Local 334, LaborersDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 11, 1973205 N.L.R.B. 1191 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation LOCAL 334, LABORERS Local 334, Laborers International Union of North America, AFL-CIO (Toledo Engineering Co.) and Theodore T. Otis and James Willis. Cases 7- CB-2593 and 7-CB-2610 September 11, 1973 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO On February 21, 1973, Administrative Law Judge Ralph Winkler issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, General Counsel filed excep- tions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dis- missed in its entirety. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE RALPH WINKLER , Administrative Law Judge: Upon charges and amended charges filed by the aforenamed indi- viduals on April 11 and May 4 and 10, 1972, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board issued a consolidated complaint on September 29, 1972, against Re- spondent Local 334, Laborers International Union of North America , AFL-CIO (herein called the Union or the Local), alleging violations of Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. Respon- dent denied the alleged violations , and a hearing was held in Detroit , Michigan , on November 28-30 and December 12, 1972. Upon the entire record in the case, including my observa- tions of the demeanor of witnesses , and upon consideration of briefs, I make the following: 1 This employer is engaged in commerce within Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act FINDINGS OF FACT I THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES Introduction 1191 The complaint in this matter originally included unfair labor practice allegations (Case 7-CA-945 1) against Toledo Engineering Co.,' as well as various unfair labor practice allegations against the Union. The Toledo Engineering por- tion of the complaint involved alleged discrimination re- specting Theodore Otis, 8(a)(3) allegations as to Toledo, and Section 8(b)(2) as to the Union. The other allegations against the Union were, in effect, a broadside challenge tc the entire manner of the Union's operation of its hiring hal or referral system. Opening of the hearing on the original complaint was postponed to give the parties an opportunity for settlement discussions. They worked hard and long to this end, and their efforts were fruitful? The employer and the Union settled the Otis matter with the General Counsel; I ap- proved such disposition and then granted a motion to sever the "CA" portion of the complaint against the Union. Both agreements contained "non-admission" clauses. In addition to settling its portion of the Otis complaint,' standards and otherwise to reorganize the mechanics and administration of its referral system. However, one allega- tion of the complaint against the Union was not settled, and the parties accordingly went to trial on this single issue which is set forth in paragraph 19 of the complaint. The gravamen of this remaining allegation, so far as future oper- ations are concerned, is subsumed and proscribed, in my opinion, by the remedial provisions of the settlement agree- ment as to the referral system. For, had Respondent's agent Carter engaged in the questioned conduct alleged in para- graph 19, the Union would not permit him to continue doing so if it faithfully performs its settlement undertakings. The allegation thus reserved is that the Union violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act in that: 19. On or about January 15, 1972, Respondent Lo- cal 334, by its agent Willie Carter, solicited and re- ceived from an applicant [James Willis] for referral payment of money as a condition for referral by Re- spondent Local 334 to available employment and which payment of money was not reasonably related to the operation of the hiring hall. Denying the factual predicate of the allegation Respondent further asserts that this matter is, in any event, not properly before the Board whether or not the alleged facts are true. Respondent Local has about 5,500 members with geo- 2 It may be presumptuous for me to commend the representatives and their principals for a job well done However, having some awareness of the delicacy and difficulties of the problems involved, I must acknowledge to all representatives my own respect for their patient application of the highest standards of professionalism in this connection. 3 The record was reopened on December 12, 1972, at which time I ap- proved an agreement of all participating parties to revise an item of the Otis settlement In view of my resolution of this case, I do not reach the legal-policy considerations urged by Respondent , nor, therefore, do I reach the merits of the legal propositions advanced by the General Counsel. 205 NLRB No. 171 1192 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD graphical jurisdiction over Wayne and Macomb Counties in Michigan, including the city of Detroit. It has contracts with The Association General Contractors of America, Detroit Chapter, Inc., and the Builder's Association of Metropoli- tan Detroit, as agent for the latter's employer members; Union Business Manager Willie Carter testified that the Union is under contract with some 600-900 contractors. Respondent's AGC and all its other contracts provide, in part, that "Beyond the Employers regular employees the Employer agrees to give the Local Union in the area an opportunity to supply any additional men." The record shows that employees regularly associated with a particular employer may obtain work either directly with the employer or by Union referral, and Carter testified that under the contracts employers are supposed to call the Union for any extra or additional men they need. Respondent Union con- cedes that at least "a substantial number of times" it has exclusive referral arrangements with out-of-town employers coming into its area. Carter is serving his second 3-year term as the Local's Business Manager, an elective office. The Uniform Local Union Constitution of the Union's parent International states that the business manager is a Local officer and "the recognized representative of the Local Union" (article IV, E) and the document describes the responsibilities and au- thority of business managers. Carter testified that referral slips are "drawn up and maintained under . . . [his] direc- tion and control." Each working day men seeking work congregate in a waiting room adjoining Carter's office. Upon receiving calls for laborers from the various contrac- tors, Carter makes his selection from among the waiting men and, except in unusual situations, he gives each selectee a referral slip. At material times here, this hiring hall thus has operated in a "shape-up" fashion without, apparently, any established standards governing Carter 's selection.5 The record establishes , the parties stipulated, and Carter testified that, except for initiation fees and regular dues, the regulations of the Local Union do not either require or permit payment of any monies as a condition of referral. A. The alleged Willis incident James Willis had been a union member since 1966. Willis testified that in 1970 he had one job, that in 1971 Carter sent him to one shortjob and to another one lasting 5 months, and that he received no further referrals from November 1971 at least through January 15, 1972, although he sought employment at the hiring hall practically every working day. Willis testified that he spoke to Carter in early January 1972, and his testimony on direct examination is as follows: A. I asked Mr. Carter for a job and Mr. Carter said, Willis, said you have to do what the rest of the members do. I said like what. He said join the club. Q. What? A. Join the club, so I said what do you mean, and 5 It is recalled that the aforementioned settlement provides for the estab- lishment , publication , and enforcement of "lawful non -arbitrary relevant and non-discriminatory standards 11 he said well if you want to work steady you have to give up some money. So I said to him how much money do you want, and he said what have you got, two or three hundred dollars. So I said yes? . . So after the 6th of January I-the third week in January, I gave Mr. Car- ter two one hundred dollar bills, and he knows it. Willis testified that Carter thereafter sent him on a 2-dayjob in January 1972 and a 5-day job in February and that Carter has not dispatched him since then (Willis testified on No- vember 29, 1972). Willis testified that he did have a 5-week job in Pontiac but not through union referral. Willis testified that after "the third week in January," as set forth above, he next spoke to Carter "around April. I went to Mr. Carter's office and talked with him on Thurs- day morning." Still on direct examination, Willis continued as follows: Q. What did you say and what did he say? A. I asked Mr. Carter for a job. Mr. Carter told me, he said, Willis, I see you went down and put in a complaint on me, and I am not going to give you no job, and I asked Mr. Carter, I said, Mr. Carter,- Q. Did you have a complaint filed against him then? A. No, sir, I didn't. I put in my complaint around May. Q. How long after that did Mr. Carter tell you he understood you had filed a complaint? MR O'HARE [Union counsel]: Objection. He is re- versing the witness' testimony in his questioning and altering the time sequence. JUDGE WINKLER You say you spoke to Carter in April. About April of '72? THE WITNESS That's right. JUDGE WINKLER You asked him for a job? THE WITNESS Yes. JUDGE WINKLER What did he say at that time? THE WITNESS Mr. Carter said, this is what Mr. Carter told me, Willis, I am not going to give you a job. I said you mean to tell me that you are not going to give me a job, and you got people here from Tennessee that is working every day, don't have a union book, not in the union, not a citizen or taxpayer and you are going to send them to work before you send me to work. Mr. Carter told me I will do what I want to and ain't no- body going to stop me from doing it. If you can stop me, you stop me. So I asked Mr. Carter have anybody come in his office to talk to him about me, and he told me if anybody comes in his office and talks to him about me, he will throw them out the window. JUDGE WINKLER Did there come a time that you filed a complaint with anybody about Mr. Carter? THE WITNESS Yes, this year, May. JUDGE WINKLER What kind of a complaint was that? Mr FISCHER And where? JUDGE WINKLER Hold where. What kind of a com- plaint? THE WITNESS Discrimination JUDGE WINKLER Now, where? THE WITNESS Civil Rights Commission. JUDGE WINKLER After you filed that complaint with the Civil Rights Commission, did you have any further conversation with Mr. Carter? LOCAL 334, LABORERS 1193 THE WITNESS No. Q. (By Mr. Fischer) Did you file any other com- plaint against him in May? A. Sure. Q. Where? A. Down here, and I wrote to the International. Q. Now was anything else said during that conversa- tion with Mr. Carter in May? MR O'HARE I object to that question. The witness has testified he talked to Mr. Carter in April. Q. (By Mr. Fischer) When did you have your last talk with Willie Carter? A. I believe-I am not positively sure but I believe in May or June... . The record shows in connection with the above chronologi- cal confusion that Willis mailed two letters, dated April 11, 1972, complaining to the International president about Car- ter; that Willis filed his charge in the present case on May 4, 1972; and that he filed a complaint with the Michigan Civil Rights Commission on June 20, 1972.1 Willis testified that he borrowed some money from Carter in January 1972 and repaid it the following day. B. Carter's testimony The confrontation between Carter and Willis came to pass, inevitably, as one knew it would. Carter denied Willis' testimony that he either requested or received any monies from Willis in January 1972. He testified, as did Willis, that he had lent some money to Willis, but he placed the incident in March or April 1972, and that Willis repaid him a few days later. Carter further testified that as he was leaving his office 1 day "maybe" in November 1971-he wasn't certain except that he didn't believe it was in 1972-Willis approached him and that Percy King, another union member, was with Willie at the time . According to Carter, Willis said he would give $200 to Carter for jobs for Willis and King. Carter testified that he reprimanded Willis and said he would bring Willis before the union executive board should Willis repeat such offer. Carter testified that he then suggested to Willis that Willis and King come to the union hall the next day and he would see if he could get work for them. c. King's testimony At the conclusion of Carter's testimony I requested that King, who was not at the hearing, be summoned to testify, that I desired to examine him in connection with Carter's testimony. When he appeared I inquired who had notified him to appear, and he replied that Willis had done so and that a friend of Willis brought him to the hearing. King also said that the individual who picked him up told him why he had been called and King then stated that he knew what I 6 This civil rights complaint alleges that Carter "requires members pay him for job referrals and places more whites than blacks on jobs." Carter and Willis are black, and this record contains neither hint nor suggestion of racial preference Such racial issue was not litigated, but if such factor were in- volved, it is reasonable to believe that it would have been mentioned in passing by one witness or another In any event, I draw no inference, nor predicate a finding on this item was going to ask him about before I even broached the subject matter to him. I had hoped, futilely, that he would testify without his having discussed the matter with anyone interested in the proceeding. King testified that he was out of town from October 1971 through February 1972. King further testified, however, that on an occasion of Carter leaving the hall, he and Willis had spoken to Carter about a job. According to King, this incident was long before 1971, "roughly" about the end of 1968. King testified that Carter said he would see them the next day, but that he, King, left for Chicago "at about ten-thirty" the following day. When asked about the possi- bility that Willis and Carter had a separate private conver- sation apart from him on that occasion, King said in effect that he couldn't recall either that they did or did not. II FURTHER EVIDENCE AND CONCLUDING FINDINGS The General Counsel does not claim that all employees have been or are required to pay Carter for referrals, and he stipulated that many of them do not. The only issue tendered here deals with the alleged Willis incident. In pre- senting his case, the General Counsel sought to adduce testimony concerning a few other situations purportedly involving payoffs; the Respondent meanwhile sought, in effect, to call the entire Local membership to testify that they had not made any such payments to Carter. The Respondent's proferred line of inquiry, endlessly time con- suming as it would have been, would be relevant and of probative value had the General Counsel alleged a general payoff practice, but he did not. The General Counsel's offer concerned alleged events purportedly involving an employ- ee in August 1970 and again 6 or 7 months later, a second employee in 1968 or 1969 and again in 1970, and Willis in 1966 when Carter was a dispatcher. These items were rele- vant, according to the General Counsel, because they would bear on the anticipated credibility conflict between Carter and Willis, and the General Counsel thus argued that they would assist me in resolving such conflict. But these men- tioned items would involve credibility issues of their own. Even were I to credit the General Counsel's witnesses re- specting these few items, such resolution on collateral mat- ters would have little, if any, probative value in the resolution of the Willis-Carter matter in a context of a Local membership exceeding 5000. Apart from considerations un- der Section 10(b) of the Act, and apart from inherent weak- ness of at least some portions of this offer which are in question-and-answer form, I ultimately ruled these items to be irrelevant and immaterial to the very narrow issue pre- sented by paragraph 19. King did corroborate a portion of Carter's testimony to the effect, and I find, that Willis and King did approach Carter for jobs on an occasion when Carter was leaving the union hall and that Carter told them to see him the follow- ing day. King, however, placed this occasion toward the end of 1968, and in this respect he may be said to corroborate Willis and not Carter, for he also testified that he was not in Detroit in January 1972. Was there a Carter-Willis meet- ing in January 1972, as Willis testified, as well as the Carter- Willis-King meeting to which Carter and King testified? Carter, in effect, denies Willis' account that there was a 1194 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Willis-Carter meeting; Willis, on the other hand, did not testify at all concerning the Willis-Carter-King incident. Because King said the King-Carter-Willis incident occurred about 4 years before his appearance as a witness at this hearing and because he testified that the passage of time had dimmed his recollection of that meeting so that he could not recall whether a private conversation between Carter and Willis had or had not occurred on that occasion, I consid- ered it of interest that he would nevertheless be able to testify that he left for Chicago "at about ten-thirty" the following day. This suggests various possibilities, among which is that, even assuming King's credibility in such con- nection, he might have been honestly mistaken concerning the time of the King-Carter-Willis incident; 7 other obvious 7 Respondent seemed to score a credibility "point" in connection with Willis' testimony concerning an April meeting during which Willis had Car- ter mentioning a "complaint" even though the charge in this case was filed possibilities, while considered, need not be discussed. The Act directs that findings of violation be made on a preponderance of the evidence. Applying such standard I am unable to find that the record establishes the facts al- leged in paragraph 19 of the complaint. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings and conclusions, and upon the entire record in the case, I accordingly issue the following recommended: ORDERS Paragraph 19 of the complaint is hereby dismissed. afterwards. Although Willis testified that he did not complain to the Interna- tional Union until May, the record shows, as indicated above, that he actual- ly had done so on April 11 t In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, recommendations, and Recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes * U.S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1975 0-550-243 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation