Local 399, IBEWDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 3, 1978235 N.L.R.B. 555 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation LOCAL 399, IBEW Local 399, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and Illinois Bell Telephone Company. Case 38-CC-339 April 3, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS PENELLO AND MURPHY On February 15, 1977, Administrative Law Judge Thomas E. Bracken issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed excep- tions and a supporting brief, the General Counsel filed limited exceptions' and a brief in support of the Administrative Law Judge's Decision, and Respon- dent filed a brief in answer to the General Counsel's exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. Contrary to our dissenting colleague's view and in agreement with the Administrative Law Judge, we reject Respondent's work-preservation defense. Re- spondent had no bargaining relationship with the State of Illinois. Its picketing was not addressed to the State's labor relations vis-a-vis its own employees but was designed to satisfy Respondent's objectives in its relationship with Illinois Bell. Therefore, the picketing violated Section 8(b)(4) of the Act. United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of A merica, Local 112, AFL-CIO (Summit Valley Industries), 217 NLRB 902, 917-918 (1975). In view of this finding, we find it unnecessary to pass on the Administrative Law Judge's further finding that Respondent had no work-preservation clause in its contract with Illinois Bell and his discussions of the consequences that flow from the lack of such a clause in that contract. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondent, Local 399, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, The General Counsel's motion to correct certain inadvertent errors in the Administrative Law Judge's Decision is noted and the Decision has been corrected accordingly. 2 Hereinafter the State. 235 NLRB No. 70 Springfield, Illinois, its officers, agents, and represen- tatives shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. MEMBER MURPHY, dissenting: Contrary to my colleagues I find that Respondent Local 399 IBEW's objective in picketing was the preservation of unit work, and that it lawfully picketed the primary employer, the State of Illinois, 2 in furtherance of that objective. I would, therefore, dismiss the complaint against the Union. Briefly, the facts are as follows: For several years prior to the dispute herein, the State leased Bell lines to transmit data between its facilities in Springfield and Urbana.3 When problems developed in the transmission lines owned by Bell, the work of locating the problems (herein called fault isolation) was performed at the State's facilities by Bell employees who were represented by Respondent. The present dispute arose when the State decided- in the interest of economy and efficiency-to per- form this work with its own employees rather than with Bell employees. To accomplish this, it leased additional equipment called jack panels from Bell. When state employees began performing the work, Respondent picketed the state facilities on May 10, 1976, carrying signs reading as follows: NOTICE TO PUBLIC, STATE OF ILL DEP. OF GEN'L SVCS TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIV. IN VIOLATION OF CONTRACT OF IBEW LOCAL 399. INFORMATIONAL PICKET. At the same time, the pickets passed out leaflets more fully describing the nature of the dispute. 4 Employ- ees of the State's building and maintenance staff in Springfield refused to cross the picket line. On the day of the picketing state officials met with Respondent's representatives, who claimed for the employees they represented the work of fault isola- tion on Bell-owned equipment using jack panels. State officials asked Respondent's representatives whether the picketing would cease if the State refrained from using the testing equipment. They answered that the problem would be taken care of that afternoon. Later that afternoon the pickets were removed from state office facilities. The Board's approach to a case of this nature is set forth in Local Union No. 438, Plumbers (George Koch Sons, Inc.), 201 NLRB 59, 64 (1973), wherein the Board stated: 3 There are two facilities involved: the state office building in Springfieid. Illinois, and the computer center at the University of Illinois in Urbana. 4 See the Administrative Law Judge's Decision for the text of the leaflet. 555 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD . . . the Board has always proceeded with an analysis of (1) whether under all the surrounding circumstances the union's objective was work preser- vation and then (2) whether the pressures exerted were directed at the right person, ie., at the primary in the dispute .... In following this approach, however, our analysis has not nor will it ever be a mechanical one, and, in addition to determining, under all the surrounding circumstances, whether the union's objective is truly work preservation, we have studied and shall continue to study not only the situation the pressured employer finds himself in but also how he came to be in that situation. [Emphasis supplied.] 5 I consider first whether the picketing was directed against the primary employer. In determining this question, the Board has consistently looked to see who had the "right to control" the work. Here the State has such control since only the State, at all relevant times, possessed the power and authority to assign the work in dispute. Despite this, my colleagues in the majority adopt the Administrative Law Judge's finding that Bell is the primary employer. The Administrative Law Judge based his conclusion on his finding that the Union claimed the work under the terms of its contract with Bell and his finding that Bell acted in violation of that agreement. This conclusion, in my opinion, ignores the realities of the situation. It is undisputed that the State-having contracted out the work in dispute herein to Bell for a substantial period of time-thereafter reclaimed it and assigned it to its own employees. Bell had no power to prevent the State from taking this action, and, after the State acted, Bell retained no authority to assign such work to its own employees. The State alone had the power to assign the work in question. Applying the right-to- control test, it is obvious that Bell was not the primary employer at the time of the dispute. If not Bell, then to whom could the Union look to resolve its dispute? The answer is obvious. It was the State, since it had exclusive "right of control" over the assignment of the work. The second factor to be considered is whether Respondent's objective was work preservation. It is uncontested that for several years prior to this dispute all testing and repair on Bell-owned equip- ment leased to the State had been performed by employees represented by Respondent. Respondent's picketing, in protest against the assignment of the disputed work to employees of the State, was for the purpose of securing the return of work which the s This statement of the Board's approach to these cases was recently cited with approval in N.LR.B. v. Enterprise Association etc., General Pipefitters, Local Union No. 638 [Austin Co.], 429 U.S. 507, 523, fn. 11 (1977). employees it represented had historically performed. Thus, the objective was clearly work preservation. My colleagues in the majority, however, find that there was no work-preservation objective on the basis that the picketing was not addressed to the State's labor relations vis-a-vis its own employees but was designed to satisfy Respondent's objectives in its relationship with Bell. In so doing, my colleagues rely on Summit Valley Industries, 217 NLRB 902 (1975). Based on this case they appear to conclude that, unless the target of the picketing has a collective- bargaining relationship with the union, economic pressures of the type involved herein are always illegal secondary activity. Such a mechanical ap- proach, to what I view as an overly broad statement of the law in Summit, would lead to unwarranted results. Thus, under that approach, where a union does not have a collective-bargaining relationship with the picketed employer, such activity would be deemed secondary without further inquiry. I submit that a collective-bargaining relationship is not the only relationship comtemplated by Section 8(bX4) which would entitle a union to engage in lawful picketing in an attempt to preserve work for its members. As the Board stated in Koch, all of the surrounding circumstances must be carefully scrutin- ized. Here, the parties to the dispute have an ongoing relationship which justified Respondent in taking action on behalf of its members to recapture or reclaim for unit employees work which they previ- ously performed. Thus, although the State had no collective-bargaining relationship with Respondent, employees represented by Respondent had worked in state buildings performing the disputed work at the State's request. The State certainly was aware that when it exercised its control to reassign the work it was these employees who would lose work. Further, the work was to be performed at the same site and in the same manner. Consequently, the State is not a stranger to this Union or the employees it represents. This relationship, it seems to me, is sufficiently close to permit Respondent to treat the State in the same manner that it would treat an employer with whom it had a collective-bargaining relationship. Certainly it cannot realistically be said that the "union pressures were designed to involve the State in a dispute not its own." 6 Accordingly, I find that the State is not a neutral caught up in a primary dispute between a union and an employer who is entitled to shield itself behind the proscriptions of the Act. Rather, I find that Respon- dent, Local 399, was engaging in picketing directed against the primary employer for the purpose of 6 National Woodwork Manufacturers Association v. N.L.R.B. 386 U.S. 612 (196%7). 556 LOCAL 399, IBEW preserving unit work. Therefore, I would dismiss the complaint. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE THOMAS E. BRACKEN, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard at Springfield, Illinois, on August 30, 1976.1 The charge was filed by the Illinois Bell Telephone Company on May 14, and the complaint was issued on June II1. Respondent (Local 399, International Brother- hood of Electrical Workers) filed its answer on June 18 and asserted therein three affirmative defenses. The primary issues are whether Respondent violated Section 8(bX4)(i) and (ii) (B) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, by (I) inducing or encouraging employees of the State of Illinois and employees of other employers to engage in a strike or refusal to perform work for their employer, and (2) threatening, coercing, or restraining the State of Illinois and other persons with an object of forcing or requiring the State or others to cease using or otherwise dealing in the products and services of Illinois Bell Telephone Company (Bell Telephone), or to cease doing business with Bell Telephone. Upon the entire record, including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, and after due considerations of the briefs filed by the General Counsel, the Company, and the Union,2 I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTION Illinois Bell Telephone Company, an Illinois corporation with various offices and places of business throughout the State of Illinois, is engaged in the business of providing telephone and other telecommunications services to cus- tomers. During the period of June 1975 through May of the following year, a representative period, it purchased and had delivered to its Illinois facilities goods valued in excess of $50,000, which were transported to said facilities from States other than the State of Illinois. The Company and Respondent admit, and I find, that Bell Telephone is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Operation of the Division of Telecommunications The facts and chronology in this case are essentially undisputed. For the purpose of transmitting data between some of its agencies, the State of Illinois has a division of I All dates are in 1976 unless otherwise stated. 2 At the commencement of the heanng, the State of Illinois, by its counsel, moved to quash a subpoena duces tecum that had been served on it telecommunications which has its technical operations center in the Illinois data processing center in the state office building in Springfield, Illinois. In providing commu- nications for its agencies, the State utilizes various types of telecommunications facilities and equipment, of which some it owns, some is leased from various vendors, and some is leased from Bell Telephone. Bell Telephone has a collective-bargaining agreement with Respondent Union for the period of August 1, 1974, through August 6, 1977. The parties stipulated that the Union has no collective-bargaining agreement with the State, and that it does not represent state employees. For 6 or 7 years prior to January 1974, if there was a breakdown in the State's data communication system at Springfield, officials would make a trouble report to Bell Telephone. A serviceman would be dispatched by Bell, who would take test gear, lift wires, and make tests on the data sets until the fault was isolated and the circuit was repaired. The fault in the cable system could either be in Bell-owned equipment, state-owned equipment, or other vendor-owned equipment, such as Western Union. At times the Bell serviceman would locate the problem in non- Bell-owned equipment. The State would then have to call in a serviceman from the actual vendor or, if the malfunc- tioning equipment was owned by the State, repair it themselves. This procedure caused a substantial loss of time in locating the fault in the State's data communication system and resulted in the State's paying service fees to Bell for problems that Bell could not correct. In January 1974, the state director of the department of finance made a formal complaint to the telecommunica- tions division, with the major complaint being that they were experiencing too much downtime on the communica- tions facilities. The State then started to perform its own tests to locate the problems on the telecommunications equipment (herein called fault isolation), so as to find the causes of trouble more quickly and cut down on the time during which the equipment was not functioning. State employees used clip leads and oscilloscopes to make these tests, but they proved too elementary to isolate problems in what LeVern Whitt, the manager of the State's division of telecommunications in the department of general services, described as a "rat's nest of wires." Over 600 line facilities terminate in the data center. Whitt had been an employee of the State for the past 7 years in its telecommunications division, and prior to that had worked for Bell Telephone in its engineering department. In September 1974, the State started to look into the various types of jack field equipment that would speed up the running of tests and problem determination. Such equipment could be purchased from the manufacturer, the ADC Company, or leased from Bell Telephone. The State thereafter decided that it would be to its financial advan- tage to lease rather than purchase the jack field equipment, so a lease arrangement was entered into with Bell Tele- phone. by Respondent. After the motion to quash was granted, counsel for the State was excused, and the State did not further participate in the hearing. 557 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD B. The Installation of Jack Panels The fault isolation equipment, herein called jack panels, was installed at the state facility in Springfield in July and August 1975.3 The jack panels were technologically ad- vanced equipment that allowed a technician to quickly and simply isolate the problem on the circuits without going into the "rat's nest" of wires. Shortly after the jack panels were installed in Springfield, state employees began testing circuits leased from Bell using the jack panels. In November 1975, the Union, pursuant to its collective-bargaining agreement with Bell Telephone, filed a grievance alleging that Bell was violating its contract by allowing the State to use its jack panels. The grievance was processed through the first two steps of the grievance procedure without a satisfactory result being secured by the Union. At the time of the hearing of this case, the grievance was still pending. Sometime in the spring, Union Steward Lawrence White, an employee of Bell Telephone, and Local 399 Business Representative Kenneth Kramp contacted Director John- son of the Illinois department of labor. White admitted that the purpose of this meeting was to secure the assistance of Johnson (a member of the IBEW) in attempting to convince the department of general services not to use the jack panels. No results developed from the conference with Johnson. Thereafter, in early May, Kramp telephoned Whitt at the division of telecommunications. Kramp asked what the division planned on doing about the jack field equipment. Whitt responded that they did not plan on doing anything differently than they had been doing, and that they were going to keep using the jack field equipment for fault isolation testing. Kramp answered that he was beginning to get some pressure about the jack field equipment. Whitt told him that he was sorry that Kramp was getting pressured, but that the division of telecommunications intended to keep using the jack field equipment as it had in the past. C. The Events of May 10 On May 10, at 8:30 a.m., Respondent had pickets at the south entrance of the state office building in Springfield, where the State's data processing center is located, carrying pickets signs which stated: NOTICE TO PUBLIC, STATE OF ILL DEP. OF GEN'L SVCS TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIV. IN VIOLATION OF CONTRACT OF IBEW LOCAL 399. INFORMATIONAL PICKET. The pickets also passed out leaflets which stated as follows: NOTICE TO PUBLIC THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, GSA, DEPARTMENT OF TELE- COMMUNICATIONS, HAS MADE AN ARRANGEMENT WITH ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON ILLINOIS BELL DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. 3 Equivalent equipment was also installed at the computer center at the University of Illinois in Urbana in the following February. LOCAL 399, IBEW, HAS A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY TO PERFORM ALL WORK ON ILLINOIS BELL DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. GSA, DEPARTMENT OF TELE-COMMUNICATIONS HAS ASSIGNED EMPLOYEES OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS TO PERFORM WORK ON PARTS OF ILLINOIS BELL'S DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. THIS WORK BY STATE OF ILLINOIS EMPLOYEES VIOLATES THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN LOCAL 399, IBEW, AND ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. The Union also engaged in similar picketing at the University of Illinois' administration building in Urbana. As a result of the picketing in Springfield, employees of the State's building and maintenance staff refused to cross the picket line and did not go in the building that day to perform mechanical and electrical work. At 2 p.m. on the afternoon of the picketing, a meeting was held in the state office building between representa- tives of the State and representatives of Local 399. Present for the State were Deputy Director Russell of the depart- ment of general services, the data and television systems engineering manager, the operations manager of the communications technical operations center, the assistant chief counsel, and Whitt. The Union was represented by Business Representative Kramp, Dan Maddox, business manager from a Decatur local of the IBEW, and the steward, White. Deputy Director Russell opened the meeting, stating that he did not understand what the pickets were doing in front of the state office building, and that he did not know why the State of Illinois was being involved in a dispute between Bell and the IBEW. Kramp responded for the Union by stating that he wanted to make sure that no contract agreements were violated, and that none of the jobs of union people was jeopardized. When Russell asked what the specific problems were as far as the picketing was concerned, Kramp responded that there were three prob- lem areas. The first one was that the State was testing equipment provided exclusively by Bell Telephone, and only Bell crafts people should test that equipment. The second problem was that state employees were doing their work. White raised the third point, stating that testing with the jack field equipment by the State was not really required, and that the State could do fault isolation with the test equipment it already had. Whitt disagreed with White, stating that they needed the jack field equipment. Whitt then asked why the pickets were in front of the state office building, and Kramp again responded by saying that the Union had to make sure that there were no contract violations, and that no jobs of union people were jeopard- ized. There was further technical discussion between Whitt and White about the different types of communication equipment used by the State. White finally stated that there was no objection to the State doing fault isolation and testing on its own equipment, but where the modern facilities, jack field equipment, and communication facili- 558 LOCAL 399, IBEW ties were provided by Bell Telephone, that equipment should only be tested by IBEW crafts people. Whitt then stated that until this dispute was settled between Illinois Bell and the IBEW, the State would refrain from using the jack field equipment on Illinois Bell communication facili- ties. Russell then asked the union representatives, if the State refrained from using the testing equipment, would the pickets be removed from the state office building. Kramp advised that on that basis the problem would be taken care of that afternoon. Later that afternoon, the pickets were removed from the state office facility and have not reappeared. After the meeting, Whitt telephoned the district market- ing manager of Bell Telephone, Gene Crum, informed him of the meeting, and advised him that the State had agreed not to use the jack panels on facilities provided exclusively by Illinois Bell. Crum responded that he was sorry that the State had taken that position. Whitt told Crum that with the general assembly in session, and because of the possibility of operations being curtailed, the State did not have much choice but to refrain from utilizing the equip- ment until the dispute was settled. Whitt further told Crum that, if the State received word from a responsible official of Illinois Bell that the problem had been resolved, they would commence using the jack field equipment. He concluded by telling Crum that the State was not going to pay for the jack panels, and that during this period they were going to look very closely at the performance of Illinois Bell provided equipment; and, if any substantial drop was noticed in the performance of Bell equipment, they would remove any and all such equipment. D. Contentions of the Parties General Counsel contends that by its conduct Respon- dent (I) induced and encouraged individuals employed by the State of Illinois, and other employees, to engage in a strike or refusal in the course of their employment to use or work upon jack panels, or perform services for their employer, and (2) threatened, coerced, and restrained the State and other persons-all with an object of forcing or requiring the State to cease leasing jack panels from Bell Telephone. Respondent Local 399 does not contest the facts as heretofore set forth, which on their face seem to make out a conventional secondary boycott. However, Respondent contends in its briel that the facts remove its case "from the traditional secondary boycott theories of the statute" because of "unique" aspects involving three main points: (1) the State is a political subdivision and thus exempt from the provisions of the statute as an employer; (2) the agents of the State joined with Bell Telephone to conspire to have equipment installed which would allow state employees to perform work traditionally performed by members of Local 399; and (3) Local 399 was only attempting to retain work which it had previously performed and not trying to have the State cease doing business with Bell Telephone, except for the limited area of its traditional work jurisdic- tion. E. Analysis and Conclusions As the facts clearly show, Local 399 had a primary dispute with Bell Telephone concerning the leasing of jack panels to the State of Illinois. This lease allowed state employees to do speedy fault isolation work. Respondent claimed that such work should have been done by its members under the terms of its collective-bargaining agreement with Bell Telephone, and that the Company's action violated this agreement. Bell Telephone was plainly the primary employer involved in Local 399's dispute. Equally, the State of Illinois was clearly the secondary employer, as it had no collective-bargaining agreement with Local 399, nor were its employees represented by the Union. The Union's dispute with the State was secondary as it had only arisen because of its primary and underlying dispute with Bell Telephone relating to the leasing of jack panels to the State. Local 25, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Amer- ica (J. C. Driscoll Transportation, Inc.), 148 NLRB 845, 850 (1964). Respondent recognized its primary dispute was with Bell when, in November 1975, Local 399, acting under the terms of its contract, tried to achieve its objective by filing a grievance with Bell. Then, in April, Respondent sought the help of the director of the Illinois department of labor to convince the State not to use the jack panels. When this action, like the grievance proceeding, was unsuccessful, the Union put direct pressure on the State by picketing its two office buildings in which the jack field equipment was located. Both sites, the data processing center in Spring- field, and the data processing center in Urbana, were State- owned property in which the State was engaged in doing business. As a result, employees of the State, the secondary employer, refused to perform services. I find, in agreement with General Counsel, that the picketing engaged in by Local 399 constituted proscribed secondary activity within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4XBXi) and (ii) of the Act for reasons stated herein. In the case of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, et al. (Illinois Bell Telephone Compa- ny), 179 NLRB 202, (1969), Trial Examiner S. M. Singer cogently set forth the heart of Subsection (i) and (ii) of Section 8(b)(4): 1. Section 8(b)(4Xi) and (iiXB), insofar as here relevant, prohibits a union or its agents from inducing or encouraging employees of a secondary employer to refuse to handle products or perform services, and from threatening, restraining, or coercing secondary employ- ers, where an object of such conduct is to force or require a secondary employer to cease doing business with the primary or disputing employer. Thus, a violation under these statutory provisions requires two elements: (I) an object to bring about cessation of business between the primary and secondary employ- ers; and (2) inducement of secondary employees and coercion of secondary employers to achieve the pro- scribed objective. Based on the entire record I find that an object of the picketing was the involvement of the employees of the 559 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD State of Illinois in the Union's dispute with Bell Telephone in order to force the State to cease doing business with Bell Telephone, the primary employer, by bringing illegal pressure on Bell. Although Respondent contends in its brief that it was merely engaging in "informational picket- ing," it was nonetheless picketing at the premises of the secondary employer. Long ago, 'in Sailors' Union of the Pacific, AFL (Moore Dry Dock Company), 92 NLRB 547, 549 (1950), the Board established criteria to aid in deter- mining when picketing at the premises of a secondary employer may be presumed to be for a primary objective: (a) [t]he picketing is strictly limited to times when the situs of dispute is located on the secondary employer's premises . . . (b) at the time of the picketing the primary employer is engaged in its normal business at the situs ... (c) the picketing is limited to places reasonably close to the location of the situs; and (d) the picketing discloses clearly that the dispute is with the primary employer. Local 399's picketing plainly failed to meet requirements (a), (b), and (d) of Moore Dry Dock, and Respondent has not undertaken to contend that its picketing met these standards. There is no evidence that Bell employees were scheduled to be in, or were in, the State building, or that Bell was engaged in its normal business at the site of the picketing on May 10. Finally, the picket signs failed to disclose that its dispute was with Bell Telephone, not mentioning Bell's name in any form. On the contrary, the picket legend read that the "STATE OF ILL . . . TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIV. [was J IN VIOLATION OF CONTRACT OF IBEW LOCAL 399." By any objective test, this picket sign was misleading, as it stated bluntly that the State was "IN VIOLATION OF CONTRACT OF IBEW LOCAL 399," and did not mention the employer with whom it had its contract, and with whom it had a primary dispute, Bell Telephone. Plainly, the wording on the picket sign sought to enmesh the State, a neutral party, in Respondent's primary dispute with Bell Telephone. This finding of an illegal object of the picketing is reinforced by statements of Respondent's officials made at the hastily summoned meeting with state officials on the afternoon of the picketing. When Director Russell asked why the picketing was taking place, and why the State was being involved in a dispute between Bell Telephone and the Union, Business Agent Kramp repeatedly conveyed to the State that the object of the picketing was to protect the Respondent's exclusive right to work on the jack panels. It was evident that the only way the Union's work could be preserved was for the State to cease leasing jack panels from Bell Telephone. Steward White admitted reluctantly at the hearing that after the meeting commenced the Union's purpose was to get the State to cease using thejack panels. Finally, when Whitt saw that the Union was not going to budge on removing the picket line as long as state employees used the jack panels, the State got the message. It then informed the Union that it would refrain from using the jack panels until Bell Telephone and the Union settled its dispute. Respondent, as its quid pro quo, promptly removed the picket line that afternoon. The record does not indicate that there was any cessation of business between Bell Telephone and the State of Illinois other than that the State refrained from using the jack panels as well as paying for them. However, as the Supreme Court has held, it is not necessary to find that an object was for a complete cessation of business in order to find a violation of Section 8(b)(4XB). N.LR.B. v. Local 825, International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO [Burns and Roe, Inc.] 400 U.S. 297 (1971). Under all the circumstances, I find that an object of the picketing was to implicate the neutral employer, the State of Illinois, in Local 399's dispute with Bell, in violation of Section 8(b)(4)(i) and (iiXB) of the Act. It is equally clear that by its picketing at the state office building, Local 399 induced and encouraged employees of the State, the secondary employer, not to go into the building and perform their mechanical and electrical duties for their employer, and thereby violated the Act. "The normal purpose of a picket line is to persuade employees not to cross it." N.LR.B. v. Dallas General Drivers, Warehousemen & Helpers, Local No. 745, AFL-CIO [Asso- ciated Wholesale Grocery of Dallas] 264 F.2d 642, 648 (C.A. 5, 1959). F. The Affirmative Defenses of Respondent 1. The status of the State of Illinois Respondent urges in its brief, as it did in its answer, that since the State of Illinois is a governmental body it "is not an employer which can fulfill the requisite secondary employer portion of Section 8(bX4)(B)." Such an argument may have been valid prior to 1959, but it has no validity since the 1959 amendments to Section 8(b)(4). Since the 1959 amendments to the Act, Section 8(b)(4) refers merely to "any person" as distinguished from "any employer" (the pre-1959 wording) engaged in com- merce as a proscribed target of secondary activity coming within the ban of Section 8(b)(4). It is accordingly found that the State of Illinois is a person within the meaning of Section 8(bX4) and is entitled to the protection of the Act, and from being enmeshed in the secondary activities of Respondent. Local 3, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO (Mansfield Contracting Corporation), 205 NLRB 559 (1973); Local No. 16, International Long- shoremen and Warehousemen's Union (City of Juneau), 176 NLRB 889, (1969); District Lodge No. 123, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL- CIO (Pacific Crane & Rigging Company), 167 NLRB 977 (1967). 2. The State as an ally of Bell Telephone The s-cond affirmative defense of Respondent as set forth in its answer invoked the "ally doctrine" by stating, "the State of Illinois has so allied itself with Illinois Bell Telephone as to remove itself from the potential category of secondary employer." As proof of this alliance, Respon- dent relies on some kind of vague conspiracy, alleging in its brief that "the agents of the State . . . in the person of Whitt and others under his authority actively joined with Illinois Bell . . . to conspire to have equipment installed which would allow State employees to perform the work traditionally performed by members of Local 399." 560 LOCAL 399, IBEW Respondent did not set forth just what the essentials of the conspiracy consisted of, neither citing unlawful acts or unlawful means, nor the names of any alleged conspirator other than Whitt. The evidence merely shows that Whitt, the manager of the telecommunications division of the State, was under pressure from his supervisor to cut down on the amount of time that the communication system was not functioning due to breakdowns. After experimenting with elementary type equipment, the State openly leased a piece of sophisticated equipment from Bell that it could have in fact purchased from the actual manufacturer. It is true that Whitt formerly worked for Bell Telephone, but that was 8 years prior to his employment by the State, and his work at Bell was different from his duties with the State. This is too weak a reed to rely on for Respondent's conspiracy theory. Also, when the crunch came at the conference on May 10, Whitt advised Respondent's repre- sentatives that the State was not going to use the jack panels, and, after the meeting, he notified Crum that the State was not going to pay for the jack panels. These are hardly the reactions of a coconspirator. I find that Respondent's conspiracy-ally theory is without merit. The conventional "ally doctrine," which Respondent admittedly seeks herein to extend beyond its recognized boundaries, is also not applicable to the facts of this case. The ally doctrine has heretofore been applied to two situations: (1) where a secondary employee performs struck work; i.e., work which, but for the labor dispute, the primary employees would ordinarily perform (N.L R.B. v. Business Machine and Office Appliance Mechanics Confer- ence Board, Local 459, International Union of Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers, CIO [Royal Typewriter Co.] 228 F. 553 (C.A. 2, 1955)); or (2) where the operations of the secondary and primary employers are commonly owned and controlled to such an extent that the two may be regarded as a single employing enterprise (United Brother- hood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, AFL-CIO, et al. (J. G. Roy and Sons Company), 120 NLRB 1016 (1958); International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, et al., supra). In these two situations, the secondary employer loses its protected neutral status under Section 8(b)(4). Neither situation is present here, nor does Respon- dent claim that such factual conditions exist. Since there was no strike by Respondent's members against Bell Telephone, there was no struck work. It is obvious that the State of Illinois and Bell Telephone were not commonly owned, nor was there even any indicia of common labor relations, common supervision, or common employees. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, AFL-CIO, Local No. 639 and Summit, Medina & Portage Counties, District Council of Carpenters (United States Steel Corp.), 203 NLRB 1112 (1973). Hence, I find that Bell Telephone was not an ally of the State of Illinois, and that this defense does not defeat the General Counsel's case. 4 The Board had long recognized the legitimacy of work-preservation clauses like that involved in National Woodwork, not only in the construc- tion industry, but also in other industnes. Milk Wagon Drivers and Dairy Employees Union Local 603, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf- 3. The work-preservation defense We now turn to Respondent's final and major defense which is based on the work-preservation doctrine. Respon- dent argues that it had a lawful primary object, work preservation for its members, and it could, therefore, bring pressure to achieve that lawful objective by picketing the State of Illinois. Respondent cites National Woodwork Manufacturers Association, et al., 386 U.S. 612 (1967), as authority for its position. However, I find that there is an immediate and essential difference between the facts in National Woodwork and the facts in the instant case that make it inapplicable. In National Woodwork, Frouge Corporation, a general contractor, was subject to a collective-bargaining agree- ment between a carpenter's union and a contractor's association. A sentence in a provision of that agreement entitled "Rule 17" provided that " 'no member of this District Council will handle. . . any doors. . . which have been fitted prior to being furnished on the job.' " Subse- quently, the general contractor purchased prefabricated doors, and, when they were delivered to the jobsite, the union ordered its members not to hang the doors, and the members obeyed the order. National Woodwork Manufac- turers filed charges with the Board, alleging, among other things, that in enforcing the "we will not handle" sentence in the collective-bargaining agreement the union was in violation of Section 8(bX4XB) of the Act. The Supreme Court held that the union's maintenance and enforcement of this clause against Frouge involved a primary dispute by the carpenters against their employer and was therefore primary activity outside of the prohibition of Section 8(b)(4XB). The carpenters action against Frouge was bottomed on the fact that they had a written work-preservation clause in their collective-bargaining agreement with their employer by which they contractually protected their traditional work of cutting out and fitting doors on the jobsite. "The touchstone is whether the agreement or its maintenance is addressed to the labor relations of the contracting employ- er vis-a-vis his own employees." National Woodwork, supra at 645. In the instant case, Respondent had no agreement with Bell Telephone (such as the carpenters had in their "Rule 17" in National Woodwork) by which Local 399 staked out its asserted traditional work jurisdiction of fault finding on circuits leased to customers. Time after time in its brief Respondent speaks of Local 399's "traditional work jurisdiction," "traditional work on testing," and "the Union's jurisdiction," but it never mentions a work-preservation clause as being contained in its contract with Bell Telephone. 4 The reason is clear why Respondent does not assert a contractual work-preserva- tion clause, and that is because there is none to be found in the collective-bargaining agreement that it negotiated and executed with Bell Telephone covering the time period material to this case. (Resp. Exh. 4.) feurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (Drive-Thru Dairy, Inc.). 145 NLRB 445 (1963); Retail Clerks' Union, Local No. 648, Retail Clerks InternationalAssociation (Brentwood Markets, Inc.). 171 NLRB 1018 (1968). 561 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD In the concluding portion of Respondent's brief, Respon- dent perceives this fundamental difference between the union's rights in National Woodwork and Local 399's rights in the instant case, and states, "Local 399 recognizes that the National Woodworkers [sic] case was one involving contractual language between the Union and the primary employer," but submits that the basic principles set forth in National Woodwork are still applicable to the facts of this case. I do not agree. The carpenters in National Woodwork had a lawful work-preservation clause in their contract that set forth their rights to certain job protection vis-a-vis their employer, and they had a right to enforce this work preservation-clause in their primary dispute with their employer. Since Local 399 did not have a work-preserva- tion clause with Bell Telephone, it cannot substitute therefor some vague concept of its traditional work jurisdiction and, relying thereon, bring economic pressure on a neutral employer, the State of Illinois. In National Woodwork the court recognized the concept that a union wants to, and may protect, the traditional unit work of its members who are working for an employer. A proper way to protect that work is for the union to secure a legitimate work-preservation clause in its contract with that employer. In the event the contracting employer defaults on the clause, the union may enforce it by exerting pressure on the employer who agreed to that term of employment; i.e., the primary employer. However, the union may not direct its pressure against a neutral or secondary employer to enforce the clause, because there is no privity of contract or collective-bargaining relationship. This concept was recently upheld in United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, Local 112, AFL-CIO and its Agent, Southwest Building Trades Council of Montana, AFL-CIO (Summit Valley Industries, Inc.), 217 NLRB 902 (1975), in which the Board rejected a work-preservation defense to exert pressure against secondary employers, employers with whom the union had no collective-bargaining agree- ment. The union did have contracts with area contractors containing work preservation clauses, which set forth specific aspects of carpentry work which signatory contrac- tors had to have performed at the construction site on the trucked-in, factory-made, modular houses. The manufac- turers of the houses did not have collective-bargaining agreements with the carpenter's union. Pressure, including picketing, was brought against the manufacturers of the houses by the carpenters. The Board, after reviewing National Woodwork in great detail, found that the carpen- ters' conduct violated Section 8(b)(4)(i) and (ii)(B), stating (Summit Valley Industries, supra at 917): Underlying National Woodwork is the concept that a union may protect traditional unit work of employees who are working for a particular employer. Necessarily this envisages the existence of an established bargaining relationship between the union and the employer, or there will be nothing that can be preserved.... the pressure against him [the noncontracting employer] can scarcely be viewed as having a primary work preserva- 3 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. tion object, because no bargaining unit or bargaining relationship exists. The pressure is thus not addressed to the "labor relations of the contracting employer vis- a-vis his own employees" but must be seen as "tactical- ly calculated to satisfy union objectives elsewhere" and therefore as secondary. In contrast to the relationship in National Woodwork, Respondent herein had no work-preservation clause in its contract with Bell Telephone, just as it had no collective- bargaining relationship with the State of Illinois. I therefore find that Respondent's work-preservation defense is with- out merit and does not defeat the General Counsel's case. In sum, I find that an object of the picketing engaged in by Respondent on May 10 at the Illinois state office buildings was to require the State of Illinois to cease doing business with Bell Telephone in the use of jack panel fault finding equipment on circuits leased from Bell, and to enmesh the State in its dispute with Bell Telephone in violation of Section 8(bX4)(i) and (ii)(B) of the Act. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I. Local 399, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 2. Illinois Bell Telephone Company is an employer engaged in commerce or industries affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act, and the State of Illinois is a person engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4) of the Act. 3. By picketing the State of Illinois on May 10 at its state office building containing its data processing center and at its communication site at the University of Illinois in Urbana, Illinois, with an object of forcing or requiring the State of Illinois to cease doing business with Illinois Bell Telephone Company in the use of jack field testing equipment, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor prac- tices affecting commerce proscribed by Section 8(bX4)(i) and (iiXB) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4Xi) and (iiXB) of the Act, I shall recommend that Respondent cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, and upon the entire record in this case, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER 5 The Respondent, Local 399, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Springfield, Illinois, its officers, agents, and representatives, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 562 LOCAL 399, IBEW (a) Inducing or encouraging any individual employed by the State of Illinois, or any other person engaged in commerce or an industry affecting commerce, to engage in a strike or a refusal in the course of his employment to use, manufacture, process, transport, or otherwise handle or work on goods, articles, materials or commodities, or to perform any services, where an object thereof is to force or require the State of Illinois or any other person to cease doing business with Illinois Bell Telephone Company. (b) Threatening, restraining, or coercing the State of Illinois or any other person engaged in commerce or in an industry affecting commerce, where an object thereof is to force or require the State of Illinois or any other person to cease doing business with Illinois Bell Telephone Compa- ny. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at its offices and meeting halls in Springfield, Illinois, copies of the attached notice marked "Appen- dix."6 Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Officer-in-Charge for Subregion 38, after being duly signed by Respondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to members are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to ensure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (b) Furnish said Officer-in-Charge with signed copies of the aforesaid notice for posting by the State of Illinois, if it 6 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." is willing, at places where it customarily posts notices to its employees. (c) Notify the Officer-in-Charge for Subregion 38, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps have been taken to comply herewith. APPENDIX NOTICE TO MEMBERS POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board having found, after a hearing, that we violated the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify you that: WE WILL NOT induce or encourage employees of the State of Illinois, or of any other person engaged in commerce or in an industry affecting commerce, to engage in a strike or a refusal to perform services, where an object thereof is to force or require the State of Illinois to cease doing business with Illinois Bell Telephone Company. WE WILL NOT threaten, restrain, or coerce the State of Illinois, or any other person engaged in commerce or in an industry affecting commerce, where an object thereof is to force or require the State of Illinois or any other person to cease doing business with Illinois Bell Telephone Company. LOCAL 399, INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS 563 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation