Hot Bagels & DonutsDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 10, 1979244 N.L.R.B. 129 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation HOT BAGELS & DONUTS Hot Bagels and Donuts of Staten Island, Inc. and Am- ders that tl boy Baking, Inc. and Bakery and Confectionery Staten Isla Workers Union of America, Local 3, AFL-CIO and Island, Ne Local 868, an affiliate of the International Brother- the said re hood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Party to the Contract. Case 29 CA -4734 August 10. 1979 BENJAMIN SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER Januar 27. sued a Deci BY MEMBERS JENKINS, MURPHY. ANI TRUESI)AI.E Hot Bagels violated Sec On January 27, 1977, the National Labor Relations tions Act, a Board issued its Decision and Order in the above- gustne ButJack Brenta entitled proceeding,' directing Respondent Hot Ba- on Novem gels and Donuts of Staten Island, Inc., inter alia, to tivities on b, make whole Carlos Rivera, Augustine Bultron, Carlos Union of A Saurez, Jack Brentano, and Frank Sorensen for their (1977)). The losses resulting from unfair labor practices committed discriminate by Respondent in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) loss of pay t of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. in F. W Thereafter, the Board's Order was enforced by the gether with United States Court of Appeals for the Second Cir- ance With cuit., (1962). On Appeals for Pursuant to a backpay specification and approprA- ing in full t ate notice issued by the Regional Director for Region Thereafte 29, a hearing was held on March 14, 1979, before Region 29 Administrative Law Judge Benjamin Schlesinger for hearing in w the purpose of determining the amount of backpay the discrimi due the discriminatees. also from A On April 11, 1979, the Administrative Law Judge ego' and/or issued the attached Supplemental Decision. There- and severall after, Respondent Amboy Baking, Inc.. filed excep- judgment of tions and a supporting brief. was amendi Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the Amboy klle in BrooklynNational Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- neither ansv tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- the hearing. thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. briefs: howl The Board has considered the record and the at- waived filinj tached Supplemental Decision in light of the excep- argument at tions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. At the co ~~~~ORDER ~gels had not granted the Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor ment agains Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- the dates of tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- immediately der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- addition co set forth in '227 NLRB 1597 (1977). N L RB v. Hot Bagels and Donuts of Staten Island. Inc. 77 4112, Octo- The allegati ber 13, 1977. at the hearing 129 he Respondents. Hot Bagels and Donuts of nd, Inc.. and Amboy Baking. Inc.. Staten w York. shall take the action set forth in commended Order. SUPPLEMENTAL DEC(ISION 1. PREIIMINARY SIAsi MINI 1 S(tHILSIN1R. Administrative Law Judge: O()n 1977, the National Labor Relations Board is- sion and Order in which it found, in part, that and Donuts of Staten Island. Inc. (Hot Bagels) tion 8(a)(3) and (i) of the National Labor Rela- s amended, b discharging Carlos Rivera. Au- ron. and Carlos Suarez on November 18. 1975: no on November 21. 1975: and Frank Sorensen er 25, 1975, because of their organizational ac- ehalf of the Baker, and Confectioner Workers .merica. Local 3, AFL ('IO0 (227 NLRB 1597 e Board directed that Hot Bagels offer the five ees reinstatement and make them whole for an) they may have suffered. in the manner set torth ioolworrh Compin,. 90 NLRB 289 (1950). to- 6-percent interest per annum thereon in accord- lsis Plumbing & Heating Co.. 138 NLRB 716 October 13. 1977. the United States Court of the Second Circuit entered its judgment enforc- ie Board's Order. r. on March 17. 1978, the Regional Director for issued a backpay specification and notice of' 'hich he alleged that there was due and owing to natees backpay not only from Hot Bagels but mhov Baking. Inc.. which he alleged is an aller successor of Hot Bagels and therefore jointl? I, liable to cmply with the Board order and fthe court of appeals. The backpav specification ed on June 9. 1978. On September 27. 1978. I its answer. and a hearing was held before me i. New York. on March 14. 1979. Hot Bagels wered the backpay specification nor appeared at All parties were afforded the opportunit 3 to file ever, both Amboy and the General Counsel gof briefs and requested that I rely on their oral the conclusion of the hearing. 11. ISSt S ANt) DIS(A'SSION mmencement of the hearing. because Hot Ba- t filed an answer to the backpay specification. I General Counsel's Motion for Summary Judg- st Hot Bagels for the period commencing with fthe discharges to the end of December 1976, before Amboy commenced doing business. In iunsel for Amboy stipulated that the amounts the specification. as amended at hearing bx the on that Ambo 5 is the alter ,.g, ot Hot Bagels ,as ithdr.san 244 NLRB No. 22 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD General Counsel, were accurate in all respects.' The only disputed issues in this proceeding are: (I) whether Amboy is the successor to Hot Bagels and, if so. whether it should be responsible for paying the backpay specified by the Gen- eral Counsel; and (2) whether the former positions or sub- stantially equivalent positions of employment existed so that the discriminatees should have been offered immediate and full reinstatement by Amboy. A. The Successorship Issue Hot Begals ceased doing business during the first week of December 1976, at which time it employed approximately 16 cashiers, clerks, porters, salespersons, and employees who made and baked bagels, donuts, cookies, pies. cakes, and pastries. Hot Bagels had steadily been losing business and money and became unable to make its monthly install- ment payments on a loan from the Community National Bank and Trust Company of New York (herein called the bank). The bank, having secured its loan by a lien upon all of the physical assets of Hot Bagels, foreclosed, and at an auction, the bank was the successful bidder. Approximately 2 weeks later, it contacted Marvin Kalkstein, Hot Bagel's president, to see whether he would be interested in going back into business by entering into a lease agreement with the bank for the assets of Hot Bagels (then owned by the bank). In that way Kalkstein, who had personally guaran- teed the loan and was fearful of losing his family home, which was further collateral for the loan, could remain in business and pay off the outstanding balance on the still due loan. Kalkstein agreed, incorporated Amboy at the end of December 1976, and commenced doing business as Am- boy on January 3, 1977, on the premises which Hot Bagels had vacated 3 weeks before, using the same equipment which Hot Bagels had left behind. Kalkstein, the sole shareholder and president, vice pres- ident, and secretary-treasurer of Hot Bagels, who was in direct control and was personally responsible fbr its opera- tion, became the sole shareholder of Amboy, was its pres- ident, and was in direct control of and personally respon- sible for its operation. Of the approximately 16 employees of Hot Bagels in early December 1976, at least II were hired by Amboy at its inception. Among them was Jack Graziano, formerly a unit employee at Hot Bagels, who had less seniority and apparently was less skilled then Brentano. The business conducted by Amboy was substantially the same as, although smaller than, the business of Hot Bagels, which for a substantial period of time conducted both a wholesale and retail operation. The wholesale operation was principally devoted to the sale of bagels and dough- nuts. As business decreased during 1976, five of the six re- tail stores which Kalkstein owned, either solely or in part- nership with others, were closed or Kalkstein sold out to his 2 Upon review of the record, I find that there was a 3-week hiatus between the closing of Hot Bagels and the opening of Amboy. Since no work was available to the discriminatees for that time period, and because the essence of a backpay proceeding is an attempt to place the discriminatees in the same position as if they had not been discriminated against. I conclude that they would not have worked for those 3 weeks. Accordingly. in my findings of fact, I have reduced the amount of backpay due and owing and amend my grant of summary judgment against Hot Bagels accordingly. partners. Simultaneously, the wholesale operation of Hot Bagels collapsed. and by the time that the bank foreclosed. Hot Bagels' business was exclusively a retail business. Am- boy, too, was solely a retail operation, continuing to bake (albeit on a smaller scale) the same kinds of bagels. pies. doughnuts. cookies, pies. cakes, and pastries as were previ- ously offered by Hot Bagels to its customers. Amboy also sold dairy goods, a variety of meats, delicacy fish, salads, potato chips and pretzels. sodas and juices. and breads all sold by Hot Bagels before its doors were closed. The Board stated in Miami Industrial ruck.s, Inc., and Bobcat of Dayt'on, Inc., 221 NLRB 1223, 1224 (1975). that: "The keystone in determining successorship is whether there is substantial continuity of the employing industry ... the Board looks to several factors [in this regard] .... These factors include whether there is substantial continuity in operations, location, work force, working conditions, super- vision, machinery, equipment, methods of production. product, and services." Having examined these factors. I conclude not only that there is substantial continuity of the employing industry but also that the operation of Amboy, as Kalkstein candidly admitted, was in early January 1977 identical to that of Hot Bagels only 3 weeks before. If a customer had entered Amboy's retail establishment on January 3. 1977 ("when we reopened," testified Kalkstein). I doubt very much that he would have recognized any dill ference between the operation of the store prior to the fore- closure and after Amboy commenced doing business. Amboy argues, however, that about 6 months after it began its business, it changed its operation: that it no longer makes bagels from beginning to end, but buys bagels already preformed but not precooked; that it purchases rather than makes its doughnuts: that it now is engaged in catering affairs: that it makes all of its salads on the prem- ises rather than buying premade salads, as Hot Bagels did: that it is now kosher; and that it now offers a greater variety of delicacies to its customers. I do not believe that these later changes are relevant to the issue of whether Amboy should be bound for the obligations of Hot Bagels. which is no longer in existence. There has been a gap of time be- tween Hot Bagels and Amboy of approximately 3 weeks. and the relevant issue is whether that gap is sufficiently narrow to be bridged, linking the obligations of Hot Bagels to Amboy. If the obligation of the successor to assume the obligations of its predecessor is firmly established in law, as I believe it is, a successor delicatessen is no less obligated as a successor merely because it later sells Heinz products rather than Del Monte. The successorship relationship does not rise or tall on the critical analysis of whether a salami is kosher or Genoese. Fundamentally, Amboy was and is a delicatessen, specializing in donuts and bagels; that is ex- actly the same business as Hot Bagels conducted. Since I 11 of 16 former employees of Hot Bagels were rehired by Am- boy, there is a substantial continuity of employees and the Supreme Court's and the Board's successorship concept has clearly been satisfied. N.L.R.B. v. William J. Burns. The International Detective Agency, Inc., 406 U.S. 272 (1972): TKB International Corporation r/a Hendricks-Miller Tpo- graphic Company, 240 NLRB 1082 (1979). Having found that Amboy is a successor to Hot Bagels. the question is whether it ought to be held responsible for the obligations of Hot Bagels under the Board's prior deci- 130 HOT BAGELS & DONUTS sion. The normal rule is that a successor, who purchases the property of another with the knowledge of the existence of a violation of the Act, is responsible to assume the obliga- tions of its predecessor or transferor. Golden State Bottling Company, Inc.. formerly Pepsi-Cola Bottling Compan' of Sacramento v. N.L.R.B.. 414 U.S. 168 (1973); Perma Vinrl Corporation, Dade Plastics Co. and United States Pipe and Foundry Company, 164 NLRB 968 (1967). Amboy argues that, because it did not purchase the assets of Hot Bagels, it should not be found to have assumed the backpay obliga- tions and responsibilities of Hot Bagels. The argument has no merit. The finding of a successor relationship is not grounded upon a purchase per se. See, for example, N.L.R.B. v. Burns International, etc., supra, Merchants Home Delivery Services, Incorporated. 230 NLRB 290 (1977). In any event, Hot Bagels owned and had continuing use of its equipment, which was security for an outstanding loan to the bank. After the bank foreclosed, the bank then owned the equipment; however, by reason of the leaseback of the equipment, Amboy had full use of the equipment and merely paid as rental, installments to pay the outstanding loan balance. The bank agreed that, upon Amboy's pay- ment of the entire amount of the loan, the equipment would revert to Amboy's ownership. As a result. when Amboy started its business, it essentially assumed the very obliga- tion that was formally Hot Bagels', with the resulting own- ership of Hot Bagels' machinery and equipment, free and clear. Admittedly, there is a distinction between leasing equipment and owning it, however secured. However, in this case, it is a distinction without a difference, especially for the purposes of determining a successor relationship. I conclude that Amboy is bound by the provisions of the Board's Order and the court's judgment and that it is re- sponsible for the backpay due and owing to the discrimi- natees. B. The Right To Reinstatement Although I have held that the later change of Amboy's operations is not relevant to the issue of its successorship status, it becomes relevant to the issue of whether the changes of the operations of Amboy were such that the jobs formerly held by the discriminatees, or even substantially equivalent positions, no longer existed. If they did not. Am- boy is not responsible for offering reinstatement to the dis- criminatees. At the close of the hearing General Counsel conceded that, because Amboy's bagel production was so minimal that it could be handled solely by Kalkstein, the former positions of Bultron, a kettleman, and Rivera, solely a bagel baker, no longer existed nor was there similarly substantial employment available for them. However, Am- boy employed persons who performed the services of por- ters; that was Suarez' job. Amboy continued to make doughnuts; Sorensen was an accomplished drier and fin- isher. Brentano was skilled in all of the jobs at Hot Bagels and clearly could have filled any of Amboy's employment positions, had they been offered. Further, Brentano was a highly skilled bagel and doughnut baker, which is exactly what Jack Graziano was hired to do. Graziano remained in the employment of Amboy until the beginning of 1978 as an all-round employees who had a special knowledge of doughnut baking. Therefore, Amboy was clearly required to offer reinstatement to Suarez, Sorensen (until only Feb- ruary 1978), and Brentano, and its liability to them contin- ues. On the basis of the foregoing rulings and the entire rec- ord. and my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CON(II.'SI(ONS OF LAW 1. The backpay periods involved are as follows: Carlos Rivera Carlos Suarez Augustine Bultron Jack Brentano Frank Sorensen 11/18/75 -12/31/76 11/18/75 12/31/78 11/18/75-12/31/76 11/21/75 12/31/78 11/25/75 2/78 2. The measure of gross pay which would have been earned by each discriminatee is his weekly rate of pa,, as set forth below computed on a calendar quarterly basis: Carlos Rivera $150 Carlos Suarez 150 Augustine Bultron 150 Jack Brentano 330 Frank Sorenson 196 3. On the basis of the foregoing, and the concessions of the Regional Director in the backpay specification ith re- gard to the interim earnings of each discriminatee. I con- clude that the obligation to make the discriminatees whole in accordance with the Board's Order shall be fulfilled h paying them the amount set forth in the recommended Or- der attached as Appendix. 4. Amboy Baking, Inc., which commenced doing busi- ness on January 3. 1977. is the successor of Hot Bagels and Donuts of Staten Island, Inc., and is responsible in full for the amount of backpay due and owing hereunder. Hot Ba- gels and Donuts of Staten Island, Inc., is responsiblejointl with Amhboy Baking, Inc.. for that portion of the hackpaN period ending with the tenth week of the fourth quarter of 1976. On the basis of the foregoing findings and conclusions. I make the following recommended: ORDER3 Hot Bagels and Donuts of Staten Island, Inc.. and Am- boy Baking, Inc.. and their officers, agents, successors. and assigns, shall jointly and severally pay and be responsible for backpay to Carlos Rivera in the sum of $8,135.12. Au- gustine Bultron in the sum of $8,250. Carlos Suarez in the sum of $7.286.75, Jack Brentano in the sum of $11,566.92. and Frank Sorensen in the sum of $199.21: and Ambov Baking. Inc.. and its officers, agents. successors. and assigns, shall also pay and be responsible for backpay to Carlos Suarez in the additional sum of $13.836, and Jack Brentano in the additional sum of $14,516.98. with interest on all sums of 6 percent per annum in accordance with Istv Plumbing & Heating Co.. 138 NLRB 716 (1962), less FICA and state. local, and Federal income taxes which are re- quired to be deducted. In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 10246 oi the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board. he findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall. as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations. be adopted h the Board and become its findings, conclusions. and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for ail purposes. 131 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Carlos Rivera: Calendar Quarter 1975- 4Q (6 wks.) 1976- 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q (10 wks.) Augustine Bultron: 1975- 4Q (6 wks.) 1976- 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q (10 wks.) APPENDIX Gross Backpay $ 900 1,950 1,950 1,950 ,500 $ 900 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,500 Earnings Interim $ 75.53 39.53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Backpay Net $ 824.47 910.65 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,500.00 $ 8,135.12 $ 900.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,500.00 $ 8,250.00 Carlos Suarez: 1975- 4Q (6 wks.) 1976- 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q (10 wks.) 1977- 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1978- 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q $ 900 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,500 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,950 $ 458.70 0 0 0 404.55 976.62 887.38 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 441.30 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,095.45 973.38 1,062.62 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 $21,122.75 Jack Brentano: 1975- 4Q (6 wks.) 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q (10 wks.) 1977- 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q $1,650 4,290 4,290 4,290 3,300 $ 4,290 4,290 4,290 4,290 $ 345.21 712.43 2,668.11 1,395.75 1,131.58 $ 2,589.26 2,646.76 2,100.00 2,100.00 $ 1,304.79 3,577.57 1,621.89 2,894.25 2,168.42 $ 1,700.74 1,643.24 2,190.00 2,190.00 1978- 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1,515.00 1,690.00 1,850.00 1,738.00 $26,083.90 4,290 4,290 4,290 4,290 2,775.00 2,600.00 2,440.00 2,552.00 132 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation