Lowanda R. Rivers, Complainant,v.William S. Cohen, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Army & Air Force Exchange Service), Agency.

Equal Employment Opportunity CommissionMar 14, 2000
01991756 (E.E.O.C. Mar. 14, 2000)



Lowanda R. Rivers, Complainant, v. William S. Cohen, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Army & Air Force Exchange Service), Agency.

Lowanda R. Rivers, )

Complainant, )


v. ) Appeal No. 01991756

) Agency No. 95.102P

William S. Cohen, )

Secretary, )

Department of Defense, )

(Army & Air Force Exchange Service), )

Agency. )



Complainant timely appealed the agency's final decision not to reinstate

her complaint of unlawful employment discrimination that the parties had

settled.<1> See 64 Fed. Reg. 37,644, 37,659-37,660 (1999) (to be codified

and hereinafter referred to as 29 C.F.R. �� 1614.402(a), 1614.504).

The record indicates that complainant, a former agency employee in the

Misawa Air Base in Japan, filed a formal complaint dated March 9, 1995,

concerning a constructive discharge, a performance evaluation report,

an award, a promotion, and a reassignment. Complainant also alleged

that the agency failed to pay for her household goods to be shipped

to her home of record upon her resignation effective December 9, 1994.

Thereafter, on January 27, 1997, the parties entered into a settlement

agreement, which provided, in pertinent part, that:

The agency would pay complainant $2,710.00 as unspecified damages;

complainant would be responsible for her attorney's fees and for any tax

consequences of this payment. The agency would waive and release any and

all demands, rights, complaints, future complaints, grievances, causes

of action of whatsoever kind and nature arising out of complainant's

employment with the agency and agree to reimburse, indemnify, and hold

her harmless from any and all such causes of action, claims, liens,

right or subrogated or contribution interests incident to or resulting

from her employment with the agency.

By letter dated December 2, 1998, complainant alleged that the agency

breached the terms of the settlement agreement. Specifically, complainant

indicated that the agency was trying to collect payments from her for

her household goods shipment and a �DPP bill� which were resolved through

the settlement agreement. Complainant stated that the agency garnished

her 1997 tax refunds and ruined her credit report as a result.

On March 3, 1999, the agency stated that it was trying to resolve the

alleged breach claim and would respond to complainant once a determination

was made.

On appeal, complainant submits a copy of an agency letter dated June 30,

1998, demanding her payment of $2,870.40 which she incurred for shipment

of her household goods from Oakland, California to Orlando, Florida.

In response to complainant's appeal, the agency submits that it is in

the process of determining if the settlement agreement has been breached.

EEOC Regulation 29 C.F.R. � 1614.504 provides that if the complainant

believes that the agency failed to comply with the terms of a settlement

agreement, the complainant should notify the Director of Equal Employment

Opportunity, in writing, of the alleged noncompliance with the settlement

agreement, within thirty (30) days of when the complainant knew or should

have known of the alleged noncompliance. The complainant may request that

the terms of the settlement agreement be specifically implemented or,

alternatively, that the complaint be reinstated for further processing

from the point processing ceased.

The agency shall resolve the matter and respond to the complainant,

in writing. If the agency has not responded to the complainant, in

writing, or if the complainant is not satisfied with the agency's attempt

to resolve the matter, the complainant may appeal to the Commission for

a determination as to whether the agency has complied with the terms of

the settlement agreement or final decision.

The Commission has held that settlement agreements are contracts between

the complainant and the agency and it is the intent of the parties

as expressed in the contract, and not some unexpressed intention, that

controls the contract's construction. Eggleston v. Department of Veterans

Affairs, EEOC Request No. 05900795 (August 23, 1990). In addition, the

Commission generally follows the rule that if a writing appears to be

plain and unambiguous on its face, its meaning must be determined from

the four corners of the instrument without resort to extrinsic evidence

of any nature. See Montgomery Elevator v. Building Engineering Services,

730 F.2d 377 (5th Cir. 1984). The Commission has followed this rule

when interpreting settlement agreements. The Commission's policy in

this regard is based on the premise that the face of the agreement best

reflects the understanding of the parties.

The settlement agreement provided that the agency would waive and

release complainant from �any causes of action of whatsoever kind and

nature arising out of [her] employment with the agency.� The agency also

agreed to �reimburse, indemnify, and hold [complainant] harmless from any

and all such causes of actions . . . incident to or resulting from her

employment with the agency.� Complainant alleged that the agency breached

the settlement agreement when it was trying to collect payments for the

expenses she incurred for her household goods shipment and a �DPP bill�

in connection with her resignation. There is no evidence in the record

whether it is the normal and general practice of the agency to pay these

expenses at issue when an employee resigns from employment. If it is,

the agency should have paid complainant's expenses at issue under the

terms of the settlement agreement. Based on the foregoing, the record is

insufficient for the Commission to determine whether the agency breached

the settlement agreement. Therefore, the agency is Ordered, as stated

below, to conduct a supplemental investigation concerning the matter.

Accordingly, the agency's final decision is hereby VACATED, and the case

is REMANDED to the agency for further processing in accordance with this

decision and applicable regulations.


The agency, within thirty (30) calendar days of the date this decision

becomes final, is ORDERED to conduct a supplemental investigation as


The agency shall provide in the record any relevant information and/or

necessary documentation to determine whether it is the normal and

general practice of the agency to pay the expenses at issue, i.e.,

shipment of household goods and a �DPP bill,� when an employee resigns

from employment.

Based on the foregoing, the agency shall determine whether it has breached

the settlement agreement at issue; then, the agency shall specifically

enforce the terms thereof and/or issue a new final decision.

The agency shall provide documentation of the specific enforcement of

the settlement agreement and/or a copy of the final decision to the

Compliance Officer as referenced below.


Compliance with the Commission's corrective action is mandatory.

The agency shall submit its compliance report within thirty (30)

calendar days of the completion of all ordered corrective action. The

report shall be submitted to the Compliance Officer, Office of Federal

Operations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, P.O. Box 19848,

Washington, D.C. 20036. The agency's report must contain supporting

documentation, and the agency must send a copy of all submissions to the

complainant. If the agency does not comply with the Commission's order,

the complainant may petition the Commission for enforcement of the order.

29 C.F.R. � 1614.503(a). The complainant also has the right to file a

civil action to enforce compliance with the Commission's order prior

to or following an administrative petition for enforcement. See 64

Fed. Reg. 37,644, 37,659-60 (1999) (to be codified and hereinafter

referred to as 29 C.F.R. �� 1614.407, 1614.408), and 29 C.F.R. �

1614.503(g). Alternatively, the complainant has the right to file a

civil action on the underlying complaint in accordance with the paragraph

below entitled "Right to File A Civil Action." 29 C.F.R. �� 1614.407

and 1614.408. A civil action for enforcement or a civil action on the

underlying complaint is subject to the deadline stated in 42 U.S.C. �

2000e-16(c)(Supp. V 1993). If the complainant files a civil action, the

administrative processing of the complaint, including any petition for

enforcement, will be terminated. See 64 Fed. Reg. 37,644, 37,659 (1999)

(to be codified and hereinafter referred to as 29 C.F.R. � 1614.409).



The Commission may, in its discretion, reconsider the decision in this

case if the complainant or the agency submits a written request containing

arguments or evidence which tend to establish that:

1. The appellate decision involved a clearly erroneous interpretation

of material fact or law; or

2. The appellate decision will have a substantial impact on the policies,

practices, or operations of the agency.

Requests to reconsider, with supporting statement or brief, MUST BE FILED


DAYS of receipt of this decision or WITHIN TWENTY (20) CALENDAR DAYS OF


Fed. Reg. 37,644, 37,659 (1999) (to be codified and hereinafter referred

to as 29 C.F.R. � 1614.405); Equal Employment Opportunity Management

Directive for 29 C.F.R. � 1614 (EEO MD-110), 9-18 (November 9, 1999).

All requests and arguments must be submitted to the Director, Office of

Federal Operations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, P.O. Box

19848, Washington, D.C. 20036. In the absence of a legible postmark, the

request to reconsider shall be deemed timely filed if it is received by

mail within five days of the expiration of the applicable filing period.

See 64 Fed. Reg. 37,644, 37,661 (1999) (to be codified and hereinafter

referred to as 29 C.F.R. � 1614.604). The request or opposition must

also include proof of service on the other party.

Failure to file within the time period will result in dismissal of your

request for reconsideration as untimely, unless extenuating circumstances

prevented the timely filing of the request. Any supporting documentation

must be submitted with your request for reconsideration. The Commission

will consider requests for reconsideration filed after the deadline only

in very limited circumstances. See 29 C.F.R. � 1614.604(c).



This is a decision requiring the agency to continue its administrative

processing of your complaint. However, if you wish to file a civil

action, you have the right to file such action in an appropriate United

States District Court WITHIN NINETY (90) CALENDAR DAYS from the date

that you receive this decision. In the alternative, you may file a

civil action AFTER ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) CALENDAR DAYS of the date

you filed your complaint with the agency, or filed your appeal with the

Commission. If you file a civil action, YOU MUST NAME AS THE DEFENDANT IN



Failure to do so may result in the dismissal of your case in court.

"Agency" or "department" means the national organization, and not the

local office, facility or department in which you work. Filing a civil

action will terminate the administrative processing of your complaint.


If you decide to file a civil action, and if you do not have or cannot

afford the services of an attorney, you may request that the Court appoint

an attorney to represent you and that the Court permit you to file the

action without payment of fees, costs, or other security. See Title VII

of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. � 2000e et seq.;

the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. �� 791, 794(c).

The grant or denial of the request is within the sole discretion of

the Court. Filing a request for an attorney does not extend your time

in which to file a civil action. Both the request and the civil action

must be filed within the time limits as stated in the paragraph above

("Right to File A Civil Action").


March 14, 2000







Office of Federal Operations


For timeliness purposes, the Commission will presume that this decision

was received within five (5) calendar days of mailing. I certify that

the decision was mailed to complainant, complainant's representative

(if applicable), and the agency on:

_______________ __________________________

Date Equal Employment Assistant1On November 9, 1999, revised

regulations governing the EEOC's federal sector complaint process

went into effect. These regulations apply to all federal sector

EEO complaints pending at any stage in the administrative process.

Consequently, the Commission will apply the revised regulations found

at 64 Fed. Reg. 37,644 (1999), where applicable, in deciding the

present appeal. The regulations, as amended, may also be found at the

Commission's website at WWW.EEOC.GOV.