Hudson Wire Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 30, 1978236 N.L.R.B. 1263 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation HUDSON WIRE COMPANY Hudson Wire Company and Paul M. Adkins and Lodge No. 679, International Brotherhood of Boil- ermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers. Cases 10-CA-12419 and 10-CA-12501 June 30, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS JENKINS. MURPHY. AND TRUESDALE On January 20, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Karl H. Buschmann issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed excep- tions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein.2 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified below, and hereby orders that the Respondent, Hud- son Wire Company, Trenton, Georgia, its officers. agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as so modi- fied: 1. Insert the following as paragraph l(c): (c) "In any other manner interfering with, re- straining, or coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act." 2. Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge. -In the absence of exceptions thereto, we adopt, pro lorma, the Adminis- trative Law Judge's conclusion that Respondent did not violate Sec 8(a I) of the Act as set forth in sec. II,(A) and (C) of his Decision. Despite such adoption, however, we regard the Administrative Las Judge's criteria for evaluating the unlawfulness of interrogations as so Aide of the mark that the matter should be noted for guidance of the Administrative Law Judge ' In his recommended Order, the Administrative Law Judge failed to in- clude a provision to the effect that Respondent would not In an) other manner interfere with the employees' Sec. 7 rights. This omission was obvi- ouslv inadvertent, inasmuch as the provision is warranted, and we shall modify the recommended Order accordingly We shall also issue a new notice which conforms more closely with the Admiiistra!ive I aw Judge's recommended Order APPENDIX Noci( F To EMPLOYEFS POSI ED B) ORDER OF THE NAIONAL LABOR RFI.ATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing at which all parties participated and had a chance to give evidence, the National Labor Relations Board has found that we committed cer- tain unfair labor practices and has ordered us to post this notice. We intend to abide by the following: The Act gives all our employees these rights: To organize themselves To form, join, or help unions To bargain as a group through representa- tives they choose To act together for collective bargaininl or( other mutual aid or protection To refuse to do any or all of these things. WF. ILL. NO1 discourage membership in any labor organization by discriminatorily discharg- ing any of its employees or discriminating in any other manner with respect to their hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of em- ployment in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. WE WILl NOI unlawfully promise any benefits to our employees or create the impression among our employees that their union meetings are kept under surveillance in order to discour- age their union or other protected activities. WE WIi.L. NOT in an)' other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exer- cise of their rights protected by Section 7 of the Act. WE wILl offer Ruby Carroll immediate and full reinstatement to her former position. or, if such position no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position, and make her whole for any loss of pav she may have suffered by reason of the discrimination practiced against her, with in- terest. All our employees are free to become or remain, or refrain from becoming or remaining, members of a labor organization. HUDStO:N VIRE ( OMPANY DE( ISION S I a rMFNT OF T HE CASE K.AR H BL St H\xAN'. Adiministrativ e Law Judge: this case was heard befoie ine i., fretori Georgia, on Ma? 16 236 NLRB No. 151 1263 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and 17, 1977. Paul M. Adkins, an individual, filed charges in Case 10-CA 12419 on November 22 and amended them on December 6, 1976. A complaint was issued on January 12 and amended on January 27, 1977. Charges were filed in Case 10-CA-12501, on January 3, 1977. by Lodge No. 679, International Brotherhood of Boilermak- ers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers. A complaint and notice consolidating the cases was issued on March 29, 1977. Settlement discussions were held prior to the hearing and pursuant to a partial settlement of the complaint, it was amended to conform with the results of the settlement. The remaining allegations at issue at the hearing were that Ruby Carroll was discriminatorily dis- charged in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act, and that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) by unlawfully interrogating employees, promising benefits, threatening discharge, and creating an impression of surveillance. Both the General Counsel and Respondent filed briefs. Upon the entire record in this case, including my obser- vation of the witnesses, I make the following findings of fact and conclusions of law. FINDINGS OF FAC I I. JURISDICTION Hudson Wire Company, herein called Respondent, is a New York corporation, with an office and place of busi- ness at Trenton, Georgia, where it is engaged in the manu- facture of wire products. During the past calendar year. a representative period, Respondent sold and shipped fin- ished products valued in excess of $50,000 directly to cus- tomers located outside the State of Georgia. Admittedly, Respondent is, and has been at all times material herein, engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. Lodge No. 679, International Brother- hood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers, herein called the Union, is, and has been at all times material herein, a labor organization with- in the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II THE UNFAIR I.ABOR PRACI1CES Respondent and the Union had a collective-bargaining agreement, effective July 1, 1973 through June 30, 1976, covering the employees at the Trenton, Georgia, plant. Upon the expiration of the agreement, the employees com- menced an economic strike, which continued until Septem- ber 3, 1976, when the employees made an unconditional offer to return to work. The alleged unfair labor practices generally related to the strike. A. Allkegation. of Unlawful Interrogation The complaint contains numerous allegations of unlaw- ful interrogation in separate instances beginning before the strike and continuing after the termination of the strike. The record shows that approximately 3 weeks before the strike began, James Reed, an employee, went into the of- fice of Clyde Clark, manufacturing supers isor, to get a roll of tape. Only Clark and Reed were present. During their conversation, Clark asked Reed what the employees want- ed, to settle the controversy. Clark also told him that Hud- son Wire was a good company and that the employees did not need a union. Reed replied that the employees wanted more money and better working conditions. Approximately I week before the strike began, Willie Tillman, an employee, and Joseph Cannon, plant general foreman, were in the wire drying room. Although it was so loud in the drying room that one could hardly hear a per- son speaking, Tillman understood Cannon to ask him how he would vote concerning the strike, to which he replied that he did not know. Cannon admitted talking to Tillman, but only recalled asking whether Tillman would be all right if the employees struck. Cannon was concerned because of Tillman's financial problems following a cancer operation. On June 30, 1976, the day the strike began, Larry Coop- er, an employee, was working near the inspector's table which is close to the office of Supervisor Clark. Clark asked him whether the employees had struck and what per- centage had voted to strike. He also wanted to know whether the strike would begin that night or the next morn- ing. Cooper answered that 99 percent of the employees had voted in favor of the strike but did not respond as to when the strike would commence. Shortly after the strike began, Paul Adkins, an employ- ee, went to the office of Carl Klinefelter, the plant manag- er, to pick up the paychecks of striking employees. On that occasion, Klinefelter asked Adkins what the strike vote was and what the employees wanted to settle the strike. Adkins responded, stating that the strike vote was unanimous and proposing certain improvements in working conditions. Adkins, as chairman of the Union's bargaining committee and a member of the negotiating committee, had partici- pated in the negotiations. Several acts of unlawful interrogation are alleged to have occurred on the picket line. In these instances, the compa- ny representatives involved either happened to arrive for work or leave work through the gate of the plant in the general vicinity where the picket line was stationed. For example, employee Reed was approached by Tom Riddle, second shift supervisor, while on the picket line during the middle of the strike. Riddle asked Reed what it would take to settle the strike and said that the employees did not need a union. Reed described this conversation as typical. In another instance, Burle Castleberry, the maintenance sup- ervisor. asked employee Larry Gilbreath when the employ- ees were coming back and said that the company had of- fered all that it was going to offer. Castleberry and Gilbreath then continued the conversation about CB ra- dios. Also, Nolan Daniel, third shift supervisor, asked em- ployee Ellis Mitchell, while he was picketing, what the strike vote was and when was he coming back to work. Several employees recalled instances of alleged interro- gation of picketers by Klinefelter. Jimmy Marr. an employ- ee, testified that while he was on the picket line in August 1976, Klinefelter said to him "come and cross the picket line and I will give you a job." Employee Tillman testified that Klinefelter asked him when he was returning to work, while he was walking the picket line some time during the middle of the strike. Ruby C'arroll, an employee, testified 1264 HUDSON WIRE COMPANY that while she was picketing in August, Klinefelter asked whether she was ready to come back to work. Some time after November 20, 1976, Wanda Nelson, an employee, had a conversation with Supervisor Nolan Dan- iel at the inspector's table. Daniel asked Nelson if she had seen the authorization cards, which had been passed around. She answered in the affirmative and told him she had signed one. The General Counsel argues that Respondent's conduct in each of the above-described instances amounted to an 8(a)(l) violation. However, it is settled that interrogation is not unlawfulper se. Interrogation which falls short of inter- ference or coercion may not be unlawful. The "test is wheth- er, under all the circumstances, the interrogation reason- ably tends to restrain or interfere with the employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed by the Act." Blue Flash Ex- press, Inc., 109 NLRB 591, 593 (1954). Given the surround- ing circumstances in each of these conversations, I have to conclude that the interrogations were not coercive. While the record does not provide extensive background informa- tion in each of the numerous instances of alleged interroga- tion, the record is clear that no employee testified to an atmosphere of employer hostility, coercion, or interference. To the contrary, the dialogues were casual and occurred in and around the plant duri:g chance encounters. In some cases, the employee initiated the conversation or volun- teered information. Most conversations were between em- ployees and minor supervisors on a generally friendly and casual level. No employee testified as to a feeling of being compelled to answer, and there is no evidence that any employee formulated his answer to conform to the wishes of the employer. In sum, the record contains no evidence that the employees feared reprisals as a result of the inter- rogations, nor does it reflect a situation in which employees were restrained in the exercise of their Section 7 rights. Accordingly, I find that none of the allegations of unlawful interrogation in violation of Section 8(a)( I) have been sus- tained. B. Allegation of Promise of Benefit The complaint alleges that Respondent unlawfully promised benefits to an employee in violation of Section 8(a)(1). In this regard, the record shows that a month be- fore the contract expired on June 30, 1976, employee Paul Adkins, who was a member of Local 679's grievance com- mittee and on the negotiating committee, was in the main- tenance shop with maintenance supervisor Burle Castleber- ry. Castleberry told Adkins that he was "taking too much time on union business," that he was neglecting his work too much, and that he "would be better off out of the union." Castleberry further stated that he could tell Adkins "more confidential things" and Adkins "would have a bet- ter chance for advancement." I have no problem in finding that Respondent, through the statements of Castleberry, promised benefits to its em- ployee, in order to induce him to forgo his activities on behalf of the Union. Such conduct violates Section 8(a)( 1) of the Act. G. C. Murphy Company, 216 NLRB 785, 788 (1975); Fayetteville Industrial Maintenance, Inc., 218 NLRB 889, 897-898 (1975). C. Allegation of Threats The General Counsel alleges that Respondent unlawful- ly threatened its employees with discharge for engaging in union activities in violation of Section 8(a)(1). The record shows that in late August Supervisor Tom Riddle ap- proached employees Devon Higdon and Ellis Mitchell while they were on the picket line. When leaving the plant after working, Riddle stopped to talk to the strikers. He told them that they better return to work, and that the Company would hire others to replace them, because the Union would not negotiate. Both employees explained in their testimony that the exchange was casual and friendly. The evidence does not suggest that these comments were made with the intent to threaten the employees, nor do I find that the employees regarded them as threats. Rather, these comments were made in the course of idle conversa- tion while Riddle would "talk to [them] about five or ten minutes and turn his car off and sit there," telling them of the possibility that the Company was prepared to hire re- placements. The record shows that Riddle's remarks were in the nature of a prediction of future events rather than statements intended for the purpose of intimidating the employees. I cannot find that these statements constitute a violation of Section 8(a)( ). D. .4 legation of Impression of Surveillance The complaint alleges that Respondent created the im- pression of surveillance in violation of Section 8(a)( ). In his testimony, Larry Cooper recalled a conversation in De- cember 1976, when Joseph Cannon, general foreman, said to him that even though Ruby Carroll had been absent several times in the past year, he had not wntten her up for it; nevertheless she had spoken at a union meeting urging that Cannon be fired. Cannon further stated that he knew what happened that day because he had people come back and tell him what was going on. Cannon's statement to Cooper clearly conveyed the mes- sage to an employee that the Company "had a direct pipe- line" to the union meetings and was continuously kept in- formed about the employees' activities at union gatherings. The impression that the Company was engaged in surveil- lance of union meetings tends to restrain employees in the exercise of their rights under the Act, in violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act. E. Allegation of Unlawful Discharge According to the complaint, Respondent's refusal to re- instate Ruby Carroll after her unconditional offer to return to work following the strike constituted a violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. Respondent's position is that its denial of reinstatement was justified by the alleged misconduct by Carroll during the strike. Ruby Carroll was employed by Respondent from Au- gust 14, 1967 until June 30, 1976, when she joined the strike called by the Union. On September 3, 1976. she, along with other striking employees, made an unconditional offer to return to work (G.C. Exh. 3). In response. C arroll received a letter, dated September 3, 1976, informing her that she had 1265 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD to report for a disciplinary hearing on September 8, 1976, concerning her alleged strike misconduct (G.C. Exh. 4). The hearing was held in the plant conference room with William Bolton and Carl Klinefelter for Respondent and Larry Cooper, Paul Adkins, and Sherman Sweatt for the Union. In this interview with Ruby Carroll, Bolton asked Car- roll if she had made a threatening telephone call to Joe Rimas, a fellow employee. Rimas, who is Supervisor Cannon's brother-in-law, had apparently received a call from someone telling him not to cross the picket line, and warning him about Cannon's barn having been burned. Carroll denied any such conversation during the question- ing by her supervisors, although in her testimony she ad- mitted to a telephone conversation with Rimas and asking him not to cross the picket line because she would find it difficult at her age to find a job. This was the only incident of alleged misconduct taken up at this hearing.' Following this hearing, Carroll was notified by letter, dated September 8, 1976, that she was discharged (G.C. Exh. 5). The law is clear, and the parties agree,2 that an employee who engaged in a strike--a protected concerted activity-- has a right to reinstatement upon his unconditional offer to return to work, unless the employer can show misconduct by the employee so serious as to render the employee unfit for future service. Although serious acts of misconduct during a strike niaN disqualify a striker from protection under the Act, not every impropriety committed in the course of a strike so deprives the striker. Coronet Casuals, Inc., 207 NI.RB 304 (1973). The Board held in MP Indu.s- tries, Inc. 227 NLRB 1709, 1710 (1977): "Although an em- ployee may actually have engaged in misconduct, he or she may not he denied reinstatement absent a showing that 'the misconduct is so violent or of such serious character as to render the employee unfit for future service.'" 3 At the hearing, Respondent attempted to meet that bur- den by showing that Respondent held Carroll responsible for (I) the threatening telephone call to Rimas concerning a barn burning and (2) harassing Shirley Hopkins on her way home from work at Respondent's plant. With respect to the telephone call, the record contains the testimony of Joseph Rimas describing the telephone conversation as follows: We talked first, you know, friendly like and she asked me was I still going to work down there and I said yeah. Asked what happened to my truck there and that made me just go on. start on anyway, after they painted by I have resolved the conflicting record esidence on this issue as follows ('arrioll and Adkins unequivocally testified that this was the only subject mIlatter raised at the hearing. Among Respondent's wsitnesses. Bolton and Klinefelter, only the latter recalled that another incident,. referring to the "Hopkins' matter," was also discussed. And Klinefelter's notes (Resp. Exh. 2) which indicates that both the tele- phone and Ihe liHopkins' incident were discussed, are not sufficientls reliable Klirefelter's testimony concerning the time and circumstances tIf his preparation of these notes was extremely vague and uncertain. 2 See briefs of General Counsel, p. 10, and of Respondent. p. 24. L R.B. v. Ilhn,, lo[l WiforAs, 153 F.2d 811, 815-816 IC.A. 7, 1946), The lire tone lirr i Rubbhher ('ompran. 187 NI RB 54. 59 (1970). resersed in othci respect, 449 iF.2d 511 I(C.A 5, 1971): Terrr ('oach Industries, Inr, 166 NI Ril 560 (1967), enfd 411 F.2d 612 (C A. 9. 1969). truck. During the conversation, though, she asked me did I hear that Joe's barn got burned up. And I said no. And then we talked some more, you know, on the phone. And she said sorry about me going down there, she wished I wouldn't go down there, it would be dangerous for me to go to work down there. Rimas further stated that he had known Ruby Carroll for a long time, since he "was in first grade, second grade and over at the school." Carroll admitted to a conversa- tion with Rimas, but denied any reference to a barn burn- ing. I find Rimas' recollection of this conversation credible. But Rimas' testimony negates any suggestion that Carroll's telephone call can be considered a threat or intimidation of a fellow employee. The conversation began, as Rimas stat- ed, on a friendly like basis and the content of the conversa- tion, as recalled by Rimas, suggests that it was made more out of concern for Rimas' safety than with the intent to threaten or intimidate. And even if the telephone call could be considered a threat to a fellow employee, it would not be the type of incident of such serious nature so as to dis- qualify her for future employment. Respondent apparently agrees with this analysis, since its brief contains only a passing reference to this matter (Resp. br. p. 14). Turning now to the more siloous incident, namely, the Hopkins' incident, the record shows that on August 11, 1977, the Company began to hire replacements for the striking employees. Shirley Hopkins, a hired replacement, left work at approximately 4 p.m., 2 days later. A station wagon driven by Ruby Carroll pulled in behind Hopkins on Highway 11. Carroll's car contained three strikers in addition to herself, Wanda Nelson, Betty Joyce Morgan, and Mary Jo Whisenant. The women claim that they fol- lowed Hopkins' car because she had out-of-state license plates and they were tok.. that the Company was not al- lowed to hire persons 'rom across state lines to replace them. Behind the four strikers, a car containing two super- visors, Steve Cooper and Rex Blevins, pulled in and also followed. The caravan continued on Highway 11 for the approxi- mately 12 miles, from Trenton to Rising Fawn, Georgia. Carroll followed Hopkins' car fairly closely. The testimony varies as to whether Carroll was "right on her rear bumper" or within a car length or two; however, the gist of all the testimony is that Carroll followed unreasonably and annoyingly close, more closely than a driver normally would. At Mack's Gun Shop, Hopkins made a left turn onto Route 189, and the two other cars followed. After roughly a mile and a half, Carroll pulled out, and alongside of Hopkins' car, and both came to a stop.4 While the two cars were stopped in this position, side by side, Betty Mor- gan, who was in Carroll's car, leaned out the window to tell Hopkins that she was taking her job, and further say- ing: "If you come back to work tomorrow, I'm going to beat your ass." Hopkins did not respond. At this point, Blevins got out of Cooper's car and got into the front seat of Hopkins' car. The three cars continued on the road for a 4 Respondent urges that Carroll attempted to run Hopkins off the road. The record does not contain any testimony to establish that as fact. Hopkins testified in response to the direct question whether Carroll did attempt to run her off the road: "No, I don't say that I just say she was trying to get me to stop." 1266 HUDSON WIRE COMPANY short distance when Hopkins stopped her car again. She was obviously concerned and did not want the strikers to find out where she lived. At that point Cooper succeeded in pulling in behind Hopkins, cutting off Carroll. The cars then proceeded on until they reached Hopkins' gate. There, Cooper blocked Carroll's car from gaining entry into the driveway. Blevins stepped out of Hopkins' car and approached Carroll's car while Hopkins continued up her driveway to her home. Observing a load of apples in the rear of Carroll's car, Blevins asked them for one which one of the women gave to him with the comment, "to put it in [his] mouth so [he] would shut up." He then told Ruby Carroll to go home and behave herself. Both cars departed. The next morning, August 14, 1976, Cooper came by to pick Hopkins up for work. He found roofing tacks spread on Hopkin's driveway. However, the record contains no proof linking responsibility for this incident to Carroll. The question whether Carroll's conduct, as summarized above, is of sufficient seriousness so as to justify her dis- charge is admittedly not an easy one. General Counsel, relying on Moore Business Forms, Inc., 224 NLRB 393, 398 (1976), modified in other respects 226 NLRB 688, (1976), argues that the mere following of replacements is insuffi- cient to warrant a refusal to reinstate. There, the Adminis- trative Law Judge evaluated the incident as follows: There was no claim that the following was anything more than annoying. Parker's car did not touch Pope's or attempt to force it from the road. No potentiality for harm was presented. And in Ostego Ski Club-Hidden Valley, Inc., 217 NLRB 408 (1975), the conduct of following "fairly close" and "closer than normal" was held by the Board not to be seri- ous conduct, with the additional observation that the dis- chargee did not try to force the other driver off the road (217 NLRB at 413). Respondent, on the other hand, argues that Carroll's ac- tions go far beyond "strikers following non-strikers by car" and relies on several cases cited in its brief, all of which are not fully apposite to the instant situation. In Alcan Cable West, a Division of Alcan Aluminum Corporation, 214 NLRB 236 (1974), the vehicle which followed a car chased and went into the rear of the followed vehicle sending it into a 50-foot skid. In Capital Rubber & Specialty Co., Inc., 201 NLRB 715 (1973), the dischargee impaired another's driving visibility so as to create an imminent safety hazard. In Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. N.L.R.B., 449 F.2d 511 (5th Cir. 1971), the dischargee had curbed the vehicle of the nonstriking employee so that he had to stop to avoid hitting the dischargee. While the question of "sufficient seriousness" here is close, I find that it is not so serious as to preclude Car- roll from continued employment. In arriving at this conclu- sion, I am persuaded by the following additional consider- ations. On the basis of my observation of Ruby Carroll, she is an elderly lady whose capacity and potentiality for seri- ous harm against another person is obviously limited. Sig- nificantly, the effect which Carroll's conduct had on Hop- kins was minimized by her knowledge that she was not a lonely victim, but that two supervisors, Blevins and Coop- er, were behind her to protect her when the occasion de- manded it. Moreover, Carroll cannot be held responsible for Morgan's threatening remark, nor the roofing tacks in Hopkins' driveway; for the Board has stated: Each striker's eligibility for reinstatement must be judged solely upon incidents in which the striker in question is alleged to have participated Unauthorized acts of violence on the part of individual strikers are not chargeable to other union members in the absence of proof that identifies them as participating in such violence. Coronet Casuals, Inc., 207 NLRB 304, 305 (1973). There is no proof of Carroll's responsibility for either ac- tion. Finally, I am not convinced that this driving incident weighed that heavily in Respondent's consideration of whether to reemploy Carroll, because Respondent would surely have raised this incident at the disciplinary hearing. Respondent's failure to do so leads me to the inference that Respondent's decision not to reemploy her was influ- enced by considerations other than her misconduct. In any case, on balance, I find that the alleged misconduct of Car- roll in regard to (1) the telephone call to Joseph Rimas was baseless, and (2) the following of Shirley Hopkins to her home of insufficient seriousness to impede her reemploy- ment rights following the strike, upon her unconditional offer to return to work. CON( I I SIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent. Hudson Wire Company, is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Lodge No. 679, International Brotherhood of Boiler- makers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers, is a labor organization within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(5) of the Act. 3. Respondent, by its supervisor and agent, Burle Cast- leberry, unlawfully promised an employee better promo- tion possibilities if he were to forgo his union elffots, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 4. Respondent, by its supervisor and agent, Joseph Can- non, created the impression among certain employees that their union meetings were under surveillance by the em- ployer, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5. Respondent discharged, or refused to reinstate, its employee, Ruby Carroll, because she engaged in protected, concerted activities with other employees for the purpose of collective bargaining and other mutual aid and protec- tion, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. 6. The aforesaid violations are unfair labor practices af- fecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 7. All other allegations of 8(a)(I) violations have not been established. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act, I recommend that Respondent be ordered to cease and 1267 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD desist from its unlawful practices. I further recommend that Respondent be ordered to post an appropriate notice and take affirmative action in order to effectuate the poli- cies of the Act. In addition, I recommend that Respondent offer Ruby Carroll full and immediate reinstatement with backpay, and interest thereon, to be computed in the manner pre- scribed in F. W. Woolworth Company. 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977).' Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, conclu- sions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I recommend the issuance of the follow- ing: ORDER 6 The Respondent, Hudson Wire Company, Trenton, Georgia, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Discouraging membership in any labor organization by discriminatorily discharging any of its employees or dis- criminating in any other manner with respect to their hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of em- ployment in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. (b) Unlawfully promising benefits to its employees and creating the impression among its employees that their union meetings were kept under surveillance, in order to discourage their union activity, or in any other manner See, generally, Isis. Plumbing & Ilealing Co.. 138 NL RB 716 (11962) 6 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of Ihe Rules and Regulations of the National L abor Relations Board, the findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations. he adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order. and all objections thereto shall he deemed waived for all purposes. unlawfully interfering with, restraining, or coercing em- ployees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which will ef- fectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer Ruby Carroll immediate and full reinstatement to her former position or, if such a position no longer ex- ists, to a substantially equivalent position, and make her whole for any loss of pay that she may have suffered by reason of Respondent's discrimination against her, in ac- cordance with the recommendations set forth herein under "The Remedy." (b) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all pay- roll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records neces- sary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this recommended Order. (c) Post at its Trenton, Georgia, plant copies of the at- tached notice marked "Appendix." Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 10, after being duly signed by Respondent's authorized repre- sentative, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Rea- sonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (d) Notify the Regional Director for Region 10, in writ- ing. within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read 'Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." 1268 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation