Interurban Gas Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 25, 1967164 N.L.R.B. 1072 (N.L.R.B. 1967) Copy Citation 1072 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Interurban Gas Corporation and Donald Corporation, Trenton, Michigan, its officers, agents, Gillingham . Case 7-CA-3202. successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Order of the attached Trial Examiner's May 25,1967 Supplemental Decision. SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MCCULLOCH AND MEMBERS BROWN AND JENKINS On October 21, 1966, the Acting Regional Director for Region 7 issued the second backpay specification in the above-entitled proceeding, alleging that, in addition to the sum of $9,846.07, with interest, due to Donald Gillingham, the Charging Party, under the Decision and Order (135 NLRB 604) and the Supplemental Decision and Order (149 NLRB 576) previously issued by the National Labor Relations Board, Gillingham was entitled to receive the sum of $2,878.25, with interest and customary adjustments, for the period commencing October 1, 1963, and ending February 6, 1966. Thereafter, pursuant to notice in the second backpay specification, a hearing was held on December 5, 1966, before Trial Examiner Herman Tocker. On February 8, 1967, the Trial Examiner issued his Supplemental .-Decision on Second Backpay Specification, attached hereto, recommending the award to Gillingham of the specified amount of backpay. Thereafter the Respondent filed exceptions to the Trial Examiner's Supplemental Decision, and the General Counsel filed a motion to strike Respondent's exceptions and a brief in support of the Trial Examiner's Supplemental Decision. The Respondent thereafter filed an answer to the General Counsel's motion. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the entire record in this case, including the Supplemental Decision on Second Backpay Specification, the exceptions, motions, and prior decisions, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner.' ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the Recommended Order of the Trial Examiner and hereby orders that the Respondent, Interurban Gas I The General Counsel's motion to strike Respondent's exceptions alleges that the exceptions were not timely filed, were not timely served, and lacked the specificity required by National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations and Statements of Procedure, Series 8, as amended. We recognize that the exceptions were mildly deficient in all three respects. However, we see no purpose to be served in disregarding the exceptions in this case, particularly because the Respondent raises a question of due process upon which we feel constrained to comment. We have therefore accorded the exceptions full consideration The only noteworthy exception advanced by the Respondent pertains to the refusal of the Acting Regional Director to extend the date set for the hearing on the backpay specification. Notification that the hearing date was set for December 5, 1966, was received by Respondent's attorney on October 24, 1966 On November 11, the attorney's law firm requested the Acting Regional Director to extend the time for filing an answer to the backpay specification from November 8 to November 29, giving as the reason a death in the attorney's family on October 31 On November 16, the Acting Regional Director granted Respondent's November 11 request in substantial part, extending the filing date from November 8 to November 22. On November 18, Respondent's attorney requested a further extension of time for answering (until December 6) and also requested a postponement of the hearing (until January 5) On November 21, the Acting Regional Director, by telegram, granted a 1-day extension of the period for filing the answer, but denied the request for postponement of the hearing. It is thus clear that, by November 21, counsel for Respondent was on notice that the hearing would convene on December 5, as scheduled Neither counsel of record nor any other representative of Respondent appeared at the hearing. It seems clear to the Board that the issues which might have arisen at the hearing were relatively uncomplicated, and that Respondent was afforded ample time to retain new counsel if, as alleged, it appeared as of November 21 that personal problems would make it impossible for its regular counsel to attend the hearing. We conclude that the Acting Regional Director's denial of the request for extension of the date set for hearing was a proper exercise of his discretion and that Respondent was not unfairly deprived of its right to be heard TRIAL EXAMINER'S SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION ON SECOND BACKPAY SPECIFICATION STATEMENT OF THE CASE HERMAN TOCKER, Trial Examiner: On January 29,1962, the National Labor Relations Board issued its Decision and Order directing Interurban Gas Corporation to offer to Donald Gillingham immediate and full reinstatement to his former or a substantially equivalent position and to make him whole for any loss of pay resulting from Respondent's unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act (135 NLRB 604). On May 27, 1963, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit entered its Decree enforcing in full the reinstatement and backpay provisions of the Board's Order herein (317 F.2d 724). Controversy having arisen over the validity of Respondent's offer of reinstatement to Gillingham and the amount of backpay due under the terms of the Board's Order as enforced, the Board, on November 6, 1964, issued its Supplemental Decision and Order directing Respondent to pay Gillingham backpay in the amount of $9,846.07, plus an additional undetermined amount accruing from October, 1, 1963, to the date of a valid offer 164 NLRB No. 137 INTERURBAN GAS CORP 1073 of reinstatement (149 NLRB 576). On December 22, 1965, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit entered its Decree enforcing in full the Board's Supplemental Decision and Order (354 F .2d 76). Further controversy having arisen over the additional amount of backpay due Gillingham since October 1, 1963, the Acting Regional Director for Region 7 issued a second backpay specification and alleged that , in addition to the sum of $9,846.07 with interest due under the Board's Supplemental Decision and Order , as enforced, Gillingham was entitled to receive from Respondent the additional amount of $2,878 .25, for the period commencing October 1 , 1963 , and ending February 6, 1966 , less any tax withholding required by Federal , State , or local law but plus interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum on $563.12 from December 31, 1963; on $443.32 from March 31,1964; on $149.12 from June 30, 1964; on $922.57 from September 30, 1964 ; on $614 .44 from December 31, 1964; and on $185 .68 from March 31, 1965. A schedule entitled , "Weekly Earnings of Replacement Employee , Roger Janisse ," was attached to and made a part of the backpay specification . (Janisse had replaced Gillingham as a driver -salesman .) Another schedule entitled , "Interim Earnings and Expenses ," was attached to and also made a part of the backpay specification. Both of these, taken together , support the conclusions resulting in the total amount of additional backpay heretofore mentioned as $2,878.25 and the separate amounts mentioned for the purpose of computing interest. On November 11, 1966, Respondent ' s attorney requested an extension of time within which to answer the backpay specification and notice , referred to by him as "the notice of formal hearing." The Regional Director partially granted this request by extending Respondent's time to answer to November 22, 1966. By application dated November 18, 1966, Respondent's attorney protested the partial granting of the prior request for extension and requested that the "time set for hearing be extended to January 5, 1967 , and that the time for filing an answer to the specification be extended to December 6, 1966." (There had been embodied within the backpay specification a notice that a hearing would be conducted upon the matter before a Trial Examiner of the Board on December 5, 1966 , in the Book Building, 1249 Washington Boulevard, Detroit , Michigan.) By telegraphed order dated November 21, 1966, the Regional Director further extended Respondent's time to answer until and including November 23, 1966 , but denied Respondent's application for postponement of the hearing. There is proof in the record that this telegraphed order was delivered to the Respondent ' s attorney on November 21,1966. I was assigned to conduct the hearing on the backpay specification . I attended for that purpose at 10 a.m. on December 5, 1966 , in Room 555, Book Building, 1249 Washington Boulevard , Detroit , Michigan , and I then and there called the matter for hearing. In the meantime , the Respondent had failed to file any answer to the backpay specification and, as of the time of the writing of this decision , no answer has been received. The Respondent and no one on its behalf appeared at the hearing . For the purpose of averting the possibility that Respondent or its attorney might have been delayed in coming to the hearing, I, after having called for the Respondent at 10 a . m., waited until 10:30 a . m. to make certain that the Respondent 's failure to attend was not due merely to delay. At 10:30 a.m. I again called for the Respondent to appear . No appearance was made by it or anyone on its behalf. I then proceeded to make a formal record of the hearing thus called. I inquired of the General Counsel's representative whether any appeal had been taken by the Respondent from the last order of the Regional Director and was informed that none had been taken. I have received no communication from the Respondent or his attorney . The representative of the General Counsel then presented to me and there was incorporated in the record, in addition to the exhibits showing the prior proceedings herein , a motion for judgment on the pleadings. I thereafter requested the employee , Donald Gillingham , to take the witness stand . Gillingham thereupon testified that he had made diligent efforts, apart from the position he finally obtained, to obtain employment and that the best employment he was able to obtain was that set forth in the schedule entitled, "Interim Earnings and Expenses." The Relevant Rules of Procedure The relevant portions of the Board's rules governing backpay specifications are: Section 102 .54(a), in part: (a) Filing and service of answer to specification. -The respondent shall , within 15 days from the service of the specification , if any, file an answer thereto. Section 102.54(b), in part: (b) Contents of the answer to specification. The respondent shall specifically admit, deny, or explain each and every allegation of the specification, unless the respondent is without knowledge , in which case the respondent shall so state , such statement operating as a denial. Section 102 . 54(c), in part: (c) Effect of failure to answer or to plead specifically and in detail to the specification. -If the respondent fails to file any answer to the specification within the time prescribed by this section , the Board may, either with or without taking evidence in support of the allegations of the specification and without notice to the respondent , find the specification to be true and enter such order as may be appropriate. If the respondent files an answer to the specification but fails to deny any allegation of the specification in the manner required by paragraph (b) of this section, and the failure so to deny is not adequately explained, such allegation shall be deemed to be admitted to be true, and may be so found by the Board without the taking of evidence supporting such allegation , and the respondent shall be precluded from introducing any evidence controverting said allegation. Findings of Fact and Conclusions Now, upon the entire record herein including all proceedings prior to the service of the second backpay specification and notice of hearing, the allegations in and the appendixes attached thereto, the notice to the Respondent and its attorney , the defaults of the Respondent by failing to answer the backpay specification and by failing to appear at the hearing, I hereby make the 1074 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL following findings of fact and conclusions in addition to the findings of fact heretofore made in prior proceedings: 1. Interurban Gas Corporation is the Respondent herein and is the Respondent which was the party against whom all such prior proceedings were taken and prior orders issued. 2. Donald Gillingham is the employee on whose behalf the backpay is due pursuant to the orders heretofore entered. 3. Gillingham was awarded and is entitled to receive from the Respondent, in accordance with the Board's Supplemental Decision of November 6, 1964, the sum of $9,846.07, together with interest from September 30, 1963. 4. Gillingham is entitled to receive from the Respondent further net backpay, computed as follows: LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 5. Gillingham is entitled to receive, in addition to said sum of $9,846.07 plus interest as stated and the sum of $2,878.25, interest on each of the individual net backpay amounts from the last day of the quarter in each of the applicable quarters, as set forth in the finding of fact immediately preceding this finding of fact,-all less any tax withholdings as may be required by Federal, State, or local laws. 6. Respondent is required to pay to Gillingham the aforesaid amounts as and in the manner heretofore provided. On the basis of the foregoing findings and conclusions, I recommend that the Board issue the following: Net Interim Net ORDER Year and Quarter Gross Backpay Earnings Backpay 1963 4th Q $1,686.10) The Respondent, Interurban Gas Corporation, shall pay to Donald Gillingham the following sums of money less Christmas Bonus 122.00) $1,244.90 $563.12 , an withholdin r uir F ral Stat l l ld b d 1964 1st Q 1 659.97 1 216.65 443.32 y gs ,eq e y e e e, or oca aw: 2nd Q , 1 588 95 , 1 439 83 149 12 (a) $9,846.07 plus interest at 6 percent per annum from 3rd Q , . 1,964.25 , . 1 041.60 . 922.57 September 30, 1963 to the date of payment; (b) $2,878.25 4th Q 1,769.85) , plus interest on $563.12 from December 31, 1963; on Christmas Bonus 122.00) 1,277.41 614.44 $443.32 from March 31, 1964; on $149.12 from June 30, 1965 1st Q 1,759.40 1,573.72 185.68 1964; on $922.57 from September 30, 1964; on $614.44 2nd Q 1,673.00 1,848.65 0 from December 31, 1964; and on $185.68 from March 31, 3rd Q 1,629.60 1,753.88 0 1965; all in accordance with Isis Plumbing & Heating Co. 4th Q 1,766.80) , 138 NLRB 716 720-721 Christmas Bonus 122.00) 1,893.98 0 , . 1966 1st Q 636.65 758.31 0 The Respondent shall notify the Regional Director for (thru 2/6/66) Region 7, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this $2,878.25 Supplemental Trial Examiner's Decision, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith t ' In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted b'y the Board this provision shall be modified to read . "Notify said Regional Director , in writing , within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith." Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation