Happ Brothers Co, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 28, 195090 N.L.R.B. 1513 (N.L.R.B. 1950) Copy Citation In the Matter of HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. and AMALGAMATED CLOTHING WORKERS OF AMERICA, C. I. O. In the Matter of H APP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. and IMOGENE B. CRAWFORD, AN INDIVIDUAL Cases Nos. 10-CA-11f.3 and 10-CA-227.Decided July 28, 1950 DECISION AND ORDER On December 7, 1949, Trial Examiner John Lewis issued his Inter- mediate Report in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Re- spondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the copy of the Interme-i diate Report attached hereto. The Trial Examiner also found that the Respondent had not engaged in certain other alleged unfair labor practices and recommended that the complaint be dismissed with respect to such allegations. Thereafter, the Respondent and the Gen- eral Counsel filed exceptions to the Intermediate Report and support- ing briefs.,' The Board 2 has reviewed the ruling of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed .3 The Board has considered the Inter- mediate Report, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommenda- tions of the Trial Examiner, with the exceptions, modifications, and additions noted below. 1. We agree with the Trial Examiner that the Respondent inter- fered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in violation of See- I As the record, exceptions, and briefs adequately present the issues and positions of the parties, the Respondent's request for oral argument is denied. 2 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the National Labor Relations Act, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three-member panel [Chairman Herzog and Members Houston and Murdock]. 'Like the Trial Examiner, we find no merit in the Respondent's motion to dismiss Case No. 10-CA-227 on the ground that Imogene B. Crawford, the charging party, was "a front" for Local 223 of United Construction Workers, a noncomplying union. These charges allege, among other things, discrimination against, the charging party and other named employees, and the Act imposes no limitation on an indtividual right to file them. Globe Wireless Ltd., 88 NLRB 1262. 90 NLRB No. 157. 1513 1514 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tion 8 (a) (1) of the Act. As more fully discussed in the Intermediate Report, the Respondent, through its responsible officials and super- visors, infringed upon its employees' rights among other things, by granting a wage increase calculated to discourage union member- Ship; 4 by interrogating its employees concerning their union mem- bership, activities, sympathies, and the identity of union members; by threatenting employees with loss of employment if they joined the union; and by informing them that it would have no union in the plant.5 However, contrary to the Trial Examiner, we find Forelady Haisten's appeals to racial prejudice, much as we deprecate such re- marks, do not constitute interference, restraint, and coercion within the meaning of the Act .6 The Respondent contends, in effect, that its various neutrality state- ments exonerated it from liability for the foregoing conduct. How- ever, although there is evidence that the Respondent told employees that they were privileged to join or refuse to join any labor organ- ization, it is clear from the entire record that the Respondent in practice pursued a contrary policy. For, not only did it take no measures to dissipate the coercive effects of its supervisors' acts, but its high ranking officials themselves engaged in unfair labor practices found herein. 2. Like the Trial Examiner, we find, contrary to the Respondent's contention, that the Respondent dominated and interfered with the formation and administration of the Shop Committee and contributed financial and other support to it, in violation of Section 8 (a) (2) and (1) of the Act. The fact that the Shop Committee had a short life or that the Respondent ceased dealing with it on advice of a Board field examiner does not relieve the Respondent of responsibility for its earlier acts of domination and support. * This case is distinguishable from N. L . R. B. v. West Ohio Gas Co., 172 F. 2d 685 (C. A. 6), upon which the Respondent relies, where the employer gave employees a wage increase at their request sometime after the employees had withdrawn from their union on their own accord. ' We interpret this remark in the context of its other conduct as revealing the Re- spondent 's fixed determination to deny the employees the right to be represented by a labor organization. ,; -Unlike the employer's statements in' Sax v. N. L . R. B., 171 F. 2d 769 (C. A. 7), the Respondent 's statements were not mere "perfunctory , innocuous remarks and queries, standing alone," as they did in that case , but were actually part and parcel of the Respondent ' s entire course of unlawful conduct. Similarly distinguishable is N. L. R. B. v. West Ohio Gas Co., supra. 6 We accept the Trial Examiner ' s finding that the evidence does not establish other independent violations of Section 8 (a) (1) as alleged in the complaint . However, as no exception was taken to the Trial Examiner 's finding that Morris Michael , Jr.'s statement that under the Taft -Hartley Act he could negotiate in good . faith with the Union week after week without having to sign a contract was not violative of Section 8 (a) (1), we express no comment with respect to this finding . We also make no finding with respect to Forelady Atkins' alleged remark to employee Davis that, if the operators knew what she did, they would stop "the foolishness ," because of the absence of credibility findings. RAPP BROTHERS; COMPANY, INC. 1515 3. We agree with the Trial Examiner that the Respondent,-in viola- tion of Section 8 (a) (3) and (1) of the Act, discriminatorily dis- charged employees Coleman and Dickson because of their membership in and activities on behalf of United Construction Workers and not, as the Respondent contends, because of their deficient production or indifferent attitude exhibited at the time of their discharge. The Respondent's exception to this finding is directed primarily against 'the Trial Examiner's resolution of conflicting testimony and the in- ferences he drew from the evidence. As the Trial Examiner's credi- bility findings, based as they are in part on his personal observation of the witnesses , are not clearly erroneous , we adopt them. Moreover, we find, as did the Trial Examiner, that the preponderance of the evidence persuasively establishes that the Respondent, in discharging these two active union adherents, was motivated not by their short= comings but rather by antiunion considerations which the Act plainly forbids.7 As a discharge for discriminatory reasons has the neces- sary purpose and effect of discouraging union membership, we find, contrary to the Respondent's contention, that the Respondent violated Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. We also find that by this conduct the Respondent -interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act and thereby violated Section 8 (a) (1) thereof. Whether the discrimina- tory conduct is viewed as a violation of Section 8 (a) (3) or Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act, we find effectuation of the policies of the Act requires the remedy set forth below 8 4. The Trial Examiner found, and we agree, that on February 23, 1948, the employees went out on strike solely in protest against the discriminatory discharge of Coleman and Dickson and the discharge of Yarbrough. Under well-settled principles, the strikers assumed the role of unfair labor practice strikers, whether or not Yarbrough's dismissal, which is not charged to be discriminatory, was also a cause of the strikes As unfair labor practice strikers, they were not vul- nerable to discharge because they were replaced or because work had become slack in the meantime. Therefore, when the Respondent, by its March 15, 1948, letter, terminated the employment of the strikers ' Footnote 61 of the Intermediate Report is hereby corrected to show the year of Kitchens' transfer to be 1948 , instead of 1949. 8 We agree with the Trial Examiner that the record does not establish discrimination against Emma Lee Burnley. ' A strike in protest to a nondiscriminatory discharge is economic in character and a protected concerted activity. Firth Carpet Company v . N. L. R. B.; 129 F. 2d 633 (C. A. 2). The fact that a strike directed against an employer' s unfair labor practices may also have an economic objective does not deprive the striking employees of their rights as unfair labor practice strikers . x. 'L. R. B. v. Remington Rand, Inc., 94 F. 2d 862, 872 (C. A. 2), certiorari denied 304 U. S. 576 and 589; N. L. R. B. v.. Stackpole Carbon Co ., 105 F. 2d 167, 175-176 (C. A. 3), certiorari denied 308 U. S. 605. 1516 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL, LABOR RELATIONS BOARD- for these reasons, it penalized the strikers for their legitimate con- certed activity. This action was clearly in derogation of the striker's statutory rights and constituted a violation of Section 8 (a) (3) and (1) of the Act.'° Similarly violative of the. Act was the Respondent's refusal to reemploy Myrtle Matthews,'1 Mary J. Asbell,'2 and Cath- erine triggers when they unconditionally applied for reinstatement on February 25, 26, and March 1, 1948, respectively, because they participated or were suspected of participating in the strike.13 The Respondent contends that, although the strike was ostensibly in protest to the discharges of Coleman, Dickson, and Yarbrough, it actually was an unlawful strike for recognition of United Construction Workers, which did not represent a majority of its employees. There- fore, the Respondent argues, the strikers engaged in unprotected con- certed activity and forfeited their right to reinstatement. Without passing on the question of the validity of a minority strike for recog- nition,14 the record unequivocally establishes that the employees voted to go out on strike and actually participated in the strike for the sole purpose of procuring the reinstatement of the three discharged girls.'s The fact that a picket sign requesting recognition was also carried or that United Construction Workers requested recognition about 10 days before the strike, is not determinative of the question, where, as here, the entire record shows that this was not an objective of the 10Kallaher and Mee, Inc„ 87 NLRB 410; Alside, Inc., 88 NLRB 460. We find, con- trary to the Respondent's contention , that where, as here, the Respondent affirmatively discharged strikers because of their protected concerted activity, an application for rein- statement is not a prerequisite of a finding of discrimination. But see the remedy section of this decision relating to the effect of an application for reinstatement on back pay. The Trial Examiner found that Virginia Stapleton was not a striking employee against whom the Respondent discriminated . No exception to this finding was taken. We shall therefore adopt the Trial Examiner's recommendation and dismiss the complaint as to her. "Matthews, however, was reemployed in October 1948. The Trial Examiner inad- vertently stated in his Intermediate Report that no other striker or suspected striker was reinstated. It appears that, in addition to Matthews, Maude Thompson, another striker, was reinstated about February 8, 1949. 12 In one place in' the Intermediate Report , the Trial Examiner erroneously stated that Asbell was denied reinstatement on February 25, 1948. The correct date is February 26, 1948. 3s1n view of our finding that the Respondent discriminatorily terminated the employ- ment of the strikers by its letter of March 15, 1948 we, like the Trial Examiner , consider it unnecessary to make additional findings of discrimination based on the Respondent's denial of reinstatement to the strikers who unconditionally applied for their jobs after that date. However, such applications are relevant in determining the amount of back pay due to the applicants. N 14 While we adopt the Trial Examiner 's finding that the' radio announcement on Feb- ruary 23, 1948 , was a tactical maneuver that violated Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act, we do not rely on his finding . that the Respondent 's- statement in the announcement that the strike was illegal was coercive in effect. 11 For this reason, we , unlike the Trial Examiner , find it unnecessary to determine, arguendo, whether the strike would also be protected if recognition was one of its objectives. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1517 strike.16 As the strike was one for mutual aid and. protection, it was concerted activity protected by the Act. The Remedy Having found that the Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, we shall order it to cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. We have found, that the Respondent discriminatorily discharged Gertha Coleman and Gladys Dickson. We shall therefore order the Respondent to offer them immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and to make them whole for any loss of pay they may have suffered as a result of the Respond- ent's discrimination against them, by payment to each of them of a sum of, money equal to the amount which she normally would have earned as wages from the date of her discharge to the date of the Respondent's offer of reinstatement; less her net earnings during said period, to be computed in the manner hereinafter provided. We have also found that the employees went out on strike on Feb- ruary 23, 1948, solely in protest to the above unfair labor practices and that thereafter the Respondent discriminatorily refused to reem- ploy Myrtle Matthews, Mary J. Asbell; and Catherine Griggers when they unconditionally applied for reinstatement on February 25, 26, and March 1, 1948, respectively, and discriminatorily discharged the remaining employees listed in the Appendix on March 15, 1948. We shall therefore order the Respondent (a) to offer Asbell and Griggers immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, and (b) to offer the remaining employees listed in theAppendix, except Matthews, Maude Thompson, Daisy Elrod, and Ida Whatley immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, dismissing, if necessary, any em- ployees hired since February 23, 1948, to replace them. If ; after such dismissal, there are insufficient positions remaining for all these em- ploy-ees,1i the available positions shall be distributed among them, without discrimination because of their union membership, activity, or participation in the strike, following such system of seniority or other nondiscriminatory practice as heretofore has been applied in t6 Contrary to the Respondent's contention. we find that the Trial Examiner properly revoked the subpoena requiring Livingston. the regional director of United Construction workers. to produce membership application cards. As the union's majority status is not an issue in this case. the documents sought to he produced had no materiality. There i^ Some evidence that the Respondent has been operating with a curtailed staff alter the strike began. 1518 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the conduct of the Respondent's business. Those strikers for whom no employment is immediately available after such distribution, shall be placed upon a preferential hiring list with priority determined among them by such system of seniority or other nondiscriminatory practice as heretofore has been applied in the conduct of the Respondent's business and thereafter, in accordance with such list, shall be offered reinstatement as positions become available, and before other persons are hired for such work. Reinstatement,' as provided herein shall be without prejudice to the employees' seniority or other rights and privileges's No reinstatement shall be ordered with respect to Mat- thews, Thompson, Elrod, and Whatley because it appears that the Respondent reinstated Matthews on or about October 10, 1948, and Thompson on or about February 8, 1949,19 and because Elrod and Whatley testified at the hearing that they decided not to return to the Respondent's employ after October 1, 1948, when they secured employment elsewhere. We shall also direct the Respondent to reimburse the foregoing employees for any loss of pay they may have suffered by reason of the Respondent's discrimination against them. As the discrimination against Matthews, Asbell, and Griggers occurred at the time of the denial of their unconditional applications for reinstatement, we shall order the Respondent to pay each of them a sum of money equal to the amount which she normally would have earned as wages from the date of her application to the date of the Respondent' s offer of reinstatement, less her net earnings during said period, to be com- puted in the manner hereinafter provided. With respect to the remaining employees (including Thompson, Elrod, and Whatley), who were discharged on March 15, 1948, while on strike, a similar remedy is appropriate to effectuate the policies of the Act. It has been our practice to award back pay to employees "If Matthews ' or Thompson ' s reinstatement was with prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges , then the Respondent is hereby ordered to restore to them the rights and privileges to which they would have been entitled had no discrimination been practiced against them. 19 Like the Trial Examiner , we find that George Stapleton, who was offered reinstate- ment before the hearing in this case , did not forfeit his right to reinstatement and back pay because he requested the Respondent to afford him an opportunity to give his then employer a week's notice before returning to work . Such a request was reasonable and it would not effectuate the policies of the Act to penalize Stapleton for making it. The Respondent contends that Eula Drawhorn was not an employee at the time of the strike, and therefore was not entitled to reinstatement and back pay. The undisputed evidence shows, however, that before the strike, Drawhorn was on leave and that when she planned on returning to work on February 25, 1.948, she learned of the strike and joined the picket line instead . We also note that the original charge, which was served on the Respondent on or about April 6, 1948, and the subsequent amended charges, which were also served on the Respondent , list Drawhorn as a striker . We accordingl y find no merit in the Respondent 's contention. HAPP BROTHERS, COMPANY, INC. 1519 discharged while on strike from the date of their unconditional appli- cation for reinstatement, on the theory that it cannot be said that their loss of pay was caused by the employer's conduct until the strikers indicated a willingness to return to work.20 For this reason, and in view of the fact that it appears that the Respondent curtailed opera- tions after the strike began, we shall., unlike the Trial Examiner, order the Respondent to pay each of them a sum of money equal to the amount he or she normally would have earned as wages from the date following his or her unconditional application for reinstate- ment, or if no application has been made from 5 days after the date of this Order'21 when he or she was or would be entitled to reinstate- ment in accordance with the reinstatement formula described above, to the date of the Respondent's offer of reinstatement, less his or her net earnings during said period. Since the issuance of the Trial Examiner's Intermediate Report, the Board has adopted a method of computing back pay different from that prescribed by the Trial Examiner.22 Consistent with that new policy, we shall order that loss of pay be computed on the basis of each separate calendar quarter or portion thereof during the period from the Respondent's discriminatory action to the date of a proper offer of reinstatement. The quarterly periods, hereinafter called quarters, shall begin with the first day of January, April, July, and October. Loss of pay shall be determined by. deducting from a sum equal to that which these employees would normally have earned for each such quarter or portion thereof, their respective net earnings,23 if any, in other employment during that period. Earnings in one particular quarter shall have no effect upon the back-pay liability for any other quarter. 20 Kallaher and Mee, Inc., 87 NLRB 410; Alside, Inc., 88 NLRB 460. 21 The record indicates that Minnie Lee Atkinson unconditionally applied for reinstate- ment the first time about March 20, 1948; Jack U. Harrell also about March 20, 1948; Samuel L. Thomas about the end of March 1948; Inez Brown in the latter part of July or early part of August 1948; Sallie Austin in the third week in April 1948; and a large number of strikers on and after January 25, 1949. It also appears that as of the time of the hearing in this case, a small number of strikers had not yet applied for reinstatement. There is evidence in the record that following her application for reinstatement , Austin was pregnant . We shall accordingly abate back pay due to her from a date when she might reasonably have been expected to leave her work as the result of pregnancy to a time when normally she might have been again available for employment. Empire Worsted Mills, Inc., 53 NLRB 683, 688-690. 22 F. W. Woolworth Compan y, 90 NLRB No. 41. 23 By "net earnings" is meant earnings less expenses, such as for transportation, room, and board , incurred by an employee in connection with obtaining work and working else- where, which would not have been incurred but for the unlawful discrimination and the consequent necessity of his seeking employment elsewhere . Crossett Lumber Company, 8 B 440. Monies received for work performed upon Federal, State, county, municipal, or other work -relief projects shall be considered earnings . Republic Steel corporation v. N. L. R•. B., 311 U. S. 7. 1520 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD We shall also order the Respondent to make available to the Board upon request payroll and other records to facilitate the checking of the amount of back pay due.2" It has been found that the Respondent has dominated and inter- fered with the formation and administration of the Shop Committee and has contributed to its support. Although the Shop Committee has ceased to function, we find that, in order to prevent its revival and a resumption of these unfair labor practices, it would effectuate the policies of the Act to require the Respondent to cease and desist from dominating or interfering with the Shop Committee or any other labor organization and to disestablish the Shop Committee, in the event it should resume fu lletioning.25 We shall also direct the Respondent to refrain from the various acts of interference, restraint, and coercion, in which it has been found the Respondent has engaged, and from other conduct prescribed by the Act which we, like the Trial Examiner, find may reasonably be anticipated from its past acts. We expressly reserve the right to modify the back-pay and rein- statement provisions of our order herein, if made necessary by a change of conditions in the future, or to make such supplements thereto as may hereafter become necessary in order to define or clarify their application to a specific set of circumstances not now apparent. ORDER Upon the entire record in the case, and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Happ Brothers Company, Inc., Macon, Georgia, and its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Discouraging membership in any labor. organization of its em- ployees, by discharging or refusing to reinstate any of its employees because of their union membership or activity, or in any other manner discriminating in regard to their hire or tenure of employment, or any term or condition of their employment; (b) Granting a wage increase to discourage union membership; interrogating employees concerning their union membership, activities, and sympathies, and the identity of union members; threatening em- ployees with loss of employment if they joined a union; and informing employees that it would have no union in the plant; =' P. W. Woolworth Company, supra. z, We find that the notice posted by the Respondent is insufficient to remedy 5r to bar resumption of its unfair labor practices. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1521 (c) Dominating or interfering with the administration of the Shop Conmmittee, or with the formation and administration of any other labor organization, or contributing financial or other support to the Shop Committee or any other labor organization; (d) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the right to self-organization , to form, join, or assist any labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing , and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection , or to refrain from any or all such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. ?.. Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer Gertha Coleman, Gladys Dickson, Mary J. Asbell, and Catherine Griggers immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions , without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges; (b) Make whole Gertha Coleman, Gladys Dickson, Mary J. Asbell, Catherine Griggers, and Myrtle Matthews for any loss of pay they may have suffered by reason of the Respondent's discrimination against them , in the manner set forth in the remedy section of our decision ; (c) Offer the remaining employees listed in the Appendix , except Myrtle Matthews, Daisy Elrod, Ida Whatley, and Maude Thompson, immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, in the manner set forth in the remedy section of our decision; (d) Make whole all the employees mentioned in paragraph (c) above, including Daisy Elrod, Ida Whatley, and Maude Thompson, for any loss of pay they may have suffered by reason of the Respond- ent's, discrimination against them, in the manner set forth in the remedy section of our decision; . (e) Upon request, make available to the National Labor Relations Board, or its agents , for examination and copying , all paytoll records, social security payment records, time cards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary for a determination of the amounts of back pay due and the right of reinstatement under the terms of this Order; 903547-51-vol. 90-97 1522 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (f) Withdraw and withhold all recognition from the Shop Com- mittee as the representative of any of its employees for the purpose of dealing with the Respondent concerning grievances, labor dis- putes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or other conditions of employment, and completely disestablish that, organization in the event it returns to active existence; (g) Post at its plant in Macon, Georgia, copies of the notice at- tached hereto as an Appendix 26 Copies of such notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Tenth Region, shall, after being duly signed by the Respondent's representative, be posed by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof and maintained by it for sixty (60) consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material; (h) Notify the Regional Director for the Tenth Region in writing, within ten (10) days from the date of receipt of this Order what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED'that the complaint be dismissed insofar as . it alleges that the Respondent discriminated against Emma Lee Burnley and Virginia Stapleton in regard to their hire and tenure of employment, and insofar as it alleges interference, restraint, and coercion except as found herein. APPENDIX NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify our employees that : WE WILL NOT discourage membership in any labor organization of our employees, by discharging or refusing to reinstate any of our employees, or in any other manner discriminating in regard to their hire or tenure of employment, or-any term or condition of their employment. WE WILL NOT interrogate our employees concerning their union member§hip, activities, or sympathies, or the identity of union members; grant a wage increase to discourage union membership; threaten our employees with loss of employment if they joined 26 In the event this Order is enforced by decree of a United States Court of Appeals, there shall be inserted before the words "A Decision and Order" the words "A Decree of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing." HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1523 a union; or inform our employees that we would have no union in the plant. WE WILL NOT dominate or interfere with the administration of any labor organization or contribute financial or other sup- port to it. WE WILL NOT in any manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization to form, join, or assist any labor organization, to bargain col- lectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bar- gaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any and all such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment, as authorized in Section 8 (a) (3) of the National Labor Relations Act. WE WILL OFFER the employees named below immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent posi- tions, without prejudice to any seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed, and make them whole for any loss of pay suffered as a result of the discrimination against them, in the manner set forth in the section entitled The Remedy of the Board's decision, Gertha Coleman Gladys Dickson Verna Mae Davidson Samuel L. Thomas Rachel Sheffield . Mrs. Bertha Faulk Mrs. Dovie P. Holland Mrs. Thelma Thomason Mrs. R. L. Tanton Mrs. Ora Holland John Hardeman, III Otis Toole Lois Carter Reba Caldwell Marie Sullivan Myrtle F. Davis Bertie B. Crowe George Stapleton Carolyn, E. Rauh, Nina M. Glover Mary J. Asbell Jeanette Myers Helen Cannon Roy Hill Doris W. Thigpin Lewis Smith, Jr. Charlie Gallt Bessie G. Gillespie Annie M. Curry Mary E. Gallt Sally Lou Nobles Mrs. R. L. Thornton Mrs. Annie Lee Cannon Naomi H. Freeney Bessie W. Phillips Emily McAfee Nell Benefield Miss Viola Stapleton Mrs. Mary E. Watson Boyles Mrs. Venton A. Pearce RELATIONS BOARDDECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR1524 WE WILL MAKE whole Myrtle Matthews, Daisy Elrod, Ida Whatley, and Maude Thompson for any loss of pay they may have suffered as a result of the discrimination against them, in the manner set forth in the section entitled The Remedy of the Board's decision. All our employees are free to become or remain members of any labor organization. We will not discriminate in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment against any employee because of membership in or activity on behalf of any labor organization. Fannie Lineberger Mabel C. Nobles Eula Drawhorn F. P. Allen, Jr. Mrs. Eddie D. Davis Mary B. Clance Mrs. Susie L..Ard Mary L. Jackson Mrs. F. P. Gardner Bessie Luthie Mrs. Mae Hudgins Roy Ricks Minnie D. Culverhouse Myrtle M. Sauls Rosa W. Fulwood Lillian Toole LaVerne B. Moore Mrs. Helen J. Johnson Mrs. Beauford McGee Mrs. Nellie Smith Mrs. Louise Horton Genelle Sutton Cauley Mrs. Roy Hill Adrian P. Render Inez Brown William J. Ticker George E. Ard Iduma Parker Lulu P. Toole Emery Hammock Annie Bell Kitchens Mattie K. Hurst Estelle Mitchell Minnie Lee Atkinson Annie Hoskins Robert W. Brown Lois Redwine Cecil Etheridge Nellie Simmons Irene Barbee Mrs. Imogene B. Crawford Fannie Morgan Maude Lee Wilks Margaret Davis Carter Mrs. S. A. Persons Evelyn Campbell Mrs. G. M. Camp Myrtle Sitton Mary Sapp Iris-Jean McCullen Catherine Griggers Jack E. Harrell Sallie G. Austin I HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. Employer. By ------- ---------------------------- (Representative ) ( Title) Dated ------------------- ------ HAPP BROTHER'S COMPANY, INC. 1525 This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. INTERMEDIATE REPORT AND RECOMMENDED ORDER Mr. Morgan C. Stanford, for the General Counsel. Martin, Snow, and Grant, by Messrs. Cubbedge Snow and George C. Grant, of Macon, Ga., for the Respondent. Imogene B. Crawford, of Macon, Ga., the Charging Party. STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon charges duly filed by Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, C. I. 0., and Imogene B. Crawford, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, herein called, respectively, the General Counsel' and the Board, by the Regional Director for the Tenth Region (Atlanta, Georgia), issued a complaint,' dated October 15, 1948, against IIapp Brothers Company, Inc., herein called the Respondent, alleging that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging in unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (1), (2), and (3) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended (61 Stat. 136), herein called the Act. Subsequently, the General Counsel issued an amended complaint, dated February 17, 1949, against the Respondent, alleging substantially the same violations of the Act. Copies of the complaint, the amended complaint, the charges, and notice of hearing were duly served upon the Respondent. With respect to the unfair labor practices; the complaint, as amended, alleged in substance that the Respondent: (1) On or about November 21, 1947, initiated formed , sponsored, and promoted a Shop Committee, and has since such date assisted, dominated, contributed to the support of and interfered with the ad- ministration of said Committee; (2) discriminatorily discharged and refused to reinstate Gladys Dickson and Gertha Coleman on or about February 20, 1948, and Emma Lee Burnley on or about September 8, 1948; (3) on or about February 24, 1948, discriminatorily discharged and refused to reinstate 96 named em- ployees who, on February 23, 1948, went on strike because of Respondent's unfair labor practices; and (4) by its officers, agents, representatives, and employees, more particularly by Morris Michael, Jr., Bert Michael, L. L. James, Annie Hastings , Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Adkins, Mr. Caskin, and B. B. Smith, from on and after October 1, 1947, engaged in various acts of interference, festraint, and coercion; to wit: (a) Questioned and interrogated employees concerning their union affiliation and activities; (b) threatened and warned its employees to refrain from assisting, becoming members of, or remaining members of any union; (c) threatened to discharge all employees involved in union activities; (d) discriminated against union members by allowing only nonunion employees to work overtime, by allowing only nonunion employees to decide what type of work they desired to perform, and by giving assistance and instruction to non- union employees and refusing to do the same for union employees; ( e) main- tained surveillance over union meetings; (f) stated that Respondent would never ' The attorney representing the General Counsel at the hearing is also referred to herein as the-General Counsel. 2 The. proceedings initiated by the separate charges of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers and Imogene B. Crawford were consolidated by order of the Regional Director for the Tenth Region , dated October 15, 1948. 1526 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD have a union ; (g) stated that if each employee could be talked to in a soundproof room, they would never want to hear of another union; (h) stated that the plant would close down before allowing a union to come in; and (i) offered a wage increase in order to discourage union activity and as a reward for refraining from union activity. Respondent, in its answer, filed on October 25, 1948, admitted the jurisdictional allegations of the complaint, but denied that it had engaged in any of the unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint. In its amended answer, filed at the bearing herein, Respondent alleged in addition that the strike in which the employees engaged on February 23, 1948, was not occasioned by the discharges of Gladys Dickson and Gertha Coleman, but that the United Construction Work- ers Union used the strike as a subterfuge in order to force Respondent to recog- nize it as a bargaining agent, although it did not represent a majority of Re- spondent's employees. Respondent filed with its original answer, a motion to dismiss Case No. 10-CA-227 on the ground that the charge filed by Imogene B. Crawford was instigated, prepared, and was being prosecuted by the United Con- struction Workers Union, which it alleges is not in compliance with, Section 9 (f), (g), and .(h) of the Act, and that Crawford is not in truth the representative or agent of the employees named in the complaint. Respondent also filed with its answer, a motion to make the complaint more specific. Ruling upon said motions of Respondent was reserved for and transferred to the Trial Examiner by order of the Regional Director for the Tenth Region, dated October 26, 1948. By order dated November 1, 1948, Robert L. Piper, a Trial Examiner duly designated by the Chief Trial Examiner, denied the motion to dismiss the complaint in Case No. 10-CA-227, and granted in part and denied in part, the motion to make the complaint more specific. A response to the order to make the complaint more specific was served upon Respondent by the General Counsel on November 9, 1948. Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held at Macon, Georgia, from February 23, 1949, to March 11, 1949, inclusive, before John Lewis, the undersigned Trial Examiner, duly designated by the Chief Trial Examiner. All parties participated in the hearing except the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, C. I. 0., which did not appear, and all parties were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce evidence bearing on the issues. At the opening of the hearing a motion by Respondent to sever the case based upon the charge filed by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union was denied by the undersigned. Respondent also renewed its previous motions to make the complaint more specific and to dismiss Case No. 10-CA-227. The latter motion was denied by the undersigned.' The former motion was denied with leave to Respondent to renew in the event that it should appear from the amended complaint that further specification was required in order to comply with the order of Trial Examiner Piper. Respondent also moved at the outset of the hearing for sequestration of witnesses. The undersigned granted this motion, except as to persons alleged in the complaint to have been discriminatorily dis- charged or refused reinstatement and who would be called as witnesses for the purpose of establishing the circumstances surrounding their discharge or refusal of reinstatement. A subsequent motion by the General Counsel to exclude Lucien L. James, superintendent of Respondent's plant, from the hearing during the testimony of other witnesses was denied by the undersigned. During the course 3 See United Engineering Company, 84 NLRB 74. HAPP BROTHERSi COMPANY, INC . 1527 of the hearing, a petition by Harry W. Livingston, Regional Director of the United Construction Workers Union, to revoke a subpoena duces tecum served upon him by Respondent to produce certain union records, was granted by the undersigned. At the conclusion of the General Counsel's case-in-chief, a motion by Respondent to dismiss the complaint, insofar as it alleged the discharges or refusal to reinstate the persons therein named, was denied by the undersigned. At the conclusion of the hearing, motions by the General Counsel and the Respondent to conform the pleadings with the proof as to spelling, typographical errors, dates, and other minor matters were granted. Respondent also renewed its motion to dismiss the complaint with respect to the discharges. Ruling on this motion was reserved and said motion is disposed of in accordance with the findings, conclusions, and recommendations hereinafter made. The undersigned advised the parties that they could make oral argument before him and file briefs or proposed findings of fact, and conclusions of law, or both. The 'Respondent stated that it did not desire further oral argument as it had already indicated its position in connection with the motion to dismiss at the end of the General Counsel's case and also because it intended to file a brief. The General Counsel made brief argument before the undersigned. A brief was subsequently filed by the Respondent. Upon the entire record in the case, and from his observation of the witnesses, the undersigned makes the following : t FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT The Respondent, Happ Brothers Company, Inc., is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Georgia, maintaining its principal office and place of business at Macon, Georgia, where it is engaged in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of trousers and jackets. The Respondent, in the course and conduct of its business operations at its Macon plant, during a 12-month period ending June 15, 1948, which period is representative of the times material herein, purchased raw materials consisting principally of rayon, wool, and cotton valued in excess of $1,000,000, approximately 90 percent of which was purchased outside the State of Georgia and shipped in interstate commerce to its Macon plant. During the same period, the Respondent manufactured, sold, and distributed finished products, consisting principally of trousers and jackets, valued in excess of $1,000,000, approximately 90 percent of which was sold and shipped to customers outside the State of Georgia.4 The undersigned finds, and concludes that the Respondent , at all times material herein, was and is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. II. THE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations; Local 223 of the United Construction Workers, affili- ated with United Mine Workers of America ; United Garment Workers of America, A. F. L.; and the Shop Committee, unaffiliated, are labor organiza- tions admitting to membership employees of the Respondent. 4 The above findings are based principally on the allegations of the complaint which are admitted in Respondent 's answer. 1528 DECISIONS OF -NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background and sequence of events During the period at issue the active heads of the Respondent Company,.were Morris Michael, Jr., its general manager and secretary-treasurer, and his brother, Bert Michael, its vice president. The firm was founded in 1907 by their father, Morris Michael, Sr., and the two Happ brothers. One of the Happ brothers retired in 1936 and the other, while still with the firm, is inactive in the man- agement of its affairs. Upon the death of Morris Michael, Sr., in September 1943, Morris Michael, Jr., became the active managerial head of the firm. His brother, Bert Michael, who was then serving in the Armed Forces returned in 1946 to assist his brother in the production end of the business. Assisting the Michael brothers in a supervisory capacity are Lucien James, who has been employed as superintendent of the plant for 18 years ; Mrs. E. L. Bush, forelady of Department A of the plant ; Mrs. A. L. Haisten,5 forelady of Department B ; and Mrs. Leona Adkins, forelady of Department C. The earliest evidence of collective activity among Respondent's employees is a closed-shop contract between the Company and .the United Garment Workers' Union from 1909 to 1921. There is no evidence of further contractual relations with any union until 1940, when another contract for a period of 1 year was entered into with the United Garment Workers' Union, after a consent election under Board auspices.' After the expiration of this contract the Union remained inactive until about 1945? In the latter part of 1944 or early in 1945 the Garment Workers' Union again became active, and after disclosing to Morris Michael, Jr. that they had signed up a majority of the employees, a 1-year contract was signed in February 1945. When this contract expired Michael declined to sign another contract without a Board election. Such an election was held in February 1946 in which the Union received 256 votes as against 32 votes cast against it. Another contract was then entered into. At Michael's request the anniversary date of the con- tract was changed from February to November. The events at issue occurred around and after the expiration of this last contract in November 1947. When the 1946-47 contract was about to expire, Morris Michael, Jr., advised the Union and the employees that the Company was not going to renew the contract since it was his belief that the Union no longer represented a majority of the employees and because the Union had turned the factory into two armed camps. He also made a speech to the employees during November 1947 on the subject of the Union which the General Counsel claims violated Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act and which will hereafter be discussed in greater detail. There- after the employees elected a shop committee to deal with management, which committee the General Counsel contends was dominated by ,Respondent, both 5 Haisten is also referred to in the transcript as Hastings. a Morris Michael, Jr., who was not then active in the firm, testified that from 1921 to 1929 the Company "dealt" with the same union, but that he knew of no formal contract between the parties. I According to the testimony of Mrs. F. P. Gardner and Imogene Crawford, the union forces began to disintegrate in 1942 or 1943 after the president and vice president of the Union took over the operation of the Company's cafeteria, which was operated on a con- cession basis. Gardner testified that the membership "felt like they were being sold, or something, down the river." There is no evidence in the record that Respondent' s granting of this concession to the union officials was motivated by any desire to undermine the Union, and for purposes of this proceeding the undersigned finds it unnecessary to make any findings of fact with respect to this matter. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1529 in its inception and in its operation, in violation of Section 8 (a) (2) of. the Act. After Michael's refusal to renew the United Garment Workers contract, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers (C. I. 0.) entered upon the scene and tried to organize the employees. In the meantime, the Garment Workers had petitioned the Board for an election to determine a bargaining representative and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers intervened in this election. In January 1948, as a result of the invitation of Crawford, president of the Garment Workers' Local, the United Construction Workers came in to organize the employees. Crawford circulated a petition to decertify the Garment Workers Union which was later filed with the Board. The Garment Workers subsequently withdrew its petition for an election. The Construction Workers held a meeting during the latter part of January 1948, at which a number of the employees signed union cards. The Union sub- sequently engaged in a house-to-house campaign in which a number of other employees signed union cards. Among those who participated in the organiz- ing campaign of the Construction Workers were Gertha Coleman and Gladys Dickson, both of whom were discharged by Respondent several weeks later. Bert Michael made a speech to the employees on February 17, 1948,.about the visits by the organizing committee to employees' homes, which the General Counsel claims violated Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act and which will hereafter be discussed in greater detail. On February 12, 1948, Harry W. Livingston, regional director of the Construction Workers Union, wrote a letter to the Company stating that a majority of the employees had joined the Union and he requested a conference with Morris Michael, Jr. The latter replied on February 13, 1948, that the Company did not wish to enter into any discussion with the Union since "we are confident that our employees do not desire any outside representation." On February 20, 1948, Respondent discharged Dickson, Coleman, and a third employee, Jane Yarbrough,' the reason given being that they were deficient in their production. These girls reported their discharge to the Union and at a meeting called for February 22, 1948, the members voted to go on strike begin- ning the next day, February 23, 1948. On February 23, 1948, the- strike began, with approximately 150 employees participating. On the same day, the Com- pany announced to its employees through the medium of the local radio station that all employees who did not return to work the following day would be treated as-having quit their jobs. Similar reports appeared in the local press. A num• her of employees returned to work the following day but approximately 100 still remained out. On March 15, 1948, the Company addressed a letter to most of the strikers advising them that they had been replaced when they failed to return to work and that on the basis of then existing conditions it did not appear that they could then be reemployed. The employees were also advised that the Company was notifying the insurance company in which they were insured under a group insurance policy that their employment had been termi- nated as of March 15 and suggesting that the employees communicate with the insurance company if they wished to convert their interest in the group policy into an ordinary life policy. The letter also mentioned that if business conditions improved or openings arose they would be given "first consideration" if they saw fit to apply for their old jobs. 8 Yarbfough's name is not mentioned in the complaint or in the charges filed as being one of the persons discriminatorily discharged. 1530 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD In the meantime, prior to the receipt of this letter and subsequent thereto, several of the strikers applied for reinstatement but were turned down, either for the reason that there was no opening or that they failed to comply with a company rule requiring notification to the supervisor as to the reason for ab- sence. Subsequently, around October 10, 1948, one of these employees, Myrtle Matthews was rehired. The picket line continued on a diminishing basis as various of the strikers secured. employment elsewhere until June 1948 when it broke up altogether. Outside of the few employees who personally requested reinstatement in the few-month period after the strike, no other applications were made until January 24, 1949, when most of the strikers addressed a form letter,. prepared by the Union, to the Company asking that the letter "be con- sidered as an application for a job" in the plant and stating that the employee could report for work at any time.. Subsequently, one of the strikers, Maude Thompson, was offered a job and accepted ; another, George Stapleton, declined because he had to give his new employer a week's notice, but Respondent was unwilling to wait that long. In September 1948, Emma Lee Burnley, who was a union member but did not participate in the strike, was denied reinstatement when she sought to return from a period of absence. The General Counsel claims that the refusal to re- instate Burnley was based on discriminatory motives, in violation of - Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. B. Interference, restraint, and coercion Most of the incidents by which the General Counsel contends Respondent in- terfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act occurred prior to the strike. These inci- dents are discussed below in connection with the name of the supervisory official of Respondent who was alleged to have been responsible therefor. Morris Michael, Jr.: During the early part of October 1947, the international representative of the United Garment Workers, Sallie D. Clinebelle, and officials of the local Union, Mrs. F. P. Gardner and Imogene B. Crawford, went to see Morris Michael, Jr., regarding a renewal of the contract which was about to expire in November 1947. Michael told them that he was satisfied that a majority of the employees did not want a union and that the Company was not going to renew its contract with the Garment Workers. Clinebelle asked him if he would agree to an election to determine the Union's majority and Michael refused, stat- ing that there had already been two elections conducted by the Board and that they had not been fair. Michael further stated, according to Gardner, that under the Taft-Hartley Law he could meet with the union representatives "week after week and show that he was bargaining in good faith, but he did not have to sign a contract." In the course of the discussion Michael also stated, accord- ing to Gardner, that if he could get each member of the Union "into a sound- proof room for just a short while at a time" and talk to them they "would not ever want to hear of another union." Several days later a committee of union members from the plant met with Michael at the regular weekly meeting which he held with union representatives. In the course of the discussion Michael again refused to renew his contract with the Union and repeated the remarks made at. the previous meeting about not having to sign a contract under the Taft- Hartley Law and that if he could get each member in a soundproof room they would never want to hear of another union. HAPP BROTHERS, COMPANY, INC. 1531 Although the undersigned finds that these incidents took place substantially as above related,' the statements made by Michael in the course of these discus- sions do' not, in the opinion of the undersigned, constitute a violation of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. The statement regarding the soundproof room is too am- biguous to base any finding of interference, restraint, or coercion thereon." While the Board has held that statements indicating a fixed determination not to recognize or deal with any labor organization are a violation of Section 8 (a) (1)," Michael's refusal to recognize the Garment Workers Union any further or agree to an election, and his statement that under the Taft-Hartley Law he could negotiate with the Union week after week without having to sign a contract do not fall within this category. At best they would furnish the basis for a charge of refusal to bargain in good faith with the Garment Workers Union in violation of Section 8 (a) (5) of the Act, and derivatively, in violation of Section 8 (a) (1). However, no such charge was filed and no allegation to this effect was made in the complaint. In the early part of November 1947 Michael assembled all the employees in the plant and made a speech to them which the General Counsel claims contains state- ments violative of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. According to the testimony of Crawford, he told the employees that he was not going to sign another contract; that he did not want anyone coming in and running his affairs ; and that the Union was not going to get them anything that the firm would not give them with- out a union. He also promised the employees a 10 percent raise and suggested that a shop committee be set up to represent the employees. Gardner's testimony was to similar effect and she also testified that Michael "asked us to give him one year without the Union, and see if we didn't get along better and was better satisfied than we would be with the Union." Several other witnesses called by the General Counsel also testified that Michael stated he wouldn't deal with a union and asked the employees to give him a year without a union to see if they wouldn't be happier without it. Michael testified that the only speech made to the employees during this period was a speech which he read to them from a paper held in his hand. This speech, a copy of which was introduced in evidence, reads as follows : Today this factory is under no written contract with any outside organi- zation. I know you have heard many things about what we, the management, would do as soon as we were free of the union contract. I do not think the older employees have believed that Happ Bros. Co. would rush in to cut wages, take away vacations, or in any way change our present method of U The above findings are based on the credited testimony of Crawford and Gardner, both of whom impressed the undersigned very favorably upon the witness stand. Michael admitted having a conversation with Clinebelle, Crawford, and Gardner around October' 3, 1947, regarding a renewal of a contract . Likewise , while he could not recall any specific meeting with the union committee , he did not deny having met regularly with such a committee. He denied, however, having made the remark about the soundproof room or his bargaining obligation under the Taft -Hartley Law at either meeting. From all the testimony and from his observation of the demeanor of these witnesses on the stand , the undersigned is'satisfied that the statements attributed to Michael by Crawford and Gardner were made substantially as they testified. '° Neither Crawford nor Gardner seemed to have any definite understanding of what was meant by this remark. Federal Engineering Company, Inc., 60 NLRB 592 enfd. as mod., 153 F. 2d 233 (C. A. 6) ; American Book-Stratford Press, Inc ., 80 NLRB 914. 1-532 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD operation ; but to settle any doubt in any of your minds let me tell you that we will make absolutely no change in the operation of this plant. Every pro. cedure, such as seniority rights, vacations, rest periods, etc., will remain as is. Happ has always believed in giving its employees the best it has to give and needs no outside prodding to make it do so. We believe we will prove to you in the year to come that you will be well satisfied with our manage- ment and rates of pay and, besides, you will see a happier factory, free of petty squabbles and arguments among the employees. I told you everything would remain as is. There is one exception. On December 1 you will get a 10111o raise. This raise should certainly eliminate deficiencies. Since 1942 we have given our employees raises totaling 110% which means that every operator who made the minimum of .40 per hour in 1942 should, if she maintains the same production, earn .82 an hour now. So, there is no excuse for any employee not making at least the .50 minimum. There is another thing I want you to understand. Neither I nor any inem ber of this firm holds the slightest grudge against those employees who have tried to. sell you on the idea of a union in this factory. This is a free coun- try and you have a perfect right to have had those ideas but now that the union is gone let's pitch in and see if you and all the other ladies in this fac- tory are not happier without the union. Let's try it for a year without a union. If at any time the majority want a union, that's all right with me. If you wanta shop committee to deal with Mr. James, my brother and me in ironing out difficulties. and improving working conditions that is fine. We will be glad to work with any shop committee chosen by you. But there is another thing which I want to impress upon you and that is I think the most important part of my job at Happ Bros. is to see that you have a full opportunity to bring to me personally at any time of the day any individual complaint or suggestion which you want to make. If the shop committee is overlooking or neglecting a complaint; if something is wrong with your piece rate ; or anything is happening in this factory which you don't like and you don't think action is being taken fast enough to change it, all you have got. to do is to come down to my office and tell me so. I don't guarantee that I can change everything that you want changed, but I will Certainly look into it and give you a reason why if it can't be done. All you have got to do is to tell Mr. James you have 'a matter which you want to dis- cuss with me. You don't have to tell him what it is. He will gladly let you off without any loss of time to come down and see me. Michael denied making any statements to his employees not covered by the written statement from which he was reading. Both Gardner and Crawford admitted that the speech was being read from a paper which Michael held in his hand. They were not called in rebuttal to deny that this was the speech Michael made. The undersigned credits Michael's testimony regarding the speech that he made and attributes any variations between this speech and the testimony of Crawford, Gardner, and several other employees to the infirmity of human memory. Although the emphasis and tenor of Michael's remarks are somewhat less severe than that suggested by the employees who testified for the General Counsel, nevertheless, in the opinion of the undersigned, certain portions of the speech extend beyond the permissible limits of Section 8 (c) of the Act and are in violation of Section 8 (a) (1). Thus, promising employees ' a pay in- crease immediately after Respondent's refusal,to renew the union contract had the evident purpose and effect of winning the employees away from the previously HAPP BRO'THEiRS, COMPANY, INC. 1533 recognized bargaining agent and interfering with the free engagement by the employees in concerted activity, in violation of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act.12 The request that the employees refrain from union activity for a year, in con- nection with the promise of a present increase of 10 percent and the clear im- plication of further benefits in the future, also constitute interference with the free choice of the employees.13 The implications of the speech insofar as the reference to a shop committee is concerned is hereinafter discussed. Mrs. A. L. Haisten: In the early part of December, during the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' organizing campaign, Forelady Haisten asked Bessie Phillips, according to the testimony of the latter, whether she had been to a meeting held by that union the previous evening. When Phillips replied that she had, Haisten said to her, according to Phillips' testimony, "What in the world you all doing? Don't you know if you sign up with the C. I. 0., you all are going to lose your jobs?" Another employee, -Minnie Lee Atkinson testified that during the same period she spoke to Haisten about a production ticket she had lost, and asked her for another ticket.14 Haisten replied that she was not going to do anything- about it and added, "I suppose that's the way the C. I. O. get their information." Atkinson went to see Superintendent James about this incident and when she reached his office she found Haisten already there. When she told James what had happened he told her that he had spoken to Mrs. Haisten "about those remarks" and asked Atkinson to forget about it. Another employee,. Viola Stapleton, testified that during December 1947, Haisten told her that if the em- ployees "got tied up with the C. I. O. and John L. Lewis, they'd work side-by-side with -Negroes." A similar statement was alleged to have been made to employee Eddie Dean Davis, who testified that in February before the strike Haisten told her, "Mrs. Davis, don't you know if you all get the Union up here, you'll be sitting up here by niggers?" Employee Annie Bell Kitchens testified that in December, Hastings while standing at her machine, asked her if the "CIO man" had been to see her; that Haisten also said that if the girls "messed with the C. I. 0." they would lose their jobs. Haisten denied interrogating any of the witnesses or making any of the statements attributed to her by them. From his observation of these witnesses and his evaluation of their testimony, the undersigned finds that Haisten made the statements substantially as testified to by Phillips, Atkinson, Stapleton, Davis, and Kitchens.15 The undersigned further finds and concludes that by the action of Haisten in asking employees whether they had gone to a union meeting or whether union representatives had been to see them, in. appealing to racial prejudice, and in threatening them with loss of their jobs, Respondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced its em- 12 May Department Stores v. N. L. R. B., 326 U. S. 376; Beatrice Foods Co., 84 NLRB 493 ; Wytheville Knitting Mills, Inc., 78 NLRB 640, enfd. as mod., 175 F. 2d 238 (C. A. 3) ; N. L. R. B. v. Ford Bros., 170 F. 2d 735 (C. A. 6). 73 NLRB 44. 1a Gulfport Transport Co., 84 NLRB 613. 1# This is a ticket which is attached to the bundles of work and which the employees cut off and sew into their work book when they complete a bundle of work. Their piece- .rate earnings are computed on the basis of these tickets. 15 Phillips, Stapleton, Atkinson, Kitchens, and Davis all impressed the undersigned favorably upon the witness stand. They all appeared to make an honest effort to relate the facts about which they testified, to the best of their recollection, and were not ma- terially impeached on cross-examination. . Haisten, on the other hand, did not make a favorable impression on the undersigned. She was evasive and exhibited a poor recollection .on cross-examination regarding the details of the matters to which she had testified on. direct examination. 1534 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ployees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act b No such finding, however, is based on the remark made by Haisten to Atkinson, "I sup- pose that's the way the C. I. 0. get their information," in view of the ambiguous character of this remark.''` Bert Michael: Kate Crumbley testified that when she was hired on October 22, 1947, Bert Michael asked her whether she had ever been a union member ; that she told him that she had belonged to a union when she worked in a clothing fac- tory in Cordele, Georgia ; and that Michael said to her that he didn't have a union in the plant and didn't intend to have one. Michael denied making any such statement to Crumbley and claimed that at that time the statement was alleged to have been made he actually had a contract with the Garment Workers Union. The evidence discloses that on October 3, 1947, Respondent addressed a letter to all employees advising them it was not going to renew its contract. It was at about this time that the meeting referred to above, with Clinebelle, Crawford, and Gardner took place in which these union officials were informed that the contract would not be renewed. From his observation of the witnesses and from the testimony as a whole, the undersigned is satisfied that Crumbley's testimony substantially accords with the facts.18 The undersigned finds that by interrogat- ing Crumbley and making the statement attributed to him by Crumbley, Michael violated Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act 19 Shortly before the strike, and while the Construction Workers Union was engaged in a house-to-house campaign to secure union members, Bert Michael made a speech to the employees in the plant which the General Counsel claims violated Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. According to the testimony of employees Crawford, Eddie Dean Davis, and Margaret Carter, Michael stated that he had heard union representatives were visiting the homes of employees ; that he could not help what went on outside the plant but could control what went on inside ; that he couldn't tell employees not to join the Union but that he wanted them to know that they didn't have to join any union and that he was not going to sign another contract or have another union in the plant. Several employee witnesses called by Respondent denied that in his speech Bert Michael made any statement to the effect that he was not going to sign a contract or that he was not going to have another union in the plant. Bert Michael himself testified that the only speech which he made to the employees during the period was one which he read to them from a paper held in his hand. This speech, a copy of which was received in evidence, was as follows : Many of you have come to us with reference to the house to house cam- paign of a few of our employees to revive a union in our plant. You have complained to us of the manner in which this is being done such as high pressure tactics, threats, etc. 'ON. L. R. B. v. Ford Bros ., supra; Standard -Coosa-Thatcher Co., 85 NLRB 1358; Wytheville Knitting Mills, supra ; S. K. Wellman Co., 53 NLRB 214; Reeves Rubber Co., 70 NLRB 377; Premier Worsted Mills, 85 NLRB 985; Anchor Rug Mill, 85 NLRB 764. 17 According to Atkinson the implication of this remark was that if the union officials got hold of the card they could get the piece-rates from it. 18 Crumbley appeared to be a disinterested witness with no stake in the outcome of the proceeding . She was not a union member while she worked for the Respondent. She refused to join the Amalgamated Clothing Workers during its drive, as will appear later from the discussion of the incident involving her and Coleman . She voluntarily left Respondent's employ before the strike started and reapplied for work about a month after the beginning of the strike while the picket line was still being maintained around the plant. She was rehired and remained with the Company until 3 months later when she voluntarily quit again. ' 19 Standard-Coosa-Thatcher Co., supra; Federal Engineering Co., supra. HAPP BROTHEIRS, COMPANY, INC. 1535 You have asked us what could be done about it-and I can answer you in this manner . We have no say-so in what you do when you are,not working-we have no say-so in what you wish to join or not join-we have no say-so in whether you vote Democratic or Republican. But we do have a large say-so in seeing that we have a peaceful happy factory while the machines are moving. We say that we honestly believe that our factory is more peaceful and happy now than in years. We have always told you that we want the majority to have what they want in the the factory. We mean this. But we want a majority that has given careful thought to the matter to decide, not a rabid few gaining the majority by threats and false promises. So, I can answer those who have asked me in this way. Pay no atten- tion to threats-they mean nothing. Make up your own mind how you feel about this and then have the courage to obey your convictions. The General Counsel offered no evidence to show that the speech was not read or that Michael omitted from or added to his remarks anything not contained in the paper . from which he read.20 Under the circumstances , the undersigned finds that the speech made by Bert Michael was that which he read from the paper, and further finds and concludes that there was nothing in the speech violative of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. Mrs. E. L. Bush: Doris Hopkins testified that in October 1947 Forelady Bush asked her whether she was a union member. Bush denied asking Hopkins whether she belonged to the Union. On the basis of his observation of the witnesses and from their testimony as a whole , the undersigned credits Hopkins' testimony and finds that by so interrogating Hopkins, Respondent violated Sec- tion S (a) (1) of the Act n Inez Brown testified that in February 1948 she was present at an argument between Jane Yarbrough -and Rose Maddox, in which Yarbrough accused Mad- dox of telling Forelady Bush that she (Yarbrough ) had signed a union card. During the course of the discussion Bush came over and said to them, "Well, don't be discussing no union on the job. We 're not in no union, we 're not going to have it." Bush denied having overheard the argument between Yarbrough and Maddox but did not directly deny having made the statement attributed to her by Brown . From his observation of these witnesses and evaluation of their testimony , the undersigned credits Brown ' s version of this incident and finds that by Bush's statement that "we're not going to have" any union, Re- spondent violated Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act.22 Margaret Carter testified that in February 1948 she overheard a conversa- tion between Bush and Head Mechanic B. B. Smith in which they were discussing the house -to-house union campaign , and Bush said that the union representa- tives hadn't been to see her. but that if they did "she knew how to get rid of them real quick." This remark was denied in their testimony by both Bush and Smith . The undersigned finds it unnecessary to make any finding of fact on this issue since even if the remark was made it did not, under the circum- stances, constitute a violation of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. 20 The only witness called by the General Counsel who was asked whether the speech was read from a paper , Carter , testified that she didn't remember. 21 Federal Engineering Company, Inc ., supra ; American Book-Stratford Press, Inc., supra. 2' Hopkins was a disinterested witness. She was not a union member and did not participate in the strike , having left Respondent 's employ voluntarily about 2 months previously . As hereafter appears, the undersigned did not find Bush to be a reliable witness. 1536 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Mrs. Albert Atkins: Eddie Dean Davis testified that about 2 or 3 weeks before the strike Forelady Atkins came over to her and said she was "so mad she didn't know what to do" because Crawford was "trying to run Rapp Brothers" ; and that Atkins also said to her, "If you operators knew what I do, you'd stop this foolishness. If I was an operator and didn't want to work under Mr. Michael, I'd quit." Atkins denied having told Davis that if the operators knew what she did they would stop the foolishness. The undersigned finds it unnecessary to resolve the credibility issue arising from this difference in the testimony since even if the statements attributed to Atkins by Davis were made, they would not constitute a violation of the Act Gardner testified that Atkins several times stated that the employees "didn't need a union" in the plant. Adkins did not deny making these statements. However, assuming they were made, and considering the general nature of the testimony, the undersigned finds the statements protected by Section 8 (c) of the Act. B. B. Smith:.' Robert AV. Brown testified that around the middle of November 1947 Smith told him that he wished "the Union were out" and "wouldn't ever get back in"; and that Smith also asked him whether he was a member of the Union. Smith denied the statements attributed to him. From his observation of the witnesses and an evaluation of. their testimony as a whole, the under- signed credits Brown's testimony regarding this incident and finds that by in- terrogating Brown as to his union membership Respondent violated Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. No finding of violation is made, however, on the basis of the other statements of Smith. Lucien James: Eloise Cromer, a union member who stayed out of the plant for a few hours after the strike started but later returned to work, testified that after she returned Superintendent James asked her if she knew whether another employee, Vivian Calhoun, was for the Union or not; that she told him she didn't know ; and that he asked her if she knew anyone else still working who was for the Union. Katie Crumbley, who quit voluntarily about 2 weeks before the strike and reapplied for work about a month after it started, testified that when she spoke to James about being rehired he asked her whether she was a member of the Union and whether she haq been out on strike. James denied interrogating both Cromer and Crumbley. The undersigned did not find James to be a reliable witness, as will hereafter more fully appear, and does not credit his denials. The undersigned finds and concludes that by the interrogation of Cromer and Crumbley, Respondent violated Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. Other acts of interference: Several of the witnesses called by the General Counsel claimed that Respondent's supervisory staff favored nonunion over union employees. Thus, there was testimony by Annie Kitchens that Forelady dlaisten allowed nonunion operators to go to the bin and pick out whatever 23 Respondent contested the supervisory status of Smith. Although Smith made a strenu- ous effort to belittle the extent of his authority, it appears from the record and the under- signed finds that Smith gave work orders to at least two mechanics or apprentice machin- ists, that he directed their work, that he recommended thin for pay increases, and that he reported them for absences. Despite Smith's testimony, which was generally evasive and. not worthy of credit, that lie voted in the 1946 Board election, Respondent subsequently stipulated that.his name was not listed as an eligible voter in that election. His prede- cessor, E. C. Hall, was excluded from the 1941 election as a supervisory employee. From all the evidence the undersigned concludes and finds that, Smith had authority responsibly to direct other employees, to assign them, and to effectively recommend reward, discipline, or discharge of other employees, and that he was a supervisory employee within .the mean- ing of Section 2 (11) of the Act. HAPP BROTHEiRS ' COMPANY, INC. 1537 work they wanted to ; and also that nonunion employees were permitted to work overtime. The undersigned found Kitchens' testimony on this subject confused and lacking in detail, and although there was no specific denial by 11aisten, the undersigned does not base any finding of interference on this testimony. There was also testimony by Eddie Dean Davis that Haisten favored Geraldine Grubbs, a nonunion employee, by giving her work when other em- ployees had to go home. However, it appears from the testimony of Grubbs and Haisten that the extra work the former was given was on the bradding machine, a special machine used in putting on zippers, and that this was heavy work which most of the older employees were reluctant to do. From the testi- mony as a whole, the undersigned is not convinced that there was any show of partiality based on the assignment of work to Grubbs. Conclusion The undersigned has found that Respondent has engaged in various acts of interference, restraint, and coercion violative of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. However, certain allegations of the complaint charging other violations of this section were not sustained by the evidence and the undersigned will recommend dismissal of these portions of the complaint. 't'here was no direct evidence of surveillance by Respondent's officials as alleged in the complaint. Although the questioning and interrogation of employees may be closely related to surveillance they are covered by a separate part of the complaint and findings on that subject have been made above. It will therefore be recommended that the allegation of surveillance be dismissed. The allegation of discrimination between union and non-union employees with regard to type of work, the performance of overtime, and assistance is not sustained by the evidence and dismissal will be recom- mended. The allegation with regard to talking to employees in a soundproof room, although sustained by the evidence, does not establish any violation of the Act and dismissal thereof will be recommended. The allegation that the plant would be closed before allowing a union to come in was not sustained by the evidence and dismissal thereof will be recommended. C. The discharges of Coleman and Dickson 1. Introduction Gertha Coleman and Gladys Dickson were both employed by Respondent as banding operators until their discharge on February 20, 1948. Both are alleged to have been discharged because of their sustained production deficiencies. At the time of the discharges Coleman had been employed for approximately 7 months and Dickson for a little over 3 mouths. According to the General Counsel, Dick- son's and Coleman's production deficiency was merely a pretext for their dis- charge, the real cause being the active part they played in the organizing cam- paign of the United Construction Workers Union. The banding operation on which they were employed involves basically the sewing of the narrow strip of material or "band" to the top of a pair of trousers. It includes a series of incidential operations such as attaching the fly of the trousers to the band, sewing on the lining, sewing on and tacking down the belt loops, and cording the band. Prior to July 1947 each banding operator per- formed all of the operations incidental to sewing on the band. In July, Respond- ent found itself with a shortage of banding operators due to a rapid turnover in 993847-51-vol. 99-9S 1538 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD banding personnel. In order to speed up the process of training new operators and to make it easier to replace operators when they left, Respondent instituted a new method of performing the banding operation. It split the banding opera- tion into a series of seven separate operations and trained new employees on only a single operation. Beginning the last week in July, Respondent began hiring new operators on the new type of banding which came to be known as "simplified" or "line" banding. Most of the old banders were not changed to the new method but continued with what was called the "regular" banding operation. The regular banders were paid $1.94 per dozen garments banded. The piece- rate schedule for the line banders varied according to the complexity of the particular section of the banding operation which the operator performed, but the rates paid for all seven operations totaled ($1.8048) 1 dollar and 80.48 cents per dozen. All operators in the plant, including the banders, were guaranteed a minimum of 50 cents per hour. Where an employee 's piece-rate earnings failed to average 50 cents per hour for the workweek, the difference between the guar- anteed hourly earnings paid and the amount earned on a piece-rate basis was recorded in the payroll records as a "deficiency" and the "Statement of Earnings" given to the employee with her check indicated the amount of such deficiency by the letter "d." The employees, however, were never charged with the amount of such deficiency as repayable obligation. 2. Gertha Coleman Coleman was hired on July 23, 1947, as one of the first operators on the line handing system. Coleman's production record discloses that, except for the month of September 1947,24 she was regularly deficient in production, i. e., her piece-rate earnings failed to equal her guaranteed hourly earnings. In addition to suggesting that the production quota on her operation was too high in relation to the piece-rates, Coleman also ascribed her production deficiencies to the fact that she was not properly advised as to the piece-rate basis of her earnings ; that she and the other line banders did not receive extra compensation for work on large size and on certain types of material, such as sharkskin; that the line banders were only permitted to have two bobbins while the regular banders had four or Ave bobbins, thus necessitating more frequent changing of thread because of the different colored materials ; that the line banders had to get their own work from the bins while the regular banders had their work brought to.them by bundle boys in the course of production ; and that because of the poor organiza- tion of the line banding system, there were times when she would have to sit u Transcripts of the production records of banding operators from the weeks ending July 25 , 1947 to February 20, 1948, were received in evidence under a stipulation that they accurately reflect the production deficiencies and earnings of the banding operators. However, Respondent later questioned the accuracy of its own records . In his testimony, Bert Michael claimed that the production records for the weeks ending September 5 to September 26, 1947, which disclosed no deficiencies for about 14 line banders , including Coleman, were inaccurate . When asked whether he based this conclusion on the fact the records disclosed that these operators were regularly deficient in the period prior to Septem- ber 5 and after September 20, Michael replied in the negative and stated that it was based on his own independent recollection of the facts . However, later in his testimony it appeared that he had no personal knowledge of deficiencies in the plant prior to December 1, 1947, when his brother brought them to his attention . Despite the unsatisfactory nature of Michael's explanation , the undersigned is convinced that the records for the month of Sep- tember are not entirely accurate. The uninterrupted deficiencies of a number of the line banders in the period prior to September 5 and the resumption of these deficiencies after September 20 suggest a probable inaccuracy in the records for the intermediate period. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1539 idly at her machine waiting to get work from the girl performing the operation antecedent to hers. According to Coleman, up until the day of her discharge, no one had ever spoken to her about being deficient in production , although she claimed Forelady Bush commended her a number of times on the neatness of her work. The validity of these claims is hereafter discussed under "Contentions and conclusions." The earliest evidence of union activity on Coleman's part is her participation in the drive of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' Union which attempted to organize the plant after the United Garment Workers' contract expired. During December 1947 Coleman attended an organizing meeting of the Clothing Workers at the Dempsey Hotel, the largest hotel in Macon. Coleman joined the Union and received a book of union cards. She took the cards with her to the plant the next day and succeeded in signing up about 8 employees. As a result of her organiza- tional activities on behalf of the Clothing Workers, Coleman became involved in an incident which resulted in her being sent to Bert Michael's office. Around the middle of December, Coleman got into an argument with a number of the girls at her table over the question of who was responsible for certain defective work which had been returned by Bush to be repaired. As a result of the argu- ment five or six girls, including Coleman, were taken to Bert Michael's office by Bush. Although the record is not clear as to all the details of what occurred, it is undisputed that Katie Crumbley, one of the operators at Coleman's table, said that Coleman was really angry with her because Coleman regarded her as being responsible for the withdrawal from the Union of Lucille Brewer, a sister-in-law of Crumbley,2` and she accused Coleman of having passed around a union book during working hours. The latter admitted that shetwas passing around the union book but denied that it occurred during work hours. Several of the other operators sided with Coleman but Doris Hopkins, whom Coleman had also tried unsuccessfully to bring into the Union, told Michael that she too had seen Cole- man passing the book during working hours. Michael finally told the girls to stop their arguing and to go back and attend to their work. During the course of the meeting Coleman told Michael she would like to be moved to another machine as there was too much confusion at the table where she was working. It does not appear whether any definite commitment was made to her by Michael on this subject 2e The following day when Superintendent James came into the room where Coleman was working she asked him to move her to another machine. During the course of the conversation, Coleman told James about the argument the previous day and when she mentioned that it had started over some defective work he replied, according to the undenied credited testimony of Coleman, "That's not what I heard it started about." Coleman subsequently repeated to Bush her request that she be transferred to another machine. Although there is some confusion in the testimony as to when Coleman was finally moved, the undersigned concludes and finds that Coleman 25 Coleman as part of her organizational activities had succeeded in getting Brewer to sign a union card . Her efforts to get Crumbley to sign were not as successful and the latter not only refused to sign but said she was going to get her sister-in -law to withdraw. Thereafter , Brewer came to Coleman and asked her to tear up her union card and remove her name from the union book . As a result of this incident there was some ill feeling between Coleman and Crumbley since Coleman apparently regarded Crumbley as responsible for Brewer 's withdrawal from the Union . The argument which resulted in the girls being called to the office occurred a few days after Brewer had asked to withdraw from the Union. 24 The findings with regard to this incident are based on a synthesis of the testimony of Coleman, Crumbley, Hopkins, Bush, and Michael. 1540 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD was transferred to another machine during the week ending January 30, 1948. Coleman also requested a transfer to the regular banding operation but when her machine was changed she was put on another section of the line banding operation.2' For reasons not appearing in the record, the Amalgamated Clothing Work- ers' Union ceased its organizing efforts and disappeared from the scene in January 1945. When the United Construction 'Workers began its efforts to organize the plant in January 1948, Coleman shifted her allegiance to that organization. She attended her first meeting under the auspices of the latter Union on January 27, 1948. She received a union card which she signed the following day and she also took a dozen union cards with her which she dis- tributed to other employees in the plant. In the next few days she succeeded in getting all these cards signed. Coleman testified that her union solicitation work took place in the morning before work and during the lunch hour and that Bush was present in the plant part of the time while she was signing lip members for the Union. On the morning of February 19, one of- the other girls engaged in organizing activities handed her several union cards of peo- ple she had signed up and asked her to give them to Crawford. On February 20, 1948, Coleman was called to Bert Michael's office together with Dickson and Jane Yarbrough. After some discussion about their pro- duction deficiencies, which will hereafter be discussed in greater detail, all three operators were discharged. 3. Gladys Dickson Dickson started to work for Respondent on November 11, 1947. Her pro- duction record discloses that she was deficient in production throughout the period of her employment. Like Coleman, Dickson testified that she was not told what production was on her operation until some time after she started working and that she was not told until near the end of her employment that she was supposed to receive extra pay for work on large sizes and on certain types of material. Dickson also ascribed her difficulty in making production to trouble with her machine." In addition she claimed that she was given another 27 Coleman testified that the transfer to the other part of the banding operation took place about 21/a weeks before her discharge but her testimony suggested a previous change of machine . Bush 's testimony would indicate a change in both machine and operation about 6 weeks before Coleman's discharge. Instructor Kitchens testified that Coleman was transferred to a different part of the banding operation around the first part of the year, 19-1S, but was confused as to whether she had previously had a change of machine. The production records themselves indicate that Coleman worked on mnchine number 184 from the week ending July 25, 1947, until the week ending January 23, 1948. Beginning with the week ending January 30, 1948, until the date of her discharge, Coleman's machine number is recorded as 238. . Lois Warrick, a witness for Respondent, whose machine number was 239, testified that Coleman was moved next to her about a month before her discharge. Both Coleman and Kitchens testified that when Coleman was moved she sat next to Warrick . Based on the production records, as inferentially supported by the testimony of Coleman, Warrick, and Kitchens, the undersigned is convinced that the change of machine did not take place until the week ending January 30, and that either simultaneously therewith or shortly thereafter Coleman was given another part of. the banding operation to perform. 28 Dickson made no claim to having complained about her machine until about 3 weeks before her discharge when she was called to James ' office. However, Instructor Kitchens testified that Dickson previously complained to her about the machine. According to Kitchens, the machine merely required an adjustment of the needle. HAPP BROTHERS . COMPANY, 1NC. 1541 operation to perform as part of her regular operation for which she was not paid.' The earliest evidence of union activity by Dickson is in connection with the organizing efforts of the United Construction Workers Union. On Janu- ary 28, 1948, she received a union card from a fellow employee, Lois Carter, which she signed and returned to Carter the following morning. On the evening of the day she received the card from Carter, she had a telephone conversation with another employee, Ida Mae Cheeks, and after talking about social matters the subject of the Union entered the conversation. Dickson indicated she was con- sidering signing a union card and asked Cheeks what she was going to do. The latter said she was not going to sign a card and that she was satisfied with her earnings. Dickson told her that she found it impossible to make production on the line banding operation. The following day Dickson was called to James'' office 30 where both James and Bert Michael spoke to her about her low produc- tion. James told her that if she wasn't "satisfied," it was better they separate. Dickson replied that she hadn't said anything about not being "satisfied," where- upon James replied that she had been talking to someone whom she thought was a friend about not being satisfied and that the friend had come straight to him. Dickson told James that she was not dissatisfied but just wanted to raise her production up so she could take advantage of the ten percent increase in piece rates that had been put into effect December 1 by Morris Michael, Jr. Dickson also mentioned that she was having trouble with her machine and that she was losing a lot of time on that account. Bush, who was also present during the conversation, stated that Dickson tried hard and was a good operator. James concluded by telling her to go back to work and instructed Bush to give her another machine. After leaving James' office, Dickson was transferred to another machine. The conversation with James did not, however, lessen Dickson's interest in the Union. The following clay, January 30, 1948, she attended a union meeting. On February 13 she attended another meeting, at which the Regional Director of the Union, Harry W. Livingston, asked for volunteers to go on a house-to- house canvass of employees. Dickson volunteered for this job and together with Crawford and another union organizer , Fred DeLoach, visited the homes of 19 employees on Sunday afternoon, February 15. The following day, by prearrangement, Dickson met DeLoach in front of the Crawford Restaurant which is located across the street from Respondent's fac- tory. According to Dickson, while she and DeLoach were talking, they were joined by two employees to whom she had, previously given union cards. One of them held the card on the side of the building to sign her name and gave them the card. The other signed it later while they were in the restaurant. Dickson testified that while the conversation was in progress James and Bert Michael 19 This additional operation was referred to as "stitching across the top of the fly." According to Dickson she never realized that this was a separate operation until she heard the operation described in the testimony of Bessie Phillips , who worked on that operation. Respondent contended that the operation which Dickson claimed was added to her regular operation was merely an additional operation on the right side of the trouser fly which was regularly performed by all operators on Dickson ' s operation and was not the same as the separate operation known as "stitching across the top of the fly." The undersigned concludes from all the testimony that Dickson was confused by the testimony of Phillips and that in fact the additional operation to which she referred was part of her regular operation . The undersigned is satisfied that . this additional operation had no connection with Dickson's production deficiencies. a Both James and Michael occupied the same office. 1542 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD came out of the Happ Building across the street and stood looking in her direc- tion 31 She likewise testified that she saw a number of employees at the fourth- floor window of the plant, including Bush, Kitchens, and a Mrs. Pace (one of the employees whose home she had visited the previous evening) and that they appeared to be yelling and waving their arms in her direction. On cross- examination Dickson was not sure that these four persons were the ones who were waving at her, since there were a number of other people in the windows at the time. She stated that she felt they were all looking at her. Dickson also testified that after she saw James and Bert Michael come out of the plant, she went into the restaurant with DeLoach. Although DeLoach's testimony regarding this incident was substantially in accord with Dickson's, they differed in two respects. Whereas Dickson had testified that she couldn't hear what the people in the fourth-floor window were saying, except that they were yelling, DeLoach claimed that he heard Mrs.. Pace say, "There they are now." Also, while Dickson testified that upon seeing James and Bert Michael across the street she went into the restaurant with DeLoach, the latter testified that when he saw the' officials coming out of the plant he called Dickson's attention to their presence and that she went back across the street to the factory. Neither James nor Bert Michael recalled seeing Dickson or DeLoach standing in conversation across from the company premises on February 16, 1948. Bush and Pace denied pointing at Dickson from the window on this occasion 92 Dickson impressed the undersigned very favorably in her testimony. She testified in a quiet, direct manner and made no apparent effort to exaggerate the incidents about which she testified. While a witness with a less scrupulous regard for the truth might have testified that she heard the people in the window of Respondent's premises refer to him, as did DeLoach, Dickson in her direct examination was frank to admit that while they seemed to be yelling something at her, she could not hear what they were saying. This was characteristic of her testimony in other respects. DeLoach did not similarly impress the undersigned. His recollection regarding some aspects of the incidents about which he testified was obviously hazy. This was perhaps to be expected in view of the fact that a year had passed since this occurrence, and unlike the employees directly con- cerned, this was merely another organizing campaign to him. However, instead of adhering to the facts and indicating his lack of recollection regarding some of the details about which he was interrogated, he was obviously trying to embellish his story by filling in blanks in his memory through the medium of his lively imagination. However, despite this deviation in the testimony of these two witnesses, upon which Respondent laid considerable stress, their testimony was in accord regarding the basic facts and the undersigned is convinced and finds that Dickson did meet DeLoach across from Respondent's premises on Monday, February 16, during the noon hour. The undersigned is also convinced that Bert Michael and James were present across the street from where Dickson was standing and that they were in a position to observe her presence33 In view of Dickson's frank admission that she could not hear what the people in the window of Respondent's premises were yelling or even that Bush was actually 31 She was unable to recall whether they appeared before or after one of the employees had signed the card and given it to Dickson. 32 Pace admitted that she did stand in the window during lunch hours on various occa- sions but had no recollection of being there on the day in question. a3 This is not intended to suggest that their presence there was part of any deliberate campaign of surveillance. HAPP BROTHERS! COMPANY, INC. 1543 responsible for the yelling, and in view of the number of people present in front of the windows on that occasion , the undersigned makes no finding as to whether Bush, kitchens , or Pace were standing in the window or whether they were yell- ing or pointing at her. In addition to the house -to-house canvass of Sunday afternoon, February 15, just referred to, Dickson participated in another such expedition on Monday evening, February 16, together with Director Livingston and another employee. It was subsequent to these visits that Bert Michael made the speech previously discussed in which he referred to the fact that many of the employees com- plained to him "with reference to the house-to-house campaign of a few. of our employees." On Friday , February 20, Dickson was called to Bert Michael 's office and dis- charged together with Coleman and Yarbrough . The discussion which took place at the time of the discharge between Bert Michael and these girls will be hereafter discussed in greater detail. 4. Contentions and conclusions Opposing contentions were advanced by the General Counsel and Respondent regarding the reasons for the discharge of Coleman and Dickson . The General Counsel contended that the failure of these operators to make production was due to the fact that something was wrong with the line banding system and that Respondent did not seriously expect the line banders to make production ; that Respondent had retained in its employ , without discharging them or even threat- ening to do so, many operators , banding and nonbanding , who had been substan- tially deficient for extended periods of time ; that Dickson and Coleman were never warned they would be discharged because of production deficiencies ; and that the reason they were finally discharged was the active part they played in the Construction Workers' organizing campaign. Respondent contended, on the other hand, that it had no knowledge of Dickson's and Coleman's union membership ; that they, together with Yarbrough, were the most deficient operators in their classification ; that although Respondent had tolerated deficiencies in the past it embarked upon a campaign to eliminate them early in 1948; and that these em- ployees were warned about their deficiencies but showed themselves to be uncon- cerned . Respondent also cited its past record of amicable union relations to show the improbability of any antiunion bias in the discharge . These conten-' tions and the evidence to support them are considered in detail below. a. Knowledge of Coleman's and Dickson's union membership The evidence with respect to Dickson , discloses that she openly and actively participated in the Construction Workers' organizing campaign . In addition, to signing a union card and attending union meetings, she participated in the house- to-house canvass to sign up union members. There was no denial by Superin- tendent James of Dickson 's testimony , which the undersigned credits, that he had heard from a friend of hers that she was dissatisfied with conditions . Respondent argues that "nothing but conjecture supports the contention that this fellow em- ployee had told James that Mrs. Dickson was a member of the union ." In the. opinion of the undersigned , it is unrealistic to assume that an employee who would report to the plant superintendent a statement of a fellow employee that she was dissatisfied with conditions , would not also report to him the genesis of this remark, namely, that the employees were discussing the subject of signing 1544 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD union cards and that the statement in question was made in connection with the employee's remark that she intended to sign the union card which she had received. The fact that Dickson had not yet joined the Union, a fact to which Respondent adverts in its brief, does not detract from the significance of Dickson's testimony. It is obvious that she was not yet a member since the subject of the conversation was whether she should sign the card. However, this incident at the very least put Respondent on notice of Dickson's sympathies and intentions in the union organizing campaign. Any doubt which Respondent may have had as to whether Dickson actually joined the Union must have been resolved by Respondent's observation of the active part which she thereafter played in the union organizing campaign. The undersigned has already found that Bert Michael and James observed Dickson engaged in discussion with the union organizer, DeLoach, across the street from Respondent's plant in the midst of the union organizing campaign. Even if this evidence were disregarded, as Respondent urges it should be, because of the discrepacy in the testimony.of Dickson and, DeLoach, the undersigned is satis- fied that Dickson's active part in the house-to-house campaign was brought to Respondent's attention. As related above, she visited the homes of 19 em- ployees on Sunday afternoon, February 15, in the company of Crawford and DeLoach. She participated in further visits to employees' homes on Monday evening, February 16 with Livingston. These visits to employees' homes by the organizing group were reported to Bert Michael, who made a speech to the employees on Tuesday, February 17, because of the complaints received from employees regarding the "house-to-house" campaign of a few of our employees." Michael admitted that Crawford's name was one of those mentioned to him. Other employees who testified for Respondent referred to the presence of De- Leach at their homes. It seems unreasonable to suppose that the name of Dickson, who was an active participant in these visits, was not also reported to Michael. From the testimony as a whole, the undersigned is convinced and finds that both Bert Michael and Superintendent James, were aware of Dickson's membership and interest in the United Construction Workers' Union at the time of her discharge. In Coleman's case, the record is clear that Respondent was aware of her union membership and sympathies. Bert Michael and Bush were admittedly aware of her activities on behalf of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, as a result of the argument which was responsible for her being called to Michael's office in December 1947.x+ After the abortive efforts of the Amalgamated Cloth- ing Workers, Coleman became equally active in the Construction Workers. In addition to attending union meetings, she 'was engaged in signing up union members in the plant. According to her credited, undenied testimony, her union missionary activities took place on the floor of Respondent's shop, during part of which time Bush was present on the floor. Bush, although specifically denying knowledge of Dickson's or Yarbrough's union membership, did not deny know- ing Coleman was a union member. In fact she affirmatively admitted knowing Coleman was a union member. Respondent seeks to limit this admission to knowledge of Coleman's membership in the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' Union. In the opinion of the undersigned, this limitation is unwarranted. In any event, considering Coleman's active participation in the Amalgamated Cloth- ing Workers' campaign and later in the Construction Workers Union, the under sa In its brief Respondent stated, "Of course Mrs. Bush and Michael knew in December that Mrs. Coleman was a member of the Amalgamated Clothing workers. . . . HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1545 signed is satisfied that at the time of her discharge , Respondent 's officials knew or had reason to believe on or about February 20, 1948, that Coleman was a union adherent, b. The banding difficulties The General Counsel sought to establish through a number of his witnesses that the piece rates set for the various operations on the line banding were so low that Respondent never seriously expected the employees to make production. Both Coleman and Dickson testified , as already mentioned , that they were either not told what production was on their operation or did not receive this infor- mation until some time after they started to work on the line banding. Similar testimony was given by Bessie Phillips , Eloise Cromer , Inez Brown, Susie Frazier, Doris Hopkins , and Nellie Simmons who were called as witnesses by the General Counsel. Several of these also corroborated Dickson's and Cole- man's testimony that they were not told about the higher rates for work on large sizes and on certain types of material 85 Some of these witnesses also testified to the disadvantages under which the line banders operated as compared to the regular banders , such as the fact that while the regular banders had four or five bobbins with different colored thread at their machines , the line banders had only two bobbins and therefore had to change thread more frequently, thus slowing production ; also that the regular banders had their work brought to them by bundle boys while the line banders had to get their own work. Respondent sought to neutralize this testimony by showing that the line banders were fully informed of their piece rates, including the higher rates for special work , and also that the higher rate paid for the regular banding was based on differences in the operations . In some respects this testimony was confused. Thus, Forelady Bush testified at one point that when the line banders started working, they were given a full typewritten schedule of piece rates similar to Respondent's Exhibit 4, but later testified that each operator received only the rate for her individual operation and not a full schedule . Other witnesses for Respondent gave the following testimony on this subject : Mary Mullis testified that she received a schedule of rates similar to Respondent ' s Exhibit 4; Mollie Holland testified that she didn ' t receive any paper but was merely told by Bush what the piece rates were ; Instructor Kitchens testified that Bush gave each of the operators a slip of paper . with the piece rate on it . Mullis and Mary L. Dur- den claimed that they received extra pay for work on large sizes. 'Mullis ad- mitted, however , that no one told her about this but that she knew of it herself since she had previously worked as a regular bander. Seeking to justify. the fact that the total amount paid for the regular banding is 137/2 cents more than the combined line banding rates, Bush testified that the line banding does not require as much changing of the thread and the foot of the machine since the line bander only works on one segment of the banding operation. The undersigned finds it unnecessary to determine in detail the merits of these conflicting claims. There was a certain amount of exaggeration in the claims of both sides on this issue . However , from the mass of testimony on the subject, several conclusions may be garnered . It seems clear that the line banding was started in the end of July on an experimental basis , with a few operators being hired at first ,. and others gradually added. It also seems clear that there was a certain amount of. confusion attendant on the inauguration of the new system. -"Instructor Kitchens admitted that Dickson complained to her about the large-sized bundles. 1546 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Whether due to deliberate design or not, many of the new line banders were not clearly advised of the piece-rate basis of their earnings until some time after they started work. Although their earning statement carried the notation "d" after the amount of the deficiency, many of them did not understand the sig- nificance of it. Whether they were fully informed of their piece rates or not, the evidence shows, as will hereafter appear, that there was widespread difficulty in achieving the production quotas. A barometer of the difficulties involved in the line banding operation is the fact that when volunteers were asked for from among the regular banders to join the operation, most of them refused. Sally Austin, a regular bander, testified cred- ibly that 2 or 3 months after the line banding went into effect, Bush asked the regular banders to help out temporarily on the line banding and that those who volunteered were paid not on the basis of the line banding piece rates but on the basis of their average earnings on the regular banding in the preceding 5-week period. Daisy Elrod also testified credibly that when the line banding was started, Bush asked for volunteers from the regular banders but that none of them volunteered because the production quotas were too high. Bush admitted asking the regular banders for volunteers on the line banding. She claimed that three of them volunteered but didn't remember whether they were paid on the basis of their regular banding earnings. The final crucible, of the difficulties experienced in the line banding operation is the fact that shortly after the strike occurred, the line banding method was abandoned altogether, after being in operation only about 7 months, because according to Superintendent James' own admission, it hadn't turned out as well as he had expected. In this connection, it is significant that several operators who were consistently unable to make production on line banding made it on other operations. Hilda Kitchens whose production deficiency was substantially. greater than that of Dickson and Coleman was transferred to the finishing depart- ment during the first week of February 1948, and was able to make production thereafter. Eloise Cromer, whose production deficiency also exceeded Dickson's and Coleman's, was put on regular banding after the strike and, according to her credited, undenied testimony, she was able to make production. In its brief, Respondent argues that the production records of the week of February 13, 1948, refute the General Counsel's contention that it was impossible to make the minimum on line banding. Respondent cites the fact that "out of the 22 line banders on the payroll of February 13, five did not work that week ; three had been employed less than six weeks ; and eight out of the remaining 14'made more than the minimum . . ." In the opinidn of the undersigned, it is not proper to exclude from the comparative figures, as Respondent attempts to do, those banders who were employed for less than 6 weeks, if an accurate picture of the deficiency situation is to be obtained. While it may be true that an operator with less than 6 weeks' experience should not be expected to make production, this overlooks the fact that throughout the period when the line banding was in effect there was a significant number of deficient banders on the pay roll each week who only remained in Respondent's employ for brief periods. The undersigned is convinced that the difficulty in reaching the production quotas was an important factor in the turnover in banding personnel. If these de- 90 Although the transcript of the payroll for the week ending February 13 contains a notation of "Out" alongside the names of five line banders , the evidence discloses that four of these, Gladys Collins, Doris Hopkins, Pansy Schroeder, and Mary Durden, had previously left Respondent 's employ. All had previously been deficient in production. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC . 1547 ficient operators are excluded from the comparative figures each week, the figures would fail to accurately reflect the difficulties which were being experienced on the line banding operation. The true significance of the payroll of February 13 is that out of 17 banders who worked that week, 9 failed to make production. The failure of over 50 percent of the operators to make production, a situation which existed throughout the time the line banding was in effect, is indicative of the fact that something was wrong with the system or the piece rates 37 The evidence also discloses that Respondent was aware of the dissatisfaction existing because of the line banding piece rates. According to the undenied, credited testimony of Crawford, employee representatives informed Bert Michael and Superintendent James of the dissatisfaction of the . line banders because they considered the production quotas to be too high. Instructor Kitchens also admitted hearing the girls complain about the piece rates. In order to give a representative picture of the difficulties which were being experienced in the line banding operation, the undersigned has prepared a. table reflecting, in summary form, the record from July 25, 1947, to February 20, 1948, with respect to production deficiencies of banding operators in' Department A, where all the line banders were employed. The table is attached hereto as Appendix A. It includes all banding operators, line and regular banders, since except for the period of a few weeks before the strike, the transcripts of the pro- duction records which were introduced in evidence do not contain a precise break- down between the line and regular banders. However, since the evidence estab- lishes that the line banders were more deficient than the regular banders, it is clear that the figures set forth in Appendix A represent a minimal picture of the deficiency among banding operators. Likewise, since as has been previously indicated, the September 1947 production transcripts are inaccurate to the extent that they fail to record deficiencies for a number of line banders, it is likely that the correct figures for the weeks ending September 5, 12, 19, and 26, 1947, would indicate an even larger proportion of deficient. operators. In any event, even on the basis of the minimal figures in Appendix A, it appears that except for 4 work- weeks, over 50 percent of the banders were deficient in production. The best record was achieved in the workweek of February 13, when only one-third of the banders failed to achieve their production quotas. However, as mentioned above, a breakdown of the figures for the week of February 13 between line banders and regular banders, discloses that among the line banders, over 50 percent were deficient. The table also discloses that throughout the period in question, the average size of the deficiency was approximately one-third of the guaranteed earnings paid to the deficient operators. It seems evident that with such a record of performance the only conclusion which can be reached is that the standard of performance established by Respondent on this operation was beyond the reach of the average employee 38 37 It is significant that of those who made production In the week ending February 13, Mary Mullis was an experienced operator who had previously worked as a regular bander and had been employed by the Company since 1940 ; Glennie Adams , Mary Moody, and Rose Maddox had also been previously employed by the Company as operators before returning in July 1947 to work as line banders. 38 See "Wage Policy for Management" by Sumner D. Charm, Funk & Wagnall Company, New York, 1949 , in which the author ( Manager of Personnel Relations at Ayer Mills, American Woolen Company ), referring to the establishment of proper standards for a wage incentive plan, states (at p. 118)': . . . the standard is the measured time in which an average worker, under specified quality conditions can complete a given job . Set the standard too high, and the plan can't be honest. - . 1548 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD c. The delicciency record of Coleman and Dickson Despite the widespread deficiencies among banding operators , Respondent sought to justify its picking out Coleman and Dickson for discharge on the ground .that they, together with Yarbrough , "had the .poorest record for productivity of any of the simplified banders ." In support of this position Respondent submitted with its brief a schedule of the deficiencies of banding operators from October 3, 1947 , to February 13, 1948 .'9 According to Respondent these figures disclose that outside of Mary Durden who quit on January 19 , 1948, Yarbrough , Coleman, and Dickson had the poorest production records. Respondent 's conclusions are ap- parently based on the total dollar deficiencies for the period covered. However, these figures are misleading since no allowance is made for differences in the length of employment or in the number of hours worked by the employees. For example, a total dollar deficiency during this period of $210.92 for Coleman cannot be compared with a total deficiency for Eloise Cromer of $145 . 54 since the latter did not start to work until November 11, 1947, and her deficiency record covers a period which is shorter , by 6 weeks , than the period upon which Coleman's total deficiency is computed . Likewise , the fact that Cromer's total deficiency during the period is $8 less than Dickson's does not necessarily establish that the latter was more deficient even though they both started to work at the same time. The record discloses that the lower total deficiency for Cromer is due to the fact that she was absent from work for 1 week and in a number of weeks she failed to work the full schedule of hours. Certainly an operator with a more frequent absentee record should not be considered a better operator because thereby her deficiency was lower than it would have been if she had worked a fuller schedule- It may also be noted that Respondent has excluded from its comparative figures the case of Hilda Kitchens ,"° who from October 3, 1.947, to January 30, 1948 (when she was transferred to another department ), had a total deficiency of $228.72 which exceeded both Dickson 's and Coleman 's total and was only $ .25 less than Yarbrough 's total deficiency for a 2 -week longer period. In the opinion of the undersigned a more accurate gauge for comparing the record of deficient operators is the rate of the deficiency rather than the dollar totals. In order to afford a basis for comparison of deficient operators, the undersigned has prepared a chart of the most deficient operators , which is attached hereto as Appendix B. The chart covers the same period as that used by Respondent but the deficiencies are expressed on a percentage basis, i. e., the ratio of the dollar deficiency to the amounf actually paid to the employees under the guaranteed minimum pay arrangement .." In addition to line banders, the chart also includes regular banders , and other categories of operators since in the opinion of the undersigned the retention by Respondent of operators in any category with high deficiencies at a time when it was discharging others is a fact to be taken into consideration in determining Respondent 's motives. 11 The schedule does not include figures earlier than October 3 because of Respondent's contention that the September figures are inaccurate . - It concludes with the February. 13 figures because, according to Respondent's version, this was the last payroll available when the discharges took place on February 20. 41 Not to be confused with Instructor Marie Kitchens. 41 If Employee A worked 40 hours , was paid $20 ( 40 x $.50 ) and had a deficiency of $8.00, his relative deficiency would be lower than Employee B who worked only 20 hours, was paid $10 (20 x $.50) and had a deficiency of $5. Under the formula used by the undersigned the deficiency of A would be 40 percent ($8=20) and the deficiency of B would he 50 percent ($5=10). HAPP BROTHERS, COMPANY, IN C. 1549 From the attached chart it is evident that there were several other operators whose deficiency average exceeded both Dickson's and Coleman's, and there were a number of others who considering the length of their employment, as compared with Dickson and Coleman, had very substantial deficiencies. Susie Frazier with an average deficiency of 76.5 percent and Eloise Cromer with 61 percent exceeded the deficiencies of Dickson and Coleman, and even that of Yarbrough.9' The deficiency record of Hilda Kitchens was also worse than the three discharged girls. While it is true that she was no longer working as a line bander on February 20, it is significant that she was given a transfer by Respondent around .February 1 to an operation on which she was able to make production. Inez 'Brown is another line bander with a substantial deficiency record who was not discharged. While her deficiency average ,was somewhat better than Dickson's and Coleman's this is due partly to her marked improvement in the week of February 20 but, according to Respondent's claim, the figures for that week were not before it at the time of the discharges. Of particular significance are the production records of Addie Marchant, Edna Gray, Myrtle Babcock, and Margaret Ames. While Babcock's deficiency average of 46.6 percent, Gray's average of 40.9 percent, Ames' average of 35.9 percent, and Marchant's average of 34.7 percent are somewhat lower than Dickson's and Coleman's, it should be noted that their periods of employment are substantially greater. Gray and Marchant were regular banders employed. since January 28, 1946, and February 6, 1946, respectively. The record does not disclose what Gray's performance was prior to the week ending July 25, 1947. However, from that week until February 20, 1948, Gray never made production except in 3 weeks. The record of Marchant, who was also a regular bander, discloses a similar situation 43 Babcock, a pocket operator employed since November 5, 1946, had an equally bad record. During the period from January 1, 1947, to February 20, 1948, for which her production record is available, she had a pro- duction deficiency in every single week 44 The production record of Ames, em- ployed as a pocket operator since March 1947, discloses that she failed to earn her guaranteed minimum in a single week from March 21, 1947, to February 20, 1948. The production records do not establish, as claimed by Respondent, that Dick- son and Coleman had the worst production records. In terms of absolute deft- ^' Respondent argues that Cromer was improving at a faster rate than Dickson and Coleman , calling attention to the fact that in the week of February 13 her deficiency was slightly lower than Dickson 's and Coleman 's, and that in the following week it declined still further. Since , according to Respondent ' s version the last payroll it had before it at the time of the discharge was February 13, there was little to choose from on the basis of the over- all record of these operators at that time . Considering Cromer ' s poor attend- ance record the conclusion that she was a better operator hardly seems justified. Even if the pay roll of February 20 is taken into account it will be noted that while Cromer's deficiency declined to 27 . 7 percent , Coleman 's declined to 26 . 6 percent . Since Coleman had been transferred to a new part of the banding operation only a few weeks before, her improvement in this brief period is significant . The record of Dickson who had a change of machine beginning the first week in February shows a steady improvement thereafter. +a By coincidence, the 3 weeks in which these two employees made production are the same, namely , A ugust 15 , 22, and 29, 1947 . In view of the fact that they never previously made production and never thereafter made it, it is possible that these records , as in the case of the September records, are in error. +'a Respondent contends that since Babcock was a pocket operator and the discharged girls were line banders no comparison can be made between them . The undersigned is not im- pressed with this argument . The failure of operators to make production on an established operation like pocket operating ( as distingu ished - from an experimental system l ike the line banding ) and their retention by Respondent despite sustained deficiencies is a fact the significance of which cannot be disregarded. 1550 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ciency several employees had worse records. In terms of relative length of service, a number of employees had records which were not materially better than theirs . The undersigned recognizes , of course , that it was the prerogative of management to determine which of the deficient operators it should discharge in the light of their entire employment history. Respondent 's discharge of Dickson and Coleman would not necessarily be discriminatory because other operators with greater deficiencies were not discharged or because other operators with substantial deficiencies were retained after as much as 2 years of service . However, these facts may properly be considered in the light of the entire record in determining the motive for Coleman 's and Dickson 's discharge, particularly since Respondent asserts as a ground for justifying their discharge the fact that they ( with Yarbrough) had the worst production records. d. The alleged assistance given to Dickson and Coleman , and their lack of cooperation In addition to its claim that Dickson and Coleman were the worst operators in terms of production , Respondent also sought to justify its choosing them for discharge from among the other deficient operators on the ground that they were given more assistance and instruction by their forelady and instructor than any of the other operators but that . they demonstrated very poor cooperation. The extensive testimony on this subject is analyzed below at some greater length than it merits not merely to demonstrate the absurdity of such claims but to give insight into the quality of the testimony adduced in support of Respondent's case. Instructor Marie Kitchens testified on direct examination that in the first few weeks of Coleman 's employment she spent as much as 3 hours a day helping her with her work. On cross-examination , Kitchens admitted that for the first 3 weeks after Coleman started to work, she ( Kitchens) was not even working as an instructor but was an operator doing regular banding. She then testified that she spent between 3 and 4 hours a day with Coleman during September and October and all during the time that she was employed as an instructor. This was later modified to an average of 2 hours a day, except that during the last few weeks before Coleman 's discharge , she helped her as much as 3 hours a day. At one point in her testimony , Kitchens claimed that at times she did as much as one-third of Coleman ' s work for her. When asked whether she did that for other operators , Kitchens replied, "Yes , at different times ," but added that she did it more often for Coleman than the others . When the General Counsel asked her, "very much more often ," Kitchens replied , "not too much ." At first Kitchens testified that Coleman's work was of poor quality but later admitted that Cole- man's work was no worse than the average line bander. Kitchens testified concerning Dickson, that she spent "hours and hours at a time at her machine" and that while she was helping Dickson, the latter instead of watching , would get up and talk to other girls. When asked on cross-examina- tion whether she would ask Dickson to come back to her machine and pay atten- tion to the instructions , Kitchens replied in the negative . Kitchens estimated that she spent as much as an hour at a time at Dickson's machine helping her and that during the first few weeks of her employment , she spent about an hour and a half a day with her. Although she had previously testified that she spent more time doing Coleman 's work than anyone else 's, she testified in connection with her assistance to Dickson that she spent more time with Dickson than any- one. else in the factory . Kitchens claimed that she would complete whole HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1551 bundles for Dickson and that during the week ending February 13, over one- third of the amount earned by Dickson was earned for her by Kitchens' work. On cross-examination, Kitchens in an expansive mood extended the one-third figure to include Dickson's work right along. Although she was not positive whether this took place every week, she thought it took place in most weeks. When Kitchens' attention was directed to the fact that Eloise Cromer, who was hired at the same time as Dickson, was equally deficient, Kitchens testified that it wasn't necessary to spend as much time with her. However, she testified that she also spent one-third of the time with Cromer on different occasion S.45 According to Kitchens, she reported to Bush the fact that Dickson's and Cole- man's production was bad. She was unable to recall, however, when she talked to Bush about them and admitted that she didn't talk to her about them any more than about any of the other girls. She also admitted talking to Bush about Cromer's work but added that she told Bush that Cromer "would stay with her machine all the time and tried her best to get it up and finally she made it." As indicated previously, the production records show that Cromer's production was no better than Dickson's and Coleman's and that in fact she never "made it" on the line banding. Bush's testimony on this subject, while not as absurd as Kitchens', was also lacking in conviction. Bush testified that she helped Coleman 3 and 4 hours a day during the training period and that a few weeks before her discharge (when Coleman was transferred to another part of the banding operation) she also worked with her that long. After further questioning on cross- examination, Bush admitted that she helped all the girls and didn't help Coleman any more than the others. When asked whether Coleman had any defective work come back to her to be redone, Bush testified that Coleman didn't have any bad work come back because it was inspected before it left her machine and, that they kept inspecting her work right to the end. Sub- sequently, she admitted that the work of all the line banders was inspected and that the procedure in Coleman's case was no different from that of the other line banders. She also admitted that' Coleman's work was no more defective than any of the other banders. Bush claimed that she talked to Coleman regularly about increasing her pro- duction. She admitted, however, that she spoke to all the girls about production and didn't treat Coleman any different than the rest. She also admitted that she never warned Coleman she would recommend her for discharge if she didn't increase her production. Bush's only testimony regarding Dickson was that she helped her as much as Coleman. . Considering the fact that there were about 135 operators in Department A, including about 50 banding operators, and the fact that there were a substantial 46 On redirect examination , in answer to a leading question by Respondent 's counsel, Kitchens testified that in her previous testimony she meant "Coleman" and not "Cromer." However, it is apparent from the context of her previous testimony that Kitchens was not mistaken and was in fact referring to Cromer. Her testimony regarding Cromer was given in response to a question interjected by the undersigned during a course of questioning by the General Counsel specifically directed to Cromer. This testimony was as follows : Trial Examiner LEWIS. Do you think you spent about one-third of your time with Mrs. Cromer, one-third of the time that you were working helping her? The WITNESS, On an average-you know, different days. Trial Examiner LEWIS. Did you help her a good part of the time she was there? The WITNESS. Yes. Trial Examiner LEWIS . I am talking about Mrs . Cromer now . [ Emphasis supplied.] The WITNESS . Yes, I helped her, too. 1552 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD number of deficient operators each week, the testimony of Kitchens and Bush that they spent hours with Coleman and Dickson alone and did as much as one- third of their work taxes credulity to the utmost. The undersigned does not doubt that both of these employees received reasonable assistance from Kitchens and Bush, but is convinced that it did not substantially exceed that given to the other deficient operators. A more realistic appraisal of the assistance given to Coleman and Dickson appears in their testimony. Coleman testified credibly that on the first day she was hired Bush sat clown at the machine of Pansy Schroeder and showed the two of them how to perform their operation. On another occasion, Super- intendent James sat at Schroeder's machine and showed Schroeder and Coleman how to hold the band when sewing, after Coleman had asked for his assistance as he was walking by. Outside of this, the only time she received any assistance from Bush or Kitchens was when she was given a new style to work on or when she was transferred to another operation. The latter occurred during January at which time Bush helped her for a while. Coleman also testified that Bush complimented her several times on the neatness of .her work. This was corroborated by Holland, one of Respondent's witnesses. Bush at first denied complimenting Coleman but later testified that she probably did. Kitchens also admitted complimenting Coleman on her work. Dickson testified credibly that after the first day, Bush rarely helped her and that while Kitchens would collie over occasionally and help her, this would never be more than 1.5 minutes at a time. Both Coleman and Dickson testified credibly that they were never spoken to by Bush and Kitchens about their production, and never threatened with discharge on that account 40 Respondent also endeavored to show that part of Coleman's difficulty was that she talked a great deal and didn't want to make production. One of the witnesses who testified that Coleman talked "quite a bit" Addis Hall, admitted that her observation of Coleman was based on the experience of a single week in August which was the only time she worked near Coleman. Another witness, Pearl Grant, claimed that Coleman talked "a good bit" and that she heard Coleman say "it didn't matter whether she worked hard or not, she was going to get $4.00 a day anyway." However, she admitted working near Coleman only during the period after Coleman's transfer. Since the production records dis- close that Coleman was transferred near Grant at the end of January 1948, it is apparent that the latter's observations were based on a period of only about 3 weeks. It may be noted that Grant also admitted talking a lot herself.. Mollie Holland, another employee who was called by Respondent as a witness, also testi- fied that^Coleman talked "a lot" and that she heard Coleman say "there wasn't no need of working hard ; that we were only going to make fifty cents an hour anyway." Holland admitted that her observations were based on a period of 1 month in September 1947 when she worked near Coleman. She also admitted that although Coleman talked a lot, "she worked pretty steadily" ; also that all the employees talked. Another employee, Lois Warrick, also testified that Coleman did "an awful lot of talking" and that Coleman told her there was no need to work hard, since she was only going to get $4 a day anyway. Since War- rick only sat next to Coleman for about 3 weeks before her discharge, her obser- vations were evidently based on this period, as she herself admitted. At one point she claimed that Coleman made this remark to her two or three times; j i0 As already indicated, Bush admitted she never told Coleman that she would be dis- charged if she didn 't increase her production. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1553 later she testified that Coleman made it to her only once , at lunch time . The un- dersigned was not impressed with the testimony of these witnesses and credits Coleman 's denial that she made any such remark . While Coleman was by no means a model of perfection, the undersigned is satisfied that if she talked while working her engagement in this activity did not exceed that of most of the other employees and did not substantially affect her work. Respondent also sought to show that Dickson talked a lot . This testimony was also unreliable and unconvincing . Addis Hall testified that while she was working near Dickson in August 1947 she heard her talking a lot. When it was brought out that Dickson did not start working until November 1947, Hall modi- fied her testimony and stated that she heard Dickson some time after August. Although she still insisted Dickson talked a lot, she admitted she herself talked and that she never heard any company rule against talking. Pearl Grant also claimed that Dickson talked . a lot. The production records disclose that Dick- son only worked near Grant for about 3 weeks in February , prior to Dickson's discharge . The undersigned is satisfied that any talking in which Dickson engaged is of no material consequence as far as the issues in the case are concerned. e. The alleged drive to eliminate deficiencies A key part of Respondent's case was its contention that the decision to dis- charge Dickson and Coleman was the culmination of a drive undertaken by management to eliminate deficiencies. Apparently aware that the discharge of these operators might be difficult to explain in the light of its past record of retaining many operators who had been deficient for extended periods of time, Respondent sought to show that the era of leniency and toleration came to an end with the announcement of a 10 percent increase in piece rates by Morris Michael, Jr., in his November 1947 speech. The undersigned finds nothing in the speech itself which would indicate to the employees that the Company intended to institute a "tougher" policy with respect to Nficiencies. The speech was not directed at the deficiencies of em- ployees but was an apparent effort to reassure employees that their position would not be adversely affected by the termination of relations with the Union. As an incident to Respondent's assurance that conditions would remain the same as when the employees had a union contract, Michael announced "one exception," a 10 percent raise in piece rates. Respondent argues that with the 10 percent increase announced in the speech the Company had a right to expect deficiencies to be eliminated, and calls attention to the fact that Michael told the employees that with the increase "every operator who made the minimum of 40 cents per hour in 1942 should, 'if she maintains the same production, earn 82 cents or more. So there is no excuse for any employee not making at least the 50-cent minimum." However, according to his own admission, the 82 cents an hour figure which Michael mentioned was extremely optimistic in relation to the capacity of the average operator. Michael testified that the piece rates for most jobs were established back in 1941 or 1942, based on time studies which would yield the average operator at least the 40 cent hourly minimum required under the Wage-Hour Law. The 82 cent figure mentioned in Michael's speech was based on the fact that the increases in piece rates since 1942 totaled ap- proximately 110 percent. However, he admitted that there was a definite decline in the productivity of employees during the period of the war and that prior to 903847-51-vol. 90-99 1554 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the 10 percent increase in December 1947 the average operator was not earning 75 cents an hour as might be expected if productivity had remained constant. It seems evident therefore that while Michael hoped for a decline in deficiencies, he had no reasonable expectation that they would be eliminated. According to Crawford's credited testimony, Michael's expressed hope that deficiencies would be eliminated was nothing new, since he usually spoke about this subject when an increase in piece rates had been granted in the past. Although the hope was expressed that deficiencies would be eliminated, there is no mention in the speech of any drive to eliminate them or any suggestion that employees who continued to be deficient would be discharged. On the contrary the tone of the speech was one of assurance to employees. However, aside from the question of whether the employees were put on notice by the speech itself, Respondent sought to show that it did in fact insti- tute a stricter policy with respect to deficiencies after this speech and that a number of the girls, including Dickson and Coleman, were thereafter called to the office and given to understand that their deficiencies would have to be eliminated or they would be discharged. Since, in the opinion of the under- signed, the testimony on this subject is of paramount importance in determining Respondent's good faith in choosing Dickson and Coleman for discharge and retaining other deficient operators, it is analyzed somewhat in detail below. According to the testimony of Morris Michael, Jr., he spoke to his brother, Bert, and to Superintendent James around December 1, 1947, and told them that the Company just couldn't keep on with the deficiencies and that steps would have to be taken to eliminate them. He testified that he told Bert and James, I will give you some time to get the procedure going. Christmas holidays are coming up, so we won't do anything about it until after that, but after that I am going to give you a few weeks, and then we are going to start clamping down. Michael explained that the reason nothing was going to be doi about the situation before Christmas was "because the Chistmas spirit was in every- thing and we don't judge much by that month." According to Michael, he be- gan studying the payroll after January 1, 1948, and prepared a list of de- ficient operators by machine number. He testified that he gave his brother a list of 12 or 14 people, mostly from Department A, and told him that he wanted "a report on every one of these girls." The list allegedly included people who had been working at least 7 or 8 weeks and who had "deficiencies of $6 or more, unless the deficiency was unusual for a particular week." Michael testified that he gave his brother such a list each week during January and February and that- usually he'd come back the next morning and tell me he had talked to Mr. James, the foreladies, and sometimes with the girls themselves, and he would bring me back a report on each-what she said, or what was wrong with her or why. Sometimes they went over it just with the fore- lady, but I think most of the time they'd call the girl to talk to her. Michael testified that by February 20 the list had dwindled to six or nine operators.' According to him, the lists for the few weeks preceding, included 4'7 The list prepared for February 20 was.taken from the February 13 payroll, according to Michael, since the employees were paid on Friday for the preceding week's work, and the February 20 figures were not yet completed. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1555 about seven or eight operators from Department A, one from Department B, and two in Department C. He called his brother in and, according to Michael, told him- I had given him six weeks now and the deficiencies were much too high and I wanted him to go up and talk to the [worst] girls very em- phatically and I wanted him to either start showing me an improvement, or something done about it. Michael testified that following this conversation with his brother, the latter reported to him the next morning, February 21, that he had to let three of the girls go. While the testimony of Morris Michael, Jr., appeared to be perfectly plausible on its face, his testimony regarding the allegod deficiency drive was not borne out by the testimony of Bert Michael and Superintendent James which was replete with inconsistencies, contradictions, and confusion. Bert Michael, al- though lie at first corroborated his brother's testimony that he received the first list of deficient operators in January 1948, testified on cross-examination that he received the first list "around the end of December," and at another point that he received it "toward the middle of December." Bert Michael testified that lie took the list to James and, told him that Morris wanted me to see about why these girls were deficient, and we discussed it and then called the foreladies separately from each department down and discussed it with them, and occasionally we would call the girls down. Superintendent James testified that he received the first list of deficient opera- tors about a week before Christmas. Despite Morris Michael, Jr.'s, testimony that lie told James and his brother that nothing should be done about the de- ficiencies until after Christmas "because the Christmas spirit was in everything and we don't judge much by that mouth," anti despite Michael's testimony that he didn't even begin studying the payrolls until after January, James insisted that he not only received a list of deficient operators before Christmas but that he had a group of then brought down to his office." Forelady Bush and Instruc- tor Kitchens also claimed that they sent a group of deficient operators to the office before Christmas, and Bush oil cross-examination fixed the date as being in November. According to James, the deficient operators were brought to the office for a talking to on three occasions ; once before Christmas, again around the second week in January, and finally in February when the three girls were discharged. Bert Michael's testimony was to the effect that the deficient opera- tors were only brought down twice, once around the end of January,"9 and again in February. The testimony regarding the discussions allegedly had with , the deficient operators on these various occasions was rather vague and confused. According to James, the operators to whom he spoke at the first interview around the middle of December included Coleman, Pansy Schroeder, Lucille Brewer, and Hilda Kitchens. All James recalled about this occasion was that "some coua- plained about the machines and others didn't say very much." It was Bush's 48 James admitted that the first time lie became concerned about deficiencies was when Morris Michael, Jr„ called them to his attention in December and that the list he received was the one Bert Michael had gotten from his brother. 49 On cross -examination he fixed the date as " around the middle of January." 1556 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD testimony that on this occasion she brought Coleman, Yarbrough, Dickson,50 Marchant, Babcock, and Gray to James' office; that they gave the excuse about having trouble with their machines and shaded material and said they would try to do better. During the second week in January, when according to James, lie and Bert Michael again interviewed some of the deficient operators, James was able to recall only Dickson, Coleman, and Yarbrough as being present, although he believed there were about five or six girls present at the time. Again something was said about a machine being defective, this time by Dickson. Coleman and Yarbrough didn't give any explanation for their deficiencies. The testimony of Bert Michael regarding the meeting in January which, accord- ing to him,. was the first meeting with the deficient operators after he received the list from his brother, was equally vague as to what operators were present and what was said. According to Bert Michael, there were seven or eight people on the list from Department A and several from the other departments. However, he only sent for the operators from Department A. On direct examination, the only ones he recalled as being present were Dickson, Coleman, Yarbrough, Brewer, and possibly Durclen. On cross-examination he added the name of Marchant and thought that possibly Gray and Babcock were there. He did not recall whether Cromer, Crumbley, or Frazier 51 were present. All he recalled about this occasion was that after the girls were told they would have to do better "or else we would have to do something about it," Dickson complained about her machine. The next occasion when, according to both Bert Michael and James, any of the deficient operators were sent for was February 20. On this occasion only Coleman, Dickson, and Yarbrough were called to the office and later discharged. The testimony of Respondent's witnesses regarding this incident and particularly with reference to why only Dickson, Coleman, and Yarbrough were called to the office was more disingenuous and confused than anything that preceded it. Bert Michael testified that he received a list of names from his brother on February 20, 1948, which included the names of Dickson, Coleman, Yarbrough, Brown, Cromer, and Babcock from Department A, and one employee from De- partment C whose name he did not recall. On cross-examination he added the name of Brewer to the list of those from Department A and recalled that the names of Georgia Revel and Minnie Wheeler from Department C were on the list. According to Bert Michael he called Bush to James' office and asked her, . .. to explain to me what the trouble was of each of these girls and as a result [Bush] said that the worst ones on there were Mrs. Coleman, -Mrs. Dickson, and Mrs., Yarbrough. So I asked her to bring them down later that afternoon. The only conversation -Michael could recall having with Bush about the other girls on- the list was that, . . . she thought they were trying ; they were doing much better ; they were not having to be instructed as much ; and they were doing good work ; and she'd like to give them another chance. All he could recall about any specific employee was that Babcock "was doing excellent work. She was a little slow ; and she would like to talk to her agate ; 50 At this time , Dickson had only been employed for about a month . According to Morris Michael, Jr ., the first list only included girls who had been there 7 or 8 weeks . Superin- tendent James testified that he gave a girl about 21/z months before lie expected her to produce. 61 It will be noted that the deficiencies of these three operators exceeded both Coleman's and Dickson's. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1557 warn her again about coming up before she was called down. She thought she had possibilities of making the minimum." 52 On cross-examination, Belt Michael admitted that he knew Babcock had been there longer than Dickson, Coleman, and Yarbrough and had been deficient "a lot." Despite the sustained deficiency of other operators, some of whom had been employed substantially longer than the three in question, Bert Michael testified that he only sent for Coleman, Dickson, and Yarbrough because "it was in my mind a good excuse. as to why the others shouldn't be called down, especially when she said those three were the worst." According to Michael's testimony, when he sent for these three girls he had no intention of discharging them but told Bush. he "just wanted to talk to them." On cross-examination he claimed that Bush told him these three girls were "hopeless," but nevertheless he insisted he merely wanted to talk to them. Since it was not his intention to discharge them but merely to talk to them, it seems strange that he did not also want to talk to the other deficient operators, some of whom he allegedly saw in January but who were still deficient and some of whom he had never spoken to personally about their deficiencies.5S , - Bush's testimony regarding her conversation with Bert Michael, which resulted in the three girls being brought to his office, borders on the fantastic. At first, she testified that on the morning of February 20, Bert Michael told her he wanted to talk to the employees who had the worst deficiencies in her depart- ment and that he asked-her to bring down three girls to whom he wanted to talk. Although 'Respondent's counsel attempted by leading questions to suggest that Michael had a list of more than three names, the witness at this point testified that no other production records were discussed since Dickson, Cole- man, and Yarbrough were the worst. Bush subsequently asked to be excused from testifying further-because she didn't feel well enough to continue her testi- mony. When she resumed the stand several days later, Bush testified that on the morning of February 20, Bert Michael talked to her about the deficiencies of five or six operators in her department, including Yarbrough, Coleman, Dickson. Babcock, Brown, and Brewer. Bush further testified that; he picked these numbers out and he asked me if-to tell him about them and I told them I had to help them an awful lot and tried to teach them to do the work correctly and also to make the minimum and I felt I had done all I could. Bush was then asked by Respondent's counsel, "With respect to-whom did you apply that?" and she answered, "To Coleman, Dickson and Yarbrough." Ac- cording to Bush, Michael then told her he wanted to have a talk with some of the girls and see.if he could get them to do better. When she was then. asked by Respondent's counsel whom Michael told her to bring down, Bush replied "I ,am so confused" and then stated that he told her to bring down all the employees on the list, Babcock, Brewer, Brown, Dickson, and Coleman. Whereupon, coun- sel asked her. whether, "As a matter of fact, did you or not, take all of them down or did you take just some-part of them-down there," to which suggestive question Bush replied that she just took "part of them down there." " Men 52 Whether Babcock had any "possibilities of making the minimum " may be judged in the light of the fact that despite her employment since November 1946 , her production record for 1947 and 1948 fails to disclose that she made it in a single week. 63 Although Babcock , Georgia Revel , and Lillie Snell from Department C were allegedly on his'list of deficient operators , lie admitted that the only operators he had ever called to the office were from, Department A. Also , as previously noted, Michael had no recollection of Cromer or Frazier being present at the previous interview , although their production records were worse than Dickson ' s and Coleman's. 1558 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD asked why she didn't bring them all, she replied, "Well, he asked me to bring down the ones that he especially wanted to talk with," and claimed that after talking with her, Michael told her to bring only Coleman, Dickson, and Yar- brough. According to Bush, she told him that the others were improving and doing their work very nicely without help and that they were "earning the minimum, you know-earning their production each day and were gaining in speed." M In answer to a leading question of counsel, Bush testified that she told Michael that the three girls in question were being helped by Kitchens who was doing part of their work for them. On cross-examination, Bush at first testified that Bert Michael showed her a list of five operators and that after discussing them he asked her to bring down only three. 'Subsequently, she testified that Michael told her to bring down five or six operators and then stated, "Maybe less. I wouldn't say for sure." Still later she testified that she brought down Yarbrough, Dickson, Coleman, Brown, and Cromer, and that Michael let Brown and Cromer go back to work after discharging Yarbrough, Dickson, and Coleman. On redirect examination she was asked by Respondent's counsel, "what three-what persons," she took to Michael's office and replied, "Mrs. Cromer and Mrs. Dickson and Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Coleman and Miss Yarbrough." She was then asked if she wanted "to correct,any testimony that you have given with respect to the people who actually went down to Mr. Michael's office," and she replied that only Coleman, Yarbrough, and Dickson went to Michael's office with her. The testimony of Respondent's witnesses as to what occurred in Michael's office when Dickson, Coleman, and Yarbrough were brought down on February 20 was stereotype, lacking in detail and unconvincing. Michael testified that the three girls were brought to his office about 4: 15 in the afternoon by Bush. He and Bush were the only management'officials present when the discussion started, since James bad gone out of town in the morning. However, James returned while the conversation was in progress and was present thereafter. According to Bert Michael, he told the girls That their production hadn't im- proved, ,that their deficiencies were still high, and that something would have to be done about it. He testified that Coleman' was the first to talk and said ,,she was doing the best she could" and that he told her, "Well, if that's the attitude, we can't keep on like that;" that Dickson spoke up and said "If that's the way you' all feel about it, it's all right with me;" that Yarbrough said nothing; and that after Coleman's and Dickson's remarks lie told Bush to take them to the office and get them their pay checks. James' account of the incident closely paralleled Bert Michael's. It may be noted, however, that despite his and Michael's testimony that he had been out of town that morning and did not return until after the conversation started, his account of the incident purported to cover the entire conversation as if he were present from the beginning. He testified that Bert Michael referred to the deficiencies of these girls and wanted to know why they were continuing; that Coleman spoke up and said she was doing the best she could; that Dickson "didn't have much to say" (although he thought she said something about doing the best she could) ; that Yarbrough didn't say anything; that Michael said, "Well,. since that's the best we can do . . . girls, I'm sorry we won't be able to .keep you" ; and that one of the girls (he thought Coleman) said, "Are you sure that's all," and Michael replied, "Yes." Despite the fact that he was not present 64 It is evident that the other operators on the list were not "earning their production each day" since their presence on the alleged list was due to their continued deficiency. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1559 when Michael discussed the deficiencies with Bush that morning, James pur- ported to know that Michael did not intend to fire the girls when he sent for them but only wanted to talk to them and that there was another girl who was supposed to be sent to the office but who was absent that day. Bush's testimony regarding the incident was cut out of the same stereotype pattern as Michael's and James', with slight variations. She testified that she took the girls to the office about 4: 30 in the afternoon and that Michael and James were there ; 66 that Bert Michael asked the girls why they were not mak- ing more production ; that they said "if he wasn't satisfied that they were doing all they could ;" and that Michael told them he couldn't keep them any longer and they were laid off. As mentioned previously, Bush testified on her cross- exami- nation that she also brought Brown and Cromer as well as the three girls to the office, and that Michael let Brown and Cromer go back to work after discharging the three girls. The testimony of Coleman and Dickson belies the assertions of Respondent re- garding the campaign to eliminate deficiencies and the prior warnings given to the deficient operators. On the contrary, it establishes that their discharges were handled in a precipitate and summary fashion. According to Coleman, until the day of the discharge, February 20, she was never called to the office about her production or given any warning that unless her production improved she would be discharged. She testified credibly that the only time she was ever called to the office was the occasion in December, previously related, when she bad gotten into an argument with some of the girls at her table arising out of her union activities.' Dickson frankly admitted in her direct testimony having been called to James' office about her production on the morning of January 29, 1948. However, this was not in the company of any group of deficient operators as claimed by James and Michael, but grew out of Dickson's remark, about not being satisfied, in a telephone conversation with a fellow employee the pre- vious evening when the matter of signing a union card was discussed. Although the subject of her production came up at the meeting with James and Bert Michael, there was nothing said about discharging her if she didn't improve." She was then transferred to another machine . Only 3 short weeks later and, according to Respondent's witnesses, on the basis of her production in the succeeding 2 weeks, she was called to the office and discharged. The testimony of Bert Michael and James was to the effect that despite Dickson's and Coleman's bad production records they merely wanted to talk to them but that their indifferent, uncooperative attitude (luring the interview was what actually resulted in their discharge. Dickson's and Coleman's testimony, however, gives a somewhat different complexion to this incident. According to their testimony, which was substantially in accord, each of them was told to report to the office by Instructor Kitchens. When they got there they found Jane Yarbrough already there and James and Bert Michael were both present. Bush came in right behind them with their time cards in her hand. According Both James and Bert Michael , it will be recalled , testified that James did not join the conference until after it had started. fie The undersigned is convinced that it was on the basis of this visit to the office that James and Bush fabricated their testimony about Coleman being called to the office in December about her production. 14 On direct examination , James claimed that he told Dickson that if her production did .not improve after she was changed to another machine she would be discharged. On cross- examination , however , he testified that he didn 't tell her she would be discharged but merely told her to try to increase her production. 1560 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD to Dickson, Bert Michael looked up at them and said their deficiencies were too high and that he would have to let them go ; that even during the ww;ar deficiencies were only 3 percent and that "we'd just have to call it quits." At this point, Coleman spoke up and asked Michael whether there was another girl on the line banding who could make production. Michael replied that he didn't know and turned to Bush'to ask her whether they did have any line handlers who were making production. Bush replied that one of the new girls had been able to make 80 pair of pants the second day she was there. Although the name of the new girl was not mentioned, Dickson, according to her testimony, knew they were referring to Jurelle Turk with whom she had been eating lunch, and replied that she knew the lady.to whom Bush was referring but that lady was an ex- perienced operator, having previously worked 12 or 14 years in a pants factory in Winder, Georgia. To this Bush replied that it was the first time the lady had worked for them. Dickson told Michael that after she had been moved to a different machine a few weeks previously, she thought she had increased her production and was making "more pairs of pants per day." Michael said she had not and finally told Bush to take them to the front office and get them their ,checks. Coleman's version of the incident did not differ materially from Dickson's, except that she admitted on cross-examination that after Dickson had made the -observation about Jurelle '.Turk having previously worked in a pants factory, ,she herself told him that "if that's the way you feel about it, I can't help it." 'During her rebuttal testimony, she stated that she didn't recall making any such statement. Although as previously mentioned, Bush's testimony in the main followed the pattern of Bert Michael's and James', namely, that the girls' attitude was one of complete indifference, which left Respondent no alternative but to discharge -them, she did at one point in her testimony inadvertently corroborate an im- portant part of Dickson's and Coleman's testimony. She admitted that "Mrs. Dickson wanted to know if we. had more girls-if we had any girls upstairs that could do-make production on the operation." Subsequently, however, when Bush was asked what Dickson had said to Michael, Bush replied, "she ..[Dickson] just didn't show that she cared and she didn't reply to his question." She was unable to recall anything specific Coleman said other than her general .testimony that "they all seemed like it was all right with them." The undersigned is convinced from the testimony and finds that when the ..three girls were called to the office they tried to point out that it was difficult to make production on the operation and that the only retort they got was that some new girl had made 80 pair of pants the second day she was there. Dick- ,son's plea that she thought she had improved her production since her transfer, ,met with a negative response from Michael.68 In the opinion of the undersigned, it, is not important whether Coleman did or slid not say, "I can't help it if that's ,the way you feel about it." Aside from the fact that she was speaking only for herself, it seems evident that this was not intended to indicate indifference, as 'Respondent suggests, but rather to indicate that if Bert Michael refused to show an appreciaion of the difficulties involved in making production on their opera- tion; after what had been said, there was nothing. else she could do to make him understand. .From the conversation as a whole, it is evident that Dickson and 58 Her production record discloses that she had in fact improved her production. Her deficiency; for the. week endink . January, 30 was 50.9 percent ; in the following weeks, February 6, 13, and 20 , it declined successively to.41.6, 39.5, and 37.5 percent. HAPP BROTHERS, COMPANY, INC. 1561 Coleman were trying to reason and explain matters to Michael and that their attitude was not one of indifference. The undersigned is convinced that Bert Michael had already determined in his own mind to get rid of these three girls and was trying to bring the matter to a conclusion as quickly as possible. As Coleman testified, "they didn't give us time to explain anything. It looked like the quicker he got us out of there, the better he liked it." Although the undersigned is satisfied from the bizarre testimony of James, Bush, and Bert Michael that Coleman and Dickson were not discharged as part of any campaign for the elimination of deficiencies, such as they testified to, and, moreover, that such a campaign never took place, additional support for this conclusion may be found in the testimony of a group of deficient operators who testified on this subject. Eloise Cromer, whose production record was at least equally bad as Dickson's, testified credibly that neither Superintendent James nor Forelady Bush ever warned her about her production or threatened her because of deficiencies. Cromer, who according to Bert Michael, was on the list of deficient operators on February 20 but was one of those whom Bush told him was "not having to be instructed as much ; and they were doing good work," testified that she had more defective work returned to her than Dickson." Cromer, it should be noted, continued in Respondent's employ during the strike and left voluntarily on March 1 to have an operation. She was rehired in June and was put on regular banding where she made production thereafter. Katie Crumbley, whose deficiency record was worse than both Dickson's and Coleman's, testified credibly that she was never called to James' office about her production and was never threatened with discharge by either James or Bush. Crumbley started to work for Respondent on October 24, 1947, several weeks before Dickson, and voluntarily quit at the end of the first week of Feh- ruary. She reapplied for work about a month after the strike started and despite her poor production record, she was rehired. She worked for about 3 months thereafter and again voluntarily quit. Inez Brown, who Bert Michael claimed was on the list of February 20 and whose production record was only slightly worse than Coleman's, testified credibly that she was never warned about her production by James or Bush and never called to James' office. Susie Frazier, whose production deficiencies exceeded even Yarbrough's, testified cred- ibly that no one ever complained to her about her production and she was never sent to the office because of deficiencies. Nellie Simmons, whose produc- tion record was only slightly better than Coleman's but who finally made produc- tion during the week ending February 13, testified credibly that during the time she was deficient she was never warned by Bush or James or sent to James' office. Several of the witnesses (lid not deny having been called to James' office and spoken to about their production, but none of them were discharged. Hilda- Kitchens, whose deficiency record was worse than all three discharged employees, testified that no one ever said anything to her about her production until January 1948 when she was called to James' office ; that James asked her if she would like to try another job to see if she could make more ; that she told him that she would like to try something else as she could not make it on banding; that James told her he would move her to the finishing department making belts ; and that after she was put on this operation she was able to make production. On cross-examination, . 69 As mentioned above, Instructor Kitchens admitted that at times she had to spend as much time with Cromer as with Dickson. 6U It will be recalled that Crumbley refused to join the Clothing Workers' Union at Cole-` man's request and,was one of those called to Michael's office in December after an argument among the girls at Coleman's table. 1562 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Kitchens, who was called as a witness for the General Counsel but who is still employed by Respondent, testified that she believed she asked James to try her on some other operation and that he had told her unless she improved he would have to let her go. On redirect examination, Kitchens testified that she didn't remember whether she told James she wanted to try something else or whether he asked her if she wanted to be transferred to another operation. The under- signed finds it unnecessary to determine whether Kitchens asked for the transfer or whether James suggested it. It is significant that Kitchens who was hired at approximately the same time as Coleman and whose production deficiency ex- ceeded all three of the discharged employees,81 but who was not a union member, was given an opportunity to try something other than line banding only a few weeks before the others were discharged.02 It may also be noted that although James claimed that he spoke to several other girls, including Coleman, at the time Kitchen was called to the office, the latter made no mention in her testimony of any other employee being present. However, even if James' testimony were to be credited, his failure on that occasion to offer Coleman a similar opportunity to transfer is a fact which reflects unfavorably on Respondent's motives. Another operator who admitted having been called to James' office about her: production was Addle C. Marchant. Marchant was employed by Respondent as a regular bander from February 1946 until she voluntarily quit in July 1948. Marchant, who was called as a witness by the General Counsel, testified that during the period of her employment she was called'to James' office several times about her production but was never discharged. On cross-examination, Marchant, who appeared to be a person of limited intellectual capacity and readily open to suggestion, answered in the affirmative a question whether when she was called to James' office, she said, "I can do better, give me another chance." Irrespective of whether Marchant asked for another chance, it is significant that she contin- ued to be employed by Respondent despite the fact that after 2 years of experi- ence, she still had substantial deficiencies on an operation where, unlike the line banding, a majority of the employees were able to make production. Mary L. Durden 62 was another deficient operator who testified that she was sent to James' office. Durden, who was one of the few deficient operators called to testify by Respondent, claimed that she was sent to James' office about her production just before Christmas, together with Hilda Kitchens, Yarbrough, Mary Moody, and Pansy Schroeder. When reminded by Respondent' s counsel, she added the name of Coleman to the list of those present' According to Durden, James told the girls "to work harder, to try to make production ; the more we made, the more we'd make." Durden also claimed to have been called to James' office in January with several other girls but was not sure Coleman was present on that occasion. Durden admitted that at no time did James 'or Bush say anything about discharging girls if they didn't speed up their produc- 61 Kitchens was employed as a line bander from August 1, 1947, until her transfer in the week of February 6, 1949. Her deficiency average from October 3, 1947, to the date of her transfer was 65.5 percent. 6 2 Although James testified he talked to Kitchens in December 1947 , Kitchens ' production record discloses that she was still working on line banding during the week ending January 30, 1948. Apparently, therefore, James must have talked to her around January 30 since she was transferred immediately after this talk. 62 This employee testified under her married name , Barbree. 64 It will be recalled that neither Bush nor James mentioned Durden as being present among the girls. called to the latter ' s office before Christmas . Likewise , although Bush testified she was preseht . at the conference , it was Durden 's testimony that Bush was not, present. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1563 tion. However, in answer to a leading question by Respondent's counsel, she testified that she got the impression from what James said when he called the- girls together that she would be let go if she didn't make production. Although admitting that Bush never said anything about discharging her if her produc- tion didn't improve, Durden claimed that Bush "kept after her" about her pro- duction until she finally quit in January 1948. It subsequently turned out, however, that her reason for quitting was not Bush's "keeping after her" but her unwillingness to accept a transfer back to the line banding operation on which she had been having difficulty 0° Any semblance of doubt regarding the alleged drive to eliminate deficiencies beginning in Januaryy 1948 was dissipated by one of Respondent's own witnesses, Leona Atkins, the forelady of Department C, which next to Department A had the largest number of deficient operators. Although Bert Michael had testified that he and James called the foreladies down when the drive began in January- and told them that deficiencies would have to be eliminated, Atkins testified that she was not aware of any particular drive to eliminate deficiencies in January 1948. As further indicative of the confusion among Respondent's wit- nesses, it may be noted that while Bert Michael testified none of the girls out- side of Department A was ever sent for in the alleged drive, Atkins testified. that she took Minnie Wheeler, Georgia Revel, and Lillie Snell to James' office in January and also took three girls down about a week before the strike. Concluding Findings The narrow issue presented is whether Dickson and Coleman were discharged because of their poor production or because of their union activities and affilia-' tion. On the basis of their production records, they were admittedly among the worst operators insofar as quantity of production is concerned. Such a factual showing would ordinarily give at least a prima facie justification for a discharge' despite the fact that.the objects of such action were active union adherents, and would require strong contrary evidence to rebut the presumption of legitimacy of motive existing under such circumstances. However, despite this fact, which frankly gave the undersigned pause for thought in weighing the facts in this case, the undersigned is convinced from a careful and detailed analysis of the testimony and from his personal observation of the principal actors .in the case, that production deficiency was not the real cause for their discharge and that their discharge is only intelligible on the basis of their union activities. Although Dickson's and Coleman's deficiencies were high, the undersigned is convinced that this was to a material degree clue to the line banding system itself. A production system in which the majority of the operators fail to reach the established production quotas is patently defective. It is not, of course, within the province of the Board to tell an employer not to use a particular sys- tem of production, even if it is a bad one, or to deny him the right to discharge an employee for failing to meet an unfair quota. However, the undersigned is convinced that Respondent was aware that its line banding system was not. working out and that its failure to take disciplinary action until February 20, 1948, against any employee for sustained failure to make production was due in part to its realization that the system was not working out. Respondent's awareness of the nonworkability of the line banding system, as it had been set up, culminated in the abandonment of the system shortly after the discharges. 66 Durden had the worst production record of any operator in the plant . The undersigned found her a generally unreliable witness. 1564 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD In setting up a 131/, cent differential in rates between the regular banding. and the line banding, Respondent must have anticipated the fact that it might not be possible to achieve the production quotas. Assuming that in establishing the differential, Respondent acted in the good faith belief that certain advantages coming from specialization warranted the differential, Respondent must have had some reservations as to how it would work out. Obviously, the fact that most of the employees who were to be put on the line banding'were to be new employees was a factor which would outweigh at least in part the advantages of the new system. From the confusion thereafter resulting, the lack of precise knowledge of the piece-rate basis of their compensation by many operators, the unwillingness of most regular banders to transfer to the new system, the large number of employees who were deficient and the substantial size of the defi- ciencies, it is evident that any optimism which Respondent may have entertained about the new system was not long sustained. Aside from any shortcomings of the line banding system or Respondent's doubts about it, it is clear that Respondent's attitude toward deficiencies, generally, was a lenient one. It retained in its employ, not merely deficient line banders .but also regular banders, pocket operators, and other categories of employees who after several years were still regularly deficient in production. While it may have spoken to some of these employees from time to time about their defi,- ciencies, it did not threaten them with discharge or ever previously discharge any. of them. Neither James, Bush, nor Atkins could recall any employees who had ever been discharged for production deficiency .a The record discloses that as far as Coleman's and Dickson's deficiencies are concerned, no particular attention was paid to the subject prior to the alleged drive against deficiencies in January 1948. Although Bush claimed that she talked to Coleman about her production, she admitted that she talked to all the deficient operators, trying to encourage them to increase their production, and didn't treat Coleman any different from the rest. Instructor Kitchens had no knowledge of talking to Bush about Coleman and Dickson any more than any of the other operators. According to James, he paid no attention to any of the deficiencies until Bert Michael called his attention to the matter in December. The latter testified that lie had no particular knowledge of the subject prior to December 1, 1947, when his brother brought it to his.attention. With respect to the alleged drive against deficiencies which began in January 1948, the undersigned is convinced that it never took place. Even if a number of the most deficient employees who would have been among those that one would expect to be interviewed about their production, had not testified credibly that no one ever talked to them about their production or threatened them with possible discharge, the testimony of Respondent's witnesses regarding the drive and the interviews with employees was so completely confused, contradictory, and lacking in consistency as to be beyond belief. Finally, Respondent's testimony of how Dickson, Coleman, and Yarbrough were. chosen from among the deficient operators to be sent for on February 20 bordered on. the fantastic. The testimony that other operators were not being sent for. because they were not being helped as much as Dickson and Coleman or because they were trying, was not supported by the facts. The testimony as to the help given Dickson and Coleman for "hours and hours" and for one-third of their time, e" There was some testimony by Respondent's supervisory officials that instead of -dis- charging employees in the past they got them to "quit." The undersigned finds this evidence wholly unconvincing and lacking in, factual support. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY,' INC. - ' ' 1 565 .or about producing one-third of their work, at a time when half the other banders (let alone other operators) were having production difficulties, was completely incredible. If in, fact, Coleman and Dickson were as hopeless as Bush and Michael, claimed, Michael's assertion that he had no intention of discharging them on February 20, but merely wanted to talk to them is absurd. On the other hand, if all he wanted to do was "talk," his failure to call other operators with high defici- encies such as Frazier, Cromer, Babcock,'Brown, Revel, Marchant, and Gray, is beyond understanding. It is not clear from his testimony that lie had ever spoken to some of these before.°' Assuming even that the foreladies had previously spoken to some of these operators, if things had reached the serious stage Re- spondent claimed, a talk by the "big boss" with a substantial number of the operators with high deficiencies would have been in order, particularly the operators- like Marchant,,Gray, and Babcock who had'been employed for a far longer period than the operators for whom he sent. Respondent's line of approach regarding the discharged operators shifted somewhat when the actual occasion of the discharge was reached. Although a considerable part of its case and its argument was based on the fact that these operators were discharged because of their deficiencies, the emphasis at this, point shifted and, according to James and Michael, the final cause of their dis- charge was that they were indifferent. The testimony of Bush, Bert Michael, and Junes, as previously discussed, was completely lacking in plausibility and conviction. Coleman's and Dickson's testimony, which was inadvertently cor- roborated in part by Bush, disclosed that they reacted like most normal employees about to be fired and endeavored to.save their jobs. They were not indifferent but tried to explain the difficulties under which they were operating. Of particular significance in determining whether deficiency in production had anything to do with their discharge, it may be noted that in a matter of only a few weeks prior to their discharge, both of them had had a transfer of machine. Coleman was transferred to another machine during the week ending January 30 and put on another part of the banding operation. Dickson was transferred from a machine which she had told James was defective on January 29. Under such circumstances, an employer would ordinarily give them a reasonable length of time to see if they could improve. This was particularly true in Dickson's case who had only worked for Respondent since the middle of November and in the few weeks after her transfer at the end of January showed a marked improve- ment. On the basis of Respondent's own story that the last production record before it was that of February 1.3, Coleman was discharged on the basis of 3 weeks' work since her transfer to a new operation, and Dickson on the basis of 'only 2 weeks' performance. The explanation of this precipitate action can, in the opinion of the undersigned, be traced to only one thing. The Union started its organizing campaign during the last week in January and by around February 15 it was in full swing. Coleman had become a member and was signing up employees in the plant. Her previous union record was known to Respondent. Dickson also became a member and her participation in the house-to-house cam- •paign marked her as a strong union adherent. Granted that there were more active union members such as Crawford, Respondent's failure to discharge them does not, as it suggests, disprove its antiunion motive in discharging Dickson 'and Coleman. • The latter were particularly vulnerable because of their produc- tion record and this furnistied, Respondent with a convenient alibi for ridding °G According to his own admission, he had not spoken to'auy of the deficient operators in Department C. 1566 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD itself of at least two of the active union protagonists. From all the evidence, the undersigned is convinced and finds, that Coleman and Dickson were dis- charged solely because of their membership and activity-on behalf of the United Construction Workers' Union. In concluding that union membership and activity were responsible for the discharge of Dickson and Coleman, the undersigned was influenced not merely by the cold testimony of the various witnesses but by the impression which he received from observing Respondent's key witnesses upon the witness stand. That impression was one of an organized effort to cover up the true facts of Dickson's and Coleman's discharge. Since their testimony obviously did not arise from the wellspring of actual experience it became hopelessly confused and contradictory, and the witnesses soon manifested the discomfort of the experi- ence in which they had become enmeshed. Brief comment on the manner in which some of these witnesses testified follows. Bush was almost continuously led during her testimony. She was reluctant to repeat answers previously given and indicated annoyance when the General Counsel sought to clarify answers given by her on direct examination. At one point in her cross-examination she stated that her memory was not "too good -that far back" and that the repeated questions were "getting on my nerves." During the course of her direct examination she asked to be excused because she didn't feel well enough to continue testifying. When she resumed the stand .,several days later she stated that she had been ill and under a doctor's care in the interim. In answer to leading questions by Respondent's counsel she testified that during the last 10 or 15, minutes of her previous testimony she didn't know what she was "talking about" and could not "register questions" in her mind. From the undersigned's observation of her demeanor and his analysis of her testimony, he is satisfied that while some of her answers may hot have been pleasing to counsel, she understood the questions addressed to her and was testifying in a perfectly coherent and rational manner. Evidence of this is the fact that after she resumed the stand she was later asked by Re- spondent's counsel whether he had gone into a certain line of questioning at the previous session and Bush replied that be had, thus indicating that she was fully conscious of what was going on' during her previous testimony. Re- garding the alleged illness which interrupted her testimony and made her semi- conscious during the last 10 or 15 minutes of the first session, she admitted on cross-examination that her nervous condition had been brought on by having to -testify in this case and that prior to the hearing she had not been under a doctor's care. Jt seems evident to the undersigned that Bush's nervous con- «ttion was caused largely by the realization that her testimony was in a number of material aspects contrary to fact. Another witness meriting special comment is Marie Kitchens. Kitchens' testi- mony was on a par with Bush's for contradictions; exaggeration, confusion, and 'vagueness. Kitchens was extremely nervous when testifying. Twice during her testimony she broke into tears. This was not due to the General Counsel's manner of cross-examination, which generally speaking was mild when com- pared to Respondent's counsel, but to her evident unhappiness at the predica- ment into which her conflicting and confused testimony had gotten her. Superintendent James gave the impression of being confused on the witness stand and at times was hesitant, flustered, afid unsure of himself. Bert Michael and his brother exhibited better control and composure than James, Bush, or Kitchens. However, as indicated above their testimony was confused and. con- tradictory. HAPP .BROTHEIRS, COMPANY, INC. 1567 One other matter requiring brief discussion is Respondent's argument that its record of amicable union relations and the absence of any antiunion bias makes improbable any antiunion motivation in the discharges. Among other things, -Respondent refers to the testimony of a number of witnesses that they heard :both Morris Michael, Jr., and his father say that the employees had a right to join a union or not just as they wished ; that it was a matter of their own per- sonal choice. Most of this testimony was of a rather general nature, with the .employees unable to specifically identify the occasion or circumstances for the making of such remarks. Whether such statements were made or not, the subse- quent acts and statements of Respondent's supervisory officials, as related in Paragraph.B of this section, discloses a different trend in the attitude of Re- spondent toward engagement in concerted activities by its employees. Likewise, .the fact that Respondent at one time maintained amicable relations with the union representing its employees does not give it absolution from antiunion conduct later on. It may be observed, in this connection, that most of the period ,when the Respondent enjoyed peaceful bargaining relations with a union was prior to the incumbency of the present management officials, at the time when -Morris Michael, Sr., and the Happ brothers were the active heads of the Com- pany. Admittedly, when the Company resumed bargaining relations with the Union in 1945, it did so voluntarily, although only after the Union disclosed by a show of membership cards that it represented a majority of the employees. However, within a year thereafter, Respondent refused to sign another contract .unless the Union proved its majority in a Board election. This the Union did by the overwhelming vote of 256 to 32. Respondent signed another contract but by October of the following year, it was at loggerheads with the Union. Respondent sought to justify its failure to renew the contract with the Garment Workers' Union on the ground that the Union no longer represented a majority of its employees and sought to show through a number of witnesses that during -the summer of 1947 they talked to Morris Michael, Jr., about the disharmony which prevailed in the plant because of the Union and requested him not to renew the contract. The undersigned regards this testimony as being of doubtful materiality since the complaint herein is not based on any refusal to bargain. Assuming, however, the relevancy of such testimony, the undersigned was far from convinced by the witnesses adduced in support of this position. The testi- mony of three of the main witnesses called for this purpose, Kate Kitchens, Mrs. J. V. Stewart, and Mrs. John Harden, failed,to disclose any widespread dissatis- faction with the Union among union members or among the employees generally, but rather that these three elderly ladies had gone to see Morris Michael, Jr., about their own personal grievances growing out of the fact that the Union ob- jected to their being put to certain work. The evidence fails to disclose that they were representative of any considerable number of union employees or that outside of these few employees, any substantial number of union members asked .Michael not to renew the contract with the Union 08 68 Kitchens, who had only been a union member for about 3 months in 1941, testified that as many as 50 emplocees complained to her about the Union. On cross-examination, she admitted that many of these did not come to her directly but that she had overheard them complaining. She was not sure what the complaining was about except "lots of fussing, among just everybody in general." She finally "guessed" that the bickering was about the work and not about the Union. Stewart was equally vague as to how many complained about the Union. She admitted that when she, Kitchens, and Harden talked to Morris Michael, Jr., they discussed their own grievances against the Union and did not men. tion anyone else. Michael in his own testimony at one time claimed at least 200 employees talked to him about the Union, then stated that 40 or 50 spoke to him. He was uncertain 1 568 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The history of Respondent' s union relations is not at issue in this proceeding. Specific acts of antiunion conduct are charged in the complaint and are dealt with in the course of this Report. In a number of instances, these allegations are sustained by the testimony, and past favorable relations with a union is no defense to such conduct.6B With respect to the discharge of Dickson and Coleman, as has been related in detail above, the overwhelming weight of the evidence is that the discharges bad a discriminatory genesis. Before concluding with the subject of the discharges, a word should be said about the case of Jane Yarbrough. Since Yarbrough is not mentioned in the complaint as one of the employees discriminatorily discharged or refused rein- statement, it is unnecessary to determine the reason for her discharge. However, .the Respondent has cited her production record as indicative of the fact that poor production was the sole reason for the discharge of Dickson and Coleman. Yarbrough's production record was admittedly bad. Her deficiency percentage exceeded even that of Dickson and Coleman. However, it may be noted that at least two other binders, Frazier and Cromer, had records equally as bad, and as mentioned above, a number of operators of far longer employment were retained in Respondent's employ despite substantial production deficiencies. The evidence discloses not only that Yarbrough had a poor production record but also that Respondent had considerable trouble with her because of her mischievous proclivities. She would do such things as cutting the thread. in the machines of other operators, tying their clothes to the chair, and deliberately damaging mate- rial. Such acts would in themselves have justified her discharge. It is sig- nificant, however, that although Respondent was aware of these proclivities on Yarbrough's part almost from the start of her employment it did nothing about discharging her until February 20, 1945.0 Possibly the key to its change in attitude on February 20, 1948, was the fact that Yarbrough had joined the United Construction Workers' Union.' It is also possible that Respondent determined to camouflage its antiunion motivation in discharging Dickson and Coleman, by also discharging an employee whose claim to continued employment rested on more' tenuous grounds. Whatever Respondent's motives in discharging Yar- brough, the undersigned finds. nothing in the limited facts available on that 'subject which is necessarily inconsistent with his findings of an antiunion motive for the discharge of Dickson and Coleman. E., The strike After their discharge, Coleman. and Dickson attended a union meeting in Living- ston's office on Friday evening, February 20, which had been previously scheduled for employees in Department A to discuss the piece rates in that department. After they told of their discharge, it was decided to call a special meeting of the entire union membership for Sunday, February 22. On Sunday afternoon, as to the basis of the complaints. At one point he claimed the employees were complaining about being coerced into joining the Union . He later admitted that by 1947 the complaints had nothing to do with coercion by the Union.but arose out of, dissatisfaction with the union leadership . The testimony of the other witnesses on this subject was generally vague, confused, and contradictory. 69 Perfect Circle Company, 70 NLRB 526. 70 Bush testified that she noticed Yarbrough damaging material from the beginning. Although she claimed that she warned Yarbrough about it , the latter did not stop. Ac- cording to Bush , she never even reported this to Superintendent James. 71 Gardner , a union official , testified that Yarbrough joined the Union and , did some mis- sionary work in contacting other employees to get them to sign union cards. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1569 February 22, the union members met and voted to go on strike in protest over the discharge of Dickson , Coleman, and Yarbrough . The next morning , Monday, 'February 23, the strike began. A picket line was set up outside the plant and approximately 150 employees out of about 350 employees did not go into the plant that day. On the afternoon of February 23, the Company authorized the broadcasting of the following notice over the local radio station, WMAZ : Here is a message from Happ Brothers: ATTENTION : Happ Brothers Employees-A "wild cat" strike was attempted at our plant today. Several of you were prevented from coming into the factory this morning by the threats and intimidating tactics of pickets at the door. However, more than one-half of our employees did come in. This so called strike is absolutely illegal and without any excuse whatsoever. If those employees who did not report this morning do not,return to work by Tuesday, February 24, we will have to treat such employees as having quit their jobs. This we dislike to do, but under the circumstances, we have no other alternative. You will be protected in your right to enter this factory. Don't let threats keep you away. This statement is prepared for broadcast by HAPP BRovIs icas COMPANY , of Macon. Reports of the strike and of the announcement over the radio also appeared in the local newspapers, although Respondent did not insert any special announce- ment in the newspapers . As a result of the radio announcement and the press reports a number of the employees returned to work by the following day, February 24. However, approximately 100 employees still remained away and the picket line continued. On Tuesday evening, February 24, a meeting of the union officers and negotiat- ing committee was held in Livingston 's office to decide upon what strategy to adopt in the light of the deadline fixed by the Company for the return of the strikers . It was decided to send in one of the employees as a test case the next day to see if the Company meant what it said when it announced that those who did not return by Tuesday would be regarded as having "quit their jobs.,, '2 Myrtle Matthews , one of the union members , was chosen as a guinea pig to go into work the next day. When Crawford telephoned Matthews to tell her this, she discovered that Matthews had been out sick since the previous Friday and had been planning to go in to work the following day anyway. Crawford told her to go in and see what happened. 1. Matthews ' request for reinstatement Matthews had been employed by Respondent at various intervals since 1918. Her last period of employment began in 1945 during which she was employed on the tacking machine. Matthews had become ill on Friday , February 20, and was unable to work the next day, Saturday. She telephoned in and reported to Patricia Hensley, part of whose job it was to receive phone calls from employees who were out, that she was ill and would not be in that day. She asked Hensley to inform Forelady Bush of this." • When she went to work on Wednesday, Feb- 72 Several of the General Counsel ' s witnesses testified that they understood the announce- ment. qs meaning that those who did not return by Tuesday were discharged. It is clear, however, that the announcement itself did not use the word "discharge " but used the .word " quit." 73 Hensley at first categorically denied receiving - a phone call from Matthews but later indicated that she was not sure and that she might have received one. Hensley , in general, was not impressive as a witness , and the undersigned does not credit her denial. 903847-51-vol . 90-100 1570 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ruary 25, after having spoken to Crawford over the telephone, she met Forelady Bush who told her, "You didn't.come in yesterday and he [Superintendent James] might not let you work today." Bush told her to go to James' office. When she got there, she met another employee who had been absent, Avie Jones. They both talked to James and Bert Michael, explaining the reason for their absence. Jones said her husband had been ill and that she had been unable to call in as she didn't have a telephone.: Matthews said she had been ill and had telephoned in on Saturday. James and Michael then took the girls upstairs to Department A where they had worked. They ordered the power shut off and assembled the girls who were present that day. Matthews testified that either James or Bert Michael asked Jones to tell the girls why she had been out; that Jones told the girls her husband had been sick and that although she had heard the announcement about the strike over the radio, she didn't have a telephone and couldn't call in ; that James then asked the girls to hold up their hands if they wanted Jones to go back to work ; that most of the girls held up their hands ; that James then asked Matthews why she had been out and she said that she had been sick ; that another employee, Lillie Mae Griggs, spoke up and said that' she had seen Matthews on the picket line ; that James then asked the girls if they were willing for Matthews to return to work and none of them raised their hands; and that Bert Michael then said he didn't have enough work for her and would send for her when he needed her. Jones, who was not a union member, was permitted to return to work. The testimony of Respondent's witnesses, including James, Michael, and a number of the operators from Department A, largely corroborated Matthews' testimony, except that they claimed there was no voting by the employees on whether Jones and Matthews could return to work. Most of them testified that after Matthews had told the employees that she had been out sick, Griggs broke in and said this was not true as she had seen Matthews on,the picket line; that an argument then arose ; and that Michael then stepped in and said, in substance, "Girls, we aren't getting anywhere this way. I'll tell you, Mrs. Matthews, we don't have too much tacking anyway. You just go on home ; when we need you we will call you." According to some of the witnesses, Michael added the words, "You are not fired." However, several of the Respondent' s witnesses testified that they did not recall having heard any such remarks.. The undersigned is not satisfied from the testimony that the words "you are not fired" or some similar expression were used, although he is convinced and finds that Michael told Matthews there was not enough work for her and he would send for her. Although most of Respondent's witnesses denied that there was any formal vote taken on Matthews or Jones, their testimony establishes that the views of the employees with respect to Matthews' and Jones' return were solicited by James and Bert Michael, and that the employees did express their views on this subject. Both James and Michael testified that after they had seen Jones and Matthews in their office, it was their intention to put both of these girls back to work but that they took them upstairs because they wanted them to "explain" to the other employees why they were out because there was a lot .of excitement in the plant.74 It is apparent from their testimony that employee approval of the move was being sought, even if no formal vote was requested. Moreover, some of the testimony of Respondent's own witnesses, suggests that 44 James denied that Jones and Matthews were told to explain to the employees why they had been absent. He testified, "They had to explain it themselves ; I didn't tell them any- thing." However, Bert Michael admitted that lie asked the two girls to explain why they had been out. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1571 -the employees were informed more directly that their views were being sought. For example, Mollie Holland testified that the girls "couldn't agree on whether .for her . to go back or not." She also testified that the employees told James that they thought the excuse given by Avie Jones was "sufficient." Myrtle ,Niblett testified that the employees "settled" about Jones first. James, testified that the employees "kept arguing and finally they eon-setated" to take Jones back. It is immaterial, in the opinion of the undersigned, whether a formal vote was taken or not. It is clear that after Griggs said Matthews had been seen on the picket line, Bert Michael refused to let Matthews return to work. It is also clear that the shortage of work was not the cause of her being sent home. Although Respondent offered considerable testimony that there was a shortage 'of work for tackers, the record is clear that with this in mind, Bert Michael had already agreed to take Matthews back and only changed his mind after the picket line was mentioned.75 Even Bert Michael finally admitted that it was not the shortage of work which resulted in sending Matthews home but claimed it was the desire to avoid dissension among the. other employees. However, the objections of nonunion employees is not a defense to the refusal to reinstate a union employee.`' Moreover, the undersigned is not convinced from the evi- dence that the objections of other employees was at the root of Michael's refusal to reinstate Matthews. Although Respondent endeavored to make it appear that. there was a furor when it was mentioned that Matthews had been on the picket line and that all the employees were shouting and talking at once, several of Respondent's witnesses admitted that most of the talking was done by Griggs .and Matthews and that very few other employees joined in the discussion. The undersigned is convinced that it was the mention of Matthews being on the picket line rather than the opposition of the employees which finally resulted in the refusal to reinstate Matthews. Although Respondent finally reinstated Matthews in October 1948, after the filing of the charge in this proceeding, this does not excuse the discrimination which was practiced against her when she applied in February 194S. The undersigned is convinced that at the time she Was refused reinstatement, Respondent had no present intention of reinstating her." The undersigned finds and concludes that by refusing to reinstate Matthews, Respondent discriminated in regard to her hire and tenure of employment, .thereby discouraging membership in a labor organization, and interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act in violation of Section 8 (a) (1) and (3) of the Act. 2. Tho application for unemployment compensation, and the Company's letter of March 15 On Wednesday afternoon, February 25, a meeting of the Construction Work- ers' Union was held, at which Matthews reported the results of her efforts to T5 Respondent introduced in evidence a transcript of the hours worked by tackers in Department A before and after the strike. The undersigned finds these figures inconclu- sive on the subject of whether there was any shortage of tacking either shortly before or ,after the strike started, It is significant that shortly before the strike, Sallie Watkins was transferred from Department B to Department A to do tacking. Likewise, shortly after the strike started, Carol Hugeley who had been out sick and who had done serging before the strike, was put on tacking in Department A. The undersigned found Respondent's explanation of these transfers unconvincing. T°N. L. R. B. V. Sun b-ine Mining Co., 110 F. 2d 780 (C. A. 9) ; N. L. R. B. v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., 129 F . 2d 661 ( C. A. 5) ; Pacific Powder Co., 84 NLRB 280. 17 )Iatthews received a letter from Respondent, dated )larch 15. 1948, advising her that her employment had been "terminated." This letter is discussed in the next paragraph of the Report. 1572 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD .secure reinstatement. Livingston told the employees that in view of the Com- 'pany's refusal to take Matthews back it would appear that they meant what they said in the announcement over the air and in the articles in the newspapers. He therefore advised them that they try to seek employment elsewhere and suggested that they file applications for unemployment compensation in the .meantime. The following morning, February 26, 1948, the bulk of the strikers appeared at the local office of the State of Georgia Department of Labor, Employment Security Agency, and filed applications for unemployment compensation. On .April 7, 1948, the Director of the Division of Unemployment Compensation of the Georgia State Department of Labor issued a ruling holding, in substance, that since the stoppage of work in which the applicants were engaged was due,to a "labor dispute," they were ineligible for unemployment compensation under Section 5 (d) of the Georgia Unemployment Compensation Law." In the meantime, on March 15, 1948, Respondent sent out a letter to most of the strikers to the following effect : This is a candid letter about your employment relation with this Com- pany. As you know, even before you went out on strike we were not able to give you full work because sales have been off. Our salesmen are now out in the_ territory with the fall line but their orders are not encouraging. When you and others did not return to work, we had to hire several new employees for the balancing of our production. With these replacements we have all of the workers we can use to produce the goods which it looks like we can sell during the coming months. It seems to me, therefore, that I ought to tell you frankly that it does not appear that we can now reemploy you. You have been insured under a group insurance policy with the Southern Life Insurance Company. This policy provides that we must notify the company within thirty days of the termination of employment of any em- ployee. Our information is that you have thirty days after that within which to convert the policy into an ordinary life policy. (We suggest that you consult the Southern Life Insurance Company or its agent, Mr. E. L. Moore, in the Hart Building, Macon, Georgia, for your rights under the policy, as we do not assume responsibility for the correct interpretation of it.) In the light of this situation, we are notifying the insurance company that your employment has been terminated as of this date. Of course, if business conditions improve or openings arise, we assure you that you will be given first consideration if you see fit to apply for your old job. Upon being notified on April 15, 1948, of their disqualification for unemployment benefits, the claimants filed an appeal with the Georgia Labor Agency upon the ground that they had been advised by Happ Brothers in its letters of March 15 that they had been replaced. Thereafter, a hearing was held on May 27, 1948, before a three-man tribunal appointed by the State of Georgia Labor Department, to determine the merits of the claimants' appeal. After taking sworn testimony of a number of the claimants, the tribunal found, in substance, that although Ta Section 5 ( d) of the statute provides that an individual shall be disqualified for unem- ployment benefits for any week in which it is found that "his total . . . unemployment is due to a stoppage of work which exists because of a labor dispute at the factory . . . at which he is or was last employed." HAPP BROTHERS; COMPANY, INC. 1573 the stoppage of work on February 23 was due to a labor dispute and the claimants were therefore not eligible for benefits from that date until March 15 under. Section 5 (d) of the Georgia Statute, that that section ceased to apply after March 15, 1948, when the Company notified the strikers that there was no longer work available for them. The claimants, with certain exceptions, were held to be eligible after March 15 for unemployment benefits, provided they met the re- quiremefits with respect to availability for employment and waiting period. Subsequent to the receipt of the letter of March 15, the picket line continued for awhile but on a gradually dwindling basis as more and more employees found work elsewhere or lost interest. By the early part of June 1.948 the picket line broke up altogether. 3. Other requests for reinstatement Subsequent to the Matthews incident a number of other employees made abortive efforts to secure reinstatement. Several of these took place prior to Respondent's letter of March 15 and several subsequent thereto. These are related below as bearing on a determination of the violation of the rights of the individual employees involved or as shedding light on Respondent's intentions generally with. respect to the strikers. Outside of these few individual applica- tions no further request for reinstatement was made until. January 24, 1949, when 77 of the strikers sent Respondent an identical letter,, prepared by the Union, applying "for a job." a. Alice J. Ba-ilcy Bailey worked for Respondent for about a year in 1937 and returned to work again in January 1948. On the day of the strike she was absent on account of the illness of her stepfather and son. She telephoned on Tuesday morning, after the strike had started, and told Hensley that she had illness in the family and would not be in' until the following clay. She asked Hensley to give Forelady Adkins the message.7° When she returned to work Wednesday morning, February 25, she found that her time card had been removed. Adkins said that her card was in the office, that Mr. James had it. She told her to go to the office and talk to him. When Bailey got to the office, James and Bert Michael were there and Adkins came in subsequently. According to Bailey's credited testimony, Bert Michael asked her why she- had been odt acid she told him that it was due to illness in the family. Michael told her that all those that had been out on Monday and Tuesday were laid off. She told him that she didn't know that and said that she needed her. job, since she was the sole support of her family. She showed him a doctor's, prescription for medicines for the ill ones at home. Michael told her that he could not help her but that "maybe after they are all well, come back, I might help you." Bailey made no further application and was' never called back. Michael did not deny any of the statements attributed to him. Both Adkins and James testified that Bailey had been absent a good deal and that James told her to go home and when she was able to work regularly to come back 79 Hensley denied receiving a telephone call fromi Bailey. Hensley testified that she received a great number of calls from employees on Monday and Tuesday and although she was unable to recall the name of a single employee who called , she was "positive" that Bailey didn't phone. The undersigned has previously found her not to be a'reliable witness and does not credit this denial. 1574 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD again and he would talk to her. Adkins claimed that she had made a record of Bailey's absences but stated that she didn't have it anymore. The under- signed finds it unnecessary to determine the reason why Bailey was denied reinstatement since she is not named in the complaint as one of the employees who was discriminatorily discharged or refused reinstatement. Bailey was not, a union member and made.no claim to having joined the strike. However, her testimony regarding the statement made to her by Bert Michael regarding those who had not returned by Tuesday, is material in determining Respondent's intentions and motives with respect to the strikers generally. b. Catherine Griggers Griggers was employed since April 9, 1946, in Department B as a pocket operator until she joined the strike on February 23, 1948. She walked the picket line several times but since she lived out in the country, about 15 miles from Macon, she did not come in every day. Another reason for her lack of regular attendance on the picket line, according to Griggers, was the illness of a niece of whom she was taking care. On March 1, 1948, Griggers decided to-return to work and came in to talk to, Crawford. The latter did not object to Griggers going back to work and told her to go in and see what happened.80 When Griggers got into the plant, she went to her machine as usual. Shortly thereafter, Haisten came in and Griggers. told her she had been out because she was taking care of her sick niece. Haisten told her she would have to see Superintendent James before she went back to work. When Griggers got down to James' office, there were two other ladies waiting to see him, Sue Martin and Mrs. Clifford Allen. James' secretary, Kate Kemp, also was present in the office. After James arrived, he sent for Forelady Haisten. When James asked the ladies why they had been absent, Martin said she had been ill and showed James some receipts for X-rays, fluoroscopes,. and blood tests, and said 'she could get a doctor's certificate if necessary. Allen also said she had been ill and showed James a doctor's certificate. Griggers told him she had been out taking care of her niece who was ill. According to Grig- gers' testimony, Haisten said she knew Martin was out sick, even though sh.^ didn't have a doctor's certificate but, referring to Griggers, she said "I don't know about her. She's been seen on the picket line two or three times." James then replied, "Well, I will leave it up to you, you know, how it is up there." Haisten laughed and said, "Yes, I do know how it is." James then told Griggers. he couldn't use. her right then but would take her application and send for her when he needed her. Griggers further testified that in April she telephoned the. plant and spoke to Haisten about coining back to work. Haisten laughed and said, according to Griggers, "I don't see-what you all want to do that for?" and then said "Well, I don't have anything to do with that, you'll have to go. down and see Mr. Michael." Griggers made no further efforts to see Michael after this occasion because, according to her testimony, she felt "it wouldn't do any good." Respondent's witnesses in the main corroborated Griggers' testimony, except that they all denied Haisten made the remarks attributed to her by Griggers_ w DeLoach testified that he was present when Griggers told Crawford she was going back to work and that while they were standing there , he saw Bert Michael and James' looking out of the factory door . There was no such testimony by either Crawford or Griggers . The undersigned considers this a product of DeLoach 's active imagination and does not credit his testimony that he saw Michael and James on this occasion. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1575 According to Martin, Allen, Haisten, James, and Kemp , who testified for Re- spondent, Haisten was not present during the interview, except that she came in for a minute to lay some time cards on Kemp's desk and then left the room. The undersigned found the testimony of these witnesses vague, contradictory, and unimpressive. Although Martin and Allen testified that they saw Haisten in James' office when she come in with the time cards and Martin also testified that it was Haisten who seat her to James' office that morning, Haisten testified that she didn't see Martin or Allen at all that morning, and that when she got down to James'. office to bring the time cards, only James and Griggers were there. Haisten denied that she said anything about Griggers being on the picket line when she came into James' office. However, her testimony indicates that she suspected Griggers of being connected with the strike. When asked on cross-examination why she sent Griggers to James' office, Haisten testified, "Catherine Griggers was out since the strike is all I know. She was out all that time." The testimony of Respondent's witnesses as to what James told Griggers was confused, contradictory, and lacking in conviction. Martin, on both her direct and cross-examination, referred only to the fact that James-told Griggers he didn't have enough work for her and would send for her if be needed her. On redirect examination, in answer to a leading question, she testified that James referred to the fact that Griggers was supposed to call in when she was absent. According to Allen's testimony, James first told Griggers she had violated company rules by not calling in on the second day of her absence and then told her he didn't need her right then. Kemp testified that James told Griggers that "he couldn't use her right then," but could not recall having heard him say anything about Griggers having violated any company rule with respect to absences. During her cross examination, Kemp testified that she was busy operating a duplicating machine some 25 to 30 feet away from where the conversation was taking place, but insisted she could hear what was going. on, although she admitted she didn't hear everything. Later she modified her testimony and stated that she hadn't been operating the machine that morning. She subsequently modified this and testified that she didn't remember whether she was using the machine. James, in his testimony, at first made no mention of having told Griggers she had violated a company rule about calling in on the second day of absence, but testified merely that after Griggers told him she had been out taking care of her niece, he then told her that "I was very sorry but just at present I had no work, and that I would-I had no work for her. I didn't need any pocket operators then, and I left her go, but I took her application." When asked by.the.under- signed whether he had told her she had lost her job, he replied, "Yes, sir, for not calling in." He subsequently modified his testimony and stated he didn't tell Griggers he wouldn't ever take her back. He claimed that he hadn't sent for her after she filed the application because she wasn't a good operator when she had worked. On cross-examination, his testimony was utterly confused as to whether Griggers was not taken back because she hadn't called in during her absence, or because he didn't need any more pocket operators at the time, or because she was a poor operator. James at first testified that he didn't need pocket operators at the time , but when confronted with the fact that Respondent had in fact hired another pocket operator on the same day that Griggers applied, James testified. as follows : Q. (By Mr. STANFORD.) Don't you know, as. a_matter. of fact, Mr. James,- that you hired a pocket maker on March 1, 1948? 1576 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD A. Well, yes, sir, because I felt this girl would make me a good pocket. operator. Q. You felt this new employee with no experience would make you a better one than one who had been a pocket maker two years? A. One had been there two years and was deficient.81 Q. During the two years that Catherine Griggers had been at Happ Brothers, did you warn her about her deficiencies? A. Yes, sir. Q. Did you tell her if she didn't do that, you would discharge her? A. I can't exactly remember, but she was brought down several times. Q. But you let her stay there two years continuously and never discharged her? A. Yes, sir. Q. As a matter of fact, since Mrs . Griggers had come back to Happ Brothers on March 1, 1948, you have hired many pocket makers, haven't you? A. I have, sir. From an evaluation of all the testimony regarding Griggers' application for reinstatement, the undersigned finds that the incident, occurred substantially as Griggers testified.. The undersigned is satisfied that neither Griggers' alleged failure to call in no-the lack of work were responsible for the refusal to reinstate her. The record affirmatively discloses that many other- pocket operators were hired at around the same time that Griggers applied.82 From the testimony as a whole, the undersigned is convinced and finds that Griggers was refused reinstatement because of her participation in the strike 83 By refusing to reinstate Griggers., Respondent discriminated in regard to her hire and tenure of employment, thereby discouraging membership in a labor organi- zation, and interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, in violation of Section 3 (a) (1) and (3) of the Act. Since considerable testimony was devoted to the so-called rule requiring employees to call in after the second day of absence, it is appropriate at this point to briefly set this issue at rest. The only basis for any such rule is the old contract with the United Garment Workers Union. An excerpt from this contract was posted on the bulletin board and provided (1) that any employee who was absent from work for 1 week without notifying the Company, was subject to dismissal, and (2) that failure to work every day in the week without a satisfactory excuse would result in dismissal, if it occurred twice in any' calendar month. When these two clauses are read together, the apparent meaning is that an employee may be absent for at least a week without notifying the Company, but that upon his return he must furnish a satisfactory excuse, and upon his failure to furnish.such an excuse after two periods of absence (not merely 2 days) he is subject to dismissal. However, irrespective of the meaning of this clause, the record discloses that employees were frequently absent for more 81 Griggers ' production record from Noveinber 28, 1947 , to February 20, 1948, shows small deficiencies in 5 weeks . This may be compared with the record of Babcock who was retained despite substantial deficiencies throughout 1947 and 1948. 82 In addition to Martin and Allen who were both pocket operators ( Martin with less seniority than Griggers ), the record discloses that 14 other pocket operators were hired in' March after Griggers applied. 83 Since, as will appear from the conclusions hereafter reached , the strike was an unfair labor practice strike, Griggers was entitled to reinstatement on request, irrespective of whether she had been replaced. HAPP BROTHERRS, COMPANY, INC. '1 577 than 2 days without calling in and even without bringing any doctor's certificate .or similar documentary evidence." So far as appears from the record, the report- ing in rule and the rule for furnishing a satisfactory excuse for absence were never strictly enforced. Since the enforcement of such rules were within the discretion of management, it is evident that the strict enforcement thereof during the strike would automatically exclude all strikers seeking reinstatement after February 25, and would in itself be discriminatory. c. Mary J. Asbell Asbell was employed as a pocket operator and worked for Respondent since 1925. For some time prior to the strike, she was permitted to start work at 10 o'clock instead of the regular beginning time, 8 a. m.s" On the morning of the. strike, she arrived at the plant between 10 and 11 a. in. According to Asbell's testimony, she did not feel well enough to work that day due to having had eight teeth pulled the previous Friday, and she was merely coming in to get some -buttermilk which one of the other employees, a Mrs.. Ard, had brought in for her. While she was there, she saw Bert Michael who asked her whether she was going to work that day and she told him she didn't feel well enough on account of her teeth. He told her to come back the following morning and she promised that she would. Asbell did not return on Tuesday as she had promised, but telephoned instead on Thursday. Although she was somewhat evasive as to -why she did not seek to return until Thursday, Asbell, who was a member of the Union but who did not join the picket line, admitted on cross-examination .that she was staying out at least "partly" because of the three girls who had been discharged, and finally stated that she hadn't wanted to cross the picket line. Asbell testified that when she telephoned on Thursday, she spoke to Bert ,Michael and asked him if she could come back to work ; that he said to her, "You heard the announcement over the radio and read the paper, didn't you?"; that she said she had; and that finally he told her to wait until the strike was ,over and "I'll see what I can do for you." In July, she telephoned Michael again to ask if he would take her back and he told. her he didn't have any material at the time, but said that when he needed her he would send for her. Bert Michael testified on direct examination that he had a telephone conversa- .tion with Asbell on the day of the strike," and that she said she could not go back to work until the next morning on account of her teeth. He denied, how- ever, having any further conversation with her until July when she telephoned ,him for a job and he told her that he didn't have enough work for pocket opera- .tors then. On Gross-examination, Michael was not as certain of his denial that Asbell had not called on Thursday after the strike began, and stated that he could not definitely say she had not called but merely that he had no recollection of her calling. 8; Allen testified that she had been ill on previous occasions for 4 or 5 days without bringing a certificate and that the reason she did so on this occasion, was because "there had been a disturbance down there." Martin also testified she had been out for intervals of several days due to illness without being asked to report to James' office. Crawford and Carter testified credibly that they had been out 3 weeks and 9 days, respectively, without -calling in or being asked for an explanation upon their return. ss According to Asbell's uncontradicted testimony, she had told Morris Michael, Jr., that ,she was unable to come in at 8 o'clock as her maid had left, and he told her that he needed pocket operators and would permit her to come in later. 86 It will be recalled that Asbell testified in this connection that her conversation took place in person at the plant. 1578 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Asbell had been a member of the Garment Workers Union and was also a member of the Construction Workers Union. Although she was somewhat eva- sive as to why she had stayed out until Thursday, the undersigned is convinced that she was trying to "sit out" the strike until she could see which way the wind blew. She did not wish to actively join the strike but on the other hand, she did not wish to cross the picket line. By Thursday, she had apparently lost her nerve and, being still somewhat timid about crossing the picket line and not altogether positive that Michael would take her back, she conceived the device of telephoning him. Outside of her evasive testimony regarding her reason for staying out until Thursday, the undersigned found Asbell to be a truthful witness and considers her worthy of credit. Whatever may have been her reason for not seeking to return until Thursday, the undersigned is satisfied that Bert Michael considered her to be a striker since she was one of those who received the March 15 letter advising her that she had been replaced "when you and the others did not return to work." The undersigned finds and concludes that Asbell was refused reinstatement. on February 25, because, she was con- sidered to be one of the strikers who failed to return by the February 24 deadline established by Respondent's radio announcement. It is found that Respondent thereby violated Section 8 (a) (1) and (3) of the Act 8' d. Virginia Stapleton Stapleton was employed as a bander in Department B and had worked for Respondent since 1942. On January 26, 1948, after talking to Forelady Haisten and receiving permission from Bert Michael, she took a leave of absence for the purpose of having an operation. Stapleton had been a member of the Garment Workers Union, and after her operation, while convalescing at home, she joined the striking Union. Stapleton testified that she was dismissed by her doctor on March 5, and telephoned Bert Michael on the following Monday or Tuesday to tell him she was ready to come back to work ; 88 that when she spoke to Michael and told him she was ready to return to work, he said to her "he wasn't taking any of them back" ; and that without making further inquiry as to what he meant, she hung up. Stapleton never returned to work for Respondent thereafter. Bert Michael denied having a telephone conversation with Stapleton in which he said "I'm not taking them back." Respondent also called as a witness, Dr. W. W. Baxley, who operated on Stapleton. Dr. Baxley testified that he had not seen Stapleton on March 5, as she had testified, but that after her dis- charge from the hospital, she had visited him at his office on February 14, 20, and 27, and on March 27. He testified that on either February 27 or March 27, he asked Stapleton when she was going back to work and she told him the plant was on strike, and that she didn't think she would go back until the strike was settled. He further testified that on March 5, Stapleton was not well enough to return to work, although he admitted she could have done so if she wished to. The dates of Stapleton's visits to the doctor's office were corroborated by the doctor's secretary who testified from her records that she had no record of any visit on March 5. 81 The fact that an employee is not a union member or a striker , does not make a dis- charge or refusal to reinstate , based on the mistaken belief that he is , any less discrimi- natory . Industrial Cotton Mills Co., 50 NLRB 855; Des Moines , Springfield and Southern Route, 78 NLRB 1215. 88 According to Stapleton , she made the call to Michael after talking to Crawford. There is no reference in Crawford ' s testimony about telling Stapleton to call Michael. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1579 It is possible that Stapleton was mistaken by one week as to the date of her visit to Dr. Baxley's offlce.8° However, there are other factors which raise doubt concerning Stapleton's testimony. Since admittedly she had received permission to take leave for about 2 months on January 26, 1948, it is difficult to understand why she did not simply go back to work when she felt well enough, without having to make any telephone calls. Although Stapleton testified that-she had signed a -union card on February 16, while convalescing at home, there is no evidence that she attended any union meetings or participated in picket-line activities. It is difficult to understand, therefore, why Bert Michael should have told this woman who had received permission to take a leave of absence for 2 months (which leave had not yet expired), and who so far as appears was not actively -connected with the Union or the strike, that he was not "taking any of them back." The record discloses that Virginia Stapleton was not one of those who received the March 15 letter. Considering the vagueness of her testimony and the credible testimony of Dr. Baxley regarding the dates of her visits, her physical condition and the statement made to him as to her intention to return to work, the undersigned concludes that the General Counsel has not established by a preponderance of the evidence any discriminatory discharge or refusal to reinstate Stapleton and will recommend dismissal of the complaint as to her. e. Minnie Lee Atkinson Atkinson was employed by Respondent since 1941, and prior to the strike worked as a tacker in Department B. She joined the strike on February 23, 1948. After the letter of March 15, 1948, had been mailed out to most of the strikers and she did not receive a copy, she went into the plant around March 20 to make inquiry as to the reason therefor, since she was covered by the group insurance policy. She saw Morris Michael, Jr., and told him she had not re- ceived one of the letters. He told her she should have received one and sug- gested that she talk to Bert Michael about it. When she saw Bert Michael and told him she hadn't received a letter, he also told her she should have re- ceived one and suggested that she see Mr. Anderson, the office manager who had sent out the letters. She also asked Bert whether she "had, a job there" and he -told her, according to her testimony, that she had- been "fired along with the others" when they didn't come back. He told her, however, that he would take her telephone number and call her if he needed her. He also mentioned that he' had only enough work for one tacker at that time and that if there were any more tacking in the future, before calling her back, he would avail himself of the services of two other nonstriking operators who had- been previously transferred to another operation in the summer of 1947, when tacking had become short. She asked him if there wasn't some other type of work she could perform, stating that she had run a belting machine and had done inspecting in the past. He told her he didn't have anything else. Michael's testimony, in the main, corroborated that of Atkinson. There was no direct denial of the statement alleged to have been made to her by him that she had been fired with the others when she failed to return, but Michael claimed that he told her he didn't have enough work for her. Michael admitted that the other tacker whom he refused to replace by Atkinson had less seniority than she. He denied having aired any tackers since the strike to take Atkinson's place. He did not deny 89 Admittedly she visited his office on February 27, which was a Friday, as was March 5, -the claimed date of the visit when he was supposed to have dismissed her. C 1580 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 0 that she indicated her willingness to perform other types of work. Atkinson's testimony regarding this incident is credited. According to Atkinson, after she had left Bert Michael, she went to Anderson's office, in accordance with Michael's suggestion. When she told him that she hadn't received the letter, he told her that one had been put in the mail and that she probably would get it. She then asked him whether that meant she had been fired and he replied, " I guess you was." Anderson was not called as a witness and Atkinson's testimony is credited. Atkinson further testified credibly and without contradiction that around April 10, she went down to the plant to get some money out of the employees' credit union; that while there she saw Bert Michael and asked him "if be wasn't ready to give me some work"; that Michael replied that he didn't have anything ; and that she told him she was going out of town for awhile but that if anything came up, he could use the telephone number she had previously given him. Atkinson was never recalled to work. Since Atkinson's request for rein- staternent7 was made after the letter of March 1.5, the undersigned finds it un- necessary to determine, in view of the conclusions hereinafter reached regard- ing the effect of that letter, whether the refusal to reinstate her around March 20'was discriminatory. f. Jack E. Harrell Harrell was employed by Respondent from 1.925 until he went out on strike on February 23, 1948. He originally was employed as a presser, but at the time of the strike worked as a marker in the cutting room. Around March 20, 1948, Harrell went to the plant to pay some money he owed to the employees' credit union. While there he saw Bert Michael and asked him if he would con- sider giving him his job back. Michael told him that his job had been filled but that if anything opened up he would send for him. Respondent did not at any time thereafter call Harrell back to work.90 Since, as will appear from the conclusions hereafter reached, the strike was an unfair labor practice strike, Harrell was entitled to his job upon application, even though he had been re- placed. However, in view of the conclusions reached in this Report with respect to the effect of the March 15 letter, it is unnecessary to base a finding of discrimination on the refusal to reinstate Harrell on March 20. g. Samuel L. Thomas Thomas was employed by Respondent from January 1927 until. February 23, 1948, when he went out on strike . At the time of the strike, Thomas was em- ployed as a presser on shorts and knickers. Thomas testified credibly that in the latter part of March he went to see Bert Michael about getting his job back; that Michael told him, "Well, like things are I can't see that I can put you back because, before you went out like you did, you wasn't having full-time work as yolr know, you and Mr. Adkins" ; that he offered to do pressing on the legging and topper machines as well as on the knicker and shorts machine ;S1 and that Michael said he would take his phone number and call him if anything arose. Michael admitted Thomas' application and admitted that he knew Thomas was a striker. However,, Michael claimed that there were two pressers on knickers 90 The above findings , are based on the testimony of Harrell and Michael which was sub- stantially in accord. 91 The legging machine is used for pressing the legs of long trousers and the topper machine is used for pressing the top of the trousers. HAPP BROTHERRSi COMPANY, INC. 1581 and shorts before the strike, Thomas and Albert Adkins; that they had been working part time before the strike; and that there was not enough work for the two of them after the strike. He denied that Thomas asked for any other typo of work. Irrespective of whether there was a shortage of work for pressers after the strike, the evidence is clear that before the strike Bert Michael had been willing for the two pressers to share whatever work there was, and the undersigned is satisfied that his refusal to do so after the, strike was due primarily to the fact that Thomas "went out like you did." Although Thomas offered to perform work on one of the other pressing machines, and according to Bert Michael's own admission, a topper presser was hired after Thomas had applied, the latter was not recalled. In view of the findings hereinafter made with respect to the March 15 letter, it is unnecessary to determine whether the refusal to reinstate Thomas around the end of March was discriminatory. h. Sallie Austin - Austin worked for Respondent at various intervals beginning in 1933. Her last period of employment was as a regular bander from 1946 to February 23, 1948, when she went out on strike. Austin testified that about the third week in Arpil 1948 she went to see Bert Michael about getting her job back, and that Michael told her that she had been replaced and that he didn't have anything open for her just then but would call her when he did. Michael admitted having a conversation with' Austin substantially as she testified. He further testified that he later found out that James had hired someone else to fill a banding vacancy which thereafter arose; that subsequently when there was another opening, he and James sent for Bush and told her to call Austin back ; and that Bush told them that there was no need to send for Austin right then because she was expecting a baby. James testified in support of Michael that, after Austin had applied in April, he later needed another banding operator but "overlooked" Austin and hired someone else, and that when a vacancy arose thereafter in.July, he sent for Bush who told him it wouldn't be necessary to call Austin back as she was then pregnant. The undersigned entertains serious doubt as to the authenticity of the story regarding the subsequent intention to rehire Austin and believes that it was manufactured by Respondent in order to explain away Respondent's failure to rehire Austin in the face of the fact that its own records disclose that banding operators were hired on April 21, May 17, and July 12, 1948.82 Austin's baby was not born until January 21, 1949, and despite the fact that she had an excellent production record, she was not consulted as to whether she wanted to return after April. In view of the conclusions hereafter reached concerning the March 15 letter, it is unnecessary to base any finding of discrimination on Respondent's refusal to reinstate Austin in April. i. Inez Brown Brown was employed by Respondent since August 20, 1947, as a line bander. On Friday, February 20, she became ill and was given permission by James to go home. The following Wednesday, February 25, not having heard about the strike, she went to, the plant intending to return to work. When she got to the plant, she saw the strikers and decided to join the picket line. She remained 92 One bander was hired on April 21, one on May 17, and three on July 12. 1582 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD out until the picket line had finally disintegrated in June. Thereafter, in the latter part of July or early in August, she telephoned the plant, according to her testimony, and spoke to James about getting her job back. James told her- to come down and that he would talk about it. The following day, she went down to the plant in the morning.. She testified that after waiting for a while in James' office, the two stenographers who worked there came in and that shortly thereafter Bert Michael and James arrived; that James asked her what machine she had worked on; that when she told him "machine 90," James told her they had someone else on that machine.; that lie then asked her whether she would be willing to try some other kind of work; and that she told him she would be willing to learn something else. At this point, according to Brown's direct testimony, Superintendent James asked her whether she had signed one of the union cards and when she replied in the affirmative, he told her he didn't have anything for her just then and asked her to file an application. On cross- examination she modified her testimony and stated that it was Bert. Michael, not James, who asked whether she had signed one of the union cards. James did not testify regarding this incident,.but Bert Michael testified that he had no recollection of any conversation with Brown in June or July. In its brief, Respondent refers to this discrepancy in Brown's testimony and calls attention to the fact that Brown changed her testimony after having given other testimony on cross-examination that James had seen her on the picket line. According to Respondent. Brown by admitting that James had seen her on the picket line realized that it would then be unlikely that he would have asked her whether she had signed a union card at their meeting in July, and that she then deliberately "switched her story and said Bert Michael was the one who asked if she had signed a card." In the opinion of the undersigned, the argument by Respondent assumes a degree of sagacity on Brown's part which she did not appear to possess. It is significant that according to her version on direct as well as on cross-exam- ination, both James and Bert Michael were present at the interview. It is possible that in testifying on direct examination she inadvertently attributed to one of there a remark made by the other and that when the incident was gone into in greater detail on cross-examination, she recalled that Bert Michael was the one responsible for this particular remark. Moreover, although, there is some testimony by Brown that James saw her and talked to her on the picket line, when this testimony is read in full context it is apparent that what the witness meant was not that James had talked to her personally but that during the strike, while he was entering the plant, he greeted a group of the pickets, including herself, with a "Good morning" or "Hi, girls." Considering the fact that approximately 100 employees were on strike, it is entirely possible that James may have greeted various groups of the pickets (luring the course of the strike without recognizing or recalling individual strikers in the group. More- over, it is possible that he may have seen Brown on the picket line and re- membered her and yet may have seen fit to ask her whether she had signed a union card, since some of those who joined the strike had not signed cards but refused to cross the picket line in solidarity with the three discharged girls. He may have been' interested in knowing whether her association with the Union was of the more active kind involving the signing of a card. Brown's testimony as to what transpired when she entered Respondent's plant on this occasion, included details of such a character that only a consummate pre- varicator and a person possessed of far greater intelligence than Brown exhibited could have dreamed them up. Although Brown was somewhat talkative and at HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1583 times argumentative, the undersigned is convinced that on the whole she was trying to tell a truthful story. On the other hand, as previously indicated, neither James nor Bert Michael impressed the undersigned favorably on the witness stand. Nevertheless, in view of the doubt cast upon this portion of Brown's tes- timony, the undersigned will make no findings adverse to Respondent. on the basis of Brown's testimony regarding this incident. 4. Contentions and conclusions The General Counsel contends that by the radio announcement of February 23, 1948, Respondent, in effect, discharged the strikers who refused to return pur- suant to this ultimatum and that this conclusion is fortified both by Respondent's action in refusing reinstatement to those strikers who applied after February 24 and by the letter of March 15. The Respondent contends that the radio announce- ment was not a discharge but at most a tactical maneuver to induce the strikers to return. Respondent further contends that since the strike was not an unfair labor practice strike it had a right to replace the strikers and that they were not discharged by the March 15 letter since "they terminated their own employ- ment by not applying for reinstatement prior to their replacement." The undersigned does not agree with the contention of the General Counsel that the radio announcement of February 23 amounted to a discharge of the strikers. It seems evident that the announcement was primarily intended, not to effectuate a discharge, but as a tactical maneuver to induce the strikers to abandon the strike and return to work.93 However, since the strikers were engaged in con- certed activity they retained their status as employees within the meaning of Section 2 (3) of the Act.9' A strike by employees in sympathy with discharged employees is no less a "labor dispute" within the meaning of Section 2 (9). of the Act.fl" Even if, as Respondent contends, the purpose of the strike was to force it to bargain with the United Construction Workers, it would nevertheless be a pro- tected concerted activity.96 Respondent's apparent contention that since the Union was not in compliance with Section 9 (f), (g), and (h) of the Act a strike for recognition would be an illegal, unprotected strike, under the doctrine of the Americtvnt News Company case, 55 NLRB 1302, is wholly untenable. Failure to comply with the cited section merely bars a labor organization from availing it- self of the Board's machinery in a representation or unfair labor practice pro- ceeding. However, that section does not make illegal, contracts with noncomply- ing unions or outlaw strikes by such unions.95 Since the strikers were engaged in protected concerted activity and retained their status as employees, Respondent could not regard them as having "quit" or consider their employment relationship as terminated. Consequently, while Respondent's tactical maneuver did not con- stitute a discharge of the strikers, its advising them that the strike was "illegal" and that they would be treated "as having quit their jobs" if they did not return 93 Majestic Manufacturing Co., 64 NLRB 950 ; Rockwood Stove Works, 63 NLRB 1297 Indiana Desk Co., 56 NLRB 76; and Myers Products Co., 84 NLRB 32. 94 N. L. R. B. v. Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., 304 U. S. 333; N. L. R. B. v. Rem- ington Rand, Inc., 130 F. 2d 919 (C. A. 2) ; and Draper Corp., 52 NLRB 1477. 95 Spencer Auto Electric, Inc., 73 NLRB 1416; and Firth Carpet Co. v. N. L. R. B., 129' F. 2d 633 (C. A. 2). 66 N. L. R. B. v. Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., supra. °T Section 13 of the Act provides Nothing in this Act, except as specifically provided for herein, shall he construed so as to interfere with or impede or diminish in any way the right to strike . . . ( Emphasis supplied.) 1584 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD by the deadline date was coercive in effect and a violation of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act 98 Since it has been found that Dickson and Coleman were discriminatorily dis- charged, the strike resulting from their discharge would be an unfair labor prac- ticestrike and Respondent would have no right to permanently replace the strik= ing employees.99 Respondent contends, however, that the strike is not an unfair labor practice strike since even before the discharges the Union had intended to call a strike in order to gain recognition and that the discharge of the three girls was a mere "pretext" for the strike. In support of this position Respondent re- fers to the testimony of a number of its employee witnesses who testified to state- ments made to them during the house-to-house campaign by members of the union organizing committee to the effect that there was going to be a strike for recognition and that the cutting room hail already slowed clown pursuant to this plan. Aside from the fact that the evidence does not disclose any actual slowdown in the cutting room, and without discussing in detail the testimony of the various witnesses who testified, the undersigned is convinced from the record as a whole that any statements made by the members of the organizing committee were so much "big talk" to induce employees to join the Union. Although it is possible that the refusal of Respondent to recognize the Union might ultimately have led to a strike for recognition, the evidence does not establish any preordained plan on the part of the Union to go on strike. The evidence is clear that the employ- ees, in voting to go on strike, did so in order to protest the discharge of the three. employees. Even assuming, however, that recognition was a cause of the strike, it is beyond question that the discharge of the three employees was at least one of the causes 100 Under well-established principles, a strike caused in part by all unfair labor practice does not lose its character as an unfair labor practice strike because economic reasons may also have brought it about.101 Aside from whether the strike was an economic strike or an unfair labor practice strike, Respondent argues that under numerous Board decisions an unconditional application for reinstatement by the strikers is a sine qua non to a finding of discrimination and an order of reinstatement.101 The General Counsel contended at the hearing that the attitude displayed by Respondent toward Matthews and the other individual applicants for reinstatement was as In the Rockwood Stove case, supra, although the tactical maneuver by Respondent was held not to constitute a discharge of the strikers, the Board held that it interfered with, restrained, and coerced them in the exercise of the rights guaranteed by Section 7 in violation of Section 8 (1) of the Act. To the same effect see Roanoke Public Ware- house, 72 NLRB 1281 ; Aldora Mills, 79 NLRB 1 ; American Manufacturing Concern, 7 NLRB 753. 00 See footnote No. 105. 100 Respondent calls attention to the fact that some of the signs carried by the pickets carried the inscription, "Recognize our Union and we'll return." It also appears, how- ever, that many of the signs carried the legend, "Return our three girls to work and we'll return." 101 Julian Freirich Co., 86 NLRB 542 ; Brown Radio Service, 70 NLRB 476 ; N. L. R. B. V. Remington Rand, Inc., 94 F. 2d 862, 872 (C. A. 2), cert. den. 304 U. S. 576; and N. L. R. B. v. Stackpole Carbon Co., 105 F. 2d 167, 175, 176 (C. A. 3), cert. den. 308 U. S. 605. In view of the conclusions above reached it is unnecessary to determine whether, as contended by the General Counsel, Respondent's action in threatening to terminate the employment relation of the strikers who failed to return by February 24, and in refusing to reinstate Matthews, had the effect of prolonging the strike and thereby changed its character to an unfair labor practice strike. Cf. Kansas Milling Co., 86 NLRB 925; N. L. R. B. V. Rem- ington Rand, Inc. , 130 F. 2d 919, 928 (C. A. 2). 102 Outside of the seven or eight individual applications for reinstatement related above, there was no general effort to obtain reinstatement until the mass applications of January 24, 1949. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. . 1585 such as to indicate a fixed determination not to reemploy any of the strikers, thereby relieving the other strikers from making the futile gesture of applying for reinstatement. Answering this argument, Respondent refers to the case of E. A. Laboratories, Inc., SO NLRB 625 where the Board affirmed, without comment, a holding by the Trial Examiner that- . . . absent a request for reinstatement, anticipatory refusals to reinstate, or even threats to discharge, strikers, while unfair labor practices, do not relieve the employees of the obligation to request reinstatement unless the circumstances indicate that the employer's actions constitute an actual discharge. Horne Beneficial Life Ins. Co., 69 NLRB 32; Rockwood Stove Works, 73 NLRB 1297. In a number of decisions of the Bbarcl and the various Courts of Appeals, the principle has been laid clown that where an employer by his conduct has indicated that a request for reinstatement would not be favorably received, the employees are relieved of the necessity of requesting reinstatement since they are not required to make a futile gesture 103 As the undersigned reads these de- cisions they do not necessarily require that the employer's conduct, in order to relieve the employees of the necessity for requesting reinstatement, must be tantamount to a discharge of the employees. While an actual discharge may relieve a striker of the affirmative duty of requesting reinstatement, there may be other conduct by the employer of similar effect. It mQy be observed, in this connection, that the requirement that strikers request reinstatement is based on the rationale that the employer cannot be considered to have discriminated against the strikers until the latter have indicated their willingness to return to work. The discrimination in such case is the refusal to reinstate the strikers on application. However, the Board has always held that the discharge of an employee is discriminatory, irrespective of a request for reinstatement. In the latter type of case the discharge is the discrimination, not the refusal to reinstate. It is the discharge which places the employer in default, not the refusal to reinstate. The cases which hold that a striker may, under some circumstances, be relieved of the need for making a futile gesture for reinstatement would ordinarily be cases where there was no actual discharge (since this itself would be an act of discrimination) but where, by conduct which may fall short of an actual discharge, the employer may have given the employees the reasonable impression that it was futile to apply for reinstatement, thereby transferring to himself the affirmative burden of offering the employees reinstatement. The cases cited in the E. A. Laboratories case in support of the proposition that only an actual discharge may relieve strikers of the need for requesting reinstatment are cases dealing with the so-called "tactical maneuver" doctrine. However, these cases deal merely with the question of what conduct constitutes a discharge. They do not determine under what circumstances the conduct of an employer may relieve strikers of the requirement for. requesting reinstatement. In the opinion of the undersigned the tactical maneuver doctrine does not neces- sarily overrule other Board and court decisions laying down the broad rule that strikers are relieved of the necessity for making a request for reinstatement 103 See Thompson Cabinet Co ., 11 NLRB 1106 , 1112 : United Dredging Co., 30 NLRB 739, 795; Nevada Consolidated Copper Corp ., 26 NLRB 1182 , 1208 ; Douglas Aircraft Co., 10 NLRB 248 , 281; Theurer ;Wagon Works , Inc., 18 NLRB 837, 859 ; Eagle-Picher Mining and Smelting Co. v. N . L. R. B., 119 F. 2d 903 (C. A . 8) ; and N. L. R. B . v. Sunshine Mining Co., 110 F. 2d 780 (C. A. 9). 903847-51-vol. 90-101 1586 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD where the employer by his conduct has indicated that it would be futile to do so. It is possible that the conduct of an employer in a particular case may be a tactical maneuver , falling short of an actual discharge , and yet may have reasonably indicated to the strikers the futility of requesting reinstatement , thus relieving them of this obligation and requiring the employer to affirmatively show that he was not serious when he indicated that requests for reinstatement would not be favorably received. The undersigned finds it unnecessary in this case to determine whether the action of Respondent in refusing reemployment to a number of the strikers who reapplied was in itself a constructive refusal to reinstate the other strikers, thereby relieving them of the usual requirement for requesting reinstatement. Even accepting the statement appearing in the Intermediate Report in the E. A. Laboratories case as Board authority , the undersigned finds that Respondent's conduct with respect to the strikers did in fact constitute an actual discharge, thus relieving them of the requirement for making application for reinstatement. While its action in refusing reinstatement to Matthews and the other individuals who applied may not, by itself, have been sufficiently conclusive as to its inten- tions with respect to the other strikers, there can be no mistaking its purpose in sending the letter of March 15, 1948. By this letter the employees were specifically informed that their "employment has been terminated as of this date." The effect of this letter is not changed because of the fact that one of the reasons for sending it was the alleged need of informing them of their rights under the group insurance policy 104 Likewise, the fact that Respondent claimed that the termination of employment resulted from the employees ' "replacement" when "you and the others did not return to work," does not alter the legal effect of Respondent's action. As previously stated, under Section 2 (3) of the Act individuals engaged in a current labor dispute retain their status as employees. Where the strike is caused by the, unfair labor practice of the employer he forfeits his right to permanently replace the striking employees.'" By advising the employees that they had been permanently replaced and that their "employment has been terminated ," the Respondent in effect finally discharged the striking employees and relieved them of the necessity of making further formal applica- tion for reinstatement.100 As stated in Industrial Cotton Mills Company, Inc., 50 NLRB 855: It is now well settled that strikers retain their status as employees dur- ing . . . a strike, and that unfair labor practice strikers are entitled to their jobs at the conclusion of the strike whether or- not their places have been filled. While customarily application for reinstatement must be made by strikers to indicate their availability for work, where the employer, as here, finally discharges the strikers and bars their return to work, it thereby effectively, indicates to them the- futility of applying for reinstatement. 104 It is clear from the evidence that the effect of the letter, insofar as it notified the employees that their employment had been terminated, was also intended to apply to em- ployees who did not receive it. Counsel for Respondent made a statement to this effect at the hearing before the State of Georgia Unemployment Compensation Tribunal. mR N. L. R. B. v. Remington Rand, Inc., 130 F. 2d 919, 927. (C. A. 2) ; Rapid Roller Co. v. N. L. R. B., 126 F. 2d 452 (C. A. 7), cert. den. 317 U. S. 650; Black Diamond Steamship Corp. v. N. L. R. B., 94 F. 2d 875, 879 (C. A. 2), cert. den. 304^U. S. 579; and Dalton Tele- phone Co.; 82 NLRB 1001. 108 Respondent was not relieved of its duty to reinstate the strikers by the fact that it may have in good faith believed it was not committing an unfair labor practice. See Rapid Roller Co. v. N. L. R. B., 126 F. 2d 452, 460 (C. A. 7). HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1587 Similarly, in N. L. R. B. v. Sunshine Mining Co., 110 F. 2d 780, 792 (C. A. 9) the Court stated : "As the actual effect of Respondent's conduct was to discharge these employees, the circumstances dispensed with the necessity of application for reinstatement. N. L. R. B. v. Carlisle Lumber Co., 99 F. 2d 533." To the same. effect see Gulf Public Service Co., 18 NLRB 562 enfd. 116 F. 2d 852 (C. A. 5) where the Board held that "by discharging them, the Respondent made it useless for the strikers to apply for their jobs." '07 The fact that the employees were advised that if conditions improved or open- ings arose they would be given "first consideration if you see fit to apply for your jobs" does not relieve Respondent of the legal consequence of advising its employees that their employment relation had been terminated. It is clear that under the circumstances indicated in the letter the employees, if, as, and when they were rehired, would be returning as new employees with loss of seniority and all that that entailed.108 Moreover, where an employer has discriminated against his employees either by discharging them or refusing to reinstate them, he cannot shift to them the further duty of requesting reinstatement since the employer must then assume the burden of disentangling himself from the legal consequences of his unfair labor practice by offering them reinstatement or noti- fying them when jobs are available.'0D Likewise, Respondent's action with respect to those strikers who did apply belies any intention to reinstate any of the strikers. When the letter of March 15 is read in the light of Respondent's course of conduct prior and subsequent thereto, there becomes evident a fixed determination on its part not to reinstate any of the persons who participated in the strike. The evidence discloses that after the February 24 deadline established in Respondent's radio announcement, not a single person who was even remotely suspected of being a striker was taken back by Respondent. When Matthews applied on February 25, Respondent was willing to allow her to return to work until someone mentioned that she had been seen on the picket line, and then Respondent conveniently discovered that there wasn't enough work for her. The other girl who applied at the same time, Avie Jones, a nonunion employee, was permitted to return after Respondent was satisfied that she was. not a striker. When Alice Bailey tried to return to work on the same morning she was told that all those that were out Monday and Tuesday had been laid off. Asbell, who sought to return on Thursday after the strike, was told, "you heard the announce- ment over the radio and read the papers, didn't you?" Griggers who sought to return to work on March 1 was refused reinstatement when Haisten said she had been seen on the picket line, but Sue Martin and Mrs. Clifford Allen who satisfied Bert Michael..that they had been sick and were not on the picket line were allowed to return. Atkinson, who came back to check on her status after she failed to receive a letter on March 15, was told that she had been fired with the others when she failed to return. When Harrel sought to return around March 20 he was told that his job had been filled. Thomas who also applied in the end of March, was told that there wasn't enough work for him, although the evidence for See also N. L. R. B . v. Cowell Portland Cement Co ., 148 F. 2d 237 ( C. A. 9) ; Register Publishing Co., 44 NLRB 848; and Morristown Knitting Co., 80 NLRB 731. 108 Atkinson testified credibly that when she applied around March 20, Bert Michael told her that if he needed her he would call her back but that she would come as a new opera- tor and would lose her seniority. 309 Eagle-Picher Mining and Smelting Co., supra; Berkshire Knitting Mills, 17 NLRB. 239, 287; and N. L. R. B. v. Remington Rand, Inc ., 94 F. 2d 862 , 872 (C. A. 2 ), cert.. den:. 304 U. S. 576. 1 egg DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD shows that a topper presser was thereafter hired to do work Thomas was Capa- ble of doing and the latter was not even given an opportunity to qualify for the job. Austin was i"efused reinstatement allegedly because there was no opening for her, but later when an opening did develop she was conveniently "over- looked,".' and still later when another vacancy developed, it was fortuitously discovered that she was pregnant, although no inquiry was made as to whether she would be willing to come back. Although Bert Michael asserted that none of the strikers who applied for work were rejected, he failed to cite. a single case of a striker who applied after the February 24 deadline and was reinstated, with the exception of Matthews who was finally reinstated in October 1.943 after the charge in this proceeding had been filed. Each of the strikers who applied was told that she had failed to obey the company rule about calling in, or that her. job had been filled, or that there wasn't enough work, etc. The only evidence of employees being rehired after February 24 is that of Jones, Martin, and Allen who were able to prove that they had not been on strike. Also, Katie Crumbley, who quit about a week and a half before the strike, was taken back when she applied about a month after the strike started, despite the fact that she had been one of the most de- ficient line banders. Crumbley, it will be recalled, had convinced Respondent of her anti-union attitude at the time of her argument with Coleman which resulted in their being brought to Michael's office in December 1947. Several employees who worked during the strike testified to statements made by Respondent's officials during the strike indicative of its intention not to re- hire any of the strikers. Cromer, a member of the Union who waited outside the plant for several hours on the morning of the strike and later came into the plant when her sister came out to get her, testified without contradiction that James called the girls together on the day of the strike and said there would be no hard feeling toward the girls who had joined the Union and returned to work, but that those who remained out after the deadline "would lose their. jobs." •Addie Marchant, another union member who remained out on the morning of the strike but returned when one of the employees came out to get her, testified that early in March when Morris Michael, Jr., returned from a trip to New York, he made a statement to the employees in which he stated that he didn't want any of the strikers back, that he was proud of those who had stayed with the Com- pany, and that he would close. the plant before he would have a union. Michael denied making such a statement and his testimony was corroborated by a num- her of employees who heard him make a short talk upon his return from his New York trip. Marchant was an indifferent witness and her testimony was not otherwise corroborated. The undersigned does not credit her testimony in this respect. Irrespective of the statements made to various employees, Respondent by its conduct demonstrated an inflexible determination not to rehire any striker or. employee suspected of being a striker who failed to return by February 24. The undersigned is convinced that the letter of March 15 was itself merely -a device to finally bar any possibility of further union renascence in the plnt. It is apparent that by March 15 both the strikers and Respondent were aware that the strike was lost. Having definitely broken the backbone of the union effort, Respondent apparently resolved that it would precludedny possibility of union strength being revived in the plant and accordingly he advised the strikers that their employment had been terminated. Although Respondent endeavored to give its discharge of the strikers an overtone of reasonableness by informing them that it was the replacements and the lack of business that required it to HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1589. notify them that it had all the help it then needed and that it did not anticipate it could "now reemploy you," the undersigned is convinced that this was not the reason. Respondent's own records show that after March 15 there was no ces- sation or lessening in its recruitment of new employees. Between March 15 and the end of the month it hired 16 additional employees. During the month. of April it hired 28 new employees, and during the month of May it hired 21 new employees. Its records disclose that between March 15 and the date of the hearing Respondent hired upwards of 250 new employees. During this entire period the only striker who was ever recalled was Myrtle Matthews. The evidence as a whole unmistakably supports the conclusion that Respond- ent was resolved riot to reemploy any of the strikers who failed to report back to work by February 24 and that this resolve finally culminated in its taking affirmative action on March 15 to discharge the remaining employees. By this action and by its action in refusing to reinstate individual strikers who reapplied, Respondent relieved the remaining strikers of any further need to request rein- statement, and their failure to take such action until the mass letters of Janu- ary 1949 cannot prejudice their position. The undersigned finds and concludes that, except for those strikers who were previously discharged upon their apply- ing for reinstatement, the remaining strikers were discharged on March 15, 1948, in violation of Section 8 (a) (1) and (3) of tire Act."' F. The discharge of Emma Lee Bentley"' Burnley was first employed by Respondent in 1925 and worked there at various intervals thereafter. She last returned to Respondent's employ in July 1945 and worked as a pocket operator in Department C until July 1948 when she took a leave of absence. Brumley was a member of the Garment Workers Union and after the disintegration of that union joined the Construction Workers Union on February 15, 1948. She did; not, however, join the strike but continued to work until July 1948. The evidence discloses that there was a certain amount of ill feeling between Burnley and the forelady of Department C, Leona Adkins. According to Burnley, Adkins resented her being a union member. The latter, however, denied this and claimed that any friction which existed was due to Burnley's bad work and that the latter resented Adkins' calling her attention to it. In the fall of 1947, Adkins took Burnley to task for having used the wrong colored thread on certain work and reported the incident to Superintendent James, who called the two women to his. office. Burnley told James that Adkins had been picking on her over her work and said that she couldn't understand "why she got it in for' me, unless it was because I was a member of the Union." " Adkins denied having anything against Burnley and Superintendent James finally told Burnley to go back to work, cautioning Adkins "to leave the girl alone" and that if she did any bad work to bring her down and lie would talk to her. 112 After the strike started,. Adkins carne over to Burnley's machine and, according to the latter's credible testimony, said to her, "Emily, did you sign one of those cards?" When Burn- ley replied in the affirmative, Adkins said to her, according to Burnley : 10 This conclusion does not apply to Virginia Stapleton as to whom the undersigned had already recommended that the complaint be dismissed. I" Burnley testified under her married name, Holt. 112 The, above findings are based upon a synthesis of the testimony of Burnley , Adkins, and James; which was substantially in accord , except that Adkins denied the Uniop was mentioned. 1590 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD . Well, if they send up here for you, you can go down if you want to, but if you don't want to go down, you don't have to . You can go in and out through the office. You needn't be afraid what anybody will do to you on the outside..1 According to Burnley, Adkins started "picking on her" again about her work after the strike started and she went to James' office to complain. She told him that Adkins was continuing to "pick on me" and told James that she would quit if Adkins didn't leave her alone. According to Burnley, James sent for Adkins and asked her what it was all about. Adkins told him that Burnley refused to listen to her when she talked to Burnley about her work. James told Adkins not to bother Burnley any further, to which Adkins assented, and James told the latter to go back to work.14 Sometime after the first incident with Adkins, related above, Burnley filed an application for a position as a seamstress in the clothing repair department at Robbins Field, an Army Air Depot near Macon. She apparently gave Respondent as a reference since in April 1948, the Respondent received an inquiry about Burnley from the Robbins Field authorities. Bert Michael called her to the office and told her he had received an inquiry about her from Robbins Field. He asked her if she was dissatisfied with her work and she told him that she was not dissatisfied with the work but with the way Adkins acted toward her. According to Burnley, she told Michael, "I'd rather not work any place that anybody feels about me like she feels about me.", Michael then asked her, "Well, what are you going to do until you hear from them? Are you going to continue to work on i here, dissatisfied?" Burnley said she would continue to work if he wanted her to and Michael replied, "all right." He also asked her if she wanted him to fill out the reference inquiry and she told him she would appreciate it if he would.1' In July 1948, Burnley had to stay home from work to take care of her young daughter who had trouble with infected feet. She asked her sister, Martha Lindsey, who was also employed by the Respondent, to tell Forelady Adkins that she had to stay out because of her daughter's condition. According to Burnley, she also telephoned Superintendent James the following week and told him that she wouldn't be able to come back until her daughter was better. According to Burnley, James told her, "0. K., I'll tell Mrs. Adkins." Several weeks later, Adkins asked Burnley's sister, Lindsey, if Burnley had quit and Lindsey told her, "Not that I know of." ne Burnley attempted to return to work on September 8, 1948, but was sent to Superintendent James' office.. James told her that he thought she had quit since she had been out so long and that he couldn't use her right then as a number of girls had been hired while she was out. However, he told her to leave her phone number and that he would call her if he needed her. Burnley protested to no avail that if she had quit, she wouldn't have sent him word that she was taking leave of absence. Later that day, she telephoned Morris Michael, Jr., and asked if anyone had been put on her machine. He told her he would look 113 Adkins denied asking Burnley whether she had signed a card, but did not deny the balance of the conversation. Adkins' denial is not credited. 114 Neither James nor Adkins controverted Burnley's testimony and the undersigned finds that this Incident occurred substantially as she testified. 111, Burnley 's version of this incident was not substantially contradicted by Bert Michael, James, or Adkins, who were present and her testimony is credited. 110 There was no substantial controversy as to Burnley's taking a leave of absence , except that according to James she told him she wanted to take several weeks leave In order to get married . Burnley admitted that she got married during this period , but denied that she said anything to James about It. The undersigned finds it unnecessary to determine which reason Burnley gave for taking leave. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1591 into the matter and let her know. Several hours later, Bert Michael called back and told her he had looked into the matter and understood she "didn't do good work." Respondent gave the following explanation for its refusal to take back Burn- ley. Superintendent James testified that when Burnley didn 't return, he thought she had gone to work at Robbins Field , pursuant to her earlier application there. At the time she returned in September , he didn't have any place for her but intend- ed to send for her. However , within a short time after Burnley left his office, Adkins came to him and told him Patricia Hensley had just reported to her that as Burnley was leaving the plant she had made a remark to Hensley to the effect that ( referring to Adkins ) "she hoped the old white -headed bitch was happy" as she had finally gotten Burnley fired . According to James and Adkins, the latter told James that she would not work with Burnley because of this remark and asked him not to call Burnley back , to which James assented. The testimony as to whether Burnley did make this remark was somewhat confused . Burnley denied calling Adkins a "white-headed old bitch " but admitted saying to Hensley, "I guess that old lady did what she wanted to ; she fired me." Hensley, who is still employed by Respondent , corroborated Adkins' testimony that Burnley had make the remark calling Adkins an uncomplimentary name. However, Respondent 's counsel asked her on redirect exani,ination, "Did you advise anyone of what she [Burnley] had said ; did you or not advise anyone- Mrs. Adkins ;. Mr. James, anyone ?" to which Hensley replied , "No." She was then asked, "did anyone later ask you about whether or not she had said anything to you?" and Hensley replied , "not until lately-last week or so." Hensley was excused at the conclusion of her testimony and another witness called . After the other witness had finished her testimony , Hensley was recalled and gave the fol- lowing testimony : Q. (By Mr. SNOW .) Mrs. Hensley , since you testified about 15 or 20 or possibly 30 minutes ago , have you or not had a conversation with me? A. Yes, sir. Q. Mrs. Hensley, tell the Court whether or not you understood my ques- tion when I asked you on the stand previously whether you had communicated with anyone the remark which Mrs. Burnley made to understand whether I was just referring to officers of the Company or whether I was referring to even your forelady? A. I misunderstood your question. Q. Whom did you think I was referring to when I asked if you communi- cated with anyone? A. The officers of the Company. Q. Tell us whether or not you have repeated it to anyone. A. Yes, sir, I told my forelady. Q. When did you tell her? A. Immediately. From Hensley 's previous testimony , it is obvious that her attention was specifi- cally directed to whether she repeated the remark to Adkins and that the inquiry was not limited to an officer of the Company . The undersigned found Hensley a generally unreliable witness and does not credit her testimony. Respondent also urged as an apparently auxiliary reason for not rehiring Burn- ley that she did not do good work . It may be noted that this position was incon- sistent with James' testimony that the reason it was decided not to take her back was because "I just couldn ' t pass such remarks." It should also be noted that 1592 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the record of production deficiencies which were introduced in evidence fail to disclose that Burnley was deficient in a single week. Is seems difficult to imagine, if her work was of such bad quality, that the necessity of repairing it would not have adversely affected her production record. Although the facts surrounding Respondent's refusal to rehire Burnley are suspicious, indeed, the undersigned is not persuaded that the General Counsel has sustained the burden of proving that the reason for Burnley's discharge was her union activity. Although the evidence discloses that Burnley had been a union member, and that Respondent was aware of this fact, her union activity was not particularly marked and in fact she failed to join the strike in which most of the other members participated. The evidence discloses a. history of bad per- sonal relations with her forelady ; "' that as a result of her dissatisfaction, Burnley had applied for a position elsewhere, of which fact Respondent was aware ; and that she had recently been absent for a considerable period of time, under cir- cumstances which suggested that she might have quit 118 Under these circum- stances, Respondent might properly have concluded during her absence that she had decided not to return, and when she did return, have determined that in view of her general dissatisfaction with conditions it would not be advisable to take her back. It is true that the reasons Respondent gave were confused and con- flicting but on the record as a whole, the undersigned is not persuaded that there has been and adequate showing of anti-union motivation in Respondent's refusal to take back Burnley.1' It will, therefore, be recommended that the complaint be dismissed insofar as it alleges the discriminatory discharge and refusal to reinstate Burnley. However, the undersigned finds and concludes that by interrogating Burnley as to whether she had signed a union card, Respond- ent interfered with, restrained, and coerced her in the exercise of the rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act and thereby violated Section S (a) (1) thereof.12' G. The Shop Connnittee The genesis of the Shop Committee was the speech which Morris Michael, Jr. made to the employees on November 21, 1947, at the time of the expiration of the contract with the United Garment Workers Union which he refused to renew'' The employees were told : If you want a shop committee to deal with Mr. James, my brother and me in ironing out difficulties and improving working conditions that is fine. We will be glad to work with any shop committee chosen by you. On Tuesday, November 25, Bert Michael and Superintendent James went around to the various departments with ballot boxes and handed out ballots to the em- ployees. The employees were told that two. delegates to the Shop Committee would be elected from each department and were asked to write on the ballot the 117 In the opinion of the undersigned,, the evidence is insufficient to establish that Burn- ley's union membership was at the bottom of this ill feeling. 118 The undersigned is convinced that her absence was not entirely due to the illness of her child and that her assumption of new marital duties was a contributing factor. 119 It is significant that when Burnley threatened to quit sometime after the strike started because Adkins was "picking" on her, James, despite his knowledge that she had been a union member , asked her to stay. 129 Standard - Coosa-Thatcher Company, supra. 121 There is some reference in the testimony to an earlier Shop Committee before the con- tract with the Garment Workers. However, there is little evidence regarding the origin and functioning of the earlier Committee and since it is not in issue in this proceedng it is unnecessary to make any findings regarding it. HAPP BROTHERS 'COMPANY INC'. 1593 names of two employees they wanted elected.'2' The ballots were then counted in the presence of James and Michael. The elected representatives from each department met the following day in the dining room of the company premises together with the heads of each de- partment and Bert Michael. Michael told the employee representatives that they could bring up at the meetings grievances submitted to them by employees. These, meetings were held each Wednesday afternoon thereafter from 3: 30 to 4: 30 p. M. The employee representatives were paid for the time spent at the meetings and, when the meetings went beyond 4: 30, the employees were paid overtime. Among the grievances handled at these meetings were such matters as whether certain material should receive the higher rate payable for work on sharkskin, what rate should be paid for work on boys' short pants, and whether a shade should be put over a certain window. Bert Michael would usually inform the employee representatives that he would discuss the matter with his brother and inform the Committee of the decision at the next meeting. Kate Kemp, secretary to James and Michael took notes of what transpired at the meetings and typed them up in a notebook which was kept in her custody. The Shop Committee never met without Bert Michael and the other supervisors being present. No dues were paid by employees to the Committee. Although having no apparent source of income, a Christmas party was held in December 1947 under the Committee's sponsorship but no fee was charged for attending the party: In October 1948, after being advised by a Board Field Examiner that its support of the Shop Committee was illegal. Respondent posted a notice on the plant bulletin board in which it advised employees that it would not "in the future permit any election to be held on company property or company time and we will have no further meetings with the Shop Committee." There is na evidence of further meetings by the Shop Committee after the posting of this notice. It seems evident that the Shop Committee was a labor organization since it was a committee in which employees participated and it existed for the pur- pose of dealing with the employer concerning grievances, rates of pay, and con- ditions of work.13 It is also clear, and the undersigned so finds, that by sug- gesting and encouraging the formation of the Committee, which the undersigned finds was done for the purpose of discouraging membership in the United Gar- ment Workers of some other independent labor 'organization ; by -participation of its supervisory officials in the election and formation of the Committee; by the presence of management representatives at the meetings ; by permitting the 122 Some of Respondent's witnesses claimed that before the actual voting for representa- tives on the Committee the employees in each department voted on the question of whether the3A wanted a Committee. This testimony was confused and contradictory and is not credited. For example, Lillian Davis of Department D testified that a few days before the election James came in and asked the employees if they wanted a Committee. Ophelia Britt from the same department testified that they were "told" by James to select a Com- mittee. Hensley testified that no vote was taken by the employees on whether they wanted a Committee but that they merely voted for representatives. Wylene Lowery first testified that only one vote was taken and that was at the time James brought in the ballots. She later modified this and claimed the employees previously had voted that they wanted a Committee. The undersigned is satisfied that there was only one vote and that this took place when James and Michael brought the ballots in and told the employees to vote. 12+N. L. R. B. v. Jas. H. Matthews d. Co., 156 F. 2d 706 (C. A. 3) ; N. I.. R. B. v. Ameri- can Furnace Co., 158 F. 2d 376 (C. A. 7) ; J. W. Greer, 15 NLRB 341; and Wrought Iron Range Co ., 77 NLRB 487. 1594 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Committee to meet on company premises during working hours and by paying the members for such time ; and by supporting the social functions of the Com- mittee which had no other visible means of support since it charged no dues, all as more fully related above, the Respondent has dominated and interfered with the formation and administration of a labor organization and contributed financial or other support to it, in violation of Section 8 (a) (1) and (2) of the Act, thereby interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 thereof 121 IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of Respondent set forth in Section III, above, occurring in con- nection with the operations of Respondent set forth in Section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. v. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent had engaged in certain unfair labor practices, the undersigned will recommend that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. The undersigned has found that Respondent discharged Gladys Dickson and. Gertha Coleman on February 20, 1948, because of their union membership and activities and their efforts to organize Respondent's employees ; that on Febru-. ary 25, 26, and. March 1, respectively, it discharged and refused reinstatement to Myrtle Matthews, Mary J. Asbell, and Catherine Griggers because they had engaged in, or were believed to have engaged in a strike with other employees, caused by the aforesaid discharge of Coleman and Dickson ; and that on March 15, 1948, Respondent discharged the other strikers named in the complaint, except Virginia Stapleton, because they participated in or were believed to have participated in, the aforesaid strike.12' It will therefore be recommended that Respondent offer immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions,126 without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, to all of the aforesaid employees whom it has thus discharged or refused reinstatement, as set forth in Appendix C hereof, except Daisy Elrod, Ida Whatley, Maude Thompson, and Myrtle Matthews. It will not be recommended that Respondent offer reinstate- ment to Elrod and Whatley because they testified that they decided not to return to Respondent's employ after October 1, 1948, when they secured employment elsewhere. It will not be recommended that Respondent offer reinstatement to Maude Thompson because, according to the uncontradicted and credited testi- mony of. Bert Michael, she accepted an offer of reinstatement after the mass, 1'24 Berkshire Knitting Mills v. N. L. R. B., 139 F. 2d 134 ( C. A. 3) ; American Enka Corp. v. N. L. R . B., 119 F. 2d 60 ( C. A. 4) ; Maddix Asphalt Roofing Corp., 85 NLRB 26;. Fogel Refrigeration Co., 82 NLRB 150; Pacific Moulded Products Co., 76 NLRB 1140; Newman Machine Co., 74 NLRB 220 ; and Reynolds . Co., 61 NLRB 1146. 1'6 It was stipulated that the remaining employees listed in Schedule A of the com- plaint would testify, if called, that they participated in the strike beginning February 23, 1948. The undersigned finds that all of such employees, except Virginia Stapleton, par- ticipated in said strike. 126 The Chase National Bank of the . City of New York, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Branch, 65 NLRB 827. ' HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, 'INC. 1595 applications of January 24, 1949.127 Since Matthews was reinstated on or about October 10, 1948, it is not necessary to recommend reinstatement in her case. Had Respondent not discharged the remaining strikers on March 15, 1948, their back pay would have commenced from the date when they: applied for work. However, by discharging them, Respondent made it useless for them to apply thereafter. Respondent claims that irrespective of the action which it took with respect to the strikers, they would not have returned to work in any event until Dickson, Coleman, and Yarbrough were reinstated. Respondent calls attention to the testimony by some of the strikers that they were still insisting on the return of the three original discharged employees until the picket line broke up in June. However, the undersigned is not convinced that the discharge of the strikers themselves did not affect the decision to continue the strike. The preponderant weight of the testimony is that after the refusal to reinstate Matthews and after the March 15 letter most of the strikers were protesting their own discharges. Even on this basis, the strike was in a moribund state as the picket line'dwindled and finally disappeared in June. Actually, it is impossible to ascertain when the strikers would have abandoned the strike and returned to work in the absence of Respondent's action in discharging them. Since; the uncertainty was caused by Respondent's illegal act in discharging the strikers, the undersigned will indulge in no presumption as to how long the strike might otherwise have lasted. Under the circumstances here present, Respondent :had the burden of disentangling itself from the legal consequences of its illegal action and had the affirmative burden of offering the strikers reinstatement., No penalty should be visited on the strikers for their failure to request reinstatement,'in the absence of clear and convincing evidence (which is not here present) that, irrespective of their discharge, they would not have returned to work until the cause of the strike was settled 128 The undersigned will therefore recommend that Respondent make whole the employees against whom it discriminated, as listed in Appendix C hereof, by payment to each of them of a sum of money equivalent to that which he would have earned as wages, from the date of the discrimination against him,129 to the date upon which Respondent offers him reinstatement, less his net earnings during such period,130 except that in the case of Daisy Elrod and Ida Whatley, the terminal date of payment shall be the date when they abandoned any desire to return to Respondent's employ ; in the case of Maude Thompson and Myrtle Matthews the terminal date shall be the date when they were reinstated by the Respondent.131 Since it has not been found that Respondent discriminatorily discharged or refused reinstatement to Virginia Stapleton and Emma Lee Burnley, it will "'Michael also testified that an offer of reinstatement was made to George Stapleton but that the latter told him he would have to give his present employer a week's notice. Michael was unwilling to allow Stapleton a week before returning because lie "couldn't wait that long." The undersigned finds that Stapleton's request that he be allowed to give his present employer a week's notice was reasonable and did not constitute a refusal to accept reinstatement. 128 See Gulf Public Service Co., 18 NLRB 562, 586, enfd. 116 F. 2d 852 (C. A. 5) ; Eagle Picker Mining d Smelting Co., 119 F. 2d 903 (C. A. 8), enfg. 16 NLRB 727 ; Shell- barger Grain Products Co., 8 NLRB 336; and Acme-Evans Co., 24 NLRB 71. 121 The dates of discrimination are : February 20, 1948, for Gertha Coleman and Gladys Dickson ; February 25, 1948, for Myrtle Matthews ; February 26, 1948, for Mary J. Asbell ; March 1 1948 , for Catharine Griggers ; and March 15, 1948, for the remaining strikers named in the complaint , except Virginia Stapleton. 130 See Crossett Lumber Company , 8 NLRB 440, 492-8. 131,The ' terminal'date in the case of Elrod and Whatley shall be October 1, 1948. There is some uncertainty as to the exact date Thompson and Matthews were reinstated. This matter can be determined in compliance proceedings if the parties are unable to reach agreement on the matter. 1596 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tie recommended that the complaint be dismissed as to them. It will further he recommended that the complaint be dismissed as to certain of the allegations of interference, restraint, and coercion which it has heretofore been found were hot established by .the evidence. It has been found that Respondent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees by: (1) Interrogating employees concerning their union affiliation and activities; (2) threatening or purporting to discharge employees involved in union or concerted activity; (3) warning that Negroes would be hired if a union came in;"' (4) stating that there would be no union in the plant; and (5) offering the employees a wage increase to discourage union activity. It will therefore be recommended that Respondent cease and desist from such activities and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. It has further been found that Respondent has dominated and interfered with the formation and administration of the Shop Committee and has contributed to its support. The fact that the record does not disclose any evidence of recog- nition of the Committee after the notice which Respondent posted on October 18, 1948, does not preclude recommendation of an order that Respondent cease and desist from dominating."and interfering with any labor organization since Respondent's past conduct indicates the possibility of repetition of unlawful acts in the future."' The undersigned will therefore recommend that Respondent cease and desist from dominating or interfering with the formation or admin- istration of any labor organization or contributing financial or other support thereto. However, 'in view of Respondent's public announcement that it will no longer meet with or recognize the Shop Committee, the undersigned will not recommend that Respondent take any further action to disestablish it."' Because of its widespread hostility to the efforts of its employees to organize, as demonstrated by this record, indicating a determination to interfere generally with the rights of employees as guaranteed by the Act, the undersigned will recommend that Respondent desist from the conduct found to be illegal and from in any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, the undersigned makes the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations: United Garment Workers of America, affiliated with American Federation of Labor ; Local 223 of the United Construction Workers, affiliated with United Mine Workers of America ; and the Shop Committee, un- affiliated, are labor organizations .vithin the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. 2. By discriminating in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of the employees listed in Appendix C hereof, thereby discouraging membership in a labor organization, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices, within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. 3. By. interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the Respondent has engaged in 112 There is no specific allegation to this effect in the complaint although. there is a gen- eral allegation of threatening and warning employees against joining a union. - However, the testimony on this issue was not objected to and Respondent fully litigated the matter. 13' See Fogel Refrigeration Co., 82 NLRB 1302. 134 See Raybestos Manhattan Co., 80 NLRB 1208. . HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1597 and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section.8 (a) (1) of the Act. 4. By dominating and interfering with the-formation and administration of, the Shop Committee and contributing to its support, the Respondent has engaged in and is eingaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (2) of the Act. -5. :Respondent has not engaged in the following unfair labor practices: . (a) Discharging Virginia Stapleton or Emma Lee Burnley because of their union membership or activity. (b) Maintaining surveillance over union meetings. (c) Discrimination against union employees with regard to overtime, type of work, or assistance and instruction. (d) Stating that,the plant would be closed down before allowing a union=to come in. 6. Respondent 's conduct in stating to certain of its employees that if it could talk to each employee in a soundproof room they would never want to hear of another union is not an unfair labor practice. - RECOMMENDATIONS Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, the under- signed recommends that the Respondent, Happ Brothers Company, Inc., its of- ficers, agents, successors, and assigns shall : 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Discouraging membership in-any labor organization of its employees, by discriminatorily discharging or refusing to reinstate any of its employees, or in any other manner discriminating in regard to their hire or tenure of employ- ment ; (b) Interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees by (1) interrogat- ing employees concerning their union affiliation and activities, (2) threatening or purporting to discharge employees because of engagement in union or concerted activity, (3) appealing to racial prejudice for the purpose of discouraging its employees from joining or remaining members of a labor. organization, (4) "stating that there would be no union in its plant, and (5) offering employees a wage increase for the purpose of discouraging union activity ; (c) Dominating and interfering with the formation and administration of any labor organization, or contributing financial or other support to the Shop Com- mittee or any other labor organization ; (d) Recognizing the Shop Committee as the exclusive bargaining representative of our employees for the purposes of collective bargaining unless and until 'it shall have been certified by the Board as the representative of our employees.;. and (e) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its em- ployees in the exercise of the right to self-organization, to form labor organ- izations,.to join or assist any labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or tore= frain from any or all such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in Section 8 (a)- (3) of the Act, as guar- anteed in Section 7 thereof., 1598 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ,, 2. Take the following affirmative action which the undersigned finds will effectuate the policies of the Act : (a) Offer to the employees listed in Appendix C, except Daisy Elrod, Ida Whatley, Maude Thompson , and Myrtle Matthews , immediate and full rein- statement to their former or substantially equivalent positions , ewithout prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges ; (b) Make whole all the employees listed in Appendix C for any loss of pay they may have suffered by reason of the Respondent's discrimination against them in the manner provided in the section entitled "The Remedy" ; (c) Post at its plant at Macon ; Georgia, copies of the notice attached hereto and marked Appendix C. Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Tenth Region, shall, after being duly signed by the Respondent's representative, be 'posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof and maintained by it for sixty (60) consecutive clays thereafter, in conspicuous places;' including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted.. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material ; and (d) Notify the Regional Director for the Tenth Region in writing within twenty (20) days from the date of the receipt of this Intermediate Report and Recommended Order of the steps the Respondent has taken to comply therewith. It is further recommended that, unless the Respondent shall within twenty (20) days from the receipt of this Intermediate Report and Recommended Order notify said Regional Director in writing that it will comply with the fore- going recommendations, the National Labor Relations Board issue an order re- quiring Respondent to take the action aforesaid. It is further recommended that the complaint be dismissed insofar as it alleges that Respondent discriminated with regard to the hire and tenure of employment of Emma Lee Burnley and Virginia Stapleton ; and insofar as it alleges that Respondent interfered , with, restrained , and coerced its employees by maintain- ing surveillance over, union activities , by discriminating against union employees with regard to overtime , type of work , or assistance and instruction , by stating that the plant would be closed down before allowing a union to come in, and by stating that if it could talk to , each employee in a soundproof room they would never want to hear of another union. ..As provided in Section 203.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board any party may , within twenty ( 20) days from the date of Service of the order transferring the case to the Board , pursuant to Section 203.45 of said Rules and Regulations , file with the Board , Washington 25, D. C., an original and six copies of a statement in writing setting forth such exceptions to the Intermediate Report and Recommended Order or to any other part of the record , or ,proceeding ( including rulings upon all motions or objections) as he relies .upon , together with the original and six copies of a brief in support thereof ; and any party may, within the same period , file an original and six copies of a brief in " support of the Intermediate Report and Recommended Order. Imme- diately upon the filing of such statement of exceptions and/or briefs , the party tiling the same shall serve a copy thereof upon each of the other parties . State- ments of exceptions and briefs shall designate by, precise citation the portions of the record relied upon and shall be legibly printed or mimeographed, and if mimeographed shall be double spaced. Proof of service on the other parties of all papers filed with the Board shall be promptly made as required by Section 203.85. As further provided in said Section 203.46 should any party desire per- - HAPPI %BROT$ERS COMPANY, 'INC. 1599 mission to argue' orally before the Board, request therefor must be made in writ- ing to the Board within ten (10) days from the date of service.,of the order trans- ferring the case to the Board. In the event no Statement of Exceptions is filed as provided by the aforesaid Rules and Regulations, the findings, conclusions, recommendations, and recom- mended order herein contained shall, as provided in Section 203.48 of said Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. Dated at Washington, D. C., this, 7th day of December 1949. JoHN. LEwIS, Trial Examiner. APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF DEFICIENCIES' (BANDING OPERATORS-DEPARTMENT A) Week ending- Total numberof operators Total number deficient Percent of opera- tors deficient Average size of deflciency (by percent) 7/25/47--------------- 40 19 47.5 47.2 8/1/47---------------- 44 .23 52.3 41.5 8/8/47---------------- 49 28 57.1 54.9 8/15/47--------------- 49 25 51.0 42.1 8/22/47--------------- . 50 30 60.0 27.8 8/29/47--------------- 46 30 65.2 23. 7 9/5/47---------------- 46 29 63.0 30.1 9/12/47--------------- 50 32 64.0 36.0 9/19/47--------------- 50 30 60.0 25.7 9/26/47--------------- 50 26 52.0 18. 5 10/3/47--------------- 48 37 ' 77.1 36.0 10/10/47-------------- 47 38 80.9 36:0 10/17/47-------------- 47 37 78.7 34.6 10/24/47-------------- 47 36 76.6 34.7 10/31/47-------------- . 46 39 84.8 31.2 11/7/47--------------- 48 36 75.0 31.8 11/14/17-------------- 50 41 82.0 34.2 11/21/47-------------- 50 35 70.0 35.0 11/28/47-------------- 51 32 62.7 37.4 12/5/47--------------- 50 26 52.0 31.8 12/12/47-------------- 44 , 27 61.4 37.2 12/19/47-------------- 46 28 60. 1 41.2 1/2/48---------------- 43 28 65:1 36.8 1/9/48---------------- 43 22 51.2 33.9 1/16/48--------------- 46 18 ' 39.1 45.8 1/23/48--------------- 44- 22 50.0 27.8 1/30/48--------------- 45 24 -53.3 . 33.2 2/6/48---------------- 44 22 50.0 29.6 2/13/48--------------- 42 14 33.3 33.7 2/20/48--------------- 42 18 42.9 26.5 Total- ------ ----------- ------------ 61.0 - 34.3 APPENDIX B DEFICIENCY PAYMENTS AS PERCENTAGE OF WEEKLY PAY, SELECTED EMPLOYEES , HAPP BROS . Co., 10/3/47 To 2/20/48 Week ending - Defl- DencyDate of employ- average10/3/47 10/3 10/10 10/17 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28 12/5 12/12 12/19 1/2 1/9 1/16 1/23 1/30 2/6 2/13 2/20 ment to 2,120/48 Mary L. Durden '__________ 78.0 75.3 77.3 75. 0 80.6 77 . 6 78.2 73 . 4 86.0 75.0 74 , 5 87.0 76 . 4 80.0 75.9 OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 8/11/47 78.0 Suzie Frazier'_ ______________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 84.5 78 . 3 73.1 69 . 6 57.0 65 . 8 64.5 63.5 68.0 57.3 OUT 61. 2 11/24/47 67.5 Hilda Kitchens '_____________ 67.1 62 . 4 68.0 71.0 73.2- 65.3 68 . 4- 65.1 66. 4 69.3 73 .7 67.2 67. 6 67.3 57 . 1 41.1 63 .3 OUT _ 65.5 Eloise Cromer •______________ _ ____ ______ ____ ____ __ 74.1 79.2 OUT 79. 5 81.4 76 . 3 71.7 63 . 5 48.1 59°2 51 . 9 45.0 35 . 4 27.7 1/11/47 61.0 Katie Crumbley____________ ______ ____ ______ 82.6 66 . 5 65.0 49.7 45.7 42. 5 38.0 34 . 1 44.2 89.4 70.2 , 76.2 OUT 73. 5 74.2 ______ ______ 1/22/47 60.9 Pansy Schroeder '___________ 45.9 51 . 3 54.3 56.7 65. 2 58.8 63 . 0 59.3 61.3 53.6 63.0 64 .4 OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 7/23/47 58.7 Jane Yarbrough '____________ 60.8 47 . 1 61.2 48 . 8 63.7 59.0 68.5 77 . 1 69.9 53 . 0 66.2 55 . 6 53.2 63 . 8 49.9 47 . 3 51.2 54 . 6 56.2 63.0 8 /4/47 58.5 Gladys Dickson * ------------ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 72.10 79 . 3 68.5 62 . 3 60.2 60 .7 58.4 52. 9 55.2 49 . 0 50.9 41 . 6 39.5 37 . 5 11/11/47 55.3 Gertha Coleman '____________ 52.2 49 . 7 53.1 55 . 2 56.3 58 . 6 62.9 58 . 1 57.6 52 . 3 60.7 56 . 8 52.6 45. 3 42.4 45 . 1 46.2 51 . 1 39.7 26 . 6 7/23/47 51.1 Inez Brown* •________ 71.1 76 . 8 65.6 56. 0 52.8 - 56.8 57 . 3 60.1 57.9 40. 2- 19.9 30 . 7 43.0 6. 5 27.8 32.6 46.0 35.9 39.1 8.8 8/20/47 44.2 Myrtle Babcock"'____,_____ 52.3 49 . 2 41.4 44 . 1 23.3 28 . 4 53.2 46 . 9 51.1 49 . 2 43.9 48 . 3 43.1 46. 1 39.8 33 . 8 41.2 • .43.7 46 46.6 11/5/46 43.6 Georgia Revel•'°____________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 65.7 51 . 7 53.3 60 . 4 38.1 50.1 42.7 34 . 4 29.7 29 . 2 32.1 29.1 X 43.0 Edna Gray '________________ 47.6 53 . 4 51.1 53.4 16 . 1 28.9 55 . 8 45.9 48 . 3 39.2 44 .7 57.0 43. 2 19.7 45. 3 32.0 37 . 6 42.7 23 . 2 32.2 1/28/46 40.9 Warren Spence "°.___________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ ______ ______ 63.8 .40 . 9 44.4 51 . 8 39.4 38 . 0 36.7 35 . 8 31.8 34 . 9 32.3 31 . 4 X 40.1 Doris Hopkins ',_____________ 37.4 34 . 9 54.7 66 . 3 57.0 12 . 9 40.0 34 . 3 34:3 27.2 OUT 28.6 OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 7/24/47 38.9 Margaret Ames*"___________ 44.4 47.1 40 38. 6 18.1 53 . 6 55.2 47 . 8 46.5 30.7 34. 2 40.4 32 . 7 25.7 29 . 7 25.9 25.6 30. 4 20.7 32 . 2 3/19/47 35.9 Addle Marchant ** ' - -57.8 58 . 0 58.0 56 . 2 11.7 19.6 16 . 4 32.8 41 . 1 22.3 38 .1 54.3 36.8 41.6 33 . 5 2.0 31 . 8 32.3 25 . 1 23.8 2/6/46 34.7 Lillie Snell- --------------- 39.7 34.4 35.2 32 32.6 33.8 29.6 38.5 36.9 25 . 3 28.1 27 . 8 25.9 14 . 3 31.2 32 .4 OUT ';30.7 27 . 8 25.9 XX 30.7 Lucille Brewer* ------------- 18.9 29 . 4 23.8 30. 4 46.4 39 . 0 42.4 29 . 9 42.7 28 . 8 32.1 32.2 OUT 13. 8 7.7 4 . 0 25.1 . 18.6 40.7 11.7 7/29/47 27.2 'Line banders. ''Regular banders. ••Nonbanding operators. X Date of employment unknown, except that it precedes November 1947. XX Date of unemployment unknown, except that it precedes January 1947. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC. 1601 APPENDIX C NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the recommendations of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, we hereby notify our employees that : WE WILL NOT interrogate our employees in any manner concerning their union activities, views, and membership. WE WILL NOT discharge or threaten to discharge any employee because of his membership in or activity on behalf of any labor organization. WE WILL NOT appeal to racial prejudice in order to discourage member- ship in any labor organization. WE WILL NOT offer employees a wage increase for the purpose of discourag- ing membership in a labor organization. WE WILL NOT state to our employees that we will not permit a labor organization in our plant. WE WILL NOT dominate or interfere with the formation and administra- tion of any labor organization, or contribute financial or other support to the Shop Committee or any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT recognize the Shop Committee as the exclusive bargaining rep- resentative of our employees for the purposes of collective bargaining un- less and until it shall have been certified by the Board as the representa- tive of our employees. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist any labor organization, to bargain col- lectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any or all of such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, as guaranteed in Section 7 thereof. WE WILL OFFER to the following named employees immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions without prejudice to any seniority or other rights and privileges previously en- joyed, and make them whole for any loss of pay suffered as a result of the discrimination against them : Gertha Coleman Gladys Dickson Verna Mae Davidson Samuel L. Thomas Rachel Sheffield Mrs. Bertha Faulk Mrs. Dovie P. Holland Mrs. Thelma Thomason Mrs: R. L. Tanton Mrs. Ora Holland John Hardeman, III Otis Toole Mary J. Asbell Jeannette Myers Helen Cannon Roy Hill Doris W. Thigpin Lewis Smith, Jr. Charlie Gallt Bessie G. Gillespie Annie M. Curry Mary E. Gallt Sallie Lou Nobles Mrs. R. L. Thornton 903847-51-vol. 9 0-10 2 1602 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Lois Carter Mrs. Annie Lee Cannon Reba Caldwell Noami H. Freeney Marie Sullivan Bessie W. Phillips Myrtle F. Davis Emily McAfee Bertie B. Crowe Nell Benefield George Stapleton Miss Viola Stapleton Carolyn E. Rauh Mrs. Mary E. Watson Boyles Nina M. Glover Mrs. Venton A. Pearce Fannie Lineberger Iduma Parker Mabel C. Nobles Lula P. Toole Eula Drawhorn Emory Hammock F. P. Allen, Jr. Annie Bell Kitchens Mrs. Eddie D. Davis Mattie K. Hurst Mary B. Glance Estelle Mitchell Mrs. Susie L. Ard Minnie Lee Atkinson Mary L. Jackson Annie Hoskins Mrs. F. P. Gardner Robert W. Brown Bessie Luthie Lois Redwine Mrs. Mae Hudgins Cecil Etheridge Roy Ricks Nellie Simmons Minnie D. Culverhouse Irene Barbee Myrtle M. Sauls Mrs. Imogene B. Crawford Rosa W. Fulwood Fannie Morgan Lillian Toole Maude Lee Wilks LaVerne B. Moore Margaret Davis Carter Mrs. Helen J. Johnson Mrs. S. A. Persons Mrs. Beauford McGee Evelyn Campbell Mrs. Nellie Smith Mrs. G. M. Camp 'Mrs. Louise Horton Myrtle Sitton Genelle Sutton Cauley Mary Sapp Mrs. Roy Hill Iris Jean McCullen Adrian P. Render Catherine Griggers Inez Brown Jack E. Harrell William J. Ticker Sallie G. Austin George E. Ard WE WILL MAKE whole Daisy Elrod, Ida Whatley, Maude Thompson, and Myrtle Matthews for any loss of pay they may have suffered as a result of the discrimination against them. All our employees are free to become or remain members of any, labor organiza- tion. We will not discriminate in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment against any employee because of mem- bership in or activity on behalf of any labor organization. HAPP BROTHERS COMPANY, INC., (Employer) By -------------------------=-------- Dated ---------------=---------- (Representative) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation