Local 581, IBEWDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 31, 1976223 N.L.R.B. 538 (N.L.R.B. 1976) Copy Citation 538 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Local 581, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO and National Telephone and Signal Corporation and Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO and Local 1272, Communi- cations Workers of America, AFL-CIO. Case 22- CD-276 March 31, 1976 DECISION AND DETERMINATION OF DISPUTE BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND WALTHER This is a proceeding under Section 10(k) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, follow- ing charges filed by National Telephone and Signal Corporation, herein called National Telephone, al- leging that Local 581, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, herein called Local 581, has violated Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act, by engaging in certain proscribed activities with an ob- ject of forcing or requiring National Telephone to assign disputed work to employees represented by Local 581 rather than to employees represented by Local 1272, Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, herein called CWA. A duly scheduled hearing was held before Hearing Officer George H. Abrams on October 2 and 23, 1975, and November 6, 7, and 11, 1975. All parties desiring to do so appeared at the hearing and were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to adduce evidence bearing on the issues. Thereafter, Local 581 and CWA filed briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has reviewed the Hearing Officer's rul- ings made at the hearing and finds that they are free from prejudicial error. They are hereby affirmed. 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER National Telephone is a corporation engaged in the business of installing intercom and paging sys- tems, telephones, and related communications sys- tems. During the preceding 12-month period Nation- al Telephone purchased, transferred, and delivered to its New York office electrical wires and other goods and materials, valued in excess of $50,000, from other enterprises located within New York which had received the same goods and materials in interstate commerce directly from States in the Unit- ed States other than New York. We find that Nation- al Telephone is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act. We further find that National Telephone is engaged in commerce within the mean- ing of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act and that it will effectuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdic- tion herein. 11. LABOR ORGANIZATIONS The parties stipulated, and we find, that the Com- munications Workers of America, its Local 1272, and Local 581 IBEW are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE DISPUTE A. The Work in Dispute The parties stipulated that the work in dispute in- volves the wiring for and installation of horns, ceiling speakers , microphones , and intercom units for a pub- lic address system at the United Parcel Service, Inc., 799 Jefferson Road , Parsippany , New Jersey, situs and only at that situs. B. Background National Telephone has a collective-bargaining agreement with CWA which represents its employ- ees. Local 581 has never represented National Telephone's employees. National Telephone has al- ways performed its business with its own employees. Glictronix Corporation and Automated Commu- nications are corporations engaged in the business of contract work in the intercommunications field. United Parcel Service, Inc., herein called UPS, is a corporation engaged in the business of delivering packages. It has offices in various states, including a new facility at Parsippany, New Jersey. Allan Electric Co., Inc., is a corporation engaged in electrical work. Its employees are represented by Local 581. At all material times herein, Allan Electric was engaged in electrical contracting work at the UPS facility at Parsippany, New Jersey. In August 1975' UPS, intentionally bypassing Al- lan Electric Co., contracted with Glictronix for the installation of an intercom and paging system at its facility in Parsippany. UPS imposed a strict deadline for the installation to be completed by September 18. Glictronix subcontracted this work to Automated Communications, which in turn subcontracted the work to National Telephone. 1 Unless otherwise specified, all dates hereafter are 1975. 223 NLRB No. 73 LOCAL 581, IBEW 539 On Tuesday, August 26, National Telephone as- signed its employees to survey the work at the UPS site. On Wednesday their installation work was unin- terrupted. On Thursday, August 28, however, Ken Smith, the Local 581 steward at the UPS site, ap- proached the CWA workers, identified himself as steward, and claimed the work as belonging to Local 581. The following day, Smith approached James Barber, the UPS regional projects engineer at the Parsippany site, and claimed the work for Local 581. Smith further stated that, if the National Telephone employees continued to do the work, Local 581 em- ployees might not be able to work on the next work- day. Following this Barber arranged an agreement between Local 581 and CWA employees which pro- vided that each would continue working that day and that the CWA employees would not work over the long Labor Day weekend or on Tuesday until the business representatives could meet in order to settle the dispute. Neither Local 581 nor CWA employees performed any of the disputed work over the week- end. On Tuesday Local 581 Representative Frank Kelly and CWA Representative Joseph Clarkin met con- cerning the disputed work. However, they were un- able to reach any agreement. Clarkin testified that at the meeting Kelly instructed Smith to pull the Local 581 employees off the job if the National Telephone employees resumed work. Kelly testified that he told Smith to come to his (Kelly's) office if the CWA workers began working on the job. Upon learning of the representatives' failure to re- solve the dispute, Barber contracted Barry Glick of Glictronix, Inc., and told Glick to settle the dispute between the Unions in order to avoid any work de- lays or stoppages at the site. Later Tuesday af- ternoon, Glick informed National Telephone's vice president, Henry Koch, that National Telephone no longer had the contract for the installation work. Glick also contacted Kelly and requested that Local 581 members be referred to do the installation work at the Parsippany plant. The next day Local 581 members reported to the worksite to perform the in- stallation of the paging and intercom system. They continued on the job until installation was completed at the end of the next week. C. Contentions of the Parties Local 581 contends that the notice of hearing should be quashed because there is no jurisdictional dispute properly before the Board . It argues that there is no reasonable cause to believe a violation of Section 8 (b)(4)(D) of the Act occurred and the work in dispute has been completed. On the merits Local 581 contends that the work should be assigned to employees it represents because National Telephone is incompetent to perform the work since, if it does, it will be in violation of a New Jersey statute requiring electrical contractors to obtain electricians' licenses. CWA contends that Local 581 has violated Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act by threatening, coercing, or re- straining National Telephone to compel it to assign the disputed work to members of Local 581. CWA further contends that the work should be assigned to its members based upon past practice, the collective- bargaining agreement between CWA and National Telephone, skills and training, efficiency and econo- my of operation. D. Applicability of the Act Before the Board may proceed with a determina- tion of a dispute pursuant to Section 10(k) of the Act, it must be satisfied that there is reasonable cause to believe that Section 8(b)(4)(D) has been violated and that there is no agreed-upon voluntary method for resolving the dispute. At the hearing the parties agreed that there is no agreed-upon method for the resolution of the dis- pute. Local 581 contends that the dispute is moot be- cause the work in question is finished. The Board has long held that a jurisdictional dispute is not moot, in spite of the completion of the work involved, where there is evidence of similar disputes between the par- ties in the past, or there is nothing to indicate that such disputes will not arise in the future.' The record indicates that National Telephone will continue to install the type of work involved within the geo- graphical jurisdiction of Local 581 and there is evi- dence that Local 581 will continue to assert exclusive jurisdiction over the work involved. There is a real likelihood, therefore, that similar disputes will arise in the future. Accordingly, we find that the dispute is not moot. We also find no merit in Local 581's contention that the notice of hearing should be quashed because it did not engage in conduct proscribed by Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act. The evidence establishes that both Smith and Kelly demanded that the work be assigned to Local 581 members. These demands were accompanied by assertions that Local 581 employees 2 International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 18, AFL-C1O (Fire Protection and Sprinkler Associates, Inc.). 202 NLRB 1113, 1114 (1973): Sub- ordinate Union No. 30 of Illinois of The Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers International Union of America, AFL-CIO (Cerro Copper and Brass Compa- ny), 159 NLRB 1430, 1434 (1966); Local Union 224 and Local Union 830. United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe- fitting Industry of the United States and Canada, AFL-CIO (Bernard Pipe Line Company), 152 NLRB 902, 910 (1965). 540 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD might not report to work if the CWA members con- tinued on the job. As a result of Local 58 l's demands UPS' regional projects engineer, Barber, began to pressure Glictronix to solve the dispute. In order to avoid a possible work stoppage and to settle the dis- pute, Glictronix terminated its subcontract with Na- tional Telephone and performed the installation work with Local 581 members. On the basis of these facts, and without resolving the issues of credibility raised by the testimony, we are satisfied that there is reasonable cause to believe that a violation of Sec- tion 8(b)(4)(D) has occurred and that the dispute is properly before us for determination. E. Merits of the Dispute Section 10(k) of the Act requires that the Board make an affirmative award of the disputed work af- ter giving due consideration to various relevant fac- tors.' As the Board has stated, the determination in a jurisdictional dispute case is an act of judgment based on commonsense and experience in weighing these factors. 1. Collective-bargaining agreements Neither Local 581 nor CWA has been certified by the Board as collective-bargaining representative for National Telephone's employees. However, National Telephone and CWA are parties to an "Article of Agreement" whereby National Telephone recognizes CWA as the exclusive collective-bargaining represen- tative of its employees. That agreement is effective from July 6, 1973, to July 6, 1976, a term covering the relevant times herein. 2. Employer past practice Evidence was adduced that in the performance of its business National Telephone has always used its own employees represented by CWA. 3. Skills and training The work involved herein does not require special skills or training for proper performance. In fact, the work is physical rather than mental in nature. Gener- ally, the work involves the laying of cables, the at- tachment of speakers and squawk boxes to ceilings and walls, and the attachment of color and number coded wires to the speakers, receivers, and amplifiers. Essentially, training occurs on the job. The record 3 N. L. R. B. v. Radio & Television Broadcast Engineers Union. Local 1212. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO /Columbia Broad- casting System/. 364 U.S. 573 (1961). establishes that the employees represented by CWA and Local 581 possess equally the requisite skills to properly perform the work in dispute. 4. Area practice The evidence discloses that the practice of numer- ous electrical contractors in the New Jersey area is to use employees represented by Local 581 to perform work similar to that involved herein. The employers testifying to their use of Local 581 members for such work indicated that they either have collective-bar- gaining agreements with Local 581 or have agree- ments with different locals of IBEW, and have signed letters of assent with Local 581 covering work performed in its jurisdiction. Local 581's contention that a New Jersey statute requiring electrical contractors to obtain electricians' licenses precludes the award of the work to National Telephone employees represented by CWA is with- out merit. While the New Jersey law on its face is not clear as to its exact impact on this case, Local 581's counsel authoritatively asserted at the hearing that the statute only "requires the licensing of the con- tractor and not the employee." Thus, the New Jersey statute would not preclude CWA members from per- forming the work herein and it does not statutorily impose an area standard or practice of using only Local 581 members to perform this work. Conclusions Upon the record as a whole, and after full consid- eration of all relevant factors involved, we conclude that the employees of the Employer, represented by CWA, are entitled to perform the disputed work. In reaching this conclusion, we have relied upon Na- tional Telephone's assignment of the disputed work to its own employees, the fact that the assignment is consistent with National Telephone's past practice, and the collective-bargaining agreement between National Telephone and CWA. The fact that mem- bers of both Unions possess the necessary skills and training to perform the work is determinative only to the extent that it establishes that CWA members have the ability to satisfactorily perform the work. Finally, we find that the area practice of using Local 581 employees to perform similar work is insufficient to persuade us to award the work to Local 581 mem- bers. We shall, accordingly, determine the existing jurisdictional dispute by deciding that employees represented by CWA, rather than those represented by Local 581, are entitled to the work in dispute. In making this determination, we are assigning the dis- puted work to the employees of National Telephone LOCAL 581, IBEW 541 who are represented by CWA, but not to that Union or its members. Scope of the Determination In its brief CWA urged the Board to issue a broad award which would encompass all future sites within Local 58l's geographical jurisdiction at which Na- tional Telephone would perform work similar to the work in dispute. No evidence was introduced at the hearing to show that Local 581, CWA, and National Telephone have been parties to previous work dis- putes. Instead, CWA seeks to rely upon jurisdictional disputes concerning similar interconnect systems, work which involved different locals of IBEW and CWA Internationals and different employers. We find that the record will not support a finding neces- sary for the granting of a broad order, that the dis- pute promises to recur between the parties. Our pre- sent determination, therefore, is limited to the UPS Parsipanny, New Jersey, facility, at which the dispute arose. DETERMINATION OF DISPUTE Pursuant to Section 10(k) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , and upon the basis of the foregoing findings and the entire record in this pro- ceeding, the National Labor Relations Board makes the following Determination of Dispute: 1. Employees of National Telephone and Signal Corporation represented by Local 1272, Communi- cations Workers of America , AFL-CIO, exclusively, are entitled to perform the work of wiring for and installation of horns, ceiling speakers , microphones, and intercom units for an address system at the Unit- ed Parcel Service , Inc., 799 Jefferson Road , Parsippa- ny, New Jersey, situs. 2. Local 581, International Brotherhood of Elec- trical Workers , AFL-CIO, is not entitled by means proscribed by Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act to force or require the assignment of the above work, or any part thereof , to its members or to employees it repre- sents. 3. Within 10 days from the date of this Decision and Determination of Dispute , Local 581, Interna- tional Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, shall notify the Regional Director for Region 22, in writing, whether or not it will refrain from forcing or requiring , by means proscribed by Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act, the assignment of the disputed work in a manner inconsistent with this determination. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation