Hat Corp. of AmericaDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 13, 194774 N.L.R.B. 998 (N.L.R.B. 1947) Copy Citation In the Matter Of HAT CORPORATION OF AMERICA, EMPLOYER and INTER- NATIONAL PRINTING PRESSMEN AND ASSISTANTS' UNION OF NORTH AMERICA, AFL, PETITIONER Case No. O-R-7226.Decided August 13,19./7 McLanahan, Merritt cC Ingrahamn, by Mr. Richard S. Buell, of New York City, and Messrs. W. P. Morin and Alexander Roberts , of Nor- walk, Conn., for the Employer. Messrs. Anthony J. DeAndrade and Philip C. Opinsky, of Boston, Mass ., and Messrs. Edward R. Weingartner and George Hands, of Norwalk, Conn., for the Petitioner. Mr. Elias Lieberman, by Mr. Vinson C. Aronson, of New York City, for the Intervenor. Mr. Henry W. de Korniian, of counsel to the Board. DECISION AND ORDER Upon a petition duly filed, hearing in this case was held at New York City, on April 14, 15 and 16, 1947, before Bertram Diamond, hearing officer. At the hearing the Employer moved to dismiss the petition. For reasons hereinafter stated, the motion is granted. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in the case, the National Labor Relations Board makes the following : FINDINGS OF FACT I. TILE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER Hat Corporation of America is a Delaware corporation engaged in the manufacture of hats at its Plant No. 1 in South Norwalk, Connecti- cut, which is solely involved in this proceeding. During' 1946 the Employer purchased raw materials valued in excess of $1,000,000, ap- proximately 90 percent of which was shipped to the Employer from 74 N. L. R. B., No. 164. 998 HAT CORPORATION OF AMERICA 999, points outside the State of Connecticut. During the same period the. Employer sold finished products valued in excess of $1,000,000, ap- proximately 90 percent of which" was shipped to points outside the State of Connecticut. The Employer admits and we find that it is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. II. THE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED The Petitioner is a labor organization affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, claiming to represent employees of the Employer. United Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers Industrial. Union, Local Nos. 32, 33, 81, 97, and 98, herein called the Intervenor, is a labor organization affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, claim- ing to represent employees of the Employer. III. TILE ALLEGED APPROPRIATE UNIT The Petitioner seeks a unit of all employees in what it designates as the Employer's printing department. The Employer and the Intervenor contend that the unit sought by the Petitioner is inappro- priate, urging that the employees whom the Petitioner seeks to repre- sent are not a true craft and do not form a homogeneous, distinct, and identifiable group. The Employer Is engaged in the manufacture of hats and operates three plants in South Norwalk, Connecticut. As noted above, only Plant No. 1 is involved in this proceeding. At Plant No. 1 the Em- ployer produces men's hats. Plant No. 1 is divided into a back shop and a front shop. The hat body itself, minus all trimmings, is manu- factured in the back shop through a series of processes not relevant for the purposes of this proceeding. After the hat body has been produced in the back shop, it is then sent to the front shop. The front shop is divided into the following major operations: (1) trim- ming operations whereby the various accessories to a hat, such as the lining, the leather sweat band, and the outside band, are prepared; (2) finishing operations whereby the hat and all its trimmings are assembled, blocked, and pressed; and (3) flanging operations whereby the brim is shaped and the hat is accorded its particular style. All the employees whom the Petitioner seeks to represent work in the Parts Department, which occupies virtually the entire first floor of the front shop. Two operations in the Parts Department are of particular interest for the purposes of this proceeding: (1) the prep- aration of leather sweat bands (known as leathers), an operation which is performed on a production line running the length of the 1000 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD back half of the Parts Department; and (2) the preparation of the linings, an operation performed on a production line running the length of the front half of the Parts Department. Leathers are prepared in the following manner. The leathers are first delivered to the Parts Department by 2 boys from the receiving department. The leathers are then sorted for quality, thickness, and blemishes by the leather sorters. At present, there are 1 full-time and several part-time leather sorters. The leathers are then weighed out : that is, they are separated into bundles in accordance with the Employer's orders from customer-retailers, and' a ticket indicating the specifications of the order is attached to each bundle. There are 3 employees engaged in the weighing out of leathers. The leathers are then sent on to the stampers, of whom there are 12, and the em- bossers, of whom there are 3. Five floor boys select the appropriate dies, which they then deliver to the stampers and the embossers. The stampers then stamp in gold the name of the customer-retailer on the leather, and the trade mark indicating the style of the hat is either stamped on the leather by the stampers or embossed thereon by the embossers. The leathers are then checked against the orders by the leather checkers, of whom there are 2. The leathers are next cut to size by machines operated by leather cutters. Following this, the leathers are then stitched together by the stitch-back operators. Then a bow tie is affixed to the leathers by the bow tie tackers, and the final step consists of attaching a size marker to the leathers, an operation performed by 2 girls. The leathers are then folded and delivered to the finishing shop. In the unit sought by it, the Petitioner desires to include the stamp- ers and embossers, alleging that they are pressmen, and the sorters, weigh out employees, floor boys, and checkers on the theory that they are apprentices who will work up to becoming embossers and stampers. The other major operation carried on in the Parts Department con- sists of preparing the linings. The lining of a hat is divided into two parts for the purposes of production : the tip, which is the portion of the lining at the very top of the hat and on which the trade mark is either printed or stamped, and the remainder of the lining. The ma- terial is first brought to the Parts Department where the lining cut- ters then cut out a tip and the balance of the lining. Two tip mounters next cut out squares of cardboard on which they affix the squares cut out by the lining cutters. These squares are then delivered to the tip printers and stampers. The trademark is either printed on the tip by the ink printers, of whom there are four, or stamped thereon in gold by the stampers, of whom there are three. The tip is then brushed by a tip-brusher. Following this, the tip is cut into an oval HAT CORPORATION OF AMERICA 1001 -shape. Then the bitlance of the lining is "shirred" so that it will form an oval. Thereafter, the lining is sewn to the tip, the cardboard is then removed from the tip, the lining is blocked and pressed, and finally the entire lining is inspected and filed away. The Petitioner also seeks to include in the unit sought by it the tip mounters, the ink tip printers, the gold tip stampers, and the-tip- brusher. In addition, the Petitioner seeks to include a compositor who sets gold type when the customer does not have a die. Thus, the Petitioner seeks a unit consisting of leather stampers, leather embossers, leather checkers, leather weigh-out employees, leather sorters, gold tip stampers, ink tip printers, tip mounters, floor boys, and the compositor, a total of approximately 35 employees. All these employees work under the separate supervision of the print- ing foreman. However, as noted above, they work on a production line and enjoy no degree of physical segregation from the remaining employees in the Parts Department. It does not appear that great skill is required of the employees whom the Petitioner considers to be pressmen. Thus an employee can become a gold leather stamper or embosser in several months. It takes somewhat longer to develop a competent ink or gold tip stamper, but in no case, more than a year. Of the 22 printers, stampers, and embossers, 4 operate job presses of the simplest variety, while the balance operate stamping or embossing machines. Furthermore, it appears that the alleged "craft" unit sought by the Petitioner in this proceeding is unknown in the hat making industry. The Intervenor has organized approximately 80 percent of this in- dustry on an industrial basis. The Petitioner conceded that it knew of no plant in this industry where the type of unit which it seeks to establish in this proceeding underlay collective bargaining relations. In view of the absence of any physical segregation of the employees in the "printing department" from the remaining employees in the Parts Department, the close degree of integration between the work of the employees whom the Petitioner seeks to represent and that of other employees in the Parts Department, the relatively small degree of skill required of employees in the "printing department," and the fact that such employees have never before been, recognized as a craft in this industry, we find that the employees whom the Petitioner here seeks to represent do not constitute a true craft group. It appears, moreover, that at this plant there has been a history of collective bargaining between the Employer and the Intervenor on a plant-wide basis. On January 2, 1942, the Employer and the Intervenor executed a contract which provided that it applied to all employees in the various 1002 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD departments of the front shop of Plant No. 2 and in all the depart- ments of Plant No. 1 "for Which the unions 1 may be the exclusive bar- gaining agency." Whatever ambiguity this language may create, it appears that it was clearly the intention of the parties that the agree- ment should cover the employees whom the Petitioner here seeks to represent inasmuch as all the contract provisions as to conditions of employment were applied to them. Similar language was used in another contract executed on April 14, 1944, and in the last contract executed on May 23, 1946.2 The coverage of the orginal contract Was expanded, however, and, under the 1946 agreement, the Inter- venor was recognized as the representative of all employees in the various departments in Plants Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Since 1942, the Intervenor has negotiated wage rates for the em- ployees whom the Petitioner seeks to represent, and has also negotiated a cost of living bonus plan, an insurance plan, and vacation provisions for all employees, including those in the "printing department." Furthermore, all the contract provisions as to hours of Work, seniority, and other conditions of employment have been applied to such employees.3 In view of all the facts set out above, we lire convinced that the unit sought to be established by the J etitioner is not appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining. Accordingly, we shall dismiss the petition. IV. THE ALLEGED QUESTION CONCERNING REPRESENTATION Since the bargaining unit sought to be established is not appro- priate, as found in Section III, above, we find that no question affect- ing commerce has arisen concerning the representation of employees of the Employer within an, appropriate unit, Within the meaning of Section 9 (c) of the Act. 1 The contract was negotiated by a joint committee consisting of several locals of the Intervenor. 2 The contract provided that it should remain in effect until April 1, 1947, and contained a 60-day automatic renewal clause The Employer and the Intervenor contend that the agreement is a bar to an election at this time In the light of our decision herein, we do not find it necessary to pass on this contention. a We are not unmindful of the fact that the employees whom the Petitioner seeks have refused to join the Intervenor and that they have also negotiated their grievances indi- vidually The Employer, howevei, has refused to recognize employees from the "printing department" as anything other than individuals for the purpose of adjusting grievances with them, and has further adjusted grievances with such employees directly only with the consent of the Intervenor We do not consider that these facts, standing alone, are sufficient to justify seyeiing the employees whom the Petitioner seeks to represent from the existing plant-wide unit. - HAT CORPORATION OF AMERICA ORDER 1003 Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and the entire record in the case, it is hereby ordered that the petition for investigation and certification of representatives of employees of Hat Corporation of America, South Norwalk, Connecticut, filed by International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of North America, AFL, be, and it hereby is, dismissed. CHAIRMAN HERZOG took no part in the consideration of the above Decision and Order. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation