M & B Contracting Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 29, 1988290 N.L.R.B. 775 (N.L.R.B. 1988) Copy Citation M & B CONTRACTING CORP. 775 M & B Contracting Corporation and Robert Wil- liamsen and William Tyynismaa. Cases 7-CA- 14386, 7-CA-14580, and 7-CA-14575 July 29, 1988 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN STEPHENS AND MEMBERS JOHANSEN AND BABSON On June 29, 1983, Administrative Law Judge Leonard M . Wagman issued the attached backpay decision ' and on July 13, 1983 , granted without opposition from the Respondent the General Coun- sel's motion to correct the decision by adding to Appendix B, Schedule B-2, the attached document that reflects the manner in which the backpay of Tyynismaa was computed for the first and second quarters of 1980 . The Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. The National Labor Relations Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge 's rulings , fmdings,2 and conclusions only to the extent consistent with this Supplemental Decision and Order. The judge properly found that Tyynismaa is en- titled to recover the sum of $46,738.54 plus interest to make him whole for the loss of earning he suf- fered by reason of the discrimination against him. The judge also properly found that Tyynismaa and Williamsen were respectively entitled to pension fund contributions of $4121 and $3673 plus interest for each amount. However, the judge rejected a settlement agree- ment executed by Williamsen in consideration of the Respondent's payment of $10,000 to him as full resolution of his backpay claim, and found instead that Williamsen was entitled to $30, 108.11 plus in- terest, less the $ 10,000 already paid him , to make him whole for the loss of earnings he suffered by reason of the discrimination against him. We dis- agree for the reasons given below. 1 The Board with court approval found in 1979 that the Respondent terminated William Tyynismaa and Robert Williamson in violation of the Act and directed that the Respondent make them whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered as a result of its unfair labor practices. 245 NLRB 1215 (1979), enfd . 653 F.2d 245 (6th Cir . 1981). a The Respondent has excepted to some of the judge's credibility find- ings. The Board's established policy is not to overrule an administrative law judge's credibility resolutions unless the clear preponderance of all the relevant evidence convinces us that they are incorrect . Standard Dry Wall Products, 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 363 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing the findings. For purposes of evaluating non-Board settle- ments of backpay and other remedial orders, Amer- ican Pacific Concrete Pipe Co., 290 NLRB 134 (1988), incorporated from Independent Stave Co., 287 NLRB 740 (1987), the following factors that the Board had taken into account in approving a non-Board settlement of an unfair labor practice complaint : (1) whether the charging party(ies), the respondent(s), and any individual discriminatee(s) have agreed to be bound , and the position taken by the General Counsel ; (2) whether the settlement is reasonable in light of the nature of the violations alleged, the risks inherent in litigation, and the state of the litigation ; (3) whether there has been any fraud , coercion, or duress by any of the parties in reaching the settlement; and (4) whether the re- spondent has engaged in a history of violations of the Act or has breached previous settlement agree- ments . The Board in Independent Stave was also careful to stress that the foregoing list was not ex- haustive, leaving the door open to the consider- ation of other factors that parties in future cases might urge as relevant. However, at the time of the hearing in the in- stant case, in February 1983, the governing law was stated in Michael M. Schaefer, 261 NLRB 272, 273 (1982), enfd . 697 F.2d 558 (3d Cir. 1983), cert. denied 464 U.S. 945 (1983), a decision that was not overruled until American Pacific. Under that rule an individual could not compromise "any backpay which might be due him (or her)," because reim- bursement of the amount owed was regarded as a "public right which only the Board or the Region- al Director may settle" (emphasis added). It is, therefore, not surprising that , on the objection of counsel for the General Counsel, the judge here limited the purpose for which the settlement agree- ment was being admitted , accepting it only as evi- dence of the amount that had actually been paid to Williamsen , which could be offset against the amount finally determined to be due. Although there was some questioning of Williamsen by the Respondent's counsel, by the counsel for the Gen- eral Counsel , and by the judge concerning William- sen's reasons for accepting the settlement and the circumstances surrounding his acceptance , counsel for the General Counsel had no particular incen- tive to explore the subject thoroughly. Thus, there was no occasion to introduce what if any evidence existed about the factors set forth above, including particularily whether there was any fraud, duress, or coercion in securing the set- tlement agreement. Given the particular facts, here, the current record does not afford us sufficient evidence by which to assess the appropriateness of the settle- 290 NLRB No. 86 776 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ment. Therefore, we remand this portion of the case for a further hearing. Accordingly, we shall substitute the following Order for the judge's sup- plemental Order. ORDER The National Labor Relations Board orders that the Respondent, M & B Contracting Corporation, Novi, Michigan, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall pay to the following employess the sums shown below plus interest thereon accrued to the date of payment, computed in the manner pre- scribed in New Horizons for the Retarded, 3 minus any tax withholding required by Federal or state law. William Tyynismaa Backpay-$46,738.54 Pension Contributions-$4,121.00 Robert Williamsen Pension Contributions-$3,673.00 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the portion of this proceeding relating to the settlement of William- sen's backpay claim is remanded to Administrative Law Judge Leonard M. Wagman for the purpose of reopening the record in order that the parties may present relevant evidence regarding the settle- ment in light of our decision. Thereafter, the judge shall prepare and serve on the parties a second sup- plemental decision containing findings of fact, con- clusions of law, and a recommended Order in light of the Board's remand . Following service of such second supplemental decision on the parties, the provisions of Section 102.46 of the Board's Rules and Regulations shall be applicable. MEMBER JOHANSEN , dissenting in part. Contrary to my colleagues, I would accept the settlement reached by employee Williamsen and the Respondent. In my view, the record adequately establishes that Williamsen agreed to a reasonable settlement in circumstances free of any fraud, coer- cion, or duress. Accordingly, the settlement should be upheld. See American Pacific Concrete Pipe Co., 290 NLRB 134 ( 1988). S 283 NLRB 1173 (1987). Interest on and after January 1, 1987, shall be computed at the "short -term Federal rate" for the underpayment of taxes as set out in the 1986 amendment to 26 U.S.C. § 6621 . Interest on amounts accrued prior to January 1, 1987 (the effective date of the 1986 amendment to 26 U.S.C. § 6621 ), shall be computed in accordance with Florida Steel Corp., 231 NLRB 651 (1977). Any interest applicable to pension fund contributions shall be paid in accordance with the criteria set forth in Merryweather Optical Co., 240 NLRB 1213 (1979). George Mesritz, Esq., for the General Counsel. Gregory& Muzingo, Esq. (Butzel, Long, Gust, Klein & Van Zile), of Detroit, Michigan , for the Respondent. SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION LEONARD M. WAGMAN, Administrative Law Judge. This supplemental proceeding to determine the amounts of backpay due, respectively , to Robert Williamsen and William Tyynismaa , who were unlawfully terminated by Respondent M & B Contracting Corporation ' was heard by me on February 7, 1983 , at Detroit, Michigan, on the General Counsel 's backpay specification issued on De- cember 3 , 1982 , and thereafter amended at the hearing and the Respondent's answer. Following the hearing, Re- spondent and the General Counsel filed briefs. On the record before me, and from my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses , and after careful consid- eration of the briefs, I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT I. THE ISSUES On consideration of the amended specification and the Respondent's answer , I find that the issues presented by the pleadings are: (1 ) whether the calendar quarter ex- penses and net interim earnings set forth for Williamsen, in schedule D-1, and for Tyynismaa, in schedule D-2 are true ; (2) whether the net interim earnings by calendar quarters deducted from calendar quarter gross pay to yield calendar quarter net backpay for discriminatee Wil- liamsen in schedule E- 1 and for discriminatee Tyynismaa in schedule E-2 and the expenses shown for each were true ; (3) whether Tyynismaa would have been disabled from working for Respondent during the third and fourth quarters of 1978 ; (4) whether the Respondent was obligated to make fringe benefit contributions on behalf of Williamsen and Tyynismaa during the backpay period; and (5) whether Robert Williamsen was entitled to $30,124.11 in backpay and $3673 in fringe benefit funds, and whether William Tyynismaa was entitled to $47,149.02 in backpay and $4121 in fringe benefit funds. II. THE BACKPAY SPECIFICATION A. The Facts On December 3, 1982, the Regional Director for Region 7 issued and duly served on the Respondent a backpay specification and notice of hearing alleging the amount of backpay due employees Williamsen and Tyyn- ismaa, respectively, and further the amounts that Re- spondent was obligated to pay on behalf of Williamsen and Tyynismaa to the Central States Southeast and Southwest Areas Pension Fund, pursuant to collective- bargaining agreements in effect during the backpay peri- ods. At the hearing, the General Counsel amended ' The Board with court approval found that the Respondent terminat- ed Williamsen and Tyynismaa in violation of the National Labor Rela- tbons Act and directed that Respondent make the two whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered as a result of its unfair labor prac- tices. M & B Contracting Corp., 245 NLRB 1215 (1979), enfd . 653 F.2d 245 (6th Cir. 1981). M & B CONTRACTING CORP. 777 schedule D-1 of the specification by removing a claim for $16 in expenses that resulted in a total of $ 1809.03 as total interim earnings for Williamsen for the second quarter of 1978 . The General Counsel also amended schedule D-2 of the specification by eliminating expenses claimed by William Tyynismaa amounting to $410.48 and revising Tyynismaa's total interim earnings for the second quarter of 1978 to $4308 .41. After making these amendments, the General Counsel rested his case. In its answer regarding the expenses and interim earnings claimed for Williamsen and Tyynismaa in the specifica- tion, Respondent asserted that it "is without sufficient in- formation to form a belief as to the truth or falsity of said interim earnings and expenses." The specification asserted that although Tyynismaa was unable to work for his interim employer during the third and fourth quarters of 1978, he would have not been disabled from employment by Respondent during the same period . In its answer, the Respondent asserted that Tyynismaa's disability would have prevented him from working for Respondent during the third and fourth quarters of 1978. The Company also contended that it had no obligation to make any fringe benefit contributions on behalf of either Williamsen or Tyynismaa during the backpay period . Finally, the Respondent in its answer challenged the accuracy of the stated interim earnings and expenses "as well as the periods of time that the discriminatees were unavailable for work and/or did not diligently seek to mitigate their losses." At the hearing, the Company did not present any evi- dence in support of its allegations regarding the backpay claim of Robert Williamsen. Instead , the Company showed that Robert Williamsen on December 3, 1982, executed a settlement agreement under which he re- ceived $ 10,000 from Respondent in return for his agree- ment to release the Company from any further claims growing out of his unlawful discharge as found by the Board in the instant cases. In support of contentions made for the first time in its brief, Respondent argued that Tyynismaa was not enti- tled to backpay because of his questionable credibility and the inaccuracy of his reports to the Regional Direc- tor of his interim earnings. In support of this position, Respondent, at the hearing, introduced Tyynismaa 's testi- mony and related documents . Tyynismaa's testimony showed only that he had no detailed recollection of his interim earnings. He attempted to explain the approxima- tion that he had furnished to Board Agent Berman in a letter dated January 1980, when he attempted to provide data relating to his interim earnings . Respondent's exami- nation of Tyynismaa also demonstrated that he could not explain several deductions in his income tax returns as prepared by his accountant . However, Tyynismaa's testi- mony showed that during the tax year 1979 , one of the years under scrutiny, he and his wife kept informal records that he did not review and that he turned over to his accountant for preparation of their joint tax return. The extent of the inaccuracies in Tyynismaa's estimate of his interim earnings was demonstrated by his assertion in his letter to Board employee Berman that in both the third and fourth quarter of 1979, his estimated gross in- terim earnings were $40,000. His testimony and his income tax return for that year indicate that in fact his income for those two quarters was substantially less than $80,000. However, as he pointed out, he believed that he was not entitled to backpay for those two quarters, and thus had no interest in being accurate. Collective-bargaining agreements in effect between September 1977 and August 1980 required the Company to make weekly contributions to the Central States Southeast and Southwest Areas Pension Fund on behalf of Williamsen and Tyynismaa between September 1977 and August 1978 , thus a weekly contribution of $28 per employee . For the period between September 1978 and August 1979, that obligation rose to $31, and between September 1979 and August 1980, it was $37. B. Analysis and Conclusions Respondent contended that Tyynismaa was not enti- tled to recover any backpay on the ground that he was unable to account for his interim earnings credibly. Re- spondent further contended that the settlement agree- ment between itself and Williamsen was entitled to ac- ceptance by the Board as complete resolution of Wil- liamsen's backpay claim under the specification. Finally, the Respondent denied that it was obligated to make any fringe benefit contributions on behalf of either William- sen or Tyynismaa during the backpay period presented here. I find no merit in these contentions. The "fording of an unfair labor practice ... is pre- sumptive proof that some back pay is owed ." NLRB v. Mastro Plastics Corp ., 354 F .2d 170, 178 (2d Cir. 1965), cert. denied 384 U.S. 972 (1966). The General Counsel's burden in a backpay proceeding is simply to show the gross backpay due the claimant . Mastro Plastics Corp., 136 NLRB 1342, 1346 (1962). Once that is done in the backpay specification, the employer has the burden of es- tablishing affirmative defenses that would mitigate liabil- ity including wilfull loss of earnings and interim earnings to be deducted from the backpay award . NLRB v Brown & Root, Inc ., 311 F.2d 447, 454 (8th Cir. 1963); Southern Household Products, 203 NLRB 881 fn. 2 (1973); Heinrich Motors, 166 NLRB 783 (1967). Here, the Respondent failed to sustain its burden of es- tablishing the infirmities that its answer attributed to the specification . Respondent presented no evidence to rebut the Regional Director's backpay and fringe benefit deter- minations regarding Williamsen. Nor has Respondent sustained its burden of showing that the Regional Direc- tor's determinations regarding the backpay and fringe amounts due William Tyynismaa were inaccurate. Respondent contended that Tyynismaa should not re- ceive any backpay on the ground that he willfully con- cealed interim earnings from the Regional Director. I find this contention lacking in substantiation. Respondent argued that the Board's decision in Great Plains Beef Co., 255 NLRB 1410, 1415 (1981), required denial of backpay to Tyynismaa. There , the Board de- clined to award backpay to employee Ferman D. Trotter on the ground that he willfully concealed interim earn- ings from the Regional Director . Respondent has made no such showing in the instant case, regarding Tyynis- 778 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD maa. Here , all that Tyynismaa's testimony showed was that he was not an informative witness. His testimony did not show that he withheld information regarding any interim employment from the Regional Director or that he otherwise attempted to conceal his earnings. In sum , the Company has failed to present sufficient evidence to sustain the affirmative defenses challenging the specification. Board policy does not support Respondent's conten- tion that Williamsen and. Tyynismaa were not entitled to weekly pension contributions as provided in the collec- tive-bargaining agreement that covered them during the backpay period. For the Board has recognized that its backpay orders , include such contributions. Carpenters Local 347 (Newton Associates), 231 NLRB 688, 690 (1977). In agreement with the General Counsel, I conclude that under Board policy, I cannot accept Respondent's agreement with Williamsen as a complete settlement of the latter's backpay claim . Thus, as the Board stated in Michael M. Schaefer, 261 NLRB 272, 273 (1982): It is well settled that an individual may not waive, bargain away, or compromise any backpay which might be due him (or her) since it is not a private right which attaches to the discriminatee, but is, indeed, a public right which only the Board or the Regional Director may settle. This quoted policy requires that I reject the settlement agreement executed by Robert Williamsen in consider- ation of the payment of $10,000 by Respondent to him as full resolution of his backpay claim. However, the $10,000 that Williamsen received will be deducted from the total amount due him under the instant order. I therefore find that Robert Williamsen is entitled to re- cover the sum of $30,108.11 plus interest to make him whole for the loss of earnings he suffered by reason of the discrimination against him.2 I also find that William- sen is entitled to pension fund contributions totaling $3673 plus interest.3 I further find that William Tyynismaa is entitled to re- cover the sum of $46,738.54 plus interest to make him whole for the loss of earnings he suffered by reason of the discrimination against him.4 I also find that Tyynismaa was entitled to pension fund contributions totaling $4,121 plus interest.5 [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] Attachment A William Tyynismaa-Average Backpay Computation Yr./Qtr. Dates Employee WeeksWorked Total Hrs. Avg. Hrs./ Total Pay Day for Avg. Avg. Pay/ Hrs/ Day for Avg. Pay/ Hrs./ Hr . / P y P y Wks. Worked 6-Day Wk Week 6-Day Wk Week Day Wk. Day Wk Worked 1980/1 12/23- #1....... 11 411.5 $4 , 588.50 37.41 $417.14 3/22 1/1- 2/23 & 3/3- 3/22 1980/1 2/23- #2....... 13 470.25 5,346.03 - 36.17 - 411.23 36.79 - $414.19 12 3/22 12/23 3/22 73.58 $828.37 1980/2 3/23- #2....... 2 62 622.52 - 31 331.26 31 - 331.26 2 6/21 3/23- 3/29 & 4/13- 4/19 2 App . A, Schedules A through E-1, shows the manner in which Wil- 4 App . B, Schedules B-2 through E-2, shows the manner in which liamsen's backpay was computed. Tyynismaa's backpay was computed. 8 App . A, Schedules F-1, shows Williamsen's entitlement to pension ° See App . B, Schedule F-2, shows Tyynismaa's entitlement to pension fund contributions. contributions. M & B CONTRACTING CORP. 779 APPENDIX A APPENDIX A-Continued M & B Contracting Corporation Cases 7-CA-14386, M & B Contracting Corporation Cases 7-CA-14386, 7-CA-14575, and 7-CA-14850 7-CA-14575, and 7-CA-14850 Robert Williamsen-Overtime Pay-Schedule A Robert Williamsen-Overtime Pay-Schedule A Yr./Qtr. Pay Period OT Hrs. • OT PayRare" Overtime Pay Yr./Qtr. Pay Period OT Hrs. • OT Pay Rate" Overtime Pay 1977/3 Sept. 7-10 17.34 $14.12 $244.84 1977/3 Sept. 26- 1977/3 Sept. 12-17 22 14. 12 310.64 Oct. 1 22 14. 12 310.64 1977/3 Sept. 19-24 22 14. 12 310.64 83.34 $1176.76 • Based on average 22 overtime hours /6-day week 2.33 overtime hours Monday-Friday 10.35 overtime hours, Saturday. •• 1-1/2 times regular pay rate of 9 .41/hour. Robert Williamsen-Avg. Backpay Computation-Schedule B-1 Avg. Avg. Yr /Qtr tD Em- Weeks Total H T t l P Hrs/ D f Avg. H / Pay/ D f Avg. Pay/ Avg. H / Avg. H / Avg. P / Avg. Avg. P / Wk. . a es Ployee rsWorked * o a ay ay or rs ay or Week rs. rs ay ay .Worked 6-Day Week 6-Day Day Wk Day Wk Worked Wk Wk 1978/4 9/25- # 1. 13 552.5 $6,040. 12 - 42.50 - $464.62 12/23 9/25- 12/23 1978/4 9/25- #2. 13 582.5 6,546.85 44.81 - 503 .60 - 43 .66 - $484.11 1 12/23 9/25- 12/23 ............ 87.31 $968.22 1979/1 12/24- #1 6.67 205 2, 125.74 - 30.73 - 322.75 3/24 Quit 12/24- 2/22. 1/13 & 1/28- 2/22 1979/1 12/24- #2. 11 347.25 3,630 .31 - 31.57 - 330.03 31 . 15 - 326.39 1 3/24 12/24- 1/13 & 1/28- 3/24 ............ 62.3 $652.78 1979/2 3/25- #1 8.83 459.75 5,416.86 - 52.07 - 613.46 6/23 re- 4/24 hired 6/23 4/24. 1979/2 #C. #2. 13 585 .25 6,923.82 - 45 .02 532.61 - 48 .55 - 573.04 3/25- 3/25- 6/23 6/23 ............ 97.09 $1,146.07 1978/1 12/26- #1. 1 56.75 516.46 9.46 - 86.08 - 9.46 - 86.08 - 3/26 2/6- 2/12 1978/1 12/26- # 1. 6 361 .25 3,586.05 - 60.21 - 597 .68 - - - - 3/26 2/13- 3/26 780 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD -Continued Robert Williamsen-Avg. Backpay Computation-Schedule B-1 Avg. Avg. Em- Weeks Total Hrs. / Avg. Pay/ Avg. Pay/ Avg. Avg Avg. Avg Avg Yr. /Qtr. Dates ployee Worked Hrs. Total Pay Day for Hrs./ Day for Week Hrs. / Hrs. / Pay/ Pay/ Wks Worked* 6-Day Week 6-Day Day Wk. Day Wk. Worked Wk. Wk 1978/1 #2. 5.67 258.5 2,827.26 - 45.59 - 498.63 - 52.9 - 548.16 hired 2/17- 2/17. 5/26 ......... 105.80 $1,096.31 1978/2 3/27- #1, 12 681.25 6,980.23 - 56.77 - 581.69 - - - - 6/25 3/27- 4/2 & 4/10- 6/25 1978/2 P3/27- #2. 11 707.5 7,225.98 - 64.32 - 656.91 - 60.55 - 619.30 6/25 4/10- 6/25 ............ 121.09 $1,238.60 1978/3 6/26- #1. 13 710.5 7,932.32 - 54.65 - 610. 18 - - - - 9/24 6/26- 9/24 1978/3 6/26- #2. 13 825.25 9,495.21 - 65.56 - 730.40 - 60.11 - 670.29 9/24 6/26- 9/24 ............ 120.21 $1,340.58 1979/3 6/24- #1. 14 651.5 7,581.38 - 46.54 - 541.53 9/29 6/24- 9/29 1979/3 6/24- #2. 14 710.25 8,396.17 - 50.73 - 599.73 - 48.64 - 570.63 9/29 6/24- 9/29 ............ 97.27 $1,141.26 1979/4 9/30- #1. 12 580 7,022.40 - 48.33 - 585.20 12/22 9/30- 12/22 1979/4 9/30- #2. 12 651.25 8,037.72 - 54.27 - 699.81 - 51.30 - 627.51 12/22 9/30- 12/22 ............ 102.6 $1,255.01 1980/1 12/23- #1. 11 411.5 4,588.50 - 37.41 - 417.14 3/22 1/1- 2/23 & 3/3- 3/22 1980/1 12/23- #2. 13 470.25 5,346.03 - 36.17 - 411.23 - 36.79 - 414.15 3/22 12/23- 3/22 ............ 73.58 $828.37 1980/2 3/23- #2. 2 62 662.52 - 31 - 331.26 - 31 - 331.26 6/21 3/23- 3/29 & 4/13- 4/19 * Excludes vacation pay & hours. M & B CONTRACTING CORP. 781 APPENDIX B-Continued Robert Williamsen-Gross Backpay-Schedule C-1 Robert Williamsen-Net Interim Earnings-Schedule D-1 Yr./Qtr. Na f ull. Avg Avg. Grass Yr /Qtr Interim Em loyer Net InterimPay/Day pay/Wk Backpay . . p Earnings' 1978/1 5 days (Feb. Total $ 4, 156.00 7-11)........... $88.06 $ 430.30 1978/1 6 days (Feb. 13-Mar. 1978/4 Hayball Trucking, Inc., 12550 Farmington Road , Livonia, MI 26) .............. - $548 . 16 3,288.96 48150 $4,624.47 ..................... 3 719 26, . Total $41624 471978/2 11.5 ................. - 619.36 7, 121.95 . 1978/2 48 hrs. vacation 1979/1 N/A 0 pay@9; 1979/2 Electra Construction, Inc., P.O. Box 207 13560 Nine Mile Road41/hr.......... - 451.68 451.68 , , South Lyon MI 48178 496 04$6..................... - 7,573.63 , ., 1978/3 13 .................... - 670.29 8,713.77 Total $6,496.04 1978/4 13 .................... - 484. 11 6,293.43 1979/3 Manzo & Sakalian Inc. 49041979/ 1 11 .................... - 326.39 3,590.29 , , MI 48042Triwood Milford 191.4161979/2 13 .................... - 573.04 7,449.52 , , Inc 12250Hayball Trucking , 1979/2 48 hrs. vacation , ., Farmington Road , Livonia, MI a 48150 1 ,998.35 yp @10.16/hr.. - 487 . 68 487.68 Total $8,189.76 ..................... 7,937.20 1979/3 14 .................... - 570.63 7,988.82 1979/4 Hayball Trucking, Inc., 12250 1979/4 12 .................... - 627 .51 7,530.12 Farmington Road , Livonia, MI 1980/1 12 .................... - 414. 19 4,970.28 48150 $5,995.05 1980/2 2 ........... - 331 26 662 52.......... . . Total 05$5 9951980/2 96 hrs. , . vacation ..... 1,021.44 1,021.44 1980/1 N/A 0 Total .............. $1,683.96 1980/2 N/A 0 APPENDIX B Robert Williamsen-Net Interim Earnings-Schedule D-1 * Gross interim earnings-expenses-net interim earnings. (See 1978/2.) Yr. /Qtr. Interim Employer Net InterimEarnings' 1978/1 N/A 0 1978/2 Construction Restoration, Inc. 34326 Goddard Road Romulus, MI 48174 ARS Day School, 19300 Ford $1,609.53 Road, Dearborn, MI 48128 199.50 Gross Interim Earnings $1,809.03 Total $1,809.03 1978/3 Construction Restoration, Inc., 34326 Goddard Road, Romulus, MI 48174 Hayball Trucking, Inc., 12550 Farmington Road, Livonia, MI 1,073.02 48150 3,082.98 Robert Williamsen-Backpay-Schedule E-1 Yr./Qtr. Gross Backpay Interim Earnings Net Backpay 1978/1 $3,719.26 0 $3,719.26 1978/2 7,573.63 1,809.03 5,764.60 1978/3 8,713.77 4,156.00 4,557.77 1978/4 6,293 .43 4,624.47 1,668.96 1979/1 3,590.29 0 3,590.29 1979/2 7,937 .20 6,496.04 1,441.16 1979/3 7,988 .82 8,189.76 0 1979/4 7,530. 12 5,995 .05 1,535.07 1980/1 4,970.28 0 4,970.28 1980/2 1,683.96 0 1 ,683.96 $28,931.35 782 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD -Continued Robert Williamsen-Fringe Benefits-Schedule F-1 Yr. /Qtr. No. of Wks. .................................. 9/77 - 8/78 -$28 9/78 - 8 /79 -$31 9/79 - 8/80 -$37 1978/1 7 ............................................................ $ 196 1978/2 13 ......................................................... 364 1978/3 13 ......................................................... 10 wks. 280.. 3 wks . 93 ......................................... 373 1978/4 13 ......................................................... 403 1979/1 13 ......................................................... 403 1979/2 13 ......................................................... 403 1979/3 14 ......................................................... 10 wks. 310 4 wks . 148 ....................................... 458 1979/4 12 ......................................................... 444 1980/ 1 13 ......................................................... 481 1980/2 4 ........................................................... 148 $3673 Pension Weekly Contribution William Tynnismaa-Backpay-Schedule E-2 William Tynnismaa-Interim Earnings-Schedule D-2 Ytr. /Qtr. 1978/3 1978/4 1979/1 1979/2 Yr./Qtr. Dates Employ- ee Net Interim Earnings Disability Insurance $1,280 Total $1,280 Disability Insurance $2,080 Total $2,080 Unknown $1,820 Total $1,820 Unkown $1,820 William Tynnismaa-Interim Earnings-Schedule D-2 Ytr./Qtr. Interim Employer 1979/3 1980/1 Net Interim Earnings 1980/2 Potter Moving & Storage Co. 0 1300 North Campbell Rd. P.O. Box 98 Royal Oak, MI 48068 Total 0 Yr./Qtr. Gross Backpay William Tyynismaa-Avg. Backpay Computation-Schedule B-2 Avg. Avg. Weeks Total Hrs. / Avg. Pay/ Avg. Pay/ Worked Hrs. Total Pay Day for Hrs. / Day for WeekWorked 6-Day Week 6-Day Wk. Wk. 1977/4 9/25- #1 ... 12/25 1977/4 9/25- 12/25 #I ... Interim Employer 1 45 $522.27 7.5 - 87.05 - 10/17- 10/23 9 507 4,889.41 - 56.33 - 543.27 10/24- 12/25 7.5 - 87.05 1977/1 $5,063 . 53 $1,497 . 15 $3,566.38 1978/1 6,638 . 45 1,898.01 4,740.44 1978/2 7.535.99 4,308 . 21 3,277.78 1978/3 8,713 . 77 1,280.00 7,433.77 1978/4 6,293.43 2,080.00 4,213.43 1979/1 3,590.29 1,820.00 1,770.29 1979/2 7 , 937.20 1,820.00 6,117.20 1979/3 7,988.82 2,609 . 48 5,379.34 1979/4 7,530 . 12 2,609.48 4,920.64 1980/1 4,970.28 1,242.41 3,727-87 1980/2 1,641.40 - 1,641.40 $46,738.54 Total $2,609.48 Self-employed/Potter $1 ,242.41 Moving & Storage Co. (approx.) 1300 North Campbell Rd. P.O. Box 98 Royal Oak, MI 48068 Total $ 1,242.41 Total $1,820 Self-employed/Corrigan $2,609.48 Moving & Storage 2000 Westwood Dearborn , MI 48124 Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Hrs. / Hrs. / Pay/ Pay/ Wks. Day Wk. Day Wk. Worked Net Interim Earnings Net Backpay 1 56.33 - $543.27 9 M & B CONTRACTING CORP. -Continued William Tyynismaa-Avg. Backpay Computation-Schedule B-2 783 Avg. Avg. Employ- Weeks Total Hrs/ Avg Pay/ Avg Pay/ Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg.Yr./Qtr. Dates ee Hrs.Worked Total Pay Day for Hrs/ Day for Week Hrs/ Hrs/ Pay/ Pay/ WksWorked 6-Day Week 6-Day Day Wk. Day Wk. Worked Wk Wk. 1978/ 1 12/26- # 1... 13 706 6,794.71 - 54.31 - 522.67 13 3/26 (12/26- 3/26) 1978/ 1 12/26- #2... 5.67 258 .5 2,827.26 - 45 .59 - 498 .63 - 49.95 - 510.65 3/26 Hired (2/17- 2/17/71 1. 3/26) .............. 99.9 $1 ,021.30 19782 3/27- #1... 12 681 .25 6980.23 - 56.77 - 581 .69 11.5 6/25 3/27- 4/12 & 4/10- 6/25 1978 2 3/27- #2... 11 707 .5 7,225 .98 - 64.32 - 656.91 - 60.55 - 619.30 6/25 4/10- 6/25 .............. 121.09 $1 ,238.60 1978/3 6/26- # 1... 13 710.5 7,932.32 - 54. 65 - 610.18 13 9/24 6/26- 9/24 1978/3 6/26- #2... 13 852.25 9,495 .21 - 65 .56 - 730.40 - 60. 11 - 670.29 9/24 6/26- 9/24 .............. . 120.21 $1 ,340.58 1978/4 9/25- # 1... 13 552.5 6,040. 12 - 42 .5 - 464.62 13 12/23 9/25- 12/23 1978/4 9/25- #2... 13 582 . 5 6,546.85 - 44.81 - 503.60 - 43 .66 - 484.11 12/23 9/25- 12/23 .............. 87.31 $968.22 1979/1 12/24 #1 6.67 205 2, 152.74 - 30.73 - 322.75 11 3/24 Quit 12/24- 2/22. 1/13 & 1/28- P2/22 1979/ 1 12/24 #2 ... 11 347 .25 3,630.31 - 31 . 57 - 330.03 - 81 . 15 - 326.39 3/24 12/24- 1/13 & 1/28- 3/24 .............. 62.30 $652.78 19792 3/25- #1 8 .83 459 . 75 5,416.86 - 52 .07 - 613.46 6/23 Re- 4/24- hired 6/23 4/24. 19792 3/25- #2... 13 585 .25 6,923 .92 - 45 .02 - 532.61 - 48 . 55 - 573.04 6/23 3/25- 6/23 .............. 97.09 $1 , 146.07 784 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD -Continued William Tyynismaa-Avg. Backpay Computation-Schedule B-2 Avg. Avg. Employ- Weeks Total Hrs/ Avg. Pay/ Avg Pay/ Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Yr. /Qtr. Dates ee Worked Hrs. Total Pay Day for Hrs./ Day for Week Hrs. / Hrs. / Pay/ Pay/ WIm Worked 6-Day Week 6-Day Day Wk. Day Wk Worked Wk Wk 1979/3 6/24- #1... 14 651.5 7,581.38 - 46.54 - 541.53 9/29 1979/3 6/24- #2... 14 710.25 8,396.17 - 50.73 - 599.73 - 48.64 - 570.63 14 9/29 .............. 97.27 $1,141.26 1979/4 9/30- #1... 12 580 7,022.40 - 48.33 - 585.20 12/22 1979/4 9/30- #2... 12 651.25 8,037.72 - 54.27 - 669.81 - 51.3 - 627.51 12 12/22 .............. 102.6 $1,255.01 Exlcudes vacation pay and hours. William Tyynismaa-Gross Backpay-Schedule C-2 Yr. /Qtr. No. of Wks Avg. Avg. GrossPay/Day Pay/Wk Backpay 1977/4 2 days (Oct.21 + 22) ................................................................................ 87.05 - $ 147.10 1977/4 9 (10/24-12/25) .......................................................................................... - 543.27 4,889.43 .................................................................................................................. $5,063.53 1978/1 13 ................................................................................................................ - 510.65 6,638.45 1978/2 11.5 ............................................................................................................. - 619.30 7,121.95 1978/2 44 hrs . vacation pay @ 9 .41/hr ............................................................... - 414.04 414.04 ...................................................................................................................... - 7,535.93 1978/3 13 ................................................................................................................ - 670.29 8,713.77 1978/4 13 ................................................................................................................ - 484.11 6,293.43 1979/1 11 ................................................................................................................ - 326.39 3,590.29 1979/2 13 ................................................................................................................ - 573.04 7,449.52 1979/2 48 hrs. vacation pay @ 10.16/hr ............................................................. - 487.68 487.68 .................................................................................................................. 7,937.20 1979/3 14 ................................................................................................................ - 570. 63 7,988.82 1979/4 12 ................................................................................................................ - 627.51 7,530.12 1980/1 12 ................................................................................................................ - 414.19 4,970.28 1980/2 2 .................................................................................................................. - 331.26 622.52 1980/2 96 hrs. vacation pay @ 10.64/hr ............................................................. 978.88 978.88 1,641.40 $67,903.28 M & B CONTRACTING CORP. 785 -Continued William Tyynismaa-Interim Earnings-Schedule D-2 William Tyynismaa-Interim Earnings-Schedule D-2 Yr./Qtr. Interim Employer Net InterimEarnings Net InterimYr./Qtr. Interim Employer Earnings 1977/4 Eisenhour Construction Co., Inc P.O. Box 1450 $ 931.41 Saginaw, MI Gross Interim Earnings $4,308.21 East Lansing , MI 48823 Total $4,308.21 Rose Moving and Storage 565.74 * Gross interim earnings - expenses - Net interim earnings. 25125 Ford Rd. Dearborn, MI 48128 (See 1978/2.) Total $ 1,497.15 1978/ 1 Rose Moving and Storage 25125 Ford Rd. Dearborn, MI 48128 $ 1,898.01 William Tyynismaa-Fringe Benefit-Schedule F-2 Total $ 1,898.01 1978/2' Rose Moving and Storage 25125 Ford Rd. $1,898.01 Yr./Qtr. Na of Pension WeeklyWeeks Contribution Dearborn, MI 48128 Mayflower Moving & Storage $1 ,464.47 ...................................... 9/77-8/78-$28 P.O. Box 1078 ...................................... 9/78-8/79-$31 9998 N. Michigan Rd. ...................................... 9/79-8/80-$37 Indianapolis Indiana 48206, 1977/4 10 $280 Gene Fan $625.00 1978/1 13 ...................................... 364 Indianapolis, Indiana 1978/2 13 10 wks 280 ............. 364 Dan's Trucking & Leasing , Inc, $80.64 1978/3 13 3 wks 93 ................. 373 P.O. Box 93 1978/4 13 403 Allen Park, MI 48101 1979/1 13 ...................................... 403 Great Lakes Aggregates $56.29 1979/2 13 10 wks 310 ............. 403 30945 Five Mile 1979/3 14 4 wks 148 ............... 458 Livonia MI 48154, 1979/4 12 ...................................... 444 Eisenhour Construction Co., Inc , $33.80 1980/1 13 ...................................... 481 P.O. Box 1450 1980/2 4 ...................................... 148 East Lansing, MI 48823 $4,121 William Sowle $ 150.00 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation