Hull House Assn.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 7, 1978235 N.L.R.B. 797 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation AFGCIO, 9(c) Mod.el 1 care thesecenters 2(2) approval.1 e.g., i.e., ; struc- ri i I 2 exh~b~ts centers' reqwng *, i recaved salanw r a n p g between $7,500 $1 HULL HOUSE ASSOCIATION 797 Hull House Association and Local 372, Child Care Division, Service Employees International Union, Petitioner, and Hull House Employees Organization, an Independent Union, Petitioner. Cases 13-RC-13709 and 13-RC-138 10 April 7, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER REMANDING PROCEEDING Upon a petition duly filed under Section of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, a hear- ing was held before Hearing Officer Sheryl Sternberg on October 2, 1975, and January 15 and 16 and March 17, 18, and 19, 1976. Following the hearing, and pursuant to Section 102.67 of the National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations, Series 8, as amended, the Regional Director for Region 13 transferred this case to the National Labor Relations Board for decision. Thereafter, the Employer and both Petitioners filed briefs. The Board has considered the entire record herein, including the briefs of the parties, and makes the following findings. 1. The Employer is an Illinois nonprofit corpora- tion with 21 locations throughout Metropolitan Chicago. These locations provide such services as family and individual counseling, child development services, group work and recreation services, neigh- borhood development services, vocational counseling and placement services, tutorial services, and senior citizen programs. The Employer has also contracted with Model Cities-Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity, hereinafter Model Cities, an agency of the city of Chicago, to operate two Head Start and two day care centers. The Employer also operates six additional Head Start and day care centers under contracts with the Chicago Federation of Settlements and Neigh- borhood Centers, hereinafter the Federation. The Federation is under contract with Cities to run these centers, but has subcontracted this work to the Employer. The Employer has also contracted with the Community Economic Development Asso- ciation of Cook County to run the Des Plaines Valley Community Head Start Center. Local 372 seeks to represent a unit limited to the Employer's child care employees. The Hull House Employees Organization, hereinafter the Organiza- tion, seeks an employerwide unit. The Employer contends that both petitions should be dismissed because (1) the child care centers, funded by Model Cities, share the city of Chicago's exempt status The funds for both the Head Start and day with the Federal Government. programs originate 235 NLRB No. 108 under the Act, and (2) the remaining operations do not affect commerce within the meaning of the Act. The Employer's first contention is essentially that the terms and conditions of employment of the Head Start and day care employees involved herein are set by Model Cities and cannot be changed without Model Cities' approval and that this fact is sufficent to exempt from the Board's jurisdiction under Section of the Act. To receive funding for the Chicago centers, the Employer and the Federation must submit budgets and so-called work programs to Model Cities for The budgets list the centers' expected expenses, and the work programs outline the centers' goals. To receive approval, the budgets and work programs must meet guidelines established by Model Cities. After approval, the budgets and work pro- grams become part of contracts with Model Cities. Model Cities then funds the centers on a reimburse- ment basis. Only those expenses listed in the ap- proved budgets are reimbursable. The guidelines indicate the labor costs which Model Cities will reimburse the Employer for, salaries, fringe benefits, vacations, and establish qualifications for each job category at the centers and discharge procedures. The issue before us is basically whether these guidelines effectively pre- clude the Employer from bargaining collectively, independently of Model Cities, with a union repre- senting these centers' employees. Tauber, who, as director of Model Cities' Chil- dren's Services Division, administers the agency's Head Start and day care programs, explained the extent to which Model Cities' personnel guidelines have determined the working conditions of the employees of the so-called "delegate agencies," contractors like the Employer, as follows. The guidelines establish a salary range for each category of center employee. These ranges incorpo- rate a Federal regulation that requires that Head Start and day care employees receive salaries compa- rable to the area standard for the work involved.2 When the initial contracts were entered into, Model Cities generally recognized the various salary tures already existing at the delegate agencies. Subsequent to the initial contracts, Model Cities has reimbursed the delegate agencies for across-the- board annual salary increments of 5 percent for Head Start and day care employees. The delegate agencies, however, are free to supplement these salary increases with funds from sources other than Model Cities, and certain delegate agencies have provided annual salary increases of as high as 10 percent. Model Cities will also reimburse the delegate The show that teachers, a job a bachelor's degree, about and 1,000a year. I " 12. effect~ve In Department o/ Fcderal 5 t xh . 1. Exh. 11. fncreases Governmm! salanes Cunded w~ th terms 1, em~lovees. 1 i December exce~tion. 1 min~mum that pos~tion. rarses t h ~ s Assoc~ation 7 Tauher 798 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD agencies for certain fringe benefits, such as hospitali- zation insurance and contributions to pension funds. Additionally, Model Cities covers costs of 2 weeks' paid vacation, but the delegate agencies are free to add to the number of paid vacation days using funds from sources other than Model Cities. Model Cities also recognizes the existing holiday schedules of the larger delegate agencies, such as the Catholic Arch- diocese of Chicago and the Employer. Model Cities has also established job qualifications for each category of center employee, but the delegate agencies retain the responsibility for select- ing center personnel. Model Cities' role is to "verify that the employee meets the qualifications," but not to tell the delegate agencies which applicants to hire. The delegate agencies have the discretion to decide whether to discharge an employee, except that Model Cities requires them to adhere to a procedure that is designed to protect employees against arbitrary discharge. The delegate agencies, however, are free to provide additional procedural safeguards. Thus, Tauber's testimony indicates that, contrary to the Employer's contention, a delegate agency does not need Model Cities' approval to improve most of the Head Start and day care employees' terms and conditions of employment. That the Employer can negotiate working conditions at the centers with a union without Model Cities' prior approval is proved conclusively by its bargaining history with the Organization. Until the collective-bargaining agreement with the Organization, described below, was signed, most of the terms and conditions of employment of the Hull House employees, including those employed at the Head Start and day care centers, were governed by a pamphlet entitled "Personnel Policies of Hull House Association." This pamphlet was also included with the work programs and budgets submitted to Model Cities each year, and with Model Cities' approval had become part of the contracts between the See Employer's Exh. After the close of the hearing, the Employer and the Organization negotiated a second collective-bargaining agreement, from August 1976, until September 1978. This agreement is discussed Catholic Bishop of Chicago, A Corporation Sole. Program. 235 NLRB 776 (1978). The agreement incorporates the Employer's "Personnel Policies" pamphlet. dated January 10, 1975 (Employer's 13). Adams identified a pamphlet entitled "Personnel Policies of Hull House Association," dated June 1971 (Local 372's I). as the pamphlet that governed the Employer's personnel policies. The two pamphlets are basically the same. The pamphlet dated January 10. 1975, does add. inter alia. the following: Selection. Appointment and Promotion of Personnel E. Beginning Salaries and for and Special Project Employees I. Beginning for employees whose positions are government or special project monies are set by the of that grant, and may be the same, higher or lower than the Employer and Model Cities and between the Federa- tion and Model Cities." The initial collective-bargaining agreement4 be- tween the Employer and the Organization, hereinaf- ter the agreement, effective from September 3, 1975, until July 1976, incorporated the "Personnel Policies" pamphlet by reference. Adams, however, testified that, if there were a conflict between the agreement and the pamphlet, the agreement would take precedence.5 The collective-bargaining agree- ment changed the existing personnel policies and significantly improved the working conditions of the Hull House Among the improvements was a 7-percent salary increment for each employee, the usual 5-percent increment, plus two 1-percent salary increments, or bonuses, due 15, 1975, and June 15, 1976. As noted above, Model Cities then would onlv reimburse a delegate agency for a 5-percent incre- ment. Adams acknowledged that the Employer had paid the initial I-percent bonuses to employees and had not been reimbursed for them by Model Cities." The agreement also changed the severance pay policy from one in which the Head Start and day care employees were not eligible for severance pay unless Model Cities agreed to reimburse the Employ- er for it to one in which they were guaranteed severance pay unless more than 10 employees from an individual center were laid off at the same time. Adams made clear that. with this the agreement's severance pay provision would apply to the Head Start and day care employees regardless of what Model Cities' policy was with respect to reimbursement.' The agreement also included a grievance procedure that provided for third-party mediation and arbitra- tion, whereas the Employer's personnel policies had only provided for internal appeals with no resort to an outside party. The agreement also reduced the cost of medical insurance to the employee. Other step of the agency approved salary range. Effort is made. in negotiating special projects, for inclusion of salaries no less than the minimum of our agency salary ranges for 4. While not required to use private funds for special project salary increases, the Executive Director currently seeks to use private funds to support work performance for personnel if is necessary. The asserts that this is an appropriate private cost of obtaining and retaining the government or special project grant. The second I-percent bonus was not scheduled to be paid until after the hearing herein concluded. Severance pay was not among the fringe benefits testified was reimbursable under Model Cities' guidelines. no-stnke terms herein.9 $500,000, $50,000. 1,000 annual 8 Buhop sypra Sharpe, testified contracu those rcimbwed wth salary increaw between between was Citics' difference apparently note made lhis difference. risk jurisdiction.10 jurisdiction.11 centers.12 commerce,l3 9(c)(l) 2(6) i.e.. reimbursement employes. Naumc Counfy Ine., Tauber supplrmenting be her. did not specify, mcant ' 0 The Rhode Islatui a /k /a Aloysiur reapom care 11 Compare BuffaIo, Inc., ( 1 12 Sdt & N w t y S c M & Kincdrrgarten 2. 13 Inglewood Cemetety HULL HOUSE ASSOCIATION 799 changes included a reduction of the probationary period from 6 months to 3 months and the addition of disability insurance coverage and of a paid personal leave day for each employee. The agree- ment also contained union-security and dues-check- off clauses and a provision. As indicated above, the agreement significantly changed the and conditions of employment of the Employer's Head Start and day care center employees and provided for salary and fringe benefit improvements that were not reimbursable under Model Cities' guidelines. Despite this, the Employer, according to Adams, signed the agreement without Model Cities' prior approval.* Considering Tauber's testimony regarding the ef- fect of Model Cities' guidelines and the Employer's bargaining history with the Organization, there can be no doubt that the Employer is able to bargain effectively about most of the terms and conditions of employment of the Head Start and day care employ- ees involved Catholic Bishop of Chicago, A Corporation Sole, Department of Federal Programs, supra. The City, through Model Cities, therefore, does not control labor relations at the Head Start and day care centers herein, and the Employer, as a result, does not share the City's exemption from the Act with respect to these centers. The Employer's total revenue during the fiscal year 1975 was approximately $2.4 million. This included fees and grants of $1.3 million from government agencies, a community fund allocation of approxi- mately and investment income of nearly The parties stipulated that the value of the Employer's purchases directly from points outside the State of Illinois reached approximately $1 during the first 8 months of fiscal year 1975, or $16,500 projected to an basis. Tauber apparently reviewed the first agreement to check that it did not conflict with Model Cities' guidelines. Catholic of Chicago, Adams also testified that Model Cities never ratified it subsequently. who, as the Employer's associate executive director, administered the Employer's Head Start and day care programs, that to the best of her knowledge the Head Start and day care employees had been treated as required by the agreement. The agreement was signed 6 months before she made this statement. We note that the wntracts between the Employer and Model Cities cannot be changed without the latter's approval. As stated earlier, these set forth expenses that the Employer will be for by Model Cities. Thus, the Employer cannot unilaterally increase the level of reimbursement provided for by the contract Model Cities. As shown above, the collective-bargaining agreement called for and fringe benefit that were not provided for by the wntracts the Employer and Model Cities, or those the Federation and Model Cities. As the agreement negotiated without Model prior approval, the in salaries and fringe benefits provided for by the agreement and those that were reimbursable under the contracts with Model Cities had to be made up by the Employer with its own money. We that our findings would not change even if Model Cities subsequently up By negotiating the agreement without Model Cities' prior approval, the Employer assumed the of having to The fact that the Employer is a nonprofit, noncom- mercial, charitable organization provides no basis for declining Although the Board has not yet set a discretionary jurisdictional standard for charitable organizations providing the variety of social services that the Employer herein does, we note that the Employer meets every discretionary jurisdictional standard we have applied to date for the assertion of Further, we note that the child care centers involved herein by themselves satisfy the jurisdictional standard for day care As the Employer's direct inflow otherwise shows a sufficient effect upon we believe that asserting jurisdiction would effectuate the policies of the Act. 2. We find, as stipulated by the parties, that the Petitioners are labor organizations within the mean- ing of the Act. 3. A question affecting commerce exists concern- ing the representation of employees of the Employer within the meaning of Sections and and (7) of the Act. 4. Both the Employer and the Organization agree that only an employerwide unit would be appropri- ate. Local 372 seeks a unit limited to the Head Start and day care employees. As indicated above, the Head Start and day care employees were, with certain exceptions, subject to the same personnel policies as the Employer's other employees, even before the collective-bargaining agreement with the Organization was negotiated. The parties also stipulated that an independent employee organization had represented all the Employer's employees for many years before formal recognition was extended to the Organization. Further, at certain locations, Head Start and day care employees share common supervision with the Employer's other employees. These facts lead us to conclude that an pay for the added costs of employing the Head Start and day care employees out of its own pocket; without from Model Cities. This fact alone is enough to show that the Employer was able to bargain effectively about the working conditions of these See. generally, Health Facilities Association, etal.. 227 NLRB 1680 (1977). We also note that testified that a delegate agency's policy of salaries with its own money to a level "really out of proportion"with Model Cities' guidelines would a matter of concern to She however, what she by "out of proportion." We do not believe this testimony is specific enough to provide us with a basis for concluding Model Cities has set an upper limit to the level a delegate agency can supplement salaries. Catholic Orphan Asylum. St. Home, 224 NLRB 1344 (1976) (Member Fanning concurring). For the stated in Catholic Bishop of Chicago, we also reject the Employer's argument that the Head Start and day centers herein a n an integral pan of, or "intimately connected" with, the Chicago public school system. Catholic Charities of New York, 220 NLRB 9 975). Pepper No. 222 NLRB 1295 (1976) (Member Fanning dissenting). Compare Park Association, 147 NLRB 803 (1964). approp:iate. there 8(a)(2) time.14 PENELLO, Employer.15 Cities.1"~ position.17 day (1978), sufficient MEMBER Gnvern- e.g., - I* Orga~zatiofi. 15 '8 Citres admmsters operation uwt whch ROO DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD employerwide unit would be At the same time, the record does not reveal a sufficient basis for concluding that the Head Start and day care employees share a separate community of interest apart from the Employer's other employees. We therefore find that a unit limited to the Employer's Head Start and day care employees would not constitute an appropriate unit. The present case was transferred to the Board to resolve the jurisdictional and unit issues. As is presently before the Regional Director an charge alleging that the Employer unlawfully recognized the Organization, we shall not direct an election at this We shall, however, remand this proceeding to the Regional Director for further processing, if appropriate. ORDER It is hereby ordered that this proceeding be, and it hereby is, remanded to the Regional Director for Region 13 for further processing, if appropriate. MEMBER dissenting: I would not assert jurisdiction over the day care and Head Start center operations of the I am persuaded that Model Cities-Chicago Com- mittee on Urban Opportunity (Model Cities), an agency of the city of Chicago, exercises sufficient control over the centers' labor relations policies as to disable the Employer from bargaining with a union over the wages, hours, and other working conditions of the employees at the centers. The centers, which provide day care and educa- tional services for underprivileged children, are funded on an annual basis through contracts let by Model these contracts, each of which contains a budget and a "work program" outlining in detail the expenses and operations of each center for the year, Model Cities governs virtually all facets of the centers' labor relations. Thus, Model Cities has established salary ranges for every employee job classification, and each contract specifies the exact amount to be paid each employee out of Model Cities' funds, the educational and other qualifica- tions required for each the hours to be worked by the employees, and the vacations, holi- days, and fringe benefits to which the employees are entitled. Further, Model Cities conducts regular and We note that our unit findings are not to any extent based upon the Employer's collective-bargaining history with the The Employer operates four day care and seven Head Start centers. Model the day care and Head Start programs, but contracts out the actual of the centers to designated "delegate agencres,"generally private employers engaged in providing social services. The Employer contracts directly with Model Cities to operate two day care and two Head Start centers: it also operates two day care and four Head Start centers under subcontract with the Chicago Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers. In addition, the Employer operates one Head detailed audits to insure compliance with its stan- dards, and may terminate contract with the Employer for noncompliance. Model Cities exercises the same degree of control over the labor relations policies of each of the employers operating its care and Head Start center programs. In my dissent in Catholic Bishop of Chicago, A Corporation Sole, Department of Federal Programs, 235 NLRB 776 which involved another Model Cities delegate agency, I explained in detail my reasons for concluding that such employers are not granted freedom to engage in genuine collective bargaining. I would therefore dismiss the petition in this case for the same reasons I refused to assert jurisdiction over the employer in Catholic Bishop. MURPHY, dissenting: Contrary to my colleagues, I would not assert jurisdiction over the Employer's four day care and seven Head Start centers. I find that the city of Chicago, acting in furtherance of fundamental gov- ernmental objectives, exercises substantial and per- vasive control over the labor relations policies of the centers herein which precludes the Employer from effectively bargaining concerning those centers' working conditions. Employer's day care and Head Start centers are funded through the Social Security Act of 1935 and the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. The primary purpose of both programs is the Federal ment's objective to provide social and educational services for children of poverty. The centers are operated pursuant to service contracts let annually by Model Cities-Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity (hereinafter Mod- el Cities), an agency of the city of Chicago. The contracts with the city include a budget and wage program covering, the type of curriculum, dietary plan, and social and medical services, all of which must be approved by the city before the city will agree to allocate funds for the centers' operation. In addition, Model Cities set all operational stan- dards for the Employer's programs. Thus, the "Stan- dards for Project Design" specify all employee classifications for the centers' personnel, educational and experience qualifications for each classification, detailed uniform job descriptions for each staff Start center through contract with the Community Economic Development Association of Cook County. The Federal Government provides 75 percent of the funds for the day care centers, while the city of Chicago contributes 25 percent in matching funds. Head Start centers are supported to the extent of 80 percent of the of the program by the Federal Government, leaving 20 percent is supplied in the form of in-kind services by the delegate agencies. Although the Employer does the initial screening and selection of hires, candidates for promotions, etc., such actions must be reported lo Model Cities within 5 days for its approval. (1978). antipoverty program hesigned specialized - - vrivate nonvrofit ihe every fre- 18 C. Atkinr & Company, 398,406 ID centen services fkrtherance terminate find Act."18 jurisdiction.19 Znc., A M 1 conclude event, assert Herberr Harvey, Inc., I71 238,240 (1968). 801 HULL HOUSE ASSOCIATION position, and corresponding salary levels. Model Cities further specifies hours of operation, vacations, holidays, fringe benefits, ratio of staff to children, and total employee complement. To enforce its standards, Model Cities closely monitors all aspects of the Employer's programs and may terminate a contract for noncompliance. The facts of the instant case do not differ material- ly from those presented in Catholic Bishop of Chicago, A Corporation Sole, Department of Federal Programs, 235 NLRB 776 For the reasons more fullv set , forth in my dissenting opinion in that case, I find that the Employer's day care and Head Start pro- grams are funded as part of a Federal comprehensive to meet the social and educational needs occasioned by the poverty environment and to open economic opportu- nities for a deprived class of citizens by freeing them from child care to enter the work force. In -imple- menting the Federal policy, the city of Chicago (in lieu of undertaking to provide such services directly) has chosen to contract with a agency to provide these fundamental services subject to substantial and pervasive controls which enable the city to insure the accomplishment of its objec- tives. Thus, as shown supra, city regulates aspect of the centers labor relations policies, N.L.R.B. v. E. 331 U.S. (1947). In the alternative, since the Employer's day care and Head Start are operated as part of a governmentally funded antipoverty program and offer which are essential and basic to the quently monitors each centers operations to deter- mine compliance with Model Cities' guidelines, and retains authority to a contract for failure to comply with Model Cities' guidelines. In sum, I that Model Cities' labor relations policies applicable to the Employer's day care and Head Start centers have significantly limited any discretion on the part of the Employer to determine these working conditions "that would form the basis for collective bargaining as contemplated by the Under these circumstances, I see no choice under the Board's established policies but to find that such extensive control precludes our assertion of Herbert Harvey, supra; Services, Znc., 221 NLRB 64 (1975); Teledyne Eco- nomic Development Company, 223 NLRB 1040 (1976). I so find even though I am mindful of the fact that certain employees at these day care and Head Start centers may desire union representation. But, the facts, the law, the Federal policies, and this Board's own long-established policies impel me-however reluctantly-to conclude that the Board should not assert jurisdiction over these centers. Accordingly, I dissent from the finding that a unit which includes the Employer's Head Start and day care employees is appropriate. of that interest. that the services provided by the Employer are intimately related to fundamental governmental objectives. I find that, in any it would not effectuate the policies of the Act to jurisdiction.Cf. NLRB Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation