Jaccob E. Decker & SonsDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 5, 1979244 N.L.R.B. 875 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation JACOB E. DFECKLR & SONS Jacob E. Decker & Sons and United Food and Com- mercial Workers International Union, AFL-CIO. IA)cal Union No. 171.' Case 23 CA 5251 September 5. 1979 SUPPLEMENTA. DECISION AND ORDER BY CIHAIRMAN FANNING ANI) MEMBERS JENKINS AND MlRPHIY On June 4, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Mar- ion C. Ladwig issued the attached Supplemental De- cision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and the Gen- eral Counsel filed a brief in support of the Adminis- trative Law Judge's Decision. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings. findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- ders that the Respondent. Jacob E. Decker & Sons. San Antonio. Texas. its officers, agents, successors. and assigns. shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, except that the attached notice is substituted for the notice ordered to be posted in the Board's original Decision and Order (223 NLRB 70). ' The name of the Charging Party. formerly Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America. AFL-CIO. Local Union 171, is amended to reflect the change resulting from the merging of Retail Clerks International Union with Amalgamated Meatcutters and Butcher Workmen of North America on June 7. 1979 APPEN DIX NOTICE To EMPI.OYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF I HE NATIONAL LABOR RELATI()NS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing at which all sides had a chance to give evidence, an Administrative Law Judge of the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has found that we vio- lated the National Labor Relations Act and has or- dered us to post this notice. The Act gives all employees these rights: To engage in self-organization To form, join, or help a union To bargain collectively through a represent- ative of their own choosing To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any or all these things. WE WILL NOT do anything that restrains or coerces employees with respect to these rights. More specifically: WE WII.L NOT discharge. suspend, or otherwise discriminate against employees for joining or supporting United Food and Commercial Work- ers International Union. AFL-CIO. Local Union No. 171. or any other union. WU wItL NOT threaten employees that the, will lose their jobs and benefits if the employees select a union to represent them or otherwise as- sist the Union. WE II.t. NOT tell our employees that we know who is engaging in union activity. WE WI NOT interrogate employees concern- ing their union activities an sympathies and that of their fellow employees. WE WILt. reinstate Alfredo Orosco. WE wl. make whole Alfredo Orosco. John T. Dominguez. Raymond Tarin. and Jesse Garcia. JAC'OB E. D(-KIR & SONS SUPPI.EMENIAI. DECISION SIAtININI O() IHE CASE MARION C. LAI)WI(;. Administrative Law Judge: On March 15 the Board issued its Decision and Order. 223 NLRB 70 1976). in which it directed Respondent Com- pany to offer reinstatement to discriminatorily discharged employees Alfredo Orosco and John Dominguez. to pay them and two discriminatorily suspended employees that earnings they lost by reason of the discrimination, and to take certain other remedial action. On March 13. 1978, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. 569 F.2d 357 (5th Cir. 1978). entorced the Board's entire Order. with the exception of the portion directing the reinstatement of Orosco and Dominguez. and remanded the case for the Board to determine whether reinstatement is an appropriate remedy in view of their postdischarge felony convictions. On July 12. 1978. the Board issued an Order reopening record and remanding proceeding to the Re- gional Director for further hearing "for the purpose of ad- ducing evidence relating to Orosco's and Dominguez' suit- ability for reinstatement as a result of their felony convictions" pursuant to the court's remand. The Regional 244 NLRB No. 140 875 DI)t (ISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARI) l)irector issued a notice of hearing on July 24, 1978. and the supplemental hearing was held in San Antonio, Texas. on December 4, 1978. Upon the entire record, including my observation of the demeanor of' the witnesses, and after due consideration of the brieft filed by the General Counsel, the Company. and the Union. I make the following: FINI)INS AND CONCIUSIONS A. Postdischarge Felony ('onvictions Alfredo Orosco was boner leadman with more than 5 years of service when he was discriminatorily discharged on June 28, 1974, because of his union activity. (As the Board found, 223 NLRB at 74, "Orosco signed a union card on June 20 and was instrumental in getting other employees to sign cards, about 20 of them in the period June 20-28, 1974. the date of his discharge.") On February 26, 1976, he pleaded guilty to the offense of "possession of more than four ounces of marijuana" (a felony in Texas). The "plea of guilty" judgment was signed on March 25, 1976, and Orosco was placed on 5-year probation, which he was still serving at the time of the supplemental hearing. (The of- fense was committed on May 27, 1975-about II months after his illegal discharge. After being summoned by a friend at night to check a stalled truck, and after helping to repair the truck, Orosco assisted in the unloading of eight of nine 100-pound sacks of marjuana, upon the promise of "good" pay Orosco explaining at the hearing that his little girl was sick at the time and "I needed the money real badly." ie was arrested later when he returned for his pay.) John Dominguez, hired on June 11, 1974, at age 20 in the cleanup crew, was still serving his 90-day probationary pe- riod when he was illegally discharged on September 6, 1974. He had not disclosed on his employment application that he was then on judicial probation, having been con- victed as an adult about 2 years earlier for burglary. (As the Board found. 223 NLRB at 75, he was discharged "because his machines had been 'tagged' by the health inspector and his performance 'wasn't worth a damn,' " but his discharge was illegal because his union activity "was in fact the basis at least in part for his discharge.") On May 2. 1975, he pleaded guilty to the Federal felony offense of using the telephone to distribute LSD. (The offense was committed on October 25. 1974, 7 weeks after his discharge). He was sentenced under the Federal Youth Corrections Act and he served over 2 years in a correctional institution until his release in June 1977 on probation, which he was still serv- ing at the time of the supplemental hearing. While on pro- bation he has been permitted to perform oilfield work out- side the county. B. ('ompanvi Policy and Practice At the supplemental hearing the Company took the posi- tion that if there is a guilty plea of a felony (as made by discharged employees Orosco and Dominguez). the person is automatically disqualified to be reinstated, regardless of what the felony involves, because the Company "has fired and refused to hire anyone who has a felony conviction, for any reason." The Company's documentary evidence does appear to indicate that the Company routinely refuses to hire new employees with a felony conviction, despite the notation on the employment application form that "Conviction does not necessarily disqualify you from employment." (The Company introduced into evidence 14 applications, bearing dates from December 16, 1975. through September 12. 1978. indicating that the applicants were ineligible for em- ployment because of felony convictions.) The evidence. however, does not support the Company's contention that it automatically discharges employees for felony convictions. As an example, the Company hired boner Santiago (ion- zales in 1970. About December 1973 he was arrested at the plant and indicted on a charge of assault with intent to commit murder. On August 26, 1974. when he pleaded guilty to the lesser felony offense of "assault with intent to commit murder without malice." the judge sentenced him to 3 years of confinement in the penitentiary. He was taken immediately from the courthouse to jail. Instead of the Company automatically discharging him. Branch Manager Harold McCarty signed his appeal bond, enabling him to be released after 2 weeks. He continued to work for the Company, despite the fact that sentence had been passed. Nearly 14 months later, on Thursday. October 16. 1975, a judge signed an "Order suspending imposition of sentence" and placed him on 5-years probation. It is undisputed that afterwards at work, when McCarty asked him "how did I come out" and he told McCarty that he "had pled guilty and they gave me five years probation." McCarty "just said okay and did not discharge him. He continued to work until the following Saturday when he resigned to go to work in Houston. (There is no evidence that the Company-- which had permitted him to work for over a year after sen- tence was passed-either encouraged or forced the resigna- tion after the sentence was suspended.) It is also undisputed that the Company again employed him in December 1976 when he told McCarty that he needed a temporary job "to get back on my feet to go back to Houston." Despite his earlier felony conviction, McCarty told him to fill out an application and hired him for 2 weeks after he had taken a physical examination. About 2 months later, on February 25, 1977, he returned to San Antonio and asked McCarty for full-time employment. This time McCarty changed his position about hiring Gonzales and wrote a memo which I find was prepared to support the Company's defense in this proceeding-that it should not be required to reinstate ille- gally' discharged Orosco and Dominguez after their felony convictions. (McCarty testified on cross-examination that he began writing more memos of conversations after the litigation of the unfair labor practice charges. and admitted that he "Probably" wrote the memo concerning his conver- sation with Gonzales because it potentially could "come up at a hearing." McCarty did not write memos of the conver- sations when he gave Gonzales further employment 2 months earlier. nor when he permitted Gonzales to submit a new application the following December. as discussed below.) McCarty wrote in the February 1977 memo that "I asked Santiago how he came out on the trouble he was in. He informed me that he was on probation. I then told him that due to company policy, we could not reemploy him 876 JACOB E-. DEC(KER & SONS due to his conviction of a felony ." Then in December 1977 Gonzales again sought permanent employment and asked if McCarty would telephone the probation officer about the suspended sentence (without confinement in the peniten- tiary) not being considered a felony conviction. McCart did telephone the probation officer and sent Gonzales to pick up the officer's letter (which stated that "In accordance with Article 42.12 of the ('ode of Criminal Procedure, im- position of the sentence has been suspended and this is not viewed as a conviction by the State. At such time that the defendant satisfactorily completes his Probation. the case against him shall be dismissed"). Despite the fact that (ion- zales was still on probation at the time. McCarty admiit- tedly called the Company's headquarters in Phoenix and then told Gonzales "Well. it's okay right now." and that he could submit a new application for employment. ater, when Gonzales called in to check on his application. Mc- Carty told him that the Company could not hire him be- cause one of his references was bad. (At the hearing M1c- Cart) also gave other reasons for not rehiring Gonzales. At one place McCarty testified that he had tentatively decided to rehire this good employee if his references checked out. but in the meantime, "Phoenix told us to back off on it," that "They frowned on the man's reemployment due to his past felony conviction." o the contrary, he later testified that "the reason I wouldn't bring him back" was that (;on- zales' coworkers "do not want to work with him an, longer because they are afraid of him." I note that (ionzales had been "no-billed" after killing a man since his earlier conL ic- tion.) This example-where Branch Manager McCart (ia) went on Gonzales' appeal bond and continued to emplo him after sentence was passed on his felony conviction. (h) merely said "okay" and still did not discharge Gonzales about 14 months later when Gonzales reported that he "had pled guilty and they gave me five years probation," (c) later, following his resignation, gave Gonzales 2 weeks' temporary employment despite his earlier felony convic- tion. and (d) received authorization from the Pheonix head- quarters to allow Gonzales to file an application for full- time employment although he still remained on proba- tion --clearly belies McCarty's claim, in one part of his tes- timony, that the company rule relating to the employment of a convicted felon is "when they are convicted of a felony .. and sentence is passed, their services are terminated. It's a company policy." (From his demeanor on the stand, Mc- Carty did not impress me as being a candid witness.) Another example also demonstrates that the Company has not been automatically discharging employees who are convicted of felony offenses, but instead has been leaving their continued employment to the discretion of the Phoe- nix headquarters. Mario Rodriguez was hired in 1971. On November 3, 1973, he was arrested for possessing mari- juana. The following Monday, November 5. he asked Branch Manager McCarty what would happen if he got convicted. McCarty admittedly answered, "Now. Mario, this is a Phoenix decision. If you're convicted on this. I'll do everything I can to help you." His trial was delayed until February 16, 1977 (subsequent to April 7, 1976, when the Company took the position herein that Orosco and l)omin- guez should not be ordered reinstated because of their fel- ony convictions). He pleaded guilt!. and the ('ompan dis- charged him on March 25, 1977, about 3 weeks hcrtc sentence was passed on April 14, 1977. Mc(Carit consid- ered Rodrigues a good emplo,,ee and unsucccssfull, at- tempted to persuade the probation officer to waive hav ing him serve probation. I inter that Mc(Carlt, anted to retain this good employee as he had honer (ionzales, ho was sentenced on a felons cons iction in 1974 belore the Coim- pany took the felony-disqualification position on April 7. 1976 hut that the Phoenix headquarters refused.) I note that at to other places in Branch Manager McCart's testimony he admitted that the contlined em- ploy ment of' convicted felons is left to the discretion of' the Phoenix headquarters. When testit f'tg about the discharge of employee Gilbert ('anales on August 22 1970(). for ialsi- f'ing his employment application (after he admitted during a lie detector test that he was a convicted felon). Mc(Carts testified that "An' time we have anbod, that lcaseCs for a felon! consictioln . .. e have to get it cleared through our labor relations department in Phoenix." I I later added. "that has been our practice all along. AnNtime we dismiss anbod fr a elony. it has to be cleared through 'hoenix.-' (I infer that when (ionales was retained as lin emplo)! e in 1974. after he pleaded guiltn and uvas sentenced and hen he was rehired for 2 eeks in 1976. as l cll s he n hie as first rejected for full-time reemplox mient hut later permitted to file a new application for such reeniploslient in 1977. McCart\ each time "cleared it through Phoenix") I also note that the Compans's current wFork rules gixe SonC Inli- cation of hou the Company will exercise its discretion. The posted rules of conduct, signed hb NlcCart on September 30. 1977. after listing conviction of a felon as one o the mans "major violation- shich " ma'" result in dischll;arge, states: "It should he Linderstood that the discipline deter- mined for the violation of a specific rule at a specific time v ill he determined hx rc ies, of the emplo ee's past record. including past discipline and the emplosee's overall ork record." C. Cont'nionl.s and (C oncluhding Findihin.s -The General Counsel contends that the order reinstatin both Alfredo Orosco and John Dominguez should be atf- firmed. He argues in his brief: "It would he an injustice to add to the punishment already assessed and being paid hb Orosco by holding that Orosco was not suitable for rein- statement because of his one mistake that resulted in no profit to him and no injury to any other persons but him- self. This is particularly true , here Respondent has ad- vanced no evidence in addition to the conviction to) show Orosco was not suitable for reinstatement." Concerning Dominguez. he argues that the United States district court's "rehabilitation efforts have been successful" and "certainl, it was not the C'ourt's intention that further action be taken against Dominguez than it took at the time otf the co1nvic- tion in May 1975. Further. absent of some additional show- ing or evidence that Domincguez warts not a suitable em- plosee for reinstatement. the Board would not intertere 877 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD with the Court's efforts to rehabilitate by invoking addi- tional punishment." The Union contends in its brief that "the Employer's po- sition that it outomaticall disqualifies any person who has been convicted of a felony from possible employment ... is merely an afterthought and is being used as a pretext in its attempt to deny Orosco and Dominguez reinstatement." Despite the evidence to the contrary, the Company con- tends in its brief that its consistent policy has been to "ter- minate employees who have been convicted and sen- tenced." It also contends that the crimes for which Orosco and Dominguez were committed ("possession of more than four ounces of marijuana" and using the telephone to dis- tribute L.SD, respectively,) are regarded with such serious- ness by society that both crimes are felonies; that "Orosco admitted that he knew what he was doing and that he was motivated to commit the crime because of the money which he hoped to make"; that no attempt was made to minimize Dominguez' crime; and that "Dominguez, who was a pro- bationary employee at the time he was discharged, is clearly a recidivist, having previously been convicted of burglarly." The Company also asserts: "The Board has repeatedly re- fused to reinstate and award back pay to unlawfully dis- charged employees who have committed felonies or serious misdemeanors, regardless of whether such crimes were con- nected with their employment." The cases cited are inappli- cable. They include Gifford-Hill & Co.. Inc.. 188 NLRB 337, 338 (1971), where Clark. the discriminatorily dis- charged employee. "has, since the hearing in this case, been convicted of five armed robberies for which he is now serv- ing 15 years in prison," and the Board agreed "that Clark need not be offered reinstatement and that his backpay should end as of the time he became unavailable for em- ployment as a result of his arrest"; MSW Construction, Inc. d/b/a Hale and Sons Construction. 219 NLRB 1073. 1078- 79 (1975), where "at the time of the hearing [the discharged employee] was serving a sentence in the Kern County Jail for misdemeanor burglary": and Keco Industries, Inc., 121 NLRB 1213, 1217-18, 1227 (1958), where two discharged employees "are now under prison sentences for substantial periods of time extending into the future" and "immediate reinstatement of them is not possible." The Company fur- ther contends that "it is certain that Orosco and I)ominguez would have been terminated by the Company after their conviction and sentencing in accordance with the Compa- ny's normal practice." At the time of his discharge, Alfredo Orosco had been employed over 5 years and had been promoted to the re- sponsible position of boner leadman--a fact which indi- cates that he had proven himself to be a good employee. Other than his conviction for possessing more than 4 ounces of marijuana (a single offense not related to his work), the Company has given only one reason for not reinstating him-Branch Manager McCarty testifying that Orosco "was all over the plant and he wasn't working when he was supposed to have been." This obviously refers to the short period from June 20 to June 28, 1974. when he was engaged in union organizing (getting about 20 coworkers to sign union authorization cards). for which he was discriminator- ily discharged. After considering all the contentions and the evidence-particularly the retention of boner Gonzales af- ter he was convicted and sentenced: the practice of leaving continued employment after felony convictions to the dis- cretion of the Phoenix headquarters; the posted policy of determining discipline by reviewing "the employee's past record, including past discipline and the employee's overall work record": and the belated claim that employees con- victed of felonies are automaticially disqualified from con- tinued employment, indicating the Company's efforts to build a pretextual defense for keeping two illegally dis- charged union supporters out of the nonunion plant - I find that in the absence of the unsuccessful union organizational drive and the unlawful discharges, the Company would not have disqualified boner leadmen Orosco from continued employment. I further find that, by contending that Orosco was automatically disqualified by his conviction, the Com- pany would discriminate against him by refusing to exercise its discretion in determining whether he should be retained as an employee because of his good work record. Under these circumstances I conclude that Orosco is suitable for reinstatement, and that it would best serve the purposes of the Act to reaffirm the order requiring his reinstatement. I do not find, however, that the reinstatement of John Dominguez would effectuate the purposes of the Act. When employed at age 20, he did not reveal to the Company the fact that he was on judicial probation, having been con- victed as an adult about 2 years earlier lfor burglary. Ai the time of his discharge he had not completed his 90-day pro- bationary period in the cleanup crew and did not have a good work record. In fact, he was discharged in part "be- cause his machines had been 'tagged' by the health inspec- tor and his performance 'wasn't worth a damn.' " (Even if his testimony is credited that he advised his foreman in the meantime about his burglary conviction, it is evident that higher management was unaware of it at the time of the original trial herein, because the Company was then chal- lenging his credibility and it undoubtedly would have used the earlier conviction for that purpose if the foreman had reported the conviction.) In view of Dominguez' poor work record. I find that the Company would have had no reason to decide to retain him as an employee following his second felony conviction, even if it exercised its discretion in a non- discriminatory manner. Under these circumstances, I con- clude that reinstatement is not an appropriate remedy lfor Dominguez and that his backpay should be tolled on May 2, 1975, the date of his second conviction. In accordance with the Board's remand order and the Court's judgment, I hereby make the following recommend- ed: ORDER' The Respondent, Jacob E. Decker & Sons. San Antonio, Texas, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: In the event no exceptions are filed as provided bh Sec 102.46 ot' the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board. the findings. conclusions and recommended Order herein shall, as prosided n Sec. 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become Its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections shall be deemed aivsed for all purposes 878 JACOB E. DECKER & SONS 879 1. Substitute the following forparagraph 2(a) of the Decision, and offer Orosco reinstatement to his former em- Board's Order of March 15. 197h. reported at 223 NLRB ployment." 70: 2. Substitute the following for the penultimate para- "(a) Make employees Alfredo Orosco. John Dominguez, Raymond Tarin. and Jesse Garcia whole for any loss of graph of the notice attached to the Board's )rder: earnings sustained by them, in the manner set forth in this "Wl: wal reinstate Alfredo Orosco." Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation