Local No. 89, LaborersDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 27, 1973205 N.L.R.B. 916 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation 916 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Local No. 89, Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-CIO and Riverside Sprinklers, Inc. and Plumbers Local 345, United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Cana- da, AFL-CIO. Case 21-CD-328 August 27, 1973 DECISION AND DETERMINATION OF DISPUTE BY MEMBERS JENKINS, KENNEDY, AND PENELLO This is a proceeding under Section 10(k) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , following charges filed by Riverside Sprinklers , Inc., herein called the Employer , alleging that Local No. 89, La- borers' International Union of North America, AFL- CIO, herein called the Laborers , has violated Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act by engaging in certain pro- scribed activity with an object of forcing or requiring the Employer to assign certain work to employees represented by the Laborers, rather than to employees represented by Plumbers Local 345, United Associa- tion of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada , AFL-CIO, herein called the Plumbers. A duly scheduled hearing was held before Hearing Offi- cer Robert L. Bernier between March 22 and May 11, 1973. All parties appeared at the hearing and were afforded full opportunity to be heard , to examine and cross-examine witnesses , and to adduce evidence bearing on the issues . Thereafter, briefs were filed by all parties. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three -member panel. The Board has reviewed the Hearing Officer's rul- ings made at the hearing and finds that they are free from prejudicial error . They are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this case, the Board makes the following findings: I THE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER Riverside Sprinklers, Inc., with an office in Escon- dido, California, is a California corporation engaged in the business of landscaping and the installation of irrigation or sprinkler systems in Southern California. Annually, its gross revenue is in excess of $500,000 and it performs services valued in excess of $50,000 for customers located within the State, who annually purchase or receive goods, materials, and supplies va- lued in excess of $50,000 directly from suppliers locat- ed outside the State of California. We find that the Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act and that it will effectuate the policies of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. II THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED The parties stipulated, and we find, that the Labor- ers and the Plumbers are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III THE DISPUTE A. Background and Facts Since September 1970, the Employer has been a subcontractor for Avco Community Developers, Inc., herein called Avco, at the Rancho Bernardo-Oaks North condominium housing development in San Di- ego, California, performing landscaping work' and installing lawn sprinkler systems. The Employer's first step in installing a sprinkler system is to mark up the area according to a plan, from the point of the water source, to indicate where the trenches are to be dug and to stake out locations for sprinkler heads. A me- chanical digger is used to make trenches which are then cleaned out by hand-shovels. A main pipeline is installed to which is attached lateral pipelines, from which riser pipes are installed. Water valves and sprinkler heads are attached to the risers. After the system is activated or tested, the trenches are covered up. The Employer has been in contractual relations with the Plumbers since March 1970 and with the Laborers since September 1970.2 It uses crews of plumbers and laborers to perform virtually all of the foregoing work, except for an employee who is a member of a local of the Operating Engineers Inter- national Union to operate a mechanical trench digger, whose work is not in dispute. Since its inception at the Rancho Bernardo jobsite, the Employer has assigned the laying out of the sprinkler system and the pipe- work including the installation of valves and sprinkler heads to plumbers and the remaining functions to i There is no dispute concerning the landscaping work, which is performed by employees who are members of the Laborers 2 The Employer and the Laborers are signatories to a short form agreement which adopts the terms and conditions of employment for laborers as con- tained in a master labor agreement between Associated General Contractors of San Diego (in which Avco is a member) and San Diego County Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO, and Teamsters Local 36 In addition to construction work engaged in by laborers, the master agreement covers carpenters, cement masons, piledrivers, and teamsters; it does not cover plumbers 205 NLRB No. 147 LOCAL NO. 89, LABORERS laborers, who occasionally have also performed some pipework. In January 1972, representatives of the Laborers and the Plumbers met with the Employer to discuss prior complaints by the Laborers that its members should be assigned all pipework , but this issue was not resolved . On January 17, 1973, Joe Alcoser, the La- borers business agent, visited the jobsite and told John Weber , the Employer 's president , that he would shut down and picket the job unless all of the sprinkler system work was assigned to laborers and the plum- bers were removed from the job . Following this con- versation, Alcoser complained to Kelly Schroeder, Avco's director of construction , that plumbers were performing pipework in violation of the master labor agreement . Thereafter , Schroeder persuaded Weber to use laborers for this work . Weber removed the plumbers from the jobsite and continued thejob with laborers. The instant unfair labor practice charge was filed by the Employer on February 13, 1973.3 B. The Work in Dispute; Contentions of the Parties As noted above , the work in dispute is the laying out of a plan for the installation of lawn sprinkler systems, including the installation of pipe , valves, and sprinkler heads. The Laborers claims the work on the basis of its contract with the Employer and other factors. The Plumbers also relies on its contract and similar factors . The Employer is in accord with the position of the Plumbers. C. Applicability of the Statute The charge which was duly investigated by the Re- gional Director alleges a violation of Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act. The Regional Director was sa- tisfied on the basis of such investigation that there was reasonable cause to believe that a violation had been committed and therefore that a hearing should be held in accordance with Section 10(k) of the Act. On the basis of the entire record, including the Laborers threat to shut down the job and engage in picketing unless its work assignment demands were met, we find there is reasonable cause to believe that a viola- tion of the Act has occurred and that the dispute is properly before the Board for determination .4 3 On March 2, 1973, in a proceeding pursuant to Sec 10 of the Act, the U S District Court for the Southern District of California issued a temporary injunction enjoining the Laborers from forcing or requiring the Employer to assign the disputed work to laborers rather than to plumbers ° The Laborers argued that the Board must find as a fact that a violation has occurred before it proceeds with a determination of a dispute We find no ment in this contention , as the Supreme Court has approved the Board's practice of a finding of "reasonable cause to believe" as sufficient to proceed 917 D. Merits of the Dispute Section 10(k) of the Act requires that the Board make an affirmative award of the disputed work after giving due consideration to various relevant factors. 1. Certification and collective-bargaining contracts Neither the Laborers nor the Plumbers has been certified by the Board as the collective-bargaining representative of any employees involved in this dis- pute. The Plumbers contracts with the Employer have specifically covered pipework in connection with the installation of lawn sprinkler systems whereas only the Laborers most recent renewal of its contract with the Employer has specifically referred to pipework relating to such systems. 2. Company and area practice The record reveals that regardless of the geographi- cal location of a job, the Employer has always as- signed the disputed work to plumbers. In the San Diego area, where the instant dispute arose, both the Laborers and the Plumbers introduced evidence that each is signatory to agreements with numerous firms in the area who install sprinkler systems. While this evidence shows that the Laborers has a larger number of agreements than the Plumbers in the area with firms that use laborers for "pipework," it does not indicate the extent of such work as it relates to all of the disputed work involved herein. 3. Skills, economy, and efficiency of operation The requisite skills to perform the disputed work include the ability to read plans, to fit and fabricate pipe, and to install valves and sprinkler heads. Some knowledge of electricity is also required to hook up the sprinkler system to a control panel for automatic operation of the system. The plumbers have superior skills to perform these functions and their apprentices have access in San Diego to a 4-year training program operated by the Plumbers, which requires schooling after 6 months on the job. Although some of the Employer's laborers have received on-the-job training to join pipes, they have not acquired the experience in performing the other tasks involved. After the instant dispute arose and the Employer removed the plum- bers from the jobsite, the employees referred by the in a 10(k) proceeding . N L R B v. Radio and Television Broadcast Engineers Union (Columbia Broadcasting System), 364 U S 573 (1961) Nor do we find ment in the Laborers contention that the proceeding herein is "futile" be- cause Avco, the general contractor , is not a party thereto 918 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Laborers to replace them were found by the Employer not to be as capable of performing the disputed work. We are persuaded that the factors of skill, economy, and efficiency of operation favor the award of the work to employees who are members of or are repre- sented by the Plumbers. Conclusion Upon the entire record in this proceeding and after full consideration of all the relevant factors, in partic- ular the Employer's assignment and past practice, the nature of the work involved, and the skills required, we conclude that the employees of the Employer who are represented by the Plumbers are entitled to the work in question and we shall determine the dispute in their favor. In making this determination, we award the work to the employees of the Employer who are represented by the Plumbers, but not to that union or its members. Our present determination is limited to the dispute which gave rise to this proceeding.' 5 The Plumbers requested that the Board issue an areawide award on the basis that the Laborers "intends to claim all the piping work " performed by employers in the San Diego area We hereby deny the request for there is insufficient evidence to warrant so broad an award DETERMINATION OF DISPUTE Pursuant to Section 10(k) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and upon the basis of the foregoing findings and the entire record in this pro- ceeding, the National Labor Relations Board makes the following Determination of Dispute: 1. Employees employed by Riverside Sprinklers, Inc., who are currently represented by Plumbers Lo- cal 345, United Association of Journeymen and Ap- prentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada, AFL-CIO, are entitled to the laying out of a plan for the installation of lawn sprinkler systems, including the installation of pipe, valves, and sprinkler heads at the Rancho Bernardo- Oaks North condominium housing development in San Diego, California. 2. Local No. 89, Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, is not entitled by means proscribed by Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act to force or require Riverside Sprinklers, Inc., to assign the above work to laborers represented by it. 3. Within 10 days from the date of this Determina- tion of Dispute, Local No. 89, Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, shall notify the Regional Director for Region 21, in writing, whether or not it will refrain from forcing or requiring River- side Sprinklers, Inc., by means proscribed by Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act, to assign the disputed work to laborers represented by it rather than to plumbers represented by the Plumbers. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation