Long Mile Rubber Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 28, 1979245 N.L.R.B. 1337 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation LONG MILE RUBBER CO. Long Mile Rubber Company, Subsidiary of Aegis Cor- poration and Dallas General Drivers, Warehouse- men & Helpers, Local Union No. 745. Case 16- CA-8205 September 28, 1979 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS PENELLO AND TRUESDALE On July 12, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Roger B. Holmes issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein.2 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified be- low, and hereby orders that the Respondent, Long Mile Rubber Company, Subsidiary of Aegis Corpora- tion, Dallas, Texas, its officers, agents, successors, and I Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Ad- ministrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. 2 The Administrative Law Judge found that Respondent violated Sec. 8(aXI) and (5) by unilaterally instituting changes in the dispatching system which affected the driver's rate of pay, wages, and conditions of employ- ment. The Administrative Law Judge provided a make-whole remedy, com- mencing November 9, 1978, the day the unilateral change was announced. and concluding December 18, 1978, the day Respondent and the Union began negotiations on the terms of a collective-bargaining agreement, includ- ing the subject matter of Respondent's unilateral change. We shall modify the recommended Order by extending the backpay pe- riod to March 5., 1979. Negotiations, including the subject matter of the unilateral change, began December 18, 1978, but it was not until March 5, 1979, that Respondent and the Union reached agreement on the dispatching system. On March 5. 1979, Respondent agreed that it would call the Union when the company needed additional drivers. This concession served as the quidpro quo for the Union's acceptance of the proposed dispatching system. Effectuation of the Act's policies requires that Respondent reimburse em- ployees for losses suffered by reason of Respondent's unilateral action until such time as Respondent remedies its violation by doing what it should have done in the first place. That point in time was reached when Respondent bargained to agreement with the Union on the subject matter of Respon- dent's unilateral change. assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said rec- ommended Order, as so modified: 1. Substitute the following for paragraph 2(b): "(b) Make whole the employees in the bargaining unit previously described who lost wages as a result of Respondent's action for the period November 9. 1978, to March 5, 1979, with interest thereon to be computed in the manner prescribed in Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977). See, generally, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962)." 2. Insert the following as paragraph 2(c) and re- letter the subsequent paragraphs accordingly: "(c) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order." DECISION ROGER B. HOLMES, Administrative Law Judge: The un- fair labor practice charge in this proceeding was filed on November 29. 1978. by Dallas General Drivers, Ware- housemen & Helpers, Local Union No. 745, herein called the Union. The Regional Director of Region 16 of the National La- bor Relations Board, herein called the Board, who was act- ing on behalf of the General Counsel of the Board, issued on January 9, 1979, a complaint and notice of hearing against Long Mile Rubber Company, subsidiary of Aegis Corporation, herein called Respondent. The General Counsel's complaint alleges that Respon- dent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the mean- ing of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the National Labor Rela- tions Act, herein called the Act. Specifically, the General Counsel alleges in paragraph 10 of his complaint, as amended at the hearing, the following: Commencing on or about November 9, 1978, and at all times thereafter, Respondent did refuse, and contin- ues to refuse, to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive collective bargaining representative of all the employees in the unit described above in para- graph 7 in that Respondent, in writing, unilaterally, without notice to or bargaining to impasse with the Union, changed existing terms and conditions of em- ployment of the employees in the unit described a above in paragraph 7 by posting a notice which put into effect certain unilateral changes with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment in that it de- creased the monetary value of single runs by requiring that doubles take the longest runs available and it in- creased the number of doubles from (3) to eight (8). Respondent filed an answer to the General Counsel's complaint and denied the commission of the alleged unfair labor practices. With regard to the allegations set forth in paragraph 10 of the General Counsel's complaint, Respon- dent stated in its answer the following: 245 NLRB No. 174 1337 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The Respondent denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 10 of the complaint. in this respect, the Re- spondent would show that any action taken by the Re- spondent that is the subject of this complaint was done in the normal course of its business, was consistent with past practice, and did not constitute any change of existing terms and conditions of employment of the employees in the unit described in Paragraph 7 of the complaint. Further, the Respondent would show that any action taken was in response to an emergency situ- ation and done in order to maintain the company's compliance with all applicable federal laws and regula- tions. The hearing was held before me on March 22, 1979, in Dallas, Texas. The time for filing briefs was set for April 26, 1979. Briefs have been received from the counsel for the General Counsel and from the attorneys for Respondent. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. JURISDICTION Respondent is a Delaware corporation with offices, facili- ties, and its principal place of business located in Dallas, Texas, where it is engaged in the warehousing and distribu- tion of rubber products. During the year 1978, Respondent purchased products valued in excess of $50,000 directly from States of the United States other than the State of Texas. Upon the foregoing facts, and the entire record herein, I find that Respondent has been, at all times material herein, an employer engaged in commerce and in a business affect- ing commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED It was admitted in the pleadings that the Union has been, at all tims material herein, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. Based on the foregoing, and the entire record in this case, I find that fact to be so. III11. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Witnesses In alphabetical order by their last names, the following three persons appeared as witnesses at the hearing in this proceeding: Bobby R. Clifton is employed as a truckdriver for Re- spondent. Howard Deasy is the vice president of manufacturing for Respondent. Tim Dobbs is a truckdriver for Respondent. B. Credibility Resolutions In making the findings of fact herein, I have relied on the testimony given by each one of the three persons who testi- fied in this proceeding. Each one of the witnesses gave credible testimony. They do not directly contradict one an- other in most instances. However, in one instance, Clifton related a conversation with Deasy on August 25, 1978, but Deasy did not recall being told that the drivers were run- ning "hot." With regard to the content of the conversation between Clifton and Deasy which occurred about August 25, 1978, 1 have relied on Clifton's account. Clifton was more positive in his recall of that conversation. Deasy remembered hav- ing talked with Clifton in the late summer of 1978 prior to the time that Clifton went to the hospital, but he did not recall certain points related by Clifton in Clifton's testi- mony. Deasy testified: "But I don't remember him telling me that the drivers were running hot, as they call it. I know he said they were dissatisfied, they were mad, they're not home very often, but I don't remember him saying they were running hot. I don't recall it." After considering the foregoing, although I found Deasy to be a credible witness, I concluded that Clifton had the better recollection of that particular conversation, and I have based the findings of fact on Clifton's version. (See section F herein.) In other respects, I have relied extensively on the testi- mony related by Deasy, who was a knowledgeable witness and who appeared to be relating the facts to the best of his ability to do so. In addition to the testimony given by the witnesses, I have also considered and relied on the documentary evi- dence introduced by the parties at the trial. C. Background The following allegations set forth in paragraphs 7, 8, and 9 of the General Counsel's complaint were admitted in the pleadings, and these matters are background facts to the issues which are contested by the parties: 7. All over-the-road drivers and permanent part-time drivers employed by the Employer at its 6820 Forest Park Road, Dallas, Texas, location, excluding all other employees, including office clerical employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act, constitute an appropriate unit for the purpose of collective bargain- ing within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act. 8. On or about October 27 and October 30, 1978, a majority of the employees in the unit described above in paragraph 7 by a secret ballot election conducted under the supervision of the Regional Director for the Sixteenth Region of the Board, designated and selected the Union as their representative for the purposes of collective bargaining with the Respondent and on or about November 7, 1978, said Regional Director certi- fied the Union as the exclusive bargaining representa- tive of the employees of Respondent. 9. At all times since October 30, 1978, and continuing to date, the Union has been, and is now, the represent- 1338 LONG MILE RUBBER CO. ative of a majority of the employees in the unit de- scribed above in paragraph 7, for the purpose of collec- tive bargaining; and, by virtue of Section 9(a) of the Act, has been and is now, the exclusive representative of all the employees in said unit for the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment and other terms and con- ditions of employment. D. Company Practices and Procedures Regarding the Dispatch of Truckdrivers As the vice president of manufacturing, Deasy works at the executive offices of Respondent in Dallas, Texas. Re- spondent's Dallas plant is less than a mile away from the executive offices. That facility is one of four production plants operated by Respondent in the United States. Each plant has a plant manager who reports to Deasy. Deasy is in charge of production at all of Respondent's plants and reports to the president of the company. The competitive situation in the industry was described by Deasy as follows: In our industry, deliveries are very critical. Because it's very competitive, we give things like three-day deliver- ies, sometimes five-days deliveries, and I know from experience, when you talk with people about deliveries they don't understand that, because I can call up for an electric motor and get 22-week delivery on it. So, when our customer calls up, if you tell them 22 weeks, I guarantee you, you wouldn't have a customer. He wants it next week. Robert Ragsdale is the immediate supervisor of the Re- spondent's over-the-road truckdrivers at the Dallas facility. Ragsdale joined the Company about 5 or 6 years ago, fol- lowing problems encountered by Respondent with the De- partment of Transportation. Ragsdale reports to Deasy. On June 29, 1976, Respondent issued a document enti- tled "Policy for Road Drivers." Certain revisions were made a few days later on July 2, 1976. A copy of that document and also the revisions were introduced into evi- dence as Respondent's Exhibit . The exhibit consists of 10 pages which are typewritten, single-spaced. The entire document is in evidence, and it may be examined by those having a need to do so. However, there are certain portions which are particularly relevant to the consideration of the issues presented in this case. In part, the "Policy for Road Drivers" provides: Road Drivers shall be expected to maintain accurate logs and records and to operate in accordance with DOT regulations, and to maintain all trip records specified by the company. * * Regular drivers will be utilized for the majority of cus- tomer deliveries and will be dispatched daily on the basis of "first in-first out." Regular drivers are paid on a mileage basis. DISPA TCHING PROCEDURES The Dallas and Spartanburg plants shall utilize sepa- rate dispatching procedures due to basic differences in each plant operation. However, both bases shall utilize a basic policy of "first-in, first-out". Route truck driv- ers shall not be a part of the regular dispatching proce- dure. A rotating dispatch list shall be maintained at each base and regular drivers must sign-in subsequent to each trip. Such sign-in must be personally by each regular driver and under no circumstances will any in- dividuals be permited to sign-in for another person. Each day there will be a designated dispatching time for all drivers on the dispatch board. All available loads will be offered to those drivers in accordance with their position on the dispatch board. It will be the drivers responsibility to gave the dispatcher a tele- phone number where he may be reached and it will be the drivers responsibility to be available at the tele- phone number at dispatch time. If any driver turns down all of the listed loads at the time of dispatch, his name will be placed at the bottom of the board and he will not be called again until all other regular drivers have had an opportunity to select their loads that day. However, if there are loads left over, the dispatcher will assign a driver to a specific trip. At the Dallas base there will be three types of trips excepted from the normal dispatch procedure of regu- lar drivers: (a) California doubles, (b) Specials, (c) Heavy duty loads. (a) California doubles are generally described as the routine weekly deliveries to destinations in Arizona and California. There will be two regular driver teams for bid every six months on the basis of driver senior- ity. Time periods will be January through June and July through December. The senior driver selecting a California double will have the choice of any regular driver to be his partner. Both individuals shall be ex- pected to remain in this assignment for the full six month period. In the event either driver is unavailable due to vacation, sickness, dismissal or any cause the remaining driver of that team shall have the choice of a replacement from the regular driver list. At the end of each six month period, drivers will return to the nor- mal dispatch routine, if they do not successfully rebid the California run. If more than two trucks are needed during any week for California deliveries, the addi- tional trips will be part of the normal dispatch routine. Company management decides whether additional trips are to be run as single or double drivers. (b) Specials are generally described as short trips origi- nating at the Dallas base and being less than 500 miles round trip. Specials shall be dispatched from the "bot- tom of the board". The lowest driver on the dispatch list shall have an opportunity to select specials without having his name removed from the list. The objective of this procedure is to equalize mileage where possible and to prevent regular drivers from having to select short runs and losing board position for more desirable long mileage runs. 1339 . . DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (c) Heavy duty runs are generally described as a trip designated to haul heavy process or plant equipment or utilization of special road equipment not normally a part of the company fleet. Such trips shall not be a part of the regular dispatch routine. The truck dispatcher may select specific drivers on the basis of experience. In the event drivers based at other locations are routed to the Dallas Plant or the Spartanburg Plant, the traffic dispatcher may schedule shipments to utilize such driv- ers and equipment without regard to the previously described dispatching procedure. Drivers being dis- patched from other than their home base location shall be expected to accept such dispatches without contro- versy. In the event the dispatch board is empty and trips are of such urgency that they must be scheduled before a regular driver is available, the dispatcher shall have the right to utilize extra drivers. Such extra drivers shall not be dispatched when regular drivers are available. Insofar as it is consistent with the best interest of Long Mile Rubber Company, we shall endeavor to maxi- mize all inbound and outbound shipments via com- pany operated truck. Shipments via common carrier will be utilized when it is in the best interest of the company, or is dictated by customer requirements. In- sofar as is reasonably possible, customer deliveries and raw material pick ups shall be handled by Road Driv- ers. However, other company employees may be uti- lized for local deliveries and shipments in close prox- imity to the plant. Under the "Work Rules for Dallas Based Road Drivers" which is a part of Respondent Exhibit 1, rule 13 provides that, "all DOT regulations are to be adhered to and any warnings, fines or violations must be reported to driver's dispatcher." As the dispatcher for the Dallas-based truckdrivers, Ragsdale had the responsibility for assigning the various loads to the drivers. Ragsdale did not testify, but Deasy stated that Ragsdale had always possessed the discretion to decide what loads would go into certain trucks; where the loads would go; how the loads would go, as a single run or a double run, and the routing for the trip. According to Deasy, Ragsdale always had the discretion to decide what would be a single run and what would be a doule run. Usually, the double runs would be the longer trips to Cali- fornia and the Pacific Northwest. In Clifton's view, Ragsdale had exercised complete con- trol over the dispatching of drivers for the past 5 years and continuing up to the time of the trial. Clifton has a personal preference for driving by himself, or what was termed as a single run. Clifton stated that he had driven a truck for Respondent with another truckdriver "only when it's absolutely necessary." When two truckdriv- ers leave together in one truck, that is termed a double run. E. The Department of Transportation Inspection in May 1978 In May 1978 representatives of the Department of Trans- portation conducted an inpection of Respondent's logs. The inspection lasted for about 1-1/2 days. As a result of the inspection, four violations of Department of Transportation regulations were disclosed. Portions of part 395 of the Regulations of the Depart- ment of Transportation, which were in effect at the times material herein, were introduced as General Counsel's Ex- hibit 4. Deasy's response to the Department of Transportation regarding the violations found by that agency was made by letter dated May 22, 1978. A copy of Deasy's letter was introduced into evidence as General Counsel's Exhibit 6. In pertinent part, the document states: In conjunction with your recent inspection, we have taken the following steps to guarantee compliance with the four violations: 392.2-We have informed all drivers that they cannot exceed 50 mph average on their daily logs. These logs will be checked by our Traffic Manager and his department to guarantee control of this 50 mph Company Policy. 394.9-It appears that you have uncovered a problem in our accident reporting system. We do make out Company, Ryder and Insurance Accident reports but out home office did not forward a copy to DOT. We have forwarded all delinquent year-to- date reports and will follow through with this proce- dure in the future. 395.3A-Our Traffic Manager has talked with all the drivers stressing the point that we must have strict adherence to all DOT regulations. I have talked with our Traffic Manager and stressed the im- portance of all regulations and the fact that he is responsible to see that all logs are checked and that they are correct. 395.A(2)-All drivers are now entering "on duty not driving" for all stops. Again, control is our Traf- fic Manager who has tightened up on our log inspec- tions. We do appreciate your review of our trucking opera- tion and if we can be of further assistance, please let us know. In addition, Deasy specifically instructed Ragsdale that Ragsdale was not to violate the DOT regulations. Deasy explained: "If we are in violation of the DOT, they can walk in and shut down our trucking operation, shut down our operation immediately. Well, our whole company is what we produce and what we sell. If we don't have it, we don't have a company, and sitting there running hot under those conditions we can be subject to being out of business tomorrow, and I told Ragsdale that, and he knew it, and very emphatically." Deasy stated that he did not recall receiving any com- plaints from the Department of Transportation regarding Respondent's operation since May 1978. F. The Conversation Between Clifton and Deasy on August 25, 1978 Clifton has discussed the problem of the truckdrivers run- ning "hot" with various supervisors on a number of occa- sions. 1340 LONG MILE RUBBER CO. In particular, Clifton recalled having a conversation with Deasy on August 25, 1978, which was just prior to Clifton's illness. During that conversation, Clifton informed Deasey that the truckdrivers of Respondent were very unhappy. Clifton told Deasy that the drivers who were making single runs were not getting time off and that the drivers were "all running hot." Clifton expressed the view to Deasy that the truckdrivers were not being compensated for the time and the effort which they were performing for the company. According to Clifton, Deasy told him, "This was news to him, that he would check into it .... " It was shortly after that conversation that Clifton was hospitalized with a neck injury. Clifton did not report back for Respondent until October 1978. G. The Meetings with the Truckdrivers on October 20 and 21, 1978 As indicated above in section C, the representation elec- tion among the truckdrivers of Respondent at the Dallas location was conducted on October 27 and 30, 1978. Re- spondent held preelection meetings with the truckdrivers on Friday, October 20, 1978, and on Saturday, October 21, 1978. Both Deasy and the president of Respondent at- tended both meetings with the truckdrivers. At the meeting on October 21, 1978, one of the truckdriv- ers spoke up and said that they were running "hot," which meant that they were driving in violation of the regulations of the Department of Transportation. The assertion by the truckdriver that they were running "hot" was supported by still another truckdriver at the Saturday meeting. Deasy described the reaction of the president of Respon- dent to the statements by the truckdrivers that they were running "hot" as follows: His reaction-well, he was very, very annoyed, and when he got together with me later, he certainly ex- pressed the fact that he had put his faith in me that I would control Ragsdale to be damn sure we didn't have any violations, and here he comes up and hits him in the face that we do, and he reviewed the situ- ation of the jeopardy we placed the company in be- cause of the violations and of the DOT citation in May and going back years before when they had even more problems, and he said that I absolutely must guarantee that we don't have that. He was very, very upset. No question. Deasy immediately discussed the matter with Ragsdale, who told him that the truckdrivers were probably correct in saying that they were running "hot." Deasy told Ragsdale, "I don't care what you do. We've got to get legal." Rags- dale replied that he could handle the situation. However, Deasy believed that Ragsdale's assurances were not suffi- cient. He explained, "In reviewing the situation, him han- dling it probably isn't good enough. I got to put something down to be sure it's handled, which brought out the letter. And I couldn't see any other way that we could go. I didn't know what else to do." As will be described more fully in section H, the letter or notice by Deasy to Respondent's truckdrivers was not posted until Thursday, November 9, 1978. Deasy's explana- tion for the interval of time between his being informed on October 21, 1978, that the drivers were running "hot," and the subsequent posting of the notice on November 9, 1978, is set forth at transcript pages 83-86. In summary, Deasy recalled that Ragsdale was not at the facility on Saturday. October 21, 1978, so he did not speak with Ragsdale re- garding the drivers running "hot" until Monday, October 23, 1978. Deasy further recalled that it was the president of Respondent who instructed him to put the matter in wnt- ing. Deasy again spoke with Ragsdale regarding this subject and reviewed with him "what we could do and how we could make it legal .... " As a result of his discussions with Ragsdale, it was decided that if there were eight doubles running, then the truckdrivers would be able to drive le- gally. Deasy then drafted a letter which underwent some changes by the president of Respondent before it was posted on November 9, 1978. H. The Posting of the Notice on November 9, 1978 A copy of the notice which was posted by Deasy on No- vember 9, 1978, was introduced as General Counsel Exhibit 2. In addition, a copy of the same notice, but with the at- tachment of the names of the truckdrivers who signed up for double runs and single runs, was introduced into evi- dence as General Counsel Exhibit 3. The text of Deasy's notice is as follows: All Dallas Drivers In view of the information that came out in our re- cent meetings, we are faced with an emergency situ- ation which dictates that we must run more doubles immediately. As a temporary measure, since this is a bargaining item with the Union and we have not yet arranged a bargaining schedule, we will go with 8 doubles and 7 singles. Please sign-up for your preference and if it is doubles, pick a partner. The basic rule will be first in has first pick of the loads but the doubles must take the longest runs available. When we bargain through this new situation with the Union, there could be some changes and the situation could become more perma- nent but for now this is an emergency situation set up as a temporary measure. According to Deasy, the letter or notice which he posted was supposed to increase the number of doubles teams to eight, but Deasy stated, "Well, in reviewing the record, I think it got to six, or five and a half; I'm not sure. At other times, it exceeded eight." When he was questioned as to whether his noice simultaneously reduced the number of single runs, Deasy responded, "Basically, I guess you'd say that." Deasy offered the following explanation with regard to what caused or prompted him to post the notice: Q. OK. Now, explain for the record, Mr. Deasy what caused you or prompted you to post the docu- ment marked as GC-2. A. Well, it gets a little bit involved. Primarily be- cause I was in a situation where we were in violation of DOT, and I had to do something to get out of the violation. 1341 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD MR. DUNIAP: Mr. Deasy. would you tell us what DOT is, for the record? THE WITNESS: Well, DOT, for the record, is Depart- ment of Transportation, and in the meetings we had with the drivers just prior to the election, about 10 days before this letter came out, it came out the drivers told us that they were running hot. By hot, we mean they were running over hours, which is a safety viola- tion with the federal government. So I was in a very precarious situation. I had to make a move to do something on it. Then, to go a little further in that, I guess you've got to go back about seven years ago when I went through a union organiza- tion in another plant where I worked with a labor law- yer who told me once you receive notice of a pending union election, there's probably a hundred and one things you can do wrong immediately, and you wouldn't know that you could do it wrong. So in view of that situation I'd say it's probably a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing, so I tried to write this letter to be absolutely frank and straight with the drivers and tell them, here's our problem, here's the only way I can see that we can do it, and if later we're going to bargain about this thing, man, we're going to bargain about it, but right now, I see no other alterna- tive. And that's why I wrote the letter. Q. OK. What regulations were they that you under- stood your drivers to be in violation of: the one involv- ing maximum driving and on-duty time? A. Basically, yes. Deasy acknowledged that he did not contact the Union prior to posting the notice. He stated, "I didn't contact the Union. I didn't think I had to. I know it's our discretion to make a decision on what to do which is always what we've done in Dallas and the other three plants-the other two plants at that time." At the point in time when Deasy posted the notice, he had not received any request to bargain from the Union. 1. The Effects of the Notice The rate of compensation paid by Respondent for a dou- bles run is 21.5 a mile. That compensation for a doubles trip is, of course, divided between the two truckdrivers making the trip. In contrast, the compensation paid by Re- spondent to a truckdriver who makes a single run is at the rate of 15.25 a mile. Of course, with a single run, the one driver receives the total amount of the compensation. At the time of the representation election, Respondent employed 23 over-the-road truckdrivers. Joint Exhibit I reveals that, prior to the posting of the notice on November 9, 1978, the doubles runs performed by Respondent's employees were primarily made from Dal- las to various cities in California. In addition, during that period of time there were some doubles runs made from Dallas to locations in Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, and Wash- ington. Two doubles runs were made to Export, Pennsylva- nia, on June 2 and October 28, 1978. One such doubles run was made to Columbus, Ohio, on November 8, 1978, which was the day prior to the posting of the notice. According to Clifton. he has lost wages since the posting of Respondent's notice on November 9, 1978, because of the increase in the number of double runs. As indicated earlier, Clifton prefers to drive alone, rather than with an- other truckdriver. However, due to economic necessity, Clifton has made double runs both before and after the posting of Respondent's notice on November 9, 1978. Respondent's records indicate that Clifton has performed more double runs with greater frequency after the posting of Respondent's notice on November 9, 1978. than Clifton did prior to the posting of that notice. A compilation of double runs made by Respondent's em- ployees during the time period from January 1, 1978. through February 25. 1979, was introduced as Joint Exhibit 1. An examination of that exhibit shows that Clifton per- formed double runs only on three occasions during 1978 prior to the posting of the notice. However, after the post- ing of the notice, Clifton performed double runs five times in just the 2 months of December 1978 and January 1979. Joint Exhibit I shows the following with regard to Clifton: Drivers Dobbs/Clifton Clifton/Dobbs Clifton/Creag Clifton/Maggard Dobbs/ Clifton Clifton/Anderson Clifton/Anderson Clifton/Anderson Final Destination Los Angeles, CA Reno, ANV Export, PA Tooele, UT Minot, ND Compton, CA Sheffield, AL Sheffield, AL Left 3/12/78 5/6/78 10/28/78 12/10/78 12/17/78 12/31/78 1/9/79 1/11/79 Even considering Clifton's illness during a portion of 1978 prior to the posting of the notice, the foregoing records indicate that he performed double runs with greater fre- quency in the months following the posting of the notice. Introduced into evidence as Joint Exhibit 2 was a compi- lation from Respondent's records with regard to the num- ber of double runs performed on a weekly basis from Janu- ary 1. 1978, through March 3, 1979. Given the span of time encompassed by Joint Exhibit 2, there is information which covers two comparable periods of time. Those periods of time are the first 8 weeks of the year 1978 and the first 8 weeks of the year 1979. As indi- cated above, the data on that particular exhibit covers a longer period of time. but just looking for the moment at the first 8 weeks of each year. the document shows that there were 23 double runs performed by employees of Re- spondent during the first 8 weeks of 1978 and there were 30 double runs performed by employees of Respondent during the first 8 weeks of 1979. Introduced as Joint Exhibit 3 was a compilation from Respondent's records with regard to single runs which had been performed by employees of Respondent from January 4, 1976, through March 4, 1979. The figures are given on a weekly basis. While the document covers a longer span of time, a comparable time period existing throughout that document would be the first 10 weeks of each year-1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979. Looking for the moment at that 10- 1342 I.ONG MILE RUBBER CO. week time period beginning in January on each of those 4 years, Joint Exhibit 3 reveals the following with regard to the first 10 weeks of each year: 1976 208 1977- 185 1978- 160 1979- 178 While Dobbs described himself as being a single driver. Joint Exhibit I revealed that Dobbs had made 10 trips as a doubles driver during 1978 prior to the time that Respon- dent posted the notice, and that Dobbs made one doubles run after Respondent posted the notice. The information on Joint Exhibit I revealed the following with regard to the doubles run by Dobbs during the period from January 1, 1978, through February 25, 1979: Drivers Dobbs/Soaper Dobbs/Pi t tran Joh nson/Dobbs Dobbs/C i f ton Cli f ton/Dobbs Dobbs/K Lmbre 11 Dobbs/K imbrel 1 Dobbs/K Lmbre 11 Dobbs/Soaper Soaper/Dobbs Dobbs/Clif ton Final Destination Bellflower, CA So. E1 lonte, CA Bellflower, CA Los Angeles, CA Reno, NV Export, PA San Bernardino, CA Littleton, CO Portland, OR Portland, OR t4inot, ND Left 1/2/78 1/22/78 2/6/78 3/12/78 5/6/78 6/2/78 7/2/78 8/1/78 9/17/78 10/28/78 12/17/78 According to Dobbs, since Respondent posted the notice, Dobbs has not been able to make some runs from Respon- dent's facility to California as a single truckdriver. Specifi- cally, he had reference to trips to the greater Los Angeles area. According to Dobbs, prior to the posting of the notice by Respondent. there were no double teams of truckdrivers of Respondent making trips to Denver, Colorado. After the notice was posted, Dobbs said that double teams had made such trips. Dobbs added that, similarly, Respondent had double teams driving to Minnesota. Beaumont, Salt Lake City. and Pittsburgh after the posting of the notice, whereas single drivers made the runs prior thereto. J. The Contract Negotiations and the Agreement Between the Respondent and the Union on a Dispatch Procedure Contract negotiations between Respondent and the Union commenced on December 18, 1978. At the first ne- gotiation meeting, the Union submitted a complete contract proposal to Respondent. The Union's contract proposal in- cluding a dispatching procedure. A copy of the Union's initial proposal regarding the "Method of Dispatch" was introduced into evidence as Re- spondent Exhibit 2. The proposals of the Union on that subject are set forth in four pages which are typed, double- spaced. Item 9 of the Union's proposal states as follows: "The company shall have complete discretion in the deter- mination of whether a given trip shall be a double or single run. Subsequently, the Union's proposal as reflected in Item 9, above, was withdrawn, but after seven negotiating sessions between Respondent and the Union, agreement was reached by the first week in March 1979 that the Company would have complete discretion in determining whether a trip would be a double or single run. As of the time of the trial in this proceeding. Respondent and the Union had not reached a complete agreement on all terms of a collective-bargaining agreement. K. Conclusions In considering whether or not the actions taken by Re- spondent on November 9, 1978. constituted unilateral changes in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act, it is helpful to note the Board's decision in Pan-Abode, Inc., 222 NLRB 313. 315 (1976), where the Board stated: In order for General Counsel to prove a prima facie case with respect to an alleged violation of Section 8(a)(5), he need only prove that an obligation to bar- gain under Section 9(a) existed and that Respondent refused to bargain either directly or did not bargain by unilaterally effecting a change in working conditions. Not only is Respondent's motivation in instituting such changes totally irrelevant in determining the existence of a violation under Section 8(a)(5), but such consider- ations may, as alleged in this case, provide the predi- cate for finding the same actions violative of other sec- tions of the Act. In the instant case, the evidence shows that prior to Re- spondent's action on November 9, 1978. a majority of the employees in the bargaining unit had selected the Union as their exclusive collective-bargaining representative in the election held on October 27 and 30. 1978, and that the Board had certified the Union as the collective-bargaining representative of those employees on November 7, 1978. It is further acknowledged that Respondent did not give no- tice to, or bargain with, the Union prior to the posting of the notice of November 9, 1978. In past years. the dis- patcher had exercised discretion with regard to the dispatch of Respondent's truckdrivers at its Dallas location. How- ever, after the employees had voted for the Union in the representation election. and after the Board had certified the Union as the collective-bargaining representative of the unit employees, Respondent was legally obligated to recog- nize and bargain with the Union regarding matters which would affect the wages, hours, or working conditions of the unit employees. As the Board stated in Amyterdam Printing and Litho Corp.. 223 NLRB 370, 372 (1976): Nor do we find merit in the assertion that these uni- lateral changes are justified by past practice, as the practices of Respondent prior to the certification of the Union do not relieve it of the obligation to consult with the certified Union about the implementation of these practices as affecting the wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment of the unit employees. Oneita Knitting Mills, Inc.. 205 NLRB 500 (1973). 1343 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD In Oneita Knitting Mills referred to above, the Board stated at fn. 1: Respondent argues that a finding that the unilateral grant of merit increases was a violation of Sec. 8(a)(5) would be inconsistent with the holding of this Board in Southeastern Michigan Gas Company, 198 NLRB No. 8, wherein we found a discontinuance of merit in- creases to have been a violation of Sec. 8(a)(5). We disagree. An employer with a past history of a merit increase program neither may discontinue that pro- gram (as we found in Southeastern Michigan) nor may he any longer continue to unilaterally exercise his dis- cretion with respect to such increases, once an exclu- sive bargaining agent is selected. N.L.R.B. v. Katz, 396 U.S. 736 (1962). What is required is a maintenance of preexisting practices, i.e., the general outline of the program, however the implementation of that program (to the extent that discretion has existed in determining the amounts or timing of the increases), becomes a matter as to which the bargaining agent is entitled to be consulted. Thus, I conclude that it was not permissible under the Act for Respondent to ignore the Union with regard to matters affecting the employees in the bargaining unit after those employees had selected the Union to represent them. Although the evidence shows that the Union had not for- mally requested bargaining with Respondent as of Novem- ber 9, 1978, I conclude that the absence of such a request did not nullify Respondent's legal obligation to bargain with the Union which arose from the Board-conducted election and certification of the Union. The notice itself indicates Deasy's belief at that point in time that "this is a bargainable item with the Union .... " Later in the notice it states, "When we bargain through this new situation with the Union .... " Thus, I conclude from the notice itself that the Respondent recognized at that time that the subject matter of the notice was a bargainable item with the Union, and that Respondent did contemplate fu- ture bargaining over the matter with the Union. The increase in the number of doubles runs to eight, and the setting of seven single runs was a change from the prac- tice which had theretofore been in effect. While the predi- cate for the change was Respondent's desire to avoid viola- tions of the regulations of the Department of Transportation, I find that such a motivation did not relieve Respondent of its obligation to bargain with the Union. In the Board's decision in The Little Rock Downtowner, Inc., 168 NLRB 107, fn. 3 (1967), enfd. 414 F.2d 1084 (8th Cir. 1969), the Board held: We agree with the Trial Examiner that increases granted without consultation with the Union consti- tuted unlawful refusals to bargain. With regard to Stewart, we specifically reject Respondent's contention that bargaining was not required because Respondent had good cause to increase Stewart's duties (to con- form to the local health officer's order to improve sani- tary conditions) and therefore his wages. The duty to bargain remains regardless of the reason for the wage increase. Further on in The Little Rock Downtowner decision, the Board also held at 108: Respondent's unilateral changes of working conditions without consultation with the bargaining agent are vio- lations which strike at the heart of the Union's ability to effectively represent the unit employees. There is no clearer or more effective way to erode the ability of the Union to bargain for the employees than for Respon- dent to make such changes without consultation with the Union. As shown above in the findings of fact, the rate of com- pensation paid by Respondent for doubles runs and for sin- gle runs is different. Of course, with a doubles run the two drivers must divide the total compensation, whereas with a single run the one driver receives the total compensation for that trip. In addition, by providing that the "doubles must take the longest runs available," the singles driver would not have the opportunity for the runs of the longest dura- tion. Aside from the monetary aspects of the change, the conditions under which the drivers worked would be af- fected by the increase in the number of doubles teams. As indicated by Clifton, he preferred to work alone, rather than as part of a doubles team. While I have given consideration to the contention that the notice was posted as a result of an emergency situation, I conclude that the facts do not establish that a genuine emergency existed. First of all, the time interval between the preelection meeting with the truckdrivers on Saturday, October 21, 1978, and the posting of the notice, on Novem- ber 9, 1978, is indicative that a true emergency requiring immediate action did not exist. Secondly, the credited testi- mony of Clifton reveals that he had called to Respondent's attention the fact that the drivers were not in compliance with the Department of Transportation regulations on Au- gust 25, 1978. Thirdly, it seems a reasonable inference to draw from the record that Respondent's dispatcher was knowledgeable of the situation prior to the time that the two truckdrivers spoke up at the meeting on October 21, 1978. Therefore, considering all of the foregoing, I conclude that this was not a true emergency situation. I have considered the cases urged by Respondent in sup- port of its defense. However, I found those cases to be dis- tinguishable. For example, in the Board's Decision in Wa- bash Transformer Corp., Subsidiary of Wabash Magnetics Inc., 215 NLRB 546 (1974), the administrative law judge had reached the conclusion that there was a unilateral change in working conditions when the employer imposed the penalty of discharge for employees' failing to meet effi- ciency standards. However, the Board disagreed with the Administrative Law Judge and reasoned that "we conclude that the discharge sanction was merely one means of en- forcing the preexisting efficiency standards which was im- plicit in the existence of any such standard. The emphasiz- ing of this means did not constitute unlawful unilateral action in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act." Thus, the penalty of discharge was found by the Board in that case to be implicit in the efficiency standards, and merely emphasizing one of those existing penalties was not a unilateral action. In the instant case I find that the evi- dence shows that there was a change on November 9, 1978, and not merely an emphasizing of a preexisting fact. There- 1344 LONG MILE RUBBER CO. fore, I find the instant case to be distinguishable from the Board's decision in Wabash and the Board's Decision in The Trading Port, Inc., 224 NLRB 980 (1976), which relied on the Wabash decision. In view of the fact that Respondent and the Union subse- quently bargained and reached agreement on the subject matter involved in the unilateral change, I find that an or- der to restore the status quo ante would not be appropriate in these circumstances. Compare two Board Decisions which are distinguishable on this particular point: Atlas Tack Corporation, 226 NLRB 222 (1976); Boland Marine and Manufacturing Company, Inc., 225 NLRB 824 (1976). After considering the foregoing, the briefs filed by the parties, and the entire record herein, I conclude that a pre- ponderance of the evidence establishes that Respondent did make unilateral changes on November 9, 1978, with respect to the rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment of the employees in the bargaining unit. Therefore, I find that Respondent has thereby violated Section 8(a)(l) and (5) of the Act. Having reached the conclusion that unfair labor practices did occur, the question then arises as to what the appropri- ate remedy would be. Counsel for the General Counsel seeks, inter alia, a monetary remedy for those employees who lost earnings as a result of Respondent's unilateral changes. His argument is persuasive in these circumstances where the unilateral changes had an effect not only on the conditions under which the truckdrivers worked, but also on the rate of pay and the wages of the bargaining unit employees. In conclude that the backpay period of the bargaining unit employees, who lost wages as a result of Respondent's unilateral actions, should commence on November 9, 1978, when the notice was posted, and that the backpay period should end on December 18, 1978, when Respondent and the Union commenced negotiations on the terms of a col- lective-bargaining agreement. In this connection, it should be remembered that the Union's initial contract proposal on December 18, 1978, included the proposal that, "The company shall have complete discretion in the determina- tion of whether a given trip shall be a double or single run." Thus, the subject matter of Respondent's earlier notice was brought up in the initial negotiating session between Re- spondent and the Union. Furthermore, that proposal was ultimately agreed to by both parties after a number of inter- vening bargaining sessions. Since bargaining commenced on December 18, 1978, concerning the matter on which Respondent had earlier taken unilateral action, I conclude that the backpay period ended at that point in time. Notwithstanding the fact that there may be some diffi- culty in computing the backpay due to certain employees, I conclude that Respondent may not be excused from its monetary liability because Respondent's own actions may have made the amounts of backpay difficult to compute. Such computations may properly be made in the compli- ance stage of this proceeding. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. The following employees constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the mean- ing of Section 9(b) of the Act: All over-the-road drivers and permanent part-time drivers employed by the Respondent at its 6820 Forest Park Road, Dallas, Texas. location, excluding all other employees, including office clerical employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. 4. At all times material herein the Union has been, and is now, the exclusive representative of all of the employees in the above-described appropriate unit for the purposes of collective bargaining. 5. By making unilateral changes on November 9, 1978, with respect to the rates of pay, wages, hours of employ- ment, and other terms and conditions of employment of its employees in the bargaining unit described above, Respon- dent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the mean- ing of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. 6. The unfair labor practices set forth above affect com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Since I have found that Respondent has engaged in un- fair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(I) and (5) of the Act, I shall recommend to the Board that Respondent be ordered to cease and desist from engaging in those unfair labor practices. I shall also recommend to the Board that Respondent take certain affirmative action in order to effectuate the policies of the Act. Such affirmative action will include a bargaining order. In that connection, see St. Elizabeth Com- munity Hospital, 240 NLRB 937 (1979). Such affirmative action will also include a recommendation that the employ- ees be made whole for their losses resulting from Respon- dent's unilateral action. The backpay period will commence on November 9, 1978, when Respondent made the unilat- eral change, and the backpay period will cease on Decem- ber 18, 1978, when Respondent and the Union commenced negotiations on the terms of a contract, which negotiations included the subject matter of Respondent's unilateral change. Backpay will be computed in accordance with the Board's Decisions in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950); Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962), and Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977). Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, conclu- sions of law, and the entire record in this proceeding, and pursuant to the provisions of Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the recommended: ORDER' Respondent, Long Mile Rubber Company, subsidiary of Aegis Corporation, its officers, agents, successors, and as- signs, shall: I In the event no exceptions are filed, as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board. the findings. (Continued) 1345 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD I. Cease and desist from: (a) Failing and refusing to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive collective bargaining representative of its employees in the appropriate unit described below by making unilateral changes with respect to the rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other terms and condi- tions of employment of its employees. The appropriate bargaining unit is: All over-the-road drivers and permanent part-time drivers employed by the Respondent at its 6820 Forest Park Road, Dallas, Texas, location, excluding all other employees, including office clerical employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is deemed necessary in order to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Upon request, bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative of the employees in the bargaining unit previously described and embody in a signed agreement any understanding which may be reached. (b) Make whole the employees in the bargaining unit previously described who lost wages as a result of Respon- dent's action in the manner more fully described in the rem- edy section of this Decision. (c) Post at its Dallas, Texas, facility copies of the at- tached notice marked "Appendix." In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Or- der of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Rela- tions Board." The Regional Director for Region 16 of the Board will provide copies of the notice to Respondent. After Respon- dent's representative has signed those copies, Respondent shall post those notices immediately after receiving them. Respondent shall maintain such notices for a period of 60 consecutive days after they have been posted in conspicu- ous places, including all of the places where Respondent conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. customarily posts notices to its employees. Respondent shall also take reasonable steps to insure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material dur- ing this period. (d) Within 20 days from the date of this Order. Respon- dent shall write a letter to the Regional Director for Region 16 of the Board and tell him what Respondent has done to comply with this Order. APPENDIX NOTI(E To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF TIHE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT fail and refuse to bargain collectively with Dallas General Drivers, Warehousemen & Help- ers, Local Union No. 745, as the exclusive collective- bargaining representative of our employees in the ap- propriate unit described below by making unilateral changes with respect to the rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of em- ployment of the employees in the bargaining unit. The appropriate bargaining unit is: All over-the-road drivers and permanent part-time drivers employed by our company at our 6820 For- est Park Road, Dallas, Texas, location, excluding all other employees, including office clerical employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act. WE WILL, upon request, bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative of our employees in the bargaining unit described above, and WE WILL embody in a signed agreement any under- standing which may be reached. WE WILL pay to our employees in the bargaining unit described above the amounts of money which those employees lost as a result of the unilateral action which was taken on November 9, 1978, and WE WIll. pay those employees appropriate interest on those sums of money. LONG MILE RUBBER COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OF AEGIS CORPORATION 1346 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation