Long Island Jeep, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 16, 1977231 N.L.R.B. 1361 (N.L.R.B. 1977) Copy Citation LONG ISLAND JEEP, INC. Long Island Jeep, Inc. and Local 259, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Imple- ment Workers of America (UAW). Case 29-CA- 4870 September 16, 1977 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS PENELLO AND MURPHY On November 3, 1976, Administrative Law Judge Arthur Leff issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel and the Charging Party filed exceptions and supporting briefs, and the Respondent filed a brief in support of the Administrative Law Judge's Decision. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, find- ings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. 2 We agree with the Administrative Law Judge that the Respondent did not refuse to bargain in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act during contract negotiations with the Union. Therefore, we adopt his Decision in its entirety. Further, unlike our dissent- ing colleague, we find no evidence that, between the fifth and sixth bargaining sessions, the Union demanded and the Respondent refused to attend a meeting with the Union's representatives under the auspices of the State Mediation Board. Thus, we can attach no significance to events occurring in that period which, in the Chairman's view, constitute "additional" evidence of bad-faith bargaining on the part of the Respondent. As to those events, the Union's business agent testified that after he agreed to determine whether the Respondent's economic proposal was acceptable to the employees and advise the Respondent accord- ingly, but before doing so, he was put in contact with an official of the State Mediation Board who offered to find out if the Respondent would attend a meeting tentatively set up with the Union. He was later advised that the Respondent would not do so. I The General Counsel has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us thiat the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3, 1951). we have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. 231 NLRB No. 131 The only other reference to this incident is contained in the testimony of James Dean, the Respondent's counsel and chief negotiator, who averred that he was told by this official "that the Union felt that there was going to be trouble, that the parties could not get together." Dean testified that he told the mediator "we were so far apart, as far as I was concerned, it did not make sense for the mediator to step in." He testified further that "[the mediator] said that he would let the Union know that as far as we were concerned-the Company was concerned-the mediation was not being requested at this time or accepted." We view the foregoing as no more than litmus to test the feasibility of mediation at a particular stage in the collective-bargaining process. In any event, we are unable to find, on this state of the record, that the Union requested and the Respondent declined to attend a meeting under the auspices of the State Mediation Board, thus evidencing an intention to avoid its bargaining obligation under the Act. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the complaint herein be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. CHAIRMAN FANNING, dissenting: Although the facts in this 8(a)(5) case are not complicated, the issue of employer good faith in bargaining is difficult. The Union was certified in December and there were six bargaining sessions from January 9 to February 24. Before Respondent would make an economic proposal, it required the Union to reduce its initial demands as made at the first meeting. The Administrative Law Judge did not consider that development a precondition, and in any event viewed it as having only minimal signifi- cance in the total context. The economic offer of Respondent, given orally at the fifth meeting, was advanced, as the Administrative Law Judge found, as its "best or maximum offer." 3 The Administrative Law Judge also found that Respondent then declined to agree to a further meeting unless the Union was ready to accept the economic proposal it had just made, and this precondition he viewed as "evidence" of bad faith. At the final meeting the Union reported 2 Respondent's motion to physically expunge rejected exhibits from the record is hereby dismissed, as lacking in merit. 3 The Administrative Law Judge viewed the Union's version that the offer was made on a "first, last, and only" basis-as the Union's witnesses' interpretation of the words used by Respondent, observing that "best or maximum offer it proposed to make ... may not be too different." 1361 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD that the employees had decided not to accept the economic proposal. Respondent was willing to discuss language if the Union wished to, but said that it would not move on economics even with respect to several employees as to whom it had made no offer of immediate wage increase. The strike started that afternoon. In concluding that Respondent had bargained in good faith, the Administrative Law Judge rational- ized Respondent's precondition of employee accep- tance of its economic offer before it would agree to meet further as an effort to persuade the Union to submit the offer to its membership-an effort in which it succeeded. He went on to say that "more important" was Respondent's willingness thereaf- ter-once the Union had taken the economic package to the employees and they had rejected it- to meet again "without restriction" on what might be discussed.4 The net result of Respondent's technique was viewed as providing the Union "with the negotiation opportunity it had previously been improperly denied" and the Union as "contenting itself' at the final meeting with only a general inquiry concerning whether Respondent would enlarge its offer or face the alternative of a strike. Noting the admonition of Section 8(d) concerning the making of concessions, he saw no bad faith in Respondent's unwillingness to improve an economic offer not designed to invite rejection.5 There was, however, a significant occurrence between the fifth and sixth meetings to which the Administrative Law Judge made no reference. 6 During the employee discussion of Respondent's economic offer, the bargaining committee suggested that the State Mediation Board be contacted for help in reaching agreement. Union Representative Elliott did contact that board and was later advised that Respondent declined to meet. Respondent admits that it was contacted and declined to meet, its excuse being that the parties were too far apart in their bargaining.7 That, of course, was a matter of opinion but further discussion under the aegis of a mediator might well have resolved the matter. As the Supreme i I see no indication in the record that Respondent suggested an unrestricted discussion at the final meeting. It specifically refused to move on economics. It should he noted that Respondent's offer made it difficult for the Union by providing no immediate increase to certain employees, whom it considered new and/or not entitled to a higher rate. The fact that this sort of problem tends to crop up on a first contract hardly eases the certified Union's burden in getting employee acceptance of an employer's economic proposal. ` There is reference to two meetings arranged by the State Mediation Service in the latter part of May, after the strike had been going on for several months. Respondent was again willing to discuss only noneconomic issues and the meetings were not face-to-face, each "side" being in a separate room. 7 My colleagues choose to characterize the record as showing no Court said in N.L.R.B. v. Truitt Manufacturing Co., 351 U.S. 149, 152(1956): While Congress did not compel agreement be- tween employers and bargaining representatives, it did require collective bargaining in the hope that agreements would result. Section 204(a)(1) of the Act admonishes both employers and employ- ees to "exert every reasonable effort to make and maintain agreements concerning rates of pay, hours, and working conditions .... " In fact, Administrative Law Judge Leff, in his scholarly opinion in General Electric Company, 150 NLRB 192, 268, fn. 107 (1964), commented upon the Court in the Truitt case having equated the statutory duty under Section 204(a)(1) of the Act, as set forth in the chapter creating the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, with the duty under Section 8(a)(5) and 8(d). Subsections (2) and (3) of Section 204(a) further admonish employers and employees and their repre- sentatives as follows: (2) whenever a dispute arises over the terms of application of a collective-bargaining agreement and a conference is requested by a party or prospective party thereto, arrange promptly for such a conference to be held and endeavor in such conference to settle such dispute expedi- tiously; and (3) in case such dispute is not settled by conference, participate fully and promptly in such meetings as may be undertaken by the Service under this Act for the purpose of aiding in a settlement of the dispute. In my view the statutory objective of Section 204(a) can as well be met by cooperation with a state mediation service, where in fact a State has such a board or service. Thus I would equate Respondent's refusal to comply with the New York mediation request for a meeting at a crucial time in negotiations as additional evidence of bad-faith bargaining on the part of Respondent. evidence of a union "demand" for a mediator's intervention and no refusal to attend a meeting under the auspices of a state mediator. Their further discussion, however, establishes that an effort was made by the Union at that time and was rebuffed by Respondent on the ground the parties were too far apart in their demands. Dean's statement to the mediator who contacted him that so far as the Company was concerned mediation was not being requested at this time "or accepted" seems rather too clear for such equivocation. Concerning how far apart the parties were, Dean, for Respondent, testified that the Union's reduced demands made at the beginning of the February I I (fifth) meeting were "approximately 30 cents a man." One dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) an hour per employee over a 3-year period was found by the Administrative Law Judge to be Respondent's economic package. It was presented orally, item by item, later at the same meeting. 1362 LONG ISLAND JEEP, INC. The Supreme Court, in N.L.R.B. v. Insurance Agents' International Union, AFL-CIO [Prudential Insurance Co.], 361 U.S. 477, 485 (1960), discussing good-faith bargaining under both Section 8(a)(5) and Section 8(b)(3), quoted from the First Annual Report of the National Labor Relations Board as follows: Collective bargaining is something more than the mere meeting of an employer with the representa- tives of his employees; the essential thing is rather the serious intent to adjust differences and to reach an acceptable common ground. Respondent here-by refusing the Union's request for a meeting to discuss the economic offer it had just made and requiring in lieu thereof employee accep- tance of that offer before meeting further (found by the Administrative Law Judge to be "evidence" of bad-faith bargaining), and then by declining within a matter of days to meet at the suggestion of a state mediator-has shown a lack of serious intent to adjust differences and to reach an acceptable ground. In fact, Respondent's testimony reflects just that. The Union had made one concession and Respon- dent expected the Union to make another without any effort on its part to reach a common ground. Negotiator Dean testified that the Company's offer was not "final" because it "fully expected" the union membership to move, or make an adjustment to which it could say "yes or no." Koetler, a "principal" in Respondent's operation, "felt they [the Union] were going to negotiate" because "we had discussed money once," which can only refer to the Union's economic concessions. In my opinion Respondent's best or maximum offer was in effect its "final" offer and by refusing to discuss it at all, either when requested by the Union or when requested by the state mediator, it failed to engage in good-faith bargaining as required by the Act. I would find the strike to have been caused by Respondent's 8(a)(5) conduct and would order reinstatement of the strikers upon appropriate request. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE ARTHUR LEFF, Administrative Law Judge: Upon a charge filed on February 23, 1976, by the above-named Union, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, by the Regional Director for Region 29, issued a complaint dated April 30, 1976, against Long Island Jeep, Inc., herein the Respondent, alleging that Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(aX)() and (5) of the National All service department, parts department, and body shop employees of Respondent employed at its service shop, exclusive of salesmen, office Labor Relations Act, as amended, with respect to the findings stated below. Respondent filed an answer denying the commission of the alleged unfair labor practices. A hearing was held on June 30 and July 1, 1976, at Brooklyn, New York. Briefs were filed by the General Counsel and by Respondent on August 3, 1976. Upon the entire record in the case and from my observation of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. THE BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT Respondent, a New York corporation, is engaged at Elmont, New York, in the sale, distribution, repair, and servicing of new and used automobiles. During the past year, its gross revenues from its aforesaid business operations were in excess of $500,000. During the same period Respondent purchased and had delivered to it in interstate commerce from points outside the State of New York new automobiles, automobile parts, and other goods and materials valued in excess of $50,000. Respondent admits that it is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act, and it is so found. 11. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Local 259, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricul- tural Implement Workers of America (UAW), herein called the Union, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Introduction Prior to December 1975, Respondent's employees were unorganized. On December 4, 1975, a majority of Respon- dent's employees in the appropriate bargaining unit,' by a secret-ballot election conducted under the supervision of the Board's Regional Director for Region 29, designated and selected the Union as their representative for the purpose of collective bargaining with Respondent, and, on January 13, 1976, the Regional Director certified the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative of the employees in the appropriate unit. Following the employees' designation of the Union, Respondent entered into contract negotiations with the Union. Bargaining sessions were held on January 9, 16, and 27 and on February 5, 11, and 24, 1976. Local 259 Business Agent Steven Elliott acted as the principal spokesman for the Union at all these sessions. Employee John Pfeiffer was present with Elliott at all the sessions, and employee Angelo Cardillo was also present with him at every session but the last. At the last meeting, on February 24. Carlo Oliveri, a union representative, appeared in the place of Cardillo. James Dean, of the law firm representing Respondent in this proceeding, acted as the principal spokesman for Respondent at the meetings. Henry and clencal employees, guards, and all supervisors as defined in Sec. 2( 1) of the Act. 1363 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Frank Koetler, the owners and general managers of Respondent, attended the meetings with Dean. The negotiating meetings referred to above failed to yield a collective-bargaining contract. On February 24, 1976, the employees in the bargaining unit ceased work and went out on strike. The strike was still in progress at the time of the hearing herein. The complaint alleges that Respondent negotiated with the Union in bad faith and with no intention to enter into a final or binding collective- bargaining agreement with it. The complaint, as amended, also alleges that the strike which began on February 24, 1976, was caused and prolonged by Respondent's unfair labor practices. These allegations, denied by Respondent, frame the issues to be decided in this case. B. The Course of the Negotiations The first meeting on January 9, 1976, lasted only about 5 minutes. The Union presented in writing its detailed contract proposals. Respondent asked for time to look them over and another meeting was set for January 16. At the January 16 meeting, which ran about 2 hours, Respondent and the Union reviewed item by item each section of the Union's contract proposals. Dean asked for clarification of some of the sections and indicated the problems or objections Respondent had with others. The discussions that day were confined to contract language. At Dean's request, all items covering economic matters were deferred for later consideration. Respondent did, however, supply the Union with information relating to all of Respondent's then-existing benefits. Respondent did not at this meeting expressly accept any of the provisions in the Union's proposed contract, except for the military service clause and possibly also the nondiscrimination clause. Both of these clauses, as Dean conceded, simply provided for what the law required. At the next meeting, on January 27, the Company submitted to the Union its counterproposals covering contract language and noneconomic terms and conditions of employment. Dean told the union representatives that the Company was not yet prepared to submit its economic proposals. The Company's counterproposals adopted without change some of the sections of the Union's proposed contract. These sections involved, in the main, contract terms concerning which the Company could have no legitimate basis for objection, such as those relating to contract coverage, nondiscrimination in employment, military service, and sanitary conditions. But the Comna- ny's counterproposals did not stop there. They also disclosed Respondent's willingness to accept in principle, although with some modifications, some of the other noneconomic terms and conditions the Union had pro- posed. Thus, the Company's counterproposals in the section dealing with union security, although deleting the Union's union shop and checkoff proposals, adopted the Union's contract language requiring the Company to hire its new employees through the union-operated employment office. In the section dealing with discharges, the Compa- 2 The Company's proposal varied from the Union's only in that it called for a one-step rather than a two-step grievance procedure prior to arbitration. ny's counterproposal adopted in substance, with but a slight modification in language, the Union's proposal requiring 5 days' notice of discharge, except in cases of drunkenness, gross negligence, insubordination or dishon- esty, and subjecting all discharges to grievance and arbitration procedures. In the section dealing with griev- ances, the Company's counterproposal agreed in substance with the Union's proposal that all unsettled employee grievances, as well as all other unsettled disputes, be submitted to arbitrations In the section dealing with the workweek, the Company adopted the Union's proposals for the scheduling of working hours and also for the payment of premium pay, at 1-1/2 times hourly rates for work done before regular starting time or after regular quitting time, and at double the hourly rates for work done on Sundays or holidays. The Company's counterproposals also included, inter alia, a provision for the application of seniority principles in situations involving the layoff or recall of employees, a provision protecting employees in the retention of their seniority for up to 2 years when absent from work because of illness and injury, a provision for call-in pay when work was not available, and a provision for the payment of wages to employees who require time off for medical attention for work-related injuries. The Company's noneconomic counterproposals were not discussed at the January 21 meeting, but were deferred for consideration at the next meeting at the request of Elliott who stated that he needed additional time to study them. At the next meeting held on February 5, the union and the company bargaining representatives discussed in detail the noneconomic issues posed by the Union's proposals and the Company's counterproposals. Agreement was reached, and noted, on a number of sections, or subdivi- sions of sections. Included among them were the contract coverage section, the subsections relating to the Company's use of the Union's referral facilities in the hiring of new employees, the section banning unlawful discrimination, the subsection relating to the processing and arbitration of grievances in discharge cases, the section relating to the workweek, a subsection dealing with employee seniority, the section dealing with sanitary conditions, and the section dealing with employee injuries. On all items where the parties were in disagreement, Dean stated his reasons for proposing contract language differing from the lan- guage found in the Union's proposals. The noneconomic items on which no final agreement was reached at this meeting were noted by the negotiating parties as remaining "open." The Company did not assert with respect to any of them, so far as appears, that its position was a final one not open to later change or compromise. At the February 5 meeting, the Company also responded to the Union's previously declared position relating to the specific classifications in which individual employees should be placed. This involved principally the question of whether certain individuals were to be classified as "A" or "B" mechanics. There was no resolution of these issues. The next meeting was scheduled for February 11. Up to this point in the negotiations, there had been no specific 1364 LONG ISLAND JEEP, INC. discussion of the Union's economic demands concerning wages, health and welfare, pensions, vacations, holidays, and sick leave. Respondent had insisted that these items be deferred pending settlement of the contract language. At the January 27 meeting, and again at the February 5 meeting, Elliott had called on the Company to come forward with its economic demands. In response, Dean had commented that the Union's economic demands were "way out of line," and had stated that he wanted the Union to lower its demands before the Company submitted its economic proposal. Prior to the February 11 meeting, the union representa- tives met with the unit employees and a decision was reached to lower the Union's demands. At the start of the February 11 negotiating meeting, the Company indicated its readiness to continue with a further discussion of the noneconomic issues that had been left open at the last meeting. The Union insisted, however, on turning to a consideration of economic issues. It informed the Company of its decision to lower its economic demands and of the specific respects in which it was doing so. The Union then called on the Company to declare its position on money items. The Company in response asked the union representatives to leave the meeting room so that it might hold a caucus on that subject. When the union representatives were called back to the meeting room, Dean informed them that the Company was now ready to present its economic offer. The offer was presented orally. Before reading the Company's economic offer to the union representatives, Dean made certain remarks concerning it, the precise content of which is in dispute. Elliott testified that Dean prefaced his reading of the economic offer with a declaration that it would be the Company's "final offer." His testimony was corroborated in substance by Pfeiffer and Cardillo, the Union's other representatives at the meeting. It was their testimony that Dean stated that the offer he was about to present would be the Company's "first, last, and only proposal." Respon- dent's witnesses, Dean and Frederick Koetler, 3 denied that Dean at any time characterized the offer in the language stated by the General Counsel's witnesses. Dean's version, more fully, was as follows: I told Mr. Elliott that as far as we were concerned it did not make sense for the Company to see the Union move the little bit that they did and for the Company then to make a minor movement on our part. And then for the Union to move a little bit again, and for us to make a little minor move again, that this would be time consuming and would not benefit either individual and on that basis, we were going to make a proposal to the Union which we wanted them to understand to be a fair and reasonable proposal which they could take to their membership. : Hank Koetler. the other company representative. was not called as a itness. i The recollection of the company witnesses and of the union witnesses differed with regard to when employee coverage under the plan was to begin. According to the union witnesses, employee coverage under the union plan (requiring employer contributions of approximately $55 per month per emplosee) was not to become effective under the Company's To the extent that the testimony of these witnesses is in conflict, I accept Dean's version. I believe that the testimony of the General Counsel's witnesses was based not on their actual recollection of the precise words Dean used, but on what they not unreasonably inferred to be the sense of Dean's remarks, after also taking into account the later events, to be related below, that followed the presentation of the Company's economic offer. The Company's offer was for a 3-year contract, as opposed to the Union's demand for a I-year contract. It provided for certain increments in wages and fringe benefits over the 3-year period. With respect to fringe benefits, the offer provided for the following benefits over and beyond the employees' then- existing benefits: 1. Three days paid sick leave a year (the Union had asked for 6). The cost per employee of this benefit was computed by the Company as amounting to 6 cents an hour. 2. An afternoon coffeebreak in addition to the morning coffeebreak which the employees already enjoyed, the hourly cost of which was computed by the Company at 16 cents. 3. An added third week of vacation for employees with 15 years' or more service. The bargaining unit then had only one employee, a part-time worker, who could have qualified for this added benefit. 4. Coverage of the unit employees under a union medical and hospitalization plan, the full cost of which was to be borne by employer contributions, the cost of which, according to the Company, amounted to 29 cents an hour per employee during the first year of the contract and 32 cents during the second year.4 With respect to direct wages, the Company offered wage scales for various job classifications which, under its proposed classifications of individual employees, would have granted the unit employees an average 25-cent-an- hour wage increase during the first year of the contract and additional average increases of 21.6 cents an hour in each of the remaining 2 years of the contract. Attached hereto as Appendix A is a chart showing the proposed classification placement of each of the 18 employees in the bargaining unit, the employee's rate of pay at the time, the Company's proposed rate for the first year of the contract, and the annual proposed increase during the second and third years of the contract. As will be observed from the chart, six of the employees in the unit were to receive no increase during the first year of the contract, and one of them none until the third year. The reason for this, as explained by Respondent, was that the Company wanted to establish and maintain uniform pay scales for all employees in the same classifications, and these individuals were then receiving wages equal to or above the rates proposed for their respective classifications. The hourly rate proposed by the Company for at least one of the classifications (A offer until the second year of the contract. According to Respondent's witnesses, the Company offered to contribute to a modified health plan (requiring a monthly contribution of S40 per employee) during the first year of the 3-year contract and to begin its participation in the Union's SS55 plan at the start of the second year of the contract. I find it unnecessary for purposes of decision in this case to resolve this conflict in testimony. 1365 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD mechanic), and perhaps for one or two of the others, was higher than the rate then in effect for the same classifica- tion under an industrywide contract which the Union had with a multiemployer association of car dealers.5 As for most of the classifications, however, the rates proposed by the Company, though higher than the Company's prevail- ing rates at the time, were substantially less than the so- called industry rates. After Dean concluded his presentation and explanation of the Company's economic offer, Elliott expressed his dissatisfaction with the offer, and said that he wanted another meeting with the Company to work out a better agreement. Disagreeing with Elliott's assessment of the offer as inadequate, Dean reiterated that the Company had put its best foot forward in presenting the offer; that it did not want to engage in "nickel and dime" bargaining; and that it considered its economic offer a fair and reasonable one that the Union committee could, and should, recom- mend to the employees for acceptance. Dean stated that there would be no point in meeting with the Union again unless the Union was ready to accept the Company's economic offer as a basis for settlement. Dean urged Elliott to submit the Company's offer to the unit employees before anything else was done. In the end, Elliott agreed to do so, at the same time making it clear, however, that the union committee would not recommend the offer for acceptance. So far as appears, the Union did not further pursue his request for the scheduling at that time of a further meeting. The meeting of February 11 was adjourned without any further meeting being scheduled, but with the understand- ing that Elliott would get in touch with Dean after he had met with the employees and would let Dean know whether they accepted the offer or not.6 Subsequently, the Union submitted the Company's proposed economic offer to the unit employees, declaring to the employees that the Company had represented its offer as its final one. The offer was rejected by the employees. On February 23, Elliott contacted Dean and told him that the employees had rejected the Company's offer and were ready to walk out. Elliott suggested that a further negotiating meeting be held with a view toward narrowing the differences between the Union and the Company. Dean agreed. The meeting was set for the following day. The meeting of February 24 was of short duration. Dean made clear at the outset of the meeting that the Company's bargaining position was flexible on noneconomic items; that it was prepared to talk about them; and that it believed that some of them might be resolved through further negotiations if the Union considered these items a cause of the contract "hangup." He pointed out, however, that it was the money items that appeared to be the stumbling block to the consummation of a contract. Elliott informed Dean that the employees were ready to strike and asked him whether the Company had anything further to : The industry rate for the A mechanic was $6.60, as contrasted to the $7 rate which the Company proposed. It appears, however, that the association contr;lct also provided for incentive rates which allowed employees to earn more than their hourly rates. Employees of Respondent worked on a straight hourly basis. 'i The findings in the above paragraph are based on a synthesis of credited and not specifically contradicted testimony given by Elliott and offer on economic terms. Dean replied that it did not; that the Company had gone as far as it could; and that if the Union found the Company's offer unacceptable it could do what it had to do - the last comment having reference to the Union's threat to strike. Elliott then asked whether the Company did not at least have something further to offer with regard to the several individual employees for whom the Company had proposed no immediate wage increase. Dean said it did not. Elliott then declared, "Well, I guess we are at an impasse." Dean agreed that this appeared to be so. They shook hands and the meeting broke up.7 Immediately following the breakup of the February 24 meeting, Elliott met with the employees and reported to them that there had been no economic movement by the Company. The employees voted to strike. The strike began at I p.m. that day. It was still in progress at the time of the hearing. Since the breakup of the February 24 meeting, neither the Union nor the Company has made any request of the other for a resumption of negotiations. It appears, however, that the State Mediation Board did convene two meetings at the request of the Union. At these meetings, held in the latter part of May, the union and the company representa- tives were sequestered and did not engage in face-to-face negotiations. The Company indicated to the Union through the mediator its willingness to yield substantially to the Union on the noneconomic issues that had been left open. But it did not at these meetings deviate from its previously declared position on economic issues. C. Analysis and Concluding Findings As noted above, the complaint alleges as its asserted predicate for an 8(a)(5) violation that Respondent "negoti- ated with [the Union] in bad faith and with no intention to enter into any final and binding collective bargaining contract with it." I am satisfied that the record in this case does not reasonably support a finding that Respondent had no intention to enter into a contract with the Union. Respondent's position on substantive issues does not reflect the bargaining attitude of an employer who is bent on evading rather than reaching agreement with a union. As appears from the findings made above, Respondent in its noneconomic counterproposals did not seek to derogate from the Union's status as an employee representative, agreeing to have all employee grievances, as well as other disputes, subjected to grievance-arbitration procedures, and, while not accepting all the Union's proposals, made substantial concessions to union demands, not only on matters required by law, but in other respects as well. And in its economic counterproposals, Respondent offered a package of wage benefits and new or enlarged fringe benefits which over a 3-year period would have added approximately $1.20 an hour to Respondent's average Dean. In certain respects the testimony of Elliott differs as to detail but not as to basic substance from that of Pfeiffer and Cardillo. In these respects, I accept the version of Elliott who by his overall testimony impressed me as having a more reliable memory. 7 The findings in this paragraph are based on a composite of the credited testimony of Elliott and Dean. There is no substantial difference between their two versions. 1366 LONG ISLAND JEEP, INC. labor costs per employee. It is quite clear, of course, that Respondent's economic offer did not measure up to the Union's expectations. But, on the evidence before me, I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of Respondent's assertion that it honestly and in good faith considered its economic offer to be a reasonable one that the Union could and should accept. My finding that Respondent did not have a negotiating purpose to evade agreement altogether does not, to be sure, end further inquiry here. The law is clear that an employer's willingness to enter into an agreement on its own terms, or even its actual execution of one, does not preclude a determination that an employer has violated its statutory duty to bargain in good faith where such a finding is reasonably supported by other circumstances. See General Electric Compan),, 150 NLRB 192, 267 (1965), enfd. 418 F.2d 736 (C.A. 2, 1969), cert. denied 397 U.S. 965 (1970). The question thus remains whether Respondent in its negotiating conduct deviated from good-faith bargain- ing standards in a manner or to an extent sufficient to justify a finding that it violated Section 8(a)(5). For purposes of discussion, it is convenient to divide the consideration of that question into two parts, one covering the period of negotiations preceding, and the other the period following, Respondent's submission to the Union at the meeting of February I of its economic counterpropo- sals. The propriety of Respondent's bargaining conduct during the earlier period does not seem to me to be open to any serious question. As appears from the findings made above, Respondent during that period did not delay in the scheduling of negotiating meetings; it provided the Union with all information requested by the Union on matters pertinent to the negotiations; it fully discussed with the Union the latter's proposals relating to noneconomic subjects; it presented its own counterproposals on such subjects; and, with respect to those items on which it differed with the Union, it stated its reasons for doing so. Respondent's conduct in these respects quite clearly comported with good-faith bargaining standards. I find no merit in the General Counsel's contention in its brief that Respondent deviated from such standards by "spending the initial sessions discussing only 'language' proposals and refusing to discuss economic proposals." The practice of deferring discussion of money items pending consideration of noneconomic issues is not an uncommon one in collective bargaining. It does not appear from the record that the General Counsel voiced any strong objection to that procedure being followed. Nor does the record show that the parties' prior consideration of noneconomic matters led to any undue delay in the progress of negotiations. The General Counsel points in his brief to only one other item of asserted bad-faith bargaining by Respondent during this period - Respondent's request of the Union that it lower its economic demands before Respondent submitted its economic proposals. It is doubtful whether the evidence supports the General Counsel's claim that Respondent made the Union's I Reisnio Bro,.. Inc., 165 NLRB 390 (1967), on which the General Counsel relies. is clearly distinguishable. The employer in that case not only latl) refused to submit any counterproposals unless and until the union compliance with that request a "precondition" to the submission by it of any economic counterproposals. In any event, I do not believe that Respondent's specific conduct in that respect, when considered in its context with the negotiations as a whole, may fairly be viewed as having more than minimal significance in the determination of the issue at hand.8 That brings me, then, to the period following February 11. As found above, there was no discussion by the parties of money items until the meeting of February 1 I, when the Union presented its reduced money demands, followed immediately by Respondent's presentation of its economic counterproposals. The General Counsel contends that, with respect to money items, Respondent engaged in conduct inconsistent with good faith and supportive of an 8(a)(5) violation finding by (1) presenting its initial economic offer as its "first, last, and only offer" and never thereafter deviating from the terms of that offer, and (2) presenting its economic counterproposals to the Union on a "take-it-or-leave-it" basis. With regard to the first item, the General Counsel relies in part on testimony that I have not credited. As found above, Respondent did not in so many words present its economic counterproposals as its "first, last, and only" offer. It did make it clear, however, at least by implication, that it wanted to have its initial offer regarded as the best or maximum offer it proposed to make, which may not be too different. Contrary to the General Counsel's apparent position, I do not believe that any inference of bad faith may be drawn solely from the fact that Respondent in effect represented its initial offer when presented as its best or maximum offer and has since adhered to the terms of that offer without change. The statutory requirement to negotiate in good faith does not, per se, compel "auction" bargaining or forbid the use of a "best offer first" bargaining technique, nor does it require the yielding of bargaining positions fairly maintained. The record does support the General Counsel's second contention referred to above. It shows that even though there had been no prior negotiations between the parties on economic issues prior to Respondent's submission at the February II meeting of its economic counterproposals, Respondent refused the Union's request for a further meeting, stating as a reason for its refusal that such a meeting would serve no useful purpose unless the Union was ready to accept Respondent's proposals. Respondent's conduct in that respect, I find, constitutes evidence of bad faith on Respondent's part. It does not, however, constitute a per se violation of Section 8(a)(5). The law is clear that, save where an alleged per se violation is involved, the ultimate determination of whether a party charged with an 8(aX5) violation has bargained in good or bad faith is one that must rest on the totality of that party's conduct. In assessing whether the evidence of bad faith found above is of sufficient gravity to support an 8(a)(5) violation finding, there are a number of offsetting circumstances shown by the record that must be taken into account. Thus the record reflects that Respondent's lowered its demands to a point the employer considered reasonable, but also refused to meet with the union until the union did so. 4 See General Electric Co .s N. L R. B., supra at 762. 1367 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD statement, that a further meeting would not serve a useful purpose unless the Union was ready to accept Respon- dent's offer, was made by it at the meeting of February I I in furtherance of an effort to persuade the Union to submit its offer, deemed by it to be a fair and reasonable one, to the union membership for acceptance. The record further indicates that the Union did not at the meeting of February 11 continue to press at that time its request for the scheduling of a further meeting, but in the end agreed, at least tacitly, to defer the question of scheduling another meeting until after the Union's membership had consid- ered and voted on the offer. Moreover, and more important, it appears that Respondent, when notified that the union membership had rejected its offer, promptly consented to the Union's request for a further meeting, without placing any restrictions on the subjects that might be covered at that meeting, thus being provided with the negotiating opportunity it had previously been improperly denied. Unlike the General Counsel, I do not view the evidence relating to the February 24 meeting as providing persuasive support for a finding that Respondent demonstrated by its conduct at that meeting its adherence to a "take-it-or- leave-it" attitude with regard to Respondent's economic proposals. Although not restricted from doing so, the Union made no attempt to discuss its differences with Respondent on specific economic items in dispute, or to offer for Respondent's consideration any compromise proposals or other possible solutions for settling their bargaining differences. Instead, the Union contented itself with inquiring generally of Respondent whether Respon- dent was prepared to enlarge its offer or face the alternative of a strike and, when told by Respondent that Respondent had gone as far as it could on money matters, declared an impasse and abruptly broke off negotiations, without even "' In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. seeking to continue negotiations on the still open noneco- nomic issues concerning which Respondent had made it clear that its bargaining position was flexible. In these circumstances, it can scarcely be said that Respondent's bargaining in good faith was tested and found wanting. To hold that Respondent's unwillingness to improve its economic offer - an offer which I have found was not one designed by Respondent to invite rejection - was itself a mark of bad faith would be to ignore the 8(d) admonition concerning the making of concessions. On all the evidence, I conclude and find that the General Counsel has failed to sustain the unfair labor practice allegations of his complaint. It follows that there is likewise no support for the complaint's allegation that the strike which began on February 24, 1976, was an unfair labor practice strike. Accordingly, I shall recommend dismissal of the complaint in its entirety. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Charging Party is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. Respondent has not, as alleged in the complaint, engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. 4. The strike of Respondent's employees which began on February 24, 1976, was not caused or prolonged by Respondent's unfair labor practices. ORDER 10 It is recommended that the complaint herein be dis- missed in its entirety. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. APPENDIX Company Present Proposed Employee Celas Rate Rate Ii puli Rlaoc Cardillo Pfeiffor Aeon Tovarea Canady Stuart Lub in Harder Heywood Antonio C. 'A" tcbh. "A" Hs ch. "I" Mech. "1S" Mech. "b" Hach. "EB" HMch. Nvw Car Hake Ready )ach. Helper Hach. Helper Polisher Polisher Utility $7.00 6.50 4.75 4.50 4.75 5.25 4.05 3.50 4.00 3.50 3.70 3.00 $7.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.25 (Red Circle) 4.25 4.00 4.00 3.75 3.75 3.00 Amount of Inc reas lIt 2nd 3rd Ye ar er Iear $.00 .50 .25 .50 .25 .00 .25 .25 .25 .15 .15 .15 $.25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .00 25 .25 .25 .15 .15 .15 $.25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .15 .15 .15 1368 LONG ISLAND JEEP, INC. 1369 Curry Parts Incentive Plan Aver. $7.50 Hr. Samu Pay Scala .25 .25 .25 Caldra& Parts Incentive Plan Aver. $7.50 Hr. Sam Pay Scale .25 .25 .25 Canaloasi Body Shop 6.75 7.00 .25 .25 .25 (5.50 per hour plus $50 per week) Dudevick Body Shop 5.65 6.00 .35 .25 .25 Hileweki APA Clerk 3.30 4.25 .95 .15 .15 Weber P.T. Utility 3.30 3.45 .15 .15 .15 Average Aver. Rte Aver. Inc. Aver. Inc. Rate 4.90 5.15 .25 .21.6 .21.6 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation