Marcellus M. MurdockDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 15, 194667 N.L.R.B. 1426 (N.L.R.B. 1946) Copy Citation In the Matter of MARCELLUS M. MURDOCK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE VIC- TORIA MURDOCK ESTATE and WICHITA MAILERS UNION No. 85, AF- FILIATED WITH INTERNATIONAL MAILERS UNION In the Matter of THE BEACON PUBLISHING COMPANY and WICHITA MAILERS UNION NO. 85, AFFILIATED WITH INTERNATIONAL MAILERS UNION Cases Nos. 17-R-1-337 and -17-R--1338, respectively.-Decided May 15, 1946 Mr. Dale M. Stucky, of Wichita, Kans., for the Eagle. Mr. Leonard A. Levand, of Wichita, Kans., for the Beacon. Mr. Edward J. Fillenwarth, of Indianapolis, Ind., and Mr. Harold A. Hosier, of Denver, Colo., for the IMU. Mr. Maurice Goodrich, of Wichita, Kans., for the ITU. Mr. Robert J. Freehling, of counsel to the Board. DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon two separate amended petitions duly filed by Wichita Mailers Union No. 85, affiliated with International Mailers Union, herein called the IMU, alleging that questions affecting commerce had arisen concerning the representation of employees of Marcellus M. Murdock, as Trustee for the Victoria Murdock Estate, Wichita, Kansas, and of The Beacon Publishing Company, Wichita, Kansas, herein sepa- rately called the Eagle and the Beacon, respectively, and collectively called the Companies, the National Labor Relations Board consoli- dated the cases and provided for an appropriate hearing upon due notice before Robert S. Fousek, Trial Examiner. The hearing was held at Wichita, Kansas, on April 18 and 19, 1946. The Eagle, the Beacon, the IMU, and Wichita Mailers Union No. 85, affiliated with the International Typographical Union, herein called the ITU, ap- peared and participated. All parties were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to intro- 67 N. L. R. B., No. 194. 1426 MARCELLUS M. MURDOCK 1427 duce evidence hearing on the issues. At the hearing, the IMU moved for an indefinite continuance to permit the Board to investigate al- leged violations by the Companies of Settlement Stipulations,' af- fecting the operations here involved, and to enable the IMU to file additional charges of unfair labor practices. The Trial Examiner denied the motion, without prejudice to further action by the IMU. The ruling of the Trial Examiner is hereby upheld. It is patent that the more taking of evidence, with respect to the issues in the instant representation proceedings, could not operate to prejudice the IMU's rights arising out of these alleged violations by the Com- panies of Section 8 of the Act. In any event, all parties, including the IMU, have since the hearing expressed to a Board agent, acting in his official capacity, the desire to expedite the decision in the in- stant cases and to proceed with an election forthwith .2 The Trial Examiner's additional rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. All parties were afforded opportunity to file briefs with the Board. Upon the entire record in the case, the Board makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. TILE BUSINESS OF 'IIIE COMPANIES Marcellus M. Murdock, as Trustee for the Victoria Murdock Estate, is an individual engaged in publishing a daily newspaper known as the Wichita Eagle in Wichita, Kansas. The Eagle annually purchases raw materials valued in excess of $200,000 from sources outside the State of Kansas. The paper has a daily circulation in excess of 65,000 copies, of which approximately 5 percent is distributed to points out- side the State. The Eagle admits, and we find, that it is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. The Beacon Publishing Company is a Kansas corporation engaged in publishing a daily newspaper known as the Wichita Beacon in Wichita, Kansas. The Beacon annually purchases raw materials valued in excess of $260,000 from sources outside the State of Kansas. The paper has an average daily circulation of approximately 91,000 copies and a Sunday circulation of approximately 110,000 copies; from 15 to 20 percent of its total circulation is distributed to points outside the State. 'These Stipulations were entered into by the Board and the Beacon, and by the Board and the Eagle, on April 6, 1946, in Cases Nos. 17-C-1354 and 17-C-1355, respectively. In both cases. the IMU was the charging union 2 We note that the compliance peiiod provided for in the Settlement Stipulations has not yet expired However, in view of the desires of the parties to proceed forthwith, we are .of the opinion that there are no obstacles to elections at this time 1428 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The Beacon admits, and we find, that it is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. If. THE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Wichita Mailers Union No. 85, affiliated with the International Mailers Union, is a labor organization admitting to membership em- ployees of the Companies. Wichita Mailers Union No. 85, affiliated with the International Typographical Union, is a labor organization admitting to member- ship employees of the Companies. III. THE QUESTIONS CONCERNING REPRESENTATION The Companies have refused to grant recognition to the IMU as the exclusive bargaining representative of any of their employees until the IMU has been certified by the Board in an appropriate unit. In its motion to intervene, the ITU alleged, inter alia, that a closed- shop agreement is presently in effect between itself and the Companies covering the employees involved in this proceeding. The contract in question extended from March 1, 1945 to February 28, 1946, and was automatically renewable from year to year, unless notice of desired changes was served by one of the parties 60 days prior to any anni- versary date. The ITU served such notice approximately 62 days prior to February 28, 1946. Inasmuch as the contract expired prior to the date of the hearing, it cannot operate to bar the present proceeding.3 We find that questions affecting commerce have arisen concerning the representation of employees of the Companies, within the meaning of Section 9 (c) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 1V. THE APPROPRIATE UNIT The IMU seeks a unit of all employees in the mailing rooms of both the Eagle and the Beacon, whose work pertains to mailing, such as tagging, stamping, labelling, bundling, wrapping, preparing wrap- pers, sorting, routing, dissecting or marking wrappers, taking papers from delivery end of conveyors and escalators leading from press- rooms, stacking, folding, handling of bundles or mail sacks in mail rooms, distributing, counting of papers, tying, sacking, delivering papers to mailers at mail rooms, inserting in the mailing room or dis- tributing of papers, but excluding office and promotional wrappers, a We are unable to agree with the ITU's position in its brief that the contract continued in existence after February 28, 1946, even though opened by either of the parties for negotiations . Moreover , assuming that there is merit in the ITU's position , the contract became one of indefinite duration after February 28, 1946 , and, as such, cannot, under well-established principles of the Board, bar elections at this time. MARCELLUS M. MURDOCK 1429 stencil room workers, employees engaged in carrying out papers to the carriers, and foremen 4 This unit is similar to that covered by the collective bargaining contract referred to hereinabove, except for the requested exclusion of foremen. The ITU, the Eagle, and the Beacon agree generally as to the composition of the unit sought by the IMU, except that they would include the foremen. With respect to the scope of the unit, the Beacon agrees that a multi-employer unit is appropriate, whereas the Eagle contends that a separate unit for each company is appropriate; the ITU takes no position. For approximately 8 years, the Eagle and the Beacon jointly nego- tiated collective bargaining agreements with the ITU concerning employees in their mailing rooms, and the terms in each instance were embodied in a single instrument, signed by the three parties and cover- ing the employees of both Companies. Agreements concerning other crafts were similarly executed by the Companies. Nevertheless, the Eagle, by now asserting that its mailing room employees comprise a separate unit, reveals an intention henceforth to pursue a separate course. We have frequently held that such intent is controlling 5 and, accordingly, we find that a unit comprising the mailing room employees of each company is appropriate. The mailing room foremen, whom the IMU seeks to exclude, have authority effectively to recommend the discharge of their subordinates and are admittedly supervisory employees. However, they have been covered by all previous collective bargaining contracts with the Com- panies and are traditionally included within bargaining units in this industry a Accordingly, we find that all foremen should be included within the units. We find that all mailing room employees of the Eagle and the Bea- con, respectively, whose work pertains to mailing, such as tagging, stamping, labelling, bundling, wrapping, preparing wrappers, sort- ing, routing, dissecting or marking wrappers, taking papers from delivery end of conveyors and escalators leading from pressroom, stacking, folding, handling of bundles or mail sacks in mail room, distributing, counting of papers, tying, sacking, delivering papers to mailers at mail room, inserting in the mailing room or distribut- 4 The two amended petitions sought units confined to the employees in the mailing room of the Eagle and of the Beacon, respectively. At the hearing, the IMU further amended its separate petitions to read as shown above , making the unit request in each petition identical. b Matter of Jalmer Berg, 59 N L . R B 685 ; Matter of Great Bear Logging Company, 59 N L. It. B. 701 ; and Matter of George F . Carleton & Company, Inc., 54 N. L. It . B, 222. 6 Matter of The Register and Tribune Company, 60 N. L. R B 360; Matter of The Post Printing & Publishing Company, 59 N. L. R. B 1115, and cases cited therein. In its brief , the IMU concedes that the pattern in the industry would argue for the inclusion of foremen , but asserts that an exception should be made in this case because of certain alleged conduct by the Companies ' foremen deemed by it to be objectionable. This is clearly no basis for excluding foremen, as such, from the units. 1430 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ing of papers, including foremen, but excluding office and promo= tional wrappers, stencil room workers, and employees engaged in carrying out papers to the carrier, constitute separate units appro- priate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. V. THE DETERMINATION OF REPRESENTATIVES We find that the questions which have arisen concerning the repre- sentation of employees of the Companies can best be resolved by elec- tions by secret ballot. The parties have agreed generally that "Saturday night employees," i. e., employees who work only on Saturday nights, are temporary and casual workers, and are not entitled to vote. However, the ITU contends that Bowman, a "Saturday night employee" of the Eagle, should be treated as an exceptional case and should be eligible to vote. The IMU contests the ITU's position, and argues further that Bow- man's full-time employment by another employer should preclude his eligibility to vote. We find no merit in the IMU's position that his other employment militates against his eligibility.' As to the nature of Bowman's employment, the record indicates that he has worked for the Eagle approximately 7 hours each Saturday night during the past 3 months. We are persuaded that his work, unlike that of the other "Saturday night employees," constitutes regular part-time employment.' Accordingly, we shall allow Bowman to participate in the election along with the other regular part-time employees, who the parties have agreed are eligible, and shall hold all other "Saturday night employees" ineligible to vote. The ITU and the IMU also disagree as to the eligibility of Webb, an employee of the Eagle who works part time in the mailing room. Webb is employed primarily in the circulation department of the Eagle, where he spends the major portion of his time. Inasmuch as he spends substantially less than 50 percent of his time in the mailing room, we are of the opinion that Webb does not have sufficient interest in the conditions of employment of the employees involved herein to entitle him to vote.9 The parties are further in dispute with respect to the eligibility of employees who were hired as replacements of certain employees dis- charged by the Companies on or about January 27, 1946. These re- placements have continued in the employ of the Companies, although pursuant to the Settlement Stipulations referred to above, the dis- 7 Matter of United Gas Pipe Line Company, 56 N. L. R. B. 669. 8 See Matter of United Gas Pipe Line Company, footnote 7, supra. e Matter of Pepeekeo Sugar Company, 59 N. L. It. B. 1532, and Matter of Wadham's Division , Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, 54 N L. It. B. 1164, see also , Matter of Swift and Company, 58 N. L. R. B. 657. MARCELLUS M. MURDOCK 1431 charged employees have been reinstated. The IMU would not permit these replacements to vote on the ground that they were hired on a temporary basis and have been retained for the sole purpose of in- fluencing the results of the elections. It urges, therefore, that the eligibility of employees to vote be determined from the pay roll of the Beacon for the week ending January 25, 1946, and of the Eagle for the week ending January 26, 1946. However, the ITU and the Companies assert that the employees in question are permanent addi- tions to their respective staffs, and would have the Board utilize a current pay roll. We are unable to determine at the present time whether there is any substance to the position taken by the IMU. Under the circumstances, it is our opinion that all persons hired as re- placements since January 25 and 26, and presently in the employ of the Companies, should be deemed presumptively eligible to vote, sub- ject to the right of We are further of the opinion that the policy of the Act can best be effectuated by directing immediate elections, permitting all employees to participate who were employed during the pay-roll period immediately preceding the date of this Direction)-' DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS By virtue of and pursuant to the power vested in the National Labor Relations Board by Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, and pursuant to Article III, Section 9, of National Labor Rela- tions Board Rules and Regulations-Series 3, as amended, it is hereby DIRECTED that, as part of the investigation to ascertain representa- tives for the purposes of collective bargaining with Marcellus M. Mur- dock, as Trustee for the Victoria Murdock Estate, Wichita, Kansas, and with The Beacon Publishing Company, Wichita, Kansas, separate elections by secret ballot shall be conducted as early as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days from the date of this Direction, under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for the Seven- teenth Region, acting in this matter as agent for the National Labor Relations Board, and subject to Article III, Sections 10 and 11, of said Rules and Regulations, and to our determination in Section V, above, among employees in the units found appropriate in section IV, above, who were employed during the pay-roll periods immediately 10 Nothing in this Direction should be construed as indicating that the Board has pre- judged, in any respect , any of the questions which may be drawn into issue by a challenge to the eligibility of these voters. See Matter of Longhorn Roofing Products, Inc., 67 N. L R. B 84. ll It appears that the employees who were reinstated had been expelled by the ITU from membership allegedly for dual unionism , and had thereafter been discharged by the Companis pursuant to the provisions of their closed-shop contract with the ITU. Although the ITU now asserts in its brief that the employees so discharged have lost their "rights in employment" with the Companies , it is clear that, inasmuch as these employees have been reinstated and are presently employed by the Companies , they are entitled to vote. 1432 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD preceding the date of this Direction, including employees who did not work during said pay-roll periods because they were ill or on vacation or temporarily laid off, and including employees in the armed forces of the United States who have since quit or been discharged for cause and have.not been rehired or reinstated prior to the date of the elec- tions, to determine whether or not they desire to- be represented by Wichita Mailers Union, No. 85, affiliated with International Mailers Union, or by Wichita Mailers Union No. 85, affiliated with the Inter- national Typographical Union, for the purposes of collective bargain- ing, or by neither. CHAIRMAN HExzoG took no part in the consideration of the above Decision and Direction of Elections. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation