Kraft Foods Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 13, 1956116 N.L.R.B. 582 (N.L.R.B. 1956) Copy Citation 582 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS, BOARD press work. When plant No. 2 falls behind in its work, it calls upon plant No. 1 employees for help. While plant No. 2 is under the immediate supervision of one who has the authority to,hire and discharge and to settle minor grievances, the operations of both plants are directed by the superintendent of operations. Company officials at plant No. 1 determine labor rela- tions, production scheduling, engineering, and administrative policies for both plants. For accounting purposes, the two plants are treated as a single entity, and all personnel records and timecards are filed at plant No. 1. All paychecks are prepared at plant No. 1 and all em- ployees are paid at the same time. The employees at both plants are covered by a single workmen compensation insurance policy and the physical properties of the Employer at the two locations in question are likewise covered by a single insurance policy. On the basis of all the foregoing, and the entire record, we find that plant No. 2 is essentially an extension of the plant No. 1 operation and that, therefore, a unit confined to its employees is inappropriate.4 However, as the Petitioner has made a sufficient showing of interest in the appropriate unit herein embracing employees at plants Nos. 1 and 2, we shall direct an election in such unit. We find that all production and maintenance employees of the Employer at its plants at 7th Street and Sunshine Road and 7th and Kindelberger Streets, Kansas City, Kansas, excluding office clerical employees, truckdrivers, and supervisors as defined in the Act, consti- tute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act .5 [Text of Direction of Election omitted from publication.] CHAIRMAN LEEDOM and MEMBER MURDOCK took no part in the con- sideration of the above Decision and Direction of Election. & Borg-Warner Corporation, 113 NLRB 152; Kearfott Company, Inc, 106 NLRB 716 ; Poultry Producers Association , 114 NLRB 1186. 5 As we are unable to determine the unit placement of the shop engineer on the basis of the present record, we shall permit that employee to vote subject to challenge. Kraft Foods Company and Bakery and Sales Drivers' and Help- ers' Local Union No . 686, International Brotherhood of Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America AFL-CIO, Petitioner. Case No. 1-RC-4537. August 13, 1956 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION Upon a petition duly filed under Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, a hearing was held before John C. Burgoon, 116 NLRB No. 81. KRAFT FOODS COMPANY 583' hearing officer. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this case, the Board finds : 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. 2. The labor organization involved claims to represent certain employees of the Employer. 3. A question affecting commerce exists concerning the representa- tion of employees of the Employer within the meaning of Section 9, (c) (1) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The Employer is engaged in the manufacture, sale, and distri- bution of food products on a nationwide basis. Its Boston, Massa- chusetts, branch is alone involved in the present proceedings. The Petitioner, under its amended unit request, seeks herein to represent all salesmen and merchandisers employed by the Employer in the Maine area of its Boston branch. The Employer takes the position that the appropriate unit should comprise all such employees in its Boston branch. The Employer's Boston branch, as presently constituted, covers all of Maine, most of New Hampshire, about half of Vermont, and the more densely populated areas of Massachusetts. There has been a history of bargaining for some of the salesmen and merchandisers now in the Boston branch.' Around 1940, at a time when the Em- ployer sold its products in northern New England directly from trucks operating from a number of distribution branches, the Peti- tioner organized the truck salesmen in the then Lawrence, Massa- chusetts, branch, and its sister union, Local 646, organized like em- ployees in the metropolitan Boston branch. By 1948, as a result of a change from the truck sales to the advanced sales method of distribu- tion, the Employer had reduced the number of branches in northern New England to two : a Boston branch with a warehouse in. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a branch in Bangor, Maine.. The salesmen who had worked in the Lawrence and metropolitan Boston branches continued to be represented by the Petitioner and Local 646, respectively, while those in the other branches absorbed into the Boston branch, e. g., Montpelier, Vermont; Portland, Maine; and Taunton, Massachusetts, continued to be unrepresented. Salesmen in the Bangor branch were also unrepresented. In. 1954, the Bangor branch was relocated in Portland and broadened to include the entire Maine area. Finally, in 1955, the Portland branch was made a part of the Boston branch. It appears that the Petitioner and Local 646, under their latest contracts with the Em- ployer, both of which recently expired, have bargained for all the 1 At the present time, there are 29 salesmen and 11 merchandisers in the Boston branch. The requested unit comprises 5 salesmen and 1 merchandiser. 584 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD salesmen and merchandisers in the Boston branch exclusive of those requested herein.2 The Boston branch has a branch manager who formulates policy and controls personnel and labor relations for the entire branch. Under him are 2 assistant branch managers, 3 branch supervisors, and several sales supervisors. The branch supervisors direct the activities of salesmen and the sales supervisors direct merchandisers. The salesmen throughout the branch attend six general sales meetings each year. One of the assistant branch managers was formerly inanager of the Portland branch, but, since the elimination of that branch, he has, despite his new title, acted as a branch supervisor from the same Port- land, office. The other assistant branch manager is in charge of mer-. chandising throughout the branch. The Employer at present uses a zonal distribution system in most areas of its Boston branch. Under that system, which the Employer calls Zonor, salesmen are not assigned to one area only but, operating from the central warehouse, are rotated from zone to zone, as needed, on a biweekly basis, and deliveries are made by the Employer's trucks. In most of the Maine area, the Employer does not use the Zonor sys- tem, but has salesmen in designated territories.3 These salesmen make advance sales in the same manner as those operating under the Zonor system. However, deliveries are made, not by the Employer, but by independent grocery jobbers to whom the ordered food prod- ucts are sent from the Employer's central warehouse, recently re- located from Cambridge to Needham Heights, Massachusetts. - The Petitioner, in its brief, contends that the salesmen operating in the Maine area form a cohesive unit apart from other salesmen in the Boston branch, by reason of their separate geographic location, their exclusion from the Zonor system of sales and distribution, and their different rates of compensation. However, in enterprises such as the Employer's which distribute their products on a nationwide basis, the Board has favored the establishment of units coextensive with the employer's entire operation or some administrative subdi- vision thereof.4 In the instant case, in view of the inclusion of the Maine area in the Boston branch for administrative purposes, and the central control exercised by the Boston branch manager with re- spect to supervision, rates of compensation, working conditions, and general policies, we conclude, upon the entire record, that the requested unit is too limited in scope to constitute an appropriate unit on the theory advanced by the Petitioner,5 and that, but for the bargaining 2 Local 646 did not intervene herein. 3 The Employer also assigns salesmen from other areas to the summer resort areas of Maine and northern New Hampshire during seasonal sales peaks. 4 Kraft Foods Company, 91 NLRB 525. 5 See Liebmann Breu; erses, Inc ., 101 NLRB 616; tbid. , 92 NLRB 1740 ; Kraft Foods Company, supra. HILLMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY 585 history herein, the branchwide unit would be the only appropriate unit. However, we shall not dismiss the petition as there is an alterna- tive basis for an appropriate unit finding in the fact, as previously noted, that the Maine area salesmen appear to be the only salesmen in the Boston branch not represented by any labor organization. In these circumstances, we shall find appropriate for purposes of collec- tive bargaining, under our residual unit doctrine, all unrepresented salesmen and merchandisers in the Employer's Boston branch .6 We find that all unrepresented salesmen and merchandisers in the Employer's Boston, Massachusetts, branch, excluding those currently represented by the Petitioner and Local 646, International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Amer- ica, AFL-CIO, and excluding office and clerical employees, delivery employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. [Text of Direction of Election omitted from publication.] CHAIRMAN LEEDOM and MEMBER MURDOCK took no part in the con- sideration of the above Decision and Direction of Election. 6 Equitable Gas Company, 111 NLRB 453; The Kroger Company, 93 NLRB 274. Paul Hillman and Michael Sakuta d /b/a Hillman Manufacturing Company and Harvey C. Babbitt , Petitioner and International Union, United Automobile , Aircraft and Agricultural Imple- ment Workers of America , and its Local 155, AFL-CIO. Case No. 7-RD-207. August 13,1956 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER DIRECTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR TO OPEN AND COUNT CHAL- LENGED BALLOT On October 20, 1955, the Board issued its Decision and Direction of Election in this proceeding 1 pursuant to which an election by secret ballot was conducted on November 8, 1955. Out of 22 votes cast, 11 were for the Union, 8 were against it, and 3 were challenged by the Union. The Employer filed, but later withdrew, objections to the conduct of the election, and the Union withdrew its challenge to two of the ballots. The Regional Director duly conducted an investigation upon the remaining ballot which was challenged on the ground that Arthur Strittmatter, the employee in question, was a supervisor and not entitled to vote. On March 19,1956, the Regional Director's report on 1 Not reported in printed volumes of Board Decisions and Orders. 116 NLRB No. 83. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation