Hanna Mold, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 31, 1979243 N.L.R.B. 853 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation I \NSA 1O1 D). IN( Hansa Mold, Ilic. and General Truck Drivers, Ware- housemen and elpers nion I,ocal 467, Interna- tional Brotherhod of Teamsters, ('hauffeurs, Ware- housemen and Helpers of America. (Cause 31 ('A 833( JulN 31. 1979 DFCISION AN[) OR()DFR BY' MI(MBIRS JNKINS, MtRPItlY. AND) IRt'SI )AI 1 On May 15, 1979, Administrative L.aw Judge Rich- ard J. Boyce issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief and the General Counsel filed lim- ited exceptions and a brief in support thereof. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings) and conclusions of the Administrative l.aw Judge and to adopt his recommended Order.2 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- ders that the Respondent, Hansa Mold, Inc., Colton. California, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns. shall take the action set forth in the said recommend- ed Order. I Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Ad- ministrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Drn Wall Products, Inc.. 91 NLRB 544 (1950). enfd. 188 F.2d 363 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. 2 The Administrative Law Judge recommended that Respondent cease and desist from "in any other manner" interfering with the employees' Sec. 7 rights. We find that the issuance of a broad order is warranted in this case where Respondent's unlawful conduct including interrogations, threats to close. and three discharges was extensive and reached most, if not all, of the entire employee complement Cf. Hickmot Foods, Inc., 242 NLRB 1357 (1979). DECISION STATFMENI OF THE CASF RICHARD J. BOYE., Administrative Law Judge: This matter was heard before me in San Bernardino. California, on February 21 and 22, 1979. The charge was filed on Au- gust 28, 1978X. and amended on September 1. ()ciober 4. and ecember 27 bv General ruck Drivers. Warehouse- men and Helpers I mnion I.cal 467. International Brother- hood of I eamsters, (hauffeurs, Warehousemen and Help- rs o(, America (tinion). Ihe compl;lillnt suel on November 24 was amended on January 5, 1979). and aIlleges that lansa Mold, Inc. (Respondenlt). colmmllilttd cerl;L violalilons of Section 8(;t)( I) and (3) of the N;llionlal I.thor Relations Act, as amended (Act). Post-trial briefs \werc iled for the (nerall ('ounl and for Respondent. I. it RISI)I( 1IIt i Respondent is (altOrnia corporation engaged t a plant in Colton. ('alifornia. in the manufa'acture ot' plastic keyboards for calculators and computers. It a;nnuall re- ceives goods and supplies o' a value exceeding $50,0O(t) Irom firms in C'alifornia who had obtained them directly from outside the State. Respondent is an emplo er engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2). (6). and (71 of the Act. 11. I AH()R ()R(iANI/\III)N The Union is a labor organization \within Section 2(5) of, the Act. Ill. SSl i:S The complaint alleges that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(I) in July and August 1978 by interrogating emploees concerning their union activities, by soliciting employee grievances to dilute their support of the Union, and by threatening to close the plant should the Union become the employees' bargaining representative. The complaint fur- ther alleges that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) by discharging John LeRo) on July 31.' inda lernan- dez on August 2. and Betty Paule) on August 21. The answer denies an) wrongdoing. IV. Til A FI(;tl) IN)EPI-I)ENI 8(a)[ VIOl.Ali)NS A. John Re nold The allegations. The complaint alleges that Reynolds, Re- spondent's production foreman and an admitted supervisor. violated Section 8(aXI) on about July 31 and August 18. 1978, by interrogating employees concerning their union activities; and, on about August 18. by threatening employ- ees with plant closure should then Union get in. Facts. In late July 1978 certain of Respondent's produc- tion employees launched a campaign to obtain union repre- sentation. Reynolds, learning of the campaign on the morn- ing of August 1. admittedly asked everyone on the day shift that day--five or six employees- if they had "heard any- thing" about it, On August 18 Respondent received a letter from the Union demanding recognition: Reynolds then told employ- i As will be seen, LeRoy was discharged on August I. 243 NLRB No. 146 853 I)I('ISIO()NS ()I NA IIONAI I.AH(BOR RELA II()NS BOARI) ees Betty Pauley and Sandra Perez that he did not like unions and did not think one "would Ido us any good.' after which he admittedly asked them it they were "involvcld in it" or had heard anything about it. Reynolds stated. in the same conversation, that Respondent "will have to close down," or words to that effect, should the Union get in. 2 Concluvions. It is concluded that Reynolds violated Sec- tion 8(a)(I) as alleged by interrogating employees on Au- gust 2 and 18 and raising the prospect of closure on August 18. B. larold Mueller The allegations: The complaint alleges that Mueller, Re- spondent's president and owner, violated Section 8(a)( I ) on about August 2 and 18, 1978, by interrogating employees concerning their union activities: and on about August 2 and 21 by soliciting grievances from employees to discour- age their engagement in union activities and by threatening employees with plant closure should the union get in. Facts: On August 2. prompted by word of the union cam- paign, Mueller met with the employees on each of the three shifts. In each of the meetings and in individual conversa- tions as well he admittedly asked the employees "if' there was indeed a union drive," and who was interested in it and why; he admittedly urged them to tell him if there was "anything they don't like, or if there was anything which is wrong," adding that he had to know "in order to do some- thing about it": and he admittedly announced that. "if the Union would come into our company. I would be forced to sell," explaining that Respondent would be unable to meet union demands. On August 18, this time prompted by the Union's de- mand letter. Mueller again spoke with the employees in shift meetings and individually. He admittedly asked Betty Pauley if she had been approached about signing a union card, if she was for the Union, and if she had any com- plaints. It is uncontroverted, moreover. that he also asked others if anyone from the Union had approached them; and, citing the Union's claim of majority, he told others that he had to know who backed the Union. In those in- stances in which he inquired of an employee's union sympa- thies on August 18 he apparently first gave assurances against reprisal. Conclusions. It is concluded that Mueller violated Section 8(a)(1) as alleged by interrogating employees on August 2 and 18,' by holding forth the prospect on August 2 that their complaints would be remedied if only they would 2 Pauley and Perez are credited that Reynolds expressly raised the possibil- ity of closure. Reynolds denied so stating, testifying that he instead said that he "sure didn't want to lose [hisl job" over the Union, which perhaps is a distinction without a difference. As is later developed, Harold Mueller. Re- spondent's president and owner, previously had spoken of a need to sell in the same context, which lends credence to Pauley and Perez. The assurances against reprisal were not enough to sanitize the interroga- tions about employee union sympathies on August 18, inasmuch as the em- ployees were not polled by secret ballot. Indeed, Mueller said that he had to know who supported the Union. and Mueller's other improper comments had created a coercive atmosphere. See Siruksnes Consiruction Co.. 165 NLRB 1062, 1063 (1967). voice thetm to him,4 and by stating on August 2 that he would have to sell should the Union get in. (. Larry Johnwoni 7'he al/legation. The complaint alleges that John son, Re- spondent's production manager and an admitted supervi- sor. violated Section 8(a (I) on about August 18X. 1978. by interrogating an employee concerning her union activities. teL/s.: On August 18 after Mueller had interrogaled em ployees as previously described whether thes had been ap- proached in connection with the organizational efftrt and about their union sympathies. Johnson admittedly asked Betty Pauley. Sandra Perez, and an employee believed to be Diana Garrett if they understood what it was that Mueller had asked them and his purpose in asking. Johnson did this. he testified, because Mueller's German accent and lack of familiarity with idiomatic English sometimes leads to con- fusion. Pauley credibly testified that Johnson then asked her if she had been approached by the Union. Conclus.ion. It is concluded that Johnson violated Section 8(a(1 ) as alleged. While facially innocuous, his asking the employees if they understood what Mueller had asked and why was an extension of and incurred stigma from Muel- ler's earlier unlawful utterances. His asking Pauley if she had been approached likewise was improper. \. Iit : I)IS( IAR(iES A. John LeRov The eidencec. LeRoy began working for Respondent on June 29, 1978. and was discharged before the start of his shift on August I. Hie was on the day shift. His duties were varied and included filling moldings machines with plastic. operating molding machines, cleaning up around the plant, and driving a truck. Hie was Respondent's only truckdriver when terminated; his duties involved making deliveries to Respondent's primary customer, Hi-Tek Corporation, in Garden Grove, Califirnia. The discharge reputedly was an outgrowth of a major curtailment of orders by Hi-Tek in late July. As a result of that development, the genuineness of which is not in dis- pute, Mueller, Johnson, and Reynolds met the evening of Friday. July 28, to consider a reduction in force. Four em- ployees received almost immediate terminations as a result: Thomas Carlson. supervisor on the graveyard shift: Peter Tucker, a material handler on the graveyard shift: Rachael Ramirez. the inspector on the graveyard shift; and Delia Aguila. a molding machine operator on the day shift. LeRoy's discharge also was supposedly decided upon dur- ing this meeting. This is not believed, however, for unlike at least three of the other four, he worked his next succeeding shift. Monday, July 31; and, as indicated above, he did not learn of his severance until the morning of August . 4 .g., Reliance Electric Companv. 191 NLRB 44. 46 (1971). Tucker clocked out for the last ime on July 28 at 7:01 a.m., Ramirez on July 29 at 7:00 a.m., and Aguila on July 28 at 3:31 p.m. The record does not reflect when Carlson. a supervisor not required to punch the timeclock, last worked. 854 HANSA MOLD. IN('. Reynolds broke the news to l.eRoy on August I, citing a "lack of production" because of the Hli-Tek situation and LeRoy's "attitude." To LeRoy's question about the pros- pect of recall. Reynolds said that he was not eligible be- cause of his attitude and slowness.6 LeRoy then confronted Mueller. who gave the loss of orders and l.eRo's slowness as reasons for the discharge. Regarding slowness LeRoy had been asked several times before by Mueller and Reynolds why his trips to Hi-Tek took so long. He replied that each time he had a lunchbreak en route, which was permissible. and that he observed the speed limit. He was never told that his job was in jeopardy over this. Mueller testified that LeRoy was a "very slow performer" and his work "very, very poor." Johnson ech- oed this, stating that he was "generally slow" and a "poor" worker. Reynolds testified that the discharge decision was based on LeRoy's "attitude and work performance." These aspersions notwithstanding, LeRoy's 4-week probationary period had ended only a few days before the discharge. apparently without admonition or other comment rom management. LeRoy and another of the alleged discriminatees Linda Hernandez, instigated the union campaign. Hernandez made the initial union contact, by telephone, on about July 24, after which LeRoy obtained blank authorization cards from the Union the same day. The two of them passed out cards during the next 2 or 3 days. LeRoy passed out about eight cards at that time, endeavoring as he did so to conceal his activities from management. Mueller and Reynolds both testified that they had no inkling of the organizational activity until LeRoy's conver- sation with Mueller after Reynolds had told him of the discharge. The first clue, according to both, was a remark by LeRoy to Mueller that he was going to involve the Union and the Board in his discharge.' With that. accord- ing to Reynolds, Reynolds promptly began to interrogate the employees, as described earlier, whether they had "heard anything" about a union campaign. Reynolds stated that this led him to Charles Baird. who told him that LeRoy had given him a union card. and that this was his first knowledge of LeRoy's activist role. Baird became a swing-shift foreman or supervisor on Au- gust I as an incident of Carlson's being relieved from the same position on graveyard. On August 2. following one of the employee meetings held by Mueller. mentioned above. Baird told two of the employees, Gerald Brooks and Joyce Scott, that LeRoy "got fired because they heard about a union; he was trying to start a union."' 6 LeRoy is credited that Reynolds made a reference to his attitude in the context of recall. as against Reynolds' testimony that he said that I.eRo, was ineligible only because "too slow ." Reynolds did not expressly dens such a reference and admittedly referred to attitude as a ground for discharge LeRoy's version. thus. is highly plausible LeRoy denied that he referred to the Union In this conversalton. It would seem eminently likely. in these circumstances. that he would have Consequently. while Mueller and Reynolds took Innumerable liberties with the truth during the course of their testimonies as is more fulls apparent later, they are credited in this instance ' This is based on Brooks' credited uncontradicted testimony . Neither Baird nor Scott testified. Baird no longer was with Respondent at the time ot trial. The parties stipulated that shift foremen. or supersisors as the 5 some- times are called. are supervisors within the meaning f the Act Respondent (,oncllsion It is concluded that l.eRovy's discharge vio- lated Section 8a)(3) and (1) as alleged. ie was one of two principal proponents of the lUnion the two being dis- charged in rapid succession at about the time that Respon- dent learned of the organizational effort. and Respondent's assorted other responses to the union peril indicate an ani- mus capable of the extreme sanction of discharge. Beyond that, the claim that LeRoy was included in the legitimate cutback of July 28 already has been discredited because of the lag before he learned of his discharge and is inconsistent as well with Reynolds having ad' ised him that he was ineligible for recall. In addition, the uncharitable testimonial depictions of his performance by Mueller, John- son, and Reynolds do not square with his ha\ ing survived the probationary period unscathed only days before the dis- charge. Moreover, it is fair to infer in the circumstances that the nebulous references to LeRoy's attitude as a Factor in the discharge and in his ineligibility for recall were veiled references to his union sympathies and activities. True, as Respondent points out, there is no clear proof that the decisionmakers knew of the organizational effort. let alone L.eRoy's part in it. as of the discharge. It is clear. however, that Baird. who became a supervisor the same day, had told Reynolds of being solicited bh l.eRo\. he question is whether this came just after the discharge. as Reynolds testified, or just before. Given the precipitative nature of the discharge, the blatant lack of candor of Re- spondent's officials Reynolds included concerning this and the other discharges in issue, and the abundance of other indicia that this was a union-motivated discharge. the weight of plausibilit suggests that Baird's disclosure came before. This conclusion is reinforced, although not depen- dent upon. Baird's later revelation to Gerald Brooks and Joyce Scott that eRos "got fired because thes heard about a union; he was trying to start a union. B. I.tnda Hertlnndt: The cwidcncc. : Hernandez began working for Respondent on April 12. 1978. as a molding machine operator on the graveyard shift. She later was assigned, at her request, to the day shift and was discharged before the start of that shift on August 2. She was Respondent's most senior ma- chine operator when discharged. This discharge, like LeRoy's. assertedly emanated from the Hi-Tek situation. Mueller at first testified that the deci- sion was made during the July 28 meeting. later amending that it was reached in a management meeting the evening of August I. Johnson reputedly told Reynolds on August I that, despite the reduction in force decreed on July 28. Re- spondent was still overstaffed, whereupon those two and Mueller agreed that Hernandez should go. Reynolds noti- takes the posilltn. howeser. that Baird did not become a satutor\ supersl.lor upon becoming the swing-shift foreman. Mueller estiling that "he s as rather s,ung and told me he had not enough know,ledge of hundling people" Mueller admitted. howeser. that Baird had authorits It} tell the machine operators on his shift "wha to do and when to do it " Mueller denied that Baird had authority to hire and tire. although the shift lorermen generalls had that powser It is concluded hblaed on the stipulatn. th admtlted scope of Baird's aulhoritl. and the hiring and firing .liuthritl of the shlt lremen generall Ithat Baird became a slaiturN superisior a o Agust I 855 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELAIIONS BOARD fled her the morning of August 2, giving "lack of work" as the reason. Hernandez replied that Respondent would be "hearing from" her, which led Reynolds to believe-so he testified- that she had "something to do with the Union." Even apart from Mueller's equivocation over the timing of the decision on Hernandez. the content of the delibera- tions preceding her discharge is at best sketchy. Reynolds' testimony is all but devoid of factual substance in this area. even though he was the one to tell Hernandez: Johnson's testimony is couched in nebulous and hypothetical terms. Thus, Johnson testified that it "probably was a joint deci- sion," reached during a meeting that "would have oc- curred" the night of August 1, prompted by "some kind of telephone conversation . . . I would have to have" with Hli- Tek on August I concerning the prospect of future orders. Then, after conceding that he had no recall of such a tele- phone conversation, Johnson lamely purported to recon- struct one. On August 1, the day that Johnson is said to have told Reynolds of the continued overstaffing, Respondent hired Joyce Scott to be a molding machine operator on the grave- yard shift. Hernandez was not first given a chance to switch to graveyard, and Scott had been fired only I month or so before for missing too many hours of work. One or two machine operators besides Scott also were hired between August I and 5, and one of those discharged out of the July 28 meeting, Aguila, was rehired on August 8--all without prior offer to Hernandez. Asked to explain this spate of hiring, given the profess- edly straitened circumstances, Mueller testified at one point that "voluntary quits" during that period necessitated hir- ing to maintain even a reduced complement. Later, after it had developed that no one had quite between August I and 16, Mueller offered that Respondent had been "forced" to hire to offset heavy absenteeism. Regarding the rehire of Aguila over Hernandez, Mueller testified that Aguila was the "better worker" and that. "in a small company, you have to go completely by performance." Asked to explain why it had been decided to let Aguila but not Hernandez go during the July 28 meeting, Mueller asserted that Hernan- dez was spared because of her greater seniority. Still else- where, Mueller testified that job performance "was the only thing" considered on July 28. and that Hernandez was re- tained because she "was better than the rest." Abetting the confusion. Reynolds testified on the one hand that he recommended "the poorest quality employees for layoff first" in the July 28 meeting, of whom Aguila seemingly was one; and, one the other, that he recommend- ed Aguila's later rehire because he had "liked her work performance and her attitude" previously. Reynolds, like Mueller. stated that despite the July 28 emphasis on per- formance Hernandez survived that first cut because of se- niority. Concerning Hernandez' performance, Mueller testified she was dependable, but that her slowness as a molding- machine operator created "special problems." He added that while most operators have this same difficulty, she was slower than the others. Mueller also testified that he had become "upset" by Hernandez' attitude, amplifying that she had been reluctant to do a task assigned by Mueller's wife and never did complete it. Reynolds testified that Her- nandez "wasn't as good as some and she was better than others" as an employee, but that. "toward the end, her atti- tude was getting bad." He did not explain what he meant by this. He did state, however. that Hernandez would be eligible for rehire only if Respondent were "hurting real bad for help." citing the present unfair labor practice mat- ter and her "ou will be hearing from me" remark when told of her discharge from which he avowedly had inferred that "she had something to do with the L:nion. As previously mentioned. Hernandez made the first con- tact with the Union on about July 24. after which she passed out cards 10 to 12 in all. She was among those interrogated by Reynolds about the Union the morning of August I. denying that she knew anything. On the evening of August 2 Gerald Brooks asked Charles Baird why Her- nandez had been fired. Baird answvered that Reynolds had said it was because she "took over the union" after LeRoy's discharge. * Conchlsion: It is concluded that tlernandez' discharge also violated Section 8(a}(3) and (I) as alleged. She was a prime union proponent, her discharge occurred within about I day after Respondent learned of' the union cam- paign and discharged the other chief proponent, and there are the sundry intimations of a strong antiunion animus, as noted earlier. As in the case of LeRoy, there also are the tell tale references to Hernandez' attitude as a actor in the discharge: and, perhaps most revealing, the testimonies of Mueller, Johnson, and Reynolds regarding this discharge are abjectly confused, vague, internally inconsistent, and generally unbelievable. The illegality of Hernandez' dis- charge is so overwhelmingly apparent that Baird's com- ment to Brooks that Reynolds had said she was fired for taking over the Union-can be treated as superfluous epi- logue. C. Bettl Palev, The eidence. Pauley began working for Respondent on April 24. 1978. and was discharged on August 21. She was the day-shift inspector when discharged and also operated a molding machine and did certain shipping-and-receiving tasks from time to time. Mueller testified that Pauley was discharged because of' "too many rejections" i.e.. because Hi-Tek too often had refused to accept parts which she had inspected and ap- proved. He elaborated that the precipitating event occurred August 17 when Hi-Tek telephonically informed Respon- dent that it was refusing a shipment of 2,600 parts, and that the decision to discharge Pauley was made that same eve- ning. Invited to explain the delay until August 21 to notif and release her, Mueller testified that he had spent the in- tervening days trying "to convince them Hi-Tek] to use the parts," and that a final decision on Pauley was withheld "until we had the final decision from the customer." Muell- er conceded that the nature of the defect to which Hi-Tek objected was "unclear." becoming apparent to him only after Hi-Tek's explanation. ' Brooks is credited that Baird made this ,comment. Baird. its previously noted. did not testily:: and. as previously concluded. he was a statutory su- pervisoir on August 2. Revnolds testified that he made no such tatement to Baird. 856 HANSA MOLI) INC Johnson informed Pauley of the discharge. stating that her slowness as a machine operator and the high incidence of rejections left "no alternative." Johnson testified that the decision was made by Mueller and him the evening of Au- gust 18 when the two met over the "constant rejection prob- lem." The "last large rejection," he continued. was the trig- gering incident, with Pauley's attitude an additional contributing factor. He expanded, concerning her attitude. that "she seemed to shrug off her duties" and "neglected her duties and inspection . . or those rejections wouldn't have happened." Johnson did not discuss the latest Hli-Tek rejection with Pauley betfre the August 21 discharge con- versation, avowedly "because it was under discussion to ter- minate her." Perhaps two-thirds of the parts involved in the lastest IHi- Tek rejection had been produced by shifts other than the day shift and had been inspected and approved by employ- ees other than Pauley. Indeed, those parts produced bh the graveyard shift had been passed by that shift's foreman, Jerome Brooks, who had assumed the role after the Juls 28 discharge of Rachael Ramirez, the former inspector on graveyard. Respondent nevertheless contends that Paule was deserving of the ultimate blame. Mueller testifying that she was the "final inspector," with responsibility "on top of the regular inspection . . to make doubly sure that e don't miss any mistakes." Mueller testified at one point that he was "sure" that he had told Pauley that she was to per- form final inspections, but, at another point that he had not but that he assumed a supervisor had. In the same vein. Johnson testified that he had instructed Pauley to make a "final spot check" of all parts before theN were shipped. It later developed, however, that this was said in May, when Pauley became Respondent's first and only inspector. A few days later two other inspectors were named, giving each shift one inspector. Pauley credibly tes- tified that she thereupon confined her inspection effort to the output of the day shift. She further credibly testified that she never was told, at least after the other inspector positions were created, that she had a final responsibility: her successor, Sandra Perez, likewise testified that no one said anything to her about being a final inspector. Nor is there evidence that anyone else was designated as final in- spector after Pauley left. About 2 weeks before her discharge Pauley asked to be relieved of her inspection duties. Johnson responded that she was needed for inspecting, was doing an "adequate job," had nothing to worry about, and that he would help her as needed. Rejections previous to the one in question occurred on July 13, 1978, involving 4,070 parts, on Jul 26 involving 400 parts. and on August 3 involving 4,992 parts. Johnson concededly had never told Paulev that her job was in peril because of rejections. As previously stated, Respondent received the Union's demand letter on August 18. Also on August 18, as detailed earlier, Reynolds asked Pauley and Perez if they were in- volved with the Union or knew anything about it: Mueller asked Pauley if' she had been approached about signing a union card, if she was for the Union. and if she had an complaints; Johnson asked Pauley and others if the) under- stood what Mueller had asked them and asked Paulec if she had been approached b the Union. Pauley at no time ad- mitted to being prounion. In response to Mueller, however she "just got red in the face." as Reynolds recalled, "and didn't say anything," prompting Mueller to remark that she "looked funny." Conclsio, n It is concluded that Pauley's discharge as well violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I). It came shortly after the August 18 receipt of the Union's demand letter and Mueller's unlawful interrogation of Pauley. in which he re- marked ominously. as it turned out--that she "looked funny." In addition. the testimonial efforts of Mueller and Johnson to bestow the title and responsibility of final in- spector on PauleI reek of pretrial contrivance to justitf blaming her alone for the latest li-l'ek rejection. Even if it were her sole responsibility. it scarcely could have been viewed as the result of neglect inasmuch as Mueller never- theless pressed Hi-Tek to accept the parts and himself was unable to detect their flaws without Ili-Tek's guidance. Fi- nally, as with l.eRoy and Hernandez, Respondent cited at- titude as a factor in Pauley's discharge a likely allusion in the circumstances to her perceived union smpathies. (()'oN( SO()NS o) LAW 1. By interrogating its employees whether then had "heard anything" about a union campaign. were "involved in" such a campaign, had been "approached" by a union or about signing a union card. were "for" a union, or if the understood similar questions asked of them b other man- agement people, and by further interrogating its employees concerning who was interested in a union and whx. all as found herein, Respondent in each instance violated Section 8(a)( 1 ) of the Act. 2. B) telling its employees that it would be "forced to sell" the business or to "close down" should theN obtain union representation, as found herein. Respondent in each instance committed additional violations of Section 8(a)(1). 3. By encouraging its employees to voice their com- plaints to management about working conditions and rais- ing the prospect that those complaints would be remedied for the purpose of undermining the employees' union sym- pathies, as found herein. Respondent further violated Sec- tion 8(a)( 1 ). 4. By discharging John LeRoy on August 1. 1978, Linda Hernandez on August 2, 1978, and Betty Pauley on August 21, 1978. because of their perceived union sympathies and activities, as found herein, Respondent in each instance vio- lated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law. and the entire record. and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER"' The Respondent, Hansa Mold. Inc., Colton. (alifornia its officers, agents. successors, and assigns. shall: 10 All ouistanding miolns nconsistent with this recommended Order hereby are denied In the event no exceptions are filed as provided hb Sec 1 4 of the Rules and Regulations of the National abor Relations Board. the findings. con- clumions. nd recommended Order herein shall. as proi cded In Sec 10248 A1 the Rules and Regulaiions. he adopted h t hBoard and hcoile its tindings. conclusions. and Order. Ian all obhectilons therelo shall be deened .i ted for .A prposes 857 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD I. ('ease and desist from: (a) Interrogating its employees whether they have "heard anything" about a union campaign. are "involved in" such a campaign, have been "approached" by a union or about signing a union card, are "for" a union, or if they understood similar questions asked of them by other man- agement people, and from interrogating its employees con- cerning who was interested in a union and why. (b) Telling its employees that it would be "forced to sell" the business or to "close down" should they obtain union representation. (c) Encouraging its employees to voice their complaints to management about working conditions and raising the prospect that those conditions will be remedied for the pur- pose of undermining the employees' union sympathies. (d) Discharging or otherwise discriminating against em- ployees because of their union activities or sympathies. (e) In any other manner interfering with, restraining. or coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed un- der Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take this affirmative action: (a) Offer to John LeRoy, Linda Hernandez, and Betty Pauley immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist, to substantially equiv- alent jobs, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and made them whole fr any loss of earnings or benefits they may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against them, with backpay to be computed in accordance with F. W. Woolworth Compuanvy 90 NLRB 289 (1950)., with interest thereon to be computed as set forth in Florida Sleel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977). See, generally, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co.. 138 NLRB 716 (1962). (b) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all pay- roll records, social security payment records. timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records neces- sary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order. (c) Post at its Colton, California, plant copies of the at- tached notice marked "Appendix."" Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 31., after being duly signed by Respondent's authorized repre- sentative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees customarily are posted. Reason- able steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. 1 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States court of appeals. the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judg- ment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the Na- tional Labor Relations Board." Id) Notify the Regional Director for Region 31. in writ- ing. within 20 days from the date of this Order. what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. APPENDIX Noll cl 'T'O EMI'I.()Y is Post II) BY ORDER 0() 11Il NAIINAI LABOR Rl.lA II()NS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Act gives all employees the following rights: To organize themselves To form. join, or support unions To bargain as a group through a representative they choose To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any' or all such activity except to the extent that the employees' bargaining represent- ative and employer have a collective-bargaining agreement which imposes a lawful requirement that employees become union members. WE wii.l, NOti interrogate our employees whether they have "heard anything" about a union campaign, or are "involved in" such a campaign, or have been "approached" by a union or about signing a union card, or are "for" a union, or if they understood similar questions asked of them by other management people: and WE WLt. NOt interrogate our employees concern- ing who was interested in a union and why. Wl WiLL NotI tell our employees that we would be "forced to sell" the business. or to "close down." should they obtain union representation. WtE vl.i NOt encourage our employees to voice their complaints to management about their working conditions and raise the prospect that those complaints will be remedied, for the purpose of undermining the employees' union sympathies. WI w\vt. Not discharge or otherwise discriminate against employees because of their union activities or sympathies. WE Wil. N in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of rights under the Act. WE vIl.,L offer John LeRoy, Linda Hernandez, and Betty Pauley immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist. to substan- tially equivalent jobs, without prejudice to their senior- ity or other rights and privileges. and make them whole with interest for any loss of earnings or benefits they may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against them. 858 HANSA MOLD1). IN( . Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation