Longshoremen's Local 27Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 7, 1973205 N.L.R.B. 1141 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation LONGSHOREMEN 'S LOCAL 27 1141 International Longshoremen 's and Warehousemen's Union and its Local 27, Port Angeles (Port Angeles Joint Port Labor Relations Committee) and Morris R. Bond . Case 19-CB-1691 September 7, 1973 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, KENNEDY, AND PENELLO On March 19, 1973, Administrative Law Judge Stanley Gilbert issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondents filed exceptions and supporting briefs, and the General Counsel filed limited cross-exceptions and a supporting brief and a brief in support of the Administrative Law Judge's Decision. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge,' and to adopt his recommended Order as modified herein. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge as modified below and hereby orders that Respondents, Interna- tional Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union and its Local 27, Port Angeles, Port Angeles, Wash- ington, their officers, agents, and representatives, shall take the action set forth in said recommended Order as modified.2 DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE STANLEY GILBERT, Administrative Law Judge: Based upon a charge filed by Morris R. Bond on May 21, 1971, the complaint herein was issued on October 13, 1971. The com- plaint alleges that International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union and its Local 27, Port Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the Respondents, or the Interna- tional and the Local, respectively, violated Section 8(b)(2) and (1)(A) of the Act. Respondents by their answers deny that they committed the unfair labor practices alleged in said complaint.' Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held in Port Angeles, Washington, on November 7 and 8, 1972, before the duly designated Administrative Law Judge. Appearances were entered on behalf of all of the parties.2 Briefs were received from the General Counsel on December 12, 1972, and from the International and Local on January 15, 1973 .' Upon the entire record 4 in this case, and from my obser- vation of the witnesses as they testified, I make the follow- ing: FINDINGS OF FACT I THE EMPLOYERS INVOLVED Pacific Maritime Association (hereinafter called PMA) is an association which exists in part for the purpose of repre- senting employer-members in collective bargaining with various labor organizations, including Respondents. Olympic Peninsula Stevedoring Company and Port An- geles Stevedoring Company are, and have been at all times material herein, employer-members of PMA with opera- tions located at Port Angeles, Washington. Annually, during the course and conduct of their steve- doring businesses, Olympic Peninsula Stevedoring Compa- ny and Port Angeles Stevedoring Company each separately performs services valued in excess of $50,000 for customers located outside the State of Washington. Annually, employer-members of PMA derive aggregate gross revenues in excess of $1 million and, in the aggregate perform services for out-of-state and/or foreign customers valued in excess of $50,000. PMA, Olympic Peninsula Stevedoring Company, and Port Angeles Stevedoring Company are employers within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act, engaged in com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. ' We find it unnecessary to, and do not , rely on the Administrative Law Judge's second ground for finding a violation , viz, the principle set forth in Miranda Fuel Company, Inc, 140 NLRB 181, 185-188, enforcement denied 326 F 2d 172 (C A. 2) For the reasons set forth in Kansas Meat Packers, Div ofAristo Foods, Inc, 198 NLRB No 2, Members Kennedy and Penello would not defer to arbitra- tion in this case 2 As urged by the General Counsel , Respondents are ordered to seek Bond's reinstatement with full restoration of lost benefits at any level avail- able to them and not merely to press such a claim at the level of the Port Angeles Joint Port Labor Relations Committee ' In addition, Respondents allege as a further defense that the Charging Party failed to exhaust the remedies provided under the collective-bargaining agreement involved in this proceeding 2 The Charging Party entered his appearance pro se and the appearance of a representative of the International was entered for limited purposes which limitation does not affect the disposition of the case before me 3 There is no issue as to the timely filing of briefs 4 General Counsel filed an unopposed motion, which is hereby granted, to correct the official transcript In addition, Respondents' motions were grant- ed to reopen the record and receive as an exhibit the decision of an arbitrator which has been marked as Resp Exh 12 General Counsel's opposition to said motions is attached to said exhibit 205 NLRB No. 142 1142 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD II THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED As is admitted by Respondents , at all times material here- in, they, jointly and severally, have been labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. III THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES The principal issue in this case is whether or not Respon- dents , by their conduct with respect to the deregistration of Bond by the Port Angeles Joint Port Labor Relations Com- mittee on February 25, 1971, violated Section 8(b)(2) and 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. Background Information During the time material herein, the collective-bargaining relationship between Respondents and the employer-mem- bers of PMA in Port Angeles was governed by the collec- tive-bargaining agreement known as the Pacific Coast Longshore Contract Document (in effect between July 1, 1966, and July 1, 1971). The parties to said contract docu- ment are the International on behalf of itself and its locals in California, Oregon, and Washington, and the Pacific Maritime Association on behalf of its members. The Port Angeles Joint Port Labor Relations Committee, hereinafter referred to as JPLRC, is organized and operated under Section 17 of the said contract document. The pertinent portions of said section are as follows: 17.11 The parties shall establish and maintain, dur- ing the life of this Agreement, a Joint Port Labor Rela- tions Committee for each port affected by this Contract Document, four Joint Area Labor Relations Commit- tees, and a Joint Coast Labor Relations Committee. Each of said Labor Relations Committees shall be comprised of three or more representatives designated by the Union and three or more representatives desig- nated by the Employers. Each side of the committee shall have equal vote. 17.12 The duties of the Joint Port Labor Relations Committee shall be: 17.121 To maintain and operate the dispatching hall. 17.122 To exercise control of the registered lists of the port, as specified in 8.3. 17.123 To decide questions regarding rotation of gangs and extra men. 17.124 To investigate and adjudicate all grievances and disputes according to the procedure outlined in this Section 17. 17.125 To investigate and adjudicate any complaint against any longshoreman whose conduct on the job, or in the dispatching hall, causes disruption of normal harmony in the relationship of the parties hereto or the frustration and/or violation of the provisions of the working or dispatching rules or of this Agree- ment.... During the time material herein, members of Local 27 LeRoy ("Bud") Jagger, Rembert Carter and Harold Bullock were the union members of the Port Angeles JPLRC. Jagger was also president of Local 27. The employer-members of the Port Angeles JPLRC were Perry Stockton, local manag- er for Port Angeles Stevedoring Company, and William Uphouse, local manager for Olympic Peninsula Stevedoring Company.5 Carl Weber, an official in the Seattle office of the PMA, served as the secretary of the Port Angeles JPLRC. There are three categories of longshoremen in the port of Port Angeles who are dispatched under the contract. Class A are registered men who are members of the Local and who are dispatched first, class B who are not members but who are entitled to be dispatched prior to the third category who are called "casuals." Bond, who started working on the Port Angeles waterfront in 1963 after he finished his school- ing, became a class A or registered longshoreman in June of 1965 and continued in that status until he was deregis- tered by the Port Angeles JPLRC on February 25, 1971. It appears that the effect of his deregistration was to deprive him of the right to work as a longshoreman on the West Coast. Resolution of the Issues Considerable evidence was introduced into the record on two points: (1) Jagger's belligerent conduct and his hostility toward younger men and Bond in particular; and (2) the history of employer complaints against Bond's performance as a longshoreman and with regard to his attitude toward his job. In their briefs, General Counsel emphasizes the first point and Respondents emphasize the second point. The record establishes that both points are well founded. With regard to the first point, it appears from the record that Jagger can be characterized as an arrogant bully who frequently challenged other men to fight, called himself the "king of the waterfront," and referred to young longshore- men as "punks," "war babies" and "long-hairs," among other epithets. On the other hand, they responded with vari- ous epithets, principally that of "pus-gut." It appears that while often the exchanges of epithets were in jest, they were also frequently in anger. As set forth later in this Decision, Jagger not only treated Bond as he did the other young longshoremen, but also because of certain incidents he was particularly hostile towards Bond. With regard to the second point, it appears that on a number of occasions Bond was cited to appear before the JPLRC on employer complaints for which he received disci- plinary action ranging over the gamut of warnings, fines, and compulsory layoffs. It further appears that in Decem- ber of 1969, as a result of arbitration proceedings, Bond was given 20 days off the work list and placed on probation for 6 months. It also appears that the arbitrator denied the employer's motion for his automatic deregistration for a similar offense (work stoppages) in the future. At the meeting of the JPLRC on December 17, 1970, the meeting immedi- ately preceding that of February 25, 1971, when he was deregistered, the minutes disclose the following disposition 5It is noted that according to the minutes of the February 25, 1971, meeting a T. Stewart was one of the employer delegates , but it appears that he was not among those present at the prior or subsequent meeting . It is also noted that he did not sign the minutes of the meeting he attended. No significance is attached thereto or that he was not called as a witness. LONGSHOREMEN 'S LOCAL 27 of complaints against Bond: Employers' Complaint-Morris Bond, #67037 The Committee reviewed a letter of complaint against Morris Bond, #67037, for his apparent indif- ference, negligence and failure to perform his work conscientiously, citing several instances when em- ployed for longshore work, where Mr. Bond was direct- ly or indirectly involved. In connection with this general complaint, Mr. Bond appeared before the Commitee to discuss the problems and the charges. Mr. Bond stated he did not feel the charges in the various instances were completely factual and felt that he was being singled out because of his previous com- plaints. He stated he has never deliberately disregarded the Employers' interests or disposed of any equipment or gear. He admitted that at times his attitude was not the best. He felt this was brought about by what he would consider to be harassment on the part of some people. He admitted he was inclined to have a short temper and he felt that, at times, personalities entered into the problem. The Employers stated they were concerned with his future in the industry and they were concerned with the safety of the men and the safety of the equipment uti- lized by longshoremen. The companies stated to Mr. Bond that there was no vendetta or harassment on the job, as far as the Employers' [sic] were concerned, with incidents that happened in the past. They felt he was capable of operating the equipment and doing a good job as a longshoreman. However, they feel if matters continued the way they were he was building a rather unenviable record that could have disastrous results for him in the future as far as his registration was con- cerned. Following a lengthy discussion between Mr. Bond and the Committee, the Committee agreed, and so ad- vised Mr. Bond, that, as a result of his appearing before the Committee and the discussion that had taken place, the air had been cleared. With an improvement in his attitude they felt the purpose of the complaint filed by the Employers had been satisfied, and there would be no further action taken on the complaint. Bond had apparently been accused of three no-shows (failures to report to the jobs to which he had been dis- patched) which had occurred prior to the December 17 meeting but which were not considered until the February 25 meeting along with an accusation of a fourth no-show on December 29, 1970, which was also considered at the Febru- ary 25, 1971, meeting. It appears that the hostility between Bond and Jagger became more intense as an aftermath of the December 29, 1970, no-show. A. The December 29, 1970, No-Show Prior to his dispatch on December 29, 1970, Bond at- tempted to "check out" by tacking a note to the door of the dispatch office notifying the dispatcher that he would not be available for work on December 29. It appears that checking out is permitted if the notice is timely given. How- ever, it further appears that Bond's notice was blown down and was, therefore, not noticed by the dispatcher. On the 1143 morning of December 29, 1970, Bond came to the dispatch office to pick up his paycheck. Following is Bond's credited testimony as to what then occurred: A. I went to the hall to get my check and they said, "We got you for another $10 no show." I said, "No, you didn't. I left a note. Didn't you get my note?" They said, "We got you." I said, "Well, I left the note." Q. Who said this? A. The dispatcher. Q. His name? A. Wilcox. So, you know, I can't understand what happened. I said, "I left the note on the door at 11 o'clock to check me out." I was getting nowhere there so I walked outside the door and I looked and right in the rose bushes which are there alongside the door was my note. It had been rained on so I took it up and I took it to the dispatcher and I said, "Here is my note. All you would have to do is look and you would have saw it." He said, "Well, you are really getting smart." He said, "You write a note and bring it down, throw it in a mud puddle and bring it in." I says, "When have you ever saw me write like this?" I says, "Well, I had a friend, by the way he is a very legible penman, write the note." He says, "All we want is the $10 fine." So, I took the note next door to Mr. Perry Stockton and explained my story to him and he said, "O.K., Morris, I will take care of it." So, I considered the matter taken care of. It appears, however, that the matter was not taken care of, for approximately a week later Bond was advised that he had been fined for the December 29 no-show. On February 9, 1971, prior to the union meeting Bond asked Jagger for a hearing before the union executive board to review the imposition of the fine. Jagger denied his request, stating that leaving a note on the door was not an acceptable method of checking out 6 They engaged in a heated argument in which the usual epithets were exchanged. Jagger testified that Bond challenged him to a fight which testimony is credited. However, Jagger's further testimony to the effect that he did not permit Bond to appear before the executive board because his request was made only 3 minutes before the general meeting was to start is not credited. Rather, Bond's testimony is credited that he made the request ap- proximately a half hour before the time for which the meet- ing was scheduled. It should be noted at this point that Jagger and Bond knew each other for a period of over 15 years and that their relationship during that time vacillated between friendship and open hostility. It is further noted that at the time of the February 9 argument their relationship was in a hostile stage, apparently stemming from Bond's failure to appear for a boxing match against Jagger (which Jagger had pro- moted some 4 or 5 months previously) thereby causing Jag- ger a financial loss. Thus, the February 9 argument further intensified the hostility which previously existed between the two men. It is also noted that the appropriateness of the fine against Bond is of no moment in disposing of the issues 6 It appears that such a method had been frequently employed, but that in the January 1971 meeting of the Union it was ruled out as an acceptable method 1144 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD herein, that the above incidents relating thereto are set forth to explain the hostility between Jagger and Bond at the time of later incidents, starting with those on the night of Febru- ary 13, 1971. B. The Incidents on the Night of February 13 There are several incidents relevant to the issues herein which occurred during the night of February 13, 1971. On that night , Jagger, Bond , and Richard Deane were among those loading a log ship on the shift beginning at 6 p . m., and ending about 2:45 the next morning. Jagger was working as "hatch tender" and Deane as a "slingman ." About I a.m., a quarrel arose between Jagger (who was on board the ship) and Deane (who was on the dock) over Jagger's criticism of the way the slingmen were adjusting the sling on some logs. They exchanged the usual epithets , and Deane told Jagger to come down and do the job himself . Jagger left the ship and walked over to where Deane was standing on the dock. Jagger's testimony with respect to what occurred is as fol- lows: I went down on the dock to instruct him that those are to be done and done right . There was a bit of an argu- ment down there, a discussion , "You fat son of a bitch, either get up on the ship or go on off the dock." A. He grabbed me by my coveralls and I possibly hit him. I do not remember. If I hit him I was backhanding him to get his hands off of me. At that time he threw me down on the dock. I got up. We had a couple words. I went back up on the ship and we finished the night out which was approximately another hour and a half hour.' Deane's version of the incident, which was corroborated by other witnesses and is credited, is as follow: A. I can't recall if he said anything at all when he first came up. He swung and hit me on the righthand cheek, the right side of my cheek. I stood there and asked him if he knew that he could get a year on the beach for fighting on the job. He told me he could stand it. He hit me on the left check and hit me on the shoulder with closed fists. At this time I had taken just about all I could take and turned to Mr. Kalla [the crew foreman] and told him he better get his boy back aboard the ship before he gets hurt. I put my hands on his shoulders and in a way of assisting him towards the ship and for what reason he knelt down on the dock I don't know yet. He got back up off the dock, walked back towards the ship. Bond did not witness Jagger's assault upon Deane, but learned about it shortly thereafter from some of the other longshoremen. Bond credibly testified that he overheard a conversation between Jagger and another longshoreman, Frank McCaslin, in which McCaslin told Jagger that "he could get into a lot of trouble" for striking Deane and that 7 It is noted at this point that Jagger was not an impressive witness and the above testimony, as well as other aspects of his testimony, was not convinc- ing Jagger replied that "somebody had to straighten that punk out." After the night shift ceased working Bond joined Deane on the dock, and while they were together Jagger passed by them. Jagger, Deane, and Bond testified as to what then ensued. Based upon the credited portions of their testimony, it is found that the following occurred: That Bond chal- lenged Jagger to try to take three punches at him as he had done to Deane; that Bond said he would "half kill" Jagger; that Jagger replied, "why don't you go home, sonny," and proceeded to his car; and that Deane and Bond followed Jagger in Deane's car to where Jagger's car was parked. Following is Bond's credited testimony as to what then occurred: A. We went over to Mr. Jagger, he rolled down his window and started talking to us. Richard told him that he could get a year on the beach. We got into a conver- sation there. He said I was already in trouble for cuss- ing him out at the union hall the previous week. I told him he couldn't do anything to me for cussing him out in the union hall. He said he was president of the union and it was illegal for me to cuss out a union official. I told him to go to hell. I told Richard, I says, "Let's go down to the police station and turn him in for assault." He said that is what he did when him and Harold Bullock got in a fight, he ran right down to the police station, so let's go do that. I turned around, Mr. Jagger left, I got in my car and went home. It further appears that during the course of the verbal quar- reling Bond threatened to throw a beer bottle through Jagger's window, but instead threw the bottle in the oppo- site direction into the bay. Jagger drove away without fur- ther incident. C. The February 14 Meeting in Stockton 's Office Later that morning Jagger talked to Carter (one of the other union delegates to the JPLRC) and they arranged a meeting with the local PMA delegates to the committee, Stockton and Uphouse , which meeting was held about 10 a.m. that day. Following is Uphouse 's credited testimony of what occurred at that meeting: A. I believe the opening thing was Mr . Stockton made it very clear this was not a formal meeting, this was merely a discussion of what apparently was a bad situation existing in the port and it was more or less a Joint meeting to try and pin down problems and agree to solutions. It stemmed around the description Mr. Jagger gave of what happened , the incident that hap- pened aboard a ship the night before concerning Mr. Bond and Mr. Deane. Q. Would you describe what you recall Mr . Jagger saying in describing that incident? A. He informed us he had been in an argument with Mr. Deane and somewhere towards the end of the shift which would have been 2:30, 3 in the morning, some- thing like this, Mr. Bond sided in with Mr. Deane. The two parties exchanged words. Mr. Bond threw down, I believe, his gloves and coat and they walked down the dock. Mr. Jagger stated he climbed in his car and Mr. Deane and Mr. Bond in theirs . The latter blocked his LONGSHOREMEN'S LOCAL 27 1145 car, moved his car into position to block him. Mr. Bond had threatened to throw a beer bottle through Mr. Jagger's windshield and after further words they had driven off, driven away from the point. It appears that Jagger made no mention of his earlier physi- cal assault upon Deane, and it further appears that Jagger stated that he had no intention of initiating any disciplinary action against Deane or Bond. Deane testified that he heard about the committee meet- ing and called Stockton the night of February 14. His cred- ited testimony as to his conversation with Stockton is as follows: A. Well, I called him to find out if Mr. Jagger had put any charges in against me and if he had had I told him that I had some charges that I wanted to put against Mr. Jagger. He assured me there wasn't any charges put in by Mr. Jagger. So I told him if that is the way it was going to be that would be all right. D. The JPLRC Meeting on February 25, 1971 It appears that Jagger was not content to let the incident on the night of February 13-14 drop. Some time between February 14 and February 21 union delegates to the com- mittee requested a meeting which was set for February 25, 1971. It further appears that it was principally for the pur- pose of lodging Jagger's complaint against Deane and Bond with respect to the aforesaid incident on February 13-14. Weber, whose office is in Seattle, credibly testified that he received a conference call from the union delegates request- ing the meeting. His credited testimony with respect to said conference call is as follows: A. (Continuing) One of the members of the commit- tee, at least one of them, advised me there had been a situation involving Mr. Bond and Mr. Jagger, and I don't remember the date, the specific date, without looking at the record, on night side where there was some threats of assault and verbal threats made, and they wished to have a Joint Port Labor Relations Com- mittee, and we did establish-agree to have this meet- ing on February the 25th, 24th, somewhere in there, in February, and Mr. Bond was cited to appear at that meeting. Leslie Bond,Morris Bond's father, credibly testified that in the evening of February 21 Jagger stated to him that he had talked to Weber "for an hour on the phone and it didn't cost the union a goddamn dime"; that Jagger further stated: "And we are going to take care of all of these punks." Thus, it is concluded that based upon the union delegates' request, principally that of Jagger, Deane and Bond were cited to appear before the meeting of February 25. It appears from the minutes of the meeting of February 25 that with respect to Bond and Deane the committee first considered Bond's no-shows on the dates of November 15, November 18, December 16, and December 29, 1970. It appears that in each case the "Union advised" a penalty was assessed against Bond and the employer delegates in each case stated that it was "an acceptable penalty." 8 Thereafter the complaint against Deane was considered by the committee. The minutes of the meeting apparently reflect correctly what action was taken with respect to the complaint against Deane. The pertinent excerpt from said minutes is as follows: Complaint-Richard Deane, #67048 Mr. Deane was cited to appear before the Committee because of a complaint that had been filed with the Committee involving his use of abusive and derogatory language and threatening to assault a fellow worker on the job. Mr. Deane stated it was his opinion that the younger longshoremen are being harassed and called names and this is demeaning to them and he retaliated by calling names in return. Mr. Deane was advised that it was the duty and obligation of the Committee to investigate and adjudicate any complaint against any longshoreman whose conduct in connection with his work as a longshoreman causes disruption of normal harmony in the relationship of the parties to the Agree- ment. The Committee advised Mr. Deane that they do not, and cannot, condone such actions on the part of any longshoreman; and it is their intention to see that ac- tions of harassment and threats are stopped before the situation gets out of hand, which could result in some- thing more serious. Mr. Deane was advised that because of his previous clean work record this would go on his record as a warning, but that they expect him to conduct himself in a responsible, mature manner in relation to his work as a longshoreman, and to improve his attitude on the job, and his failure to do so could result in more severe action by this Committee. There was no mention made in the meeting of Jagger's physical assault upon Deane shortly before the incident which was the subject of the complaint against him. It is obvious why Jagger made no reference thereto, and it ap- pears from Deane's testimony that he made no reference to Jagger's conduct which provoked the incident in order to avoid arousing greater antagonism against him. Thereafter, the committee considered the complaint against Bond. The minutes apparently reflect correctly what occurred at the meeting with respect to the complaint against Bond. The pertinent excerpt of said minutes is as follows: Complaint-Morris R. Bond, #67037 Mr. Bond was advised that he was cited to appear before the Committee because of a complaint regis- tered with the Committee, with respect to certain ac- tions on his part on the job, involving threat of assault, and use of abusive and derogatory language towards Mr. L. H. Jagger. The complaint as stated by Mr. Jag- ger was that Mr. Bond was working in the hold in Jagger's gang on the night shift, February 13, 1971. At the end of the shift, as the men came off the vessel, Mr. Bond approached Mr. Jagger on the dock and threw his hat and gloves on the dock, challenging Mr. Jagger to a fight using threatening and abusive language. Mr. 8 In each of the first three cases Bond was assessed a fine of $12 50, and in the last case a penalty of $20 and 24 hours off the work list The last no-show involved the "checkout" which was tacked to the dispatch door (more fully set forth hereinabove) 1146 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Jagger said he ignored him and told him to go home. Mr. Jagger then proceeded to his car, at which time Mr. Bond got into his car along with another longshoreman and blocked Mr. Jagger's car. He again challenged Jag- ger to get out of his car and fight. Mr. Bond threatened to throw a beer bottle, which he had in his hand, through Mr. Jagger's windshield. Mr. Jagger referred to other instances where both on thejob, and at Union meetings, Mr. Bond h[ad] threat- ened him with assault and used abusive and harassing language. Mr. Jagger further stated that there had been other instances where other hatch tenders had been threatened and abused by Mr. Bond on the job. Mr. Bond stated that he has had a personality con- flict on and off with Mr. Jagger. He admitted he had threatened Mr. Jagger, but also he was in turn threat- ened. He denied that any of these actions took place on the job. He did admit that he had had words with Mr. Jagger on the dock and in the parking area. He stated there was less than the truth to some of the statements made by Mr. Jagger. Mr. Bond stated that he feels that he has been harassed because of numerous past inci- dents in which he has been involved, and he did not like to be referred to as a "punk" or a "kid," and he stated his only wish when he is on the job is to be left alone. At this time Mr. Bond was temporarily excused from the meeting. The Committee then reviewed this most recent complaint. The Committee, as well, reviewed Mr. Bond's work record, noting that he has been found guilty of numerous complaints in the past several years, and further noting that in the meeting of December 17, 1970, Mr. Bond appeared before the Committee, at which time he was warned that if he did not improve both his attitude and his conduct in connection with his work as a longshoreman, but continued, what the Com- mittee considered, his irresponsible manner and bad conduct, his registration status could be affected. The Committee agreed that in view of Mr. Bond's past work record, and the warnings which had been given him, that he would be deregistered effective Feb- ruary 25, 1971. At this time, Mr. Bond was re-admitted to the meet- ing, and he was advised of the Committee's decision to drop him from the registered list because it is their opinion he is guilty of deliberate bad conduct in con- nection with his work as a longshoreman and because of the deliberate repeated offenses for which he has been found guilty. He was further advised that under the terms of the Contract he could appeal the decision of this Committee by filing in writing a grievance with the Committee, at which time a meeting of the Com- mittee would be set to investigate his grievance. It is found from credited testimony that Bond first request- ed a postponement to give him an opportunity to prepare his defense, and also that he complained that he could not receive fair representation from the committee with Jagger sitting as one of the union delegates. It appears that one member of the committee suggested that the committee might wish to consider a lesser penalty than deregistration for Bond. According to Carter's testimony, it was he who made such a suggestion, but it is found, based upon the credited testimony of Uphouse and Stockton, employer del- egates, that it was Stockton who made the suggestion. It is concluded that but for Jagger's complaint against Bond he would not have been deregistered. The minutes show that he had been penalized for his no-shows, and it is inferred that, if there had been nothing more, action against Bond would have ended there. However, the committee then proceeded to consider Jagger's charges against Bond and it appears that Jagger's charges against Bond are what precipitated Bond's deregistration. It is inferred that it was the union delegates, rather than the employer delegates, who sought Bond's deregistration 9 and that the action of the committee was prompted by a desire to appease Jagger. As an additional but not an essential factor, it is noted that the substance of Jagger's charges related to Bond's conduct in altercations with Jagger on February 9 at the union hall prior to a membership meeting and on the night of February 13-14 after the shift had finished working, matters which would not appear to be within the jurisdic- tion of the JPLRC as specified in the collective-bargaining agreement (section 17.11-17.125, set forth hereinabove). E. Events Subsequent to the Deregistration At the Local's membership meeting in March, Bond's brother, Tom Bond, presented a motion which, in effect, would have disapproved the action of the union delegates to the committee in agreeing to the deregistration of Bond. It appears that during a discussion on the motion Carter, one of the aforesaid delegates, stated to the membership that the union delegates had strongly opposed Bond's dere- gistration, but that the employer delegates had been ada- mant . This statement, in view of the findings hereinabove, constituted a gross misrepresentation. (A secret vote was taken on the motion which resulted in a tie vote.) Also, at said meeting Robert Caso, a union officer who was present at the February 25 meeting, moved that Bond be issued a withdrawal card from the Local despite the fact that it had not been requested by Bond. This motion was abandoned after it aroused strong opposition from the floor. On March 24, Bond appeared before the JPLRC and requested that it reverse its deregistration action. The com- mittee, again with Jagger among the members present, de- nied Bond's appeal. On May 19, 1971, Leslie Bond, Bond's father, circulated a petition among the local union members appealing "the illegal de-registration of our fellow worker, Morris Bond," and demanding "his re-instatement and re-certification." The petition alleged reasons for the contention that the deregistration was "illegal." Within hours after Bond circulated the aforesaid petition Caso circulated a petition titled: WE THE UNDERSIGNED DO HEREBY REMOVE OUR NAMES FROM THE PETITION HEADED "SUBJECT-APPEAL FOR MORRIS BOND #67 037" WHICH, "DEMAND HIS RE-INSTATEMENT AND RE-CERTIFICA- TION" It appears that the names of the members who had signed 9 This conclusion is supported by subsequent conduct of the Local's offi- cials with respect to attempts to reverse Bond 's deregistration (which conduct is set forth herein). LONGSHOREMEN 'S LOCAL 27 Leslie Bond's petition for Bond were typed on Caso's peti- tion. It is found from the credited testimony that several members who were asked to sign Caso's petition were told by Caso that if they did not sign his petition it could cost them a lot of money. Both petitions were forwarded to the JPLRC and the minutes of the meeting of the committee on May 20, 1971, noted that they were received and that the committee reaf- firmed its decision to deregister Bond. The above-mentioned misrepresentation by Carter at the March membership meeting and Caso's conduct in prepar- ing and circulating his aforesaid petition lend support to the conclusion that it was the union delegates rather than the employer delegates who instigated the disciplinary proceed- ings and sought Bond's deregistration. The union delegates could not have been fairly representing Bond's interests in the JPLRC proceedings in view of the subsequent strenuous efforts of union officials to block a reversal of his deregistra- tion. F. The Question of Deferring to an Arbitrator's Decision As stated hereinabove, Respondents allege in their an- swers the defense that Bond failed to exhaust the remedies provided under the bargaining agreement. By motions dat- ed February 26 and 28, 1973, which are hereby granted, Respondent International and Respondent Local moved to reopen the record for the purpose of receiving a decision of the arbitrator on an appeal of the International with respect to the deregistration of Bond which decision sustained his deregistration.10 Based upon the aforesaid defense and mo- tions to reopen the record, it appears that Respondents have impliedly moved that the Board defer to the arbitrator's decision. It does not appear appropriate to defer to said decision for the following two reasons: (1) In view of Respondents' potential liability (arising out of Bond's deregistration), it does not appear that Bond could have been fairly repre- sented by the International in the arbitration proceeding, Kansas Meat Packers, 198 NLFB No. 2; 11 and (2) it appears that the arbitrator reviewed the record of the deregistration action primarily to determine whether the penalty was "too severe" under the contract. It is apparent that the arbitrator did not have the opportunity of reviewing many of the facts which were elicited in the proceeding before me. Further- more, the primary issue in this proceeding is not whether the deregistration was too severe under the contract, but wheth- er the conduct of the Respondents' agents with respect to the action of deregistration constituted unfair labor practic- es within the meaning of the Act, an issue which, of course, was not before the arbitrator. Thus, this is an additional basis for concluding that it would be inappropriate to defer to the aforesaid arbitrator's decision. Ford Motor Company, 131 NLRB 1462, 1463; Fleet Distributing Service, Inc., 200 NLRB No. 35. 10 It appears from the record that Bond's is the only case in which the Port Angeles JPLRC applied such a drastic penalty as a disciplinary measure. 1 It is, of course, obvious that the PMA would strongly oppose the appeal for the same reason 1147 G. Concluding Findings It is concluded that by the conduct of the union delegates to the Port Angeles JPLRC, particularly that of Jagger, leading to the deregistration of Bond, Respondents Interna- tional and Local 27 violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) and (2) of the Act, inasmuch as said delegates were acting as agents of both Local 27 and the International. 12 There are two legal principles of which either or both would support the above conclusion. (1) The Board has held that the discharge of an employee is discriminatory within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act when it is motivated by an attempt to "mollify" a labor organization or one of its officials and, therefore, the labor organization causing such action has violated Section 8(b)(2) and (1)(A) of the Act. Local 1070, United Brother- hood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (B. W. Horn Com- pany), 137 NLRB 439, 442, and Hod Carriers' and Construction Laborers' Local 300 (Desert Pipeline Construc- tion Co.), 145 NLRB 1674, 1678. It has been found herein that the union delegates, particularly Jagger, acted in con- cert 13 to cause disciplinary proceedings to be brought against Bond resulting in his deregistration and that the employer delegates acceded to disciplining him based upon Jagger's charges in order to appease or mollify the union delegates, particularly Jagger. Consequently, the above-cit- ed cases are precedent for the finding that the Respondents violated Section 8(b)(2) and (1)(A) of the Act. (2) The finding of said violations is also supported by the principle set forth in Miranda Fuel Company, Inc., 140 NLRB 181, 185-188, which holds that a labor organization when acting in a statutory representative capacity violates Section 8(b)(2) of the Act by taking action against an em- ployee in derogation of his employee status upon consider- ations which are "irrelevant, invidious, or unfair." The instigation by the union delegates, particularly Jagger, of contractual disciplinary proceedings against Bond because of Jagger's antagonism toward Bond and their causing his deregistration by the JPLRC constitute "irrelevant, invidi- ous, or unfair" conduct within the meaning of the Miranda doctrine. Consequently, said Miranda case furnishes further legal support for the conclusion that Respondents violated Section 8(b)(2) and (1)(A) of the Act. The above conclusions should in no way be construed as condoning the belligerent conduct of Bond. IV THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The unfair labor practices of Respondents set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection with the opera- tions of the Employers, described in section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relationship to trade, traf- I2 The collective-bargaining agreement under which the JPLRC operated was between the PMA and the International It appears from section 17 11 of that said agreement that the delegates of said committee are designated by the "Union," ostensibly the International It appears further that as dele- gates the union members of the committee act not only on behalf of the International but on behalf of the Local, as well, in its administration of the collective-bargaining agreement 13 By their conference call to Weber they arranged the February 25 meet- ing of the JPLRC to consider disciplining Bond for the charges presented by Jagger 1148 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD fic, and commerce among the several states, and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow thereof. V THE REMEDY It having been found that the Respondents have engaged in unfair labor practices, it will be recommended that they be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action deemed necessary to effectuate the poli- cies of the Act. Although it has been found hereinabove that Respon- dents unlawfully caused Morris Bond to lose his employ- ment on the waterfront as a longshoreman, it would not appear that all of the elements of the conventional remedy can be ordered herein because of the unusual circumstanc- es. It cannot be ordered that he be reregistered and restored to his former status as a class A longshoreman since it requires the consent of said employer-members of the JPLRC and not being parties to this proceeding they cannot be ordered to accede thereto. The General Counsel has not cited any case which furnishes a precedent, and research has failed to reveal any such case. Consequently, it appears that a remedy need be fashioned to require Respondents to take all action within their power to accomplish Bond' s reregis- tration and restoration to his former status. Therefore, it will be recommended that Respondents be ordered to attempt to persuade the employer-members of the JPLRC to agree to Bond's reregistration and restoration to his former status with the full rights and seniority he would have enjoyed had he not been deregistered and to pursue that attempt in good faith and with full vigor includ- ing the resubmission to arbitration an appeal from Bond's deregistration (if it can be obtained) in light of the findings of fact and conclusions of law set forth herein. It will be further recommended that Respondents, jointly and severally, be ordered to make Bond whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered as the result of his loss of employment as a longshoreman in the manner set forth in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, 291-293, togeth- er with 6-percent interest thereon in accordance with Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716, between the date he was deregistered and the date on which Bond is reregis- tered and restored to his former status or Respondents have completely exhausted all reasonable efforts to accomplish that result. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following: CONCLUSION OF LAW ORDER Respondents International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union and its Local 27, Port Angeles, their officers, agents, and representatives, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Instigating disciplinary proceedings before the Port Angeles Joint Port Labor Relations Committee against any longshoreman because of the personal antagonism against him of one of their officers, agents, or representatives. (b) Causing or attempting to cause employer-members of the Port Angeles Joint Port Labor Relations Committee to agree to discipline a longshoreman because of charges so instigated. (c) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining, or coercing longshoremen in the exercise of rights guaranteed them under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is deemed necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Attempt in good faith and with full vigor to persuade the employer-members of the Port Angeles Joint Port Labor Relations Committee to agree to Bond's reregistration and restoration to his former status with the full rights and sen- iority he would have enjoyed had he not been deregistered, as set forth in the section hereinabove entitled "The Reme- dy. 11 (b) Jointly and severally make Morris Bond whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered as a result of his deregistration in the manner set forth in the section herein- above entitled "The Remedy." (c) Upon request make available to the Board or its agents for examination and copying all dispatch records and other records containing information concerning their obligation under this recommended Order to make Morris Bond whole. (d) Post at their business offices and meeting halls copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 15 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 19, shall, after being duly signed by authorized rep- resentatives of Respondents, be posted by them immedi- ately upon receipt thereof and be maintained for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, includ- ing all places where notices to their members are custom- arily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by said Respondents to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 19, in writ- ing, with 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondents have taken to comply herewith. By the conduct of their agents in instigating disciplinary proceedings against Morris Bond before the Port Angeles Joint Port Labor Relations Committee because of the per- sonal antagonism of one of said agents against Bond and causing the employer-members of said committee to agree to his deregistration, Respondents violated Section 8(b)(2) and 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusion of law, upon the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: 14 14 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes 15 In the event that the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " LONGSHOREMEN 'S LOCAL 27 APPENDIX NOTICE To MEMBERS POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT instigate disciplinary proceedings before the Port Angeles Joint Port Labor Relations Commit- tee against any longshoreman because of the personal antagonism against him of one of our officers, agents, or representatives. WE WILL NOT cause or attempt to cause employer- members of the Port Angeles Joint Port Labor Rela- tions Committee to agree to discipline a longshoreman because of charges so instigated. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce longshoremen in the exercise of rights guaranteed them under Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL attempt in good faith and with full vigor to persuade the employer-members of the Port Angeles Joint Port Labor Relations Committee to agree to Mor- ris Bond's reregistration and restoration to his former status with the full rights and seniority he would have enjoyed had he not been deregistered by said commit- tee. WE WILL jointly and severally make Morris Bond 1149 whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered as a result of his said deregistration. Dated By Dated By INTERNATIONAL LONGSHORE- MEN'S AND WAREHOUSEMEN'S UNION (Labor Organization) (Representative) (Title) INTERNATIONAL LONGSHORE- MEN'S AND WAREHOUSEMEN'S UNION LOCAL 27, PORT ANGELES (Labor Organization) (Representative) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Any questions concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions may be direct- ed to the Board's Office, 1000 Republic Building, 1511 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101, Telephone 206- 442-7472. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation