Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 17, 1979244 N.L.R.B. 1097 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation GREAT AI L.A\NI 1' AND) PA('IFIC I A ('COMPANY Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Compan>, Incorpo- rated and United Food and Commercial Workers International Union,' Local Union No. 157. AFL- CIO. Case 5-CA 9378 September 17. 1979 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS PENE.IO., MURPHlY. ANI) TRIl'SI)AI- On April 20, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Claude R. Wolfe issued the attached Decision in this proceeding and, on May 3, 1979. he issued an errata to that Decision. Thereafter, Respondent filed excep- tions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings.2 and conclusions3 of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein.4 The name of Retail Clerks International Union, Local Union No 157. AFL-CIO. is amended to reflect the change resulting from the merger of Retail Clerks International Union and Amalgamated Meatcutters and Butcher Workmen of North America on June 7. 1979. 2 Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Ad- ministrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established polico not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credibilit unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect Standard Dry Wall Products. In.. 91 NI.RB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings In agreeing with the Administrative Law Judge that the failure to schedule employee Betty Bishop violated Sec. 8(aX3) and (I) of the Act, we note that. while the contract in effect provided that fitness for the work involved might be considered in addition to seniont) in making la)off decisions. there is no evidence that Bishop was not able to do the work assigned to ther less senior employees from February 26 to March 22. 1978. Also. in affirming the Administrative Law Judge's conclusion that Respon- dent imposed more onerous duties on Bishop because she engaged in pro- tected grievance activity, we note that no other employee before Bishop had ever been specifically assigned to operate the jack used in unloading the trucks nor had an) employee before Bishop ever been specifically denied the assistance of a fellow employee in operating the jack by the direct order of the store manager. 'With respect to the Administrative Law Judge's independent finding of a separate violation of Sec. 8(a I ) of the Act in Store Manager Toone's requir- ing employee Ryland to assist in imposing more onerous working conditions on a fellow employee, we find that the issue was fully litigated. nlike the situation in Chandler Motors, Inc., 236 NLRB 1565 (1978). where we over- ruled the finding of a violation not alleged in the complaint. Respondent In this case was aware that Store Manager Toone's alleged nstructions to Ryland were an issue in the case since they were closely related to allegations in the complaint with respect to the onerous working conditions mposed (in Bishop. Both Toone and Ryland were questioned about the incident on direct examination and Respondent had ample opportunity for cross-examl- nation. Moreover, the fact that the order was given was never in dispute We conclude that the record is sufficient to support a finding of the violation Member Murphy further notes that the instant case is distinguishable from Alerander Dawson, Inc, d/b/a Alexander'v Restaurant and lmunge. 228 NLRB 165 (1977), cited b the Administrative Law Judge. in which she ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge. as modified be- low, and hereby orders that the Respondent. Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company. Incorporated. South Hill. Virginia. its officers, agents, successors. and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as so modified: 1. Substitute the following for paragraph l(f): "(f ) In anv like or related manner interfering with. restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act." 2. Substitute the attached notice tbr that of' the Administrative aw Judge. dissented from the majority's finding of an unfair labor practice not alleged in the complaint. In 41evander', the additional conduct found unlawlul was not related to other allegations of the complaint. whereas in the instant case, as noted. Toone's statements to Ryland bore a close connection to Respon- dent's imposition of more onerous working conditions on Bishop. further- more. in Alexanders the Administrative Law Judge had not found the siola- tion and the General Counsel did not file an exception to the Adminlstratise Law Judge's failure to make such a finding. 4 In par. I(f) of his recommended Order. the Administrative Law Judge provided that Respondent shall cease and desist from "in an) other manner" interfering with, restraining. or coercing its employees in the exercise of their nghts guaranteed by Sec. 7 of the Act. ltowever, it is the Board's polic that such a broad order is warranted only when a respondent is shown to have a proclis ity to violate the Act, or has engaged in such egregilus or widespread misconduct as to demonstrate a general disregard for the employees' tunda- mental statutory rights. Hickmott Foods. Inc. 242 NLRB 1357 1979). Wilh respect to the instant dispute, we find that the broad injunctive order issued against Respondent is unwarranted and that a narrow order is sufficient to remedy the violations here Accordingly. we will modify the Administratise Law Judge's recommended Order and nite APPEN DIX NOTIC To EMPI.OvELS POSTED BY ORDER OF 1HE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT refuse to schedule 4you for work. or impose more onerous working conditions on you, or otherwise discriminate against you be- cause you file or pursue grievances, or for engag- ing in union activities or other protected con- certed activities for mutual aid or protection. WE WI.I. NOT threaten you with more onerous working conditions because you engage in griev- ance or union activity. WE '1.l. N()I require you to help us impose more onerous working conditions on employees because they file or pursue grievances. or engage in union or other concerted activities for mutual aid or protection. WE WIIL1 NOT create the impression that we are spying on employee meetings concerned with 244 NLRB No. 162 1()97 I)t('ISIONS () NA I INAI l.ABO()R R.AIIONS BOARI) union11 (1'or ote conceiLted tctix tics for lmutuail aid or rolcttction. \Wi \\111 \() ill anl\ like or related mrianner interfere with, restrain, or coerce youl ill the exer- cisc of' the rights guaranteed ou by Section 7 of the National l.abo Relations Act. WI \\it i offer to Belty Bishop reinstatement to her forrllc position at such time as she is ph! sically able to pertfori the work, and w ,i\ l I make her whole ifor wages lost, with inter- est computed thereon, as a result of' our refusal to schedule her lbr work and our imposition of more onerous duties on her. GR;KAI AI.ANHl( ANI) PA(IFI( TA COM- PANY, IN('ORPORAIH) DE(CISION SIAltMFN OF 111 CASt CL.AL :F R. WOiF.I Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard by me in Lawrenceville and South Hill. Virginia, on November 8 and 9. 1978. The complaint alleges that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act by discriminatorily refusing to schedule work for Betty Bishop, assigning her to more onerous work, threatening employees with more onerous working conditions, and other reprisals, and creating an impression of surveillance of employees' union activities. From the entire record, including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses as they testified, and after due consideration of the post-trial briefs and the Union's closing argument. I make the following: FINDIN;S AND CON('I.USIONS 1. JURISDI)X(ON Respondent is a Maryland corporation engaged in the retail sale of meat, produce and related products at its store located in South Hill, Virginia. During the 12 months pre- ceding the issuance of the complaint, a representative pe- riod. Respondent's gross revenues were in excess of $500.000. and Respondent purchased and received. in inter- state commerce, products valued in excess of $50,000 from points located directly outside the State of Virginia. At all times material to this case. Respondent is, and has been, an employer engaged in commerce and in operations affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2). and (6). and (7) of the Act. I. Te I.ABOR ORGANIZATION Retail Clerks International Union. Local Union, No. 157, AFL CIO'. herein called the Union, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. I have amended the Union's name to show the affliation of the Charging Party with the AFL -CIO. as reflected in its collective-bargaining agreement with Respondent. 111. Ili Al.1(,1i.1) tUNIAiR ABO()R PRA( ('IS A. The Fcl 2 On January 19. 1978.' employee Betty Bishop and meat manager Jack Rainey.' who was not working but in the store as a customer at the time, engaged in a brief argument over her conversation with a customer.' Rainev reported the incident to Store Manager Marshall Toone. oone called Bishop to his office on January 25 and asked her to sign a statement to the effect she had cursed RaineN in the customer's presence. She declined on the ground the state- ment was not true. Toone said he would note that she re- fused to sign and would send the paper to corporate Person- nel Director Arthur Little. He did not send the statement to Little. On January 27. Bishop called Union President L.ewis and told him of the Rainey-Toone episode and other complaints she had about company break practice and other matters. Lewis told her to write her complaints up and send the writing to him. She did so, and he arranged a meeting with Little for February 23, in order to discuss Bishop's com- plaints. About a week prior to the February 23 meeting, em- ployee Nichols invited Betty Bishop. Agatha Hardy, and Estelle Gaskill to her home where the four discussed the various work related complaints that they wanted to voice at the meeting. The meeting of February 23 was attended by Lewis, busi- ness agent Pollard, Bishop, Little, Toone, and several other employees. Lewis gave Little the letter that Bishop had written. Little discussed the letter with Toone who had not previously been made aware of its content.' Bishop's com- plaints were the first topics of discussion, with other em- ployees joining in with their views on matters that con- cerned them. Bishop's primary concerns were the statement prepared by Toone on the Rainey affair. Respondent's al- leged failure to allow sufficient break time, and pay she considered due her for reporting as scheduled but finding no work available on arrival. Other employees joined Bishop in expressing their grievances including failure of Toone to schedule work strictly by seniority,' the handling of money in cash registers, and other work related prob- lems. During the discussion over scheduling. Little remarked that going strictly by seniority could mean that the least senior person would get no work hours. and Toone stated that if he went by seniority Bishop would get no hours.8 2 The facts set forth herein are based on a snlhesis of the credited aspects of the testimony of all witnesses, the exhibits. stipulations of the parties, and careful consideration of the logical consistency and inherent probability of the facts found. Although I may not. in the course of this decision. advert to all the record testimony it has been carefully weighed and considered. and to the extent that testimony not mentioned herein might appear to contradict the findings of fact that evidence has not been disregarded but has been rejected as incredible, lacking in probative worth. surplusage. or irrelevant. All dates are 1978. unless otherwise specified. Rainey does not supervise Bishop. I credit Rainey and employee Helen Jones that Bishop told Rainey it was none of his business and he was just like "that damn Marshall Toone." 6 This letter was not offered into evidence. 7 Bishop, as well as other employees, complained of rxoones disregard of seniority in scheduling. 3I perceive no reason to discredit the testimony of Little and Io)ne relat- ing to these statements the) made. I O98 GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA COMPANY Little resolved the break and cash register problems, and agreed to pay Bishop for the times she had reported and found no work.' He instructed Toone to follow seniority in scheduling work" and Toone asked him to forward a se- niority list. Little sent him such a list on February 24, set- ting forth the seniority dates of "part time grocery clerks" which included employees performing cash register and stock duties."'' With respect to the Bishop-Rainey incident, Little asked Toone to destroy the statement he had written on the matter. 2 Toone had not done so at the time of the hearing, and testified that he does not follow Little's instructions on what to do with the letter. Although Toone applies the job titles "checker" and "stocker" to different employees in accordance with their predominant duties, these titles are of his own invention. The contract between the Union and Respondent mention part-time food clerks, part-time porters, and part-time cour- tesy clerks." The seniority list furnished Toone by Little shows that employees Larry Capps and Richard Owen have less seniority than Bishop. Bishop's primary duty was run- ning a checkout register, and Capps and Owen performed miscellaneous stocking and clean-up duties most of the time. In any event, it is clear from the contract, and the parties' expressed understanding of its seniority provisions, that all part-time grocery ("food") clerks were on the same seniority roster. I am persuaded that Toone, store manager at South Hill for 14 years, knew this, and that there was no ambiguity in Little's express instruction of February 23 that employees' relative positions on the seniority scale were to henceforth control the scheduling of their work hours. Toone prepared on February 23. and posted on February 24, a work schedule for the following week with no work for Bishop, 5 more hours for Owen, and the same hours for Capps that he had the preceding 3 weeks. No one but Bishop was denied work completely. Capps continued to work 29 hours per week through the week ending March I I, and then was scheduled 35 hours during the week end- ing March 18. Owens went from 24 hours the week ending February 25 to 29 the week ending March 4, and 30 during the weeks ending March II and 18. Bishop was offered no work for the weeks of March 4, II, and 18. On March 7, Bishop visited Union President Lewis, and complained that Owen and Capps were doing checkout work while she was laid off.'" Lewis told her that he would tell Little that Bishop was claiming Owen's work. Bishop assured Lewis that she could do Owen's work. She was Contrary to Bishop's claim that she received this money through the mail at her home, I find it was delivered to her by Toone at the store on March 3, and that she then and there signed a receipt for it. 0o Toone concedes that Little made it plain that Toone was to follow con- tractual senionty provisions. I do not credit Toone's testimony that he asked for a list of checkers I do not believe that Little would have answered such a request with a list of all part-time employees. The list is clearly not, as Toone rst stated, limited to part-time checkers. Further. Toone conceded that contractual seniority covers all the part-time employees, and I cannot conceive of any value a list of checkers alone would be in scheduling among all part-time employees All checkers are part-time employees. 2 Toone's claim that he does not recall Little suggesting he tear up the letter i discredited. 13 It does not appear that there are any part-time porters or courtesy clerks m4 Whether or not Owen or Capps were then doing such work is not clear. aware that Owen had done some truck unloading. Little met with Pollard and Lewis on March 17, and agreed to give Owen's hours to Bishop with the understanding that she would have to perform Owen's duties satisfactorily. Lit- tle then called Bishop on March 18. and told her that she could work the hours of Owen and would he expected to do the work involved in a satisfactory manner." He also told her to contact Toone to get her schedule. After this conver- sation. Little called Toone and told him Bishop would be in to claim Owen's hours. Toone had already, on March 16. made out the work schedule for the following week and posted it on March 17. Owen had been scheduled to unload trucks on March 22 and 24.1' Bishop went to the store on March 20 to talk to Toone.' Toone told Bishop that Little had called him, and advised her of her work schedule and duties. One of these duties was unloading freight trucks. Bishop opined that she thought she could do that." Toone cautioned her that if she did not satisfactorily perform the duties assigned he would write her up, and, in the course of enumerating these duties, mentioned cleaning up the entire parking lot, using a shovel and wheelbarrow to fill holes with dirt, and that although she might get Owen's hours he was going to "work her tail off." When Bishop came to work on March 21. Assistant Manager Bowers gave her a list of jobs for her to do that day. The list had been left by Toone. Bishop finished all the jobs but one, and received no criticism. That same evening Bowers instructed her. for from 5 to 10 minutes. on the use of the wheeled jack which was used to move pallets of goods weighing several hundreds or thousands of pounds. The purpose of this instruction was to enable Bishop to unload trucks as she was scheduled to do. On the afternoon of this same day, Toone instructed employee Clyde Ryland, who had never before unloaded the truck, but was assigned to do so that week, that Bishop was to use the jack and Ryland was to neither help her use it or use it himself. Toone further told Ryland to report to him if Bishop could not handle the jack. Accordingly. Ryland refused Bishop's request that he help her with the jack, and told her what Toone had said." I credit the testimony of Marvin Arring- i I credit Little's version, which he confirmed by letter of March 20 to Bishop, and do not credit Bishop that Little told her she would have to quit or be fired if she did not do the job as well as Owen. Little was the more believable witness of the two. is There is no evidence to support the General Counsel's speculative sug- gestion that Toone may have made out the schedule in anticipation of Bishop claiming Owen's hours. 1i Bishop impressed me as a witness inclined to occasionally embellish her testimony in her favor, and Toone did not impress me as an entirely candid witness In my opinion, neither is entirely credible on all points. Estelle Gaskill., who overheard some of the conversation, seemed frank and forth- nght, and I do not believe she would be likely to give false testimony adverse to Toone, who controlled her wages, hours, and working conditions. Federal Stainless Sink Div. of Unarco Industries. Inc., 197 NLRB 489 (1972). Accord- ingly, the account of the conversation between Bishop and Toone is a com- posite of the credible portions of the testimony of all three. with due regard for logical probability and consistency. Testimony to the contrary is discred- i ted. i I credit Toone on this point, and I do not credit Bishop's claim that she protested to Toone that Owen had never unloaded. At another point in her testimony, she conceded that she had been told on February 24 that Owen had done this on one occasion. 1 I find that Ryland did not tell Bishop that Txone said she would be fired if she did not do the job right, and I do not find that Toone in fact so said. 1099 I)Il(ISIONS OF NATIONAL L.ABOR RELATIONS BOARD ton, easily the most impressive and forthright witness ap- pearing hefore me. that he regularly works unloading the trucks and handles the jack because that is the most difficult and dangerous portion of the job and he is the largest man on that job. No woman before Bishop had ever been as- signed to this job. 2" After arriving home from work on March 21, Bishop called Pollard and complained about her assignment to un- load the freight truck. Pollard called Little after 8 p.m. that night, and reported Bishop's freight truck assignment. Little had just returned that day from several days hospitaliza- tion. He told Pollard that he was tired of hearing com- plaints from South Hill. from Betty Bishop, and from Mar- shall Toone, and that inasmuch as Bishop had claimed Owen's hours she would be expected to perform the work included in those hours, including unloading the freight truck if that was part of the work. On March 22, Bishop and Ryland unloaded the freight truck without incident. On March 23, Bishop bagged gro- ceries and did general store duties. The following day, March 24, her hand slipped off the jack as she was pulling a load from the truck. She fell backward, injuring her head and back, was hospitalized for 18 days, and has not since been physically able to work. Richard Owen, although not scheduled, was called in to work on March 22, 23, and 24. On March 22. he worked for a short time on a register. The rest of those days he did stock work. He received 2 or 3 hours notice on March 22 and 23, and was told to come in immediately on March 24, the day of Bishop's injury. On March 25, while discussing her salary and register shortages with employee Mary Nichols, Little told her that she was talking against the company and that he under- stood that meetings were being held in the homes. 21 B. Discussion and Conclusions Although Respondent introduced various statistics from company records, and Toone explained how he prepared his employee work schedule in accord with projected sales. profits or losses, and manpower needs, Toone never specif- ically explained why he did not schedule Bishop to work after the week ending February 25. Respondent contends there was economic justification, in effect. for laying off Bishop, and urges that her selection was caused by Toone beginning to "assign hours more by seniority among the job classifications he assigned," and that seniority was used by Toone "almost2 2 exclusively" to other factors "such as quali- fications, experience, etc." I have carefully examined the statistics proffered by Respondent, and I am not at all con- vinced that they reflect an economic necessity for Bishop's layoff. The increased hours of Owen and Capps would seem to militate against such a conclusion. The parties, as may he expected, argue to opposing conclusions re economics on the basis of Respondent's records. These records only con- 2 That women may have unloaded meat is. in my view, irrelevant. 1 Little did not controvert Nichols' testimony on this topic, and I credit her. 22 Emphasis supplied. vince me that they are not convincing either was, and there is no need to belabor them further. Respondent's position, with respect to the slection of Bishop for layoff: is itself an admission that loone did not obey Little's order to schedule by seniority. ittle's un- equivocal instruction left no room for scheduling "more" or "almost exclusively" b seniority, and when loone contin- ued to use his self-constructed job classifications. as I find he did and Respondent's brief concedes when it refers to "job classifications he assigned," as a tool to modify the seniority scheduling directed by l.ittle. he disregarded Little's order and the agreement reached between Respon- dent and the Union on February 23.2' Any argument that Bishop lacked the "qualifications, experience, etc." requisite to perform the work of Owen or Capps is unsupported by the evidence. Owen and Capps performed routine duties requiring minimal skill, some of which Bishop had done. That Bishop could handle these jobs was shown by her later performance of Owen's work until she was injured through an accident which does not reflect on her ability to do his work. The February 23 meeting was held because Bishop wrote her grievance letter. It is plain that she was the most out- spoken complainer among the employees present, and it was she who caused Toone's actions the Bishop- Rainey incident to be then publicly aired. Furthermore, she was a leading critic, during this meeting, of loone's sched- uling methods. Toone was opposed to ittle's request that he tear up the note on Bishop-Rainey and indignant that he should be asked to. This is shown by his retention of' the paper to the very day of the trial before me and his flat statement that he was not amenable to I.ittle's instructions on the matter. Little's agreement with the Union and result- ing insistence on scheduling by seniority effectively disman- tled Toone's established scheduling practice. Bishop's pur- suit of grievances was the precipitating cause of Toone's discomfiture. Toone saw and heard her voice her com- plaints, and saw and heard Little remedy those complaints with what amounted to admonitory instructions to Toone. Toone was in no position at the February 28 meeting to openly refuse to obey Little's instructions, but he was in a position to retaliate against the cause of those instructions. Betty Bishop was that cause. I have rejected Respondent's proffered reasons for failing to schedule Bishop, and Toone, who actually did all sched- uling of hours, gave none. The failure of the proffered rea- sons, and the failure of Toone to specifically explain why Bishop was not scheduled, warrant an inference of an un- lawful reason."4 I am persuaded that Toone took L[ittle's instruction on scheduling by seniority and applied it to "checkers," contrary to Little's instruction which was clearly directed toward the application of strict seniority to contract classifications,25 for the purpose of reaching 23 That L.itlle later granted Bishop's request fr Owen's hours on the basis of seniority affirms that the agreement was to schedule by strict seniority. The caution by Little to Bishop that she must perform satisfactorily does not affect this conclusion. but, rather. demonstrates that an employee's work performance was to be evaluated after assignment and an opportunity to show whether or not the employee could do the work 2 Shatruck Denn Mining Corporation (Iron King BranchJ v. NL R.B.. 362 F.2d 466, 470 (9th Cir. 1966); Sinclair & Ialentine (mpanf,. 223 NLRB 1043, 1046 (1976). 25 That litile's instruction was so directed is illustrated by the content ol the seniority list he sent to Toone. I l00 GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA COMPANY Bishop, who could not have been reached by application of seniority to the contract food clerk classification which en- compasses "checkers" and "stockers." I am further per- suaded that, in the absence of any other tenable reason supported by the evidence, the General Counsel has shown by a preponderance of the evidence, direct and circumstan- tial, that Toone's action in failing to schedule Bishop was motivated by his anger at her initiation of and participation in the grievance procedure which caused him to be publicly instructed by Little to take actions contrary to his own de- sires. Contractual grievance activity is protected by the Act, as is enlistment of union assistance in such activity, and Toone's failure to schedule Bishop because she engaged in such activities plainly violated Section 8(aX3) and (1) of the Act. Bishop claimed Owen's hours and she, the Union, and the Company agreed that she could have those hours and would do the work that was scheduled to be done by Owen during those hours. The freight truck unloading had been scheduled for Owen by Toone, and the schedule had been posted, before he was aware Bishop was claiming Owen's hours. I see no reason that Respondent was obligated to otherwise re-schedule its work force after Bishop and Toone were advised she was replacing Owen and would do his work, nor do I find any discriminatory motive behind the scheduling. I am reasonably certain that what Bishop really wanted was cash register work,'" but that was not the agreement. It does not appear that Little was discriminator- ily motivated when he acquiesced in the Union's request to replace Owen with Bishop. Thus is no evidence that he was aware of the scheduling of truck unloading for Owen when he agreed to the employee substitution. Bishop testified that she knew Owen had unloaded the truck, and that she told Union President Lewis and Little that she could do Owen's work. She may not have been contemplating unloading the truck when she said this, but this was not imparted to Lewis or Little." Accordingly, I conclude that the General Coun- sel has not shown by a preponderance of the evidence that either the scheduling of truck unloading or the assignment of Owen's work to Bishop was anything more than a bona fide effort to settle Bishop's grievance over the failure to schedule her. That the failure to schedule was unlawful does not, in my view, render unlawful the effort to settle her complaint in a manner which appeared to be satisfactory to all concerned. Toone's treatment of Bishop, after he claimed Owen's hours and reported to him, is quite another matter. His threats to write her up for unsatisfactory performance, to make her clean the entire parking lot, use a wheelbarrow and shovel to fill holes back of the store, and to "work her tail off," coupled with the remark that he was going to do this although she might get Owen's hours, reveal that he was incensed at her claiming the hours and were threats to make it harder on her than he had on Owen, even though she had Owen's hours. Bishop's insistence on the hours of Owen was patently a protected grievance designed to secure X The evidence does not show there was sufficient hours of cashier work available to warrant recalling her to work primarily on the register. v Moreover, I have found that she told Toone she could do this work. contractual rights. These March 20 threats by oone to impose harder working conditions on Bishop were clearly in retaliation for Bishop's exercising her contractual and statutory rights, were designed to discourage the exercise of those rights, and violated Section 8(a)( 1) of the Act. I regard Toone's orders to Ryland forbidding him from operating the jack or helping Bishop with it to be a imple- mentation of his threat to work her harder by making sure that she did the most difficult part of truck unloading.?' Toone's orders to Ryland to report if she could not handle the jack strike me as an effort to gather some evidence of inability to perform upon which he could rely to further retaliate against Bishop. This is certainly disparate treat- ment of employees working on the same job with the delib- erate assignment of more onerous work to Bishop. I find and conclude that the disparate treatment and more oner- ous working conditions following the threats to work Bishop harder, were visited on her because of her griev- ances and related union activity and violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. Moreover, I am persuaded that Toone's action in requiring Ryland's assistance in carrying out his unlawful purpose put Ryland on notice of his stance against grievants and restrained and coerced R)land in the exercise of his Section 7 rights, in violation of Section 8(a)( ) of the Act.2' Little's remarks to Nichols, on March 25, that she was talking against the Company went unexplained by Little. Viewing this statement in conjunction with Little's addi- tional comment that he understood meetings were being held in employees' home, which I conclude referred to the meeting held in Nichol's home T with regard to grievances to be presented on February 23, 1 am persuaded that Little was referring either to her participation in that home meet- ing or the February 23 grievance meeting, or both when he mentioned talking against the Company. These activities of Nichols were obviously related to the presentation of griev- ances and protected by the Act. The remarks bh Little. a relatively high ranking supervisor of Respondent. to Nich- ols about her anti-company statements was inherently coer- cive. tended to restrain her in the exercise of her right to pursue grievances and other protected activities. and vio- lated Section 8(a)( ) of the Act. Similarly, his comment about home meetings was a notification that he was aware of the meeting she had held, and that he disapproved of such meetings. This not only interferes with, restrains, and coerces employees in the exercise of their right to come together and discuss their grievances, and other Union ac- tivities but also creates a restraining and coercive impres- sion that Respondent is monitoring such meetings. Accord- ingly, I conclude that Little's comment about home meetings violated Section 8(a)( ) of the Act. 2 I have credited Amngton's testimony on the difficult) of operating the jack, and note that there is also credible testimony from Arrington that he was slightly injured once and narrowly missed injury on other occasions when he was operating the jack. There is also credible evidence that loads had fallen off the jack in the past. " Toone's instructions to Ryland were fully litigated, and are closel re- lated to the complaint allegations with respect to the onerous work imposed on Bishop. See, generally, Alexander Dawson, Inc d/ba Alexander's Restau- rant and Lounge. 228 NLRB 165 (1977); Crown Zellerbach Corporation 225 NLRB 911. 912 (1976). :o There is no eivdence of other home meetings. l101 DECISIONS OF NATIONAl LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions drawn therefrom, and upon the entire record in this case. I make the following: CONC USIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent, Great Atlantic And Pacific Tea Company, Incorporated, is an employer engaged in com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By laying off Betty Bishop, effective the week com- mencing February 26, 1978, and by imposing more onerous duties on her effective March 22, 1978, because she engaged in statutorily protected grievances and Union activities, Re- spondent has violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 4. By creating an impression of surveillance of employ- ees' grievance and other Union activities, Respondent has violated Section 8(aX I) of the Act. 5. By expressing disapproval of employees actively par- ticipating in grievance and Union meetings, Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 6. By threatening employees with more onerous working conditions because of their grievance and Union activities, Respondent has violated Section 8(a)( I) of the Act. 7. By requiring employees to assist it in imposing more onerous working conditions on other employees who have engaged in statutorily protected activities, and because said other employees did so, Respondent has violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 8. The unfair labor practices set forth above are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. Til R MFI)Y In order to remedy the unfair labor practices found herein my recommended Order will require Respondent to cease and desist from further violations, post an appropri- ate notice to all employees, and to make Betty Bishop whole for wages lost during the period February 26 to March 22. 1978, for which period Respondent refused to schedule her to work. Additionally, I agree with the General Counsel that Bet- ty Bishop should be made whole for wages lost during the period commencing March 24, 1978, when she was physi- cally unable to work due to her injury of that date. Al- though it cannot be said with absolute certainty that Bishop would not have been injured had Ryland been permitted to help her operate the jack, it is probable that she would not. Toone's firm instructions to Ryland were designed to assure that his program of working Bishop's "tail off' was imple- mented. and it is reasonable to conclude that Ryland's as- sistance to Bishop in operating the jack would have signifi- cantly reduced both the difficulty and the degree of danger that accompanied that job, which Arrington convincingly described. The previous injury to Arrington and previously spilled loads could not have escaped the attention of Re- spondent, and I find that Toone was aware of these inci- dents when he forbade Ryland from helping Bishop. But for Toone's unlawful restrictions on Ryland's assistance, for no legitimate cause shown, Bishop's accident and injury were not as likely to have happened. Placing the sole bur- den on Bishop to perform the most difficult and dangerous aspect of the unloading job has been found herein to be an unfair labor practice. Her disability arose from her attempt to perform this discriminatory assignment and is patently not a "usual incident of the hazards of living generally."'' Respondent's unfair labor practice was a substantial con- tributing factor to her injury, and reason and equity require she be made whole." Accordingly, I recommend that Betty Bishop be made whole for wages lost during her period of disability commencing March 24, 1978." Any portion of workmen's compensation or other compensation made to Betty Bishop in replacement of these lost wages shall be treated as interim earnings and deducted from her gross backpay. All backpay herein provided for and interest thereon is to be computed in the manner prescribed in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Florida Steel Corpora- tion, 231 NLRB 651 (19774). Florida Steel requires a rejec- tion of the General Counsel's request for 9 percent interest. I shall further order the reinstatement of Betty Bishop to the position she enjoyed prior to the refusal to schedule her occurred, at such time as she is physically able to return to that job. Upon the foregoing findings of fact. conclusions of law. and the entire record in this case, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act. I hereby issue the following recommend: ORDER" The Respondent. Great Atlantic and Pacific ea ('om- pany Incorporated, South Hill. Virginia. its officers, agents. successors, and assigns. shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to schedule work for. or imposing more onerous duties on, employees because they engage in griev- ances or other union activities. (b) Threatening employees with more onerous working conditions because of their grievances or other protected activities. (c) Requiring employees to assist in imposing more oner- ous working conditions on other employees because said other employees engage in statutorily protected activities. (d) Interfering with. restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights by expressing disap- proval of employee participation in grievance and other protected activities. (e) Creating an impression of Respondent surveillance of employees' meetings concerned with grievance or other pro- tected concerted or union activities. " American Manufacturing Companty of Texas, 167 N L.RB 520. 522 (1967) 32 Ibid a The conclusion of this period shall be determined in compliance pro- ceedings subsequent to this decision. "See, generally. Isis Plumbing & Heating Co.. 138 NLRB 716 (1962) i In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102.46 or the Rules and Regulations of the National Labotr Relations Board. the findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations. be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 1102 GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA COMPANY (f) In any other manner interfering with, restraining. or coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to ef- fectuate the policies of the Act. (a) Reinstate Betty Bishop, at such time as she is physi- cally able to perform the work, to the same position she occupied prior to February 26. 1978. (b) Make Betty Bishop whole for any loss of pay she may have suffered by reason of Respondent's discrimina- tion against her. Such backpay shall be computed in the manner set forth in the section of this decision entitled "The Remedy." (c) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board and its agents, for examination and copying, all pay- roll records and reports and all other records required to ascertain the amounts, if any, of any backpay due under the terms of this recommended Order. (d) Post at its South Hill, Virginia, facility, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." Copies of said notice on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 5. after being signed by Respondent's authorized agent. shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter. in con- spicuous places, including all places where notices to em- ployees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that these notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify' the Regional Director for Region 5. in writing. within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Re- spondent has taken to comply with this Order. " In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted hb Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judg- ment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the Na- tional Labor Relations Board." 1103 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation