Knapp-Sherrill Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 18, 1968171 N.L.R.B. 1547 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation KNAPP-SHERRILL COMPANY 1547 Knapp-Sherrill Company and Amalga ated Meat- cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, AFL-CIO, and Its Local 173 , Petitioner. Case 23-RC-2867 June 18, 1968 DECISION AND DIRECTION AND ORDER AND DIRECTION OF THIRD ELECTION' BY CHAIRMAN MCCULLOCH AND MEMBERS FANNING AND JENKINS Pursuant to a stipulation for certification upon consent election executed by the parties on January 26, 1967, an election by secret ballot was con- ducted in the above-entitled proceeding on April 14, 1967, under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for Region 23 (Houston, Texas). Upon the conclusion of the election , a tally of ballots was furnished the parties , in accordance with National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations , Series 8 , as amended. The tally of ballots served upon the parties at the conclusion of that election showed that there were approximately 139 eligible voters and that 134 cast valid ballots of which 62 were for and 72 were against the Petitioner. There were 11 challenged ballots and no void ballots. The challenged ballots were sufficient in number to affect the results of the election. Thereafter, on April 20, 1967, the Petitioner filed timely objections to the conduct of the elec- tion. On May 9, 1967, the parties entered into a stipulation and agreement providing for a second election to be conducted under the same terms as in the first election. On May 19 , 1967, pursuant to the agreement of the parties and Section 102.69 of the Board 's Rules and Regulations , a second election by secret ballot was conducted among the employees in the agreed- upon unit . Upon the conclusion of the counting of the ballots, the parties were served with a tally of ballots showing that of approximately 122 eligible voters, 122 cast valid ballots, of which 63 were for and 59 were against the Petitioner . There were seven challenged ballots, and two ballots were declared void by the Board agent conducting the ' The Order and Direction of Third Election are conditional, as set forth below. election. The challenged ballots were sufficient in number to affect the results of the election. On May 29, 1967, the Employer filed timely ob- jections to the conduct of election and conduct af- fecting results of election. In accordance with the Board's Rules and Regulations , the Regional Director for Region 23 conducted an investigation and on July 25, 1967, issued and served upon the parties his order directing hearing and notice of hearing in which he ordered that a hearing be held before a duly designated officer for the purpose of taking evidence on the challenged ballots and on the issues raised by all of the Employer's objec- tions. The hearing was held on September 7 and 8 and October 19, 1967, at Edinburg, Texas, before Hear- ing Officer Terry S. Bickerton, duly designated for the purpose, at which time the Employer, the Peti- tioner , and counsel for the Regional Director ap- peared and participated therein. All parties were af- forded full opportunity to be heard , to examine and cross-examine witnesses , to introduce evidence bearing upon the issues , and to present arguments and briefs to the Hearing Officer. On December 11, 1967, the Hearing Officer issued his report and recommendation on challenges and objections in which he recommended, in accordance with the parties' stipulation , that challenges to the ballots of four employees be overruled and their ballots be opened and counted and that challenges to the bal- lots of three employees be sustained. He further recommended that all of the Employer's objections be overruled, except that if the revised tally of the ballots reflects that the Petitioner has won the elec- tion by a majority of one vote, then the election be set aside and a new election directed; he also recommended that one of the ballots declared void be counted as a "No" vote. Both parties filed time- ly exceptions and briefs in support thereof. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the Hearing Officer's rulings made at the hearing and finds that they are free from prejudicial error. They are hereby af- firmed. Upon the entire record in this case, the Board finds: 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. 171 NLRB No. 171 1548 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 2. The labor organization involved claims to represent certain employees of the Employer. 3. A question affecting commerce exists con- cerning the representation of employees of the Em- ployer within the meaning of Section 9(c)(1) and Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 4. We find, in accordance with the stipulation of the parties, that the following employees of the Em- ployer constitute a unit appropriate for the pur- poses of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All production and main- tenance employees, including warehousemen and truckdrivers, employed at the Employer's location at 331 South 12th Street, Donna, Texas, excluding all office clerical employees, field men, watchmen, guards, and supervisors, as defined in the Act. 5. The Hearing Officer recommended that Em- ployer's Objection 1 be overruled. We do not agree.2 In Objection 1, the Employer alleges that im- mediately before the election, the Union, through its representatives and agents, threatened em- ployees that if they did not support the Union, and the Union won the election, they would lose their jobs or have difficulty in their jobs with the Em- ployer. In testimony credited by the Hearing Officer, em- ployee Manuel Guerra stated that a union represen- tative told him that "if the union would win the election, that I could keep my job. But if not, that maybe I wouldn't have that job." Employee Faustina Rivera testified that a union representative told her that "if I would help him-if I helped him with my vote and the union won, that I would have my job assured. If not, then later, I would probably have trouble finding a job"; and further "that [the union representative] would give protection to the Union members and then if there was anything left, then we would get it." Union Representative Joe Barrera, at one point in his testimony, admits telling Rivera "that the union's protections and benefits went first to union members, and if there was anything left over, then non-members got the benefits." The Hearing Officer finds that the above state- ments are "far too vague and ambiguous to be con- strued as threats of loss of job ... [and] that the conversations in question were conducted in a calm and cordial manner." We disagree. There is nothing vague or am- biguous about these statements. They make it clear that the Union was proposing to represent members differently from other employees. Such statements clearly warrant setting aside the election should the revised tally, which we direct below, show that the Union has prevailed. In Objection 7(a), the Employer contends that the Board agent conducting the election erred in al- lowing a blank ballot to be given to an eligible voter, and that this error resulted in depriving that voter of the right to participate fully in the election. Alternatively, the Employer contends that the Board agent conducting the election erred in declaring this blank ballot void. The ballot in question is a blank piece of paper, the same size , color, and type used for the ballots in this election, on which the word "No" is written. Employee Maria Casares testified that she received this blank ballot, wrote "No" on it, and placed it in the ballot box. The Hearing Officer found that the Board agent properly declared this to be a void ballot since there was no other writing or printing on the ballot, and an examination of the ballot itself did not dis- close the voter's intent . In agreeing that this is a void ballot we rely solely on the fact that a blank sheet of paper is not an official ballot. The Petitioner excepts to the Hearing Officer's ruling on Employer's Objection 7(b). The Em- ployer contended that the Board agent conducting the election erred in declaring void a ballot con- taining an "X" in the "No" box and the words "Pu- to El Union" in the "Yes" box. The official in- terpreter at the hearing testified that this Spanish phrase neither literally nor idiomatically is compli- mentary to the Union. The ballot therefore doubly reflects the intent of the voter and the markings contained in the "Yes" box do not inherently dis- close the identity of the voter in this election. The Hearing Officer found that the Board agent con- ducting the election erred in declaring this ballot void, and held the ballot to be a "No" vote. We agree. In Objection 7(c) the Employer alternatively contends that in the event the ballots described above be declared void, then an additional ballot counted as valid should also be declared void. This ballot has an "X" above the word "YES" within the larger Yes portion of the ballot although not in the designated square. The Hearing Officer found the Board agent properly held this to be a "Yes" vote. We agree. In accordance with the parties' stipulation the Hearing Officer recommended that the challenges to the ballots of the following named employees be overruled and that their ballots be opened and 2 In view of our disposition of this issue , we find it unnecessary to pass upon the other objections not considered herein KNAPP-SHERRILL COMPANY 1549 counted: Manuel A. Loera, Alicia Rodriguez, Her- linda Medrano, and Santos Garza; and that the challenges as to Antonio Casares, Camilo Cardenas, and Jose Hernandez be sustained. These recommendations are hereby adopted. DIRECTION It is hereby directed that, as part of the investiga- tion to ascertain representatives for the purposes of collective bargaining among the employees of Knapp-Sherrill Company at its location at 331 South 12th Street, Donna, Texas, in the unit set forth in the stipulation for certification upon con- sent election, the Regional Director for Region 23 shall, pursuant to the Board 's Rules and Regula- tions , within 10 days from the date of this Direction, open and count the ballots of Manuel A. Loera, Alicia Rodriguez, Herlinda Medrano, and Santos Garza and count as valid the ballot referred to in Objection 7(b) and, thereafter, prepare and cause to be served on the parties a revised tally of ballots, including therein the count of said ballots. If, according to the revised tally of the ballots, the Petitioner has not received a majority of the valid ballots cast in the election, the Regional Director is directed to certify the results of the election. If, however, according to the revised tally of ballots, the Petitioner has received a majority of the valid ballots cast in the election, the following Order and Direction of Third Election shall be applicable. ORDER It is hereby ordered that the election conducted herein on May 19, 1967, among the employees of Knapp-Sherrill Company at its Donna, Texas, establishment, be, and it hereby is, set aside. [Direction of Third Election3 omitted from publi- cation. ] 8 An election eligibility list , containing the names and addresses of all the eligible voters , must be filed by the Employer with the Regional Director for Region 23 within 7 days after the date of issuance of the Notice of Third Election by the Regional Director. The Regional Director shall make the list available to all parties to the election. No extension of time to file this list shall be granted by the Regional Director except in extraordinary cir- cumstances . Failure to comply with this requirement shall be grounds for setting aside the election whenever proper objections are filed . Excelsior Underwear Inc., 156 NLRB 1236. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation