Laclede Gas Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 14, 1968171 N.L.R.B. 1392 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation 1392 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Laclede Gas Company and Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union , Local No. 5-6 affillllated with Oil , Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union , AFL-CIO. Case 14-CA-4307 June 14, 1968 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, JENKINS, AND ZAGORIA On February 2, 1968, Trial Examiner Lloyd Buchanan issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had not engaged in any unfair labor practices as alleged in the complaint and recommending that the com- plaint be dismissed in its entirety, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Decision. Thereafter, the Charging Party filed exceptions to the Trial Ex- aminer's Decision and a supporting brief and the Respondent filed a brief in opposition to the Charg- ing Party 's exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions,' and recommenda- tions of the Trial Examiner. leges that the Company has violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 73 Stat. 519, by abolishing the position of dispatcher in its service and installation department without prior consultation and bargain- ing with the Union, and by negotiating directly with employees concerning their future position and conditions of employment in connection with such abolishment. The answer denied the allegations of violation and alleges as a defense the Union's failure to pursue the grievance and arbitration procedures under the contract between the parties. The case was tried before me at St. Louis, Mis- souri, on November 13, 1967. Counsel were heard in oral argument at the close of the trial. Pursuant to leave granted to all parties, briefs have been filed by the General Counsel and the Company. A mo- tion by the Company to correct the transcript is hereby granted on consent, with the further cor- rection noted below. Upon the entire record in the case and from my observation of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT (WITH REASONS THEREFOR) AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. THE COMPANY'S BUSINESS AND THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The facts concerning the Company's status as a Missouri corporation, the nature and extent of its business, and its engagement in commerce within the meaning of the Act are admitted; I find and conclude accordingly. I also find and conclude that, as admitted, the Union is a labor organization within the meaning of the Act. 11. THE ALLEGED VIOLATION OF SECTION 8(A)(5) AND (1) ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the Recom- mended Order of the Trial Examiner and hereby orders that the complaint herein be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. ' As we are in agreement with the Trial Examiner 's conclusion that Respondent did not refuse to bargain with the Union as alleged in the com- plaint, we find it unnecessary to pass upon , and do not adopt, his alterna- tive theory for dismissal of the complaint , or his comments with respect thereto TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION BUCHANAN, Trial Examiner: The complaint herein (issued August 28, 1967; charges filed April 27, May 11, and August 28, 1967), as amended, al- The collective-bargaining agreement between the parties (since renewed) effective from August 1, 1965, to July 31, 1967, covers the Company's em- ployees in the following departments: Gas Supply and Control Department, Service and Installation Department, Street Depart- ment, Meter Reading Department, Meter De- partment, Transporation Department, and the departments designated respectively as Storeroom and Building Service. Involved herein are the nine dispatchers in the ser- vice and installation department (SAID). There are approximately 1,475 employees in the bargaining unit, including some 400 in SAID. On April 19, 1967, the Company notified the Union by letter that these dispatcher jobs would be abolished, effective May 8, and the duties vested in noncontract supervisory positions; the Company also expressed its willingness to discuss the details of the change. (With intent and good faith in issue, this and other written communications are set forth 171 NLRB No. 180 LACLEDE GAS in the attached Appendixes , this one marked "Ap- pendix A ." Without reliance on their self-serving aspects , these documents can be considered on the issue of notice and as statements of position.) We shall see that , whatever the different versions, the Company had admittedly informed the Union in March that the latter would be given such notice. At a meeting between company and union representatives on April 27, Tibbs, the Union's business manager , read a two-page statement (marked "Appendix B") in which , inter alia, he charged the Company with avoiding discussions and undermining the bargaining unit in violation of the law . At another meeting the next day, Tibbs gave the Company a copy of his April 27 statement. (At the earlier of these meetings and at the Com- pany's request , he had dictated and submitted a summary of his statement , marked "Appendix C.") Also on April 28 Brazil , the Company 's assistant manager , industrial relations department , handed Tibbs a letter (marked "Appendix D") to which was attached a job description of the new super- visory position . The letter recited Tibbs' refusal to accept a copy of the job description the day before; and the need for discussion and negotiation, and the Company 's readiness to engage in these. The last in the series is a letter ( marked "Appen- dix E") which Tibbs sent to Brazil on May I and in which , inter alia , he set forth his reasons for refus- ing a copy of the job description on April 27, and called for "adequate information about this change ." Necessary aspects of oral testimony received will also be considered herein. Stripped of irrelevancies such as earlier grievances , and awards , later discussions and con- tract provisions which recognize the Company's in- herent right to make certain changes and the natu- ral and corollary requirement ' that it discuss such changes before they are placed in effect ; and also credibility items pro and con which were developed concerning meetings prior to April 19 although various salient facts are not in dispute , the issues here are (1) did the Company give notice? and (2) was it willing to discuss? Whether or not it had given notice before its letter of April 19 2 that the Company was willing and sought to discuss the proposed changes can hardly be questioned. While Tibbs testified that there was no discussion after he read his statement on April 27, it stands without reliable contradiction that on that day, and at several meetings up to and including May 8, the Company offered and at- tempted to discuss the problem . White , the Union's business representative when these meetings were I An early Intermediate Report, in McDonnell Aircraft, quoted infra, recognized and declared such requirement 2 The General Counsel notes that resolution of what occurred in Februa- ry and March depends to some degree on events subsequent to April 19 Resolution of the later events points to the findings and conclusions to be made , without need to refer to the earlier If with the letter of April 19 the Company did not refuse , as alleged , to bargain "concerning on or about April 19, 1967," earlier reference by the Company or its failure to refer to Co. 1393 held, testified at the close of the trial that at the May meetings the Company refused to discuss the change in operation and its right to promote men to be supervisors ; but he thereafter told us that there was no discussion because the Union did not think it could discuss the supervisors' work. Significantly , despite the importance of any refusal by the Company to discuss the matter, Tibbs , the Union 's chief witness , was unable to re- call what was said at the meetings after April 28.3 Declaring that there were "pointless interminable discussions" ( the transcript 's phrase, "points in identical discussions ," is hereby corrected ), he did not charge company refusal to discuss. His testimony in this respect was credibly consistent with his written statements : the Union sought rescission , not discussion . If, as Tibbs testified, there was no discussion at the April 27 meeting despite the Company's offer of information, which he refused , it was because after reading his prepared statement he terminated the meeting. I have not overlooked , but do not credit , the sug- gestion of company refusal to discuss the matter, in Tibbs' testimony that at the April 28 meeting the Company declared that the Union did not have the right to question, that this was "strictly up to management 's prerogative , that the union was totally out of the picture as far as these people were concerned." The other testimony , including Tibbs', and the exhibits point to the contrary. The Union 's declared position throughout was that the Company had presented it with a fait ac- compli and that nothing had been left open for discussion. Decision on the issues presented de- pends on the correctness of the Unions position that, with the Company's letter of April 19, it became too late to discuss changes ; and of the de- mand which Tibbs testified he made at the meeting on April 28 that the Company "rescind their chan- ge" and which had been included in the statement that he had read the day before , the copy of which he now delivered. There is no formula indicating an intent subject to modification . We must weight all that was done and said and the opportunities presented for actual negotiation . If an employer should not say, in the language of the Union's memorandum of April 27 as it appraised the Company 's April 19 letter, that it "intends" to take certain action at the end of ap- proximately 3 weeks, a union may and should insist on its right to negotiate ; the latter should not itself maintain that the statement of employer intention makes it too late to negotiate when the employer asked and admittedly "kept asking" whether there a proposed change is not in issue and is scarcely material We can assume, as the General Counsel maintains, that the Company had not given earlier notice beyond the March statement that it would give notice ' We need not concern ourselves with the question of credibility in Tibbs' testimony that he learned from a dispatcher between April 19 and 27 that the Company was interviewing individual dispatchers . The letter of April 19 informed the Union that such interviews would be held. 1394 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD was anything the Union wanted to discuss .' It would be harsh indeed to ignore the preexisting relation- ship between the parties and the later events, and to rely solely on the stated intention to act; and to hold that this expression , regardless of all else and despite prior modifications of its position by the Company in other situations involving the Union, constituted a denial of the bargaining process. If the Union was displeased ( we are not informed of any prior violation ), discussion was called for; not an immediate claim that it had been undermined and that the Company had refused to discuss. We must bear in mind that to this point the Com- pany had not in fact made any changes . Violation would occur when, without good-faith consultation with the Union or willingness to consult, the Com- pany did effect changes or if it otherwise un- dermined the Union as by giving to employees a notice (which we shall consider below) of proposed changes . But the letter of April 9 was to the Union; and it was at that point that the latter rejected com- pany efforts at discussion . This is not a case of ap- parent futility of negotiations.' - The letter of April 19 is reasonably to be con- strued as a statement of intention which, with dif- ferent accompanying facts, might indicate a final decision or a closed mind ; and such construction as of mere intention is reinforced by the repeated requests to discuss , which the Union rejected be- fore the issue developed (in fact, with the result that the issue did develop) into a formal proceed- ing. Tibbs testified that at a meeting in March he had asked Leonard, the Company's vice president, whether the Company did "contemplate" any changes in the dispatching operation ; and that Leonard replied that he didn 't know but would give the Union notice-all of this in an apparently friendly atmosphere . According to Dobelman, manager of customer relations, and Brazil, the latter had told the Union at a meeting in February (there were further references to this in a March meeting and over the telephone) that the dispatching jobs would be abolished and made su- pervisory positions . From the latter version, denied by the Union, it would seem that early notice was given when there could be no question of fait ac- compli; the former supports the view that the changes were in contemplation and were admit- tedly referred to before the letter of April 19 as well as after it. True , requests by the Company for discussion might have been made for appearance only and ' Whether or not it met its obligation, the Company recognized that it was obliged to bargain . The following is from the Intermediate Report (it- self a historical fact , if one may be so bold as to quote from it ) in McDon- nell Aircraft, infra- "Continued assignment of work exclusively to a certain classification of employees for 6 years establishes a condition of employ- ment which is bargamable and without the scope of unilateral action re- gardless of earlier or other conditions." without intent to engage in open-minded discus- sion. But we have neither evidence nor claim to that effect, and the Union could have tested it by accepting the requests to discuss. If the Union re- jected the requests out of hand, we are not war- ranted in assuming that they were not made in good faith or that it would have been futile for the Union to have entered upon such discussion as it claims the Company refused. If change in the unit by transfer of a classification out of it be bargainable, the Company was willing to bargain before the time for transfer . Rescission of a plan or proposal to transfer is the converse and bargainable equivalent of the proposal itself; and the Union was unwilling to bargain about that. A few weeks ' notice of effectuation ( to employ a stronger term than "proposal") having been given, it remained no less bargainable than the reciprocal withdrawal or rescission which the Union insisted be effectuated without discussion. The Union was not denied full opportunity to bargain. Again, we need not here search for a best way for the Company to have submitted a notice. Our issue is whether the Company refused to bargain. The sufficient defense, supported by the testimony on both sides, is that the Company did not refuse but indeed repeatedly between April 19 and May 8 (aside from any issue concerning earlier discussion) sought discussion of the proposed date well in ad- vance of any effective date. As in Crown Zeller- bach,e we must here recognize "the Respondent's acceptance of the collective bargaining principle." It was the Union, insisting on rescission or advance withdrawal of the letter of April 19, which refused to discuss the matter . The Union's position was clearly stated. Clear as crystal, it was quite as hard. The bargaining process in actuality embraces statement and counterstatement ,7 too frequently of even extreme positions until , by discussion rather than by summary rejection or refusal to discuss, agreement is reached. With the decision that the Company did not refuse to bargain as alleged, we need not concern ourselves with the defense that the matters complained of are covered by the grievance and arbitration procedure in the parties' collective-bargaining agreement , that interpretation of the agreement is necessary , and that the Board may not , should not , or will not exercise jurisdic- tion. We can thus avoid what , as we shall now note, appear to be contradictory decisions. The great majority of the decisions and the Board 's apparent position are typified in Huttig ' Cf. The Little Rock Downtowner, inc., 168 NLRB 107. " Crown Zellerbach Corporation , 95 NLRB 753, 754. ' Such practice is well known to experienced representatives, as here, of unions and employers See Wooster Division of Borg-Warner Corporation, 113 NLRB 1288, 1326 ; General Electric Company, 150 NLRB 192. LACLEDE GAS CO. 1395 Sash & Door 8, which supports the Union's position here , were it otherwise justified, in filing a grievance and request for arbitration under the contract but stating that it would not proceed thereunder until after dispostion of these unfair labor charges. On the other hand , and in this connection, I would cite my own experience and the Board's decision in McDonnell Aircraft.9 where the Board reversed the Trial Examiner without distinguishing or noting cases cited by him or even attaching a copy of the Intermediate Report. If that was done to avoid an admission of embarrassing inconsisten- cy, it is no more my present desire to embarrass. But the occasional excrescence of contrary holdings in the face of what appears to be the Board 's general position warrants a definitive declaration , which may not here be required in view of the factual situation. The General Counsel cites Huttig and other Board decisions . At the Trial Examiner's sug- gestion , he has attempted in his brief to distinguish the Board 's holding in McDonnell from its more generally recognized rulings and procedure. But he has misstated the facts declared by the Board in McDonnell: The matter there had not "been sub- mitted to arbitration "; and the employer there made the assignments in question without notice to the union . Perhaps the answer is to be found in ignoring one ruling while citing another . If, turning now to the argument in the Company's brief, an employer "could [always ] satisfy a refusal to bar- gain charge by resort to grievance and arbitration," then such provisions of an agreement are "superior to the Board 's right to remedy." But if an employer can only sometimes satisfy such a charge, the questions remain : At which times , and what are the standards? Even if not necessary to the instant deci- sion because of the factual findings, supra, that the Company did not refuse to bargain, reconciliation by the Board of its decisions on this point or recog- nition that they are not to be reconciled, with a definitive general statement of the law, appears to be in order. If there was no violation in connection with possible abolishment of these jobs, the Company's admitted direct discussion (notice of which was in- cluded in its letter of April 19) between the after- noon of April 2010 and May 1 with each of the dispatchers affected, to ascertain whether they would accept the promotion involved the super- visory status, has not been shown to be violative. ("Under ordinary circumstances," the General Counsel tells us he would not contend that this was prohibited.) Having decided this case on the factual finding that the Company was willing to negotiate, I should point out that such finding would be unnecessary and the same conclusion reached were the Board, ignoring its own many decisions to the contrary, to reaffirm or readopt its ruling on the law in McDon- nell Aircraft. RECOMMENDED ORDER Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, and upon the entire record in the case , I recommend that the complaint be dismissed in its entirety. ' Huttig Sash & Door Company, Inc., 154 NLRB 1567, enfd . 377 F 2d 964 (C .A 8), the court of appeals citing C & C Plywood Corporation, 385 U.S. 421 , and declaring that the grievance -arbitration procedure is not ex- clusive . To cite a single older case , see United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (U.E.) Amalgamated Local 259 v . Worthington Cor- poration I Holyoka Works ], 236 F . 2d 364 , 368 (C A. I). Of tangential interest is the recent decision in James J Flanagan Stevedores , 168 NLRB 58, where the Board concluded that the work in question was not covered by the contract , while it inferentially held that taking work "away from the Union " is violative This latter is to be con- trasted with the following from the McDonnell decision : " In these circum- stances , we do not view the action of the Respondent in reallocating the clerical work of some of the tool crib attendants ... as a subversion or disparagement of the collective -bargaining process . Rather, we regard it as action which gave rise to a dispute over the interpretation and administra- tion of the agreement which should be and was resolved through the collec- tive-bargaining process." See also the succinct statement of the Board's rule in Talon Bros . Freight Line, Inc., 160 NLRB 118, and the following from Graveslund Operating Company dibla Washington Hardware and Fur- niture Co ., 168 NLRB 513: "Nor would the Board be diverted of jurisdic- tion to adjudicate this dispute even if a construction of the contract was necessary in order to determine whether the Act has been violated " Even more recently , in Univis , Inc., 169 NLRB 37, a Board majority found violation although Board Member Brown , following but not citing McDon- nell, would have dismissed and left the parties to their settlement machin- ery and arbitration where the union had grieved but, at the final step, filed an unfair labor practice charge. ' McDonnell Aircraft Corporation , 109 NLRB 930 The Intermediate Re- port there , anticipating Fibreboard Paper Products Corporation , 138 NLRB 550, enfd . 322 F . 2d 411 (C . A.D.C.). affd . 379 U.S. 203 , declared . "The in- stant situation iwhere work was assigned to employees outside the unit] is comparable to the case where an employer, without consulting the bargain- ing agent , undertakes to discontinue or to farm out work." There is no great opportunity to be selective in citing cases which support the Board's decision in McDonnell. In Beacon Piece Dyeing and Finishing Co, Inc., 121 NLRB 953, the Trial Examiner relied on and cited McDonnell. The Board did neither, it reversed , and found violation But in Vickers , Incorporated, 153 NLRB 561, the Board dismissed the refusal -to-bargain charge , it being noted at page 570 that jurisdiction would not be exercised to resolve a dispute where the employer, in good faith, has construed the contract. Apparently in line with McDonnell , the Board in American Burhnes, Inc , 164 NLRB 1055, dismissed the charge of refusal to bargain based on com- pany transfer and promotion of employees out of the unit. The union there merely protested the proposal and filed an unfair labor practice charge, but did not " prosecute its right to engage in discussion " Aside from the deci- sion here on the facts , that case would appear to be determinative on the law. See also the very recent International Union of Operating Engineers, Local Union No 12 (Tri-County Association of Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors), 168 NLRB 173, where, in different circumstances , a Board majority found violation of the duty to bargain , although it was con- trariwise pointed out in dissent and maintained in the spirit of McDonnell that the respondent union " was doing no more than placing an interpreta- tion on the contract most favorable to it" and was "guilty only of failure to abide by a contract obligation." "' If the first two interviews , held on April 20, were premature for not al- lowing the Union time for reply and objection, that would scarcely establish , under the circumstances , the violation charged . Here again we note that the Union 's reply, when made , was not for modification , discus- sion , or postponement, but for rescission. 353-177 0 - 72 - 89 1396 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD APPENDIX A LACLEDE GAS COMPANY SAINT LOUIS April 19, 1967 Mr. R. C. Tibbs, Jr., Business Manager OCAWIU Local #5-6 7750 Olive Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63130 Dear Mr. Tibbs: Re: Dispatchers, Customer Rlations Depart- ment Effective May 8, 1967 the jobs of Dispatcher in the Dispatching and Order Control Section of the Customer Relations Department will be abolished and the functions and duties of these jobs will be vested in the non-contract super- visory positions of Customer Service Super- visor. We are willing to discuss, at your pleasure, the details of this change including the placement opportunities for the personnel affected, the character of the new position, and generally to answer any inquiry you may have. All present regular Dispatchers will be inter- viewed perrtaining to future placement with the possibility of their being accepted in the management position of Customer Service Su- pervisor. Yours very truly /s/ John J. Brazil John J. Brazil JJB/cae bbc: Messrs . R. F. Hebeler , J. H. Betty, R. E. Barkey, B. H. Dueker , H. J. Liebrum, C. L. Digiovanni, A. R. Dobelman , and J. F. Her- berholt APPENDIX B LOCAL 5-6 STATEMENT OF POSITION on Transfer of Dispatching work April 27, 1967 TO: Laclede Gas Company It is the Union 's understanding that on 8 May 67 the Company intends to remove en masse all Local 5-6 members in the job clas- sification of Dispatcher from the jurisdiction of Local 5-6. The Company, without prior notification or negotiations with the Union, initiated direct and separate negotiations with individual mem- bers of the Local Union in the job classifica- tion of Dispatcher; these negotiations con- cerned changes in wages, hours and other con- ditions of employment. In fact, separate ulti- matums were issued to individual Union mem- bers insofar as the individual members were required within prescribed time limits to in- form the Company of their personal decision concerning job changes directly affecting their future job status and directly affecting every member of OCAWIU, Local 5-6. The Company avoided any meetings and discussions of this matter with the Union prior to securing various agreements from individual members of the Union in the job classification of Dispatcher. It was only until such time as the Company could present the Union with a fait accompli that the Union received notifica- tion of these impending changes. It is the Union's petition that the Company, by the aforementioned actions, has materially breached our contract. Moreover, the Com- pany, by undermining the bargaining unit, is in direct violation of the law. We demand that the Company rescind and retract all agreements relative to changes in the status of Local 5-6 members in the job classification of Dispatcher reached between Company representatives and any member or members of our Union who are not duly authorized representatives of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, Local 5-6. We demand that the Company furnish the Union with a letter stating they rescind and retract all such agreements. We demand that the Company inform, be- fore duly authorized representatives of OCAWIU, Local 5-6, any individual member in the classification of Dispatcher with whom they have negotiated an agreement that such agreement is null and void. We demand that the Company maintain all Dispatchers who are members of Local 5-6 in their present jobs as set forth in our present labor agreement. /s/ R. Tibbs Business Manager /s/ Cecil Randolph President /s/ James J. White Business Representative LACLEDE GAS CO. 1397 APPENDIX C April 27, 1967 Statement by Mr. R. C. Tibbs, Jr., Business Manager- Local #5-6 "We deem that Laclede Gas Company by its actions of negotiating wages, hours, and other conditions of employment with individual members of Local #5-6 prior to notification and negotiations with the duly authorized bar- gaining representatives are in violation of the existing labor agreement and federal law. Un- less such actions are rescinded and retracted, the Union takes the position that a material breech of the contract and the law has been committed by Laclede Gas Company. We shall present these facts to our membership and take appropriate action. APPENDIX D April 28, 1967 Mr. Robert C. Tibbs, Jr., Business Manager OCAWIU - Local #5-6 7750 Olive Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63130 In re: Dispatchers nevertheless , even in regarding to this excep- tion , we are willing to provide you with any in- formation you request including the salary scale applicable to the new positions. You have every right to challenge this change either under the terms of the contract, or under the provisions of applicable federal law. We firmly believe that we can make this change under the terms of the contract and provisions of the federal law, and that we should make this change in the interest of more properly controlling the work. This is not the first time that we have had a considerable dispute as to our respective rights, either under the contract or the law, but we have always had our disputes resolved in a legal and orderly procedure. In fact, we have never resisted your challenging the wisdom of the many changes we have made in the past . It is unfortunate that you do not take the opportunity available to you to do the same thing in this instance. I sincerely urge you not to do anything rash which could result in unfortunate consequences to anyone. This problem too can be resolved peacefully as we have resolved a multitude of other problems in the past. Very truly yours, /s/ John J . Brazil Dear Mr . Tibbs: I extremely regret the fact that you did not wish to discuss at our meeting yesterday after- noon any part of the problem pertaining to the publishment of the Dispatchers jobs and the creation of the new supervisory positions. For example , you refused to discuss the nature of the new position, and you refused a job description which I handed to you. However, I am enclosing for your information, and also a copy to Mr. James White , job descriptions on this new position so that you will understand that these are truly supervisory positions which are being created . Another problem pertains to the disposition of the personnel . This problem should be fully discussed and negotiated in ac- cordance with the contractual provisions with your committee. Mr. B. Ryan , for example, is not interested in being a supervisor , in view of the closeness of his retirement, and there are questions as to whether or not we should give him termination pay upon abolishment of his job, or whether we should maintain him in his position until his retirement in 1968. We stand ready and willing at any time, before the change occurs on May 8th, or thereafter, to fully discuss and negotiate any aspect of this change with one exception . That exception is this : that we do not negotiate job descriptions, wages, or working conditions for supervisors; John J. Brazil Assistant Manager Industrial Relations Department JJB/vao cc: Mr. James White CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISOR MAJOR FUNCTIONS: 1. Establishes priority and controls all customer service orders which are dispatched on same day basis and all routed work. 2. Exercises authority and responsibility for production and quality control over service work done in the field. ACTIVITIES: 1. Assigns jobs to servicemen with considera- tion to varying priorities ; complexity of jobs; and abilities , skills, and classifications of the in- dividual serviceman. 2. Maintains continuous supervision of the performance of servicemen (both blank board and routed men), by reviewing quality of completed job and time expended. 3. Coordinates activities with supervision of the Service and Installation Department and other departments as may be required. 1398 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 4. Assumes supervisory control over activities of customer contact employees during off- hours, weekends , and holidays. 5. Subject to training in the field and in school to keep abreast of technological changes and administrative procedures applicable to rendering service to customers. 6. Handles complex customers complaints or problems and is responsible for effecting their satisfactory solution. 7. Responsible for exercising good judgment in evaluating emergency situations, initiating im- mediate remedial action, and notifying the ap- propriate personnel. 8. Ascertain the necessity for overtime and man-power requirements and take appropriate personnel. 9. Subject to rotating shifts on a 5 over 7 day basis. 10. Responsible for initiating or recommending disqualification proceedings and disciplinary action. APPENDIX E May 1, 1967 Mr. John J. Brazil , Asst. Mgr. Industrial Relations Department Laclede Gas Company 1017 Olive Street St. Louis, Missouri 63101 Inregards : Dispatchers Dear Mr. Brazil: In respect to your letter of 28 April 67, I make the following comments: First I would characterize your letter as a self-serving in so far as it seems to imply the Union refused to discuss this matter with the Company in our meeting held April 27, 1967. This is not true. The Union Committee registered objections to the Companies conducting negotiations with and demanding agreements from its individual members about specific job changes affecting not only their job status but the interests of the entire Union ; these negotiations transpired prior to any negotiations with our Union's recognized bargaining representatives. The Company adamantly refused to discuss this aspect of the change . The Company without further explanation , offered the eleven-man Union Committee one piece of paper. They purported it contained a list of new duties for Dispatchers-I noted this piece of paper was minus a letter head, was ad- dressed to no one in particular and was un- signed. We pointed out that this piece of paper, un- reinforced by any explanation of specific, sub- stantial changes in the operation and job func- tion of dispatching , would not allow any meaningful discussions of this change. The Company stated at this meeting-"su- pervisory duties and rates were none of the Union's business." We deem that the Company's actions of in- dulging in negotiations with individual Dispatchers prior to negotiations with the Union constitutes a willful attempt to un- dermine the bargaining unit and is in violation of the law. The Company's failure to furnish the Union with a letter containing full particulars con- cerning each specific change contemplated in the dispatching operations , withholds from the Union information vitally needed to effectively police the existing labor agreement. Of course, even in the face of these prior ac- tions, we stand ready to meet and discuss with you whatever it is one discusses in the fact of a fait accompli. However, we earnestly hope the Company enters any future discussions of this problem with a view towards its resolution; that is, we hope the Company is prepared to furnish the Union adequate information about this change ; and is willing to deviate from any prior agreements relative to this change reached with persons other than authorized bargaining agents of Local 5-6. Understand, Jack, I am not establishing con- ditions for future discussions , merely offering suggestions . It was the opinion of the Commit- tee that the Company's actions in this matter constituted a material breach of the contract. It is our intention to make our recommenda- tions concerning our future actions on this matter to the Union Body at our regular May meeting to be held May 3rd. You can certainly bet it won't be "rash." I make the following personal comments since this is a matter of deep personal concern. Frankly I do not understand why the Com- pany has seen fit to handle this change in a manner calculated to offer this unprecedented affront to the Union immediately prior to the expiration of our existing labor agreement. One would think changes having this impact on the entire Union , if the Company feels they are necessary, could be handled more adroitly. In spite of protestations to the contrary, it is my firm conviction that the Company, by this action , is endeavoring to discredit and un- dermind the Union, thereby creating a climate of hostility, suspicion and doubt within which we must attempt to negotiate an agreement next month. Why? Very truly yours, Robert E. Tibbs, Jr. Business Manager RCT:dlh Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation