James H. Boyle & Son, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 25, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 135 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation James H. Boyle & Son, Inc. and Richard Dolan. Case I-CA-13029 July 25. 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING ANL) MtM 1B RS PtNI-l I ( AND TRUIFSDAI I On May 4, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Mi- chael O. Miller issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed ex- ceptions and a supporting brief, and the Respondent filed a brief in support of the Administrative Law Judge's Decision. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings.' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the complaint be. and it hereby is. dis- missed in its entirety. |The General Counsel has excepted to certain credlbilht? findinms made by the Administrative Law Judge It is the Board', established poliks not to overrule an Administrative Law Judges, resolurtons with respect to credi- hilit) unless the clear preponderance of all of Ihe relevant es idence con nen- es us that the resolutions are Incorrect Shtndard Drv S1 all Prodai nt In, 91 NLRB 544 i1950). enfd 188 F.2d 362 (C A 3 1951) We hate csrefull' examined the record and find no basis for reversing hit findings DECISION STATEMENT OF t (HE CASF MICHAEL O. MILLER. Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard on January 25 and 26, 1978. in Boston. Massachusetts, upon a charge filed by Richard Dolan. an individual, on April 25. 1977, and a complaint issued by the Regional Director for Region I of the National Labor Relations Board on June 8, 1977. The complaint, as amended, alleged that James H. Boyle & Son, Inc., herein the Respondent, violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, as amended, herein the Act. by terminating three employees because they were union offi- JAMES H. BOYLE & SON. INC cers and had concertedlN refused to work under conditions other than those specified in the governing collective-bar- gaining agreement and by so informing the employees. Re- spondent's timel\ filed answer denied the commission of any unfair labor practices. All parties were given full opportunity to participate, to introduce relevant evidence. to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to argue orally. General Counsel and Re- spondent filed briefs which have been carefully considered. Upon the entire record, including my careful observa- tion of the witnesses and their demeanor. I make the fol- lowing: FINDINCS OF FA( I I IHE RESPONDEN FS BUSINESS AND YHE IONION'S l ABOR ORGANIZATiON STATrUS CONCIUIISIONS OF l.AW Respondent is a Massachusetts corporation engaged in the building and construction industry. Its principal office and place of business is in Everett., Massachusetts. The complaint alleged facts establishing. Respondent admitted, and I find and conclude that Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce and in an industry affecting com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6). and (7) of the Act. The complaint alleged, Respondent admitted, and I find and conclude that Wood. Wire and Metal Lathers Union. Local No. 72 (herein the Union) is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II tHe- Al I F1n t NFAIR LABOR PRA(TICFS Respondent was the subcontractor for drywall installa- tion at the South Shore Hospital in Weymouth, Massachu- setts. It had a collective-bargaining relationship with the Union and. pursuant to that relationship. two different contracts. One was a standard written agreement covering those employees engaged in the traditional work of erect- ing iron or metal lathing over which plaster was applied (by members of another craft) to form a wall. Due to tech- nological changes in the industry. the Union had also agreed to separate. less costly terms for those of its mem- bers engaged in the erection of drywall. Like the standard agreement. the special agreement provided for an hourly rate for work performed and made no provision for an incentive or piece rate. Prior to the start of the South Shore Hospital project, one or more meetings were held between Respondent and the Union, represented by Henry Sheerin, its business agent. According to Peter Bifano, the job superintendent and son of Respondent's owner, Sheerin agreed to provide men pursuant to the drywall agreement. When Peter Bifa- no asked him to provide men who would look toward per- forming the job on an incentive basis, Sheerin told him "if we can work out an incentive plan with the men, that it was perfectly all right." Sheerln denied agreeing to the performance of this job on an incentlse basis As Peter Bilfano's testilins does 1nol atirlhute such an agreement to Sheerin. but at hbest lai.ri tentatlxt e .pprox;al sublect to the agleenlellt of the emplosees, which agreerrent .u; neler forthcoming, nl ciedlbilitt, Ii-le requiring resolution exists 237 NLRB No. 20 135 DELCISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The first two employees sent by the Union to the South Shore Hospital, in mid-March 1977 2 were Emanuel Pau- kovitz, who became the foreman, and Kenneth McDo- nough. They worked as a team. A second team, consisting of Paul Flaherty and Richard Dolan. began work on March 30. All four were members of the Union: McDo- nough, Flaherty, and Dolan were also members of its exec- utive hoard. The parties stipulated that Paukovitz, as fore- man, was a statutory supervisor. After the four individuals began working at the site, Re- spondent again raised the question of their performing the work on an incentive basis. In the beginning of April, Peter Kazmier. Respondent's outside superintendent, was in- structed to try to get the employees to agree to an incentive basis. Kazmeir related the request to Paukovitz and asked him to speak to the men and see what they thought of it. He told Paukovitz that the men were each supposed to be averaging 100 feet of partition per day. Paukovitz, in turn, related the request to the employees, who rejected it, and he so reported to Kazmeir. Although Kazmeir testified that he spoke only once to Paukovitz about an incentive system, Paukovitz and Mc- Donough had a number of conversations on the subject. The first was as described above. The second was similar, except that Paukovitz mentioned Peter Bifano's name.3 Fi- nally, according to McDonough, Paukovitz told him that a lot of pressure was being put upon him about piecework on the job, that the job was not going well enough for the Employer and that, for that reason, they wanted it done on a piecework basis. McDonough told Paukovitz that he and his fellow employees were members of the Union's execu- tive board and were not going to work piecework because it was contrary to the Union's constitution and bylaws 4 and their collective-bargaining agreement. This latter con- versation was around April 17, about 3 days before Re- spondent terminated McDonough, Flaherty, and Dolan. On April 20, about 1:30 or 2 p.m., Kazmeir spoke with Thomas Hickey, a lather hired on April 18 at the South Shore Hospital. He told Hickey that they would be better off working piecework. Hickey said that he could not do anything until he spoke with Sheerin and that he could not go against union regulations. Similarly, at another of Respondent's jobsites, the Bow- doin School Annex, Peter Bifano had several times ap- proached the lathers and proposed that they perform their work on some form of an incentive or piecework basis. They never agreed to do so. About 3 p.m. on April 20, a payday, McDonough, Flah- erty, and Dolan were laid off. Kazmeir spoke to each of them individually and gave them their checks. According to both Dolan and Flaherty, Kazmeir only told them that he could see no other reason for their terminations except that the sixth floor, on which they had been working, was not completed in time. He accepted some of the blame for that himself. 2 All dates hereinafter are 1977. Peter Bifano testified that he held a connsersation with Paukovitz. Mc- Donough, and Sheerin, at thejobsite, "herein he suggested that the emplo>- ees perform the job at an agreed rate per floor 4The record does not establish what pro, isions of the IUn ion's cionstilu- tion or bylaws piecework would contravene According to McDonough, however, Kazmeir said that "he couldn't see any other reason for the layoffs, other than we were on the executive board, and we wouldn't work piecework." Kazmeir did not remember his conversa- tion with McDonough exactly but specifically denied tell- ing McDonough that he was being laid off because of his position on the executive board. He further denied saying anything abthout piecework. I credit Kazmeir. 5 In response to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Di- vision of Employment Security "Request for Separation and Wage Information." Respondent stated that the three employees were laid off for lack of work. Peter Bifano credibly explained that it was Respondent's policy to lay men off in such a way as to allow them to collect unem- ployment benefits. Several days after the three men were terminated. Respondent hired approximately four more lathers. union members, through the union hall. Following the terminations of McDonough, Flaherty. and Dolan, Respondent continued to seek the institution of an incentive system on its Bowdoin School Annex proj- ect. Peter Bifano spoke with employees Peter Burvill and Thomas Hickey (who had been transferred to that job). Burvill recalled that he responded to Peter Bifano's request by stating that he had heard that there had been trouble at the other site, to which Bifano replied that the three laid- off employees had not been working properly. Hickey testi- fied that Bifano asked them if they knew why the three men were laid off. When Hickey said that he did not, Bifa- no stated: "Because they belonged to the [executive] board and thes didn't want to work piece work." The testimony of Burvill and Hickey is undenied. However, Burvill, al- though present when Bifano spoke with Hickey, did not corroborate Hickey's testimony. The decision to terminate McDonough, Flaherty, and Dolan was made by Peter and Joe Bifano on the Friday before the layoffs. They denied that the layoffs were occa- sioned by the refusal of the three men to agree to an incen- tive program and attributed their decision to the failure of the men to perform the job adequately in terms of both the quantity and quality of the work performed. Joe Bifano, Respondent's vice president, did the pricing and estimating on the South Shore Hospital project and based Respondent's bid on an expected production of 100 linear feet per man-day. Actual production, however, aver- aged closer to 68 feet per day. Moreover, according to Kaz- meir, the quality of the work performed was inadequate: improper materials were used, studs were installed improp- erly and walls were out of line. Paukovitz and the employees denied that their work was slow or improperly performed. According to Paukovitz, the employees did the best they could. He admitted that there were complaints about the work but attributed the comp- laints to the messv condition of the worksite, the lack of proper materials, such as studs, with which to work, and to lKaznleil. ihose demeanor I found ito be impressise. was no longer em- plohed hs Respondent and had less interest in the outcome of this proceed- ing than McDonough Additionalls. I note that Kazmeir had not directly discussed the incentive question with any of these employees prior to their terlnatinions atld did not refer toi their refusal to work on an incentive basis or itl their executive hboard status when terminating Dolan or Flaherty. I therefore deeni it inmpohbable that he would haue made such a damaging dililssion w hen terminating McDonough. 136 JAMES Ht. BOYL F & SON. IN( the work of other employees. He had been told that Re- spondent expected 100 feet per man-day and estimated that they were producing about 60 feet per da\. Kazmeir spoke to Paukovitz on a daily basis, and regularly told him that the work was not progressing fast enough. Kazmeir reported his difficulties on the job to his superi- ors, Peter and Joe Bifano. He also threatened to quit unless more proficient employees replaced these. In addition to voicing his dissatisfaction to his superior. Kazmeir also spoke with Sheerin. the Union business agent, as did Peter Bifano. Both complained to Sheerin about the quality and quantity of work performed. As a result of their calls. Sheerin went to the jobsite. Sheerin related management's concerns with the pace of production to the employees. but told them not to become too excited because such com- plaints occurred on every job. McDonough. Flaherty. and Dolan were replaced hb other employees referred by the U nion. There is no evi- dence that those replacements were asked to accept ans piecework or incentive pay system. The replacements were quickly terminated, allegedly for the same reason. and were eventually replaced by union carpenters. According to Joseph Girard, a member of the Carpenter's Union hired in June to supervise completion of the work. man, errors were found in the work which had been perfornmed. He had to assign several employees just to the correction of improperly performed work. On a separate floor. doing work essentially identical to that performed b' the alleged discriminatees, a team consisting of a journes man and an apprentice carpenter was able to a erage about 130 feet of partition per man-day. On other floors. the a erage was approximately 100 to 110 feet per das. Girard was hourly paid. He neither worked on an incen- tive basis nor was he asked to do so. Based upon all the foregoing. I conclude that General Counsel has failed to sustain his burden of proving that the terminations of McDonough. FlahertN. and Dolan were discriminatorily motivated. It is clear that from the very start of this project, these employees had failed to fulfill Respondent's expectations in regard to the amount of work they performed. Complaints to this effect, and in regard to the quality of their work, were made to both their immedi- ate supervisor and their union representative, and were passed on to them. Kazmeir, a thoroughly credible witness, testified that he threatened to quit unless they were re- placed. They were replaced only after discussion with the union representative and were replaced by other union members. Moreover, the successful performance of this work by subsequently hired employees indicates that Re- spondent's dissatisfaction with their work was not without some merit. It is equally clear that Respondent sought the institution of some form of incentive and that these employees refused to accede to Respondent's requests. However. I cannot conclude that the employees' refusals motivated their dis- charges. Thus, I note that Respondent retained Paukovitz. whom Kazmeir believed was doing his best, even though Pauko, itz had not indicated an 3 agreement to an incentive program. and hired more employees from the same source without attempting to coerce them into any incentive pro- gram. It did not. so far as this record reveals. repeat its request to Sheerin for men willing to do incenti,,e work. I must further conclude that the Gieneral (Counsel has failed to sustain the burden of proving that Respondent tiolalted Section X8a)( I) of the Act bs statements to em- plo ces attributing the discharges to the Union or protect- ed aLctl\ itles of the dischairged employees. As noted. I have credited Kaimeir's testimonial denial that he made such a statement. I further conclude that Hlickev's testimon,. at- tribuiting to Peter Bifano an admission that the men were terminated because thes were members of the executive hoard and would not do piecework. and Burvill's testi- mon, that Bifano said that the men were discharged for not working properly. fail to sustain that burden. Hickey testified that Bur ill was present when this statement was made. Burvill did not corroborate Hickey. In the absence of such immediately available corroboration. I cannot credit Hlicke\'s testimonv. It is true that Peter Bifano did not specificall\ deny the statement attributed to him: how- ever, he did dens the unlawful motivation generally. In the context of this litigation. that failure to specifically deny Hickee's testimon, would appear to have been a mere oversight. The statement hb Peter Bifano to which Burvill testified. i.e.. that the men were discharged for working improperly. is saguel,, ambiguous at best.' A strained interpretation is required to equate "not working properly" with a refusal to accept an incentive pay plan. particularly where, as here. there had been frequent complaints by management about the quantits and qualit) of the work being performed. In- deed. the more reasonable interpretation of Burvill's testi- monn tends to support Respondent's defense of the 8(a)(3) alleigations. rather than making out an independent viola- tion of the Act. Therefore. I make the following: CON('I I S()S OF I AW Respondent has not violated the Act as alleged in the complaint. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law. and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the follo sing recommended: ORDER' The complaint is dismissed in its entirety. I tie that hiltc (;enler.al ( 'oun,,el specificall) alleged this .itentenl asi indepenrdentll , rlll t of the Act, he did not so allege the Li.tletne ll airih- tied to Blfain hi Ihcke IIn thre etC It i cixccpnonl are filed .is prorided h' Sec 10246 of the Rules nld Reula.ilo . te N Ihe \.iii l I abor Relaioitns Board. Ihe findings, (ioIliutlulln. .nIdl r onllllliended Order herein shhall. as provlded in Sec 11)02 48 of the Rule .inid Rcgulailons. he adopied hb Ihe Board and become its findings. concluiont. and Order. and all oth'ections Ihereto shall he deenied valted for .ll purposes 137 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation