Green ConstructionDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 7, 1984271 N.L.R.B. 1503 (N.L.R.B. 1984) Copy Citation GREEN CONSTRUCTION Green Construction of Indiana, Inc.' and Laborers' International Union of North America, Local Union No. 1214, AFL-CIO. Case 9-CA-16113 7 September 1984 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS ZIMMERMAN AND HUNTER On 31 August 1982 Administrative Law Judge James J. O'Meara Jr. issued the attached decision. The General Counsel filed exceptions and a sup- porting brief, and the Respondent filed a brief in opposition to the General Counsel's exceptions. The National Labor Relations Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge's rulings, findings, and conclusions and to adopt the recommended Order. The judge dismissed the complaint in its entirety. In so doing, the judge found no evidence connect- ing the Respondent with the conduct alleged to be violative in the complaint. Further, the judge denied as untimely the General Counsel's motion to amend the complaint to substitute Robert E. Green as the Respondent and to reopen the record to in- troduce evidence that Robert E. Green and the Re- spondent may be a single employer of the employ- ees involved in this case. In this regard, the judge noted that at the opening of the hearing counsel for the Respondent raised the issue of the Respondent's identity. At that time the General Counsel did not seek to amend the complaint. Later in the hearing, the judge questioned Robert E. Green about his re- lationship to the Respondent and about the Re- spondent's relationship to the project involved in this case. When Robert E. Green answered that the Respondent had no relationship to the project, the judge turned to the parties and asked, "Any ques- tions prompted by my questions, gentlemen?" The response was negative. Again, the General Counsel did not seek to amend the complaint. The judge also advised the parties that if they sought amend- ment they should do so prior to the close of the hearing. The General Counsel did not seek amend- ment at that time. It was not until more than 7 months after the close of the hearing that the Gen- eral Counsel first sought to amend the complaint. Under the circumstances, the judge found that the issue of the proper identity of the Respondent was brought to the General Counsel's attention at the hearing and that the posthearing motion to amend i The Respondent's name appears as corrected. 271 NLRB No. 217 the complaint to allege Robert E. Green as the Re- spondent and to reopen the record to introduce evidence that Robert E. Green and the Respondent may be a single employer of the employees in this case was "so tardy that basic fairness requires that it be denied." We agree with the judge's reasoning in denying the General Counsel's motion to amend the com- plaint. In addition, we note that Section 102.17 of the Board's Rules provides that amendment of complaints is permitted "upon such terms as may be deemed just." We conclude that it would not be "just" to allow amendment of the complaint in the circumstances here. The General Counsel was re- peatedly apprised of the problem of the proper identity of the Respondent but did nothing for more than 7 months. Further, it is our view that to allow amendment at such a late date would cause Robert E. Green undue prejudice. The interests of Robert E. Green as an individual are not identical with the interests of the corporation, Green Con- struction of Indiana, Inc. In fact, their interests could be adverse. While the complaint referred to Robert E. Green, it did so only to allege him as an agent of Green Construction of Indiana, Inc., and while Green was on actual notice of certain facts, he was certainly not on actual notice that he might be subject to individual liability in this case. Fur- thermore, counsel for Green Construction of Indi- ana, Inc. did not appear at the hearing on behalf of Robert E. Green as an individual. Finally, there might have been witnesses that Robert E. Green would have sought to call on his own behalf that he did not call because he had not been charged and there might have been evidence he would have sought to introduce that he did not introduce be- cause he had not been charged. Accordingly, we believe that to allow amendment at this late date would work substantial injustice against Robert E. Green and conclude that the judge properly denied the General Counsel's motion to amend the com- plaint. 2 2 Contrary to our dissenting colleague, we do not find that practice under Fed.R.Civ.P. IS requires a contrary result. Under Sec. 10(b) of the Act the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are to be followed "as far as practicable," and the Board has not considered itself bound to apply case law interpreting these rules in Board proceedings. Furthermore, the cases relied on by our colleague are distinguishable in that none involves a posttrial attempt to amend a pleading to substitute a new defendant. In view of our denial of the General Counsel's motion to amend the complaint, we also deny the General Counsel's motion to reopen the record to introduce evidence that Robert E. Green and the Respondent may be a single employer of the employees in this case. Additionally, in denying the latter motion, we note it is untimely and does not allege that the General Counsel has obtained newly discovered or previously un- available evidence. 1503 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ORDER The recommended Order of the administrative law judge is adopted and the complaint is dis- missed. MEMBER ZIMMERMAN, dissenting. My colleagues today affirm the administrative law judge's dismissal of a complaint because the General Counsel failed to amend it at the hearing to correctly identify the Respondent. They also affirm the judge's denial of the General Counsel's motion to amend the complaint made after the hearing but prior to the issuance of the decision. By so doing, the majority on a mere technicality, and absent any showing of prejudice, allows the al- leged unfair labor practices of the Respondent to escape the Board's scrutiny and go unremedied. The complaint which issued on 27 March 1981 alleges that Green Construction of Indiana, Inc. re- fused to bargain with the Union concerning work on a construction site. In its answer, the Respond- ent admitted that Robert E. Green was the owner and president/treasurer of Green Construction of Indiana, Inc. At the hearing, counsel for the Re- spondent acknowledged that the contract in issue was signed by Robert E. Green, not Green Con- struction, but also made the following statement concerning the relationship of the two: I think it is significant only in terms of the evidence which will be heard. We are not making a claim in the fact we think it would be appropriate that the pleadings should be Robert E. Green as opposed to Green Con- struction of Indiana, Inc., because of the fact that Robert E. Green was who signed this original contract upon to which we are alleg- edly bound .... [W]e are not trying to make any claims other than there is a confusion that it should be pointed out that at various times that the evidence may say at some times, but I think by both sides, Green Construction or it may say Robert E. Green. At no time did the Respondent contend that the pleadings should be modified. Green himself par- ticipated in the proceedings and testified concern- ing the alleged violations growing out of the con- tract he had signed. He did so without disavowing his relationship with the Respondent. When the judge asked him what the relationship was between Green Construction of Indiana, Inc. and the work- site governed by the contract, Green said there was no relationship, yet he continued throughout the litigation to address the substantive issues draw- ing no distinction between the two names. As the General Counsel argues and the Respondent does not dispute, even in its posthearing brief to the judge, the Respondent did not raise the issue of proper designation. In his decision, the judge concluded that the General Counsel was on notice of the defect in the pleadings and fairness required that the inaccuracy of the complaint be corrected while litigation was ongoing. He based his conclusion on the muddled testimony cited above and his own colloquy with Green concerning the relationship between Green Construction and the disputed worksite. He ended his examination of Green with a question to coun- sel, "Any questions, prompted by my inquiry, gen- tlemen?" The judge identified this cryptic inquiry as evidence that the General Counsel had notice of the complaint's shortcomings. It is the General Counsel's contention that be- cause the Respondent itself was untroubled by the designation, the General Counsel believed a correc- tion of the complaint to be unnecessary. Both the Respondent and the General Counsel acknowl- edged in briefs to the Board that, 7 months subse- quent to the hearing in July 1982, the judge spoke with the parties by telephone. According to the Respondent, he informed them that there was no evidence that the Respondent, as named, Green Construction of Indiana, Inc., had committed an unfair labor practice. The General Counsel claims only that the judge had a question with respect to the designation of the Respondent. Almost immedi- ately, the General Counsel filed his motion to reopen the record and amend the complaint.' The judge denied the motion and dismissed the com- plaint stating that an amendment at so late a date was "so tardy that basic fairness requires that it be denied." The Board's Rules and Regulations allow a com- plaint to be amended subsequent to a hearing. Sec- tion 102,17 provides as follows: Amendment.--Any such complaint may be amended upon such terms as may be deemed just, prior to the hearing, by the regional di- rector issuing the complaint; at the hearing and until the case has been transferred to the Board pursuant to section 102.45, upon motion, by the administrative law judge desig- nated to conduct the hearing; and after the case has been transferred to the Board pursu- ant to section 102.45, at any time prior to the issuance of an order based thereon, upon motion, by the Board. The majority relies heavily on the 7-month delay between the close of hearing and filing of the General Counsel's motion. In fact, the Gener- al Counsel responded promptly when notified of a possible defect. In any case, the motion was filed a full month before the judge issued his deci- sion. 1504 GREEN CONSTRUCTION This rule is consistent with Federal practice where "leave [to amend pleadings] shall be freely given when justice so requires." 2 As to the failure to name a proper party defendant, the propriety of an amendment turns on the identity of the parties, and the prejudice, if any, to the correct party from the failure to name it originally. Generally, sufficient prejudice to warrant dismissal will not be found if the added defendant has had sufficient notice of the institution of the action, whether formal or infor- mal, within the limitations period or if a sufficient identity of interest exists between the new defend- ant and the original defendant. Norton v. Interna- tional Harvester Co., 627 F.2d 18 (7th Cir. 1980). Thus, if the defendant sought to be brought in knew, or should have known, of the action from the beginning, no prejudice will ordinarily result from the amendment. Bryant Electric Co. v. Joe Rainero Tile Co., 84 F.R.D. 120 (W.D. Va 1979). The Board's judgment in cases where the party is improperly identified is similar. The complaint is not dismissed where the proper respondent has actual notice of allegations proceeding. Over 30 years ago the Board addressed the prob- lem of misnomer in a complaint. Responding to the respondent's contention of improper service in Pe- terson Construction Co., 106 NLRB 850, 851 (1953), the Board stated: Where, as here, the error is one of misnomer and the proper Respondent has actual notice of the charge and of the obvious misnomer, to hold the statutory requirements of service are not met is to project legalism to an unwarrant- ed length. The Board emphasized in its discussion that the Respondent had not been misled or prejudiced by the proceeding. This position has consistently been expressed in subsequent decisions. American Geriat- ric Enterprises, 235 NLRB 1532 (1978); Rosco Con- crete Pipe Co., 219 NLRB 915 (1975); American Steamship Co., 222 NLRB 1226, 1231 (1976). The principle at issue in these cases applies with equal force here. Green received actual notice of the charge against him. As the owner, president, and treasurer of Green Construction, as well as the representative for purposes of service, he was aware of the allegations raised against him. His par- ticipation in the hearing is added proof of that awareness. As to the question of identity of inter- ests, even as the Respondent presented its case it drew no distinction between the interests of Rich- ard E. Green and those of Green Construction of Indiana, Inc. Given the virtual identity of the two, that is not suprising. There is yet another reason for finding the Gen- eral Counsel's motion to be proper. The party op- posing the motion to amend the complaint carries the burden of asserting and showing that the amendment will be prejudicial. That is the case in Federal court as well as before the Board. 3 The Respondent has failed to show how it will be prej- udiced by the amendment. In its brief in support of the judge's decision, the Respondent says permit- ting the motion violates "all established concepts of fairness and due process." Save for this bald asser- tion, the brief is bereft of any suggestion of preju- dice that would result were the motion to be grant- ed. My colleagues, however, are willing to prove all forms of prejudice through speculation. The ma- jority opinion proclaims a veritable litany of hor- rors that could befall Green were the General Counsel's motion to be granted. I am unconvinced. There is nothing before us to substantiate a claim of prejudice. Accordingly, I would grant the General Coun- sel's motion to amend the complaint and remand the case to the judge to consider the merits of the case in light of the amendment. a Goodman v. Poland, 395 F.Supp. 660 (D.C.Md. 1975). Tabacalera Cubana. S.A. v. Faber. Coe & Gregg. Inc. 379 FSupp 772 (S D N.Y. 1974). DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE JAMES J. O'MEARA JR., Administrative Law Judge. The complaint in this case was issued on March 27, 1981, and is based on a charge filed against the Respondent on November 21, 1980, by the Laborers' International Union of North America, Local Union No. 1214, AFL- CIO (the Union). The complaint alleges, in essence, that the Union is the exclusive representative of certain desig- nated employees of the Respondent and the Respondent has refused to bargain collectively with the Union and is, therefore, guilty of engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. The Respondent denies that it has violated the Act. The matter was heard in Paducah, Kentucky, on De- cember 17, 1981. At the close of the hearing the parties waived oral argument and were given leave to file briefs which have been received and considered. In consideration of the entire record in this case, in- cluding all competent oral and written evidence, the ob- served demeanor of the witnesses, and the briefs and ar- guments of counsel, I make the following 2 Fed.R Civ.P. 15 1505 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. JURISDICTION The Respondent, Green Construction Company of In- diana, Inc., is an Indiana corporation with an office and principal place of business in Oaktown, Indiana, and has been engaged as a general contractor in the building and construction industry in the State of Indiana and Ken- tucky. During the past 12 months, a representative period, Respondent, in the course and conduct of busi- ness operations, performed services valued in excess of $50,000 in States other than the State of Indiana. During this same period, the Respondent, in the course and con- duct of such business, purchased and received at its Oak- town, Indiana facility products, goods, and materials valued in excess of $500,000 directly from points outside the State of Indiana. The Respondent is now, and has been at all times ma- terial herein, an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act, and I find that it will effectuate the policies of the Act to assert jurisdiction in this case. I II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION Laborers' International Union of North America, Local Union No. 1214, AFL-CIO is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE On November 21, 1980, a charge was filed against the Respondent, Green Construction Company of Indiana, Inc., by Laborers' International Union of North Amer- ica, Local Union No. 1214, AFL-CIO. The charge al- leged that the corporate employer "refused to bargain collectively with the undersigned labor organization . . . on the construction of the Executive Inn and Convention Center in Paducah-McCracken County, Kentucky." A copy of the charge was served on the Respondent by certified mail and a receipt showing delivery was given by one M. Chasteen. Subsequently, and on March 27, 1981, a complaint based on the charge was issued and a copy thereof was served by regular mail upon Green Construction Company of Indiana, Attn: Robert Green Sr. The complaint, as stated above, alleges that the cor- porate Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by refusing to bargain with the Union for a contract cover- ing employment of laborers. The evidence adduced at the hearing disclosed a contract for "Site Demolition and Clearing-Paducah-McCracken County Convention Center Site," between the owner, Paducah-McCracken County Convention Center Corporation, Paducah, Ken- tucky and the contractor, Robert E. Green. During the performance of this contract and on April 25, 1980, Robert E. Green entered into a written adoption agree- ' The Respondent amended its answer to the complaint at the opening of the hearing. The amendments admitted the allegations of the complaint which alleged facts giving rise to the Board's jurisdiction over the Re- spondent and the subject matter of this case. ment with the Union which agreement expired on April 30, 1982.2 Subsequent to the demolition phase of the project a construction agreement was entered into with the Con- vention Center Corporation whereunder the contractor was Robert E. Green, not the Respondent. During the execution of the construction contract exchanges of pro- posed labor contracts were made between Green and the Union. One of said documents entitled "Project Agree- ment for Construction" on the construction project in Paducah, Kentucky, recited that the proposed contract was between Robert E. Green and the Western Ken- tucky Building and Construction Trades Counsel, AFL- CIO. Another was entitled "Unions Agreement for Con- struction of the Executive Inn and Convention Center, Paducah, Kentucky" and also was a proposal for a con- tract between Robert E. Green and the Western Ken- tucky Building and Construction Trades Counsel, AFL- CIO. The business manager for the Union, T. E. Holden, ne- gotiated for a contract with Robert E. Green and his at- torney, Arthur R. Donovan. No dealings were conduct- ed by or with the Respondent. It is uncontradicted from the evidence of record in this case that the Respondent, Green Construction Company of Indiana, Inc., a corporation, was not the employer in the instant matter. On the contrary, the evidence dis- closed that Robert Green, an individual, was the entity who performed the acts alleged in the complaint to be violations of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. Neither the charge which underlies the complaint nor the negotia- tions between the Union and Green were transactions of the corporate Respondent. Accordingly, there is no evi- dence in this record which would support any relief de- manded by the General Counsel against the Respondent, Green Construction Company of Indiana, Inc. The General Counsel's Motion to Reopen the Record for Further Hearing The General Counsel has moved for an order reopen- ing the record for further hearing. The basis for the Gen- eral Counsel's motion is his contention that "Green Con- struction Company of Indiana, Inc., Robert E. Green, a sole proprietor," and "Robert E. Green, a contractor," may be a single employer of the employees involved in this proceeding. The charge and the complaint, based on the charge, were specifically made against Green Construction Com- pany of Indiana, Inc. The evidence clearly establishes ac- tivities conducted by Robert E. Green and/or his attor- neys. At the onset of the hearing on the complaint and pre- liminary to the taking of any evidence, the Respondent's counsel raised the issue of the identity of the Respondent when he advised at the hearing that, "It would be appro- priate that the pleading should be Robert E. Green as opposed to Green Construction Company of Indiana, 2 The contract adopted by Green was a contract between the Union and West Kentucky Construction Employers Association, Inc. Neither Green nor the Respondent was a member of the Association. 1506 GREEN CONSTRUCTION Inc." The parties were further ::-; * , . me in this regard as follows: I only suggest that in the e.-.i d' rie . lose of the hearing or sometime prior to .- " mn amend- ment is necessary that it be .. ,: : time . . so I reserve my ruling on X.:-.. - otion you may make in that regard until ,i -;.e r, the evi- dence establishes. Again, near the end of the heari.n; ',r: fter Green had testified, I interrogated Green as D' -Ps Q. You testified here abo ...4:-a-lf, Robert Green; you say you didn't si n -,n , u did sign and so on and so forth in the, ,'rtrac-t vith regard to the demolition project is mae , it t', ',Ou person- ally. What relationship do you i, -xith the Green Construction Company of Indiana, !rc.' A. I am president of it. Q. What relationship does it have with the demo- lition project? A. Technically, none. Q. What connection does it have with the Barkley Park project? A. None. JUDGE O'MEARA: Any questions prompted by my questions, gentlemen? (Negative response.) It is clear from the foregoing that the question of the identity of the Respondent was raised at the hearing. It is further clear that the named Respondent, Green Con- struction Company of Indiana, Inc., was not the entity which entered into the contracts and engaged in the ne- gotiations which gave rise to the charge and complaint in this case. This fact was brought to the attention of the parties in as affirmative a manner as fairness permits. The General Counsel's motion to amend the complaint and to reopen the record, coming on the eve of the ren- dition of this decision, is so tardy that basic fairness re- quires that it be denied. The problem confronting the General Counsel was clearly brought to his attention at the hearing when all the parties and witnesses were present. To relitigate the matter on such a significant issue would not advance the principles of fairness and justice. Litigation must come to an end and in this case advance toward final conclusion. Accordingly, the motion to amend and reopen the record is denied.3 Accordingly, I find that the General Counsel has not established, by a preponderance of the credible evidence, that the Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent, Green Construction Company of Indiana, Inc., is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. 2. The Respondent has not engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) as alleged in the complaint. On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record, I issue the following recommend- ed 4 ORDER It is ordered that the complaint be dismissed in its en- tirety. s Although the General Counsel is correct that the question of the identity of the entity named as the Respondent was not raised by the par- ties it is clear from the evidence that no remedy against the named Re- spondent, Green Construction Company of Indiana, Inc., can be support- ed by this record. 4 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Board's Rules and Regulations, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules, be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur- poses. - - 1507 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation