Halliburton Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 31, 1977227 N.L.R.B. 1908 (N.L.R.B. 1977) Copy Citation 1908 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Halliburton Services , a Division of Halliburton Com- pany and International Union , United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW). Case 16-CA-5837 January 31, 1977 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS FANNING AND JENKINS On February 27, 1976, Administrative Law Judge Martin S. Bennett issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel and the Charging Party filed exceptions and supporting briefs, and Respondent filed an answering brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE MARTIN S. BENNETT, Administrative Law Judge: This matter was heard at Duncan, Oklahoma, on July 15, 16, 17, and 18 and on August 19, 20, 21, and 22, 1975. The complaint, issued May 22, 1975, and based upon a charge filed on November 8,1974, by International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Work- ers of America, (UAW), herein the Union, alleges that Respondent, Halliburton Services, a Division of Hallibur- ton Company, has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5), (3), and (1) of the Act. Able briefs have been received.' Upon the entire record in the case, and from my observation of the witnesses, I make the following: I Originally consolidated with this matter were objections to an election in Halliburton Services, a Division of Halltburton Company, Case 16-RD-640, which the Union lost 355 to 808 This matter was severed poor to the start of the hearing 2 The bargaining unit involved in the discussion below would appear to include approximately 1,600 eligible employees 227 NLRB No. 279 FINDINGS OF FACT 1. JURISDICTIONAL FINDINGS Halliburton Services, a Division of Halliburton Compa- ny, is a Delaware corporation which maintains its principal office at Duncan, Oklahoma, where it is engaged in the production and sale of oil well service equipment. It has 10,000 employees located in Duncan and other locations in the United States .2 The parent company, Halliburton Company, has over 70,000 employees in the contiguous 48 States , as well as in other countries, and its headquarters are at Dallas, Texas. Respondent manufactures and directly ships products valued in excess of $50,000 per annum to customers located outside the State of Oklahoma. I find that the operations of Respondent affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. It. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED International Union , United Automobile , Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America , (UAW), is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. II. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Introduction,• The Issues On August 31 the Union narrowly won an election and was thereafter duly certified on or about September 10, 1973, as the representative of all production and mainte- nance employees of Respondent's manufacturing center and Plant No. 2 at Duncan, Oklahoma, including truckdriv- ers, lab and electrical technicians and plant clerical employees, excluding office clerical and professional em- ployees, engineers , guards, watchmen and supervisors. The appropriateness of this unit under Section 9(b) of the Act is not in dispute, and the Union's majority status at the times material herein within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act is obviously conceded. The parties held approximately 33 bargaining sessions thereafter, commencing on November 14, 1973, although a preliminary meeting was held on October 30. On November 1, two union representatives were taken on a tour of the plants as requested by them.3 The principal issue in this case is whether a strike, which commenced on May 6 and terminated on September 22, 1974, became an unfair labor practice strike. The General Counsel perforce concedes that the strike was economic at its inception, this due to the fact that the charge, as noted, was not filed until November 8, 1974. The General Counsel specifically attacks Respondent's conduct and positions taken at meetings held on May 13 and July 18, 1974; Respondent's unilateral change on or about August 1, 1974, during the strike, of existing plant practices as to lunch and 3 This followed a request by the Union on September 17, 1973, for information which Respondent duly supplied. It should also be noted, as appears below, that on December 14 the parties agreed to form a subcommit- tee to meet on certain issues, and this was done It consisted primarily of Phillip Leonard, a company staff attorney, and one, Tucker, a union committeeman HALLIBURTON SERVICES 1909 break periods ; and certain conduct allegedly infringing upon the rights of returning strikers on September 23. B. Prestrike Negotiations Over Respondent 's objection that events before the strike were irrelevant , and with some reservations , I received as background evidence testimony concerning the prestrike negotiations on the theory advanced by the General Counsel that they shed light on Respondent's position at two key meetings on May 13 and July 18 , which took place beyond the May 8 cutoff date under Section 10(b) of the Act. The earliest item related to an automobile trip to Oklahoma City, where Staff Attorney Leonard brought employee Rafael Quatrell for a working man's compensa- tion hearing as a result of a back injury to Quatrell. This took place in mid-August 1973, and, as is apparent, this was prior to the election . According to Quatrelll, Leonard asked if he thought the Union would win the election and what were the "gripes" of the employees . Quatrell then predicted that it would make no difference how the election turned out because President Ed Paramore of Respondent would never sign a contract, would shut down the plant, would farm out the work , and would move out whatever equip- ment was necessary. Leonard then allegedly told a story of a small unidenti- fied plant with 12 or 13 unionized employees purchased by Respondent . After a year, the plant was rearranged with the result that there was no longer a union contract and no unionized employees. I fail to see how this assists the General Counsel herein. The other background evidence pertains to the prestrike negotiations commencing in November 1973 up to the strike date of May 6, 1974; as noted, May 8 was the cutoff date under the statute of limitations prescribed in Section 10(b) of the Act. On November 14, 1973, there was a bargaining session at Duncan . Conducting this were Jerry Bale, from Detroit, as the chief negotiator for the Union and Respondent's counsel , Edward Soule , from Oklahoma City , some 80 miles distant . It may be noted that Soule attended every bargaining session and Bale did not. Bale presented various topics for inclusion in a contract and stated that further proposals would be presented at the next meeting on November 21. On November 21 Soule met with International Represen- tative Bob Kirby in behalf of the Union. It appears that Bale was ill and was unable to fly in . They did discuss dues checkoff and Soule stated, according to Committeeman Geary Burton , that Respondent did not wish to be a dues collection agency for the Union. They then agreed to meet again on December 7 and 14 , this decision based upon the availability of Soule , an attorney with other clients. On December 7 the parties met again with Bale present. Respondent presented a draft of the introductory articles, the recognition article, and a grievance and arbitration procedure . The Union, in turn, presented a proposal for a cost-of-hying clause . The parties did discuss other issues, including union representation and stewards, and they agreed to some changes in the grievance and arbitration procedure. Prior to the next scheduled meeting on December 14, the Union, on December 12, distributed to its members a handbill announcing that the parties had enjoyed "real collective bargaining" and that "real progress was made." The parties next met , as scheduled , on December 14, 1973. Various issues such as grievance and arbitration and assignment of stewards were discussed. There was some agreement on the grievance and arbitration procedure, and the parties did then agree to set up a subcommittee to discuss certain topics . The principal committee did agree to meet again on January 11 and 15. In the interim , subcom- mittee meetings were held on December 18 and 21, 1973, and on January 3 and 7, 1974, by the parties, with Leoanrd and Tucker representing them respectively. On January I1 the parties duly met in Duncan. The Union presented a proposal concerning holiday dates. On Janury 15, Soule and Bale met again in Duncan. Respon- dent provided information requested by the Union con- cerning the age and sex of the employees in the bargaining unit . Among other matters , they did discuss union security which Soule opposed. They agreed that there would be 12 union stewards in the shop and that they would meet again on January 21 and on February 7, 11, 21, and 25. On January 21 the parties met again with Kirby repre- senting the Union . Respondent presented a proposal on seniority and leaves of absence, and these were discussed. On February 7 Soule and Bale met . Respondent offered the Union a 7-percent wage increase , stating that it had been authorized for employees outside the bargaining unit and this was accepted. On February 11 Soule again met with Kirby . They reviewed the areas in stewards would operate. Respondent presented proposals on work assignments and the waiver of the right to reopen negotiations. They discussed various features of a contract, including overtime, nondiscrimination , leaves of absence, grievance and arbi- tration procedure, holidays , strikes , and walkouts. Soule and Kirby next met in Duncan on February 21, as agreed. They reviewed the agreed -upon areas for stewards and Respondent presented a proposal concerning the use of bulletin boards and union membership . The Union, on this occasion , delivered a proposal concerning strikes and lockouts . The parties also discussed various issues, includ- ing jury pay, and they agreed upon severance pay and the use of bulletin boards. They further agreed to meet again on March 5, 14, and 21. It may be noted that, on February 24, the Union notified its membership that there had been "progress in our negotiations." On February 26 Soule and Kirby met again in Duncan. Respondent agreed that the financial secretary of the Union could have 3 days off to attend a union convention. Various issues were discussed and there was no firm resolution thereof. On March 5, Soule and Kirby again met. Respondent presented proposals on nondiscrimination, strikes, and lockouts . The parties discussed various provi- sions of the contract , including strikes and lockouts and agreed upon a nondiscrimination clause. On March 14 the parties met, as agreed , in Duncan with Julius Frazier representing the Union. Respondent present- ed a proposal concerning shift work , reemployment of veterans , military leave, hours, overtime , and reporting procedures. Some of these issues were discussed . On March 1910 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 21 Respondent, represented by Soule, met with Bale and Frazier. Respondent presented a draft concerning shift assignments which the Union later agreed to on April 5. Various aspects of employment were discussed and Re- spondent did ask the Union to take a position on the various proposals submitted by Respondent. The union representatives stated that, as to most, they would respond thereafter. On March 22 Respondent furnished, as request- ed on March 21, a roster of its employees. On March 27 the parties met in Duncan with Soule and Bale present. Respondent submitted a proposal concerning strikes and lockouts, shift assignments, and educational assistance, these replacing prior proposals by Respondent. The Union also presented a proposal concerning truckdnv- ers and work assignments . Numerous issues were dis- cussed , including work assignments , management rights, drivers, the reporting of absences, strikes and lockouts, educational assistance, and seniority. The parties did agree to meet again on April 3, 12, and 16. The parties next duly met on April 3 at Duncan, with Soule and Bale respectively representing the parties. Respondent submitted new propo- sals on work assignments, management rights, and holidays as well as a list of occupational family groups. Sickness, shift assignments, hours and overtime, bereavement pay, contract labor, reporting of absences, vacations, and management rights were discussed. Bale agreed to furnish a checklist of matters of agreement and disagreement. On April 5 Bale and Soule again met in Duncan. It would appear that there was give and take on both sides. Respondent presented new proposals concerning shift assignments, vacations, overtime, and job posting. The Union delivered a proposal concerning temporary layoffs and the parties discussed bereavement pay, overtime, and arbitration procedure. The date of the next meeting had already been set for April 12. On April 12 Soule and Bale met again at Duncan. Respondent delivered a proposal on work assignments, seniority, and the use of personal equipment. The Union delivered a draft concerning 7-day operations and the parties discussed issues such as job posting, seniori ty, and the union shop. The Union responded that it was not yet ready to discuss its position on various issues . On April 16 Soule and Bale next met in Duncan. They discussed numerous issues, including transport drivers, union repre- sentatives, seniority, the reporting of absences, leaves of absence, holidays, vacations, death in the immediate family, and overtime. They agreed upon military leave and also agreed to meet again, as scheduled, on April 22. On April 22 Soule met with Julius Frazier of the Union. Respondent furnished Christmas bonus data and insurance rates which had been requested by the Union. Respondent also presented a proposal concerning medical leaves of absence and seniority. The parties did discuss various issues such as supervisors performing rank-and-file work, seniori- ty, medical disputes, job posting, leaves of absence, and they also agreed upon overtime, union leaves of absence, and medical disputes. They did agree that a Federal mediator should be invited to attend further meetings. The Union, on this occasion, did advise Respondent that it had voted for a May 5 strike deadline. The Union did later strike on May 6, but did not submit proposals concerning wages, insurance, sick pay, and profit sharing until May 3. Soule and Julius Frazier next met in Duncan on April 26 with Federal Mediator Libbey present. Respondent pre- sented a proposal on seniority, contract labor, occupational family groups, and progression. The parties next did discuss contract labor, overtime records, and agreed upon seniori- ty, occupational family grouping, and progression. On May 3 the Union delivered to employees arriving at work a notice of a union meeting to be held on May 5 which proposed a strike deadline on that date. As Respondent points out, the Union had not yet made a proposal to it concerning sick leave, profit sharing, group insurance and, significantly, wages. Soule and Bale met on May 3 at Duncan with Federal Mediator Libbey in attendance. The Union on this occasion, without cost figures, made a verbal proposal as to group insurance, sick leave, and profit sharing. Various contract proposals were discussed and, in the afternoon, the Union came forward with an initial proposal on wages . Respondent demurred, stating that it needed several days to study the Union's economic proposals. The Union adhered to its May 6 strike deadline and the strike commenced on that date, although the mediator did schedule a meeting for May 13. As noted, the General Counsel relies specifically on the May 13 and July 18 meetings and one other matter as converting the concededly economic strike to an unfair labor practice strike. C. The Alleged Refusal To Bargain on May 13 The General Counsel alleges that on May 13, 1974, Respondent presented an ostensibly complete contract proposal to the Union, but simultaneously declared that it was not prepared to sign same . While Respondent did submit two documents seriatim on this occasion, in my judgment this is not to be equated with a refusal or denial to sign a contract. I find, on a preponderance of the credible evidence, that Respondent was willing to sign the agree- ments submitted to the Union, if the latter had accepted them. This meeting was held at the Holiday Inn in Duncan, Oklahoma. There is a major credibility resolution herein. Soule delivered the first document to the Union at approximately midmorning; this document, General Coun- sel's Exhibit 11, did not cover wages , shift premiums, insurance, profit sharing, or duration of the contract.4 Upon the presentation of General Counsel's Exhibit 11, Soule pointed out that this obviously was not a complete contract proposal because of the lacking clauses. Union Negotiator Joe Davis later deposed to a Board agent that Soule stated that wages, profit sharing, and insurance would supplement the foregoing offer and the combination would make a complete package. Several minutes after General Counsel's Exhibit 11 was presented Soule, as he testified, handed to the union representatives and read a proposal, General Counsel's Exhibit 12, to the effect that this covered the items not 4 As noted , the Union did not come up with a wage proposal until May 3, this resulted from prompting by a Federal mediator HALLIBURTON SERVICES 1911 treated in General Counsel's Exhibit 11 and flatly stated that Respondent was prepared to sign a contract on that basis. General Counsel's Exhibit 12 included language as to the proposed settlement of the contract; it also included language previously agreed upon by Respondent as to items previously in dispute and an article as to sick pay. It next proposed that Respondent's existing profit-sharing plan would continue in its existing form. In General Counsel's Exhibit 12, Respondent next proposed continuation of its existing insurance program. Following this was a proposal that the contract commence upon signature by the parties with a termination date of April 30, 1977. Next in order was a proposal that existing shift premiums be continued and that they be set forth in the contract. Lastly, Respondent proposed that the existing wage scales be continued and included in the contract. Respondent further proposed that there be a wage increase of 7 percent effective March 1, 1975, and a reopening of the contract for wages only on March 1, 1976. Union Negotiator Burton recalled that when Soule presented General Counsel's Exhibit 12, he stated that these clauses were lacking in the earlier proposal viz, General Counsel's Exhibit 11. After receiving General Counsel's Exhibit 12, the Union requested a recess that morning to evaluate the two proposals and this was done. Soule then prepared and presented a press release for the Duncan Banner, the only local paper of general circulation in Duncan. That afternoon, the Banner carried a story that Respondent had advised the Union as to the basis upon which it was willing to sign a contract with the Union. It may be noted, contrary to a suggestion by the Union at the hearing, that the latter was a larger advertiser with the newspaper than Respondent. As stated, there is a major credibility resolution as to May 13. Union Negotiators Burton and Davis testified that Soule stated that General Counsel's Exhibit 12 was not a contract offer. Davis testified further that Soule stated Respondent was not ready to sign the proposals at that time . On the other hand, Respondent's negotiators, Soule and Richardson, testified most candidly, in my observation, that General Counsel's Exhibits 11 and 12 were presented to the Union as a package offer to settle negotiations. The General Counsel relies on the testimony of Burton and Davis that on May 13 Respondent converted the strike to an unfair labor practice strike. A number of factors preponderate against such a resolution. Burton submitted an affidavit to a Board agent which gives less than full faith and credit to his testimony herein. He originally, in his affidavit, deposed consistently with his testimony at the hearing, but he later struck out the supporting language. He ultimately stated therein that Soule presented a document ostensibly reflecting settlement of the union contract and further stated that this was all that Respondent had at that time. The testimony of Burton and Davis is not documented. Indeed, the notes of Burton as to the May 13 bargaining meeting do not support his testimony. Moreover, on May 15, the Union submitted a proposal settlement, obviously a counterproposal to Re- spondent's proposals in General Counsel's Exhibits 11 and 12 on May 13. I find that, although not presented in the customary form of collective-bargaining negotiations, Respondent made a complete contract proposal on May 13 which it was ready to sign. I do not accept, upon a preponderance of the credible evidence, the claim that Soule stated this was a contract it was not ready to sign. Needless to say, it is a truism that bargaining for an introductory contract, as this was, is hard bargaining and an employer may understand- ably bargain hard as to conditions of employment which manifestly may become more favorable to the bargaining representatives in future years. I note again that May 3 was relatively late in the day for the Union to come forward with an initial wage proposal after previously voting for a May 5 strike deadline and then struck early on May 6.5 D. The Alleged Refusal To Bargain on July 18 On May 17 the Federal mediator convened the parties in Oklahoma City, but there was no confrontation between them. On May 30 the parties met again in Duncan, Oklahoma, with Soule and Bale present, and they discussed picket line violence. On the same date, Judge Willis of the District Court for Stephens County of Oklahoma issued an order limiting the picketing. Next in order is a meeting on July 18 in Oklahoma City which the General Counsel also reties upon heavily. Soule represented Respondent and Julius Frazier, rather than Bale, represented the Union. It would seem that as of July 18 the chief outstanding issue , although there were others, was the Union's demand for a union shop and a dues checkoff, according to the General Counsel. The latter also alleges that Respondent withdrew its agreement as to shift schedules; this is treated below. Witnesses Burton and Davis testified for the General Counsel as to their unilateral talks with Federal Mediator Libbey, at which no representative of Respondent was present. They also testified that Union Spokesman Julius Frazier told Soule they would take back to the membership an agreement without a checkoff of union dues, but that this would not be recommended; Frazier did not testify herein. Union Official Kirby, also present on July 18, likewise did not testify.6 Indeed, the complaint in paragraph 11(d) concedes that there were other unresolved issues in Respondent's propo- sals for a contract without checkoff which had been on the bargaining table since May 13. On July 18 Soule informed the union representatives that Respondent was willing to sign a contract with modifica- tions as to shift schedules. Soule and Manager of Manufac- turing Cecil Richardson , of Respondent, both testified that the Federal mediator indicated that the Union might withdraw its demand for the checkoff of dues. Frazier, in turn, advised that the Union was firm in its demand for a checkoff of dues. It may be noted that the parties were 5 This is totally aside from the fact that the Duncan Banner, on May 13, offer, in obvious response to the proposals to the Umon on May 13, after printed the story emanating from Respondent that the latter had submitted Respondent was struck. an offer on the basis of which it was willing to sign a contract. Respondent 6 Glossed over, herein, is the fact that under the Act any dues checkoff aptly points out , as noted, that on May 15 the Union submitted its settlement must be authorized in writing by the involved employee. 1912 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD apart in substantial areas, such as wages, profit sharing, and insurance. Burton and Davis did testify that the Union abandoned its checkoff demand on July 18, but Richardson and Soule testified that it did not. I credit the testimony of the latter for reasons, inter alia, set forth below. Burton's notes of the July 18 conference disclose that the Union took the position that it would drop union-security demands, as it did, "but we still wanted checkoffs." Several days after the July 18 meeting , Frazier advised the executive editor of the Duncan Banner , Buckley, that the Union would modify its position on union security "with voluntary checkoff of monthly dues." In mid-August, President Bishop of the Local Union told a reporter that negotiations at an August 12 meeting 7 had been broken off because of a disagreement concerning the checkoff of union dues. As is apparent, had this demand been withdrawn on July 18, this would not have been an issue on August 12. On September 8 the Union ran a full-page ad in the Duncan Banner to the effect that it sought a clause whereby Respondent would deduct union dues from employees who authorized it.8 In essence, both sides held firm on the issue of checkoff of dues and the Union never withdrew its demand for such a checkoff. This is manifest from the public utterances of the Union and its newspaper advertise- ments. Davis and Burton admitted that there were numerous unsettled issues and that it was not only the checkoff that blocked settlement of the contract, although I deem this to be the key issue herein. Wages were always an unsettled issue and other items were still in dispute on July 18. Another item relied on by the General Counsel is the shift schedule issue on July 18, 1974. During the prestrike negotiations, the parties agreed to include in the contract the Company's existing shift schedules. At the July 18 bargaining conference, Respondent advised the Union that improvisations, necessitated during the strike, had disclosed to Respondent that its previous shift system was not the most efficient way to operate the plant. It further advised that Respondent had experimented with various different shifts and that Respondent would submit revised language as to the shift schedules for some employees. Respondent had not yet concluded which shift system would be the most efficient. When the parties met again on August 12 in Duncan, Respondent advised the mediator that it was prepared to come forward with the most efficient shift system and the mediator responded that there was no point in proceeding with the meeting that day if Respondent was not prepared to concede a checkoff of union dues to the Union. They did not meet face to face that day. As Respondent points out, the revision of the shifts amounted to some minor changes, but the witnesses for the General Counsel grossly exaggerated what took place. Thus, Burton testified that the changing of shift schedules "would affect the major portion of the contract" and Davis I The Federal mediator scheduled such a meeting at Duncan on August 12, but there was no confrontation between the parties Interakq Respon- dent refused to agree to a checkoff of dues testified that such a change would affect probably every major part of the contract and would tear it down. These statements do not withstand scrutiny. On cross- examination Davis was asked about each of the 31 articles and conceded that 27 of the 31 would not be affected by shift changes. He had other reasons why three other articles would be affected, but his explanation simply does not stand up. As Burton testified, only the taped section of the machine shop was mentioned on July 18 as being involved and the number of affected employees was estimated as being from 58 to 60. It would seem that Respondent had a reasonable basis for its revision of shift schedules, particularly in the face of a long-drawn strike. Its explanation for the revision of shift schedules would certainly seem plausible and this would not warrant an inference of bad-faith bargaining. Food Service Company, 202 NLRB 790 (1973). See also Clinton Foods, Inc., 112 NLRB 239 (1955), and Caroline Farms Division of Textron, Inc. v. N.LRB., 401 F.2d 205, 211 (C.A. 4, 1968). The General Counsel further alleges in paragraph 11(e) of the complaint that Respondent converted the strike to an unfair labor practice strike by unilaterally changing break times and lunch periods, commencing on or about August 1, 1974. In all candor, little evidence was offered as to this allegation and it was not impressive. Thus, Vice President James Detrick of the Union testified that prior to the strike a whistle would blow to announce the start and termination of a 10-minute morning break as well as a similar afternoon break. The whistle would blow likewise to announce the beginning and end of a 30-minute lunch break, which was staggered by departments. During the strike, according to Detrick, and this is not in dispute, the use of the whistle was abandoned and the employees were given more leeway to take their breaks and lunches, although for the same periods of time. At some point, Detrick, who returned to work on September 23, discerned that the use of the whistle had been resumed at lunchtime. Detrick also testified that Temporary Foreman Shelton told him that he could take his breaks when he chose, although the length of the break was unchanged; namely, 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the afternoon. Another striker, Preston Sparks, testified in essence to the same effect. Respondent's manager of manufacturing, Cecil Richard- son, testified, and I find, that the May 6 strike perforce left Respondent with fewer employees, that as a result they were placed on two 12-hour shifts, that regular set break times were suspended, that breaks were duly taken at random by production convenience, that the whistle which had been automatically set was discontinued as it did not fit the work schedules and that lunchtimes were accordingly changed. As is readily apparent, Respondent adopted these rela- tively minor changes as the strike dictated its efforts to maintain production. This is a far cry from replacing economic strikers which it was entitled to do. I am at a loss 8 It may be noted that Respondent was a smaller advertiser in the paper than the Umon HALLIBURTON SERVICES 1913 to see how these minor changes made to maintain produc- tion at a plant struck for over 4 months, until September 22, could have converted a concededly economic strike into an unfair labor practice strike. As Respondent points out, it was beset with a long and difficult strike and was entitled to improvise conditions of production without negotiating with a recalcitrant labor organization concerning same . Indeed, when the RD petition was filed on or about September 12, as noted above, Union Official Frazier advised the Duncan Banner that this action barred further contract negotiations. To sum up , the parties bargained hard for an initial contract. The General Counsel claimed that Soule was not available as often as the Union desired, but his other commitments in a law practice some miles distant do not impress me as excessive . Indeed, the Union shuttled negotiators from greater distances. Accordingly, I see no merit to this allegation and recommend the dismissal of the basic 8(a)(5) issue . See H. K Porter Co., Inc. v. N.L.R.B., 397 U.S. 99 (1970); N.L.R.B. v. American National Insurance Co., 343 U.S. 395 (1952); and Times Herald Printing Company, 221 NLRB 225 (1975). E. Remaining Allegations The remaining allegations of the complaint lend them- selves to discussion in the order of their listing in the complaint and this is now done. (1) It is alleged that Respondent discriminated as to the reinstatement and placement of returning strikers. Hun- dreds of exstrikers arrived at the plant on Monday morning, September 23, following a telegram from the Union on the previous evening announcing the end of the strike. Some had a form supplied by the Union wherein they applied for their former positions or for any position. Due to strike replacements, there were not enough job openings available for all of them. It is readily apparent that Respondent was aware of its obligations under The Laidlaw Corporation, 171 NLRB 1366 (1968). The returning strikers were requested to sign in at the plant in the sequence of their arrival and numbers were duly assigned. They were then processed by the personnel department in that sequence. There is no dispute as to the truth of the fact that there had been strike replacements during the course of the strike. There is evidence that if the prestrike job of an employee was available he was returned to it, and these returnees included Union Negotiators Geary Burton and Joe Davis. If the prestrike job was not available, the employee was offered any comparable job which was available and for which he was qualified. These included President Bishop and Financial Secretary Stephens of the Union. The employee would be offered his former job or a lesser job such as was available if there was no comparable job. In this situation, where he accepted a comparable job, a lesser job, or neither, he remained on a preferential waiting list for return to the prestrike job. Witnesses for the General Counsel, Schaffner and Pennington, were among those who 9 There is evidence that one employee, by oversight, was not requested to sign this form, but later signed it without objection. This is consistent with the testimony of Gates McPhail of the personnel department who processed accepted lesser jobs and later returned to their prestrike jobs. Respondent had devised a form which the returning striker was requested to sign if his prestrike job was not then available. This was for the purpose of keeping records and communications and was so explained to the employee. Signing of the form was not mandatory, although some refused to sign it; this did not affect their return to work.9 It is clear, and I find, that every returning striker who signed up for return, whether or not he signed the form, was offered reinstatement. Ultimately, the sign-in list was exhausted and the Company contacted those strikers who could be located, who had not reappeared after the strike and offered available jobs to them. A number of these forms are in evidence. As Respondent points out, although there are references throughout the hearing that these were "agreements" required of the employees, the language of the form amounts merely to an acknowledgment of what the employee had been told upon returning to the plant; in essence, he was told that Respondent would comply with the Laidlaw rules and there is evidence that Respondent did maintain a preferential list as required by Laidlaw in exhibits submitted by it. Some of the witnesses for the General Counsel referred to a commitment by them to take a pay cut after 60 working days following their reinstatement. However, the form provides only that "I have been advised that if this job involves a lesser payscale, my pay will not be reduced to the maximum of the lesser payscale for sixty (60) working days." This is consistent with a policy of Respondent of longstanding that when a reduction is made to a lesser job, the former rate is retained for 60 working days. It may be noted that as to employees who worked a 10-hour shift, this constituted 48 working days, namely, 480 hours, the equivalent of sixty 8-hour shifts. (2) George W. Lane was a senior warehouseman before the strike and upon application, his prestrike job having been filled, was offered a lesser job as a helper in the chemical warehouse and he accepted this. While he claimed that he had no option about signing the form, he admitted that he read it before he signed it and McPhail testified that Lane was not told that this was mandatory and, further, that Lane did not object to signing the form. I credit McPhail. (3) J. N. Bishop was a layout man before the strike and was classified as a general sheet metal machine operator. On September 24, after the strike, he returned to work as a general assembler wherein he enjoyed the same rate of pay as he had previously. He was advised that no jobs were open in his prestrike classification and Bishop was returned to the sheet metal shop 4 months later. (4) A. W. Hare, prior to the strike, was a general saw operator. Upon returning from the strike, he was advised that his prestrike job had been filled and he was offered a job in the warehouse and accepted it. Actually, Hare had worked in the warehouse for many years, until approxi- mately 2 months before the strike began, and he acknowl- edged that he had the opportunity to read the form before these forms; he denied, and I fmd, that no employee was required to sign the form as a condition of reinstatement. 1914 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD he signed it. Much of this is reflected in the testimony of Warehouse Superintendent Granville Ward. (5) Cladie Mathews drove a dumpster in the plant hauling trash prior to the strike. He admitted that he was aware that his former position had been filled during the strike and accepted an offer as ajamtor. Thereafter, on December 27, he accepted an offer of a job as helper in the machine shop. It is noteworthy that, on May 7, 1975, Mathews refused an opportunity to return to his prestrike job because he wanted to remain in the machine shop. (6) Although not specifically alleged, the parties litigated the case of Georgia May Grant. She had worked prior to the strike as a janitor in the office of the manufacturing center and, after the strike, accepted a job as janitor in the shop at the tech center at which she enjoyed the same rate of pay, although she maintained that the latter position was more difficult. The manufacturing center is within walking distance of some four blocks from her home and the tech center is 2 miles from her home, but she testified that she drove her car to work both before the strike as well as after, and still does so. (7) Joe Don Arrington had worked for 3 years in the steel warehouse and, prior to the strike, worked in the L and N section of the warehouse. Upon his return after the strike, he retained the same classification and rate of pay, went back to the steel warehouse because his prestrike job had been filled, and was later moved to the big warehouse. The complaint alleges that he was assigned to perform more arduous or less agreeable tasks, this due to his complaint that he had to cleanup and sweep when he was not hauling steel . Initially, J. W. Helton, foreman over the steel haulers, testified that all six of them were required to perform cleanup work when they were not hauling steel, and indeed, Arrington acknowledged that in the big warehouse, where he was later moved, everybody swept his own area. (8) Jack Reeves was a general saw operator prior to the strike and, his job having been filled, he was offered and accepted a job as warehouseman where he had previously worked for many years. Here, as well, I see no evidence that he was not accorded his rights under Laidlaw. (9) Terry Pennington had been a production assembler prior to the strike but, upon his return, his former position had been filled, and he was offered and accepted a position as a helper in the truck shop. On October 4, he was offered a job comparable to his prestrike job, but turned it down because he wished to wait for his former position to open. Moreover, on January 7, 1975, he was returned to his prestrike job and later received a merit increase. (10) Billie Richey Coyle had been an inspector's helper prior to the strike and also had done some bench work for some 2 months before the strike. Upon her return, she returned to the same classification and rate of pay, but was not assigned to bench work, which she apparently pre- ferred, because the bench jobs had been filled by others during the strike and no such position was open. There is testimony by Inspection Superintendent James Edgar that during the 4-1/2 months of the strike, the strike replace- ments had acquired more experience in bench work than Coyle had acquired before the strike; this would appear to be supported by the fact that her bench work had been limited to approximately 2 months before the strike. Coyle ultimately was returned to bench work in May 1975 and also received a prior merit increase in February as well as in May 1975. (11) Herman Schaffner, as a general painter before the strike , painted furniture, offices, and performed cabinet work. In July 1974 he sought return to his former position, this during the strike, and was told that the job had been filled, but that he could have another job as a painter. He rejected this and rejoined the strike. Schaffner did come back to the plant again after the strike, was told that his prestrike job was not available and was offered and accepted a job as a helper. He was later offered a position to paint rolling stock which he refused; this position would have paid the same rate as his prestrike pay. He later became a warehouseman and was returned to his prestrike job on July 28, 1975. (12) Allen Goodin, also spelled in the complaint as Goodwin, was a heat treater prior to the strike, returned and was told that his former position had been filled. He was offered and accepted a job as machinist's helper and was later promoted to the job of machinist. (13) The complaint alleges that Respondent has improp- erly contracted out work previously performed by bargain- mg unit employees, the thrust of this being that this was a strike innovation, but the record will not support such a finding. It is undisputed that a local labor contractor, Stokes, has for many years furnished contract labor to Respondent. Indeed, Union Negotiator Geary Burton conceded that to his knowledge this had taken place for at least 10 years. Manager of Manufacturing Cecil Richard- son testified that Stokes has provided labor on a day-to-day basis as specific jobs required and he recalled that this practice had existed for at least 7 or 8 years. According to Richardson, and this is not contradicted, the number of Stokes laborers was no greater after the strike than before the strike; indeed, some of the present employees of Respondent had first worked at the plant as contract laborers for Stokes and this included Cladie Mathews. Stated otherwise, there was an existing practice of using Stokes labor and this is not a situation where, in a strike situation, Respondent contracted out work customar- ily performed by strikers.10 (14) This next section alleged that returning striker J. W. Hare was told that he would have to await death or retirement to get his former job. It is also alleged that Supervisor J. W. Helton demed him his accrued vacation time until everyone in the department had taken his vacation. It appears that Hare had 3 weeks' and 3 days' accrued vacation due him when the strike ended. He claimed that he asked Granville Ward if he could have the 3 days and that Ward told him that he could not until every man in the department had already received his. Hare admitted that he had discussed his vacation with Helton. 10 G C Exh I I provides that employees of labor contractors shall not sections so long as the aggregate total in all other sections at any one time did perform work customarily performed by bargaining unit employees except in not exceed five Moreover, Burton conceded that this contract language was four specified sections It further provides that they may be used in other applicable to the use of Stokes labor HALLIBURTON SERVICES 1915 Ward, the warehouse superintendent, testified that when Hare returned to work after the strike, he asked Ward about his vacation and was referred to Helton because Ward does not schedule vacations. Ward flatly denied telling Hare that his vacation could not be enjoyed until every other man in the department had taken his. The company records do show that Hare took his 3 days of vacation on October 22 and 31 and November 4. Helton testified that several days after the return of Hare, the latter chose his 3 vacation weeks, these being the weeks beginning November 21 and the second and third weeks in December. Hare was later allowed to change November 21 and 22 to December 2 and 3 so that he would not miss overtime work on Saturday, November 23. Early in December, Hare wished to make another change and to take one of his weeks at Christmas time . This was denied because an excessive number of employees had already been scheduled for Christmas vacations. According to Helton's uncontroverted testimony, and I so find, this request would have been granted had it been timely made." As to the other portion relating to him, the testimony of Hare leaves much to be desired. He testified that when Helton issued a disciplinary order to him for not doing his work and sleeping on the job, Helton stated that he would like to see him get his old job back and there was a possibility that someone might retire. In response to a question, at least partly leading, Hare testified that Helton had told him someone might die or retire. Helton denied telling Hare or anyone else that he would have to wait until someone died or retired before he received the job he wanted. On balance, and in view of the nature of the testimony, I credit Helton. (15) It is alleged that Supervisor Olen McClenny refused to allow employees Joe Davis and Ray Tilley to talk to each other while Davis was operating his machine. McClenny, the foreman of Davis, described an incident on or about October 15, 1974, when Tilley and one, Scifres, both maintenance men, came to the section of McClenny to repair a machine which happened to be next to the machine where Davis was assigned. While Scifres worked, Tilley visited with Davis. After watching this visitation for more than 30 minutes, McClen- ny, as he testified, told Tilley he was supposed to be working. Tilley responded that if he was "bugging" McClenny he would leave; McClenny agreed that he was "bugging" him and Tilley left. The version of Davis did not differ greatly. This bears on another incident treated below where McClenny found it necessary to transfer Davis to another machine. As Respondent points out, neither Davis nor Tilley was disciplined or reprimanded. They at best were irritated at the curtailment of social visitation on working time. Davis did testify about several instances in which he thought other employees were visiting on working time, but could not specify whether they were discussing personal or business matters. (16) It is next alleged that in August, prior to the end of the strike, Supervisor Bill Young referred a striker to Local Attorney John Green and was alleged to have solicited his withdrawal from membership in the Union as a condition of the employee's return to work. It may be noted that Attorney Green was active in the filing of the RD petition heretofore referred to. As noted, objections to this election were severed from the instant case. Preston Sparks testified for the General Counsel that in late July he telephoned Young about returning to work. The name of Green was mentioned, but Sparks could not recall whether he or Young first mentioned the name. Sparks also testified that he went to see Green "because I wanted to" and Green prepared a letter of resignation for him from the Union to sign and charged him a $5 fee.12 Sparks signed the letter and mailed it to the Union. Jerry Stephens, financial secretary of the Union, testified that the Union received about 150 withdrawals of membership, some of which had been prepared by Green. When Sparks returned to work, he reported to Johnny Robinson of the personnel department, nothing was said by either of Sparks' resignation from the Union and he was duly put back to work. Sparks admitted on cross-examina- tion that it was common knowledge among strikers that there was a risk of being fined by the Union if they returned to work during the strike and that some strikers had visited Attorney Green to have such letters of resignation pre- pared. Another witness who testified for the Union, over the objection of Respondent, Gene Hendricks, testified that Gates McPhail told him he would have to see Green to find out the procedure as to returning to work. Hendricks claimed that Green told him how to resign from the Union which he did and that he returned to work 2 weeks before the strike ended. Hendricks, with reluctance, admitted on cross-examination that he had heard about Green from other strikers who had returned to work and, further, that he had known Green for more than 4 years. McPhail denied that he ever referred a striker to Green and, further, that he ever conversed with Green about the strike or returning strikers. Likewise, McPhail testified that he had never heard that any company official had referred anyone to Green, although several strikers brought up Green's name in telephone conversations with McPhail. To these McPhail replied that at Halliburton their old jobs were available and they were welcome to return to work. The parents of Hendricks are employees of Respondent, outside the bargaining unit , and neither participated in the strike. The mother had telephoned McPhail several times about the return of Hendricks to work, with concern about his insurance coverage. Indeed, before the strike ended, Robinson processed the strikers who returned to work and McPhail was involved only with regard to their insurance. As is apparent, the testimony of Sparks is ambivalent as to this episode. Moreover, Hendricks admitted that he was fully aware of the role of Green in the return of strikers to work. Needless to say, the fine of a striker for crossing a picket line and returning to work, more specifically a union member, is axiomatically approved under current law. Moreover, on a posture more favorable to the General Counsel, the Board has recently found nothing amiss in this 11 This name also appears in the complaint as Hilton 12 Green was not directly involved in the instant case 1916 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD procedure. Baker Machine & Gear, Inc., 220 NLRB 194 (1975). See also Clothing Workers v. N.LR.B., 527 F.2d 803 (C.A.D.C., 1975). (17) The complaint alleges that Supervisor Tate Hunt imposed a ban on a returning striker against talking. Jerry Stephens testified that Hunt told him it would be "best if I didn't get talking to anybody." Stephens, as noted, was the financial secretary of the Local and the Company had previously allowed him 3 days off to attend a union convention in Denver. According to Hunt, Stephens, who had been an overhead crane operator before the strike, was assigned thereafter to be a forklift operator, a job which involves travel into all departments and contact with numerous employees. He testified that he gave Stephens the same instructions given to all forklift operators, namely, that they would have contact with a lot of people and that people would want to stop and talk with them and that he was not to get into conversations or let people stop him. According to Hunt, if they stopped and engaged in conversations, the aisles would be cluttered with parked vehicles, the vehicles would be out of use and this would interfere with the work of other employees . I see nothing amiss here. (18) The General Counsel alleges that Supervisor Jim Edgar warned employee Billie Coyle on the day she returned to work after the strike not to discuss unions or anything about the strike on company premises. She claimed that Foreman J. W. Bradley was present during part of the conversation. According to Bradley, he was present throughout the conversation between the two and he flatly denied that Edgar told her not to discuss the strike or the Union on company premises. Coyle admitted that Edgar told her he was glad to see her back and that she had a right to express her feelings as to the Union as long as she did not cause any "confusion." Edgar testified that he told both nonstrikers and former strikers that they should not be argumentative about the strike and he denied telling Coyle not to discuss the Umon or the strike on company premises. Edgar did recall a previous conversation with Coyle which did refer to company premises . On this occasion, and this apparently is not in dispute, Coyle had been beaten by the wife of another employee in the company parking lot. He admonished her not to permit such incidents to happen on company premises. Respondent argues that the term "company premises" was apparently fixed in the mind of Coyle as the result of the beating episode in which, as Coyle told Edgar, she had been struck with a pop bottle. I credit Edgar herein. (19) It is urged that Supervisor Harold Joe Shelton promised employees that they would receive wage increases if they rejected the Union. Stephen Gleghom testified that, on October 21, Shelton asked him if he had heard the news that they would receive another raise if the election came out right. He testified further that he said he had seen a paper to this effect that his brother-in-law had received from MRD, a division of Respondent. Shelton had been a temporary foreman for a few weeks, but his assignment to that post expired on the previous day, October 20, and Gleghom admitted that, on October 21, Shelton was just another machinist in the shop, as appar- ently was the fact, according to Shelton. Shelton denied making such a statement as to a wage increase and further testified that he has two brothers-in- law who live in Texas and New Mexico and that neither has ever worked for Respondent. He further testified that he never told anyone he had a brother-in-law in the MRD section of Respondent. As Respondent points out, aside from the credibility shortcomings of Gleghorn, the alleged statement was made by a former temporary supervisor. (20) There has been previous reference to the tendency of employee Joe Davis to visit with other employees during working time. It is next alleged that he was moved from his machine to reduce visiting with other employees; Respon- dent contends, to the contrary, that it did not do this to enable it to improve surveillance of his activities. Owen McClenny, the foreman of Davis after the strike, assigned him to work at a machine which was located at the intersection of an aisle in the section of McClenny and an east-west aisle some 20-feet wide . This, it is undisputed, was a primary traffic artery in the plant. According to McClen- ny, and I so find, Davis had excessive visitation with people passing up and down the main aisle and Davis, on cross- examination, did admit that this visitation did occur. Indeed, in his affidavit to a Board agent, he deposed that many of the other employees on that shift and many making shift changes would stop and talk with him. McClenny spoke to Davis about this and claimed that he had seen Davis motion these people over and that he was to stop this. Davis did not. McClenny then moved Davis to another machine, away from the line of traffic, and this reduced the visitation of Davis by other employees. Two other named employees thereafter replaced Davis at this machine, both strikers, and they did not have the visitation that Davis had at this machine. It would seem, and this is not in dispute, that the machine to which Davis was transferred to was no more difficult to operate than the machine at the intersection. According to McClenny, his sole purpose in moving Davis to another machine was to get him away from a congested traffic area. According to Davis, his new assign- ment was just outside the office window of McClenny where McClenny allegedly could observe him at all tunes. McClenny testified, and this is not controverted, that he spends only 2 hours in his office and, during that limited period, he is performing paperwork and not looking out the window. He spends the remainder of his shift on the plant floor, moving among the approximately 21 machines he supervises and observes the work of the operators, includ- ing Davis. McClenny testified, and I find, that he could not see all of the machine operated by Davis through his office window even by raising and twisting his body. Indeed, there are four other machines in the section of McClenny which are directly in front of his office window, all of which are easier to see from his desk than is the machine of Davis. I see no merit to this issue. (21) The complaint contends that Supervisor Kenneth Morgan interrogated an employee about his union sympa- thies and union desires. Stephen Gleghom testified that on October 30 his temporary foreman, Kenneth Morgan, asked him how he thought the election would come out and HALLIBURTON SERVICES 1917 how he wanted it to come out. Gleghorn responded that it looked about even and that he told Morgan that Morgan had known him long enough to know how he felt about it, because he had been his foreman for a couple of years before the strike started. Gleghorn admitted on cross- examination that Morgan knew he had participated in the strike for its duration. Morgan denied that he asked Gleghorn or any other employee any questions about their union sympathies and confirmed that he knew that Gleghorn had participated in the entire strike. Indeed, Morgan admitted seeing a decal of the Union on the toolbox of Gleghorn. I see nothing adverse to Respondent herein. (22) It is next alleged that Supervisor S. E. Clifton told an employee that his wage increase had been denied because he was a striker. Employee Jack Bob Queen testified that he received a wage increase in February 1974 and admitted that he would not be eligible for another increase until 6 months later. He further testified that further increases can be received at intervals of 6 months of work until the maximum of the rate range is reached and time on strike is not counted as time calculated to such a wage increase. McPhail of the personnel department explained this to Queen when he returned to work after the strike and assured Queen, as McPhail testified, that he would get credit for time worked before the strike toward his next wage review. There is no serious dispute that not counting strike time as time worked in considering entitlement to a wage increase is recognized. N.L.R.B. v. National Seal, Division of Federal-Mongul-Bower Bearing, Inc., 336 F.2d 781 (C.A. 9, 1964). (23) It is alleged that Supervisor Randall Tidwell threat- ened an employee with discipline because of his participa- tion in the strike. George W. Lane testified that, after the strike, but prior to his return to work, Tidwell told him he would "chew him out" if he slowed up in his work and mentioned the fact that he had done a lot on the picket line that people did not like. Lane testified that he responded to Tidwell that he would not take any oral discipline from Tidwell, stated more graphically in the transcript. Lane then testified that Tidwell said that this was water under the bridge and they would "start out clean." Lane placed this conversation on November 15 and did not testify as to difficulty with Tidwell after that. I see nothing more to this than an exchange of personalities in a poststrike situation. (24) Much has been made of the alleged statements made by President Ed Paramore of Halliburton Company, the parent of Respondent, in October 1974 to a bartender at the Holiday Inn in Duncan named Willie B. "Johnny" Turner, who was then a striker. Turner had been a tool grinder at the plant, before and after the strike, and had previously worked occasionally as a bartender at parties in the home of Paramore in Duncan before Paramore moved to Dallas in July 1973. As Respondent points out, Turner was much confused in his testimony and I agree . Indeed, on the witness stand, he was most vague as to dates and circumstances. It was finally established that Turner had a conversation at this bar with Paramore in August 1974, although his affidavit to the Board agent, signed on November 26, 1974, placed the conversation on October 17, approximately 2 weeks prior to the election held on October 31. Turner testified that Paramore entered the bar where Turner was serving as a bartender, asked why Turner went on strike, said he could not understand it, said that Turner had messed up a good job and career with the Company, and further said that Turner could have done better with the Company if he, Turner, had moved to Dallas. Paramore then allegedly added that he could not hire him back because Turner had done him a "bad deal" by striking, that Paramore could not sign a contract with the Union, and that if he had to do so he would move the plant to Kansas. Turner deposed that Paramore was upset and excited, was "slapping the bar" and that he would not let Turner respond to him. Turner also testified that others in the club at the Holiday Inn were within hearing distance during the alleged conversation and included Jim Lawler, an engineer for Sun Oil Company in the area, an unnamed waitress and one, Jessie Anderson. Turner also testified that a man named "Turner" entered the clubroom with Paramore. Of the three so-called earshot witnesses, the General Counsel produced Anderson, who was a former Hallibur- ton employee who was discharged after the strike and admitted that a charge was then pending in his behalf against Respondent alleging a violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act; it would appear that this charge was later dismissed by the Regional Director on August 4, 1975. Anderson claimed that he had been in the Holiday Inn drinking beer and had heard part of the conversation, as bartender Turner described it, but his testimony was contradictory. He initially testified that he heard the first portion of it when Paramore asked bartender Turner why he had gone out on strike, but shortly thereafter testified that Paramore did not answer any questions. Anderson did not refer to anyone slapping the bar which, according to Respondent, would have been well remembered if done by the president of Respondent. Respondent produced one of the witnesses identified as present by bartender Turner, namely Lawler, who is still an engineer with Sun Oil Company. Lawler was frequently in Duncan and stayed at this motel. He testified, and I find, that he visited the club at the Holiday Inn and knew bartender Turner but did not know Paramore. The record discloses that this club is a small room with about eight seats at a bar and some small tables and that Lawler usually sat at the bar. According to Lawler, and I so find, he had conversations many times with bartender Turner, but never heard a conversation in which a patron spoke the words Turner attributed to Paramore and never saw a patron slapping the bar. In resolving the credibility resolution between Turner, an unimpressive witness, and Lawler, it may be noted that Lawler testified that he was never in the club when anyone pointed out to him an individual as Paramore and that no one in the club ever identified to him a patron who had just departed as Paramore. Paramore acknowledged that he had seen Turner in the club in August 1974 and that he was accompanied by Armstrong, of a division of Respondent Paramore ob- served no one in the club except a waitress and commented 1918 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD to Turner that business was slow . He recounted his conversation with bartender Turner, who told him that he was disappointed that the Company would not sign a contract with the Umon and Paramore replied that he was disappointed that they had a strike. According to Paramore , he did not ask Turner why he went on strike, did not tell him he messed up a good job and career, did not slap the bar, did not say he would not rehire Turner, did not tell Turner that he had made an error by striking, did not say he would not sign the contract, and did not make any reference to the plant moving to Kansas or to a job in Dallas for Turner. According to Paramore, at a social event in Duncan during the previous Christmas of 1973 where Turner was tending bar, he mentioned to Turner the possibility of a job in Dallas, but Turner seemed uninterested. This would have involved the work of a handyman, such as picking up mail for the corporate office and also tending bar at company functions. Paramore did not offer Turner the job, but only inquired about his possible interest. The subject of the Dallas job did not come up again until Turner called Paramore from Duncan at his home in Dallas on a Saturday some 2 weeks after the conversation at the Holiday Inn in Duncan. Turner asked if the job in Dallas was still open and Paramore replied that it was not. Paramore testified , and this is not disputed , that it had been filled at one time, but the arrangement did not work out well so the job was eliminated. This took place prior to the telephone call by Turner to the home of Paramore on this occasion. It is obvious that a major credibility issue is raised by the testimony of Turner and Paramore. Respondent submits, and I agree , that the testimony of Paramore is the more reliable. Turner was a badly confused witness who, on the witness stand , was quite vague as to dates even after pressure as to submitting a date. His affidavit to a Board agent was erroneous by 2 months to say the least. Respondent further points out that the resentment of Turner at Respondent was evident because he was not recalled to work until late March 1975, almost 11 months after the strike began. The only corroboration of Turner, and this is partial, was from discharged employee Anderson, who had a discrimi- nation charge pending against the Company at the time he testified and could not be considered an impartial witness. James Lawler of Sun Oil , a disinterested witness on this record whom Turner claimed to be an earshot witness of his conversation with Paramore , denied the whole story. I find, on a preponderance of the credible evidence, that Paramore accurately told what took place on this occasion and that Turner did not. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Halliburton Services , a Division of Halliburton Company, is an employer whose operations affect com- merce within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 2. International Union, United Automobile , Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America , (UAW), is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. Respondent has not engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5), (3), and ( 1) of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER 13 The complaint is dismissed in its entirety. 13 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102.46 of the of the Rules and Regulations , be adopted by the Board and become its Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings , findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed conclusions , and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102 48 waived for all purposes. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation