J. Herman Co., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 29, 1978238 N.L.R.B. 1181 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation J. Herman Company, Inc., and Richard J. Haiden. Case 21-CA-16378 September 29, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND PENELLO On August 1, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Earldean V. S. Robbins issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions and a supporting brief, to which Re- spondent filed an answering brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt her recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- ders that the Respondent, J. Herman Company. Inc., Los Angeles, California, its officers, agents, succes- sors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, except that the attached notice is substituted for that of the Administrative Law Judge. I The General Counsel has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibil- ity unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3, 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing her findings APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Act gives you, as employees, certain rights, including the right: To engage in self-organization To form, join, or help a union To bargain collectively through a represent- ative of your own choosing J. HERMAN COMPANY, INC. To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any or all of these activities. WE WILL NOT offer our employees the use of our telephone to call their collective-bargaining representative to express opposition to an im- pending strike. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain. or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights protected by Section 7 of the Act. J. HERMAN COMPANY, INC. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE EARLDEAN V. S. ROBBINS, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard before me in Los Angeles, California, on May 25, 1978. The charge was filed by Richard J. Hai- den, an individual, on February 6, 1978, and served on Respondent on February 7, 1978. The complaint, which issued on March 29, 1978, alleges that J. Herman Com- pany, Inc., the Respondent, violated Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act. as amended. The principal issue herein is whether Respondent dis- charged Haiden, an admitted supervisor. because he re- fused to engage in unfair labor practices on behalf of Re- spondent. Upon the entire record, including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, and after due consideration of briefs filed by the parties, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTION Respondent, a California corporation with a facility lo- cated in Los Angeles, California, is engaged in the business of furnishing and installing heating, ventilating, and air- conditioning equipment. Respondent, in the course and conduct of its business operations, annually purchases and receives goods and products valued in excess of $50,000 directly from suppliers located outside the State of Califor- nia. The complaint alleges, Respondent admits, and I find that Respondent is, and at all times material herein has been, an employer engaged in commerce and in operations affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 11. LABOR ORGANIZATION The complaint alleges, Respondent admits, and I find that Sheet Metal Workers International Association Local Union No. 108, herein called the Union. is. and at all times material herein has been, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 73? NIlRR No 167 1181 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ill. I'Hi ALI.I(I I) UNFAIR I.ABOR PRA('1TIC(ES A. Facts Respondent is engaged in installing air-conditioning equipment which requires the installation of duct work and other materials fabricated by Respondent in its shop. Re- spondent employs approximately 20 employees in the shop and approximately 50 employees in the field. Haiden is shop superintendent; Ralph Mineo is the superintendent in charge of all shop and field foremen or superintendents: J. Herman is chairman of the board; Richard Pierce is pres- ident: and Josh Keel is vice president. Haiden worked for Respondent as a journeyman sheet metal worker from May 1956 to May 1971, when he was promoted to shop superintendent. As such, he supervised shop employees in the fabrication of sheet metal items re- quired by Respondent in its field operations and was re- sponsible for ordering the sheet metal fittings and other ma- terial required for the fabrication of ductwork, etc., and the installation of air-conditioning equipment. Respondent is a member, and represented for collective- bargaining purposes in a multiemployer bargaining unit by, the Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Contractors Associ- ation. Pierce is president of the Association. Respondent's employees were covered by a collective-bargaining agree- ment between the Union and the Association which expired on July 1, 1977.1 In early August, agreement had not been reached on a new contract, and the Union scheduled a strike to commence on August 15. According to Haiden, on August 12, at around 9 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. in the conference room, Mineo, Haiden's immedi- ate superior, told him, "Dick, I want you to call Kurt Nei- dig2 at the [union] hall and tell him the strike is chicken shit and we don't need it and we want you to tell your men one at a time to use your phone and call him and tell him the same thing." Haiden said, "Okay Ralph," and left. About an hour later, according to Haiden, Mineo asked him if he had talked to the employees. When Haiden re- plied no, Mineo said, "I want you to talk to them right now." Haiden replied, "Ralph, if I did something like that, those men will file charges against me."' Mineo said, "I want you to do it right now and if you can't follow instruc- tions, I will find someone who will." Haiden said, "Ralph, if you continue that way, I'm going to file charges against you." Mineo said, "Go ahead, I want you to." At about this time, according to Haiden, employee Frank Williams approached. Haiden said, "Ralph repeat what you just said." Mineo said, "if you don't do it I will do it myself," and asked Williams, "Frank, what do you think of the strike? Is it fair?" Mineo then walked over to where some shop employees were working. Williams testified that as Haiden and Mineo were coming out of Haiden's office, Haiden called him over and told Mineo to tell Williams what he had just said. Mineo said, "you don't want the strike do you." Williams said it didn't matter, he was not that concerned. Mineo said, "I am in a All dales herein will be in 1977 unless otherwise indicated. 2 Neidig is business manager of the Union. I Haiden. Donald Gentrs, and Mineo are members of the Union and are admitted supervisors. better financial condition than you are to withstand the strike and I don't want it." Williams said, "Everybody has their own opinion." Mineo then walked to the other end of the shop. Williams further testified that after he finished talking to Haiden he returned to the other end of the shop, where Mineo was talking to Shop Steward Nicholas Speleos. Mineo then turned and spoke to a group of shop employ- ees.4 He said that the phones in Haiden's office were avail- able for them to call the union negotiating committee if they had an opinion one way or the other on the strike. Mineo said he did not want the strike. He thought it would be hard on some people that could not afford it financially. Speleos testified Haiden and Mineo were talking near Haiden's office when Mineo called him over to them. Mineo asked Speleos, don't you think it's a good idea for the employees to make a phone call to the Union to facili- tate the negotiations. Mineo then said let's try to get some- thing going and they walked over to where some employees were working. Speleos told the employees that the phone was available if they wanted to call the Union to facilitate the negotiations. Mineo said the phone was available. He further said he was financially set, strike or no strike, but there were a lot of people that were not able to keep up if there was a strike.5 Employee Daniel Morales testified that he heard Mineo tell Speleos, you are the shop steward. I want you to tell the men the phone is available if they want to call the negotiat- ing committee and stop the strike. A few minutes later, Mineo said to a group of employees "I want to tell you guys the phone is available if you want to call up and stop the strike, because we don't want a strike, do we?" Morales said "It's out of our hands." Mineo said "I am financially able to withstand the strike, but I am thinking of the younger guys." Mineo then said, "I don't want a strike, do you?" Morales said "I don't much care." Employee Jerry Patchin testified that Mineo said the phones were available if they wanted to call the union nego- tiating committee and try to do something about a strike or put pressure on them to get it settled one way or the other. Mineo further said some of the union members were not as financially able to withstand a strike as he was and the sooner they got it settled, the better off everyone would be. Mineo testified that on the morning of August 12, when he visited Respondent's Watts Health Center jobsite, he talked to Charlie Lowden, a field foreman. Ronnie Ring- wood, and Beale Ardoughty 6 during their coffeebreak. Low- den asked Ardoughty what he knew about the strike. Ardoughty said he really didn't know. Then Lowden asked Mineo "Do you care if I call the Union and see if I can straighten out the problem?" Mineo replied "Charlie. you use your own judgment."7 According to Mineo, he left the jobsite between 10:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., went to the shop and talked to Haiden 4There were about five employees. 5 It was quite clear that Speleos did not recall exactly what was said. 6 It is Mineo's understanding that Ardoughty is on the negotiating com- mittee. 7 Mineo testified that he learned later that Lowden did call the Union but he has no knowledge that any other employee of Respondent called the Union regarding the impending strike. I 1 82 J. HERMAN COMPANY. INC. between 11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. about a problem on the Watts jobsite regarding some missing materials. During that conversation he mentioned the strike. Mineo's testi- mony is rather confused at this point. When counsel for Respondent asked who was present, Mineo replied "Just Dick [Haiden] and I at the time-about the material. About the meeting at the strike, it was strictly between Dick Hai- den and myself." Counsel then asked "Tell us what you said to Mr. Haiden and Mr. Gentr, about the telephone [emphasis added]." Thereafter, Mineo included Gentry in his account of the conversation. As to what he said. Mineo testified on direct examina- tion: I had mentioned to them that I had just come back from the Watts job and two fellows, Ronnie Ringwood and Charlie Lowden, had said- asked me the question if it would be all right to call the union and I told the fellows-I told Dick Haiden and I told Don Gentry that I had just come from there. They asked me what I thought, and I said, "Use your own judgment." I did not force him to do it and I come in and I told Dick Haiden what they told me. "Use your own judgment. You are privy to use the phone one at a time and you can do anything you want." I never forced him. I never asked him to tell the men. I suggested that he go pro or con. I didn't care. On cross-examination, he testified: A. The only time that I talked to Dick Haiden is the date that I come on a Friday and I believe it was Au- gust the 12th and I had just come back from the Watts job: and then discussed with him about the problem I was having with material on the job. And then we dis- cussed with Don Gentry and Dick Haiden and myself about they were able to use the phone if they wanted like with management's permission. He said they would give their permisssion one at a time. Q. Didn't you tell Mr. Haiden if he wanted to tell the employees they could use the phone if they wanted to call the business manager of the union to see if they could resolve the strike, they could? A. I didn't say they had to do it. I just told them that they could do it. Mineo further testified that he does not recall whether Williams was present, nor does he recall speaking to the shop employees. However, he admits that he may have. He denies having more than one conversation with Haiden re- garding telephoning the Union. He further denies any con- versation with Haiden around 9 a.m. in the conference room. According to him, the conference room is used as Keel's office. He further testified that Pierce told him it would be all right to have the employees call the Union regarding the strike.' Donald Gentry. Haiden's assistant, who replaced him, 8 Speleos. Williams, and Morales testified that, later that day. Haiden told each of them that Mineo told him to tell the employees to call the Union regarding the strike. testified that at about 10 aim. or 10:30 a.m. on August 12 he was talking to Haiden in front of Flaiden's office when Mineo came up. Mineo said what the tUnion and manage- ment were arguing over and what was holding up negotia- tions was a silly argument and no one really needed this strike. He further said financially it would not brother him. hut a lot of younger members could not afford to be on strike. Mineo then said to Haiden, Tell all the members it they would like to voice their opinion on the strike, the phone will be available to call the Union pro or con on the strike. Haiden made no response. Gentry walked away and Haiden and Mineo went into Haiden's office. Later that day, according to Gentry, Haiden told him he was not going to tell anyone to make a phone call to the l nion. Haiden never mentioned having an earlier conversation with Mineo regarding telephoning the Union. The strike was called off. Haiden did not learn this in time to report to work on Monday. August 15. lie did work on August 16. He started his vacation on August 17 and returned to work on August 25. On the afternoon of Sep- tember 9, according to Haiden. Mineo came into his office and said. "Dick, I hate to do this but you are not working in the best interests of the Compans and we are going to let you go." Haiden asked why. Mineo said, ",ou are not get- ting the job done." Haiden asked if Mineo thought replac- ing him would make matters an, ditfferent. Mineo said he did not know whether it would or not. Richard Pierce, Respondent's president, testified that in 1971, when Haiden became shop superintendent. Respon- dent's business was at a normal level. Haiden had the nor- mal problems incident to learning the job. It requires ap- proximately I to 2 years to learn how to properly handle the job. One of the functions of the shop superintendent is to order matenals-a stock of probably 150 different items. Also, the shop superintendent takes orders from the field foreman and is responsible for fabricating and delivering the materials ordered to the jobsite at the requested time. Thus, one has to learn which vendor gives the best deliver- ies, which has the best price on which product: learn to anticipate the flow of orders from the people in the field and how to get them moving properly through the shop;' and learn how to schedule and expedite delivery of the materials to the jobsite. The latter involves not only the primary or- ders but also change orders to meet unexpected problems on the job or items the job foreman had neglected to in- clude in the primary order. According to Pierce, after 1-1/2 years, Haiden was still having considerable problems. particularly as to scheduling and timely delivery to jobsites. In mid-1973, Gentry was hired to assist Haiden. His responsibility was to supervise the operation of the yard where materials are assembled and shipped to jobsites. Later in 1974, a direct phone line was installed in the yard, and job firemen were instructed to contact Gentry with their telephone orders., In 1974, the building and construction industry experienced a slump, which continued until early 1976. As a result, the number of employees in Respondent's shop decreased from about 9 Haiden already knew how to control movement of an order through the shop O The bulk of material orders are written 1 83 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 20, until in 1975 there were only 3 or 4 employees in the shop. According to Mineo and Pierce, Haiden's performance during the period of the slump was satisfactory. However, when business began increasing in 1976, Haiden began to experience the same difficulties with scheduling and timely deliveries to the jobsite which had occurred prior to the slump. Haiden admits that in the last 3 years Mineo and Pierce have discussed his job performance with him, gener- ally as to scheduling and furnishing of materials to jobsites, and that Mineo and Herman questioned him as to a cost overrun in late June or early July. He contends, however, that these discussions involved normal production prob- lems. Haiden further testified that over the years he has com- plained to Mineo at various times concerning a lack of co- operation from field personnel, mainly that he was some- times expected to meet impossible schedules. He denies that Mineo ever complained regarding his performance on the Watts Health Center job or that he was ever told that his job performance might warrant termination. Pierce admits that he never actually said to Haiden that the problems he was having in production might be cause for his termination. However, Pierce further testified that in about February 1977 Mineo told him that he had told Hai- den that if things did not straighten out it could eventually lead to his termination. Also, Gentry testified that on four or five occasions in 1976 and 1977" Mineo told him that he was considering terminating Haiden and asked Gentry if he would accept the job as shop superintendent. Gentry fur- ther testified, without contradiction, that he reported each of these conversations to Haiden. Mineo contends that a basic factor in Haiden's poor per- formance was his poor memory and his failure to write down orders received on the telephone. Haiden admits that Mineo did discuss with him the necessity for writing down telephone orders and the use of a logbook. He further ad- mits that about a year or a year and half prior to the hear- ing herein, Mineo told him that he was receiving a lot of pressure from Herman regarding the failure to deliver ma- terial to jobsites on time, that the shop was not producing as it should, and that Mineo would help Haiden resolve the problem. Haiden also admits that Mineo said there had been too many deliveries to a job."2 Pierce credibly testified that as the workload increased in 1976 and into 1977 he expressed to Mineo his dissatisfac- tion with the operation of the shop and the number of com- plaints he was receiving. According to him, general contrac- tors were complaining that Respondent was not meeting the completion schedule for duct work and that Respon- dent's superintendent complained that their work was de- layed because of difficulty in obtaining timely deliveries from the shop. The undenied testimony of Pierce, which I credit, is that in August 1976 he, Keel, and Mineo met with Haiden. They specifically discussed the problems of materials not being " The last such conversation was the Lowden conversation a week or so prior to Haiden's termination. 12 Haiden testified an excessive number of deliveries may be caused if he or Gentry forgets to have ordered items placed on the truck or if certain re- quired items were not ordered or were ordered incorrectly. delivered to the jobsite on time and that when it was deliv- ered, items would be missing which delayed the field crews in making the proper installation. Haiden's basic response was that he would try to improve. According to Pierce, it was pointed out to Haiden in this conversation that he must write down the items ordered and requested date of delivery instead of relying on his memory. Haiden admitted that his memory was not the best and said he would commence making written notes of orders. Haiden further complained of one job foreman who placed large rush orders over the telephone. Pierce advised him to tell this foreman not to do any detailing on the phone, that he must send in a detail sheet as did the other foremen.' Gentry testified that during the first part of June, Haiden told him that Field Superintendent Walter Williams had telephoned from the Watts Health Center job to inquire why the ordered material was not at the jobsite and that he told Williams the material had been delivered to the site. Gentry said it was not at the jobsite, that work on the ma- terial had not been finished. Later that day, Mineo asked Gentry about the material. Gentry said it had never been shipped. Mineo said Haiden told him it had been shipped. Gentry said that was impossible, that they were still work- ing on the material. Shortly thereafter, Mineo came into the office and expressed his displeasure regarding the incident to Haiden and Gentry. Mineo mentioned that the field crew had spent a few hours looking for the material. Haiden testified on cross-examination that he recalls that Williams telephoned him regarding the materials, but that he cannot recall whether he erroneously told Williams that the material had already been delivered to the jobsite. He further testified: Q. Do you remember telling Mr. Gentry at that time that Mr. Williams had called and asked you for the material and you had lied to him and told him it was on the way? A. Absolutely not. According to Gentry and Mineo, about the latter part of August or the first week in September,'4 Field Foreman Charlie Lowden and Mineo were in Mineo's office when Gentry came in. They began discussing the problems of the shop. They specifically mentioned the failure to meet sched- ules and a recent incident' where ductwork was being in- stalled in the attic. 6 Lowden said his crew had to work in the attic space because materials were not delivered on time from the shop. Mineo said the problem had to be straight- "3 Detailing is the making of sketches or drawings, using the building blue- print, of the ductwork and fittings required for the installation of the air- conditioning system in a specific building. This is normally done on a detail sheet which is delivered to the shop foreman. According to Pierce, Respon- dent had 15 field foremen working on various projects, all of whom placed orders for matenals. 14 Gentry first testified that this occurred in June or July, but after he was shown his prehearing affidavit, given in March 1978, he testified that it was a week prior to Haiden's termination. I' It is unclear, but it appears that this incident may have occurred on the same day as this conversation. 's Ductwork should be installed before the ceiling. Once the ceiling is in, the cost of installing ductwork increases. If the ductwork is not completed on time, another contractor will proceed to put the ceiling up and then the installers have to work in a crawl space to install the ductwork, which re- quires twice as much time. 1184 J. HERMAN COMPANY. INC. ened out. that Respondent was already exceeding estimated labor costs in the shop and now field labor was going to be excessive. At that point. according to Mineo. Lowden told him that his crew of four men had spent 6 hours on the jobsite looking for material which Haiden said had been delivered but which, in fact, had not been delivered." Gentry testified that Haiden caused the duplication of two entire floors of ductwork on one occasion in 1975 and of one entire floor in 1976. This occurred because Haiden forgot to mark on the detail sheets that a copy had been made and assigned for fabrication, so another copy was later made and sent through the shop. There is no evidence that either Pierce or Mineo knew about the 1976 duplica- tion. Mineo was asked if the duplication was discussed in the conversation with Gentry and Lowden. However, he answered in terms of the incident of the missing materials, and this was never clarified on the record. Gentry testified that he told Pierce about the other duplication incident when Pierce questioned him regarding the extra material which was stored in the yard. Pierce testified that he became more and more dissatis- fied regarding the problem emanating from the shop opera- tion, that he told Mineo that the problems were getting worse and someone was either going to straighten things out or some severe changes would have to be made. In July. he and Keel met with Mineo and advised him "you either straighten out the problem with Dick Haiden and the prob- lem he's having in running our shop or you change shop foremen or superintendents, whatever is necessary. You get the job done because we cannot go on this way." According to Pierce. he had become very concerned because the shop was beginning to exceed estimated labor costs on a frequent basis. In the past, this occurred only on rare occasions. Mineo testified that throughout Haiden's employment as shop superintendent he counseled with him and tried to make him understand the pressure he was receiving and that it was important to get the material on the job. Accord- ing to him, he thought if he kept working with Haiden. his performance would become satisfactory.' s However, al- though Haiden would improve for a time, he would revert to his former habits, so that Mineo had to keep after him continually. Mineo further testified that he made the decision to dis- charge Haiden the Friday he discovered the crew installing ductwork in the attic space on the Watts Health Center job. He mulled over the decision over the weekend and into the following week without mentioning it to anyone. According to him, he felt that he could no longer withstand the pres- sure he was receiving from the field superintendent, Pierce. and Herman and that the situation had reached the point where it was either Haiden or him. He decided to protect himself.' He then told Pierce he was going to discharge Haiden and replace him with Gentry. Pierce testified that, within a week following his dis- charge, Haiden telephoned him and reminded him that at the time he was promoted to shop superintendent Pierce had promised that if he did not succeed in his new job he 7 The wage scale of the field crew was S18.81 an hour. 18 It is undisputed that Haiden is an excellent sheet metal cutter. It is also undisputed that some problems are a normal incident to the job 19 Mineo testified that he explained this to Haiden when he discharged him. could be transferred back to his former job as a sheet-metal journeyman. Pierce agreed that he had made this statement but stated that he had never intended that it be a lifetime guarantee. Rather. it was intended to hold for a period of training. Pierce also stated that there were too many prob- lems in the shop with deliveries and that he had learned that the materials which Haiden advised him had been shipped to the Watts Health Center jobsite was, in fact. still in the shop at the time. Pierce further stated that the shop was not making money on many projects and that shop labor was exceeding estimates. Haiden replied that people were ordering materials incorrectly and were making mis- takes on the detail sheets. Haiden never mentioned the Au- gust 12 conversation with Mineo regarding the use of the telephone to call the Union. Pierce also testified that during this conversation Haiden requested that he be reemployed as a sheet metal cutter. Pierce said there were certain problems which would be caused by this. One would be difficulty in not usurping the authority of the new, shop superintendent, even uninten- tionally. because after being in charge for 6 years it could be expected that employees would tend to go to Haiden with their problems if Gentry was not immediately avail- able. 1 he other problem would be Haiden's own psycholog- ical diffuculty in adjusting to working with other employees at the bench rather than supervising them. According to Pierce. Haiden assured him that he could handle the situ- ation and that it an employee approached him with prob- lems he would refer him to Gentry. Pierce then said that as far as he was concerned there was no reason why Haiden could not return to work under those conditions but that he would have to discuss the matter with Mineo and Gentry and contact him later. Haiden testified in substantial agree- ment, except that he places the conversation on November 29, after Haiden's second request to Gentry that he be re- hired. I credit Pierce.20 Pierce testified that he did talk to Gentry. Gentry ex- pressed qualms over rehiring Haiden. principally for the reasons Pierce had expressed to Haiden. Pierce told Gentry Haiden's response when he had raised the same issues and told Gentry to discuss it with Mineo. On September 16, Haiden went to the shop to return some keys. He asked Gentry if he thought he might be rehired. According to Haiden, Gentry told him Pierce had told him that, although it was against his better judgment, Haiden could be rehired as a cutter and that Gentry should talk to Mineo. Gentry said, however, that he had heard that Haiden had another job so he did not call Haiden and did not talk to Mineo. At that point, according to Haiden, he and Gentry agreed that they should wait awhile before Hai- den attempted to return to work for Respondent. Gentry testified that in the week following Haiden's ter- mination, Pierce and Keel called him into the office and asked him to consider hiring Haiden as journeyman. When he expressed qualms, they left the decision to him but asked him to discuss it with Mineo. The next day Mineo asked him to consider rehiring Haiden. Thereafter, Gentry 20 As set forth below, Haiden testified that when he spoke to Gentry on September 16 regarding reemployment Gentry said he had talked to Pierce and that Pierce said Haiden could he rehired. This tends to corroborate Pierce's testimony that Haiden had previously spoken to him regarding reemployment. 1185 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD learned that Haiden was employed elsewhere so he dropped it. In November, Haiden was laid off from his new job. On November 29, he again asked Gentry for reemployment. Gentry said he would have to talk to Pierce and then would telephone Haiden. According to Haiden, the next day he telephoned Gentry and asked if' he had talked to Pierce. Gentry replied "Yes, they don't want you." Gentry testified that he did speak to Pierce and told him he did not want to reemploy Haiden. Pierce said it was Gentry's decision but asked him to talk to Mineo. Gentry told Mineo he did not like the idea of rehiring Haiden. Mineo then called Gentry at home and asked him to recon- sider. Gentry finally agreed. On rebuttal, Haiden's wife tes- tified that on December 1 Mineo telephoned and told her that if Pierce rehired Haiden he would leave. Within the next few days, in December, union represen- tatives came into the shop and told Gentry that Haiden had complained to the Union regarding his discharge." There- after Gentry did not follow up on his decision to rehire Haiden. Mineo inquired if he had called Haiden. Gentry said he had not called him yet. He then told Mineo that the union representatives had been in complaining that Haiden had been discharged because of his age. Gentry denies tell- ing Mineo that he had decided not to rehire Haiden. B. Conclusions General Counsel contends that Mineo told Haiden to telephone a union representative and tell him that the im- pending strike was "chicken shit," ordered Haiden to tell the employees to use Respondent's telephone to convey the same message to the Union, and, in effect, threatened to fire Haiden if he refused. Upon Haiden's refusal, Mineo solic- ited the assistance of the union steward and proceeded to tell a group of employees that Respondent's telephones were available to telephone the Union with regard to the strike. The only dispute as to this incident is as to the precise language used. Mineo, Gentry. and one employee called on General Counsel's behalf testified that Mineo said the phones were available if they wanted to call the Union and express their sentiment, pro or con, as to the strike. One employee testified that Mineo suggested telephoning if they wanted to call and try to do something about the strike or put pressure on the Union to settle the strike one way or another. Another employee testified that Mineo suggested telephoning if they wanted to stop the strike. Mineo further said that he did not want a strike, that he was financially able to withstand the strike, but that it would be a financial hardship for some employees. I find that even if Mineo used the words "pro or con," it was clear from the timing and context of his statement that he was encouraging employees to telephone the Union to express opposition to the strike. It would not require a mental giant 12 Haiden testified that he discussed his discharge with union representa- tives on December I and 2, which resulted in the institution of proceedings before the Joint Adjustment Board. A preliminary hearing was held on Janu- ary 5, and a formal Joint Adjustment Board meeting was held on February 16. On February 7, Haiden filed the charge herein and also filed a complaint with the State Fair Employment Practice Commission alleging age discrimi- nation. He is 55 years old. to perceive that the only logical reason for Mineo to make such a suggestion on the last workday before the scheduled commencement of a strike, which he admittedly opposed, was to encourage employees to express opposition to the strike. Further, the suggestion was coercive in that he also suggested that Respondent's telephone in Haiden's office be used. Thus Respondent could tell which employees tele- phoned and which did not.2 In these circumstances, I find that Mineo's statements to employees regarding telephon- ing the Union in regard to the strike was violative of Sec- tion 8(a)( ) of the Act. General Counsel also argues that Mineo, in effect, threat- ened to discharge Haiden if he did not tell employees to telephone the Union. Several weeks later he did discharge Haiden, and therefore the discharge was motivated by Hai- den's refusal to tell employees to telephone the Union re- garding the impending strike. I do not agree. Contrary to General Counsel, I do not find that Mineo's statement to Haiden, "If you can't follow instructions I will find someone who will," constituted a threat of discharge. Rather, I find that Mineo was merely stating that he intended that the proposed suggestion be made to employees that day, and then he immediately pro- ceeded to enlist the assistance of Union Steward Speleos. Furthermore, it is apparent that Haiden did not perceive this as a threat of discharge. Thus, although he told Gentry and several employees of his conversation with Mineo, he never mentioned that Mineo had threatened to discharge him, nor did he make any reference to this in his conversa- tion with Pierce following his discharge. As to the timing of his discharge in relation to the August 12 incident, I find this merely' coincidental. I credit Pierce, who impressed me as a reliable and candid witness, that Haiden's work performance was unsatisfactory, that they' had tried in various ways to improve that performance, and that, even though he was an excellent mechanic, he failed to master the critical planning and expediting aspect of his job when the workload required the juggling of competing de- mands from a large number of field projects, resulting in cost overruns. In reaching this conclusion, I have fully considered that Haiden held his position for about 6 years. However, in this regard, I note that about 1-1/2 to 2 of those years consti- tuted what Respondent considered as a normal training pe- riod and that Haiden performed satisfactorily during the approximately 2 years that business was slow. All of this could reasonably have lulled Respondent into thinking that Haiden could master the intricacies of his job. I also note that as field superintendent Mineo was instru- mental in securing Haiden's promotion to shop superinten- dent, which, after Mineo's own promotion to general super- intendent, might well have given him an interest in trying to work out Haiden's difficulties. I am not unmindful that su- periors who have done the most in helping a subordinate sometimes react strongly when the protege engages in what is perceived as "disloyalty." However, the proposed con- duct here, in the circumstances which prevailed, does not 22 In this regard, it is immatenal whether Mineo himself remained in the area. Haiden and Gentry worked there and officers of Respondent were in the area on occasions. I 1186 J. HERMAN COMPANY. INC. appear to have the potential impact on Respondent's labor management relations which would generate such an in- tense response. Although neither Haiden nor Mineo impressed me as the most reliable of witnesses, I do credit Mineo's testimony that it had reached the point where he considered that fur- ther protection of Haiden would put his own position in jeopardy and that he decided he had best protect himself. This is buttressed by Pierce's credited testimony that he had become concerned about the increased frequency of cost overruns attributable to the shop operation and that he had told Mineo to change shop supervision or take whatever steps were necessary but that the problem had to be re- solved. In these circumstances I conclude that the evidence is insufficient to establish that Haiden was discharged for any reason other than that alleged by Respondent-unsatisfac- tory work performance. Accordingly. I find that Haiden's discharge was not violative of the Act. CONC I USIONS OF L1AW 1. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. 2. Sheet Metal Workers International Accociation L.ocal Union No. 108 is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By offering employees the use of its telephones to ex- press opposition to an impending strike. Respondent has violated Section 8(a)( I) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 5. Respondent did not violate Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by its discharge of Richard Haiden. Till RFliNu))Y Having found that Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I shall recommend that Respondent be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the purposes of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, upon the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act. I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDERR2 The Respondent. J. Herman Company, Inc., Los Ange- les. California, its officers. agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Offering its employees the use of its telephones to telephone the Union to express opposition to an impending strike. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to ef- fectuate the purposes of the Act: (a) Post at its facility in lios Angeles. California. copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."2" Copies of said notice, on forms provided b) the Regional Director for Re- gion 21, after being duly signed by Respondent's represent- ative. shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon re- ceipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicious places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reason- able steps shall be taken hb the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (b) Notify the Regional Director for Region 21. in writ- ing. within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps it has taken to comply herewith. 2 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 10246 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall. as provided in Sec, 102.48 of' the Rules and Regulations. be adopted bv the Board and become its findings. conclusions., and Order. and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes 24 In the event that this Order is enforced by a judgment of a . nited States ('ourt of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted hby Order of the National l.abor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." 1187 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation