Martin Arsham Sewing Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 7, 1979244 N.L.R.B. 918 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Martin Arsham Sewing Co. and International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Local 29. Case 8-CA- 11894 September 7, 1979 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND PENELLO On March 21, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Claude R. Wolfe issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief, the General Counsel filed ex- ceptions and a supporting brief, and the Charging Party filed a brief in support of the exceptions filed by the General Counsel. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein. The Administrative Law Judge found, and we agree, that Respondent's violations of Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the Act warrant the imposition of a bargaining order. We do not agree, however, with his finding that, although Patton, Thomas, McCoy, and Mays were unfair labor practice strikers, they were not discriminatorily discharged as were all other un- fair labor practice strikers. The record shows in this regard that on April I1, 1978, pursuant to a card majority, the Union re- quested recognition and bargaining, and that, after rejection, Respondent's owner, Arsham, stated to the assembled employees that "whoever signed the cards could get their coats and leave . . . [that they] could leave with the Union or stay and work." The employ- ees chose to abandon Respondent rather than the Union and left the premises, and thereby were con- structively discharged in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. They then engaged in a strike which the Administrative Law Judge correctly found to be an unfair labor practice strike. Patton, Thomas, McCoy, and Mays, all of whom had signed union authorization cards prior to April II, were absent on that day and, after fellow employ- ees had informed them of Arsham's statements and of the strike, they joined in the strike, which they refused to abandon despite Supervisor Williams' subsequent direct request to Patton that she return to work. The Administrative Law Judge concluded that the facts are insufficient to show that these four employees would not have been permitted to work if they so chose. We do not agree. It is clear, and we find, that Arsham's discharge statements, although not made directly to the four employees absent from work on April I , were di- rected to all union card signers, and therefore Arsham reasonably could have expected that his statements would be communicated to these four absent union card signers as in fact they were. We further find that their participation in the strike was bottomed on those statements. Absent any probative evidence to the contrary, we cannot view Williams' subsequent request that Patton return to work as a renunciation of Arsham's position, but find, instead, that the re- quest merely was an extension of the unlawful choice offered. Accordingly, we find, contrary to the Admin- istrative Law Judge, that Patton, McCoy, Thomas, and Mays also were constructively and unlawfully discharged in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act, and we shall order reinstatement and back- pay for them also. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified be- low, and hereby orders that the Respondent, Martin Arsham Sewing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as so modi- fied: 1. Substitute the following for paragraph 2(b): "(b) Offer to Crystal Cash, Rebecca Clements, Al- bertha Curry, Charlotte Daye, Wilma Jones, Beadell Wilson, Denise Wilcox, Diana Whitmore, Sarah White, Ann Patterson, Marliese Nieves, Joan Mas- singill, Rose Thomas, Gloria McCoy, Mary Patton, and Magnolia Mays immediate and full reinstate- ment to their former positions or, if those positions no longer exist, to substantially equivalent positions without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and make them whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of the dis- crimination against them in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled 'The Remedy.'" 2. Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge. APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT discourage membership in Inter- national Ladies Garment Workers Union, Local 244 NLRB No. 149 918 MARTIN ARSHAM SEWING CO. 29, or an), other labor organization, by discharg- ing any of our employees or in any other manner discriminating against them with regard to their tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment. WE WILL NOT refuse to recognize or bargain with International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Local 29, as the exclusive representative of all employees in the appropriate bargaining unit described below. WE WILL NOT coercively interrogate our em- ployees concerning their or other employees' union activities, membership, or desires. WE WILL NOT physically strike union represen- tatives in the presence of employees. WE WILI. NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the ex- ercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILl., upon request, bargain collectively with International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Local 29, as the exclusive bargaining rep- resentative of all the employees in the bargaining unit described below with respect to rates of pay. wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment and, if an under- standing is reached, embody that understanding in a written, signed agreement. The bargaining unit is: All production and maintenance employees, excluding all office clerical employees, profes- sional employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. WE WILL offer to Crystal Cash, Rebecca Clem- ents, Albertha Curry, Charlotte Daye, Wilma Jones, Beadell Wilson, Denise Wilcox, Diana Whitmore, Sarah White, Ann Patterson, Mar- liese Nieves, Joan Massingill, Rose Thomas, Gloria McCoy, Mary Patton, and Magnolia Mays immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or, if those positions no longer exist, to substantially equivalent jobs, without preju- dice to their seniority or other rights and privi- leges, and make them whole for any loss of earn- ings they may have suffered as a result of the discrimination against them, with interest com- puted thereon. All our employees are free to join International La- dies Garment Workers Union, Local 29. or any other labor organization. MARTIN ARSHAM SEWING CO. DECISION STATEMENT OF IHt CASI CI.AUDE R. WOIFE, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard before me in Cleveland. Ohio. on October 30 and 31 and November 1, 1978.' pursuant to complaint issued June 14. and charges were filed on May I by International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Local 29. herein called the Union. The complaint, as amended at the hearing, al- leges violations of Section 8(a)( ), (3). and (5) of the Act consisting of interrogation and threats, discharge or con- structive discharge of 16 employees, and a refusal to bar- gain with the Union. Respondent denies the commission of unfair labor practices. Upon the entire record,' including my observation of the witnesses as they testified, and after careful consideration of the parties' post-hearing briefs. I make the flollowing: FINDINGS AND CON('L,'SIONS I. JURISIIC ION The complaint alleges. Respondent admits. and I find that Respondent is an Ohio corporation with its only office and place of business located in Cleveland. Ohio. where it is engaged in the contract sewing of draperies for commercial businesses, and Respondent annually. in the course and conduct of its business, provides services in excess of $50,000 to the United States Government. and to other en- terprises, each of which annually receives goods and ser- vices or materials valued in excess of $50,000 directly from points located outside the State wherein said enterprises are located. Respondent is now, and has been at all times mate- rial herein, an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 11. ABOR ORAN;IZ.A IO The Union is now, and has been at all times material herein, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II. TtHE ALL.EGiED UNFAIR LABOR PRAC II(S A. The Factls A unit of the Respondent's employees appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining is: All dates herein occurred in 1978. Resp. Exh. 5 and 6 were not received in evidence. although the reporter's markings on them indicate that they were. Contrary to Respondent's asser- tion in his brief. my admonition, on page 80 of the record, to "Stop your fencing" was directed to both the witness, Pishko. and Respondent's counsel. The facts set forth herein are based on a synthesis of the credited aspects of the testimony of all witnesses, the exhibits, stipulations of fact. and careful consideration of the logical consistency and inherent probability of the facts found. Although I may not. In the course of this decision. advert to all of the record testimony or documentary evCdence. it has been weighed carefulls and considered to the extent that testimony or other eidence not mentioned herein might appear to contradict the findings of fact. that evidence has not been disregarded. but has been rejected as incredible. lacking in probanse woith. surplusage, or was irrelevant 919 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD All production and maintenance employees, excluding all office cleric;ll emploees and professional employ- ees. guards. and supervisors as defined in the Act. The parties agree that the flloswing employees were members of that unit on April II1: Eva Bucsanyi. Frizell Burt. ('rystal ('ash. Rebecca Clements, Albertha Curry. Charlotte Daye. E!ugene Hancock. Mary Johnson. Wilma Jones. Pauline Kessler. Marina Marinkovic. Joan Mas- singill. Marliese Nieves. Ann Patterson. Susie Prince. Ann Rankin, Sarah White. Diana Whitmore. Denise Wilcox. Beadell Wilson, Magnolia Mays, and Mary Patton.4 In ad- dition, the General Counsel contends, and Respondent de- nies. that Gloria McCoy and Rose Thomas were also unit members on April I i. It appears that McCoy's last day at work was March 17. According to McCoy. she told Supervisor Eva Williams that she needed time off because she was sick, and Williams told her to take the time she needed and to get in touch with Williams when she was ready to return to work. She states that she was well enough to return on May I, but did not do so because other employees were picketing. Williams testified that McCoy told her that she had to be off work for surgery and did not know when she could return to work. Williams says that she expressed sympathy over McCoy's illness and told McCoy to keep in touch with her. There is no substantial contradiction between the testimony of the two, but I credit the fuller version given by McCoy because she seemed to be truthful and the instruction to get in touch when she was ready to return is consistent with Williams' comment that the same message conveyed to Rose Thomas by Williams meant that Thomas should call in when she could return to work. I find that McCoy went on sick leave,' had a reasonable expectancy of employment, and was an employee in the unit on April I I. That she did not return on May I due to the strike does not alter this conclu- sion. Rose Thomas' last day at work was March 29. Thomas claims that she asked Williams for 2 weeks off because she was pregnant and tired; Williams agreed. She did not re- turn to work because she would not cross the picket line. Her child was born on August 26. According to Williams, Thomas told her that she would have to stay home because she was in poor health and having trouble with her preg- nancy, but the question of a 2-week leave of absence was not discussed. Williams asked Thomas to keep in touch, by which she meant for Thomas to call in when she could return to work. Thomas' credibility is placed in question by her admission that she knowingly concealed her employ- ment with Arsham from the county welfare department. which was giving her assistance. I find it unnecessary to rely on her testimony because Williams' testimony fairly estab- lishes that Thomas was absent from work due to pregnancy complications and had a reasonable expectancy of return- ing when physically able to so do. I therefore conclude that Rose Thomas was an employee of Respondent on April 1 1. 4The record incorrectly shows "Marty" Patton at one point. Whether or not Respondent had a "formal" sick leave policy is not a controlling factor. The General Counsel proved. Respondent concedes, and I find that 12 employees signed valid authorization cards for the Union between March 13 and April 10.' A card was signed by Ann Patterson on either April 7 or 10. She testi- fied that she signed it at the plant on April 7, but then stated she got the card at a union meeting held on April 10. In a pretrial affidavit, she asserted that she signed the card at the meeting. In any event, it is plain that she did sign the card prior to the Union's demand of April I and the al- leged refusal to bargain on that date (both of which are discussed belowl. and her card validly designates the Union as her representative. It is uncontroverted, and I so find. that Gloria McCoy signed a valid authorization card for the Union on March 13. Sarah White and Wilma Jones signed cards on April II., after the alleged refusal to bargain and subsequent walkout of' the employees on that date. On the morning of April I I, union representatives Pishko and Freeland entered the shop, introduced themselves to Martin Arsham. and advised him that the union repre- sented a majority of the employees. Arsham took them into his office where, after some preliminary conversation about whether or not the employees were happy with their work- ing conditions, Piskho offered to show Arsham the signed cards and gave him a recognition agreement.s Arsham evinced a desire to talk to his lawyer, and Pishko agreed that he should. Arsham called the lawyer, found he was in trial and not readily available, and suggested to Pishko that he would get in touch with the Union after he managed to talk with his lawyer. Pishko pressed his request that the question of recognition be settled more promptly than that. Arsham declined. Freeland, who had not taken a significant part in the conversation, then walked into the shop, fol- lowed by Arsham and Pishko in that order, and called to the employees. Want happened thereafter is a matter of considerable dispute. Given the fact that neither Pishko nor Arsham were overly impressive witnesses and both were evasive and inconsistent at times, and the testimony of the other witnesses was generally favorable to the party who called them. I have concluded that the following recitation is a probable and logically consistent synthesis of the credi- ble portions of confused testimony, replete with failures of recollection and variations of sequence, about a confused incident described in varying degrees of candor and com- pleteness by the witnesses thereto.' Testimony to the con- trary is discredited. When Freeland '" called to the employees, who then were returning to work from their morning break, he requested them to come to the front of the shop. It appears that all but one employee then came to the front.' Although some 6 Crystal Cash, Rebecca Clements, Albertha Curry, Charlotte Daye. Joan Massingill, Magnolia Mays, Marliese Nieves, Mary Patton. Rose Thomas. Diana Whitmore, Denise Wilcox, Beadell Wilson. 7All cards are unambiguous authorizations for the Union to act as the signers' exclusive collective-bargaining representative. I Pishko's reluctance to concede the presentation of the recognition agree- ment is inexplicable and displays a degree of evasion that is also present in other portions of his testimony. 9 Of the witness testifying on the events of that morning, Crystal Cash was the most spontaneous, direct,. and believable. She impressed me as one care- fully testifying as best she recalled without evasion or invention. o1 Freeland did not testify. ' I credit those several witnesses who testified that the employees did not hase their coats with them when they arrived. and that employees did not get 920 MARTIN ARSHAM SEWING C O. witnesses may have construed his words as a call to strike. I do not believe that he used the word "strike." or said that they were "going out."': When Freeland made this an- nouncement, Arshp.m told him to leave and unsuccessfully attempted to push Freeland toward the exit." In the mean- time the employees were gathering around Pishko, Free- land, and Arsham. Some arrived in the midst or at the end of the conversation that ensued. Pishko and Arsham reiter- ated what they had said to each other in the office with regard to the employees' need and desire for a Union and the Union's request for recognition, including Arsham's ex- pressed need to contact his attorney, and Pishko and/or Freeland again requested recognition. Plant Manager Eva Williams, who was somewhat excited and confused by the goings-on, generally inquired what was happening and who started it, then asked Albertha Curry who had signed the cards. Curry refused to say, and Williams then asked Bea- dell Wilson if she had signed a card. Wilson replied that she had, whereupon Williams told her to get her coat and hat and leave with the union agent. Wilson did not then leave. and Arsham and the union representatives briefly contin- ued to express their views. Finally. Arsham stated that whoever signed the cards could get their coats and leave, that the door swung both ways, and the employees could leave with the Union or stay and work. Freeland then said "get your coats," and Pishko, Freeland, and 12 employees'4 left the shop. Pishko altered some existing picket signs, which Nack had in his car, to reflect the employees were striking Arsham to protest unfair labor practices, and pick- eting of the premises began. After the picketing began, hostilities grew between those who picketed and those who did not. On or about April 14, striker Nieves and her small son kicked the car of non- striker Marinkovic as she left work, inflicting no visible damage, and Nieves held up her fist, cursed Marinkovic, and threatened to kill her.'' On May 3, Charlotte- --- '6 swore at Marinkovic and shook a chair at her which was taken away be David Nack, who also pulled Daye away. I also believe that at one time Nack cursed Arsham and told him that he would shove Arsham's camera up Arsham's rear. Arsham was taking a picture of Nack at the time. On April 26, Arsham was escorting an employee into the plant when Pishko joined them and excoriated the em- their coats to leave until the end of the group meeting. This is confirmed by the testimony of Eva Williams to the effect that it was after all the other conversations that employees were told to get their coats. There was consid- erable testimony that Arsham and the union agents told the employees to get their coats at the end of the meeting. Had they already procured their coats. this instruction would not have been necessary. Furthermore, I do not be- lieve that Freeland told the employees to bring their coats to the front when he first called them because they did not do so. '2 He may have said, as Nieves stated in her pretrial affidavit, "let's go," but I view this as an adjuration to hasten. rather than as a stnke call. Arsham does not claim Freeland used the word "strike." al The order to leave and the push of Freeland are not alleged as unfair labor practices. 14Crystal Cash, Rebecca Clements. Albertha Curry. Charlotte Daye. Wilma Jones, Beadell Wilson, Denise Wilcox, Diana Whitmore. Sarah White, Ann Patterson, Marliese Nieves, and Joan Massingill. 1 I credit Marinkovic and employee Prince on this incident, and Marinko- vic on the May 3 incident. " 1 presume Charlotte Daye, a striking employee. ployee because she was working during the strike. As the three proceeded toward the plant, Nack approached. There was some pushing between Pishko. Arshami. and Nack. During this melee. Arsham struck Nack in the head with his fist. It is not clear whether he intended to hit l'ishko and missed, or swung around Pishko in order to hit Nack. m- ployee Nieves witnessed Arsham striking Nack. B. (oncltlding, Finding. Although an inference may be drawn that the Unlion and the employees were prepared to strike if recognition not quickly forthcoming. rather then walking out at Free- land's first call to gather. the employees stood in the shop listening fr the outcome of the dialogue between Arshami and Pishko for about 10 minutes. I have no doubt that no strike would have occurred then had Arsham granted rec- ognition. Arsham's refusal to recognize and bargain was not, however, the precipitating cause of the walkout. tis statement that all who signed cards could leave. immedi- ately following Williams' coercive interrogation of Curr, and Wilson and her instruction to Wilson to leave with the union agent." is a plain statement of termination of em- ployees because they signed union cards, and violates Sec- tion 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. Furthermore, his statement to the employees that their options were leaving with the Union or staying to work was in agreement with, and an adoption of, Williams' instruction to Wilson, and clearly gave them the choice of abandoning the Union as their representative or leaving the premises, thereby conditioning continued employment on such abandonment. Respondent could not impose such a choice on its employees without violating the Act, and when the employees elected to leave rather than forsake the Union, they were constructivel3 dis- charged"' in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and ( ). The congregation of all employees, but one, prior to the walkout can hardly be characterized as a strike. Respon- dent never directed the employees to return to work and, in effect, condoned their gathering by addressing it, together with the union agents. about the pros and cons of unioniza- tion. Those who were not union supporters were in the group, and it is not suggested, nor do I believe. that they were on strike. The strike began only after Arsham dis- charged the employees. That there may have been a strike absent Arsham's action is a question whose resolution was prevented by Arsham's statement directing his employees to leave. It is also possible that some other solution, short of a strike, may have been reached. I agree with the General Counsel that any uncertainty on this point must rest with Respondent rather than with the employees or the Union.:" Accordingly. I am persuaded that Crystal Cash. Rebecca Clements. Albertha Curry, Charlotte Dave. Wilma Jones. Beadell Wilson, Denise Wilcox, Diana Whitmore. Sarah White, Ann Patterson. Marliese Nieves. and Joan Mas- singill were discharged in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. ' Pishko did not testify on this incident. ' All of these incidents violated Sec. 8(a 1) of the Acl. I' Ra-Rich Manufacturing Corporation, 120 NLRB 503. 505 507 195)8 2 Viele Sons. Inc.. 227 NLRB 1940, 1945 (1977) 921 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD I further find that the strike was caused by the unlawful discharges and was, therefore, an unfair labor practice strike. Rose Thomas, G!oria McCoy. and Magnolia Mays were on sick leave on April I I, and Mary Patton was on personal leave that day. All credibly testified that they did not return to work because the other employees were on strike." I am satisfied that they joined the strike and became unfair labor practice strikers. I do not, however, agree with the General Counsel that they, like the other 12, were discharged dis- criminatorily. Eva Williams directly asked Patton to return to work, and I do not believe the evidence warrants a find- ing that Thomas, McCoy, or Mays would not have been permitted to work had they so elected. When the Union requested recognition, 12 of the 22 em- ployees stipulated in the appropriate unit had signed valid authorization cards. If, as I have found, Gloria McCoy and Rose Thomas were members of the unit on April I I, the Union had secured 14 cards in a unit of 24. In either case, the Union had been designated by a majority of the unit employees as their exclusive collective-bargaining repre- sentative when it requested recognition on April II1. Re- spondent's unfair labor practices of April I, particularly the discharge of 12 employees, had on obvious tendency to undermine the Union's majority strength, and did create an atmosphere in which a fair and free election could not be held. I find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by its refusal to recognize and bargain with the Union "while coterminously engaging in conduct which under- mined the Union's majority status and prevented the hold- ing of a fair election." In these circumstances, a bargain- ing order effective April 11, 1978, is necessary to protect the employees' statutory right to select their own collective-bar- gaining representative, and to be free from restraint or coer- cion in the exercise of that right. Although it appears that there was some mutual shoving and pushing between Arsham, Pishko, and Nack on April 26, I do not believe it can fairly be inferred that it escalated to the point where Arsham's punching of Nack was justified by either the necessity for self-defense or the degree of provocation suffered by Arsham. Whether Arsham in- tended to hit Pishko or Nack is of no consequence. Had he hit Pishko my conclusion would be the same. The unwar- ranted punching of a union representative in the presence of observing employees demonstrated to employees the in- tensity of Arsham's hostility toward the Union and reason- ably tended to coerce them in the exercise of their Section 7 rights. Arsham's action in striking Nack violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. In its answer to the complaint, Respondent contended, as an affirmative defense, that because it had engaged in ex- tensive acts of restraint and coercion, the Union should not be entitled to majority status, absent a Board certification pursuant to an election, Respondent does not address this contention in its post-trial brief, and I am persuaded that the evidence relating to picket line misconduct adduced be- 21 All four had signed union cards prior to April I. 22 Trading Port. Inc., 219 NLRB 298, 301 (1975). 23 At least Nieves and the employee being escorted viewed it. fore me does not rise to the level of a Laura Modes2 4 de- fense. Accordingly, this affirmative defense is rejected. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions based thereon, and upon the entire record in this case, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. The following employees of Respondent constitute a unit appropriate for collective bargaining: All production and maintenance employees, excluding all clerical and professional employees, guards. and su- pervisors as defined in the Act. 4. At all times since April 10, 1978, and continuing to date, the Union has been the exclusive representative of all the employees within said appropriate unit for purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. 5. The Union requested recognition as the exclusive col- lective-bargaining representative of Respondent's employ- ees described in paragraph 3 above on April 11. 1978. and Respondent refused the Union's request the same date. 6. By coercively interrogating employees about their union activities and those of other employees, Respondent has violated Section 8(a)( 1) of the Act. 7. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by physically striking a union representative in the presence of employees. 8. By discharging Crystal Cash, Rebecca Clements, Al- bertha Curry, Charlotte Daye, Wilma Jones. Beadell Wil- son, Denise Wilcox, Diana Whitmore, Sarah White, Ann Patterson, Marliese Nieves, and Joan Massingill because of their union sympathies and activities, Respondent has vio- lated Section 8(aX3) and (1) of the Act. 9. By refusing to recognize and bargain with the Union on April 11, 1978, and coterminously and thereafter engag- ing in the above-described violations of Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act for the purpose of undermining and destroy- ing the Union's majority status, Respondent violated Sec- tions 8(aX5) and (1) of the Act. 10. The violations of Section 8(a)(3) and (I) found herein had a tendency to undermine the Union's employee sup- port, made a fair election impossible, and warrant the issu- ance of a bargaining order. II. The unfair labor practices set forth above are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 12. The strike by Respondent's employees beginning April 11, 1978, was caused by Respondent's unfair labor practices and was an unfair labor practice strike. 13. Rose Thomas, Gloria McCoy, Magnolia Mays, and Mary Patton became unfair labor practice strikers when they were scheduled to return to work, but elected to honor the picket line, and they are entitled to reinstatement upon 2 4 Laura Modes Company, 144 NLRB 1592 (19%3). 922 request pursuant to the usual procedure relating to unfair labor practice strikers. TIlE REMIl)Y To remedy the unfair labor practices found herein, my recommended Order will require Respondent to cease and desist from further violations, to post an appropriate Notice to Employees, and to offer unconditional reinstatement to Crystal Cash, Rebecca Clements. Albertha Curry. Charlotte Daye. Wilma Jones, Beadell Wilson. Denise Wilcox. Diana Whitmore. Sarah White. Ann Patterson, Marliese Nieves and Joan Massingill.2? and make them whole for all wages lost as a result of' their unlawful discharge. with interest thereon to be computed in the manner prescribed in F:. W. Woolworth Compvany. 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Florida Steel Corporation. 231 NLRB 651 (1977).26 The General Counsel's request that an interest rate of 9 percent should be applied is denied.2 I also will recommend that Respon- dent be ordered to recognize and bargain with the Union as the exclusive collective-bargaining agent of the employees in the unit found appropriate herein. Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act. I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER' 8 The Respondent. Martin Arsham Sewing Co.. Cleveland. Ohio, its agents, officers, successors, and assigns, shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Discouraging membership in the Union, or any other 25 Respondent made valid offers of reinstatement to Beadell Wilson, Re- becca Clements. and Wilma Jones on September 19. 1978. September 27. 1978, and October 5 1978, respectively. At the hearing. Respondent offered to prove. through one of its attorneys. that an unconditional offer was made to the Union. at a meeting, on April 13. 1978, so as to put all of the employees back to work, and that the Union rejected that offer unless Respondent would recognize the Union. The meet- ing was held between the parties in response to advice from Respondent that it intended to seek a temporary restraining order and an injunction against the picketing. I denied the offer to prove. In so doing. I erroneously ruled that an offer of reinstatement made to the Union would not be a valid offer. See, e.g.. Gladwin Industries. Inc., 183 NLRB 280-281 (1970). 1 am, however. of the opinion that my ruling on the offer to prove was warranted because the meeting was in the nature of a settlement discussion as indicated by the reason for the meeting and the offer of proof itself. ("the Union rejected that offer unless the Company would recognize the Union") and in any event, the question of reinstatement and offers thereof may be deferred properly to the compliance stage of this proceeding. 2 See, generally, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). " Florida Steel, supra. A In the event no exceptions are filed, as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board. the findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. MARTIN ARSHIAM SEWIN(; CO. labor organization. by discharging employees or otherwise discriminating in any manner in respect to their tenure of employment or any term or condition of employ ment. (hb) Refusing to recognize and bargain with the Union as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of all Re- spondent's employees in the above-described appropriate unit. (c) ('oercively interrogating emploees concerning their and other employees' union activities and desires. (d) Physically striking union representatives in the pres- ence of employees. (e) In any other manner, interfering with. restraining. or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action. which will effec- tuate the purposes and policies of the Act: (a) Upon request, recognize and bargain with the Union as the exclusive representative of all employees in the afore- said appropriate unit and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a written, signed agreement. lb) Offer to Crystal Cash, Rebecca Clements, Albertha Curry. Charlotte Daye. Wilma Jones. Beadell Wilson, De- nise Wilcox. Diana Whitmore. Sarah White, Ann Patter- son. Marliese Nieves. and Joan Massingill immediate and full reinstatement to their former positions, or substantially equivalent jobs if those positions no longer exist, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges. and make them whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against them. in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision enti- tled "The Remedy." (c) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board and its agents, for examination and copying, all pay- roll records and reports and all other records required to ascertain the amount, if any. of any backpay due under the terms of' this recommended Order. (d) Post at its Cleveland. Ohio. offices and facilities. cop- ies of the attached notice marked "Appendix. " : Copies of said notice. on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 8, after being signed by Respondent's authorized agent. shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof. and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places. including all places where notices to employees customarily are posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that these no- tices are not altered, defaced, or covered by other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 8. in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Re- spondent has taken to comply with this Order. n In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judg- ment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the Na- tional Labor Relations Board." 923 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation