Local 542, Operating EngineersDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 30, 1974213 N.L.R.B. 124 (N.L.R.B. 1974) Copy Citation 124 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Local 542, International Union of Operating Engi- neers, AFL-CIO and W. V. Pangborne & Co., Inc. and Local Union No. 126, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO. Case 4-CD-345 August 30, 1974 DECISION AND DETERMINATION OF DISPUTE purposes of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED The parties stipulated, and we find, that the Operat- ing Engineers and the Electrical Workers are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO This is a proceeding under Section 10(k) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, following charges filed by W. V. Pangborne & Co., Inc. (herein- after called Pangborne), alleging that Local 542, In- ternational Union of Operating Engineers , AFL-CIO (hereinafter called the Operating Engineers), has vio- lated Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act by engaging in certain proscribed activity with an object of forcing or requiring Pangborne to assign certain work to em- ployees represented by the Operating Engineers rath- er than to employees represented by Local Union No. 126, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO (hereinafter called the Electrical Workers). Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held before Hear- ing Officer Joseph C. Kelly on April 30 and May 1, 1974. All parties appeared at the hearing and were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to adduce evidence bearing on the issues. Thereafter, Pangborne and the Operating Engineers filed briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Hearing Officer made at the hearing and finds that they are free from prejudicial error. They are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this case, the Board makes the following findings: 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER The parties stipulated that Pangborne, a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business at 150 Rock Hill Road, Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, is en- gaged in all phases of the electrical installation busi- ness , and during the 6 months preceding the hearing received materials valued in excess of $50,000 directly from suppliers located outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Accordingly, we find that Pangborne is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act and that it will effectuate the III. THE DISPUTE A. The Work in Dispute The work in dispute is the operation of pole line trucks, including winches and diggers, by Pangborne at the Sohio Petroleum Company construction site in Trainer Borough, Pennsylvania. B. Background In November 1973, Fluor Engineers and Construc- tors, Inc. (hereinafter called Fluor), a general Con- tractor at the Sohio refinery construction site, entered into a subcontract requiring Pangborne to run electri- cal wires from substation to substation at the refinery. In turn, Pangborne assigned the field work involved, including operation of the pole line truck used for erecting wooden poles to carry the wires, to employees represented by the Electrical Workers. A pole line truck such as Pangborne owns has a digger to drill holes into the ground and a winch to set tall poles into those holes. According to the uncontradicted testimo- ny of Pangborne's president, Richard Conly, opera- tion of Pangborne's pole line truck on previous jobs had always been assigned to employees represented by the Electrical Workers, and had never even been claimed by employees represented by the Operating Engineers . Furthermore, according to Conly, Pang- borne for the last several years has not assigned work of any sort to employees represented by the Operating Engineers. I As of Thursday, March 14, 1974, Pangborne had stationed its pole line truck at a site within the refi- nery. Pangborne employees represented by the Elec- trical Workers had begun preliminary work at the Pangborne site , but had not yet begun to operate the 'The Operating Engineers , relying on pension contribution and dues checkoff statements signed by Pangborne , contended that over the last sever- al years Pangborne has hired as many as six operating engineers at a time. However, the Operating Engineers evidence did not indicate that any of those men were hired to operate Pangborne 's pole line truck. The evidence also indicated that since May 1, 1973, the effective date of the contract under which the Operating Engineers claims Pangborne is bound to assign its men the work in dispute (see fn . 4, infra), only one operating engineer has been hired by Pangborne , according to the pension contribution and dues check- off statements , and he did only 8 hours of work. LOCAL 542, OPERATING ENGINEERS truck. Adjacent to the Pangborne site was the site of the Sordoni Company (hereinafter called Sordoni), a subcontractor of the Philadelphia Electric Company. At the site, Sordoni had present and used several pieces of equipment2 to perform high wire work. About 8 a.m. on Thursday, March 14, Fluor em- ployees represented by the Operating Engineers be- gan a work stoppage to protest alleged violation of their jurisdictional rights over the high wire work un- der a collective-bargaining contract with Sordoni. At Fluor's invitation, the Operating Engineers district representative, Joseph O'Donoghue, and its area busi- ness agent, Pat Convery, went to inspect the Sordoni site with Pangborne's labor relations director, Tom Guthrie, and his assistant, Jack MacMahon. O'Dono- ghue approached a Sordoni superintendent and claimed that the high wire work belonged to employ- ees represented by the Operating Engineers. O'Dono- ghue also saw the pole line truck at the adjacent Pangborne site and asked who was operating it, but the Fluor officials replied that they did not know. O'Donoghue threatened to picket the refinery's Booth Street gate, used by both Pangborne's and Sordoni's employees, if the dispute was not resolved to the satis- faction of the Operating Engineers. Around noon on Thursday, March 14, O'Dono- ghue and Joseph Jacovini, master mechanic for Fluor and member of the Operating Engineers charged with reporting job conditions to that union every day, told the idle Fluor employees to return to work. Instead, the Fluor employees stayed out of work until the fol- lowing morning. Additionally, about 60 Fluor em- ployees, many of them wearing clearly identifiable Operating Engineers insignia, marched en masse to the Sordoni site. Once there, according to the uncon- tradicted testimony of Pangborne employees William Kryder and Reed Lucas, one man, who was leading the group, told the Sordoni employees to get off the site. After the Sordoni employees left their work, the leader of the operating engineers marched with about 20 members of his group to the Pangborne site, asked who was operating Pangborne's truck, and ordered the 4 Pangborne employees present to quit their work as well. When Kryder replied that the operation of the pole line truck belonged to employees represented by the Electrical Workers, he and the other Pangborne employees were punched, knocked to the ground, and kicked. Kryder was beaten so severely that he lost six teeth and required eight or nine stitches in his mouth? The Pangborne employees were unable to work for 2 According to the Operating Engineers district representative , Joseph O'Donoghue, Sordoni's pieces of equipment were "a back hoe , a big drill, a Pipspin type hoe, and a truck crane." Operating Engineers member Jacovini admitted that he saw the entire sequence of events at the Pangborne site from a distance of only 30 ro 40 125 the rest of the day. About 8 a.m. the next day, Friday, March 15, ac- cording to both Pangborne employee Lucas and Op- erating Engineers Representative O'Donoghue, reports circulated that Fluor employees represented by the Operating Engineers were picketing the Booth Street gate. Additionally, about 30 of the operating engineers were gathered at a diner within walking distance of the Booth Street gate. Also during the morning of Friday, March 15, Pangborne's president, Richard Conly, complained to the Operating Engineers business agent, Robert Walsh, about the previous day's violence. According to Conly's uncontradicted testimony, Walsh's only response was that 1,500 of his men were out of work, that they were getting hard to control, that they want- ed the Pangborne truck work, and that they intended to get it. Conly further testified that when he later called O'Donoghue about the violence, O'Donoghue reiterated that the Operating Engineers intended to get the work in dispute. O'Donoghue and Jacovini each testified that he questioned a number of operating engineers about the violence at the Pangborne site. O'Donoghue claimed, however, that he received stories so contradictory and ambiguous as to make further action futile. Jacovini made a similar claim, notwithstanding his admission that he personally witnessed the violence and could identify every operating engineer present. Conse- quently, the Operating Engineers claims, it was un- able to discipline any instigators of the violence. The Operating Engineers never denounced the violence or renounced its purposes, either to its own men or to Pangborne's officials and employees. Fearing a recurrence of the violence against its em- ployees, Pangborne stopped work at its site in the refinery after the beatings of Thursday, March 14. Pangborne ordered its employees to return to work only on Tuesday, March 19, after receiving from the Operating Engineers attorney an oral assurance (fol- lowed later by a written assurance) that the violence would not recur. C. Contentions of the Parties Operating Engineers contends that the present dis- pute is not properly before the Board for determina- tion under Section 10(k) of the Act because (1) no reasonable cause exists to believe a violation of Sec- tion 8(b)(4)(D) has occurred, and (2) an agreed-upon method binding on all parties exist for the voluntary adjustment of the dispute. The Operating Engineers feet and could identify every operating engineer present . It should be noted that, according to Kryder, one man continuously and clearly acted as leader of the operating engineers. 126 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD further contends that, even if the dispute is properly before the Board for determination, the work in dis- pute should be assigned to employees represented by it because (1) there is an Operating Engineers-General Building Contractors Association (hereinafter called GBCA) collective-bargaining contract to which Pang- borne is party and which covers the work; and (2) there are individuals represented by the Operating Engineers who are qualified to do the work. Pangborne, on the other hand, contends that the present dispute is properly before the Board for deter- mination under Section 10(k) of the Act because (1) reasonable cause exists to believe a violation of Sec- tion 8(b)(4)(D) has occurred, and (2) no agreed-upon method binding on all parties exists for the voluntary adjustment of the dispute. Pangborne further con- tends that the work in dispute should be assigned to its employees represented by the Electrical Workers because (1) Pangborne is party to an Electrical Work- ers-National Electrical Contractors Association (hereinafter called NECA) collective-bargaining con- tract which clearly covers the work, and is not party to the Operating Engineers-GBCA collective-bargain- ing contract which allegedly covers the work; (2) Pangbome chose to assign the work to the Electrical Workers on this job, and has always done so on simi- lar jobs; (3) industry practice within the geographical jurisdiction of the rival locals is to assign similar work to the Electrical Workers, and has always been so; (4) the superior training of individuals represented by the Electrical Workers, and the absence in the Electrical Workers-NECA contract of certain restrictive provi- sions present in the Operating Engineers-GBCA con- tract, make assignment of the work to the Electrical Workers more efficient and economical for Pang- borne; and (5) the superior training of individuals represented by the Electrical Workers makes assign- ment of the work to the Electrical Workers safer for all employees on the job. The Electrical Workers contends that the work in dispute should be assigned to it for the same reasons as Pangborne advances. Pangborne work be assigned to their men, and threat- ened to picket the Booth Street site if the dispute was not resolved in their favor. That same day, about 20 operating engineers demanded that Pangborne's elec- trical workers quit their work, and beat them severely when they refused to do so. The next day there was a gathering of about 30 operating engineers within walking distance of the Booth Street gate, and also reports of actual picketing at the gate. The Operating Engineers completely failed to denounce the March 14 violence itself, to renounce its purpose, or to disci- pline its instigators, although their identity apparently could have been ascertained through Jacovini, who testified he witnessed the violence and knew which men were involved. Indeed, there is evidence that Op- erating Engineers representatives explicitly adopted the stated purpose of the violence. When complaints about the violence were voiced, according to Pangborne's president, Conly, Business Agent Walsh's only response was that 1,500 of his men were out of work, that they were getting hard to control, that they wanted the Pangborne pole line truck work, and that they intended to get it; and District Repre- sentative O'Donoghue's response was to reiterate that the Operating Engineers intended to get the work in dispute. We find, therefore, that reasonable cause ex- ists to believe a violation of Section 8(b)(4)(D) by the Operating Engineers has occurred. As to the existence of an agreed-upon method, the Operating Engineers contends that Pangborne is par- ty to the Operating Engineers-GBCA contract and is thus bound, under article VI, section 1, of that con- tract, by the decisions of the Impartial Jurisdictional Disputes Board (hereinafter called the IJDB). We deem it unnecessary to pass on this contention,4 how- ever, for we find that the IJDB's decisions even if assumed to be binding on Pangborne and the Operat- ing Engineers, are not binding on the Electrical Work- ers here. The Electrical Workers local here involved must be deemed, under the terms of article 28, section 4, of the International Brotherhood of Electrical D. Applicability of the Statute Before the Board may proceed to the determination of a dispute pursuant to Section 10(k) of the Act, it must be satisfied (1) that reasonable cause exists to believe a violation of Section 8(b)(4)(D) has occurred, and (2) that an agreed-upon method binding on all parties does not exist for the voluntary adjustment of the dispute. As to the existence of reasonable cause, the evi- dence indicates that on March 14 Operating Engi- neers representatives demanded that the Sordoni and 4 While finding no need to pass on the Operating Engineers contention that its GBCA contract binds Pangborne, we note that that contention is strongly opposed by Pangborne. By letter dated January 30, 1973 , the Operating Engineers expressed to Pangborne a desire to negotiate a "new Collective- Bargaining Agreement," and by letter dated February 8, 1973, Pangborne replied that it would be "governed by any settlement reached between [the Operating Engineers) and [the GBCA). " (It is undisputed that Pangborne was not a member of the GBCA.) However, when the Operating Engineers subse- quently negotiated the contract in question with the GBCA and sent copies to Pangborne , Pangborne ignored an accompanying request to sign and return the copies. Pangborne contends that its expressed intent was only to sign the contract if and when it later decided to employ operating engineers, and that it never made such a decision . The record contains no evidence that the contract here in question, or other contracts concerning which the Oper- ating Engineers claims Pangborne sent similar "letters of assent" in past years, was ever honored in practice by Pangborne. LOCAL 542, OPERATING ENGINEERS 127 Workers Constitution, to be an "outside" local;s and we have in the past recognized6 that such IBEW "out- side" locals are not members of the AFL-CIO Build- ing Trades Council and are not, therefore, bound by the IJDB's decisions.' We therefore find that an agreed-upon method binding on all parties does not exist for the voluntary adjustment of this dispute. Accordingly, the dispute is properly before us for determination pursuant to Section 10(k) of the Act. E. Merits of the Dispute Section 10(k) of the Act requires the Board to make an affirmative award of the work in dispute after giv- ing due consideration to various relevant factors, in- cluding the following:' 1. Certification and collective-bargaining contracts Neither the Electrical Workers nor the Operating Engineers has been certified by the Board as the bar- gaining representative of Pangborne's employees for the work in dispute. The Electrical Workers and the Operating Engi- neers each contends that it has a current collective- bargaining contract to which Pangborne is party and which covers the work in dispute. We deem it unnec- essary to pass on these contentions,9 however, for we find sufficient basis for awarding the work among the following factors. 5 Art. 28, sec. 4, of the International 's constitution defines as "outside workers" employees with jurisdiction over all "line work consisting of wood . poles ... including wires, cables , or other apparatus supported there- from ." The Operating Engineers, while pointing out that art . 28, sec. 5, defines workers with jurisdiction over "construction of all electrical work . within property lines of any given property" as "inside workers," ne- glects to mention that sec. 5 also explicitly excludes from its definition workers with jurisdiction over the line work discussed in sec. 4. 6 International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 450 (The Rust Engineer- ing Company), 169 NLRB 1026, 1027 (1968); see also Local 478, International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO (Utility Service Corporation), 172 NLRB 1877, 1879 (1968). 7 Under the terms of art . II, 2: 7-9 of the Electrical Workers-NECA contract, the Electrical Workers is merely bound, in "all grievances and questions in dispute " arising with Pangborne , by the decisions of the Council on Industrial Relations for the Electrical Contracting Industry. 9 International Association of Machinists, Lodge No. 1743, AFL-CIO (J. A. Jones Construction Company), 135 NLRB 1402, 1410-I1 (1962). 9 While finding no need to pass on the rival locals' competing contract claims, we note that the binding effect on Pangborne of the Operating Engi- neers-GBEA contract is strongly contested, while the binding effect on Pang- borne of the Electrical Workers-NECA contract is not . See In . 4, supra. It may also be noted in passing that, assuming both contracts bind Pangborne, the work in dispute would seem covered more explicitly by the language of the Electrical Workers-NECA contract than by the language of the Operat- ing Engineers -GBCA contract. Art. 1, 1:2 of the Electrical Workers-NECA contract (by reference to art. 28, sec. 4, of the International 's constitution) covers all "line work consisting of wood ... poles . . . including wires, cables or other apparatus supported therefrom ," while art . I, sec. 3, of the Operating Engineers-GBCA contract covers operation of "drilling ma- chines." On its face, the former provision would seem to cover operation of both the digger for drilling holes and the winch for setting up poles, while the latter provision would seem to cover operation only of the digger for drilling holes. 2. The Employer's assignment and past practice It is undisputed that Pangborne assigned the work in dispute to its employees who are represented by the Electrical Workers. Additionally, Pangborne 's assis- tant general manager, Henry Roberti, testified that Pangborne has always assigned such work to its elec- trical workers on other jobs; Pangborne's electrical line superintendent, Harry Smith, listed by name six other jobs where Pangborne has assigned this work to electrical workers; and, Pangborne's president, Rich- ard Conly, testified that Pangborne has assigned the work exclusively to electrical workers on other jobs for the last 29 years. The foregoing testimony stands uncontradicted.10 Indeed, the Operating Engineers district representative, Joseph O'Donoghue, admitted having no evidence or personal knowledge that Pang- borne has ever assigned the work in dispute to em- ployees represented by the Operating Engineers. We therefore find that Pangborne's consistent past prac- tice favors awarding the work to employees repre- sented by the Electrical Workers. 3. Area practice The Electrical Workers business manager , Howard Grybert, testified that of the approximately 35 em- ployers within his local's geographical jurisdiction doing work similar to that in dispute, all assign this work exclusively to electrical workers. Furthermore, the Electrical Workers assistant business manager, Jack Roland , testified that on every area job he knew of in the past 15 years, the work has been assigned to electrical workers. He listed by name about 12 such jobs in the last 2 years. In contrast, Operating Engi- neers Representative O'Donoghue was able to list only four area jobs where the work had been assigned to employees represented by the Operating Engineers, and these jobs were performed 3 or 4 years ago. We therefore find that the prevailing area practice favors awarding the work to employees represented by the Electrical Workers. 4. Efficiency and economy of operation According to Pangborne's officials, the job at the refinery is an integrated procedure which entails not only performing the work in dispute but also climbing the poles, connecting live wires, installing transform- ers, and putting on insulators. The employee operat- ing the truck is needed less than half of the time for that function, and is expected the rest of the time to 10 As already noted above, Conly also testified that for the last several years Pangborne has not assigned work of any sort to employees represented by the Operating Engineers . However, the Operating Engineers presented some documentary evidence (fn. I, supra), in rebuttal of Conly's testimony. 128 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD help the work crew with the other related job func- tions. While employees represented by the Electrical Workers are capable of performing those functions, the employees represented by the Operating Engi- neers, according to their own representative, O'Dono- ghue, are not. Consequently, Pangborne's officials testified, assigning the work in dispute to employees represented by the Operating Engineers would result in the operator of the truck having nothing to do on the job more than half of the time, and would result also in Pangborne having to hire at least one extra employee simply to help with all the related job func- tions for which the operator of the truck would not be qualified." We therefore find that the factors of effi- ciency and economy of operation favor awarding the work in dispute to employees represented by the Elec- trical Workers. 5. Safety According to Pangborne's electrical line superin- tendent, Smith, the operator of the truck in dispute often has to drill holes in an area of underground wires and set up poles in an area of overhead wires. The operator must be able to judge when the wires are high-voltage and live, lest he touch them with his equipment and seriously endanger himself and his fellow workers. Additionally, if a worker suffers elec- trical shock atop a pole, the operator of the truck may have to climb the pole and bring him down while administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. While individuals represented by the Electrical Workers are qualified, by virtue of a 5-year training program, to perform all these safety functions, the individuals rep- resented by the Operating Engineers, according to their own representative, O'Donoghue, know little about electricity and could not as a matter of course rescue a worker hurt atop a pole. We therefore find that the factor of safety favors awarding the work to employees represented by the Electrical Workers. IV. CONCLUSION Based upon the entire record, and after full consid- eration of all relevant factors, including Pangborne's assignment of the work in dispute, Pangborne's past practice, the area practice, and the relative efficiency, economy, and safety of operation, we conclude that the work in dispute should be awarded to employees tt Moreover, even if an individual represented by the Operating Engineers were technically qualified for all the functions the job entails, he might still be kept idle a significant part of the time by art. IV, sec . 9, of the Operating Engineers-GBCA contract . That section provides that an employee , once he is shifted away from a certain task during a day, may not be shifted back to that task during the same day. represented by the Electrical Workers. Pangborne has requested that we award to employ- ees represented by the Electrical Workers the disput- ed work on all jobs throughout the geographical area covered by the Electrical Workers-NECA contract. However, there is no evidence that since the incidents of March 14 and 15, 1974, the Operating Engineers has engaged in any conduct arguably violative of Sec- tion 8(b)(4)(D), either at the Sohio refinery or else- where. Moreover, in a letter from its attorney dated April 11, 1974, the Operating Engineers formally as- sured Pangborne's attorney that the Operating Engi- neers would engage in no future violence, harassment, or other conduct violative of Section 8(b)(4)(D).12 We therefore conclude that there is no reason to believe that the Operating Engineers 8(b)(4)(D) violations of March 14 and 15, 1974, will recur, and we find that the purposes of the Act will be fully effectuated by an award limited to the work at the Sohio refinery where the dispute arose. DETERMINATION OF DISPUTE Pursuant to Section 10(k) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and on the basis of the foregoing findings and the entire record in this case, the National Labor Relations Board hereby makes the following Determination of Dispute: 1. Employees of W. V. Pangborne & Co., Inc., who are represented by Local Union No. 126, Inter- national Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL- CIO, are entitled to perform the work consisting of operation of pole line trucks, including winches and diggers, by Pangborne at the Sohio Petroleum Com- pany construction site in Trainer Borough, Pennsyl- vania. 2. Local 542, International Union of Operating En- gineers , AFL-CIO, is not entitled, by means pro- scribed by Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act, to force or require W. V. Pangborne & Co., Inc., to assign the above work to individuals represented by it. 3. Within 10 days from the date of this Decision and Determination of Dispute, Local 542, Interna- tional Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO, shall notify the Regional Director for Region 4, in writing, whether or not it will refrain from forcing or requiring W. V. Pangborne & Co., Inc., by means proscribed by Section 8(b)(4)(D) of the Act, to assign the work in dispute in a manner inconsistent with the above determination. 12 The April 11, 1974, letter apparently confirmed a similar but more informal assurance given Pangborne by the Operating Engineers ' attorney several days after the incidents of March 14 and 15, 1974. It may be noted that Pangborne itself deemed recurrence of the 8(bx4XD) violations so un- likely as to obviate the need for keeping its employees away from the site after March 18, 1974. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation