Keller Mfg. Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 22, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 712 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation DELCISIONS OF NATIONAL L.ABOR RELATIONS BOARI) Keller Manufacturing Company, Inc. and ,ocal Union No. 89, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Amer- ica, Betty L. Haub., Alice Meyers. James Michael Bright, James Roger East, Edward Lee Mathes, Meredith Dale Spencer, and Gary L. Mattinlgh. Cases 25 CA-8685 1,-2. 3, 4,-7. 8. 9, 10). 25 CA-8821,-2,-3,-4, -5, 7, 25 CA--8793, 25 ('A 8942 1,-2. -4,-5, 25- CA-8650-11. 12, 25 ('A 8636, 25-CA -- 8821-6, 25 C'A 8821 8. 25 ('A 8929, and 25 -C'A-8992 August 22, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER By CHAIRIMAN FANNIN( ANI) MI\MBII RS JI.NKI\S AND) Pi NI I I() On December 7, 1977, Administrative Juede James L. Rose issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General ('ounsel filed ex- ceptions and a supporting brief. 'Ihe Respondent filed two separate motions to strike portions of the General Counsel's brief, to which the General ('ouIn- sel filed a brief in response. Finally, the Respondent filed a brief in opposition to the General C'ounsel's exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(bh) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge only to the extent consis- tent herewith.' The incidents giving rise to the instant proceedings occurred during and after a campaign beginning in early December 1976 whereby the Teamsters sought to organize the Respondent's employees.2 An elec- I We herehb overrule the Respondent's motions to strike porltios *t Ilie (eneral ('ounsel's hrief. We believe the Respondent's s;igue alleg.iiionii ol conduct "bordering on unethical" and its disagreement with the (icielll Counsel's interpretation of the evidence in the record do ilit 'uippolt it motions. In any event. statements and compilations of exhibiti, includel 1t the General ('ounsel's brief are supported adequaktel , bs the ecord .old, I rendering our i)ecision herein. we have itndepelldeintls ex.inined ihclie : dence. ? For mans years, the Respondent's emnplolees wAere ieprescited b lihe (Carpenters. Osver the years. howesei- nietmbership in Ihe (';lrpeniters appIr- ently had dwindled anid the Respondent had refused sereral requests b' tlie Carpenters for a union-securit' clause Shortl, before the expirailon tll it, last contract wsith the Respondernl n Novcmber tt3. 197(. the (' rpenters notified the parties tha;t it vwas abandoning the unit and ou tli d nol Itonger seek to represent the emplo'ees in future negotlialtil. I helaftcr r the Teamsters. which had been ;Ipprised of the situ;tiorn, htgan i to Cilnlpllign actively by h.ndbilling the Respondenit' pilants a ll condullillt II cnploee meetings tion s as conducted on F:ebruary 25, 1977, resulting in a vote of almost 2 to I in favor of the Teamsters. Although the ILmplo\cr filed a number of objections to the election they have been overruled and the 'Ieamtsters has been certified.' ' lhe Respondent has filed no exceptions. 'The Gen- eral ('ounsel, hosseveer has excepted to various as- pects of the Administrative Law Judge's Decision, including. his recommended dismissal of charges with respect to 1 5 of' 2 alleged ldiscriminators discharges, 2 alleged discriminatory laayoffs, 2 of 3 alleged dis- crimilator tralnsfetrs , and it number of alleged dis- criminator: disciplinarn warnings and reprimands. We find merit in some. but not all, of the exceptions. IThe Adillministratixe lIasw Judge found that shortly after the TIeamsters began its organizing campaign man\ of the Respondent's foremen began to interro- gate employees about their union sympathies. to create the impression that their activities were under surveillance, and to keep records of the suspected viesss of each of its employees. Ile concluded that "there was a substantial amount of unlawful interro- gation . . . b tile Respondent's agents."' 4 The Ad- minlistrative Iass .ludge found that the Respondent committed additional 8(a)(1) violations by threaten- ing to close the plant, impliedly threatening prounion employees b? singling them out at employee meet- ings conducted prior to the election, and by soliciting the formation of a company union. In addition, we find that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1 I) bs ordering an employee to remove a union button she was wearing., by suggesting that office employees work against the Union or it would be "all over," and by telling Nancy Ruth Pittman. after informing her that it knes, she was soliciting authorization cards, that she "ought to watch what [she] was doing." A. EL!lor('c ent' of' P/lnm Rules The Administrative Law Judge dismissed the Gen- eral Counsel's allegation that the Respondent began to enforce its plant rules ) more rigorously after the 'Ieamsters organizing effort started in early Decem- C (''s.e 2s R(' 6Of). 4SSince It i ilppalentt Itl TIl:;in cmlplioees perceived the implementatiuon ,of whilt ssv in Lfict ssstettlll;t questioning uand recolrdkeeping about their nltUn s'.nlipthles. uc. behlle tie hRespolndent should be ordered specificalls it- L;eaSe nilld dlcsIsl fit II . lnllpihnilg li list' of union snmpalthizer'. in additioin lo bhein rcquliid to csel interroeutling emplo)ees and creating the impres- ,uln of sulseulla. e ( wimn l'I,mr, (,reipant 151 Nt RB 1465 (1965) I he AdtrinilitlaUti e Judge declined to find this violation. stating Iht it :i Inot uIlleged il the ormnplaint. In fact. the comnplaint. with his eprrcs permiission, aits, atlended at the hearing to include this incident. inFor- mtIl icar.s thie Rcsponldenl hlas emplo)ed a pricedure Iof progres- sise disiclplil e I ir each txpe if infriaction. an emplosee is given a;n oral sitlnitge (lhicill Ittu.f Jxi s '.*riltcni .a vwritlen vuariinng tnd, finailN, if neces- I..t\, a lepl illurll riLing I st I tcl rCprimands for the s.lme offense or IhleCC iclpiililllds ftI all. iffeliss tlce igru nds frr terniinatiol. 237 NLRB No. 94 712 KEELLt MANIL FA(CtILRIN( COMPANY her 1976.' le apparentll, ag c rel d x*i dent's contention that it alwaxs had t its emploN ees and that. thereforfe. it II from its past practice. lie noted sev er fore the union campaign w hen oral given to emplo!eecs for trixial offenscs that there wUas no consistelnt patterni after December 1976 with respect to written discipline. In addition. hle credited the testimon\ of Chris (;reen man, that he had been instructed hb, December to increase his enforcement and credited the testimon\ of ('harle other foreman. that he did not recall stressed in supervisors' meetings iI I Finalli, the Administrativ e L aw J.udt purported summary of a meeting o April 4. 1977. which indicated that th Teamsters organizing campaign \xas document contained the followinm st; I. How to Convert 114 plus I L Compan?' 1. Remove those xwho are not 2. Create a disciplined enx-iroi 3. Several Emploxees have test recently. These are teamlster lea respond correctly and with strength. 4. We must look for and effec the trouble-makers. * * * 7. If we are strong our people will stand iup to an' teamlster thi 9. Time card padding and poet should be concentrated o in bho ** II. Why Are We Fifth in Group An emplo'Ner virolale, Sec iS )(3)1and. 1 ttilhn it response to unnllln a.cti\ i .l mtlllg its ClIi.!CCi (t i)l, 209 NlRB 165 (1974). einfd. 52i7 1 d 766 (( \ 9, Counsel herein eutablished that Ihe palttern of dl . mencenient *of union .tclclrti de cired frnim lit p.ellie uniofn actl ltl a i drnltl a (iw ciae tc I 111 11iTll11iilll s l 11 requiring the Respniden tl sh' . it nreal ed d ed bh considerltions unrclated Io i n cinlplleei s ui 1 W I he Administrative I .l Judge l atcid that (ilce becaluse (I) he u, al alleged discrililii t.c an d 111LI mons was nol binding ill the Respondenit sInae he nit Respondent's supervinsin: aind (31 hi, a,,erti nT i creased. in the Adilllnlslriilte i l .tiuiiIe' Lpill l documrentars e idence in the record \ithlltch hil credit (ireen in this matter resti oi1 doilhifu l ti ilil necesars to reverse iI. thi tile Respolln- icleen hlirsh \\ith ad not dx\ iLited al I, s;ttices be- \xn11111g11ns \1Cic and co ncluded citlhe before or thle nllollunt ol NFccificlill, di',- IV. I he I oreileen uili be told in the next Fore- man Mleetingz: 1. Ve filed oblections to the election. . 1 here -ill be a hearine. 3 1 hese thines sometilies take a long time. 4 I he I eanisters haxe not been certified. I llis s vxerx valuable time. I et's put it to 'I\ ork. Ia former fort I lhc \dmiinistrati',e I au Judge found that the dociu- lla;Ill~lCleInt n iIllenlt est ablished nothing more than union animus t of p~int in e and that other documentary evidence did not supp[ort s tone. St.. ian- the allegation that discipline was increased either after dliscipline bein December 1. 1976. or after the April 4 meetings. )ecember 197(6. Basied pon anl independent a nalx sis of the exi- ge discounted i dcnI.Lc. le\ filld merit in the General ('ounselS's excep- f mla -(ci tion to the Administrative Law Judge's finding that e subject of tile dli.ciprline x-tas not used to retaliate against emnploxees discuissed. I lihe their union actixities. It is apparent that more Itementls: seniloi eCliplo\ees were discharged after I)ecember 1. 1,9'(. thani before. gi ,ing rise to an inference that nlplo ecs to tile discipline as heiii, meted Out u. ith increased harsh- ncss. Iroii records supplied hb the Respondent at doing the joh. the hearingl and placed in the record. we havxe de- melin t. tc inillied tht thie media;n tenure of enmploi men t with led our strtcniilh the Respondent of those emrplo',ees terminated be- iders. ulllst txx Ceel .Jlanu;arx 1975 and December 1. 1976. xas 4 unqtltiestioned months. while for those terminated thereafter it was I xca andll 4 illonths. Moreover. it seeims that instances tixelx put do,' inll x hich the Respondent skipped steps in its progres- six e disciplinarx procedure increased follox ing the * * adclnt of the l'canisters camlpaign. F or example uwe hai c dctermiined that an average of about 13 uarn- xe ill knIo\v wxe Iii s alld reiprimanllds per month \\ cre giixen bh the real. Respondent to employees who hlad not received the * · * pr\I cx in Itc el of discipline for thIit offense between Julle I and [)ecemher 1. 1976. F:rom D)ecember I. )ir worklianslip il 1976. to April 4. 1977. however. that figure increased tli plants. to 18 and from April 4 to June 30. 1977. the figure * , as 17. Although the Respondent asserted it had of- Sales' ten skipped steps in the procedure where anll ermplo- c had commiitted a particularl[ egregious violation of a plant rule. such as timecard padding. being in thie hreak area without being clocked out. insubordi- dcll I)lc inll nationi or deliberate destruction of furniture, it sub- ,,,. 1 ,. , l1,[ In, ie1,if it le (;e i.I ,mitted no objective evidence that more of these seri- liine Afle fih ._OIn - OUS violations occurred after the start of the 8 ~~i pi 1 n8e ,l' ' canmipaign than before. Thus, a reasonable inference hsth: .r....1 i.t ca- n he drawn that the increased number of skipped ... i Cs steps x';Is attributable to the Respondent's effort to I.'ll 1.1- "IItle C11' 111' i bCIled, Ii 2ll hi 1t'l[1 *loil ci '.~t wle , t 1hi it hdt in i dli Ildll 1'C 1l ie .c iiiiii n i111 ii1 Ilc iw- t h dlcphllarn records Acre onj tsrnppie for Ihe mnitnlh after Jinu.lll i .I 'iT. Iit i concel.alle lthai. for Ihe pie-D)ceniber 197h period. .eill Ill il .acttionr clinicl .a1 Inl 1i Il\ skipped tage, actuai IN Co llnfoiritd tlih the nolrril.d procedure In .ins cie. such disnlortllln of the [ i..llin .li th ii Ielit l.l e iaun sed woIuld h;lte tended. If ainNhing, to ha.c [e c ill IIl incilaclllrilcnTl if the Respondent',r h.lrhlle-n prior It Ihe HuiTiil u·tl}Jpr ll 713 DECISIONS OF NATIONAl LABOR RELATIONS BOARD dissuade its employees from supporting the Union. Finally, the fact that the Administrative Law Judge found several violations of Section 8(a)(3) which in- volved the Respondent's pretextual use of its discipli- nary system-namely, the discharges of Edith Adam- son, Cassie Mae Barnum, Mary Carver. Edna Lawson, and Homer Wiseman leads further sup- port to our conclusion that the system was being used to discriminate against union sympathizers and to retaliate against the employees in general for sup- porting the Teamsters in the eledtion. Cf. Electri-FllFc Company, 228 NLRB 847 (1977), enfd. in pertinent part 570 F.2d 1327 (C.A. 7, 1978). Thus, in light of the Respondent's systematic interrogation and sur- veillance of employees and the threats directed at ac- tive union supporters, and based on the fact that more senior employees were discharged after Decem- ber 1, 1976, coupled with the Respondent's failure to show with objective evidence that the senior employ- ees had become more deserving of discipline and dis- charge, the fact that the Respondent skipped stages in its disciplinary procedure more often after the ad- vent of the union activity, coupled with the Respon- dent's failure to show with objective evidence, such as productivity data, that more and harsher disci- pline was necessary, '° and the clear evidence not onl, of animus but of the Respondent's plan to create a disciplined environment and to isolate and discrimi- nate against Teamsters "troublemakers" provided bh the summary of the April 4 meeting," we infer that the Respondent used its disciplinary system to retali- ate against its employees' union activities, and we find that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. B. Di.scharges The Respondent does not except to the Adminis- trative Law Judge's findings, with which we agree, that the discharges of the following employees were motivated by its animus toward their union activi- ties: Edith Adamson,'2 Cassie Mae Barnum, Mary Carver, Edna Lawson, Mary Carol Smith. and Ho- mer Wiseman. Since the General Counsel has except- ed to the dismissal of charges with respect to the ter- minations of 15 additional employees, we shall 0' see Wi/loH. 4 fg (orp. Oak Apparel. Inc., 232 Ni RB 344 (1977). where such a showing was made. ii The Respondent contends that this document should nol relate ba;ck" to the start of the Teamsters campaign in Deceimber 197( A', to condiut occurring before April 4. 1977, we rely on the document onki as tendinf to confirm our inference from other evidence in the record that the Respon- dent used its disciplinary system to discriminate against union ss\ np;lhzers As to conduct occurring after April 4. we disagree with the Adllnlnisr.atlse Law Judge's finding that the document is ambiguous. 2 In our notice. we shall correct the Administralise Judge', inader- tent failure to mention Edith Adamson as one of the discrimlln.tees analyze the evidence for each one. In evaluating this evidence, we cannot overlook the pervasive and ex- tensive program of serious unfair labor practices upon which the Respondent embarked at the incep- tion of the Teamsters organizing campaign. 1. James Michael Bright Bright had worked for the Respondent for slightly more than I year. The record shows that on Novem- ber 16, 1976, he was given a reprimand for returning from lunch 2 minutes late. On November 20, he signed a dues-checkoff authorization card for the Carpenters. In addition, he testified that sometime during the week after November 16 a meeting of em- ployees was conducted by Robert Nolot, Respon- dent's personnel manager, where Nolot expressed the Company's concern that the Teamsters might seek to represent the employees. Bright apparently spoke up and indicated he wished to file a grievance over his reprimand the week before. Hie repeated this desire at a similar meeting a week later. Then, on December 15, he received a reprimand for missing the previous 2 workdays. Although he had asserted that he had been ill and had called in, he apparently had been observed performing construction work on I of those dass. lie testified that upon receiving the reprimand from his foreman, he stated, "I'm trying to get the Teamsters in here." Later that evening. he was dis- charged, purportedly for using the restroom without clocking out. Our examination of the record has failed to disclose instances prior to December 1976 in which the Respondent discharged employees under such circumstances. 'I he Administrative Law Judge found that even if Bright had not engaged in union activity he would have been discharged. We do not agree. Rather, we believe that an inference of unlawful motivation is warranted from the timing of and the justification for this discharge. First. Bright was discharged within hours after he stated to his foreman that he was working to get the Teamsters into the plant. Second. although. as the Administrative Law Judge found, employees were disciplined for using the restrooms without clocking out prior to the union campaign, and although Nolot testified that break violations were considered serious enough to warrant skipping oral and written warnings, examination of the record convinces us that prior to the union campaign Re- spondent did not consider such conduct so serious as to warrant reprimands without the intermediate dis- ciplinary warnings.'3 Accordingly, we find that in t lce recoid shows that during the period before the beginning of the unioin campaign . I ci ontrst to the period thereafter. the overwhelming dis- klplltl Issued in c;ases. if break sl olitllris ,isN an oral warning 714 KEI.I.FR MANUiFAC(TIURIN(i COMPANY disciplining and discharging Bright on December 15. the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. 2. Daniel Milchling Before he was discharged on Fehruary 4. 1977. Daniel Milchling had worked for the Respondent ap- proximately 5 months. Prior to December 1976 he apparently had never received any discipline. On De- cember 5. 1976, he attended an organizing meeting for employees at a local elementary school at which he signed an authorization card. In addition. he testi- fied that thereafter he solicited other employees to sign cards at the Respondent's plant. On D)ecembher 6, he had a conversation with Nolot during which Nolot disparaged the Teamsters and suggested that Keller might close if the Teamsters hecalmle the em- ployees' collective-bargaining representative. Mil- chling responded that he had been a member of the Teamsters for several years at another employer. im- plying that Nolot's comments about the Union were untrue. In addition, he testified to an incident in which his foreman, Crone. took some signed authori- zation cards from his shirt pocket.'4 That afternoon he received a written warning. purportedly for "loaf- ing." He also testified that at a meeting conducted bx his foreman he had stated to the foreman. "Whx are you scared to join the union." On Januars 4. 1977. he received a reprimand for marking two items of furni- ture incorrectly and supposedlx for protesting in coarse language what he apparently felt xwas harass- ment by his foreman. Prior to that, he had onl' the written warning for "loafing" on his record. lie re- ceived an oral warning on January 31 for leaving cartons in an aisle, an offense he claimed he had never heard of before that day. Finally, on l-ebruar, 4, he was given a reprimand for poor workmanship and discharged. He had been assigned to staple the backs of bookcases, a job he had seldom performed before. and had been given no instructions as to howv to perform it. Apparently. he had misdirected some of the staples so that the' were driven only through the backs and not into the frames of the bookcases. Dismissing the General Counsel's allegation of dis- criminatory motivation, the Administrative La\, Judge stated that, although M\ilchling was a known union sympathizer, his explanations of his repri- mands for poor workmanship did not constitute de- nials. Thus, he concluded the discharge was lawful. We disagree. The record shows unquestionably that the Respondent had knowledge of Milchling's I ,Although he did not fix a preuise date for thOn, inldelt he td I ItI occurred prior Io hi, varninng fo r "loafing" on i)eemniher sympathies and considerable union activity. The tim- ing of the wr itten warning for "loafing" the same day he had had the conversation with Nolot and shortly after the incident in which Crone had taken the au- thorization cards from him, suggests that the warning was unlawfullls motivated. Further, although his two subsequent reprimands were given out of the se- quence prescribed by the Respondent's progressive discipliniary system. no special circumstances war- ranting skipping from oral warning to reprimands were advanced by the Respondent. In addition, Mil- chling was given his last reprimand for botching a job he had seldom performed before and for which he had been given no instructions.i 5 Based on these factors. we find Respondent's disciplining and dis- charsging Daniel Milchling on FebruarN 4 was moti- vated bh its animus toward his strong and vocal union svmpathies and that. accordingly. it violated Section 8(1a 3) and (I ) of the Act. 3. Chris Green (ircen had been employed b' the Respondent since 1971. In November 1976 he was given the op- portunit\ to train as a foreman, apparently with an agreement from management that he could return to production if he was unable to do the job. He testi- fied. and the Administrative Law Judge found, that he participated in the Respondent's antiunion cam- paign bh interrogating employees and keeping rec- ords on their suspected union sympathies. In the opinion of the Respondent. he was not a particularly effective supervisor and on Friday., January 28, 1977, he ,x as notified that as part of a general reduction in the w ork force he was going to be demoted back into production the following Monday. He was given a choice of two jobs, one on the night shift and one on the dav shift. He testified that he specifically refused the night-shift job, and the Administrative Law Judge found that he became angry and stated. "If I'm here M\ondav. I am here. If I'm not, I'm not." He testified that then. as he left the plant, he stated to a foreman. "I'll tell sou now. don't come around and talk to me about that damn union because . . I'm strictlx union.. .. so don't even waste your breath." Fhe next da,. Saturday,. January 29, not a working daw for him, he was called into the plant and dis- charged hb Nolot and John Hiseman. the Respon- dent's plant manager. The Administrative Law Judge found that then explained to him that they \were dis- cha rging him because of his emotional "conduct and attitude the daN before." Green. however, testified l\n ci hpl,\ cr ma.i n rid itself of union adherhcni hb assigning them lt~ .,h, uherc thc, are iikek\ ,, make rmlslake, and then discharging Ihem · hen ihe milake uilch foireeelhble mista;kes See 7 Irpcr. r. 207 NlRB 91- 114713 etnfdil n pertinent part '2 I 2d 781. 7 9( 1 7 1 ( 4 l1 'i5) DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD that Hiseman told him that irrespective of the agree- ment that he could return to production, the ('ompa- ny had a policy against moving foremen back into production jobs. The General Counsel presented evi- dence that the Respondent in fact had moved fore- man back into production work. Although he made several attempts to convince the Respondent to res- cind his discharge, including a meeting with William Keller, the Respondent's president, Green eventually was told that his termination was final. The Administrative Law Judge recommended that we dismiss the allegations with respect to this dis- charge, concluding that Green was discharged, as Hiseman claimed, because of his emotional outburst on January 28. He did not, however, make a credibil- ity finding in ignoring Green's testimony that he had been told that the Respondent did not, as a matter of policy, put foremen back into production jobs. He also found no evidence in the record that Green had participated in any union activity. Finally, he sug- gested that on the day Green was discharged, he was not even an employee entitled to protection under the Act. We find error in the Administrative Law Judge's findings with respect to Green. His suggestion that Green was not an employee entitled to the protection of the Act is clearly in error. Before his discharge, his tenure as a supervisor had been terminated and he had been reassigned to a nonsupervisory job. Upon leaving the plant after his demotion he made clear his support for the union by telling a foreman not to talk to him about the Union because he was "strictly union." We find that an inference of unlawful moti- vation is warranted from the fact that the very next day, a nonworking day for Green, the Respondent called Green into the plant to discharge him,l 6 pro- vided him with a patently false reason, and vaguely asserted that Green had been too emotional the day before.' In short, we are not persuaded that the Re- spondent would have terminated Green, whom it had employed for over 5 years, had he not expressed his support for the Union the day before. Accordingly, we find that in discharging Chris Green the Respon- dent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 4. Joseph Wayne Peele Prior to his discharge on February 14, 1977, Peele had worked for the Respondent for about I-1/'2 years. He testified that he had attended the organiz- 16 Hiseman admitted that he could not recall eser discharging tin emplio - ee on a weekend, rather than waiting for the next working da,. 17 No evidence of written discipline being given to other emplosees under such circumstances appears in the record. The Respondent did not cionltend that Green had been abusive. vulgar. or insubordinate, just elmotional. ing meeting on December 5, where he signed an au- thorization card. In addition, he stated that he had solicited other employees to sign cards in the plant parking lot and had worn a union button to work. Upon being interrogated by his foreman in late De- cember. he apparently stated that he "thought the Teamsters could help . . . as far as benefits," an opinion he repeated to another foreman later that da'. He testified that about a month before the elec- tion on February 24, 1977, management began to transfer him to lower paying jobs. His second trans- fer on F'riday, Februarv I 1. apparently resulted in his earning about $1 per hour less than he had earned prior to the transfers. Although he indicated he would accept it. he added that he "hoped the Team- sters got in for the employees and straightened Keller's out." TIhe following Monday, he was notified that he was to be transferred again to a still lower paying job. He became angry and refused to accept it. His foreman gave him a reprimand. and he sought a meeting with Nolot and Hiseman. 1They indicated that they would not rescind the transfer and he reit- erated his position that he would not accept it. The record shows that he became extremely agitated and refused to leave the plant stating, "All of you can't put me out" and, "I'l will fight all of you, but I'm not leaving." At that point he was told that he was laid off; later his status was changed to "quit." In recommending that we dismiss the complaint with respect to Peele, the Administrative Law Judge stated that, although there was evidence that the Re- spondent knew of Peele's union sympathies, other employees were also transferred to different depart- ments during the weeks leading up to February 14 and hence he was not treated disparately. He con- cluded that Peele's adamant refusals to accept the transfer, characterized by the Respondent as insub- ordination, provided adequate grounds for the Re- spondent to dismiss him. Since we believe the Administrative Law Judge disregarded several critical factors, we disagree with his conclusions. There is significant evidence that Peele had actively worked on behalf of the Union, and that the Respondent knew of this activity. More- over, in referring to the transfers of other employees during this period, the Administrative Law Judge ap- parently ignored the fact that he had found that the Respondent had, during the preelection period, transferred Nick Edwards in retaliation for his union activity and the fact that other witnesses testified that prior to the election there were more transfers than usual. Additionally, the Respondent did not explain why it decided to transfer Peele when less senior em- ployees were available.' Thus it is evident that when I' , C are iuaare that the Respondent ,contends thai it considers abiliiy 716 KEI ER MANUFAC1UiRING COMPAXNY the Respondent transferred Peele on Frida\, Febru- ary 11, and again on the following Monda' . it sought either to intimidate Peele or to evoke the emotional response it later seized upon to discharge him. Cf. Tamper, Inc... supra. Accordingly. we find that Peele's transfers and the termination arising therefrom kio- lated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. 5. Alice MeNers When she was notified on January 28. 1977. of her termination. Alice Meyers had been employed b\ tile Respondent for slightly over 6 months. iler union activity consisted of signing a Carpenters dues- checkoff card in October 1976. attenldinl the l)ecem- her 5 Teamsters organizing mteeting. executing a Teamsters authorization card. and soliciting other employees to sign cards at work. She testified that after the beginning of the Teamsters campaign she was transferred to a lower paying job. On the last da'N she worked at the plant. in earls January. she w;as asked by Supervisor Mozier to transfer to the second shift, and she indicated her disinclination to accept that proposal. The record shows that the next daN there was an unusually heavy snowfall resulting in the absences of many employees. Apparentl Me\ers lived in a relatively remote area and was unable to drive to work. That day she notified the Respondent that she would be absent. The next workdalv. Mon- day, January 10. the snow was worse and she notified the Respondent again that she was unable to come to work. On Tuesday, she called again and spoke to her foreman. He told her that she did not need to call in every day because he knew she would "be back when [she could] get out." She testified that she was unable to get to her car, which apparently had been left bur- ied in snow near the main road about a mile and a half from her house, until the county plowed her road on January 27.19 Upon returning to work on1 January 28 she was informed that she had been re- placed because she had violated the plant rules hb missing 2 consecutive days without calling in. She testified that in response to her protest that there was no way she could have gotten to work, Nolot said, "Well [youl should have walked." It is apparent that, during her tenure at Keller, she had ever re- ceived any written discipline. The Administrative Law Judge recommended that we dismiss the allegation that she was terminated be- and phsica[l fitnes. in addition to .eniorril. 'hen Iran.feirrir enmplor\ce However. it offered no explanation of how these riterll .appiled to Peele ' She testified that hetween Januar\ ( .liand 27 l leT f.nll had ohlnmed food and other necessities h\ clntlactin ne ghbhoi. Sid h\ driuli .l I.1 I stock of canned and frozen food '" She hiued about 32 miles from the plint cause of her union acltivity. stating that he found no ev idence to suggest the Respondent knew of her union actix it'. In addition. he concluded that. al- though the Respondent may have treated her unrea- sonabhl . there was no evidence she was treated dif- ferentlN from other employees. As with the case of Peele. we believe the Adminis- trati\e 1 a\, Judge's findings are flawed by his failure to consider the record as a whole. First. although with no additional facts we might be persuaded b' his conclusion that the Respondent did not know about M1, er's union adtivit>. since she could not re- member an\ specific instances when she had been obser ed bh management soliciting authorization cards. the .Administrative I aw Judge's finding that the Respondent engaged in systematic interrogation and surveillance of union activities and kept records of the union sympathies of its employees convinces us that her relatively active support of the Union w1ould not have been unknown to the Respondent. Second. the discharge of Me\ers for not calling in after betin told it vwas not necessary to do so and the suggestion that she should ha e walked 32 miles to work through an unusually heav snowstorm are the clearest evidence of pretext. A pretextual reason. of couLrse. supports an inference of an unlawful one. Ac- cordingl . based upon the reasonable inference of the Respondent's know ledge of her union activit) and the evidence of pretext. we find that Alice Mey- ers w;as terminated in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (I ) of the Act. 6. Betts tlaub Prior to terminating her on January 13. 1977. the Respondent had employed Betty Haub for slightly over I year. 'the Administrative Law Judge found that her union activity consisted of attending the De- cember 5 organizing meeting and signing an authori- zation card. Additionally , she testified that upon being interrogated by her foreman about her union s mpathies on January 3 she had stated. "Well, I think [the teamsters] could do a lot of good for me. . . []f I had the union here. I wouldn't have to be doing all these jobs." Finally) she testified she had participated in prounion conversations with her fel- low employees nearly every) day and that her fore- man generally was present during these conversa- tions. The record shows that since before July 1976 she had had some relatively serious health problems. having taken a leave of absence in July to undergo surgery. She testified that on Tuesday, January 4. she became ill and sta'ed home. The next day she called in and told her foreman that she would not return to work until Januar' 10. Thereafter. apparently pur- 717 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL L.ABOR REL ATIONS BOARD suant to her doctor's instructions, she determined that she would not be able to return to work until January 17. Although she testified she asked her nephew to notify the Respondent that she would be unable to return until January 17, he apparently failed to do so. However, the Respondent had notice of her continued illness, as her foreman telephoned her residence on January 7, and learned from her son that she was at the doctor's office. On January 13. she was notified that she was considered to have quit her job as of that day because she had not called in for 2 consecutive days as was required by the Re- spondent's work rules.2" Prior to this time, she had never been disciplined for any reason. The Administrative Law Judge recommended dis- missal of the allegations with respect to Haub. Al- though he found he could infer that the Respondent knew about her union sympathies, he concluded that she had in fact violated the Respondent's call-in poli- cy. Additionally, he found no evidence of disparate treatment, stating that Respondent had always termi- nated employees for absenteeism. We disagree with the Administrative Law Judge's analysis and his conclusion. It is unnecessary to infer that the Respondent knew about Haub's union sym- pathies since she testified that she told her foreman about them. In addition, the timing of that conversa- tion, which occurred on her last day on the job be- fore her discharge, is significant. Although her at- tempt to notify the Respondent through her nephew failed, we disagree with the Administrative Ixaw Judge's conclusion that the Respondent was not aware of her continued illness. The record shows that her foreman called her home on January 7. and was told by her son that she was at the doctor's office. It strains logic particularly in light of her past medical problems to conclude that the Respondent did not know she was still sick. Cf. Eaton Corporation, 235 NLRB 82 (1978). Accordingly, we infer that the real reason Haub was terminated was the Respondent's hostility toward her union sympathies, and we find that it violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I{ of the Act. 7. Joe Foster Joe Foster started working for the Respondent nearly 10 years before his discharge on April 7. 1977. During December 1976, he attended most of the union organizing meetings, and signed an authoriza- tion card. He testified that in February 1977, when asked by his foreman how he thought a union could 21 She was excused from calling in in I;ilua.r 10. incc a hIeax. riio hlid prevented many of the emploNees from getting to v ork on that dlas I has the Respondent claimed it terminated her for not calling in on Januiar, I I and 12. help the employees, he responded that "[his] main kick was the way people was treated, that [he] thought the union could help change that" and im- prove their earnings as well. In addition, at several employee meetings conducted by his foreman during the election campaign. he voiced some of his comp- laints about working conditions at the plant. In March, he was notified that his practice of clocking on to a straight time pas: scale while he cleaned his machine at the end of each day was improper. 2 2 He testified that he had never been told about this be- fore and that thereafter he complied with these in- structions. On April 6, however, his assistant, Eddie Quick, apparently punched their cards prior to their cleaning of the machine. When he discovered this error, he wrote "clean-up" on his card. At the hear- ing, he stated that he was rushed and did not know what else to do. The next day, he was notified by his foreman and the mill superintendent, Joe Curts, that he had made a mistake on his timecard. He ex- plained to them what had occurred, and apparently became angry when they expressed reluctance to ac- cept his explanation. He was sent home. As he left the plant, one of them said. "This is pretty serious business." and he apparently replied, "it will be pret- ty serious business when the union gets hold of it too." On April 8, he was given a reprimand and dis- charged by Nolot for his second reprimand for time- card padding 3 and, supposedly, for threatening his foreman and Curts the day before.2 4 Quick was given a written warning. The Administrative Law Judge found that Foster's discharge was lawfully motivated, stating that there was no evidence that he was treated disparately. He rejected the General Counsel's assertion that the fact that Quick received only a written warning estab- lished disparate treatment, finding that "there is no evidence . .. that [Quick] had a previous reprimand within I ear for a time card v iolation." Thus, he concluded that Foster's union activity had nothing to do with his discharge. There is ample evidence that the Respondent was well aware of Foster's considerable union sympa- thies. We believe the Administrative Law Judge It uais explained to him that a cleanup period .as calculated into the piece rate schedule for that Ilacllthlie 1ie hell reciesed hs fhrt leprinmand for timecard padding In September 1976( heauisie he appalrenitl had changed the speed of a machine ,without pernilssnl I laiilnf that "slippage" had made It impossible for him to make a piece rate. - (On the repriiiiand ?rceli to hill on April 8. it states that on April 7 he hald heen ahusle anrid hd threatened the supervisors with bodil' harm At the hearilng I} -ter demd that hie aid ainilthing more than "i'm getting prettC d.iLmi nhl Lllod 11'mi ge:llg pretts damitn tired Ilf this and things like that" (hOher than N1losl's tesimonn that he helieved Foster was discharged i11 part for iimsulhordlinallon. no other e\idence corrohborates the assertion on the repriliiand thal I ioter had been aihusile or Ihreatening. Although he testified itl the herrine ( urts aas n,: asked iabout Fosler's discharge. The \ditinistraltic I dee.l ide noi specific credibihtit findings 718 KELLER MANUFACIURIN(i ('OMPANY plainly erred in concluding that there was no evxi- dence that Foster was treated disparately. He hlad stated that there was no evidence that Quick had had a previous reprimand for timecard padding. justify- ing a second reprimand like Foster, rather than the written warning he received. In fact. the record shows that Quick had received a reprimand for time- card padding on December 17, 1976. Thus, it is evi- dent that two similarly situated employees were treated differently. Moreover, although we have ac- cepted the Administrative Law Judge's finding that the Respondent had always been harsh with Its em- ployees, we do not accept his conclusion that this fact rebuts any suggestion that the apparently irra- tional treatment of known union sympathizers in fact can be explained by the Respondent's union anlinus. The mistake on the timecard was readily apparent on its face. No loss to the Respondent occurred, was likely to have occurred, or was intended. At worst, as found by the Administrative Law Judge, the mistake. if undetected, would have cost the Respondent no more than 20 cents. We also note that Foster's dis- charge occurred 4 days after the April 4 meeting at which techniques to harass and intimidate Teamsters "troublemakers" were discussed. Finally. we are not persuaded by the Administrative Law Judge's sug- gestion that Foster's allegedly abusive conduct on April 7 served as the reason for his discharge since the Respondent presented no direct testimony with respect to that incident. See Interstatc Circuit, 11 c., et al. v. United States, 306 U.S. 208, 220 (1939). Accord- ingly. we find that Foster's discipline and discharge on April 8 violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I ) of the Act. 8. James East East had worked for the Respondent about 7 months prior to his discharge on March 3, 1977. Ilis union activity consisted of attending the December 5 organizing meeting, attending subsequent union meetings, signing an authorization card. soliciting other employees to sign cards at the plant, and wear- ing a union button to work. Additionally, he testified that he had been observed by management talking to a Teamsters organizer at the plant gate in early De- cember 1976 and that he had infomed several fore- men that he supported the Teamsters, stating to one that "if it was up to [him, he thought he] would vote for the union." and to another that he had signed an authorization card. On March 17, he worked on an "antique" job where he was supposed to sand the tops of buffets to make them look old and worn. Apparently, he did not sand them enough and was told to redo the job and to "cup" his hand more. 'Ihe foreman did not, however. show him A what he expect- ed. nor didt he inspect anN of his work until after he had finished the joh several da,,s later. After he had finished the job the second time. his foreman told him he might have to discipline him for the first mis- take. L ater that day. he gave him a reprimand for that mistake. lie had received no discipline for poor work prior to that time. At the end of the next day. March 25. Ihe was given another reprimand which stated he had not redone the job properly, and was discharged. 'Ihe foreman who fired him did not testi- f, at the hearing. 'Ihe Administrative Judge concluded that last's discharge was lawful. -le found that East had engaged in only "minimal union activity," and that, although there was some suggestion of pretext from the fact that IEast had not been instructed as to how to do the job even after he was told to redo it, there was no evidence of disparate treatment. We disagree. First, East's union activity was more than minimal, and there is substantial evidence in the record that he made his prounion sympathies known to xirtualls ester\ foreman who asked him, including the Respondent's president's son. Second, the cir- cumstances in which he received the two reprimands that led to his discharge strongly suggest unlawful motivation. 2 ' Thus. as there was no destruction of properts involved. the Respondent deviated without explanation from its system of progressive discipline hb giving East a reprimand without a prior written warning. I'he failure of anyone to instruct East as to the proper method of antiquing the furniture also suggests that the Respondent was building a case to discharge him. See Iam'er, Inc., supra. The fact that both reprimands were given to East after he had completed the job the second time, and apparently was no longer able to correct the alleged mistakes, belies ans motivation to correct East's work habits and evidences pretext. The Respondent did not ex- plain what was uronl with East's work, nor did it assert that the furniture had been damaged or that the work had to he redone. Finally, the foreman who had personal knowledge of the situation did not testi- fy, giving rise to an inference that his testimony would haxe been adverse to the Respondent. See In- ter.,tate ( ircuit, supra. Accordingly, we are convinced that the real reason motivating the Respondent to reprimand and discharge East in March 1977 was its hostility to his union sympathies and we find that in doing s9o it x iolated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. Ilk .li dn liIx Ir.tli I a ..lIlJudC' f[indlJlg tha[t there a, no e dence of d isparatc tre.atnl t is ritles ant Mil re the (, ( ounsel , the.or' of this 719 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 9. Roy S. Dearborn When he was discharged on March 10, 1977. Dear- born had worked for the Respondent for about 4 years. His union activites consisted of attending the December 5 organizing meeting, attending some of the subsequent Teamsters meetings, signing an au- thorization card, soliciting other employees to sign cards in the Company's parking lot, and wearing a union button at work. Prior to the election, Dearborn was singled out at employee meetings by the Respon- dent as "the type of person who would join any- thing," and as a "troublemaker." Dearborn testified that he responded to this criticism by stating at the meeting that he felt the Teamsters "would help." Also, we have found, infra, contrary to the Adminis- trative Law Judge, that Dearborn's layoff for I week beginning on February 28, 1977, was in retaliation for the Teamsters victory in the election. The record shows that, on March 1, Dearborn came to the plant to pick up some unemployment forms. He admitted at the hearing that he left the plant driving fast and that he received an oral warning for that conduct on March 8, his second day back after the layoff. His foreman, Gravett, testified that later that day he ob- served Dearborn driving the Company's pickup truck too fast in the parking lot. Gravett gave Dear- born a reprimand which stated he had endangered other employees and had abused company equip- ment 26 and immediately suspended him. Later, on March 10, he was discharged. At the hearing, Dear- born denied that he had driven recklessly on March 8, and asserted that, in any event, other employees had driven fast in the parking lot without being disci- plined. Prior to this time, Dearborn had received an oral warning on May 5, 1976, for absenteeism, an oral warning on November 19, 1976, for abusing his break privileges, and a reprimand on February 7, 1977, for insubordination. The Administrative Law Judge recommended that we dismiss the allegation that Dearborn's discharge was discriminatory. He found that he could infer that the Respondent knew about Dearborn's union activi- ty. However, he credited the testimony of Gravett and discredited Dearborn's, finding that Dearborn's admission that on March 8 he had "hit a chughole . . . and it revved up pretty good" was inconsistent with his assertion that he had not accelerated too fast. Finally, he found that Dearborn was not treated disparately since there was at least one employee who had received a written discipline for "hot rod- ding" prior to the advent of union activity.27 26 Dearborn's uncontroverted testimony was that the truck ias a 1965 Chevrolet pickup truck which he had taken to a state inspection ',tation that day. He testified further that the truck had failed to pass inspectliin In concluding that the Administrative Law Judge erred in recommending that we dismiss the allega- tions with respect to Dearborn, we rely on our inde- pendent evaluation of the evidence, parts of which, we believe. he selectively ignored, and parts of which, we believe, he gave unwarranted weight. First, his finding that he could infer that the Company had knowledge of Dearborn's union activity is an under- statement. As argued by the General Counsel in his brief, one hardly needs to infer knowledge of Dearborn's activity since the Respondent in fact had singled him out at employee meetings as a union "troublemaker." 28 Second, assuming that Dearborn in fact drove too fast on March 8.29 we do not believe that the Respondent has demonstrated any special circumstances warranting its deviation from its sys- tem of progressive discipline by giving him a repri- mand without an intervening written warning and by discharging him without either a second reprimand for the same offense or a third reprimand for another offense. Finally, we believe the Administrative Law Judge's conclusion that Dearborn was not treated disparately is tainted by his apparent reliance on an undated reprimand given to an unnamed employee. Obviously. it was impossible to have considered all the relevant circumstances in that case. Thus, we find that Dearborn, a relatively senior employee, was dis- ciplined and discharged on March 10, less than I month after the election, because of the Respon- dent's antipathy toward his union activity and, ac- cordingly, we conclude that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(31 and (I) of the Act. 10. Gary Mattingly When he was discharged on May 26, 1977, Gary Mattingly had worked for the Respondent for slight- ly under 3 years. The Administrative Law Judge found that his union activity consisted of attending the December 5 organizing meeting, signing an au- thorization card, and wearing union buttons at work. Noting that prior to the election he had been interro- gated by his foreman about his union sympathies while he was wearing his union buttons, the Adminis- trative Law Judge concluded that the Respondent : Upon cxamiinig the record. we find that, in addition to Dearborn's. the Respondent issued an oral warning on March i. 1977. to another em- ploxee for speeding In addition. the record contains a reprimand for spin- ning tires and throwing rubber at a stack of lumber. but it contains neither the na;lie of the enmployee nor ,a date. Elsewhere in his i)ecision. the Administrative Law Judge correctls found that lhis practice constituted ;in implied threat of reprisal and vio- lated Sec. 8 l)(l I ) ,f Allhough we consider dubious the finding that Dearborn's statement that he had epressed the clutch and the engine had "revved up pretty good" "when he hit a chuckhole contradicted his statement that he was not driving too,, fast, it is unllecessars to reverse the Administrative Law Judge's credi- hilit findings 720 KELLER MANIUFACIURING (COMPA7NY knew about his union sympathies. In addition. the record shows that at an employee meeting conducted by the Respondent. a supervisor singled out Matting- ly as a union "troublemaker." stating that "he liked to put in five hours, but get eight hours pa!\ out of it." During the relevant period, Mattingl performed twxo jobs for the Respondent. one which involved drixing a truck between the Respondent's two plants and one which involved operating a "toy, motor" at one of the plants. Since the two jobs paid at slihtll differ- ent rates. Mattingly was required to record on his timecard the correct time spent on the respective jobs. On December 7. he received an oral warning. apparently for failing to complete his timecard prop- erly.30 On May 10. 1977. he was given a reprimand because he apparently had failed to fill out his card during the day. instead having waited until his break or until the end of the day. His foreman informed him that this was unacceptable because he might have been timecard padding: the Respondent sub- mitted no evidence that in fact he was cheating on his timecards. Mattingly testified that he had xaited until it was convenient to fill out his card each da\ for almost 2 years before anything was said to him about this practice. On May 24, Mattingly received a message that his father needed help. With his foreman's permission, he left the plant. but appar- ently forgot to clock out. The next day. he was in- formed of this error, and he wrote on his timecard the time written on the emergency message he had received from the secretary the day before. His fore- man indicated that he might be fired over the inci- dent. The next day, May 26. he was given a repri- mand for not clocking out on May 24. and was discharged. The Administrative Law Judge found no violation of the Act on these facts. Stating that Mattingly was "not shown to be particularly active on behalf of the Union," and that other employees had been dis- charged for timecard padding prior to the organizing campaign, the Administrative Law Judge concluded the Respondent did not treat him disparately. and had adequate cause to discharge him. We do not agree, because again we believe the Ad- ministrative Law Judge ignored critical facts in the record. Although he concluded that Mattingly was not a particularly active union supporter. it is abun- dantly clear that the Respondent thought Mattinglx was a union leader since it singled him out in front of ' Although prior to his discharge he had recec ed ..a lginlflc..all .miiuml [ discipline, most of it occurred after the start of the I ea.nster,. . impal i I or example, in addition to the discipline for timecard padding. he hld recei.ed oral and written warnings for poor work (prior to December 19761 all oral warning for loafing (in May 1977), an oral warning for ah,enlteel,n (,I. February 1977). a written warning for insuhbordinaillin (in ma. 19i 7). an1 d i reprimand for insubordination (in April 19 771 his fellowx emplo,,ees. In addition. the circumstances of the two reprimands leading up to his dismissal suggest not only pretext. hut disparate treatment as ,well. Hlis conduct leading up to the reprimand of Man 10 xerx ,well man havc called for discipline. Howxever. the Respondent offered no reason for skip- ping from aln oral wxarning to a reprimand. F urther. the circiiumstlances of the May 26 reprimand exemplify the tA pe of irrational treatment we believe transcends the Respondent's traditional harshness. Mattingly left the plant with the permission of management. In his haste. he neglected to clock out. lUpon returning the next da\l and being told of his error. he suggested using the time written on the message given to him bh the Respondent's secretary when he notified him of the emergenc\. Inexplicably. the Respondent de- termilned that this w\as unacceptable and discharged him. Although the Administrative law Judge is cor- rect in noting that the Respondent always had dis- charged emploees for repeated timecard violations. our examination of the evidence convinces us that rarely. if ever. were employees disciplined in cases of inadlertent and easily corrected error, such ilas here. Rather. the Respondent was concerned primarily with intentional attempts to circumvent its piece rate sxstemi. I hus. reject the conclusion that there was no disparate treatmient. Particularly in light of the Respondent's implied threat of reprisal against Mat- tinglx when it singled him out at the employee meet- ings several months before his discharge, we believe his firing was motivated by the Respondent's union animus. Accordingly. we find that when it disciplined and discharged him in May 1977 the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. II. Ruth Ann Harbaugh When she was discharged by the Respondent on December 30. 1976. Harbaugh had worked for the Respondent for slightl\ over 5 years. The Adminis- trative L aw Judge found that her union activity con- sisted of attending the December 5 organizing meet- ing and signing an authorization card. Although she testified that she was interrogated by her foreman, she stated that she never told anyone in management about her union sympathies. The Respondent claimed it discharged her for excessive absenteeism. The Administrative Law Judge found that she had missed 24 hours in October, 24 hours in November. and 8 hours in December prior to missing work on December 28 and 29. In addition, the record shows that she had received a reprimand on February 3. 1976. for excessive absenteeism. TIhe Administrative Law Judge recommended that we dismiss the allegations with respect to Harbaugh, 721 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD finding her discharge justified by her conduct in light of Respondent's past practice of disciplining employ- ees for excessive absenteeism. He rejected her general assertion that another employee had been absent more than she and that he had not been disciplined, because she was unable to give more than her general impression of his attendance record. In addition, the Administrative Law Judge concluded that, because Harbaugh's foreman was frank in testifying about his unlawful interrogation of employees before the elec- tion, his failure to mention an antiunion motivation underlying her discharge indicated that there was none. Although we agree with the Administrative Law Judge's conclusion that no violation occurred. we disavow his statement that had there been an antiun- ion motive Harbaugh's foreman would have said so. Nevertheless, it is clear that because her union activi- ty was minimal and she stated she concealed her sympathies from management. an inference of knowledge on the part of the Respondent would he strained. Moreover, her poor attendance record, in- cluding the reprimand the previous February. sup- ports the Respondent's contention that it mvwas not motivated by union animus. Accordingly, we shall dismiss this aspect of the complaint. 12. Edward Lee Mathes Mathes had worked for the Respondent for over 4 years when he was discharged on December 1, 1976. He had received his first reprimand for timecard padding on August 19. 1976. In earls September 1976, he participated in a meeting with the Respon- dent's president, Keller, wherein a number of em- ployees threatened to walk off the job o ver allegedly unfair reprimands for timecard padding which had been given to two employees. At the meeting, Keller apparently stated, "Walk out, I'll nail the doors shut." 31 Subsequently, Mathes became a steward for the Carpenters, and processed a number of griev- ances. On November 25, he had a conversation with his foreman in which he was told that management had been "watching" him and that he had made a mistake on his timecard the previous week by count- ing more pieces than he had actually produced. The following Monday he was notified that the problem had been "resolved." Several days later, however, on December 1, he was discharged, purportedly for the "resolved" timecard-padding incident. At the hear- ing, Mathes denied that he had made a mistake on his timecard. 1 This incident was not alleged to he an unfair lihor pr.tic, huill rather was offered by the General Counsel to shoew that the Respondentl ; is av a;re of Mathes' willingness to engage in concerted a:ctivlit We agree with the Administrative Judge's rec- ommendation that we dismiss the allegations with re- spect ot Mathes. The General Counsel theorized that because of the September incident and Mathes' stew- ardship with the Carpenters he was known to be a person inclined to engage in concerted activity, and that the Respondent thus discharged him to rid itself of a potential Teamsters activist. Although the cir- cumstances of his discharge are somewhat suspi- cious, we do not believe there is sufficient evidence to tie his discharge to his union activity, nor are we per- suaded by the General Counsel's theory. particularly since he was discharged several days before the Teamsters began to campaign actively at the Re- spondent's plants. Accordingly, we shall dismiss this aspect of the complaint. 13. Meredith Dale Spencer Prior to being discharged on March 11, 1977, Spencer had worked for the Respondent for over 3 \ears. The Administrative Judge found, and the record shows, that his union activity consisted of at- tending the December 5 organizing meeting and signing an authorization card. Although he was inter- rogated by his foreman about his union sympathies. he testified that he never told management about them. In fact, he testified that he had disclaimed any interest in the Union. and that on the day of the election his foreman actually had encouraged him to vote. After missing a number of davs shortly after the election in February 1977, he was discharged, pur- portedly for not calling in the absences. Although it is evident that the Respondent deviat- ed from its normal procedure in terminating Spencer without giving him a written warning and two repri- mands, 2 he apparently had had significant problems with his attendance, and he admitted he did not call in manv of his absences. In addition, it is unclear whether Respondent knew about his relatively mini- mal union activity. The fact that his foreman encour- aged him to vote suggests that, in fact, the Respon- dent thought he was not a union supporter. Accordingly, we agree with the Administrative Law Judge that the General Counsel did not sustain his burden of proof, and we shall dismiss the allegation with respect to Spencer. 14. Constructive discharges The General Counsel contends that several em- ployees were constructively discharged. Conceptual- ly, constructive discharge occurs when an employee O(ur eas.lllnation of tihe record sho'ws that recentil he had been given nI trtal atnrilg .a.bout riot tlaling inl his absences 722 KELLER MANUFACIURIN(G (COMPANY quits "[because] an employer deliberatel makes Ihis or herj working conditions intolerable. J. P. Stevens & Co., Inc. v. N.L.R.B.. 461 1:.2d 49)0. 494 (C.A. 4, 1972). It becomes unlawful when this is done because of an employee's union activitN. Id. Accord- ingly, when it is shown that an employer imposed onerous working conditions on an emplosee it knew had engaged in union activit). which it reasonabl; should have foreseen would induce that emploee to quit, a primna facie case of constructive discharge is established. requiring the employer to produce evi- dence of legitimate motivation. a. Ruh, Milchling Before she informed the Respondent that she had quit on December 27. 1976, Rub) Milchling had been employed at the plant for slightl ov er I sear. The Administrative Law Judge found that her union activity consisted of attending the l)ecember 5 orga- nizing meeting, signing an authorization card. and soliciting other employees to sign authorization cards at the plant. Additionally. the record sho is that on the day after the December 5 meeting she told her foreman, Chris Green, that she had signed an author- ization card. and that Green reported her prounion syNmpathies to the Respondent's personnel illnatci'. Nolot. At the time, she was working on a three-pe-- son operation and was compensated pursuantIl to tile piece rate svstem. Apparentl\. one of her fello\\ em- ployees was a trainee. Then. on December 26. she was asked to train another wouman in addition to the person she already was training. She protested that "if I got to train two people at one time. I just don't think I could take it," hut agreed to trv to work x ith the two trainees. Milchling testified that the new per- son had some difficulty performing the job. and when she learned that the new trainee hatd been criticizing her behind her back she became upset and decided to quit. Her foreman and Nolot attempted to persuade her not to resign. but, the next das. she notified the Respondent she had quit. The Administrative Lass Judge recommended that we not find that MilchlinEg was constructisel\ dis- charged for her union activit\. Although he found that the Respondent knew about her union activit\. he concluded that her actix it w;as minimial. In addi- tion, he found that Milchling actualls quit her job because of a personal conflict with her neA traiiee. rather than an intolerable condition intentionalls created by the Respondent. Although we disavow his reliance on his finding that Milchling was not a particularl? acti e union supporter 33 we agree that Milchling was not con- structivel, discharged for her union activity. We do not believe that the conditions created by the Re- spondent. which Milchling claimed put her under too much pressure, were so intolerable as to have reason- abls caused her resignation. Although she testified that she Aas losing money because she was training two people while on a piece rate. there is nothing in the record which establishes that she in fact was being paid a piece rate other than her statement that "as far ais [she knew. shel was working on a piece rate joh." Since she also testified that she never before had been required to train employees while being paid a piece rate. we cannot conclude that she was being asked to) take a decrease in pay hereY More- o cr. the record sho\, s that her primar, quarrel with her ness trainee concerned the trainee's derogators commlenits about her to other employees. 'There is no basis in the evidence for attributing to the Respon- dent the stressful situation resulting in Milchling's resignation. Accordingll , we shall dismiss this aspect of the complaint. b. 71chmt Barnctl Prior to quitting het job on December 13. 1976. Barnett had xx worked for the Respondent for about 5 ears. T he Administrative lIaw Judge found that her union acti' it- consisted of attending the December 5 organizing meeting and signing an authorization caird. In addition, he noted that she had told mem- hers of matlnagement at an emplo ee meeting that she had been a Teamsters member at another plant and that she xwvas "proud of hav e served" with the l nion." I he record shos. s that in November she re- cei ed an oral warmin for poor wvork. and that in earl- December she received a written warning and a reprimand for poor work. At one of the meetings held bh management to dissuade employees from supporting the lTeamsters. several employees ex- pressed concern about Barnett's precarious position. since she had recentlI received the reprimand for poor work. Nevertheless. on December 13. she was assigned to a sanding job. Apparently she was slow and her foreman sait and watched her for about 10 to 15 minutes before suggesting \vays she could increase her production. At that. she became upset and sought a meeting vwith the plant manager. Although the plant manager offered her another job. she indi- cated she could not perform that one either. At that point. she left the plant and apparently has not re- turnedI. On these facts. we agree with the conclusion that i 5he rcCldl hrc 1 iMsll. itl.cl1t . Cot.hi'll,. /r"th .p.m.. that he ' ,c.its trc.lcd h, sp r.loe [ Shl t,1111f:J 1. hild t1 ,l LI tc-... rd *lth the I eanilr, for 7 \cars 723 sh, 1, !If, Cd that II Ci h'Id -II, ~ii IC d ll 1 l I, II -1 IdIJ DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the General Counsel did not establish a constructive discharge. Although the Employer undoubtedly had knowledge of Barnett's considerable union sympa- thies, the problems with her work performance began prior to the union campaign. Moreover, we do not believe that record shows that such intolerable condi- tions were imposed that the Respondent should rea- sonably have expected her to quit. Accordingly, we shall dismiss this aspect of the complaint. B. Lqaoffs 1. Roy Dearborn We have already found that Roy Dearborn was discharged on March 10 because of his union activi- ty. In so finding, we noted that prior to the election the Respondent had impliedly threatened him with reprisals by singling him out in front of other em- ployees as a "troublemaker." Additionally. the rec- ord shows that on the day before the election his foreman, Gravett, told several employees that thec "would have a better chance of working if the union didn't get in" and that they "could be laid off." He concluded by telling the employees that on the Mon- day following the election they should "come in to work to see whether [they were] going to be laid off or not." The Monday after the election, the eight em- ployees in Dearborn's department were notified they were laid off. Three of them, including Dearborn, returned to work the next week. The Respondent as- serted that in laying off the department it was moti- vated only by business reasons. The Administrative Law Judge recommended against finding a violation. He found Dearborn's tes- timony concerning the alleged threat by Gravett gen- eralized and accepted the Respondent's defense of business justification based on what he found was uncontradicted testimony that business was slack. Fi- nally, he was persuaded by the fact that only Dearborn's layoff was alleged to be unlawfully moti- vated, when there were seven other employees who were laid off at the same time. We disagree with the Administrative Law Judge's analysis and conclusion. At the hearing. Gravett did not deny making statements about the imminent lay- off although he did deny making any specific threats. Contrary to the Administrative Law Judge, we be- lieve a conclusion that an implied threat of retalia- tion is warranted from the record. Moreover, we are not persuaded by Respondent's purported business justification. Dearborn testified that during the pe- riod of the layoff, he had observed other employees doing work in his old department. In addition, we note that at least three of the eight employees in the department were laid off for only I week. Finally. the fact that the layoff of only Dearborn was alleged to violate the Act does not preclude a finding of dispa- rate treatment. The Respondent has asserted that it regularly transferred employees based. among other things. on their seniority. Thus, in February 1977 it could have been expected that, rather than lay off more senior employees, the Respondent would have transferred them to other positions occupied by less senior employees. Except for Charles Atwood and Nick Edwards, apparently only Dearborn had suffi- cient seniority to bump other employees in the plant. Atwood and Edwards took vacation time, apparently anticipating the layoff.3 6 The next week the Respon- dent transferred Dearborn and two other employees laid off the week before to another department. In any event, we believe that an inference is warranted that but for the Teamsters victory in the election more senior employees such as Dearborn would have been transferred to other jobs, as they were a week later, rather than being laid off. Accordingly. we find that the layoff of Dearborn was in retaliation for the Teamsters victory and for his specific union activity and thus we conclude that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. 2. Tambra Crecelieus Prior to being laid off in April 1977, Crecelieus had worked for the Respondent for about 8 months. The record shows that she attended Teamsters orga- nizing meetings, signed an authorization card, and wore union buttons at work. She testified that in ear- ly April she was transferred to a job which required heavy lifting. The record shows she is 5 feet tall and weighs "almost" 100 pounds. After she began to have difficulty with the job, she was laid off, suppos- edly because Respondent did not have any work she was physically capable of performing. Although he inferred that the Respondent knew about Crecelieus' union sympathies, the Administra- tive Law Judge concluded that her activity was mini- mal. In addition, he found that her transfer was law- ful since it was not alleged as a violation of the Act and concluded that therefore her layoff must have been lawful. W' c are fully cognli7ant of the Respondent's assertion that the General ('OUllsel in mi;king this argument attempted to introduce new evidence into the recird I'he Respondent states that it could find "absolutely no evidence in the record about whll Atw .ood did. the seniority of the other employees laid oiff, or a hcther thec could have been transferred to factory jobs." How- ever. the tctiirnon olf Nick Edwards fully supports the claim that Atwood itovk .acaition time and ve believe that the fact Ihat Edwards and Dearborn were Ir.ansferred to) another job the next week gives rise to an inference that tIhee cliuldi been transferred the week before. In any event, the General (' unscl's fltluic ti allege ever', violation of the Act does not. In and of itself. rcfulte an alleglation of dispalrate treatment 724 KELLER MANUFIACTULRING (COMPN'APAN We find error in the Administrative Judge's analysis. In view of the Respondent's widespread uln- fair labor practices. we believe it is unnecessars for an employee to have been "one of the dri Ming forces" in the organizing campaign to be an ob.ect of the Respondent's discrimination. Moreoxer. whether or not her transfer was alleged to be in violation of the Act, we have found that the Respondent transferred other employees to harass and intimidate union sup- porters (the cases of Nick Edwards and i'Waine Peele. supra. are illustrative). Since her transfer. when other less senior employees were not transferred. was not explained and the issue was full\ litigated. we coln- clude that the transfer, proximate to the April 4 meeting, was motivated by the Respondent's union animus. Accordingly, we find the Respondent \io- lated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act hx transfer- ring Crecelieus to a job she was ph! sicall\ incapable of performing and then laving her off hen she proved incapable of performing it. Ct. 1mnrpci,. Im,.. supra. C. Tran.sf'rs 1. Nicky Edwards The Administrative Law Judge found. and we agree, that Respondent transferred Nick\ Edwards because he had passed out authorization cards the day before. We disagree entirely. however, with his conclusion that Edwards' subsequent transfers should not be remedied by our Order. He noted that Edwards had bid on a job., apparently finding that. in doing so. Edwards somehow had waived his righits under the Act. Since it is evident that Edwards would not have bid on another job had he not been trans- ferred from his original job, we shall not, as the Ad- ministrative Law Judge recommends, toll our remedN as of the date Edwards transferred to tile job on which he bid. 2. Sarah Sizemore Before her transfer on January 2, 1977. Sizemore had been an officer for the Carpenters. had partici- pated in negotiating sessions as a Carpenters repre- sentative, had attended several Teamsters organizing meetings. had signed a Teamsters authorization card. and had solicited other employees to sign cards at the plant. In addition, she testified that. in November 1976, she was interrogated by a foreman about her union sympathies. On January 2. she was transferred to a job which was one pay class below her current one. She was told that as part of an economrs drive her old job was going to he downgraded five steps. Nceerth eless. she testified without contradiction that after her transfer other persons performing the work she h;ad pre i ousl% done w ere compensated at tile old rate. I he Adminlistratix l.c aw .ludge recommended that we dismiss the allegation that Sizemore's transfer was iotix aited hb her union activit. Although he con- ceded that she ,,as known by the Respondent to be a unimon supporter. he apparently accepted the Respon- dent's proffered business justification. FinalKl. he colncluded that to find a violation here would pre- clude an emplov!er from ever making business deci- sions hXlich affect union supporters after the begin- nimg of an organizing campaign. We disagree because we believe he has misinter- preted thie e idence and misconceived the General Counsel's arlumients. Since the General Counsel es- tablished the Respondent's knowledge of Sizemore's union s! mpathlies. its animus toward the Union in general. and its action w hich had an adverse impact on Sizemore during the height of the election cam- paigni. we believe it was incumbent on the Respon- dent to shouw a legitimate business reason " justifying its actions. The Respondent contends it transferred Siiemiore because it sought to downgrade her old job in order to save lone!. Wcere that true, the Respon- dent max hax e rebutted the General (Counsel's prima lwicie case. Sizemore, how ever. testified without con- tradictionr that her old job xuas not downgraded and that persons performing it after her transfer contin- ued to hbe compensated at the old rate. 8 Thus. we find that the Respondent's purported business justifi- cation is unsupported by the record. Accordingly, we find that. in transferring Sizemore on January 2. 1977. the Respondent xiolated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. i). .S, c!lic Ii lncidct.e r f .htbuse of 1tie Discipllaurv I hie \dmlinistrative Lawu Judge found, and we agree. that Niclk I.dwards was reprimanded on De- ccmber 7. 1976. in \ lolation of Section 8(a)(3) and ( 1 of the Act. I-or the reasons stated hereinafter, how- cver, e c disagrce with his conclusion that Nancy \\. C hdirc o. lludcd, t1h/rp hat tie Re.pondent'u rlcinice 1on it, con- Ctclillo 1l I 11 hld 'i. ,a\1 x il.anifcrrcd peorpl roltllck IS ' .l thut nlcrlt. si n,lt . li, f-o n .i I rml,l1 Cr if xpecrif intrnrce, cIrrboor.led hN other tCstlIOllIi: ,hlrC Ihei Rc.prlidclnt transferred emplosees to d iscourarge HlnJOD1 .ilkt1l114 ' c xdlrlrnlmtlaie I. xi .id? recitt d the (cnerdal ( oullel's .argu- n11'inl Ilthi ll t, til RCrpouidrll did 11 l 1 , r fer Slzemore the Jdo,n- eFr idcd pnrrnl l sho- s i , drn.irutnrilllrlurltonr lin, reasonlnlrg th.a helusne it lffcld ier .t h one Ic hol',n her oId one it nol required to offer her ., li, n luh , i k i t stec\ hkcoNx heil olr d onic ti- ener. we hehllee Ihe (Iennr¢Il J ( r o1 l el ali olllncirtdr [ Iab t-, thl e rac Ihe RespoIndent cnll rinued to 1'i' tie od .rle 1.. elplos CC peik.rl i ltm th suipposeadtl drm*ngr.ded lob 725 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Ruth Pittman, Barbara Jean Miller, and Sharon Sny- der were not disciplined because of their union activ- ities. 1. Nancy Ruth Pittman and Barbara Jean Miller The cases of Pittman and Miller will be considered together since they worked and were disciplined to- gether. In December 1976 Pittman had worked for the Respondent for 6 years. She had been a steward with the Carpenters and testified she had attempted to process a number of grievances. After the Team- sters began to campaign early in December 1976. she attended several of its organizing meetings and solic- ited authorization cards in the Company's parking lot. Finally. she testified that a few weeks after the start of the Teamsters organizing campaign she was approached by her foreman who said, "I see you are signing people up" and that she "ought to watch what [she wasl doing." 39 In December 1976 Miller had worked for the Respondent about 7 months. She had been an officer with the Carpenters and had par- ticipated in a number of negotiating sessions with the Respondent. Like Pittman, she attended the Team- sters organizing meeting in early December and signed an authorization card. Although she denied she ever revealed her union sympathies. she testified that she was interrogated by her foreman about them nearly every day. Prior to December 1976 neither employee had received any discipline for poor work for at least I year. On December 13 they both were given oral warnings for poor workmanship on a proj- ect on which they both had worked. After Pittman apparently admitted responsibility for the mistake, the Respondent claims, it expunged the oral warning from Miller's record. On December 15, however, the plant manager inspected some pieces the two em- ployees had been producing and found that some of them were defective. An oral warning was issued to Miller and a written warning was issued to Pittman. They both testified, however, that never before had the quality of their work been checked by manage- ment before they had had a chance to inspect it themselves. The Administrative Law Judge cryptically recom- mended that we dismiss the complaint with respect to the December 15 oral and written warnings. He stated that the General Counsel had failed to estab- lish that the Respondent was motivated by union an- imus and that, in any event, the employees had ad- mitted doing poor work. It is self-evident that the Respondent knew about ; We have found, supra. that this coln'ersalion ci,ntituted an implied threat of reprisal. Pittman's union activity and we have found that it threatened her about it. As to Miller. an inference of knowledge is warranted from her testimony that she was interrogated repeatedly about her union sympa- thies. We find that the Administrative Law Judge ap- plied an erroneous standard to the evidence involv- ing these allegations. Both employees testified, without contradiction. that the normal procedure was that they could inspect their work before sending it to the next department. The Respondent, however, denied these employees this opportunity. As the Re- spondent offered no explanation for this change in practice. we find it was implemented in order to es- tablish a pretext for disciplining Pittman and Miller. Accordingly, the warnings issued to them on Decem- ber 15 violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. 2. Sharon Snyder Snyder was hired by the Respondent in June 1976. Her union activit, consisted of attending the Decem- ber 5 organizing meeting, signing an authorization card, distributing at least 50 cards to other employees at work. and wearing union buttons at work. In addi- tion, she was singled out by the Respondent as a "troublemaker" at a preelection meeting.40 Finally, her foreman, Chris Green, testified that he had been told to watch her and to issue her discipline if she "messes up." ' Both a written warning given to her on December 8 and a reprimand given to her on May 16 are alleged to have been motivated by the Re- spondent's hostility toward her union activity. On December 8 Snyder and her partner were given writ- ten warnings for poor work. Snyder testified that the Respondent would not accept her explanation that she had not worked on the allegedly defective doors. The record does not disclose that either Snyder or her partner had received previous oral warnings for poor work. On May 16. Snyder received a reprimand purportedly for poor work. She testified that before she started it she had told her foreman. Roberts. that she did not have enough experience on that job to perform it correctly, but that, nevertheless, he told her to do it. Later, another foreman. Mathes. checked the job and discovered some defects which he apparently corrected himself.42 Several days later she was given a reprimand. She testified without con- tradiction that many other employees have had simi- lar problems with that job and that none of them has been disciplined. Fhe Administrative Law Judge concluded that nei- 'A e hia.e found. lqpra. th ,t this c.nidul constiluted an implied threat Althiouh he discredited G(recn i1 Ihe issue of hether there uas in- tctese d dJiLclplIe arlter Detetllter 197., the Admiilstratie Lax, Judge did not specificall. discredit this ltetimont Nel her ,ohert, nor Mathes as cAled to te.tifx 726 KELLER MANUFACTURIN(i COMPANY ther the written warning nor the reprimand was moti- vated unlawfully. Without specifically analyzing the facts, he noted that the Respondent had alwayxs disci- plined employees for poor work. and that Snyder had admitted doing poor work. For the reasons stated in our analysis of the disci- pline given to Miller and Pittman. we disagree with the Administrative Law Judge's conclusional finding that because the Respondent had always disciplined employees for poor work the conduct here is insulat- ed from scrutiny. The record shows not only that Snyder's considerable union activity was known to the Respondent but that she had actualli been threatened about it when the Respondent singled her out as a "troublemaker." The December 8 written warning, proximate to the beginning of the Team- sters organizing campaign. at which time she distrib- uted about 50 authorization cards. suggests an un- lawful motivation. Moreover. regardless of whether she actually did the allegedly poor work. the Respon- dent did not explain why it skipped an oral warning and gave her a written warning. rather than conform- ing to its system of progressive discipline. Thus. we conclude that the real reason for her written warning was her union activity. As to the May 16 reprimand. we note that she was assigned to the job she allegedly botched notwithstanding her professed inexperience on that job. Further. she testified without contradic- tion that other employees had had similar problems with that job and had not been disciplined. Finall. an inference adverse to the Respondent is warranted from the Respondent's failure to elicit testimony from any member of management involved in the May 16 reprimand. Intersrate (Circuit, mstpra. Accord- ingiy, we find that in giving the written warning and the reprimand for poor work to Snsder the Respon- dent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. Co-N( t sIoNS of1 1. \xu I. The Respondent, Keller Manufacturing Com- pany, Inc., is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union, Local Union No. 89. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs. WVarehouse- men and Helpers of America, is. and at all times ma- terial has been, a labor organization within the mean- ing of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By interrogating employees about their union sympathies, by creating the impression those activi- ties were under surveillance. and bh keeping records of the union sympathies of its employees. the Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(I) of the Act. 4. By threatening employees with plant closure. discharge. or other reprisals because of their interest in or actix ity on behalf of the above-named labor organization. or to encourage antiunion activity, the Respondent violated Section 8( a )( I) of the Act. 5. By promoting or attempting to promote the for- mation of a comnpani -assisted labor organization, the Respondent violated Section 8(a)( I) of the Act. 6. Bv increasing the incidents and severity of the discipline it imposed because of the union activities of its employees, the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the ,Act. 7. B' discharging Mar, ('ar)ol Smith. Mars Car- xer. [:dna t.awson. I lomer \Wiseman, Edith Adam- son. ('assie Mac Barnum. James Michael Bright. Daniel Milchlinlg. Chris Green. Joseph Was ne Peele. Alice Meyers. Betty Ilaub. Joe F:oster, James East. Ro) S. Dearborn. and GiarN Mattingl) because of their union activities. the Respondent violated Sec- tion 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. 8. Bx laying off Ro'x Dearborn and Tambra C(re- celieus in retaliation for their union activities and for the employees' union activities in general, the Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. 9. B, transferring Nicky Edwards. Sarah Size- more, Tambra Crecelicus, and Joseph Wayne Peele to less desirable jobs because of their union activities. the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. 10. B), disciplining Homer Wiseman. Mary Car- ver. Edna Lawxson. ESdith Adamnson, Cassie Mae Bar- num, Nick,, Edwards. James Michael Bright. Daniel Milchling, Joe Foster. James East. Roy S. Dearborn. jar,, Mattingly. Nancy Ruth Pittman. Barbara Jean Miller. and Sharon Snldcr in retaliation for their union activities, the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. I 1. Fhe aforesaid unfair labor practices affect conmmerce within the meanintg of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. ' iiF Rfi ae I)> Having found that the Respondent engaged in un- fair labor practices in \ iolation of Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. we shall order that the Respondent cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirma- tive action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Accordingl,, we shall order the Respondent to offer those emplo yees found to have been discrimi- natorilN discharged, laid off, or transferred immedi- ate and full reinstatement to their former positions or. if those positions no longer exist, to substantially equivalent positions. without prejudice to their se- nioritv or other rights and privileges. and to make them -xholc for iln loss of earnings they may have suffered as a result of the discrimination practiced 727 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL L.ABOR RELATIONS BOARD against them, plus interest, in accordance with the formula set forth in F. W. Woolworth Company., 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Florida Steel C'orporation,. 231 NLRB 651 (1977).43 In addition, the Respondent shall be ordered to expunge from its records the dis- ciplinary actions found herein to have been discrimi- natory. See, e.g., Wolverine World Wide, In1(., 193 NLRB 441 (1971). Finally, because of the pervasive violations of the Act by the Respondent, we shall include a broad cease-and-desist order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Keller Manufacturing Company, Inc., Corydon and New Salisbury, Indiana, its officers, agents, succes- sors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discharging, laying off, transferring, or other- wise discriminating against employees because of their interest in or activity on behalf of Local Union No. 89, International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. or any other labor organization. (b) Systematically polling or questioning its em- ployees concerning matters which permit conclusions to be drawn with respect to their individual union sympathies or attitudes, or otherwise interrogating employees concerning their interest in or activity on behalf of the above-named labor organization or any other labor organization. (c) Creating the impression that employees' union activities are under surveillance. (d) Compiling lists of union activists and sym- pathizers. (e) Threatening employees with plant closure. dis- charge. or other reprisals because of their interest in or activity on behalf of the above-named labor orga- nization, or any other labor organization. or because of their failure to work against the above-named la- bor organization or any other labor organization. (f) Disciplining or otherwise reprimanding em- ployees in a manner more severe than is consistent with established disciplinary policy because of their interest in or activity on behalf of the above-named labor organization, or any other labor organization. or to discourage such union activity. (g) Promoting or attempting to promote the for- mation of a company-assisted labor organization or committee. (h) In any other manner interfering with, restrain- 4 1 See. generally. Isis Plumbhigr and Hcrintn ( ,, 138 Nl.RB 716 (19 62h ing, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer the following employees immediate and full reinstatement to their former positions or, if those positions no longer exist, to substantially equiv- alent positions without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and make them whole for any losses incurred by reason of the discrimination practiced against them in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy": Marv Carol Smith, Marv Carver, Edna Lawson, Ho- mer Wiseman. Edith Adamson, Cassie Mae Barnum, James Michael Bright. Daniel Milchling, Chris Green. Joseph Wayne Peele. Alice Meyers, Betty Haub. Joe Foster. James East. Roy S. Dearborn. Gar,, Mattingly. I ambra Crecelieus, Nicky Edwards, and Sarah Sizemore. (b) Rescind, and remove from its files, any refer- ence to the oral warnings, written warnings, and rep- rimands issued for discriminatory reasons to the fol- lowing employees, and provide that these warnings shall not be used as a basis for further disciplinary action against said employees: James Michael Bright. Daniel Milchling. Joe Foster, James East, Rov S. l)earborn, Gary Mattingly. Mary Carver, Edna Lawson, Homer Wiseman, Edith Adamson, Cassie Mae Barnum. Nicks Edwards. Nancs Ruth Pittman. Barbara Jean Miller. and Sharon Snyder. (c) Preserve and, upon request. make available to the Board or its agents. for examination or copying, all payroll records, social security payment records. timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order. (d) Post at its New Salisbury and Corydon facil- ities copies of the attached notice marked "appen- dix." C4 ('opies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional D[irector for Region 25. after being duly signed byh the Respondent's representative. shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter. in conspicuous places. including all places where no- tices to employees are customarily posted. Reason- able steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered. defaced, or covered by an, other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 25, in writing. within 20 davs from the date of this Order, i hn Ihe c.ent thai this O(der i,. enfrced by a judgmenn ofr Ia nited Slater. ( ourt io Appeals, the words in the rird t ce reiading "Porsled by Order i.f the Na.111 al .ab r Rel.lll, IB( ard" shall read "Posted Pursuant I, a JudlrTenil ol the InilLed Sla[ts ( ourl of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the .tiionari l l.abor Rel.tins Board. 728 KEIIFR MANILTFA(IURINGi COMIPANY what steps the Respondent has taken to complN here- with. II t R I it II:R ()Ri)ltR:I) that tile al leatiions of un- fair labor practices not specificall found herein be dismissed. APPEFNDIX Noi ' To E lo I I s Post :I) BY ORI)i R O( 1111 NIIoNxAI. LsBOR Rt l io\s BO\RI) An Agenct of the LUnited States (iovernnrent After a hearing in which all parties participated. the National Labor Relations Board has found that wec have violated the National I[abor Relations Act and has ordered us to post this notice and to abide b\ its terms. Wi: \V% i \ oi discharge. lay off. transfer. or otherwise discriminate against our emplo\ees because thev are active on behalf of f local Union No. 89, International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers of America. or any other lahbor organi- zation. Wi W iii l NOI question or poll OLul crnplo IeCs concerning matters which permit conclusions to be drawn with respect to their individual union sympathies or attitudes, or in any other manner interrogate employees concerning their interest in or activity on behalf of the above-named la- bor organization. or an) other labor orgailiza- tion. Wit xii.l NOl engage in surveillance of our erl- ployees' union activities or create the impression that we have done so. WE. wit L N01 direct that lists of union acti ists or sympathizers be compiled. WiE WII.I NOt threaten our emplo\ces either explicitly or implicitly with plant closure. dis- charge, or other reprisal because of their interest in or activitv on behalf of L.ocal Union No. 89, International Brotherhood of Teaimsters. Chauf- feurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. or any other labor organization. or because of their failure to work against the ahboe-namned or any other labor organization. Nor shall we im- pliedly threaten employees by singling them out as "troublemakers" because of their union acti - ity, or by telling them to remove union buttons. WiU iii. NOI deviate from our disciplina1r system and reprimand or otherwise discipline our employees because of their interest in or ac- tivity on behalf of the above-named labor orga- nization. or anv other labor organi7ation. Wl wi[.l Nou ask our employees to form or join a union sponsored or supported by us in opposition to the ahbove-named labor organiza- tioIl. W ,i ;\it NO1 l in anN other manner interfere ilhtli restraliln. or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. W i uli offer immediate and full reinstate- nierti to the following employees to their former positions or. if those jobs no longer exist, to sub- st.antially equivalent jobs. without predjudice to their seniorit\ or other rights and privileges pre- iousl\ el njo!ed and x: x iii i make themll whole. ,xxith interest. for losses incurred hb reason of the discri mination .lg;ainst them. Mlarx (Carol Smith Nlar\ ('ar er Edial l ; son Ilomer W\isemilna IEdith A\damson ('assic Mlae Barnumli James M. Bright [)aniel Milchling C(hris (reen Sarah Sizemore Joseph Was ne Peele Alice Me',ers Bett) Haub Joe Foster Jaimes l ast Roe [Dearborn (iar\ Matting'! l'anbra Crecelieus Nick' Edwvards Wi xtili reilove from their personnel files an' reference to. and rescind the oral warnings. rfitten \arnilngs. and reprimands which were is- sued to the follo ring employees because of their union activities. and \WI u\i make provision that these w\arlings ,,ill not be used as a basis for further disciplinary action against these em- plo' ees: .Jaiics M. Bright [)aniel Milchling Joe Foster Jarnmes Fast Ro' [)earborn (Jar' MIattingoly MNarv ('arver Sharon Sn'der I .dna l.awson Homer Wiseman Edith Adamson Cassie Mae Barnum Nicky Edwards Nancv Ruth Pittman Barbara Jean Miller All our employees have the right ot join Local Union No. 89. International Brotherhood of Team- sters. ('hauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers of America. or an'. other labor organization, or to re- frain from doingl so. Ki II R M \-, I \( 1t RINGt COM'PA'NY. IN(' DECISION SIAlrMI:NI OF II C AS JASxiS 1. Rosi Adrninistrativ e, Judge: This matter wxas heard before mc on sarious dates between Jul) 12 and 729 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELAI IONS BOARD July 27. 1977, at Corydon, Indiana. T'he consolidated complaints allege that the Respondent terminated 22 indi- viduals in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the National la- bor Relations Act, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 151. et scq. It is also alleged that the Respondent engaged in various acts violative of Section 8(a)( I). The Respondent generally denied that it had engaged in any violations of the Act, and specifically contends that each of the terminations was for cause and none was moti- vated by that individual's activity on behalf of an)' labor organization or to discourage such activity. Based upon the record as a whole, including my observa- tion of the witnesses, briefs, and arguments of counsel, I hereby make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT AN[) CONC(I .rS ONS OF: LA I JIRISDII( ION The Respondent is an Indiana corporation, engaged in the manufacture and distribution of furniture and related products at the two facilities here involved: Corydon and New Salisbury, Indiana. During the year preceding the issuance of the complaints herein, the Respondent purchased goods, products, and materials directly from points outside the State of Indiana valued in excess of $50,000. I)uring the same period, the Respondent sold directly to points outside the State of In- diana, goods and products and materials valued in excess of $50,000. The Respondent admits, and I find, that it is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(2), (6). and (7) of the Act. H. I HE LABOR ORGANIZA I IONS INVOI V[) The Respondent admits, and I find, that Local Union No. 89, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf- feurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America (herein the Teamsters or the Union), and Local Union No. 2441, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, AFL-CIO (herein the Carpenters) are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 111. THF ALL FGED NFAIR I ABOR PRAC(IIH( IS A. Factual Background Since the late 1940's, the Respondent's production and maintenance employees were represented by the Carpen- ters. The Respondent and the Carpenters had successive collective-bargaining agreements, the last of which expired on November 27. 1976. During the course of negotiating a possible successor contract, apparently the C'arpenters de- termined that it no longer had sufficient support among the employees effectively to be their bargaining representative. Thus, on October 28. 1976, the executive secretary-treasur- er of the Carpenters wrote the Respondent advising that unless a union-security clause was included in a successor agreement, the Carpenters would give up bargaining rights effective November 28. No successor agreement was reached, and since November 28 the Carpenters had no longer been the bargaining representative for the Respon- dent's employees. Although unclear from the record, it appears that during the latter stages of the Carpenters representation, employ- ees began discussing the possibility of having another union take over as their bargaining representative. To the extent that there were discussions in November concerning this matter. I find from the record that such were general and the participating employees did not have any particu- lar successor labor organization in mind. In any event, as the plants were closed the last full week in November. such discussions would have occurred away from the Respon- dent's facilities. Around the first of December, the Union was contacted. The Union began handbilling at the plantsites on Decem- ber 2, and a meeting was set for December 5. with some 300 employees in attendance. This meeting took place at a local school. The organizational campaign culminated in a Board- conducted election on February 25, 1977.) The tally of bal- lots shows that of approximately 626 eligible voters, 401 ballots were cast for the Union, 174 against any participat- ing labor organization. 6 were void and 19 challenged. The Respondent filed objections to conduct affecting results of election which, by Board direction, was set for hearing. This matter was still pending at the time of the hearing herein. B. Issues During the period December I. 1976, through June 23. 1977, the Respondent terminated approximately 50 em- ployees 2 (including three considered to have quit). Of the 50 terminations. the General Counsel has alleged that 22 were violative of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. Also alleged violative of Section 8(a)(3) are the transfers of three em- ployees and the discipline of three others. As indicated above, in addition to the 8(a)(3) allegations, it is alleged that during the organizational campaign the Respondent. through various supervisors, interrogated em- ployees, threatened them. and otherwise engaged in activi- ty violative of Section 8(a)( I). IV ",NAI.YSIS AND (ON( IUDINC FINIDINGS A. 7'he A llhged Violations of Section 8(a)ll) 1. Interrogation Charles Lone. Sr., worked for the Respondent approxi- mately 20 years. 14 of which were as a supervisor, a posi- tion he held during the material times involved in this mat- ter and until February 4, 1977. when he determined to quit his employment. ( i.e 2' R( 65t0) :(i;( txh 28, sopies if the empilohment records eif discharged emplos- ee shon..s that there were 48 terminations during this period. In addilimn. t,,o 1idle lduas. Mar! Stiuth aid Mleredith Spenller ho are alleged to have been disch arged In ollilatn lif the Act testified that the, were in fact dis- charged during this period. I he fact of these discharges 'as not disputed b'h Respldrlratt C. ( [Exh 28# originalls rejected as irrelevant is. on reconsider- irinln, iecicxed tsetr the obJeCtill if the Respondent 730 KE ILER MANU FACI URING COMPANY Lone testified credibly, and without contradiction, that pursuant to instruction from higher management. follow- ing the advent of the union activity he systematically inter- rogated the 19 employees under his supervision to de- termine whether they were for or against the Union. From his testimony this was not idle interrogation or a one-time poll. Rather, during January, Lone talked to each employ- ee at least once a week. Upon determining that a particular employee was in favor of the Company. he would leave that individual alone and would concentrate his efforts on those he felt were neutral or leaning toward the Union. He interrogated them one at a time in his office. He did not give assurance against reprisals. Weekly, Lone would take his findings to l.eo (Joettel- finger, the personnel manager of the CoorNdon facility. They would discuss the results of's interrogation and made plans accordingly. The purpose of the interrogation was to affect the outcome of the pending election. I conclude that this activity. intense as it was, and ulti- mately becoming more intense as to those emplosces sus- pected of being prounion, did not meet the test of permissi- ble interrogation. E.g.. Struksnes Consrruction Co.. Inc,. 16 NLRB 1062 {1967). Rather. by systematic interrogation. the Respondent attempted to undermine the Union and to dissuade employees from it. This was activitv which neces- sarily interferes with, restrains, and coerces emplosees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them bN Section 7 of the Act and accordingly was i olatie of Section 8(a)( . Similarly. Chris Green testified that during the time he was still a foreman, in December and January. he Was 111- structed by Robert Nolot. the personnel manager of the New Salisbury facility. to interrogate employees and find out how they stood on the union issue. Green would report his findings to Nolot about every week. this is the same type of activity which Lone testified he engaged in under instructions from management. and is. for the same rea- sons. violative of Section 8(a)( 1). Foreman Clarence Wiseman also systematically interro- gated employees prior to the election, and took notes of their responses. As with Lone and Gireen. I conclude that this was unlawful interrogation engaged in pursuant to company policy. The General Counsel has alleged a number of other in- stances of interrogation of employees hb foremen. While the record is replete with instances of conversations be- tween foremen and employees during the course of the or- ganizational campaign in which the Union was discussed. many of these conversations do not contain unlawful inter- rogations. However. others do. For instance. Supers isor Randy Mozier asked employee Joseph Field during a dis- cussion about the Union how he was going to vote. Simi- larly. Foreman Don Conners asked emplo!ee Gary Mat- tingly how he was going to vote. During the early part of the organizational campaign, on at least one occasion Mike Schlinker. Nanc' Pittman's foreman, saw her with authorization cards and said some- thing to the effect "I see you are signing people up." She admitted that she was, after which he give her a lecture "about hosw I ought to watch what I am doing and I ought to think about . . . what I was doing." In short. there was a substantial amount of unlawful in- terrogation engaged in hb the Respondent's agents throughout the organizational campalign. 2. Impression of surveillance Several times Super,,isor Gil Taylor asked Marilyn Mc- l.emore if she had atten.ed a union meeting and on one occasion he told her that he had seen her car there. This amlounis to impermissible interrogation as well as creating the impression of surveillance of employees' union activity and is therefore in violation of Section 8(a)(1). Similarl\. it is undenied that foreman Mike Schlinker told Nanci Pittman. "I see you are signing people up" and he told her she ought to watch what she was doing. This too is sur'eillance. or creates the impression of it. 3. Threats During at least one of his conversations with employee Ruby NMilchling concerning the Union. Chris Green stated that. "if Keller got a closed shop in there Bill Keller would close that doors." In the context of the systematic interro- gation of emplovees bh management officials during the organizational campaign. I find that this statement. irres- pective of its contingent nature, contained a threat that the plant would shut down if the Union were voted in. Such w as violative of Section 8(a)( Il. E.g.. Spalding, Division {of Que.r('or ( orporation. 225 N I.RB 946 (1976). I ollouing a meeting of emplo'ees rith management of- ficials John leishman and Robert Nolot. Nolot told em- ploNee D)aniel Milchling that the t nion was not good for the eniploseces "because Keller would shut the doors. and e\crsthing. It wsould be pouring monec in the emplotee's pocket." I conclude that such a statement by a high man- aemnient official impl'ing that the Respondent swould shut down in the context of advising employees that the ; mon ssas not good for them amounted to a threat to do so and was therefore tiolative of the Act. Similarly. William Keller, the Respondent's president. told supervisors that if the tlnion got in theN would be asking for a "closed shop" (presumably meaning a "union shop") and that "I'11 shut the damn doors." The supervisors then related this sentiment to employees. according to the undenied testimony of Chris Greene. Though this state- ment hb the Respondent's president to foremen is not itself .iolative of the Act, such does corroborate other testimony of , hat supers isors told employees. F[or instance. Nick's Fdwards testified that his supervis- or, Scott (Grasett. told emplo'ees during the organizational campaign that the "Kellers would shut the doors and lock us out. I hroughout the organizational campaign supervisors would mention plant closure in the context of assuming that the L nion would ask for a "closed shop" to which Keller would not agree: but if the Ilnion was successful. Keller would then shut down the plant. Such was essen- tiall,, Keller's statement to supervisors. I do not believe that this was a benign prediction by the Respondent's pres- ident relayed to employees through foremen. Rather in the totality of this situation. I find that these statements were threats in violation of Section 8(a)( 1. E.g.. Hanover Ioutse Industries, Inc.. 233 NILRB 164 (1977). 731 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD It is alleged that a statement by foreman Scott Gravett to the lumberyard employees concerning the prospective lay- off on Monday following the election was an unlawful threat. Inasmuch as I have concluded. infra, that the layoff was justified by business reasons, lasted only a week, and was not causally related to the election. I conclude that an announcement by Gravett was not a threat. The General Counsel contends that when Clarence Wiseman told employee Edna Lawson to take off her union buttons that he thereby threatened her in violation of Section 8(a)(1). While there is no doubt an implicit threat in such a statement by a supervisor prior to an elec- tion, such was not alleged in any of the several complaints in this matter. In any event, as I already found that the Respondent threatened employees, a finding in this respect would not alter the order that I shall recommend. At a number of the meetings Supervisors Scott Gravett. Gil Taylor, Charles Lone, Clarence Wiseman, and James Wolfe had with employees. certain of them were singled out as being the union instigators. Employees were told that they should not follow the lead of these people for a variety of reasons. Viewed in isolation these statements by foremen would probably be permissible or at least not vio- lative of the Act. However, in the context of the vigorous antiunion campaign conducted by the Respondent I must conclude that the Respondent implicitly threatened those employees with reprisals and therefore did violate Section 8(a)( I ). Other statements alleged by the General C'ounsel to be threats I find have not been established even construing the testimony of witnesses for the General Counsel in a light most favorable to such a finding. 4. The company union When Nicky Edwards talked to Plant Manager John Hoback during the latter part of December, among other things Hoback suggested to him that he try to get employ- ees to meet with management. Hoback told Edwards that a "private union" would be better than the Teamsters. While Hoback tends to deny these statements, I credit Edwards and conclude that in their conversation Hoback did sug- gest to Edwards that he use his influence among employees to set up what in effect would be a company union. This, particularly in the context of a beginning organizational campaign, tends to interfere with employees' Section 7 rights and is therefore violative of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. 5. The disciplinary system Paramount to most of the alleged unlawful discharges is the General Counsel's contention that following the start of the union activity, the Respondent commenced more rigorous enforcement of plant rules than had been the past practice. It is alleged that the Respondent began issuing written warnings and reprimands for insignificant viola- tions of plant rules, and in general established a "get tough" policy against union sympathizers in order to inter- fere with their free choice of a bargaining representative. As will be discussed infra, most of the alleged discrimi- natory discharges were claimed by the Respondent to have resulted from repeated violations of company rules (e.g.. tardiness, absenteeism, poor workenship and the like). To establish that the Respondent's true motive was the given individuals' union activity, rather than the purported breach of some company rule, the General Counsel main- tains that there was disparate treatment of employees after the organizational campaign began vis-a-vis before. There- fore. the Respondent's claim that a given individual was discharged pursuant to the disciplinary system was neces- sarily a pretext. It then follows that the true motive can and should be inferred to have been related to the individual's union activity, given the Respondent's knowledge of such and its general union animus. As to most of the terminations in this matter, unless it is in fact established that the disciplinary system was en- forced disparately, then there is no real basis to conclude that the discharge was for a pretextual reason. Absent a finding of pretext, upon which an inference of unlawful motive can be based, or direct evidence of a discriminatory motive, there is nothing to support a fundamental element of an 8(a)(3) violation. Basically the disciplinary system is progressive. For the first violation of a company rule, the employees will receive an oral warning (which is in fact written). For a second offense the employee will be given a written warning, and for a third offense the employee will be given a reprimand with the understanding then that three reprimands for dif- ferent violations of company rules within a year will be cause for discharge. Two reprimands for the same offense will merit discharge. However, if the offense is serious, then a written warning or reprimand will be given even in the absence of prior violations of company rules. The General Counsel does not contend, nor does the documentary evidence suggest, that the system was not uniformly applied generally even though there may have been occasional instances when an employee was not dis- charged after a third or second reprimand. Rather, the General Counsel alleges that the Respondent more rigor- ously enforced the plant rules following the beginning of the union activity. For the following reasons, I conclude that the General (ounsel has failed to establish that the Respondent initiat- ed a policy of more rigorous enforcement of this plant rules or that the disciplinary system was applied in an dis- parate manner. On the contrary, the documentary evidence submitted by the General Counsel demonstrates that long before the advent of the union organizational campaign the Respondent had given written warnings and reprimands, and had discharged employees. many times for very trivial infractions. For instance on July 26, 1976, an employee was given an oral warning for having started work at 7:01 a.m.-I min- ute late. On October I I, another employee received an oral warning because he returned I minute late from a break. On October 19. another employee was given an oral warn- ing because he returned from break 1 minute late. The Respondent's records show that there were some 8511 3 oral and written warnings and reprimands issued to his. and the monthly totals. ,are talken frorm the (enral C( ounsel's brief inasmuch as perusal of the records indicates the figures to be essentiall 3 correct 732 KELLER MANU FACTURING COMPANY employees in 1976. 179 of which occurred in December. The General Counsel argues that since 179 was more than the number of written disciplines issued in an, other month in 1976. it follows that the Respondent embarked on a policy of more rigid discipline. Such is not necessarily the case. particulalrlx when one considers that the number of written disciplines in January dropped to 27 and was only 47 in February. In October and July 1976 there were, respectively. 103 and 107 wvritten disciplines. Given that the Respondent in fact was issuing large numbers of disciplines to employees long before the union activity, and that many of these were for ver' trivial infractions. I cannot conclude that just because a some- what larger than usual number were written in the month of December 1976. such was a result of a policy to interfere with employees' freedom of choice of a bargaining repre- sentative. The number of December disciplines could just as easily have been the result of employees doing more things requiring discipline. From January through June 1977 there were 422 written disciplines which means that the number of disciplines in 1977 is running at about the same rate as 1976, e-en though there is a substantial variation hetween the lo>! month (27 in January 1977) and the high month (179 in December 1976). In addition to the statistical inference sought, the Gener- al Counsel relies upon testimony from Chris Green, who in December was a supervisor, to the effect that he was in- structed to "tighten down on everything" and that "people were constantly getting written up for just little minor things that before they had let slide through." I do not accept Green's testimony on this subject. First. I do not believe that Green is a particularly reliable witness particularly since he is one of the alleged discriminatees in this matter. Second. because Green's position now is as a party to the case adverse to the Respondent. his testimony is hardly as binding on the Respondent as that of a super- visor. Finally. Green's rather generalized and conclusion- ary statement that foremen started writing up employees for minor matters that had been let go prior to December 1976 simply is not supported by the documentary evidence. To the contrary. the documentary evidence shows that the Respondent has always had a policy of writing up employ- ees for trivial matters. On the other hand, Charles Lone, Sr., also a witness for the General Counsel but one who has no apparent interest in the outcome of this matter, did not recall discipline being stressed during the December supervisors' meetings. Nor did he increase the written disciplines he gave. Not only is Lone's demeanor generally credible, hut his testi- mony on this issue is consistent with the documentary evi- dence. The documentary evidence shows that the Respondent discharged numerous employees both prior to and subse- quent to the advent of the union activity. Thus. from Janu- ary 19, 1975, through November 1976 the Respondent dis- charged 149 employees, most of whom were probationary and did not pass the probationary period. However. during that period, 14 were discharged for absenteeism. 5 for in- subordination, 5 for excessive breaks I I for poor work- manship and 4 for timecard padding. A review of the docu- mentars evidence does not demonstrate that application of the disciplinar? system. or discharge of individuals pur- suant to it, was ans different after the organizational cam- paign began than before. Thus I cannot conclude that the employees who were dischar.ged after December 1976 because the': had two rep- rimnands for the same offense or three reprimands for dif- ferent offenses within a I-sear period was disparate treat- ment vis-a-iis emplo ,eesC who had committed similar violations prior to the beginning of the organizational cam- paign. The General Counsel contends that notes from a meet- ing of managers on April 4. 1977. demonstrates that the Cornompan had embarked on the policO of more rigid disci- pline. The memo certainlx indicates that the Company at least discussed adopting such a policy. Thus in outlining how to convince enough employees who had voted for the U'nion in the election of Februar, 25 to vote against it in the event of a rerun election. the memo includes: "We must look for and effectively put down troublemakers." "The strength and resolve of the (Coimpanx must be seen and felt, notl .ust told." "If a foreman has poor workmanship. he must be 'riting discipline. [:ach mistake should require discipline unless there are specific reasons for not writing it." "The number of disciplines written \kill be used s an indicator of mnariigement efficiene',." And so on. Though in total this document is somewhat ambiguous. it does tend to show that at alln April meeting, the Respon- dent's managers made a determination "to get tough" with emploees in order to interfere with their freedom of choice. There is nothing in this memo. however, to indicate that the policy was already in effect and related back to December 1976. Of itself. the memo really does not estab- lish wihat the Gieneral C ounsel contends it establishes. namelr, that in December 1976 the Respondent adopted a polic_, of more strict enforcement of plant rules in order to interfere with employees' rights. Further. the documneintarx evidence does not show that following the April 4 meeting there was more rigorous dis- cipline than had always been the case. Thus. in March there were 137 written disciplines, while in April there were 103. in May,. 49, and in June, 59. After the April 4 meeting. the managers did not demonstrably, at least. embark upon a program of writing more disciplines. I conclude that the memo of the April 4 meeting shows the Respondent's animus against the Union. Animus, how- ever, is not an unfair labor practice in and of itself, al- though relevant to interpret whether other acts are unfair or not. Simply because the Respondent may be opposed to the Union does not prove that enforcement of its discipli- nary system either generallk, or as to individuals, is an un- fair labor practice. As the Board said in Klate Holr C ompu- n;, 161 NLRB 1606. 1612 (1966). concerning an individual who was discharged for breaching a company rule: The mere fact that an employer may desire to termi- nate an employee because he engages in unuelconme concerted activities does not, of itself, establish the unlawfulness of a subsequent discharge. If an emplo?- 733 DEC ISIONS OF NATIONAl LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ee provides an employer with a sufficient cause for his dismissal by engaging in conduct for which he would have been terminated in any event, and the employer discharges him for that reason, the circumstance that the employer welcomed the opportunity to discharge does not make it discriminators and therefore unlaw- ful. 6. Conclusion In summary, while I do not believe that the General Counsel was able to establish factually every allegation of 8(a)(1) activity, there is ample credible evidence to support the conclusion that the Respondent did engage in system- atic interrogation of employees, did create an impression of surveillance of employees' union activity, and did threaten employees with discharge and other reprisals should they engage in union activity all in violation of Section 8(a)(l). The Respondent did not violate Section 8(a)( i) or (3) with regard to implementation of its disciplinary system. 1'illow Mfg. Corp, Oak Apparel, Inc., 232 NLRB 344 (1977). B. The Alleged Violations of Section 8(a)(3) 1. The terminations While the facts relating to each individual's termination are unique, the General Counsel's theory as to each is es- sentially the same. That is, the General Counsel contends that each employee alleged to have been terminated in vio- lation of Section 8(a)(3) was terminated for a pretextuous reason. thus a discriminatory motive should be inferred from the Respondent's animus toward the Union as dem- onstrated by its violations of Section 8(a)( I ), and the notes from the management meeting of April 4. The General Counsel contends that given the atmo- sphere of animus, the Respondent's policy of increased dis- cipline adopted at the beginning of the organizational cam- paign and memorialized in the notes of the April 4 meeting, along with the known union activity of each of the alleged discriminatees, the termination of each must be found to have been violative of Section 8(a)(3). At the outset it should be noted that the General Coun- sel does have the burden of proving each allegation of the complaint by a preponderance of the evidence. But this can be accomplished by circumstantial evidence, and infer- ences. particularly of a discriminatory motive, are permit- ted. Shattuck Denn Mining Corporation (Iron King Branch) v. N.L.R.B.. 362 F.2d 466 (C.A. 9. 1966). However, simply because one event follows another chronologically does not imply a causal connection be- tween them. Thus, union activity of an employee followed by his discharge does not itself prove that the discharge was the result of a motive proscribed by Section 8(a)(3). E.g., Kawasaki Motors Corporation USA., 231 NLRB 1151 (1977); Deven Lithographers, Inc., and Cavalier Muticolor Corp., 224 NLRB 648 (1976). Since motive is critical to a finding of an 8(a)(3) viola- tion, but since direct evidence of motive is rare, one must look to all of the attendant circumstances to determine whether the Respondent acted improperly or not. In addi- tion to evidence of union animus and company knowledge of union activity, a critical consideration is whether the alleged reason for termination is reasonable. This is not to say that a company cannot discharge an individual for a bad reason, or indeed no reason at all. However, where the reason given is implausible, then that fact tends to prove an attempt to disguise the true, and unlawful, motive. E.g.. (Capital Records, Inc.. 232 NLRB 228 (1977). Thus, here each of the 22 terminations must be analyzed from the perspective of whether the reason given for termi- nating the particular individual is plausible or not. To say it the other way, the question is: but for the union activity, would the given individual have been terminated at the time and in the manner he or she was. As will be more fully set forth below, in most cases I conclude, based upon the totality of the record herein, that irrespective of the Re- spondent's animus, even had there been no organizational campaign on behalf of the Union, the individuals in ques- tion would have been terminated when they were. Documents subpenaed by the General Counsel, and of- fered into evidence by him, demonstrate conclusively that long prior to the advent of the organizational campaign herein, the Respondent had a policy of vigorously enforc- ing plant rules by warnings, reprimands, and discharges. Thus, the Respondent's records show that from January 1,. 1975, through November 1976, there were 149 discharges, most of which were of probationary employees who failed to meet the probation. However. there were a number of discharges for absenteeism, timecard padding, insubordi- nation, excessive breaks, and poor workmanship. From December 1, 1976, through June 23, 1977, as indicated above, there were 50 terminations for a variety of rea- sons---poor workmanship, excessive breaks, insubordina- tion, timecard padding. and the like. It cannot reasonably he concluded that after the organizational activity began the Respondent began to enforce more rigorously its sys- tem of discipline or when it terminated the employees in question, it followed a different pattern than had long been established. Overall, there is no showing of general dispa- rate treatment against employees following the organiza- tional campaign. Thus, the facts surrounding each individual's termina- tion must be considered to determine whether or not the professed reason was pretextual within the general context of the Respondent's employee relations. Even in the con- text of other violations of the Act, the layoff of known union supporters "absent any other evidence that would indicate disparate treatment, we cannot conclude that the General Counsel has made out a prima facie case of unlaw- ful discrimination." Bromine Division, Drug Research, Inc., 224 N LRB 1275. 1276 (1976). a. James Michael Bright James Michael Bright was first hired by the Respondent in September 1975. He worked about a year and a half, quit to take another job for a period of about 3 months, and then was rehired. He was discharged on December 15. 1976. 734 KELLER MANUFA(C'URIN(; (COMPANY On November 16. he was disciplined and given an oral warning for having been 2 minutes late.4 On December 13 and 14. Bright was off work. he stated, because he did not "feel good." He testified that his wife called the Company for him. When he returned to work on December 15, he was reprimanded for having been off December 13 and 14 because on those days he had been observed by a supervis- or to be working as a building contractor. a fact which Bright admitted on cross-examination. On December 15, after he had punched back in follow- ing a break, Bright determined to go to the restroom and did not punch out. This was a violation of a company rule. Bright testified that his supervisor. David Singleton. "said he was going-he figured would have to write me up and if he did, it would be the third reprimand, which meant I would be fired, which I was aware of." Although Bright did testify that he had firsthand knowledge of employees doing the same type of thing, for which they were not fired, he did not have an's specifics, nor was he aware of whether or not such employees had had previous reprimands or sarn- ings. Even though the event for which Bright was discharged. going to the restroom without clocking out, man seem in- significant, it is the type of thing for which other emplo\ees were reprimanded prior to the beginning of the union ac- tivity. Further, from the totality of the record, it appears that Bright was discharged following receipt of a third rep- rimand, consistent with the past practice of the Compan. It is undenied that Bright told Singleton following his return to work on December 15, among other things that "I am trying to get the Teamsters in here." Thus. there is proven company knowledge of Bright's union actl It\ and there is animus. However. given the fact that Bright did violate company policy in the manners indicated. was, dis- ciplined for them and ultimately discharged pursuant to the general company policy of discharging individuals who had the same general record as he. I cannot find that his discharge was pretextuous. There is, therefore, no basis upon which to infer that the Company's motive in dis- charging Bright when it did was anything other than be- cause of his violations of company rules. In short, on the state of the record here. I conclude that Bright would have been discharged when he was even had there been no union activity. Accordingly. I shall recommend that this allegation of the complaint be dismissed. b. Rulh M,1ilchling Ruby Milchling was hired by the Respondent on Octo- ber I. 1975. She quit on December 27, 1976. which termi- nation the General Counsel alleges to be a constructive discharge in violation of Section 8(a)13). Mrs. Milchling attended the first union meeting on De- cember 5. She signed an authorization card, and shortl) While being 2 miniltes late to work max eiem trlsal .,nd ltherere &- ciplining the emplosee for such max .ppe.r unrelu, nllble. s.LKh nel\erlhcle-. has been the companx p.hcs s ince sell before the 1urni .1.. ,,l\ \ hter 1n thercaftect. she discussed the meeting, as well as solicited another emplosee to sign a card, with the group that in- cluded supervisor Chris Green. Although she was known b (i Green. and therefore the ('ompany. to have been inter- ested in the organizational campaign and to have partici- pated in it to the extent indicated, there is no evidence that she was one of the leaders or even particularly active in it. On D)ecember 26. Green told her that she would be working with a new employee who had never worked on her kind of press. MNilchling told Green, "Well, if I got to train two people at one time. I just don't think I could take it." She testified that the reason she said this was that she was working on piece rate. And she told Green that she would rather quit than be under the strain. Following this Green took Milchling to the office to talk to the plant man- ager. She testified that the plant manager. John Heishman. told her that the reason for putting more people on subas- semblv was because they were behind in production. Mil- chling then said that she would try to work with the new emploee and did so. Milchling testified that following this, she examined some doors which the new girl had done and found the glue joints were not closed. She also heard from a fellow emplosee that the new girl was "popping off" about her, all of which Milchling said was putting her under so much pressure that she decided to quit and so advised Chris Green. She. Green. and a couple of employees met with Nolot that evening. He asked her to continue to try to get along with the new employee. UIltimately the shift was over and MilchlinLg went home. 1 he next day Milchling called in and told a secretar' to tell Chris Green that she had quit. \rhile there is evidence of company knowledge that Mil- chling wIas a participant in the organizational activity. there is no esidence that this fact was related at all to the events leading up to her quitting. To the contrary. Milchling's testimony, even in the most favorable light to the General Counsel, indicates that the reason she quit was because she was having difficulty with an employee whom she was to train. It is stretching credu- lits to conclude that the Respondent put an employee with Mlilchling with whom she would have difficulty in order to force her to quit. Indeed, it appears from her conversations with Green. Heishman. and Nolot. that company officials attempted to talk her out of quitting. There is simply no evidence that Milchling was treated any differentl\ than any other employee. Had she been I would ha',e expected Green. a witness for the General Counsel, to have so testified. I cannot conclude that Milchling's assignment was related to her union activity so that the Cornompans would be liable under Section 8(a)(3) for her having quit. I he totality of the record suggests that absent the union activity, the events which developed on December 26 would have been the same with the same results. Accordingly' I shall recommend that this allegation be dismissed. deed, perual .f the vritten d Ipicl lne 1fl, is-6 Innclud. e tcs. l tIh emplCot ec in qiIu.utl VU. a, jz1\c fld :ll >r r-prlnwlmld fir bein U w1ikl i rniniLIt le . e, il li nuntU Il .ork after luTnh Or the I lIk. 735 DE.CISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD c. Mary C(arol Smith Mary Carol Smith was hired the first of June 1974 as an assistant bookkeeper, in which job she also did payroll. After about a year she was switched to the advertising de- partment, was there about 9 months, and then transferred to the customer service department where she was working at the time of her discharge on April 12. 1977. At the time of her discharge, among other duties, she was responsible for putting postage on the mail every day. In this capacity, she handled roughly 250 to 300 pieces of mail each day. On April 12, Smith was told by the office manager, Fred Frederick, that William Keller's personal income tax return had been returned without postage. The inference was that Keller had given the income tax return to Smith for posting along with company letters, and that she had failed to run it through the postage meter. In any event, Frederick ter- minated her on April 13, because "He said that he had thought it over and he had no alternative but to dismiss me." The sole reason given for Smith's discharge, as testified to by her and uncontested by the Respondent, was that she had failed to put a stamp on Keller's personal income tax return. The reason was, I conclude, pretextual. First it should be noted that the Respondent did not establish in fact that Smith failed to put a stamp on the income tax return. Keller did not come forward to testify that he gave Smith the income tax return or that he put it in the appropriate place with company mail. There is, in short, no relevant evidence that the mistake Smith was sup- posed to have made and for which she was discharged. was hers. In fact, from Keller's failure to testify I can infer the contrary that he did not in fact leave the return with her. Interstate Circuit Inc., et al. v. United States, 306 U.S. 208. 220 (1939). Secondly, failure to put a stamp on a letter is trivial in the extreme, notwithstanding that his was a Federal in- come tax return. The Respondent argues that failure to post properly an income tax return can bring with it sub- stantial monetary jeopoardy. But such was not the case here. This return came back and was remailed prior to the deadline for submitting income tax returns. Smith, along with the other office employees, was not eligible to vote in the election. Nevertheless they were told by Leo Goettelfinger to use their best efforts to get employ- ees in the production unit to vote against the Union. and in so urging them he said such things as, if the Union come in it would "all be over." Although Smith was not actively involved in the organi- zational campaign giving rise to most of the events in this matter, there was some interest by the office employees in the Union and there were discussions among them about having the Union represent them. Whether company knowledge of union activity can be inferred from the fact that these conversations between Smith and other employ- ees occurred within the relatively small confines of the of- fice area among a relatively small number of employees need not be determined. I credit her testimony that on or about the day of the election, Bob Stepro, vice president of personnel, was standing a few feet from her when she made the statement to another employee "Why does she think we're not loyal (to the Company) just because we support the Teamsters?" Stepro must have heard this statement and from his failure to testify I infer he did. I find that the Respondent had knowledge of Smith's interest in and potential actiritv on behalf of the Union. I he Respondent had alreadv demonstrated its animus. And the reason given for Smith's discharge. even for this Respondent, is so trivial as to be unreasonable. In this re- gard it should be noted that Smith's situation is different from that of employees in the production unit who were discharged within the general context of enforcing plant rules. It is not claimed that what she is supposed to have done in fact violated a company rule. I conclude that Smith was discharged because of her potential interest in and activity on behalf of the Union in a unit of office clerical employees. The Respondent thus violated Section 8(a)(3). d. Danil/ J. Miilc'hling Daniel J. Milchling was hired on September 8, 1976. and was discharged on February 4. 1977. He received his first written discipline on December 6 from foreman Benny Crone for loafing on the job. On January 4, Milchling received a reprimand for marking two cases incorrectly. On January 31, he received an oral warn- ing for allowing packing cases to be in a hallway in viola- tion of the fire safety rules, and on February 4 he was again reprimanded because he carelessly damaged the backs on some cases. The next day he was discharged. Crone told him that, "I was making too many mess-up's. They didn't need me any- more. Although Milchling tended to excuse himself from cul- pability with regard to the various items for which he was disciplined, he did not deny that the events occurred as reflected on the warnings and reprimands. Irrespective of the fact that Milchling was known to be a supporter of the Union and in fact was known to have passed out authorization cards in early) December, I cannot conclude that Milchling was treated any differently from employees prior to the advent of the union activity or those whose discharges after were not alleged to be violative of the Act. In short. absent a finding of the disparate treat- ment I cannot conclude that the reason was pretextuous or [I hl Li\ it llChllll ' fillr , rilltell dlciplline aind ais tl -" rl. liten l.rrrnlll" . c1t1 1fllll 11: l 'i ira1 ,.illl" - xqLlih.1 azLcmidilln t[-) [he Rcorll derl l's dl.Ci- 1 11i ll},,\s \1 ll 1 1 i 1lrll illl, fiX \i, et11 i \c ' l tcdi \Ise, h o. Iiaet'ir. for more "serious"' offenses a written warning ir een ;i leprim;lnd mn.l' he ilsen firt Vk*hal Ii " CrlOiL" I% ca.eshleltls stl]chlcti\C anid iho that extent discipline tuld depeni d II the .liiiiiritl i Asiln i (if the superlsor 'lhe queslital before lict ii,,' hctilcr the RK p nliideli distha lie'd ihfichlin. beta.Lle of hi, tInloII .liil \ )l II c h. .Is' he ihd \iit.Ited the ('ormp;ln\'s rules Therefore. ,helhi (rione shouild haive [I. ie an or.ial warnillng is nlol impr.rtlllt except insi,;li ia, i. f;lilure tI d.o ,,1 Is esidenci ii thie eclploIee was hbeing dicti'plined llo Ifor hai.l il i/olteid i ride hul for snome Other reason. While I hi.a c Ctol'idteCed it}e ftiL thii t iltll}ihi s, IS init n Irh t r i ,ien fin o ral .arr- 111, I oti not a.tti.ll.h milulh i fiiIf lnct I i partlculrl Ahen onie considers tlIa thier aI'e 1se1CrIa iillTlI e mIPplIoiees ithe Respondent's tto, plants and InunicroIus super\lsors hlla are misirCled l1n v riling discipliles The fact iih1a differel t ' .uiperisorr did 111 irPIt\ he s)stenl in thSe anme precise was 1 no LI siiilianle. pailricilalrls Ininrilc h Ias such ,ariances occurred Li i ltih hbefore tihe uiiiiii aCI11it\ ., ait fteri 736 KEI.I.ER M ANt FAt CI LIRIN\ COMPANY infer an unlawful motive. On the sanme facts. even without the union activity. Milchling would have been discharged. e. (Chris S. green Chris Green was hired hs the Respondent in 197( and was made a supervisor in N'osember 1976. According to the Respondent's witnesses. as Awell as Green. during Janu- ary there were some discussions with him concerning lhow he was handling his foreman job. Ultimnatels the plant manager told him that he was not doing his job swell. While Green attempted to justify himself. the fact of the matter is that during January higher supersision had been critical of his performance as a foreman. Thus, on January 28. as part of a general reduction of the supervisory force, Green was told that he would bc demoted. He was then offered a choice of two production jobs. During this discussion Green. according to his own testimony, became angry and ultimatels walked out, telling the plant manager. "Well. if I am here Mondais I am here. If I'm not. I'm not." The next day was Saturda an da Inonworking da\ for Green. He was brought into the plant b, another upervsis- or and told that he had been dischargcd, that he was Fnot going to be reemployed because of his conduct and atti- tude the day before. On these facts the General Counsel contends that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) both hb demoting Green from a supervisory position and then bh discharging him in order to retaliate against him because of his aIcti Ist on behalf of the Union. There is no evidence that Green was active on behalf of the Union or indeed particularly s)mpathetic to it. lo the contrary, prior to his demotion he interrogated emplo,,ces on behalf of the Respondent. Ihere is no indication that Green's demotion from supervisors status in an wias would interfere with the bargaining unit employees' free- dom of choice of their bargaining representative. Although Green was offered a job as a production em- ployee when his supervisors status was terminated. he did not accept the job. Indeed he gave ever' indication that he probably would not. Thus, when told of his termination there is some ques- tion whether he was even an employee. Beyond this. how- ever, there is simply no evidence to tie in the discharge of Green to any kind of discriminator) motive or to the union activity in general. Accordingly. I conclude that the Genel- al Counsel has not sustained his burden of proving that Green, as a rank-and-file employee, was discharged be- cause of his interest in or activit' on behalf of the Union or that his termination as a supervisor was in any wa, siola- tive of the Act. f. W1 'aine Peeh, Wayne Peele was hired by the Respondent on September 15, 1975. and was discharged on February 14. 1977. be- cause, according to the Respondent. he refused a job as- signment. The General Counsel generally contends that Peele was transferred among jobs and from higher paying to lower paying jobs because of his activity on behalf of the Union. Accordingly, he was privileged to refuse the trans- fer on Februars 14 inasnmuch as the transfer was discrimi- natorily motisvated 'I herefore his discharge was necessarily s olati'vc of the Act. In earls Januar\. Peele and another offbearer. Eddie Quick. were transferred to different jobs in other depart- ments Peele's transfer ,was alleged to be in retaliation for his knosun actisits on behalf of the Union. Quick's transfer was under similar circumstaltces but was not, for reasons. unknown. alleged to be discriminatory. O()n Februar 14. when Peele refused to do the job to which he had been assigned. he was asked several times to reconsider. lie refused b', telling the plant manager. and others, that he did not want to he transferred ;ansmore becaus he was losing mones. leishman and Nolot both encouraged him to d10 the job. but told him if he refused he would he considered to hase quit. Peele said. "A-ll of 'sou can't put me iout. I will fight all of you but I am not leav- inc." Folloswing this the determination was made to lax him off, accordirng to Peele. although he later stated that the Respondent considered him to have quit. W\'hile there is ecidence that Peele wAas kno,.n to be a supporter of the L nion and did have discussions in which he expressed such support to supervision, there is no evi- dence that his transfer was. unusual or ,was related to his interest in the UInion. lit fact Peele testified that the trans- fer of employ ees from job to job is rather common. I'here is no showing that assigning employees to jobs where thes were needed is unreasonable. Nor is it shown to be unrea- sonable selection of relatisvcl junior employees such as Peele. While it appears that Peele lost earnings ais a result of these transfers. neieertheless there is no showing that the transfer of Peele was disparate treatment vis-a-vis other emplo'ees. Indeed these assignments appear to be within the general scope of the ('ompans's operations. Based upon this I cannot find that the Respondent violated the Act in transferring Peele in Januars and ordering him to do a different job on Februar, 14. It is clear that the Respondent did not discharge or ier- minate Peele on Februar' 14 until after Peele adamantlh refused to perform the job to which he had been assigned. Irrespective of his known union activity. clearly the Corn- pans had mlore than reasonable cause to terminate his em- ployment when Peele absolutely refused to do an assigned task. There is no persuasive evidence to establish that the Respondent's termination of Peele on February 14 was pretextual of that it arose out of an unlawful transfer as alleged by the General Counsel. Accordingly. I conclude that the (eneral ('ounsel has failed to establish his burden of prosing by preponderance of the evidence. that the ter- mination of Wa\nle Peele was violative of the Act. E. Edwuard fLec Io[lies Edward Iee Mathes was hired by the Respondent on November 8. 1972. and wias discharged on December 1. 1976h. according to the Company's records, for a second violation of timecard padding within a year. His first repri- mand for this offense was on August 19. 1976. The General Counsel contends that Mathes was dis- charged because he was a shop steward for the Carpenters. 737 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL L.ABOR RELATIONS BOARD The General Counsel further argues that because of his activity on behalf of the Carpenters. the Respondent could reasonably assume that he would be active in the Team- sters organizational campaign, thus he must have been dis- charged for this reason as well. While Mathes testified that he did not make the time- card error on November 19 which gave rise to his second reprimand and discharge, the evidence. including Mathes' testimony, shows that the Respondent reasonably thought he did. In any event, the evidence does not support an inference that the Respondent seized on this event to effect an unlawful discharge. The undisputed facts are that Friday, November 19, was the last workday before a week-long shutdown. During the week of the plant shutdown, Mathes was approached by his friend and supervisor, Jim McKimm. who told him he was in trouble because of the timecard error. Mathes testi- fied that on returning to work on November 29. McKimm told him that the problem had been resolved: but then 2 days later, on December 1, he was given the reprimand and discharge. Thus even accepting Mathes' version totally, it is clear that the machinery leading to his discharge was set in mo- tion by the Company prior to any) activity at the plant on behalf of the Union. Although Mathes testified that there had been some talk about the Teamsters in November, his is the only testi- mony to this effect and I specifically do not credit it. -rom the totality of the evidence, it is my conclusion that em- ployees did not specifically discuss contacting the Team- sters until about the first of December. at which time the call was made to Larry Moxley who on December 2 hand- billed the plant. This was the first overt activity on behalf of the Teamsters. There is no probative evidence of an) discussion at the plant on behalf of the Union in Novem- ber, much less is there any evidence that Mathes' interest in the Union, if in fact he had any. was known prior to his discharge. I therefore conclude that the General Counsel has not established a connection between the Respondent watch- ing Mathes and finding the timecard violation on Novem- ber 19 and any suspected activity on his part on behalf of the Teamsters. Nor is it reasonable to conclude that the Respondent fabricated the alleged timecard violation on November 19 in order to discharge an individual active on behalf of the Carpenters. While it is true that Mathes' activity on behalf of the Carpenters was well known to the Respondent in that he had been a union steward, there is no showing that the Respondent had any animosity at all toward the Car- penters. Specifically, by November 19 the Carpenters had already served notice on the Respondent that it intended to withdraw from representing employees. In this context it hardly seems likely that the Respondent would discrimi- nate against any of its employees in order to discourage activity on behalf of the Carpenters. It was known that the Carpenters would no longer exist at the plant after Novem- ber 27. Finally, the General Counsel contends that the Respon- dent's first reprimand of Mathes in August for timecard padding was closely connected to Mathes' activity in Au- gust wherein two employees were discharged and other em- ployees threatened to strike unless those employees were returned to work. During Mathes' discussion with Compa- ny President William Keller in August, among other things, Keller told employees "Walk out, I'll nail the doors shut." This is alleged both to be a violation of Section 8(a)( 1) and proof of animus towards Mathes for engaging in protected. concerted activity. Suffice it that the collective-bargaining agreement under which the parties were operating contained a clause pro- hibiting any employee from engaging in a strike. For them to walk out under the circumstances described by Mathes would have been a breach of contract and not activity pro- tected by the Act. Where a theatened strike is not protected activity (as the strike here would not have been) the Com- pany's reaction to that threat as testified by Mathes could scarcely be violative of Section 8(a)(1). J. P. Wetherbi' Construction. Corp.. 182 NLRB 690 (1970). Nor would such prove animus toward lawful activity on the part of employ- ees. It proves only animus against unprotected activity and is not relevant in establishing that the discharge of Mathes was pretextuous. From the record as a whole, I conclude that Mathes was discharged in accordance with the Company's normal pro- cedure, and that his known activity on behalf of the Car- penters was not a factor. Accordingly. I conclude that the General Counsel has not sustained his burden of proving Mathes' discharge to have been in violation of Section 8(a)(3). h. Mleredith Dale Spencer Meredith Dale Spencer was hired by the Respondent on January 28. 1974. and discharged on March 11, 1977, for excess absenteeism. While the General Counsel alleges that Spencer was dis- charged because of his activity on behalf of the Union. there is no evidence that the Company had any knowledge of his union activity, which consisted solely of attending the first meeting on December 5 and signing an authoriza- tion card. As Spencer testified, on the few occasions when he was interrogated concerning the Union, and advised by super- visors that the Union would do no good, he agreed. On the day of the election, a supervisor again told him that the Union would not do them any good, and asked him to vote against the Union. Spencer told the supervisor that since he intended to quit. he did not think it would be fair to vote. While the supervisor asked him not to quit he went on to say. "I was going to have, you know, to try to do a little better on my absentee." Spencer admitted that he had missed a number of davs as a result of bad weather, not being able to get his truck started, and sickness. On the day of the election Spencer asked his supervisor whether he could be off the following Tuesday so that he could sell some calves. Thursday of that week, he caught a cold and missed Friday. He called in and talked to a secre- tary saying that he was sick and he would be in Monday. He did not in fact return to work until the following Fri- day. When he did return, he was told to go to the office and at that time had a conversation with Nolot who "took 738 KELLER MANUFAC'TIURIN(J (COMPANY my records and showed me that I had missed quite a bit during January and February and told me that if I hadn't already had so much absentees, that the) would accept the doctor's statement which I took in with me. but seeing as how I missed so much, that he was just going to have to let me go. It is clear from Spencer's testimony that in fact he had had a substantial absenteeism problem. It is also clear from the documentary evidence that absenteeism is one of the causes for which the Company discharged a number of employees prior to the union activitv. Thus I cannot find from the totality of the record that Spencer was treated disparately nor does his discharge otherwise appear to be pretextual. In addition, there is no evidence that the Re- spondent would have any particular reason to discharge him for having engaged in union activit'. In fact his parti- cipation was minimal. Based upon the record before me I conclude that the General Counsel has not sustained his burden of proving that Spencer was discharged in violation of the Act. i. Alice l vers 6 Alice Myers was employed by the Respondent on Maix 3, 1976. Upon returning to work on Januars 28. 1977. fol- lowing approximately 3 weeks of absence, she was advised that she was terminated pursuant to the compan? polic? that anyone absent more than 3 davs would be considered to have quit. It appears Myers lived in the countr',. about 32 miles from the plant. On January 7 an unusualls heavy snow fall occurred in the area causing man\ employees to be absent. It was particularly difficult for Myers. who w'as effectiv el snowed in until January 27. She did call her supervisor to advise him of this fact, and did ask him w hether she had to call in every day. He responded that she did not, that he knew she would come back when she could. Myers attended the December 5 union meeting and signed an authorization card. She passed out authoriation cards to other employees: however there is no evidence to suggest that the Company knew that she was doing this or knew she was engaged in any union activity. The General Counsel contends that Respondent's treat- ment of Myers was a pretext. Accordinglyv. it should be concluded that the Respondent must have terminated her because of her union activity. Although it does appear that the Respondent acted un- reasonably under the circumstances. such is not an unfair labor practice. From the Respondent's past historN of treating people with extended absences as having quit. and discharging employees for absenteeism. I cannot conclude on the record before me that Mvers was treated differently from other employees, either before or after the union ac- tivity commenced. Her termination mav have been undul, harsh. However such does not prove an unfair labor prac- tice. it is only evidence of a discriminatory motive which. I conclude, is rebutted by a historx of harshness. Given this lack of disparity. the fact that !Mxlers' union activits was I hi', , a, her name appc.r a Ihc e n.trc hi , Jf the ch.r. c a ( ,1 25 (A 865O 12 limited, and there is no evidence that it was known to the Respondent. I cannot conclude that her termination he- cause of an absence for 3 weeks was a violation of the Act. .I. B il; t aub Betty tlaub was hired bx the Respondent the last of Sep- tember 1975 and was terminated on January 13. 1977. The reason given for her termination. which the General Coun- sel contends is pretextuous. is excessive absenteeism. On January 4 tlaub was ill and did not go to work. She called in on January 5 sa ing that she had been to a doctor and would not return to work until Januar, 10. She did not, in fact. return on January 10, I . or 12. On January 13 her super visor called her and told her that inasmuch as she did not call in for 2 davs. namel', January I and 12 (Janu- ars 10 was not counted because there had been a snow- storm and mann people were absent on that day) she was considcred to haxe quit pursuant to the compan? rule. Haubh attended the December 5 union meeting and signed an authorization card. During a conversation with her supervisor in December. when asked what good the Uinion would do she stated, "Well. I think that they could do a lot of good for me . if I had the union here. I wouldn't hav e to be doing all these jobs, when I am sup- posed to he doing just one" Even though it can be inferred that the Company knew she was a union activist, and her termination came during the org;niza tional campaign. I ne ertheless cannot infer that she w'as discharged because of such union activity. To make such an inference requires first a finding that the reason for her discharge was pretextuous. And to find a pretext here would necessarils require finding that she was treated disparately. A re iew of the (Company's records shows that numerous employees, both with more and less tenure than she, had been discharged for such absenteeism prior to the union acti its. The fact is that she called in on Januar 3 5 and advised the ('ompanx that she w ould not be back to work on Janu- ary 10. She did not come in on Januars 10 nor did she call. Neither did she call in on Januars II or 12. Based upon this record. I must conclude that had she called on January 11 or 12. even given her union activity, she would not have been terminated. Conversels. given the facts here, I must conclude that she would have been terminated even absent the union acti\it'. Accordingly, I conclude that the Gener- al ( ounsel has not proved that Haub's termination was violati e of the Act. k Jot' I'oster Joe I oster was hired on March 28, 1967. le was dis- charged (in A.pril 7. 1977. following his second reprimand for timecard padding. The (General Counsel does not con- test either the first reprimand for timecard padding issued to Foster in September 1976 nor the facts giving rise to the second. It is contended. home er. that what Foster did. write "cle.nup" on his card after a fellow employee had punched him out. was a trisial timecard violation costing the Respondent no more than 20 cents. Thus. given the fact thit I oster ;as, aL union adherent. a long tenure employee 739 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and in the context of the Respondent's hostility to the Union, the reprimand and discharge must have been pre- textuous. From this it should be inferred that the true mo- tive behind Foster's discharge involved his union activity. The facts with regard to Foster's discharge are essen- tially uncontested. Though the violation on April 7 appears trivial,7 the issue here is not the reasonableness of the repri- mand, except insofar as unreasonableness may be evidence of a pretextual motive. But the probative value of such evidence is dependent on the Respondent's past practice. As previously noted, before the union activity here, the Company treated employees harshly when they made triv- ial mistakes. In fact, Foster testified that in February he was asked by his foreman, Bill Curts what the Union could do to help. Foster stated, I told him my main kick was the way people was treated, that I thought that the union could help change that and he said 'money is all right' or some- thing and I said 'no, I think that they can help us that way too.'" Given the Respondent's consistent harsh treatment of employees prior to the union activity here, and given the fact that Foster was reprimanded two times within a period of about 7 months for timecard padding, I cannot conclude that the Respondent treated him disparately nor can I con- clude that the discharge was for pretextuous reason. Ab- sent such a finding, I must conclude that the General Counsel has not proven that the true motive for Foster's discharge was because of his union activity or to discour- age union activity. On the day that Foster's timecard was punched out early and he put "cleanup" on it, he was taken to see foreman Lawrence Hoffman and asked about the card. During this conversation, according to Foster's admission, he "got pretty damn hot." He was told to clock out and go home and they would talk to him the next day. Hoffman fol- lowed him to the door, and stated, "'This is pretty serious business' and I turned my head and looked at him over my shoulder and I said 'It will be pretty serious business when the union gets hold of it too.' ". The General Counsel offers this to prove that the dis- charge the next day was motivated by Foster's union activ- ity. While Foster's statement has some relevance in this regard, I nevertheless conclude from the total factual situa- tion that irrespective of the union activity, Foster would have been discharged as have others on a second repri- mand for a timecard violation. It may well be that his an- ger at being reprimanded had something to do with his discharge but from the total facts I must nevertheless con- clude that his union activity did not. Therefore the Re- spondent did not violate the Act in this respect. 1. Thelma Barnett Thelma Barnett was hired by the Respondent on De- cember 29, 1971, and quit her employment on December 13, 1976. On December 7 she received a written warning. 7 lhe General ('Counsel notes that the fellow ermploy ee was not dilsChallcd and was given a lesser discipline than Foster. Ihere is no evidence ho'cseli that the other employee involved had ai previous reprimalnd within I syear fot a timecard violation. and on December 8 a reprimand for carelessness. She had also received a warning on March 18. 1976. for the same thing. On the night of December 13 her foreman Paul Hen- dricks watched her for 10 or 15 minutes and then got off the table and told her how she could improve her work performance. At that point according to Barnett she got "upset" and "I just told him that I wouldn't do it no more." She was told that if that was the way she felt, she could go home. She then sought and received an audience with plant manager John Heishman. He offered her another job which she declined to take, because she didn't think she could do it. After some discussion with Heishman she told him "if you are not going to do anything for me, I'll go home then." And she went home and has not returned. Barnett did sign an authorization card and did attend the December 5 meeting. Also in an early December meet- ing with management. including Heishman, it came up that Barnett had previously been a member of a Teamsters lo- cal. In fact she had been a steward, although it is not clear from her testimony whether this was told to management. Given this prior union activity and the timing, the Gen- eral Counsel contends that when the Respondent's fore- man watched and then criticized her on the night of De- cember 13, her quitting was a constructive discharge in violation of Section 8(a)(3). The facts surrounding the warnings of March 18 and December 7. and the reprimand on December 8 are not in dispute: and they appear to be consistent with the Com- pany's pattern and practice. Nor does Barnett dispute that on the night of December 13 she was working slowly and that Hendricks gave her a suggestion. She did not offer to explain why she became upset nor did she indicate why her foreman would be harassing her, if he was, because of her union activity. Based upon these facts, I cannot conclude that the Re- spondent set out on a course of conduct to harass a union activist to the point that she would quit. Indeed, the Re- spondent's actions vis-a-vis Barnett appeared to be no dif- ferent than its treatment of other employees. Finally, the Respondent did not discharge Barnett. In fact when she became upset with Hendricks, the plant manager offered to transfer her to another job but she re- fused. Given these factors, I cannot conclude that the Gen- eral Counsel has sustained his burden of proving a con- structive discharge in violation of the Act. m. James East James East was hired around the first of September 1976 and discharged on March 25, 1977, after a second repri- mand for poor workmanship. The General Counsel con- tends that the second reprimand was discriminatory in that East had not been trained on the job; and that in any event, both were given pursuant to the Respondent's policy of increased discipline of employees. This, coupled with East's union activity (he went to the December 5 meeting, signed a card, and solicited two other employees to sign cards) means that his discharge was for union activity in violation of Section 8(a)(3). While it does appear that East had not been fully trained 740 KFI.IIER MANIIFACI RIN\G COMFPANY on the job he was performing when reprimanded, thie fact that he did careless work as set forth in the reprimanlds of March 22 and March 25 is not disputed b, him. F or an employer to reprimand an emploN ee for doing poor work on a job for which he has not been trained is some evi- dence that the discipline is pretextual. However, in the total factual situation here. I cannot conclude that the Respondent acted towards Ilast anx dif- ferently than it acted toward other emploees. mans of whom were discharged for failure to perform their assigned work. In short, as with many of the other alleged discrilni- natees. I cannot conclude that in March 1977 Fiast was then treated disparately vis-a-vis employeces of Respondent prior to the start of the union activity. Absent disparate treatment and considereing East's rather minimal union activity, I must conclude that the General Counsel has not established that he was discharged in violation of the Act. n. Roi S. Dearborn Roy Dearborn was first hired bh the Respondent in 1971. worked about a year. quit, and returned in 1973. At the time of his discharge on March 8, 1977. he worked in the lumberyard as a power transfer operator. meaning that his job was principally to move lumber from point to point. He also drove a truck, stacked lumber. and drove the to`w motor. Dearborn attended the December 5 and subsequent union meetings, signed a card and handed out cards to some fellow employees in the lumberyard. While there is no evidence from which I can infer company knowledge that he was active on behalf of the Union. it does appear that he, along with others in the tiumbersard. for about 3 weeks prior to the election wore a union button. From this. I can infer that his union sympathies were known bv the Respondent. During a conversation prior to the election. Dearborn testified that his foreman, Scott Gravett. said something to the effect that they would all have a better chance of work- ing if the Union did not get in. And he stated that there might be a layoff in the lumberyard. In fact there was a I-week layoff of all lumberyard employees beginning on February 28. 1977. The General Counsel alleges that the la`off of Dearborn was violative of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act because he was a known union adherent, his foreman said something about the possibility of a layoff prior to the election, and the layoff occurred 3 days following the election. The General Counsel was unable to explain. however. why the other seven employees in the lumberyard who were also laid off were not thought to have been laid off in violation of the Act. Some of them must have been equally known bh the Respondent to be union supporters from their having worn union buttons. Dearborn's testimony is at best generalized. Even ac- cepting it at face value, I cannot conclude that his foreman threatened the layoff prior to the election or that the layoff was in retaliation against Dearborn for his union activity. Further there is essentially uncontested testimony from Respondent's witnesses that in fact during the week of February 28 there was insufficient work for the lumber- !,rd crewx and the was required bh business neces- sit. Fiollov ing the l- week laxoff. all of the emplo eCes were in fact returned to work including Dearborn. Even Dearborrl's testimonv on direct examination does not real- Is deni the lack of work or support the conclusion that there w\as sufficient work in the lumbervard to make a la,- off unjustified. Nor did Nicky EIdwards. a fellow lumher! ard employee, testify that there was sufficient work to make the layoff unjustified. I therefore conclude that the General Counsel failed to establish bv a preponderance of the credible evidence that Dearborn was laid off bh the Respondent on February 28 in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. On October 19. 1976. Dearborn received an oral warning for taking too much time off. Februar' 7. 1977. he received a reprimand for insubordination. neither of which disciplines are contended to be either unsupported bh the facts or in violation of the Act. On MNarch 1. while he was in layoff status. Dearborn came to the plant in his automobile and during tha t time drove recklessly, a fact which he admits. Upon returning to work on March 8. he was given a written discipline in the form of an oral warning for having done so. Then a few hours later. during the lunch break on \larch 8. Dearborn was observed by his foreman driv in- in a fast and reckless manner around the parking lot. He was i iven a reprimand and suspended. On March It) the Respondent discharged Dearborn for his activit'. The General Counsel contends that Dearborn did not drive at all recklessly on March 8 and that in ans event other employees had driven recklessly on the plant grounds, had "hot rodded" and had not been disciplined therefor. Thus. contends the General Counsel. discipline and ultimate dis- charge for such activity is disparate treatment which suggests that the Respondent had another motive for discharging him. namely his union activity. The General Counsel's contentions with regard to Dearborn's discharge are not supported bx the evidence. First I reject Dearborn's contention that he was not driving in a reckless manner on March 8. 1 did not find his generalized disclaimers to be persuasive, and to the extent that his testi- mony is at odds with that of Graveit. I credit Gras ett. Beyond this however, Dearborn's testimony is inconsistent. While he says that he was not driving too fast. he also testified, 'well. at one time I hit a chuckhole there and it revved up pretty good." I cannot believe that the engine would re, up "prett, good" on depressing the clutch unless he was accelerating faster than would be reasonable in an enclosed parking lot where people were walking. :inallN. the Company's records show that long before the union activit, here. at least one employee was given a written discipline for "hot rodding." Dearborn's general- ized conclusions to the contrart notwithstanding. I believe he was not treated disparately. Inasmuch as his actions on March 8 followed only a few hours receipt of a written discipline for precisels the same type of misconduct, super- imposed the earlier warning and reprimand. I conclude that his discharge was not pretextuous. On the contrary, 1 conclude that Dearborn's discharge was justified and that he would have been discharged under these circumstances even absent the union campaign. FdJards took Ia 1-week %action rither he I .ia Jf 741 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL lABOR RELATIONS BOARD o. Ruth Antn Harbaugh Ruth Ann Harbaugh was hired in August 1971. She was discharged on December 30, 1976, for excess absenteeism, having missed work on December 28 and 29. The General Counsel contends that a discharge for missing 2 days' work, particularly were she had called in to tell the Re- spondent that she was sick, was clearly pretextuous and therefore must have been actually motivated by the fact that she went to the union meeting on December 5 and signed a card. The facts established, however, that Harbaugh was also absent 24 hours in October, 24 hours in November, and 8 hours in December, in addition to December 28 and 29. While Harbaugh cannot "remember" these other occasions of absence. they are not really contested by her or the Gen- eral Counsel. Also, while the Company's plant handbook does not spell out precisely what is considered excessive absentee- ism, warnings given employees prior to the organizational activity show that absences of 16 or more hours in 2 of 3 consecutive months is considered excessive. And such is set forth in a circular dated October 29, 1974. At least six em- ployees were discharged between January 1975 and De- cember 1, 1976, for excessive absenteeism. Thus. based upon the established practice, Harbaugh's absences in Oc- tober. November, and December were excessive and her discharge cannot be considered disparate treatment. Harbaugh's union activity, if known to the Company at all, was minimal. While she did attend the union meeting. and sign a card, she did not admit to this when interrogat- ed by her supervisor, Charles Lone, Sr. There is no evi- dence that she was one of the key members of the organi- zational campaign or indeed was particularly active in it. Finally, Lone, as a witness for the General Counsel, tes- tified to his antiunion activity on behalf of the Respondent. As noted above, he impressed me as being a very candid and credible witness and certainly was not reluctant to tes- tify against the Respondent. Inasmuch as he was the super- visor responsible for discharging Harbaugh, it is reasonable to conclude that had there been any antiunion motive in- volved Lone would have said so. His silence on this subject implies that he, as the responsible official who discharged Harbaugh. did not do so with an antiunion motive. I ac- cordingly conclude that the General Counsel has not estab- lished that Harbaugh's discharge was violative of the Act. p. Gary Mattingly Gary Mattingly was hired in September 1974 and was discharged on May 26, 1977, following a reprimand for having improperly filled out his timecard. At the time of his discharge Mattingly was employed both as a truckdriv- er and a tow motor driver. These two particular jobs had a different rate of pay. Thus, Mattingly was required to state on his timecard which particular job he was doing at a particular time. He did this improperly on May 26. With regard to Mattingly's situation there is no factual dispute. On December 7 he received an oral warning for not properly filling out his timecard. On May 10. 1977. he received a reprimand again for not filling out his timecard correctly and on May 26 received a second reprimand for this offense and was discharged. The General Counsel contends that inasmuch as Mat- tingly went to the union meeting on December 5. signed an authorization card, and was interrogated by a supervisor prior to the election, at which time he was wearing two union buttons, the reason for his discharge must have been pretextuous. It therefore follows that the true motive of his discharge related to his union activity. On review of the total record in this matter, I note that other employees were discharged for timecard padding be- fore the union activity. This and the fact that Mattlingly was not shown to be particularly active on behalf of the Union lead me to conclude that he was not treated dispa- rately, nor was his discharge for a pretextual reason. On the contrary, from the uncontested facts, Respondent cer- tainly had reasonable cause to discharge him when it did. As his discharge was consistent with past company prac- tice, I believe it would have occurred even absent the or- ganizational campaign. Accordingly. I conclude that the General Counsel has failed to establish that Mattingly was discharged in violation of 8(a)(3) of the Act. q. Mar) Carver, Edna Lawson, Homer Wierman, and Edith Adamson The allegations concerning the discharges of Mary Car- ver, Edna Lawson, Homer Wiseman, and Edith Adamson will be treated together because their situations are sub- stantially the same and differ markedly from the facts sur- rounding the other terminations. Carver, Lawson, Wiseman, and Adamson worked in the chair finish department. Their foreman was Clarence Wise- man (no relation to Homer). On April 11. following a spot check by supervision, referred to in the record as an "open- ing up," it was determined that the quality of the finish was not up to standard. Wiseman thereafter gave reprimands to all employees doing finish work on the chair line, except. for reasons not explained on the record, Adamson. In any event, Carver, Lawson, and Wiseman each received a writ- ten reprimand. Carver testified she was shown I chair by Wiseman and asked to see the other 37. Why Wiseman did not show her the other 37 is not explained, inasmuch as he was not called as a witness. lawson testified without contradiction that she was not at work on the day that the chairs were finished and that she told Wiseman this. Nevertheless her reprimand stood, Homer Wiseman testified without contradiction that he did not even receive a copy of the April II reprimand. Perusal of the disciplines issued by the Company from January 1975 through November 1976, prior to the union activity. discloses only one instance of mass discipline of employees in a department following a poor "opening up." That occurred on July 8, 1976. The supervisor was Leo (Goettelfinger, and the department was dinette finish. Six employ ees, including Edna Lawson, were given "oral warnings." Thus, prior to the union activity the Company's records show that in essentially the same type of situation wherein reprimands were given on April I , oral warnings were given. The reprimands on April II were a substantial deviation from past practice. 742 KELLER MANIFAA CIURING( (OMPANY Beyond that, from January 1975 through November 19. 1976. the Compans issued 83 oral warnings, 29 written warnings. and only 7 reprimands for poor workmanship. The nature of the poor workmanship set forth in the warn- ings generally appears to be as serious as in the reprimands given by W'iseman on April 11.9 Analysis of the written disciplines prior to the union ac- tivits, shows that even for rather serious poor workman- ship, the Compans's policy was to issue an oral warning and then, presumptively following its system, for repeated offenses would give written warnings and then reprimands. The numbers show that prior to the union activity Adam- son would not have received the reprimand she did on May 6 nor would the other chair line employees including Car- ver, Lawson and Wiseman have been reprimanded. At best they would have been given oral or written warnings. In addition to these substantial deviations by Wiseman from the normal company practice, I note that Lawson was not even at work on the day the allegedly poor workmen- ship was done, and Homer Wiseman was not told of the reprimand. From the facts I may and do infer that Wiseman's mo- tive was something other than strict discipline of employ- ees for poor workmanship. His motive, I believe, stemmed from his animus toward the union activity. and was intend- ed to interfere with employees' free choice of a bargaining representative. In this I rely upon the undenied and other- wise credible testimony of Lawson. A few days before the election Clarence Wiseman talked to a number of employees, including Lawson who at that time was wearing two union buttons. He asked her to take them off and she said that she would not. The next day he told her to take them off. "He didn't ask me, he told me to take them off. I said, 'No, they're personal.' " Since the discharges of Craver. Lawson, Wiseman, and Adamson were based upon a second reprimand within a year for the same offense, and since the first reprimand of each was unlawfully motivated it follows that the dis- charges were violative of the Act. I conclude from the to- tality of the evidence that absent the union activits here, these four employees would not have received the initial reprimands. Accordingly they would not have been dis- charged when they were. even assuming the correctness of Wiseman's determination that they should hase been disci- plined for their alleged poor workmanship in June. lhis is particularly the case when one considers that l awson had 14 years of employment. Clarence Wiseman 27 sears. and Adamson over 5 years. The fact that the General Counsel has failed to establish by a preponderance of the evidence other violations does not foreclose a finding that these particular discharges were violative of Section 8(a)(3). r. Cassie Mae Barnum Cassie Mae Barnum was hired on June 20, 1972, and discharged on April 22, 1977. following her second repri- :or exa mple on Juls S. 19DaleS Si.nrx ..1 aid lt' 1ra ural 9.rI n liorr rmpping t35 p ,cc' ' . inh, too i.dc On J.l 21 If76. Russell 5,ilham.n .et. e.'d in orai .alnr flor ilr kOn2 42S pwer io. thin to i uic (0iI Ji. 21 I' II t \ }il ii clc I 11i n ,,e1 11 lN Lki C 2 42 ouit If , . n If 450 ipetes mand for poor workmanship. Barnum was known to be a union supporter having openls discussed the Union with fellow employees in situations where supervisors would have to hear. Beyond that she w\as one of the union oh- servers at the election. As with C(arver, Lawson. WVlsem,n. and Adamison. Bar- num was discharged upon receipt of a second reprimaniid for poor workmanship issued bh (Clarence Wiseman.n. Ihe first reprimand, on March 3. wias for purportedls poor quality cowtailing. In the second Wisemlan cl.iimed that even though instructed to the contrary, Barnum improperly sprayed buffet drawer fronts. The facts alleged in these reprimands. however. were credibl, denied by Barnum. -Ihus, unlike those situartions where I have found no evidence of disparate tre.alent. here I conclude that Barnum should not hiave been repri- manded, and would not have been but for her union actlXi- ty. This is not a case of a supervisor rigorously enforcinp plant rules. Here, I find, the supervision had no factual cause to write the discipline. This conclusion is further sup- ported by the fact that Barnum was a S-year employee. yet received her first discipline for alleged poor workmanship on December 30. 1976, (a written warning) and her first reprimand shortly following the election. Given company knowledge of her union acti it,: com- pany animus in general and Wiseman's in specific: and the lack of a factual basis for the reprimands. I conclude the proffered reason for Barnum's discharge is pretextuous. I infer that the true motive involved her union activit and that her discharge was siolatii e of the Act s. Tambra C(recelieus Tambra Crecelieus was hired on Juls 28. 1976. to work in the sand room at the Corydon plant. In April 1977 she was transferred to the New Salisbury plant and 2 weeks later laid off because. purportedly, the Respondent did not have ian jobs available for her which she was physically capable of doing. given her relatively small size. (She testi- fied that she is 5 feet tall and weighes "almost 100 pounds.") [he General Counsel alleges that the lasoff of C recelieus was violative of 8(a)(3) of the Act because she was a known union adherent and there must have been jobs available for her to do. While C(recelieus' transfer is not really explained, neither is it alleged to be a violation of the Act. Implicit in her testimons is that others were being transferred to other jobs at about the same time, indicating that the ('ompanq was reducing its work force in the sand room. Given that the transfer itself was not unlawful. and there is no evidence that it was, the facts surrounding her job at the New Salisbury plant strongly suggest that the C(ompan) had a legitimate reason for laying her off the only avail- able work was too onerous for one of her small size. Fur- ther, as C'recelieus testified when she was laid off, Nolot "told me that he hoped that there wasn't any hard feelings about ms job and that if thes had a job come open, if it was one I would bhe able to handle, thes would call me back." 'Ihat C recelieus was a known union supporter can be inferred from the fact that prior to the election she wore 743 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD three union buttons at work. T here is, however, no other evidence of any particular union activity on her part other than talking to fellow employees in her department. Cer- tainly there is no evidence that she was one of the driving forces of the organizational campaign or was she any more active than any of the several hundred other employees who went to the union meeting and ultimately voted for the IUnion. From the totality of the evidence in this matter, I cannot conclude that Crecelieus' layoff was pretextuous nor is there any basis to infer that the true motive behind the layoff was her union activity. Accordingly, I conclude that the General Counsel did not prove that her layoff was a violation of the Act. 2. The transfers a. Nickv Edwards Nicky Edwards was hired on May 25, 1968, and has worked continuously for the Respondent except for a 3- year military break. He had at one time worked as a fore- man but in February 1976 was cut back to being a lumber inspector, a job he held until December 7, 1976. Edwards was involved in the initial organizational ef- forts including, on December 6, circulating authorization cards among employees in the break area and in the back of the maintenance shop. He testified without contradic- tion that on both December 6 and 7, Scott Gravett, his foreman, was present when he was passing out authoriza- tion cards. Edwards also testified that on one occasion, when he was passing out cards on break, Gravett stated that he did not believe in the Teamsters organization, that they were connected with the Mafia and that "we could be sorry if the Teamsters ever got in at Kellers." On the morning of December 7, Edwards was informed that he was being transferred out of the yard and put into the finish mill, the effect of which was to cause him a re- duction in pay. No reason was given when he asked super- vision why he was being transferred. He finally asked John Hoback, the vice president of production, who was then acting plant manager, why he had been transferred when others in the lumberyard with less seniority were not. Ho- back told him that seniority "didn't mean nothing." The transfer of Edwards was, I conclude, unlawfully mo- tivated. He was a relatively senior He was transferred the day after he began passing out union cards with the knowledge of management. And the transfer was unexplained by the Respondent. Under these circumstan- ces I conclude that the transfer was violative of Section 8(a)(3). That Edwards was known to high supervision, e.g., Holback, to be a leader among employees, makes plausible the Company's discrimination against him or order to thwart the organizational campaign. The subsequent transfers of Edwards do not appear to have been discriminatorily motivated, particularly inas- much as his most recent transfer was as a result of his bidding on the job. Nevertheless, I will recommend that Edwards be reimbursed for any loss of wages as a result of the transfer on December 7 until the transfer to the job on which he bid. b. Sarah Sizemore On January 3, Sarah Sizemore was transferred from the job of tennor offbearer to the job of ripsaw offbearer, and as a result, went from a base rate of $3.43 per hour to $3.25. The General Counsel alleges this transfer of a known union supporter was violative of Section 8(a)(3). According to Sizemore's testimony. on January 3 she was advised by her foreman that the Company had de- termined to make a classification change and that the ten- nor offbearer job would be eliminated. The basic duties performed by the offbearer, except for setting up the ma- chine, would be performed by a tennor attendant. While it appears that she could have been made a tennor attendant, the pay for the attendant position was five pay grades less than that for the offbearer's position. Accordingly. when her foreman told her of the change in classification she was given the opportunity to transfer to one of two other jobs, where the downgrade was only one step. Although Sizemore was known to have been a supporter of the union prior to the time that the Company changed the job classification and transferred her, I cannot con- clude that her transfer was in an attempt to discriminate against her for union activity or inherently had that effect. There is no evidence of a reason for her transfer other than the determination that the job duties performed by the offbearer could be performed by a lower classification of employee. There is no evidence to indicate that such a change in job classification was not reasonable nor is it alleged that the change in the job classification itself was violative of the Act. The only allegation is that the transfer of Sizemore to a different job was violative of the Act and that she should have been offered the tennor attendant job. However, the attendant job paid less than the job to which she was transferred. On the state of the record before me I cannot conclude that the Respondent's action in changing the job classifica- tion was violative of the Act and therefore, without more, the effect as to Sizemore was not a violation. To find a violation here would be tantamount to concluding that af- ter the beginning of an organizational campaign an em- ployer may not with impunity make any business decision which might affect the job duties of employees. 3. The reprimands In addition to the general allegation that the Respondent violated the Act by more rigorous application of discipline, the General Counsel has alleged that three specific individ- uals were disciplined in violation of Section 8(a)(3). On December 7, Edwards' new foreman, Norman The- vonet, gave him a reprimand for having taken a break from 1:07 to 1:15 p.m. in violation of a policy, at the time un- known to Edwards, that breaks could not be taken between the hours of 12:40 and 1:40 p.m. -o The company rule book states: "In cases of transfers, employees of senior standing shall be given preference in sasing in the department a:- ,ording to seniority" 744 KELLER MANUIFAC TURING ('OMPANY The reprimand of Edwards for a relatively trivial offense was, I conclude, a substantial deviation from the Com- pan\'s disciplinary policy. A review of disciplines issued bh the Company in 1976 prior to the union activity indicates that for this type of offense Edwards would have received an oral warning. When Edwards asked Thevonet why he was being given a reprimand rather than an oral warning. Thevonet stated that they (higher supervision), told him to issue the repri- mand. Given that Edwards was known to be one of leaders, that the reprimand occurred within a few days of the be- ginning of the organizational campaign, and that it repre- sented a substantial deviation from past practice, I con- clude that the motive behind the reprimand was Edwards' union activity. The reprimand was thus violative of Section 8(a)(3). The allegations involving Nanc 5 Pittman. Barbara Miller and Sharon Snyder are similar. Each attended the December 5 meeting and each demonstrated support for the Union by passing out authorization cards. In Decem- ber Pittman and Miller each received an oral warning for poor workmanship. Snyder received a written warning. also for poor workmanship. These warnings are alleged to be violative of Section 8(a)(3). On the record here. I conclude that the General Counsel has not established that their disciplines were discriminato- rily motivated. First, as noted above. there were many oral and written warnings for poor workmanship both before and after these. The General Counsel. however, has not indicated how the discipline of these three differs from the norm. Secondly, it is uncontested, although minimized, that each. in fact. did do poor work as indicated on the warn- ing. V TIH II FlK[ O: TrF t i\ AIR I sBOR PR \(s1( S I pO,. ( (O\Mii R( I The unfair labor practices found are unfair labor prac- tices affecting colmmerce and the free flosr of ,. lrnlcr-cc and tend to lead to labor disputes disrupting ci omiimereC within the meaning of Section 2(6) ald (7) of the Act. \ II HFi RE \1 iD) Having found that the Respondent has, engited in cer- tain unfair labor practices, I shall recomme nd thhat it be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and to take cert-tain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. The Respondent will be ordered to offer \Mari Smith. Marx C(arer. E dna I awson. HIomer Wiseman. Edith Adamnison, and Cassie Mae Barnum reinstatement to their former positions of emploN ment or. if those jobs no longer exist, to substantiatll equivalent jobs. without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges and to make them whole for anx loss of wages or other benefits that the, mnav have suffered as a result of the discrimination against them in accordance with the formula set forth in F. I. Wl'oolworth (Cm'nlpoll, 90 NILRB 289 11950). and Fl,)l(id Steel ( or,,poriol. 231 Nl.RB 651 (1977).1' I'he Re- spondent w\ill also be ordered to make whole Nick) Ed- wards for an, loss of wages or benefits. with interest, from the date of his unlaw ful transfer to the date he was trans- ferred to the job on which he bid. [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] See geLnerall. Ise Plllumhir a Haiui ( I IS Ni RB 'Il. i'q(2) 745 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation