Indianapolis Newspapers, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 21, 1976224 N.L.R.B. 1490 (N.L.R.B. 1976) Copy Citation 1490 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Indianapolis Newspapers, Inc and Indianapolis Typo- graphical Union No 1, a/w International Typo- graphical Union and Indianapolis Mailers Union No 10, a/w International Typographical Union Cases 25-CA-7066 and 25-CA-7066-2 June 21, 1976 DECISION AND ORDER By MEMBERS JENKINS, PENELLO, AND WALTHER On February 24, 1976, Administrative Law Judge Maurice S Bush issued the attached Decision in this proceeding Thereafter, the Respondent filed excep- tions and a supporting brief, the Charging Parties filed an answering brief to Respondent's exceptions and brief, and the General Counsel filed a brief in support of the Decision of the Administrative Law Judge and a motion to correct inadvertent typo- graphical errors in the Administrative Law Judge's Decision Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondent, Indianapolis Newspa- pers, Inc, Indianapolis, Indiana, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order i The General Counsels motion of April 8 1976 to correct inadvertent typographical errors in the Administrative Law Judge s Decision is hereby granted and the corrections have been made in the attached Decision The Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge It is the Board s established policy not to over rule an Administrative Law Judge s resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect Standard Dry Wall Products Inc 91 NLRB 544 ( 1950) enfd 188 F 2d 362 (CA 3 1951) We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE MAURICE S BUSH, Administrative Law Judge Respon- dent Indianapolis Newspapers, Inc, is the publisher of the Indianapolis Star, a morning newspaper, and the Indianap olis News, an evening newspaper For many years Respon- dent has had separate collective-bargaining agreements with Charging Party, Indianapolis Typographical Union No 1, a/w International Typographical Union, hereafter called the Printers or Printers Union, and with Charging Party Indianapolis Mailers Union No 10, a/w Internation- al Typographical Union, hereafter called the Mailers or Mailers Union Respondent also has contracts with eight other craft unions not here directly involved The Printers in January 1975 and the Mailers in Febru- ary 1975, sought to negotiate new collective-bargaining agreements with Respondent to replace their then current but expiring agreements For most of the early numerous bargaining sessions the Printers had with Respondent, the Printers' negotiation committee was composed solely of members of the Printers Union but towards the end of the bargaining the Printers added to its negotiation committee representatives who were members of other in-plant Unions Similarly, the Mailer's negotiation committee at first was composed exclusively of members of the Mailers Union but later the Mailers added to its negotiation com- mittee representatives who were members of other in-plant Unions Respondent objected to the presence of representatives on the Printers' contract negotiation committee who were members of other in-plant labor Unions and at all times declined and refused to bargain with the Printers' contract negotiation committee when such representatives of other in plant labor Unions were on the Printers' negotiation committee Similarly, Respondent objected to the presence of representatives on the Mailers contract negotiation committee who were members of other in-plant labor Unions and at all times declined and refused to bargain with the Mailers' contract negotiation committee when such representatives of other in-plant labor Unions were on the Mailers' contract negotiation committee The Printers and Mailers, after repeated failures to get Respondent to participate in contract negotiations with them when they had on their respective contract negotia- tion committees appointees who were members of other in-plant labor unions, filed unfair labor practice charges against Respondent for its consistent refusal to bargain with their contract negotiations committees as so constitut- ed Having thus taken steps, by the filing of their unfair la- bor practice charges, to eventually resolve their legal rights to have representatives from other in-plant Unions on their respective collective-bargaining committees, the Printers and Mailers thereafter reduced and contracted their bar- gaining committees to only members of their Unions This broke the bargaining deadlock and shortly thereafter the two Unions and Respondent agreed upon and entered into new collective-bargaining agreements Under these essentially undisputed but skeletonized 224 NLRB No 196 INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS, INC 1491 facts, the sole issue in this proceeding is whether Respon- dent is in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Nation- al Labor Relations Act by its refusal to participate in any contract negotiations with the Printers and Mailers at any agreed times for bargaining when the bargammg commit- tees of the two Unions had representatives thereon who were not members of the involved bargaining union but were members of other in-plant Unions I Respondent's defense for its refusal to bargain with the negotiating committees of the Unions here involved when they were in part composed of appointees from other in- plant Unions is that such outside appointees or representa- tives "were not bona-fide members" of the committees In its brief the Respondent terms such appointees `bogus ap- pointees " The consolidated complaint herein was issued on June 25, 1975, pursuant to a charge filed by the Printers Union in Case 25-CA-7066 on May 6, 1975, and pursuant to a charge filed by the Mailers Union in Case 25-CA-7066-2 on May 15, 1975, copies of which were duly served upon the Respondent Respondent's answer denies the alleged unfair labor practices The case was heard at Indianapolis, Indiana, on August 21 and 22 and September 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, and 24, 1975 The briefs filed by counsel herein on November 19, 1975, have been carefully reviewed and considered For reasons hereinafter indicated, I find Respondent in violation of the Act as alleged in the complaint Upon the entire record 2 in the case and from my obser- vation of the witnesses, I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT I JURISDICTIONAL FINDINGS Respondent, an Indiana corporation with principal of- fice and place of business in Indianapolis, Indiana, hereaf- ter called facility, at all times here material has been en- gaged at said place of business in the printing, publication, sale, and distribution of two daily newspapers, the India- napolis Star and Indianapolis News During the past year, a representative period, Respondent, in the course and conduct of its business operation, purchased, transferred, and delivered to its facility, goods and materials valued in excess of $50,000 which were transported to said facility directly from States other than the State of Indiana Dur- ing the same representative year Respondent in the course i Respondent in its brief does not appear to contend that the two Unions here involved as Charging Parties waived the right to litigate before the Board the issue of Respondents refusal to bargain with their respective bargaining committees as composed in part with representatives from other in plant Unions by their action in subsequently signing collective bargain mg agreements with Respondent In any event I find that there is no true waiver issue in this proceeding because the courts have unanimously held that a union does not waive the issue of an Employer s refusal to bargain by signing a contract with the Employer before the waiver issue has been re solved Pacific Coast Association of Pulp and Paper Manufacturers v N L R B 304 F 2d 750 (C A 9) Henry I Siegal Company Inc v N L R B 340 F 2d 309 (C A 2) Southern Tours Inc 167 NLRB 363 (1967) Massil Ion Publishing Co 215 NLRB 380 (1974) 2 The uncontested Motion to Correct Record filed by counsel for Gen eral Counsel on December 19 1975 is hereby granted and conduct of its business operation, printed, published, sold, and distributed at its facility, products valued in ex- cess of $50,000 which were shipped from its facility directly to States other than the State of Indiana During the same representative year, Respondent, in the course and conduct of its publishing operations, (i) held membership in, or subscribed to, various interstate news services, and (u) published various syndicated features and advertised nationally sold products for which it received in excess of $10,000 In the same representative period Re- spondent received gross revenues in excess of $200,000 from its publishing operations It is found, as admitted, that at all times here material Respondent has been an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act II THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS HERE INVOLVED The Printers Union and the Mailers Union, more pre- cisely identified in the caption, are each labor organiza- tions within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act III THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A Background and Sequence of Events Respondent employs approximately 1,400 employees in its business as the publisher of the Indianapolis Star and Indianapolis News, most of whom are represented by craft unions It has had collective-bargaining agreements with the Printers Union since about the turn of the century and successive bargaining agreements with the Mailers Union since the late 1940s The Printers currently represent be- tween 450 and 481 of Respondent's employees and the Mailers, about 75 employees In addition Respondent has had successive labor contracts for at least the past 5 years with eight other different labor unions, some of which are here indirectly involved, these will be identified below as they become involved in the sequence of events Over the years Respondent has bargained separately with each of the 10 Unions at its Indianapolis facility, with resultant separate contracts with each of such Unions The Printers began negotiations with Respondent for a new labor contract on January 17, 1975, to replace its then expiring contract From January 17 until April 18, 1975, the negotiating teams of the Union and Company met twice a week in bargaining efforts to forge a new contract During that period the Printers' negotiation committee was composed exclusively of members of the Printers Union Similarly, the Mailers commenced bargaining with Re- spondent for a new contract on February 27, 1975, to re- place its expiring labor contract From February 27 to April 17, 1975, the bargaining representatives of the Mail ers and the Company met once a week to hammer out a new collective-bargaining agreement During that period the Mailers' negotiation committee was likewise composed exclusively of members of its own Union In March 1975, 8 of the 10 Unions in Respondent's Indi- anapolis facility decided to band together to request point bargaining with the Publisher on limited matters of "mutu- al concern to all our local unions, ' exclusive of wages and 1492 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD hours, covering areas involving adjustments in wage scales to reflect increases in cost of living, hospitalization and life insurance, sick pay, and vacations By letter dated March 31, 1975, the eight Unions made formal request through appropriate officers for joint bargaining on these matters of common interest to Respondent's general manager, Thomas K Crowe The letter reads Dear Mr Crowe The undersigned Unions, representing employees in various departments of Indianapolis Newspapers, Inc , hereby request to jointly meet with representa- tives of the Publisher and to negotiate on the following items, which are of mutual concern to all our local unions 1 Cost of Living Clause 2 Hospitalization and Life Insurance 3 Sick Pay 4 Vacations These Unions believe it would be in the best interest of all the parties concerned to negotiate jointly on those benefits we have listed We would appreciate an early reply to the officers of each of the undersigned Unions The Company in identical letters, dated April 11, 1975, addressed to the signatory officers of each of the eight peti- tioning Unions, flatly rejected the request for joint bargain- ing on the noted items of common interest The text of the Company's letter, under the signature of its General Man- ager Crowe, reads as follows This will acknowledge receipt today of your letter of March 31, 1975, asking that the Publisher meet with other unions to negotiate the terms of the contract between the Publisher and your Union To do so would be both unwise and unlawful Your Union is, under the law, the sole representative for the purposes of collective bargaining with respect to the unit described in our mutual contract Since your Union is so designated by a majority of the employees in that unit, we will (and must as a matter of law) bargain with your Union alone The two Charging Parties here involved, the Printers and the Mailers, immediately accepted, without argument, the Company's decision that it would not engage in joint bar- gaining on the items in question of common interest and thereafter made no further requests of any kind for joint union bargaining with Respondent Joint bargaining had been only one of two strategies for more effective bargaining with Respondent that the vari- ous Unions at the plant had discussed among themselves for weeks and months prior to the Company's rejection of their request for limited joint bargaining The other strate- gy they had discussed had been "coordinated bargaining," sometimes called "coalition bargaining " By this the Unions meant adding to their regular negotiating commit- tee, consisting solely of members of the bargaining union, representatives from other in-plant Unions, which commit- tee, as so composed would bargain only for the Union that was seeking a new contract from Respondent As more colorfully put by one of the principal union witnesses, Francis N Biggs, president of the Printer's Union, "coordi- nated bargaining" is "to have people from various unions sitting on the negotiating committees of other unions" but "to bargain only on the contract for the union for which the meeting had been called " Under coordinated bargain ing the representatives from other in-plant Unions on the bargaining Union s negotiation committee would have the right to fully participate in the bargaining negotiations with the Company but would not have voting rights on the com- mittee, as all such rights remained vested exclusively in persons on the Union's negotiation committee who were also members of the negotiating Union, the same as it would be the case if the committee had an attorney present to bargain for them Upon the Company's refusal to engage in joint bargain- ing with the petitioning Unions, a number of the Unions decided to engage in "coordinated bargaining" with Re- spondent, as above defined The record shows that the Unions had a dual purpose in adopting the strategy of coordinated bargaining One purpose was to seek for them- selves as Unions the same advantage the Company had in bargaining with any particular union of knowing in ad- vance what had transpired in preceding negotiations with other unions The Umons' other purpose for the adoption of coordinated bargaining was to gain for their Unions the bargaining skills and experience of representatives from other in-plant Unions on their negotiation committees or to give such outside representatives experience in contract negotiations which would be helpful to their own Unions when their time came up for bargaining with the Company The forerunners of the Unions seeking to put coordinat- ed bargaining into practice were the Printers and Mailers because, with their collective-bargaining agreements expir- ing in early 1975, they were the first among the in-plant Unions in 1975 to start bargaining with the Company for new contracts Subsequently, the Printers' negotiating committee, here- inafter sometimes called its scale committee in the parlance of the parties, had prearranged meetings with Respondent on April 22, 25, 29, and May 2, 1975 At each of these four meetings with Respondent's negotiators, the Printers scale committee was principally composed of the Printers origi- nal negotiation team of six Printer Union members but also included one to four representatives from other in- plant Unions who were members of such other Unions but were not members of the Printers Union At each of the four meetings Respondent's negotiation team objected to the presence of representatives from other in-plant Unions on the Printers' scale committee and refused and declined to engage in any bargaining with the Printers so long as they had appointees on their committee who were not members of the Printers Union Thus, each of the four above-noted contract neogtiating meetings between the Printers and the Company broke up without any actual bargaining More detailed accounts of each of the four meetings are shown below At the April 22, 1975, meeting, the Printers' scale com- mittee, besides being composed of Printers President Biggs and five other members of the Printers Union constituting the Printers' original negotiation committee, also included INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS, INC 1493 Preston Gwin, president of the Mailers Union, and Dale Tumey, president of Indianapolis Newspaper Printing Pressmen & Paper Handlers Union #37, hereinafter called the Pressmens Union Gwm and Tumey had received and accepted their appointments to the Printers' Scale Commit- tee from Printers' President Biggs The Company's negoti- ating team was composed of Respondent's General Man- ager Thomas Crowe, Respondent's Production Manager Golden Fans who acted as spokesman for the Company s team, and two other company executives Pressman Tu- mey, the other outside representative on the Printers' com- mittee, had not yet arrived at the meeting when Respondent's team got to the meeting place Faris, noting the presence of Mailers' President Gwm on the Printers' negotiation team, at the meeting, called Printers' President Biggs aside and privately asked him what Gwm was doing at the meeting Biggs replied that the Printers' scale com- mittee had been expanded "to take advantage of the expe- rience and expertise" of outsiders "in order for us to nego- tiate a better contract for our printers " 3 The meeting ended with accusations by Respondent's spokesman Faris that the Printers Union, by adding to their negotiation committee representatives from other in- plant Unions, was seeking "to force us [Respondent] to negotiate with several unions " Biggs responded by deny- ing that the Printers were endeavoring to engage in joint bargaining and further informed Respondent's negotiation team that the Printers' team was at the meeting to bargain only on the Printers' contract and that Gwin and Tumey were present to negotiate on the Printers' contract and not on the contracts of their particular Unions At the next scheduled meeting held on April 25, 1975, the Publisher was represented by the same team of negotia- tors, with Production Manager Faris again functioning as spokesman for the Company The Printers' negotiation team included four new appointee representatives from other in-plant Unions in addition to the Printers' original team of six Printer members, headed by President Biggs who again functioned as spokesman for the Printers' com- mittee The four new members of the Printers' committee who received and accepted their appointments from Biggs were Cliff Marksbary of the Pressmen Union, Monte Trammer of Indianapolis Newspaper Guild, hereinafter called Guild, John Rossman of the Mailers Union, and Marlin Todd of the International Association of Machin- ists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO, District 90, here- inafter called the Machinists Union At the very outset of the April 25 meeting the Publisher's spokesman, Faris, told the union representatives that the Company "position is still the same that is, that these 3 This finding is based on Biggs credited and undisputed testimony Other evidence has Biggs replying to Respondents negotiating teams spokesman Faris in response to his inquiry as to why Gwin and Tumey were at the meeting that outsiders Gwin and Tumey were present at the April 22 1975 negotiation meeting on the Printers team as observers I credit Biggs denial that he made that reply as by his demeanor as well as by the contents of his lengthy and obviously honest testimony both on direct and cross examination I regard all of his testimony to be wholly reliable But even if I found that Biggs actually made the attributed remark I would find that remark to be wholly unindicative evidence of the joint bargaining Respondent originally contended that remark to be indicative of people [i e , the four above-identified representatives present for the Printers Union who were not members of the Printers, but members of other in-plant Unions] are not truly members of your committee, and we feel that it is a subterfuge to attain joint bargaining as requested in the letter to Mr Crowe [the Publisher' s general manager] signed by several union presidents " In reply Biggs persist- ed that the Printers' negotiation committee was there "to engage in bargaining only on the contract" for the Printers Union The Union then adjourned for a caucus and then came back with a formal written statement which stated It is our position that this committee is a legally con- stituted scale committee of Indianapolis Typographi- cal Union No 1 The Publisher's committee nevertheless stuck to its posi- tion that the four nonprmters on the Printers' negotiation committee were not bona fide members of the Printers' committee and again declined and refused to participate in any bargaining at the meeting because of the presence of these representatives from other in-plant Unions The meeting thus also broke up without any bargaining but with an agreement, at the suggestion of the Printers' coin mittee, that the two committees would request their re spective attorneys "to resolve this difference of opinion " The attorneys, meeting before the next bargaining meeting scheduled for April 29, 1975, sided with the positions taken by their respective clients, and thus "agreed to disagree "4 The same attorneys represented the parties hereto at the hearing At the April 29, 1975, negotiating meeting the Publisher was again represented by the same team as it had previous- ly, with Production Manager Faris and General Manager Crowe functioning as the Publisher's primary spokesmen The Printers' team was made up of its original team of six printers and four appointee-representatives from other in- plant Unions, all of whom had been appointed by Printers' President Biggs Two of these four appointees were the aforementioned Preston Gwin, president of the Mailers Union, and the aforementioned Dale Tuiney, president of the Pressmens Union, both had served as part of the Print- ers' first coordinated negotiation committee at the bargain- ing session of April 22, 1975 The other two appointees were Bill Quinlin, a member of both the Mailers Union and its contract negotiation team, and Dick Easton, Presi- dent of Indianapolis Stereotypers Union Local #38, Inter- national Stereotypers, Electrotypers and Platemakers Union of N A, hereinafter called the Stereotypers Union At the April 29 meeting the Publisher' s committee again refused to participate in any bargaining with the Printers' negotiation committee as long as there were present in the meeting room the four above-mentioned appointee repre- sentatives from other in-plant Unions on the Printers' ne- gotiation committee The Printers' committee, through President Biggs, reiterated the Printers stand "we were not engaging in joint bargaining, as they [the Publishers' com- nuttee] were accusing us, that we were there to negotiate entirely for Indianapolis No 1 [the Printers Union] and its 4 It appears that the positions taken by the parties over the subject matter of coordinated bargaining were the positions advised by their respective attorneys from the beginning 1494 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD contract " The Publisher's minutes of the meeting show the following exchange of remarks by the spokesmen of the two bargaining committees Respondent's General Manager Crowe Why, if it was so important to expand your committee, did you have to do it with members of other unions9 What do you hope to gain by it' Printers' President Biggs A satisfactory contract Respondents Production Manager Faris Our posi- tion is still the same We feel that these people cannot intelligently discuss matters pertaining to Printers Respondents General Manager Crowe (To the out- siders 5) You guys thought #I [Printers Union] wasn't going fast enough, or #1 thought they weren't going fast enough [in negotiating a contract] and asked the big guns [i e representatives from other in-plant Unions] to come in and help The credited Publisher' s minutes of the April 29 meeting also show that President Gwin of the Mailers Union, sit- ting by appointment on the Printers' negotiating commit- tee, made the following remark at the meeting Don't you think that there are things in common that we can negotiate For instance one of these guys at the table [Quinlm of the Mailers Union] is an expert on the cost of living provisions 6 Respondent in its brief contends that Gwin s above re- mark about "things in common we can neogtiate about" is an indication that the four outside representatives on the Printers' negotiation committee "were representing and promoting their own union's interests and that they were not present to bargain solely on behalf of the then bargain- ing unit " In other words Respondent contends that Gwin's above quoted remark supports Respondent's persistent po- sition as reflected in their own minutes of the meetings with the Printers that the Printers coordinated negotiation committee was really attempting to engage in joint bar- gaining However, the record shows that Respondent's General Manager Crowe clearly understood that what was going on at the April 29 meeting was not joint bargaining This appears from the remark Crowe made at the same April 29 meeting in which he told the Printers' coordinated negotiation committee, "Your committee is improperly ex- panded I never suggested that your procedure was a subter fuge for point bargaining However, what does I T U # 1 [Printers Union] hope to gain9" 7 (Emphasis supplied) The last meeting at which the Printers sought to bargain with Respondent through a coordinated negotiation coin 5 To the outsiders is a reference to the four men on the Printers com mittee who were members of other in plant Unions and not members of the Printers Union 6 Gwin admits that he made a statement similar to the second sentence in the above quotation at the April 29 meeting but denies that he made the statement contained in the above first quoted sentence His denial is not credited 7 The above statement by Respondents General Manager Crowe appears in the Printers contemporary minutes of the April 29 1975 meeting which I fully credit mittee took place on May 2, 1975 Representing the Print- ers at this meeting were the six original members of the Printers' negotiation committee, all of whom were mem bers of the Printers Union, and the aforementioned John Rossman of the Mailers Union The Company was again represented by the same four man team of executives as previously, with Crowe and Faris again acting as spokes- men for the Company's negotiation committee At the out- set of the meeting, a letter dated May 2, 1975, by the Print ers Union under the signature of President Biggs was presented to Respondent's General Manager Crowe which notified him that a total of 14 persons had been appointed by the Printers Union to represent the Printers in the cur- rent negotiation with the Publisher Those named in the letter were the original six members of the Printers ' negoti- ation committee , all of whom are members of the Printers Union, and the eight representatives heretofore named from other in-plant Unions who had been appointed to the Printers' negotiation committee, all of whom had attended at least one bargaining session between April 22 and May 2, 1975 Biggs again told the Publisher s committee that the Printers ' negotiation committee, as constituted , "repre- sented only Indianapolis No I [i e the Printers Union]" and "that we weren't trying to engage in joint bargaining effort " The minutes of the Publisher's committee for the meeting show that the members thereof again refused to bargain with the Printers ' committee "as long as there are members of other unions in the room " Although the meet- ing broke up without any bargaining, the two committees agreed to a further meeting to be held on May 6, 1975 On May 3, 1975, Respondent's General Manager Crowe hand delivered a letter of the same date to Biggs as presi- dent of the Printers Union in which he stated in part the following For reasons we do not understand, you have been unwilling to bargain with us as you always have in the past You have insisted on the presence at the bargain- ing table and participation in the bargaining of people who in fact are members of, are representatives of, and were seeking to bargain in behalf of other bar- gaining units I do not like to say that you have en- gaged in a subterfuge, but it is hard to avoid that word and still describe what has happened As we told you yesterday, we will be in our usual bargaining room at the Indianapolis Athletic Club at 2 p in, on Tuesday, May 6th, for the purpose of bar- gaining We hope that Indianapolis Typographical Union No 1 will be represented there by a bona fide committee to bargain on its behalf On May 6, 1975, the Printers Union, having become convinced that it could not persuade Respondent to bar- gain with its negotiation committee while representatives from other in-plant Unions by appointment were on the committee, filed its aforenoted unfair labor practice refus- al to-bargain charges against the Respondent Having tak- en this step to resolve the controversy over its rights to appoint representatives from other in-plant Unions to its contract negotiation committee, the Printers Union there- after, in the interest of getting an agreed contract as quick- ly as possible, contracted its negotiation committee to its INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS , INC. 1495 original membership of six persons , all of whom are mem- bers of the Printers Union. With its negotiation committee so limited , the Printers met with the Publisher 's negotiation committee on May 6, the day it filed its unfair labor prac- tice charges , to start bargaining which eventually led to a collective-bargaining agreement on July 2, 1975. But to go back to the events of May 6, the record shows that at the beginning of the negotiating meeting of that day the Printers ' President Biggs handed to Crowe his written reply to Crowe's hand delivered letter of May 3, in which Biggs summarized the events leading up to and into the Printers' endeavors to engage Respondent in coordinated bargaining as follows: This is in reply to your letter of May 3, 1975, which you hand delivered to me at my home on that date. Your statements about the [good] relationship in the past between Indianapolis Newspapers, Inc. and Indi- anapolis Typographical Union No. I are appreciated by the members of our Negotiating Committee. How- ever, we do not agree with the inferences that our committee is not a "genuine negotiating committee" representing Indianapolis Typographical Union No. 1, that we are engaged in a "subterfuge" and that we are attempting to engage in joint bargaining. It is true that Indianapolis Typographical Union No. 1, together with other unions representing employees of the Publisher, requested joint negotiations on cer- tain benefits of mutual concern. The Publisher refused point negotiations which was his legal right . Had the Publisher agreed , it would have been legal to negotiate in this manner. We accepted the Publisher ' s decision not to bargain jointly. Indianapolis Newspapers, Inc. has refused to negoti- ate with the committee representing Indianapolis Ty- pographical Union No. I while we have present at the bargaining table , as members of our Negotiating Committee , employees of the Publisher who are mem- bers of other unions or who work in other depart- ments. It now becomes necessary for the union to take the necessary steps to establish what it believes to be its legal rights-to select its own negotiating committee and be represented by persons of our own choosing without interference from, or approval by, the Pub- lisher 8 Our Committee has been present at all of our sched- uled meetings and has stated repeatedly that we are anxious to negotiate only on the contract for India- napolis Typographical Union No. I The Publisher has repeatedly refused to negotiate at these meetings. The Publisher has no basis for a charge that we are bargaining for any union other than Indianapolis Ty- pographical Union No. I since he has refused to nego- tiate . If in our future meetings, this committee at- 8 This is a reference to the charges filed by the Printers against Respon- dent tempts to negotiate another union 's contract , then the Publisher can object and refuse to negotiate. The Mailers, like the Printers , also attempted almost si- multaneous coordinated bargaining with Respondent but with the same total lack of successs . Although the negotiat- ing committees of the Company and the Mailers met on April 24, May I and 8, 1975, the Company' s team ada- mantly refused to bargain with the Mailers' committee be- cause it was partially composed of appointee -representa- tives from other in-plant Unions. At each of these three meetings the Mailers ' scale com- mittee stated that its sole purpose was to negotiate a con- tract for the Mailers Union only. At each of the same meet- ings the Company's bargaining team challenged the right of the Mailers to have on their negotiation team appointee- representatives from other in -plant Unions and refused to participate in any bargaining with the Mailers' committee as so composed on the same grounds that the Company's team had refused to bargain with the Printers ' coordinated bargaining committee , namely, that the appointees from other in-plant Unions on the Mailers ' coordinated bargain- ing committee were not bona fide members thereof and that the Mailers ' committee with such appointees thereon was a subterfuge for thejoint bargaining which the Unions had earlier requested and the Company had turned down as being illegal. At the May 8, 1975, meeting between the contract nego- tiating committees of the Publisher and the Mailers, a letter of the same date from President Gwin of the Mailers to Respondent' s General Manager Crowe was handed to the spokesman for the Publisher's bargaining team . The letter informed Mr. Crowe of the appointment of 14 members of the Mailers' scale committee , including the names of ap- pointees who were members of other in -plant Unions. The letter was identical in form and purpose to the earlier letter President Biggs had given Mr. Crowe on May 2, 1975, in behalf of the Printers Union , as described above. By letter dated May 9, 1975, Crowe made reply to Gwin' s letter of May 8; Crowe's letter is virtually a verbatim copy of his earlier letter to Biggs as fully set forth above . For conve- nience a part of Crowe's reply to Gwin is repeated below: For reasons we do not understand , you have been un- willing to bargain with us as you always have in the past. You have insisted on the presence at the bargain- ing table and participation in the bargaining of people who in fact are members of, are representatives of, and were seeking to bargain in behalf of other bar- gaining units . I do not like to say that you have en- gaged in a subterfuge , but it is hard to avoid that word and still describe what has happened. On May 13, 1975, Gwin in reply sent Crowe a letter which word for word is in its essential parts and meaning identical with the earlier letter ' Printers' President Biggs had sent to Crowe as set forth in full above. For the sake of convenience the last two paragraphs of Gwin's May 13 identical reply to Crowe is set forth below- Our Committee has been present at all of our sched- uled meetings and has stated repeatedly that we were anxious to negotiate only on the contract for India- 1496 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD napolis Mailers Union No 10, ITU The Publisher has repeatedly refused to negotiate at these meetings The Publisher has no basis for a charge that we are bargaining for any union other than Indianapolis Mailers Union No 10, ITU, since he has refused to negotiate If in our future meetings, this committee attempts to negotiate another union's contract, then the Publisher can object and refuse to negotiate On May 15, 1975, the Mailers Union, having become convinced that it too could not persuade Respondent to bargain with its scale committee while it was in part com- posed of persons who were members of other in-plant Unions, filed its aforenoted unfair labor practice refusal- to-bargain charges against the Respondent Having taken this step to resolve the controversy over its rights to ap- point persons of its own choosing to its contract negotiat- ing committee, the Mailers Union, in the interest of getting an agreed contract as quickly as possible, limited its negoti- ation committee at its next bargaining session with the Company to its original number of representatives, all of whom were and are members of the Mailers Union With its committee so limited, the Mailers Union met with the Publisher's negotiation team on May 15, 1975, the very day the Mailers had filed its unfair labor practice charges, and this time bargaining between the two negotiation teams was once again resumed from where it had left off just before the Mailers enlarged its original negotiating com- mittee to include appointee representatives from other in plant Unions On July 3 and 10, 1975, the Mailers' scale committee again met with Respondent's bargaining team To test Re- spondent to see if its May 15 filing of charges against Re- spondent had changed the Company's position about bar- gaining with a coordinated union negotiation committee, the Mailers started the July 3 and 10 meetings with negoti- ation committees partially composed of appointees from other in-plant Unions, but quickly after caucuses withdrew such outside appointees from its negotiating committee be- cause of Respondent's continued refusal to bargain with the Mailers with such outside appointees present at the meeting room With the withdrawal of the outside appoin- tees, the two committees quickly resumed their bargaining at the July 3 and 10 meetings and at a final meeting held on July 18, 1975, the parties agreed to the terms of a new collective-bargaining agreement Although Respondent in its brief states that it has `never refused to confer with a union because its bona fide repre- sentatives were members of other labor organizations," it defends its refusal to bargain with the coordinated bargain- ing committees of the Printers Union and the Mailers Union on the ground that appointees thereto from other in plant Unions were not bona fide members of the re- spective union scale members Respondent's first attack on the `bona fides" of the out- side representatives on the bargaining committees of the Printers and Mailers is that, from Respondent's interpreta- tions of the constitutions and bylaws of the two Unions, it appears to Respondent that the Printers and Mailers had no authority to appoint such outsiders to their contract negotiation committees Without further discussion I find this attack on the "bona fides" of the membership of such outsiders without merit because the law is well settled, as stated in the Board's decision in American Radiator & Stan dard Sanitary Corporation, 155 NLRB 736, 744 (1965), en- forcement denied on other grounds 381 F 2d 632, (C A 6) and recently restated in Harley Davidson Motor Co, Inc AMF, 214 NLRB 433 (1974), that Respondent has no standing and no privilege to probe into the internal arrangements of a union or to con- cern itself with whether or not the union conforms its actions with self-imposed procedural requirements in the designation of negotiators For the same reason I find without merit the attacks on the "bona fides" of the outside representatives on the Printers' and Mailers' negotiation committees because of the infor- mality of their appointments by the respective presidents of the two Unions or the failure of these presidents to secure approval of the appointment of these outside representa- tives to their negotiation committees from the membership of the two Unions Respondent relies on what it terms "factual differences" between members of the two respective union contract ne- gotiating committees who themselves are members of the bargaining union and such other members who are not members of the bargaining union but are appointee-repre- sentatives from other in-plant Unions, as proof of its con- tention that such outside representatives were not bona fide members of the respective union negotiation commit tees Respondent calls the former, "regular members,' and the later, "bogus appointees " The "factual differences' be- tween the two as set forth in Respondent's brief are sum- marized below as follows (1) The `regular" members of the two union scale or negotiation committees are reimbursed by the bargaining union for time lost on their jobs while attending negotia- tion or prenegotiation meetings with Respondent's bar- gaining team whereas the appointees to the scale commit- tees from other in-plant Unions are not so reimbursed (2) For many years prior to April 1975, the scale com- mittees of the Printers and Mailers had always been com- posed exclusively of members of their own Unions (3) The new labor contract which was finally executed by the Printers Union with the Publisher was signed on behalf of the Printers Union only by the original or regular members of its scale committee and not by any of the ap pointee-representatives to the committee from other in- plant Unions The same is also true of the new Mailers' contract except that not all of the regular members of its scale committee signed the agreement (4) All original or regular members of the two scale committees knew each other, whereas appointees to such committees from other in-plant Unions might or might not know each other (5) At the first contract interpretation meeting of the new Printers' contract, only the six regular or original members of the Printers' scale committee were present, but none of the other appointees from other in-plant Unions were present as they had not been invited to attend The same situation prevailed at all of the Mailers' contract in terpretation meetings INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS INC 1497 (6) With a single exception none of the appointees from other in-plant Unions on the Mailers' scale committee at- tended any of its prebargainmg meetings which were held immediately prior to scheduled bargaining meetings with the Publisher (7) Of the membership of the Mailers' scale committee, only the regular elected members thereof had the right to vote on contract sections during negotiations, the appoin- tees on the committee from other in-plant Unions had the right to participate in the bargaining and debate but did not have the right to vote The same also appears to be true for the Printers' scale committee (8) President Gwm of the Mailers Union had the right to cancel the appointments of representatives from other in-plant Unions, to the Mailers' scale committee but did not have the authority to remove the elected or regular members of the committee from their membership therein Respondent also relies on certain statements made by an outside representative on the Printers' scale committee at the Printers' first attempted coordinated bargaining meet- ing with Respondent's negotiators on April 22, 1975, as proof of Respondent's contention that the nonprinter ap- pointees on the Printers' scale committee from other in- plant Unions, were not bona fide members thereof but were present to represent their own unions Respondent contends that the following statements made by the afore- mentioned Dale Tumey, an appointee-representative on the Printers' scale committee from the Pressmens Union, as recorded in Respondents minutes of the meeting, show that Tumey was not a bona fide member of the Printers scale committee but was attempting to engage Respondent in joint bargaining Tumey We haven't offered a proposal we just thought we could shorten negotiations by getting to- gether Tumey We want to help these guys [i e, the Print- ers] negotiate some of the things that will be beneficial to the Pressmen's Union also * * * * Tumey The pattern set by the Star-News of negoti- ating the same dollars for most Unions is the reason we re trying to do this General Counsel contends that the above statements by Tumey should be viewed in the light of the cooperative efforts made in preceding years by the various Unions at the publishing plant to advance their common interests and to attain common goals The record shows that in pre- vious years the various Unions at the plant held prenegoti- ation meetings among themselves to plan common strate- gies for their individual bargainings with the Company and to push for such matters of common employee concern as higher wages, hospital insurance, and uniform vacations Similarly, the Unions also held meetings amongst them- selves for the same purposes between negotiation meetings with Respondent Illustrative of this long term trend, the testimony of a former president of the Printers Union shows that in 1969 when he was president he "contacted the other crafts, the officers and we had a common goal of hospitalization insurance and I had caused an actuary study to be made of the cost to our Union and the benefits therein and I distributed that amongst all the officers of the Crafts for a common clause in the negotiations " Discussion and Conclusions Although Respondent in its brief states the issue of its refusal to bargain with the respective coordinated bargain- ing committees of the Printers and Mailers solely in terms of "persons present at the negotiation table who are there to represent and advance the interests of their own union's membership and not there to bargain on behalf of the then negotiating unit,") the record is replete with evidence that Respondent refused to bargain with the two commit- tees on the ground that they were attempting to engage the Company in joint bargaining contrary to its wishes and rights under the law to refuse to engage in joint bargaining This is evident from Respondent's own minutes of its meetings with the Printers Union on April 22, 1975, and with the Mailers Union on April 24, 1975, which were the first bargaining meetings at which the two Unions sought to bargain with Respondent through their respective coor dmated negotiation committees As quoted in Re- spondent's brief the Company's minutes of these two meetings show that Production Manager Golden Faris, as spokesman for the Publisher's bargaining team, in an iden- tical prepared written statement read to the two union committees, accused the two Unions of attempting to en- gage Respondent in joint bargaining as follows we view your action today as an attempt to force us to negotiate jointly with several Unions As you know we are not legally required to negotiate jointly, nor do we wish to do so Therefore, we feel that we should not meet with you in the presence of people representing members of other crafts to negotiate matters still open in your proposal The record further shows that this same accusation of attempted joint bargaining or of a subterfuge therefor was levied by Respondent against the two Unions at virtually all of the remaining meetings in which the two Unions sought to bargain separately with the Publisher through their respective coordinated negotiation committees However, the record is undisputed that the two Unions through their coordinated negotiation committees never at any time sought to engage Respondent in 'joint bargain- ing" in accordance with the definition of that term as de- fined in Robert s Dictionary of Industrial Relations (pub- lished in 1966 by the Bureau of National Affairs), to wit "Joint-bargaining is bargaining engaged in by several unions with one employer the object being the execu- tion of a collective bargaining agreement, the terms of 'Respondents brief states the sole issue in the case to be as follows The sole question which the Administrative Law Judge must decide is whether Respondent is required to negotiate with a union bargaining committee when there are persons present at the negotiating table who are there to represent and advance the interests of their own union s membership and are not there to bargain on behalf of the then negotiating unit 1498 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD which have been mutually or jointly agreed upon by both the unions and management , or in accordance with the more colorful and comprehensive lay definition thereof of record as stated by President Biggs of the Printers Union, to wit In joint bargaining, the Unions meet with repre- sentatives of the several unions, to negotiate on contracts for all Unions simultaneously, or parts of contract of all Unions, simultaneously In the absence of a discoverable Board definition, I adopt and find Roberts definition to be an accurate description of joint bargaining The fact that the Printers Union through its coordinated negotiation committee had never attempted directly or in- directly to engage the Respondent in point bargaining has been acknowledged by Respondent's General Manager Crowe himself At a contract negotiation session held on April 29, 1975, Crowe told the Printers' negotiation com- mittee that, "I never suggested that your procedure was a subterfuge for joint bargaining " At that meeting he only claimed that the Printers' committee, by the inclusion thereon of representatives from other in-plant Unions, was "improperly expanded ' I infer and find that these remarks by Crowe concerning the Printers' coordinated negotiation committee also reflected Crowe's views of the Mailers coordinated negotiation committee, as the "procedures" of these two union committees were the same Conversely, the undisputed record shows that the coor dinated negotiation committees of the two Unions at each of their separate meetings with Respondent's bargaining team made it clear that they were there to bargain only for their respective involved bargaining Unions and that they were seeking collective bargaining agreements only for their respective involved bargaining Unions and not for any other unions at Respondent's plant Accordingly, I find and conclude that each of the two Unions through its respective coordinated negotiation committee at no time sought to bargain with Respondent for a collective-bar- gaining agreement other than for its own Union Respondent now apparently acknowledges that it has not presented any competent evidence to prove its original contention that the two Unions through their respective coordinated negotiation committees had directly or indi- rectly attempted to engage Respondent in joint bargaining, as no such defense is asserted in Respondent's brief as a justification for its refusal to bargain with the two Unions Instead, Respondent by its brief now seeks to defend its refusal to bargain on the sole ground that the outside ap pointee representatives from other in-plant Unions on the two negotiation committees, were not bona fide members thereof In its statement of the "Issue Presented' Respon- dent attacks the bona fides of such outside representatives as "persons present at the negotiation table who are not there to bargain on behalf of the then negotiation unit " Respondent relies on two separate classifications of evi- dence to support its contention that these outside appoin- tee-representatives were present at the negotiation table "to represent and advance the interests of their own union's membership and not to bargain on behalf of the then negotiation unit " The first such classification consists of the aforenoted remarks made to Respondent's bargaining team by Tumey, not in his capacity as president of the Pressmens Union but as an appointed member of the Printers coordinated nego Nation meeting, at the bargaining meeting held on April 22, 1975 At that meeting Tumey made the following remarks to the Company's bargaining team, "We haven't offered a proposal we just thought we could shorten negotia- tions by getting together We want to help these guys [Printers] negotiate some of the things that will be benefi- cial to the Pressmens Union also The pattern set by the Star-News of negotiating the same dollars for most Unions is the reason we're trying to do this " Similarly, as aforenoted, President Gwin of the Mailers Union, while sitting as an appointee-representative on the Printers nego- tiation committee at a subsequent bargaining session, made the following remark to Respondent's bargaining team, " I believe there are things in common that we can negotiate for " The above findings also show that the aforenoted re- marks by Tumey and Gwin were merely reflective of the long preexisting cooperation in matters of common interest to all employees among the Unions which represent virtu- ally all of Respondent's employees at its news plant This cooperation has been manifested over the years by meet- ings among the Unions or officers thereof prior to the be- ginnings of and during the course of contract negotiations with Respondent, to plan common strategies for their sepa- rate bargainings with Respondent and to push matters of common concern to all employees such as higher wages, hospital insurance, and uniform vacations Similarly, the Company in its individual contract negotiations with the various Unions at its plant has sought to set up predeter mined uniform patterns for incorporation in all of its col- lective-bargaining agreements with the Unions, as appears from Tumey s above-undisputed and credited statement that Respondent in its negotiations with the Unions seeks to set the same dollar pattern for most Unions I find and conclude from the record as a whole that the outside appointee-representatives on the contract negotiat- ing committees of the Printers and Mailers in their at tempted negotiations with Respondent's negotiators would have been primarily interested in negotiating aspects of contracts for the Printers and Mailers which would also be of common interest to their own union, such as higher wag- es, hospital insurance and vacations I find however, that this factor has no bearing on the bona fides of the repre- sentation of such outside appointees in behalf of the nego- tiating unit All the evidence of record shows that these outside appointees would have bargained as vigorously in behalf of the Printers and Mailers on such matters as hos- pitalization insurance and vacations as they would have if they were bargaining in behalf of their own Unions I find nothing in the record to sustain Respondents contention that the outside appointees on the coordinated committees of the two Unions were "bogus appointees ' On the con- trary I find and conclude from the entire record that all such outside appointees on the two union committees were bona fide members of the bargaining committees notwith- standing the fact that they would be most vocal at the bargaining table on proposed contract provisions that would also benefit their own Unions when their turn for bargaining with Respondent came up The only other evidence Respondent relies on as proof INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS, INC 1499 that the outside appointee -members of the two union scale committees were not bona fide members thereof is what Respondent terms "factual differences" between such out- side appointees and what Respondent calls the "regular" members of the scale committees who unlike the outside appointees are union members of bargaining unit seeking to bargain with Respondent These "factual differences" as summarized from the findings above , are as follows (1) The regular members of the two scale committees are reim- bursed by their Unions for time lost from their j obs while attending precontract negotiation meetings or while at- tending bargaining meetings with Respondent whereas outside appointees to the two union scale committees are not so reimbursed , (2) In prior years the Printers' and Mailers' scale committees were always exclusively corn posed of regular members thereof , (3) The new Printers' and Mailers ' collective-bargaining agreements do not bear the signatures of any of the outside appointees on the coor- dinated bargaining committees of the two Unions, (4) All regular members of the two union scale committees knew each other whereas outside appointees of such committees may or may not know each other, (5) None of the outside appointees to the two scale committees participated in the post contract interpretation meetings held by the regular scale committee members of the two committees , (6) With a single exception , none of the outside appointees to the two union scale committees attended any of the prebar- gaining meetings the two scale committees held to decide on what they would ask for at the bargaining table, (7) Only the regular members of the union scale committees had voting privileges on contract proposals , and (8) The president of the Mailers Union has no power to remove regular or elected members from the Union's scale commit- tee but did have the right to remove appointee -representa- tives from other in-plant Unions from the Mailers' scale committee I find that these "factual differences between the out side members and the regular members of the two union scale committees are entirely devoid of any genuine rele- vance on the question of whether the outside members would truly represent and vigorously bargain for the nego- tiating Unions to whose scale committees they were ap- pointed The more positive evidence in the case shows that the outside appointees to the two union scale committees would bargain energetically with Respondent 's negotiating team on items of common interest to all employees because any new benefits they helped the bargaining unit to get would serve as precedent for the granting of the same ben- efits to all other Unions in Respondent ' s news plant This is evident from the remark, among others set forth in the findings , made by Tumey as an outside appointee on the Printers ' scale committee to Respondent 's negotiating team, to wit "We want to help these guys [Printers ] negoti- ate some of the things that will be beneficial to the Pressmen 's Union also " Even more conclusive evidence of the bona fide charac- ter of the representation of the outside appointees to the two union scale committees is contained in the remark made by Respondent 's own General Manager Crowe to the Printers ' coordinated negotiation committee at the bar- gaining session held on April 29, 1975 , as aforenoted, to wit "You guys [the outside appointees] thought that #1 [Printers Local] wasn t going fast enough or #1 [Printers Local] thought they weren t going fast enough [in negotiat- ing a contract] and asked the big guns [outside members of the Printers' negotiation committee from other in-plant Unions] to come in and help " (Emphasis supplied) Thus, the record shows that the real reason for Respondent's refusal to bargain with the coordinated nego- tiation committees of the Printers Union and the Mailers Union was its fear that the "big guns," that is, the outsiders on such union coordinated committees, by combining their bargaining strength with that of the regular members could help the bargaining unit to get better deals from the Com- pany than a scale committee composed exclusively of union members of the bargaining unit From the record as a whole I find and conclude that the outside appointees from other in-plant Unions on the Printers' and Mailers' coordinated scale or negotiation committees were and are bona fide representatives of such committees, dedicated to bargain for and on behalf of these respective bargaining Unions, each of which sought a contract only for itself The fact that the evidence herein shows that such outside appointees would be primarily in- terested in bargaining with the Company on items of com- mon interest to their own Unions and other in-plant Unions does not in any way detract from the bona fides of their representation for the Charging Parties In Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company 173 NLRB 275 (1968), enfd 415 F 2d 174 (C A 8, 1969), a case essentially on all fours with the present case, the Board upheld the right of the Union therein to engage in "coordinated bar- gaining" and found the Company in violation of the Act for its refusal to bargain with the Union's coordinated bar- gaining committee in language which is equally applicable to the instant proceeding The Company contends that the Union's ultimate aim is "co-ordinated bargaining," that is, bargaining which will embrace more than the single unit the Union repre sents, and which will settle terms for other units and at other plants The record does establish that this [is] an ultimate objective of the Union the presence of rep- resentatives of other labor organizations in the St Paul and Hastings negotiations may well be an open ing wedge in this hoped-for development The Compa- ny perhaps should not be blamed for trying to keep the union camel from sticking its nose under the tent But whatever may be the Company's fears, and how- soever accurate its prognostication, and its discern- ment of the Union's ultimate aims, the Company here and now is under a duty to bargain with the Union, and this encompasses a duty to bargain with whatever representatives the Union chooses to send The mere possibility of future abuse (which indeed the Union disclaims), is no justification for an anticipatory refus- al to bargain " [Emphasis supplied ] See also similar holding in General Electric Company, 173 NLRB 253 (1968), enfd as modified 412 F 2d 512 (C A 2, 1969) It is well established that a union, like an employer, has the right 'to choose whomever it wants to represent it in formal labor negotiations" with rare exceptions "confined 1500 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD to situations so infected with ill will, usually personal, or conflict of interest, as to make good faith bargaining im- practical " Harley Davidson Motor Co, Inc AMF, 214 NLRB 433 (1974) As these exceptional situations are total- ly absent in this case, I find that Respondent was under a legal obligation under Section 7 of the Act to bargain with the Printers' and Mailers' coordinated negotiating commit- tees composed in part of appointee-representatives from other in-plant Unions The record shows that one of the motives of the Printers and Mailers for appointing outside appointee-representa- tives from other in-plant Unions to their respective negoti- ating committees was to facilitate the exchange of informa- tion among various unions I find that this motive was also a legitimate and lawful facet of union coordinated bargain- ing Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company supra, 178, General Electric Company, supra, 519 I find and conclude from the record as a whole that Respondent's refusal and failure to bargain with the Print ers Union and the Mailers Union through their respective and separate coordinated negotiation committees consti- tute under all the circumstances of this case a violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1 By refusing on and after April 22, 1975, to engage in negotiations with Indianapolis Typographical Union No 1, a/w International Typographical Union (hereinafter called ITU No 1) for a collective-bargaining contract be- cause the bargaining committee designated and selected by ITU No 1 to represent it at such negotiations consisted of not only members of ITU No 1, but, in addition, persons who were members of other labor organizations engaged in collective bargaining with the Respondent and unless ITU No I confined its negotiating committee to members of ITU No 1, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor prac tices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) and Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act 2 By refusing on and after April 24, 1975, to engage in negotiations with Indianapolis Mailers Union No 10, a/w International Typographical Union (herinafter called IMU No 10) for a collective-bargaining contract because the bargaining committee designated and selected by IMU No 10 to represent it at such negotiations, consisted of not only members of IMU No 10, but in addition, persons who were members of other labor organizations engaged in collective bargaining with the Respondent and unless IMU No 10 confined its negotiating committee to members of IMU No 10, Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) and Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affirma- tive action, specified in the recommended Order below, de signed to effectuate the policies of the Act Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record , and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended ORDER10 Indianapolis Newspapers, Inc, Indianapolis, Indiana, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall 1 Cease and desist from (a) Refusing to bargain with ITU No 1, by declining to meet with the selected negotiating committee of that union for the purpose of negotiating a collective-bargaining agreement relating to rates of pay, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment of the employees in the current contractual bargaining unit, because the bar- gaining committee designated and selected by ITU No 1 to represent it at such negotiations consists of not only members of ITU No 1, but, in addition, persons who are members of other labor organizations engaged in collective bargaining with the Respondent and unless ITU No I confines its negotiating committee to members of ITU No I (b) Refusing to bargain with IMU No 10, by declining to meet with the selected negotiating committee of that union for the purpose of negotiating a collective-bargain- ing agreement relating to rates of pay, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment of the employ- ees in the current contractual bargaining unit, because the bargaining committee designated and selected by IMU No 10 to represent it at such negotiations, consists of not only members of IMU No 10, but in addition, persons who are members of other labor organizations engaged in collective bargaining with the Respondent and unless IMU No 10 confines its negotiating committee to members of IMU No 10 (c) In any like or related manner, interfering with the efforts of the above-named Unions to bargaip collectively on behalf of the employees in the bargaining units each above-named Union represents 2 Take the following affirmative action found necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act (a) Meet and bargain, upon request of ITU No 1, with the selected bargaining committee of ITU No 1, including any members or officials of other labor organizations whom ITU No 1 has invited to attend the negotiations for the purpose of participating in the discussions and advising and consulting with ITU No 1 on matters related to the negotiation of a collective-bargaining agreement for the aforesaid unit (b) Meet and bargain, upon request of IMU No, 10, with the selected bargaining committee of IMU No 10, THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act, it will be recommended that Respondent be ordered 10 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board the findings conclusions and recommended Order herein shall as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations be adopted by the Board and become its findings conclusions and Order and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS, INC 1501 including any members or officials of other labor organiza- tions whom IMU No 10 has invited to attend the negotia- tions for the purpose of participating in the discussions and advising and consulting with IMU No 10 on matters relat- ed to the negotiation of a collective-bargaining agreement for the aforesaid unit (c) Post at the facility operated by it in Indianapolis, Indiana, at which ITU No 1 and IMU No 10 are each the exclusive representative of certain of its employees, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix " I I Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 25, after being duly signed by Respondent's representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 con- secutive days thereafter in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily post- ed Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to en- sure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material (d) Notify the Regional Director for Region 25, in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith 11 In the event that the Boards Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals the words in the notice reading Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board shall read Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing at which all parties had the opportunity to present their evidence, the National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act, and has ordered us to post this notice, and we intend to carry out the Order of the Board WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain with Indianapolis Ty- pographical Union No 1, a/w International Typo- graphical Union (hereafter called ITU No 1), by de- clining to meet with the selected negotiating committee of ITU No 1 for the purpose of negotiating a collective-bargaining agreement relating to rates of pay, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment of the employees in the contractual bar- gaining unit because of the presence on that commit- tee of any person who is a member or official of an- other labor organization whom ITU No 1 has invited to attend the negotiations for the purpose of partici- pating in the discussions or advising and consulting with it WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain with Indianapolis Mailers Union No 10, a/w International Typographi- cal Union (hereafter called IMU No 10), by declining to meet with the selected negotiating committee of IMU No 10 for the purpose of negotiating a collec- tive-bargaining agreement relating to rates of pay, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of em- ployment of the employees in the current contractual bargaining unit because of the presence on that com- mittee of any person who is a member or official of another labor organization whom IMU No 10 has invited to attend the negotiations for the purpose of participating in the discussions or advising and con- sulting with it WE WILL NOT, in any like or related manner, interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act WE WILL meet and bargain, upon request of ITU No 1, with the selected bargaining committee of ITU No 1, including any members or officials of other la- bor organizations whom ITU No 1 has invited to at- tend the negotiations for the purpose of participating in the discussions and advising and consulting with it on matters related to the negotiation of a collective- bargaining agreement for the aforesaid unit WE WILL meet and bargain, upon request of IMU No 10, with the selected bargaining committee of IMU No 10, including any members or officials of other labor organizations whom IMU No 10 has in- vited to attend the negotiations for the purpose of par- ticipating in the discussions and advising and consult- ing with it on matters related to the negotiation of a collective-bargaining agreement for the aforesaid unit INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS, INC Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation