John's Valley FoodsDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 11, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 425 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation JOHN'S VALLEY FOODS John's Valley Foods, Employer-Petitioner and Retail Store Employees Union, Local No. 428, AFLCIO. Case 32-RM-28 (formerly 20-RM 2147) August 11, 1978 DECISION ON REVIEW BY MEMBERS JENKINS, MURPHY, \iND TR FI SD\XI The Regional Director for Region 32 issued a De- cision and Direction of Election on March 22. 1978, in the above-entitled proceeding in which he directed an election among a unit of the Employer's full-time and part-time employees at its Portola Valley. Cali- fornia, retail grocery store. In directing the election. the Regional Director concluded that the Union's current picketing of the Employer's store in the con- text of the background evidence manifests a present demand for recognition and therefore raises a ques- tion concerning representation. Thereafter. in accor- dance with Section 102.67 of the National Labor Re- lations Board's Rules and Regulations. Series 8. as amended, the Union filed a timely request for review of the Regional Director's Decision in which it con- tends, inter alia, that it does not seek to represent the Employer's employees and that its picketing is infor- mational and does not evidence a present recogni- tional objective. The Employer filed an opposition to the Union's request for review. By telegraphic order dated April 19, 1978, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board granted the request for review and stayed the election directed herein. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the entire record in this case, including a brief on review filed by the Union with respect to the issues under review. and makes the following findings: The evidence reveals that agents of the Union con- tacted John Meany, the sole proprietor of the Em- ployer, on several occasions in May 1977, prior to the opening of the store, and requested that he enter into a contract with the Union. Each time. Meanv refused the Union's request. When the Employer's store opened for business on June 15. 1977, the Union commenced picketing. The Employer immediately filed an election petition in Case 20-RM 2147. An election was scheduled for July 6. 1977, but several days prior to that date the Union ceased picketing and filed a disclaimer of interest. The Employer's pe- tition was consequently dismissed on July 22. 1977. and the election was canceled. The Regional Direc- tor. in dismissing the petition. noted that he would entertain a motion to reinstate the petition should the Emplo)er he presented xwith a recognitional claim within 6 months of the dismissal. On or about August 8. the Union resumed picket- ing of the Employer's store using placards containing area standards language. Itowever, according to Meany. Louis Menacho, the Union's vice president. told him that the picketing would continue until a contract was consummated.' The picketing contin- ued and on October 21. 1977. the Employer filed a charge alleging that the Union's picketing violated Section 8(bh)(7)(C) of the Act. The Regional Director issued a complaint based on the charge and on De- cember 16. 1977, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California enjoined the Union's picketing. The court's order was subsequent- ly modified on Januarx 6. 1978, to permit protected informational picketing. On January 16. 1978. several days prior to the ter- mination of the 6-month period imposed by the Re- gional Director. the Employer filed a motion to rein- state its election petition. The motion was granted on January 18 and in late January, presumably after the petition was reinstated, the Union once again re- sumed picketing and concurrently distributed leaflets to consumers specifically disclaiming any recogni- tional objective.: The Union's placards and leaflets displayed verbatim language suggested by the district court and contained in its modified order. Since the issuance of the December 16 injunction (and its sub- sequent modification) the l nion's conduct has con- formed with the court's decree and since that date there has been no communication between Employer and the Union concerning the Union's post-injunc- tive picketing)' The Regional Director acknowledges that there is no evidence the Union's conduct subsequent to the injunction has been inconsistent with either the court's order or its leaflet disclaimer, and that all picketing since the issuance of the court's injunction has conformed to the second proviso of Section 8(b)(7)(C). Nonetheless, the Regional Director con- cluded that the Union's earlier object of immediate Ihe t nlion atsserts It, o hIccIle w as neer immediate recognlllon and that its iniitll picketing as Intended to. puhli e te he mplo,ser's allegedlN suhstalndaird ,.ages I)uring this period this matter uas transferred from Region 20. where the petilion as filed, to Region 32 With respect to the unfair labor practice complatin issued hb Ihe Regional I)lrector, It i noted that he suhsequenlls proposed it settlement sshlh was aeprted bh the L nion. hut not the nEm- ploser Ihe maller ass referred to the Office of the (eneral ( ounsel, and we haze been adlsed the General (Counsel has approied the proposed unl- lateral setlemneni arree icnt t that nii appeal hais been filed. and that the l niol is curreentll in (cmpliince With the agrecm ent i lestimni\ reseal, the fiial coninmunilatlon between the I nion and the limplhier I1l;\ hase ,ccurred on O ctober 28, 't77 237 NLRB No. 80 425 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD recognition has not been abandoned. Noting that the Union had ignored an earlier disclaimer, the Re- gional Director attached little weight to the Union's leaflet disclaimer. He further determined that the cessation of picketing for approximately 1 month fol- lowing the December 16 injunction did not eradicate the Union's earlier immediate recognitional objec- tive. We disagree with the conclusions of the Region- al Director. Although there is evidence of alleged unlawful preinjunctive conduct and such evidence undoubted- ly was the basis for both the Regional Director's is- suance of a complaint and the district court injunc- tion, it is equally certain that since the issuance of the injunction the Union's picketing has been lawful and in strict compliance with the court's order and modi- fication. We believe the Regional Director, in arriv- ing at his decision, relied excessively upon the Union's pre-injunctive conduct and failed to accord sufficient weight to the Union's privileged post-in- junctive activity. Classic informational picketing may, of course, be also ultimately recognitional. But such activity, with- out more, does not evince a present demand for rec- ognition and if that is all there is, an employer's elec- tion petition must be dismissed.4 But informational picketing, in conjunction with other evidence of a proscriptive nature, can establish a present recogni- tional objective.5 Such evidence, however, must be 4 Martino (rmnplete Home Furnishings. 145 NlRB 604 (1963). carefully evaluated because if it precedes a disavowal of representational interest, it is accorded less weight than if it accompanies or postdates a disclaimer.6 We believe the Regional Director, although prop- erly taking into consideration the complete history of this proceeding, improperly relied on an unsupported presumption that the recognitional object continued and failed to consider sufficiently the substantial hia- tus which followed the injunctive order, as well as the avowed object of the Union's current picketing, and the absence of contradictory or equivocal conduct evincing a present demand for recognition following the court's order. 7 Accordingly, we find that there is an insufficient basis to conclude that a present recognitional object exists which would warrant the direction of an elec- tion. While we shall continue to evaluate the total conduct of a union in such situations, notwithstand- ing disclaimers of representative interest, we shall also protect the statutory right of labor organizations to engage in lawful picketing. Accordingly, because we find that no question concerning representation currently exists. the Regional Director's decision is vacated and the petition is dismissed. Id: Rag nmoti, I S /hweitzer. In, f a Old .4ngus Restaurant, 165 NLRB 675 11967) Inh lternational BHrlherlid Io Ele truia l(l -rkerv, A I L ( 10 CL(. and irs IbJal I ion l A 5, 8 rSticinlmet Flectrrcal ( ontractors Associinion. Inc.), 234 NiLRB h33 (19781: (;arzett Prinring (norpans, 175 NLRB 1103 (1969). RBuldlinl, and ( -ntiru( ion Irade, ( unciil of Philadelphia and VI."ciniv,. ,4tl. (1 ( 41i/molc ( )nrirultrin ('o A. 222 NLRB 1276. 1280 (1976): United Brotherhoo,d ,,l ( arrpcllrr and Joiners of4 Ameriua. Local No 1245, A FL CIO (,:Ne tf ri'( Propcrrits), 229 Nl RB 236 (1977)1. 426 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation