Helms BakeriesDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 24, 1968171 N.L.R.B. 10 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation 10 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL Helms Bakeries and Theodore S. Dichirico Bakery Drivers Local Union No. 276, International Brotherhood of Teamsters , Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America and Theodore S. Dichirico . Cases 31-CA-564 (for- merly 21-CA-7387) and 31-CB-176 (formerly 21-CB-2819) April 24, 1968 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, JENKINS , AND ZAGORIA On December 7, 1967, Trial Examiner Henry S. Sahm issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that Respondents had engaged in and were engaging in certain unfair labor prac- tices and recommending that they cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Decision. Thereafter, Respondent Union filed exceptions to the Trial Examiner's Decision. An answering brief was filed by the General Counsel in response to these exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with these cases to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions and brief, and the entire record in these cases, and hereby adopts the findings,' conclusions, and recommenda- tions2 of the Trial Examiner. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the Recom- mended Order of the Trial Examiner and hereby orders that Respondent Helms Bakeries, Pasadena, California, its officers, agents , successors, and as- signs , and Respondent Bakery Drivers Local Union No. 276, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America, its officers, agents , and representatives, shall take the action set forth in the Trial Examiner's Recom- mended Order, as herein modified. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 1. Delete the following sentence from section B, paragraph 2(b) of the Trial Examiner's Recom- mended Order: "This notice shall also be posted at the meeting halls and offices of Locals 87, 94, 166, 186, 381, 431, 572, 683, 871, 952, and 982." ' Because we have adopted the Trial Examiner's finding that Theodore Dichirico was never a member of the Respondent Union , we deem it un- necessary to consider the circumstances under which withdrawal from such membership could he accomplished d We find merit in Respondent Union's exception to the Trial Examiner's recommendation that all unions which took part in the joint organizational campaign at Respondent Employer's bakeries be required to comply with the posting requirements of our Order As these unions were not charged as respondents in this proceeding , we see no justification for imposing such a requirement , and we have modified our Order accordingly TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION I. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT; ISSUES HENRY S. SAHM, Trial Examiner: Helms Bakeries, herein called the Respondent Company,' discharged employee Theodore S. Dichirico, on November 14, 1966, at the request of the Respon- dent Union because of the employee's failure to pay union dues. The question presented is whether this discharge was in conformity with a valid union- security agreement or was it an unfair labor prac- tice within the meaning of Sections 8(a)(3) and (1) and 8(b)(2) and (1)(A) of the Act because, as the General Counsel contends, the employee was never a member of the Union and therefore under no obligation to pay such dues, whereas the Union ar- gues that, when the employee signed an application for membership, he ipso facto became a member. Upon the entire record in this case, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT IT. PARTIES ; JURISDICTION It is conceded by the Respondents that there is no issue concerning the Board's jurisdiction and that Respondent Company is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. The Respondent Company, a California corporation, in the conduct of its retail bakery business, annually does a gross volume of business in excess of $500,000 and an- nually purchases and receives, directly from points and places located outside California, goods and products valued in excess of $50,000. It is also con- ceded that the Union herein is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES As Dichirico's membership in Bakery Drivers ' Counsel for the Respondent Company registered his appearance, im- mediately left the hearing , and did not participate in the proceedings 171 NLRB No. 3 HELMS BAKERIES 11 Local Union No. 276, Teamsters, is the significant issue herein, it becomes necessary to review the his- tory of his employment and the chronology of events as it pertains to any indicia of union mem- bership on his part. In 1965, Local Union No. 276, the Respondent Union, in conjunction with its sister locals numbers 87, 94, 166, 186, 381, 431, 572, 683, 871, 952, and 982, all affiliated with the Teamsters, initiated a joint organizational campaign to recruit members from the Respondent Company's sales drivers em- ployed at its various bakeries located in Southern California. Pursuant to the filing of a representation petition by these 12 locals, the Board conducted an election on February 9, 1966, among all franchise and coach sales drivers and sales driver trainees employed by the Company. The Union won the election, the vote being 450 for and 428 against participant unions . Thereafter, on February 17, 1966, all the various unions , specified above, were certified as collective-bargaining representatives of the Company's above-described employees at its 10 plants and depots. Negotiations were later begun which eventuated in a proposed collective-bargain- ing agreement between the Company and various locals subject to membership ratification. The unions thereupon scheduled a meeting on July 21, 1966, of all employees affected by the tentative col- lective-bargaining agreement for the purpose of their voting to accept or reject the agreement negotiated by the Union with the Company.' Dichirico, the Charging Party, who has been em- ployed by the Company since 1963 as a sales driver and franchise route sales driver, testified that he went to the union hall on the day scheduled for the meeting . The various union locals had set up separate tables for the purpose of distributing bal- lots in order for the employees to vote on whether or not they approved the tentative agreement negotiated by the Union. These locals represented employees working out of the Company's following plants and depots: Culver City, Montabello, San Fernando, Pasadena , Pomona, Fullerton, Santa Ana, Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Long Beach. (See G.C. Exhs. 5 and 6.) Dichirico testified that he was told by Valerie Murray, a union agent , who manned Local 279's table to which employees working out of the Com- pany's Pasadena depot were directed as they en- tered the union meeting hall, "that in order to vote on whether we would accept or re ect the agree- ment that the bargaining Union and Helms Bakeries had entered into, we would have to sign a card; and I was handed a card and asked to fill in the infor- mation at the bottom of the card and to sign it which I did."3 The union form which Dichirico I It was testified that there were between 400 and 450 sales drivers at this meeting. 3 Dichinco testified that McNeil, Respondent Union's business agent, also told him the same thing ' It is agreed by the parties that the wording of the application is not determinative of the issue whether Dichirico ever became a union member. signed at that time is attached to this Decision as Appendix A.' After he signed the application and filled in the "Death Benefit Information" requested, Dichirico was given a ballot and then proceeded to a seat in the hall where all those present were handed a copy of the contract proposals. The meeting began by a union official declaring that the meeting was called for the purpose of read- ing and explaining to the sales drivers the provi- sions of the proposed agreement negotiated by the Union and that they would then vote on whether they were or were not satisfied with its provisions. Ted 0. Paulos, secretary-treasurer of Bakery Drivers Local Union No. 276, chairman of the meeting, "pointed out to [the employees] that [he] felt no one should vote on a contract until they were members of the Union ... unless they were members. "5 Dichirico left the hall to make a telephone call after the proposed contract was read but, before doing so, he marked his ballot and asked a fellow employee to drop his ballot in the voting box. When he returned to the union hall, the meeting had concluded but the men were waiting to hear the results of the vote. Some of the employees, testified Dichirico, were voicing misgivings about the Union stating "... they did not want to get roped into the Union and they were going to get their cards back" (G.C. Exhs. 8(a) and (b)). Dichirico then walked to the back of the hall, where a group of men were waiting in line in order to have their applications, which they had signed, returned to them. Dichirico testified that as he was waiting in line to ask for the return of his card, an unidentified union official stated it was not necessa- ry for them to have their signed cards returned because if the proposed contract was rejected, the applications would be a nullity. This union official went on to explain that additional negotiations would then be necessary and if and when agree- ment was reached by the Union and the Company, cards would have to be signed again by the em- ployees when the new contract was submitted to them for their acceptance or rejection. With this as- surance, Dichirico left the meeting but not before hearing the employees had rejected the contract proposals which had been submitted for them for their vote. A few weeks later, the employees were notified by the Union that a new proposed contract had been negotiated with the Company and that it would be submitted to them for ratification or re- jection at a meeting on August 11, 1966. Although Dichirico was notified of the August 11 ratification meeting, he did not attend this meeting or any sub- See, however, the bottom of the form (G C Exh 8(a)) which states, "Ap- plication must be completed within thirty day period or all monies for- feited " ' Paulos'testimony reads as follows ". [the employees] went to the ta- bles designated the lady or the man, whoever was there, had them fill out an application and gave them a ballot after that " 12 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL Sequent union meeting, nor did he sign another union application. The proposals were ratified at this August 11 meeting and the Company and Union executed a collective-bargaining agreement on August 14, 1966. Approximately a week after the August I 1 ratifi- cation meeting, Dean McNeil, the Union's business representative, came to the Helms Bakery in Pasadena where Dichirico was employed. He asked Dichirico to pay his union dues and if he did so be- fore the end of September, there would be no need to pay the $100 initiation fee. Dichirico advised McNeil that he was not a member as he "had never made a formal application to join the Union...." Moreover, Dichirico told McNeil that, inasmuch as he had been employed by Respondent for over 3 years prior to August 14, 1966, the date the con- tract was executed, he had the option of declining to join the Union which privilege he was availing himself of and therefore, was neither a member nor owed any dues to the Union. McNeil insisted Dichirico was a member of the Union and that he had a photostat of his application to prove it to which Dichirico testified on cross-examination "that was the first [he] ever heard that [he] made application. I says how could I make application to a union where we didn't even have a union prior to the August 14 [sic] meeting.6 This was my un- derstanding, because the Union was voted on or made a contract with Helms Bakeries August 14. That meeting I did not attend.... As far as I was concerned that was the end of the Union." On cross-examination, when Dichirico was asked what his answer to McNeil's offer to show him a photostatic copy of his application, he testified he told McNeil: "I don't care if you could because I don't recall signing anything about it, an applica- tion to join the Union. But I felt I was not a member of the Union because I formally did not make application; I did not wish to pay dues; I did not wish to be initiated; and I just didn't want to be a member of the Union. And we weren't even told prior to the ratification, of the contract that the [plant] was going to be an open shop." He cor- rected himself by stating he meant it was not ex- plained prior to or at the July 21 meeting that drivers employed by the Company before the ex- ecution date of the contract had the option of not joining the Union. He admitted the provisions of the union-security clause which provided for this option were read at the July 21 meeting but that he "did not understand it." McNeil again saw Dichirico 2 weeks later at the bakery and when the latter again refused to pay the union dues, because he had never made a "formal application to join the Union," McNeil warned him that if (Dichirico) "maintained this attitude, that I LABOR RELATIONS BOARD possibly would lose my job for nonpayment of dues." In the early part of October, McNeil accom- panied by Paulos, secretary-treasurer of Local 276, again saw Dichirico at the bakery. McNeil told him he was the only employee who refused to pay his dues and asked him to pay his dues and again he refused stating he was not a member. Paulos told Dichirico that he was a member as he had signed an application on July 21, 1966, at the first ratification meeting. Dichirico replied that between the first ratification meeting on July 21, and the second one on August 11, he had learned that because he was employed by the Company prior to the time the contract was executed that it was not necessary for him to join the Union. Paulos then told him, Dichir- ico testified, that if he refused to pay the union dues, "I may lose my job because of non-payment of dues under the Union contract with the Com- pany." Around the beginning of November, Paulos and McNeil came to the bakery and requested that Dichirico pay the dues and for the fourth time he refused. Thereupon, Paulos advised him to think it over and let his supervisor, Moyers, know what his decision was; "otherwise, he would take steps to have me terminated for non-payment of dues." Dichirico then went to see his supervisor, Moyers, and advised him that he would not pay the union dues. At that time he also spoke to Feddin, the Company's district sales supervisor, who sug- gested he first think it over seriously "because it in- volves my job, and the Company, because of the contract with the Union, their hands were tied. [He said] if the Union did direct them to terminate me, that they would have no recourse but to follow the Union demands. So I agreed that I would go on the route and give it some serious thought and let them know the following day what my decision would be. ... [The following day] I told them because of the principle involved, I did not feel that I should pay dues, because I was not a member of the Union and I didn't want to be railroaded into being a member of the Union.... On the morning of November 19, 1966, after I had completed loading my truck, Mr. Moyers, my supervisor [Pasadena division manager] ... told me he had some bad news, and he showed me a letter from the Union [dated November 14, 1966], asking the Company to ter- minate me for non-payment of dues under the Union contract." Dichirico was discharged as of the close of business that day by being handed a ter- mination notice (G.C. Exh. 10) which he signed "under protest." As he left, Dichirico testified, Moyers said "that probably if I paid my initiation fee, dues and penalty, they possibly would rehire me.91 ' The second ratification meeting was held August I I and the contract executed on August 14. HELMS BAKERIES 13 On cross-examination, Dichirico testified con- had put `under protest'; because they felt the same cerning the crucial circumstances surrounding the way as I did but they didn't have the guts to get signing of the union, application: canned from their jobs over it." Q. And directing your attention to the last Another excerpt from his cross-examination paragraph of General Counsel's Exhibit No. 6, reads as follows: did you read that paragraph'at that time? Q. Now why was it that you wanted to get A. Yes, sir, I did. the card back when you went to the July 21 Q. Now you did not make a formal or make meeting? application for membership in the Union prior A. Because if I got the card back, I wouldn't to the meeting of July 21, 1966; is that right? be here today. A. No, sir, I did not. I did not realize that I Q. Well but you say that as of July 21, 1966, was making an application at that meeting.... you didn't understand anything about the I understood there that if we wished to become Union security provisions? members of the Union, at this time we could A. True, I did not. avail ourselves and make formal application, or Q. So what, I am asking you is: "Why on anytime prior to this or after this, but I did not that date did you want to get the card back?" realize that we had to make application for A. Because some of the men ... whom I membership in order to vote. can't identify by name, talked in a group stat- Dichirico's testimony continues as follows: "... I ing that they had been roped into other don't recall signing an application for membership unions prior to this time by signing such a in the Union. I arrived at the meeting hall when the card, and that they were going to get their meeting was about to start or had started. So when cards back. . the girl asked me to sign this card, I filled out the TRIAL EXAMINER: Why didn't you get your death benefit information and gave it back to her. card back? She then reversed it and says you forgot to sign it A. Because somebody made the statement and marked it and I signed it again . When Mr. that it wasn't necessary because if the contract Driscoll [a Board field examiner ] asked me about was turned down, they wouldn't be there; whether this was my signature and he showed me because you would have to sign a new card at the whole form, I says, I don't think it is because as the next meeting to get a new contract. far as I know I never signed an application for TRIAL EXAMINER: Do you know who this membership in the Union. . . . I told Mr. Driscoll someone was? that I did not recall signing a card that was this THE WITNESS: I believe it was [someone long, that was a membership application." connected] with the Union because he walked Further on in his cross-examination , Dichirico's down from the stage.' testimony continues : "We never had a contract be- The testimony of other Helms Bakery sales fore. Most of us were ignorant as to how a union drivers corroborates Dichirico's version of the operates . So when they told us we had to sign these facts. authorization cards to vote, I think a hundred per- Paul Blatt, who had been employed by the Com- cent of us signed the cards. After the meeting was pang prior to the advent of the Union, testified that over, many of the men destroyed these cards." he neither read the "card" which he signed at the After the proposed agreement was turned down July 21 ratification meeting, nor did he realize it at the July 21 meeting, Dichirico further testified: was a union membership application, but "assumed "... from that point on, I had no interest in doing that it was to show that I was an employee of Helms anything with the Union; so I didn't go to any Bakery." The Union, at his request, returned his further meetings .' So I am still maintaining : how application to him at the July 21 ratification meet- can I be in a Union when there was no union prior ing and he was never contacted thereafter with to this August date. So I didn't feel I was a member. respect to joining the Union. This is the reason why I refused to pay dues.... At De Von Edwards, who has been employed by the the time I thought I had never signed an applica- Company for 20 years, testified that he did not tion. Since then I have found out that this was an "think" he was signing an application for union application . ... I told Mr. McNeil [union agent] membership. During the July 21 meeting, while he much earlier before I ever went to the National was listening to a union official explain the provi- Labor Relations Board that many of the other men sions of the proposed contract, a fellow employee felt the same way as I did; that they were roped into named Stoker, who was sitting next to him, said, the Union because of misleading statements. "we're hooked." When Edwards asked him what he Because the majority of the men from the Pasadena meant , Stoker replied: "It looks like that card we division had paid their dues, and on their card they signed hooked us with the Union." Edwards an- r At another point in his direct examination , when he was asked why he the execution of the August 14 agreement did not have to join the Union did not attend more union meetings, he testified " I was no longer in- s This is an unmistakable reference to the uncontroverted fact that the terested in going . I had no interest in going ," and then he went on to ex - union officials were seated on a stage in the auditorium where the July 21 plain that he learned later that any employee who had been hired prior to ratification meeting was held DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 14 swered: "Well, I'll find out. I haven't voted." He walked to the table where he had signed his card and told the union agent who was manning the table that he wanted his card returned to him. He then handed his blank voting ballot to her and the union agent said she could not return his card to him but would tear it up which she proceeded to do. Vernon Stoker, employed by Helms for over 5 years, testified he did not know at the time he signed the form at the July 21 meeting that it was an application for membership but thought it was a method used by the unions of "Just keeping track of who they were handing out ballots to. . . ." Later as the provisions of the proposed contract were being explained by union officials, he turned to De Von Edwards and asked him if he realized that the form he had signed was an application to join the Union. Thereupon, both he and Edwards had their cards destroyed by the union agent before the ratification vote was taken. Harry Wilkins, who has been employed by the bakery at its Pomona Division for over 12 years, testified that before attending the July 21 meeting, he was not advised by the Union that only those employees who had signed applications for mem- bership would be permitted to vote. When he ar- rived at the meeting, Phillip Melody, secretary-trea- surer of Local 871, handed him an "application and asked if I would fill it out so that I would be eligible to vote on the contract." "After [Wilkins] filled out the application," continues his testimony, "I went back to Mr. Melody and asked him if this meant that I would be a member of the Union, and he stated that not necessarily ... that you had to do this to vote, and that if the contract did not go through, that this would be void ... if the contract was not accepted, that this here application that we had signed would be void. . . . Well, I understood that it would mean that if the contract was rejected, that they would just do away with the applications that we had signed that day." When he left the union meeting on July 21, it was his belief, testified Wilkins, that he was not a union member.9 He testified that he later attended the second ratifica- tion meeting on August 11 and that the "new con- tract" was ratified by a majority of the employees who attended this meeting. Ivan Mazy, a Pomona Division route salesman for over 3 years, testified that Union Agent Melody told him to fill out an "application" which he then exchanged for a "vote ballot." Melody told a group of the employees, Mazy testified, that in order to vote they would have to first sign membership ap- plication forms. When he was asked by counsel if the employees were told at the July 21 ratification meeting by Melody "if signing the application meant that you would be required to join the Union," he answered: ". . . I believe his answer was when the proposed contract is accepted. If we ac- cept this contract, this is a union obligation; if not, it is void." Mazy also testified that he knew the pur- pose of the July 21 meeting was to accept or reject the proposed contract but he did not know prior to attending this meeting that the employees would have to sign a membership application in order to vote. His testimony continues as follows: Q. Now, how did you think this rejection af- fected the application form that you filled out? A. I felt sure it nullified it. Union Officials' Testimony Ted Paulos testified as follows: He is the secreta- ry-treasurer of Bakery Drivers Local Union No. 276. Eleven other locals of the Teamsters union whose geographical jurisdiction was different from those of Local 276 but in which territorial bounda- ries the Helms Bakery sold their products, un- dertook a joint organizational campaign with Local 276 in order to solicit employees of the Company to join the Union. He was the chairman of the July 21 ratification meeting. He testified that at this meeting some employees contacted him and wanted to know why they had to sign an application in order to get a ballot to vote. "I pointed out to them that we felt that no one should vote until they were members of the Union. . . . I felt that it was only fair that we explain our feeling that no one should vote on a contract unless they were mem- bers...." This was stated by him at the beginning of the meeting. He also testified that he told those present "no one was going to get a ballot unless they are members of the Locals." He testified also that as the employees came into the meeting hall they went to the various tables designated depend- ing on which division of the Company they worked for and that the union officials who were manning the various tables had them fill out an application and then gave them a ballot to vote. After that they took their seats in the meeting hall in preparation for the union officials addressing them. When the proposed contract provisions were read and ex- plained, the employees then voted. Paulos testified that he had one conversation with Dichirico, the alleged discriminatee, at the Helms Bakery. He was accompanied by Dean Mc- Neil, the Union's business representative. His testimony continues. That they spoke to Dichirico around November 1, while he was loading his truck. "I said ... we need to talk about your ac- count"; and he says, "There's nothing to talk about" and I said, "... you're a member of the Lo- cal. You have signed an application, and you have dues owing from August." And he says, "Well, I don't want to talk about it." It was very difficult to pin him down. . . . I kept telling him that he was a member of the Union. He said he wasn't. I said we 8 Wilkins is now a union member HELMS BAKERIES have an application ; we will show it to you if you like. And he says, "I don't care if you have it or not; I am not going to join. . . ." Mr. McNeil also attempted to tell him that he was a member and that we did have an application that he had signed and he was liable for the obligations. On cross-ex- amination , Paulos stated that the employees were told, "you should be a member before you vote." Paulos also testified the employees also were told "that they had until October 31 to pay-to come in without [paying] initiation fees," but after that deadline they would have to pay the initiation fee. Phillip Melody, secretary-treasurer of Local 871, testified that he had conversations with groups of Pomona Division employees who attended the July 21 ratification meeting . His testimony continues: "I told them that in order to vote on the proposal that was going to be presented to them, that they were going to have to be members of the Union, and we would consider them members of the Union on ap- plication, but they would not be required to pay anything until such time as the contract was negotiated." He denied that he ever told any of them what would happen with respect to their membership applications in the event the proposed contract were rejected at that July 21 meeting. He denied also the testimony of those witnesses who stated that he told them that in the event that the contract were rejected, that their applications for membership were void. He testified also that after the meeting adjourned, he did not destroy any of the applications for membership that were executed at this meeting. Credibility Melody's denials conflict as to some of the salient issues in this case. Nevertheless, after observing the witnesses , analyzing the record and the inferences to be drawn therefrom, this conflict in testimony is resolved in favor of the versions told by the General Counsel's witnesses. Based upon the foregoing recital of the facts in this case, the demeanor of the witnesses in testifying, and upon the substantial evidence on the record appraised as a whole, and on the straightforward testimony of the General Counsel's witnesses who testified with every ap- pearance of frankness, fairness, and accuracy, Melody's testimony is not credited that he did not tell the employees that in the event the proposed contract were rejected that the cards they signed would be void. This impression that the employees were testifying truthfully became a conviction when their versions were found to be both consistent with the attendant circumstances in this case and not substantially shaken by able counsel for the Respondent Union who thoroughly cross-examined them. Nor are there any substantial inconsistencies "The Radio Officers' Union [A . H Bull Steamship Company) v N.L.R.B., 347 U.S. 17, 30-32, 39-42, affg. 196 F 2d 960 and 197 F 2d 719 (C.A 2) 15 between Dichirico's testimony at the hearing and the affidavits he gave to a Board investigator. Respondent Union's Contention Counsel for the Union stated at the hearing: "It is the Union's position that the application form speaks for itself ... intention and desire on the part of the Charging Party to become accepted into membership by the Union and that the circum- stances under which he executed this application was such that he is now estopped to deny that he did not become a member merely because the obligation or oath was not administered to him prior to August 14, 1966." Discussion and Concluding Findings It is settled law that a union violates Section 8(b)(1)(A) and (2) of the Act, and an employer Section 8(a)(1) and (3) when they effect the discharge of an employee for nonpayment of union dues and the action taken is unauthorized by the terms of a valid union-security agreement condi- tioning employment on union membership.10 Under Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, the maximum permissible form of union security is the union-shop agreement, that is, an agreement requiring an em- ployee to join a union 30 days after he obtains a job or the agreement becomes effective, whichever is later. An agreement less inclusive in scope-is com- monly called a maintenance of membership agree- ment, that is, an agreement requiring persons al- ready members of the Union when the agreement becomes effective or who join the Union during its life to remain members for the term of the agree- ment. The especial feature of this agreement is that membership is not compelled under it unless on its effective date an employee already belongs to the Union or thereafter voluntarily acquires member- ship. It means, therefore, that an employee who resigns his membership before the agreement becomes effective need not maintain membership pursuant to the agreement. The union-security provision in the collective- bargaining agreement involved herein provides in article III of the current contract (G.C. Exh. 2) as follows:" All employees who are on the Company's payroll on the date of the signing of this Agree- ment and who are members of the Union in good standing on said date, and all present em- ployees who thereafter become members of the Union shall, as a condition of employment, remain members in good standing by tendering the periodic dues uniformly required as a con- dition of retaining membership. All employees " The union -security provision in the proposed contract rejected on Jul; 21 is identical with the same provision in the current contract. 16 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD hired on or after May 1, 1966, shall, as a con- dition of employment, become and remain members in good standing in the Union by ten- dering the initiation fee and periodic dues uniformly required as a condition of acquiring or retaining membership on and after the thir- tieth (30th) day following the date of execu- tion of this Agreement or date of hire, whichever is later. Provided, that any em- ployee hired on or after May 1, 1966, and who executes a checkoff authorization as provided in Article IV, not later than the last day of the month in which he was hired or date of execu- tion of this Agreement, whichever is later, shall not be required to tender said uniform initia- tion fee until six (6) months after he has sub- mitted said signed checkoff authorization at which time he shall tender to the Union an in- itiation fee equal to the initiation fee uniformly required less all monies deducted from his pay as monthly Union dues during the five (5) months said checkoff authorization was in ef- fect. Provided further, that any member of the Union who was hired prior to May 1, 1966, may withdraw from membership in the Union during the fifteen (15) day period immediately preceding the expiration date of this Agree- ment by sending a written resignation to the Union with a copy to the Company post- marked within said fifteen (15) day period. Any employee who fails to join or maintain his membership in the Union as provided in this Article III shall be subject to termination five (5) days after the Employer has received written notice from the Union that such em- ployee has not tendered the periodic dues or the uniform initiation fee as required by this Article. The Union agrees to indemnify the Company and hold it harmless against all and any suits, claims, demands and liabilities for damages, back pay or penalties that shall arise out of or by reason of any action that shall be taken by the Company pursuant to such writ- ten notice by the Union. In construing and applying the union-security provi- sion involved in this case, it is necessary to be mindful that the arrangements they exemplify "are an exception to the general provisions ... against employer discrimination and 'one seeking to come within the exception must clearly comply with its terms." i2 Inasmuch as Dichirico was hired prior to May 1, 1966, he was not required under this union-security provision to become a member so that his obliga- tion to pay dues would arise only if he did become a member. The requirements to become a member '2 N L R.B v The Radio Officers' Union of the Commercial Telegraphers Union, AFL [A H Bull Steamship Company], 196 F 2d 960,964 (C A. 2), affil 347 U.S. 17 are stated in article V, section 2(a) of Local 276's bylaws which provide:13 An applicant shall be considered a member when he shall meet all the following require- ments for membership: a. Written application for membership. b. Tender of initiation fee. c. Acceptance of the application by the Union. d. Taking the obligation at the regular meeting or special initiation class follow- ing the action upon his application. For the Respondents to justify the discharge of Dichirico under the current contract's union-securi- ty clause, supra, it was incumbent upon them to af- firmatively prove that he was a member of the Union during the time the Union claims he was delinquent in his dues.14 This burden the Respon- dents failed to meet for the reasons hereinafter ex- plicated. It is clear from the evidence detailed above that Dichirico never became a member as he did not meet "all" the requirements for membership. Furthermore, when he signed the membership ap- plication, the testimony reveals he had no intention of assuming the obligations incident to becomin* a member of the Union. All he did was attend a ratifi- cation meeting to which he was invited by the Union. Under such circumstances, it cannot be suc- cessfully contended that he thereby became a member of the Union. The discharge of Dichirico in November 1966 was sought and carried out under the terms of the current contract executed on August 14, 1966, and it specified, supra, that "All employees who are on the Company's payroll on the date of the signing of this agreement and who are members of the Union in good standing on said date ... shall as a condi- tion of employment, remain members in good standing by tendering the periodic dues...." Well before the date the contract's union-securi- ty provision became effective, the evidence as detailed above, shows that Dichirico was never a member of the Union and therefore, not subject to the union-security clause in the contract under which he was discharged. The evidence reveals that both in its legal connotation and incidence he never signed a union membership application card with the intention of becoming a member; he merely signed the card with the purpose and under the be- lief that it was necessary to do so in order to vote at the ratification meeting on July 21. The Union never advised him that his application was ap- proved nor did he swear allegiance to the Union nor was he ever initiated. In fact, it was stipulated that other employees took the oath of allegiance G.C Exh. 3. Montgomery Ward & Co, Incorporated, 121 NLRB 1552, 1557. HELMS BAKERIES and were initiated into the Union at swearing-in- ceremonies scheduled at various special meetings during the period of time relevant herein. The Union 's failure to notify Dichirico to appear at these various special initiation meetings held between July 21 and November 19, 1966 (the date of his termination ), manifestly reveals the Union did not consider him a member. Moreover , the Union's policy that voting eligibili- ty would be limited to those signing membership applications was announced for the first time at the July 21 meeting . No mention of this policy was made in the notices of the ratification meeting dis- tributed to the employees . (G.C. Exhs . 5 and 6.) Assuming , arguendo , Dichirico was a member when he signed these union forms , nevertheless, he was free to resign from the Union under the terms of the agreement which the union -security provi- sion therein contemplates will be extended to mem- bers before its effective date of August 14, 1966, supra, and which he did, as revealed by the record evidence. "A union is , in law, a voluntary association and under applicable common law principles: One may become a member of an associa- tion by formally signing its articles or in any other way that shows a mutual agree- ment between himself and the existing members that he is a member . But mem- bership is a question of intent and cannot be established by any fact which fails to show the existence of a mutual intent that one shall be a member of an associa- tion."15 In the absence of a rule regulating the method of resigning, a member may resign from a voluntary association at will.16 The facts reveal that Dichirico exercised the option afforded all employees who were employed by the Company prior to the effec- tive date of the contract; namely, the right not to join the Union. This option, it is found, he exer- cised for the reasons cited above." Accordingly it is found that the Respondent Union in causing this discharge violated Section 8(b)(2) and 1(A) and Respondent Company in ef- fecting the discharge violated Section 8(a)(3) and M. IV. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondents engaged in unfair labor practices , it will be recommended that they cease and desist therefrom , and that each take certain affirmative action in order to effectuate the policies of the Act. The affirmative relief will include a requirement that the Respondent Company offer immediate and full reinstatement to Dichirico to his former or sub- stantially equivalent position without prejudice to " Montgomery Ward & Co, Incorporated , 121 NLRB 1552, 1556 16 Communications Workers of America , CIO INew Jersey Bell Telephone Company ] v. N.L.R . B., 215 F.2d 835 ( C A 2), enfg. 106 NLRB 1322 17 seniority or other rights and privileges. In ac- cordance with well-established precedent, it will also be recommended that the Union and the Com- pany jointly and severally make Dichirico whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against him by the payment to him of a sum of money equal to that which he nor- mally would have earned from the date of the dis- crimination against him to the date of the Com- pany 's offer of reinstatement , less his net earnings during the said period. Backpay shall be computed with interest on a quarterly basis in the manner prescribed by the Board in F. W. Woolworth Com- pany, 90 NLRB 289, 291-294, and Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716. To facilitate the com- putation, as well as to clarify the named employee's rights to reinstatement , the Company shall make available to the Board, upon request, payroll and other records necessary and appropriate for that purpose. It is further recommended that the Com- pany notify Dichirico of his right to reinstatement upon application if he is serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. It is also recom- mended, in view of the special circumstances of this case , including the joint organizational campaign, that all the other unions; namely, Locals 87, 94, 166, 186, 381, 431, 572, 683, 871, 952, and 982 who participated in the joint union campaign, post the appropriate notices at its offices and meeting halls and that the Company also post notices at all its plants and depots. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, there are hereby made the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Helms Bakeries is an employer. 2. Respondent Union is a labor organization. 3. By discriminating in regard to the tenure of employment of Theodore S. Dichirico, thereby en- couraging membership in Respondent Union, Respondent Company has engaged in and is engag- ing in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 4. By causing the Respondent Company to dis- criminate against Dichirico in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, the Union has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the mean- ing of Section 8(b)(2) and (1)(A) of the Act. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. RECOMMENDED ORDER Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and upon the entire record in this case, and " Cf Murphy's Motor Freight, Inc, 113 NLRB 524, enfd 231 F.2d 654 (C A. 3), New Jersey Bell Telephone Company , 106 NLRB 1322 18 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, it is recommended that: A. The Respondent, Helms Bakeries, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Encouraging membership in Bakery Drivers Local Union No. 276, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America, by discharging employees or in any other manner discriminating against them in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment, except to the extent per- mitted by the proviso to Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exer- cise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer Theodore S. Dichirico immediate and full reinstatement to his former or substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to his seniority or other rights and privileges, as provided in the above section entitled "The Remedy." (b) Jointly and severally with the Respondent Union make whole the above-named employee for any loss of earnings suffered by him by reason of the discrimination, as provided in the above section entitled "The Remedy." (c) Notify the above-named employee, if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of his right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Ser- vice Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, after discharge from the Armed Forces. (d) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and\ copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due and the right to reinstate- ment, under the terms of this Recommended Order. (e) Post at its plants and depots in Culver City, Montabello, San Fernando, Pasadena, Pomona, Fullerton, Santa Ana, Ventura, Santa Barbara and Long Beach, all in California, copies of the at- tached notice marked "Appendix B."18 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 31, after being duly signed by the Respondent Company's representative, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all 11 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, the words " a Decision and Order" shall be substituted for the words "the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner" in the notice In the further event that the Board's Order is enforced by a decree of a United States Court of Appeals, the words "a Decree of the United States Court of Ap- peals Enforcing an Order" shall be substituted for the words "a Decision and Order" places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Company to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (f) Post at the same places and under the same conditions as set forth in paragraph (e), above, and as soon as they are forwarded by the Regional Director, copies of the Respondent Union's notice marked "Appendix C." (g) Mail to the Regional Director for Region 31 signed copies of "Appendix B" for posting by the Respondent Union at its meeting halls and offices. Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Re- gional Director, shall, after being duly signed by a representative of the Respondent Company, be forthwith returned to the Regional Director for such posting. (h) Notify the Regional Director for Region 31, in writing, within 20 days from the receipt of this Decision, as to what steps the Respondent Com- pany has taken to comply herewith.19 B. The Respondent Union, Bakery Drivers Local Union No. 276, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America, its officers, agents, and representatives, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Causing or attempting to cause the Respon- dent Company, Helms Bakeries, to discriminate against employees in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. (b) In any like or related manner restraining or coercing employees of the Respondent Company in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following action which is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Jointly and severally with the Respondent Company make whole Theodore S. Dichirico for any loss of pay suffered by him by reason of the dis- crimination, as provided in the above section enti- tled "The Remedy." (b) Post at Local 276's meeting halls and offices copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix C."20 This notice shall also be posted at the meeting halls and offices of Locals 87, 94, 166, 186, 381, 431, 572, 683, 871, 952, and 982. Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 31, after being duly signed by the Respondent Union's representative, shall be posted by the Respondent Union immediately upon receipt thereof, and maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to members are customarily 19 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, this provision shall be modified to read "Notify said Regional Director, in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent Company has taken to comply herewith " See fn l8, supra HELMS BAKERIES 19 posted. Reasonable- steps shall be taken by the. Respondent Union to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (c) Post at the same places and under the same .conditions as set forth in paragraph (b), above, and as soon as they are forwarded by the Regional Director, copies of the Respondent Company's at- tached notice marked "Appendix B." (d) Mail to the Regional Director for Region 31 signed copies of "Appendix C" for posting by the Respondent Company at its various plants and depots. Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director, shall, after being signed by the Respondent Union's representative, be forthwith returned to the Regional Director for such posting. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 31, in writing, within 20 days from the receipt of this Decision, what steps the Respondent Union has taken to comply herewith.21 APPENDIX A APPLICATION FOR Initiation Fee Date 7/21/66 New Member Card No, Initiation Date Traf. from Local No.. Cards Made City BAKERY DRIVERS LOCAL UNION NO. 276 Affiliated With International Brotherhood of Teamsters Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America Desiring to become a member of the above Union affiliated with International Brotherhood of Teamsters , Chauffeurs , Warehousemen and Helpers of America, I hereby make application for membership. I hereby designate this Union as my representative in all matters relating to employment , rates of pay , working conditions , etc„ which are not now or may hereafter be under consideration between my craft or class of employees and the company by which I am employed. The full power and authority to act for the undersigned as described herein supersedes any power and authority heretofore given to any person or persons , tabor Unions or Organization , to act for me. The undersigned hereby certifies that this designation is made freely and voluntarily and without any interference , restraint, or coercion from any person or persons whatsoever. Name Theodore S. Dichirico Address 2117 - No Eastern City LA Zone 32 Phone Ca 51115 Occupation driver Employer Helms Pass S.S. No. 025-18- 2882 Date of Birth 4/10/24 Citizen Yes Rea. Voter No Have You Ever Been a Member of A Teamster Local? No Voucher Signed X Theodore S. Dichirico Note : Initiation fee must accompany application . Application must be completed within thirty day period or all monies forfeited. 21 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, this provision shall be modified to read: "Notify said Regional Director, in In accordance with Resolution passed September 29, 1965, the Death Benefit in Local No. 276 is $500.00 for members in good standing. Your dues must be paid for the previous month to be eligible. DEATH BENEFIT INFORMATION LOCAL 276 Card No. Employer Helms Bkv Full Name Of Beneficiary Rosa Dichirico Relationship Wife Address Beneficiary 2117 N. Eastern Ave.. L.A. Calif. (Street ) (City) (State) Signature Of Member Theodore S. Dichirico Residence Address 2117 N. Eastern Ave., L.A. 32, Calif. (Street ) (City ) (State) APPENDIX B NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board and in order to effectuate the policies of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify our employees that: WE WILL NOT encourage membership in Bakery Drivers Local Union No. 276, Interna- tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America, by discharging employees or in any other manner discriminating against them in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment, except to the extent permitted by the proviso to Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL offer Theodore S. Dichirico im- mediate and full reinstatement to his former or substantially equivalent position without preju- dice to seniority or other rights and privileges he previously enjoyed. WE WILL, jointly and severally with Bakery Drivers Local Union No. 276, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America, make whole the above-named employee for any loss of earnings suffered by him by reason of the discrimination against him. All our employees are free to become or remain, or refrain from becoming or remaining, members of the above-named Union, except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requir- ing membership in a labor organization as a condi- tion of employment, as authorized by Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. HELMS BAKERIES (Employer) writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent Union has taken to comply herewith." 353-177 0 - 72 - 3 20 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Dated By (Representative) (Title) Note: We will notify the above-named employee if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of his right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Ser- vice Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, after discharge from the Armed Forces. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecu- tive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. If employees have any question concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions, they may communicate directly with the Board's Regional Office, 10th Floor, Bartlett Building, 215 West Seventh Street, Los Angeles, California 90014, Telephone 688-5850. APPENDIX C NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF BAKERY DRIVERS LOCAL UNION No. 276, INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS, WAREHOUSEMEN & HELPERS OF AMERICA Pursuant to the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board and in order to effectuate the policies of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify you that: WE WILL NOT cause or attempt to cause Helms Bakeries to discriminate against em- ployees in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner restrain or coerce employees of Helms Bake- ries in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL, jointly and severally with the above-named Company, make whole Theodore S. Dichirico for any loss of pay suffered by him by reason of the discrimination against him. Dated By BAKERY DRIVERS LOCAL UNION No. 276, INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS , CHAUFFEURS, WAREHOUSEMEN & HELPERS OF AMERICA (Labor Organization) (Representative ) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 consecu- tive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. If members have any question concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions, they may communicate directly with the Board's Regional Office, 10th Floor, Bartlett Building, 215 West Seventh Street, Los Angeles, California 90014, Telephone 688-5850. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation