Joint Council of Teamsters No. 42Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 31, 1980248 N.L.R.B. 808 (N.L.R.B. 1980) Copy Citation 808 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Joint Council of Teamsters No. 42, and its affiliated Local Unions, Sales Drivers & Dairy Employ- ees, Local 166; General Truck Drivers, Local 235; General Truck Drivers, Chauffeurs & Helpers, Local 692; Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers, Local 186; Building Material and Dump Truck Drivers, Local 420; General Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers, Local 982; Truckdrivers, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local 898; Teamsters & Warehouse- men, Local 381; all affiliated with the Interna- tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America; Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local 87, International Brotherhood of Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America and Associated General Contractors of California, Inc.; Building Industry Associ- ation of California, Inc.; Engineering Contrac- tors Association, Inc.; Southern California Con- tractors Association and California Dump Truck Owners Association and Associated Inde- pendent Owner-Operators, Inc. Building Material and Dump Truck Drivers, Local 420, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America and Associated Independent Owner- Operators, Inc. and Irvine-Santa Fe Company, Party to the Contract Building Material and Dump Truck Drivers, Local 420, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (Irvine-Santa Fe Company) and Asso- ciated Independent Owner-Operators, Inc. Cases 21-CE-196, 21-CE-199, 21--CE-200, and 21-CC-2004 March 31, 1980 DECISION AND ORDER By Chairman Fanning and Members Penello and Truesdale Upon appropriate charges,' the General. Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, by the Re- The original charge in Case 21-CE-196 was filed on December 19, 1977, by California Dump Truck Owners Association (rierein called CDTOA) against Joint Council of Teamsters No. 42, and its affiliated Local Unions, Sales Drivers & Dairy Employees, Local 166; General Truck Drivers, Local 235; General Truck Drivers, Chauffeurs & Helpers, Local 692; Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers, Local 186; Building Mate- rial and Dump Truck Drivers, Local 420; General Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers, Local 982; Truckdrivers, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local 898; Teamsters & Warehousemen, Local 381; all affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehou- semen and Helpers of America; Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local 87, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf- feurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (herein collectively called Respondent Unions); and against Respondent Associated General Con- tractors of California, Inc.; Building Industry Association of California, Inc.; Engineering Contractors Association, Inc.; and Southern California Contractors Association (herein collectively called Respondent Associ- ation). CDTOA filed a first amended charge in Case 21-CE-196 on De- cember 23, 1977. The charge in Case 21 CE-199 was filed on January 3, 1978, by Associated Independent Owner-Operators, Inc. herein called 248 NLRB No. 82 gional Director for Region 21, issued an order con- solidating cases, a consolidated complaint, and a notice of hearing on January 23, 1979. Copies of the charges, complaint, and notice of hearing were duly served on Respondents. The complaint alleged that Respondent Unions and Respondent Associations had violated Section 8(e) of the Act by entering into agreements where- by the employer-members of Respondent Associ- ations have ceased or refrained, or agreed to cease or refrain, from doing business with other persons. The complaint alleged further that Respondent Local 420 had violated Section 8(b)(4)(ii)(A) of the Act. Respondents filed answers to the complaint and thereby denied the commission of any unfair labor practices. On June 23, 1979, the parties in the consolidated cases executed a stipulation of facts and a motion to transfer proceedings to the Board in which the parties waived a hearing before an administrative law judge and agreed to submit the cases directly to the Board for findings of fact, conclusions of law, and a Decision and Order, based on a record consisting of the stipulation of facts and extensive exhibits attached thereto. On September 13, 1979, the Board approved the stipulation of the parties and transferred the proceedings to the Board. Thereafter, the General Counsel, CDTOA, Re- spondent Unions, Respondent Associations, and Respondent General Truck Drivers, Local 235, filed briefs with the Board. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the entire record stip- ulated by the parties2 and the briefs filed by the parties, and hereby makes the following findings and conclusions: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYERS Respondent Association, comprised of various employers in the building and construction industry in southern California, engage in collective bargain- ing for and negotiate collective-bargaining agree- ments on behalf of their respective employer-mem- AIOO) against the Respondent Unions and the Respondent Associations. The charges in Cases 21-CE-200 and 21-CC-2004, involving the em- ployer Irvine-Santa Fe Company (herein called Irvine), were filed on January 5, 1978, by AIOO against one of the Respondent Unions, Build- ing Material and Dump Truck Drivers, Local 420 (herein called Respon- dent Local 420). 2 On January 26, 1979, the United States District Court for the Central District of California issued an injunction against Respondents pursuant to a petition filed by the General Counsel under Sec. 10() of the Act. Copies of the pleadings, order, and all relevant documents filed by the parties have been attached as an exhibit to the stipulation of facts. JOINT COUNCIL OF TEAMSTERS NO. 42 809 bers with various labor organizations, including Respondent Unions. In the course and conduct of business operations, Respondent Associations, in the aggregate, annually purchase and receive goods, materials, and supplies valued in excess of $50,000 directly from suppliers outside the State of California. Irvine is a general contractor in the building and construction industry in southern California. At all times material herein, Irvine has been engaged in a construction project in the city of Alhambra, Cali- fornia (herein called the Alhambra project), where it has subcontracted certain work to various sub- contractors, including Pacific Railroad Construc- tors. In connection with its work as a subcontrac- tor of Irvine on the Alhambra project, Pacific Rail- road Constructors has purchased and received ma- terials and supplies valued in excess of $50,000 di- rectly from suppliers located outside the State of California. The parties stipulated, and we find, that the em- ployer-members of the Respondent Associations, including Irvine, are employers engaged in com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED The parties stipulated, and we find, that each of Respondent Unions is, and at all times material herein has been, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act.3 11. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICIES A. The Issues 1. Do certain sections pertaining to owner-opera- tors in article XIII of Respondents' current collec- tive-bargaining agreement violate the general pro- hibition in Section 8(e) of the Act? (a) Are the owner-operators of for-hire dump trucks independent contractors or employees within the meaning of the Act? (b) If the owner-operators are independent con- tractors, are the sections of article XIII which apply to them secondary in nature? 2. Is article XIII limited to construction jobsite work in a way which would entitle it, even if sec- ondary, to protection under the first proviso to Section 8(e) of the Act? 3. Has Respondent Local 420 violated Section 8(b)(4)(ii)(A) of the Act by engaging in threatening or coercive conduct with an object of forcing self- employed persons to join a labor organization? 3 The stipulation of facts indicated that Respondent General Truck Drivers, Local 235, is now merged with and subsumed by Sales Drivers, Food Processors, Warehousemen & Helpers ocal 952 B. The Stipulated Facts On or about July 1, 1977, Respondent Associ- ations, on behalf of their employer-members, in- cluding Irvine, entered into a Master Labor Agree- ment (herein called the MLA) with Respondent Unions. The MLA is effective from July 1, 1977, until June 15, 1980, and covers all of the southern California area except San Diego County. The following sections of MLA article XIII, en- titled "Owner-Operators," are at issue in this pro- ceeding: 1302. The Owner-Operator shall be carried on the payroll of the Contractor as an employ- ee and as such, all the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement and any amendment or amendments thereto, shall be applicable to him except as provided elsewhere in this Article and except that in the event that it is deter- mined that the services of an Owner-Operator were terminated without just cause, any pay- ment for time lost shall be limited to the wage and fringe benefit payments provided in this Agreement, and shall not in any event include any payment with respect to the equipment or the loss of use thereof; and except, further, that Owner-Operator shall not be subject to the provisions of Paragraph 201, sub-para- graph 201.1 through 201.7.1 inclusive. 1303. Hiring: The Contractor or subcontractor shall make every reasonable effort to refer to the Local Union with area jurisdiction over the work all Owner-Operators or drivers of equipment for clearance before work begins; and, in any event, the Union shall be notified of the name and Social Security number of the Owner-Op- erator within forty-eight (48) hours after the Owner-Operator begins work on that job. 1306. Union Membership. (a) All employees who are presently mem- bers of a Local Union hereunder shall, as a condition of continued employment, maintain such membership in good standing. (b) As a condition of continued employ- ment, all employees covered by this Agree- ment shall on the 8th day after commencing employment under this Agreement, or the date of this Agreement, which ever is later, become and remain members of the Local Union in good standing. 1307. Terminations. The Contractor or subcontractor will termi- nate the employment of any employee covered 810 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD by this Agreement after notice by the Union, or the Local Union with jurisdiction in the event such employees shall fail to comply with Section 1306 of this Article; provided that membership in the Union, or the Local Union with jurisdiction was available to such employ- ee on the same terms and conditions generally applicable to other members, and the member- ship was not denied or terminated for reasons other than the failure of the employee to render the periodic dues, and the initiation fees uniformly required as a condition of acquiring and retaining membership. Such employee shall not be re-employed by the Contractor or subcontractor until the employee has paid or tendered to the Local Union with jurisdiction, any such initiation fee, re-initiation fee or dues accrued to date of termination. 1312. The provisions of this Article have been negotiated and agreed upon by and be- tween the parties for the objects and purposes expressed in Paragraph 1313 of the Article. The parties have not undertaken to negotiate for the employees any profit whatsoever for the leasing and rental of the equipment they drive. On the contrary, compensation for the equipment shall be set by Agreement: between the Contractor and the Owner-Operator at a level which will not circumvent or defeat the payment of wages, fringes and conditions of any employee covered by this Master Labor Agreement and which will assure compensa- tion to the Owner-Operator of not less than the actual cost of operation of such equipment. 1313. It is further mutually understood and agreed that the intent of this Article is to assure the payment of wages, fringes, and con- ditions as provided in the Master Agreement and to prohibit the making and carrying out of any plan, scheme or device to circumvent or defeat the payment of wages, fringes and con- ditions as provided in this Master Agreement. Any such agreement, contract or arrangement presently in existence shall be abrogated upon the execution of this Agreement. 1314. It is further agreed that the Contractor will not devise or put into operation any scheme, whether herein enumerated or not to defect the terms of this Article of this Master Agreement, nor shall any Owner-Operator's arrangement with a Contractor be terminated for the purpose of depriving any other em- ployee of employment. In the event that the Contractor has available equipment, the Owner-Operator may be assigned to operate such equipment on the job during the period of the repair of the Owner-Operator's equip- ment and not to exceed that work shift and so long as no employee is laid off of provide work for such equipment. 1317. It is understood by the parties that this Agreement provides for an Employer-Employ- ee relationship between the Contractor or sub- contractor and each Owner-Operator of equip- ment used hereunder. 1318. It is recognized that many Owner-Op- erators have executed "short-form" agree- ments with the Teamsters Union which incor- porate by reference provisions of this Master Labor Agreement. The provisions of such "short-form" agreement shall be applicable to said Owner-Operators only in their capacity as employers, i.e., when such Owner-Operators are employing one or more employees. When Owner-Operators are working on a job cov- ered by this Master Labor Agreement their employment shall be covered by the Owner- Operator clause of this Agreement. 1319. If a Contractor through the grievance procedure is found violating any portion of this Article, the Joint Adjustment Board or the Impartial Chairman, as described in Article V, shall require the Contractor to immediately pay compensatory damages for each Owner- Operator with respect to whom the Contrac- tor is in violation in an amount equal to the sum of Health and Welfare and Pension contri- butions, under the terms of this Agreement, for eight hours for each day or portion thereof the violation occurred such damages to be made payable to the Construction Teamsters Security Fund by check promptly mailed to the respective Local Union. The Joint Adjust- ment Board or Impartial Chairman may also grant such further relief as may be deemed ap- propriate. 1321. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this Article XIII shall be applicable only to Owner-Operators perform- ing (or who, upon their employment, will be performing) work to be done at the site of construction, alteration, painting or repair of a building, structure, or other construction work. JOINT COUNCIL OF TEAMSTERS NO. 42 811 1321.1 The term "work to be done at the site of the construction, alteration, painting or repair of a building, structure, or other con- struction work" as used in the Paragraph 1321 shall include all driving to, from and in con- nection with hauling materials to or from any source or disposal site on the one hand, and a geographical site of construction, on the other hand, in accordance with the following: 1321.1.2 Hauling of materials between a pri- mary location and a secondary location not ex- cluded by Paragraph 1321.1.1 above4 that is located five (5) or less miles by the closest fea- sible means of access from the nearest bound- ary of the primary location shall be work to be done at the site, effective August 1, 1977. 1321.1.1 Delivery of materials to or from commercial suppliers or public dumps off the primary location shall always be exempt from the provisions of Article XIII. Any other gen- eral exclusions from the construction industry proviso, previously defined by the NLRB or the courts, shall continue to be applicable in interpreting Article XIII. 1321.1.3 Hauling of material between a pri- mary location and a secondary location locat- ed in excess of five (5) miles by the closest fea- sible means of access from the nearest bound- ary of the primary location shall not be work to be done at the site, effective August 1, 1977. 1321.2 Effective January 1, 1978, the mile- age outlined in Paragraphs 1321.1.2 and 1321.1.3 will be increased to six (6). Effective July 1, 1978, the mileage outlined in para- graphs 1321.1.2 and 1321.1.3 will be increased to seven (7). Effective January 1, 1979, the mileage outlined in paragraphs 1321.1.2 and 1321.1.3 will be increased to eight (8). Effec- tive July 1, 1979, the mileage outlined in para- graphs 1321.1.2 and 1321.1.3 will be increased to nine (9). Effective January 1, 1980, the mile- age outlined in paragraphs 1321.1.2 and 1321.1.3 will be increased to ten (10). 1321.5 It is expressly understood that if a haul is covered by the terms of this Section, all time spent on any public road shall be cov- ered as well as all other time spent in connec- tion with such haul. ' For unknown reasons, the complaint, stipulation of facts, and briefs fail to set forth the terms of MLA paragraph 1321.1.1, which states: 1321.6 The Owner-Operator shall become a bona-fide employee as defined in Paragraphs 1301 and 1302 upon reporting for work on the first day on that job, such employee status to be effective from the first hour of work per- formed. The parties agree that the foregoing provisions of the MLA apply to the owner-operators of dump truck equipment who perform certain hauling ser- vices within the geographic area covered by the MLA for the construction contractors who are em- ployer-members of Respondent Associations. 5 Al- though contractors have in some instances used their own driver-employees in company-owned trucks to haul material to and from construction sites, they usually must engage dump truck owner- operators to perform such work. On occasion, a contractor may deal directly with and be billed di- rectly by an owner-operator for a particular job, but the prevalent practice for the procurement of an owner-operator's services involves a tripartite relationship among the contractor, owner-operator, and a trucking broker known as an overlying carri- er. Under a typical arrangement, a contractor con- tracts with an overlying carrier for the provision of needed transportation services. The overlying car- rier then performs such services either by using his own equipment, vehicles, and employee-drivers, or by using owner-operators with whom the overly- ing carrier has executed subhaul agreements. An overlying carrier commonly has subhaul agreements with numerous owner-operators. In turn, an individual owner-operator usually has sub- haul agreements with several overlying carriers. A construction contractor, however, ordinarily has no direct agreement with an owner-operator and no control over an overlying carrier's selection of the owner-operator who will work for the contrac- tor. Although bound by subhaul agreement, an owner-operator is free to refuse an overlying carri- er's job referral, to leave a job prior to its comple- tion, or to substitute another owner-operator in his stead. Pursuant to one or more subhaul agreements, an owner-operator may work on several different jobsites for several different contractors within a week or even a single day. Whenever an owner-operator's vehicle travels in excess of 50 feet along a public highway, the ac- 8 These and similarly occupied owner-operators elsewhere in Califor- nia have been the subject of considerable litigation, hereinafter discussed, before the Board and the courts of appeals. In reference to prior litiga- tion, the parties herein agree that the evidence adduced at a Board repre- sentation case hearing in Case 21-RD-1008 remains unchanged and appli- cable to the determination of the owner-operators' present employment status. The evidence in this proceeding accordingly includes both an ex- tensive statement of stipulated facts and the record from Case 21-RD- 1008, which is attached as an exhibit to the stipulation. 812 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tivities of the owner-operator and overlying carrier are regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC), which establishes minimum tariffs designed to reflect the costs of both labor and equipment use for any job. The requirements of a particular job, however, may result in trilateral negotiations for the payment of a rate higher than the PUC minimum. When an overlying carrier refers an owner-operator to a contractor for a job, the overlying carrier bills and collects sums due from the contractors, deducts 5 percent as a bro- kerage fee, and transmits the remainder to the owner-operator. Whether the mode of payment is direct from contractor to owner-operator or through an overlying carrier, an owner-operator keeps his own record for billing purposes of time spent on the job and submits a freight bill based on that record to the appropriate parties. (Some con- tractors use an employee designated as a "load checker" to maintain a separate record of an owner-operator's hours for purposes of verifying the freight bill's accuracy.) An owner-operator is generally paid in gross, with no deductions for taxes or benefit payments, and only for hours when his equipment is in actual use. In contrast, employ- ee-drivers of a contractor receive hourly based net wages for the duration of a fixed workday, even if their company-owned vehicles are not operating at all times. The dump truck equipment used by an owner- operator in the performance of services for con- struction contractors varies, but may include a tractor, a semitrailer unit, a truck and transfer trail- er, a tractor with a bottom dump trailer, a semibot- tom dump trailer, or a truck and pup trailer, or ser- vice equipment may be purchased or leased. An owner-operator is responsible for all costs of owning, operating, maintaining, or repairing any equipment used. These costs include the basic ex- pense of financing equipment purchases or leases and the additional expenses entailed by, inter alia, PUC permit, bonding, and liability insurance re- quirements, California licensing fees, Federal and state income taxes, Federal highway use taxes, and any traffic violations. A contractor may use the services of a dump truck owner-operator for a variety of construction projects, including the construction of highways, residential or commercial structures, underground passageways, and overhead bridges. Whatever the project, owner-operators participate in the loading, hauling, and unloading of materials between two sites. In some instances, an owner-operator's activi- ties take place entirely within the physical confines of the construction project, herein called the geo- graphical site of construction. 6 In other instances, an owner-operator must haul materials along a pri- vate or public right-of-way between the geographi- cal site of construction and a remote location.7 If the latter type of haul originates at the site of con- struction, it typically involves hauling excess exca- vated materials or refuse to a remote dumping lo- cation which may be either a public dump or a site opened by the contractor specifically for the con- struction project, or hauling broken asphalt to a crushing facility where the material's components are separated for reuse. If the haul terminates at the geographical site of construction, it typically in- volves hauling material from a remote "borrow pit" opened by the contractor specifically to obtain materials needed for a construction project, or hauling materials from a remote commercial source of supply such as a rock crushing plant, asphalt supplier, sand pit, or dirt pit. In addition to the foregoing, an owner-operator may haul material such as dirt from the contractor's geographical site of construction to another geographical site of other construction, which may or may not involve the same contractor. s Whether at the geographical site of construction or at a remote "borrow pit" established by a con- tractor, an employee of the contractor, usually a member of the Operating Engineers Union, oper- ates a skip-loader or other equipment to load mate- rial into an owner-operator's dump truck. At a remote commercial source of supply, the commer- cial vendor's employee, who may or may not be a member of any labor organization, loads the owner-operator's truck by methods which vary ac- cording to the material involved. The method of unloading materials at any site also varies, depend- ing upon the type of dump truck, the type of mate- rial hauled, and-at a geographical site of construc- tion-the nature of the construction project. An owner-operator knows from experience to dump a load as closely as possible to where a bulldozer op- erator or grader operator, usually members of Op- erating Engineers, is working. During loading or unloading procedures, the owner-operator ordinari- ly remains in his vehicle and does not converse with any employee on the site. The owner-operator I The stipulation of facts defines the geographical site of construction as "including contiguous lands temporarily used during the construction, upon which the final highway, road, structure, building, conduit, canal, channel, bridge or other things will be located after that construction ac- tivity is complete." 7 As used ill the stipulation of facts, the term "remote" applies to a location which is physically separated from the geographical site of con- struction by more than the width of a public road. I Employee-drivers of a contractor also perform all of the types of hauls described. The record indicates, however, that although employee- drivers of contractors i Respondent Association operate loading equip- ment, pickup trucks, water trucks, and flatbed trucks, they do not usually drive the kind of dump truck equipment used by owner-operators JOINT COUNCIL OF TEAMSTERS NO. 42 813 is solely responsible for the operation of his truck, but he may receive general instruction from a con- struction project superintendent or directional sig- nals from a contractor's employee-flagman, who is usually a member of the Laborers Union. At any geographical site of construction or remote location, actual loading times vary in aver- age from I to 7 minutes and actual unloading times average 3 minutes or less. The total amount of time spent at any location by the owner-operator may vary depending upon, inter alia, waiting time. A contractor utilizing an owner-operator's services is cost-motivated to insure that the owner-operator spends an absolute minimum of time per haul. In this regard, a contractor normally tries to locate a remote source of supply or dumping site as close as possible to the geographical site of construction. A contractor may also designate the route to be trav- eled to and from the geographical site of construc- tion, although owner-operators are often free to choose their own route. The owner-operator ordi- narily drives at approximately 30 miles per hour on public roads, more slowly on undedicated roads, so that travel time between a geographical site of con- struction and a remote site 5 miles away would average 25 minutes. In reference to the relationship between the aforementioned provisions of MLA article XIII and the aforementioned activities of California dump truck owner-operators, the parties have placed into evidence and stipulated the credibility of sworn affidavits given by Gary Hope, a project superintendent for MLA signatory construction contractor Irvine, and lendelle Kinder, a dump truck owner-operator. Hope states that during the first week of December 1977, he had a conversa- tion with Charles Tanberg, business agent for Re- spondent Local 420, at Irvine's Alhambra, Califor- nia, construction site. Tanberg told Hope in this conversation that the MLA required all truck- drivers on Irvine's job, including owner-operators, to join the Teamsters. Thereafter, on December 22, 1977, Hope stated that he observed Tanberg stop- ping trucks in the loading area at the Alhambra jobsite and talking to the drivers. Later in the morning, Hope learned that one of Irvine's fore- men had permanently "signed out" some truck- drivers because they were not members of the Teamsters. After futile attempts to secure more trucks, Hope called an overlying carrier and "told him not to send any more truckers unless they were members of the Teamsters." Kinder's affidavit corroborates Hope's statement. According to Kinder, he was working as an owner-operator driver at Irvine's Alhambra jobsite on December 22, 1977, when Tanberg asked to see his Teamsters card. During the ensuing conversa- tion, Tanberg indicated to Kinder that he would not be continuing his work for Irvine because he was not a union member. At the end of the day, Kinder was told by Irvine's foreman not to return on the following morning, in spite of the availabil- ity of additional work, because of the "union prob- lem." C. Contentions of the Parties The General Counsel, CDTOA, and Respondent Associations all contend that the provisions of MLA article XIII set forth in full above are pro- scribed by Section 8(e) of the Act. Specifically, these parties argue that article XIII applies to owner-operators who are independent contractors, is secondary in nature, and is not privileged by the construction industry proviso to Section 8(e) be- cause it is not limited to construction jobsite work. The General Counsel further contends that Re- spondent Local 420 has threatened, coerced, and restrained owner-operators who are independent contractors of Irvine with an object of forcing or requiring them to join a union, in violation of Sec- tion 8(b)(4)(ii)(A) of the Act. With respect to both the alleged 8(e) and 8(b)(4)(ii)(A) violations, Respondent Unions con- tend that the dump truck owner-operators at issue are employees rather than independent contractors. Respondent Unions therefore contend that article XIII and the alleged conduct of Respondent Local 420 must be considered primary and lawful in nature when applied to owner-operators qua em- ployees of the employer-members of Respondent Associations. Even if the Board finds the owner- operators to be independent contractors, Respon- dent Unions assert that article XIII is properly limited to jobsite work and entitled to the protec- tion of the construction industry proviso. D. Discussion and Conclusions 1. The alleged 8(e) violation Section 8(e) of the Act forbids entry into a col- lective-bargaining agreement whereby an employer agrees to refrain dealing in the product of another employer or to cease doing business with any other person. 9 It is well established, however, that con- The actual text of Sec. 8(e) provides in relevant part: It shall he an unfair labor practice for any labor organization and any employer to enter into any contract or agreement, express or im- plied, whereby such employer ceases or refrains or agrees to cease or refrain from handling, using, selling, transporting or otherwise dealing in any of the products of any other employer, or to cease doing business with any other person, and any contract or agreement entered into heretofore or hereafter containing such an agreement shall hbe to such extent unenforceable and void: Provided, That noth- ('ontinued 814 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tract clauses which may technically fall within the literal proscription of Section 8(e) are not unlawful if the clauses are found to have the primary objec- tive of preserving or protecting work performed by the contracting employer's employees. 10 Fur- thermore, even clauses which are secondary in nature and within the general proscription of Sec- tion 8(e) may be lawful and protected if they satis- fy the requirements for exemption under the con- struction industry proviso to Section 8(e). The complaint alleges that the several cited para- graphs of article XIII in Respondent's MILA vio- late Section 8(e) because they require signatory em- ployers to cease doing busines with dump truck owner-operators who are independent contractors on any terms other than those applicable to unit employee-drivers under the MLA. In determining the merits of the complaint, we are faced with the threshold question whether the owner-operators actually are independent contractors, rather than employees, when working for the employer-mem- bers of Respondent Association. 1 If the owner-op- erators are employees within the meaning of the Act, then article XIII is primary in scope and the complaint must be dismissed. As indicated in the previous section of this Deci- sion, the Board is no stranger to proceedings in- volving the employment status of these owner-op- erators. In 1971, petitions were filed in Cases 21- RD-1008 and 20-RD-721 to decertify the Team- sters Unions as representatives of the dump truck owner-operators within the Unions' respective southern and northern California jurisdictions. After separate hearings, the Board consolidated the two representation cases for issuance of a Decision and Order finding the owner-operators to be em- ployees. 12 Subsequent to hearings on additional matters, the Board issued a Supplemental Decision and Direction of Election in each of the represen- tation proceedings.' 3 Before the directed elections could be conducted, the Teamsters and various em- ployer associations in the California construction industry executed new collective-bargaining agree- ing in this subsection (e) shall apply to an agreement between a labor organization and an employer in the construction industry relating to the contracting or subcontracting of work to be done at the site of the construction, alteration, painting, or repair of a building, struc- ture, or other work 'o National Woodwork Manufacturers Association v. N.L.R.B., 386 U.S. 612 (1967). " Under Sec. 2(3) of the Act, the term "employee" does not include "any individual having the status of an independent contractor." General agency principles, paramount among which is the "right-t:o-control" test, apply to the determination of whether an individual is an employee or independent contractor. N.L.R.B. v United Insurance Company, 390 U.S. 254 (1968). 12 Contractor Members of the Associated General Contrctors of Califor- nia, Inc., 201 NLRB 311 (1973). is Contractor Members of the Associated General Contractors of Califor- nia, Inc., 209 NLRB 363 (1974); 209 NLRB 366 (1974). ments for both southern and northern California. As a result, parallel unfair labor practice charges were filed with the Board alleging violations of Section 8(a)(2) and (1) of the Act and "blocking" further processing of the representation cases. The Board thereafter issued a Decision and Order adopting an administrative law judge's findings that the alleged unfair labor practices had been commit- ted.' 4 Upon a petition for enforcement and a cross-peti- tion for review, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied enforcement of the Board's Order because it found, contrary to the Board, that the owner-operators were independent contractors who were not properly part of any em- ployee unit.15 Upon remand of the unfair labor practice case from the court, the Board consolidat- ed it with the representation cases still pending and issued a Supplemental Decision and Order finding "pursuant to law of the case" that the dump truck owner-operators were independent contractors, not employees.' Prior inconsistent Decisions were va- cated and all proceedings were dismissed. Notwithstanding the foregoing history of litiga- tion, Respondent Unions seek de novo consideration of the dump truck owner-operators' status in the present case and urge the Board to find these indi- viduals to be employees. We do not regard such a course of action as appropriate. In the prior repre- sentation case and unfair labor practice case litiga- tion, the same parties as are involved herein, or their privies, were present and fully litigated the identical issue of employment status considered herein. Moreover, there has been no significant change in the nature of the owner-operators' work since that litigation terminated. Accordingly, under established principles of res judicata and collateral estoppel, the final and conclusive finding in the prior cases that the dump truck owner-operators are independent contractors is controlling in this proceeding. 7 The owner-operator provisions of MLA article XIII, paragraphs 1302, 1303, 1306, 1307, 1312-19, and 1321.6, require all employer-members of Re- spondent Associations to cease doing business with dump truck owner-operators who do not become union members and employee-drivers subject to all 14 Associated General Contractors of California Inc.. et al., 220 NLRB 540 (1975). '5 Associated General Contractors of California, Inc. v. N.L.R.B. 564 F.2d 271 (1978). '6 Associated General Contractors of California. Inc., et al., 239 NLRB No. 100 (1978). 7 See, e.g., Granero-Datsun A Graneto Company, 220 NLRB 399 (1975); International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, et al. (California Cartage Company, Inc.), 215 NLRB 541, 542 (1974); Local Union No. 3, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO (New York Telephone Company), 197 NLRB 866, 867-868 (1972). JOINT COUNCIL OF TEAMSTERS NO. 42 815 terms of the MLA. Such provisions, applied to in- dividuals whom we have found to be independent contractors, are secondary on their face.18 They are designed to serve the general institutional inter- ests of Respondent Unions in organization rather than any specific legitimate interests of bargaining unit employees in unit work preservation. '9 The critical inquiry with respect to the applica- bility of the construction industry proviso to article XIII concerns whether that article covers only "work to be done at the site of the construction, alteration, painting, or repair of a building, struc- ture, or other work." All parties agree that article XIII, on its face and in practice, applies to trans- portation work performed by dump truck owner- operators off the geographical site of construction. The General Counsel and CDTOA contend that such coverage per se exceeds the jobsite limitation, as it has been defined in legislative history and Board precedent. Respondent Unions argue, how- ever, that offsite work should be considered jobsite work within the meaning of the proviso if it in- volves only the transportation of materials between a contractor's geographical site of construction and a remote dumping or supply site established up to 10 miles away by the contractor for exclusive use in connection with work at the geographical site of construction. They further contend that article XIII applies only to the owner-operators' jobsite work, as so defined.2 0 The legislative history of Section 8(e) and its construction industry proviso is sparse in references to the precise definition of jobsite work intended by Congress. In this regard, the House Conference report stated only that: I 8 Local 814. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Chauffeurs Ware- housemen and Helpers of America (Santini Brothers Inc), 208 NLRB 184, 198-200 (1974); Newspaper & Periodical Drivers' & Helpers Local 921, In- ternational Brotherhood of Teamsters Chauffeurs Warehousemen & Helpers of America (San Francisco Newspaper Printing Co.. Inc.), 204 NLRB 440 (1973); Highway Truck Drivers and Helpers Local 107. International Broth- erhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers of America et al. (S d E McCormick Inc.), 199 NLRB 531 (1972); Milk Wagon Drivers and Creamery Workers Local Union No. 66 of Seattle, Washington and Vi- cinity International Brotherhood of Teamsters Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers of America (Carnation Company), 181 NLRB 882, 886 (1970); General Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers. Local 982 In- ternational Brotherhood of Teamsters; Chauffeurs Warehousemen and Help- ers of America; et al. (J K. Baker Trucking Ca), 181 NLRB 515, 520-521 (1970); and see A. Duie Pyle, Inc. v. N.LR.B., 383 F.2d 772 (3d Cir. 1967). 19 We note that none of Respondents have even argued in their briefs that the owner-operator provisions have a valid work preservation pur- pose if the dump truck owner-operators are in fact independent contrac- tors. 20 Respondent Associations admit that art. XIII is not limited to jobsite work within the meaning of the Act. They urge the Board to articulate a "majority time" jobsite definition which would apply to all transportation work by the owner-operators herein if a majority of each day's working time is spent at the geographical site of construction and/or at a contrac- tor-controlled remote site where the contractor's own employees are also working. It should be particularly noted that the proviso relates only and exclusively to the contracting or subcontracting of work to be done at the site of the construction. The proviso does not exempt from Section 8(e) agreements relating to supplies and materials or other products shipped or otherwise transported to, and deliv- ered, on the site of construction.21 In addition, the legislative history more generally suggests that a primary motivation for the enact- ment of the proviso was the desire to prevent po- tential labor strife between union and nonunion personnel working at the same jobsite. 2 2 Interpreting legislative intent from the foregoing, the Board has consistently adhered to a narrow definition of jobsite work when evaluating contrac- tual provisions on a case-by-case basis. It has found that the proviso clearly does not extend to offsite work merely because such work could be done at the site of construction. 2 3 Furthermore, the Board has refused in several cases to apply the proviso's coverage to various types of transportation work wherein deliveries have been made directly on the geographical site of construction. In particular, the Board has found that none of the following consti- tutes jobsite work: the mixing, delivery, and pour- ing of ready-mix concrete;2 4 the delivery of pre- cast concrete pipe;25 the "bringing of tools, materi- als, and personnel to and from the site of construc- tion;"2 6 and the delivery of sand landfill. 2 7 We must evaluate the work coverage provisions of MLA article XIII, contained in paragraph 1321 and subparagraphs thereto, in light of the foregoing legislative history and percedent. Without the limi- tations on coverage stated in subparagraph 1321.1.1, the remainder of paragraph 1321 would on its face apply the secondary provisions of article XIII to non-jobsite work. Specifically, the owner- operator provisions would without subparagraph 21 H. Conf. Rept 1147, 86th Cong., st sess., p. 39; Leg. Hist 943. See also the legislative history set forth in Ohio Valley Carpenters District Council, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. AFL- CIO (Cardinal Industries Inc.), 136 NLRB 977, 988-989 (1962). 22 See, e.g., the discussion of legislative history in International Union of Operating Engineers Local Union No. 12, AFL-CIO (Robert E. Fulton), 220 NLRB 530, 536 (1975). s2 Ohio Valley Carpenters District Council (Cardinal Industries). supra at 988. 24 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Chauffeurs Warehousemen and Helpers of America. Local 294 (Island Dock Lumber. Inc.), 145 NLRB 484 (1963); Teamsters Local Union No. 559, a/w International Brotherhood of Teamsters Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers of America (Connecti- cut Sand and Stone Corporation), 138 NLRB 532 (1962). 25 Joint Council of Teamsters No. 42, et al. (Inland Concrete Enterprises, Inc.), 225 NLRB 209 (1976). a2 Local Union No. 282, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (D. Fortunato, Inc.), 197 NLRB 673 (1972). a7 Local 294, International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs, Ware- housemen & Helpers of America (Clemence D. Stanton, d/b/a Rexford Sand and Gravel Co.), 195 NLRB 378 (1972). 816 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 1321.1.1 cover the offsite transportation of all mate- rials between a geographical site of construction and any remote location within an area expanding from 5 to 10 miles away from the site during the life of the MLA. Article XIII would then not be entitled to protection under the construction indus- try proviso, because it would clearly apply to the various types of transportation work defined as off- site work by the Board in the cases cited in the preceding paragraph. Subparagraph 1321.1.1, however, states that arti- cle XIII does not apply to the "delivery of materi- als to or from commercial suppliers or public dumps."2 8 As indicated in the preceding section of this Decision, the parties have inexplicably failed in the complaint, stipulation of facts, and briefs to refer to the express terms of subparagraph 1321.1.1. Respondent Unions nevertheless implicitly rely upon the limiting language of this subparagraph by admitting in their brief that neither the delivery of materials from a remote commercial source to the geographical site of construction nor the cartage of materials away from the geographic site to a remote commercial dumping site constitutes jobsite work within the meaning of the Act and the MLA. We agree, and find that subparagraph 1.321.1.1 on its face so limits article XIII as to exclude from its coverage such offsite construction work. 2 9 Notwithstanding the limitation expressed in sub- paragraph 1321.1.1, we find that paragraph 1321 in its entirety clearly extends the coverage of article XIII to nonjobsite work. Paragraph 1321 does not, in fact, conform to the jobsite definition advocated by Respondent Unions, because it does not restrict article XIII to the transportation of materials be- tween a contractor's geographical site of construc- tion and a remote location controlled by the same contractor for use in connection with work at the geographical site of construction. On the contrary, article XIII undisputedly covers dump truck owner-operators who are engaged in the transpor- "2 Subparagraph 1321.11 also states that "(alny other general exclu- sions from the construction industry proviso, previously defined by the NLRB or the courts, shall continue to be applicable in interpreting Arti- cle X1II." We give no weight to this language. An explicit, self-con- tained, and clearly illegal contractual provision, such as the secondary owner-operator provision herein, will not be purged of its illegality by a vague and general "savings clause." See The Essex CoLnty and Vicinity District Council of Carpenters and Millwrights, United Brotherhood of Car- penters and Joiners of America, AFL-CIO (Associated Cor tractors of Essex County, Inc.), 141 NLRB 858, 869 (1963); Perry Coal Company, Midwest- Radiant Corporation, and Peabody Coal Company, 125 NLRB 1256 (1956) 29 Although it is unnecessary to refer to extrinsic evidence for inter- pretation of an unambiguous contractual provision, we note that our view of the restrictive import of subparagraph 1321.1.1 is supported by the af- fidavit of George A. Pappy, submitted by Respondent Unions during the injunction proceeding before the district court. On the other hand, other witness affidavits submitted in that proceeding indicate that Respondent Unions have ignored the subparagraph's limitations in their efforts to en- force art. XIl. tation of materials between different contractors' geographical sites of construction. Such hauls may include the transportation of materials to or from, as well as the loading or dumping of materials on, a jobsite controlled by a nonunion contractor. The Board has twice refused to broaden the jobsite definition under the construction industry proviso to permit application of a contract's secondary pro- visions to work performed for a subcontractor at a remote location established exclusively or partially to service a contractor's geographical site of con- struction.3 0 If remote locations not controlled by the contractor for a geographical site of construc- tion cannot be viewed as extensions of the contrac- tor's jobsite, and we reaffirm that they cannot whether or not they are themselves actual con- struction sites, then the transportation of materials between such sites is no different than the transpor- tation of materials between a geographical site of construction and a remote commercial supply or dumping location. As previously stated, the Board has consistently held that such work is not jobsite work. Even if we were to accept the premise that arti- cle XIII covers only the transportation of materials between sites up to 10 miles apart but controlled by the same contractor, we would find such cover- age to be overly broad. Based on the parties' esti- mates of average times involved, article XIII would apply to an owner-operator who in the course of a 10-mile roundtrip haul spends an aver- age of 10 minutes combined at the geographical site of construction and the remote location and an average of 50 minutes in offsite travel. The primary purpose of the construction industry proviso-to avoid tensions among groups of employees at the same site-has little relevance to persons having such incidental contact with the site. The legisla- tive history of the proviso demonstrates that Con- gress shared this conclusion by expressing its spe- cific intent to exempt from the proviso the total process of transporting materials in spite of the fact that some tasks in that process might take place on a construction jobsite.3 1 Consistent with this intent, the Board has repeatedly held that the proviso does not apply to jobsite deliveries (or, by logical inference, pickups) which are only a small part of basically offsite transportation activity. In the pre- sent case, we perceive no justification for departing from this well-established precedent merely be- 30 Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 12 (Robert E. Fulton), supra,' International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers (Bigge Drayage CompanyL, 197 NLRB 281 (1972). 31 Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers, Local Union No. 631, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America (Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Co., Inc.), 154 NLRB 67, 95 (1965). ----- JOINT COUNCIL OF TEAMSTERS NO. 42 817 cause the transportation activity takes place be- tween and involves brief work on two sites con- trolled by the same construction contractor.32 The secondary owner-operator provisions of article XIII clearly extend to predominately offsite trans- portation work performed by dump truck owner- operators. We find that such work is not jobsite work within the meaning of the construction indus- try proviso.33 For the foregoing reasons, we find that the sec- ondary provisions of article XIII are not entitled to protection under the construction proviso. Accord- ingly, we find that those provisions violate Section 8(e) of the Act. 2. The alleged 8(b)(4)(ii)(A) violation Uncontroverted record evidence conclusively demonstrates that Respondent Local 420, through its business agent, Charles Tanberg, threatened a self-employed dump truck owner-operator, Len- delle Kinder, with loss of a job at the Alhambra, California, jobsite of construction contractor Irvine unless Kinder would become a member of Local 420. The evidence further shows that Respondent Local 420, through Tanberg, coercively insisted that Irvine cease doing business with independent contractors who were not and would not become members of Local 420. Based on such evidence, we find that Respondent Local 420 has threatened, co- erced, and restrained Irvine and the independent contractors of Irvine with an object of forcing or requiring the independent contractors to join a labor organization, in clear violation of Section 8(b)(4)(ii)(A) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondents have engaged in unfair labor practices, we shall order them to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affirmative action to effectuate the purposes of the Act.3 4 32 We reject Respondent Unions' argument that the definition of job- site work in the proviso to Sec. 8(e) should be identical to the definition of jobsite work in the Davis-Bacon Act. That Act, as a remedial statute, is broader in coverage than the 8(e) proviso. International Union of Oper- ating Engineers, Local Union No. 12 (Acco Construction Equipment, Inc.), 204 NLRB 742 (1973); Drivers. Salesmen. Warehousemen. Milk Processors, Cannery. Dairy Employees and Helpers. Local Union No. 695 a/w Interna- tional Brotherhood of Teamsters. Chauffeurs. Warehousemen and Helpers of America v . N.L.R.B., 361 F.2d 547, 553 (D.C. Cir 1966). 33 We leave open the question whether, if ever, the definition of job- site work under the proviso may include the brief and incidental trans- portation of materials between two proximate, but not physically contig- uous geographical, sites of construction, each of which is exclusively controlled by the same contractor. 34 We hereby deny the Charging Party CDTOA's request that we re- quire Respondent Unions to reimburse any owner-operators for payment of initiation fees and dues. deducted contributions to union benefit funds, or income lost by reason of the enforcement of unlawful terms in MLA art. XIII. The Hoard has on one occasion adopted without comment an administrative law judge's recommended Order containing such a remedy Local 814, leamsters (Santini Brothers. Inc.) supra at 201. In the Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in this proceeding, we make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The employer-members of Associated General Contractors of California, Inc., Building Industry Association of California, Inc., Engineering Con- tractors Association, Inc., and Southern California Contractors Association are employers engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The following organizations are labor organi- zations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act: Joint Council of Teamsters No. 42, and its af- filiated Local Unions, Sales Drivers & Dairy Em- ployees, Local 166; General Truck Drivers, Local 235; General Truck Drivers, Chauffeurs & Helpers, Local 692; Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers, Local 186; Building Material and Dump Truck Drivers, Local 420; General Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers, Local 982; Truck- drivers, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local 898; Teamsters & Warehousemen, Local 381; all affili- ated with the International Brotherhood of Team- sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America; and Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehouse- men and Helpers, Local 87, International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. 3. By threatening, coercing, and restraining per- sons engaged in commerce, including Irvine-Santa Fe Company and the independent contractors of Irvine, with an object of forcing or requiring the independent contractors of Irvine to join a labor organization, Building Material and Dump Truck Drivers, Local 420, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, has engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(b)(4)(ii)(A) of the Act. 4. By entering into, maintaining, and giving effect to the aforementioned paragraphs in article XIII of the Master Labor Agreement between Re- spondent Associations and Respondent Unions, Re- spondents have engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(e) of the Act. present case, however, no evidence has been introduced with respect to alleged losses directly attributable to actual coercion by Respondent Unions, nor has the remedial issue been expressly litigated Furthermore, we find a reimbursement order, typically used to "make whole" emplov- ees for violations of the Act, to be generally overly broad and inappropri- ate in the context of 8(e) iolations We note that aggrieved owner-sopera- tors engaged in business as independent contractors may pursue a damage claim under Sec. 303 of the Act. For the foregoing reasons, we find that the reimbursement of owner-operators requested by CDTOA would not effectuate the remedial policies of the Act See Local 60. U.'ntted Brother- hood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. AFIL-C'IO. ct a N L. R. B.. 365 U.S 651 (1961) 818 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 5. The above unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce and the free flow of commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board hereby orders that: A. Respondent Building Material and Dump Truck Drivers, Local 420, International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, its officers, agents, and repre- sentatives, shall: 1. Cease and desist from threatening, coercing, and restraining Irvine-Santa Fe Company or the in- dependent contractor dump truck owner-operators of Irvine with an object of forcing or requiring the owner-operators to join a labor organization. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at its business offices and meeting halls copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix A."3 S Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 21, after being duly signed by Respondent's representative, shall be posted by said Union immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to members are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Union to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (b) Sign and mail to said Regional Director suffi- cient copies of the aforementioned notice for post- ing at the premises of Irvine-Santa Fe Company, if willing. (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 21, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent Local 420 has taken to comply herewith. B. Respondents Joint Council of Teamsters No. 42, and its affiliated Local Unions, Sales Drivers & Dairy Employees, Local 166; General Truck Driv- ers, Local 235; General Truck Drivers, Chauffeurs & Helpers, Lcoal 692; Chauffeurs, Teeamsters and Helpers, Local 186; Building Material and Dump Truck Drivers, Local 420; General Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers, Local 982; Truckdrivers, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local 898; Teamsters & Warehousemen, Local 381; all af- filiated with the International Brotherhood of "a In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursu- ant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Apptals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America; and Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehou- semen and Helpers, Local 87, International Broth- erhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, their officers, agents, and representatives, shall: 1. Cease and desist from entering into, maintain- ing, giving effect to, or enforcing the provisions of article XIII in their 1977-80 Master Labor Agree- ment with Associated General Contractors of Cali- fornia, Inc., Building Industry Association of Cali- fornia, Inc., Engineering Contractors Association, Inc., and Southern California Contractors Associ- ation, to the extent found unlawful herein. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at their business offices and meeting halls copies of the attached notice marked "Appen- dix B."3 6 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 21, after being duly signed by Respondents' representative, shall be posted by said Unions immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by them for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to members are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Unions to insure that said notices are not al- tered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (b) Sign and mail to said Regional Director suffi- cient copies of the aforementioned notice for post- ing at the premises of Associated General Contrac- tors of California, Inc., Building Industry Associ- ation of California, Inc., Engineering Contractors Association, Inc., and Southern California Contrac- tors Association, and their employer-members, if willing. (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 21, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondents have taken to comply herewith. C. Respondents Associated General Contractors of California, Inc., Building Industry Association of California, Inc., Engineering Contractors Associ- ation, Inc., and Southern California Contractors Association, and their employer-members, their of- ficers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from entering into, maintain- ing, giving effect to, or enforcing the provisions of article XIII in their 1977-80 Master Labor Agree- ment with the Respondent Unions, to the extent found unlawful herein. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act: 3" See fn. 35, supra. JOINT COUNCIL OF TEAMSTERS NO. 42 819 (a) Post at their places of business copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix C."3 7 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Di- rector for Region 21, after being duly signed by representatives of the Respondent Associations, shall be posted by the Associations and their em- ployer-members immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by them for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the As- sociation and their employer-members to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or cov- ered by any other material. (b) Notify the Regional Director for Region 21, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent Associations have taken to comply herewith. a See fn. 35, supra. APPENDIX A NOTICE To EMPLOYEES AND MEMBERS POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT threaten, coerce, or restrain Irvine-Santa Fe Company or the independent contractor dump truck owner-operators of Irvine-Santa Fe Company with an object of forcing or requiring the owner-operators to join a labor organization. BUILDING MATERIAL AND DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS, LOCAL 420, INTER- NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAM- STERS, CHAUFFEURS, WAREHOUSE- MEN AND HELPERS OF AMERICA APPENDIX B NOTICE To EMPLOYEES AND MEMBER POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT enter into, maintain, give effect to, or enforce the owner-opertor provi- sions of article XIII in our 1977-80 Master Labor Agreement with Associated General Contractors of California, Inc., Building Indus- try Association of California, Inc., Engineering Contractors Association, Inc., and Southern California Contractors Association, and thier employer-members, to the extent that such provisions violate Section 8(e) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. JOINT COUNCIL OF TEAMSTERS No. 42, AND ITS AFFILIATED LOCAL UNIONS, SALES DRIVERS & DAIRY EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 166; GENERAL TRUCK DRIVERS, LOCAL 235; GEN- ERAL TRUCK DRIVERS, CHAUFFEURS, & HELPERS, LOCAL 692; CHAUF- FEURS, TEAMSTERS AND HELPERS, LOCAL 186; BUILDING MATERIAL AND DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS, LOCAL 420; GENERAL TEAMSTERS, CHAUF- FEURS, WAREHOUSEMEN & HELPERS, LOCAL 982; TRUCKDRIVERS, WARE- HOUSEMEN AND HELPERS, LOCAL 898; TEAMSTERS & WAREHOUSEMEN, LOCAL 381; ALL AFFILIATED WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS, WARE- HOUSEMEN AND HELPERS OF AMER- ICA TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS, WARE- HOUSEMEN AND HELPERS, LOCAL 87, INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS, WARE- HOUSEMEN AND HELPERS OF AMER- ICA APPENDIX C NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT enter into, maintain, give effect to, or enforce the owner-operator provi- sions of article XIII in our 1977-80 Master Labor Agreement with Joint Council of Team- sters No. 42 and its affiliated Local Unions, all affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, and also with Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local 87, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, to the extent that such provisions violate Section 8(e) of the National Labor Re- lations Act, as amended. ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRAC- TORS OF CALIFORNIA, INC. BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA, INC. ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS ASSOCI- ATION, INC. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CONTRAC- TORS ASSOCIATION Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation