Justrite Mfg., Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 8, 1978238 N.L.R.B. 57 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation JUSTRITE MANUFACTURING CO. Justrite Manufacturing Co. and United Steelworkers of America AFL-CIO, Local Union No. 8390 and United Steelworkers of America AFL-CIO-CLC, District No. 34. Cases 14-CA-10670 and 14-CA 10675 September 8, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS PENELLO, MURPHY, AND TRUESDALE On March 28, 1978, Administrative Law Judge John F. Corbley issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, General Counsel filed excep- tions and a supporting brief, and Respondent filed cross-exceptions, a brief in support of its cross-excep- tions, and an opposition to General Counsel's excep- tions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- ders that the Respondent, Justrite Manufacturing Co., Mattoon, Illinois, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed insofar as it alleges violations not found herein. r General Counsel has excepted to certain c edibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to over- rule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all ot the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products. Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3, 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE JOHN F. CORBI.EY, Administrative Law Judge: A hearing was held in this case on November 9 and 10, 1977. at Charleston, Illinois, pursuant to a charge, in Case 14 CA 10670, filed by United Steelworkers of America. AFL CIO, Local Union No. 8390, herein sometimes called Local 8390, on September 1, 1977, and served by registered mail on Respondent on or about the same date: a charge. in Case 14-CA-10675. which was filed by United Steelworkers of America, AFL CIO-CLC, District No. 34, herein some- times called District 34. on September 2. 1977. and served by registered mail on Respondent on or about the same date: and on an order consolidating cases. complaint, and notice of hearing issued by the Regional Director for Re- gion 14 on October 1. 1977. which was also duly served on Respondent. The complaint alleges that Respondent, at various times during August 1977, violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act by threatening its employees with reprisals. promising them benefits, interrogating them, etc.. in an ef- fort to persuade employees to decertify the Union and that. on August 26, 1977. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(l) and (3) of the Act, by discharging employees Jean Runner. Deborah Thomas. and Jerry Zike. for the purpose of dis- couraging their union membership or activities and/or be- cause they refused to sign a petition to decertify the Union, In its answer to the complaint and in its amended answer toi the complaint, both of which were likewise dulx served. Respondent has denied the commission ot any unftir labor practices. For reasons which appear hereinafter, I find and con- clude that Respondent has violated the Act essentially as alleged in the complaint. At the hearing all parties were represented bh counsel. The parties were given full opportunity to examine and cross-examine witnesses, to introduce evidence. and to file briefs. At the conclusion of the hearing each party waived the opportunity to present oral argument. Briefs have sub- sequently been received from all parties and have been con- sidered. Upon the entire record' in this case including the briefs and from mv observation of the witnesses, I make the tfol- lowing: FINI)ING(S ()- FA( I I. THE BUSINESS Of RESPONDENI Respondent is, and has been at all times material herein. a corporation duly authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Illinois. At all times material herein. Respondent has maintained its principal office and place of business at Daily Industrial Drive, West Route 121, in the city of Mattoon, and State of Illinois. Respondent is. and has been at all times material herein, engaged in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of safety containers, flashlights, carbide lamps. and related products. Respondent's place of business located at Dail1 ' Errors in the transcript have been noted and corrected Pursuant to arrangements made at the heanng a stipulation has been re- ceived from all parties with Resp Exhs. 15 and 16 attached thereto The stipulation also includes a Resp. Exh. 17, for which no such arrangements had been made. However, inasmuch as "17" was included with the stipula- tion, I have received it into evidence along with Resp. Exhs. 15 and 16 and the stipulation I have placed all three of these latest Respondent's exhibits along with the stipulation in Respondent's official exhibit file. Having satisfied the pertinent arrangements made on the record in this regard, the record is herebs closed 238 NLRB No. 11 57 I)ECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Industrial Drive, West Route 121, Mattoon, Illinois, is the only facility involved in this proceeding. During the year ending December 31, 1976. which period is representative of its operations during all times material herein, Respondent, in the course and conduct of its busi- ness operations, manufactured, sold, and distributed at its Mattoon. Illinois, place of business products valued in ex- cess of $50,000. of which products valued in excess of $50,000 were shipped from said place of business directly to points located outside of the State of Illinois. Respondent is now and has been at all times material herein an employer engaged in commerce within the mean- ing of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. I1I. 11i1 I.ABOR O)R(;ANIZAiIONS INVO)I I)! Local 8390 and District 34 are, and have been at all times material herein, labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2t5) of the Act. ii. 1til Al.lI (;I) UINFAIR IL.AIOR PRA( TI( iS A. Respondett s Relevant Hierarctiv At all times material herein, the persons named below occupied the positions set opposite their respective names and have been and are now supervisors of the Respondent within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act and its agents: Edward HI. Witt Steve MacGregor Pete Yokley Al Tanner Vice Pres. and General Mgr. Plant Superintendent Foreman Foreman B. Background Since at least December 1, 1974, the Respondent has rec- ognized the United Steelworkers of' America and its Local Union (apparently Local 8390) pursuant to a collective-bar- gaining agreement styled "Labor-Management Agreement, Justrite Manufacturing ('orporation, Mattoon, Illinois, and the United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO, District No. 34." This agreement was due to expire by its terms on November 30, 1977, if automatic renewal was forestalled by notice of termination (more than 60 days prior to the latter date) by either party to the agreement. The agreement cov- ered a unit of the Respondent's full-time production and maintenance employees at Mattoon, Illinois, but excluded office clerical employees, salary employees, professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Na- tional Labor Relations Act. Hereinafter the United Steelworkers of America, District 34 and Local 8390 will be referred to, collectively, simply as the Union. During the week of August 22. 1977, an informal petition was circulated among unit employees to decertify the Union. The complaint alleges a number of incidents (claimed 8(a)(I) violations) during that same week wherein various supervisors spoke to unit employees in an effort to have the employees sign the petition. Three who refused to sign or who removed their names after signing were Jerry Zike, Jean Runner, and Deborah Thomas, who were dis- charged on August 26, 1977. and have not been reinstated. Their discharges are alleged as violations of Section 8(a)( 1) and (3). The charges herein were filed, as noted, on September I and 2. 1977. The informal petition continued to he circulated in early September. Ihe informal petition was followed, eventually, by a formal petition to decertify the Union in the Respon- dent's production and maintenance unit. The formal decer- tification petition, Case 14 RD-593, was filed by Margaret Sparling, a unit employee, on September 15, 1977 with Re- gion 14. Case 14-RD 593 was administratively dismissed in November 1977 by the Regional Director who, as previ- ously mentioned. issued the complaint herein alleging as unlawful, inter ahia, various acts of supervisors whereby they purportedly assisted in the circulation of the informal petition.' Hereinafter, unless otherwise noted, when I speak of the petition or the decertification petition I am referring to the informal petition and not the formal petition filed in Case 14 RD 593. I will set forth the details of the incidents in issue later in this Decision. TIhe testimony as to most of these incidents- which involves some 21 separate alleged violations of the Act- is in sharp conflict. Hlowever, based on a careful ex- amination of' the conflicting testimony, I have determined generally to credit the General Counsel's witnesses. Accord- ingly, and in order to avoid a lengthy recitation of the con- tradictory versions of most of the central events herein, I shall treat with the credibility of each witness and then pro- ceed to deal directly with the 8(a)(1) allegations and their surrounding circumstances (two of wshich precede the circu- lation of the decertification petition and all of which are alleged in the complaint in chronological sequence). I will conclude my findings by treating with the three discharges. C. ('redihitlit I. The General Counsel's witnesses Connie Weber: Weber. an employee, struck me as testify- ing in a straightforward manner and to the best of her abil- ity. She testified about one incident where MacGregor in- formed her that, as a probationary, she could sign the decertification petition. She further testified, and MacGre- gor denied, that MacGregor told her that by signing the decertification petition an employee would be assured of continued employment. While her versions of what Mac- Gregor said vary and are also different from that of Run- ner, who was also present when MacGregor spoke, each testified that he told them that signing the decertification petition would have a favorable effect on being retained as Respondent's employees. In crediting Weber, I rely not only on her sincerity but on the fact that MacGregor, ad- 21 take administrative notice of Case 14 RD 593 and its disposition pur- suant to the request of Respondent in its brief to me. I advised the parties that I would take such administrative notice in my order, previously referred to, issued on March 1, 1978, unless cause was shown why I should not do so. No party demonstrated cause why this should not be done. JUSrRITE NP\NIANf A(C'I]IING C(O mittedly. sought out her and Runner to tell them that pro- bationary employees could sign the petition-an obvious effort by him to get them, as probationaries. to do just that. I also rely upon the fact that Weber is still employed by Respondent.' Michelle MacBride: MacBride, another employee, also struck me as a sincere witness who testified readily and candidly. Respondent attacks her credibility on the basis that at least one conversation between her and MacGregor at the plant, about which MacBride testified, could not have occurred at the time MacBride stated because Mac- Gregor was then on vacation. I reject the attack. Mac- Bride's full testimony-that the conversation occurred no more than 3 weeks before the circulation of the decertifica- tion petition -would place the conversation (if in the third prior week) in a time frame before MacGregor went on vacation. Respondent, also contends that MacBride is bi- ased against MacGregor because the latter during the same week as the petition was initially circulated--hired Brenda Walk. who had previously run off with MacBride's former husband. I likewise reject this contention. MacGre- gor testified that when MacBride asked him about Walk and when MacGregor learned of the instant domestic con- flict, MacGregor warned MacBride that if MacBride caused any trouble with Walk, MacBride would be dis- charged. MacBride frankly admitted this warning in her own testimony. More significantly. MacBride is still em- ployed,4 is newly married to a different husband. and, inso- far as this record shows, has caused no trouble with Walk. Dehra Schumacher: Schumacher, a former employee, was likewise a credible and sincere witness. Respondent attacks her credibility as being that of a former employee who quit in pique over MacGregor's refusal to permit her time off to get married. I disagree. The record shows that, while Mac- Gregor refused to give her more than a couple days off for that happy event. she quit only because she moved to a new address after her marriage, which new location was at a considerable distance from the plant. Schumacher then is also a disinterested witness with no apparent stake in the outcome of these proceedings. I will pause at this point to comment that the central theme of the General Counsel's whole case-the forceful intention of MacGregor to have employees sign the decerti- fication petition-is established. without more, on the basis of the testimony of the foregoing highly credible witnesses. Deborah Thomas. Thomas is an alleged discriminatee. and I have taken her interest in the proceedings into ac- count. However. I am satisfied that she was a credible wit- ness. She created a very favorable impression in her demea- nor on the stand, particularly under cross-examination. Respondent contends she was not candid but was confused and evasive. I disagree. The principal basis of Respondent's attack devolves from the facts surrounding Respondent's cause defense in respect to her discharge, that is, her tardi- ness, two shipping errors, and 3 days' absence due to sick- ness. She readily admitted all three of these elements of Respondent's defense and volunteered that other shipping errors could have been uncovered after her discharge. IGeorgia Rug MIll. 131 NLRB 1304, 1305, fn. 2 (1961): The Coca (Oia: Company. Foods Dirviion. 196 NLRB 892. 893. fn. 5 (1972). Id \While she was somewhat uncertain of the times when these matters were called to her attention, she admitted this uncertainit . She also readil testtified ahout the comments made to her at such times. Further, her trestinlon( as to one incident wherein Supervisor Yoklex told her who was in possession of the petition iNlarg;lret Spadrling. the RI) Peti- tioner) is supported hb the testimony of Y'tokles. JeIan Runner. Runner is also an alleged discriminatee. and I have taken her interest in the proceedings into ac- count in judging her credibility, Her version of one inci- denlt wherein an effort w as made hb, MacGregor to have her sign the decertification petititon is at odds with certain details of witness Weher's version of' the same incident as I have already pointed out. hlokever. insofar as the central point of the conversation is concerned- MacGregor's as- surance that an employee's signature on the petition would safeguard future employment the two versions coincide. Further. MacGregor's testimony corroborates the other tacts of this incident aside from the promised employment security. While Runner falsified her employment applica- tion (as to her age) she readily admitted this on the stand.' I found her to be a credible witness who testified in a straightforward manner. Jerry Zike: Zike is the other discriminatee and therefore has an interest in the outcome of the proceeding. I have taken this into consideration, but I am satisfied that Zike testified candidly and to the best of' his tabilit. Respondent attacks his credibility on the basis that he was "confused," that he is mentally retarded, and that his testimony regarding the events preceding his discharge con- flicts with the General Counsel's theory thereof. I disagree. While Zike has an educational disability. which he ad- mitted. Zike seemed to me to have an accurate understand- ing of the events preceding his discharge. Respondent's claim that Zike's testimony is inconsistent with the General Counsel's theor 3 of his discharge is mis- placed. 'hus. Respondent contends that since per Zike- Zike remoed Zike's name from the decertification petition at the suggestion of his supervisor (1Tanner), Tanner could not have discharged Zike for this reason. However. Zike's testinlmons. as I will later point out. indicates that Tanner told Zike that the decision for Zike's discharge came trom Mac(iregor. not Tulnner.5 Finall., Zike's testimony about consulting MacGregor 'There was likewise a discrepancy between Runner's affidavit and her testimons In the affidavit Runner said that when she and Thomas were leaving the plant on the last dty MacGregor told Thomas that Thomas was not suitable fiar factors work. Runner testified that MacGregor gave no rea- son 1o Thomas lor Thomas' discharge in that conversation. When confronted with her affidavit she stuck by her testimony MacGregor corroboirated her testimnon. He admitted that he gave Thomas no reason ftir Thomas' dis- charge in that last colnsersation. In these circumstances, Runner's insistence that her testimons was accurate (;is it was) on the point supports her general credihility ' Zike also testified that when he initialls signed the decertification peti- tion. the top part icontaining the decertification language) was typewntten. The top part o t[his petition received in evidence was handwntten Howeser. there were numerous staple-size holes in the original of this exhibit as I observed at the hearing. The General Counsel conceded he maw have made some of these staple holes He did not, however, concede that he made them all. It is not imprhobable that a typewritten top (which would obviously be more legible than the handwritten sersion) was stapled on when Zike signed. Hence. I fine no adequate hasis ii) question his credibility in this regard. DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD before Zike removed Zike's name from the petition is, es- sentially, confirmed by the testimony of MacGregor. 2. Respondent's witnesses Stevwe MacGregor. MacGregor, the plant manager, was not a very credible witness. His testimony was character- ized by a number of significant contradictions, inconsisten- cies, improbabilities, and conflicts with the testimony of Re- spondent's other witnesses. The most significant of these contradictions concerned MacGregor's testimony in respect to his knowledge of what the petition was about and when it first began circulating. At one point in his testimony-where he was discussing Zike's inquiry of him about how Zike could remove Zike's name from the petition on Thursday, August 25, 1977'- MacGregor stated he knew nothing about the petition (as of that time). Later in his testimony, however, he stated he became aware of this petition on Monday, August 22, and called his attorneys about it at that time. In cross-examina- tion he stated that he did not then know what kind of a petition it was. Later on redirect he admitted that when he called his attorney on Monday, August 22, he knew that it was a petition "to kick the union out" that is, either "a decert (sic) or a deauthorization." The former is, of course, what it was. He further testified that he then held a meeting of his foremen at which he instructed them that on the advice of his attorneys he was advising the foremen that they were to keep their noses out of the petition being circulated in the plant and that, if any questions were broached to the fore- men by employees regarding the petition, the foremen were to refer the inquirer to the National Labor Relations Board. He then gave the foremen the telephone number of the Regional Office in St. Louis. However, thereafter, he and Foreman Yokley-contrary to this advice-took it upon themselves to obtain answers to employee questions about whether probationaries could sign the petition and told em- ployees who had the petition. In testifying about his discussion on August 22 with em- ployee Thomas about her tardiness and his questions about any car pool arrangements Thomas may have had, Mac- Gregor denied hearing from Thomas that Thomas fre- quently pooled with Zike. Yokley confirmed that Thomas so advised MacGregor in this conversation. MacGregor stated that he first learned Thomas had signed the petition when it was reported to him by em- ployee Julia Campbell that a fight had occurred in the la- dies' room over the petition and that Thomas had crossed her name off. Waffling in his attempts to explain why he did not investigate this fight (fighting is a discharge offense un- der Respondent's rules of conduct) MacGregor said the fight was between two women and he could not take action since it would have been one person's word against another. I note that later he stated he did not know how many em- ployees were involved in this reported altercation. I feel constrained further to note that his comment about one person's word against another and his consequent in- All dates appearing hereinafter occurred in 1977 unless the contrary is noted. ability to act bears a significant relationship to his own tes- timony. Thus in several instances where there was a one-on- one conflict between MacGregor and a General Counsel witness, MacGregor denied the occurrence altogether. As to some other incidents where there were several witnesses to the event, he admitted the incident but told a different version from that of the General Counsel's witnesses. Also in regard to the bathroom incident, he evasively said his failure to investigate may have been due to a telephone call or some other distraction. He did not specifically describe this call or any other distraction at the time. As to another matter, MacGregor's testimony conflicts with that of Respondent's witness, former part-time Person- nel Clerk McGahey, the one Respondent witness whom I will find to be credible. This matter concerned whose idea it was to prepare the discharge papers on all three discrimi- natees early in the morning of Friday, August 26 (rather than at the end of the day). MacGregor testified that McGahey asked him to do this early. McGahey denied this, saying it was rather MacGregor's idea and that MacGre- gor's decision was prompted by her announcement that she would be leaving early that day. Indeed, MacGregor's testimony about the need to dis- charge the three employees early that morning is inconsis- tent with his other testimony that he needed the services of all three (after his decision to terminate them earlier in the week for various reasons) to maintain his tight daily pro- duction schedule. Additionally, MacGregor's testimony in respect to the decision to terminate Zike contradicts the testimony of Zike's last supervisor, Tanner. MacGregor testified that MacGregor spoke with Tanner on Wednesday and Thurs- day about retaining or terminating Zike. Tanner said the two conversations occurred on Thursday and Friday. The difference is crucial because, as I will find, MacGregor learned on Thursday of Zike's desire to have Zike's name removed from the petition. This means that, according to Tanner's testimony, the decision to discharge Zike was made after MacGregor learned that Zike desired to remove Zike's name from the petition. Brenda Davis. Davis is an employee on maternity leave from Respondent who assisted in circulating the petition in August. She testified about a union meeting which she said she attended on August 24. She claimed that Ed Cline, the Union's international representative, told some 25 to 30 people in attendance that those who were circulating the decertification petition would be blackballed and taken to court by the Union. She said Cline further stated that the plant employees would lose important benefits such as se- niority and good wage rates if the Union were voted out.8 Davis also testified about asking Runner and Weber to sign the petition. She specifically testified that Connie (Weber) looked at the petition but would not sign it. Later on cross- examination, when she was confronted with Respondent's no-solicitation rule, she denied that she had the petition with her when she spoke to Weber and Runner. This is a 8 MacBride was the only other employee shown to have attended this meeting. She testified that the matter of decertification was brought up at several meetings but she had no details. 60 JUSTRITE MANUFACTURING CO. direct contradiction. Inasmuch as this contradiction is sig- nificant and in view of Davis' nervousness on the stand, I attach little weight to her testimony. Jean McGahey. McGahey, a former employee, who, in addition to other duties, at one time assisted MacGregor in handling personnel paperwork, testified to the best of her ability. She has no interest in these proceedings, having been separated from employment with Respondent by mu- tual agreement in September. I found her a very credible witness. John Albert Tanner. Al Tanner, who is still employed, was Zike's last foreman. His testimony in respect to the leadup to Zike's termination conflicts with that of MacGre- gor, as I have pointed out. Tanner blinked noticeably when denying certain elements of conversation with Zike which were pertinent to the General Counsel's case. I also found him somewhat evasive with respect to his knowledge of the petition. At first he said he had heard about it from the employees a couple of weeks before Zike was discharged (i.e., 2 weeks before August 26). But the informal petition began circulating during the week of Au- gust 22 (it is dated August 24 and the earliest signatures are dated August 24). Still later Tanner vaguely recalled that MacGregor brought out at a meeting in MacGregor's office that a petition "was going around but that's all." Still later in his testimony, Tanner recalled that at said meeting he was provided with a telephone number for the NLRB. which he said is still on his desk. Tanner, who continues to be a foreman with Respondent, has an obvious interest in the outcome of these proceedings. I do not credit him. Pete Yokley: Pete Yokley also continues to work as a foreman for Respondent. He did not create a favorable im- pression on the stand. He kept looking at MacGregor dur- ing most of his cross-examination, as if to be sure of Mac- Gregor's reaction to Yokley's testimony. This left me with the distinct feeling that he was trying to impress his supe- rior, MacGregor, with what he said, hence he was giving testimony favorable to Respondent's case to advance his own position. In my judgment he also played cat and mouse with counsel for the General Counsel and with me in answering questions about the packing errors of Thomas. I have already commented on the contradictions between his testimony and that of MacGregor. I do not credit his testi- mony where it conflicts with that of the General Counsel's witnesses. D. The Events in Question I. The alleged 8(a)(1) violations These incidents are referred to in paragraph 5 of the complaint. 5-A and B: During the first week of August MacGregor approached MacBride at her station in the pressroom at the plant and engaged her in discussion. MacGregor told Mac- Bride that if the employees voted down the Union the Re- spondent could guarantee 2 years without layoff. MacGre- gor also told MacBride that every time the Union did something to help the employees it cost the employees more money, whereas Respondent wanted to do the same thing for employees and it would not cost them anything.9 I find that MacGregor's statement about a no-layoff guarantee was a promise of benefit to an employee to en- courage her to withdraw support from the Union and that Respondent thereby violated Section 8 (aX 1) of the Act. I further conclude that MacGregor's statement about what Respondent could do for employees was intended to convey to MacBride the impression that Respondent would provide the same benefits to employees that the Union had obtained for them-only without the Union and the need to pay union dues. This was likewise a promise of benefit to encourage apostasy from the Union, and Respondent also thereby violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act.' ° 5 C and D. On or about August 22, 1 find, based on the admissions of MacGregor in this regard, Respondent learned that a petition was circulating or about to circulate, the purpose of which would be to remove the Union as the employee's bargaining representative. MacGregor advised his attorneys and his foremen of this matter on that morn- ing. On or about that same morning Foreman Yokley spoke with Debbie Thomas, one of the alleged discriminatees at the plant. Yokley asked Thomas what Thomas thought of the Union. Thomas said she did not know because she had not worked there very long and had little information about the Union. Yokley continued by asking Thomas to sign a petition which would be coming around. He told Thomas that he had heard from someone higher up that if Thomas signed the petition she could be pretty sure of having a job there. When Thomas asked Yokley what he meant by that, Yokley responded that usually when "probational" people are late (Thomas was a probationary employee who had a tardiness problem) "they let them go just like that."" I find that, by promising Thomas a benefit for signing the petition to decertify the Union, Respondent through Yok- ley also violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. I find that, by Yokley's questioning of Thomas about her union sentiments in the same conversation in which he promised her a benefit (continued employment) to with- draw support from the Union, Yokley coercively interro- gated Thomas in respect to Thomas' union views in viola- tion of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5-E. On or about August 23, Yokley again approached Thomas and asked her if she had signed the petition. She stated that she had not.' Yokley's questioning on this occasion of Thomas neces- sarily placed her in the position of admitting whether she was for or against the Union (viz, if in favor, she would not have signed the decertification petition; if against, she would have signed). I find that by Yokley's instant ques- 91 so find based on the credible testimony of MacBnde. I do not credit MacGregor's denial in respect to the no-layoff promise. He did not deny the other aspects of the conversation. I0 See South Shore Hospital, 229 NLRB 363 fn. 1 (1977). t My findings as to this conversation are based on the credible testimony of Thomas in this regard. I do not credit Yokley's denials that such a conver- sation occurred. He did not specifically deny interrogating her about her union sympathies at the time. 12 I so find based on the credible testimony of Thomas in this regard. A careful analysis of Yokley's testimony indicates that while he denied asking Thomas if she w.ere going to sign, he did not den) asking her if she had signed. 61 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tioning (against the background of Yokley's prior promise of benefit to Thomas to encourage her to sign the petition) Respondent again coercively interrogated Thomas in viola- tion of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. 5-F. On or about August 23 then-employee Debra Schu- macher asked MacGregor for 1 week's leave around Octo- ber 15, when she expected to be (and later was) married. MacGregor asked if Schumacher wanted the time before or after the wedding, and she responded "after." MacGregor opined that she could probably have the time off, but he asked her if she had heard about the petition going around. Schumacher answered in the affirmative. MacGregor then inquired what Schumacher thought of it, and Schumacher stated she did not know. MacGregor explained that the petition was not to get the Union out but just to vote to see if an individual wanted to hear Respondent's side of the matter. MacGregor asked Schumacher if she was going to sign it, and Schumacher said she did not know. MacGregor then started walking away and, as he was leaving, MacGre- gor told her that whether she signed the petition would decide if she got the time off.' Schumacher candidly conceded that this parting shot was made in jest. Aside from arguing that MacGregor's version of this inci- dent-which I have rejected-should be credited, Respon- dent urges that since according to Schumacher the last statement was made in jest, no threat could be implied from this statement. I disagree. It is a stock verity in the storehouse of conventional wis- dom that many a truthful word is said in jest. And the instant remark could well be taken seriously because Schu- macher was not entitled necessarily to a week off-and in- deed did not get it. Hence, the analysis of this incident cannot end with what was said and how it was stated but must proceed to examine whether the statement was taken as a joke. Schumacher, with the same candor that marked the rest of her testimony, stated that while her impression was that MacGregor was joking she was not certain if he was or was not.'4 This testimony then returns the analysis to square one, that is, the remark must be judged by its essential content' and not the manner in which it was delivered. Judged on that basis, it is plainly a promise of benefit to an employee to withdraw her support from the Union. I therefore conclude that by this promise of benefit, Re- spondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced Schu- macher in the free exercise of her Section 7 right to support the Union and that Respondent thereby violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. By questioning Schumacher in the same conversation about her intentions with regard to the petition, Respon- dent through MacGregor coercively interrogated her also in violation of Section 8(a)( ). ' These findings are based on the credible testimony of Schumacher. I do not credit the contrary testimony of MacGregor who, although admitting the leave request, testified that Schumacher asked about the petition (and he referred her to the NLRB); that he did not ask her if she would sign it and that he placed no such condition on her leave authorization. 14 The nature of the remark and the way it was taken distinguishes this case from Radio Kemetal Industries, Inc., 144 NLRB 546, 554 (1963), relied on by Respondent. It See Wichita Eagle & Beacon Publishing Co., Inc., 199 NLRB 360 (1972). 5-H, 1, J, and K: On or about August 23, MacGregor approached MacBride and asked her whether she had heard about the petition going around. MacBride asked him what petition he meant. MacGregor explained that the petition was to see whether the employees wanted to have a vote to see whether the Union goes out or not. MacBride responded that she had not seen it. MacBride thereupon proceeded to discuss the Union with MacGregor. She asked him how employees would be assured, without the Union, that he would not fire them. He assured her that he would not take such action. MacBride (obviously referring to her previous conversation with Mac- Gregor of about 3 weeks before) reminded him that he had promised 2 years without layoff and asked him how he could do that. MacGregor rejoined, simply, that this was right. MacBride then asked him about cost-of-living in- creases, and he answered affirmatively. MacGregor con- cluded the conversation by telling MacBride that if Mac- Bride wanted to see the petition Margaret Sparling had it, and MacGregor pointed out Margaret Sparling. '6 I conclude that by MacGregor's conduct in the foregoing conversation, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, separately, by: (a) Repeating his promise to MacBride that Re- spondent would guarantee 2 years without layoff if the Union was voted out. (b) Promising cost of living increases under the same condition. (c) Coercively interrogating MacBride by asking about the decertification petition in the same conversa- tion and putting MacBride unlawfully to the choice of taking action to sign it by showing where she could go to find it. (d) Assisting her in locating the petition after induc- ing her to sign it in the same conversation." 5-L and M. On or about August 24, alleged discrimi- natee Thomas was approached by MacGregor and asked in the presence of Yokley if she had signed the petition. She said she had not done so. She also stated that she did not know who had the petition. After she said this. MacGregor asked her if she knew certain people, but she knew none of these. MacGregor thereupon advised Thomas that either he (MacGregor) or Yokley would show her the woman who had the petition. MacGregor told Thomas she could then sign the petition.' 8 I conclude, against the background of Yokley's prior beneficial inducements of Thomas to sign the petition, that Respondent by the foregoing conduct of MacGregor coer- cively interrogated Thomas about her failure to sign the petition and that said conduct violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. I conclude that Respondent further violated Section 8(a)(1) by MacGregor's offer to show Thomas who had the 16 My findings in respect to this conversation are based on the credible testimony of MacBride in this regard. I do not credit MacGregor's denial that the conversation occurred. '7Asheville Sleel Conmpany, 202 NLRB 146, 150, fn. 28 (1973). ~8 I so find based on the credible testimony of Thomas. I discredit the denial of MacGregor that this conversation occurred and the denial of Yok- ley that MacGregor discussed the petition in any conversation with Thomas which Yokley witnessed. 62 JUSTRITE MANUFACTURING CO. petition after inducing her unlawfully to sign it and interro- gating her about whether she had done so. 5 AN. Later in the afternoon of the same day (as 5-L and M, supra) that is, on August 24, Thomas was passing by Yokley, and Yokley pointed out Sparling as the woman who had the petition. Thomas said "O.K."' 5 By Yokley's instant conduct, which I conclude was a fol- low-on of the incident described in 5-L and M, supra, Re- spondent further violated Section 8(a)( 1) of the Act. "2 5 O. On or about August 24. alleged discriminatee Zike signed the petition. Afterwards on that same day he was approached by his foreman, Al Tanner, who asked him why he had signed it. Zike responded that he had signed it because he didn't think it would cause any trouble. Tanner replied that Zike shouldn't have signed because he might as well be working for nothing. For, said Tanner, without a union "they" would lower the pay.2' I conclude that by the foregoing act of Tanner, Respon- dent created the clear impression of surveillance by Tanner of Zike's exercise of his Section 7 right to oppose the Union (by signing the petition), and Respondent thereby violated Section 8(a)( 1) of the Act. 5-P and Q.' On the morning of August 25 Brenda Davis approached employee Weber and alleged discriminatee Runner at the plant. Davis withdrew the petition from un- der her clothing and asked Weber and Runner to sign it. They did not. In the afternoon of the same day Davis again approached Runner and Weber and asked them to sign the petition. Again they refused. In one or both of these meet- ings Runner or Weber told Davis that one or both could not sign the petition because they were probationary em- ployees.22 Later Davis spoke to Yokley, her foreman, and asked him if he had heard about the petition going around. He admitted that he had. Davis then asked if Yokley could find out whether a probationary employee could sign it. Yokley said he did not know..) Yokley thereafter took Davis' question to MacGregor, who attempted unsuccessfully to reach his attorneys and ask them. Yokley then telephoned the NLRB's Regional Office, which advised him that if the probationary employ- ees could become members of the bargaining unit, they could sign a decertification petition.2 Later that afternoon MacGregor spoke to Weber and Runner and told them they had the right to sign the petition even though they were probationary employees. MacGregor then told the employees that those who signed the petition would still be 19 These findings are based on the credible testimony of Thomas in this regard, as corroborated essentially by Yokley. I do not credit Yokley's fur- ther testimony that Thomas asked Yokley who had the petition. Yokley admitted telling her who did and further admitted that he knew who was passing the petition around from information given him by Brenda Davis, his sister-in-law. The latter is a rank and file employee and was a Respondent switness. Davis herself helped circulate the petition. 20 .4,heille .iStel, (Compani, rupra 21 These findings are based on the credible testimony of Zike in this regard. I do not credit Tanner's denial that this conversation took place. 22 These findings are based on a composite of the credible and essentially corroborative testimony of Weber and Runner as partially further corrobo- rated by Davis. To the extent that Davis' version is contrary I do not credit it. 23 Davis credibly so testified without dispute. 24 MacGregor so admitted. employed even if there were a strike or a layoff. Both re- fused to sign.25 I conclude that in this incident MacGregor offered the employees the promise of a benefit to withdraw their sup- port from the Union, and that Respondent thereby violated Section 8(a)( 1 ) of the Act. 5-R.' On or about August 29 or 30, that is, about a week after employee Schumacher requested MacGregor for a week's leave when she got married, MacGregor again spoke to Schumacher on this subject. MacGregor told Schumach- er he did not know whether he could give her a week's leave as she had requested because production was up. He also told her that at least one other person had asked for leave at the same time for the same reason, hence he could only give Schumacher a couple of days off.2: In all the circumstances and contrary to the General Counsel and the Charging Party, I do not find that Mac- Gregor's instant determination to offer Schumacher a smaller amount of leave constituted an implementation of the condition he placed on that request a week before (that she sign the petition). While it is true that she did not sign it and it is further true that Zike. Thomas, and Runner had in the meantime been discharged, MacGregor did offer Schu- macher some leave and he offered a business justification for cutting back on the amount of leave she had requested. MacGregor did not mention the petition in this conversa- tion nor the fact that Schumacher had failed to sign it. Further, another employee. Donna Dow, as Schumacher confirmed, was also about to get married at the time. In the light of all the above, I conclude that MacGregor's entire statement in this second conversation dispelled any implicit connection between his eventual limited leave offer and the earlier condition he had placed on Schumacher's request for a longer period. Accordingly, I shall recommend that this allegation of the complaint be dismissed. 2. The alleged 8(a)(3) violations Deborah Thomas.' According to her absentee record, Thomas began work on or about July 19. She was dis- charged on Friday, August 26, before 9 a.m., while she was still a probationary employee.27 During at least the last part of her employment she was working in Respondent's shipping department under Fore- man Pete Yokley. While working for Respondent, Thomas was late some nine times in the morning or at lunch. She was absent for 3 days due to illness (but obtained a doctor's excuse), and she was charged with two shipping errors. As I have already found, Yokley spoke with Thomas on August 22, the Monday of the last week of her employment and asked her opinion of the Union. She responded that she 25 These findings are based on the credible and essentially corroborative testimony of Weber and Runner. MacGregor admitted advising them that they could sign the petition even though they were probationanes. He denied the remainder of the conversation. I do not credit the denial. 16 These findings are based on the credible testimony of Schumacher in this regard as partly corroborated by MacGregor. MacGregor testified that he said he could only give Schumacher a couple of days off which was not denied by Schumacher. -1 A new employee remained probationary for 45 working days under the collective-bargaining agreement then in effect between Respondent and the Union. 63 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD knew little about it. Yokley continued the conversation by pointing out that there was a petition going around and, according to someone higher up, said Yokley, Thomas could be pretty sure of having a job there if she signed it. When Thomas asked Yokley what he meant, Yokley said that probationary people who were late were usually let go like that, but if she signed the petition she could be fairly sure of a job. In this same conversation Yokley asked Thomas if she would sign the petition, and she said she did not know. On August 24, as I have recounted, Thomas was ap- proached by MacGregor and Yokley, and MacGregor asked her if she had signed the petition. She said she had not. When she added she did not know who had the peti- tion, MacGregor asked her if she knew certain people, which she did not. MacGregor promised her that he or Yokley would show her who had the petition and she could sign it. Later that day Yokley pointed out Sparling to Thomas and said Sparling had the petition. On August 25, at the 9 a.m. break, Thomas signed the petition. That afternoon, at the 2:30 p.m. break, she scratched her name off the petition. Still later that same afternoon, MacGregor, as he admitted, learned from Julia Campbell, another petition signer, that Thomas had taken her name from the list. According to her timecard, Thomas was discharged the next day effective 8 a.m. This was about the same time as the discharge of Runner, who had not signed the petition and Zike, who had struck his name from it. Yokley, who discharged Thomas, gave her no reason for this action. Thomas was initially unable to contact MacGregor to ob- tain his explanation. After her discharge Thomas went outside the plant where she met Runner. After speaking to one another, Thomas and Runner came back into the plant in an attempt to find out why they were discharged. They met MacGregor in the hall and engaged him in conversation. MacGregor gave Runner the reason that she was unsuited to factory work. MacGregor told Thomas that with Thomas it was just like her discharge slip showed-"Probationary employee-no assignment of cause." (Under the collective-bargaining agreement in effect at that time, Respondent was not re- quired to assign cause for terminating probationary em- ployees.) Thomas continued to ask for a reason, but none was given. Thomas also asked about her check, and Mac- Gregor said she would have to come back for it. When the three got to the plant door, MacGregor put his hand on Thomas' back and shoved her, telling her to get out or he would call the sheriff.'8 Respondent contends that Thomas was discharged for lateness, absenteeism, and two shipping errors. According to MacGregor and Yokley, they first spoke about terminating Thomas in a telephone conversation while MacGregor was on vacation during the week preced- ing Thomas' discharge. Per MacGregor, his supervisor, Witte, also spoke to him about Thomas' absence during this same conversation. (Witte spoke to MacGregor, then Yok- ley spoke to MacGregor in this same phone call.) Further, according to Thomas and Yokley, they spoke twice on :s The testimony as to this series of incidents is not essentially in dispute. Monday morning, August 22, about Yokley's desire to fire Thomas and decided to do so after the second conversation, by which time MacGregor had learned of Thomas' two shipping errors. MacGregor informed Yokley, he said, that he would not fire Thomas on the morning of August 22, but would wait until the end of the week when a replacement would be hired for her. (Later that week MacGregor did hire some II new employees, all of whom started the fol- lowing Monday, August 29, except I skilled employee who began on August 24.) That same morning, August 22, Mac- Gregor spoke to Thomas in the presence of Yokley and told her that her lateness would not be tolerated and that if she carpooled with Zike she should not wait for him. As to Respondent's claimed reasons fbor discharging Thomas, Thomas' timecards show she was late some nine times (although only on some four occasions was she suffi- ciently late to require notation on a separate lateness rec- ord). She was also absent for 3 days in mid-August for which she had a doctor's excuse. Finally, she was indeed guilty of two shipping errors which had occurred at the beginning of August (although MacGregor did not learn of them until later). I reject Respondent's contentions that these deficiencies supply the real reason fbr Thomas' discharge. All of Thomas' derelictions occurred before Yokley spoke to her on August 22 and told her she could be fairly sure of continued employment if she signed the petition. This means, of course, that however grievous were her of- fenses (none of which was repeated thereafter) they were insufficient to cause her discharge, if she would sign the petition. Since she later signed the petition but still later withdrew her name from it, the withdrawal could provide the only basis for her discharge based on what Yokley had told her. Further, the testimony of Yokley and MacGregor, in re- spect to their August 22 determination to discharge Thomas, does not jibe with the actions they took thereafter. Thus, both of them spoke to her that morning about her tardiness problem-after they say they had decided to dis- charge her. MacGregor explained this paradox by stating that they would continue to need Thomas until the end of the week and they needed her at work on time. He further explained that Respondent's plant runs on a production line system and "In Ms. Thomas' case the foreman lines up her work prior to the start of the bell." MacGregor said if Thomas did not show up the foreman would not know whether to schedule her or not. MacGregor also pointed out that Thomas, at the time, was one of only four employ- ees in the shipping department. Yet, when Friday (August 26) came, MacGregor let Thomas go early in the morning despite the tight produc- tion schedule and before any replacement for her had be- gun employment with Respondent. MacGregor even stated that probably no one finished her work that Friday. He attempted to explain the decision to let her go early that day on the basis that McGahey, the part-time personnel clerk, was going to be leaving early and he wanted to get the papers processed by McGahey while McGahey was still there. Although McGahey did leave early that day, she did not recall completing the personnel paper work. But even if she did, the question remains unanswered why the tight production schedule had to give way to this matter of per- 64 JUSTRITE MANUFACTURING (CO. sonal convenience, particularly where-as a practical mat- ter-the discharge slips could have been distributed in the late afternoon and the several termination actions (on var- ious records) could have been made effective at day's end (albeit accomplished in the morning). According, I reject Respondent's defenses. I conclude rather that Thomas was discharged because she removed her name from the petition. In so holding. I particularly rely on what Yokley told Thomas about her continued em- ployment when he first asked her to sign the petition. I also rely on the efforts of both MacGregor and Yokley to have her sign and the general interest of both MacGregor and Yokley-as shown by the credible testimony throughout General Counsel's case-in having the petition succeed. I further note the anger displayed by MacGregor when he shoved Thomas at the door of the plant, a physical act of a man against a woman, which could hardly be justified on the basis of some tardiness, 3 days' sick leave, and two shipping errors. I conclude therefore that, by discharging Thomas and subsequently failing to reinstate her, Respondent has vio- lated, and is violating, Section 8(a)(l) and (3) of the Act.2 Jean Runner. Runner was employed on August 8 and, like Thomas, was still a probationary employee at the time of her discharge on August 26 before 9 a.m. in the morning. Runner was 17 at that time and had falsified her employ- ment application to show that she was 18. On August 25, Runner and Weber, it may be recalled. were twice approached by Brenda Davis to sign the peti- tion. Neither did so on either occasion, and in at least one of the incidents one or the other of them raised the issue whether a probationary employee could sign the petition. Davis thereafter pursued this question with Yokley, who repeated it to MacGregor, MacGregor called his lawyers, unsuccessfully, and then telephoned the Regional Office of the Board to get the answer (which was that they could sign it, even though they were probationary). MacGregor spoke to Runner and Weber later that day and conveyed this in- formation to them. He also told them that any employee who signed the petition would still be employed if there were a strike or a layoff. Both refused to sign. Respondent defends that Runner was discharged for fal- sifying her employment application to show that she was 18. MacGregor testified that state law prohibits the hiring of employees under 18 to work with power-driven machinery and that he was aware of this law. He said he became sus- picious that Runner was underage when he was on vaca- tion. He said that when he returned to work he was going through employment applications on file and noticed Run- ner's application and that of another Runner (Sandra, Jean's sister-in-law as it turned out) and noticed their birth dates were only 4 months apart. He continued that the mat- ter then came up in an unrelated conversation at about that time with Mr. Reveal of the Illinois Department of Labor. While MacGregor was advising Reveal of the names of people hired by Respondent who were on public aid, Mac- Gregor mentioned Runner, whose mother is, apparently, in that category. Reveal replied that Runner was underage. 29 The Rogers Manufacturing Company. 228 NLRB 882 (1977) MacGregor testified that on or about Wednesday, Au- gust 24, he went and spoke with Runner's supervisor. Yok- ley, and her foreman, Bates, about Runner's performance. Yokley, he said, said Runner was slow and that Respondent should get rid of her. MacGregor claims he nevertheless decided to retain Runner Friday (so that she could be re- placed on Monday) because, under Respondent's schedule, she was required to stack boxes on Thursday. Runner was given a pink slip showing merely "proba- tionary employee-no assignment of cause" and let go on Friday, August 26, before 9 a.m. I have already recounted how she ran into Thomas outside the plant and both re- turned to ask MacGregor why they were discharged. In that conversation MacGregor told Runner that Runner was discharged because she was not good enough for factory work. He did not tell her she was fired for being underage. Nor indeed did he ever ask her if she was.W Respondent's defense that Runner was discharged for cause falsifying her employment application to show she was 18, when she was really 17-rests on the testimony of MacGregor, who claimed he was fairly sure of this falsifica- tion on or about Wednesday, August 24. Reveal did not testify. I do not credit MacGregor's testimony about when he learned of this falsification, hence the defense fails.3 But even if I were required to deal with the defense on its merits I would still reject it. For here again MacGregor's actions do not jibe with his words. Thus, if state law prohibits the hiring of an employee to work in a factory with power-driven equipment, why was Runner not let go immediately? And what need was there for MacGregor to ask Yokley about her performance? For her performance, good or bad, would make no difference if she were forbidden to work in the plant. While Runner went to work on Thursday stacking boxes, which does not seem hazardous, MacGregor admitted she was sent back to work on power-driven equipment on Friday! Even then, bearing in mind the claimed exigencies of Respondent's production schedule, she was let go before 9 a.m. (instead of at 3:45 p.m.). MacGregor testified he had no idea who fin- ished her work that day. Further, state law does not require individuals to be 18 to " Curiously, about 2 months later when MacGregor suspected that an- other employee, Wallace, was underage he confronted Wallace directly and asked her. She admitted she was under 18 and asked him what he would do. He said he would contact his attorney. n I do not credit this testimony for a number of reasons. I have already commented at length on the credibility of MacGregor. And I have men- tioned that the testimony, as to when MacGregor learned of the falsification, is uncorroborated. Also I note that MacGregor never told Runner that she was being discharged for being underage despite the fact that, contrary to Respondent's normal policy in respect to probationary employees, he did not give her a claimed reason for her termination on August 26 the said she was not good enough for factory work). Further, MacGregor's full testimony as to the event which allegedly sub- stantiated his initial suspicion about Runner's age is not convincing. That event, as noted, was his examination of the employment applications on file for Jean Runner and Sandra Runner which he uncovered after August 22 while reviewing applications with a view toward hinng new employees. Later in his testimony, when MacGregor was describing the hiring procedure, he said that applications were "only good for 30 days." When it was pointed out to him that. when he purportedly looked at Jean's application after August 22, that application (dated June 6) was 2-1/2 months old, MacGregor nim- bly explained that he was "probably" reviewing older applications because he did not find what he wanted among those from August and July. What he did not explain is why he would be looking through applications which were no longer "good" (by his own admission) as a source of new employees. 65 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL. LABOR RELATIONS BOARDI) work at a factory. They must be 16.12 While Respondent belatedly argued (after the hearing) that Federal law and regulations do have a prohibition against employees work- ing with power-driven equipment who are under 18, this is not what MacGregor said. Nor has it been demonstrated with any certainty that all the power-driven presses or equipment operated by Respondent fall under the proscrip- tion of Federal law for employees under 18. I, accordingly, reject Respondent's defense. I rather conclude that Runner was fired for refusing to sign the petition. In so finding I note that she was fired abruptly with two other employees who withdrew their names from the petition on the morning of the day after all refused to sign or withdrew their names from the list. I also rely on what MacGregor told Runner on August 25 aiter he purportedly suspected she was underage, that is, essentially that employees could be assured of continued employment if they signed the petition. This means, of course, that ift' MacGregor then indeed knew she was underage, he would nonetheless have retained her if she had signed. And he might have placed her in a capacity which would not re- quire her to operate power-driven machinery, if a powered production assignment at Respondent's plant is indeed barred by Federal law and regulation (or if he thought it was barred by State law and if nonproduction work is not thereby barred). She was, in fact, working in a nonproduc- tion assignment on August 25 (stacking boxes). I, accordingly, conclude that by discharging Runner and refusing to reinstate her, Respondent has violated and is violating Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act." Jerry Zike. Jerry Zike began work for Respondent on July 25, 1977, and, when he was discharged on August 26 at about 9 a.m., he was still a probationary employee. Zike has an educational disability which Respondent knew when it hired him. He was, in fact, hired under a program to hire the handicapped which Respondent operates as a Govern- ment contractor. Zike was employed first as a material han- dler in department 21 under Supervisor Ray Grasl. Zike's job was to keep some 16 production employees supplied with parts. After several days it was clear that Zike could not keep up with the work and he threatened to quit. MacGregor, therefore, transferred him to a similar job under Foreman Tanner, which was less hectic. Zike was given his termination slip by Tanner before 9 a.m. on the morning of August 26, when Tanner took Zike to coffee in the break room. Zike told Tanner that Zike thought the reason Zike was being fired was because Zike had taken his name off the petition. Tanner agreed. In fur- ther discussion of the reasons for Zike's discharge, Tanner told Zike that MacGregor said MacGregor thought Zike could not handle Zike's job. The conversation concluded when Tanner patted Zike on the back, told Zike that Zike did good work, and that Zike could use Tanner's name for a reference if Zike sought further employment.3 4 I have recounted at length Respondent's efforts to have employees, particularly probationary employees, sign the 32 See Resp. Exh. 16. t 3 The Embers of Jacksonville, Inc. 157 NLRB 627 (1966). N'e Foodland Inc., 205 NLRB 418 (1973). 13 These findings are based on the credible testimony of Zike in this regard. I do not credit the testimony of Tanner to the contrary. Tanner, in any event. admitted that Tanner offered to be a reference for Zike. decertification petition. Probationaries were not required at the time to join the Union under the current collective- bargaining agreement's union-security clause until they had been employed for 45 calendar days. Zike signed the peti- tion on August 24 but removed his name on August 25. Zike took the latter action after lForeman Tlanner told him it would be unwise for the employees to work tor Respon- dent without union representation as I have recounted. Prior to removing his name, Zike spoke to MacGregor to ask MacGregor how Zike could go about getting his name off the petition. There is a conflict in the testimony as to what each said on this occasion; but, significantly, it is not disputed that Zike at that time advised MacGregor of Zike's desire to get his name off the petition. Zike crossed out his name that afternoon in the same incident in the break room as that in which Thomas struck her name from the petition. In view of T anner's statement to Zike about Zike signing the petition, MacGregor's knowledge that Thomas crossed out her name, and the intimate involve- ment of Respondent with the circulation of the petition all week, I conclude that MacGregor. on August 25, learned that Zike had carried out Zike's wish by striking his name from the petition on the same date. Respondent defends that Zike was discharged during a regularly scheduled 4-week review of his qualifications as a probationary employee.? MacGregor spoke with Zike's then supervisor, Tanner. who suggested to MacGregor both on that day and the next day that Zike be discharged. Tan- ner's purported reason was that Zike was too slow and that the production employees with whom Zike worked were complaining that Zike was not getting materials to them on time. I reject this defense. 1The defense rests entirely on the testimony of Tanner and MacGregor, both whom I have generally discredited. No production employee with whom Zike worked was called to testify. No written warnings were produced nor any other documentary evidence to show any complaints made by management or by employees about Zike's performance. But here again, even if I were to consider the testimony of' Tanner and MacGregor in respect to their reasons for discharging Zike. I would again reject it as a valid explana- tion for Zike's discharge. For MacGregor testified that he spoke with Tanner about Zike's performance on August 24 and again on August 25 when it was agreed that Zike would be terminated. Tanner said that MacGregor spoke to him twice about Zike but the second time was August 26. This difference, as I have already mentioned in my credibility findings, suprt, is crucial because according to Tanner no decision was made to fire Zike until after Zike had taken Zike's name off the petition. Respondent also urges, in attacking the General Coun- sel's case in respect to Zike, that Zike's testimony concern- ing Tanner's influence over Zike's decision to remove Zike's name from the petition is at odds with the General Coun- sel's theory of Zike's discharge. Thus, Respondent says, if Zike withdrew his name at Tanner's urging, Tanner could not have discharged him for this reason. I reject this conten- tion. 15 Mac(Gregor does this because the employee becomes eligible fbr insur- ance after 30 days. 66 JUSTRITE MAN[!FA( ItURING CO. For in Zike's termination interview, recounted suprl,. Zike was told hb Tanner that MacGregor was the one who opined that Zike could not do Zike's job. That is, MacGre- gor, and not Tanner, was the one who determined to dis- charge Zike and for the purported reason of Zike's incoim- petence. There is no indication from Zike's testimony that Tanner decided to discharge Zike. Tanner. according to the testimony of Zike. thought Zike's work performance was good and agreed with Zike that the real reason Zike was discharged was because Zike removed Zike's name from the petition. I so find. I further find that by discharging Zike for this reason and failing to reinstate him, Respondent has vio- lated and is violating Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act." IV. tilt u111 t tO 1 ( i UNFAIR L.ABOR PRA tiitUS tPO'N ( O)MMI:R( I The activities of Respondent set forth above. occurring in connection with its operations described in section 1, above. have a close, intimate, and substantial relationship to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. CON( t I SIONS ()I LA\V I. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2). (6). and (7) of the Act. 2. Local 8390 and District 34 are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By coercively interrogating its employees about their feelings toward the Union; by asking them to sign a decer- tification petition and coercively interrogating them about whether they had signed it; by offering them inducements to sign it or to vote the Union out: and by assisting them in supporting that petition. Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 4. By discharging Jerry Zike, Debbie Thomas, and Jean Runner on August 26, 1977, and by thereafter refusing to reinstate them. Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 5. The aforementioned unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 6. Respondent has not committed any other violations alleged in the complaint except as found herein. M Respondent further contends that ans analysis of its hires (Resp. Exh 11) and the names on the petition indicates that nine probationary employ- ees, employed in the week of August 22, did not sign the petition and are still employed. I see no significance in this. Respondent's failure to discriminate against some employees does not establish that it has not discriminated against others Respondent further notes that two of three other probationary employees who signed the petition haise subsequently been discharged without assign- ment of cause Again I do not see where this takes us The record does not show whether or not these employees were induced to sign b5 a Respondent official or, it so, on what basis, nor does the record show what derelictions of duty they may have been guilts of which could have required Respondent to discharge them Tltli Ri.MEI)Y The recommended Order will contain the conventional provisions (except as regards Jean Runner) for cases involv- ing unlawful discharge and unlawful refusal to reinstate in violation of Section 8(a53) and ( 1) of the Act and unlawful restraint and interference in vt),lation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. This Order will require Respondent to cease and desist from the unfair labor practices found and to post a notice to that effect which will also state the affirmative action Respondent will be required to take to remedy these violations. Thus, Respondent will be required to offer Debbie Thomas and Jerry Zike immediate and full reinstatement to their former positions or, if such positions no longer exist. to substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges. Each will be made whole tior an, loss of earnings he or she may have suffered by reason of Respondent's discrimination by pay- ment of a sum of money equal to that which he or she would have earned from the date of their discharge to the date of' the oflfer of' reinstatement less net interim earnings. if any. to be computed in the manner prescribed in F W4 H'o/lls'orih (ompan'r, 90 NLRB 286 (1950). with interest thereon as prescribed by Florida Swcel Corporation, 231 NI RB 651 (1977)." It will be further recommended, in view of the unfair labor practices in which Respondent has engaged (see N.L. R.B. . Dntwistle Mfg. Co., F.2d 532. 536 (1941)), that Respondent shall he ordered to cease and desist from in- fringing in any other manner upon the rights guaranteed employees by Section 7 of the Act. The remedy in respect to Runner must take into account certain factors which vary from the conventional situation involving a discriminatory discharge. Respondent contends that, if Runner is found to have been unlawfully dis- charged. as I have held. she should be found ineligible for reinstatement and backpay because she falsified her age. I find partial merit in this contention. Respondent introduced no evidence of an explicit corpo- rate policy not to hire employees who are under 18. How- ever, MacGregor testified that he does not hire employees under that age; and Runner. for her part, candidly con- ceded that she knew that in order to be involved in factory work she had to be at least 18 years old-whereas she fur- ther admitted that she was only 17 when she began work on August 8 after stating falsely on her employment applica- tion that she was 18. Nevertheless, the falsification of a prior Respondent em- ployment application (at least insofar as age is concerned) does not, under Respondent's policy, forever preclude the applicant from all opportunity to work for Respondent. Thus Respondent, after the discovery of an age falsification in a recent incident, discharged the employee but gave her the right to file a new application for further employment after she reaches her 18th birthday.?9 Summarizing these anomalous elements, it is clear that if '7See, generally. Iris Plunmbing & Heauing (;o. 138 NLRB 716 (1962) 13 MacG(regor s, advised Jeanne Wallace who was discharged for being underage on Octobher 28. 1977. 67 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Runner had not falsified her application, she would not have obtained work when she did.3 On the other hand, as I have held, she was not discharged for being underage but rather because she refused to sign the decertification peti- tion. Finally, while it is now known that she falsified her employment application when she came to work for Re- spondent in August, it has also been established that such a falsification does not per se bar her from all future employ- ment with Respondent. Hence, in order to remedy the unfair labor practice I have found in respect to her discharge and Respondent's refusal to reinstate Runner-but at the same time to bal- ance the conflicting equities just outlined-I shall recom- mend that Runner now be offered immediate and full rein- statement to her former position, or if such position no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position with backpay and seniority to commence effective January 19, 1978, Runner's 18th birthday.? Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law and upon the entire record in this case and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recom- mended: ORDER 4' Respondent Justrite Manufacturing Co., its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discouraging membership in, activities in behalf of, or sympathies toward United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO, its Local Union No. 8390, and its District No. 34, or any other labor organization, by discriminating in regard to hire or tenure of employment or in any other manner in regard to any term or condition of employment of any of Respondent's employees in order to discourage union membership, activities or sympathies. (b) Coercively interrogating its employees about their feelings toward the above-named Union. '9 See Southern Airways Company, 124 NLRB 749, 759 (1959); W Kelley Gregory, Inc., 207 NLRB 654 (1973). 4o Cf. The Embers of Jacksonville, supra, New Foodland Inc., supra. Back- pay will otherwise be computed on the basis of the formula in Woolworth, supra, with interest as prescribed by Florida Steel Corporation, supra. '" In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. (c) Asking employees to sign a decertification petition. (d) Offering them inducements to sign such a petition or to vote the Union out. (e) Coercively interrogating employees about whether they have signed such a petition. (f) Assisting employees in supporting a decertification petition. (g) In any other manner interfering with, coercing, or restraining employees in the exercise of their rights guaran- teed by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is deemed necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer Jean Runner, Deborah Thomas, and Jerry Lee Zike immediate and full reinstatement to their former posi- tions or, if such positions no longer exist, to substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges (except for Runner whose senior- ity shall date from January 19, 1978), and make them whole for any loss of pay they may have suffered as the result of the discrimination against them in the manner set forth in The Remedy section herein. (b) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all pay- roll records, social security payment cards, timecards, per- sonnel records, and reports, and all other records necessary or useful in complying with the terms of this Order. (c) Post at its plant at Mattoon, Illinois, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."42 Copies of this notice on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 14 shall, after being duly signed by Respondent, be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are custom- arily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respon- dent to ensure that such notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (d) Notify the Regional Director, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respon- dent has taken to comply herewith. IT IS HEREBY FURTHtER ORDERED that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed insofar as it alleges violations not found herein. 21 In the event that this Order is enforced by ajudgment ofa United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." 68 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation