Hickory's Best, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 21, 1983267 N.L.R.B. 1274 (N.L.R.B. 1983) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Hickory's Best, Inc. and Gloria Montes. Case 21- CA-17176 21 September 1983 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS ZIMMERMAN AND HUNTER On 15 March 1982 Administrative Law Judge David G. Heilbrun issued the attached Supplemen- tal Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Re- spondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Supplemental Decision in light of the ex- ceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Adminis- trative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein. On 15 November 1979 the Board found that Re- spondent had discharged several employees in vio- lation of Sec. 8(a)(1) of the Act. It further ordered Respondent to make an immediate and full rein- statement offer to those employees whom it had not already reinstated and it also ordered Respond- ent to make the employees whole with backpay for loss of earnings. Respondent thereafter denied that it was liable for the sums of backpay set forth in the Regional Director's 13 March 1981 backpay specification. The instant supplemental proceeding thereafter arose. In his Supplemental Decision, the Administrative Law Judge found that Respondent owed the discriminatees the sums of money claimed for them by the General Counsel. For the reasons set forth below, we agree with some, but not all, of the Administrative Law Judge's conclu- sions. A. The Administrative Law Judge rejected Re- spondent's arguments that it had made various valid offers to reinstate the discriminatees which should have tolled their backpay prior to the time set out in the specification. The Administrative Law Judge rejected Respondent's arguments be- cause he found that it is a "fundamental and con- trolling principle of law that Respondent was at all times obligated to render a full written uncondition- L Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credi- bility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence con- vinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F. 2d 362 (3d Cir. 1951). We have careful- ly examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings, except as indicated, infra. 267 NLRB No. 199 al offer of reinstatement to each of the named dis- criminatees and until this was appropriately com- municated the backpay period of each would con- tinue to run . . . [emphasis added]." Apparently based on this "fundamental and controlling princi- ple," the Administrative Law Judge concluded that none of the arguments advanced by Respondent was sufficient to constitute a valid offer of rein- statement or to toll the accrual of its backpay li- ability. Contrary to the Administrative Law Judge, Board law does not hold that valid offers of rein- statement must be in writing.2 We shall therefore independently examine each of Respondent's con- tentions regarding its alleged offers of reinstate- ment. We list first those arguments that we find without merit; then we set out our reasons for re- jecting them; then we set out those arguments that we find do have merit. 1. At the instant backpay hearing, Respondent offered uncontradicted testimony that, on 30 Octo- ber 1978,3 approximately 2 weeks after the charge in the underlying unfair labor practice case had been filed, and on several occasions thereafter, it made offers to reinstate the discriminatees to coun- sel for the General Counsel but that the latter in- formed Respondent that he would not communi- cate those offers to the discriminatees because the offers did not contain backpay. The evidence estab- lishes that Respondent failed to initiate any direct communication with the discriminatees after coun- sel for the General Counsel had allegedly declined to do so. Respondent contends that its backpay li- ability should be tolled as of the date that it initial- ly communicated the reinstatement offers to coun- sel for the General Counsel. 2. Respondent's president, Richard Ferris, testi- fied that as the discriminatees were leaving the plant on 16 October, the day that Respondent had unlawfully discharged them, he instructed inter- preters4 to tell them, inter alia, that their jobs were open. Respondent argues that the discriminatees' failure to return to work on that day warrants the tolling of its backpay liability. 3. Charles Steese, Respondent's representative, testified in this proceeding that, on 27 February 1979, during the hearing in the underlying unfair labor practice case, he directed an interpreter to ask approximately five or six of the discriminatees if counsel for the General Counsel had made rein- statement offers to them. While an answer was proffered by one of the discriminatees, the record 2 See, e.g. Anderson Plumbing & Heating Co., 203 NLRB 18 (1973); and Moro Motors, 216 NLRB 192, 193 (1975). All dates refer to 1978 unless otherwise indicated. Most of the discriminatees speak only Spanish. 1274 HICKORY'S BEST, INC. is unclear whether the response was to the alleged question. 4. Respondent points out that, as of the dates of the hearing in the unfair labor practice case, a few of the discriminatees had resumed employment with Respondent. Respondent contends that the fact that some of the discriminatees had been rein- stated by the date of the hearing "must have been a topic of widespread conversation at the hearing." Therefore, Respondent contends that "every" dis- criminatee had "actual knowledge that their jobs were open" and their failure to return to work ren- ders them ineligible for backpay. 5. The record reflects that during a state unem- ployment insurance appeals hearing, in June 1979, discriminatee Enedina Valdivia in the presence of other employees was asked by a Respondent repre- sentative whether she would be "willing to come back to work today." Valdivia responded, "Yes." She was also asked by the same person whether she was aware that her job was open, and she re- sponded, "Well, I didn't know." Respondent urges that we toll its backpay liability with respect to Valdivia and the discriminatees who were with her as of the day of this conversation. We find no merit in Respondent's above-men- tioned contentions. Employees who are discrimina- torily discharged are entitled to unequivocal and unconditional offers of reinstatement to their former jobs, if they still exist; and, if those jobs do not exist, then to equivalent positions. The alleged statements of Respondent's interpreter made con- temporaneously with the unlawful discharges and the interpreter's alleged remarks at the unfair labor practice hearing are not unequivocal and uncondi- tional offers of reinstatement. Moreover, we regard the assertions regarding the statements made on the day of the unlawful discharges as an attempt to re- litigate issues already litigated and resolved in the unfair labor practice case. And Respondent's con- tention that the discriminatees should have known that their jobs were available based on private con- versations with each other does not establish that any offers of reinstatement were ever made to them. Additionally, the statements made to Valdi- via amount to little more than an inquiry as to whether she was interested in employment. They do not constitute an unconditional offer of reem- ployment. Nor was Respondent absolved of its duty to offer the discriminatees reinstatement by allegedly making an offer of reinstatement through counsel for the General Counsel. First, it is arguable from the record that these offers were made in the course of settlement negotiations. If they were, they are inadmissible under the present circum- stances. 5 If they were not made in the course of settlement negotiations, they still do not aid Re- spondent's case. In this regard, we emphasize that Respondent itself offered testimony that it was aware that the alleged offers had never been com- municated to the discriminatees by counsel for the General Counsel. It is well established that an em- ployer who has unlawfully discharged employees has the obligation to remedy its unlawful action "by seeking out the employees and offering rein- statement." Southern Greyhound Lines, 169 NLRB 627, 628 (1968). Notification is an integral part of such an employer's obligation and it is not dis- charged of its duty, as Respondent argues here, when it is fully aware the discriminatees were never notified of its reinstatement offer. Therefore, even assuming, as Respondent alleges, that it made reinstatement offers to counsel for the General Counsel for transmittal to the discriminatees which were not in the course of settlement negotiations, Respondent, whose unlawful conduct required the issuance of the reinstatement order, cannot avoid its notification obligation by alleging that counsel for the General Counsel failed to communicate its offers, particularly since Respondent was fully aware that the discriminatees did not know that it was amenable to their resumed employment. Quite a different situation exists, however, re- garding discriminatee Luisa Sanchez. The record shows that, while Sanchez was at an unemploy- ment compensation office in late January or early February 1979, the interviewer telephoned Re- spondent official Janet Slatton. According to San- chez, the interviewer told her that Respondent at that time said that Sanchez' job was open, and that "the boss was asking for us to go back to work." However, Sanchez refused Respondent's offer to return (1) because Respondent had earlier fired her; and (2) because she was pregnant, and she sup- posedly had been told before her discharge (and at a time when she was not pregnant) by a lady fore- man identified only as "Mona" that Respondent would not allow pregnant women to work for it. While Sanchez told the interviewer why she was not returning to work, there is no showing, based on her own testimony, that these reasons were re- layed to Respondent. 6 $ See East Wind Enterprises, 250 NLRD 685, fn. 2 (1980), enfd. 664 F.2d 754 (9th Cir. 1981); Fed. R. Evid 408. 6 We note that Janet Slatton also testified and indicated that she told the interviewer that Sanchez' job was still open; that she could come back to work; and that the interviewer told her that Sanchez was return- ing that day but that Sanchez never returned to Respondent. It appears that the Administrative Law Judge, at least implicitly, credited Sanchez' testimony where it differed from Slatton's. We accept Sanchez' own testi- mony in finding that Respondent's backpay liability to her was tolled in late January or early February 1979 1275 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The Administrative Law Judge found that, not- withstanding Respondent's offer of employment to Sanchez, Respondent's backpay liability was not tolled. He appeared to so conclude because of his finding that valid offers of employment had to be in writing. We have already rejected that. He also appeared to find that Sanchez could "discount" this offer by Respondent because she was pregnant, and had been told that Respondent did not employ pregnant women. We disagree. First, we find that here, unlike the situation with Valdivia noted above, Respondent clearly made a valid offer of employment to Sanchez. And, based on Sanchez' own testimony, she clearly recognized it as an offer to return to work. But she rejected it on two grounds, both of which are irrelevant to whether the offer was a valid one. First, she appears to have rejected it because Respondent had earlier fired her. Obviously, this action does not mean that Respondent would not later want to rehire her, as it demonstrated here that it did. Second, she reject- ed the offer because she was pregnant, and had al- legedly been earlier told that pregnant women could not work for Respondent. This, too, is irrele- vant. First, there is no persuasive evidence that Re- spondent, in fact, had such a policy or that, if it had such a policy, it would not have waived it under these circumstances. Indeed, the record shows only that a valid offer of employment was made by Respondent and that Sanchez declined it for reasons never communicated to Respondent. In effect, Respondent was never put on notice of San- chez' pregnancy nor, assuming it had some policy against employing pregnant women, was it put to the test of withdrawing the offer because of San- chez' pregnancy. Moreover, the Administrative Law Judge intimates that Sanchez' pregnancy was a valid reason for her to reject Respondent's other- wise valid offer. If anything, the proper conclusion is to the contrary-as the General's backpay speci- fication itself suggests. Thus, the General Counsel seeks no backpay for Sanchez from February through July 1979 because of her unavailability for any work due to her pregnancy. If the General Counsel seeks no money for this period, then San- chez' refusal of Respondent's valid offer because of her pregnancy is, in fact, clearly a ground on which backpay can be tolled, at the very least for the period of the pregnancy. However, the General Counsel would resume Sanchez' backpay entitle- ment in August 1979 after her pregnancy ended. We disagree, as we find that Respondent made Sanchez a valid offer in late January or early Feb- ruary 1979, which was refused for reasons that she never revealed to Respondent. Further, we note that, even in the face of this earlier offer of em- ployment, there is no evidence that Sanchez, when she was no longer pregnant in August 1979, ever contacted Respondent to seek work. In all these circumstances, we find that Respondent's backpay liability to Luisa Sanchez was tolled in late January or early February 1979. B. The Administrative Law Judge rejected Re- spondent's claim that the discriminatees had not en- gaged in reasonably diligent searches for gainful in- terim employment. Respondent contends that it should be discharged of backpay liability because the record evidence, particularly the discrimina- tees' backpay claimant forms, does not establish that the discriminatees were sufficiently active in searching for interim employment. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge on this issue except with respect to discriminatee Eva Perez. In addition to those points touched on by the Administrative Law Judge in assessing the discri- minatees' search for interim employment, we note that the discriminatees, whom the Administrative Law Judge found to be credible witnesses, testified that their job searches were much more extensive than their backpay claimant forms indicated and they testified as to the various reasons for their in- complete forms. Some discriminatees also testified that they had searched for employment at establish- ments whose names they were unable to recollect at the hearing. It is well established that employees are not disqualified from backpay merely because of poor recordkeeping or uncertainty as to memory. See Izzi Trucking Co., 162 NLRB 242, 245 (1966). In light of all the circumstances and considering the Administrative Law Judge's find- ings and credibility resolutions, we shall not re- verse his findings on this issue except as described infra. In our opinion, Respondent has, in fact, estab- lished that discriminatee Perez failed to sufficiently search for employment during a portion of the in- terim period. At the hearing, counsel for the Gen- eral Counsel admitted that Perez was in Mexico and not searching for interim employment for a 2- week period from 23 December through 7 January 1979. Respondent argued, however, that Perez' un- availability was a full 3 months based on Perez' as- serted admission to two other persons that she had been in Mexico for 3 months following her dis- charge. The Administrative Law Judge discredited one of these witnesses and credited Perez' denial at the instant hearing that she had spent 3 months fol- lowing her discharge in Mexico. In so doing, he noted that a transcript of a June 1979 state unem- ployment compensation hearing at which Perez tes- tified, and which Respondent had introduced into evidence, was "inconclusive on this point." Con- 1276 HICKORY'S BEST, INC. trary to the Administrative Law Judge, we find that the record is not inconclusive on this point. Thus, the transcript of the June hearing clearly re- flects Perez' statement that she had gone to Mexico shortly after 16 October and that she had remained there for approximately "three months." The Ad- ministrative Law Judge's crediting of Perez' testi- mony that she was not in Mexico for the 3 months following her discharge is apparently based on his erroneous finding that the record of the earlier state hearing was "inconclusive" as to Perez' whereabouts during the period of time in question. We therefore find unreliable the testimony given by Perez at the instant hearing. In so doing, we note additionally that the Administrative Law Judge did not discredit the other witness who testi- fied that Perez had said she was in Mexico for 3 months.7 Accordingly, we shall modify the Admin- istrative Law Judge's recommended Order to re- flect a reduction in Perez' total backpay for the 3 months that she was unavailable for employment. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge, as modi- fied herein, and hereby orders that the Respondent, Hickory's Best, Inc., Los Angeles, California, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as modified below: I. Strike the names "Eva Perez" and "Luisa San- chez" from paragraph 1. 2. Insert the following as paragraph 2 and re- number the subsequent paragraph accordingly: "2. Make Luisa Sanchez whole for any loss of pay she may have suffered because of Respondent's discrimination against her for the period from her discharge on 16 October 1978 until the date in late January or early February 1979 when she learned during an unemployment compensation office inter- view that her job with Respondent was available. Make Eva Perez whole for any loss of pay she may have suffered because of Respondent's dis- crimination against her for the period from her dis- charge on 16 October 1978 until the date in Octo- ber 1978 when she departed for Mexico for 3 7 In finding that Perez was out of the country for only 2 weeks, the Administrative Law Judge also relied on the fact that Perez had indicat- ed on her backpay claimant forms that she had searched for employment during the 3 months Respondent claimed she was in Mexico. We note, however, that Perez filled out these forms many months after the period in question and, in light of the other countervailing evidence presented by Respondent, we conclude she may have erred on this aspect of her claimant forms. Respondent, however, has not shown that other of the discriminatees likewise erred on these forms. months.8 Backpay is to be computed in the manner set forth for the computation of backpay in F. W. Woolworth Co., 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and with in- terest as prescribed in Isis Plumbing Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962)." 8 The present record does not permit a more precise determination as to the date of Sanchez' compensation interview in late January or early February 1979 or the date in October 1978 when Perez departed from Mexico. SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE DAVID G. HEILBRUN, Administrative Law Judge: On June 24, 1980, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit filed its judgment granting enforcement to an Order of the National Labor Relations Board dated November 15, 1979. This Order alluded to an Adminis- trative Law Judge's Decision dated September 26, 1979, which the Board adopted in the absence of exceptions thereto having been filed. The Decision so adopted found that Respondent had violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by discharging 12 employees on October 16, 1978, and required that an immediate and full offer of re- instatement be made to 9 of these employees and that they be made whole with backpay for loss of earnings. The remaining three employees, Ramona Hernandez, Carmen Sanchez, and Eva Perez, were noted to have re- sumed employment with Respondent earlier in 1979, and as to them only backpay was ordered. On or about October 8, 1979, written offers of immedi- ate and unconditional reinstatement were made to Gloria Montes, Luisa Sanchez, Agricola Perez, Enedina Valdi- via, Angelina de Lozano, Socorro Cardenas, Rosa San- chez, and, possibly, Sandra Aguilar. Employment was promptly resumed by five of these, while Socorro Car- denas and Rosa Sanchez did not return until November 26 and December 3, 1979, respectively.2 Controversy having generally arisen over the reinstatement and make- whole remedy, the Regional Director issued a backpay specification on March 13, 1981. In this various backpay periods were alleged, a backpay formula based on use of a representative complement of employees was de- scribed, certain interim earnings were admitted, and a total net backpay for each discriminatee was calculated by calendar quarter. Respondent answered this on March 30, 1981, with the following principal assertions: 1. It had not employed the discriminatees on the date found to be alleged as the time of "unlawful discharges" (October 16, 1978). 2. It never had an employee named Carolina Cardenas. 3. No backpay should in any event extend beyond No- vember 6, 1978. On December 21, 1979, the Board denied a motion of Respondent's "new counsel" to reopen the case and file late exceptions. 2 Sandra Aguilar did not respond to the offer, if made, and her where- abouts are unknown Ramona Hernandez, who had returned to work in February, accepted a pnvate settlement from Respondent and the Gener- al Counsel's motion to sever her situation from this proceeding was granted. 1277 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELAIIONS BOARD 4. The use of a "representative employee" group for purposes of applying a backpay formula is inappropriate. The matter was heard at Los Angeles, California, on August 18-21, 1981, as a supplemental proceeding. Upon such record,3 my observation of the witnesses called, and consideration of post-hearing briefs, 4 I make the fol- lowing: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS 5 As an introductory matter it must be observed that much of this 4-day hearing was devoted to: (1) Respond- ent's development of the notion that various opportuni- ties had arisen during the year period that most discri- minatees were out of work for them to have convenient- ly and successfully inquired if positions were open to them with Respondent and (2) traversing the efforts at seeking or finding interim employment as fragmentarily reported to the Regional Compliance Officer on forms supplied for such purposes by the various discriminatees who actually testified. While the latitude extended in this process resulted in a deceivingly lengthy hearing, the fundamental and controlling principles to apply here were not disturbed. Briefly stated Respondent was at ma- terial times obligated to render a full written uncondi- tional offer of reinstatement to each named discriminatee, and until this was appropriately communicated the back- pay period of each would continue to run subject only to notions of unavailability for work as such might arise for a diversity of reasons. Secondly, while such discrimina- tees were under a duty to make a reasonably diligent search for gainful interim employment, the burden of proving that they did not do so rests with Respondent. It was developed that at the time of the unfair labor practice hearing, this being in February and March of the year and approximately 5 months after the discharges in question, several of the discriminatees should, could, or might have known that Respondent was amenable to their resumed employment and this was tended to be verified by the fact that several of their former cowork- ers were already back on Respondent's payroll. Addi- tionally, in the case of Luisa Sanchez it was established that in February while at an unemployment compensa- tion office the interviewer contacted Janet Slatton, mana- gerial employee and daughter of Respondent's president, Richard Ferris, and she advised him that a job was open at the time. Luisa Sanchez, Spanish-speaking as were the various discriminatees who appeared as witnesses, testi- fied that this was relayed verbally to her by the inter- 3 Certain errors in the transcript have been noted and are hereby cor- rected. 4 The General Counsel's brief inadvertently refers to the transcript of the "back pay proceeding" at 17, whereas the actual exhibit was an ex- cerpt from the transcript of the underlying unfair labor practice hearing. Further, I have fully considered Respondent's various contentions re- specting estoppel, the ethics of conduct by Regional personnel, and as based on numerous wide-ranging case precedents, finding such matters largely shrill, speculative, or irrelevant. In sum, I reject all such conten- tions, believing instead that they do no more than tend to detract from the actual issues of what is a quite traditional backpay proceeding. An additional permeating theme of Respondent's defense in this matter is the direct or indirect attempt to relitigate on the merits, and this, of course, is improper on long-settled grounds. s All dates and named months hereafter are in 1979 unless shown oth- erwise. viewer but, credibly, she discounted it because of being pregnant at the time and understanding Respondent's policy not to permit her to be employed under that cir- cumstance. Respondent also sought to show that, during a consolidated hearing later in June on unemployment compensation claims by several of these individuals, there was an implication of jobs being available to them. Finally Respondent infers that through family and cul- tural ties the discriminatees, or any of them, should have investigated more vigorously whether they could have succeeded in obtaining employment earlier than when they did. Such matters are irrelevant to the issue of whether and when a valid offer of reinstatement is made to a discri- minatee. Here there is no showing of any obstacle to Re- spondent's ordinary entitlement to communicate such an offer in writing, and any tactical or judgmental reasons for not doing so are immaterial to the point. I therefore conclude that the relatively early resumption of employ- ment by Ramona Hernandez, Carmen Sanchez, and Eva Perez was fortuitous and in itself has no bearing on the right of reinstatement continuing to attach to the remain- ing nine members of the original group. From this it fol- lows that no valid offer of reinstatement was made to any of the remaining nine until the dates set forth in the backpay specification as the end of their respective back- pay periods. 6 Carmen Sanchez credibly testified that commensurate with her limited schooling and experience she engaged in an immediate daily search for interim employment at various locations, including sewing establishments and meatpacking facilities. Eva Perez credibly testified that commensurate with her limited schooling and experience she engaged in an immediate daily search for interim em- ployment using the public bus system to canvass job prospects in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. 7 Gloria Montes credibly testified that commensurate with her limited schooling and experience she engaged in an im- mediate search for work that averaged a minimum of 3 days per week and involved newspaper advertisement followups and inquiry of job prospects following sugges- tions from friends. Luisa Sanchez credibly testified that commensurate with her limited schooling and experi- I While the technical backpay periods for Socorro Cardenas and Rosa Sanchez extend to the respective November 26 and December 3 dates mentioned above because they were unable to accept the offer until that time, this is counterbalanced as an arithmetical wash because the General Counsel concedes them to have been unavailable for employment and therefore not accruing quarterly gross backpay for the periods August 1- November 25 and October I-December 2, respectively. 7 The General Counsel has admitted that Eva Perez was out of the country for a 2-week period from December 23, 1978, until January 7. Respondent contends that her unavailability was a full 3 months based on her asserted admission to employee Eva Herrera that she had been in Mexico for 3 months following her discharge. Eva Perez credibly denied this and a transcript of the proceedings at her unemployment compensa- tion hearing in June is inconclusive on the point. Furthermore, the claim- ant job search reports of Eva Perez were introduced in evidence showing that for the months of late 1978 at issue she had searched for work and listing various employers where this was sought. Respondent has not demonstrated that such contacts did not in fact occur and I am not per- suaded that Herrera's testimony is reliable For this reason the gross backpay of Eva Perez will be reduced, thus affecting her total net back- pay, but only for the length of time which the General Counsel has ad- mitted as her additional unavailability for employment. 1278 HICKORY'S BEST, INC. ence, and except for the period she was unavailable due to pregnancy, she engaged in a search for interim em- ployment several times a week using public transporta- tion to carry out her own initiative in this process. Agri- cola Perez credibly testified that she has a ninth grade education but no job training or particular skills and that except for the period of her unavailability because of pregnancy she engaged in an immediate and frequent search for interim employment based on newspaper want ads and stopping at nearby manufacturing facilities. Ene- dina Valdivia credibly testified that commensurate with her limited schooling and experience she engaged in an immediate search for interim employment involving public bus travels severals times a week to places reached on her own initiative or as suggested to her by relatives. Angelina de Lozano credibly testified that she had extremely limited education and no job skills but that she engaged in an immediate search for interim em- ployment using public transportation several times each week to canvass the metropolitan Los Angeles area for a job. Socorro Cardenas credibly testified that commensu- rate with her limited schooling and experience she imme- diately sought interim employment on a near daily basis using public transportation on her own initiative or in followup from want ads seen in Spanish language news- papers. Her only interim employment was obtained for a 2-week period during March at U.S. Industrial Glove; however, she was forced to leave that work because of her reaction to chemicals. Rosa Sanchez credibly testi- fied that she, too, has an extremely limited education and minimal work experience, but that she engaged in an im- mediate search for interim employment seeking it nearly every day of the week. She obtained employment at Na- tional Corset Supply Company in November 1978 and continued working there for about 4 months until laid off. Additionally, she briefly obtained employment at the University of Southern California but did not continue there upon being told that the job was only a few hours per day. She recalled that after this experience her search for work was done on a daily basis with typically three or four prospective employers contacted each day. Respondent's records disclose that an employee named Carolina Anguiano was employed through October 13, 1978, at which time she "walked off the job." Most of the discriminatees testified that a person known to them as Carolina Cardenas had worked at the plant and was discharged on the same day as the rest of them. Socorro Cardenas was presented with a photograph from Re- spondent's records of the named Carolina Augiano and identified her as the person known to be Carolina Car- denas. On this basis I conclude that Carolina Anguiano is in fact the same Carolina Cardenas who has been in- volved in the case from the time I originally listed her as a discriminatee. As of October 1978 the hourly paid laborers of Re- spondent were actually on the payroll of an entity known as Chicano Foods. This is a California corpora- tion that has existed for over 10 years with officers and principal stockholders identical to Respondent's. In the summer of 1978 its physical location was moved to be consolidated with Respondent and at that time all rank- and-file employees on Respondent's payroll were trans- ferred to Chicano Foods. This did not involve any change in supervision, workplace of individuals formerly with Respondent as Hickory's Best, or preparation of any new job application. The change was entirely one on paper and significantly this matter was not raised by Re- spondent at the time of the underlying unfair labor prac- tice proceeding that was tried several months later. It is highly artificial for Respondent to contend, as it does now, that simply because the discriminatees were paid by this entity such a distinction constitutes some legal basis on which to assert that the wrong employer is being pro- ceeded against for backpay purposes. There is every in- dication of commonality and joint control over the two corporations and this distinction is without significance. Under the circumstances Respondent is now estopped from contending that it is not responsible for backpay obligations to these discriminatees even though they were employed by Chicano Foods because this fact became known to the Regional Compliance Officer when records were examined. Cf. Circle Transport, 257 NLRB 902 (1981). The discriminatees had been laborers working in Re- spondent's processing (wet) or packing (dry) department. The formal personnel records of this workplace do not differentiate between assignments to these two depart- ments and sporadic interchange of employees between them occurs. Overtime work is also required from time to time with this being more prevalent in the processing department. The Regional Compliance Officer examined all payroll records for the operation and chose seven em- ployees as collectively representative of what the discri- minatees would have continued to do absent discrimina- tion against them. The seven in this representative group were expressly chosen because as a composite matter they were earning about the same rate of pay as the dis- criminatees had been earning when they were dis- charged, had much the same length of seniority, and were all employed throughout the entire backpay period. Based on these factors the Compliance Officer decided that the lost earnings of the discriminatees could best be reconstructed by using the average earnings of this rep- resentative group because it included pay raises that had been extended to them during the backpay period. This was the key distinction between using this as a chosen formula and using a more typical projection based on what the discriminatees had themselves each earned over a measurable past period before their discharge. It is true that the Compliance Officer could have used past hours worked by the discriminatees and projected these forward into the backpay period with adjustments for hourly rate increases as granted to other comparable employees at various points in time. However, this ap- proach would have left for argument the question of whether individual discriminatees would have themselves gotten such increases and it is significant that the overall operation is one in which interchange between the de- partments and unpredictability of overtime needs are fully present. The testimony of Plant Supervisor Dennis Quinzon fails to show there is sufficient structure to the deployment of personnel so that the representative em- ployee formula is inappropriate. An estimate that 70 per- 1279 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD cent of all overtime work is done by processing depart- ment employees is too loose for controlling significance, and Quinzon could only describe interchange between departments in terms of "usual" and "probable" frequen- cy. While most of the discriminatees worked in packing, it was made clear that Angelina de Lozano and Carmen Sanchez had been processing department employees and Quinzon testified that "switch[ing]" in the past between departments had affected Gloria Montes and Luisa San- chez. When a respondent has not developed its oper- ations in a clearly segregated fashion, the fact that differ- ing departments are present is not a consequence that will invalidate a reasonably chosen formula. Cf. Tri- Maintenance & Contractor's, 257 NLRB 226 (1981). The Board has wide discretion in selecting a backpay formula appropriate to the circumstances. It need not represent "mathematical exactitude," only reasonably ad- dress the question of what they lost by the effects of un- lawful discrimination. A "representative employees" for- mula is common when not arbitrarily applied to the facts. Cf. NLRB v. Iron Workers Local 378, 532 F.2d 1241 (9th Cir. 1976). I have considered Olson Bodies, 220 NLRB 756 (1975), relied on by Respondent, and find that it is factually distinguishable for purposes of this supplemental proceeding. The General Counsel successfully amended the back- pay specification in regard to Socorro Cardenas by re- ducing the amount of admitted interim earnings from U.S. Industrial Glove (at which she had only worked for about 2 weeks) from $744 to $226.26. This yields an in- crease of $517.74 in her total net backpay to $6,104.34. The added unavailability of Eva Perez results in reduc- ing the number of weeks per quarter to 10 in 1978/4 and 8.4 in 1979/1, yielding a reduction in her quarterly gross backpay and, since it is carried directly to the total, her overall net backpay. The new applicable amount for Eva Perez is $2,665.46. Other than these modifications the total net backpay for each of the remaining discrimina- tees is as shown on pages 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 of ap- pendix A to the backpay specification. I therefore con- clude that Respondent's obligation to nine of the original discriminatees is payment of those sums of money, as ad- justed above, set forth in the backpay specification, to- gether with interest as appropriately fixed and com- pounded. Additionally, and consistent with Board prece- dent, Respondent shall pay the Regional Director $26,863.64 representing total quarterly net backpay of $7,950.83 and $18,912.81 due Sandra Aguilar and Caroli- na Cardenas, respectively, and such sum shall be held in escrow by said Regional Director for a period not ex- ceeding I year from the date of this Supplemental Deci- sion. At the end of that year, upon application by the Regional Director, an additional year may be granted if the Board deems it necessary. Further, the Regional Di- rector shall make suitable arrangements to afford Re- spondent, together with the General Counsel's represent- ative, an opportunity to examine these discriminatees should they become available regarding their interim earnings. On the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, conclu- sions, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I particularize my various holdings by issuance of the following recommended: ORDER8 The Respondent, Hickory's Best, Inc., Los Angeles, California, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Pay to each of the following employees as net back- pay the amount set forth opposite each name, plus inter- est computed in the manner prescribed in Florida Steel Corp., 231 NLRB 651 (1977), 9 less tax applicable with- holdings required by Federal and state laws: Carmen Sanchez Eva Perez Gloria Montes Luisa Sanchez Agricola Perez Enedina Valdivia Angelina de Lozano Socorro Cardenas Rosa Sanchez $2,808.03 2,665.46 8,085.30 4,001.88 4,001.88 8,085.30 8,085.30 6,104.34 5,277.21 2. Transmit to the Regional Director for Region 21, to be held in escrow as provided in this Supplemental Deci- sion, the gross backpay amounts contained in the back- pay specification for the following employees in the specified amounts, plus interest, 1 less applicable tax withholdings required by Federal and state laws: Sandra Aguilar Carolina Cardenas S 7,950.83 18,912.81 8 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the find- ings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 9 See, generally, Isis Plumbing Co., 139 NLRB 716 (1962). 'o As specified in par. I of this Order. 1280 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation