Kinter Brothers, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 16, 1967167 N.L.R.B. 57 (N.L.R.B. 1967) Copy Citation KINTER BROS., INC. Kinter Brothers , Inc. and Retail Store Employees Union Local 880 , Retail Clerks International Association , AFL-CIO.' Cases 8-CA-4037, 8-CA-4071, 8-CA-4178, and 8-CA-43 10 August 16, 1967 DECISION AND ORDER By CHAIRMAN MCCULLOCH AND MEMBERS FANNING AND ZAGORIA On March 29, 1967, Trial Examiner Milton Janus issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had en- gaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices, and recommending that it cease and de- sist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Deci- sion. He also found that the Respondent had not en- gaged in other unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint. Thereafter, the Respondent and the General Counsel filed exceptions to the Trial Ex- aminer's Decision and supporting briefs, and the Charging Party filed cross-exceptions to the Trial Examiner's Decision and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with these cases to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions, cross- exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in these cases, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner, with the following additions, modifications, and excep- tions. 1. The Trial Examiner found, and we agree, that the Respondent threatened, interrogated, and polled its employees and granted them a bonus, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act; discharged and discriminated against employees with regard to their hours of work and other conditions of employ- ment, in violation of Section 8(a)(3), (4), and (1) of the Act; and, on October 27, 1965, refused to bar- gain with the Union, in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. 2. The Trial Examiner found further that the Respondent's second reduction in the working hours of Helen Kolesar was not discriminatory, and that the final termination of Joan Woc's employ- ment was not an unlawful constructive discharge, and recommended that these allegations of the com- plaint be dismissed. The General Counsel and the 57 Charging Party have excepted to these findings and recommendations. For the reasons set forth below, we find merit in these exceptions. (a) In July 1965, shortly after Kolesar, who per- formed wrapping and cleaning work in the Respond- ent's meat department, signed a union card, the Respondent subjected her to unlawful interrogation and reduced her hours from 33 to 22 a week. On February 17, 1966, the day after Kolesar and Woc testified at the first of the three hearings in these proceedings, the Respondent's president, Kinter, told a group of employees that there would be a "freeze-out" campaign against those who had signed up with the Union, naming Kolesar and Woc among those to be subjected to this "freeze-out" campaign. In March 1966, when a meatcutter left, the Respondent increased Kolesar's hours to 40 a week. In July 1966, however, the Respondent hired a second meatcutter, and again reduced Kolesar's hours, this time to 16 a week. The Respondent con- tended that it initially reduced Kolesar's hours because of decreased sales in the meat department, and later reduced them a second time, after it hired the new meatcutter, although it no longer had any need for her services. The Trial Examiner found that the Respondent's first reduction in Kolesar's hours was in reprisal for her union activities. He found further, however, that when her hours were increased in March 1966, the discrimination against her ended, and that the reduction to 16 hours in July 1966, after the hiring of a new meatcutter, was motivated by economic considerations. The record shows that Kolesar and one meat- cutter operated the department for about 4 months before the Respondent hired a second full-time meatcutter, and there is no evidence establishing that they did not handle it adequately, or would be unable to continue to do so. We are convinced, under all the circumstances, that the Respondent was continuing its campaign to freeze out Kolesar, when it again reduced her hours of work in July 1966, as it had in July 1965, as part of this cam- paign. Accordingly, we find that the Respondent, by this discrimination against Kolesar in July 1966, violated Section 8(a)(3), (4), and (1) of the Act. As it is not clear from the record, however, how many hours Kolesar would have worked absent the Respondent's continuing discrimination against her, we shall leave to the compliance stage of these proceedings the determination of the amount of backpay required to make her whole for the dis- crimination against her. (b) In July 1965, Woc called the Union, and a meeting was held at her house at which she and some other employees signed union cards. Shortly thereafter, Kinter coercively interrogated her and, on August 23, 1965, discharged her. On February I The name of the Charging Party appears as amended at the hearing. 167 NLRB No. 7 58 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 17, 1966, the day after Woc testified at the first hearing in these proceedings, Kinter made the re- marks about his "freeze-out" campaign against union adherents, specifically naming Woc. On March 3, 1966, Woc was reinstated, but not to an equivalent position. Woc was a senior cashier, but, after her reinstate- ment, she was given less desirable shifts than she formerly was assigned; was given hours of work which varied erratically, sometimes more and sometimes less than her normal hours of work; was assigned more of the arduous cleaning chores than other cashiers; and, as the Trial Examiner found, was "subjected to Kinter's open unfriendliness and petty harassments." Woc endured these conditions for about 4 months until, on July 16, she became ill from constant nervousness and was unable to work. When she returned to work on August 3, she was assigned to washing shelves, while a recently hired employee was assigned to work as a cashier. After supper, Woc was assigned a register for a while, but Kinter took her off that work, told her to clean up the mess left at her register by other cashiers, to dust shelves, and to put stock on the shelves. At the close of the day, Kinter told her he did not like the way she had been dusting the shelves. The next day, Woc sent the Respondent a tele- gram stating: "Due to your treatment and action against me yesterday I have become ill and unable to work. Will let you know when I will return." After treatment by a doctor, Woc's health im- proved, but she did not thereafter communicate with the Respondent or return to work. The Trial Examiner found that the Respondent discriminatorily discharged Woc in August 1965; that it reinstated her in March 1966, but to a job which was not equivalent in hours or duties to her previous job; and that it engaged in discriminatory conduct toward Woc pursuant to its "freeze-out" campaign. He recommended that Woc be reim- bursed for any wages that she lost because of the Respondent's discrimination against her including the diminution in her wages after her reinstatement. He found, however, that Woc quit and was not con- structively discharged in August 1966, as alleged in the complaint, because after her reinstatement she had been able to continue working for 4 months under the unpleasant conditions imposed upon her, and the events of August 3 were no different in kind from those which she suffered for 4 months. He, therefore, stopped her backpay as of August 1966. We find, however, that the Respondent's conduct following Woc's reinstatement in March 1966 caused her to become so ill that she was unable to continue working under those conditions. The fact that she tolerated such treatment for 4 months does not warrant finding that she had to continue to 2 See, for example, Bishop and Ma(co, dlb/a Walker's, 159 NLRB 1159, and cases in fn . 11 thereof. tolerate it or give up her job. Accordingly, we find that the Respondent , by its discriminatory treat- ment , caused the termination of Woc's employment on August 3, 1966, and thereby constructively discharged her in violation of Section 8(a)(3), (4), and (1) of the Act. In any event, we find that the Respondent did not remedy its original discrimina- tory discharge by the March 1966 reinstatement, and must now offer Woc the appropriate remedy. We shall therefore order that Woc be offered rein- statement to her former or substantially equivalent position and be made whole for any loss of pay suf- fered by reason of the discrimination against her. 3. Because of the Respondent's widespread un- fair labor practices beginning in July 1965, about the time the Union initially obtained majority status, we find that the policies of the Act would be effectuated by ordering the Respondent to bargain collectively with the Union, on request , even if the Respondent's refusal of the Union' s bargaining request of October 27, 1965, were found not to vio- late Section 8(a)(5).2 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respond- ent, Kintner Brothers , Inc., Mentor , Ohio, its of- ficers, agents, successors , and assigns , shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discouraging membership of its employees in Retail Store Employees Union Local 880, Retail Clerks International Association , AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization, by discharging em- ployees , reducing their hours of work, changing their shifts , or in any other manner discriminating against them in regard to their tenure , terms , or con- ditions of employment , because of their union or other protected concerted activity. (b) Polling or interrogating employees and appli- cants for employment in a coercive manner con- cerning their union activities or sympathies ; making profit-sharing or bonus payments to induce them to reject the Union, provided , however , that nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring the Respondent to revoke any profit-sharing or bonus payment it has heretofore granted ; or threatening employees with loss of employment , bodily harm, or other harassment if they continue to support the Union. (c) Refusing to bargain collectively concerning rates of pay , wages, hours of employment, or other terms and conditions of employment with Retail Store Employees Union Local 880, Retail Clerks International Association , AFL-CIO, as the exclu- sive representative of its employees in the following appropriate unit: All selling and nonselling employees at the KINTER BROS., INC. 59 Respondent ' s store at Mentor , Ohio, excluding guards, professional employees , and super- visors as defined in the Act. (d) In any other manner interfering with, restraining , or coercing its employees in the exer- cise of the right of self-organization , to form labor organizations , to join or assist Retail Store Em- ployees Union Local 880, Retail Clerks Interna- tional Association , AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization , to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing , and to en- gage in concerted activities for the purpose of mu- tual aid or protection as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act , or to refrain from any or all such activities, except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment, as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclo- sure Act of 1959. 2. Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer to reinstate Joan Woc to her former or substantially equivalent position , without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges. (b) Notify Joan Woc if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of her right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, after discharge from the Armed Forces. (c) Make whole Joan Woc, Olga Grund, and Helen Kolesar for any loss of earnings suffered by reason of the discrimination against them, in the manner set forth in the portion of the Trial Ex- aminer's Decision entitled "The Remedy." (d) Upon request, bargain collectively with Retail Store Employees Union Local 880, Retail Clerks International Association , AFL-CIO, as the exclusive bargaining representative of its selling and nonselling employees at its store at Mentor, Ohio , and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. (e) Preserve and, upon request , make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security pay- ment records , timecards, personnel records and re- ports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order. (f) Post at its store at Mentor , Ohio, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix ."3 Copies of said notice , on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 8, after being duly signed by the Respondent 's representative , shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter , in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (g) Notify the Regional Director for Region 8, in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps have been taken to comply herewith. ' In the event that this Order is enforced by a decree of a United States Court of Appeals, there shall be substituted for the words "a Decision and Order" the words "a Decree of the United States Court of Appeals En- forcing an Order " APPENDIX NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Relations Board and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , we hereby notify our employees that: WE WILL NOT discourage you from becom- ing or remaining a member of Retail Store Em- ployees Union Local 880, Retail Clerks Inter- national Association , AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization , by discharging you, reduc- ing your hours of work , changing your shifts, or in any other manner discriminating against you in your hire or tenure of employment, or any term or condition of employment because of your union membership or activities. WE WILL NOT poll or interrogate you or ap- plicants for employment as to union activities or sympathies ; nor make any profit -sharing or bonus payments in order to induce you to re- ject the Union , but we are not required to revoke any profit-sharing or bonus payment that we have heretofore granted ; nor will we discourage your union membership or activi- ties by threatening you with loss of employ- ment , bodily harm , or other harassment. WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain collectively with Retail Store Employees Union Local 880, Retail Clerks International Association, AFL-CIO , as the exclusive representative of all the employees in the bargaining unit described below. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain , or coerce you in the exercise of your right to self-organization, to join or assist the above -named or any other union , to bargain through representatives of your own choice, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection , or to refrain from any and all such activities , except to the extent per- mitted by Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. WE WILL offer Joan Woc her former or sub- stantially equivalent position , without preju- dice to her seniority or other rights and privileges. 60 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD WE WILL make whole Joan Woc, Olga Grund, and Helen Kolesar for any losses in wages which they incurred as a result of our discrimination against them. WE WILL bargain collectively, upon request, with Retail Store Employees Union Local 880, Retail Clerks International Association, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative of all the employees in the bargaining unit described below with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment, and, if an un- derstanding is reached, embody such an un- derstanding in a signed agreement . The ap- propriate bargaining unit is: All selling and nonselling employees at our store at Mentor, Ohio, excluding guards, professional employees, and supervisors as defined in the Act. KINTER BROTHERS, INC. (Employer) Dated By (Representative) (Title) Note: We will notify Joan Woc if presently serv- ing in the Armed Forces of the United States of her right to full reinstatement upon application in ac- cordance with the Selective Service Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, after discharge from the Armed Forces. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecu- tive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. If employees have any question concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions, they may communicate directly with the Board's Regional Office, 720 Bulkley Building, 1501 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, Telephone 621-4465, Ex- tension 42. TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION MILTON JANUS , Trial Examiner : The Charging Party, referred to at times as the Union or Local 880, filed charges on October 12 and November 9, 1965. A com- plaint based on the first of these charges was issued on December 1, 1965, in Case 8-CA-4037. On December 28, 1965, an amended and consolidated complaint, based on both charges , was issued as Cases 8-CA-4037 and 8-CA-4071. A hearing was thereafter held before me on various dates in February 1966. On March 14 , 1966, the Union filed a charge upon which a complaint was issued in Case 8-CA-4178, on April 5, 1966 . Upon the motions of the General Counsel and the Union , and over the Respondent 's opposition, I ordered that the latter case be consolidated with the former cases, and that the hearing be reopened. It was thereafter held before me on May 24, 1966. Before I was able to prepare my Decision on the proceeding as it then stood , the Union filed an original and amended charges on July 29, September 15 and 21, 1966, and based thereon, the General Counsel issued a complaint in Case 8-CA-4310, on September 22, 1966. On October 10, I granted the General Counsel's motion to consolidate this case with the others and to reopen the hearing, and on November 14, 1966, it was held before me. All parties were represented at the hearings , held at Painesville, Ohio, and were afforded full opportunity to present relevant evidence. Briefs received from the General Counsel, the Union, and the Respondent have been given due consideration. Upon the entire record in these consolidated cases and the briefs, and from my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses , I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT Respondent is an Ohio corporation whose principal business is the operation of a retail grocery and meat mar- ket in Mentor, Ohio . Its sales are in excess of $500,000 per year. It purchases annually groceries and meats valued in excess of $10,000 from enterprises located in Ohio which in turn receive such materials from sources located outside that State. The Company admits, and I find , that it is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Retail Store Employees Union Local 880, Retail Clerks International Association , AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background and Issues Respondent operates a self-service grocery and meat market in Mentor, Ohio. The president of the corpora. tion, its virtual owner and manager of all operations, is James Harold Kinter, known to his employees and referred to at the hearing as Harold Kinter. During the period relevant here the store operated 12 hours per day, 7 days per week. Twelve or thirteen people were nor- mally employed at the store , consisting of four salaried men, one or two high school boys who worked after school and evenings , and five or six women who manned the checkout counters, placed stock on shelves, and did housekeeping chores. A postal substation was located in the store, operated by one or more of the women cashiers during the day. The women worked varying shifts during the day and evening hours , and the female wrapper in the meat department worked a daytime shift on specified days. The women were all hourly paid. None of them regularly worked a full 40-hour per week schedule. The Union' s drive to organize and represent Respond- ent's employees began early in July 1965, when em- ployee Joan Woc called the Union to seek its aid. On July 8, 1965,+a meeting was held at Woc's home, when the decision was taken to obtain signed authorization cards. Present were employees Woc, Vera Morley, and Olga Grund, and two representatives of the Union. Signed KINTER BROS., INC. cards were also obtained in the next week or so from six other employees, and on July 16, 1965, the Union filed a petition for an election, a copy of which was duly served on Respondent. This was apparently Respondent's first indication that organization of its employees had begun. On July 28, the Regional Director for Region 8 granted the Union's request for permission to withdraw the peti- tion. No more cards were obtained until October 25, 1965, when Theresa Reichard signed up. The next day, the Union sent a letter to Respondent, received on October 27, in which it claimed to represent a majority of the em- ployees at the store, requested recognition, and offered to submit its cards for examination by an impartial third par- ty. On November 8, Kinter answered the request for recognition by claiming that a majority of his employees had voluntarily come to him and had stated that they did not want to be represented by the Union. He further said that he would recognize the Union only after certification by the Board. The complaints consolidated in these proceedings al- lege violations of Section 8(a)(1) through the coercive in- terrogation of employees by Harold Kinter and his attor- ney, Lewis Belkin; threats of discharge, layoff, bodily harm, and other reprisals; and the distribution of a bonus. Violations of Section 8(a)(3) or (4) are alleged through the discharge of, or other discrimination against, employees Grund, Woc, Kolesar, and Robert Horn; and violations of Section 8(a)(5), by Respondent's refusal to recognize and bargain with the Union as the majority representative of its employees in an appropriate unit . The Respondent's answers deny all the substantive violations alleged. B. Alleged Violations of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) Before the First Hearing 1. Following the filing of the petition (1) A day or so after he received notice that the Union had filed its petition, Kinter took a sheet of paper around to most of his employees, which he asked them to sign. The paper, which has since been lost, required the em- ployees to indicate whether they had talked to anyone from the Union or had joined it. Their various responses gave Kinter the preliminary information he needed to discover the Union's supporters. Laura Hunt refused to sign the paper, and Kinter told her he now knew who his loyal employees were. In this, or in other related conver- sations with Hunt about this time, Kinter accused her of being the one responsible for bringing the Union in, asked her who had signed up with the Union, told her he would find out who had, that he would get their houses, and that from now on he was going to make the employees work and run the store as if it were a union store. Roger Johnson admitted, when Kinter asked him, that he had signed a union card . Vera Morley refused to sign Kinter's paper, nd Kinter said, "So you are in it too." He also told her that if the Union got in he would not be able to afford to keep her and Gladys, another new employee. In other conversations he told her he knew she had been at Woc's home for the initial union meeting, that Woc was a trouble maker, and he would fire her and, after Woc was fired, he said that he had told her he would do so. ' Nello L TeerCompany, 143 NLRB 787,791 Cf. Cosmodyne Manu- facturing Company, 150 NLRB 97, 99-100. 61 Olga Grund and Joan Woc signed Kinter 's paper for him when he asked them to, but Woc soon reconsidered and erased her name. Grund testified that when she was asked to sign , Kinter told her he would fire anyone who joined a union. When Helen Kolesar refused to sign the paper, Kinter accused her also of being the one who had contacted the Union. Kinter admitted that he had asked his employees to in- dicate to him in writing whether they had joined the Union, but that he had told them there would be no reprisals if they refused to sign. I do not credit him in that regard, in view of the uniform testimony of Hunt, Morley, and Kolesar that Kinter took offense when he learned from their actions that they would not support him, and because his subsequent conduct revealed what seems to me to have been his true intentions. On or about July 26, Kinter posted a statement which his employees initialed, to the effect that although Kinter was opposed to the Union his employees had the right to join or not to join, as they wished. They were also told that the Company would not interfere with, threaten, or coerce them in the exercise of their rights, and that any prior inconsistent actions or statements were withdrawn. I find that the posted statement did not vitiate the coer- cive effect of Kinter's interrogations, accusations, and threats made contemporaneously and later to employees individually, as set out above, particularly in view of the discriminatory changes in status instituted against union adherents about the same time.' (2) Laura Hunt had worked at the store since April 1962. She had become indebted to Kinter on her personal grocery bill, so that by July 1965, she owed him over $60. I credit her testimony that she and her husband had recently offered to settle their debt with an income tax refund, but that Kinter had said he knew they needed the money and he would repay himself out of Hunt's last payroll check when she quit her employment. On July 21, Hunt came to the store to pick up her paycheck and was told that the full amount, $61.60 was being applied to her bill. Kinter attempted to justify his action by saying that Hunt had told him she was having domestic problems, and he wanted to make sure of his money. Hunt denied telling Kinter of any domestic problems, nor had she given him any indication at that time that she intended to quit work, although she did in fact quit voluntarily a month later. I find that Kinter applied Hunt's wages against his bill not because he was concerned about its ever being paid off, but in retaliation for her lack of "loyalty" to him, in refusing to sign his paper just a few days earlier, and thereby indicating to him her support of the Union.2 (3) The complaint was amended at the first hearing to allege that on or about July 16, 1965, Respondent pro- vided Helen Kolesar with less employment than she would normally have received, because of her activities on behalf of the Union. Kolesar worked only in the meat department, wrapping meat which was cut by the two butchers, cleaning showcases and equipment, and prepar- ing some delicatessen items. No work was done in the meat department after 6 p.m., although meat was dis- played and sold whenever the store was open. Her regu- lar schedule during the first half of 1965 called for her to work 33 hours per week: on Tuesdays and Saturdays she z Cf Freskeeto Frozen Foods, Inc , 159 NLRB 342 (Edward Hook, Sr.) 62 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD worked from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays she worked until 3:30 p.m. Respondent's Exhibit 6, a record of Kolesar's hours and earnings in 1965, shows that with the exception of a period in May and June when she was ill, Kolesar had never worked less than 33 hours per week, and in some weeks had worked more. The week ending July 26 began a marked change in her schedule. That was the first week in which her schedule was made up after Kinter heard of the petition being filed, and Kolesar's refusal to tell him whether she had signed a union card. In that week she worked 25 hours, and in the remaining weeks of 1965 she did not again work as much as 33 hours except for I week in August and 2 in September when she worked more than 35 hours.3 Kinter's explanation for the abrupt reduction in Kolesar's hours, hard on the filing of the petition, is that the volume of sales in the meat department had fallen off. He offered no details or substantiation. In the light of its timing and other evidence of Kinter's opposition to the Union, I reject his explanation and conclude that he reduced Kolesar's hours in reprisal for her known or suspected activities on behalf of the Union. (4) Before the union campaign began in July, Joan Woc usually worked from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Thursdays through Satur- days, she and another cashier would alternate day and evening shifts. She had one Sunday a month off, and would alternate day and evening shifts on the other Sun- days. After she returned from her vacation the second week in July, her work schedule was gradually changed so that she began working more evening shifts, until by the time of her termination on August 23, she was work- ing evenings almost exclusively. When Woc came to work on Sunday, August 22, she told Kinter that she had a doctor's appointment for 3 p.m. Monday and would like to get off at 2 p.m. so that her husband could drive her. According to Woc, Kinter told her she could leave at 2 p.m. When she came in Monday morning and looked at the schedule, she saw that she was slated to work Monday to 3 p.m. and straight nights the rest of the week. She told him that the next Sunday should be her day off. He told her she knew what she could do if she did not like the schedule, and she responded that she was not going to quit, and that he would have to fire her first. There was apparently no single procedure for a cashier to follow if she wanted to depart from her schedule. If she wanted just an hour or two off she might try, on her own, to get someone else to replace her. There was also some latitude exercised in these matters, depending on how busy the store was, so that there might be times when only one cashier would be on duty although two had been scheduled. Of course, there had to be at least one cashier in the store at all times that it was open. Kinter and the other men in the grocery departments were also available to fill in as cashiers when necessary. Woc testified that she had called two other cashiers to take her place from 2 to 3 p.m. on Monday, but they were not able to oblige her. There was another cashier on duty 3 During these 2 weeks in September, Howard Kinter, one of the meat- cutters, was working in the produce department as a vacation replace- ment " Her admitted efforts to get a replacement indicates that she un- derstood that Kinter's approval of her leaving at 2 p.m was apparently that shift. At 2 p.m. Woc prepared to leave and told Kinter so. Kinter objected, saying she was always sick and if she could not work her schedule she was no darn good to him. At that, Woc retorted that he was a darn liar, whereupon Kinter told her she was fired. Their conversa- tion had taken place in the small, partially enclosed store office, near the checkout counters and the postal substa- tion office. There were customers nearby who could have overheard the conversation if their voices had been raised. Kinter testified that he had had more problems with Woc's scheduling and work habits than with any other employee. He denied that he had made any unusual changes in her schedule after July 1. As to the particular events of August 22 and 23 that led to her discharge, Kinter said that he had already had the schedule up for the next week when Woc told him that she had a doctor's appointment for Monday afternoon. He said that he had told her it was her responsibility to get a replacement for herself. On Monday, when she was leaving, he testified that he asked her if she had a replacement and when she said she did not, he told her it would not be advisable for her to leave. She then said she was leaving anyway, and taunted him by asking him to fire her. When he said he had more trouble with her than with the other girls, she called him a damned liar, whereupon he fired her for in- subordination. There was a hint of bravado in Woc's action. It is true she had tried to get a replacement, but her failure to tell Kinter that there was no one to take her place before she got ready to leave at 2 p.m. indicated that she was deter- mined to leave regardless of what Kinter might do or say.4 It also seems established that there was some conversa- tion between them that she would not quit voluntarily, and that he would have to fire her to get rid of her. Obviously there was already considerable friction in their relationship, and it is to the cause of that friction that one must look, both for explanation of Woc's disregard of her obligation to get a replacement for herself, and to Kinter's response to Woc's leaving an hour before the end of her shift. The incident assumed the importance it did because of their strained relations. Kinter knew that Woc had been helpful in the Union's campaign to obtain authorization cards, and he resented her efforts on its be- half, as evidenced by his changes in her working schedule, his remarks to Morley and Grund about firing people who joined a union, and his other reprisals and threats. I am satisfied that Woc's request for an hour off would have been routinely granted despite her failure to get a replacement if Kinter had not been anxious to seize on an excuse to get rid of her. I find that Kinter discharged Woc as a reprisal for her union activities, and that Respondent thereby violated Section 8(a)(3).5 2. Following the request for recognition (I) On Wednesday, October 27, 1965, Kinter received in the mail the Union's claim of majority representation and its request to be recognized. On the same day Kinter paid all employees with 90 or more days' conditioned on someone taking her place. Bernhard Conrad Embroidery Company, 156 NLRB 1056, 1057 (Wayne Doan incident ), M & B Headwear Co., Inc, 146 NLRB 1634, 1642-45, enfd. 349 F 2d 170, 174 (C.A 4) KINTER BROS., INC. service a bonus which was included in their regular weekly paycheck. The complaint alleges that Respondent violated Sec- tion 8(a)( 1) and (5 ) by distributing the bonus in order to destroy the employees ' support of the Union The Respondent contends , on the contrary , that the bonus was given pursuant to a plan formulated and announced to the employees the previous May, and that its payment on the very day that the Union 's bargaining request was received was mere coincidence. Based mainly on Kinter ' s testimony , Respondent at- tempted to show that it had definitely decided to engage in an employees ' profit-sharing plan in April 1965, although its profits were then low, and that it had an- nounced such a plan at an employees ' meeting in May. The payment in October 1965 is said to be based on Respondent ' s profits in the third quarter of 1965. The testimony on these points was most unpersuasive. Respondent introduced minutes of two special meetings of its board of directors , which were allegedly attended by Harold Kinter , his brother Howard, the secretary of the corporation and a meatcutter in the store, and Harold 's daughter , Linda. At the first board meeting, purportedly held April 15 , 1965, the directors adopted a resolution to initiate a bonus or profit-sharing plan as specified therein . The president was instructed to hold a meeting with the employees to discuss and explain the plan. The second board meeting , purportedly held on May 26 , 1965, was called to permit the president to re- port to the other two officials present , his brother and his daughter , on the reaction of the employees to the proposed plan. He reported that the employees all liked the idea of the bonus plan and agreed to go along with the corporation on it . The meeting was then adjourned. At the hearing, Harold Kinter testified that the em- ployee meeting to explain the bonus plan had been held in May 1965, and his testimony as to the date was cor- roborated by Tom Conti, a meat department employee. Adversely affecting the probative value of their testimony are the affidavits given by these two to the Regional Of- fice officials who investigated this matter before the hear- ing. Kinter ' s affidavit , received in evidence as General Counsel Exhibit 8, has him saying that the profit-sharing plan was never written out, and that he decided to in- stitute the plan the latter part of June, which is at least 2 months after the directors ' meeting when , according to the minutes , a detailed plan was set out, read , and ap- proved . Conti testified that an employee meeting was held in May , yet his affidavit says the meeting was held the latter part of August . Again , Terry Radcliffe testified that such a meeting was held about a month before the bonus was distributed on October 27, 1965. Employees Grund and Woc denied that Kinter had ever held an em- ployee meeting in April or May to explain his profit-shar- ing plan. Based on their demeanor and their prior inconsistent statements , I discredit the testimony of Kinter and Conti that there had been an employees ' meeting in May 1965 to explain the institution of a bonus plan. Whether there was such a meeting between the withdrawal of the peti- tion, late in July, and the demand for recognition on Oc- tober 27, is unclear . Only Radcliffe testified to the effect, while Johnson , Grund , and Kolesar all testified that they 8 See Elliott- Williams Co, Inc , 149 NLRB 1242, 1257 fn 36 for cases holding that a trier of facts may find that the contrary of what an uncon- 63 were unaware of what the extra payment included in their paycheck on October 27 was meant to be. I think that Radcliffe must have been mistaken about what was men- tioned at the meeting , if one was held at all. There remains for resolution the question whether Harold Kinter was unaware of any pending interest of the Union in organizing his employees when the bonus was paid on October 27. Between July 27 , when it withdrew its petition for representation, and October 26, when it mailed its demand for recognition , Kinter had no reason to know whether the Union was contemplating further ef- forts to represent his employees . According to Kinter, his accountant informed him about October 20 that the store had shown a profit in the quarter July I to September 30, and he decided to share these profits with his employees; he included their bonus in their paychecks for the next week and actually paid it to them on the next regular payday, Wednesday , October 27 , 1965. According to Kinter , he prepared the checks that Wednesday morning and only learned of the Union 's demand that afternoon, when the mail was delivered between I and 2 p.m. The employees on the day shift picked up their checks at 3 p.m., and those on the evening shift , at 9 p.m. Since Kinter prepared the checks and opened his mail personally , there is no evidence to refute his testimony that the checks had already been prepared before the mail arrived . I do not credit his testimony , however, because I believe that Kinter was concerned over the new evidence that the Union ' s organizing campaign was still alive, and decided to use a different tactic to scotch it.6 Threats, unfavorable work schedules , and Woc's discharge had all apparently been unsuccessful . A bonus perhaps might do the trick . I find that Kinter decided to pay his employees a bonus only after he heard from the Union on October 27. Among the considerations which prompt me to reach that finding are my belief that (1) Kinter had never planned to institute a profit -sharing plan before the petition was filed, and would not have done so if withdrawal of the petition had ended the Union's cam- paign ; and (2) Kinter, shortly after October 27, again went to his employees with a request that they openly in- dicate to him whether they had designated the Union as their representative , in the expectation that the recent bonus might persuade them in his favor. Payment of a bonus in these circumstances is clearly a violation of Section 8(a)(1), and I so find.7 (2) In response to the Union 's demand, received on October 27, Kinter informed it on November 9, that a majority of his employees had come to him voluntarily to say that they did not wish to be represented, and that he would recognize it only after Board certification. The basis for Kinter's claim that the employees did not desire representation was an "affidavit " signed by nine of his employees which he , or one of the nonsupervisory men, had taken to them with the request that they sign it. The affidavit read as follows. We, the undersigned , being first duly sworn depose and say that we of our free will and choice came to our employer , Mr. J. Harold Kinter and advised him that we had not signed any authorization card on be- half of the Retail Clerks Union and we further state that we have not done so. tradicted but discredited witness testifies to is in fact true 7 Betts Baking Company, 155 N L RB 1313 64 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The alleged voluntariness of the employees' signatures is suspect in view of Kinter's earlier efforts to learn who had signed cards by circulating a similar statement in July, and by his other interrogation and threats. Signifi- cantly, four of the nine employees who stated that they had not signed for the Union, had in fact done so. I be- lieve that it is immaterial in the circumstances of this case whether Kinter actually told the employees, as he testified, that no reprisals would be taken regardless of whether the employee did or did not sign the affidavit. In view of the violations of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) com- mitted before receipt of the recognition demand; and the grant of the bonus immediately upon its receipt, I find that Kinter's polling or interrogation of his employees as to their union adherence was in itself coercive and a viola- tion of Section 8(a)(1).8 (3) During the course of the first hearing, in February 1966, I granted the General Counsel's motion to amend the complaint by alleging an additional violation of Sec- tion 8 (a)(1) through the interrogation of the employees by Louis Belkin , Respondent's attorney. I find, based on the composite testimony of Olga Grund and Helen Kolesar, that the employees were asked to report at the store at 8:30 a.m., January 21, 1966. Mr. Belkin presided, and Mr. Kinter came in after the meeting had started . Belkin said that any statements the employees made would be voluntary, and there would be no reprisals. He then asked them whether they had signed authorization cards, and when no one responded, the meeting was closed. It lasted altogether no more than 10 minutes. The meeting occurred between the issuance of the first amended complaint on December 28, 1965, and the first hearing on February 15, 1966. This was the period in which Mr. Belkin, as attorney for Respondent, was en- gaged in investigating and preparing his case. The single question asked by Mr. Belkin, whether they had signed authorization cards, was clearly related to an issue on which Respondent was preparing its defense. Under the circumstances, and in view of the substantial compliance with the safeguards required to be met in Johnnie's Poultry Co., Inc. 146 NLRB 770, I find that there was no violation of Section 8(a)(1) by Respondent at the January 21 meeting.9 C. Respondent's Refusal to Bargain (1) The parties stipulated at the hearing, and I find, that all selling and nonselling employees at Respondent's store at Mentor, Ohio, excluding all guards, professional employees and supervisors constitute an appropriate unit for the purposes of collective bargaining under Section 9(b) of the Act. (2) The complaint alleges that on or about July 16, 1965, and again, on or about October 25, 1965, a majori- ty of Respondent's employees in an appropriate unit had designated or selected the Union as their bargaining representative, and that on November 9, 1965, in viola- tion of Section 8(a)(5), Respondent refused to recognize and bargain with the Union, notwithstanding that it was at that time, and has been since July 16, 1965, the duly designated exclusive bargaining representative. It will be recalled that the petition which the Union filed on July 16 was withdrawn less than 2 weeks later. Not until October 27, 1965, did the Union claim that it 8 Madison Brass Works, Inc., 161 NLRB 1206; Griffith Ladder Cor- poration , 159 NLRB 175; Johnnie's Poultry, Inc, 146 NLRB 770, represented a majority of Respondent's employees and demand recognition based thereon. On October 27, there were then actually working at the store 13 employees, in- cluding Harold Kinter, who is admittedly a supervisor, but excluding Joan Woc who, I have found, was discharged on August 23, in violation of Section 8(a)(3). Of the 13 people who are thus potentially within the ap- propriate unit (excluding Harold Kinter and including Joan Woc), the Union had cards signed by the following: Woc, Johnson, Grund, Kolesar, Horn, Terry Radcliffe, and Theresa Reichard. Hunt and Morley, who had also signed cards in July, had left their employment voluntari- ly in August, about 2 months before the Union's demand for recognition. Besides Harold Kinter , the store manager and pres- ident of the corporation, there were four adult men em- ployed, all of whom worked 6 full days per week on a salaried basis. They were Robert Horn, Barney Sabor, Tom Conti, and Howard Kinter, Harold's brother. Sabor constituted the one-man produce and dairy department, and all parties agree that he is properly included in the stipulated unit. The General Counsel contends that Conti was the head of the meat department (which consisted of himself and Howard Kinter, meatcutters, and Kolesar, the part-time wrapper), and as such must be excluded as a supervisor. As for Howard Kinter, the General Counsel argues that he should also be excluded, either as a super- visor , a management official, or because as Harold's brother, he enjoyed a special status allying him to management. As for Horn, whom Harold Kinter regarded as his right-hand man and assistant manager, the General Counsel argues that he was not a supervisor. The Respondent, with more of a semblance of consistency, does not specifically urge Horn's exclusion from the unit, and contends that neither Conti nor Howard Kinter were supervisors. Although the store was open 12 hours per day, 7 days per week, and Harold Kinter was not there all the time, it is established that he was there almost every day for much of the day. He was its sole effective operating offi- cial, did all the hiring, firing, and scheduling of employees, and made all but the most minor, routine decisions. The scope for supervision, for others than Harold Kinter, was extremely limited. Conti placed orders for those meat items that were used every week, but needed Harold Kinter's permission to order anything new. Kinter chose the supplies. Conti and Sabor were paid $100 per week, while Horn and Howard Kinter each received $110 per week. Except for his limited additional responsibility in ordering, Conti did the same work, cutting and displaying meat, as Howard Kinter. Conti had on occasion per- mitted Kolesar, the wrapper, to leave 10 or 15 minutes before the end of her shift if all her work was completed. Although Horn's duties were not developed in detail, he apparently worked throughout the store on a variety of tasks, and more than anyone else, assisted Harold Kinter in carrying out the latter's functions. However, neither Horn nor Conti, in my opinion, satisfy any of the disjunc- tive indicia of supervisory authority enumerated in Sec- tion 2(11), since they either did not exercise the types of authority specified therein, or did so only in a routine fashion. I find therefore that both Horn and Conti are properly included within the appropriate unit. enforcement denied 344 F. 2d 617 (C.A. 8). 'Madison Brass Works, Inc., supra. KINTER BROS ., INC. 65 Howard Kinter's status presents a different problem. He was the secretary of the corporation and the brother of its president. He worked full time as a meatcutter with no discernible special privileges as to hours or conditions of employment, nor did he have even the glimmerings of supervisory or management authority possessed by Con- ti. The General Counsel urges that even if he was not a supervisory or a management official, Howard Kinter should nevertheless be excluded because of his special status. In only one respect, so far as I can ascertain, was Howard Kinter treated more favorably than Conti or Sabor. Howard Kinter and Horn were each paid $110 per week, according to General Counsel Exhibit 9, while Conti, who had slightly more responsibility than Howard, received $100 per week. Harold Kinter testified that he paid Horn and his brother bonuses of $10 per week. In Horn's case, he said, it was for maintaining profitable operations in the store and for acting as his right-hand man; but he offered no ex- planation as to why his brother was paid a bonus which raised his total remuneration above that of the meat de- partment manager. Differences in pay between in- dividuals performing similar services may be due to a variety of legitimate business reasons, but where a close relative of the owner receives a higher wage than others for doing the same work, an inference that it is based on the family relationship is warranted in the absence of any other explanation. I find that Howard Kinter was paid a $10-per-week bonus because he was the brother of Respondent's president, that his interests were closely al- lied with those of management because of the extra remuneration paid him, and that as a consequence he should be excluded from the unit. 10 I find, in accordance with the foregoing, that with Con- ti, Horn, and Woc included, and Howard Kinter ex- cluded, the stipulated appropriate unit comprised 12 em- ployees on October 27, 1965, the date of the Union's request for recognition. (3) The Respondent contends that the authorization cards admittedly signed by Terry Radcliffe and Theresa Reichard were obtained by a misrepresentation on the part of the union representatives who solicited their signatures which was so serious as to nullify their effect, and justifies their not being counted. The authorization cards which Radcliffe, Reichard, and the other employees signed are clear and unambiguous. They read: "I, the undersigned, an employee of hereby authorize Retail Store Employees Union Local 880 to represent me for the purpose of collective bargain- ing." Terry Radcliffe was a part-time employee and high school student, who was 15 years old when he signed the card. He testified that two union representatives, later identified as Norman Rogers and Elwood Heabler, came to his home on July 14, 1965, and spoke to him for about a half hour in the presence of his parents. All he could re- member of their conversation was that they said they were union men and were trying to come into Mr. Kinter's store, that some of the other employees wanted it and had already signed up. He remembered nothing else except that as they were ready to leave, they asked him to sign a card to show that they had been there. Terry then signed the card. His father, who is a union steward at his place of employment, was present when he signed, but did not look at the card or tell him what to do. Mrs. Reichard was employed at the Kinter store between September and December 1965 She signed an authorization card on October 25, 1965. Norman Hanna and Addison Mills, union representatives, visited her for 20 to 30 minutes at her home, in the presence of her husband, on October 25. She testified that they told her about a pending case against Mr. Kinter involving an em- ployee who had been discharged and whom they were trying to help. They then asked her to sign an authoriza- tion card so that they could show their boss that they had been out to see her. She read the card, filled it out, and signed it. Thereafter, they said something about better wages and working conditions and bringing a booth into the store for voting. She asked them if this would "im- plicate" her in any way and they said it would not, that only they and their boss would see the card. If there was more to the conversation, Mrs. Reichard was unable to recall it after a fairly lengthy examination and cross-ex- amination. Rogers and Heabler denied telling Radcliffe that they wanted him to sign the card to show that they had been there; and Hanna and Mills also denied telling Reichard that they asked her to sign a card so they could show their boss that they had been out to see her. The thrust of Respondent's defense as to the Radcliffe and Reichard cards is that though they had read the cards and thereafter signed them, they did so because of a fradulent representation that their signatures were wanted only to prove that the union representatives had actually been out to see them. The representatives who obtained these two cards were full-time officials or employees of the Union. It strikes me as unlikely that experienced union officials as these were would resort to such a transparently irrelevant appeal, particularly in the presence of adult members of the signer's family. Simply as a conjecture, it may be that the union representatives attempted to overcome some initial reluctance to sign by urging Radcliffe and Reichard to indicate then and there that they were favorably disposed to what the Union was seeking, rather than have the organizers return on some later occasion. But conjec- ture aside, I am persuaded on the basis of the demeanor of Rogers, Heabler, Hanna, and Mills, and the relative probabilities of the situation, that they did not ask either Radcliffe or Reichard to sign only that they might show their superiors that they had been out to visit them. In any event, I do not consider the representation, even if made, to have been either fradulent or coercive' 1 The alleged representation was that their signatures would prove that the organizers had in fact visited them. The signatures would thereby be physical evidence which the organizers might rely on to show their superiors that Rad- cliffe and Reichard had in fact decided to support the Union. I find, therefore, that the authorizations signed by Radcliffe and Reichard to have the Union represent them for the purpose of collective bargaining are valid, having been obtained without fraud or coercion. 10 Cherrin Corporation, 147 NLRB 527, in 2, enfd 349 F 2d 1001 (C A 6), cf Research Craft Mfg Corp, 129 NLRB 723, 726 11 The validity of signatures on an authorization card can be overcome only by establishing that the union obtained the signatures through coer- cion or by representing to the employees that, despite the purpose clearly and expressly stated on the cards themselves, they would be used only for a different or limited purpose Aero Corporation, 149 NLRB 1283, 1290 66 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD To summarize my findings , the employees properly in- cluded in the appropriate unit on October 27, 1965, are: Pike, Kolesar, Conti, Grund, Horn , Johnson , Locker, McGarry, Sabor, Radcliffe, Reichard , and Woc (who although not on the payroll on that date is included because she had been unlawfully discharged on August 23, 1965, and remained an employee of Respondent). As the Union's request for recognition was supported by seven valid authorization cards, I find that the General Counsel has established that the Union was the repre- sentative of a majority of Respondent 's employees on October 27, 1965. (4) Respondent justifies its refusal to recognize the Union after the demand of October 27 by asserting that Harold Kinter had a good -faith doubt of the Union's majority in view of the withdrawal of its petition 2 months previously, and the fact that at least nine employees had advised him orally or in writing that they had not signed union authorization cards. In a recent statement of the principles applicable to cases in which an employer rejects a request for bargain- ing on the ground that an election is the best proof of a union ' s claimed majority , the Board said, in Aaron Brothers Company of California, 158 NLRB 1077, 1078, 1079: (Citations omitted.) While an employer' s right to a Board election is not absolute , it has long been established Board pol- icy that an employer may refuse to bargain and insist upon such an election as proof of a union 's majority unless its refusal and insistence were not made with a good-faith doubt of the union ' s majority . An elec- tion by secret ballot is normally a more satisfactory means of determining employees ' wishes, although authorization cards signed by a majority may also evidence their desires . Absent an affirmative show- ing of faith , an employer, presented with a majority card showing and a bargaining request, will not be held to have violated his bargaining obligation under the law simply because he refuses to rely upon cards, rather than an election , as a method for determining the union 's majority. Whether an employer is acting in good or bad faith in questioning the union 's majority is a determination which of necessity must be made in the light of all the relevant facts of the case , including any unlawful conduct of the employer, the sequence of events, and the time lapse between the refusal and the unlawful conduct . Where a company has engaged in substan- tial unfair labor practices calculated to dissipate union support, the Board , with the courts' approval, has concluded that employer insistence on an elec- tion was not motivated by a good -faith doubt of the union ' s majority, but rather by a rejection of the col- lective-bargaining principle or by a desire to gain time within which to undermine the union However, this does not mean that any employer conduct found violative of Section 8(a)(I) of the Act , regardless of its nature or gravity , will necessarily support a refusal - to-bargain finding For instance , where an employer's unfair labor practices are not of such a character as to reflect a purpose to evade an obliga- tion to bargain , the Board will not draw an inference of bad faith. On the other hand , an employer 's bad faith may also be demonstrated by a course of conduct which does not constitute an unfair labor practice. Here, the record reveals that as soon as Kinter learned of the Union's organizing activities in mid -July, he took steps calculated to interfere with his employees ' wishes to organize . Thus, as soon as he received acopy of the petition , he forced each employee to reveal whether he had joined the Union or had talked to anyone from it. He had not even an ostensibly legitimate reason for asking them to reveal their union sentiments , since at that time the Union was only requesting an election and not im- mediate recognition . The only purpose for this intrusion into their affairs was to learn what he could about who the Union' s adherents were, and to use the information to achieve its defeat. Hunt and Kolesar were dealt with promptly-the former, by forcing her to pay her entire grocery bill at once, and the latter by an immediate reduc- tion in her scheduled hours. Woc was dealt with later, but more harshly. Hunt , Morley, Grund, and Kolesar were all the recipients of open threats or of veiled implications that those who had signed union cards would suffer for it. Thus, by the time the Union formally requested recog- nition, the effects of Respondent 's violations of its em- ployees' rights to engage in union activities were still being felt by Kolesar and Woc-effects which were visibly apparent to all the other employees , and which would serve to inhibit their activities as well . It is in the context of these earlier reprisals and threats that Kinter's approach to the employees after October 27, requesting them to subscribe to the affidavit "of our free will and choice" that they had not signed union authorization cards, must be evaluated . It should occasion no surprise that four of the nine employees who signed the affidavit chose to conceal the fact that they had signed cards, nor can it reasonably be said that Kinter could, in good faith, believe that the affidavit was a voluntary expression of his employees ' desires or past actions. Finally, the grant of an unexplained bonus to the em- ployees on October 27 is further indicative of Respond- ent's rejection of the collective-bargaining principle, and its desire to gain time in which to dissipate the Union's strength . Respondent ' s misconduct , contemporaneous both with the inception of the Union' s campaign and its request for recognition , belies its protestations of a good- faith doubt as to the Union ' s majority status.12 I find, on the basis of the foregoing and upon the entire record , that Respondent did not, on October 27, 1965, or thereafter , entertain a good-faith doubt of the Union's majority in an appropriate unit, but rather , that its refusal to recognize the U nion was based on its opposition to the self-organizational rights of its employees . I also find that since the same date Respondent has refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive representa- tive of its employees in an appropriate unit, thereby violating Section 8(a)(5), and has interfered with, restrained , and coerced its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) 12 Joy Silk Mills, Inc 85 NLRB 1263, enfd 185 F 2d 732 (C A D C ), cert denied 341 U S 914, Boot-Ster Manufacturing Company, Inc , 149 N LRB 933 , enfd 361 F 2d 325 (C A 6) KINTER BROS, INC. D. Alleged Violations of Section 8(a)(1), (3) and (4) At and After the First Hearing (1) On February 17, 1966, the third day of the first hearing in this case, Norman Rogers, an official of the Union, testified that he had solicited and obtained a signed authorization card from Robert Horn on July 15, 1965. Kinter was then present at the hearing, while Horn was at the store. This was Kinter's first indication that Horn, whom he regarded as his right-hand man, had signed a union card. When the hearing recessed that day at 11 a.m., Kinter returned to the store. What allegedly happened thereafter is graphically revealed by the General Counsel's motion to amend the complaint, made the next morning, that on February 17, Kinter threatened Horn with bodily harm and terminated his employment because he had joined or assisted the Union. Kinter arrived at the store about 11:30 a.m., and before removing his hat and overcoat, went to the meat depart- ment at the rear of the store where he picked up a meat cleaver. He then came back to the produce department to confront Horn. In a loud voice Kinter called him a patsy and a fink, and accused him of giving information about the store to the Union. He raised the cleaver somewhere between waist and shoulder level and swung it as he stood facing Horn, who backed away. The testimony is unclear as to where they then moved and who followed whom, but at some point Horn asked Kinter what he intended to do with the cleaver. Kinter said he would use it if he had to, and then told Horn to get out. Kinter walked away and Horn asked for his pay before he left. Kinter said he would pay hem when he got the money, and Horn there- upon left. The above recital is based on Horn's testimony. Kinter testified that when he got back to the store on February 17, he noticed that the sound system was off, and immediately went to the meat department for a cleaver to pry off the metal screen on the amplifier. He met Horn and said to him, "I hope you can sleep well at night," and accused him of lying to him for the last 8 months. He denied that he yelled or made any threatening gesture with the cleaver, which he held at his side. As to Horn's termination, Kinter said that Horn offered to ex- plain himself but when Kinter said no explanation was needed, Horn asked for his pay and said he would leave. Barbara Locker, a cashier who was on duty at the store that day, overheard part of the Horn-Kinter conversation which took place near the produce rack and substantially corroborated Kinter's version. I credit Horn as against Kinter and Locker where their testimony is in conflict. It seems improbable that Kinter's first concern when he reached the store, considering his agitated state over the disclosure that Horn had signed a card, should be the absence of soothing music, or that he would immediately pick up a cleaver to begin work on the sound system. It is much more likely, and I so find, that Kinter got the cleaver to intimidate Horn. Whether Horn was actually fearful of violence is, of course, irrelevant. No employee should have to decide whether his em- ployer's anger over his union activities may actually result in physical harm to him. I find that Kinter's con- frontation with Horn and the accompanying threat to his person on February 17 is a violation of Section 8(a)(1). 1 3 Horn's testimony that he was discharged was in effect corroborated by Carol Thompson, who testified credibly at the second hearing that in a conversation she had with Kinter during her application for employment early in March 1966 he told her that Horn was a leader in the organiza- 67 I also credit Horn's testimony that Kinter told him to get out, and I find that Horn correctly understood this to mean that he was being discharged because of his support of the Union.13 The discharge was therefore in violation of Section 8(a)(3). The next day, Louis Belkin , Respondent's attorney, told Horn orally that he could have his job back, and also handed him a letter telling him he could return to his job with the same benefits and friendly circumstances of the past few years. Again, while Horn was testifying on these matters on February 23, the attorney extended him an unconditional offer to return to his job with no strings at- tached. I consider the two offers on February 18 and the one on February 23 to have been bona fide unconditional offers of reinstatement, and I therefore find that Respond- ent's obligation to offer Horn reinstatement to his former job has been fully satisfied.14 As Horn was paid a weekly salary without deduction for hours not worked, he would not have suffered any loss in pay if he had accepted the reinstatement offers made him the day after his discharge. There is therefore no need for me to order restitution for loss of subsequent earnings, if any. (2) Paragraph 9 of the complaint in Case 8-CA-4178 alleges that Respondent "interrogated employees con- cerning their union membership, activities, sympathies and desires ... " and threatened them with discharge, layoff, and other economic reprisal if they selected the Union as their collective-bargaining representative. I as- sume that General Counsel adduced the testimony of Carol Thompson, an applicant for employment, in partial substantiation of these allegations. There is no allega- tion in the complaint that Thompson's application for employment was rejected for discriminatory reasons. Thompson testified that in response to a "help-wanted" newspaper advertisement she applied to Kinter for a job early in March 1966. Kinter already knew her since she then owed him more than $90 for groceries. She filled out an application, and in the course of their conversation, Kinter told her he had been having some trouble and that the Union was trying to get in. He then asked her what her opinion of the Union was, and what her husband thought of it. In some unrevealed manner, Thompson shortly thereafter gave an affidavit to the Board's Re- gional Office on her interview, and in another unrevealed manner, Kinter found out about it. On March 26, Thomp- son went to the store to make a $10 payment on her bill. Kinter asked her why she had run to the Labor Board, and Thompson denied that she had. She then said that she had only told the truth when she was asked to give an affidavit, so that she would not have to go to court. Kinter said to her, "If they don't take you to court, I will." I am satisfied from the context, that these remarks about a court appearance actually relate to a Labor Board hearing, and that Kinter was not threatening her with legal process over the debt she owed him in retaliation for having given an affidavit. I find, based on Thompson's credited Testimony, that Kinter's questions as to what she and her husband thought about the Union were coercive and violative of Section 8(a)(1).15 Since the evidence fails to establish that Kinter threatened her with economic reprisal or failed to employ her because of the answers tional campaign and that he had had to let him go 14 Elton-Williams Co., Inc , 149 NLRB 1242, 1244 and Howard Quar- ries, Inc , 150 NLRB 873, 874 15 Ontario Foods, Inc , 144 NLRB 1057, 1058 310-5410-70-6 68 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD she gave him or because of the affidavit she gave to the Regional Office, I do not find any further violations based on Thompson's two conversations with Kinter. At the May hearing, Horn testified that the morning of February 17, 1966, while the first hearing was in progress, Harold Kinter met with Horn, Conti, and Harold's brother, Howard, to brief them on what was to he done with the union adherents in the store. Kinter told them, since all were then in his confidence, that they would have a freeze-out campaign with the ones who had signed up with the Union, to make it rough on them so that they would get disgusted and quit. There was to be no conversation with them and they were to be given the hard jobs. Horn further testified that Harold Kinter specifically mentioned Olga Grund, Joan Woc, and Helen Kolesar as being in this category. There is no evidence to refute Horn's testimony on this point. (3) I have already found that Woe had been dis- criminatorily discharged on August 23, 1965. On Febru- ary 24, 1966, just after the close of the first hearing, Kinter wrote Woc instructing her to return to her job within a reasonable length of time. Woc first telephoned him and then sent him a telegram asking if his letter was an uncon- ditional offer of reinstatement. On February 26, he wrote her saying it was and instructing her to report on or before March 3. She did so on that date, and thereafter worked steadily into July 1966. The composite allegations of the complaint in 8-CA-4178 (tried on May 24, 1966) and 8-- CA-4310 (tried on November 14, 1966) with respect to Woe's employment between March 3 and August 3, 1966, when her employment again terminated, are that Respondent discriminated against her in violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(1), (3), and (4) by scheduling fewer hours of work, less desirable shifts, and less desirable job tasks than she had previously enjoyed, and that it constructive- ly discharged her on August 3, 1966. When Joan Woe was discharged in August 1965, she had worked as a cashier longer than anyone in the store except Olga Grund. Before Kinter learned of Woe's union involvement, she worked five to seven shifts a week, most of them days. Late in July and into August 1965, she was gradually assigned to the less desirable evening shifts. When she returned on March 3, 1966, she worked three evening shifts per week until the first week in May. After May 9, she worked five evenings per week and toward the end of that month she worked 15 consecu- tive days without a day off. When she asked Kinter for some time off, he told her he couldn't because he was shorthanded, and if she did not like her schedule, the door was open. She continued to work. Before Kinter had learned of her union sympathies in July 1965, Woe performed a cashier's normal duties, such as checking out customers' purchases at a cash register, changing prices, putting up stock when 'business was slow, filling in at the postal substation, and occasionally dusting shelves and doing other cleanup work. When she returned on March 3, 1966, she was assigned only to putting up stock and dusting shelves. On April 29 she was told to wash the shelves. The record is unclear whether she actually did so then, but after that date she was reassigned to running a register for part of each shift. Toward the end of June, Olga Grund, the oldest em- ployee in point of service, quit, and Kinter hired some new cashiers. Although it had always been understood 16 According to Woc, and corroborated by other testimony, the schedule was never posted before Sunday evenings and was frequently since she began working there (and Kinter had told her so again in April 1965), that the most senior cashier had some kind of priority on the choice of shifts, Woe was not given the opportunity to work the day shift, which she preferred. One day in mid-July on reporting to work, she asked Barney Sabor what she was to do. He told her to get a bucket and wash the empty spaces on the shelves. She asked what specific shelves, and was told the one where the cake mixes were. She washed that shelf, put the bucket away, and had started to put up stock again when Kinter came by and said that he had told her to wash all the shelves. She finished what she was doing, and Sabor then brought her the bucket and repeated that all the shelves were to be washed. She started to do so, at the same time noticing that Kinter and one of the cashiers were watching her and laughing. On July 16, Woe went to see her doctor about her con- stant nervousness. He gave her some medication and ad- vised her to take at least a week off from work. Either that day or the next, Woe sent Kinter a telegram that she was under a doctor's care and would not report for work all the next week. The following Sunday about noon, Woe called Kinter to ask what her hours were for the next week. He told her that she was not scheduled for that week, and when she pointed out to him that her telegram had said she would be off just one week he said the schedule was already up and he would not change it.16 Woe then asked him if she was scheduled to work the week after that, but Kinter hung up without answering. The following Saturday she called Kinter to tell him she was ready to go back to work, and the next day she sent her daughter to the store to look at the schedule. It showed that her first day of work was to be Wednesday, August 3, from 3 to 9 p.m. When she reported on that date, she asked Sabor what she was to do. He told her to ask Kinter. She did, and Kinter told her to ask Sabor. She returned to Sabor and this time, ceasing his childish game, he told her to get a bucket and wash shelves until supper. From 3 to 6 p.m. is a busy time at the store with two cashiers at the registers. That day, however, there was only one cashier, a woman who had recently been hired. After Woe started on her shelf-washing duties, Kinter took over the other register. Conti saw Woe at work, came down the aisle laughing, and asked her if she was the new scrubbing woman. She worked until suppertime, and after returning she put up stock for a while and was then assigned to a re- gister. Kinter then came over, told her to clean up the mess which had apparently been left at her register by other cashiers, and then to put up stock and dust shelves. She did so, and shortly after 9 p.m. she went to check out her register with Kinter. He told her that she was to do what he wanted her to, and that he did not like the way she had been dusting shelves. The day's events had left her upset and nervous and she was unable to sleep that night. The next day she called the Union's attorney to tell him that she could not go back to work, and that after- noon sent Kinter the following telegram: Due to your treatment and action against me yester- day I have become ill and unable to work. Will let you know when I will return. Thereafter, she visited the doctor once for her ner- vousness and for other unconnected ailments. Although not posted until Monday or even later. KINTER BROS., INC. 69 she has felt well since then , she has not communicated with Kinter nor offered to return to work. Kinter testified that during the period from May to Au- gust 1966, Mrs. Woc had never complained to him about her schedule, hours, or working conditions, or indicated in any way that she was dissatisfied. As to the events of August 3, he said that despite his instructions to Woc to dust and face the shelves, she did practically no work for 3 hours, and that was why he reprimanded her privately while she was being checked out. Whether or not Woc had complained to him, it is clear that Kinter's conduct was designed to carry out the plan he had announced to Horn and the others some months previously. Woc was not given the amount of daywork she had formerly had, and which the senior cashier had been entitled to, under Respondent's past practice. She had not been given her formerly regular five to seven shifts per week when she returned in March, but instead, her scheduling was erratic, varying from too little to too much. Everything that Woc was assigned to do after her return in March 1966 had been done and was being done by other cashiers. Locker, for example, testified that she had washed shelves on occasion , and it is established from the testimony of both Woc and Grund that dusting, cleaning up, and stocking shelves were all part of a cash- ier's routine duties. But that Woc was assigned more of the housekeeping duties than other cashiers , including some who were newly hired, is as clear as the fact that she was also subjected to Kinter's open unfriendliness and petty harassments. There is no exact standard against which one may measure an employer's treatment of an employee, or the extent of an employee's required toleration of an unpleas- ant situation. Only those who do not need to work can insist on ideal working conditions; the rest must always put up to some extent with what they regard as unreason- able demands of their supervisors, and the consequent hurt to their self-esteem and dignity. By and large, those cases in which the Board has found that an employee has been constructively discharged have involved sudden and massive changes in working conditions - for ex- ample, assigning him work which he cannot do or has never done before, or requiring him to work under de- grading conditions , or under the most stringent super- vision.17 My conclusion, after weighing all the factors involved, is that Woc's separation on August 3, did not amount to a constructive discharge . I have taken into account the fact that she had already been discriminatorily discharged once, a year before her final separation; that she had been reinstated in March 1966 to a job which was not wholly equivalent in hours or duties to her previous position; that Kinter wanted her frozen out; and that he succeeded in making her uncomfortable and unhappy. Counterbalancing these considerations is, however, the fact that Woc had been able to continue work for 4 months, from March to July 1966, under these unpleasant circumstances. She had then taken a week off, on short notice , on the ground that she was ill. She returned, worked another day, and then informed Kinter that she was again ill and would advise him when she was ready to return. The events of August 3 were no different in kind than what she had suffered through for the past 4 months. I do not mean to be unduly technical in construing Woc's telegram of August 4, but if Woc had intended to quit because Kinter 's treatment had made her too ill to work, one would expect her to say so. Instead , after discussing the situation with the Union 's attorney , and setting out her position in a formal communication , all she told Kinter was that she was too ill to work (as had happened before ) and that she would return (as she had also done before). Kinter had no reason to suspect at that time that she was taking more than a temporary leave of absence. For 3 weeks, Woc did not let him know whether she in- tended to return , and it was only when he received a notice from the unemployment compensation office, about August 22, that Kinter first learned that Woc con- sidered the employment relationship to be severed. I consider it is a reasonable conclusion under these cir- cumstances to hold that Woc had not made up her mind on August 4, as to whether it was impossible for her to work any longer under the conditions of the past 4 months. The issue in constructive discharge cases is whether it was the employer 's actions which forced the employee to leave unwillingly . I am not persuaded that Woc's situation had so deteriorated by August 4, that she was justified in treating her continued employment as in- consistent with her good health or dignity. Although I will not recommend that Woc be reinstated, I will recommend that she be reimbursed for any wages she may have lost because of Kinter ' s discrimination against her between March 3 and August 3, 1966. (4) Grund had been employed longer than any of the other cashiers . She had first call on the desirable day shift , acted as mistress of the postal substation at the store, and did some minor bookkeeping for Kinter. The complaints in Cases 8-CA-4037 and 4071, as amended at the hearing , alleged that beginning in February 1966, Respondent provided Grund with less employment than she would normally have received because of her activi- ties on behalf of the Union. The complaint in Case 8-CA-4178 (tried in May 1966) alleged further that she was discriminated against by assigning her less desirable shifts and less desirable work tasks , and that she was suspended in March 1966 , as a consequence of her union activities , and her testimony at the hearing in February 1966. To complete her employment history with Re- spondent , I note that Grund left her employment some- time in June 1966, under circumstances not developed at the last hearing , and not the subject of any allegation in Case 8-CA-43 10. Grund testified at the first hearing that in the week from February 7 through 14 she had been scheduled for 22 hours per week, although formerly she had worked from 27 to 38 hours per week at the second hearing, Grund testified that on February 20, while the first hear- ing was still in progress , Kinter told her not to work in the post office and she saw Barbara Locker, one of the other cashiers , take over her former duties there . On Saturday, March 5, about 10 a.m., while she was putting up stock and while Locker was working in the post office , Kinter came up to her and told her she was suspended for a week . Grund left without asking him the reason for the sudden step . She returned after a week's suspension, and on Monday, March 14, as she was working at her reg- ister , Kinter told her that there was a customer waiting 17 Springfield Garment Manufacturing Company, 152 NLRB 1043, 1057-62, Tennessee Packers, Inc, 143 NLRB 494, 510, enfd 339 F.2d 203 (C A 6), and BelserAv,at,on Corporation, 135 NLRB 450 70 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD at the post office. She told him that he had restricted her from working there, and he said nothing. Nevertheless, she went to the post office and waited on those in line. As she was leaving the office, Kinter told her she was again suspended for 4 more days. She left without further con- versation, and returned after the suspension period. About 2 weeks later on a Thursday, as Grund was start- ing to work, Kinter and Sabor came up to her, and Kinter said that he understood she had not worked in the post of- fice the day before. She admitted that she had not, because he had told her not to. After calling her a liar, he told her that from then on she was to work in the post of- fice with the exception of the bookkeeping work. (This refers to duties which Grund had been performing on store records.) Then he suspended her for the rest of the weekend. When she returned from this last suspension, she went back to work in the post office as before. After February 1966, Grund had been working as many or more hours than before that time, but on an afternoon or evening shift instead of 9 a.m to 3 p.m. hours she had formerly worked. Kinter testified that he had told Grund almost daily that she was to wait on customers in the post office when she was available, but that she refused to do so on the ground that he had previously told her not to work there. He also testified that he had never told Grund she was not to work in the post office and further, that he had told her each time he suspended her that it was because of her refusal to do so. Barbara Locker, a cashier, corroborated Kinter's testimony that he had told Grund, on the occasion of each suspension, that it was because of her refusal to wait on the postal patrons. Although there are gaps and unexplained circum- stances in the testimony of all the witnesses concerning Kinter's instructions to Grund about her duties at the post office, I believe that the testimony, as best pieced together, indicates that before the first hearing, Grund, as the senior cashier and the one who was normally on duty when the post office was open for business, was expected to be the first to respond when patrons approached the post office cage and to remain there as long as necessary to serve them. She apparently also had some responsibili- ty in accounting for the money taken in from the opera- tion of the post office. I find that Kinter, because of his animus against the Union and Grund's continued ad- herence to it as revealed by her testimony at the February hearing, decided to deprive her of the prestige accruing to the cashier who was considered to be the postmistress, and that he assigned Locker to replace Grund in that position. This is also corroborated by the fact that an offi- cial of the Mentor Post Office came to the store in February to instruct Locker and another cashier on their duties. These must have been additional duties relating to accounting for postal receipts, since Locker was already familiar, as were all the day cashiers, with the techniques required to sell stamps and make out money orders. Thus, Grund was deprived of her position of "first among equals" with respect to the operations of the post office. Apparently she resented it, and as a consequence, refused to assume the responsibility of every cashier to step in whenever the "post-mistress" was busy at her own re- gister checking out store customers. Kinter also removed Grund from her duties of keeping some store records for him, ostensibly on the ground that there were unexplained shortages of cash. Although his testimony about the shortages is difficult to follow and quite unbelievable, I find it no unlawful discrimination to take away Grund's bookkeeping duties. In effect, Gerund had certain responsibilities removed without any change in wages, hours, working conditions, or classification. In any event, since Grund has since left voluntarily, there is no necessity, even though Kinter's actions may have been based on Grund's union activities, to order her reinstated to her former or substantially equivalent position, or to decide whether the bookkeeping and postmistress parts of her responsibilities were an essential element of her job. However, the three suspensions which Grund suffered present the question whether Grund is entitled to be reim- bursed for the losses in pay suffered thereby. If the suspensions were imposed in retaliation for Grund's exer- cise of her right to engage in union activities or because of her testimony at the first hearing, then Section 8(a)(3) or (4) has been violated, and Grund should be reimbursed for the pay lost thereby. On the other hand, if Grund had been suspended for insubordination in refusing to per- form normal assigned duties, then Respondent has in- curred no liability. Although I have discredited Kinter with respect to much of his testimony, I find that in this instance Kinter's version, which was also corroborated by Locker, is more credible than Grund's. As I have noted above, Kinter gave Locker the added responsibilities and the attendant prestige of being the postmistress. Grund seemingly con- strued this as her justification for not stepping into the post office cage under any circumstances. Having been unfairly replaced, her willingness to cooperate with Kinter or her successor in the post office was at the vanishing point. In effect, Grund was opposing Kinter's pettiness with technicalities. I find, based on Kinter's credited testimony, that he had told her to assist in the post office when it was necessary, even though she was no longer clothed with her former status. Although this constituted a demotion in her eyes, and was intended by Kinter as such, I do not believe it follows that Grund could therefore refuse to carry out her new duties which were obviously not onerous, arduous, or demeaning. She had suffered a blow to her pride, but her refusal to per- form her cut-down postal duties was insubordination, for which Kinter could properly discipline her. I find that any losses in pay occasioned by Respond- ent's rescheduling or reduction in the amount of work Grund previously performed was due to Respondent's discriminatory treatment of her in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (4), but that her suspensions in February and March were based on her insubordination and are not in violation of those sections. (5) 1 have previously held that Kolesar's hours of work were discriminatorily reduced from a minimum of 33 hours per week to about 22 hours. This schedule prevailed from approximately August 1965 to March 1966. About that time, Howard Kinter, Harold's brother, left his employment as meatcutter at the store. As the meat department was thus left short handed, Kolesar's hours were increased to 40 per week at the end of March. Early in July, a new meatcutter was hired, whereupon Kolesar's hours were again reduced, this time to 16 per week. The General Counsel contends that the hiring of a new, inexperienced meatcutter, although perhaps justify- ing some reduction in Kolesar's schedule, did not justify a reduction from 40 to 16 hours per week. He urges that KINTER BROS., INC. Respondent 's failure to assign her to the same number of hours which she worked before the advent of the Union is attributable to Respondent ' s union animus and to Kinter 's scheme to freeze out union adherents which he revealed to Horn and Conti during the course of the first hearing in February 1966. It is Respondent 's position that it no longer has any valid economic need for Kolesar 's services , and would have laid her off completely for lack of work if it was not anxious to avoid even the appearance of an unfair labor practice . In effect , Respondent contends that the two meatcutters it now employs could satisfactorily perform all of Kolesar 's work. Mrs. Kolesar has never done any meatcutting , nor has she worked at any other jobs in the store in addition to her wrapping and cleaning duties in the meat department. While Howard Kinter occasionally did some work out- side the meat department , the new cutter , William Elly, does not. Before Elly was hired , the two meatcutters worked 6 days per week , alternating Tuesdays and Sun- days off. Now Elly and Conti also work 6 days, but both of them are on duty Tuesdays and are off Sundays. Be- fore Kolesar's hours were discriminatorily reduced from 33 per week , the meatcutters also did some wrapping whenever Kolesar was not at work . After Elly was hired in July 1966, and Kolesar 's hours were again reduced, this time from 40 to 16 per week , the two meatcutters continued their wrapping work whenever it was necessa- ry. Elly's rate of pay was not disclosed , but I assume that it is greater than Kolesar 's since his primary Job requires more skill than hers. Thus, from one point of view, Respondent is paying him a higher rate for wrapping than it pays Kolesar, but on the other hand , because Respond- ent has more than enough work for one meatcutter but not enough for two , it is more economical and efficient for it to use Elly full -time, and to let him fill his time up with whatever needs to be done in the meat department. Conti and Kolesar alone were able to keep the meat de- partment operating for about 4 months when there was no second meatcutter , and with Conti and Elly both on duty every day but Sunday , I am satisfied that the Respondent no longer needs Kolesar's services for as much as 33 hours per week . It is not unheard of for an employer to discover, after discriminating against an employee, that with some shifting and changing of duties , the same quan- tum of work can be performed'with fewer employees than previously . I believe that that is what happened in August 1965, when Kolesar ' s hours were first reduced , and that it was further borne out when Howard Kinter left, and the meat department was able to operate with only two full- time employees. I am satisfied that when Kolesar's hours were in- creased to 40 per week after Howard Kinter left, Re- spondent ' s discrimination against her ceased , and that her subsequent reduction to 16 hours per week in July 1966, was motivated by economic rather than discriminatory considerations . As to the earlier period , from August, 1965 to March 1966, 1 am unable to disentangle the per- missible reasons for the reduction in her hours from the impermissible reasons, and I shall therefore leave for the compliance stage of the proceedings the question of how long Kinter would have retained her at her former sched- ule of 33 hours per week , absent the discrimination to which she was subjected. 71 IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondent set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection with Respondent's operations described in section I , above, have a close, in- timate , and substantial relationship to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in un- fair labor practices violative of Section 8 (a)(1), (3), (4), and (5) of the Act, I shall recommend that it cease and de- sist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. I have found that the Respondent for discriminatory reasons discharged Joan Woc and Robert Horn . I do not, however, recommend that they be reinstated as I have found, in the case of Joan Woc, that she was not construc- tively discharged after she returned to work following her discharge in August 1965, and in the case of Robert Horn , that he refused an unconditional offer of reinstate- ment. I shall recommend that Respondent make Woc, Grund, and Kolesar whole for any losses in pay they may have suffered because of the discrimination against them by payment to them of such sums of money as they would normally have earned as wages absent the discrimination. Deductions shall be made from the backpay due these employees of any interim earnings from other employers on a quarterly basis in the manner provided in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 298. Interest shall be added to such adjusted backpay at the rate of 6 percent per annum. I shall also recommend that the Respondent bargain with the Union upon its request. Because of the Respondent 's failure to bargain in good faith , its coercive interrogations and threats, its grant of a bonus payment , and its discriminatory treatment of em- ployees Hunt, Woc, Grund, Kolesar and Horn, it is reasonable to conclude that the Respondent may in the future, unless specifically enjoined , continue to deny its employees their statutory rights not only in these, but in other ways as well. I shall therefore recommend that the Respondent be ordered to cease and desist in any other manner, from interfering with , restraining , or coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed to them by Section 7 of the Act. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case , I make the following- CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. By threatening its employees with bodily harm, loss of work, harsher working conditions , or discharge; by granting them a bonus; and by coercively polling its em- ployees and interrogating employees and applicants for employment about their desire for union representation to discourage their support of the Union, the Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1). 2. By discharging employees , reducing their hours of work , assigning them less desirable work shifts and tasks, 72 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL and applying their wages to the payment of their personal indebtedness in an unusual manner , Respondent has en- gaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Sec- tion 8 (a) (3), (4), and (1) of the Act. 3. At all times since October 27, 1965, Retail Store Employees Union Local 880, Retail Clerks International Association , AFL-CIO, has been the exclusive represent- ative for the purposes of collective bargaining of a unit consisting of all selling and nonselling employees at Respondent 's store at Mentor , Ohio, excluding guards, professional employees and supervisors as defined in the Act. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 4. By refusing to bargain with the Union as the statu- tory bargaining representative of its employees in the ap- propriate unit described above , the Respondent has en- gaged in an unfair labor practice within the meaning of Section 8 (a)(5) of the Act. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Sec- tion 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 6. Respondent did not engage in unfair labor practices other than as found herein. [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation