H. N. Thayer Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 21, 1956115 N.L.R.B. 1591 (N.L.R.B. 1956) Copy Citation H. N. THAYER COMPANY 1591 H. N. Thayer Company and Herve J. Bourque, et al. and H. N. Thayer's Workers Council Thayer Company and Robert A. Sidman, et al. and Thayer's Workers' Council . Cases Nos. 1-CA-341 and 1-CA-355. June 21,1956 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND DETERMINATION On June 30, 1952, the Board issued a Decision and Order in these cases,' in which it found that the Respondent Companies, H. N. Thayer Company and Thayer Company, had engaged in a number of actions which restrained and coerced their employees in violation of Section 8 (a) (1) 2 of the Act; that they had dominated and assisted a company union in each of their 2 plants, thereby violating Section 8 (a) (2) ; and that they had unlawfully discharged 17 employees ac- tive on behalf of United Furniture Workers of America, Local 154, CIO, in violation of Section 8 (a) (3). The Board ordered, among other things, the reinstatement with back pay of 103 persons. Of these, 17 were the employees whom the Respondent had unlawfully discharged; the others were employees who had participated in an unfair labor practice strike to protest the unlawful discharges. In its Decision and Order the Board considered, and rejected, a number of contentions advanced by the Respondent Companies. Among these was the contention that certain incidents of strike mis- conduct warranted the Respondent Companies' refusal to reinstate the participants therein. - In rejecting this contention, the Board noted that it had appraised each incident without regard to the length, nature, physical, or psychological setting of the strike, and found that none of the approximately 60 individual incidents in question "involved actual restraint, violence, or coercion, or conduct which exceeded the animal exuberance and mutual harassment characteristic of such strike situations" (99 NLRB 1122; 1128). For this reason, the Board concluded that the incidents were insufficient either to justify the Respondent Companies' refusal to reinstate the individuals in- volved, or to warrant a failure by the Board to order them reinstated. Thereafter, the case was considered by the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit upon the Board's petition for enforce- ment of its Order. On June 3, 1954, the court handed down its opin- ion. -N. L. R. B. v. Thayer Company and H. N. Thayer Company, 199 NLRB 1122. f The Board found that the Respondent Companies had, in violation of Section 8 (a) (1), engaged in the following acts : Instructing foremen to survey the union activities of employees ; threats of reprisal , including threats to close down the plant ; promises of benefits ; infliction of reprisals for assisting United Furniture Workers of America, Local 154, CIO, and for engaging in strike activity ; and circulating a contract with the assisted union among employees for their individual signatures. 115 NLRB No. 260. 1592 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 213 F. 2d 748. The court accepted the version of the facts as found by the Board; and, except as indicated hereinafter, the court found without merit the various objections advanced by the Respondent Companies to the enforcement of the Board's Order, holding that the Board's Order was proper with respect to most of the individuals or- dered reinstated with back pay. The court held, however, that 8 of the individual incidents of alleged misconduct which the Board deemed insufficient to justify Respond- ent's refusal to reinstate certain strikers "were coercive in nature and calculated to instill fear of physical harm in the non-striker victims, and are therefore not activities protected under § 7" (213 F. 2d 748, 757). The court construed the Board's reinstatement order as to the strikers involved in these incidents as turning exclusively on whether the employees' conduct was within the protection of Section 7, and then stated that a mere finding that the strikers' conduct was outside the scope of Section 7 was not, of itself, sufficient to bar their reinstate- ment. For this reason the court remanded the case to the Board to make the additional "primary administrative determination" of "whether under the circumstances there was cause for the respondents' refusal to rehire the particular strikers involved in the non-section 7 activity, and if not, whether reinstatement of these employees would effectuate the policies of the Act" 3 (213 F. 2d 748, 755, 757). As to the manner in which the court thought the Board should proceed on the remand, the court indicated that in deciding not only 8 The specific terms of the remand appear to be predicated upon a distinction the court drew between the status of economic and unfair labor practice strikers. The court said (213 F. 2d 748, 752-753) : If an economic strike as conducted is not concerted activity within the protection of § 7, then the employer is free to discharge the participating employees for the strike activity and the Board is powerless to order their reinstatement . . . This is so because, if the particular collective action is not a protected § 7 activity, the em- ployer commits no unfair labor practice by thus terminating the employment rela- t1on. He has not interfered with, restrained or coerced employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in 1§ 7. . . . Therefore , since the power of the Board to order reinstatement under § 10 (c) is dependent upon Its finding that an unfair labor practice has been committed, and since by hypothesis the economic strike was not caused by an unfair labor practice, it becomes crucial to the question of re- Instatement of an economic striker to Inquire whether the strike as conducted constituted concerted activity within the protection of § 7. On the other hand where , as In the instant case , the strike was caused by an unfair labor practice , the power of the Board to order reinstatement Is not neces- sarily dependent upon a determination that the strike activity was a "concerted activity" within the protection of § 7. Even If it was not , the National Labor Relations Board has power under § 10 (c) to order reinstatement if the discharges were not "for cause" and if such an order would effectuate the policies of the Act. Of course the discharge of strikers engaged in non -Section 7 activities often may be for cause , or their reinstatement may not effectuate the policies of the Act, but In certain circumstances it ' may. The point is that where collective action is pre- cipitated by an unfair labor practice; a finding that the action is not protected under § 7 does not, ipso facto , preclude an order reinstating employees who have been discharged because of their participation in the unprotected activity [court 's footnotes omitted]. H. N. THAYER COMPANY 1593 whether the strikers' discharge was for cause 4 but also whether their reinstatement would effectuate the Act's policies, it was "proper" to take into consideration the fact that the strike resulted from the Re- spondent Companies' unfair labor practices. In this connection, the court said (213 F. 2d 748, 755) : It ordinarily may be assumed that the Board, as a part of the process of determining whether reinstatement would effectuate the policies of the Act, will balance the severity of the employer's unfair labor practice which provoked the industrial disturbance against whatever employee misconduct may have occurred in the course of the strike: Thus in reaching its decision the Board weighs two groups of facts. Such a decision has little value as a precedent in a subsequent Labor Board case because of the nuances of fact inevitable in the later situation. The Board did not seek certiorari in this case. The Respondent Companies' petition for certiorari was denied. N. L. R. B. v. Thayer Company and H. N. Thayer Company, 348 U. S. 883. The incidents which the court held to be "coercive in nature" and "not activities protected under Section 7" consisted of visits by car- loads of strikers to the homes of nonstrikers, and an assault by pickets on a nonstriker. The incidents, in more detail, are as follows : 1. Visit to the home of George Andrews: The home of George Andrews, a nonstriker, was visited sometime during the strike by a group of strikers. The strikers arrived in five cars, each car carry- ing a number of passengers. The cars stopped in front of the An- drews residence with some of the passengers remaining in the cars, and others alighting and standing on the sidewalk. Joseph Theodore, the strikers' spokesman, walked up to Andrews' front door and was met by Andrews who emerged carrying an_iron pipe in his hand. Andrews inquired as to the group's intentions and Theodore replied that he wanted to show Andrews the group which was assembled- there; that they were respecting the picket line and were asking Andrews to do likewise. Andrews replied he had already decided not to work further. The following strikers are identified 6 as participating in the An- drews incident : Paul Ballantine, Dominic Daddario, Edgar J. Gal- lant, Joseph Theodore, Herbert Savoie, and Thaddee LeBlanc. A With respect to the term "for cause," the court said (213 F. 2d 748, 753, footnote 6) : a determination that an employee is not engaged in a § 7 activity does not necessarily mean that, if he is discharged for his participation in the unprotected action, the discharge is "for cause." That depends on the surrounding circum- stances. What is cause in one situation may not be in another. e The finding that Thaddee LeBlane participated in the Andrews incident is based on Andrews' uncontradicted testimony to this effect. That Andrews' testimony was not credited on another point is not controlling. "It is no reason for refusing to accept everything that a witness says, because you do not believe all of it; nothing is more 1594 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 2. Visit to the home of James Thompson: Nonstriker James Thomp- son's home was also visited by the five carloads of strikers. Some of them alighted and walked along the street while striker Joseph Theodore went to the door. Theodore- asked Thompson if he were reporting for work on the following week. The following strikers are identified as participating in the Thomp- son incident : Dominic Daddario, Edgar J. Gallant, Joseph Theodore, Herbert Savoie, and Leo Charest. . 3. The two visits to the home of Zigmund Maliska: Zigmund Maliska's home was visited twice by the strikers. One morning 5 cars containing 25 or 30 strikers pulled up to Maliska's home.- The majority of the strikers got out of their cars and three of the strikers went up to the door just as Maliska came out to meet them. Joseph Theodore informed Maliska that the strikers wanted Maliska to join them. Maliska replied that he would not run the risk of going into work-and having his car turned over; whereupon, Theodore stated he was not threatening Maliska but that things of that nature have happened during strikes. Maliska then stated that he had already decided to stay out of work. The same afternoon Maliska was again visited by a group of strik- ers who asked him to stay out of work. Maliska told them of the morning visit and stated that he had already decided to stay out. The following strikers are identified 6 as participating in the visits to Maliska's home : Bertha Anderson, Paul Ballantine, Dominic Daddario, Albert Gallant, Edgar J. Gallant, Joseph Theodore, Arthur Ares, Herbert Savoie, Laurie Gallant, Mallet Robichaud, and Alyre Gallant. 4. The two visits to the home of Joe Tatro: On the first visit of the strikers to nonstriker Tatro's home, three cars pulled up. Theo- dore spoke to Tatro and asked him to join the strike and to stop driv- ing his (Tatro's) truck.- Tatro agreed and the group left. A second common in all kinds of judicial decisions than to believe some and not all." N. L. R. B. v. Universal Camera Corp ., 179 F. 2d 749, 754 (C. A. 2). See also Bruns Coal Company, Inc., 106 NLRB 590, 600; Elgin Standard Brick Manufacturing Company, 90 NLRB 1467, 1468 ; Wigmore, Evidence , sees. 1008-1015 ( 3d ed.). Andrews' testimony that Joseph LeBlanc and Bertha Anderson also participated in this incident was contradicted by the testimony of Joseph LeBlanc and Anderson, re- spectively . LeBlanc's testimony was credited on other points . In view of the contra- diction in the evidence , we do not find that Joseph LeBlanc and Bertha Anderson participated in the Andrews incident. 9 The finding that Alyre Gallant participated in the Maliska incident is based on Maliska's uncontradwted testimony to this effect . Maliska's testimony was credited only in part , but this fact , is not controlling . See cases cited in footnote 5. Maliska's testimony that Hector Henry also participated in this incident was, in effect, contradicted by Henry. For this reason we do not find that Henry was a participant. Our finding that Bertha Anderson participated in the Maliska Incident is based on her own testimony that she arrived at Maliska 's home, and "There was a couple of cars there, and they were about ready to leave, so we didn't even get out of the car." See Rubin Bros. Footwear, Inc., at al. v . N. L. R. B., 203 F. 2d 486, 488 (C. A. 5) ; N. L. R. B. v., Longview Furniture Co., 206 F. 2d 274 , 277 (C. A. 4). H. N. THAYER COMPANY 1595 trip was made to Tatro's home several weeks later. On this occasion Tatro's wife opened the door and told the strikers that Tatro, who apparently had continued to work, did not want to see them. A local police officer was called to the scene but the strikers had departed by the time he arrived. The following strikers are identified as participating in the visits to Tatro's home : Edgar J. Gallant, Joseph Theodore, Arthur Ares, Herbert Savoie, Robert Desolier, Amos Fontaine, and Robert Sidman. 5. Visit to the home of Theodore Raffa: When the strike was 2 weeks old, nonstriker Theodore Raffa was visited by some strikers. At approximately 6: 30 one morning, as Raffa was walking down the street on an errand, a_ car containing five strikers pulled up near Raffa. The strikers shouted "scab" and "rat" at Raffa and told him not to go to work. Later, when Raffa returned, he found the strikers' car parked in front of his home. Two of the strikers emerged from the car, again called Raffa a "scab" and a "rat" and urged Raff a, his wife, and an- other employee, who was at Raffia's home awaiting her ride to work, to join the strike. The following strikers are identified as participating in the Raffa incident: Thomas Earnest Martin, Paul Hamel, Arthur Leger, and Rene J. Hamel. 6. The attack on Cornelius Magner: After leaving the plant one afternoon during the strike, Magner had walked'about 200 yards when a group of 17 or 18 people from the vicinity of the picket line ran after him. An unidentified member of the group struck Magner a blow in the lower rear and others called him a "scab" and a "traitor." An- other unidentified person stated that Magner would be injured if he went to work again. The following strikers are identified as participating in the Magner incident : Paul Ballantine, Albert Gallant, and Mallet Robichaud. This remand is predicated upon the fact that the court disagreed with the Board's conclusion that the incident remanded for further consideration did not involve "restraint, violence, or coercion," and also upon an analytical distinction drawn by the court in construing the Act, which distinction the court itself termed "subtlety." That the Board did not seek Supreme Court review of the remand does not mean that the Board agrees with the circuit court's treatment of this aspect of the case. Nor is it pertinent here to set forth the reasons which induced the Board not to seek such review. The fact is that as the Board accepted the remand, the views of the circuit court, and its con- struction of the Act, must control the disposition of this case. In that sense then, we apply the principles announced by the circuit court as the law of this case. 1596 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD As instructed, we have carefully considered the incidents of mis- conduct described above in conjunction with the Respondent Com- panies' unfair labor practices that promoted the strike by their em- ployees. We have essayed to weigh the one against the other. In so doing, we have recognized the fact that the unfair labor practices committed by the Respondent Companies were unfair labor practices of the most serious kind. We have also been mindful not only of our obligation to act in the public interest, but of the basic policies of the Act as well, particularly its purpose to settle industrial strife "by orderly and peaceful procedures," and to protect the "rights of indi- vidual employees." Our decision has not been an easy one to achieve. But, having considered and weighed all the various factors, including the impor7 tant fact that the court determined that the acts of misconduct "were coercive in nature and calculated to instill fear of physical harm in the non-striker victims," and were, in short, acts of violence, we have concluded that the reinstatement of the individuals who participated in these incidents would not effectuate the Act's policies. In this category are the following strikers who were identified as being among such participants : Bertha Anderson, Paul Ballantine, Dominic Daddario, Edgar J. Gallant, Joseph Theodore, Herbert Savoie, Leo Charest, Albert Gallant, Arthur Ares, Laurie Gallant, Mallet Robi- chaud, Robert Desolier, Amos Fontaine, Robert Sidman, Thomas Earnest Martin, Paul Hamel, Arthur Leger, Rene J. Hamel, Thaddee LeBlanc, and Alyre Gallant .7 In a beginning portion of their separate opinion, our dissenting colleagues quote the court's decision that the incidents here involved were "coercive in nature and calculated to instill fear of physical harm" in the nonstrikers. With respect to that decision, our dissent- ing colleagues state : "In deciding the issue remanded, we accept the Court's appraisal of the incidents." Later in their opinion, however, in discussing the same incidents, our dissenting colleagues state : "There is nothing to show that the purpose of the visits was to do or threaten violence to the nonstrikers. Nor does it appear that the 4 Paragraph 2 (b) of the court 's decree, in substance , required the Respondent Companies to offer reinstatement to the persons named in the Board's order, but specifically excluded "the particular strikers involved in the following incidents [the incidents we have considered in this remand]." Paragraph 2 (c) of the decree re- quired the Respondent Companies to "make whole the above-named individuals who are to be offered reinstatement... ." The effect of this Supplemental Decision and Determination , taken in conjunction with the above-quoted provisions of the decree , is to deny back pay to the individuals whom we have found to have participated in the incidents here in question . Some of these individuals , however, were unlawfully discharged before their participation in these incidents . We do not think that it will effectuate the Act 's policies to deny the latter persons back pay covering the period from the time of their unlawful discharge to the time they engaged in the incidents under discussion . See Nutone, Inc., 112 NLRB 1153, 1156, 1173 . We note our position on this point so that the General Counsel may take appropriate action to seek a modification of the court 's decree in this respect. H. N. THAYER COMPANY 1597 purpose of the strikers who ran after Magner was to do him bodily harm...." We are unable to reconcile our dissenting colleagues' two statements. We do suggest nevertheless that had our dissenting colleagues attached significance to the court's characterization of the incidents as "coercive" and "calculated to instill fear of physical harm," the area of their disagreement with us would be considerably lessened. Our dissenting colleagues in effect also state that our decision not to order the reinstatement of the strikers who were involved in the instant acts of misconduct permits the Respondents to enjoy the suc- cess of their unlawful campaign to rid themselves of union adherents. In answer, we need only point to the Board's original order in this case, which, as enforced by the court and as modified herein, requires the Respondent Companies among other things : (1) To reinstate and make whole some 83 discriminatorily discharged employees; (2) to cease and desist from discouraging membership in any labor organi- zation of their employees; (3) to cease and desist from threatening their employees, or in any manner interfering with their union activi- ties; and (4) to withdraw and withhold recognition from a domi- nated and assisted labor organization. Our conclusion that the Act's policies would not be effectuated by the reinstatement of the above-named strikers, has rendered it un- necessary for us to decide whether or not there was "cause," as the court used that term, for the Respondent Companies' refusal to rehire these strikers. - MEMBERS MIIRDOCK and PETERSON, dissenting : We disagree strongly with this decision of our colleagues not to remedy the Respondents' unfair labor practices with respect to some 20 employees. They conclude that such a decision effectuates the policies of the Act. We reach a contrary conclusion. After a careful examination of the facts of this case in the light of the court's remand, we conclude that there was not cause for the Respondents' refusal to reinstate these employees and that their reinstatement would effectuate the policies of the Act. Before setting out the reasons for our conclusion, we must refer to what appears to be a more basic disagreement between our views and those of our colleagues. The majority opinion specifically points out that the Board's failure to seek Supreme Court review of the remand in this case does not mean that the Board agrees with the circuit court's treatment of the issue remanded. If this statement signifies that the majority does not accept, other than for purposes of this case, the court's view that the Board has authority in certain situations to order the reinstatement of strikers who have engaged in conduct not protected by Section 7 of the Act, we must note our disagreement. In 1598 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD our judgment the court of appeals correctly holds that Section 10 (c) of the Act grants such authority to the Board,' and the Board has a duty to exert that authority in appropriate circumstances. Whatever the views of the majority members may be, however, as to the Board's authority in this respect, they have accepted the court's interpretation of the Act as conferring this authority for purposes of the remand. Our dissent is therefore directed to their application of the authority in this case. The authority conferred upon the Board by Section 10 (c) to fashion a• remedy for unfair labor practices is broad and accompanied by comparable responsibility. Its exercise requires the Board to employ considerable discretion and to draw upon its administrative experience and specialized knowledge.' We.therefore regret that our colleagues have not seen fit to set forth in other than the most general terms the factors upon which they rely in making the important administrative determination that it would not effectuate the purposes of the Act to order an affirmative remedy with respect to the employees involved in the remand. We shall attempt to discuss in more detail the consid- erations which impel our conclusion that there was not cause for the failure to reinstate these employees and that their reinstatement would effectuate the policies of the Act. We consider first the unfair labor practices committed by the Respondents. The severity of these unfair practices is an element which the court assumed the Board would estimate in framing the appropriate remedy; and the majority acknowledges the significance of this element. The Respondents here violated Section 8 (a) (1), (2), and (3) of the Act, each of the provisions designed to protect initial organiza- tional efforts of employees. Their endeavors to thwart self-organ- ization embraced a variety of unlawful acts of most grave consequence. Thus the Respondents threatened to shut down the plants if the Union was successful. They supported and dominated a Workers Council as a rival to the Union. They threatened to withhold a bonus from employees of one plant unless a contract was executed with the domi- nated Council, and they carried out the threat. They required em- 8 Mr. Justice Frankfurter has also pointed out the existence of such authority in connection with an argument made in his dissenting opinion in N. L. R. B. v. Mastro Plastics Corp., and French-American Reeds Mfg Co. Inc., 350 U. S 270, 296. After noting that a strike in breach of a no-strike clause would not be a Section 7 activity, he says : "However, even if the strike is not a Sec. 7 activity, the Board in the unfair labor practice strike situation as distinguished from the economic strike situation, may in its discretion order the discharged participants reinstated. This is so because of the antecedent employer unfair labor practices which caused the strike, and which gave employees rights under Sec. 8. If the Board finds that reinstatement of such strikers is a remedy that would effectuate the policies of the Act, it has the power under Sec. 10 (c) to issue the necessary order." See also N. L. R. B. v. Wallick and Schwalm +Company, et at., 198 F. 2d 477, 484 (C. A 3). See Phelps Dodge Corp. v. N. L. R. B., 313 U. S. 177, 194. H. N. THAYER COMPANY 1599 ployees individually to sign contracts with the Council. Finally the Respondent for discriminatory reasons discharged 17 active union adherents. When the employees then struck in protest, the Respond- ents engaged in further illegal activities. They declared a policy that any striker seeking reinstatement after a certain date would, if re- hired, lose all seniority; and they put such a policy into effect. Upon the conclusion of the strike they refused to reinstate one employee be- cause he had made a radio address on behalf of the Union during the strike, and they unlawfully denied reinstatement to other strikers. The nature and extent of these acts reveal a wilful and flagrant disregard by the Respondents of their obligations under the Act. They demonstrate a deliberate campaign by the Respondents to defeat the oranization of their employees by foisting on the employees a labor organization which the Respondents controlled, by subjecting em- ployees to loss of benefits, by threatening employees with loss of jobs, and by discharging the leaders of the Union. In short, the unfair labor practices are, as the majority describes them, "of the most serious kind" which the Board is called on to remedy among the many cases which it receives. Ordinarily the appropriate remedy for such se- rious unfair labor practices would be an order to the Respondents to cease and desist their unlawful conduct, to withhold recognition from the dominated organization, and to make whole the employees injured by the unfair labor practices by restoring their employment and their loss of wages. The remand requires the Board to determine whether the customary affirmative remedy of reinstatement and back pay should be modified in this case with respect to certain employees who participated in eight incidents of misconduct during the strike. We examine next these incidents of misconduct. Before attempting to weigh them, however, we must point out the weakness of some of the majority's factual findings. The majority opinion describes the incidents involved in the remand generally in accord with, the Trial Examiner's findings adopted by the Board in its original decision in this case. In identifying the strikers who participated in the inci- dents, however, the majority departs from the Trial Examiner's credibility findings and relies upon the testimony of witnesses the Trial Examiner did not consider reliable. Thus the majority finds that Thaddee LeBlanc participated in the group visit to the Andrews home (incident No. 1) solely on the testimony of George Andrews and finds that Alyre Gallant was present when the group visited Maliska (incident No. 3) solely upon the testimony of Zigmund Maliska. Andrews and Maliska were both discredited by the Trial Examiner with respect to certain of their testimony describing the very incidents in which they identified LeBlanc and Gallant as participating. While, as the majority states, the testimony of a particular witness may be accepted in part and rejected in part, it is unreasonable here to accept 1600 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR , REI:ATIONS BOARD the unsupported testimony of either Andrews or Maliska as to which strikers participated in the incidents involving them.10 The Trial Examiner described Andrews as an "excitable individual with a tend- ency to exaggerate." The soundness of this characterization, reflect- ing upon Andrews' capacity to observe and report accurately what he observed, is demonstrated by Andrews' actual words, in addition to whatever his demeanor may have revealed to the Trial Examiner. Andrews testified that he was not in good health and that "the least little thing" got him excited; he admitted that both at the time of the strikers' visit to him and at the time he was testifying he was "riled up." His very testimony identifying Thaddee LeBlanc indicates uncertainy of the facts. Andrews was asked to name some of the strikers present. He named 4 or 5 and was then asked : "Tell us the names of anybody else you remember." Andrews then testified as follows : A. I think Mr. LeBlanc here was up there. Q. What is his first name? A. Theodore, Thaddeus. Q* Anybody else? A. Gallant. Q. What Gallant? A. Neri Gallant. There was so much excitement there, I couldn't tell anyway. [Emphasis supplied.] Concerning Maliska's credibility, the Trial Examiner rejected his testimony that certain remarks were made when the strikers visited him and pointed out that Maliska not only changed his testimony "but, in addition, was vague concerning the groups that visited him on that day and uncertain as to who was there in the morning and afternoon, respectively." Maliska's testimony that Alyre Gallant was present when the group visited him is of this "vague" quality. After Maliska had named 3 or 4 persons among the group who visited him, and indicated difficulty in distinguishing those present in the morning and in the afternoon, he was asked to name as many others as he could remember that were in either group. He testified : "As I said before, I know some that were. There was Neri Gallant and Alyre Gallant-I believe, I think it's Alyre." [Emphasis supplied.] We submit that the majority's finding that Thaddee LeBlanc and Alyre Gallant participated in the incidents of the remand, based solely on the obviously uncertain testimony of witnesses discredited 10 we would also note , in general , that "in the determination of litigated facts, the testimony of one who has been found unreliable as to one issue may properly be accorded little weight as to the next" (N. L. R. B. v. Pittsburgh Steamship Co., 337 U . S. 656, 659) ; and further , that the "mere assertion of any witness does not of itself need to be believed even though he is unimpeached in any manner " (Wigmore, Evidence , sec. 2034 ( 3d ed. ) ; see also sec . 2498). H. N. THAYER COMPANY 1601 by the Trial Examiner on other details of the same incidents, is not supported by substantial evidence. The majority's conclusion that Bertha Anderson participated in the group visits to Maliska likewise does not find substantial support in the record. As the majority states, Anderson testified that when she arrived at the Maliska home, there were a couple of cars with strikers there about ready to leave, so she and the others in the car in which she was riding did not get out. We fail to see how arrival on the scene as the group who mis- conducted themselves were leaving constitutes participation in their misconduct. In order to complete the picture of the remand- in- cidents and to show more particularly the nature of the visits to nonstrikers and what was said to Maliska, we would add to the factual description of the incidents the following testimony of Joseph Theo- dore, found by the Trial Examiner to be forthright, honest, and reliable : Q. What conversation took place at that point between you or any of the other two and Mr. Maliska? A. As I walked up to him, I says, "Hello, Ziggy." He says, "Hi Joe." He says, "What's this?" I says, "Ziggy, there's quite a few boys have been telling me that you fellows here in Win- chendon are undecided or don't know whether there is an actual strike going on, or just a wild cat strike, and that you fellows weren't sure whether you'd be the only ones that would stay out of work, or be out on strike, if you did, or not, and that's why you have been going into work. But I have brought this group along to show you who is going to stay out; some of the boys that are going to stay out, and we'd like to have you join us so that you won't go into work Monday." . . . And he says, "Joe, you don't think that I'd take a chance in going in and having my car turned over, or something of that nature?" I says, "Ziggy, we are not here to threaten you, but things like that have happened in strikes, I know, but we're not here for that purpose. We're just here to show you that we are all staying out of work, and we'd like to have the same thing with you fellows." He says, "We have already made up our minds that we are going to stay out Mon- day." I says, "Okay, I'll see you later." Summarized, the misconduct involved in the remand consists of 7 visits by groups of strikers to homes of nonstrikers in an attempt to persuade the nonstrikers to observe the strike, and 1 incident in which a number of persons from the vicinity of the picket line ran after a nonstriker as he left work. They called him names, and one uniden- tified member of the group struck the nonstriker a "blow in the lower rear." The General Counsel's brief points out that this so-called blow 390609-56-vol. 115-102 1602 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD appears to have been nothing more than an open handed slap at the buttocks, well protected by his winter clothing. The circuit court- apparently because of the large number of strikers participating in the incidents and their loud manner-decided that the incidents were "coercive in nature and calculated to instill fear of physical harm" in the nonstrikers. In deciding the issue remanded, we accept the court's appraisal of the incidents." For purposes of determining the ,appropriate remedy in this case, however, such misconduct must be evaluated in the light of other circumstances. For example, it is significant that the strike was an unfair labor practice strike conducted in an atmosphere of considerable provoca- tion. From the beginning of their organizational efforts the strikers had suffered the constant harassment of the Respondents' unfair labor practices. Their attempts to deal with the Respondents in a peaceful and orderly fashion had failed due to the Respondents' hostile at- titude and unlawful acts. They had been threatened with economic reprisal because of their union sympathies. Seventeen of their most active members, including three members of their organizing commit- tee, had been discharged because of adherence to the Union. When the employees struck in support of those who had been discriminated against and in an attempt to force the Respondents to observe the pro- visions of the Act, they were subjected to additional provocation. The Respondents made overtures to the strikers to abandon their pro- test and were successful in causing defections in the strikers' ranks. The Respondents further attempted to break the strike by illegally depriving strikers of seniority rights and by continuing support to the dominated Council which served as a divisive influence among employees .12 In view of the provocation causing and accompanying the strike, the daily frustrations which the strikers met in unsuccessfully protest- ing the Respondents' unlawful acts, and the discomfort they experi- enced in opposing their fellow workers who under the Respondents' coercion clung to the dominated Council, it is not surprising that the strikers' conduct fell short of the desired standard on these few oc- casions. Yet despite the irritations, the strike which lasted approxi- mately 7 weeks was conducted as a whole in an orderly manner. Pickets were obedient to the orders of police, and as the court points out "nonstriking employees were able to enter and leave the plants without serious incidents." The objectionable conduct involved in "We note that the majority states that "the Court determined" that such incidents "were, in short, acts of violence ." The court did not use this expression and insofar as it suggests that there was physical harm rather than threats and coercion it overstates the court 's appraisal of the incidents. 12 It might be noted that employee Magner , the nonstriker involved in one of the incidents , was the brother of the president of the illegal Council 1. H. N. THAYER COMPANY 1603 the remand- was incidental and of a kind which might be anticipated -during a long and bitter labor struggle produced by unfair labor practices. It is to be expected that during a strike the striking em- ployees will attempt to persuade others not to work and will impose social pressures upon nonstrikers. Such moral persuasion is usual and not improper. Indeed several instances of attempts by individual strikers or small groups of strikers to influence nonstrikers not to work by visiting them and asking their support were not condemned by the court. It is also to be expected that strikers will act together in their efforts to sustain the strike. Such group action serves to bolster the morale of the strikers and to make a show of unity and strength to others. The strikers' purpose in making the group visits covered by the re- mand-a relevant consideration in determining the appropriate rem- edy 13-was a proper one. The record indicates that the purpose of the visits was simply to demonstrate to certain nonstrikers that the strike was not a wildcat one but was supported by a large number of responsible workers and to ask the nonstrikers to join the strike. There is nothing to show that the purpose of the visits was to do or threaten violence to the nonstrikers. Nor does it appear that the purpose of the strikers who ran after Magner was to do him bodily harm; the single "blow in the lower rear" given Magner was from an unidentified individual. Our conclusion that the purpose of the strik- ers' visits was proper is not inconsistent with the court decision as the majority suggests. While the court found the incidents involved in the remand to be coercive and calculated to instill fear in the non- strikers, this is not the equivalent of a finding that the strikers who engaged in such incidents actually intended these results. The court in characterizing the strikers' conduct as coercive was making a finding as to the nature of the conduct and its probable consequences in order to determine whether the conduct was protected by Section 7 of the Act. The test for determining whether conduct constitutes coercion under Sections 7 or 8 is, of course, whether such conduct as a matter of expert interpretation of the statute is likely to, or tends to, produce a coercive effect, regardless of the specific motivation of the conduct.14 Although the foreseeable results of conduct may be legally attributed to persons who participate in such conduct in finding that they have violated the Actor engaged in unprotected conduct, it does not neces- sarily follow that those persons intended in a factual rather than a legal sense such results. In fashioning an appropriate remedy for unfair labor practices and determining whether it would effectuate '? See N. L. R. B. v. Cambria Clay Products Co., 215 F. 2d 48, 54 ( C. A. 6). 14 See N. L. R . B. v. Illinois Tool Works, 153 F. 2d 811, 814 ( C. A. 7) ; Radio Ofcers' Uncon of the Commercial Telegraphers Union, AFL v. N. L. R. B., 347 U. S. 17, 44-45. 1604 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR., RELATIONS BOARD the purposes of the Act to order reinstatement of persons-who partici- pated in unprotected conduct, the Board should in our opinion con- sider the actual rather than the legal intent of such persons. We suggest that if our colleagues, who profess an inability to understand our position in this respect, had attached due significance to the court's holding that the Board may under appropriate circumstances order the reinstatement of persons who have engaged in conduct not protected by Section 7, the area of their disagreement with us, to use their words, would be considerably lessened. In assessing the gravity of the eight incidents involved in the re- mand, the members of the majority have apparently considered the incidents removed from the vexations of the strike situation and with- out recognition of the purpose of the participants or the actualities of industrial conflict. Any realistic estimate of the incidents, in our view, must take into account the extent of provocation accompanying the strike, the general nature of the strike and its conduct, the mo- tives of the employees who engaged in the incidents, and the common occurrence of such incidents during periods of industrial strife when some disorder is quite usual and minor acts of violence are not infrequent.15 Judged in the light of all the circumstances surrounding it, includ- ing the Respondents' unfair labor practices, the misconduct revealed in the eight incidents of the remand was, in our opinion, clearly not cause for the Respondents' refusal to reinstate the employees in- volved. The misconduct was not of such a character as would render the employees unfit for further employment.16 The employees' acts were not disloyal or insubordinate to the Respondents. The em- ployees manifested no purpose to commit or incite violence. And it does not appear that their reemployment would cause strife , hamper production, or discourage harmonious labor relations and free col- lective bargaining. The Respondents' action in refusing to reinstate employees on the basis largely of hearsay reports of such misconduct demonstrates, moreover, that the Respondents were not concerned with the suitability of the employees for further service but rather with consummating their unlawful design to rid themselves of the Union. Thus the Respondents in many instances had no evidence specifically to relate misconduct to particular strikers; they made no attempt to evaluate the seriousness of the misconduct; and in dis- qualifying strikers for reemployment they relied upon the most flimsy information of misconduct which they solicited from leaders of the 1" See Republic Steel Corp . v. N. L. R . B., 107 F. 2d 472 , 479 (C . A. 3) ; N. L. R. B. v. Elkland Leather Co., 114 F. 2d 221 , 225 (C. A. 3). 16 See N. L. R. B. v. Illsnois Tool Works, 153 F . 2d 811 , 815-16 ( C. A. 7) ; N. L. R. B. v. Cambria Clay Products Co., 215 F. 2d 48, 54 ( C. A. 6) ; Horn Mfg. Co , Inc., 83 NLRB 1177 , 1179 ; Kansas Milling Co., 86 NLRB 925, enfd . In part 185 F. 2d 413 , 420 (C . A. 10). H. N. THAYER COMPANY 1605 dominated Council whom they admittedly believed were biased; and in almost every instance they gave the strikers no opportunity to con- tradict the charges against them. Obviously the misconduct did not constitute a genuine barrier to reinstatement. Finally, in determining the remedy which will best effectuate the purposes of the Act, we would emphasize the Board's responsibility to act in the public interest." In exercising its authority under Sec- tion 10 (c) the Board's concern is not simply to balance equities be- tween private employers, labor organizations, and employees, but to devise a remedy which will remove obstructions to commerce for the public benefit. Congress in drafting the Act and establishing the Board's functions declared its conviction that certain unfair prac- tices of employers and labor organizations are sources of friction and industrial strife burdening commerce, and that such conflict can be avoided or substantially minimized if these practices are eliminated and collective bargaining encouraged. Thus, we conceive that the Board's primary responsibility in fashioning a remedy is to uproot as effectively as possible the unfair labor practices which cause industrial discord and unrest with attendant impetuous action by individuals. While the Board must not countenance individual acts of mis- conduct and should use its influence to discourage unseemly behavior during strikes, it must not in so doing weaken the sanctions of the Act as to unfair labor practices. By withholding an affirmative remedy for the Respondents' unfair labor practices as to 20 employees here, our colleagues have, we fear, in their fervor to condemn the miscon- duct of certain strikers, failed in their overall responsibility to correct violations of the Act. They have fashioned a remedy more effective in defeating the private remedial claims of strikers than in vindicat- ing the public wrong implicit in the Respondents' defiance of the Act. They have disqualified certain strikers for reinstatement and back pay without substantial evidence that those strikers participated in objectionable conduct. A decision, such as the one the majority has reached in this case, can but encourage employers who would ignore the provisions of the Act and must demonstrate to them that they may successfully avoid the detriment of a reinstatement and back- pay order if employees during a strike, either by chance or provoca- tion, engage in less than proper conduct. While we are in positive agreement with the purpose of our col- leagues to discourage intemperate conduct by strikers, we doubt that the remedy they have framed will achieve this purpose. Withholding 14 See National Licorice Co. v. N. L. R. B., 309 U. S. 350 , 364; Phelps Dodge Corp. v. N. L. R. B., 313 U. S. 177, 193. - 1606 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD reinstatement and back pay from the strikers who engaged in mis- conduct will be of little significance in deterring strikers from the rash acts which commonly arise in the heated atmosphere of a labor dispute, while ordering such affirmative relief would in no wise jus- tify the improper conduct. A reinstatement and back-pay order does, not grant a reward to employees; it rather restores the jobs and wages which unfair labor practices caused them to lose. Such an order in this case would merely attempt to put the employees in the position they would have occupied had the Respondents obeyed the Act. It would also serve as a vivid reminder to other employees that the em- ployer cannot violate the Act with impunity, and would restore to them a freedom of action which has been impaired by the coercive effect of reprisals visited on some employees. Failure to order rein- statement and back pay, however, significantly lessens the effectiveness of the Board's order in remedying the extensive unfair labor practices which occurred here. It permits the Respondents to enjoy a partial success in their unlawful campaign to rid themselves of union adher- ents by allowing them to continue to withhold employment from 20, union advocates, 8 of whom (including the Union's chief spokesman and some members of the organizing committee) they discriminatorily discharged. The cease-and-desist order issued to the Respondents forbids a repetition of their unlawful acts and may serve to present future violations of the Act. It has no effectiveness to correct the wrongs already done. Only an affirmative order of reinstatement and back pay would, to the extent possible, reestablish the situation which would have obtained in the plants but for the Respondents' il- legal acts and publicize to all employees that the Respondents' unfair labor practices have been removed and their rights to self-organization protected. Without such an order, the unfair labor practices are im- perfectly remedied. Such an imperfect remedy does not in our view effectuate the policies of the Act. So, in reaching our decision in this case, we have attempted to evalu- ate the gravity of the Respondents' unfair labor practices and the seriousness of the strikers' misconduct in the light of all the circum- stances of this case and the realities of industrial life as evidenced in the Board's long administrative experience. We have been ever mind- ful of the Board's significant responsibility to administer the declared public policy of eliminating unfair labor practices which induce strife and of encouraging free collective bargaining. In our judgment these considerations lead to only one conclusion-that an adequate remedy in this case which will effectuate the purpose of the Act must include reinstatement with back pay of the employees who participated in the eight incidents involved in the remand. - Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation