Henlopen Mfg. Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 17, 1978235 N.L.R.B. 183 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation HENLOPEN MANUFACTURING CO. Henlopen Manufacturing Co., Inc. and International Industrial Production Employees Union and Local 917, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Ameri- ca. Case 29-CA-5218 March 17, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS PENELLO, MURPHY, AND TRUESDALE On September 28, 1977, Administrative Law Judge Robert A. Giannasi issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent and the General Counsel filed exceptions and supporting briefs, and Respondent filed a brief in answer to the General Counsel's exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, find- ings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge, to modify his remedy,2 and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein.3 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified below, and hereby orders that the Respon- dent, Henlopen Manufacturing Co., Inc., Melville, New York, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as so modified: 1. Substitute the following for paragraph 2(a): "(a) Offer immediate and full reinstatement to Cecilia Caruona to her former position on the day shift in the assembly department or, if that job no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges, and make her whole for any loss of pay which she may have suffered by reason of Respon- dent's discrimination against her by payment to her of a sum of money equal to that which she normally would have earned as wages from the date of the discrimination to the date of Respondent's offer of reinstatement, less her net earnings during such period, with backpay to be computed in the manner prescribed in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 235 NLRB No. 33 289 (1950), with interest as set forth in Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977)." 2. Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge. Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibili- ty unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products. Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3. 1951). we have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. Respondent urges the Board to overrule Oak Apparel, Inc., 218 NLRB 701 (1975). In that case, the Board held that employees who acted as paid union organizers were "employees" within the meaning of Sec. 2(3) of the Act and were thus entitled to the protection of the Act. We decline to overrule Oak Apparel. In secs. Ill, A and C of his Decision, the Administrative Law Judge erroneously refers to Manny Garcia as Respondent's "Plant Foreman," although the record indicates that Garcia is Respondent's assembly manager. This apparently inadvertent error is insufficient to affect the results of our decision. 2 In the remedy section of his Decision, the Administrative Law Judge erroneously referred to a fixed 7-percent interest rate and thereby failed to apply properly the Board's "adjusted prime interest rate" formula, which may vary in the manner prescribed in Florida Steel Corporation, 23! NLRB 651 (1977). See, generally, Isis Plumbing & Healing Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). For that reason, we have modified his remedy. 3 In his recommended remedy, the Administrative Law Judge provided that Respondent reinstate Caruona to her former job on the day shift, but he failed to include such specific language in his recommended Order. Accordingly, we shall modify his recommended Order. APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing in which all parties had the opportu- nity to participate, examine, and cross-examine witnesses, it has been found that we have violated the National Labor Relations Act in certain respects. We have been ordered to post this notice and to comply with its provisions. WE WILL NOT discharge or otherwise discrimi- nate against our employees because they engage in any activity on behalf of International Industri- al Production Employees Union and Local 917, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf- feurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, or any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL offer Cecilia Caruona immediate and full reinstatement to her former position on the day shift in the assembly department or, if that position no longer exists, to a substantially equiv- alent position, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges; and WE WILL make 183 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD her whole for any loss of benefits or wages which she suffered as a result of our discrimination against her, plus interest. HENLOPEN MANUFACTURING CO., INC. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE ROBERT A. GIANNASI, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard on May 2 and 3, 1977, in Brooklyn, New York, based on a complaint which issued on December 30, 1976. The complaint alleges that Henlopen Manufacturing Co., Inc.,' violated Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, by soliciting grievances from its employees in order to discourage interest in the Charging Party Unions which were seeking to organize its employees, by threatening employees with discharge, elimi- nation of part-time work, and institution of a more onerous production quota system if they supported the Unions, and by promising and granting benefits, including a new work incentive plan, in order to induce employees to refrain from supporting the Unions. The complaint also alleges that Respondent first transferred employee Cecilia Caruo- na to a more onerous job and then discharged her because of her union activities in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. Respondent denied these allegations. The General Counsel and Respondent filed briefs on or about July 7, 1977. Based upon the record and my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT Respondent is a New York corporation with its principal office and place of business in Melville, New York, where it is engaged in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of plastic cases and brushes for cosmetics and related prod- ucts. Respondent purchased materials valued in excess of $50,000, of which more than $50,000 worth were delivered to its plant directly from States other than New York. It also sold products valued in excess of $50,000, over $50,000 of which were shipped directly to States other than New York. Accordingly, Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. II. LABOR ORGANIZATIONS The Charging Parties herein, International Industrial Production Employees Union (IPEU) and Local 917, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, are labor organi- zations within the meaning of the Act. During the heanng the complaint was amended to reflect the proper name of Respondent as indicated above. 1II. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Alleged Discriminatory Transfer and Discharge of Caruona 1. The facts Cecilia Caruona, a paid organizer for the IPEU, was hired by Respondent about August 13, 1976, to work in its assembly department. She was paid $50 per week by the IPEU to organize employees. She began work at Respon- dent's plant on Monday, August 16, and was permitted to work part time, from 8:30 a.m. to I p.m., at her request. She was paid $2.30 per hour. On August 17, she obtained a signed authorization card from employee Fawn Russo at the plant.2 She testified that, during her first week of employment, she talked to employees before and after work and during breaks about supporting the IPEU and she circulated leaflets and cards to employees. Caruona worked 4 days on the day shift in the assembly department. Her production improved from 50 percent of standard on Monday to 77 percent of standard on Thursday. The average for new employees at this time was 58 percent of standard. On Caruona's second day of employment, she noticed Teamsters union organizers outside the plant. She reported this activity to IPEU official Sam Zakman by phone and asked him to come down to the plant. Zakman came and met Caruona outside the plant and gave her some cards. Caruona testified, as did Zakman, that Plant Foreman Manny Garcia saw them at this time through a doorway. Garcia denied observing Caruona and Zakman. Caruona also testified that, on one occasion during her first week of employment when she was soliciting employees in the cafeteria, Respondent's president, Costa, saw her. Union literature and cards were on a cafeteria table and she was standing next to the table when Costa passed through the cafeteria. Costa did not testify. On Thursday, Caruona was 7 minutes late for work because she had an accident. She did not punch in until 9 a.m. as instructed by Garcia. At or about noon, Garcia asked Caruona if she would transfer to the molding department, on a shift from 8:30 p.m. to I a.m. According to Caruona, she agreed, but stated that since she had to go back to school in September she would have to go back on days at that time. The job in molding paid 70 cents per hour more than the job in the assembly department. Caruona worked 2 nights in the molding department and was absent 3 nights; she began work in the molding department on Friday at 8:30 p.m. No one else punched in when she did or worked the same hours. Other employees on the night shift began work about 2 hours earlier. She reported to Elizabeth Von Lintig, the quality control employee who also worked odd hours on the night shift. Caruona was to work with Von Lintig and also work on one of the molding machines. She spent about 2 hours operating a molding machine the first night. She got sick that night and did not work the next working night, Monday, August 23. She apparently also hurt her hand while working on the molding machine. Caruona next 2 This is based on the testimony of Russo. Caruona testified that she engaged in no union activity until August 18. 184 HENLOPEN MANUFACTURING CO. worked on Tuesday, August 24. She operated a molding machine and weighed and stacked boxes. That night she wore a shirt with IPEU and "vote union" lettering on it. Von Lintig mocked Caruona for wearing the shirt and the employees observed the incident. On another occasion, during this second week of her employment, Vice President Maxwell Mutter saw Caruona passing out union literature to Respondent's employees at the plant during the day. Mutter testified that Caruona saw him on Thursday night, August 26, and told him that she could not work that night because she was sick and she wanted to get off the night shift and go back to her day-shift job. Mutter testified as follows: Q. What did you tell her? A. I told her that from what I understood that her absentee record was pretty bad, that she wasn't paying attention to her work, that she would have to either shape up or ship out, so to speak. I told her that I couldn't transfer her back to her other previous shift because we just don't transfer back and forth at the whim of employees. We have 200 employees and we don't just shift any time an employee asks us to. We had made a decision for her to help out in the night shift at the Molding Department and she really hadn't given it a chance, she had only been there two nights. So I told her she stays there and gives it a chance and buckles down to work and I will give her a second chance to continue on that basis. She said she still - she had gone to a doctor that day, she mentioned she is going to go to him again and she is going to find out if she was too sick to work and she would let me know and she left. The next day, August 27, according to Mutter, Caruona came in again and said she was too sick to work. At this point, Mutter fired her. According to Mutter, on the following Friday she came in to pick up her check which was dated August 28. 2. Analysis and conclusions I reject the General Counsel's contention that Caruona's transfer to the molding department was discriminatorily motivated. The evidence does not preponderate in favor of such a finding. First, although Caruona openly passed out union cards and literature during her first week of employment on the day shift in the assembly department, 3 I do not credit that portion of Caruona's testimony to the effect that she was observed by management representatives, including President Costa, passing out union literature during the first week of her employment. She stated in her pretrial affidavit that, to the best of her knowledge, she was not observed "by my foreman or a member of management when I handed out cards in the cafeteria." She also stated that Costa "did walk through the cafeteria while I was handing out cards, but he did not stop or seem to see me." I likewise do not credit the testimony of Caruona and Zakman that Garcia observed them on one occasion during the first week of her employment talking to employees and distributing literature. Their testimo- ny conflicts as to exactly what happened. For example, Zakman testified that Caruona rushed out of the plant towards him, requested union cards, took them, and immediately went back into the plant; Caruona testified that after she met Zakman she left and went home. I believe that their testimony on this issue, that Garcia observed them during their union activity, was there is no firm evidence of company knowledge of her union activities before the transfer. Nor is it likely that a paid union organizer would make her position known during the first few days of her employments Secondly, there is no significant evidence of union animus exhibited by Respondent during the first week of Caruona's employ- ment directed either to her or, generally, to other employ- ees. Finally, according to Caruona's own testimony, which I credit on this issue, she willingly and voluntarily accepted Garcia's offer for a transfer to the molding department. Indeed, acceptance of the offer meant 70 cents per hour more for Caruona and apparently meant that Caruona was assigned to train as a quality control employee under Elizabeth Von Lintig, seemingly a more responsible and challenging job. In short, I find that the General Counsel has not proven that the transfer was effectuated for discriminatory reasons.4 The General Counsel also asserts that the discharge of Caruona after I week on the night shift in the molding department was discriminatorily motivated. Respondent counters that Caruona asked to transfer back to the day shift, that Mutter declined the request and insisted that she work the night shift, which she refused to do, and therefore Mutter fired her. I find Respondent's conduct both in refusing to transfer Caruona back to the day shift and in thereafter discharging her was unlawfully motivated and thus find that the discharge violated Section 8(aX3) and (1) of the Act. In contrast to the situation which existed prior to Caruona's transfer to the molding department, it is conced- ed that, during the second week of Caruona's employment, Respondent did learn of her union activities and sympa- thies. Indeed, in its brief, Respondent stated that it "does not contend that Mutter lacked knowledge of [Caruona's] union activities" when he refused to transfer Caruona back to the day shift and terminated her. She wore a prounion shirt to work and was observed by Mutter distributing union literature during the day. It is also obvious that Respondent was opposed to union organization and that this became apparent after Caruona's transfer to the night shift. Respondent expressed this view to employees at mass meetings, the first of which was held by Mutter on August 25, during the second week of Caruona's employment. 5 I reject Garcia's testimony concerning Caruona's alleged poor job performance on the day shift. Garcia testified that he originally offered to transfer Caruona to the molding department from the assembly department because he did not think she would "make it in here." His complaints, he self-serving and inaccurate. On the other hand, Garcia's testimony on this issue was candid and firm. He denied that any such incident occurred. I4 t is unusual that Caruona would be assigned an odd shift beginning and ending at times different from that of the regular night shift. However, the testimony is that Respondent wanted her to help out the quality control employee, Von Lintig, and that this work schedule worked out satisfactorily for Von Lintig who also worked odd hours. Moreover, this schedule permitted Caruona to work the same number of hours she worked on the day shift-a shorter workday which she herself had requested on the day shift. In any event, although assignment to such an odd shift might raise suspicions that this was motivated by discriminatory reasons, in the absence of more specific evidence of unlawful motivation, I cannot conclude that this evidence alone preponderates in favor of such a finding. I There is no allegation that anything in the August 25 speech violated the Act. 185 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD testified, were that she was inattentive to her work and was spending too much time in the bathroom. He further testified that, in his offer to transfer Caruona, he stated that if she did not accept the offer she would be terminated. Garcia's testimony on this issue is uncorroborated and I believe that, in view of the other evidence in this case, it is not reliable. First, Caruona's work record in the assembly department was acceptable, particularly for a new employee only 4 days on the job. Caruona was not absent during her employment on the day shift and was late only once due to a car accident. The production records indicate that her productivity was good and improving-from 50 percent of standard on Monday to 77 percent of standard on Thursday. On Tuesday her production percentage was 57 percent when the collective percentage for "new girls" was 58 percent. On Thursday she produced more in less hours than she did on Monday and Tuesday combined. This evidence belies Garcia's testimony that Caruona could not "make it." Secondly, according to Garcia, the transfer to the molding department represented a move to a more chal- lenging and higher paying job. The testimony of both Garcia and Caruona is that Garcia told Caruona that she would find the job in molding more interesting, active, and suited to her. Further, the testimony indicates, and Re- spondent concedes in its brief, that "Caruona was assigned to the molding department, not to be a machine operator . . . but to be trained in quality control work." This is also consistent with the testimony of Mutter that she was transferred to "help out in the night shift" and of Von Lintig that she had long requested help and Caruona was assigned to her in response to this request. Thus the transfer appears to have been the result of a better than satisfactory performance by Caruona rather than an unsatisfactory one. Finally, in view of the above, I also find that there was no ultimatum or threat of discharge in Garcia's original offer of transfer to Caruona. 6 Not only did Garcia not threaten to discharge Caruona, but he did not refer to any of the alleged complaints about her performance which he specified in his testimony at the time of the offer to transfer. If his motive in transferring Caruona was dissatisfaction with her work, he surely would have made that clear to her when he transferred her. Nor did he discuss her actual production sheets during her first week of employment with her. In short, from my observa- tion of Garcia as a witness on this point, I am convinced that he was straining to create the impression, after the fact, that Caruona's performance was so poor that he 6 Garcia's testimony to the contrary is not credible. Garcia said he did not talk to any of his superiors about her possible discharge or transfer before making the offer to Caruona to transfer her to the night shift molding department job. Moreover, in response to my direct question on this point, Garcia was evasive, finally stating that he told Caruona he would "probably have to terminate you." Caruona's testimony, on this point, was straightfor- ward and candid. She accepted the transfer because she thought Garcia was short of help. This is supported by testimony that Von Lintig, the quality control employee, needed help and Caruona was assigned to her in order to help her. And it is also supported by Mutter's testimony set forth above that "we had made a decision for her to help out in the night shift at the Molding Department...." It is inconceivable to me that, if Garcia seriously threatened to fire her when he offered to transfer her to the molding department. In view of Caruona's acceptable work performance on the day shift and the ease with which she was offered a transfer to the night-shift job, Respondent's subsequent refusal to transfer Caruona back to the day shift is explainable only by reference to her union activities which became known to Respondent during her second week of employment. Thus, the refusal to transfer was discrimina- torily motivated. Mutter himself admitted that Caruona said she wanted to leave the night shift because she was sick and allergic and had gone to a doctor. No evidence was submitted to refute this representation by Caruona. Respondent's insistence that Caruona stay on the night shift or face discharge is likewise inexplicable because her performance on the night shift was far worse than it was on the day shift. She was absent 3 of the 5 days she was assigned to the night shift, Von Lintig allegedly did not want to work with her, and Respondent charged that she could not handle the expensive molding machinery. Yet Respondent insisted that she work this job. Finally, whatever the reasons were for originally transferring Caruona to the night shift, the job itself turned out to be onerous and burdensome, despite the higher pay scale, and hardly more challenging and interesting as Respondent promised. Instead of training for quality control work or utilizing her talents for more challenging work, Caruona was subjected to a job which required substantial physical exertion and which made her sick from the fumes. It does not appear that Respondent really gave Caruona any particular training as a quality control person, and I specifically discredit the testimony of Von Lintig as to Caruona's job performance on the night shift.7 Finally, by the time of Caruona's request back to the day shift, Respondent knew that she was a union adherent and would be able on that job to reach more employees with her union message on breaks and before and after work. I therefore have no difficulty in concluding that Respondent gave Caruona a Hobson's choice-either continue in an onerous job or be fired-because of Respondent's recently acquired knowledge of her union activities. Consequently, I am convinced that, absent her union activities, Caruona would have been permitted to return to the day shift in lieu of being discharged. When Caruona was discriminatorily denied an opportunity to return to the day shift, she was effectively discharged. In short, Respon- dent seized the opportunity to rid itself of Caruona and her union activities by insisting that she work the night shift. When she refused because of health reasons she was fired. The Respondent's discriminatory denial of Caruona's thought of discharging Caruona, he would not have done so on the spot, or, at least have talked about the possibility with his superiors, particularly since he characterized himself as a "tough, hard nosed guy." 7 Although she was not shown to have been a supervisor, Von Lintig's testimony clearly was tailored to support Respondent's position that both the transfer and the discharge were justified. Thus, she testified at great length about her need for assistance in her quality control work, then, after only working 2 days with Caruona-very little of it, if any, on quality control-she waxed indignant about Caruona's incompetence and insisted that she did not want Caruona's assistance. Her testimony was clearly exaggerated and self-serving and I reject her testimony as wholly unreliable. 186 HENLOPEN MANUFACTURING CO. transfer led inevitably to her discharge and, therefore, tainted the discharge with the same illegality. B. Alleged Threat To Eliminate its Part-Time Shift After the discharge of Caruona, the Unions intensified their organizational campaign and an election petition was filed on September 29, 1976. In response to a union leaflet which promised part-time employees hospitalization insur- ance, Respondent, on October 11, 1976, circulated a leaflet (G.C. Exh. 3) which the General Counsel alleges threat- ened its employees with elimination of its part-time shift if the Unions were successful in their organizational cam- paign. The letter stated that Vice President Mutter checked with insurance companies and that medical coverage for Re- spondent's part-time employees was not available or would be prohibitively expensive. It then stated that if part-time employees wished such coverage they should switch to full- time employment. Commenting on the Unions' promises of a "guarantee" of insurance coverage for part-timers, Mutter stated that the cost would be so expensive that the only "realistic" course would be to convert to a "complete- ly full time" operation. The letter then commented on a union promise that it could "guarantee" that Respondent would keep the part-time operation by properly stating that it could effectuate an economically motivated decision to convert the part-time operation after bargaining. The letter also stated that Respondent did not want to convert to a full-time operation. In connection with the part-time issue, the letter also commented on the Unions' campaign statement that they would waive initiation fees except for those hired after a contract was signed. The letter stated that the part-time staff had substantial turnover and that the payment of initiation fees by part-time employees might be an impedi- ment in attracting employees because they might not want to pay an initiation fee to work part time. The letter suggested that, if the requirement of an initiation fee prevented the full staffing of the part-time shifts, they might be abolished. The letter continued that Mutter was not threatening or predicting that Respondent would abolish part-time positions "if the Union comes in," but was simply reciting "certain economic facts of life beyond my control and beyond the Union's control." The General Counsel in his brief makes a conclusionary assertion that the letter does not state objective consider- ations in support of its statements about the elimination of part-time employment. I disagree. The letter was in response to union promises and "guarantees" and stated demonstrable or possible consequences of the Unions' positions in an objective manner. The allegations could be assessed as economic arguments and they were not phrased nor could they be interpreted as threats in reprisal for union activities. Mutter confirmed, on the witness stand, his investigation of insurance charges and the argument on initiation fees was a reasonable economic argument to which the Unions could respond and which employees could easily evaluate and accept or reject. There was no misrepresentation in Mutter's remarks and the economic consequences were not tied to union support or success, but rather to union campaign statements. And the state- ments were not made in the context of other unlawful threats. Accordingly, the General Counsel has not proven by a preponderance of the evidence that the letter threat- ened reprisals within Respondent's control to effectuate if the Unions obtained bargaining rights or if employees supported the Unions. C. Alleged Solicitation and Adjustment of Grievances In reliance upon the testimony of employee Fawn Russo, the General Counsel also alleges that Respondent solicited grievances from Russo, implied their resolution, and thereafter remedied her grievances, all in order to discour- age union activities. Fawn Fusso testified that, on one occasion in September, Plant Foreman Manny Garcia approached her and asked what Respondent was doing "that made me need a union, that I felt I needed a union." She responded that she objected to standing in line for checks and to being treated "rudely" during Hurricane Belle. She also suggested the need for an employee bulletin board, a signup sheet for those who wanted to work in the molding department, and overdue raises including her own. She also stated that signatures of employees should not be required on sugges- tions dropped in the suggestion box. Russo testified that "every single" suggestion of hers to Garcia "was put into effect." Garcia confirmed that he had a conversation with Russo about the Union but testified that he made a comment after overhearing another employee say that she had missed a union meeting. Garcia stated that the employee had not missed much because he did not believe that unions did much for employees and that Respondent's plant was a good place to work. Russo then injected herself into the conversation saying the employees needed a union for several reasons including the "rude" treatment during Hurricane Belle and not getting time off to cash checks "like unions give us," and her own overdue raise. Garcia did not mention that she raised a signup sheet or bulletin board, and he denied soliciting grievances or promising their resolution. Russo testified that, shortly after her conversation with Garcia, paychecks were brought to employees at their work stations. Mutter confirmed this change but testified that he instituted the change in response to an employee complaint which had come to him through the suggestion box. Garcia testified that he checked on Russo's raise and found that it was overdue because such raises are automat- ic and Russo's group had not received its raise. Russo received her raise, along with the rest of her group, within a week or two after Garcia checked on it, because that was the time all the raises were paid. Russo's testimony on cross-examination makes clear that bulletin boards were not made available to employees as she had suggested in her direct testimony. With respect to the institution of a signup system, the evidence shows that Respondent had a longstanding policy of temporarily shifting employees from the assembly department to the molding department. This was changed when Respondent posted a notice providing for a volun- tary signup system. This was done within a day or two after 187 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Russo herself had been temporarily assigned to the mold- ing department and had difficulty with the supervisor and one of the expensive machines in that department. Respon- dent's witnesses testified that the Russo incident precipitat- ed this change in policy. Russo confirmed that the incident took place and indeed conceded that the signup sheet "was put up because I left." I view all the evidence as establishing that the change was instituted because of Russo's bad work experience as a mandatory transfer to the molding department. To the extent that there are testimonial conflicts on this issue, I credit Garcia and discredit Russo. Russo did not impress me as a candid or truthful witness. She was a paid union organizer trainee during her employment-a fact which was not revealed until her cross-examination, and she exhibited her bias against Respondent in her testimony and in her demeanor. She exaggerated the notion that all her suggestions were put into effect. Her testimony clearly shows that bulletin boards were not made available to employees generally and she conceded that the suggestion box changes were not implemented. Her testimony about the molding department signup sheet was also exaggerated. She at first implied that this change was implemented by Garcia as a result of her suggestion, but it is clear that it came about as a result of her having difficulties in her own work in the molding department. A further example of Russo's exaggerated testimony was that she readily res- ponded to a question on cross-examination that another one of her "grievances" was insurance for part-time employees. Finally, Russo was imprecise on dates, unclear and ambiguous on specifics in most of her testimony, and exhibited a demeanor which was compatible with Garcia's testimony that she injected herself into the conversation and suggested reasons why a union was needed. Accord- ingly, I credit Garcia's version of the conversation. I also accept Respondent's reasons for instituting the changes that it did. The testimony of Garcia and Mutter was reasonable and uncontroverted on this issue. Accord- ingly, the General Counsel has not shown by a preponder- ance of the credited testimony that Respondent solicited grievances, implied that they would be implemented, or actually implemented them in order to discourage union activity. D. Alleged Threats To Institute More Onerous Working Conditions The General Counsel also contends that in a speech, in September or October 1976, Garcia threatened to institute a more onerous production quota system in the assembly department in order to discourage union activities. The only evidence offered to support this contention is the testimony of Russo that Garcia said, in the course of his speech, which she placed as 2 weeks after her earlier conversation with Garcia, that Respondent would start keeping a "little black book" just "like a union had" in which he would make entries when an employee failed to meet his quota. Three such entries would lead to dismissal, and bonuses would be granted if employees produced over their quota. According to Russo, this was different from the system in effect at the time. Garcia denied he said anything about a "little black book" and he stated that the speech referred to by Russo was a speech he gave to assembly department employees in October 1976 which he read word for word. A copy of the speech was identified by Garcia and introduced into evidence. The speech dealt primarily with the equalization of bonuses for exceeding quotas. On cross-examination, Russo said that the document reflected what Garcia said although she could not remember parts of the speech and believed that Garcia said more. There was no reference to a "little black book" in the speech. Garcia also candidly testified as to another conversation which he had with Russo about unions. In response to Russo's statement that employees had no job security, Garcia said that, in his experience as a supervisor in union shops, he was able to discharge employees for cause and the Unions could not do anything. He also said that in a union shop an employee doing bad work would be brought to him and "written down," that after three such instances "you are out of a job" and that this was his present practice. There was nothing unlawful about these remarks and General Counsel has not urged there was. In view of Russo's testimony on this issue, I believe she may have confused this latter conversation with Garcia's speech. In any event, as I have indicated above, Russo did not impress me as a reliable witness. I had the same impression when I considered her testimony on this issue. Garcia was straightforward and credible on this issue. Accordingly, I do not credit Russo's testimony and, without her testimony, the General Counsel has failed to sustain his burden of proving that Respondent promised an improved bonus system or threatened more onerous pro- duction quotas in violation of the Act. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. By discriminatorily refusing to transfer Caruona back to her day-shift job and by discharging her, Respon- dent has engaged in unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Sections 8(a)(3) and (1) and 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Respondent has not otherwise violated the Act. THE REMEDY I shall recommend that Respondent be required to cease and desist from its unlawful conduct and take certain affirmative action which is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. I shall also recommend that Respon- dent be required to offer employee Caruona immediate, full, and unconditional reinstatement to her former job on the day shift or, if this job no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent job, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges and make her whole for any loss of earnings suffered by reason of such discrimination, by paying her a sum of money equal to that she would have earned from the date of the discrimination against her to the date of the Respondent's offer to reinstate her as aforesaid, less her net earnings during that period with interest at the rate of 7 percent per annum in accordance with applicable Board law. 188 HENLOPEN MANUFACTURING CO. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, the entire record and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER 8 The Respondent, Henlopen Manufacturing Co., Inc., Melville, New York, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discharging or otherwise discriminating against employees because they engage in activity on behalf of any labor organization. (b) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action: (a) Offer immediate reinstatement to Cecilia Caruona to her former position of employment in accordance with the provisions set forth in The Remedy section above. (b) Post at its facility in Brooklyn, New York, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."9 Copies of said a In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 29, after being duly signed by Respondent's representative, shall be posted by it immediately upon reciept thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Rea- sonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director for Region 29, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. (d) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amounts of backpay, if any, due under the terms of this recommended Order. IT IS ALSO ORDERED that the complaint is dismissed insofar as it alleges unfair labor practices not found herein. 9 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals. the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." 189 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation