Intertherm, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 5, 1978235 N.L.R.B. 493 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation INTERTHERM, INC. Intertherm, Inc. and International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW). Cases 14-CA-9980 and 14-RC-8330 April 5, 1978 DECISION, ORDER, AND DIRECTION OF SECOND ELECTION BY MEMBERS JENKINS, MURPHY, AND TRUESDALE On September 6, 1977, Administrative Law Judge Benjamin K. Blackburn issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel and Respondent filed exceptions and supporting briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, find- ings,1 and conclusions 2 of the Administrative Law Judge as modified herein. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by threatening employees with plant closure in the event they selected a collective-bargaining representative, threatening employee Longworth by telling him that his union activities were inconsistent with his contin- ued employment, interfering with the right of em- ployees to wear union insignia, interrogating employ- ees about their union activities, and threatening them with reprisals for engaging in such activities. We further agree with the Administrative Law Judge that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act by Supervisor Frost's failure to disavow employ- ee Caleco's threat to employee Smith that the latter could be fired for wearing union insignia. As the Administrative Law Judge found, Frost not only failed to repudiate Caleco's comment but responded to it by telling the employee to remove his insignia. In these circumstances, we conclude that Frost ratified Caleco's threat and indicated that Caleco's Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibili- ty unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3, 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. 2 In the absence of exceptions thereto, we adopt, pro fornaa the Administrative Law Judge's conclusion that Respondent did not violate Sec. 8(aXI) of the Act through the statement of its president, Duchinsky, on January 12, 1977, that in the event of unionization negotiations would start "from scratch," noting the context of other extensive unfair labor practices in which this occurred. 235 NLRB No. 101 views were also those of management-at least until Smith was notified to the contrary. 3 Accordingly, we find that Frost unlawfully impliedly threatened an employee with discharge for wearing union insignia. 4 We further find that Frost's own conduct in ordering the employee to remove his union insignia interfered with the latter's right to engage in the Union's organizational campaign and therefore constituted an additional violation of Section 8(aXl)(1) of the Act.5 We also find, contrary to the Administrative Law Judge, that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act when it reprimanded employee Longworth for leaving work early on January 13 to attend a preelection conference and when Supervisor Graham pulled an authorization card out of Longworth's shirt pocket and read it. With respect to the reprimand, the record estab- lishes that on January 12 Longworth learned that he was to act as observer during the upcoming Board election. On the morning of January 13, Longworth informed Graham, his immediate supervisor, of this fact. That same afternoon, Plant Manager Bill Whited told Longworth that he would have to "clock out in order to attend a pre-election conference." It is clear to us from these facts that Respondent not only had no objections to Longworth's leaving early but rather gave its tacit approval by reminding Long- worth that he had to clock out. Notwithstanding this fact, Respondent subsequently used this absence as a basis for issuing Longworth a reprimand on the grounds that Longworth had been either absent or late three times during the month of January. When Longworth protested the reprimand to his superiors, he was told that his participation as an observer in the election was voluntary and that Respondent made no exceptions in applying its absen- tee/tardiness rule. During the course of a conversa- tion concerning the reprimand, Respondent's direc- tor of personnel and employee relations, Robert Long, told Longworth that if "he was not happy with the Company, he should look elsewhere for a job."6 Viewing the reprimand in light of Respondent's well- established union animus, Long's threat to Long- worth, and particularly Respondent's prior indica- tion of approval of Longworth's absence, the prepon- derance of the evidence establishes that Longworth 3 Although Frost indicated that Caleco's comment about employees being fired for wearing union insignia might not be accurate, at the time of the incident he left the threat outstanding. Indeed, his ordering Smith to remove the button in the interim could only have had the tendency to reinforce the import of Caleco's comment as it appeared to belie his own expression of uncertainty concerning the threatened consequence. 4 Stewart & Stevenson Services, Inc., 164 NLRB 741, 742 (1967). 5 Republic Aviation Corporation v. N.LR.B., 324 U.S. 793, 802 (1945); Mayrath Company, 132 NLRB 1628, 1629(1961). 6 The Administrative Law Judge found, and we agree, that this statement constituted a threat in violation of Sec. 8(aX I ) of the Act. 693 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD was reprimanded in order to inhibit him and other employees from exercising their right to participate in the Board's electoral processes. Accordingly, we find that the reprimand violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. We also find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act when Supervisor Graham pulled an authorization card out of Longworth's pocket and read it. While Graham testified that he thought that the document was a warranty card, the Administra- tive Law Judge discredited him in this regard and Graham offered no other explanation for his con- duct. The Administrative Law Judge, however, found that Graham's conduct did not amount to a violation of Section 8(a)(l), inasmuch as Graham "put the card back where he had found it" as soon as he had "satisfied his curiosity as to what Longworth was carrying in his pocket." We find, contrary to the Administrative Law Judge, that Graham's conduct amounted to unlawful surveillance of Longworth's union activities and therefore violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. Finally, we do not agree with the Administrative Law Judge's finding that Graham's unlawful interro- gation of six employees on January 11, 1977, was effectively cured when Respondent posted a notice at all of its plants disavowing and apologizing for Graham's conduct on January 13. Although the notice posted on January 13 purported to reassure employees of their right to engage in union activities without fear of reprisal, Respondent committed additional unfair labor practices the following day and on January 24, 1977, 7 thereby essentially vitiat- ing its earlier repudiation of Graham's unlawful conduct. Additionally, Graham, as discussed above, had engaged in other unlawful conduct which Re- spondent made no attempt to disavow. Under these circumstances, we conclude that the January 13 notice was ineffective to cure the effects of Graham's unlawful interrogation8 and that our usual cease- and-desist order and requirement that Respondent post a Board notice is warranted.9 7 Supervisor Sandbothe's covering the union insigna employee Gilliam was wearing, and the issuance to Longworth of an unlawful reprimand and threatening him that his union activities were inconsistent with his continued employment. 8 See Group One Broadcasting Co.. West, 222 NLRB 993 (1976); Austin Powder Company, 141 NLRB 183, 192(1963). 9 Member Murphy would adopt the Administrative Law Judge's finding that Respondent effectively disavowed Supervisor Graham's interrogation of six employees and, in this regard, did not violate Sec. 8(aXl) of the Act. The record establishes that, when Respondent learned of Graham's interrogations, it immediately reprimanded Graham, ordered him to apologize to the six employees, and posted a notice on the bulletin boards at all of its plants disavowing and repudiating Graham's conduct and promising not to permit such conduct to occur again. The facts clearly show that Graham did not thereafter engage in any ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Intertherm, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Reprimanding employees for participating in the Board's election processes. (b) Engaging in surveillance of employees' union activities by removing and examining authorization cards in the possession of employees. (c) Telling employees that they could not wear and must remove or cover union insignia. (d) Threatening employees that their union activi- ties are inconsistent with continued employment with Intertherm, Inc. (e) Interrogating employees about their union activities and threatening them with reprisals for engaging in such activities. (f) Threatening employees with plant closure in the event they select a collective-bargaining representa- tive. (g) Threatening employees with discharge if they do not remove or cover union insignia. (h) In any like or related manner interfering with or attempting to restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at its plants in St. Louis, Missouri, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 10 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 14, after being duly signed by Respondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respon- dent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. unlawful conduct. Furthermore, the subsequent unlawful conduct directed at Gilliam and Longworth was committed by other of Respondent's supervisors and does not operate to negate the disavowal of Graham's misconduct. Under these circumstances, Member Murphy would find that Graham's unlawful interrogations had been effectively neutralized by Respondent's prompt publication of its notice repudiating such conduct and, therefore, that a cease-and-desist order and notice provision regarding this incident are not warranted. Fleetwood Trailer Co., Inc., 118 NLRB 1355 (1957). o1 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." 694 INTERTHERM, INC. (b) Notify the Regional Director for Region 14, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply here- with. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint be dismissed insofar as it alleges Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by conduct not found to be violative herein and Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by suspending Arnold Harris on January 19, 1977, and discharging him on January 21, 1977. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the election in Case 14-RC-8330, held on January 14, 1977, be, and it hereby is, set aside and that a new election be conducted. [Direction of Second Election and Excelsior foot- note omitted from publication.] APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board having found, after a hearing, that we violated Federal law in various ways, we hereby notify you that: The National Labor Relations Act gives all employees these rights: To engage in self-organization To form, join, or help unions To bargain collectively through a repre- sentative of their own choosing To act together for collective bargaining or other aid or protection To refrain from any or all of these things. WE WILL NOT reprimand employees for partici- pating in the Board's election processes. WE WILL NOT engage in the surveillance of employees' union activities by removing and examining authorization cards in the possession of employees. WE WILL NOT interfere with the employees' right to wear union insignia by telling them that they cannot wear and must remove or cover up such insignia. WE WILL NOT threaten you that your union activities are inconsistent with continued employ- ment with us. WE WILL NOT interrogate you about your union activities and threaten you with reprisals. WE WILL NOT threaten you with discharge if you do not remove or cover union insignia. WE WILL NOT threaten to close the plant in the event you select a collective-bargaining represen- tative. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with you or attempt to restrain or coerce you in the exercise of the above rights. All our employees are free to join International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultur- al Implement Workers of America (UAW), or any other labor organization, if they choose. INTERTHERM, INC. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE BENJAMIN K. BLACKBURN, Administrative Law Judge: The petition in Case 14-RC-8330 was filed on December 15, 1976.' A Stipulation for Certification Upon Consent Election was executed and approved on December 27. The election was held on January 14, 1977. In a production and maintenance unit of approximately 437 employees, there were 201 votes for the Charging Party, 216 against, and 10 challenged ballots. Timely objections were filed on January 21. The charge in Case 14-CA-9980 was filed on February I; the complaint was issued on February 18. On February 23 the Regional Director issued his Report on Objections in Case 14-RC-8330 and an order consolidating it for hearing with Case 14-CA-9980 and thereafter transferring it to the Board. The hearing was held in St. Louis, Missouri, on April I and 12. The principal issues litigated were Respondent's motive for discharging Arnold Harris on January 21 and whether a portion of a speech delivered to employees by John Oxley, Respondent's vice president in charge of manufacturing, on January 4 and 5 amounted to a threat to close in the event the Charging Party won the election scheduled for January 14. For the reasons set forth below, I find that Respondent's motive for discharging Harris was not one proscribed by Section 8(a)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, but that the words spoken by Oxley were, at law, a threat, thus constituting not only a violation of Section 8(aX)(I) of the Act but also grounds for setting aside the election. Upon the entire record, including especially my observa- tion of the demeanor of the witnesses, and after due consideration of briefs, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTION Respondent, a Missouri corporation, is engaged at St. Louis, Missouri, in the business of manufacturing heating I Dates are late 1976 or early 1977, as the case may be. 695 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and air-conditioning equipment. During calendar 1976 it shipped products valued in excess of $50,000 directly to customers located outside the State of Missouri. II. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Discharge of Arnold Harris The issue of Arnold Harris' discharge turns on credibili- ty. The crucial question is what happened on the afternoon of January 18 when Harris protested a reprimand he had received that morning to Alfred Carden, Respondent's manufacturing superintendent at the plant where Harris worked. (Respondent's operations are spread over four plants in St. Louis.) According to Harris the worst thing he said was "To hell with flexibility" and the worst thing he did was to wave his arms in the air. According to Carden, Harris wadded up the reprimand and stuffed it into Carden's pocket, threatened to kick Carden in the ass, and invited Carden to step outside for fisticuffs, an invitation which Carden wisely declined. I credit Carden over Harris principally because of Harris' evasiveness in testifying about his conduct. The following, from cross-examination, is a sample: Q. It would be a fair comment to make that you were shouting at Mr. Carden, weren't you? A. We were both, our voices were both up. Q. So, to answer my question, you were shouting at Mr. Carden? A. No. Our voices were raised. Q. What is the difference? A. O.K., so he was shouting and I was shouting. Q. So you were shouting? A. If this is what you say. His voice was up and my voice was up. I attach no significance to the fact Respondent produced no employee witness to corroborate Carden's version of the incident. The General Counsel produced none to corrobo- rate Harris even though Carden and Harris agreed their confrontation took place in view and earshot of numerous persons working in the area at the time. Similarly, I attach no significance to the fact Harris did not admit Carden's version at the two meetings on January 19 which resulted in suspension. It is clear even from Harris' version of what happened at those times that he did not deny it either. Consequently, I have credited Harris only where his testimony is undisputed, for instance, as to his overt support for the Charging Party in its organizing campaign, or corroborated by others, for instance, as to the fact he engaged in various conversations with supervisors. In all cases, however, where there is a conflict between his version and the version of Respondent's witnesses, I have credited the latter. Harris worked more than 8-1/2 years for Respondent as a spray painter and laborer, most of the time at the plant located at 812 South Theresa. He was an employee representative. He was openly and vocally prounion. In a Teamsters organizing campaign which preceded the one launched by the Charging Party in the late summer of 1976 he supported the Teamsters. Respondent, aware of his role and his attitude in that campaign, offered him a promotion in the hiatus between the two campaigns. When the Charging Party came on the scene, Harris was one of its early supporters, signing an authorization card on Septem- ber 29. He handed out cards to other employees. He wore union insignia, as did many other employees, in the week before the January 14 election. His views were no secret to his supervisors. Respondent has a policy of routinely reprimanding employees who are late for work and/or leave work early three times in a 30-day period. The document which memorializes the reprimand is prepared by a clerk without consulting a supervisor as soon as the records which the clerk maintains indicate the transgression. Harris was late for work on January 3, left early on January 13, and was late again on January 17. On the morning of January 18 the clerk prepared a reprimand slip which read, "Company policy states more than two tardys or leaving early in a one month period is considered excessive. On 1/3/77 and 1/17/77 you came in late and on 1/13/77 you left early. This is a verbal warning. Your next excessive occasion will result in a written reprimand." Fred Boeckman, Harris' immediate supervisor, signed it and gave it to Harris. The reprimand upset Harris. In his view Respondent should have exercised its policy of "flexibility" to forgive him for being late on January 17 because weather was to blame. January 17 had been a stormy day but not so bad that Respondent considered it a "wipeout," i.e., a day on which such a large number of employees are delayed in getting to work by some catastrophe that it does not apply its policy. Consequently, a few minutes before quitting time, Harris sought out Carden to make his point about "flexibility" and the need for a union in the plant. A loud argument resulted in the course of which Harris and Carden walked together for some distance in the plant. During the argument Harris wadded up the reprimand he had received and thrust it into Carden's shirt pocket with the comment that Carden could stick it up his ass and invited Carden to step outside to settle their differences man to man. The next morning Carden removed Harris' card from the timeclock rack. When Harris reported for work and could not find his card, he sought out Carden. Carden assembled Harris, Harris' department representative, Robert Baum- gartner, and Harris' department supervisor, Boeckman, in his office. Carden described his confrontation with Harris the previous afternoon. Harris said he did not remember saying what Carden said he had said. Bill Wood, the plant manager and Carden's immediate superior, came in while the meeting was in progress. Carden said he was willing to submit to a polygraph test. He asked Harris if he was willing. Harris did not reply. The upshot of the meeting was that Harris was placed on indefinite suspension pending further investigation. An immediate meeting with Robert Long, Respondent's director of personnel and employee relations at the Gustine plant where Long's office is located, was arranged. Harris rode to the Gustine plant with Carden in Carden's automobile. Long first interviewed Carden. When Carden came out of Long's office, Harris went in. Long asked Harris if the events which Carden had related were true. Harris neither 696 INTERTHERM, INC. admitted nor denied Carden's story. Rather, when Long asked Harris if Harris had told Carden he would whip his ass, Harris replied, "Oh, now, Bob, come on, I didn't say that exactly. Yeh, I got mad and I said some things I shouldn't have said, but come on now, Bob, you're not going to hold that against me." His replies to specific questions about other things he was alleged to have said or done were similar. The upshot of this meeting was that Harris continued in a suspended pending investigation status. Long told Harris to check with him later. Long referred the problem to John Oxley, Respondent's vice president of manufacturing. When Harris telephoned Long on January 20 to find out his fate, Long told him a decision had not yet been made. Long said the least that Harris could anticipate was a 3-day suspension. Oxley decided to discharge Harris. When Harris tele- phoned Long again on January 21, he was referred to Plant Manager Wood. Harris telephoned Wood. Wood informed Harris he was discharged. Harris telephoned Long and protested. Long refused to discuss the decision with him. On the following Monday, January 24, Harris telephoned Oxley. Oxley also refused to discuss his decision with Harris. The General Counsel's theory is, of course, pretext. In his view, Respondent seized on the argument between Harris and Carden on January 18 as a pretext masking its real motive of getting rid of a notorious union leader as a warning to other employees at a time when the outcome of the election held on January 14 was still uncertain. The effect of my crediting Respondent's witnesses over Harris is to discredit much of the evidence the General Counsel relies on to support that theory. I find that Long did not interrogate Harris about union activities at a meeting of employee representatives in December. I find Long did not tell Harris, in the course of a conversation on January 4, that Harris would be a lonely person if the Union did not get in. I find Long did not say to Harris on January 19, "You have been going through this union thing and I feel like you have spit in my face after all I have done for you guys. .... Pass the word to the rest of the guys I am not going through this next year. The company is going to start going up and making money, but we are not going through this union thing next year and spending money again as we have in the past." The facts I have found will not support a pretext finding. I find, therefore, the General Counsel has failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence on the record as a whole that Respondent violated Section 8(aX3) and (1) of the Act by suspending Arnold Harris on January 19, 1977, and discharging him on January 21. Even if I were to find Long spoke the words which Harris claimed he spoke on these occasions, I would reach the same result. Harris' conduct on January 18 was so egregious that it furnished cause for discharge outweighing the additional evidence relied on by the General Counsel. The statements which Harris attributed to Long are ambiguous at best. They do not weigh enough to cause me to conclude that Harris would not have been discharged for what he did on January 18 but for his union activities. Another effect of my crediting Respondent's witnesses over Harris is to leave the General Counsel with no evidence in support of five allegations in the complaint of independent 8(a)(1) violations. Two of these are predicated on Harris' version of his conversations with Long on January 4 and 19. Similarly, I credit the testimony of Carden and Boeckman about their relationship with Harris in the period leading up to the election, including an incident a few days before January 14 in which Harris used an office telephone to call the Board office in St. Louis. (Carden's and Boeckman's version of the latter is that Harris merely asked permission to use the telephone and they played no role in instigating the call or discussing the information about wages and negotiations which Harris obtained in this manner.) Harris' version of his telephone conversation with Wood on January 21 indicates Wood said nothing more than that a decision had been reached to discharge Harris. Such a statement in this context does not constitute an independent violation of the Act. I find, therefore, the General Counsel has also failed to establish that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) by Long telling "an employee that if the union didn't get in, that employee was going to be a lonely person"; by Long telling "an employee that said employee is being suspended because of said employee's union sympathies and activities"; by Carden and Boeckman interrogating "an employee regard- ing his union sympathies"; by Boeckman threatening "an employee with a wage reduction in case of unionization"; or by Wood telling "the employee referred to [in the subparagraph based on Long's alleged statement to Harris on January 19] that said employee was terminated." B. Reprimand of Robert Longworth Respondent's policy with respect to tardiness also figures in several independent 8(a)(1) allegations relating to Rob- ert Longworth. Longworth was a last-minute substitute as an observer for the Charging Party on January 14. Longworth learned of his assignment from the Charging Party's organizer on January 12. The next morning he informed Allen Graham, his immediate supervisor. That afternoon Bill Whited, manager of the plant at which Longworth works, told Longworth he would have to clock out in order to attend a preelection conference. Longworth did so, about an hour before his shift ended. On January 24 Longworth received a reprimand, signed by Graham, similar to the one Harris received on January 18. It had been routinely prepared by a clerk and was predicated on Longworth's having been late on January 12 and 19 and having left work early on January 13. When Longworth realized he was being officially reprimanded as a result of clocking out early in order to participate in the preelection conference, he sought out Whited. He told Whited he thought Respondent was retaliating against him for his union activities. Whited commented that acting as an observer had been voluntary on Longworth's part but said he would talk to Long to see what he could do about it. The next day, when Longworth failed to hear from Whited, he sought out Long himself. Longworth explained the situation and made the same point to Long that he had made to Whited. Long's response was the same as Whited's-acting as observer is a voluntary thing and Respondent makes no exceptions in applying its tardiness rule. Longworth argued it was this sort of inhuman attitude 697 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD toward employees which caused them to engage in union activities. In the course of this discussion Long told Longworth that, if he was not happy with the Company, he should look elsewhere for a job. (I do not credit Long's denial that he made this remark.) On February 10, on advice of counsel, Respondent withdrew the reprimand from Longworth's personnel file and returned it to him. At the same time Graham handed the reprimand to Longworth, Graham gave him a memo- randum signed by Graham which read, "As of today the attached reprimand date 01-24-77 has been rescinded and withdrawn from your personnel file." The first of three allegations based on this incident is that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) by issuing "a written tardiness reprimand for an employee because that employ- ee had left work to attend a pre-election conference concerning an election in which he was to be an observer." The other two are based on the words spoken to Long- worth by Whited and Long. There is no merit to the contention that the reprimand itself or Whited's and Long's statements that Longworth's participation in the election as an observer had been his voluntary choice violated the Act. Longworth was not reprimanded for acting as an observer. (If he had been, I presume the General Counsel would have alleged a violation of Section 8(a)(3), for a reprimand for such a reason would obviously have discriminated against Longworth in order to discour- age his membership in the Charging Party.) He was reprimanded for violating Respondent's consistently ap- plied policy with respect to arriving late and leaving early and by being late for work on January 19. By the same token, Whited's and Long's statements about that policy were simply an assertion of its right to have such a nondiscriminatory policy. However, Long's statement about Longworth seeking another job did violate the Act. Padre Dodge, 205 NLRB 252 (1973). I find, therefore, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by convey- ing to an employee the threat that it considered engaging in union activity and continued employment essentially in- compatible. C. Activities of Foreman Allen Graham 1. Authorization card incident Robert Longworth and his immediate supervisor, Allen Graham, also figure in this incident. It, too, involves a conflict as to just what happened. According to Long- worth, Graham plucked one of the Charging Party's authorization cards out of his pocket and read it. Accord- ing to Graham, he did not get the card out of the pocket and he did not read it. The General Counsel called Danny Wampler, an eyewitness, to corroborate Longworth. How- ever, Wampler's account of what he saw accords more closely with Graham's than with Longworth's. Therefore, I do not credit Longworth's testimony that Graham actually got the card out of his pocket and read it before returning it. On the other hand, I do not credit Graham's testimony that he thought it was a warranty card. Respondent's warranty cards are white. The Charging Party's authoriza- tion cards are a bluish green. Graham did not claim to be colorblind. Sometime in October Longworth was operating his forklift truck with a number of authorization cards sticking out of his shirt picket. Graham directed Longworth's attention away from himself, stepped up on the forklift, pulled one of the cards part way out of Longworth's pocket, saw what it was, and thrust it back. Bill Whited, the plant manager, was walking by and asked if there was a problem. Longworth complained Graham was harassing him. Whited did not reply. In Benner Glass Co., 209 NLRB 686 (1974), the Board found an 8(a)(1) violation on analogous facts. There a plant superintendent deliberately stationed himself in a position where he could observe one employee give a supply of authorization cards to another and then confis- cated the cards. The Board found an 8(a)(1) violation in that "Garner engaged in unlawful surveillance of employ- ees engaged in distribution of union authorization cards in a nonwork area during breaktime and disrupted the distribution of the cards." Here the incident occurred in a work area during worktime, and Graham did not seek out Longworth to keep his union activities under surveillance. More importantly, what Graham did had no effect on Longworth's distribution of cards to other employees for, as soon as Graham had satisfied his curiosity as to what Longworth was carrying in his pocket, he put the card back where he had found it. I find, therefore, on the authority of Benner Glass, that Respondent did not violate Section 8(aX)(1) of the Act by Graham's taking "an authorization card from an employee's pocket and" reading "the card in the presence of the employee." 2. Admitted interrogation On January 11, having been asked to tell his superior how his subordinates would vote on January 14, Graham polled six employees. On January 13 he apologized to each of the six, stating that he should not have interrogated them. Respondent reprimanded Graham. On January 13 it posted the following notice to employees on the bulletin boards in all of its plants: DATE: JANUARY 13, 1977 FROM: JACK OXLEY TO: ALL SHOP HOURLY EMPLOYEES ALL PLANT BULLETIN BOARDS It has just come to my attention that on Tuesday, January 11th, 1977, the foreman in our Material Handling Department at Gustine Plant asked several employees how they were going to vote in the NLRB election scheduled for January 14th, 1977. This kind of conduct is strictly against Company policy for as we have said in our letters and speeches we want all employees to be able to decide this issue free from any unlawful interference, restraint or coercion. I want all Intertherm employees to know that the foreman imme- diately apologized to the employees he had questioned and stated to them that he should not have asked those questions; additionally that foreman has been repri- manded for his actions. 698 INTERTHERM, INC. On behalf of Intertherm, I want to inform all employees that the Company unequivocally disavows and repudi- ates all such inquiries that took place at the Gustine Plant on January 11th. This kind of action shall not occur again. As we have often said, our employees have the right to form, join, and assist any labor organization or to refrain from so doing whichever you care to do. You have the right to engage in union activities without any fear of threat or reprisals by the Company. No ones job will be adversely affected, now or later, because of support for or opposition to a union. /s/ J. H. Oxley J. H. Oxley V. P. Manufacturing. Whether Respondent should now be required to remedy this admitted interrogation violation of Section 8(aXl) turns on the significance of its efforts to remedy it itself. In Fashion Fair, Inc., 159 NLRB 1435 (1966), the Board found violations despite efforts by the employer to disavow and apologize for the actions of its supervisor. However, in Fashion Fair the Board said (at 1444): Unless properly and effectively neutralized, the impact of coercive action upon employees is not vitiated just because the illegal acts in question are subsequently rescinded. Merely making an apology to employees for the misconduct committed [is] ambiguous and insuffi- cient, without clearly identifying the wrongdoing, indi- cating recognition of the employees' organizational rights, and assuring them against recurrence of the offenses committed. Moreover, to be effective, a neu- tralization effort must be adequately publicized sub- stantially to reach all employees. The supervisor who was required in Fashion Fair to apologize and make amends to employees also committed other unfair labor practices which were not covered by the apology and restoration of the status quo. Here, no other unfair labor practices can be attributed to Graham. More importantly, all the criteria mentioned in Fashion Fair are present. Graham's wrongdoing was clearly identified in the notice posted on January 13. It recognized employees' organizational rights and assured them against recurrence of the offense Graham had committed. It was more than adequately publicized. Published only 2 days after the offense, it was posted in a manner that brought it forcefully to the attention of the more than 400 employees in 4 plants who were scheduled to vote next day. Graham had interrogated only six employees in one plant. I find, therefore, on the authority of Fashion Fair, that Respon- dent did not violate Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by Graham interrogating "employees regarding . . . how they would vote in the forthcoming representation election." D. Interrogation of and Threats Directed to Kenneth Lay 1. By Plant Manager Bill Whited One day in mid-November, at lunchtime, Plant Manager Bill Whited stopped Kenneth Lay and said, "Ken, can I see you for a moment? What can you tell me about the UAW?" Lay said, "UAW? What is that? I thought the Teamsters were still trying to get in." Whited said, "Someone told me you were passing out union cards." Lay said, "I'm sorry, Bill, I can't help you." Whited said, "O.K., if that is the kind of answers you are going to give me, that is the kind of answers I am going to give you." Lay said, "When have I ever asked you for a favor?" Whited said, "Well, you know, like when you wanted a transfer from first to second shift." Lay said, "I didn't know you were doing me favors. I thought that was just part of your job" and walked away. I do not credit Whited's denial that he spoke the words Lay attributed to him after Lay said, "I'm sorry Bill, I can't help you." (Whited's version of this admitted conversation was "I talked with Kenny and told him that I knew that he was active in the union campaign and I was just trying to find out for the best interest of himself and the company why a long time employee would be campaigning for the union.") On the basis of this incident, I find that Respondent, in the person of Bill Whited, violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by interrogating an employee about his union activities and threatening reprisals for engaging in such activities. 2. By Foreman Richard Vogt About 2 or 3 days before the January 14 election Kenneth Lay's immediate supervisor, Richard Vogt, began working beside Lay on the air-conditioning line. Lay said, "Why are you so hot against the union, Dick?" After a pause, Vogt said, "What are you going to do for a job if the union don't get in?" Lay said, "I guess I will still be working here." On January 13, as Lay was reading a copy of the notice about Allen Graham's polling of employees which Respon- dent posted that day, Vogt joined him at the bulletin board. Lay said, "Dick, do you see what it says about harassing or bothering the employees?" Vogt said, "Well, nobody else heard it but you and I. You can't prove it." Lay said, "I don't want to cause any trouble. I am not going to mention this." I do not credit Vogt. (Vogt denied there was any conversation at the bulletin board. His version of what happened on the line was that he asked Lay where he would be working the following Monday because he wanted to know whether Lay was scheduled to be rotated off the line and Lay accused Vogt of threatening him.) On the basis of this incident, I find that Respondent, in the person of Richard Vogt, violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by threatening an employee with reprisals for engaging in union activities. 699 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD E. Activities of General Foreman Alvin Frost 1. Alleged threats On November 11 Alvin Frost, general foreman at Respondent's plant located on South 38th Street, checked with William Stricklin and Billy Shockley about a rumor which had reached him through his brother, Leonard Frost, second-shift foreman in the same plant. In his conversation with Stricklin, Frost said, "Bill, we don't want no trouble here." Stricklin said, "What do you mean?" Frost said, "Well, we have had someone say they were threatened about a card." Stricklin said, "Did he say it was me?" Frost said, "Your name was mentioned." Stricklin said, "If you bring the man in front of me, I will tell him he is wrong." In his conversation with Shockley, Frost said, "I have a report that you are threatening people about signing." Shockley said, "If you mean signing union cards, I did not threaten anybody. You get your source of information and I'll get mine and we'll go to the Labor Board and prove whether I did or not." Frost said, "That won't be necessary. The company has a good thing going here." Shockley interrupted Frost to say, "I'm 2 coming down here to screw things up for you." Frost said, "Bill Wood asked me to ask you about it." Shockley said, "Well, you can tell Bill Wood I am not guilty of it and we can still go to the Labor Board." National Water Life Company, 179 NLRB 926 (1969), relied on by the General Counsel with respect to these allegations, is distinguishable on its facts. There, the employer sought to determine if employees had in their toolboxes union literature shaped like footprints and designed to be placed on the floor, ostensibly because of a litter problem in its plant. An 8(a)(1) violation was predicated on the finding that "Respondent undertook a studied effort to determine which, if any, of its employees in the drill department possessed union literature . . . to pinpoint the Union adherents or sympathizers through the systematic interrogation of each employee in the depart- ment." Here, Frost's purpose in talking to Stricklin and Shockley was to get their side of the story that they were engaging in improper union activities, not to discover if they were, in fact, engaging in proper union activities or to threaten them because they were. What he said could not reasonably be interpreted by Stricklin or Shockley as an attempt to interfere with them or restrain or coerce them in the exercise of their right to engage in legal union activities. Respondent's concern that union adherents among its employees not exceed the bounds of permissible conduct in attempting to recruit their fellows is a legitimate one. The words Frost spoke in dealing with that concern do not exceed those bounds any more than Stricklin's and Shock- ley's activities apparently had. (There is no suggestion in the record that Stricklin and Shockley had, in fact, threatened other employees in an effort to persuade them to sign authorization cards for the Charging Party.) I find, therefore, that Respondent did not violate Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by Frost telling "an employee that Frost had a 2 I reject the suggestion contained in the General Counsel's brief that the record should be corrected at this point to insert "not." report that the employee was threatening other employees to sign union cards" when "Respondent had no informa- tion that the employee was threatening other employees to force them to sign union cards" or by Frost accusing "an employee of having threatened another fellow employee in order to have that fellow employee sign a union card." 2. Insignia incident About a week before the January 14 election the Charging Party distributed pins and pocket protectors bearing a UAW message to Respondent's employees. (A pocket protector is a plastic pen and/or pencil holder which fits inside a shirt pocket with a flap hanging over the front of the pocket. Its purpose is to keep the shirt from being soiled.) Many employees wore them in Respondent's plants between the time they were distributed and the election. When Eugene Smith did so for the first time around January 7, he happened to pass by Alvin Frost and Frank Caleco, who were standing together by Frost's desk. Caleco, the timekeeper and a rank-and-file employee, said, "You can't wear that, you can get fired." Frost said, "Well, take it off. You can't wear it until I check with personnel. I don't know if you can wear them or not on company time." Smith took off the union insignia. I do not credit Frest's testimony that this incident never happened. (Caleco was not called as a witness by either side.) The fact he had been instructed by higher manage- ment not to do anything of this sort is no guarantee that he did not. Allen Graham, the supervisor who admittedly polled six employees on January 11, underwent the same indoctrination. In Franklin Stores Corporation, et al., 199 NLRB 52 (1972), an 8(aXI) violation was found where supervisors told employees who worked in a retail store to remove their union buttons. There is even less justification for Frost's order in a factory. Frost's failure to disavow Caleco's "you can get fired" made Respondent liable for the threat that Smith would be discharged if he did not obey. I find, therefore, on the authority of Franklin Stores, that Respon- dent, in the person of Alvin Frost, violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act by impliedly threatening to discharge an employee if he did not remove union insignia. F. Another Insignia Incident A similar incident in the same plant on election day involved an employee named Glenwood Gilliam and a supervisor named Carl Sandbothe. The credibility conflict posed by this part of the record is different from that involving Smith and Frost. Gilliam did not deny that he played a part in hiding the UAW message on Gilliam's pocket protector with a stick-on Intertherm logo. Rather, the two stories differ in that Sandbothe's version of what happened makes the event part of a running joke between them while Gilliam's does not. Notwithstanding Gilliam's admission on cross-examination that there was laughter in the conversation before it was all over, I credit his testimony that the affair was no joking matter. Even if I were to find it was more playful than I believe it was, I 700 INTERTHERM, INC. would still find an 8(a)(1) violation. The net effect was that a union adherent wound up sporting a company emblem on election day because a supervisor put it on him. The following findings of fact are based on Gilliam's version of what happened: Gilliam began wearing a union pocket protector, usually under his jacket, around January 7. On January 14 he was approached by Sandbothe, foreman in another depart- ment, who asked Gilliam why he was wearing the protector in plain view. Gilliam said it was warm and he had taken his coat off. Sandbothe said he would rather see it covered up. Gilliam said it was too hot to wear his coat. Sandbothe said, "Well, I will get an Intertherm sticker and put it on." Gilliam said, "O.K., if I have to wear one." Sandbothe went to an office and returned with an Intertherm sticker. He peeled off the backing and stuck the logo on the flap of Gilliam's pocket protector, covering the UAW message. Sandbothe said, "That looks a lot better." A little later he told Gilliam he had spent the entire morning going around pulling UAW stickers off walls and presses. I find, also on the authority of Franklin Stores, supra, that Respondent committed the same sort of 8(a)(1) violation in this incident as already found in the Smith-Frost incident above. G. Speeches to Assembled Employees 1. By President Bernard Duchinsky This allegation grows out of a series of preelection speeches to assembled employees on January 12 by Bernard Duchinsky, Respondent's president. At issue is whether, in responding to an employee's question on one occasion when he had finished his prepared remarks, he used that dangerous phrase "bargaining from scratch." (I credit Duchinsky's testimony that only once did he entertain questions as he went from plant to plant to address all employees in groups of 20 or so.) William Stricklin and Billy Shockley said that he did. They named Glen Knowles as the employee who asked the question. Duchinsky denied he used the phrase in answering Knowles. Respondent called Knowles, apparently in an effort to corroborate Duchinsky. However, Knowles' testimony helped neither side for his response to the key question was merely that he did not recall and his recollection of the incident was hazy. I credit Stricklin and Shockley over Duchinsky. The sum total of the evidence as to the context in which Duchinsky referred to bargaining from scratch is as follows. Stricklin's version: Q. Do you recall any particular questions that were asked and by whom? A. One question in particular was Glen Knowles asked him when or something about where do we start negotiating and how long. Q. Who is he? A. Glen Knowles asked Mr. Duchinsky and Mr. Duchinsky said we would start from scratch and, therefore, we would be negotiating up through July. Shockley's version: Q. At the end of his speech in chief, if you want to call it that, was there-then what happened? A. Well, Mr. Knowles asked him if the union gets in, where would we start negotiating from. Bernie said from scratch. I believe that is about the last thing that he said. The only conclusion I can draw from this testimony is that Duchinsky's remark cannot be taken as a threat either to unilaterally discontinue existing benefits prior to negoti- ations or to adopt a regressive bargaining posture designed to force a reduction of existing benefits for the purpose of penalizing employees for choosing collective representa- tion. Rather, its thrust is that the mere designation of a union will not automatically secure increases in wages and benefits and that all such items are subject to bargaining. I find, therefore, that Respondent did not violate Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by Duchinsky telling "employees that in case of unionization, Respondent would start negotiating 'from scratch.' " Coach and Equipment Sales Corp., 228 NLRB 440 (1977), and cases cited therein. 2. By Vice President John Oxley Vice President John Oxley also addressed all of Respon- dent's employees in small groups as part of Respondent's preelection campaign. He made the rounds of Respon- dent's plants on January 4 and 5. He gave this speech: Good Morning: I want to spend just a few minutes with you talking about the National Labor Relations Board election that is scheduled for January 14th. I understand that I'm not the first company official that has had to stand before you and talk about this particular subject. I think, however, that I can bring to bear a few new ideas and personal thoughts of my own since I am sort of a newcomer to the Intertherm team. I think, therefore, that I can stand back and take a different sort of look at this whole situation. I am shocked and amazed to learn that we are going to have a union election. There were a lot of things about this Company that disturbed me when I came here. Its operating efficiency was not what it should be. Its methods of doing business were, in a lot of cases, not what they should be and its ability to meet our competitors in a direct open contest was not what it should be. But the thing that did impress me was the personnel policies and practices which we have here at this Company. If anything should be obvious to any person sitting in this room, both me and you, it should be that this Company has done a damned fine job of trying to meet the economic and other needs of its employees. We have shortcomings and that is one of the reasons I am here, but there is a lot of good about this Company and one of the positive areas is in the area of wages and benefits. In short, I cannot possibly understand from what I have seen why any employee here feels that he needs a union. I don't see any major issue as I look around this 701 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Company. I don't see people coming up to me and saying Jack, we're firing people that shouldn't be fired or I got cheated out of a wage increase or that the Company is not being fair with its employees in its communications meetings. I don't hear any of this. What I'm afraid has happened is that a small group of malcontents, employees who like to gripe to bring attention to themselves, are simply trying to involve you, everyone of you and your future and your job security, in something just to create attention. If I were you I would give a lot of thought to that. I know that some employees will run to a union for many reasons, whether it is to bring attention to themselves or because they are in hopes of getting some shop steward's job or whatever. But if I were one of the other ninety five percent of you, who were not in that category and who recognized that this Company, despite its shortcomings, does have a great future if we pull together and that despite the fact we have had problems in the past, your wages and benefits have more than remained competitive, I'd give serious thought to whether or not it is in your best interest to get on that sort of bandwagon. Unions have no magic to them. I have dealt with unions for twenty years and I have dealt with the United Automobile Workers, I've dealt with the Ma- chinists, the Steelworkers and the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. In all of that time I have never known wages and benefits to be determined by any means other than comparison with similar sized and kinds of operations in the area in which the company was located. That's the method we have now, so why you would want to pay union dues, be subject to union control and bring something in here that represents an unknown for the future is simply beyond me. As I said, there is no magic in unions. If a company is competitive, if it manufactures a good product in an efficient and productive way, there is going to be job security whether you have a union or whether you do not. I have dealt with a number of unions in which I have had to shut down plants, or move them elsewhere. I've sat at the bargaining table and told an internation- al union that you'll either have to agree to the company's position or we'll shut the plant down. They didn't believe me and we shut the plant down. These are not threats, these are simply facts showing what I think all of you really understand. Whether you have a union or whether you do not have a union, a company must remain competitive and it must grow if it is going to succeed. For the first time in a long time, Intertherm is going to show a profit in 1976. But I would also tell you that I'm still concerned because one year of operating at a profit does not put us in the best of positions. In 1977 if we only equal 1976 we will only have about one half of the profits that we have in 1976 because of some adjustments in the Federal income tax. While there were a great many things to be thankful about in 1976, there were some things that were not so cheery. Furnaces operated at a loss and there was no payout to shareholders in 1976. You and I must work together to try to correct all of these things and let me tell you why. What if you invested in Intertherm and put in a thousand dollars, or two thousand dollars, or twenty thousand dollars, as a shareholder in this Company. You would expect some return on your investment just like you expect the bank to pay you interest on your savings account. If you didn't get it, would you continue to buy Intertherm stock or would you sell it? The answer is pretty obvious. We are going to have to start making profits so we can pay our shareholders a return on their investment or they are not going to stay with their investment in Intertherm. The question I would be asking yourself is this. Can you and I work better together, more harmoniously together, more efficiently together, to try to correct that situation with or without the UAW? I think here you only have to look to the old expression that too many cooks spoil the broth to see the answer. I believe that you and I can do a better job of meeting not only the needs of our employees but of our investors if we work together without the UAW in the picture trying to tell us both how to run our affairs. Let me give you an example of where I believe the UAW has hurt job security of its own members. And for that you only have to turn to Detroit, the home of the UAW. Because of the silly union practices and the restrictive work rules that don't benefit the employees but do cost the Company hundreds of thousands of dollars, the tool and die industry in Detroit which used to be gigantic is practically nonexistent. Look at the automobile industry: For the first time in its history General Motors is putting plants outside of major metropolitan areas and attempting to run those plants without the union. Why? Because General Motors is finding that it just cannot compete in the market place. Its built its seventh plant in the south recently and Ford Motor Company is now importing a Brazilian engine and expanding its Mexican operation in order to try to compete in the market place. In fact, I was reading an article in Automotive Magazine and it points out, and I am quoting them, "The UAW has helped to kill the Detroit tool and die industry, largely to the union's detriment." It was pointed out that in 1956 there were fourteen thousand tool and die workers affiliated with the UAW in the Detroit area and "today that number is three thou- sand." These are some of the reasons why I believe that your Company deserves a "No" vote in the election. I think it is in your best interest. I believe a "No" vote will help us preserve the situation we have now which gives this Company the freedoms, the flexibility, the management rights to take quick and positive correc- tive action to try to get around some of our problems. I'll tell you one thing, if we didn't have that right in 1974 and 1975 when this Company was undergoing a drastic economic condition, this Company would not be here today. I believe that we have a better ability to function if we do not have a union and I believe that ability to function goes directly to the benefit of every man and 702 INTERTHERM, INC. woman sitting in front of me today. Sure, we had some hard times. I understand that two, three years ago you folks had to accept some wage increases that were not the greatest in the world but the Company made it, it was able to be responsive, it was able to have the freedoms and flexibilities to keep its head above water and that has benefited everyone of us here today. I've gone on long enough but I did have some of these personal ideas and thoughts that I wanted to pass on to you. I'm around the plant a lot as all of you know and I want to answer your questions. If you have questions on your mind about this union situation, discuss them with your foreman or stop me as we go through and we'll get you answers. We want all of you to be informed. We want all of you to have the necessary facts in front of you so that you can make the right decision when you vote on January 14. Thank you very much. The General Counsel contends that the sixth paragraph contains a threat of plant closure in the event Respondent's employees opt for collective representation. Respondent contends that, in context, the paragraph contains a reason- able prediction of events beyond Respondent's control in the event they go union. I have reproduced the entire speech so as to set forth the total context. I agree with the General Counsel. I find, therefore, that Respondent, in the person of John Oxley, violated Section 8(a)( 1) of the Act by threatening employees with plant closure in the event they selected the Charging Party as their collective-bargaining representative. Russell Stover Candies, Inc., 221 NLRB 441 (1975), and Marathon LeTourneau Company, 208 NLRB 213 (1974). III. THE OBJECTIONS TO THE ELECTION The Charging Party's objections to the election in Case 14-RC-8330 (at least those that have been referred to me) are the same as some of the 8(a)(1) allegations in the complaint in Case 14-CA-9980. I have found that, during the period between the filing of the petition on December 15 and the election on January 14, Respondent violated the Act when General Foreman Alvin Frost threatened to discharge Eugene Smith if he did not remove union insignia, when Foreman Carl Sandbothe covered union insignia being worn by Glenwood Gilliam, and when Vice President John Oxley threatened all the employees with plant closure in the event the Charging Party won the election. The first two incidents were too limited in their impact on this multiplant election to require a new election. The last, however, was a threat of vital significance which was repeated in all four plants to all 400-plus employees. Because of it, I recommend the election of January 14, 1977, in Case 14-RC-8330 be set aside and a second election held at such time as the Regional Director deems appropriate. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in this proceeding, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I. Intertherm, Inc., is an employer engaged in com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By threatening an employee that his union activities were inconsistent with continued employment with Re- spondent, by interrogating employees about their union activities and threatening them with reprisals, by threaten- ing employees with discharge if they did not remove or cover union insignia, and by threatening employees with plant closure in the event they selected a collective-bar- gaining representative, Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 5. The allegations of the complaint that Respondent violated Section 8(aX 1) of the Act by conduct not found to be violative in paragraph 3 above have not been sustained. 6. The allegations of the complaint that Respondent violated Section 8(aX3) and (1) of the Act by suspending Arnold Harris on January 19, 1977, and discharging him on January 21 have not been sustained. [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] 703 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation