Liberty CleanersDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 21, 1977227 N.L.R.B. 1296 (N.L.R.B. 1977) Copy Citation 1296 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Tony De Clue, an Individual d/b/a Liberty Cleaners and d/b/a T & T Drapery Service , T & T Drapery Service, Inc., and Real Cleaners , Inc. and Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye House Workers Internation- al Union, Local 161 , affiliated with International Brotherhood of Teamsters , Chauffeurs, Ware- housemen and Helpers of America . Case 14-CA- 9194-2 January 21, 1977 DECISION AND ORDER By CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND WALTHER On September 7, 1976, Administrative Law Judge Claude R. Wolfe issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel and Respondent filed exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and has decided to affirm the rulings,' findings, and conclu- sions 2 of the Administrative Law Judge only to the extent consistent herewith. The General Counsel has filed exceptions contend- ing that the Administrative Law Judge's recommend- ed remedy, Order, and notice should be modified to require that Respondent: (1) reimburse the contractu- ally designated pension, health, and welfare funds for payments wrongfully withheld by Respondent; (2) give retroactive effect to its contract with the Union without the requirement that the Union first demand that Respondent bargain with it; and (3) make employees whole for wages they may have lost by virtue of Respondent's unilateral change in the contractually established mode of paying overtime wages. We agree. Having found that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by its failure to adhere to the terms of the existing collective-bargaining agreement, we shall require it to give immediate retroactive effect to the contract without the requirement imposed by the Administrative Law Judge that the Union must first demand that Respondent bargain with it. We shall also order that Respondent reimburse the pension, ' Chairman Murphy and Member Jenkins adopt the ruling of the Administrative Law Judge that the pretrial affidavit of Respondent 's owner, Tony De Clue, should be admitted into evidence Since there is adequate evidence in the record exclusive of the affidavit to support the Administra- tive Law Judge 's conclusions , Member Walther does not find it necessary to decide whether the affidavit was properly adnutted into evidence 2 We reject Respondent's contention that the illegal union-security clause contained in art 11, par A, of the collective -bargaining agreement voids the 227 NLRB No. 188 health, and welfare funds for those moneys it failed to pay as required by the contract. Vin James Plastering Company, 226 NLRB 125 (1976). Also, we shall order that Respondent make the employees whole for wages lost due to its unilateral change in the method of computing overtime pay. Atlas Tack Corporation, 226 NLRB 222 (1976). ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Tony De Clue, an Individual d/b/a Liberty Cleaners and d/b/a T & T Drapery Service, T & T Drapery Service, Inc., and Real Cleaners, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, his agents , successors , and assigns , shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to bargain with Laundry, Dry Clean- ing and Dye House Workers International Union, Local 161, affiliated with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Help- ers of America, as the exclusive representative of the employees in the following unit found to be appropri- ate for the purposes of collective bargaining: All cleaning, laundry, and drapery service em- ployees employed by Respondent, excluding of- fice clerical and professional employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act, and all other employees. (b) Failing or refusing to abide by or adhere to the collective-bargaining agreement between Respondent and the Union except for the defective union-security clause therein. (c) Inducing or attempting to induce or encourage employees to bargain individually concerning terms and conditions of employment while its employees are represented by an exclusive bargaining represen- tative. (d) Unilaterally changing the method of computing overtime pay and discontinuing payments to the existing pension and health and welfare plans and changing other terms and conditions of employment without notifying the Union of its intention to do so or affording the Union an opportunity to bargain on the subject. entire contract The provision reads, in relevant part "The Employer agrees to employ only members of the Union in good standing "We find, in agreement with the Administrative Law Judge , that Respondent willingly agreed to the inclusion of the clause in the contract , and Respondent did not claim to the Union that the invalid clause was a basis of its refusal to continue honoring the contract , and we note that the contract contains a savings and separability clause See N L R B v Rockaway News Supply Company. Inc, 345 U S 71 (1953) LIBERTY CLEANERS (e) Making promises of benefit to induce employees to withdraw from the Union, and soliciting and coercing employees to withdraw from the Union. (f) In any other manner interfering with, restrain- ing, and coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Give immediate retroactive effect to the existing agreement between the Respondent and the Union, except for the defective union-security clause therein. (b) Resume payments to the contractually designat- ed pension and health and welfare funds and make restitution to the funds for payments not made in the past, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum. (c) Make employees whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of its unilateral change in the method of calculating overtime pay, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum. (d) Upon request, bargain with the aforementioned labor organization concerning wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment in behalf of its employees in the bargaining unit found appro- priate. (e) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board and its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay and any other moneys due under the terms of this Order. (f) Post at its facility in St. Louis, Missouri, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."3 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 14, after being duly signed by Tony De Clue, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by him for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspi- cuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (g) Notify the Regional Director for Region 14, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. 3 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States heCourt of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order oft National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX 1297 NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government I WILL bargain, upon request, with Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye House Workers Interna- tional Union, Local 161, affiliated with Interna- tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, as the exclusive bargaining representative of: All cleaning, laundry, and drapery service employees of Tony De Clue, an Individual d/b/a Liberty Cleaners and d/b/a T & T Drapery Service, T & T Drapery Service, Inc., and Real Cleaners, Inc., excluding office clerical and professional employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act, and all other employees. I WILL abide by and honor the collective- bargaining agreement I have signed with Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye House Workers Interna- tional Union, Local 161, affiliated with Interna- tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, except for the defective union-security clause therein. I WILL NOT induce or attempt to induce employees to bargain individually concerning terms and conditions of employment while you are represented by an exclusive bargaining repre- sentative. I WILL NOT make promises of benefit to employees to induce them to withdraw from union membership, or solicit or coerce employees to withdraw from union membership. I WILL NOT unilaterally change the method of computing overtime pay and other terms and conditions of employment without telling the Union I intend to do so and giving the Union the opportunity to bargain on the subject. I WILL make my employees whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of my unilateral change in calculating overtime pay, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum. I WILL resume the payments to the contractual- ly designated pension and health and welfare funds and make restitution to the funds for payments not made in the past, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum. I WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain , or coerce any employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them by the National Labor Relations Act. 1298 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD TONY DE CLUE, AN INDIVIDUAL D/B/A LIBERTY CLEANERS AND D/B/A T & T DRAPERY SERVICE, T & T DRAPERY SERVICE, INC., AND REAL CLEANERS, INC. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE CLAUDE R. WOLFE, Administrative Law Judge: Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye House Workers International Union, Local 161, affiliated with International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Help- ers of America, herein called the Union, filed a charge on March 22, 1976,1 later amended on June 29, against Tony De Clue, an Individual d/b/a Liberty Cleaners and d/b/a T & T Drapery Service, T & T Drapery Service, Inc., and Real Cleaners, Inc., herein jointly referred to as Respon- dent, alleging that Respondent had violated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. On May 27, the Regional Director of Region 14 of the National Labor Relations Board, herein called the Board, issued a complaint and notice of hearing. Thereafter, said Regional Director, on June 30, issued an amended complaint and notice of hearing. The amended complaint alleges that Respondent has, since on or about February 24, 1976, refused to bargain with the Union in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act, and by its president, supervisor, and agent Tony De Clue interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, on or about February 24 and 25, 1976, by (1) telling employees that Respondent would not operate under the union contract; (2) telling employees to resign or withdraw from the Union in order to continue working for Respondent; (3) promising employees benefits in order to encourage their withdrawal from the Union; (4) telling employees that Respondent would cease making health and welfare contributions required by the existing collective-bargaining agreement between the parties; and (5) caused an employee to type union resignation letters for other employees. Respondent duly denies the commission of any unfair labor practices. The hearing in this matter was held before me on July 15, 1976, in St. Louis, Missouri. Although the Union appeared and proffered testimony at the hearing, Respondent elected to appear only by counsel and no witnesses were called on Respondent's behalf. Counsel for Respondent cross-exam- ined witnesses, objected to certain of General Counsel's evidence, argued orally, and otherwise participated fully in the hearing of the case. A posthearmg brief was submitted by the General Counsel, but none was received from the Respondent. I All formal documents, motions for continuance, and related oral conversations were filed or occurred in 1976 Procedure The complaint and notice of hearing issued on May 27, 1976, and set a hearing date of June 21. Respondent, by counsel, on June 11, requested a continuance to July 25. The Regional Director, on June 17, rescheduled the hearing to July 12, and the amended complaint and notice of hearing issued June 30,2 with a hearing date set forth therein of July 12. On the record at the hearing General Counsel represented, without contradiction by Respon- dent's counsel who was present, that the General Counsel and Respondent's counsel agreed on July 9 that the hearing would be held on July 15. On July 12, Respondent Tony De Clue wrote the following letter to General Counsel: Mr. Witte: You have had this case against T&T Drapery Service, Inc., since March or April of 1976. You have put it off several times but at the time I was not extremely busy, so I cancelled everything I had to do each time this case came up and you put it off to another date. We where suppose to have a court date today July 12th, 1976 at 9:00 A.M. at which I appeared and was informed by you that it was cancelled again. I did not receive any notice of this cancellation. Mr. Witte please do not assume things. My attor- ney you said was notified. My attorney has many clients and probably could not reach me. Since my attorney will not have to pay for the outcome of this hearing I am advising you that as of this date I cannot be available until August 11, 1976 anytime after that date. At this time I wish to state that if this case is tried without my presence, (you are wasting the tax payers money) I will not honor any decision the N.L.R.B. hands down and if I have to take it to a higher court that is what I will do. Please advise us of the date of the hearing after August 11, 1976. Yours truly, T & T Drapery Service, Inc. Tony De Clue s/s The following day, July 13, Respondent's attorney made a written request for a continuance because De Clue would be out of town on business in July. On July 13, the Acting Regional Director demed the requests for continuance. No request for continuance was made to me at the hearing. At the hearing, the General Counsel' s witnesses identified the signature of Tony De Clue on each page of a four-page affidavit, and, after showing that De Clue had been subpenaed to appear at the hearing on July 12 and asserting without contradiction by Respondent's counsel that Re- spondent's attorney had been advised on July 9 to have De Clue come in on July 15 rather than July 12, General Counsel offered the affidavit into evidence as containing admissions against interest . Respondent's counsel objected 2 In both cases the notice of hearing contained the language , after the date and hour set for hearing, "or as soon thereafter as you may be heard " LIBERTY CLEANERS 1299 to its admission on the grounds that (1) De Clue was subpenaed to appear on July 12, he did so appear, the subpena was not continued and no new subpena was issued; (2) the statement was made by De Clue without advice of counsel and never was brought to the attention of Respondent's counsel until the day of the hearing; and (3) the statement contains a paragraph relating that De Clue was assured by the Board's agent taking it that it would be kept confidential unless and until he was called to testify at a hearing, but that De Clue was not called to testify on July 15 and therefore the document remained confidential and further that De Clue had a right to be present to rebut its contents. I personally compared the signatures on the document with that on his letter to Witte set forth hereinabove, concluded it was De Clue's signature (indeed, the argu- ments of Respondent's counsel testify to the document's authenticity), and received it into evidence pursuant to Federal Rules of Evidence, Rules 901 and 903 (see also Rule 804(a)(5)). After carefully considering the contentions of the parties, the record, and the applicable rules of law, I reaffirm my ruling at the hearing admitting De Clue's pretrial statement into evidence as containing admissions against interest. De Clue was duly subpenaed to appear on July 12. He was fully aware, at least by July 12 when he wrote his letter, that the hearing had been postponed. Respondent, through its attorney, was aware on July 9 that De Clue was to appear on July 15. Respondent's request for continuance dated July 13 sets forth as reason therefore that De Clue's contemplated absence was for business purposes which have not been shown to be of superior urgency or importance to the hearing in the instant case. Indeed, De Clue's letter reflects an intention only to appear at a time of his own choosing and a clear resolve not to comply with any request or subpena to appear until August 11, all in the face of the clear advice in the notice of hearing that the hearing would begin on July 12 "or as soon thereafter as you may be heard" (emphasis supplied). It is one thing for Respondent to choose to appear only by counsel. It is quite another for Respondent to seek suppression of his prehear- ing statement because he chooses not to appear in person. Were I to exclude De Clue's prehearing statement, it would be tantamount to recognition of a license to avoid any adverse effect of one's own recorded admissions at any time the affiant decides to absent him or herself from hearing, and would constitute a permit to a respondent to set his own hearing date at his own leisurely convenience, notwith- standing the statutory imperative to proceed with the utmost dispatch. I decline to issue such a license or permit. No good cause has been shown why De Clue was not present at the hearing, and it would be an exercise in futility for General Counsel to reissue, even if it was necessary, a subpena specifically requiring his attendance on July 15 when De Clue's letter of July 12 asserted in unmistakable terms that he would not appear. Furthermore, to require General Counsel to resort to the courts to seek enforcement of the subpena before accepting the affidavit into evidence would be an unwarranted stay of the expeditious hearing and resolution of the issues raised by the complaint and answer. For essentially the same reasons, Respondent may not seek refuge in the pledge of confidentiality set forth in his prehearing statement. He was subpenaed for hearing and declines to appear between the dates of July 12 and August 11, thus effectively disabling General Counsel from securing his oral testimony at the July 15 hearing. By causing the impossibility of fulfillment of the very condition he relies on (i.e., being called to testify in person on July 15), but for a pro forma and foredoomed call at the hearing for the purposes of perfecting the record, Respondent has effectively abrogated the condition, and any obligation of confidentiality incumbent on the General Counsel to which De Clue may have been entitled are removed by De Clue's own free choice. It is fair to assume that any declarations in his prehearing affidavit adverse to his pecuniary or propne- tory interests, both of which are involved in the case at bar, are either substantially accurate or, at the least, the ones most favorable to his cause that he chose to make. That he was not present at the hearing to further explicate the matters set forth in his affidavit is of his own choosing, and Respondent cannot now be heard to complain that he had no opportunity to explain the contents thereof. Similarly, that De Clue gave an affidavit without advice of counsel is no bar to its admission where, as here, no element of compulsion, trickery, or other impropriety in securing the statement has either been alleged or shown to be present. Upon consideration of the entire record,3 the brief submitted by the General Counsel, and my careful observa- tion of the witnesses as they testified, I make the following: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. JURISDICTION The complaint alleges, Respondent admits, and I find that T & T Drapery Service, Inc., is now, and has been at all times material herein, a Missouri corporation, and that during the current fiscal year, a representative period, T & T Drapery Service, Inc., in the course and conduct of its business operations, performed services for its nonretail and commercial customers at its St. Louis, Missouri, facility valued in excess of $50,000 of which services valued in excess of $50,000 were furnished to enterprises, each of which had gross annual sales of $50,000, and each of which purchased goods and materials valued in excess of $5,000 directly from suppliers located outside the State of Missou- ri, and/or sold goods and materials to customers located outside the State of Missouri valued in excess of $5,000. For the reasons explicated more fully hereinafter I find that Tony De Clue d/b/a Liberty Cleaners and T & T Drapery Service, T & T Drapery Service, Inc., and Real Cleaners, Inc., are, and have been at all times material, a single integrated enterprise engaged in the business of furnishing dry cleaning and laundry services, with its principal office and place of business at St. Louis, Missouri. Since about January 1973, Tony De Clue has engaged in substantially the same business operations under the 3 I note that although G.C. Exh 3, the collective-bargaining agreement referred to herein, was received into evidence by me and properly bound into the exhibit file by the court reporter, the reporter inadvertently omitted to number it and mark it as identified and received Therefore, I have marked "G C 3" thereon to avoid future confusion of the record 1300 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD successive business names of Liberty Cleaners, T & T Drapery Service, and T & T Drapery Service, Inc.,4 and has, dunng that entire period of time up to and including the present, maintained and exercised exclusive control of labor relations; acted as the principal, if not sole, manager of said operations; maintained sole ownership or financial control of said operations; and employed substantially the same employees and supervisory personnel. Respondent, Tony De Clue, an individual d/b/a Liberty Cleaners and d/b/a T & T Drapery Service, T & T Drapery Service, Inc., and Real Cleaners, Inc., are each individually and all collectively an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Union is, and has been at all times material herein, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Facts 5 Tony De Clue, hereinafter referred to variously as De Clue, the employer, and Respondent, purchased Frank's Deluxe Cleaners on Cherokee Street in St. Louis, Missouri, in December 1972 or January 1973. On January 29, 1973, he employed Lucy Barnett (who will hereinafter be referred to by her married name of Kilpatnck)6 and, finding she was a union member who would not work in a nonunion shop, signed a collective-bargaining agreement with the Union on February 14, 1973, using as the firm's name Liberty Cleaners. Thereafter, on February 1, 1974, he again signed an agreement for Liberty Cleaners with the Union running through November 30, 1976, which was incorporated with the earlier agreement to form the entire existing contract between the parties. At some prior time to July 1975, in about April 1975, according to the testimony of Kilpatrick, which I find to be uncontrived, straightforward, and worthy of belief, De Clue changed the firm's name to T & T Drapery Service but did not so advise the Union until July or August 1975, when he told Union President Beckrum (whose uncontradicted testimony is credited, although in some instances confused as to exact dates of occurrences), that he was going to change the name of the Company to T & T Drapery, and asked if he would have to sign a new contract. Beckrum replied that is was not necessary to sign a new contract since the existing agreement was binding through November 1976 regardless of a business name change and De Clue could not change that agreement. De Clue did not tell Beckrum at this time that he planned to incorporate. The articles of incorporation for T & T Drapery Service, Inc., were signed by De Clue on July 15, 1975. Kilpatrick credibly testified that the first she was aware of the incorporation was near the end of 1975, about 4 And Real Cleaners, Inc, to the extent it may now remain in existence, although it would appear from the credible evidence that Real Cleaners, Inc, has been subsumed by T & T Drapery Service, Inc, and its name abandoned The facts related herein are based on a synthesis of the credible testimony of Kilpatrick and Beckrum , the exhibits, stipulations of the parties, and careful consideration of the logical consistency and inherent probability of the facts found 3 months after the move when De Clue, in passing, said, "We are a corporation now." Prior to August 1975, the monthly union dues collection sheets , a copy of which was given to the employer each month listing the employees and the amounts collected, listed the employer as Liberty Cleaners. After De Clue's advice to Beckrum that he was changing the firm's name, beginning with the August dues sheet and continuing through the November sheet (which was the last month for which dues were collected), the employer's name appeared as "T & T Drapery." Even after De Clue incorporated in July 1975 he continued to use checks drawn on "T & T Drapery Service" as late as October 27, 1975, when he transmitted pension and welfare moneys to the Union on such a check. That Respondent continues to date to use stationery bearing the heading "T & T Drapery Service" and the address "4546 Gravois," even though now incorporated, is shown by De Clue's letter of July 12, 1976, to the General Counsel which bears such a letterhead and is signed: T & T Drapery Service, Inc. Tony De Clue In August 1975, De Clue purchased Real Cleaners, Inc., and moved his operation from Cherokee Street to the Real Cleaners location on Gravois. Although the Real Cleaners' facility was already substantially equipped, De Clue moved some equipment in from his old facility.? There was no change in the type of product handled or the manner of work performed, except for the change in identity of the walk-in customers occasioned by the relocation, nor was there any such change during the various firm name changes. The actual operation remained the same from 1973 until at least February 1976, which is the last period on which evidence was proffered. All of De Clue's employees were union members begin- ning in March 1973 and continuing through November 1975, when he had seven union members working for him, not including Kilpatrick who, although a union member, became a supervisor in about April 1975. In addition to the seven , De Clue had two other employees whom he had retained from the Real Cleaners operation and who did not, so far as the record shows, join the Union. All seven of his union member employees had worked at the Cherokee facility until they transferred with the operation to the Gravois location. It is therefore clear that all of the employees of Respondent when the matters at issue arose, but for the two retained from Real Cleaners, were union members and that there was a distinct continuity of work force. This conclusion is firmly based on the dues remission sheets and the credible testimony of Kilpatrick which also establishes that the employees remained the same and union membership remained the same until the Respon- dent's alleged unfair labor practices in February 1976. 6 General Counsel asserts in his brief that although the transcript refers to the witness as Kirkpatrick her proper name is Kilpatrick I will therefore refer to her as Kilpatrick 7 A spotting board, dress form , water cooler, ironing board, and one counter LIBERTY CLEANERS 1301 The only supervisory or managerial personnel at any time under any of Respondent's various names were Kilpatrick,8 De Clue, and Mrs. De Clue. The evidence is uncontroverted and dispositive that Tony De Clue was the individual who did all the hiring and firing, formulated and directed Respondent's labor relations policies, negotiated with the Union, directed and controlled the financial affairs of Respondent, and actively performed the day-to-day over- sight and supervision of the entire operations and work force. The first indication given to the Union by Respondent that Respondent wanted to sever their collective-bargaining relationship occurred in November 1975 when De Clue told Beckrum that he wanted to get out of the Union. Beckrum told De Clue that he could not do so because he had a binding contract with the Union until the end of November 1976. De Clue responded that he was not going to have the contract. Beckrum made no further reply and left the premises. Thereafter, Beckrum received no further dues, pension, or welfare funds from Respondent and his telephone calls to the facility seeking to contact De Clue received no response. Finally, having been unsuccessful in his efforts to contact De Clue, Beckrum called Kilpatrick on February 20, 1976, and told her that De Clue had not transmitted the withheld dues, or the Employers' contributions to the welfare and pension plans, for the past 3 months. The following Monday, February 23, Kilpatrick and employees Stewart and Williams met with De Clue when he came into work. Kilpatrick related the content of Beckrum's call and asked if it were true that De Clue had not paid and that employees were no longer covered by hospitalization insurance. De Clue countered by asking her if she was planning to go to the hospital, to which Kilpatrick replied that she hoped not. Stewart then inquired what had happened to the money De Clue had withheld from their pay for union dues. De Clue responded that he would have to pay that, but he was undecided as to whether he was going to pay into the welfare and pension plan and he was considering getting out of the Union. Stewart then turned to Kilpatrick and asked if Kilpatrick could continue to work there if De Clue got out of the Union. Kilpatrick, who has been a union member for some 30 years, explained that she was not supposed to as a union member. De Clue interjected that Kilpatrick could indeed work in a nonunion shop. De Clue then announced there would be a meeting with employees on Tuesday morning, February 24, at which time he would discuss the matter "as far as the union is concerned." The meeting set by De Clue was held on February 24 in his office with his wife, Kilpatrick, and employees Stewart, Rhodes, Taylor, and Williams present. All present, except Mr. and Mrs. De Clue, were union members. De Clue recorded his remarks and the parties stipulated to the introduction into evidence of an accurate transcription of the recording in lieu of testimony by witnesses about the meeting. I approved the stipulation and received the transcription into evidence. The recording does not contain the remarks of the employees present. The relevant remarks of De Clue at the meeting are as follows: In May of 1975 we had a contract with Local 161, with Liberty Cleaners.... We advised George that we were changing our Company name to a corporation, and Liberty Cleaners would no longer be in existence and asking if he wanted us to sign a new contract. Well, he didn't see fit to do that, and we have never been approached to sign one, which means that you people working here, OK, have not had a contract since June 1 of 1975, whenever Liberty Cleaners went out of busi- ness, OK. We do not see fit to enter into anything with them anymore which means that you are in a bad position since you are union members .. . . All I can say is, that we are not going to be union, a union shop anymore. Now if you want to stay with us, I don't know what the procedure is whether you get a withdrawal from the union, whether you get a leave of absence or whether you just resign. . . . For the ones who plan to stay with us, the pay will not be cut, and you'll get your raises every year like you always did. We will offer an insurance program that is much better than what you have now ... this isn't something you've got to decide right at this moment . . . . It'll be as of Monday morning .... I'd like for you all to stay. But I am not going to be a union shop anymore. That's where we stand.... I am not going to pay overtime for over 8 hours, but if at the end of the week end there is 46 hours, you get 6 hours of overtime.... All your vacations will be the same, everything. There won't be any changes except that we'll offer you a better insurance and life insurance programs . . . we have a minority of union people in this shop, not a majority . . . you five people are in the union . . . I'm not saying if you don't go non- union you haven't got your job, all I'm saying is I am not going to take the responsibility of paying your union dues, I will not pay your health and welfare dues to the union . . . if they want to stay, fine, and continue to be a union member, let them find out where that money comes from, if they want to pay it, but I am not going to pay it. Period.... I mean each one of you has to decide for yourself what you get out of your union. And I'm not knocking them, at all. I just don't think that it serves our company purpose whatsoever. . . . I have no contract. That was for Liberty Cleaners. And Liberty Cleaners closed as of June 1, 1975. I do not and have not had a contract since then . . . . Your union representative and your president was notified of that fact. Yes, if I was still under contract, I'd live up to my contract . But I'm not. That contract runs up to November .... I'm not firing anybody. I'm saying that you get together with you union, OK, and if they want to pay your health and welfare and if they want to pay your pension plan, and if they want to pay your union dues, then, hell, walk in and hit the clock and I'll pay you. But I am not paying them .... I have come to the decision that it is your union that has fouled up on it, we don't have no problems without it, it is just hanging round, hanging around, we ask them for a person to come in and give you a day's work, and they can't produce them, so they mean nothing to this company. s Kilpatrick testified and General Counsel concedes that Kilpatrick has been a supervisor within the meaning of Sec 2(11) of the Act since about April 1975 1302 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Absolutely nothing. The only thing I ask you, it's necessary let me know before Monday morning wheth- er you're going to come in or not ... . The dues that I have collected from you, I have to pay them. OK. All I'm doing is holding them out. But I haven't decided whether I'm going to pay the health and welfare or not . . . . But the union dues well be paid .... On Thursday, February 26, De Clue called Kilpatnck into his office and asked her what was wrong, was there anything wrong with the job? Kilpatrick told him there was nothing wrong with the job, she didn't have anything against him , but she did not want to resign from the Union after 30 years' membership. De Clue asked her to stay, but she said she would have to resign from the Union to do so, whereupon he told her to think about it and let him know what she was going to do by that afternoon. About 5 p.m., De Clue came to Kilpatrick and asked what she had decided. She replied that she would let him know the following morning. The next day, Friday, February 27, De Clue had a called meeting in his office at 10:30 a.m. with his wife, Kilpatrick, and employees Williams, Rhodes, Taylor, and Stewart present. De Clue asked who was going to stay as an employee and who was going to leave. Taylor gave De Clue a signed statement that he resigned his union membership,9 and De Clue said he knew Stewart was staying. Both Kilpatrick and Rhodes told him they wanted their jobs, but would not resign from the Union. De Clue told Rhodes she could not get a similar job elsewhere and told Kilpatrick that she was making a big mistake. After further irrelevant conversation, De Clue told Rhodes and Kilpatrick to pickup their checks the following Monday. When Kilpatrick came in on Monday to get her check, De Clue told her he did not think the Union was any good and it did not help the members or the employer, after he had asked her if she had changed her mind. After the February meetings with employees, De Clue visited Beckrum's office, in late February or early March, and told Beckrum the members did not want to belong to the Union. About a month thereafter, before the charge in the instant case was filed on March 22, De Clue and his attorney came to the union office and met with Beckrum. De Clue declared that the Union was trying to put him out of business, he was not able to pay into the welfare and pension fund, and he wanted the Union to waive these payments. De Clue also asserted that since he had incorpo- rated he had no binding contract with the Union. Beckrum retorted that De Clue did have a contract until November 1976. Respondent and the Union had no further meetings prior to the hearing. Respondent did not file any notice of termination of contract with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. 9 The statements were typed up and delivered to each employee on February 27 by employee Stewart who told employees that De Clue had said to throw them away if they did not sign them, according to Kilpatrick whom I credit in this regard Apart from the foregoing, the only evidence relating to the "resignation slips" is De Clue's assertion in his prehearing statement that Steward asked him how to resign from the Union and he told her that, if he was her, he would type up a resignation slip 10 Although Respondent's answer denies the appropriate unit allegation, as well as all other allegations but for filing and service of the charges, B. The Alleged Refusal To Bargain and Other Acts Tending to Interfere With, Restrain, and Coerce Employees in the Exercise of Their Statutory Rights The complaint alleges essentially that commencing on or about February 24, 1976, Respondent refused and refuses to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of all the employees in an appropriate unit described as: All cleaning, laundry, and drapery service employees employed by Respondent, excluding office clerical and professional employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act, and all other employees.10 The complaint bases the alleged refusal to bargain on several grounds, including Respondent's alleged direct bargaining with employees concerning wages, hours, and working conditions; Respondent's alleged refusal to make health and welfare fund payments; Respondent's alleged unilateral rejection of the existing collective-bargaining agreement without offering to meet and bargain with the Union thereon and without filing the notices of termination with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service as required by Section 8(d) of the Act; and Respondent's acts and statements of February 24 and 25, 1976, allegedly designed to undermine the Union's status as majority representative of unit employees. It appears from the pleadings and Respondent's oral argument, as well as the entire record relating to Respon- dent's statements to the Union, that, apart from a bare denial of the allegations of the complaint, Respondent's defense is based on three contentions: (1) there is no integration of enterprises or alter ego situation present because of changes in formal business name, intervening incorporation, changes in address and facility, and the purchase of new equipment, all of which shows the existence of new entities not parties to or bound by the contract executed in 1974; (2) there is no jurisdiction over Respondent, apparently in the theory of lack of integration; and (3) the 1974 contract is void ab initio because it contains an illegal and unenforceable union-security clause. A clear preponderance of the credible evidence establish- es that all of the individually named Respondent compa- nies are, and have been at all times material, engaged in the same continuing business operations of Tony De Clue, who is, and has been at all times material, the sole or primary owner of said operations and has personally been the sole business manager as well as the sole promulgator and conductor of labor relations for Respondent under its various names. I find that under each and every trade name alleged in the complaint Respondent has been and is a disguised continuance or alter ego of Respondent Tony De Clue and is a single integrated enterprise with the same jurisdictional data relating to T & T Drapery Service, Inc, and the status of the Union as a labor organization , Respondent proffered no evidence bearing on the question of unit composition, and I find from a careful consideration of the record testimony of Kilpatrick and Beckrum , and the specific job classifications set forth in the contract which all clearly fall within the generic description of "All cleaning, laundry, and drapery service employees," that the unit description alleged by the complaint accurately reflects the composition thereof, and further find it is a unit appropriate for collective bargaining LIBERTY CLEANERS 1303 continuing methods of operation, services performed, and work force.ii Therefore, inasmuch as the Board's jurisdic- tional standards, as well as the statutory standards, have been met by the admitted jurisdictional facts relating to T & T Drapery Service, Inc., which I have found to be part of Respondent's integrated enterprise, the Board has jurisdic- tion over Respondent. I further find that the existence of an unenforceable union-security clause in the collective-bargaining agree- ment is no impediment to the finding of an unlawful refusal to bargain herein. Respondent willingly agreed to the inclusion of the clause in the contract.12 The contract contains a severability clause, providing, "This contract is made in full belief by both parties hereto that it is legal in all respects. If any section, clause, sentence, or part of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, unenforceable by operation of law, or otherwise, such decision shall not effect the remaining portions of this Agreement." Further, the record is clear that Respondent at no time prior to the hearing made any claim to the Union that the invalid union-security clause was a basis for its refusal to continue honoring the contract, but relied solely on the act of incorporation as the legal basis for its refusal. In addition to the unrebutted presumption of majority flowing from the existing contract, the evidence establishes an actual majority of union members in the appropriate unit heretofore found, from 1973 through February 27, 1976, when Respondent engaged in acts which I hereinafter find unlawful in order to rid itself of the Union. I therefore find, as the complaint alleges, that the Union is and has been at all times material the exclusive collective-bargain- ing representative of the unit employees. I find Respondent did, on or about February 24, 1976, unilaterally change existing overtime wage rates, and disavow the existing health and welfare plan, thereby modifying the collective-bargaining agreement described above, and on or about February 24, 1976, unilaterally rejected the collective-bargaining agreement after being repeatedly and correctly advised by Union President Beckrum that the agreement was effective until November 1976, and could not be changed at Respondent's whim. I also find that commencing on February 24, 1976, Respon- dent has refused and continues to refuse to recognize, meet, and bargain with the Union even though the Union, commencing on February 24, 1976, and continuing to date, and more particularly on March 22 and June 29, 1976, with a filing of charges, requested and is requesting Respondent to bargain collectively with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment. I further find that Respondent, on or about February 24, 1976, attempted to bargain directly with its employees regarding wages, hours, and other conditions of employment without notice to or consent of the Union. By such acts and by each of them, Respondent did refuse to bargain collectively and now refuses to bargain collectively with the representative of its employees and thereby engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices 11 American Trailer & Equipment Corp and its Brunswick Body Works Division, 151 NLRB 867, 879-880 (1965), M P Building Corporation, 165 NLRB 829 (1967), Johnson Electric Company, Inc, d/b/a Johnson Electric Company, 196 NLRB 637 (1972) 12 The clause in question is plainly invalid because it requires the affecting commerce within the meaning of Sections 8(a)(5) and (1) and 2(6) and (7) of the Act. With respect to the allegations of independent violations of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, which General Counsel argues were designed to undermine the Union in violation of Section 8(a)(5), I find that De Clue's statements made in the meeting of February 24, 1976, to his employees contain promises of benefit consisting of a better insurance plan and continued yearly raises and other benefits in order to entice his employees to abandon the Union, and therefore violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. And I also find that the entire tenor of his remarks set forth supra was such as to make it appear to his employees that union membership or representation was futile, and that although he was not discharging anyone for remaining in the Union he was rather blatantly soliciting them to withdraw from the Union with the accompanying direct coercive inference that he did not expect them to remain his employees if they remained union members. This was clear advice to union members that if they did not resign from the Union he preferred that they not stay, and that to stay in his good graces they would have to resign from the Union. I find that the foregoing remarks and inevitable impression they would make on his employees constituted interference with and restraint upon the free exercise of their Section 7 rights in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, and I further find that all of the foregoing acts violative of Section 8(a)(1) were designed to undermine the Union's status as collective-bargaining agent, and thus also violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. I cannot, however, as General Counsel would have me do, find that De Clue, by his statements, placed an absolute requirement on his employees to abandon the Union as a condition of continued employment; rather, he plainly told them they could stay as employees and remain union members if they wanted to. Nor do I find that Respondent caused umon resignation forms to be typed up and distributed to employees. The evidence only shows that employee Stewart prepared and distributed these forms after asking De Clue how to go about resigning and receiving the answer that, if it were he, he would prepare a written resignation. There is no evidence whatsoever that De Clue solicited Stewart to prepare or distribute the forms to other employees other than uncorroborated hearsay. Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and the entire record in the case, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent, Tony De Clue, an individual d/b/a Liberty Cleaners and d/b/a T & T Drapery Service, T & T Drapery Service, Inc., and Real Cleaners, Inc., is now and has been at all times material herein , each individually and all collectively , an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Umon is a labor organization within the mean- ing of Section 2(5) of the Act. employment only of members in good standing , or, in the case of union inability to supply experienced help, membership within 10 days for experienced help hired from sources other than the Union, or membership in less than 30 days for inexperienced employees hired by Respondent 1304 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 3. The following unit constitutes a unit appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All cleaning, laundry, and drapery service employees employed by Respondent, excluding office clerical and professional employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act, and all other employees. 4. At all times since February 14, 1973, and continuing to date, the Union has been the exclusive representative of all the employees within said appropriate unit for purposes of collective bargaining, within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. 5. By unilaterally changing, on February 24, 1976, the existing overtime wage rates, and disavowing and discon- tinuing payments to the existing health and welfare plan on February 24, 1976, and thereby modifying the agreement effective February 1, 1974, to November 30, 1976, Respon- dent affected the wages, hours, and working conditions of its employees without affording the Union an opportunity to bargain on the subject, and refused to bargain collective- ly with the Union as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of the employees in the aforesaid unit and thereby violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. 6. By unilaterally rejecting the aforementioned collec- tive-bargaining agreement on February 24, 1976, Respon- dent refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of all the employees in the unit heremabove described and thereby violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. 7. By attempting to bargain directly with its employees regarding wages, hours, and other conditions of employ- ment without notice to or consultation with the Union, notwithstanding the Union's status as collective-bargaining representative of said employees and the terms of the existing collective-bargaining agreement, Respondent re- fused to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative of all the employees in the unit described above and thereby violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. 8. By refusing since on or about February 24, 1976, to recognize , meet, and bargain with the Union with respect to rates of pay, wages , hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment, notwithstanding the Union's status as exclusive collective-bargaining represen- tative of the employees in the unit set forth hereinabove, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. 9. By attempting to undermine the Union's status as exclusive bargaining representative of all unit employees, on or about February 24, 1976; by making promises of an improved insurance plan and other benefits to unit employ- ees; by soliciting and encouraging said employees to resign from the Union; and by expressing coercive displeasure with those employees who might remain union members, Respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced said employees in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act and refused to bargain with the Union in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. 10. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 11. The General Counsel has failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that Respondent required resignation from the Union as a condition of continued employment, or that Respondent solicited employees to prepare, distribute, or sign union resignation forms. THE REMEDY In order to remedy the unfair labor practices found herein my recommended Order will require Respondent to cease and desist from further violations, to revoke its unilateral changes, to give retroactive effect to all the terms and conditions of the collective-bargaining agreement, except the unlawful union-security clauses therein, to bargain with the Union herein at the request of the Union, and to post an appropriate notice. [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation