Ingalls Iron Works Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsOct 21, 194458 N.L.R.B. 1202 (N.L.R.B. 1944) Copy Citation In the Matter Of INGALLS IRON WORKS COATPANY and FEDERAL LABOR UNION #2 3510, A. F. OF L. Case No. 10-C-1444.-Decided October 21, 1144 DECISION AND ORDER On June 27, 1944, the Trial Examiner issued his Intermediate Report in the above entitled proceeding, finding that the respondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the copy of the Intermediate Report attached hereto. Thereafter, counsel for the Board filed exceptions to the Intermediate Report and a brief in support of the exceptions. No request for oral argument before the Board was made, and none was held. The Board has reviewed the rulings made by the Trial Examiner at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Interme- diate Report, the exceptions and brief filed by counsel for the Board, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, con- clusions, and recommendations made by the Trial Examiner, except insofar as they are inconsistent with our findings, conclusions, and order hereinafter set forth. We do not agree with the Trial Examiner 's conclusion that the respondent has not discriminated in regard to the hire or tenure of employment of W. M. Shikle, within the meaning of Section 8 (3) of the Act. The Trial Examiner found that on three successive nights Chief Guard Fulton observed Shikle improperly performing his duties as guard at the main gate of the respondent's plant; that Fulton found Shikle smoking while on duty in violation of a posted rule prohibiting smoking; and that George Hisey, another of the respondent's guards, was discharged during the month of Shikle's dismissal because Fulton had observed that Hisey was not properly checking employees entering the main gate. Upon the basis of these findings and in view of his further finding that Shikle was not prominent in the union organiza- 5S N.L R B. No 224 1202 INGALLS IRON WORKS COMPANY 1203 tional efforts of the guards, the Trial Examiner concluded that Shikle had not been unlawfully discharged. The respondent contends that Shikle was discharged because he was derelict in the performance of his duties as a plant guard and because he violated its rule prohibiting smoking while on duty. The evidence in the record supports the findings made by the Trial Examiner that Shikle did not properly perform his duties on the particular nights Chief Guard Fulton had him tinder surveillance and that Shikle had smoked while on duty in violation of a rule of which he was aware. However, we do not believe that these were the actual reasons which motivated the respondent to discharge him. It is clear that, from conversations with subordinate employees, Fulton was aware of the organizational efforts of the guards prior to the date on which Shikle was discharged and that Fulton knew Shikle's name appeared first on the letter of February 27, 1943, requesting a wage increase, which the guards had addressed to the Regional Direc- tor of the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor. From the testimony of Bailey, Henderson, Blankenship, and Shikle with respect to Shikle's activity in the organizational efforts of the guards and his active participation in the Union as its secretary-treas- urer, which we credit, we find, contrary to the Trial Examiner, that Shikle played a prominent role in organizing, sponsoring, and forming the Union. It is undisputed that, prior to his discharge, Shikle had been employed as a guard at the main gate of the respondent's plant for over 3 years without a complaint ever having been made against the manner in which he performed his duties. Yet, the first night lie worked after having signed a union membership application, Chief Guard Fulton,, his immediate supervisor, began to scrutinize his con- duct and kept him under close surveillance for three consecutive nights. After three nights of intensive scrutiny, and, without prior reprimand or warning, Fulton discharged Shikle. During the approximately 3-year period of Shikle's tenure as a plant guard, he performed his duties, generally, in no different manner than during the time he was under Fulton's unusual surveillance. We do not believe that, prior to 'During February and March 1943 , after first signing himself, Shikle solicited other guards to sign the letter. He took the letter to the plant of The Birmingham Tank Com- pany, a division of the respondent located about 7 or 8 miles distant. A guard at this plant showed the letter to Fulton who delivered it to R C Palmer, assistant to the vice president of the respondent Shortly thereafter Fulton questioned Shikle about the origin of the letter and its circulation among the respondent's employees and, in response to such Interrogation, Shikle stated to Fulton that he, Shikle, was the first signer of the letter and that lie was the one who had brought the letter to the Birmingham plant for addi- tional signatures Fulton thereupon remonstrated with Shikle and told him that the letter incident would "get" Fulton "in bad" with Ingalls, an official of the respondent. We disagree with the Trial Examiner's view that the letter incident of February-March 1943 was too remote in point of time to have figured in Shikle's discharge several months later in august 1943. On the contrary, we are convinced and find that Shikle's discharge is traceable in large part to the letter incident 1204 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD August'1943, Fulton was unaware of the manner in which Shikle per- formed his duties. On the contrary, we find that Fulton had full knowledge of such facts and that he had theretofore been lax in his supervision ever Shikle. In contrast with the treatment accorded Shikle, a prominent member of the Union, the record discloses that the other guard, Hisey, who was discharged for improperly checking employees entering the main gate, was first warned by Fulton and discharged only after a further dereliction. As for Shikle's violation of the no-smoking rule, it is undisputed that many of the guards em- ployed by the respondent were guilty of violating this rule and it is difficult to believe that Fulton was not aware of this. Furthermore, Fulton admitted that Shikle would not have been discharged if viola- tion of the no-smoking rule had been his only dereliction. Contrary to the Trial Examiner's judgment, we are not persuaded that this infrac- tion contributed in any way to Fulton's action in discharging Shikle. While Shikle was negligent in the performance of his duties as a plant guard, conduct which we do not condone, in view of the fore- going findings of fact and all the circumstances surrounding his dis- charge, in addition to the respondent's other unfair labor practices based upon statements of management representatives, as found by the Trial Examiner in his Intermediate Report, we conclude and find that the real reason for Shikle's discharge was his participation in the concerted activities of the respondent's plant guards and his union membership and activity, rather than the fact that he was derelict in the performance of his duties. In so doing, however, we do not limit the respondent's right to take appropriate disciplinary action in the future to enforce any non-discriminatory standards of conduct it may require of its employees. We find that, by discharging W. M. Shikle on August 8, 1943, the respondent discriminated in regard to his hire and tenure of employ- ment, thereby discouraging membership in the Union, and interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. The remedy Having found that the respondent has engaged in unfair labor prac- tices, we shall order it to cease and desist therefrom and to take cer- tain affirmative action which we-find necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. We have found that the respondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of W. M. Shikle. In order to effectuate the purposes and policies of the Act, we shall order that the respond- ent offer to W. M. Shikle immediate and full reinstatement' to his INGALLS IRON WORKS COMPANY 1205 former or a substantially equivalent position without prejudice to his seniority, and other rights and privileges, and make him whole for any loss of pay lie may have suffered by reason of the discrimination by payment to hint of a sum of money equal to the amount he nor- mally would have earned as wages during the period from the date of the discrimination against him to the date of the offer of reinstate- ment, less his net earnings' during such period. In accordance with our practice, the period from the date of the Intermediate Report to the date of the Order herein will be excluded in computing the amount of back pay AV. M. Shikle is entitled to, since the Trial Examiner did not recommend reinstatement of Shikle or an award of back pay to him. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in the case, the Board makes the following : CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Federal Labor Union #23510, A. F. of L ., is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 ( 5) of the Act. 2. By discriminating in regard to the hire and tenure of employ- ment of W. M. Shikle and thereby discouraging membership in Fed- eral Labor Union #23510 , A. F. of L., the respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (3) of the Act. 3. By interfering with, restraining , and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (1) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce , within the meaning of Section 2,(6) and (7) of the Act. 5. The respondent has not discriminated with respect, to the hire and tenure of employment of C. R . Roy and R. H. Bailey. ORDER Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the respondent, 2 By "net earnings" is meant earnings less expenses, such as for transportation, room, and board, incurred by an employee in connection with obtaining work and working else- where than for the respondent, which would not have been incurred but for his unlawful discharge and the consequent necessity of his seeking employment elsewhere. See Matter of Crossett Lumber Company, 8 N. L. R. B. 440. Monies received for work performed upon Federal, State, county, municipal, or other work-relief projects shall be considered an earnings . See Republic Steel Corporation v. N. L R. B, 311 U S. 7. 1206 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Ingalls Iron Works Company, Birmingham, Alabama, and its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall : 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Discouraging membership in Federal Labor Union #23510, A. T. of L., or in any other labor organization of its employees, by discharging or refusing to reinstate any of its employees, or in any other manner discriminating in regard to their hire or tenure of employment, or any term or condition of their employment; (b) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise'of the right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist Federal Labor Union #23510, A. F. of L., or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in con- certed activities for the purposes of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer to W. M. Shikle immediate and full reinstatement to his former or a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to his seniority and other rights and privileges; (b) Make whole W. M. Shikle for any loss of pay he may have suffered by reason of the respondent's discrimination against him, by payment to him of a sum of money equal to the amount which he normally would have earned as wages during the period from the date of the respondent's discrimination against him to the date of the Intermediate Report herein, and during the period from the date of this Order to the date of the respondent's offer of reinstatement, less his net earnings during such periods; (c) Post immediately in conspicuous places throughout its Birm- ingham (Southside) plant, including the guard houses or other prem- ises at which its guards or watchmen are customarily stationed, and maintain for a period of at least sixty (60) consecutive days from the date of posting, notices to its employees stating: (1) that the respondent will not engage in the conduct from which it is ordered to cease and desist in paragraphs 1 (a) and (b) of this Order; (2) that the respondent will take the affirmative action set forth in paragraphs 2 (a) and (b) of this Order; and (3) that its employees are free to remain or become members of l[i'ederal Labor Union #23510, A. F. of L., and that the respondent will not discriminate against any employee because of his membership in or activity on behalf of that organization ; (d) Notify the Regional Director for the Tenth Region in writing, within ten (10) days from the date of this Order, what steps the respondent has taken to comply herewith. INGALLS IRON WORKS COMPANY 1207 AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed insofar as it alleges that the respondent has discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of C. R. Roy and R. H. Bailey. Mn. GER.nRD D. REILLY took no part in the consideration of the above Decision and Order. INTERMEDIATE REPORT Mr. Mortimer H. Freeman, for the Board 1l1r. D. TV. Strickland and Mr. Ormond Sonieiville, both of Birmingham, Ala., for the respondent. Ali lvalter L. Mitchell, of Birmingham, Ala, for the Union. STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon an amended charge duly filed by Federal Labor Union #23510, A. F. of L, herein called the Union,' the National Labor Relations Board, herein called the Board, by the Acting Regional Director for the Tenth Region (Atlanta, Georgia), issued its complaint, dated February 21, 1944, against Ingalls Iron Works Company, Birmingham, Alabama, herein called the respondent, alleging that the respondent had engaged and was engaging in unfair labor practices affecting commerce, within the meaning of Section 8 (1) and (3) and Section 2 ((i) and (7) of the National Labor Relations Act, 49 Stat. 449, herein called the Act Copies of the complaint, accompanied by notices of hearing, were duly ser ed upon the respondent and the Union. With respect to the unfair labor practices, the complaint alleged, in sub- stance: (1) that the respondent discharged W. M. Shikle on or about August 8, 1943, C. R. Roy on August 13, 1943, and R. H. Bailey on August 24, 1943, and thereafter refused to reinstate them because of their membership in and activity on behalf of the Union and because they engaged in concerted activities with other employees for their mutual aid and protection, thereby discriminating in regard to their hire and tenure of employment and discouraging membership in the Union, and (2) that by the foregoing conduct and, since March 1, 1943, by uiging, persuading, threatening, and warning its employees to refrain from joining, assisting, becoming or remaining members of, the Union, by interrogating its employees concerning their concerted activity and the activity of other em- ployees, and by obstructing and impeding union organization, the respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 0 i March 1, 19-44, the respondent filed its answer, denying that it had engaged in- the unfair labor practices alleged and averring that Roy had resigned his position and that Shikle and Bailey had been discharged for incompetence and i iolation of working rules. Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held at Birmingham, Alabama, from March G to 11, 1944, before Robert F. Koretz, the undersigned Trial Examiner duly des- ignated by the Chief Trial Examiner. The Board and the respondent were rep- resented by counsel and the Union by a representative; all participated in the hearing. Full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, I At the opening of the hearing the undersigned granted a motion, to which there was no objection, to amend the pleadings and other formal papers to set forth the name of the Union as appears above. 1208 ' DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and to introduce evidence bearing on the issues was afforded all parties. Shortly after the commencement of the hearing, the undersigned denied a motion by the respondent to strike the charge and dismiss the complaint on the ground, in substance, that the acts alleged in the charge, and the complaint occurred prior to the time that the Union was chartered by the American Federation of Labor At the close of the hearing, counsel for the Board moved to conform the pleadings to the proof respecting formal matters. There was no objection ; the motion was granted. At the conclusion of the hearing, counsel for the Board and for the respondent argued orally before the undersigned. Upon the entire record in the case and from his observation of the witnesses, the undersigned makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT The respondent, Ingalls Iron Works Company, is a Delaware corporation, having its principal office and place of business at Birmingham, Alabama. At its Birmingham plant the respondent is engaged in fabricating structural steel and ship sections. In the course of its business at this plant, the respondent annually uses raw materials, including steel, valued in excess of $2,500,000, a substantial portion of which is shipped from points outside the State of Alabama to its Birmingham plant. The respondent annually ships 'finished products valued in excess of $5,000,000 to points in States other than Alabama. The respondent admits that it is engaged in commerce, within the meaning of the Act. II. THE ORG ANIZATION INVOLVED Federal Labor Union #23510. A. F. of L, is a labor organization affiliated with the American Federation of Labor. It admits to membership guards em- ployed by the respondent. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background Since 193'7 the respondent has been a party to collecti%e bargaining agree- ments governing terms and conditions of employment of employees at the plant here involved,' which is known as the Southside plant. All these contracts have excluded from their provisions the respondent's watchmen or guards! The last of such agreements, which was executed on April 12, 1943, and which remained in effect for one year, provides that International Association of Bridge, Struc- tural and Ornamental Iron Workers and its chartered affiliate Shopmen's Local No. 539, hereinafter called Local 539, shall be the exclusive representative of all employees, except watchmen, clerical employees, inspectors, and certain super- visory employees; and that the agreement "does not include or affect the Inter- ests of" the excepted classifications of employees. At all times material herein the respondent has employed 16 guards at the Southside plant They are enrolled as Auxiliary Military Police. 2 Front 1937 until about 1941 , the parties to these agreements were the respondent and Steel Workers Organizing Committee. On February 19, 1941, the Board certified Inter- national Association of Bridge , Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers , Shopmen Local #539 , affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, as the exclusive representative of all employees at this plant , excluding, among others , watchmen . Matter of The Ingalls Iron Works Company , Southside Plant, 29 N. L R. B. 156, 160 . Since 1941 , the respondent has contracted with such certified representative Throughout the record the terms "watchmen" and "guards" are used interchangeably. INGALLS IRON WORKS COMPANY 1209 In the latter part of February 1943, Guards Roy, Shikle, Henderson, Blanken- ship, and Crabtree, having heard rumors that the guards were entitled to cer- tain "back time" payments and desiring to obtain wage increases, went to the Regional Office of the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor at Birmingham to inquire about these matters. They were informed that, in order to obtain wage increases, it would be necessary to form an organization of guards and to appoint a committee therefrom to deal with the respondent. These guards then discussed the matter among themselves and with other guards and decided that a letter should be written. Henderson drafted the following letter under date of February 27, 1943, addressed to the Regional Director of the Wage and Hour Division : DEAR SIR: We the undersigned Watchmen at Ingalls Iron Works, and at Birmingham Tank company would like to know if we are elegible (sic) for the five cents back time which they have paid. We are getting $87 50 per month and have been promised a raise but have not received it as yet. We would-4ike an increase in wages to a living standard. The letter was left on the desk at the gate house, which is the headquarters of the guards. It was signed first by Shikle, who was stationed at the gate house during his shift. As other guards came to the gate house, Shikle referred to the letter. Fifteen of the guards at the Southside plant signed the letter. After this, Shikle took the letter to the plant of The Birmingham Tank Com- pany, a division of the respondent located about 7 or 8 miles from the South- side plant' The letter was signed by four guards at the Birmingham Tank Company. One of the four, D. H. Meharg, showed the letter to J. P. Fulton, chief of the guards at both the Southside plant and the Birmingham Tank Com- pany plant. Meharg told Fulton that he had erased his name, that lie felt that any request for a wage increase should be presented first to Fulton, and that he wanted Fulton to take the letter since he did not wish to retain possession of it. Fulton gave the letter to R. C Palmer, assistant to the vice president of the respondent. Shortly thereafter, Fulton told Guard Crabtree that he wished the employees had discussed the matter with hun before drafting and circulating the letter. Crabtree replied that the letter had been drafted with the under- standing that Fulton was not to know about it. According to Shikle, Fulton asked him who first had signed the letter and who had brought it to the plant of Birnnnghain Tank Company. Shikle replied that he had done so, observing that Fulton should know that he had signed first, inasmuch as Fulton had the letter. Fulton then said, according to Shikle's further testimony, that he wished the employees had spoken to him before writing the letter, because he had to appear before Ingalls, an official of the respondent, the next day and this would "get him in bad." Although Fulton denied that he had discussed the letter with Shikle, the undersigned does not credit his denial. Shikle's version of the con- versation is consistent with the attitude admittedly expressed $y Fulton in his conversation with Crabtree, and with Fulton's testimony that lie felt that he had been slighted by the action of the employees regarding the letter. The undersigned accepts the foregoing testimony of Shikle as true.` 4 See Matter of Birmingham Tank Company , Division of The Ingalls Iron Works Com- pany, Inc., 25 N. L. R . B. 1306. ' When first called as a witness by counsel for the Board , Shikle testified that Fulton had also stated that every man who signed the letter would "be turned out the front gate. " Asked by Board counsel , "Who made that statement ?", he relied that Crabtree and Henderson had said that Fulton made this statement , but that he had never made it to him. Thereupon , on motion of the respondent 's counsel , this testimony , as to what 1210 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD B. Interference, restraint, and coercion About May or June several of the guards started to discuss organization for collective bargaining purposes. Among them were Shikle, Roy, Bailey, Hender- son, Blankenship and Whatley Sometime in July, Captain Davis, an officer of the United States Army who drilled the guards, addressed them concerning their right to organize for the purpose of collective bargaining. He read the following portion of a circular issued by the War Department concerning Auxil- iary Military Police: Auxiliary Military Police are permitted to bargain collectively, but no such activity will be tolerated which will interfere with their obligations as members of the Auxiliary Military Police. In view of recent decisions by the National Labor Relations Board (see In re Lord Mfg Co. & United Rubber Workers of America, CIO, Case No. R-4820), February 1943), the Auxiliary Military Police should be represented in collective bargaining with the man- agement by a bargaining unit other than that composed of the production and maintenance workers, although both bargaining units may be affiliated with the same labor organization. Where the guards are not now included in the same bargaining unit, this is mandatory ; where the guards are in- cluded in such unit, serious consideration will be given to effect a change to conform to, the foregoing policies. Nearly all the guards construed this statement to mean that they could not join Local 539, which is generally referred to in the record as "the shop union." a Chief Fulton stated on this occasion that he thought the contract between the respondent and Local 539 provided that they could not join the latter union. Shortly after Captain Davis' talk to the guards,,Fulton approached Palmer and Donald Strickland, general counsel of the respondent, stated that he was confused as to the organizational rights of the guards, asked to see the contract between the respondent and Local 539, and requested advice on the matter. According to Strickland's testimony, he showed Fulton the provisions of the contract excluding watchmen, advised "that while the guards could not be represented by the same committee or in the same unit as represented the pro- duction and maintenance employees, they could be represented by the Iron Workers Union or any other union as a separate unit," and told Fulton that "I (lid not want to hear of his saying anything to any guard or acting in any way to discourage them in their rights to form a union or join any union that they wanted to, except that I did tell him that they were excluded from the contract with the Iron Workers Union covering production and maintenance employees" According to Fulton's testimony, Palmer and Strickland informed him that the guards were excluded from the contract, that they consequently could not "affili- ate with the shop union," but that they could form a "union of their own." While the undersigned credits Strickland's testimony as to the advice which he gave Fulton, it is cleat from Fulton's testimony and from the findings set forth below that Fulton understood the statements of Palmer and Strickland to mean that, Crabtree and Henderson told Shikle, was stricken. Shikle, when recalled in rebuttal, again testified that Fulton had said "every man that signed it was going to be turned out the front gate." In view of the fact that Shikle's testimony on, this point on direct examination was stricken as hearsay, and it is evident that this testimony in 'rebuttal was based on the same information, the undersigned does not accept Shikie's uncorroborated hearsay testimony on rebuttal. B Of all the guards who testified concerning Captain Davis' statement, only two, Blanken- ship and Butler, correctly construed the statement to mean that the guards were free to join any union which they desired, but that they must be represented as a separate bargain- ing unit. - iNGALLS IRON WORKS COMPANY 1211 by reason of the terms of the contract between the respondent and Local 539, the guards did not have the right to join Local 539' On August 3, following the completion at about noon of a drill, 11 of the guards, including Roy, Shikle, Bailey, Henderson, Denman, and Butler, gathered outside the plant and proceeded toward downtown Birmingham to meet one Coleman, an organizer for the American Federation of Labor. When they arrived at a certain street corner they were met instead by an employee of the respondent, who was a shop committeeman of Local X39. This employee presented the 11 guards with blank membership application cards in the American Federation of Labors Each of the eleven signed. Blankenship, who was on duty at this time, signed a membership cai d on the following day The organizational effort of the guards soon came to the attention of Chief Fulton. When Roy reported for work at 6 p in. on August 3, Fulton asked him whether the guards had gone to the union hall after the drill. Roy replied that they had not Fulton then asked how many had joined "the union." Roy replied that he did not know. Fulton remarked that he did not wish to see the guards "get into anything that didn't do [them] any good " 10 Within a few days after August 3, Fulton spoke to several of the other guards, who had signed membership cards, concerning their organizational activity. Some 2 or 3 days after August 3, he asked Butler if hejenew how many of the guards had joined "the union" and, after Butler had replied in the negative, said that Strickland had stated that all who "joined the union was automatically fired according to the contract." " Shortly after August 3, Fulton asked Denman how many of the guards had `Joined the union." stated that it was "against the shop contract to join the union" and that all those who had done so "automatically cease to be a watchman," and suggested that Denman see Palmer and Strickland about the matter ". About the same time Fulton told Blankenship that,"all guards ' Fulton ' s testimony also reveals a lack of understanding of the distinction between "unit" and "union' 9 These cards state • " I hereby join The American Federation of Labor and agree to be a member of my proper Union I designate and authorize the American Federation of Labor to represent me for the purpose of collective bargaining in all matters pertaining to wages, hours and workiii conditions . . 0 About the middle of August application was made to the American Federation of Labor fora chatter The application was received on August 17 and the Union 's charter was issued on September 1 10 The findings as to this conversation are based upon the testimony of Roy Although Fulton testified that he did not learn of the organizational effort of the guards until about the middle of August , his testimony in this respect reflected a lack of definite recollection, and is not credited by the undersigned 31 In so finding, the undersigned has accepted Butler's testimony Fulton testified that in the latter part of August he had had 2 oi 3 discussions with Butler about "the union" and that he had told Butler that the respondent had "no objections to him joining the union, that is excluding the shop union , they couldn 't join that On January 5, 1944, at the request of Fulton, Butler signed a written statement , which had been prepared by Fulton , reading, inter alia• "Mr . Fulton has never mentioned Union to me or told me that I could not join any union " On February 21, 1944 , Butler signed a written state- ment in which lie stated , inter alie, that "Neither Mr Fulton nor any other person connected with the company nn a supervisory capacity , has said anything to me against unions " In view of Milton ' s testimony concerning his conversations with Butler , and the consistency of the statements attributed by Butler to Fulton with the other statements of Fulton set forth below , the undersigned is convinced that , notwithstanding the written statements executed by Butler in January and February 1944 , Butler ' s testimony set forth in the text is ti tie 12 These findings are based upon Denman's testimony . Fulton 's testimony concerning the conversation did not differ materially except that he testified that he used the term "shop union" rather than " union " in stating that the guards could not join It is plain from Denman ' s testimony that Fulton was in fact referring to the "shop union," whether or not lie so stated The undersigned so finds 1212 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD that joined the union would be automatically fired," and that he did not think "the union" would do him "any-good." Fulton had a similar conversation with Henderson He told Henderson that the guards could not join "the union" because of the contract with "the shop union . . . prohibiting it" and that any guard who joined "the union" would he "automatically out of a job as a watchman." Fulton suggested that Henderson "have a talk" with Palmer or Strickland about this." Within a few days after Fulton's conversations with Penman. Blankenship, and Henderson, Fulton again approached them" He asked them to state what lie had said in the previous conversations. After they had done so, Fulton stated that they had misunderstood his statements. He explained that he had referred to "the shop union" in these conversations and had meant to convey that they could not join "the shop union" because of the terms of the contract which excluded them and that they would automatically (-ease to be guards or watchmen if they joined "the shop union." He also stated that they N^ ere free to join any other union The foregoing statements of Fulton to Denman, Butler, Blankenship and Henderson to the effect that the guards were precluded by the agreement between the respondent and Local 539 from joining the latter union, and that if they joined they would automatically cease to be guards, were contrary both to the terms of the contract and to principles established by the Board While the said agreement limits, by the exclusion of guards and other classifications of em- ployees the unit in which Local 539 is recognized, there is nothing in the agree- ment which might be construed to prohibit the guards from joining Local 539 and being represented by this union as a separate bargaining unit.16 The Board has held that militarized guard are free to select any representative of their own choosing, but that, because of the peculiar nature of their duties and the special obligations imposed upon them, they should not be merged in a unit with other employees but should be established as a separate bargaining unit 16 While the undersigned is convinced that Fulton's statements resulted from a genuinely mis- taken belief as to the organizational rights of the guards, it is nevertheless clear that these statements plainly indicated that the guards would be discharged if they joined the Union, and constituted interference, restraint and coercion in the exercise of rights protected by the Act" Fulton's interrogation of Roy, 13 In making these findings, the undersigned has accepted only that poi tion of Hender- son's testimony which was not controverted by Fulton in any material respect, except that Fulton testified that be used the term "shop union" instead of "union" in stating that the guards could not join The undersigned finds that Fulton in fact referred to the "shop union," whether or not he so stated Henderson testified that a few days after the above-mentioned conversation Fulton reprimanded him for "worrying" the watchmen "about the union ," and stated that Hen- derson, Blankenship and Denman were "doing everything against" him that they could. At this point counsel for the Board asked Henderson whether Fulton had asked him to quit on this occasion Henderson denied this and told of another occasion upon which Fulton allegedly had urged him to quit. On cross-examination Henderson denied that Fulton had urged him to quit on the latter occasion and testified that Fulton had done so at the time lie reprimanded Henderson for "worrying" the watchmen "about the Union." Under these circumstances, the undersigned does not accept Uenderson's testi- mony that Fulton reprimanded him for "v orrying" the watchmen or that Fulton accused him. Blankenship, and Denman of "doing everything against'' him that they could. 14 Fulton testified that "one of the guards" had told hint that "some of the guardq" had made certain statements to a representative of the Board and that this caused him to speak again to Denman. Blankenship, and Henderson 36 See Matter of Chrysler Motor Parts Corporation, 55 N L. R B, 709; Cf. Matter of General Motors Corporation , 51 N L It . B., 1366; Matter of Packard Motor Car Company, 47 N L. R B 912 16 Matter of Dravo Corporation, 52 N I, R B 322. 11 Matter of Budd Wheel Company, 49 N. L. It. B. 1350. INGALLS IRON WORKS COMPANY 1213 Butler, and Denman concerning their union activity and his statements to Roy and Blankenship to the effect that organization would secure them no advan- tages, were also violative of the Act. The undersigned finds that by Fulton's interrogation of, and statements to, Roy, Butler, Denman, Blankenship, and Henderson, the respondent has in- terfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. C. The alleged discriminatronn in regard to hire and tenuie of employment The complaint alleges that the respondent discharged W. If. Shikle on August 8, 1943, C. R Roy on August 13, and B. H. Bailey on August 24, and thereafter refused to reinstate them because of their membership in and activity on behalf of the Union and because they engaged in concerted activities with other em- ployees In its answer, the respondent avers that Roy resigned his position and that Shikle and Bailey were discharged for incompetence and violation of work- ing rules. As set forth above, Shikle, Roy, and Bailey were among the group of 11 guards who signed union membership cards on August 3. While Shikle, Roy, and Bailey previously had discussed the advantages of organization with other guards, there is no showing that they, or any one of them, had played a more prominent role in the organizational effort than had several other guards. Their testimony, as well as the testimony of other witnesses for the Board, establishes that Denman, Henderson, Blankenship and one or two other guards were at least equally active to their efforts to organize the guards. William. Shikle was employed as a guard by the respondent on September 1, 1939, and worked in this capacity until his discharge on August 8, 1943. Shikle was stationed at the front or main gate of the plant during his shift, which ex- tended from 10: 00 p. in. to 6: 00 a. m. on 3 nights each week and from midnight to 6:00 a. m. on 3 other nights. It was Shikle's duty, among other things, to check the identification badge or pass of employees as they entered the plant and to prevent anyone from entering without such identification. As stated above, Shikle and several other guards signed union membership cards on the afternoon of August 3. He did not work on the night of August 4. On, the night of August 5, Chief Fulton who frequently came to the plant at various hours to inspect the work of the guards,1$ arrived at the plant about the time at which employees were starting to enter for work on the third shift. He watched Shikle in the performance of his duties from vantage points near the main gate for several minutes. According to Fulton's testimony, Shikle, instead of standing at the gate, remained inside the gate house, which is next to the gate, while employees were passing through the gate. Fulton explained that it was possible when inside the gate house to observe employees who walked into the plant, but that it was not possible properly to identify employees who entered the plant in automobiles. Fulton testified that he was not satisfied with Shikle's performance and that he therefore returned t9 the plant on the following night, August 6. On this occasion he again watched Shikle from a point near the gate for several minutes. According to Fulton, Shikle again remained inside the gate house as employees entered the plant. On the following night, August 7, Fulton, because he "just wanted to make sure" that Shikle was not properly per- foi wing his work, observed Shikle for over an hour Fulton testified that Shikle again remained in the gate house as the employees entered the plant. Fulton also testified that he observed Slnkle smoking in contravention of the respond- ent's rule prohibiting all employees from smoking while on duty. 18 Fulton does not have regular hours of work. 1214 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Shikle admitted that he had smoked while on duty. hit denied that he had smoked on the occasions about which Fulton testified. He did not deny that he had remained inside the gate house during the periods about which Fulton tes- tified. Shikle admitted that at times he had checked employees both in automo- biles and on foot from inside the gate house, but maintained that he had required that everyone, including those who entered in automobiles, show him his badge or pass. From the foregoing, the undersigned credits the testimony of Fulton as to his observation of Shikle. The undersigned also credits Fulton's testimony that it was, not possible properly to identify all employees from this position 19 His testimony in this regard is corroborated by that of H G Wyatt, a guard, who occasionally substituted for Shikle, and by that of R. H. Davis, a guard, who occasionally assisted in checking employees at the gate. Wyatt and Davis tes- tified that, although it was possible when inside the gate house to identify em- ployees who walked into the plant and those seated on the left side of an auto- mobile entering the plant, it was not possible properly to identify other occu- pants of an automobile. Fulton's observation of Shikle on each of the three nights was without his knowledge. After observing Shikle on the third successive night, Fulton ap- proached him at about 11:30 p. m In the course of the conversation which followed, Fulton stated that he had received complaints concerning the manner in which Shikle had been checking the employees entering the gate, told Shikle that he had not checked properly the employees who had entered the plant in auto- mobiles, stated that this conduct was "very unsatisfactory," and pointed out that the respondent was performing "critical war work." Fulton also stated that Shikle knew that it was against the rules to smoke. Fulton said that he would call Shikle the next morning2'0 During the conversation, Fulton left Shikle and asked Guard Davis, who was passing, whether Shikle had checked employees in automobiles from inside the gate house. Davis said, "Yes, that's the way he checks them in." On the following day, August 8, Fulton telephoned Shikle and told him that he was discharged Two or three days later Shikle received a teimination slip setting forth "neglect of duty" as the reason for his discharge. On August 31, Fulton discharged George Hisey, a guard stationed at the main gate, after having observed from the main office on three successive mornings that Hisey was not properly checking employees entering the gate. From the foregoing facts, considered in the light of the entire record, the under- signed is of the opinion that the evidence fails to establish that Shikle was illegally discharged or refused reinstatement. It has been found above that on three successive nights Fulton observed Shikle engaging in conduct which gave just cause for a belief that Shikle was not properly performing his duties. In addition thereto, Shikle had smoked while on duty in violation of a rule which had been in effect for several years and of which, the evidence shows, Shikle was aware.` Although the guards and other employees frequently violated the no- 18 The gate house is a structure 10 feet long and 9 feet, 6 inches wide. Immediately east of the gate house is a walk about 6 feet wide . East of the latter walk , and separated therefrom by a post about 2 feet square , is the driveway through which automobiles pass. This driveway is 24 feet wide. Inasmuch as one side of the gate to this driveway is kept closed at night, automobiles enter the plant on the side of the road nearest the gate house. 20 The findings as to what Fulton said are based mainly upon Fulton ' s testimony, which the undersigned credits . Fulton ' s testimony concerning his statements on this occasion was not contradicted in anv material respect by the testimony of Shikle 21 A set of rules , which included a prohibibtion against smoking while on duty, was posted in the gate house . Although Shikle denied that he had seen these rules, his testi- mony otherwise reveals that he knew it was against the rules to smoke while on duty. INGALLS IRON WORKS COMPANY 1215 smoking rule, it is plain that they did so outside the presence of their superiors. Fulton testified that he had not observed Shilcle smoking and that no one had told him of this prior to the events leading to Shikle's discharge. In the absence of any persuasive evidence to the contrary, the undersigned credits Fulton's testimony.'2 It is true that there are circumstances which raise doubts concerning the legitimacy of Fulton's motives in discharging Shikle. Thus, after more than 3 years of apparently satisfactory service by Shikle, Fulton undertook intensive scrutiny of Shikle's` conduct 2 days after he had signed a union membership application. And, despite his long tenure, Shikle was discharged without prior reprimand 'or warning. However, in the absence of a showing that Shikle was especially prominent nn the organizational effort of the guards,2i and in view of the fact that another guard was discharged following similar scrutiny of his work by Fulton, the undersigned does not consider these facts sufficient to establish that Shikle's discharge was motivated by anti-union considerations. The undersigned finds that W. M Shikle was not discharged or refused rein- statement because of his membership in or activity on behalf of the Union or because he engaged in concerted activities with other employees. Clay Rod/ was employed as a guard by the respondent on October 23, 1942. As found above, he was one of the guards who signed a union membership application on August 3, 1943. On August 10, Roy, who had been working on the night shift, was transferred to the day shift. He was instructed by Fulton that it was his duty to patrol the plant and report to, or telephone, the gate house once each hour. As Roy was making his first patrol of the plant on this day, he noticed that a part of the plant fence located near the pickling plant building was down. At the conclusion of the patrol, he reported this to Fulton. The latter said that he would report this to the supervisor of the millwrights. According to Fulton's testimony, he told Roy to remain in the vicinity of the broken fence as much as possible in'thei course of his patrols Roy denied that Fulton had given such instructions, but admitted that lie realized that the broken fence was an important'matter.^ The undersigned credits Fulton's testimony. On the morning of August 13, Roy informed Fulton that the portion of the fence was still down and that he saw no use in patrolling the rest of the plant While the fence was in this condition. Fulton replied that he had reported the matter and that this was all that he could do. At about 1 p. in. on this day, while making his patrol, Roy came to the back gate of the plaint, which was in the area guarded by Blankenship This point is approximately 940 feet from the broken fence. About 200 feet from the back 'gate, which is left open except on Sundays, is another gate through which trains enter the plant property. When Roy arrived, Blankenship was letting trains in at the latter gate. According to Roy's testimony, he watched the back gate for approximately 15 or 20 minutes until Blankenship returned and then left at once on his patrol. Fulton testified that as he was nearing this part of the plant on an errand he noticed Roy approach Blankenship, that Roy and Blanken- 22 Although Fulton's testimony indicates that Shikle would not have been discharged if violation of the no-smoking rule had been his only dereliction , the undersigned believes that this infraction did contribute in some measure to Fulton 's action in discharging Shikle. 23 In finding that Shikle 's discharge was not violative of the Act, the undersigned has considered the' statements which Fulton made to Shikle about March 1 concerning the latter 's activity in connection with the letter to the Regional Director of the Wage and Flour Division of the Department of Labor, but is of the opinion , after considering the circumstances surrounding the incident and the lapse of time thereafter , that it did not enter into Fulton 's determination to discharge Shikle. 1216 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ship sat and talked for about 40 minutes, that Blankenship then proceeded to open the train gate, and that Roy then left. Blankenship, who was called as a witness by the Board, testified that Roy remained at the back gate for about 20 or 30 minutes while he, Blankenship, was letting trains in, and also testified that thereafter he and Roy had a conversation, after which the latter left. Blanken- ship could not recall how long the conversation lasted. From the foregoing, the undersigned credits Fulton's testimony that he had observed Roy and Blanken- ship engaged in conversation for about 40 minutes. Shortly after Roy left Blankenship, he was approached by Fulton, who asked what he had been doing. Roy stated that he had been watching the back gate while Blankenship was letting trains in the other gate. Fulton asked why Roy hiid not stayed in the vicinity of the fence which was down, as he had instructed. Roy stated that he had received no such instructions. Fulton then stated that he was tired of the way some of the employees were acting. Roy replied that if Fulton was not satisfied with his work, he would quit on August 15,' two days later, and that he had intended to quit on August 15 in any event. Fulton then told Roy that his work had been satisfactory. According to Roy, Fulton stated that he would not give Roy a chance to resign, and that they were going to Palmer's office, where he would give Roy his "time". According to Fulton, after he had told Roy that his work had been satisfactory, Roy reiterated that he intended to quit on August 15. Fulton testified that he then told Roy that in view of his intention to quit, he need not wait until the 15th, and that he could quit at once. Roy replied, according to Fulton, that he would quit "right now". whereupon Fulton suggested that they see Palmer. Fulton's version of this portion of the conversation impresses the undersigned as more plausible than that of Roy and accordingly is credited. In the course of the conversation, Roy told Fulton that another guard had told him that Fulton had transferred Roy to the day shift in order to get rid of him. Fulton branded the statement a lie, and asked Roy to name the guard. Roy refused. When Fulton and Roy reached the office, Palmer was not present Fulton then approached Strickland and told Strickland what had occurred. Roy again told Fulton that he intended to quit on August 15 in any event. Fulton replied that if he intended to quit "anyway" he need not wait until the 15th. > Strickland and Fulton testified that the former stated that Roy would have to make up his own mind as to whether or not he would quit; that after some hesitation Roy stated that he would quit then; ' and that Strickland then told Fulton to give Roy a clearance slip marked "resigned." According to Roy's direct testimony, Fulton told Strickland that. he and Roy "had had an argument and that [Roy] wanted to resign, so he was going to give" Roy his discharge. Roy further testified that Fulton asked Strickland what to do about the matter, that Strickland told,Fulton' to suit himself, and that Fulton said he was going to discharge Roy. On cross- examination, Roy admitted that he told Strickland that he intended to resign on August 15 and, when asked whether Strickland had stated that he would have to make up his mind as to whether he would stay until the 15th or quit then, replied, "It might have been like that." Roy also admitted that Strickland had to]d Fulton to mark Roy's clearance slip "resigned", and that he had received a slip thus marked The undersigned finds that the testimony of Strickland and Fulton as to what occurred is true. Shortly after Roy's departure, Fulton approached Blankenship and told the latter that Roy had quit and that he regrettted this because Roy was "a -good man." z1 When asked at the hearing whether he had so stated. Roy answered, "Why, sure, I knowed I would get fired anyway." INGALLS IRON WORKS COMPANY 1217 The undersigned is satisfied and finds that C R. Roy quit his employment on August 13, 1943, and that he was not discharged or refused reinstatement be- cause of his membership in or activity on behalf of the Union or'because he engaged in concerted activities with other employees. Robert Bailey was employed as a guard on May 24, 1943; he was discharged on August 23. As found above, he was one of the guards who signed a union membership card on August 3. _ When Bailey was hired, he was instructed by Chief Fulton that it was his duty to pull at fixed times certain American District Telephone Company boxes, hereinafter called ADT boxes, located in various parts of the plant; zs to remain at the template shop, in which inflammable templates and patterns are, stored, while another guard was making his patrol ; and to prevent anyone- from smoking in the template shop. At this time Fulton stressed the im- portance of pulling the ADT boxes on time, pointing out that there was a fixed time for pulling each box and that if a box were pulled late, it might coincide with the pulling of a box by some other guard, thereby making it impossible for the American District Telephone Company to ascertain whether both boxes had been pulled or which box had been pulled. According to Fulton, he told Bailey, in accordance with his usual practice when hiring a guard, that the respondent's rules prohibited smoking while on duty. Bailey denied that he had, been instructed not to smoke while on duty, except in the template shop, and testified that he had never seen the rules which, as heretofore stated, were posted in the gatehouse. However, when asked on cross-examination whether lie had ever been warned or asked not to smoke, he replied, "Nothing more than we just talked about not smoking there amongst us guards." Ac- cording to the testimony of Guard Henderson, which the undersigned credits, he asked Bailey, prior to the latter's discharge, whether he knew it was against the rules to smoke while on duty, whereupon Bailey replied, "Yes, but I smoke all of the time." From the foregoing, the undersigned deems it unnecessary to determine whether Fulton instructed Bailey not to smoke, since it is plain, and the undersigned finds, that Bailey at all times material herein knew that it was against the respondent's rules to smoke while on duty Bailey was assigned to work between the hours of 11 p. m and 6 a. in. On the third aught of his employment, Bailey was 14 minutes late in starting upon a round of ADT boxes Upon investigation of the delinquency by the American District Telephone Company,26 Bailey stated that he merely had overlooked the time When Fulton learned of this, he cautioned Bailey not to let it happen again. About a week before Bailey's discharge, as Bailey was standing in the door of the iron works shop, Fulton passed and asked which way Guard Denman had gone. While following Fulton for a few steps, Bailey stated that Denman must have gone to the gate at which he was stationed. Bailey testified that he -was smoking during this conversation and that Fulton made no comment in this regard. Bailey did not recall whether his cigarette was in his hand or mouth while talking to Fulton. Bailey testified, "If he didn' t see me smoking my cigarette, it had just fallen, because I didn't try to hide it." Fulton stated that he had never seen Bailey smoking while on duty until the night prior to Bailey's 25 When a guard pulls an ADT box, it automatically registers on a teletype tape in the Birmingham office of the American District Telephone Company. The tape registers a :Horse code svnibol from which the checl-ei can ascertain which box has been pulled and at what time The checker then records the box number and the time on the checker slips. ^ If an ADT box is pulled mole than 10 minutes late, the American District Telephone Company calls the gate house to ascertain the reason for the delay, and thereafter informs the respondent of its investigation of the matter 009591-45-vol 58 78 1218, DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD discharge. The undersigned considers Bailey's testimony insufficient to warrant a finding that Fulton had observed Bailey smoking until immediately before Bailey was. discharged, under the circumstances set forth below. At about 12: 30 a. in. on August 23, Bailey was sitting and smoking at a point about 30 feet from the template shop. Fulton approached him and asked whether he did not know that it was against the rules to smoke. Bailey said that he did not know this and told Fulton that he had been smoking "all the time " Fulton stated that this was the first time he had seen Bailey smoking and asked whether Bailey knew of the rules posted in the gate house and the instructions which Ful- ton had given in this regard when Bailey was hired Bailey said that he did not. Fulton stated that it was against the rules to smoke and that Bailey knew this Bailey stated that other guards smoked. When Fulton asked who they were, Bailey replied that Fulton would "have to catch them like he caught me." Bailey told Fulton that he would try to stop smoking, and that if he could not do so, he would quit his job. At the close of the conversation Fulton left, stating that he would return shortly Fulton left shortly before 1: CO a in, the time fixed for Bailey to pull his first ADT box. After Fulton left, Bailey sat down and engaged in conversation with other guards until after 1: 00 a. in. Bailey then jumped up and proceeded to make his round, pulling his first box about 8 minutes late and the second box about 4 minutes late. He pulled the four remaining boxes on time. When he returned from his round, Fulton was awaiting him. Fulton stated that Bailey had been late Bailey acknowledged this. Fulton then asked, what excuse he had. Bailey said that he had none and that he had "overlooked the time." Bailey testified that Fulton then asked whether he had joined "the union" ; that he replied that he had "signed -a card to that effect" ; th-it Fulton asked. "Didn't you know you couldn't, belong to the shop union"? that he, Bailey, replied. "We know that" ; that Fulton then stated that he was "in favor of the union if it is run right ; that Fulton asked, "What do you guards want?; that he replied that "we want the best working conditions that we can get" ; that Fulton next said, "You won't get no more money" ; that as Fulton was leaving lie stated that he would "rather" that Bailey quit. to which Bailey replied, "I have never been fired, but I'll not quit" ; and that Fulton concluded by stating that he would speak to Palmer and let Bailey "know in the morning " Fulton denied that he had engaged in any conversation with Bailey concerning union matters. Fulton testified that, after Bailey had stated that he had "overlooked the time," be told Bailey that the latter knew the importance of pulling the boxes on time; that Bailey previously had been warned about delinquency in this regard ; that he, Fulton, did not know now whether Bailey had pulled boxes at the same time as another guard; that he was "not satisfied" with Bailey's delinquency in pulling boxes or with his smoking while on duty; and that he would call Bailey in the morning. Frederick Atelier, a Field Examiner of the Board, testified that on January 8, 1944, while investigating the instant case, he examined Fulton, in the presence of Strickland, concerning the matters contained in affidavits signed by Bailey and other employees. According to Aicher's testimony, Fulton denied that he had stated on August 23, 1943, that he would "rather" that Bailey quit, admitted that "there was certain union talk," but stated that he only had told Bailey that he could not join "the shop union." Aicher's testimony as to what occurred on this occasion was not contradicted, and is credited by the undersigned. Thus, Fulton's denial of Bailey's testimony was partially discredited by his admission to Aicher. Bailey's testimony is also supported by the consistency of INGALLS IRON WORKS COMPANY 1219 his testimony with the statements which , the undersigned has found , Fulton made on other occasions . On the other hand , Bailey's entire testimony was rendered doubtful of credence by his lack of candor concerning his knowledge of the rule against smoking while on duty ; in particular , his denial of knowledge of the rule was discredited by the- testimony of Henderson , a member of the Union who was called as a « itness by the Board. Under these circumstances, and notwithstanding the impeachment of Fulton , the undersigned cannot accept the uncorroborated and controverted testimony of Bailey Since Fulton's testimony as to what he told Bailey after the latter stated that he "overlooked the time" is consistent with preceding events . it is credited by the undersigned. On the following morning, Fulton telephoned Bailey and informed him that lie was discharged Shortly thereafter , Bailey received a clearance slip which set forth that he had been discharged for "running late on pulling boxes and smoking on the job." The undersigned is of the opinion that the evidence fails to establish that Bailey ' s discharge was motivated in whole or in part by anti-union considerations. As found above , Bailey was not especially outstanding in union affairs , nor does the evidence show that Fulton believed that such was the case . As further found above , on August 23 Fulton found Bailey smoking in violation of the respond- ent's rule , of which, despite his denial , Bailey was aware. Finally , on the same night, Bailey, after having previously been warned concerning his deliquency in, pulling ADT boxes, again was delinquent without good cause In this con- nection, it was established that several guards were warned after their first delinquency in pulling ADT boxes that they would be discharged for the next offense and that certain guards were discharged for repetition of delinquency in this regard 24 The undersigned finds that R H. Bailey was not discharged or refused rein- statement because of his membership in or activity on ,behalf of the Union or be- cause he engaged in concerted activities with other employees. 1V. THE EFFECTS OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the respondent set forth in Section III above, occurring in con- nection with the operations of the respondent described in Section I above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States, and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY Since it has been found that the respondent has engaged in unfair labor prac- tices, it will be recommended that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. It has been found that the respondent has not discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of W. Al. Shikle, C. It. Roy, and R. H. Bailey. It will therefore be recommended that the allegations of the complaint in this regard be dismissed. 21 Although such other guards completely failed to pull ADT boxes , instead of merely pulling them late, the undersigned is unable to perceive any substantial distinction be- tween these two forms of delinquency . Other guards were not discharged after such delinquency on two or more occasions , but they furnished satisfactory explanations for their conduct. 1220 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, the undersigned makes the following : CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Federal Labor Union #23510, A. F. of L., is a labor organization, within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. 2. By interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices, within the meaning of Section 8 (1) of the Act. 3 The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce, within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The respondent has not discriminated in regard to the hire or tenure of employment of W. M. Shikle, C. R. Roy, or It. H Bailey, within the meaning of Section 8 (3) of the Act. RECOMMENDATIONS Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, the under- signed recommends that the respondent, Ingalls Iron Works Company, Birming- ham, Alabama, and its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1 Cease and desist from in any manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the right to self-organization, to forum labor organizations, to join or assist Federal Labor Union #2310, A. F. of L' or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid of protection as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action, which the undersigned finds will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post immediately in conspicuous places throughout its Birmingham (South- side) plant, including the premises occupied by its guards or watchmen '23 and maintain for a period of at least sixty (60) consecutive days from the date of posting, notices to its employees stating that the respondent will not engage in the conduct from which it-is recommended that it cease-and desist in paragraph 1 of these recommendations ; (b) Notify the Regional Director for the Tenth Region in writing within tee (10) days from the date of the receipt of this Intermediate Report what steps the respondent has taken to comply herewith. It is further recommended that unless on or before ten (10) days from the receipt of this Intermediate Report, the respondent notifies said Regional Di- -rector in writing that it will comply with the foregoing recommendations, the National Labor Relations Board issue an order requiring the respondent to take the action aforesaid. And it is further recommended that the complaint be dismissed insofar as it alleges that the respondent has discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of W M. Shikle, C. R Roy, and R. H. Bailey. As provided in Section 33 of Article II of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, Series 3, effective November 26, 1943, any party or counsel for the Board may within fifteen (15) days from the date of the entry of the order transferring the case to the Board, pursuant to Section 32 of Article II of said Rules and Regulations, file with the Board, Rochambeau 28 Matter of Budd Wheel Company, 49 N. L. R B 1350. INGALLS IRON WORKS COMPANY 1221. Building, Washington, D C., an original and four copies of a statement in writing setting forth such exceptions to the Intermediate Report or to any other part of the record or proceeding (including rulings upon all motions or objections) ais he relies upon, together with the original and four copies of a brief in support thereof. Immediately upon the filing of such statement of exceptions and/or bi iet, the party or counsel for the Board filing the same shall serve a copy thereof Upon each of the iotlier parties and shall file a copy with the Regional Director. _%s further provided in said Section 33, should any party desire permission to argue orally before the Board request therefor must be made in writing to the Board within ten (10) days from the date of the order transferring the case to the Board. ROBERT F. KORF.T7, Dated June 27, 1944. Trial Examiner. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation