Gregory F.,1 Complainant,v.Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.

Equal Employment Opportunity CommissionAug 16, 2016
0120141905 (E.E.O.C. Aug. 16, 2016)



Gregory F.,1 Complainant, v. Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.


Office of Federal Operations

P.O. Box 77960

Washington, DC 20013

Gregory F.,1



Carolyn W. Colvin,

Acting Commissioner,

Social Security Administration,


Appeal No. 0120141905

Agency No. CHI130344SSA


On April 28, 2014, Complainant filed an appeal from the Agency's March 31, 2014, final decision (FAD) concerning her equal employment opportunity (EEO) complaint alleging employment discrimination in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), as amended, 42 U.S.C. � 2000e et seq. The Commission deems the appeal timely and accepts it pursuant to 29 C.F.R. � 1614.405(a).


At the time of events giving rise to this complaint, Complainant worked as an Attorney Advisor at the Agency's Office of Disability Adjudication and Review facility in Peoria, Illinois.

On March 25, 2013, Complainant filed an EEO complaint alleging that the Agency discriminated against him on the basis of race (African-American) when:

1. On February 15, 2013, Complainant was issued a written reprimand; and

2. On May 3, 2013, Complainant's Supervisor (S: Caucasian) said he would be placed on a Performance Improvement Plan2 (PIP).

At the conclusion of the investigation, the Agency provided Complainant with a copy of the report of investigation and notice of his right to request a hearing before an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Administrative Judge (AJ). When Complainant did not request a hearing within the time frame provided in 29 C.F.R. � 1614.108(f), the Agency issued a final decision pursuant to 29 C.F.R. � 1614.110(b). The decision concluded that Complainant failed to prove that the Agency subjected him to discrimination as alleged. Specifically, the Agency found that S articulated legitimate nondiscriminatory reasons for its actions and that Complainant failed to establish that such reasons were a pretext to mask discrimination.


As this is an appeal from a decision issued without a hearing, pursuant to 29 C.F.R. � 1614.110(b), the Agency's decision is subject to de novo review by the Commission. 29 C.F.R. � 1614.405(a). See Equal Employment Opportunity Management Directive for 29 C.F.R. Part 1614, at Chapter 9, � VI.A. (Aug. 5, 2015) (explaining that the de novo standard of review "requires that the Commission examine the record without regard to the factual and legal determinations of the previous decision maker," and that EEOC "review the documents, statements, and testimony of record, including any timely and relevant submissions of the parties, and . . . issue its decision based on the Commission's own assessment of the record and its interpretation of the law").

We note initially that, with regard to claim # 2, the record shows that, by the time the FAD was issued, Complainant had not actually been placed on a PIP and hence the action was merely a proposed action. Pursuant to 29 C.F.R. � 1614.107(a)(5) an Agency shall dismiss claims addressing proposed actions. In this instance, however, rather than dismiss the claim the Agency chose to address it on the merits. We therefore shall also address the merits of the claim

Where, as here, complainant does not have direct evidence of discrimination, a claim alleging disparate treatment is examined under the three part test set forth in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 411 U.S. 792 (1973). Under this analysis, a complainant initially must establish a prima facie case of discrimination by presenting facts that, if unexplained, reasonably give rise to an inference of discrimination, i.e., that a prohibited consideration was a factor in the adverse employment action. See St Mary's Honor Center v. Hicks, 509 U.S. 502, 507 (1993); Texas Dep't of Community Affairs v. Burdine, 450 U.S. 248, 252-53 (1981); McDonnell Douglas 411 U.S. at 802. Next, in response, the agency must articulate a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the challenged actions. See Burdine, 450 U.S. at 253-54; McDonnell Douglas, 411 U.S. at 802. Finally, it is complainant's burden to demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that the agency's action was based on prohibited considerations of discrimination, that is, its articulated reason for its action was not its true reason but a sham or pretext for discrimination. See Hicks, 509 U.S. at 511; Burdine, 450 U.S. at 252-5 3; McDonnell Douglas, 411 U.S. at 804.

This established order of analysis need not be followed in all cases. Where the agency has articulated a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the personnel action at issue, the factual inquiry can proceed directly to the third step of the McDonnell Douglas analysis, the ultimate issue of whether complainant has shown by a preponderance of the evidence that the agency's actions were motivated by discrimination. See U.S. Postal Serv. Bd. of Governors v. Aikens, 460 U.S. 711, 713-14 (1983). For purposes of analysis we will assume, but do not find, that complainant established prima facie cases of discrimination.

With regard to claim # 1, the letter of reprimand (Reprimand), signed by S, stated that the reason for the reprimand was that:

On January 31, 2013, you were absent from duty and you failed to follow leave requesting procedures. This was a violation of Agency procedures that require you call and speak to a member of management before the end of the morning flex-band at 9:30 A.M. to inform them you would not be able to report to work.

On January 31, 2013, at 8:03am, you left a message on my voicemail stating the following: "[S], this is [Complainant]. Could you please put me down for 8 hours of vacation? Thank you." You did not speak to me in person, nor did you attempt to contact any other member of management. No member of management heard from you again until Friday, February 1, 2013 when you reported for duty.

Report of Investigation (ROI), Exhibit 11.

With regard to claim # 2, S averred that the reason for the PIP was that Complainant's "performance fails to meet expectations. Our Attorney Advisers are required to complete their work in a timely and efficient manner. [Complainant] has not doing this." ROI, Exhibit 9-03, p. 2. Complainant was issued a memorandum entitled "Implementation of Performance Assistance Plan (PAP) - ACTION" which went into considerable detail regarding Complainant's alleged performance shortfalls. See ROI, Exhibit 14.

The Agency having articulated reasons for its actions, the burden shifts back to Complainant to establish, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the Agency's reasons were a mere pretext to mask discrimination, or otherwise establish that discrimination occurred. See Hicks, 509 U.S. at 511; Burdine, 450 U.S. at 252-5 3; McDonnell Douglas, 411 U.S. at 804. Following a review of the record we find that Complainant has failed to meet this burden.

With regard to claim #1, Complainant averred in response to the Agency's reason for its action:

I called in at the start of my shift and informed [S] that I was requesting annual leave. I was not informed by her or any member of management that I had violated leave requesting procedures until I received a written reprimand 15 days after I had initially requested and was granted leave. Moreover, she intimated that my failure to "follow leave requesting" procedures caused her to question my ability as a lawyer. She is not a lawyer, and is incapable of writing a cogent and legally sufficient decision.

ROI, Exhibit 8-01.

With regard to claim # 2, we note that Complainant did not submit any argument on appeal. In his rebuttal statement he did not specifically address the Agency's articulated reason for proposing to place him on a PIP, stating about the PIP that "It hasn't happened yet." Exhibit 8-02, p. 2. Instead, addressing his six month evaluation, Complainant averred that:

[S] told me that I had 10 or 16 cases, not sure which she said, that had been in my "Q" [list] for ten days or longer. So I asked her, "Are you insinuating it took me ten days to write a case? There is a perfectly logical explanation why it could be in my "Q" for ten days; A - I was absent; B - I was waiting on something from the attorney or I was instructed by management to do a quicker, easier case." So I said, "No one has complained about my work or quality of it. I don't understand how you can complain about something I can't really control how long a case stays in my 'Q"'. So, I didn't know what she was talking about. I said this smacks of further harassment. I did talk with a colleague who said you can keep a case in your "Q" for up to fourteen days before Regional sends an email asking why the case is held up/waiting. One of the cases she showed me was a case I was directed to get an negotiated [sic] onset date from an attorney outside the office and he was on vacation. I was on stand-by waiting to get back to him. I just kept working on other cases. What I should have done was send the case back to the Judge in an email stating it was in a holding pattern waiting for the attorney to get back to me with whether he accepts the proposed onset date and then you can send the case back to me and I will write it then.


With regard to claim # 1, we find that Complainant's response fails to establish that the Agency's articulated reason is a pretext. Complainant's argument that he was not informed that he had violated leave procedures until he received the reprimand fails to address the fact that he did not comply with the applicable procedures. While Complainant may have forgotten or been unaware of the procedures, he does not dispute that he failed to comply with them. We note that the Reprimand states:

The Annual Personnel Reminders specify in Part 1.2 that "you should be familiar with regulations and published instructions that relate to your official duties and responsibilities and should follow those directives. This includes carrying out proper orders from officials authorized to give them." On October 1, 2012, every [Agency] employee received an e-mail with a link to the Annual Personnel Reminders. Additionally, the e-mail stated that "every employee is personally responsible for knowing and conforming to the standards and procedures that govern Federal employees.

Chapter S630 1, Section 5.3 of the Personnel Policy Manual states the following: All leave should be requested in advance of its use except for cases of unforeseen illness or emergencies. In these cases, employees must notify the leave approving official by the start of their fixed shift for fixed shift employees, the end of their morning flexible band for flexible schedule employees or the time an employee is required to report for training or for a scheduled work activity.

ROI, Exhibit 11.

The Reprimand further noted that an email reminding employees about the Agency's leave policy was sent to all employees in October 2011, and that S had twice counseled Complainant about leave procedures in June and August, 2011. Finally, we note that the record shows that another, similarly situated, employee outside of Complainant's protected basis was also issued a reprimand a week after Complainant for the same offense. See ROI, Exhibit 12. Complainant has thus not shown that he was treated differently or that discrimination occurred.

With regard to claim # 2, while Complainant disputes the reasons given for the proposed PIP, his rebuttal addresses his 6 month evaluation, which is not a subject of this Appeal, and not the PIP. Furthermore he concedes that in one instance he should have sent a pending case back to the judge while awaiting necessary information from one of the parties involved in the case rather than keep the case in his inventory. We find he has not met his burden of establishing, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the Agency's articulated reason for its action is a pretext to mask discrimination based on race, nor has he shown that S harbored any animus towards his race, or otherwise shown that discrimination occurred.

Finally, to the extent that Complainant is alleging that he was subjected to a hostile work environment, we find under the standards set forth in Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc., 510 U.S. 17 (1993) that Complainant's claim of hostile work environment must fail. See Enforcement Guidance on Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc., EEOC Notice No. 915.002 (March 8, 1994). A prima facie case of hostile work environment is precluded based on our finding that Complainant failed to establish that any of the actions taken by the agency were motivated by discriminatory animus. See Oakley v. United States Postal Service, EEOC Appeal No. 01982923 (September 21, 2000).


Based on a thorough review of the record and the contentions on appeal, including those not specifically addressed herein, we find that Complainant has not established that discrimination occurred and we AFFIRM the FAD.



The Commission may, in its discretion, reconsider the decision in this case if the Complainant or the Agency submits a written request containing arguments or evidence which tend to establish that:

1. The appellate decision involved a clearly erroneous interpretation of material fact or law; or

2. The appellate decision will have a substantial impact on the policies, practices, or operations of the Agency.

Requests to reconsider, with supporting statement or brief, must be filed with the Office of Federal Operations (OFO) within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of this decision or within twenty (20) calendar days of receipt of another party's timely request for reconsideration. See 29 C.F.R. � 1614.405; Equal Employment Opportunity Management Directive for 29 C.F.R. Part 1614 (EEO MD-110), at Chap. 9 � VII.B (Aug. 5, 2015). All requests and arguments must be submitted to the Director, Office of Federal Operations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The requests may be submitted via regular mail to P.O. Box 77960, Washington, DC 20013, or by certified mail to 131 M Street, NE, Washington, DC 20507. In the absence of a legible postmark, the request to reconsider shall be deemed timely filed if it is received by mail within five days of the expiration of the applicable filing period. See 29 C.F.R. � 1614.604. The request or opposition must also include proof of service on the other party.

Failure to file within the time period will result in dismissal of your request for reconsideration as untimely, unless extenuating circumstances prevented the timely filing of the request. Any supporting documentation must be submitted with your request for reconsideration. The Commission will consider requests for reconsideration filed after the deadline only in very limited circumstances. See 29 C.F.R. � 1614.604(c).


You have the right to file a civil action in an appropriate United States District Court within ninety (90) calendar days from the date that you receive this decision. If you file a civil action, you must name as the defendant in the complaint the person who is the official Agency head or department head, identifying that person by his or her full name and official title. Failure to do so may result in the dismissal of your case in court. "Agency" or "department" means the national organization, and not the local office, facility or department in which you work. If you file a request to reconsider and also file a civil action, filing a civil action will terminate the administrative processing of your complaint.


If you want to file a civil action but cannot pay the fees, costs, or security to do so, you may request permission from the court to proceed with the civil action without paying these fees or costs. Similarly, if you cannot afford an attorney to represent you in the civil action, you may request the court to appoint an attorney for you. You must submit the requests for waiver of court costs or appointment of an attorney directly to the court, not the Commission. The court has the sole discretion to grant or deny these types of requests. Such requests do not alter the time limits for filing a civil action (please read the paragraph titled Complainant's Right to File a Civil Action for the specific time limits).


______________________________ Carlton M. Hadden's signature

Carlton M. Hadden, Director

Office of Federal Operations

August 16, 2016



1 This case has been randomly assigned a pseudonym which will replace Complainant's name when the decision is published to non-parties and the Commission's website.

2 The Agency uses the term "Performance Assistance Plan."



