles on caskets. Two employees who quit during the layoff, Bruce Thomas and Delores Smith, were hired to do grinding and scuffing respectively while Golat, Mar- shall, and the others were still on layoff. Joseph Marshall began working as a metal brusher in Respondent's paint department on 30 December 1981. He also loaded and unloaded trucks, washed caskets, in- stalled beds and springs, operated the DA sander, and did both grinding and sanding. He had not been laid off prior to 29 September even when others in the plant had been and, before becoming involved in union activity, had frequently been called in for overtime work. Jim Ewer considered him to be an employee to whom an as- signment could be given with confidence that it would be completed. Ewer testified that he "had nothing against him." His work was never criticized. During the union campaign, Marshall talked up the Union among the employees who worked in the base- ment of the plant, he signed an authorization card and he attended union meetings. He also wore a union button; both Frafjord commented negatively about it. He was also one of the employees whom Betthauser included in the "sinking boat" statement as repeated by Rick Ewer to Golat. Marshall was laid off on 29 September. Recalled to the paint department before he was offered (and declined) recall in April 1987 (in addition to Papiernik, Srp, Main, Thomas, and LaPorte, discussed above) were Joe Smith, Rick Ewer, Sharon Heath, Don Hunt, and Andrew Nelson. According to Respondent's initial statement of position, Marshall was not recalled because he was a very slow worker who was holding up production. In its subsequent statement, there was no mention of him being a slow worker. There, it was asserted that of the three people who could do the metal brushing job, including Marshall, two were recalled. One was Joe Smith who had substantially greater seniority than Marshall (and who has been identified in this record as a union support- er). The other was Rick Ewer, who, although he had less seniority, was an assistant foreman. With respect to the others, Betthauser testified that Sharon Heath had greater seniority than Marshall and was recalled to do touchup priming, scuffing, and inspecting; Don Hunt was called back to wash caskets, the job he had been doing for a number of years; and Andrew Nelson was similarly called back to do the priming work, which was his job before the layoff. Both Nelson and Hunt were less senior than Marshall but were the best qualified to do the job assigned them, according to Betthauser. 2. Mark Stanger Mark Stanger was hired in September 1981 and was primarily a dockworker under the supervision of Delbert Thomas, foreman of shipping, receiving, maintenance, and trucking. Prior to June, the work he had done most was loading caskets; he had also installed springs and gaskets. In June, he sustained an injury and was placed on light duty. As his doctor restricted him from lifting more than 25 pounds, he was assigned to touchup work and he continued to do that job until the layoff. The General Counsel concedes that Stanger never gave the Company any written release from his lifting restriction. It appears that his work on the dock was taken over, at least in part, by Bernie Marshall. Stanger was involved in the union activity from the beginning. He made the initial call to the Union's elec- tion observer. His union activity was known to at least Ewer and Frafjord. Respondent asserts, and the General Counsel does not dispute, that following the layoff the touchup job was combined with the painter's. Stanger was not qualified to perform the combined job. Paul Dubiel and Bernie Mar- shall, both painters and loaders before the layoff, were recalled to do the combined job. Dubiel and Marshall both have less seniority than Stanger. Marshall, it should be noted, was heavily involved in the union activity. The General Counsel does not contend that Stanger should have been recalled in place of Dubiel or Marshall. Rather, the General Counsel argues that less senior people were recalled to work in jobs that Stanger had done before his layoff. The only one suggested was Richard Kroening. Kroening was hired in August and company records show that he was listed as "dockwork- er, maintenance, gaskets and hardware" in the hardware (HD) department. The record does not show what Rich- ard Kroening was doing during the period of Stanger's layoff. However, when Stanger was recalled in April, he worked for 1 day on touchup and then replaced Kroen- ing on the job of installing springs and gaskets. In addition to noting the weight restriction on Stanger's work, Respondent argues that his extensive tar- diness record was a factor in the decision not to recall him. He had received a written warning for tardiness in February and his attendance record indicates that he was late for work virtually every day from June until he was laid off. There is no indication that he was given any fur- ther warning or discipline for his continued tardiness, which may have been occasioned by the fact that he was a farmer in addition to working for Respondent. 3. FT department-Sewers Priscilla Barber, Mildred "Bernie" Yakovetz, Barbara Novak, and Susan Celske Recalled from layoff were sewers Dorothy Jenness, Victoria Hoeft, Kay Franzen, Pamela Bosteda, Arlene Grey, Harriet Reinaas, and Ruth Coats. All these except Coats had more seniority than any of the four sewers, named above, who were not recalled. Coats was hired 2 weeks after Barber (19 May 1983 vs. 2 May 1983) and before Yakovetz (6 August 1984), Novak (21 March 1985) and Celske (22 July 1985). Also recalled to the FT department, which included sewing, were Kathy Hoeft and Wendy Ralston . Kathy Hoeft, hired 31 August 1984, returned to do springs and gaskets, which had been her job before the layoff; she also did some sewing after her MASTERCRAFT CASKET CO. 1419 recall . Sewing was included in her job description and she had done some sewing before the layoff. Ralston, hired 13 August 1986, was a cap assembler and tacker and that is the job she did on her recall . In January 1987, after Jenness was injured , Respondent recalled Harriett as a sewer . Winter had more seniority (5 November 1984) than any of the sewers not recalled except Barber. Betthauser and Jim Ewer denied knowledge that Barber, Yakovetz, Novak, and Celske had supported the Union. For the reasons previously stated , particularly the animus statements attributed to Ewer naming some of these individuals, and for the additional reasons set forth below, I do not credit their denials. Priscilla Barber had attended all the union meetings, signed an authorization card , and talked in favor of the Union among the employees during their breaks . In prep- aration for the hearing scheduled in the prior case she had spoken with Respondent's counsel and had revealed her support and her vote for the Union. In April, Bonnie Timmers , a relative of Joan Ewer, Jim Ewer's daughter-in-law , and a former friend of Bar- ber's, allegedly told Joan and/or Florence Ewer that Priscilla Barber had said that when she got ready to quit, she would feign an injury at work and collect workman's compensation as she had allegedly done at her prior place of employment. Respondent never questioned Barber about this and never took any action to protect itself against an unwarranted claim or suit by Barber. If they had questioned her, they would have had her denial, as she denied it on the witness stand , and they would have learned that there was an ongoing property dispute between Barber's family and Timmers', rendering Timmers less than an unbiased reporter. Notwithstanding the uncorroborated nature of this hearsay, Respondent initially asserted this information as the sole reason why it did not recall Barber. Subsequently, Respondent added that Barber had less seniority than all of those called back except Coats and claimed that Coats had been working on a special project, sewing sets on cardboard. Respondent claimed that Coats was the only one doing this special project, which had been assigned to her be- cause she had a new sewing machine . Barber credibly testified that all the sewers worked on this project and that their machines were fully capable of doing that work. Respondent considered Barber's work to be satis- factory and made no contention that it failed to recall her because of her job performance. During the winter, Barber and her husband went to Arizona where he sought temporary work. Respondent learned of this when someone called her home and spoke with her daughter about an insurance matter . When Jen- ness was injured, Respondent made no effort to contact Barber to be her replacement, allegedly believing that she was unavailable for work. Harriet Winter was called back in January 1987 to replace Jenness . Barber testified that she was available to return and would have done so had they contacted her. Contact, she said, could have been made through her daughter. Mildred "Bernie" Yakovetz had attended union meet- ings, signed a union authorization card, talked about the Union with her fellow employees, been named as an al- leged discriminatee in the prior case, received backpay from the settlement of that case , and had been inter- viewed by Respondent 's attorney in preparation for the earlier scheduled hearing . She was not a leader of the campaign but her feelings toward the Union were known and, as shown above , were not appreciated. Respondent initially stated that Yakovetz was not re- called because her job had been combined with another and because of poor quality workmanship . In its subse- quent statement , Respondent made no mention of the combining of Yakovetz ' job with any others ; it relied on her seniority and job performance . No specific evidence was ever introduced as to what other job Yakovetz may have been combined with and , when she returned to work in April , she saw no evidence of job combination. According to Jim Ewer , Yakovetz was a fast sewer but she made a lot of mistakes requiring that her work be redone . His testimony is corroborated by two file nota- tions, showing that work was returned to her on 29 May and 10 June . Yakovetz admitted that she made some mis- takes in her sewing but volunteered that she did not do so anymore than anyone else. She also testified that before the layoff her leadlady, Arlene Grey, had told her that she would be recalled quickly because she was one of the best sewers. Yakovetz was recalled on 6 April, worked 1 week, and since a plant shutdown of 1 week , has not been re- called . The General Counsel contends that there is a continuing discrimination against her. Barbara Novak is the wife of Harold Novak, one of the principal union organizers , and this relationship was noted adversely by Respondent . She attended two union meetings and was observed at one of them, along with about 30 others, by Florence Ewers . She signed an au- thorization card , distributed two others, and received backpay as an alleged discriminatee in the ULP case, which was settled. Respondent claimed in its position statements that she was not recalled because she had the least seniority among the sewers and her job had been combined with another . In his testimony, Ewer stated that she was a slow sewer; his notes on her work performance con- firmed this . Yakovetz also corroborated it; she had heard Ewer criticize Novak 's work pace. Novak admitted that she was not fast, but denied that she was the slowest. Novak was recalled on 6 April, worked for a short while, and was then laid off again . She has not yet been recalled and, like Yakovetz , is claimed to be a victim of continuing discrimination. Susan Celske, like Yakovetz, had attended some union meetings, had talked about the Union in the shop, and had been named as a discriminatee and received backpay as a result of the earlier settlement . Also, like Yakovetz, she was laid off again following her recall. Respondent's position statements assert that she was not recalled because her job was combined with another and because she had the least seniority. In his testimony, Ewer claimed that she was a slow sewer, that she had been tried on several jobs on which she either could not keep up or complained about the work. His testimony is supported by file notations made in March and August. 1420 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 4. Welding department-Matthew Hall Matthew Hall did not testify in this proceeding. Ac- cording to Golat, Hall was very vocal in his support of the Union and wore a union button. At one point, early in the campaign, when Jim Ewer was telling employees that they did not need a union, Hall replied that if it were not for people like Ewer in the plant, they would not need one. Ewer admitted that he was aware of Hall's strong support for the Union. Hall was an automatic head welder. According to Re- spondent's initial statement of position , Hall was not re- called from layoff because his job had been combined with another and because he had moved out the area.12 Subsequently, Respondent expanded on the first reason, pointing out that Hall's skills were limited to automatic welding; he could not do other types of welding. The extent of his experience was to put lids on, they were welded automatically , and he installed hinges . The auto- matic welder position , Respondent stated , was combined with the corner and finish welder positions. To perform this work, Respondent recalled Everett "Rusty" Junk, an employee whose seniority dates from 1971. Ewer further testified that Hall suffered from a hand tremor , causing him to be nicknamed "Shakey." This tremor prevented him from doing other work in Respondent's plant. The General Counsel did not dispute the testimony concerning Respondent's reasons for not recalling Hall. Neither did the General Counsel suggest the name of any employee who was recalled in lieu of Hall. 5. Analysis and conclusions regarding the alleged discrimination In Wright Line, 251 NLRB 1083, 1089 (1980), enfd. 662 F.2d 899 ((1st Cir. 1981),13 the Board set forth the following causation test to be applied in all discrimina- tion cases turning on employee motivation: First, we shall require that the General Counsel make a prima facie showing sufficient to support the inference that protected conduct was a "motivating factor" in the employer's decision. Once this is es- tablished, the burden will shift to the employer to demonstrate that the same action would have taken place even in the absence of the protected conduct. Resolution of the 8 (a)(3) allegations turns on motivation; accordingly, Wright Line provides the analytical frame- work for the discussion that follows. The General Counsel has established that, to a greater or lesser extent, each of the alleged discriminatees en- gaged in union activity, that Respondent knew of that activity both generally and with respect to each of the alleged discriminatees , and that its supervisors dissembled ignorance of that knowledge. The attempt to conceal its knowledge of the union activity warrants an inference 12 This second reason was apparently "make weight " The only evi- dence that Hall moved comes from the fact that his letter of recall from the layoff, dated 31 March 1987 , was returned undelivered . There is no evidence that Respondent knew of his move at any earlier time when other employees were being recalled. 18 The Wright Line test was approved by the Supreme Court in NLRB v. Transportation Management Corp., 462 U.S. 393 (1983) that it was seeking also to conceal unlawful motivation. Shattuck Denn Mining Corp. v. NLRB, 362 F.2d 466, 470 (9th Cir. 1966). Unquestionably , it has also been established that Re- spondent harbored animus against union activists in gen- eral and the record reveals that its animus was specifical- ly directed at Golat, Marshall, Stanger, Yakovetz, and Barber , and possibly others. Significantly , the record even reveals Respondent 's intention to use layoffs as a means of ridding itself of prounion employees. Finally, the General Counsel has shown that Respond- ent put forth pretextual or shifting reasons for its failure to recall some of the employees . The assertion of false or shifting reasons for its actions is strong evidence that its actions were unlawfully motivated . Delta Gas, 282 NLRB 1315 (1987); Swift & Co., 250 NLRB 1223, 1225 (1980). I consider as patently pretextual Respondent's claim that La Porte was called back before Golat be- cause he was a "very versatile employee." He had not worked there long enough to become versatile. More- over, Golat was expressly referred to by Jim Ewer as a versatile and adaptable employee and had worked there long enough to have earned that credit. It is thoroughly implausible that Respondent would have recalled a very short-term employee because of his alleged versatility in place of a versatile and well -regarded long-term employ- ee unless it had other motivations . In a similiar vein, one must view Respondent 's contention that Golat was not a highly regarded employee ; as noted, that contention was a mere afterthought , contradicted by other evidence. Likewise , the contention that Joe Marshall was a slow worker , which was clearly contradicted by Ewer's own testimony, and was advanced by Respondent and then not pursued. Clearly pretextual, also, is Respondent 's alleged reli- ance on the double hearsay statement attributed to Barber by Florence or Joan Ewer concerning her intend- ed abuse of a workman 's compensation claim, without even a perfunctory investigation . If Respondent had placed sufficient credence in this statement to have de- layed Barber's recall from layoff because of it, it would have been sufficiently concerned to have confronted her about it when the allegation first surfaced or to have taken immediate remedial action . I find it totally implau- sible that an employer would believe that an employee intended to defraud it through an abuse of the work- man's compensation laws and do nothing more than rely on such knowledge to delay the recall of that employee from a layoff. Its failure to do more , to even question the employee about it, shows pretext and makes clear its mo- tivation.14 Kidde, Inc., 284 NLRB 78 (1987); Brookshire Grocery Co., 282 NLRB 1273 (1987). The General Counsel having established a strong prima facie case, the burden shifts to Respondent to 14 Additionally, I note that while Respondent contended that the jobs of sewers Yakovetz , Novak, and Celske had been combined with other jobs, it never made clear what other jobs, if any , they had been combined with Regarding Matthew Hall, I note that Respondent threw in his change of address as a reason for not recalling him although there was no evidence that it knew of that change at any time prior to the turn of the 31 March recall letter. MASTERCRAFT CASKET CO. 1421 show that it would not have recalled these employees even if they had not been identified with the Union. Much of its defense has , of course, been considered and rejected in the foregoing discussion ; in pretext cases there is seldom a clear line between the General Coun- sel's burden and Respondent's. Considering Respondent 's arguments and evidence, I find that Respondent has failed to satisfy that burden with respect to Golat, Marshall , and Barber . Thus, Golat was a versatile and respected employee whom Respond- ent had falsely attempted to portray otherwise. He had experience on a number of different jobs, including grinding, scuffing, and loading, and could have been re- called ahead of Papiernik , Srp, La Porte, Thomas, and Smith and before Main was hired . Even assuming that Respondent honestly believed that Golat had declined the grinding job in March when Novak quit, I would find that he should have been offered the combined grinding/DA job ahead of Papiernik. It is one thing to decline a job transfer when one is fully occupied with a preferred job; it is quite another to be offered that job in combination with the preferred job when the alternative is layoff. Respondent did not follow its stated policy of recalling the employee who was both most qualified and most senior when it preferred . Papiernik, Srp, LaPorte, Thomas, and Main over Golat. Virtually all that has been said above concerning Golat applies with equal force to Joe Marshall. He had experience in grinding and loading and was considered a versatile and valuable employee , one who could be counted on, before he became involved in union activity. Respondent falsely attempted to portray him otherwise and then dropped that position. He could have, and should have, been recalled before Papiernik, Srp, or La- Porte and before Respondent hired Main to do simple tasks that could have as easily been assigned to Marshall. A more difficult case is presented in Priscilla Barber. She was only nominally more senior than Ruth Coats, the only sewer recalled with less seniority . However, Respondent's reliance on the alleged workman's compen- sation matter is so blatantly pretextual that I must infer unlawful motivation. In this regard I have also consid- ered that Barber was fully capable of doing the "special project" that Respondent claimed was Coats' assignment and, in fact, had done it. The "special project" was no justification for recalling Coats ahead of Barber. Contrary to the situations presented by Golat, Mar- shall, and Barber , I do fmd that Respondent has met its burden of proof regarding Stanger, Yakovetz, Novak, Celske, and Hall . Stanger was classified as a dockworker. However, he could not be recalled to that position be- cause Respondent understood him to be under a weight- lifting restriction. It was Stanger 's obligation to secure a release from that restriction and he had not done so. Bernie Marshall , a prounion employee with greater se- niority, was apparently recalled to the dockworker posi- tion, apparently in conjunction with other work. Richard Kroening , an employee with less seniority, was recalled to the maintenance department but apparently did some work that Stanger may have been capable of doing even under his weight restriction. For a light-duty assignment, Stanger had been giving touchup. The touchup job was combined with painting following the layoff and he was not qualified for the combined job. Additionally, Re- spondent introduced uncontradicted evidence of exces- sive tardiness by Stanger , a legitimate consideration when determining whom to recall . 15 Considering the lack of work for him within the weight-lifting restriction and his tardiness , I am convinced that Respondent would not have recalled Mark Stanger even if he had not been known as an employee who favored the Union. The General Counsel did not dispute Respondent's adoption of a policy calling for recall by qualification and seniority within departments . In the sewing depart- ment, no sewers with less seniority than Yakovetz, Novak, and Celske were called . Two employees, Kathy Hoeft and Wendy Ralston , were recalled but they had jobs other than sewing and did not sew as their principal assignments following recall . I find that Yakovetz, Novak, and Celske were properly recalled within the terms of Respondent's written policy. There was no dis- crimination in Respondent 's failure to recall Yakovetz, Novak, and Celske earlier. Similarly, there is no evidence that anyone was re- called to a position that, by seniority or qualification, should have been Matthew Hall 's. Absent such evidence, I can find no discrimination. Accordingly, I shall recommend that Respondent be found to have violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by its failure to recall Chester Golat, Joe Marshall, and Priscilla Barber.' a I shall further recommend that the al- legations of discrimination against Mark Stanger, Mil- dred Yakovetz, Barbara Novak, Susan Celske, and Mat- thew Hall be dismissed. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(aX3) and (1) of the Act, I shall recommend that it be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Having found that Respondent unlawfully failed and refused to recall Chester Golat, Joe Marshall , and Pris- cilla Barber from layoff unit' 6 April 1987, I recommend that Respondent be required to make them whole for any loss of earnings and other benefits they may have suffered as a result of the discrimination against them, with interest to be computed in the manner prescribed in New Horizons for the Retarded.17 15 Even in the absence of evidence concerning the absenteeism records of other employees, Stanger's was obviously bad enough to cause con- cern. 's In so finding, I have not failed to consider that Respondent did recall and even promote some people who were known to it as union supporters. An employer need not discriminate against all known union supporters in order to effectively discourage union activity by discrimi- nating against some . Uptil6 Inc, 276 NLRB 583, 589 (1984). 17 283 NLRB 1173 (1987). Interest on and after January 1 , 1987, shall be computed at the "short-term Federal rate " for the underpayment of taxes as set out in the 1986 amendment to 26 U.S.C. § 6621. Interest on amounts accrued prior to January 1, 1987 (the effective date of the 1986 amendment to 26 U.S.C. 16621 ), shall be computed in accordance with Florida Steel Corp., 231 NLRB 651 (1977). 1422 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The General Counsel has requested a visitatorial clause authorizing the Board, for compliance purposes, to obtain discovery from the Respondent under the Fed- eral Rules of Civil Procedure subject to the supervision of the United States court of appeals enforcing this Order. Under the circumstances of this case, I find it un- necessary to include such a clause. See BMD Sportswear Corp., 283 NLRB 142 fn. 3 (1987). CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. By threatening to terminate or thin out employees because of their union membership, activities, or desires and by blaming the Union for the layoff of other em- ployees, Respondent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of rights guaran- teed them under Section 7, thereby violating Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 2. By discriminatorily failing to recall employees from layoff because of their membership in or support for the Union, Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 3. The unfair labor practices enumerated above are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 4. Respondent has not engaged in any unfair labor practices not specifically found. On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record, I issue the following recommend- ed'8 ORDER The Respondent, York Products, Inc. d/b/a Master- craft Casket Company, Ladysmith, Wisconsin, its offi- cers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall 1. Cease and desist from (a) Threatening its employees with termination because of their union membership, activities, or desires. (b) Blaming the Union for the layoff of employees. (c) Discriminatorily refusing and failing to recall em- ployees from layoff because of their union membership, activities, or desires or other union or protected concert- ed activities. (d) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. (a) Make Chester Golat, Joseph Marshall, and Priscilla Barber whole for any loss of earnings and benefits they may have suffered as a result of the discrimination against them in the manner provided in the remedy sec- tion of this decision. (b) Post at its Ladysmith, Wisconsin plant copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."19 Copies of the 18 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102.46 of the Board's Rules and Regulations , the fmdmgs , conclusions, and recommended Order shall, as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules, be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur- poses 19 If this Order is enforced by a judgment of a United States court of appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the Nation- al Labor Relations Board " shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 18 , after being signed by the Respondent's au- thorized representative, shall be posted by the Respond- ent immediately upon receipt and maintained for 60 con- secutive days in conspicuous places including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Rea- sonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to ensure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director in writing within 20 days from the date of this Order what steps the Re- spondent has taken to comply. IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that the complaint be dismissed insofar as it alleges violations not specifically found herein. the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has or- dered us to post and abide by this notice. Section 7 of the Act gives employees these rights. To organize To form, join, or assist any union To bargain collectively through representatives of their own choice To act together for other mutual aid or protec- tion To choose not to engage in any of these protect- ed concerted activities. WE WILL NOT threaten to terminate or thin out em- ployees because of their union activities, membership, or desires. WE WILL NOT blame the Union for the layoff of em- ployees. WE WILL NOT discriminatorily fail or refuse to recall employees from layoff because of their union activities, membership, or desires. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain , or coerce you in the exercise of the rights guaranteed you by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL make Chester Golat, Joseph Marshall, and Priscilla Barber whole for any loss of earnings and bene- fits they may have suffered as a result of the discrimina- tion against them, with interest. YORK PRODUCTS, INC. D/B/A MASTER- CRAFT CASKET COMPANY Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation